25 ways to show your wife you love her.docx

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  • 8/16/2019 25 Ways to Show Your Wife You Love Her.docx


    25 Ways to Show Your Wife You Love Her

    August 14, 2012 Doug Flanders Family Life, Marriage25 ways to show your wife you love her , 

    doug flanders, list for husbands, love, marriage, relationshis, rese!t 

    "he #ey to a su!!essful marriage is utting your souse$s needs ahead of your own% &ere are 25

     ra!ti!al suggestions gleaned from 25 years of hay marriage%

    1% Listen"o be truly heard is the longing of every human heart, and your wife is no e'!etion% (tsounds simle, but listening !an be harder than it seems with so many distra!tions around

    us and within us% )et aside some time every day to loo# into your wife$s eyes and really

    listen to what she has to say% *ou may be surrised at what you hear% +ames 1-1.,Matthew 11-15/

    2% CommunicateDon$t ma#e her guess what you are thin#ing or feeling%

    % Sing Her Praises

    )hamelessly brag about her good ualities and uietly ray about her bad ones% &erreutation is your reutation% +roverbs 1-232./

    4% Pray For Her and With Herraying on your wife$s behalf  not only enlists the hel of the Almighty, but also uts her

    and her needs at the forefront of your heart and mind, right where they belong% raying

    alongside your wife will strengthen your relationshi li#e nothing else% )tudies show that


  • 8/16/2019 25 Ways to Show Your Wife You Love Her.docx


    !oules who regularly ray together stay together, enoying a 16 divor!e rate !omared

    to the usual rate of 506 or more% +hiliians 4-78 Matthew 13-1./

    5%  Value Her Individuality *our wife is wonderfully uniue% Don$t !omare her to your mom, or your e'wife, or

    your old girlfriend% *our mom may ma#e the best !ho!olate !hi !oo#ies in the world, but unfavorable !omarisons won$t win you brownie oints%

    7% Put the Seat Downeretually raised toilet seats are a et eeve of wives everywhere% And while you$re at

    it, tidy u a bit% A little !onsideration goes a long way% +hiliians 2-4/

    9% Throw Your Dirty Clothes in the Hamer(t$s li#ely ust a few stes from wherever you are droing them anyway% Ma#e this a

    habit, and it will let your wife #now your don$t !onsider her your ersonal maid%

    3% Turn !"" the T#V#Lay aside the video games, o!#et the ihone, and shut off the !omuter, as well% (t isstaggering how many hours we waste ga:ing at some sort of s!reen instead of intera!ting

    with the real eole in our lives% ;ons!iously set limits on your tubetime, whatever formit ta#es% veryone needs an o!!asional brea# to rest and re!harge, and this is ese!ially imortant


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    for a wife who is at home all day with young !hildren% *et it$s very easy to negle!t this

    legitimate need unless you regularly and intentionally s!hedule time for it% +Lu#e 5-17/

    1% Set )side Coule Time)oa# in the tub together ea!h evening or go on a date night on!e a wee# ? whatever gets

    the two of you alone on a regular basis% +@enesis 2-2425/

    14% *e Care"ul with Female Friendshis=e all have friends and !olleagues of the oosite se', but tread !autiously% ot all

    affairs are hysi!al ones% &onoring your marriage vows means remaining faithful in

    thought and word as well as in deed% +Matthew 5-2923/

    15% +se (ood Hygiene(t is ama:ing how meti!ulous guys !an be rior to marriage in their attemts to imress a

    girl, but on!e they wal# down the aisle, all bets are off% ;lean u a little8 ( romise it

    won$t #ill you%

    17% Limit the (ross Stu"" Few women find buring and farting nearly as hilarious as the tyi!al guy does% @ood

    manners are always a win% +>hesians 5-4/

    19% *e Patient(n whatever way this alies to you and your situation, aly it% +1 ;orinthians 1-4,

    roverbs 14-2./

    13% Cherish Her ChildrenA mother$s bond to her !hildren runs immeasurably dee% =hen you invest time or

    energy in them, you are investing in her as well% Bindness to them !ounts as #indness toher% +Mala!hi 4-7/

    1.% Choose Her !ver Ho&&ies and *uddies(nvariably there will !ome times in your relationshi when you will be for!ed to !hoose

     between your wife and something else that you enoy% Always !hoose her%

    20% Provide "or Her ,eeds"his is so mu!h more than ust utting food on the table% (t is allen!omassing% =hether

    it is hysi!al needs, emotional needs, siritual needs, you name it ? do your best to

     rovide% )ometimes life$s !ir!umstan!es hinder us in one area, but we !an !omensate in

    another area% Cften the effort is as imortant as the out!ome% +@alatians 7-2/

    21% Dial Down the )nger*our !aveman instin!ts are handy on the battlefield, but horrible for a hay home life%>very outburst or flareu is a relationshi setba!#% "o go forward, the first ste is to sto

    going ba!#wards% Learn to !ontrol your temer or it will !ontrol you, your marriage, and

    every other ase!t of your life% ust be!ause your wife uts u with it and your !owor#ers tolerate it, doesn$t ma#e your short fuse an asset% Do whatever it ta#es to gain


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    vi!tory in this allimortant struggle that has haunted man sin!e ;ain slew Abel%

    +>!!lesiastes 9-., >hesians 4-1/

    22% Cut !ut the Condescension(f you have been blessed with a ui!# wit, you !an either be the life of the arty or a ain

    in the ne!# deending on the !ir!umstan!es% ;ondes!ension is anger$s younger brother% (tisn$t as loud or as dramati!, but it !an be eually hurtful and all the more so for itssubtlety% Lay off the snide remar#s, the sar!asm, and the belittling% )ea# to your wife in

    the same way that you would sea# to a rese!ted !olleague% )he is, after all, your artner 

    in the most valuable investment of your life ? your family%+, +>hesians 4-2., ;olossians-1./

    2% )ctively See- Your Wi"e's Insightsalue her inut and give it a referential la!e in your de!isionma#ing ro!ess%

    +roverbs 1.-208 12-15/

    24% Learn to ForgiveFreely forgive your wife$s ast, resent, and future offenses% Forgiveness is at the heart of the gosel and at the heart of every meaningful relationshi% +>hesians 4-2, ;olossians-1/

    25% Ver&ally ./ress Your Love"here are lots of ways to show your love, but women still li#e to hear it so#en%

    Cbviously no list is !omrehensive, and one si:e !ertainly doesn$t fit all, but hoefully this onewill romt you to !omile a list of your own, tailormade for your own wife% For any women

    reading this blog, you may be interested to #now that my wife has ublished a similar list entitled

    25 =ays to )how Eese!t to *our &usband% ;he!# it out and let me #now what you thin#%

  • 8/16/2019 25 Ways to Show Your Wife You Love Her.docx


    Also, for those who$ve reuested rintable versions of these arti!les, you$ll find the list for

    husbands here and the one for wives here, with an otion to rint either arti!le in its entirety or as

    a oneage summary%
