253733162 contoh complete lesson plan rph bahasa inggeris form 1 2 3

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  • 8/18/2019 253733162 Contoh Complete Lesson Plan RPH Bahasa Inggeris Form 1 2 3


    SUNDAY LESSON PLANS : WEEK 1 11.1.2015

    Subject / Form / Tme To!c / Object"e# /Act"te# $e%&ecto'


    Form 1B

    10.30 -11.10 am

    1. To!c  : Our Friends

    2. Object"e# : Students should be able to :

    i. create a profile about themseles.ii. introduce themseles to the class based on

    the profile that the! hae created.

    3. Act"te# :

    i. "eacher selects students to read the email in

    the te#t. "eacher e#plains a little bit about the

    email in the te#t.ii. $fter that% teacher tells students to create a

    profile based on criteria gien.iii. &astl!% students introduce themseles to the


    Te(c)'* A+# / ,(&ue

    - "e#tboo'% e#ercise


    - Friendship and lo!alt!


    Form 2$

    11.(0 -12.30 am

    1. To!c  : )hat *eople +o

    2. Object"e# : Students should be able to :

    i. read the e#tract gien in the te#t.ii. list do,n different t!pes of obs in ala!sia.iii. proide at least one s'ill that is re/uired for

    each ob.

    3. Act"te# :

    i. "eacher as's students to read the e#tract in

    the te#t.ii. $fter the! hae finished reading the e#tract%

    teacher as's students about their ambition.

    iii. "hen% students are re/uired to brainstorm thedifferent t!pes of obs in ala!sia.

    i. "eacher as's students to gie an e#ample of

    s'ill that each ob ma! re/uire.

    Te(c)'* A+# / ,(&ue

    - "e#tboo'% e#ercise

    boo'% mind map


    - ard,or'ing


    Form 3

    12.30 -1.10 pm

    1. To!c  : "he! "ouch Our &ies

    2. Object"e#: Students should be able to :

    i. ,rite a description about an inspiring

    personalit! using mind map.

    3. Act"te# :

    i. ead the te#t of Bill ates in the te#tboo'.

    ii. e#t% teacher as's students about theirfaorite public figures.

    iii. "eacher tells students to choose one inspiring

    personalit!.i. B! using a mind map% students need to ,rite a

    description of an inspiring personalit! that the!

    hae selected.

    Te(c)'* A+# / ,(&ue

    - "e#tboo'% e#ercise

    boo'% mind map


    - 4nspiration and


  • 8/18/2019 253733162 Contoh Complete Lesson Plan RPH Bahasa Inggeris Form 1 2 3


    -ONDAY LESSON PLANS : WEEK 1 12.1.2015

    Subject / Form / Tme To!c / Object"e# /Act"te# $e%&ecto'


    Form 1$

    10.30 -11.10 am

    1. To!c  : Our Friends

    2. Object"e# : Students should be able to :

    i. create a profile about themseles.ii. introduce themseles to the class based on

    the profile that the! hae created.

    3. Act"te# :

    i. "eacher selects students to read the email in

    the te#t. "eacher e#plains a little bit about the

    email in the te#t.

    ii. $fter that% teacher tells students to create aprofile based on criteria gien.

    iii. &astl!% students introduce themseles to the


    Te(c)'* A+# / ,(&ue

    - "e#tboo'% e#ercise


    - Friendship and lo!alt!


    Form 1B

    11.(0 -12.30 am

    1. To!c  : Our Friends

    2. Object"e# : Students should be able to :

    i. create a profile about themseles.ii. introduce themseles to the class based on

    the profile that the! hae created.

    3. Act"te# :

    i. "eacher selects students to read the email in

    the te#t. "eacher e#plains a little bit about the

    email in the te#t.ii. $fter that% teacher tells students to create a

    profile based on criteria gien.iii. &astl!% students introduce themseles to the


    Te(c)'* A+# / ,(&ue

    - "e#tboo'% e#erciseboo'.

    - Friendship and lo!alt!


    Form 2B

    12.30 -1.10 pm

    To!c  : )hat *eople +o

    2. Object"e# : Students should be able to :

    i. read the e#tract gien in the te#t.ii. list do,n different t!pes of obs in ala!sia.iii. proide at least one s'ill that is re/uired for

    each ob.Te(c)'* A+# / ,(&ue

  • 8/18/2019 253733162 Contoh Complete Lesson Plan RPH Bahasa Inggeris Form 1 2 3


    3. Act"te# :

    i. "eacher as's students to read the e#tract in

    the te#t.ii. $fter the! hae finished reading the e#tract%

    teacher as's students about their ambition.iii. "hen% students are re/uired to brainstorm the

    different t!pes of obs in ala!sia.i. "eacher as's students to gie an e#ample of

    s'ill that each ob ma! re/uire.

    - "e#tboo'% e#ercise

    boo'% mind map


    - ard,or'ing


    Subject / Form / Tme To!c / Object"e# /Act"te# $e%&ecto'


    Form 2B

    5.(0 -6.30 am

    1. To!c  : )hat *eople +o

    2. Object"e# : Students should be able to :

    i. read the letter ,ith correct pronunciation.ii. ans,er ( subectie /uestions correctl! b!

    referring to the te#t.

    3. Act"te# :

    i. "eacher distributes the te#t to the students and

    selects a fe, of them to read it.ii. $fter that% students need to ans,er ( subectie

    /uestions b! referring to the te#t.iii. "eacher discusses the ans,ers ,ith the student.

    Te(c)'* A+# / ,(&ue- "e#tboo'% e#ercise boo'

    - 7ooperation


    Form 1$

    11.(0 -12.30 am

    1. To!c  : Our Friends

    2. Object"e# : Students should be able to :

    i. ma'e three sentences for each ) /uestions

    gien to 'no, their friends better.

    3. Act"te# :

    i. "eacher selects t,o students to read the dialogue

    in the te#t.ii. "eacher then e#plains the use of ) /uestions to

    the students% ,hich is found in the te#t.iii. "eacher tells the students to ma'e three sentences

    for each ) /uestions gien to 'no, their friends


    Te(c)'* A+# / ,(&ue- "e#tboo'% e#ercise boo'

    - 7ooperation


    Form 3

    11.10 -11.(0 am

    1. To!c  : *ublic Figures 8Band 19

    2. Object"e# : Students should be able to :

    rearrange the sentences in the correct order. 3.

    Act"te# :i. "eacher as's a couple of students read the te#t

    about &ouis Braille.ii. $fter that% the! need to rearrange the sentences in

    the correct order.

    Te(c)'* A+# / ,(&ue

    - *BS odule

  • 8/18/2019 253733162 Contoh Complete Lesson Plan RPH Bahasa Inggeris Form 1 2 3


    - 4nspiration


    Form 1B

    1.(0 -2.30 pm

    1. To!c  : Our Friends

    2. Object"e# : Students should be able to :

    i. ma'e three sentences for each ) /uestions

    gien to 'no, their friends better.3. Act"te# :

    i. "eacher selects t,o students to read the dialogue

    in the te#t.ii. "eacher then e#plains the use of ) /uestions to

    the students% ,hich is found in the te#t.iii. "eacher tells the students to ma'e three sentences

    for each ) /uestions gien to 'no, their friends


    Te(c)'* A+# / ,(&ue

    - "e#tboo'% e#ercise boo'

    - 7ooperation


    Subject / Form / Tme To!c / Object"e# /Act"te# $e%&ecto'


    Form 1B

    5.10 -5.(0 am

    1. To!c  : Our Friends

    2. Object"e# : Students should be able to :

    i. create a profile about themseles.ii. introduce themseles to the class based on the

    profile that the! hae created.

    3. Act"te# :

    i. "eacher selects students to read the email in the

    te#t. "eacher e#plains a little bit about the email in

    the te#t.ii. $fter that% teacher tells students to create a profile

    based on criteria gien.iii. "eacher selects a fe, students to present their


    Te(c)'* A+# / ,(&ue-E#ercise boo'

    - Friendship


    Form 1$

    10.30 -11.10 am

    1. To!c  : Our Friends

    2. Object"e# : Students should be able to :

    i. create a profile about themseles.ii. introduce themseles to the class based on the

    profile that the! hae created.

    3. Act"te# :

    i. "eacher selects students to read the email in the

    te#t. "eacher e#plains a little bit about the email in

    the te#t.ii. $fter that% teacher tells students to create a profile

    based on criteria gien.iii. "eacher selects a fe, students to present their


    Te(c)'* A+# / ,(&ue-E#ercise boo'

    - Friendship

  • 8/18/2019 253733162 Contoh Complete Lesson Plan RPH Bahasa Inggeris Form 1 2 3



    Form 2$

    12.30 -1.10 pm

    1. To!c  : )hat *eople +o

    2. Object"e# : Students should be able to :

    i. read the letter ,ith correct pronunciation.ii. ans,er ( subectie /uestions correctl! b!

    referring to the te#t.

    3. Act"te# :

    i. "eacher distributes the te#t to the students and

    selects a fe, of them to read it.ii. $fter that% students need to ans,er ( subectie

    /uestions b! referring to the te#t.iii. "eacher discusses the ans,ers ,ith the student.

    Te(c)'* A+# / ,(&ue- "e#tboo'% e#ercise boo'

    - Friendship


    Form 3

    1.(0 -2.30 pm

    1. To!c  : "he! "ouch Our &ies

    2. Object"e# : Students should be able to :

    i. choose three ,ell 'no,n famous people.describe each person using the prompts gien. 3.

    Act"te# :i. "eacher as's students to choose three ,ell 'no,n

    famous people.Te(c)'* A+# / ,(&ue- E#ercise boo'

    - ard,or'ing

    TU$SDAY LESSON PLANS : WEEK 1 15.1.201

    Subject / Form / Tme To!c / Object"e# /Act"te# $e%&ecto'


    Form 1$

    10.30 -11.10 am

    1. To!c  : Our Friends

    2. Object"e# : Students should be able to :

    i. ma'e three sentences for each ) /uestions

    gien to 'no, their friends better.3. Act"te# :

    i. "eacher selects t,o students to read the

    dialogue in the te#t.ii. "eacher then e#plains the use of )

    /uestions to the students% ,hich is found in the

    te#t.iii. "eacher tells the students to ma'e three

    sentences for each ) /uestions gien to

    'no, their friends better.

    Te(c)'* A+# / ,(&ue

    - "e#tboo'% e#ercise


    - Friendship and lo!alt!


    Form 2$

    12.30 -1.10 pm

    1. To!c  : )hat *eople +o 8Band 19

    2. Object"e# : Students should be able to :

    i. match the e#pressions and responses gien.ii. read the te#t and ans,er fie /uestions


    3. Act"te# :Te(c)'* A+# / ,(&ue

  • 8/18/2019 253733162 Contoh Complete Lesson Plan RPH Bahasa Inggeris Form 1 2 3


    i. "eacher distributes *BS module to each

    student.ii. Students first tas' is matching the e#pressions

    and responses gien.iii. Once the! hae completed the first actiit!%

    the! need to read the te#t silentl! and ans,er

    fie /uestions correctl!.

    - *BS odule


    - ard,or'ing


    Form 2B

    1.10 -1.(0 pm

    1. To!c  : )hat *eople +o 8Band 19

    2. Object"e# : Students should be able to :i. match the e#pressions and responses gien.ii. read the te#t and ans,er fie /uestions


    3. Act"te# :

    i. "eacher distributes *BS module to each

    student.ii. Students first tas' is matching the e#pressions

    and responses gien.iii. Once the! hae completed the first actiit!%

    the! need to read the te#t silentl! and ans,erfie /uestions correctl!.

    Te(c)'* A+# / ,(&ue

    - *BS odule


    - ard,or'ing