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Creature FeatureWritten by Carl Stoelzel

AcknowledgementsThanks to Graeme and Karl for their manysuggestions on the forums.

Table of Contents

Introduction Page 1New Rules Page 2New Heroes Page 4New Villains Page 5Special Effects Page 8Events Page 10Gadgets Page 11Casting Couch Page 13On Location: The Haunted House Page 21Scenarios Page 27Cards Page 34Tokens Page 37Game Terrain Page 39


2:40 in the morning and nothing on TV. Well, almost

nothing, there is still that odd horror movie on cable.But… oh god… who is that hosting it, and why does hekeep talking, just get on with the movie already.

Creature Feature is an unofficial expansion to CrookedDice Games Design Studio‟s game 7TV which addselements from horror movies and television.Specifically, this addition is designed to focus on earlyand rather low budget horror media, the type which isgenerally only shown on TV in the middle of the night,

Mallet Productions was a new studio founded by AndreHammerstein, and he was trying desperately to break

into the television market in the early 70‟s. Competitionwas tight, and they were late arriving to the game. Aftersome success on the big screen, they figured it was bestto stick with what they know, and so they tried to bringclassic horror stories to the little screen. Their maindemographic of these shows were thirteen year oldboys... …and thirteen year  old buys don‟t buy stuff, atleast that what the advertisers said. As a result, most ofthese shows had a shoestring budget and relied onrecycling old, tired and fairly abused movie props as wellas improvising effects from the most humble ofmaterials. Got bubble wrap, great, next week we have a

bubble monster. Got green paint, even better, we gealiens next week.

During the seventies and early eighties, Malleproductions brought us some of the greatest never seenhorror moments that no money could buy. Greaanthology shows such Monster Hunter, creature of theweek specials like the Deadwright Detective Agencyand the B-movie syndication spot light known as NighTerror all dotted the TV dial in the early hours of a newday.

Sadly, too many companies discovered that horror films

could draw in a constant revenue stream with almost nounderlying investment, and this quickly led to asaturation in the market. In the early eighties, Malleproductions was on the decline. Facing bankruptcy, theysuffered a terrible fatal tragedy for the company whentheir warehouse “mysteriously” caught fire. Since thenold audio recordings of their shows and illegal copieshave become quite a commodity among the growing fanbase of aging nostalgics.

2:30 AM Color: Re-run

Monster HunterStaring Rex Stewart 

Here comes the nightBy Victor VladztiskiCantankerous old Otto is called upon again. Alocal boy is blamed for the disappearance ofhis girlfriend and begs Otto for help in findingher. What does her disappearance have to dowith a local star cult?

Otto Van Beuren………………….Rex StewartThe Boy…………………………….Billy SmilesRandom Girl #3……….................Sue AlistairProducer  Adam StandishDirector  Victor Vladztiski

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New Rules


Models that have succumbed to the zombie infection

behave rather differently than most other models.

Activation:During the Zombie player ‟s action phase: the player maygive one (1) movement action for all zombies in theircontrol (see movement section below). The zombieplayer may then give 1 additional action for HALFZombies on table. Relentless!

Movement:Their movement rates are unpredictable, Zombies move1D6" each move action, are Slow, and never gain thefree charge attack. Shambling!

React to MovementRoll 1D6 when a living model expends an action within6" of a Zombie. On the roll of 1 –3, you may move theZombie that many inches towards the model expendingthe action. ON a roll of 4-6, the zombie does not react.

Heroic models can sneak (all movement counts double). A successful Agi roll is required to successfully sneak,and doesn't allow Zombies within 6" the free move roll.Shhh!

Reaction to soundEach time the heroic player shoots,place a sound marker on ONEZombie on the table. This Zombiewill move at least 4" next move,regardless of D6 roll. Brains!

Gotta get „em in the head Because they are already dead, Zombies are notoriouslydifficult to kill. Whenever an infected zombie is reducedto zero hits, the attacker should roll a 1d6. On a roll of5+ the attacker managed to hit the zombie in the head,and the model is removed from the table. Otherwise,place the zombie model prone on the ground. Onsubsequent turns, the controlling player may roll 1d6 for

each prone zombie on the table. A roll of 6 a pronezombie stands again, gains 1 hit back and can continuetheir turn as normal.

Ammo Conservation 

Nothing makes a situation more dire

than unexpectedly running out of

ammunition and being surrounded by

enemy hordes. players should agree

if they are using the ammo

conservation rules prior to playing a A:E Horror game.

Under the Ammo conservation rules, if an attacker is

firing a firearm and roll an unmodified 1 on their to-hit rol

than they have experienced some for of weapon

malfunction, either an empty clip or casing stuck in the

ejection port. Whatever, the cause, the attacker canno

use their firearm again until they have cleared and

reloaded their weapon.

Models carrying a jammed firearm can clear and re-load

their weapon, thus making it operational again, by using

a special action.


Sometimes, 1 model per base is just not enoughZombies are especially known for forming large groupsor mobs that behave more or less in a collective mannerWhile very weak individually, hordes are much strongerthan the sum of their parts. Hordes grow weaker whenmembers of the horde are killed off.

 A horde gains + 1 strength for every Hit value above 1However, as the horde takes, their strength bonus isreduced accordingly. For example, a horde with 3 Hitswill receive a plus 2 bonus to their strength.


Nowhere to go, and the horde ofnasties approaching? The only safething to do is hold up, secure yourlocation, and hold out until helpar rives. Player‟s may wish to use aspecial action to declare barricadingactions during a turn to help preventthe nasties from coming through windows or doors. Themodel must be in base contact with the window or doothey wish to barricade, and may place a barricade token

next to the entry way for each special action they use forbarricading. Up to three barricade tokens may be placedon a doorway, or up to two on a window.

 A typical barricade made of left over furniture has 1 hiper token.

Unlike buildings, Any model in base contact withbarricaded window may attempt to damage thebarricade. If the attacking model is on the inside of thebarricade, they may automatically remove a singlebarricade token for each attack. If the model is on theoutside of the barricade, Simply figure out the damage

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Page | 3caused and reduce the Hits of the section by thatamount. Do not use the Damage table. BarricadeTokens are destroyed when they are reduced to 0 Hits,and will collapse. If no further barricade tokens are onlocated on the entrance point than models may movefreely across the entrance point as described on page 38of the main rule book.

Stab in the Dark

Let‟s face it, most horror stories take place in dimly lightforests, or in buildings during a power outage. Thepower of the darkness to enhance the heroes sense ofhelpless and add tension to a story should not beoverlooked when playing Creature Feature. Here weprovide rules for playing games in the shroud ofdarkness.

Effects of Darkness

Darkness has two main effects in a game of CreatureFeature. The first effect is that darkness limits allmodels visibility. In game terms, darkness breaks line ofsight after 6 inches. The distance at which line of sightis effectively broken can be extended by using lightsources, and this will be discussed in a moment.

The next principle effect of darkness is that it elevatesfear. Any models that are in the dark without a lightsource near them will receive a minus 1 penalty to allfear tests they might have to take..

Stationary Light sources

Stationary Light sources should bemarked on the terrain, either with asuitable model, a sticker, or a tokenof some form. An example lighttoken is provided here forconvenience. Light sources emitlight for a distance of 6 inches fromtheir marker.

If a player needs to determine line of sight while in thedark, they simple take a rule from their model to thetarget. Any nearby light sources may potentially extend

their visibility, so an 6 inch template should be placed tosee how much of the rule is covered by light. Any part ofthe ruler that is not covered by a light source is countedas being in darkness. If there are more than 8 inches indarkness between the model and the target than line ofsight should be considered broken just as if by a piece ofterrain. Note that ranges, such as those for weaponsare determined as normal, and obviously both conditionsmust be satisfied for the model to shot at the target.

 As long as a character is within 3 inches of a stationarylight source at the time, than the minus one penalty onhorror tests caused by being in the dark is negated.Mobile Light Sources.

Crafty players may want to equip their heroes withflashlights or torches. These items function very similato stationary light sources, in that they cast a light source

template when attempting to determine line of sightMobile light sources, being with the character at altimes, also negates the minus penalty on horror testscaused by being in the dark.

Torches and Flashlights do differ from Stationary lighsources, and from each other in one respect, they casea different size and shaped template than stationarysources. Torches cast light for only 4 inches but do so ina circular pattern around the carrier. Flash lights cast an8 inch tear shaped template that extends only to thefront of the model. So, neighboring allies that are behindor to the side the hero carrying a flashlight may not gain

its positive effects.

Example of determining Line ofsight in the dark

The bombshell spots a zombie off in the darkness

and decides to take a shot at it with her trusty pistol,

the player than measures the distance between the

zombie and bombshell to be 9 inches, so it is within

range, and there is no terrain blocking line of sight.

Off to the side is a stationary light source, so theplayer takes out the six inch light source template,

places that over the table and sees that 4 inches of

the ruler is covered by the light source template.

Nine inches minus 4 is five, and is less that 6 inches

darkness needs to block line of sight, so the shot is

permissible. However, had the stationary light

source not been present, than line of sight would

simply have been broken after 6 inches from the


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Hero / STAR


“Do you trust your eyes?...and ears? Damn fool,Boy! There are thingsbeyond this world thatyour simple eyes, and earscould never hope tofathom.” 

-Otto Van Beuron,Big Game Hunter


Mov  Def   Hits  Str   Agi  Int  Mor  

6  3  3  3  3  3  3

AddsBasic: 5Additional:  0-5 (+5 ratings each)Adjust: Gain +1 Add if you allocate -1 to one attribute (-2 to move)

Special EffectsBasic:  Luck(2), Sixth SenseAdditional:  6 from Combat, Physical or KnowledgeDisadvantage: 0-2 (one Additional special effect per Disadvantage)Adjust: Gain one Additional special effect if you remove one Basic specialeffect.

AttacksBasic: Brawl 4+New Attack: Any Basic 4+ (+5 ratings each)Improved Attack: Improve the Hit number of one attack by 1 ( +5 ratingseach)

Star QualityI know thy weakness 

The monster hunter is well verse in the occult and all things paranormalTheir detailed studies grant them an understanding the weaknesses of anymonster they may encounter and they are likely to know the location of anitem to exploit the weakness. For every villain model that has a listedvulnerability (for example: Fire, silver, or holy items), as long as at least oneMonster Hunter is present in the heroes cast, than the villain player shouldplace an appropriate item token (for example (Thermite rounds, sjilvebullets, or a Holy Relic) somewhere on the game board during any scenariosetup. If the villain player has a Monster of the Week in their cast, than aWeapon of the Week must be placed on the board as well. Tokens must beat least 12 inches from any villain model‟s starting location. Multiple MonsteHunters, or Multiple monsters do increase the number of tokens spreadabout.

The monster hunter is a season veteran when it comes to

confronting the creatures of the night. They have seen

zombies, Werewolves and Vampires and lived to tell the tale.

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Monster of

the week



“How could we haveknown the consequencesof our actions? Wecharged unwaveringly,toward a goal of suchambition. We wished tochange humanity: to easesuffering, cure disease,

and end conflict, but in theend… …we only hastenedtheir coming.” 

-The last American President


Mov  Def   Hits  Str   Agi  Int  Mor  

6  3  3  3  3  3  3

AddsBasic: 5Additional:  0-5 (+5 ratings each)Adjust: Gain +1 Add if you allocate -1 to one attribute (-2 to move)

Special EffectsBasic:  Alien(Monster), Fearsome, Choose either Phobia (select type) orVulnerability (select type)Additional:  5 from Unexplained or TraitsDisadvantage: 0-2 (one Additional special effect per Disadvantage)Adjust: Gain one Additional special effect if you remove one Basic specialeffect (excluding Vulnerability)

AttacksBasic: Brawl 4+New Attack: Any Basic 5+ (+5 ratings each)Improved Attack: Improve the Hit number of one attack by 1 ( +5 ratingseach)

Star Quality…or is it? 

Just when the heroes get comfortable in victory over the monster of week(MOTW) is when the heroes are at their most vulnerable. A monster of theweek has any uncanny nature of returning from the dead, When a MOTW iskilled during a game, the model should be removed from the table. On anysubsequent turns, the player may roll 1d6, and on a roll of 5-6, the MOTWreturns to the game with 1 hit remaining, may be placed in the players startinglocation. MOTW may return up to three times during an episode. Exceptionto rule: If a MOTW is killed with a Weapon of the Week, then the player wilnot roll for return anymore during the rest of the episode.

You may not be a regular on the show

that depends on how the kids reac

We need something scary, somethin

to really get arise out of them.

Budget? No we don’t have a

budget. We do have lots of

left over green paint from

the break room

renovation, duct tape,

and bubble wrap. Wha

can you do with that?

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ZombieWith a name

Villain/Co-Star/20 RatingsBubba want to eat your braaaiiiinnnnnsss.


Mov  Def   Hits  Str   Agi  Int  Mor  

3  2  1  2  1  1  1

AddsBasic: 4Additional:  0-2 (+5 ratings each)Adjust: Gain +1 Add if you allocate -1 to one attribute (-2 to Move)

Special EffectsBasic:  Alien(Monster), Zombie Infection, sharp teeth,slowAdditional:  3 from unexplained, traitsDisadvantage: 0-1 (+1 Additional special effect perDisadvantage)Adjust: Gain one Additional special effect if you remove

one Basic special effect

AttacksBasic:  Brawl 4+, Bite 5+New Attack any Basic or Military attack 5+ (+5 ratingseach)Improved Attack: Improve the Hit number of oneattacks by 1 to a maximum of 4+ (+5 ratings each)

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Extras profiles

Un-named Zombie -/5 ponts

……….. Braaaaiiiiiinnnnsssss!Slow, dumb, and all messed up.

Move 3 Def  2 Hits 1 Str   2 Agi 2 Int 1 Morale 1

Special Effects:  Alien(Monster), Zombie Infection,Brain Dead, Slow, sharp teeth 

Attacks: Brawl (4+), Bite (5+)

Upgrade Options: Upgrade to fast zombie (+3 Move)and remove slow disadvantage for +10 ratings

Small Zombie Horde -/20 ponts

………..mooooorrrrreee braaaaiiiiiinnnnsssss! A small zombie horde generally consists of 5 zombies ona single 30mm base..

Move 3 Def  2 Hits 3 Str   4 Agi 2 Int 1 Morale 1

Special Effects:  Alien(Monster), Horde, Brain Dead,sharp teeth, slow 

Attacks: Brawl (4+), Bite (5+)

Upgrade Options: None 

Large Zombie Horde -/40 ponts

……….. Braaaaiiiiiinnnnsssss!  Ack, too many ofthem. A large zombie horde is a terrifying sight to behold, andmay consist of 10-20 zombies on a single 50mm base.

Move 3 Def  2 Hits 5 Str   6 Agi 2 Int 1 Morale 1

Special Effects:  Alien(Monster), Horde, Brain Deadsharp teeth, slow 

Attacks: Brawl (3+), Bite (5+)

Upgrade Options: None 

Zombie Herd -/100 ponts

……….. Moooooooooo, errrr I mean…,,BraaaaiiiiiinnnnsssssThis represented a truly large and terribly frighteningzombie horde. The zombie herd may consist of 30-50zombies on a single CD/DVD sized base.

Move 3 Def  2 Hits 9 Str  10 Agi 2 Int 1 Morale 1

Special Effects:  Alien(Monster), Horde, Brain Deadsharp teeth, slow 

Attacks: Brawl (3+), Bite (5+)

Upgrade Options: None

3:30 AM B&W: Re-run

Night TerrorHosted by Zombie Bob and ghoulies 

Mourning AfterBy David Krensler  Zombie Bob and his crew pull out another old

classic from his dusty collection in hisgraveyard ditch. This time he is screening theclassic romantic zombie post-apocalypticthriller warning against the over indulgences ofmicrowaved food entitled Mourning After.

Producer  Jeeves PatrickDirector  David Krensler

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New Special Effects 

TraitsHornsModels with this trait gain a new basic melee attack type,

the horned charge. The model receives a further +2 totheir strength (for a total of +3) during successfulcharges. The to-hit is determined like any other newbasic attack allotted to the character archetype.

Razor Sharp Claws Models with this trait gain a new basic melee attack type,the clawed attack. A clawed attack adds plus 1 to theStr of the attacker when making an unarmed attack. Theto-hit is determined like any other new basic attackallotted to the character archetype.

Sharp Teeth Models with this trait gain a new basic melee attack type,the bite. A bite has a strength equal to the user +2. Theto-hit is determined like any other new basic attackallotted to the character archetype minus one.

Tentacle Crush Many undulating tentacles protrude from this creaturebody. Each capable of lashing out and striking anyenemy foolish enough to approach the beast.

Weapon  Range  Hit  Str   Notes TentacleCrush 

melee  5+  4 1d6 attacks, rolleach turn

UnexplainedAlternate Form 

The werewolf may choose to start the game in humanform. While in human form, they should use a differentminiature. The werewolf may spend 1 special action totransform into or from their werewolf form. In human

form, the werewolf was an altered attribute profile, andloses their basic special effects. Any damage sustainedto either form is carried over to the other.

Move 6 Def  3 Hits 3 Str   3 Agi 3 Int 3 Morale  3

 A player may choose to assign special effects, or addsto their alternate form, rather than use them on theirprimary form.

AmorphousThe creature has an ever changing form. Like anameba, the creature moves about by stretching parts oitself out, grabbing hold of something and pulling the res

toward it. Amorphous creatures are somewhat unique inthat they do not have a single base holding theiminiature, but rather a collection of bases, each roundbase representing a part of the creature. At all timeseach individual base MUST be in contact with the otherbases representing this particular amorphous creatureThe number of bases used, and by extension the size othe creature, is determined by the creatures Hits. Foexample, a creature with 5 hits, will use five roundbases, all in contact with one another, to represent thebeast. Any time the creature takes damage, a numbeof bases equal to the damage is removed from playThe attacker gets to choose which particular bases. The

creature may not willfully split into two, but if one base isremoved in such a way as to separate the beast intotwo piles, then movement must be spent reforming into awhole entity again.

PyrokinesisPyrokinetics have the ability to spontaneously generatefires. Pyrokinesis has a range of 8 inches. If apyrokinetic spends 1 special action generating fires theymay place up to 1 fire token on the game board withintheir range (see page 39 of the main rulebook). If thepyrokinetic uses this as an attack against a single modeit causes a strength 3 hit.

Organic ConsumptionThe Abomination is voracious and consumes all theorganic material it can find. As this happens, the Abomination swells, and if left unchecked could grow tocover the entire planet. Anytime the Abomination canmove part of itself into base-to-base contact with a fallenenemy model it may spend one attack consuming thecorpse. Consuming a corpse restores/adds 1 hit and 1base size to the abomination. Fire markers are providedat the end of the summer special.

Zombie InfectionModels with that carry the zombie infection ability followa set of special rules that are described earlier in thissupplement. Zombies are slow, have unpredictablemovement rates, react instinctively to movement andsound, and are notoriously difficult to kill unless you ge„em in the head. 

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DisadvantagesBrain DeadBrain dead models do not learn from their experiences.During a ratings war, players may not spend PP todevelop a model with the brain dead disadvantage.

Phobia (x)The creature has a deep rooted dread that causes acomplete irrational and uncontrollable state of fear.Typical phobias include: Fire, Sunlight and Holysymbols. If a creature is attacked by a weapon withcauses damage of type they fear, or the creature iswithin 6 inches of an enemy model which is brandishingan item of a type they fear (for example a torch for a firephobia, or a UV flashlight for a sunlight phobia) than themodel must make a fear test. Failing this test forces thecreature to take an immediate retreat move, at the costof one of their regular actions.

Scaredy CatThe creature or hero is so cowardly they high tail it out ofdanger at the slightest fright. The model receives aminus two (-2) penalty whenever rolling a fear test.

Vulnerability (x)This disadvantage can be chosen more than once  – each additional time it is chosen adds + 3 to the numberin the brackets. Additionally the nature of thevulnerability must be chosen  –  Silver, Fire, or HolySymbols.

If attacked by a weapon type indicated by the theirmodels, the model increases the Str of any attacksagainst it by the number indicated in the brackets.Vulnerability supersedes and cancels out the effect ofgeneral invulnerability.

The DeadwrightDetective Agency

3:00 AM Color: Re-run

Deadwright Detective AgencyStaring ensemble cast 

Here comes the knightBy Ashton KrutchlyThe gang receives a call from the local

museum curator who pleads with them toinvestigate strange occurrences in thepreservation room and the mysteriousdisappearance of an intern. Are these thingsrelated to an ancient Welsh curse? Tune in tofind out.

The Jock……………………….Bob Thornbush The brain………………………….Sara TempleThe bombshell………...................Betty MilnerThe questionably hungry youth….Steve Aims

Producer  Adam StandishDirector Ashton Krutchly

No dogs were harmed in the filming of this episode

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New Events Much like the action shows of 7TV, the horror shows of

creature feature are choke full of strange and

unpredictable twists of fate. From wobbly sets, to

forgotten lines, it is these unexpected events that add areal charm and appeal to the horror shows of the 70s.

“That’s dead right baby,

…dead right!”

Event  Effect(s) 

The Surprise Reveal(Heroic Player only,

Prologue Event)

The producers have been promising for some time in the trailers to finally reveathe identity of the monster. The villain player must select one monster fromhis/her cast (if they have one) who is the potential surprise reveal. If the heroesmanage to capture the potential reveal, than any heroic model in base contactmay spend 1 special action to remove their mask. Removing their mask instantlytransforms the model into a civilian for the rest of the scenario and grants theheroic player an additional 3 VPs beyond those permitted by the scenario.

Peek-a-Boo(Villains Only)

Monsters have the uncanny ability to pop out when the heroes least expect it.Especially when they have been running full speed away from a gimpedmummified Mrs. Daisy. The villainous player may play this even card on one oftheir monsters, and relocate their monster anywhere on the game board so longas no heroic model has line of start with where they are placed. This may bedone before activating the monster model.

The worst possiblemoment

(Villains Only)

Play when a hero is about to fire at one of your models. The shot automaticallymissed and results in a jammed weapon.

Loners must die(Villains Only)

Play when a monster is about to attack a hero. If the hero has no allied modelswithin 12 inches of them, then the monster receives a +2 to hit and a + 2 tostrength of the attack.

Ex-virgins must die(Villains Only)

Play when a monster is about to attack a hero. If the hero has no allied modelswithin 12 inches of them with the exception of a single friendly model of theopposite sex, then the monster receives a +2 to hit and a + 2 to strength of theattack.

Dodgy Makeup(Heroes only)

Nominate one heroic model. They immediately ignore all effects of fearsomecreatures for the next two turns.

Fake Scare(Villains Only)

The hero lets down their guard for even a moment and BAMMMM…. Out jumpsa cat. Play whenever a heroic model opens a new doorway on the table. Themodel must make an immediate Morale check. Failing this check results in themodel being forced to retreat from the doorway.

We‟ll camp here tonight (Heroes Only)

 A talented survivor can find building materials anywhere. Play this card to locatebuilding material for three barricade tokens.

Scream Queen(Heroes Only)

The heroic player may play this card to ignore the effects of any single Moraletest, even after it is rolled. However, in order to benefit from these effects theplayer must make the appropriate sound effects themselves.

Secretly Infected(Villains Only)

Played during the prologue. The heroic player must select one of his/her stars oco-stars at the start of the game. At the start of every round, the heroic playermust roll 1d6 for this model to see if the infection has taken over. When theplayer rolls a 6, the heroic model turns into a zombie with a name (villain co-star)and is turned over to their opponent‟s control. Their profile is standard with noadditional adds beyond the basic.

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Event  Effect(s) 

Secret Passageway

The player may place this card to create a portal between two locations on thegame board. These two locations cannot be located more than 18 inches apart

 Any model may enter the secret pass away by being in base contact with theentrance and spending all their actions of the turn to go through the tunnel.Simply move the model to the other end of the passageway. Once discovered

the passageway remains on the board for the rest of the game and may be usedmy any model.

Hidden DoorwayThe character moves a book from the bookshelf and discovers a secret doorwayThis doorway must be placed on a wall that links two rooms, or a room with theoutside.

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New Gadgets 

Cryogen CanisterCost: 2

The model carries a small metal cylinder containingliquid nitrogen. If the canister is thrown, it will break, andleak into the air. The leak is slow, but enough to hurtanyone who is sensitive to the cold. 

Weapon  Range  Hit  Str   Notes 


Thrown  4+  2/4 * Blast 3”, Scatter

1D6”, Thrown 

* The Cryogen Canister causes extra damage tomonsters with a weakness to the cold.

Holy SymbolCost: 1

The hero carries a small holy relic with them, to ward offevil spirits. The hero may spend one action to pull outand display their holy symbol. Monsters with a phobiafor Holy symbols must pass a fear test if they are within6 inches of the hero displaying a holy symbol. Theeffects of displaying a holy symbol last for one round. 

Holy WaterCost: 1

The hero carries around a small glass vial of holy waterwhich they may throw upon the enemy. People do notlike being attacked with water, just look at Tom Cruise.

Weapon  Range  Hit  Str   Notes 


Thrown  4+  0/4 * Blast 3”, Scatter

1D6”, Thrown 

* Holy water only causes damage to monsters with aweakness to holy symbols

Neutron Detector

Cost: 3Used by paranormal researchers when exploring ahaunted house. A model that holds a neutron detectordoes not need to open a door and enter a new roombefore rolling on the haunting experiences table, as longas they are in an adjacent room. This means that theycan identify paranormal threats in neighboring roomswithout having to deal with them immediately.

Neutron PackCost: 6

Models that are incorporeal are only harmed byweapons with unexplained special effects. This weaponwas designed to deal exclusively with them. Thisweapon effects listed only pertain to damagingincorporeal beings while in their incorporeal formValues and abilities listed to the left of slash pertain tophysical beings.

Weapon  Range  Hit  Str   Notes 


8”  6+  2/0  None/Push-Pull

If the hero successful hits an incorporeal being with theirneutron pack, they may push of pull the being aroundRoll 1d6, and divide the result in half. The hero playemay move the incorporeal model that many inches onthe table. Multiple attacks will continue to move theincorporeal being.

If the hero rolls a 1, than the opposing player may place1 fire token within 8 of the attacker, but not in base-to-base contact with any model unless unavoidable.

Neutron TrapCost: 6

Models that are incorporeal are only harmed byweapons with unexplained special effects. This capturetrap was designed to deal exclusively with them. Theabilities of the Neutron trap have no effect on physicabeings. A being captures while incorporeal cannot reverback to physical form while in the trap.

The neutron trap must be placed on the ground by ahero, and they must spend 1 special action activating thetrap. Any beings in an incorporeal form that come intobase-to-base contract with the trap must make an agilitytest or gain a captured status. The trap can only holdone being at a time. The trap has a defense of 5 and 2Hits.

Silver AmmunitionCost: 2

Models equipped with a bow, crossbow or any type offirearm may replace the ammunition used by the weaponwith rounds (arrows) tipped or made in silver. Attackswhich strike any monster with the weakness to silver wilbenefit from a plus three to the weapons strength.

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Each week, these clever kids and mettlesome muttbattle rubber masked monsters, and solve all sortsof paranormal mysteries.

The Deadwright detective agency was formed fourunlikely friends while in high school. Most of them havelong since graduated, with the exception to thequestionably hungry youth, who we‟re not quite sureabout. In the last few years they took to the road,traveling from town to town and getting in all sorts ofadventures. The most loveable member of their cast,the one who gets the most screen time, and gets themost one liners, is also the one who is not quite human.Though, he is also no quite an attack dog either.

Show Special EffectsMcGuffin Snacks:

The brain, the bombshell and the jock each carry 1serving of McGuffin Snacks, usable by Not quite anattack dog, and the questionably hungry youth. Either ofthese models may use 1 serving of the snacks to re-rolla failed fear test. In order to gain this re-roll, at least 1 ofthe three snack carriers must be within 6 inches ofscared model. Once a carrier has used his/her snacksthey are no longer available from that particular carrierfor the remainder of the episode.

Not quite an attack dogFlamboyant Agent | Star | Ratings 45

AttributesMov  Def   Hits  Str   Agi  Int  Mor  

9 5 3 3 4 2 4

Special EffectsLuck (2), Seduce, Scaredy Cat, Heroic Surge, SharpTeeth, I will return, Screamer, Infiltrator, Disarm, Rage

Star QualityMaking Their Own Luck 


Weapon  Range  Hit  Str   Notes 

Brawl  melee  4+  3 Stuns 

Bite melee 4+ 5

The Questionably Hungry YouthPlucky Assistant | Co-Star | Ratings 27

AttributesMov  Def   Hits  Str   Agi  Int  Mor  

7  5  3  3  3  2  3

Special EffectsLuck (2), Concealment, Scaredy Cat, Heroic SurgeScreamer, Drive, Vehicle (Van)


Weapon  Range  Hit  Str   Notes 

Brawl  melee  5+  3 Stuns 

Sling  12”  5+ 3 Primitive, 2 shots

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The BrainCrackpot Inventor | Co-Star | Ratings 36 


Mov  Def   Hits  Str   Agi  Int  Mor  

6  3  3  2  3  5  5

Special EffectsBoffin (2), Gadgets, Medic, Repair, Leader (1)


Weapon  Range  Hit  Str   Notes

Brawl  melee  6+  2 Stuns 


8”  5+ 4 High Tech, Stuns

The BombshellAngel of Justice | Co-Star | Ratings 32

AttributesMov  Def   Hits  Str   Agi  Int  Mor  

6  3  3  3  5  2  4

Special EffectsLuck (1), Disarm, Kung Fu Grip, Sixth Sense, seduce,leader (1)


Weapon  Range  Hit  Str   Notes 

Brawl  melee  3+  3 Stuns 

Pistol 12”  4+ 3 pistol

The JockInvestigative Academic | Co-Star |Ratings 40


Mov  Def   Hits  Str   Agi  Int  Mor  

6  4  3  4  2  2  4

Special EffectsHeroic Surge, Inspirational, Luck (1), Leader(1), BlockerDrive


Weapon  Range  Hit  Str   Notes 

Brawl  melee  4+  4 Stuns 

Pistol 12”  4+ 3 pistol

ExtrasThe Deadwright detectives are always there to help

others out of a jam. They are almost always

accompanied by a small group of civilians.

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Interdimensional Consortium of Monsters

The continue foibles of the those pesky kids of theDeadwright detective agency and their dog, little dothey know that it is really old man Smithers.

The Deadwright detective agency battles a large host ofmonsters and beasts every week. When those monstersare not battling those pesky teenagers, they occasionalget recycled to other shows produced by malletproduction. The Interdimensional Consortium ofMonsters is sort of like their local union. Well, maybemore like the union of the props guys.

Show Special EffectsWho turned off the lightsThe villain player may decide if the scenario is played inthe dark or not.

Mummified EgyptianM.O.T.W | Star | Ratings 85


Mov  Def   Hits  Str   Agi  Int  Mor  

4  5  5  4  3  7  4

Special Effects Alien (Monster), Fearsome, Vulnerability (3 to Fire),Psychic, Telekinesis, Mind Blast, Hypnotism

Star Quality…or is it? 


Weapon  Range  Hit  Str   Notes 

Basic  melee  4+  4  Stuns

Re-animated GolemM.O.T.W | Star | Ratings 85

AttributesMov  Def   Hits  Str   Agi  Int  Mor  

4  5  5  7  3  3  4

Special Effects Alien (Monster), Fearsome, Phobia (Fire), BlockerMechanoid (Construct), Heroic Surge

Star Quality…or is it? 


Weapon  Range  Hit  Str   Notes 

Basic  melee  4+  7  Stuns

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Romantic VampireM.O.T.W | Star | Ratings 85


Mov  Def   Hits  Str   Agi  Int  Mor  

6  4  5  5  3  5  5

Special Effects Alien( Monster), Fearsome, Vulnerability (3 to HolySymbols), Phobia (Holy symbols), Phobia (sunlight),Hypnotize, Sharp Teeth, Regeneration, Incorporeal,Invulnerable (1)

Star Quality…or is it? 


Weapon  Range  Hit  Str   Notes 

Brawl  melee  4+  5  Stuns 

Bite  melee  5+  7 

Where-wolf?M.O.T.W | Star | Ratings 85

AttributesMov  Def   Hits  Str   Agi  Int  Mor  

8  4  5  4  5  3  4

Special Effects Alien (Monster), Fearsome, Vulnerability (3 to Silverweapons), Alternate Form, Razor sharp claws,Regeneration, Roar, Daring Leap, Heroic Surge

Star Quality…or is it? 


Weapon  Range  Hit  Str   Notes 

Brawl  melee  4+  4  Stuns 

Claws  melee  4+  5 

The See-Through DudeMad Scientist | Co-Star | Ratings 60


Mov  Def   Hits  Str   Agi  Int  Mor  

6  3  2  3  5  6  4

Special EffectsBoffin (2), Repair, Invisible, Saboteur


Weapon  Range  Hit  Str   Notes 

Brawl  melee  6+  3  Stuns 


Pistol 16”  4+  4 

High-Tech, laser


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Fish-SticksFailed Exper.| Co-Star | Ratings 60


Mov  Def   Hits  Str   Agi  Int  Mor  

6  4  3  3  6  3  5

Special Effects Alien (Monster), Fearsome, Luck (1), Aquatic, Body Armor, Razor sharp claws


Weapon  Range  Hit  Str   Notes 

Brawl  melee  3+  3  Stuns 

Claws  melee  4+  4 

Frank The Zombie TankNamed Zombie / Co-Star / 30 Ratings


Mov  Def   Hits  Str   Agi  Int  Mor  

3  3  3  4  1  1  0

Special Effects Alien(Monster), Zombie Infection, Brain Dead, sharpteeth, Great Strength


Weapon  Range  Hit  Str   Notes 

Brawl  melee  4+  4  stuns 

Bite  melee  5+  6  None

Bubbles smart ZombieNamed Zombie / Co-Star / 30 Ratings


Mov  Def   Hits  Str   Agi  Int  Mor  

3  2  1  2  1  1  0

Special Effects Alien(Monster), Zombie Infection, sharp teeth , GreaStrength


Weapon  Range  Hit  Str   Notes 

Brawl  melee  4+  2  stuns 

Bite  melee  5+  4  None 

SMG  16”  4+  3 Burst, Can‟t


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The Horror from Hoboken A gelatinous voracious creature which

likely fell to earth in a meteor shower. Ithas a voracious appetite for all thingsorganic, and will continue to devouranything and everything in its path. .

Villain Special Guest Star  

Suggested Ratings: 150

AttributesMov  Def   Hits  Str   Agi  Int  Mor  

6*  3  10  4  2  3  5

* movement rate is for each independent base, but theymust remain in contact with one another.

Special Effects Alien (Monster), Infiltrator, Fearsome, Vulnerability (3 toCold effects), Amorphous, Organic Consumption,Tentacle Crush, Sharp Teeth

Star QualityUnearthly Constitution 


Weapon  Range  Hit  Str   Notes 

Brawl  Melee  4 +  4  Stuns 


melee  4 +  4  1d6 attacks 

Bite  melee  5 +  6 


It is said that the horror from Hoboken originally rode a

comet to New Jersey in the 1950‟s. He was met with

much prejudice and continued refrigeration, which he did

not like. So, he, or rather it, found its way down into the

bowels of the water treatment center, where it has

stayed dormant for decades. There it stayed in hiding,

quietly eating our waste, and growing until the day it

could find acceptance. Or until the day it could sustain

itself from sewage alone.


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Gila A giant dinosaur-like beast covered in a

thick bumpy armor-like hide. Shestands upright like a t-rex, but with amassively strong well developed upperbody. Gila stands many stories highand is able to literally stomp across thebattlefield, leveling buildings, flatteningtanks, and other wise ending an actor‟scareer. Among her primary weapons isher fiery breath with lays waste to allbefore her.

Villain Special Guest Star  

Suggested Ratings: 150

AttributesMov  Def   Hits  Str   Agi  Int  Mor  

5  6  8  6  2  3  5

Special EffectsMassive, Alien (Monster), Body Armour, Fearsome,Vulnerability (3 to Cold effects), Sharp Teeth, EnergyBlast (fire), Roar

Unique AbilityAre you my mommy? Gila is a female of her species, and only comes to landto lay new eggs Gila may spend one special action to layand egg, and may place an egg token directly behind themodels base. At the start of the villain player‟s turn, theymay roll 1d6 for each of the egg tokens already on the

game board. On a roll of 5 or 6 the egg hatches, andmay be replaced with a with a little Godsmacka model.These little Gila models may be moved as normal staringthat turn.

 An unhatched egg has a Def of 4 and 2 hits. If the tokenreduced to 0 hits it is removed from the table.


Weapon  Range  Hit  Str   Notes 

Brawl  Melee  4 +  4  Stuns 

Bite  melee  5 +  8 


Ranged  3 +  4 High Caliber, 1

Hit or Stuns


No one knows exactly Gila came from. Some scientists

speculate that the monster is a mutation brought abou

by underseas nuclear testing. The more fringe scientists

have postulated that the monster is not a mutation at all

but rather a remnant of a long lost species that had

spent the better part of recorded history in hibernation

only to be awoken by underseas nuclear testing. Fo

some reason, the underseas nuclear testing is the only

thing most scientists agree about.

Little Gila 


Mov  Def   Hits  Str   Agi  Int  Mor  

8  4  3  4  3  3  3

Special Effectslarge, Alien (Monster), Body Armour, FearsomeVulnerability (3 to Cold effects), Sharp Teeth,

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On Location: The Haunted House

Most stories have a fairly straight forward protagonist-

antagonist adversarial relationship. But what if the

heroes are not up against the machinations of some evilindividual? What if they are not against an individual at

all, but rather a structure. Haunted houses and other

haunted places represent a unique challenge in the 7TV

television lineup, in that they are not played by an actor,

but become a character in and of themselves. In this

section we will detail the special rules needed to create

your own haunted house or spooky location for your

monsters and other villains to creep about.

Haunted houses may be used to house an existing cast

of villains, or in small skirmishes may be the only villain.

Provided below are a set of random tables used togenerate the paranormal events that occur within a

house. Players may even find these tables useful in

generating a random house for use in solo adventures.

 A word of caution however, given the random nature of

these tables it is highly likely that the difficulty of a

haunted house will be very unpredictable. If this is not

your cup of tea, and alternative idea is to take the

contents of tables and present them on cards. This will

allow for a pseudorandom presentation with a predicable

overall difficulty.

Every time a heroic player enters a new room in house,

the player should determine what type of paranormal

phenomenon the player is going to encounter. The

paranormal phenomenon are broken down into six broad

classes which increase according to spectral power of

the entity attempting to manifest. The lowest order are

simple residuals, which are little more than a psychic

recording being played back in a loop within the house.

 At the other end of the spectrum you have personified

manifestations, entities that manage to maintain their

individuality. These are often the most dangerous

beings the heroes will confront in the house.

Random Haunting Type

1D6 Room Type

1 Residual Haunting / Playback

2 Shadow People

3 Poltergeist

4 Non human manifestation

5 Archetypal Manifestation

6 Personified Manifestation

Once the players determine the type of haunting within a

room, they should then roll to determine what type of

encounter they will deal with. There are three types o

encounters that individual heroes may come face to face

with regardless of the haunting type. These include

haunted items left in the room, evidence of spiritua

charlatanism (fakes), or direct contacts with the unseen

Each of these types of encounters has a sub-table with a

description of their effects and suggestions as to how toavoid them All the remaining encounters are specific to

the individual haunting type, and represent an escalation

of apparent danger.


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Random Haunting Experiences table

1D6 ResidualShadowPeople





1 Haunted Item Haunted Item Haunted ItemOrbs andVortexes

Playful Child Fake

2 Haunted Item Haunted Item Knockings

Mists and

Vapors Fake Vengeful Witch

3 Haunted Item Cold Spot Moans Fake Forlorn Lover Demon

4 Deja Vu Creakings Fake Misty apparition Lady in white Contact

5 Flashes Fake Levitations Black Dog The Trickster Contact

6 Fake Shadow Figure conflagration Contact Contact Contact

Déjà vuThe heroes experiences a deep feeling of having been inthe house before, despite never having set foot in itbefore this moment. The experience is so strong, thatthe very activity the hero is doing at that moment feelsas it is memory.

Heroes in this room must make an intelligence check orgain a confused status. Any confused models cancontinue to test against their intelligence in subsequentrounds to remove the status.

Flashes The hero pauses for a moment and flashes on a memory

that is not their own. Like a television clip playing out intheir head, the hero experiences the painful moments ofthe spirits last moral moments.

Heroes in this room must make an intelligence check orgain a stunned status. Any Stunned models cancontinue to test against their intelligence in subsequentrounds to remove the status.

Cold Spot As the heroes walk through the room they slowly feel achill creep up on them. As if from nowhere, thetemperature drops as much as 10 degrees in only a

small portion of the room. As the heroes continueonward, the chill dissipates. Heroes are minus 1 Move,and minus 1 Agility while in the room.

Creakings The heroes are all together, and off in the distance theyhear an unexplained creaking. Perhaps that of a doorslowly closing, or someone walking along some loosefloorboards, but if everyone is here, who is responsiblefor it?

The creaking sounds make the heroes very nervous Any fear checks made in the room suffer a minus one


Shadow Figures Off in the distance, at the limits of line of sight, theheroes see a shadowy and hazy form dash out of sight

The sudden fright of a figure dashing in front of themforces the heroes to make a fear check or run screamingfrom the room. The heroes may re-enter the room insubsequent rounds without re-checking.


Loud slamming sounds which appear to have no knownvisible cause seem to emanate from heroes currentroom.

Suddenly, any closed doors leading from this room areflung open. Players should determine the paranormaactivity for each of these attached rooms and deal withthem accordingly. Any summoned manifestations wilmove toward the heroes current room.

MoansThat is not simply pipes, and floorboards in a old houseThose sounds are distinctly human…. Er… humanish. 

Heroes in this room must make an morale check or gaina stunned status. Any Stunned models can continue totest against their morale in subsequent rounds toremove the status.

LevitationsBooks, chairs, or candlesticks, it could be any smalitem. What catches the heroes eyes is that item isclearly floating around the room, without hand or stingguiding it.

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Page | 24 Any model that ends its turn in the room is attacked byflying books. These hit on a roll of 4+ and books causea strength 2 attack.

Conflagration The curtains spontaneously combust into flames, a thickblack smoke devours the rooms and begins to choke theheroes before they can react. Place two fire markers inthe middle of the room. See page 39 of the main rulebook for details about fire.

Orbs Rarely are they seen during an active experience, butrather are caught on film with photographers left toexplain their presence later on. Every once in a while,these will‟o‟wisps are experienced firsthand, and aredescribed as brief flashes of white or greenish light,appearing like a small flickering lantern that seems tomove about.

The flashes can be quite blinding. All models in theroom must make a defense check or gain a stunnedstatus. Stunned models may re-roll during subsequentrounds to remove the status.

Mists A thick fog rolls into the room, seeming to seep fromevery architectural orifice. The fog makes if very difficultto see, and any to-hit roll are at minus one penalty.

Misty Apparition A hazy semi-formed person seems to appear and

disappear simultaneously from a thick fog ambling aboutthe room.


Mov Def Hits Str Agi Int Mor

3 0 1 1 3 3 3

Special EffectsIncorporeal (permanent), Invisible, Telekinesis, Hover

Attacks None

When The misty apparition appears it starts in itsincorporeal state and is incapable of reverting back tosolid form. As such it is formless and cannot by attackedby conventional weapons, though unexplained specialeffects work as normal. The only attack available to themisty apparition is through its telekinesis.

Black Dog A solid figure, the heroes spot a silent motionless dog athe limits of the room. After a moment it will begin tosilently bark, and continue to do so as if warning theheroes of some unknown danger. Seeing the black dogis a bad omen which is thought to spell doom.


Mov Def Hits Str Agi Int Mor

8 0 2 3 3 3 3

Special EffectsIncorporeal (permanent), Invisible, Telekinesis


Weapon Range Hit Str Notes

Bite melee 5+ 7 Bite

The black dog begins play in its incorporeal state isunable to maintain a physical form. The dog is capableof making one focused physical attack (the bite) bureverts to its incorporeal state almost immediately.

Playful Child A small red rubber ball rolls past the hero‟s feetMoments later, a small child runs past them in a blur.Attributes

Mov Def Hits Str Agi Int Mor

6 0 2 2 3 3 3

Special EffectsIncorporeal (permanent), Invisible, Telekinesis, small

Attacks Only from telekinesis.

The playful child begins play in its incorporeal state isunable to maintain a physical form.

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Forlorn LoverThe form of a wisplike delicate woman can be seenoverlooking a window, precipice, or painting of astunning young man. A nearly silent weeping is barelyaudible.Attributes

Mov Def Hits Str Agi Int Mor

6 0 2 2 3 3 3

Special EffectsIncorporeal (permanent), Invisible, Telekinesis, EnergyBlast

Attacks Only from telekinesis and energy blast.

The forlorn lover begins play in its incorporeal state isunable to maintain a physical form.

The TricksterThe remaining spirit of a mischievous soul. Perhaps arobber, abuser, or murderer in life. The Trickster maynot make their malign intentions obvious to the heroes,but they are certainly out to do the heroes considerableharm.


Mov Def Hits Str Agi Int Mor

6 3/0 3 3 5 5 5

Special EffectsFearsome, Incorporeal, Invisible, Telekinesis, Flyer


Weapon Range Hit Str Notes

Brawl melee 5+ 3 Stuns

The Trickster begins play in its incorporeal state but isable to revert to a physical form if they wish.

Vengeful WitchThe spirit of former servant of the devil. The Witchcontinues her work in the afterlife, perverting the souls ofman, and dooming them for eternity.


Mov Def Hits Str Agi Int Mor

6 3/0 3 3 4 5 5

Special EffectsFearsome, Incorporeal, Invisible, Telekinesis, Flyer,Mind Blast


Weapon Range Hit Str Notes

Brawl melee 5+ 3 Stuns

The Vengeful Witch begins play in its incorporeal statebut is able to revert to a physical form if they wish

DemonUnlike most spirits, specters and lost-souls the heroesencounter, the Demon was never human. They don‟understand human needs, and have no respect fohuman life. They are jealous of humanity, and will doeverything in their power to torment, torture, and destroythe heroes.


Mov Def Hits Str Agi Int Mor

6 4 5 5 3 5 5

Special Effects Alien( Monster), Fearsome, Vulnerability (3 to HolySymbols), Phobia (Holy symbols), Phobia HypnotizeSharp Teeth, Invulnerable (1), Most Wanted, Pyrokinesis


Weapon Range Hit Str Notes

Brawl melee 4+ 5 Stuns

Bite melee 5+ 7

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Spiritual Charlatanism table

1D6Haunted Item Suggested Effects Counter-Measure

1 NothingI was sure they were up to no good, ,but….   None

2 Stage Makeup

The heroes begin to doubt the paranormal origins of the

haunting. They receive a plus one bonus to the next fear testone of them makes.


3 Fortune Tellers Rigging

In the room are various items from a séance including acrystal ball, smudge pots, They quickly realize the smallJacobs ladder was use to make concealed clapping soundsfrom beneath the fortune tellers gown, and that a smallprojector was pointing at the crystal ball. The heroes arereminded to keep their street smarts about them and not befooled by parlor tricks. They receive a plus one bone to thenext intelligence test one of them makes.


4 Pulleys and RiggingWell that explains the flying effects. If the next manifestationthe players encounter has the flying special effect, than thespecial effect is cancelled and the manifestation is grounded.


5 A random Clue

The heroes find the long lost will of the homeowner. Well, thisis curious, sure does provide some individuals with somestrange motivation to keep this document secret. Gives theheroes + 1 VP.


6 Cheap Scare

The hero lets down their guard for even a moment andBAMMMM…. Out jumps a cat. Play whenever a heroicmodel opens a new doorway on the table. The modelmust make an immediate Morale check. Failing thischeck results in the model being forced to retreat fromthe doorway. 

Pass a fear check

Haunting Contact table

1D6 Contact  Suggested Effects Counter-Measure

1 Silence It is dead quiet!None

2 Disembodied Whisper A silent whisper only heard by a randomly selected hero reallyfreaks them out. Make a fear test for that hero or they mustflee the room.

Pass a fear test

3 Chilling Touch A random hero is grasped on the shoulder by the coldest mostcadaver like hand one could imagine. The model is -1 move, -

1 agility for the next turn.


4 Deep Scratches A randomly selected model is attacked from an unseen force.The force hits on a roll of 2+ and causes a Strength 3 wound.


5 Pushed Back A random model is selected. The model feels a strong pushagainst their chest. The model must pass an agility check orsuffer the effects of a level 3 fall.

Pass an agility check

6 Possession

The hero must make a moral check or be possessed by anevil spirit. The villain control will control the hero as long asthe possessed status remains. The heroic player may re-rollthe moral every round until they pass. In a solo game, thepossessed model will start to attack any nearby allies and willcontinue to do so until they shake the possession.

Pass a Moral check.

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Haunted Item table

1D6Haunted Item Suggested Effects Counter-Measure

1 Mundane Doll The well loved doll of a little girl. I was sure this doll washaunted, oh well… 


2 Mirror into the soul

 A strange mirror on the wall appears to not only reflect theroom and heroes, but back into the abyss. Any heroes whowalk by the mirror will be compelled to look into the mirror andrisks being trapped in the mirrors reflection. Any hero whomoves past the mirror must make a morale test. IF the modelfails this test, they gain a dominated status and will performNO actions until it removed. The model may test every turn toremove it.

When moving past themirror, Pass a moratest.

3 Cursed Treasure

The heroes locate an extremely valuable treasure and maydesignate a hero to carry the treasure. While carrying thetreasure, any attacks against this hero are +1 to hit and + 1

strength to damage. If the hero survives the adventure, theheroes gain +2 VP.

Survive the rest of thegame with increasedlethality against you, o

ignore the treasure.

4 Voodoo Dolls

The heroes locate a voodoo doll for the member of their castwith the lowest ratings. There is reason to believe there areothers. The villain player may place voodoo doll tokensaround the haunted house, no more than one per room unlessall unexplored rooms already have at least one. Cursedmodels attack and make attribute checks with a -1 penaltyuntil the curse is lifted

Each token representsone of the heroesLocate the token, andremove the pin toremove the curse froma model.

5 Weeping Statue

 A porcelain statue of religious motif adorns the room. As theheroes approach, they can see the statue is crying a tears ofblood. Make an immediate horror test. Failing this test willresult in the hero spending its action fleeing the room. They

may try again in subsequent turns.

Pass an immediatehorror test.

6 Ouija Board

 A Ouija Board sits on a small table in the middle of the room.The small planchette begins to move on it‟s own as if someunseen force is trying to communicate. The hero with thehighest rating in the room must make an intelligence test tounderstand the message. If the hero deciphers the messagethan the heroes gain + 1VP.

Pass an intelligencetest.

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The cabin in the woods


The heroes were just out for a weekend getaway in

woods. Little did they know that they were not alone.

Night has already set, and the woods are too dangerous

to attempt an escape in the dark. The only hope of the

heroes is to survive the night, and hope for help to arrive

in the morning.


This episode is intended for skirmish or raid size

gaming, up to 200 ratings per side. Suggestedantagonists: Zombies, no heroic extras on the stage

during filming.


This episode should be played on a 4‟ by 4‟ table

representing lightly forested and isolated rural

homestead. A large farmhouse should be placed in the

middle of the board. The remaining of the board should

be lightly populated with trees and rocks.

Set Up

The hero player must set up all his heroic

models inside or within four inches of the

farmhouse located in the center of the

board (1). The villainous player may

set his models anywhere within

four inches of the game tables

perimeter (2).

And….Action! Initiative is determined normal in all


Special Rules

Weak Barricading material with 1 Hit per token is found

without limit inside the farmhouse.

End Credits

This episode will end if all of one s ide‟s models are

Stunned, Dominated or are otherwise removed from

play. Game play will also end after the complete o

round 8, at which time the sun rises and heroic players

are assumed to have survived the night.

Victory Points

Not all of the standard VP rules are used in this

scenario. Only conditions listed below will award players

VPs during this scenario.

Victory Condition  VP Award 

Each Heroic Star or Co-starwithout statuses at the end of thegame 

+1 each toheroes 

Each Heroic Star or Co-star withstatuses at the end of the game  

+1 each tovillains 

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The break down


The heroes find themselves stranded and alone on the

road beside their broken down ride. The nearest truck

stop was a mile down the road, and off in the distance, inthe direction they need to head, are moans and screams

of the danger they were trying to flee. The goal of the

heroes in to towards their biggest fears, secure gas for

their car and get back…. Alive. 


This episode is intended for skirmish or raid size gaming,

up to 200 ratings per side. Suggested antagonists:

Zombies, no heroic extras on the stage during filming.


This episode should be played on a 4‟ by 4‟ table in a

desolate strip of road. The road should run through the

middle of the board. On one end of the road, six inches

from the edge of the table is located a gas station.

Set Up

The heroic player should place his broken down car (1)

on the road, six inches from the edge of the game boardopposite the gas station (2). All the heroic players

models must start within four inches of the broken down

car. The villainous player may place their models

anywhere within four inches of the game board

edges that are parallel to the road (3).


Initiative is determined normal

in all turns.

Special Rules

 A gas can marker is located in the gas station.

 Any heroic model, but not villainous, may pick up the

gas can marker coming into base contact and simply

declaring this as a free action If the model carrying the

gas can marker is killed, the marker will remain where

they fell until another heroic model picks it up.

End Credits

This episode will end if all of one side‟s models are

Stunned, Dominated or are otherwise removed from

play. Play will also end one round after the heroic playe

manages to get the gas can marker from the gas station

back to their broken down car.

Victory Points

Not all of the standard VP rules are used in this

scenario. Only conditions listed below will award players

VPs during this scenario.

Victory Condition  VP Award 

Each Heroic Star or Co-starwithout statuses at the end of the


+1 each toheroes 

Each Heroic Star or Co-star withstatuses at the end of the game  

+1 each tovillains 

Getting the Fuel +1 VP for the


Getting the car started + 2 VP for the


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The Summoning


Little could the heroes have expected the villains were

attempting summon a greater demon of the elder times.

 Arriving just in the nick of time, will they be able to stopthe cultists before it is too late.


This episode is intended for skirmish or raid size

gaming, up to 200 ratings per side. Suggested

antagonists: cultists and military types. This episode

promises the possible appearance of the Mega Star  – 

The Horror from Hoboken (see casting couch section).

LocationThis episode should be played on a 4‟ by 4‟ table. On

one corner of table is the casting area (1), a 12” open

circular area where the cultists are at work.

Set Up

The villainous player should place all his cultists within

the casting area, and may place any remaining forces up

to 6 inches from the edge of the casting area (1). The

heroic player must place all his models in the 12 inchsquare of the opposite corner (2).


Initiative is determined normal in all turns. If the Mega

Star is summoned, he is not eligible for activation until

the turn following his arrival.

Special Rules

The villainous player must selectfive models from his cast to serve

as Magi. The Magi may be stars,

co-stars or extras.

The summoning, each magi may declare

casting as a special action as long as they are

within the casting circle and without any status tokens,

doing so generates 1 casting token for the villainous

player. When the villain has gathered 20 casting tokens

he/she may trade those in for the Mega Star

appearance. If the Mega Star is summoned, place an

appropriate model in the center of the summoning circle

and move and move any necessary models a minimum

distance to make room for model. For the remainder o

the match, all villainous cast members fall into a

catatonic state. They may not be attacked, or perform

any action of their own. This catatonic status does no

confer VPs for the heroes.

End Credits

This episode will end if all of one side‟s models are

Stunned, Dominated or are otherwise removed from


Victory Points

Not all of the standard VP rules are used in this

scenario. Only conditions listed below will award playersVPs during this scenario.

Victory Condition  VP Award 

Each Villainous Star or Co-starwith statuses at the end of thegame 

+1 each toheroes 

Each Heroic Star or Co-star withstatuses at the end of the game  

+1 each tovillains 

Summoning the Great Beast +3 VP for the


Preventing the summoning + 2 VP for the


Slaying the Great Beast + 6 VP for the


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Innocents Lost


The heroes stumble upon a wandering group of

unarmed, and untrained civilians who have little hope of

surviving without help.


This episode is intended for skirmish or raid size

gaming, up to 200 ratings per side. Suggested

antagonists: zombies.


This episode should be played on a 4‟ by 4‟ table. On

the far edge of the table (from the heroes) is a helicopterwhich can airlift the civilians and heroes out of the hot


Set Up

The heroic player should place a helicopter model six

inches from the edge of the game board and center (1).

 All the heroic players models must start within six inches

of the opposite game board edge (2). Additionally, 6

survivor models or tokens should be placed within the

heroic starting area. The villainous player may placetheir models anywhere within four inches of the two

game board edges that are adjacent to both the

helicopter edge and heroic starting edge (3).


Initiative is determined normal in all turns.

Special Rules

The heroic player is given 6 unarmed innocent civilians

to temporarily add to their cast. Profiles are list on page

85 of the main rulebook.

Boarding the copter – Any model that is in base contact

with the helicopter may board the craft immediately

during their activation. Only 4 models may board the

craft per turn.

End Credits

This episode will end if all of one side‟s models are

Stunned, Dominated or are otherwise removed from

play. Game will also end if all heroic models have

boarded the helicopter.

Victory PointsNot all of the standard VP rules are used in this

scenario. Only conditions listed below will award players

VPs during this scenario.

Victory Condition  VP Award 

Each survivor that boards thehelicopter  

+1 each toheroes 

Each Heroic Star or Co-star withstatuses at the end of the game  

+1 each tovillains

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…and none shall survive! 


The heroes find themselves wandering into the middle of

a cemetery. Surrounded on all sides by the walking

dead, the only hope of the heroes is to find the missingpages from the book of the dead.


This episode is intended for skirmish or raid size

gaming, up to 200 ratings for the heroes. Suggested

antagonists: zombies. The villain player may select no

extras, and may only have stars and co-stars totaling no

more than half that of the heroes starting total rating..

LocationThis episode should be played on a 4‟ by 4‟ table.

Grave markers, crypts, small trees and funerary art

adorn the area.

Set Up

The Heroes start along one of the game board edges

(1). Four spawning markers should be placed on the

board, equidistant from each other and the middle and

edges of the game board (2). The villain player mayplace their stars and co-stars within six inches of any

spawning marker. In the middle of the game board is an

altar. (3) Three page markers are placed in between the

spawn the markers (4): 1 centered between the two

furthest spawn markers, and 1 centered between the two

to the right, and another between the two to the left.


Initiative is determined normal in all turns.

Special Rules

Spawning Markers:  During each turn, the

villain player may roll 1d6 for each of the four

spawning markers and consult the table below.

 Any zombies spawned should be placed within 6

inches of their spawning marker, and may NOT be

placed in base contact with a hero model. These

zombies may be used in the turn they appear.

1D6 roll  Result 

1-2  None 

3-4  1 Zombie without a name 

5  2 Zombies without a name 

6  3 Zombies without a name 

The Book of the dead:  The heroes must gather the

three book page tokens scattered across the board

Then, the player must bring all three tokens to the alta

to assemble the book and recite the spell of un-doing. I

takes 1 special action to recite the spell.

End Credits

This episode will end if all of one side‟s models areStunned, Dominated or are otherwise removed from

play. Game will also end if heroic models have

assembled the book and recited the spell.

Victory Points

Not all of the standard VP rules are used in this

scenario. Only conditions listed below will award players

VPs during this scenario.

Victory Condition  VP Award 

Each Heroic Star or Co-star withstatuses at the end of the game  

+2 each tovillains 

Each page token in possession ofa heroic model without statuses. 

+1 each toHeroes 

Reciting the spell  +4 to Heroes

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Resupply Drop


The heroes find themselves unarmed and stranded in

the middle of nowhere, and surrounded by monsters.

Their only hope is to seek out weapons, friends, andmaybe shelter.


This episode is intended for skirmish or raid size gaming,

up to 200 ratings for the heroes. The villain player may

select no extras, and may only have stars and co-stars

totaling no more than half that of the heroes cast rating.


This episode should be played on a 4‟ by 4‟ table, and

may be an urban or rural setup.

Set Up

Three spawning markers should be placed on the board,

near three of the corners (1). The villain player may

place their stars and co-stars within six inches of any

spawning marker. The heroes may setup in the

remaining corner (2). The villainous player should place

a number of weapon cache tokens across the boardequal to the number of weapons the heroes have listed

on their cast sheet (3). No token may be placed within

six inches of another token, nor a spawning marker.


Initiative is determined normal in all turns.

Special Rules

Weapon Cache:  The heroes start thescenario without their weapons, and

may only use their brawl attacks. If the

heroes get to a weapon cache marker they

may give the weapon to the model who lands on

it. Coincidentally, the weapon corresponds to the

weapon the model originally forgot.

Spawning Markers:  During each turn, the villain player

may roll 1d6 for each of the four spawning markers and

consult the table below. Any zombies spawned should

be placed within 6 inches of their spawning marker, and

may NOT be placed in base contact with a hero model.

These zombies may be used in the turn they appear.

1D6 roll  Result 

1-2  None 

3-4  1 Zombie without a name 

5  2 Zombies without a name 

6  3 Zombies without a name 

End Credits

This episode will end if all of one side‟s models are

Stunned, Dominated or are otherwise removed from


Victory Points

Not all of the standard VP rules are used in this

scenario. Only conditions listed below will award players

VPs during this scenario.

Victory Condition  VP Award 

Each Heroic Star or Co-starwithout statuses at the end of thegame 

+1 each to

heroes Each Heroic Star or Co-star withstatuses at the end of the game  

+1 each tovillains 

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