2!i broad st., '• gliz^heth, 1st, j. · this is-nbt quality advertised by department atorea....

?-. ••> VOL. H-NO.33: :>V. CRANFORD, N.)., SATURDAY. OCTTOBBR 14.1890. T11KH1J CliXTS. * '•"'•( Best equipped tyarble>. Granite and Bluestone yard iti the State. ioouniesits and-Headstones, $y$xy de^criptiaq. - Best material aud\var.krtian&lup. ; prices to suit everyone. Get my cleaigna and prices before ordering your memorials. New sidewalks laid, from Oc. per ft up. Blue atone for all purposes. n. r. Whlppfe^~788FlprEt'6rand St, Elizabeth, H, r^teiM^TflUOlEY, kK AMOS CLARK. L. F. HERSH, VICE PflKS'T. E. A.FAULKS, CA8HICR - THECITi^ZEN'S.BANK, . 2!I BROAD ST., '•" gLIZ^HETH, 1ST , J. Dce»ft.General Banking Business ant] Sells Letters of Credit Available in All - Parts of the World. "Vw» Boxes in Safe Deposit Vaults for Rent. CAPITAL $100,000 SURPLUS and PROFITS ©IQi Undertaker and tmbalmc FOLplN'Q CUAIRS TO RENT. mmmmmm SlflMMI GIDEON E< LUDLQW,. iuist ru» ! Pair'sJJolp JMilfe j itsd* fruro U»o« and iwiintl muter -nut from - . " i>huM>tat« rock. : btlliurd bjtag«r tun.< BultabJ. ft,r Una, ««r ikaurrwni 7.' «r tun. Bulta ikaurrwni. IS AN IDEAL John Dtt»id»on, Bis*. B, Atmur, Win, A. tUuk. U. U. Uorain*, UrnitilMb II. T. Fotu. . John ticUamltew, I). ll.Lauylun. Aniua Clark. V.CUanb, hD, Vi Wm. McCi JolmN.ir Umu f. lianh. .«lu. Hut, UirluW Him™. UK.lto.iUi.rr, ii. lUrmnl Uham, A. 1). CWl Diecount day. Thursday. Accounts Solicited. Oranforct. , \ N , Weatflold. ...tIGHT... A clsan light, a purs light, on ornnmonUl light and an up-to-date is furnished by ©uiburban E>leots*lo Company PJOT T«y reaausabla ralea they give.electricity for heat und power. Coma and aoo . .-their station. It will cost you nothing, Talk matters . ;. JOHN SfARWN, o~ Dlstarico, »4 II. EUzabetn 254. KoaeUei TT Murray Street, }HOBTH Elizabeth, New Jersey. •—— ' —— - WANTi:t>-HlliinU<m arinlnl Fall aocS Wioter Resort, , ,F i ^R>.JK:.JIGlS7itocated;in\the'mld6t.off'ihe finest riding and driving section i - of the State. Jill Jlppointments ape Stpietly Fipsfe (^lass, 260 feet of glass enclosed piazza,' (40 rooms, k£^i .' ,. •'- - Spocior facilities for accommodation of driving parties. llath IjuiUlintf, Uuuiii Avenue. KARL \ OUANFOBD. N. 3.••' Iiyonu . . . ' - . . - Hi will sell iiO it.,-Advance Hose, Reel \titji Nozzle and fFashera, all complete, gaurauteed to stand Highfpresgure for This is-nbt quality advertised by department atorea. Wd also carry a full llna-orHoac, all »IM», and Hachanical Rubber Coods, Water Bags, Mackintoshes, «tc. EXCELSIOR RUBBER MANUFACTURING COMPAQ, 29 Vosoy street, To Clean Collars and Cuffs Is a Science. •Iraiml. Adilnu II. V. nnVifib aimst. Jrm-j Cilj. N. J. l» i^nKm,.. . .... Adilnu II. V.ramut tin. .A. Hicks, •Proprietor Summit, N. J. •hart aa Ucaallrs. ' * To on* woman win) la a p|irt»r* you wlU BuJ thiw who nn- Pc'i)|il(i d f t c i at'lual IIIBH. nav'» ilffll A wiiitinii will |m'«» hrr " Thl.1 uabaptiy Htati'of Jhlnun IHout fu- j tlrely due totin* ullnuy nay lu wlitt'li • n'Nh' i i uy y lol™ out illvilie ilioul- IIMI-H and 1'upld's iuw It la uion* uttvu a Kvnvral lack of undi'mtamllui: of croouiluic uud gowning. Aild lu tliU tht* paiuful In- wajr ti< u tiiirgittu" i.'uuntrr ut i1ali|(i lu llfi- nuil llmli nml |ilikiHH'k)>la uui K>>avtttjr, ritilliuit wlllj.11 .iMiljr.Df fitt-tim Kluvi'it wliUli will liiNt iitiuiit Uirii ««urlii({«. Tlii' wiu'iH wiiiimn will ifi: j to nu luruinpi'ti'iii ilr^HHiuiikvr uutl j IHIVI- her iii'iv itnwn riilmil In lln> iiiiiin j ut IM'UIIUIII)'. "Kitiuuiuy U winllh," Ouraucn cuuivrnlni; lilt- i-mv ut tliu , Bay<-lli tin-, wlm- HUW, but lint hi-alth ami mHlioilliil . tn-atmuul of | m«k,. l),.||,.v.. it.-uiiuiiiy wlili-h the hair and i-omjili-»Iou. ami you liuva ! riMUln-H ltm>ir il.-r.'nl» lt» own p the uialu nanuu* wily tlie world In no ! oml li>uil» lu .'iiutblUK lint tin. illr«nt uvi'r- U> (i'^y» lln> Kit* nurillUK or wuslu uiatihen. -I'urr (i I), fjurrvtt InWum un's Hume t'uinpaulou. -TM n..nii. ' Wliy did «ln->- dlicbarRV tb« "I hare to seoil my collars and cuffs to Now York," will a gebtlcminrecently*, •who never tried onr establishment Hinco hoscnt them to n» lie it utinfied that there is no better wort done ia Now York than we ilo. Our Unadry is not a small establishment, it i»an institution where laundry work is donaoua scientific buii. Oar facilities are unexcelled, only skillful workmen handle tlie laundry, lien'of oar own trade ara coming to look at our establishment and state that our laundry i* one of the best in this country. Wo can say without boasting COLLARS AND CUFFH are nowhere better cleaned than in i - < THE J\MEK\QM STEM 16 AND 18 WEST JERSEY STREET, ELIZABETH, N. J. SIOKET i I^llUE, 1'ropriotors. " TelejiboDe, HO Mutual. Onion Water Company Incorporated 1870. Organized I891. The Union Water Company supplies the inhabilaajs of the village* jure* "The Purest and Sweetest that Mature can Yield." women. . , raslily deciding uit u |iolnt of Out' of the greatest words lu lint | It I* fully Worth while tu nit dmvn nud Engtlah lamfuagir IH "Utuvse." The Bguiwout which In DIP m./h> pru'Mabl. man who known ibe meaning of this word laud, fronts by ltla knowledge usually cuiues out well In busluwm mutters and domestic oues too. Tbu woman wbu In equally will lufornn'dj tu what' Is lu good taste and "fit- > (Jrccn'i ting" la not only beloved by friends and aviiimlnuinii-H, but. aim lit well|. Ilrowu-U'ell. you nn; Dr. lluugl* poised til character and always good to >eut him to tin- drug store with a,pre- look upon. .. — jwrlptlvu, mid on hlH-wny tln>n'-MiTlb- -"'riw»Klfl-wlnf. Is Tf ftvll-Im-b-llt ln-r ;lilr*, Hit- nillln)r,K">"- lilinrtix'«'l»Iv licdruoui slippers gad who Invariably .j take to The Dally llugle. The Iwy got in a 1O|I heavy lint that would j Ihe two mixed, nud llungle's palbfiit ru- ou Human of ninjili', ii'luil nueb'a' niUtiin> Dint be dliM. proiKirlluiiH and regal ear- ! <Jm»«-—What .iMH-atue of tlnij pre- U 6U* of. the many tu whoin the »crl|itlipif/ word "(linens" has no more rutrnulug ]• llrowu-— OH. It WIIH printed nn than the yowls of a yellow cat or the JHcrlbble's IMJCIII iiml mudu »mU ia bit jtliat In- K"t *V>il fur It, nnd, •'»• |m'l»i'r JHlizucd a <'ontrui't 4otali* all In* rait iwrite for u.yrnr ut #10 n Jluiv-Cfevi.'- llanii " be Ill-raid." Soap far ('air f a n . . - Aa aoiunliiK iiieldeut liavtiened ou a Oaroudelet ntrttt car tlii> <>tlier "nfter- ! liooo. -Tlie-ear «-B«Boln«r.iioutb. At i CAVE OF HOU&Y. !ydraolic «p*rt of Botton^auulprcaioanced trhimtoUi"wat^<rfrrifttorgaiite frarity,*" sadia Utt«r to and of thaComptnj** patrrm* he add* "Yea sr* to b« cnscntalated apoo batili< to foul a Mppl7. uid joo iued h»T» 00 Kozietj, whaterer as. to It* whclt*oxn«a*fw. TU inunwt of th#Company i* idcoll&ed with th* *Wagtm in wbicb HM plant Uxwiad, Mod it t i tb» P ^ i T ^ i ^ 5^^ na * cm ^ 1 ^ la li * ' ^ •^•'v to promote U%ir srtmth ud pruapcrit*. ____ The Company Refers to all its Patrons. plcwHltocsU£S l*rti««bo 4o not st , terafc mctbod of acme*, «tc. w*Mr from it* msiox, ud Onion Water Company, At 63 Broad Street, Elizabeth* LamI stret-t a big, iwrtly wuuian got jllhih Find <>• reload WctmarVa aboard. On hrr arm she i-anrliil a -««»rU MuunUln <j«m» l'r»»»r*», large murki-t tmtii't that atiparrntly . A natural n v c of liwncy I* the latest was flll&l with* "bargain", purcliast- * ! uildltluu to th« rloln-H of Coluuvl JI(»i«'» from Home (Ji'yurtlui-ut «tort'. 'Vhrvo •{'. W«-tiuo?f. tin- Ijillllwiiolre St. Loulir- uilnuti'H after nl«! had sat down and jiwlllh'lau, wliunu Juimeliiw tobaccu In- dv'pqiilted ibe banket Iwtwtfn ln>r fwt • Itfri-ntH Were reveutly ntiaurbwl by tho on thu Hour IIIH conductor camvalung ! trust. wIlC'llw usual cry. "I'arc, pk-aw.'." | Thin i-avcru of-lioni-y, ai-cordlug to Tbe old lady opcucd her purse and , the Chicago JU-oord, lias Just bei-n dl»- begau ruuiinaiftug turougb the various - i-ovsrcd en l'olout-1 Wotinvre** 7,001) porkets for a nickel. Again and again mere gauw 'preserve-in the wilds of she went through It, but no cbaugo'.Tancy county, «<j inll.'» with of man to b»- found. Then she turned to Hprlnglli-ld, Mo. It Is a l a w tan- hid- UH-rouductur and Mid: . ' ileu from view lu one of-tbe «iont IJIO- -1 was sure 1 bad dared car fare, but toted spots of the Ozark mountain re- I. cattuut.flud It. t'live at the end of glon. Tbe been have probably bad un- your line and will pay you then." disputed -puitaraslo/i' ut thv cavo.f./r •Tnat won't do; muat bare yuur tfu,«- many yearn, for II appear* to be literal- now," said tbe fare talleetor. " ly Otlvii wllu~honey, Jum like a blve In "IV'ell. 1 baren't the.uioney." a well kept apiary. 11/JW far Into the wv, something, the valu» . ulde of the mountain thin tave extends quenttoii. * 'The ujouiu r filwut *ix-la-t lo dlauie- Tne old lady hesitated moment, ; ter aed It .prenentu a solid front of then put her hand down intu lira , boney comb. While tbirtx-es appear to haaket and dn-w out a bar of laundry [ be of, tLe couitnon spei leu, they are uu- soap and bandvd It to him. i uiually hostile. Ererylxwly In the c-or, biugbed. but; If this cafe 1» like the avenge Ozark tbe cuiulutU/r took the aoap and rang j mountain cavern It I* all the'way from op ber fare.—Ht. I>JUIH Htar. " one to two mile* lu l»ugtb, and If the hvuvy In built lu »<IIdly from end to SIM WAS LATE. Th* Klad Old "imllf ...an DIJ tb« l.'t- Illalntna K-'ui* Him. They »n; inldilli' ..iig«'d. inarrlii) p.:« nle now, hut ttivlr ucililliijt l».Ui-pl In grociicr rviiii'inlirunrr Umu Him .f iniiuy a couple n!iiii> 1111111I.-.I lu I'll- •unit! ciiuiimiulty. l i e o u t 11 ).'ii.u hnrdworkliig fnriuer nut n.ur Hi.' ml.) die 'or tl.» Utah', «h.' tlie l'|...niiliik ; duughivr uf a ueli;lil...riiiK f^riii.-i' t. In'. Illld illTUUIUhlLtl II l l l f r.iltllll.'. !l;l.l .1 tine trurt of limit; u jiri'tt'iiil.Mi* couu try bouif and u~fiimlly A1ml-»it* l.^kvl up In b"y iiiuni'<if Ulie't-'iiiinniniiiy*' Hi- I1111I W01U.1l bin own nay I.. II,.• fn.iii, 11ml there W'IIN iiotliluu II111I li>' in,liiiliid uiori; In yoniiK mini th.'jji II).' i|imllt:>i that had wmi hfin H\H II'-AX. S>. Him, for that Him Hi" ynuth'x 11:1111.•• ivn< |be KIHMI KIUII« of the falh'-r (it us of the duuyhter. Ou the day aii|H.lntrd for Hi.- *l[UK the Kili.'ittit. tii.ivc.l l.iuurd id lions.- from all .llnitl'MiB nml I 'kJllllH of, V«'llli'|..'H.' It tlflM ,| l.oli'lllj with tlii'in nil, KII.'IIII >M-.ilif-tl<.n<> In <lih ins in 'K««I In'. II.M.I. (In In liU i 'MUH'. eliliiK. I'lTnlli illitti'iiili'd uud to vn%n Ml II "«lni," MJIIIIIIH' fnllii'rHtcriily 111 Mm ild.r threw ,4iliu*i>ir fnnii Iho MIHIIII •. -"what il,M-t il.l» III.IIII? Voii'ti. njiMct I'urj Ililnu nnd llntllc'H ii'iuoxt cniyy. Ni.w. Mini.. IIIIVH- ymi lrt',11, to 1 mint linlloplii up' here li>ie 11 wild Iliillmi. llll.l the «.HIirjl hllka mntl ill«lril. li-dV" "Am t In.. I.ili-V" IIML.'II KIIII ••«. iti d I.I. ".lii^l n« I tfui rendy I Hen Hint n.-w lli.Nlrtli III'.V I IMIIIKIII brink nllt of llll> Hhe ui" mi' ih.. nil llri.l.,.1 ,IKI,,. ji,,| . i:..r li.ni.l..,f. .nifl l,|,i m,.,| \r \ .ti.in'i foriti-t ill...111 ih.' Hi.lilln till I run tbnt illl<r Inf.. Webb'* viinl nml tin- hind ir.hl told mi' Hie f.,lk» hint ciiini' O U T ll'T*'." . ' r k lull' of ii<i|iinlutiini.)'nl>!|i, rii-|i.iniii..ii.< for MterluIulliM Ih'" nwiul.hiu' 1 «••!••• i.f ttl<* tnimt elillH;rnli* iin.l h'".|iUiihl.' cliiirn. IIT. TIHTI- uua IIHIM' t'u>,\ i|,.u. In ordliuirlly provlilvd for n r.-^lhi.'iit of Knildli-ry. Them -nvre .1.1.r. nnd, appli'K by th»barrel, nnd I In- ml»l llml poured from tin* klt.lH.ru tvlifd.i'.vH UUM frelj;lited with nupi'tlidnK oilou. 'I lie tvnH tlii're. Hi., choir from tli' 1 little clilir>;h IVUFI Shcrc. nud <i f'»' n-l litlvex froni nbrodil iv.-re iherv t u r n ' Joy the fi'HUVIUi'S. '•';..• The bountiful (lil.le «ii» H.-f, On- bride itUH dri'HfM-d, tlu> pitrKon had I*" to (uove about uni-n^tly, uud Ih.' 1 <IIT WIIH nt hint until., nan rheV" "Not « 1,11." "ijl.iil i.f II.- TIIIII'H the uiiy to Ijiok ufl.r lldiijfx. Nmv you come t\»\il In end set. inilirlol nud let 1110 dn tin* pl.iltilu." Him nlii.jid, mill tiirri. waniieter 11 «-i»-iniTrhT Iliii.' nr iilij" i\ nil one's iiiurrin^e, - • • • • ' " i «•< 1 j<l wife, lifter vl»ltliys-Uie;-v.-niiidaT?J Reveral HIIH'H, callid her hii»t>mid 11* ; ( !iue Hlile and talke.1 brielly fu a low one. Then lie knitted hi* bn>w». miiuiied the road III both ilir.i IIOIIK and, HI uttered, to lilm-.lf. li.-fure loii£ p'ut. oirjdjr hnt, »l|{i[...il ijtil.-lly up the t.u.k »uy nnd r, ut HOOII 011 the roof, nutilH Ktti'lyliiiS th' 1 road. Then* were growl* from the 'kltcbwi .that tlu- vli.'tn^il-i Wi-r.' K<'ttlnj£ .old. aii'.l !•!..• con«f*llni; voices hiiinl lu th.» hrlil.-''* rnuii did ii'ilwrvi' In drovrit the «..und of fier wti'pliiir It uui u full hour ,after the time appointed for th" wid ding, oml the bridegroom had not ur rived. The old K'/iM'-iimri w nt alxiut I'^.k :.'5*. a ?:."!'.'i u . 1 <^'.!,','*;5 l ? n i"'!.,'~t.J.' u y, ."?.',"*•*. line. 'H'h* 'iuoi'iier' bravely brpt up ap^ ^ •pmrunrvir,-*nn<t •thf-iKrrwnr 1" bl/t open fare .watcb at leant twlr.- viKiy thrive inlnulen. The pre».'ii' e of I a crisis <-ou!d I"- h>',ird lu Hi.- lir. and . the general nervou»r/env Incr^a^-d the ttiiu! for It approached. . : "(ionlki" Bhoute*! a youn^ter who nan whittling at th" horse 1>U* k, "s. .- that feller ride," wtrt«i-a-»sri*of hSixj attlie dk-alnl by the- tmy'-W :'k«)fR blatl» and ' economy? It we scrimp and jilnch jfront. or they tnay have filled the en- saw a veritable ruiigb..rl<ler danhln^ every bit of swwrtnen* out of life, what'ore upace. This In a <|ue«!Iou that will down the wu<W»l hill imir a mile ', a heavy price we pay for economyl jnoon Uv determined, for Major McCann ; ana>'. Kven ou the »t.%-p dr«.-eut tli» UfU-u one may kise a friend or catcb jeipects to employ experienced bet- ! bor*e.wa» '.irgcd to hLi utiiiont, ajid is a dlostroot cold or miss a train for i keepers and have a thorough explored he trtralghuned nv.ay en the level it , soiaejlttle loljjrabl^polajof economy^, tioa mate. wulJ tc irui tLst I*' vus 'crueftjr ' . _ ' ' • • ; ' ' ' " " - - ' ' . . . . - ' ' " " " " ' «r Ttiat t» t«a»; MISSION AHY'S.NEHVE. Hun llr«. Mr. MrlioU livid a < hlnran II1.1. m liny, ' Tln : Heaniir Victoria, which ri-tciil. ly "rrlv.-.|:it 'rn.-inna, brlo^i* the fol- lunliii,- ndrlceit of n ilcupenili.' defciHn nimle by 11 ii'ilKxIotinry, Blujjle Imiided, u i;:t I tj"l 11 I'IIIIK-I- 1/10I1; The II.'v. II. VV.\l.h.ila of th,. j|el!|. odl*t It|'l»i'iip:'iriiil»>I.ili received two ji..i")i- telling'iii.tji -itinr >ir tin--'Ciiruriuii'i did not coulrHiiile ti.niiid Ibe rxiieiiHeK <.r Ibe Idol |i|iM)ii!.|iin the iulnHlumirli-4 be drlvi'tt nut or kllleit. uti)H flm 11U Itcpnbllr. The Inlitxlounry'x vv IH li.nr the mnrlliig phice i>r" ' Ih"'|ir<M'f«»l»ij, The nlni'ln were Jain- : incil nlth Hi.- |«i|iu|:i .... '||i,. |UOITH- • t-ion Niuj.fV'd tu from of ,\lr. 'i\l« IIIIIH' • r.-i|.|en<«. nij.l refused 10 go uny fur- ; Ih.r until Ibe t<,n-lj;urr* Were drlwu : out or klll"<l, i Mr, NMi'ili' fnuilly win- nil uwuj, ' find h- «a» tbe only foreigner pron-nl. Th.- .lo-.vd Ix-t'.in In baiter douu iln- ; fnint irate. The ml.i»!i,nnry iiiipcared ; ttlili 11 rifle |u.'|,is hand», n/id tlie moli 1 ti'd lo the l,». u ,;aie. Tliln wn« »oic» j torn down, Jin.] Hie irov/d rushed.Into i the.back 'yaril, >lr. MCIIOIH nr)'.,i „„„ '' i^hot. and .the mob .ng.-iln d|y.jH>j*w.(. In 11 Kliortrlirie.another, nlliulv HII4 -' WKjHie unn '&nwtiii-ixw l ,YVn&" ,i\i J " ••utly the leader npp<ared wlili n | all . fern. A well nli/ied nhut ili^tr.iyeil •b» light and Kent the leader away yelling, r.y IhN time Ibe uflk-lal* 110- I»are.|. arid Ih.' Crowd dliiiemcil. Kol- illem «.re left on gnnnl nil nl S ht. nml the «:iirl<i|;ini( HiMin rallied thi.j r forte* * -to protii t 1 he u>lmduuarjr. Tbrn l,<«.k llol For SaualU. «>• oilll bold Kv cup tlili UnuBJooU r,ut for Wlliluui Waldorf if Knglaud, now a qualified cay- for flie next challenger of the Ataerf'.a cup.—Itvtton Utobu. ' •'-••' S

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Page 1: 2!I BROAD ST., '• gLIZ^HETH, 1ST, J. · This is-nbt quality advertised by department atorea. Wd also carry a full llna-orHoac, all »IM», and Hachanical Rubber Coods, Water Bags,

• * • ^ - • ? - • * - *" •¥. i-, . V * > ' " ' ~

?-. ••>VOL. H-NO.33:


1*7 * '•"'•( Best equipped tyarble>. Granite and Bluestone yard iti the State.

ioouniesits and-Headstones,

• • * •

$y$xy de^criptiaq. - Best material aud\var.krtian&lup.; prices to suit everyone. Get my cleaigna and prices before ordering your

memorials. New sidewalks laid, from Oc. per ft up. Blue atone for all purposes.n. r. Whlppfe^~788FlprEt'6rand St, Elizabeth, H, r^teiM^TflUOlEY,kK




'•" gLIZ^HETH, 1ST, J.Dce» ft. General Banking Business ant] Sells Letters of Credit Available in All

- Parts of the World.

"Vw» Boxes in Safe Deposit Vaults for Rent.CAPITAL $100,000 SURPLUS and PROFITS ©IQi

Undertaker and tmbalmcFOLplN'Q CUAIRS TO RENT.


GIDEON E< LUDLQW,.iuist ru» • !

Pair's JJolp JMilfe jitsd* fruro U»o« and iwiintl muter -nut from -. " i>huM>tat« rock. :btlliurd bj tag «r tun.< BultabJ. ft,r Una, ««r


7.'«r tun. Bultaikaurrwni.


John Dtt»id»on,Bis*. B, Atmur,Win, A. tUuk.U. U. Uorain*,UrnitilMb

II. T. Fotu.. John ticUamltew,I). ll.Lauylun.Aniua Clark.V.CUanb,

hD,ViW m . McCiJolmN.irUmu f. lianh..«lu. Hut,

UirluW Him™.UK.lto.iUi.rr,ii. lUrmnl Uham,A. 1). C W l

Diecount day. Thursday. Accounts Solicited.

Oranforct. , \ N , Weatflold.

. . .tIGHT...A clsan light, a purs light, on ornnmonUl light and an up-to-date is furnished by

©uiburban E>leots*lo CompanyPJOT T«y reaausabla ralea they give.electricity for heat und power. Coma and aoo

. .-their station. It will cost you nothing, Talk matters . ;.


Dlstarico, »4 II.EUzabetn 254.


TT Murray Street, }HOBTHElizabeth, New Jersey. •—— ' — —

- WANTi:t>-HlliinU<m arinlnl

Fall aocS Wioter Resort, ,,Fi^R>.JK:.JIGlS7itocated;in\the'mld6t.off'ihe finest riding and driving section

i - of the State.

Jill Jlppointments ape Stpietly Fipsfe (^lass,260 feet of glass enclosed piazza,' (40 rooms,

k£^i .' ,. •'- -Spocior facilities for accommodation of driving parties.

llath IjuiUlintf, Uuuiii Avenue.


\ -i^m-'r.. >s r

OUANFOBD. N. 3.••'


. • . . • • • ' - . . : -

Hi will sell iiO it.,-Advance Hose, Reel \titjiNozzle and fFashera, all complete, gaurauteed to standHighfpresgure for

This is-nbt quality advertised by department atorea.Wd also carry a full llna-orHoac, all » I M » , and Hachanical

Rubber Coods, Water Bags, Mackintoshes, «tc.


To Clean Collars and Cuffs Is a Science.

•Iraiml. Adilnu II. V. nn •Vifib aimst. Jrm-j Cilj. N. J.

l» i^nKm,.. . ....

Adilnu II. V. ram ut tin..A. Hicks, •Proprietor Summit, N. J.

•hart aa Ucaallrs. '* To on* woman win) la a p|irt»r* youwlU BuJ thiw who nn-

Pc'i)|il(i dftciat'lual IIIBH.

nav'» i l f f l lA wiiitinii will |m'«» hrr

"Thl.1 uabaptiy Htati'of Jhlnun IH out fu- jtlrely due to tin* ullnuy nay lu wlitt'li •n ' N h ' i i

uy ylol™ out illvilie ilioul-

IIMI-H and 1'upld's iuwIt la uion* uttvu a Kvnvral

lack of undi'mtamllui: of croouiluic uudgowning. Aild lu tliU tht* paiuful In-

wajr ti< u tiiirgittu" i.'uuntrr ut i1ali|(ilu llfi- nuil llmli nml |ilikiHH'k)>la uuiK>> avtttjr, ritilliuit wlllj.11 .iMiljr.Df fitt-timKluvi'it wliUli will liiNt iitiuiit Uirii««urlii({«. Tlii' wiu'iH wiiiimn will ifi:

j to nu luruinpi'ti'iii ilr^HHiuiikvr uutlj IHIVI- her iii'iv itnwn riilmil In lln> iiiiiinj ut IM'UIIUIII)'. "Kitiuuiuy U winllh,"

Ouraucn cuuivrnlni; lilt- i-mv ut tliu , Bay<-lli tin-, wlm- HUW, but linthi-alth ami mHlioill i i l . tn-atmuul of | m«k,. l),.||,.v.. it.-uiiuiiiy wlili-hthe hair and i-omjili-»Iou. ami you liuva ! riMUln-H ltm>ir il.-r.'nl» lt» own pthe uialu nanuu* wily tlie world In no ! oml li>uil» lu .'iiutblUK lint tin. illr«nt


U> (i' y» lln> Kit* nurillUK or wusluuiatihen. -I'urr (i I), fjurrvtt In Wumun's Hume t'uinpaulou.

- T M n..nii. 'Wliy did «ln->- dlicbarRV tb«

"I hare to seoil my collars and cuffs to Now York," will a gebtlcminrecently*,•who never tried onr establishment Hinco hoscnt them to n» lie it utinfied thatthere is no better wort done ia Now York than we ilo. Our Unadry is not asmall establishment, it i»an institution where laundry work is donaoua scientificbuii. Oar facilities are unexcelled, only skillful workmen handle tlie laundry,lien'of oar own trade ara coming to look at our establishment and state thatour laundry i* one of the best in this country. Wo can say without boastingCOLLARS AND CUFFH are nowhere better cleaned than in i - <


SIOKET i I^llUE, 1'ropriotors. " TelejiboDe, HO Mutual.

Onion Water CompanyIncorporated 1870. Organized I891.

The Union Water Company supplies the inhabilaajs of the village*


"The Purest and Sweetest that Mature can Yield."

women. . , raslily deciding uit u |iolnt ofOut' of the greatest words lu lint | It I* fully Worth while tu nit dmvn nud

Engtlah lamfuagir IH "Utuvse." The Bguiwout which In DIP m./h> pru'Mabl.man who known ibe meaning of thisword laud, fronts by ltla knowledgeusually cuiues out well In busluwmmutters and domestic oues too. Tbuwoman wbu In equally will lufornn'd ju» tu what' Is lu good taste and "fit- > (Jrccn'iting" la not only beloved by friendsand aviiimlnuinii-H, but. aim lit well|. Ilrowu-U'ell. you nn; Dr. lluugl*poised til character and always good to >eut him to tin- drug store with a,pre-look upon. .. — jwrlptlvu, mid on hlH-wny tln>n'-MiTlb--"'riw»Klfl-wlnf. Is Tf ftvll-Im-b-llt ln-r ;lilr*, Hit- nillln)r,K">"- lilin rt ix'«'l» Ivlicdruoui slippers gad who Invariably .j take to The Dally llugle. The Iwy got

in a 1O|I heavy lint that would j Ihe two mixed, nud llungle's palbfiit ru-ou Human of ninjili', ii'luil nueb'a' niUtiin> Dint be dliM.

proiKirlluiiH and regal ear- ! <Jm»«-—What .iMH-atue of tlnij pre-U 6U* of. the many tu whoin the »crl|itlipif/

word "(linens" has no more rutrnulug ]• llrowu-— OH. It WIIH printed nnthan the yowls of a yellow cat or the JHcrlbble's IMJCIII iiml mudu »mU ia bit

jtliat In- K"t *V>il fur It, nnd, •'»• |m'l»i'rJHlizucd a <'ontrui't 4o tali* all In* raitiwrite for u.yrnr ut #10 n Jluiv-Cfevi.'-llanii "



Soap far ('air f a n . .- Aa aoiunliiK iiieldeut liavtiened ou aOaroudelet ntrttt car tlii> <>tlier "nfter- !liooo. -Tlie-ear «-B«Boln«r.iioutb. At i CAVE OF HOU&Y.

!ydraolic «p*rt of Botton^auulprcaioanced trhimtoUi"wat^<rfrrifttorgaiite frarity,*" sadiaUtt«r to and of thaComptnj** patrrm* he add* "Yea sr* to b« cnscntalated apoo batili< to foul aMppl7. uid joo iued h»T» 00 Kozietj, whaterer as. to It* whclt*oxn«a*fw. •

TU inunwt of th#Company i* idcoll&ed with th* *Wagtm in wbicb HM plant t» Uxwiad, Mod itti tb» P ^ i T ^ i ^ 5^^na*cm^1^la ^° l i* ' ^ •^•'v to promote U%ir srtmth u d pruapcrit*. ____

The Company Refers to all its Patrons.plcwHltocsU£S l*rti««bo 4o not st

, terafc mctbod of acme*, «tc.w*Mr from it* msiox, u d •

Onion Water Company,At 63 Broad Street, Elizabeth*

Lam I stret-t a big, iwrtly wuuian got jllhih Find <>• reload WctmarVaaboard. On hrr arm she i-anrliil a -««»rU MuunUln <j«m» l'r»»»r*»,large murki-t tmtii't that atiparrntly . A natural nvc of liwncy I* the latestwas flll&l with* "bargain", purcliast-* ! uildltluu to th« rloln-H of Coluuvl JI(»i«'»from Home (Ji'yurtlui-ut «tort'. 'Vhrvo •{'. W«-tiuo?f. tin- Ijillllwiiolre St. Loulir-uilnuti'H after nl«! had sat down and jiwlllh'lau, wliunu Juimeliiw tobaccu In-dv'pqiilted ibe banket Iwtwtfn ln>r fwt • Itfri-ntH Were reveutly ntiaurbwl by thoon thu Hour IIIH conductor camvalung ! trust.wIlC'llw usual cry. "I'arc, pk-aw.'." | Thin i-avcru of-lioni-y, ai-cordlug to

Tbe old lady opcucd her purse and , the Chicago JU-oord, lias Just bei-n dl»-begau ruuiinaiftug turougb the various - i-ovsrcd en l'olout-1 Wotinvre** 7,001)porkets for a nickel. Again and again mere gauw 'preserve-in the wilds ofshe went through It, but no cbaugo '. Tancy county, «<j inll.'» with ofman to b»- found. Then she turned to Hprlnglli-ld, Mo. It Is a l a w tan- hid-UH-rouductur and Mid: . ' ileu from view lu one of-tbe «iont IJIO-

-1 was sure 1 bad dared car fare, but toted spots of the Ozark mountain re-I. cattuut.flud It. t'live at the end of glon. Tbe been have probably bad un-your line and will pay you then." • disputed -puitaraslo/i'ut thv cavo.f./r

•Tnat won't do; muat bare yuur tfu,«- many yearn, for II appear* to be literal-now," said tbe fare talleetor. " ly Otlvii wllu~honey, Jum like a blve In

"IV'ell. 1 baren't the.uioney." a well kept apiary. 11/JW far Into thewv, something, the valu» . ulde of the mountain thin tave extends

quenttoii. * 'The ujouiur

filwut *ix-la-t lo dlauie-Tne old lady hesitated • moment, ; ter aed It .prenentu a solid front of

then put her hand down intu lira , boney comb. While tbirtx-es appear tohaaket and dn-w out a bar of laundry [ be of, tLe couitnon spei leu, they are uu-soap and bandvd It to him. i uiually hostile.

Ererylxwly In the c-or, biugbed. but; If this cafe 1» like the avenge Ozarktbe cuiulutU/r took the aoap and rang j mountain cavern It I* all the'way fromop ber fare.—Ht. I>JUIH Htar. " one to two mile* lu l»ugtb, and If the

hvuvy In built lu »<IIdly from end to


T h * Klad Old "imllf ...an DIJ tb« l.'t-Illalntna K-'ui* Him.

They »n; inldilli' ..iig«'d. inarrlii) p.:«nle now, hut ttivlr ucililliijt l».Ui-pl Ingrociicr rviiii'inlirunrr Umu Him . finiiuy a couple n!iiii> 1111111I.-.I lu I'll-•unit! ciiuiimiulty. l i e o u t 11 ). ' i i .uhnrdworkliig fnriuer nut n.ur Hi.' ml.)die 'or tl.» Utah', «h.' tlie l'|...niiliik;

duughivr uf a ueli;lil...riiiK f^riii.-i' t. In'.Illld illTUUIUhlLtl II l l l f r.iltllll.'. !l;l.l .1tine trurt of limit; u jiri'tt'iiil.Mi* couutry bouif and u~fiimlly A 1ml-»it* l .^kvlup In b"y iiiuni'<if Ulie't-'iiiinniniiiy*' Hi-I1111I W01U.1l bin own nay I.. II,.• fn.iii,11ml there W'IIN iiotliluu II111I li>' in,liiiliiduiori; In yoniiK mini th.'jji II).' i|imllt:>ithat had wmi hfin H\H II'-AX. S>. Him,for that Him Hi" ynuth'x 11:1111.•• ivn< '»|be KIHMI KIUII« of the falh'-r (itus of the duuyhter.

Ou the day aii|H.lntrd for Hi.-*l[UK the Kili.'ittit. tii.ivc.l l.iuurd idlions.- from all .llnitl'MiB nml I'kJllllH of, V«'llli'|..'H.' It tlflM ,| l.oli'llljwith tlii'in nil, KII.'IIII >M-.ilif-tl<.n<> In

< l i h

ins in 'K««I

In'. II.M.I.

(In InliU i

'MUH'. e l i l i i K . I ' l T n l l ii l l i t t i ' i i i l i 'd u u dto vn%n Ml



"«lni," MJIIIIIIH' fnllii'rHtcriily 111 Mmild.r threw ,4iliu*i>ir fnnii Iho MIHIIII •.

-"what il,M-t il.l» III.IIII? Voii'ti. njiMctI'urj Ililnu nnd llntllc'H ii'iuoxt cniyy.Ni.w. Mini.. IIIIVH- ymi lrt',11, to 1 mintlinlloplii up' here li>ie 11 wild Iliillmi.llll.l the «.HIirjl hllka mntl ill«lril. li-dV"

"Am t In.. I.ili-V" IIML.'II KIIII ••«. iti dI.I. ".lii^l n« I tfui rendy I Hen Hint n.-wlli .Nlrtl i III'.V I IMIIIKIII brink nllt of llll>

Hhe ui" mi' ih . . nil llri . l . , .1 , I K I , , . j i , , |. i : . . r l i .ni . l . . , f . .nif l l , | , im , . , | \r \ .ti . in'i

foriti-t ill...111 ih. ' Hi . l i l ln till I run tbnt• i l l l<r Inf.. Webb'* viinl nml tin- h i n dir.hl told mi' Hie f.,lk» hint ciiini' O U Tll'T*'." • . ' r k

lull'of ii<i|iinlutiini.)'nl>!|i, rii-|i.iniii..ii.< for

MterluIulliM Ih'" nwiul.hiu'1 «••!••• i.fttl<* tnimt elillH;rnli* iin.l h'".|iUiihl.'cliiirn. IIT. TIHTI- uua IIHIM' t'u>,\ i|,.u.In ordliuirlly provlilvd for n r.-^lhi.'iitof Knildli-ry. Them -nvre .1.1.r. nnd,appli'K by th»barrel, nnd I In- ml»l llmlpoured from tin* klt.lH.ru tvlifd.i'.vH UUMfrelj;lited with nupi'tlidnK oilou. 'I lie

tvnH tlii're. Hi., choir from tli'1

little clilir>;h IVUFI Shcrc. nud <i f ' » ' n-llitlvex froni nbrodil iv.-re iherv t u r n 'Joy the fi'HUVIUi'S. ' • ' ; . . •

The bountiful (lil.le «ii» H.-f, On-bride itUH dri'HfM-d, tlu> pitrKon had I*"

to (uove about uni-n^tly, uud Ih.'

1 <IIT WIIH nt hint until., nan rheV""Not « 1,11.""ijl.iil i.f II.- TIIIII'H the uiiy to Ijiok

ufl .r lldiijfx. Nmv you come t\»\il Inend set. inilirlol nud let 1110 dn tin* e»pl.iltilu."

Him nlii.jid, mil l tiirri. w a n i i e t e r 11«-i»-iniTrhT Iliii.' nr iilij"

i \

ni l

one's iiiurrin^e, -


• • • • • • ' " • i «•< 1

j<l wife, lifter vl»ltliys-Uie;-v.-niiidaT?JReveral HIIH'H, callid her hii»t>mid 11* ; (!iue Hlile and talke.1 brielly fu a lowone. Then lie knitted hi* bn>w».

miiuiied the road III both ilir.i IIOIIKand, HI uttered, to lilm-.lf. li.-fure loii£

p'ut. oirjdjr hnt, »l|{i[...il ijtil.-lly upthe t.u.k »uy nnd r,ut HOOII 011 theroof, nutilH Ktti'lyliiiS th'1 road. Then*were growl* from the 'kltcbwi .that tlu-vli.'tn^il-i Wi-r.' K<'ttlnj£ .old. aii'.l !•!..•con«f*llni; voices hiiinl lu th.» hrlil.-''*rnuii did i i ' i lwrvi' In drovrit the «..undof fier wti'pliiir It u u i u full hour

,after the time appointed for th" widding, oml the bridegroom had not urrived.

The old K'/iM'-iimri w nt alxiut I' .k:.'5*.a?:."!'.'iu.1<^'.!,','*;5l?ni"'!.,'~t.J.'uy, ."?.',"*•*.line. 'H'h* 'iuoi'iier' bravely brpt up ap

^ •pmrunrvir,-*nn<t •thf-iKrrwnr 1"• bl/t open fare .watcb at leant twlr.-

viKiy thrive inlnulen. The pre».'ii' e ofI a crisis <-ou!d I"- h>',ird lu Hi.- lir. and. the general nervou»r/env Incr^a -d a«

the ttiiu! for It approached. .: "(ionlki" Bhoute*! a youn^ter who

nan whittling at th" horse 1>U* k, "s. .-that feller ride,"

wtrt«i-a-»sri*of hSixj attlie dk-alnl by the- tmy'-W :'k«)fR blatl» and 'economy? It we scrimp and jilnch jfront. or they tnay have filled the en- saw a veritable ruiigb..rl<ler danhln^every bit of swwrtnen* out of life, what'ore upace. This In a <|ue«!Iou that will down the wu<W»l hill imir a mile ',a heavy price we pay for economyl jnoon Uv determined, for Major McCann ; ana>'. Kven ou the »t.%-p dr«.-eut tli»UfU-u one may kise a friend or catcb jeipects to employ experienced bet- ! bor*e.wa» '.irgcd to hLi utiiiont, ajid i sa dlostroot cold or miss a train for i keepers and have a thorough explored he trtralghuned nv.ay en the level it ,soiaejlttle loljjrabl^polajof economy , tioa mate. wulJ tc irui tLst I*' vus 'crueftjr '

. _ ' ' • • ; ' ' ' " " • - - ' ' . . . . - ' ' " " " " ' •

«r Ttiat t» t«a»;

MISSION AHY'S.NEHVE.Hun l lr«. Mr. Mrl ioU l ivid a < hlnran

II1.1. m liny, 'Tln : Heaniir Victoria, which ri-tciil.

ly "rrlv.-.|:it 'rn.-inna, brlo^i* the fol-lunliii,- ndrlceit of n ilcupenili.' defciHnnimle by 11 ii'ilKxIotinry, Blujjle Imiided,u i;:t I tj"l 11 I'IIIIK-I- 1/10I1;

The II.'v. II. VV.\ l .h. i la of th,. j | e l ! | .odl*t It|'l»i'iip:'iriiil»>I.ili received twoji..i")i- telling'iii.tji -itinr >ir tin--'Ciiruriuii'idid not coulrHiiile t i .ni i id Ibe rxiieiiHeK<.r Ibe Idol |i|iM)ii!.|iin the iulnHlumirli-4

be drlvi'tt nut or kllleit. uti)H flm11U Itcpnbllr. The Inlitxlounry'xvv IH li .nr the mnrlliig phice i>r"

' Ih"'|ir<M'f«»l»ij, The nlni'ln were Jain-: incil nlth Hi.- |«i|iu|:i.... ' | | i , . |UOITH-• t-ion Niuj.fV'd tu from of ,\lr. 'i\l« IIIIIH'• r.-i|.|en<«. nij.l refused 10 go uny fur-; Ih.r until Ibe t<,n-lj;urr* Were d r l w u: out or klll"<l,i Mr, NMi'ili' fnuilly win- nil u w u j ,' find h- «a» tbe only foreigner pron-nl.

Th.- .lo-.vd Ix-t'.in In baiter d o u u iln-; fnint irate. The ml.i»!i,nnry iiiipcared; ttlili 11 rifle |u.'|,is hand», n/id tlie moli1 ti'd lo the l,». u ,;aie. Tliln wn« »oic»j torn down, Jin.] Hie irov/d rushed.Intoi the.back 'yaril, >lr. MCIIOIH nr)'.,i „„„'' i^hot. and .the mob .ng.-iln d|y.jH>j*w.(.

In 11 Kliortrlirie.another, nll iulv HII4- 'WKjHie unn '&nwtiii-ixwl,YVn&" ,i\iJ"

••utly the leader npp<ared wlili n | a l l .fern. A well nli/ied nhut ili^tr.iyeil•b» light and Kent the leader awayyelling, r.y IhN time Ibe uflk-lal* 110-I»are.|. arid Ih.' Crowd dliiiemcil. Kol-illem «.re left on gnnnl nil nlSht. nmlthe «:iirl<i|;ini( HiMin rallied thi.jr forte* *

-to protii t 1 he u>lmduuarjr.



Tbrn l,<«.k l lol For SaualU.«>• oilll bold Kv cup tlili

UnuBJooU r,ut for Wlliluui Waldorfif Knglaud, now a qualified cay-for flie next challenger of the

Ataerf'.a cup.—Itvtton Utobu.

' •'-••' S -

wmm. %®?, MI



>.--,>'\x 1 * :


•mfA1 r'Tf •=!«

u ^m $m*:o

wi-.i i

$ &


• V '


i S




m*?*.^ • ^ OT


Page 2: 2!I BROAD ST., '• gLIZ^HETH, 1ST, J. · This is-nbt quality advertised by department atorea. Wd also carry a full llna-orHoac, all »IM», and Hachanical Rubber Coods, Water Bags,

(EF;r Gfranforb (Etfi^n.I'uliliatiixi oe r j ifoturday by

Ti« Cnsfd titan (lawpOTidUnion Avenue, On&fon), H. J.

guarded wilfa heavy esgises.' Cat. Ilibeof fles) Esfsfe.Istolan \Vediu»d<jr that ha full/ «i

-__-- — , . — . . . - 1 , •> uiaCra/ifurJ.\Veet,l.jr that first of Jt'oiembsr


*./»!*« ilnllrr. '— '


Tin: n-tlrruieuji u ( <,'r<>*.itiinrifrom tin- Ti.wimlilji CoiiiliiIIU-i(iioust- nit

willof r»ur*-t in liny

if? theVlifiwii fowuft f r y

j . cltliiT aniorif? theVlifiwii fowuf th<*"Citlu-n«"|inrt>>cirlii hi* ownillnllli't. An I-SIIIII/IIJII' wnflerjinu

Sir. Lynn uowpled thee ptmtul to ir i tnea »lial,f ir»wlM>s i ?"••-"""

to both* biggest «i*nt in liif history of I rf.illp J«!;'1 tbt'tnsfn atui la Cetttml Jfe* Jersey. *"f£

oflh'« orii?limlly only, nft'-r Much• iii(k'irl(,', «inj it Ima IMII'II hi" !i«»li(; f«r

'•'•'."•'.'*>iii«l)mi' jis/itti>rMirv, fnit bring Itirobust iiraltii, and his filnco tin the , .

Oini'tiilttei.- at n inert? <ju<iriuii maker Mr. Fred HreiUnbucber haa opnut Iwliitr luirtlciilarh/ atstwalile, Jo hand l»undryfnt!«,F«.ltbuilding. wherethfap|K.llitiiieiitofMr..l.<!,n'.ItnHklft nlj «urk can l » t w n in tlie variousto (111 ttit" vacancy, the-Tovni»hl|. Coin- utafea of ci»an.in<» you C W ) «««' tl

ThuraJay, Oc£j<l»£tJ3, BoatcrriUa trilllime a gala day. There will be a Bre-men's parade am] busies** men's carnlt si.At tout ten Ore cnoipanif* «ill tain line,on J eaeb m ill f>3T« a band. Th» buaiwctmen will hara about a hundred repre-nentativr f lats in lin*. In tlio «vsningthere will be a bicjc!e carnival, witliprizes. ' . • ' • • • •

The railroad ronipame* littve reducedthe fare*,and no i luubt.a. largo rruttdwill be ptmtul to ir i tnea »lial,f ir»wlM>sto both* biggest «i*nt in li h i t f

i itnt. tit •mil* «>unllirJo''') If. (MciMlt , Jolm H.m J AMimi Uc I Min-. * iiMJufitjr of

iml, lo tin- maim j • ( l/"lili«, f ituika HID

. lt*rt*Jilh.u*uu and l*il e*fjitj>. in Xttuomtt*Uit> In i\& lrtxr I"VT tliA vul«trnVrfftrir t>4 tcxM /*>r t)«« #iujl t/i«t}»Mp. to

tlM* *Qlil warrant i* (tirMtwI. »iU fa

umwmtmmm DAY o toyfMsis(wit. ni thh Unuiut f«ro-!ljlfi|r o'chtck- p. m.. «1flu» t^Wfi"ttilt l«Xi(U*,Oj*/» li(4Mv, 111 Hid (iMVU-

i, /ort

la finU

K »#.

. Win. KlamfftUer lUtui t

H n F. l i U*b».."«. U, r<m«r. B. (-.Ham*. •nA Hnt

itb tui*tr*t an t\\h n\m iff W

l Uiy K


I, A. I)

Jl* r,r» A. tUtfi. kv.Vt.iu/' *f:W W, block 11. let t.

M - a u i w r a north •f«jne«. B«7» with

lUiad HeiaUni, U. K. »t<wttr, C. St. Blaa-

r j - U m a o s s d gprioc&tiUM. Her* at B.

I-Unlon sod liirvmut.liitruw. Knawittt

lleraxni Uujfi*. rbilip Jaba a/., V, la<m.iri-TlJawJuiw.lW'olstu a w . 7 . A. Cos*.

aW—Valim and UnnAo a<«wuu K»»§ with1>. A. liitrrft, J.awj* Allan, otra. 8. J.t'-ui.



y. Thi» is another buiim>M Uiate|iouWf«c«ir»«nciJurageiin»fit from the


< F — . . . i | .vuui- ttaireaof cleansing. Vou can •*• themitteo wmlit u w)«o i-holw, for Mr. jr»n& a* they are in us* by gleocinjr ib'itniikif. U a li>v«l l i ia i l id liiislneaf. the window of Mr. Ureitenbucber'emmi, popular ill hl» district nnd the laundry. This is anSther businwa UIB!town ut luin». l lu i s unfortuiuitfi -> n - - -however In llinl tin- fulnji availablefur nmil liiiiniivfiuciiH In his districtliuvn IMTII IIWII 111% but »u trust tlmt

for Uin mniiy lililiiiluii of ^ m

. luiidfoiiiiiilMslnli on Ilic-purl i ,rjTu*Bdaynihtlart uemoiof tln< TowuHhlp CttninilM'M' In tlio popularity and eoaurcs for it __,,|'.OHt will nutot tuch to film. <.nM success. Prof. Itlcbards devotes*

I lull.Auu

. l>t.<>!SOI, tutu,

«a't iltu t.lmk 91,

Ma>r» w ' l (liw fMJ.ll,« u lot 2.

Min'. «w't due» t r

T| looi>miit ' ( foft l ied»nciog«-1a«»««rie8m 'J 'oe6 i la j n!«M b t l t l

.•lamw < O < w » aaa't itua (V!U>, block Hfl

1WI<H1U IbiDianii au'l <iu* #123. block 2711 lot s.William IVklU). aM"t .lu. $m, Muck 2*9. lot 2.William II. MI.K aw'l dun fta, UUxk CO

lot 1. . * -llarrLl.C. Wrat, I-Ms»»l ilua M.M Mock Mllurrul I'. VVmt, 1-10 ain't dua /If.71 blue* M

lotiM; " ' ..., llarrfet (.'. U'e.t, 1-13 taa't du. ffl.M U'ick MI l o t 1 . . » • . . i " . . •

(datlw A. Hlnw au'l iliw ftU.M) bliick 58 Baitn l / SU fl. lot <Anna M-Klrlh aaa't ilux/U.'itl IJiu-kJiil tut!:All Unrka ami lou »wv<»«lli«t t<* aewor nutft.

at ttuf jiaJo. fflluirwlJM, f h * |*n>pa*rfjr fr i l l b n t a[ i l i l . • • • ••

>•"> aitp.ni.

•frompaint*H.1-4.M. J.tB,a.in,, S.W. 4 « p . a.Ftum point* ms.l-9.17 a, m., MS, 6.U.

v _ . . ^ . . . U U W I I WI.T» iieurrpBnii is t o teach »6iue"«f '

tho putt of lint tuwiiHlilpx, to iieciliti' l»te»t appruved tlgorea in dancinjf.r<-i-(>K'ilti<>ii of thi'ir Just.'VlaliiH bi'forc "xi,o U'ciln«dnr nyjht «hi«t rctainti

*. tlm county riiitventlofiH, llrnt Hii(fgi;.«t- its usual interMit »i th the players andf d by. Tim Clllzt'li, _liiw bwn trtken 'up additional tablra are brought into requl^-nnd • iidvii'ati'il Mninifty toy "II tin' Bitum.|«j[!cr«i,>Ml!t'x'i»uiityrnit>,iiIi'tliflcltli'S>

• twtli IX'MiiMTHtk'mill Ili-piilillfdii. Alluu;i\'a that only iiy

(iermon * i t h | 'w'uJTf'ui'lmtiil.lhltibinmothAiijolOirlo

TbsCracford Library—Operi House,Room A.. Opou Tuesday, Thursday »ndHnturJay afternoopa from 3 to S oclock.Ona year's'auUcriptiuu 63,00; weeklysubscription 10c. ' '

Kvoryone'ia cordially wulcoino to comeI anil inspect the books,.

9©«®«®* If


Cranford, H. J.Avenue, v » —«f-I All work dons strictly by hand and can ^^e^. seen

in course of operation.STANDARD PRICES-


CSatlaafciotlon Ouaranteed

The Board ofmeeting Honda

Serriceainlhregular hours t

All fruits of tlat LusarJi's coi

Have you trie.c«areT .If not 1

Kev.WB.Jitheir Bernardsv

H*!l >IJ/fl llUA.CIlAM».'ulliK'tiir uf

Public Sala o! fleal Estate.VUt'RCll IIIIIKVTOIIV.

Metboditt—Uxtttod on Walnut avenue.Preaohlng' eorviuo eucli Sunday a t>M a 11 1J 7 « r ' < »

night euciirs holds itsontf theatnuaenumts of

and to judge of (he number

Tlie Kntcrtainment (Viinuiitlpol fie acbeilule for the'l»

VlllIullH toWll.sllil . . , „ „ ,. .MM m- , r . . ' , ' ', .i , , . * . ,. ,, , lirruilL'iil the acbedulo f..Ihiciued In fnvnrof ,lty ««,«IW»U» tout^aMtt.„,,,,„ w i ) |

for County Otork. ««.l Klu.rlir by v'AUtm^,,Mrm.lm.prumlavs which mi; BI.'IIIUIII orkept. It Hclualon tliutlluuntoiiof Kllzuln-tli,

I ( ^ . «.,.L.« nffi u j n u u o nextI'Viilo)- and will continueracb sucressive

Tll<T, roiliotwf, tu wltitui tlv

«rl»lfl.tt*»iUlf IASKI f(ir tliVfmlit^f(iwnaiiilil warrant la (II w d j . w|ll ,,a

HONDAV. THE THIRTEENTH DAY OF NOVEMBERw i t . a t ! !"• I . — . « • • - •••'• •urit, at ll.n liotir ,.t<iiwu.l,l|ir.«>iii«, Oj*i«•» llw laiuli.

, ji. in.,,njil tn

tottot ..,„ __tak. u* aauifcana'S.. tuctfi!,™


iMMiimlMil»*(!rii<wlml'»JlilJl(:vii«oi;Ka'diimiit t»rm, not cji-«<ain«idirt» »wr«,i,icii anr purwun t.r pt-iK.Di will u«ri<e tuain«idirt» »wr«,

.Di will u«ri<e tu«*( wltb luteravt

ta frura

school 12)..,._...Ji Ixingue service each Sumlay

. Prayer meeting, Fridays, 7.45 p. m.Epwortli Ijeague uieots each Wednea-

Junior Ijeugue meets eaclf Friday 3.30p. HI. . :

iJiroAldHiiclotytueets first Thursdaynionth.


STAPLE GROCERIES.• • • • . '••• '. •• V •

flooil Coffi-e, |»rlh llic.Pail Coffee, jierlh.2i«!.Best ColTeo, ' tier lh 32c.Comlessed :nUk, can To.

Missionary .Society meetsThursday.each nionth. - . .

aj-rLocated on Union nvenuo. ibotioliiliiatt.-il by this rt'inibtlruna furl , . ,Hli i - i l f f . n i l - H . « . - I « I » - '•• -••"-•• |c • " *

I'utt lirtir* M«UI«n.

Tlioiiow furiilturo fur the post offlcoorrived y(ia(<irdiiy mill ia bolug rapidlyplaood in |Hi«ltion,'I'o i(ivo uuirt) roumfurtha olnrkii t» vviith tlioimrtitliin I'ontniii-iag boxes uU>,, IIIIH bium muved uwircrtheduor about four fi>ot. I'mlinnetiTDerby lias niftdn 11 o!tmn Httrcii iif tliu

i l l . , - - .».•• •iiti'i, • ! • inn

iiouuinUlnllon of inlvcrtloinnmils _ nndnotices on the walls of the 'room, andivlion tho |iroiuiaod vnrn|al|ingiiiduiii< itwill provo II tfrout ohntigo for the better,

No ward bus ooino from \\'<isliiiigt<inns to whether Buy of tlio applicants furtho job of delivering . Uncle Hnni'tmall about town ptisaod tho dominationheld in Kpftonibcr, t u i b y oinuilur <lntcilOct.13, tho United StatoH Civil fiervicoCommission announces that Huothcr«pociaTeinmin»tlon will bo held by itapust-ollloo Uiard of ojcuiuinors in Oran.ford on Nov. 4 uoit, coniiiu-noinu at 1) a.iu , for tho |Risition of cnrriiT in thvjiostOIUUP. This %vuulil Boom to luilicutntlintrjnuo had pnssod tiupt,. 7. .

Thovminlnutioii will consist of BJIl i I . - . • • • : • • • - " - ' • '


lttb-ll, USIOCif t OABI'E-NCK.All palms aro perennials of woodr,

flbruUi nature; tbi'ir ru&itmcliun andorKiuism rank neil to tlu> grasses, andiiiosl of them obtain a high ago In orderto bear blossoms. Tltrir oat oral stationsar« as various u tlitrao of ths crcliitlsaudforna. Home of them grow in thetropics near tho coasts, therefore theirVulturo iiuito difflcult, others are foundinland aad on top of moaoUins. Thperiod of growth in all palms is • slowone Palais arc nerfrdensest.. This

i n i i d t h

Public Sals of Beat Estats.

t Van ford, In ttierouiity vt Vuiuu, t<Mfmti£tWi.«.

Salmon, -per can . 10c. Reliable Flour 55c. •tresh lobster, can We. 11 I VAfTITfl Kllsbury Flour 706.,'Sottsod Mackerel" We. f I I IBI-j j \Lj Olive OB qt hot. 25b. I

'BostonBaked lteanslto. , * . 1 ' * v u l ' ^ OliveOU p t hot 16c.!Olive Oil 1-2 pt. but. 10c . . '-'.•>

'»•' ' Dunham CocBanut U> o0o ,J - . • Dunhamcocoannt 1-2 15o /

• ,. Dunham cocoannt 1-108c . •'.":•

CONCENTRATED! SOUPS, assorted, par can 10c '

HAY, STRAW, FEED, <MTS*jM M » » a a B B a a « a » » « « « " — • " « " — — • - - • " • • " ' • " •' - • • J " "

• sThelow

lii<rtHllUuiii<fila anil real tmlatp, in Uii

..I i iui» fur Uii) aaid lu*iwlii[>. It) wluita lh«

KOHMV. THE IHIRTIErH DAVCF OCTOBER H£XTat tliu liutir of luiM.VI.H-lt ii. m.,i "

st ti-rpi' n t

wunltip, well thoami tvni *«tiita

C Vi:.Nl>UK, fortiirt> x f

Tlioviuinlnution will vunslstof Bjicllinysrithmntio, loUer-wrlUnj;, jirinuiunahip,ojpyliij; from plnih copy, MiMJiirupli)- oft l U i t d S

p y j ; from plnih copy, MiMJiirupli)- oftlio United Statt»andrti»dingrddilreSw)*The uritliiuutio will conuiat Uf tctits jntho tundanivntal piiuciplca, i\xtcmlfnH«« far us uomiiion niul dwiinnl froi-tlntmand embracing probleniB. / ' ' •

Tlio nge limitations fur this exti f l l

this exauiinaSI and 40


lion urt) as fulluvn; ... V.....11 .1 unu i uyears. AppliuanU f^r-carrier uiust neighat least VSi pouiul», must be uot IIHHthan T> feet 4 iDeluvs iu height, and mustIIlo with tlioir appliuntions a medical

""!ato, oh I'\.tin 1111, ehmviim tlionilulunJprUiortHjuircHl weight nnd

„_ I, and t o possess tlio'rt'ijuiri'dphysical qnnlitlcbaionB. No appliratiuiiwill be uucepteil for this ciatninittioii im.loss tiled iu complete form with theboard ut tho post office before tho hourof closing bueiuiisaon Nov.,3.

For application blanks (forms 101 andim #..11 '.- •- - "

. —... HV.^l.UUIHWUk.

condition irevidentIbat Iho' palm .*•-ijuiros for il» dorel^ppaent euri»tantuuqrislment from the dailv decay ofsuiinivl and vegetable matter.^ The raiupodotratej tl/y »oll and c»rrie»do»*n in-to Iho dP|>th|iach f.KHlb/ which thesoroots are bonf fltlnj. Iu observing thiswo arrive at the conclusion that the

'f of nptirUlinicnt j» very defectiveinour hands. Tho conae<iucuce

tharofofii is •plainly "irjiildo in their

lint .tiorU-stwtilrttaiiy i^r^u or | »

ou «t liio ratu uf twvlYttpercwuimn frtun tint

(l^hkVtinitilml &DJ n luty

, ut lUIKIJC Vi:.Nl>UK, forot nxetimUnir ttiirt> x-nm, for|»m»ni will Btfrtvi t« tnku

/ IHtnirl l*inwTl( UMouw aiiil lulV <HV.


tax Utk-- J3.W. ; ?In milt WiAKlsiiifr A

I BOfinUuMS of gro*tb. anil d m n g DUt at'I tlio point* of lbs leaves. ' ^ . j

The tranipUuling of paliua is notdone as freqacntjiy as with other plantsbut remain ia ilieir vwiels many rears,or uutil all nourishment " cihaa»tcJ.Fertilizing therefore is an importantfactor. In the culture anil fortilizipgwo taka in con»ijora'.iou only suchspecie* which, as above mentioned,grow iulauil in the vallevs and on thehills.This is1 the group which tobelonK"tht) iiriucjpal contingent whichUH fur our ilceorativo purjjosoi. A

*sti'oml group of • few Jialnia wbii'li »IO

WlUlam Clark, tttdiw.tl3.7A au atrcl. liauKetc., OotMinml Ate., Mujpr r»rni. It. 1M>1. 3.

Auuu>lu« Krwrtie, tiu tfuo. (fl.85. \, arm, <Vr.liiluixmaBil lain. 81... IU lliit.4.Aimlo II. Kliin, loi duo, |t.(U, liauauand lot 3.II. »:»town map, '|£al. Amil.'JI. AlwaUT, tai dm-, t .SI. '* lut SU

II. ii; u lut I tl. 93, town in Hi1-Tlu.ma.Mo»rv. tolitllo, W85, loll 1,3,3, mi.Ii«ri lul I, II. tu. town mni>.Anol* li. I'irklo. tat .tur. Ili.SI, lulu I,:, a, II.

J. town niiA>

Junior Endoayor, chapel, JUondoy at3 p. m. X

Clospel saf'vlco, chapel; Friday 8 p. m.OARWOOD Chapel,—Sunday services at

m., 8 ii.in. ;Iyer Meeting Thursday 8 p. m.

Christian Sciense-Services held atrooms occupied by tho Itoyul ArcanumIn tbo Opi-ro House Ulock. . . .

Services every Sunday morning atJ l o'clock.

Hunday-school after the services,iiotuhnir Itoomon Miln •troet.openuaek

ilnva from 10 a. in. to O p . m. whereChristian Sclonco literature muy be

obtainedTestimonial meeting at the Heading

Room each Wednesday evening at eighto'clock.

Episcopal—Located North avenue, eastof river.Sunday services at 11 a. m., and 7.30

p. in. ,-• [ v

Sunday school 9.30 a. m.Friday, Prayers 5p. m. • •• •Vestry moets first Thursday in each

month ut 8 p. in.I'arish oircle, first Wednesday in each


en. place, ia f

Meals at allMjers, North av,

' Ht. Chsa. PoHaas., during' tt r i p r - .

• ' MigaEdith E-for an extendedN. J .

CallatA.M.S' "chasoaFallauit

here as in the cit

Mr.Fred'kBol. TueadaThi»t,whi

course of art stutThe Junior E]

* Methodist Ch'urcsociable to be liel

The regular me• U. will beheld at' ' Wm. Hughes Tut

Mr.- nnd Mrs.,rented their houeaad have taken 11 ]tonllall. . ' '

The contract ISchool grounds 1Robert Newton/iThursday. 7-

Mrs. Edward ].started Thursday •atNewark.N.J., .about one month.,Mias Agnow of >

th V r ' W o m e n

The ElizabethtownGas Light Company.

• • • • • • • ' • • .• • • • • • - — I - . : •

Suppliea-gaa-to-the people ol Cran-ford for^ighUmd fuel. If you imverieverWd gas for cooking purposestry it and you will be pleased. The7

Company will furnish and Bet allutensils necessary to uae gas forxfuel.Avgae range is ' ^venient. ,

AddreBs the Cotupan/at1.124 Broad/' street,




l»*.tt^.Y«IMTl». H. ln«n

\ in. II. Niblu, lax IIIIP, r-.K. tut :u>ti> £U3 iu.clu«iiv. II. 'JU3, %u*n miHK

I^UIIo l;..miio., lui ctiio tt.M), lut 2 II.town <»»'

l'«tlu«ini>ltowumai'. . li, t a i ilui), «*3,lN,~lot I, II. S03

p, ae . |«dn)swbifh aat tho coast -require' oilier el«-

mcotJ foii thvir existence) than thoaefound ihland. A faw of the specieswhich Bcrvo onr parpose are: Arvnga,

j-oropplication blnnUs (Forms 101 and attalea, carvota, chjuusedorra, toryplia,.1110, full instructions, specimen tutnruln. griscbaclii*. kentiopsis. livittonja. phu.'-alioa questions, nnd other informotioo, n i , , pritchardia. seaforiia, tliritin«x,apply w the-«i<oretury of thu biianl af aslrooarjpm.calarowlt-eroxvlon,eiauiineM ut this post otuY*. Tlioaowho jprop,,, geoqoma. kentia, lataniatook the September «muiimtlon. an> c t t f p u s , pinanga, rtapUis, thrinat.eligible fur the new examinationiprderytf. m ^ . t ^ . 3 l a r t a I o i p | ? g p ^ ^

" "*.' * /" • soil; 3 J>art» half rotted J leafmonMinAUurr.-. " I part pest mo», tnrvea; I part powd

The Trolley. Company has worked e r ed alate; I part sand. 'alongonSouth ovenuefor tho past six KCTtiliier: ToSOpaita of abore soil

weeks in a very liesurely manner but nUtSro aJJ 3 rarts wood auto, add

ihat their exUnsion of.franchise granted Z-vfiHi-**• onrty in Sejitembor "required " th'Mt all " Wlt*"th»ilo'reIdpmenT of new le»v«work bo finished beUeeu Crntoniiial * n d " X > t S ' ' ' " "*" l o **•«* c»>ur» byovonuo and Lincoln a\cnuo b.v OctuU>r '"PP1?'11^ "S^id nourishmeot. some of13. On either bii'e of the bridge the 'ij? •» l c c i e t ne«ding this earlier thantracks had not bevh laid and much * * n o t h e r »- I I » recommended thatBrading»ns to bo dono, so there hut n*.9 0 o l > M * l u i u r i o u »6»«thieevident ,been a grunt hustle in that section a ' " ) l l i d r < x ) < l b e a u PP I i e d«id the supplyLast night about 150 men were kept at con t lDUKlB»Ionira» th«_p!ant nfmainV

k b th l h f b h i i 1d ih*" *a n i* "veiwt"Th J ^"«rork"hy tlio lightof boniirfs and a, tay-\ i"* ;.'*m*. • T-. -TT- . - . - , - ^ wriad of lanterns, makinj; a very picture- ta c o n U m Mofe-nitriven a* well n«Wjuoecene. - aulphate of potjsh; aiote we obtain" Itwoatheintentioutoshift thq cang t h r o u ch barnyard manure;

, ot midnight to the D. iO. imsainc and o r »"joe«lhorio ""nmoniac; nurate, fromplace tho tracks ii. pillion tlier... but - o o d M h M o r f°tv&-tbe-^R. Co. early got qn to the scheme If you want trodeldverti^ in Tuxand kept .tne cro^ios continuously "---• i B I



. Tuesday evening, prayermeeting. Thursday evening, Christiantiudeavor Society meeting, 0 P.M. TheUnit Monday of each month, trustees'me«tlnK, « l'.M. Tho third Monday ofeach month, deacons and pastor's meet-ing. 8 P.M. On the fourth Monday ofeach month, general Church meeting, 8P.M. On tho tirat Lord's day.i " 'month, tho Lord's Supper will be8;« P.M. , ^ - .



Adjoining Opera House,New Jersey.


Boot and Maker.

. S7;, 5T3,. J.jbn J. DIUon, uu il

\V. U Ciornian. I u Ju.<, 01 ita., lut l.'.V IL 1?.liuiiiv (luioan,u«du.'04ol». lot IVI. H. 1».Annir Jtnllliu, laa ilu<\ 04 rl«.. lot-1WI. I), i l .William 1-nlki-r, I n duo, (U\ luta UVs HV, HO,

I;I, 1;:, ITS, I;I. n.7.llMiilfiiiaThackatmr. lax dw, SI ct»., lut <U&,an. 1 .ltrl,tit)»'V«nn<, <i\l ilno, 81 eta.,

a a.IV^mrTit mutt tM>intulf. tirfnr thiWiltnva uij liunil. thU Iwculfcicl.tli ita} ot

• j u i f i \ «i TncoiwuiA. C«A»K, *'nlli<ctor,


Carpenter and Builder,



A now department has/recenUj been1 f»ti>bliahed conaiating of

TlN&ARE, ETC.Give me a call and inspect my large

- a&sorrJnent.


DIEDRICH KRBIE,Carpenter and Builder.

KASreclAlso a full line of

Cigars, Confectionery andTToys

j NORTH AVE.Sent Flro House

JOHN ISENMANNWashington Market Butcher ' .

~ AirKinds of MeaU and Provisions

City Dressed Beef.(No Embalmed Beef)

Daily froo deliveries in CronfordT Ordersmay be left at residence, Springfield sve.or stand 102 Washington Market. N. 7 .

M. F. WHEELER,. • D U U t IS

Lake Hopatcong IceJtojfl, Cran font.,


E. K. ADA31S' ' 'Agent/or

Geraan. American fnsuranco Co.


yAWTED,in this vicinity a farm of

125 acres or more with goodbuildings about a mile fromrailroad depot. - Send fullparticulars to

Louis L.couDERT,.97-IO3 Cedar street,

New York City, orCranferd, N. J-

F.lisa m. Edith Blake,

Teacher of Singing.Instructions!ten at th* Hlaan Olaaabrook and

Rmuforil School. Himdaya aod TbomiaT*.

'Tuesday afternoonNext Thursday!

JPurcell will becomC. Hodgson, the wPresbyterian t'hjGreene will tie the

Contractor J. GMonday on the 11Statioaa at AsbuJohn Wate/son hascarpenter work'.are also figuring on1>. L. 4 W. U. R at

TheSt.AguesUuintend holding a 1Conundrum Thura

.afternoon and evenof Mr. It. Pulton onf reshments and nnin

Thursday night XMclntire of the TimetC. a. McCully,;Telephone Compsnjtelephone franchisearranged that the (meet the Committee

The first meetingCluild of Trinity CTuesday at the residHtarr. The attendagreat interest manifcwas elected treasure)to secure a speaker f<meeting**


^Onfais presenting, direct eimproyementa to.'pmade. On Miln agrading property isthe finest cut etonoare being put down iimanner.1 Mrs. Margaret $Ilosaville lost Tueadethe sidewalk by a laqher. In falling herbadly, fracturing so8tu is doing as well abut will be confinedsometime. .

At the MethotKst-]Tuesday evening Oo'clock. Rev. P. RSiPark Church, Elizabeoil "Temperance." 1some {Music. Mrs. SiMr. Thompson will sijally invited to attend.

Heinrich Imhorst,morning in Flover Howr ere he has been for



UNION A\-ENTJE& OTERRT ST. i 2 1 2 B R O A D S T .AND BE CONVINCED. T w o J t i h u t e s F r o r n D e p o f | :_EU2ABETH,

_ , FOR SALE OR TO tET. , ' POITCsi-i •--«»--=•'. ^i. EVERETT -

UtllHi}.call with


a m i c l w r t n l t y M l i t fF I R S T

er, at cornerof Springfield and Centralavenues. All improve^

CRANFORD N. j . | meats and perfect condit-


3£5xamixViattruiXh N. J



Undertaker Gray brouCranford' in the affuneral Bervices>will9'clock Monday, by".cumbe. Mr. Imho»tacd one daughter sur<

A meeting ot the 1Adams, to help alongsheriff nomination- W04

:: day. most of those pn"'Citizens." I t waa^under the guise of " Itry to arouse enough <so called party "machi;election of AdamsCounty. Convention,vrMting his time. Hoiihica for sheriff nomin.


Page 3: 2!I BROAD ST., '• gLIZ^HETH, 1ST, J. · This is-nbt quality advertised by department atorea. Wd also carry a full llna-orHoac, all »IM», and Hachanical Rubber Coods, Water Bags,


The Boanl of £ « ? t imeeting Monday night.

LAUNDRY.W<firCranford, H. J-j

and can be seenion.



Reliable Flour Goo. •Pillsbury Flour 70c. jOlive Oil qt bot. 25c <[JliveOU pt bot 10c. J

id, per can 10c.


e Ganrood Chapel at th»regular boars tomorrow.

All fruits of the season can beobtainedat LusanJi's confectionery.

Have you tried Hinkeldey'shandniadacigars? . If not give him a call.

Itev. W. B. Judd and wife returned totheir Boraardsvillo home today.

. place, iB visiting friends ia town.

Meals at all hours (quick order) at' Myers, North avenue restaurant.

Ifc. Chas. Fox has been iu Boston.Maaa, during the week on a businesstripr— .

Miss Edith Everett will leave todayfor an extended visit at SergeanUville,N . J . . - - ' • • • • • "

Call at A. M. Shapiro's store and pur-'chasa a Fall suit. You can do as weilhere as in the city.

Mr. Fred'k Baker sailed for Paris, onTuesday last, where he will complete biscourse of art studies.

Tbe Junior Epworth League of theMethodist Church are preparing for asociable to be held Oct. 27th.

Tho regular meeting of the \V.. C. -1

TOWNSHIP COMMITTED teoardo* l&atth. JT«» A.Th» r*saj« Sepyaabe* BaSetiag of tbe. to » e o • ten year

«*s*Sup Oooaalttee *** h«2<I Tuesdaynight, t o r n of tba £ i» iswabera, Messrs.CromweB, • Ttsorapeon a s j Helnlirebeing preset:.. GKassitteeman Lvotxotthe Third ©airict, resigned bis "office,aid J. C. W. Eioifa was earned to filltha-»aesbcy" created, uotiltha Spriegejection; l*tt!» actual business vasae*tttBfiisib«d, alstoegh icBch tuna »as4«« i« l to discusaioa of the variousKi»Uera brotjghl up, bat all,' importantor otherwise, c » t t U sans fale, referredto Committee, aod llitea sub Commit-teea were all the same aa usual, being in

oi Cran- - /'r6u Jiave ' spurposes ''ed. The7

set allfor/fuel.

Jind con- •


JSENMANN. 'ukot Butcher "i of Meata ana Provisions

©ssed Beef.unbalmod Beef)srieainCroiifont Orderswaidence, Springfleld ova.mhingtoa Market. N. Y.

iWTED.nity a farm of' more with goodboat a mile frompot. Send fullto

IOUOERT,.Cedar street,York City, or

Cranferd, N. J-

of Singing.tk. HIMM Olawtaook aad 'UotuUji sod Ttwndari.

>m the Farm.tso ,

iblesin Season. -tADDENFARIi,.CflANFOBO.N.4.

• • = ? !

U. will be held at the residency of Mrs.Win. Hughes Tuesday Oct. 17,at#p. ni.

Mr.- and Mrs.. Robert 6aetier haverented their house-on Hampton streetand have taken up their njlode at Hamp-ton Hall.

each ease. Cromwell, Melntire, .aridThompson. Iacpea "meeting, on all

except rajmeat of bills, ourTown OaossiUss hare a dazed. helpless,wontjer-wbAt our-rsfibta-arei way uf dis*ciiasisg masters before them, and in subGjmmitt** «o»k it must be tbe sant*,for no deficit*- report on any matter iserer brosght in by such sub. committees.Nona of t t» rvioea OsatMttjwaappoint-edatthe Uat anal proceeding meetingshad any report, to make other than•progress."

After the teaJity: and approval of tlieminutes, Mr. P. W. HunlwcUiuieJ theattention of th» OjiucuiUee with refer-ence to the damage dose his propertyon South arenae by reason of chance ofthe street grade at the time the trolleygrada was approved. The trolley peoplehail raised the miadleot tbe street to thebear grade, in one place a raise of twenty-two inches, but they had oat raised the

y « fi forproperty on rt>r«at am, . laying tor twoj<?ara fteerued} perniiaskaj gnated,. Rath i DoyU asked for permit to

ooonecl with aewer the Be»«%wnyKoiiaeaoo Claremont, r W e and 1V»-pect street which waseranted.. AlbertC also applied tor ftswrt- i*rmit.

Lincoln eve, shi«b «as granUd.The todemnity Cooiiiany iaiutng the

bocdof Treasurer Uclntiro atknl (prinformation «a to that official's prwnthabita, conjut t, and general morals.This, it was explained, nas only a mat-ter of furm, ami the Olcik was directodto assure the cteipany i f the «bs»liit<>coniitterice the (VimruitteB rei»««l inTreasurer Milntirr.

The Ct41ectorpaid sewer aesenmenU for


TSstabliahed 1865.ptuuiecau surmm c«rt»e»»»o».

Ferguson andinsurance' and Real Estate.


Dix Building, Elizabeth.Oay School Opens Sapt.'G.

NlghtSchool, Sept. >

in all its branches.Q»M9iJRA l NrC1.5p»!i t i» .K

issued while y.ou wait. Rates two-third* lower thanFire Insurance. i

sidewalks anJ gutters to correspond corhad the Ujan authorities ii.no * i . Whenthe grado o f a aireet is <cbsnga must, include, t t * whole width',lidewalka and all. Thii whole mattorhad been litfore the Committee formonths, but so action .bad been taken

I and su far aa appearancea show BO act-

IM advertised tor sale. &ator inthe evening the Collector r#iuinJ«lChairaiao Cromwell that it ttuuld be u«llto appoint ona of the committee ttv rep-resent theJ]\uraa)ri]i at the tax sales,which was done; Committeeman Mc-Intire being nam'tsl. .

t comuilttve on Centennial avenuehad uoreport to make, simply "progitiss;"nhother forward or backwanl not stated.CoumiitteemanThampaun, to ohom lhi>application for a light in front of (IrantSchool was. referred, reported "progress,"but as usual nilh matters coming fn>mthe Board of EducAtion, there, was (tvi-d#nc«d (Wided opposition to tho grnut-ing of.-tlio reqilint. The o>miuilt««which issupixMod ti>Ge looking inlo tlu>


•t; renter Now York Office 1*4 Vint', Street,

Money and time s a « d .Thorough Inttructian, lirge't

. ludi.ldual, by Te'«hch«rs ofBuainsa* bperience,

You nro Invitotl tocall,,or wrilo.

NEW YORK BARGAIN SHOE STOREJiali$fc4 ISloolc, Crmtfoitl, IV. J.

Boots Shoes & Rubbers!A First ClaSS Hltocmaker kept constantly nj|

! on hand. An inspection of my j^nodn is iill«!"I ask. Money refunded if £iiodM 'arc returned (}

," -; ifnjrt. i i«i..i•n|i


House. Sign, andFresco Painting,

Plain and Decorative

Paper Hanging,- *\n l

(.ilasH. t)il. Paint, Varnislita

and Wall Jhiper.Cranford, • New Jeraev


alleged overcharges of thetlie collector had nii'rrport t'> Hmku «?i

The contract for/jfrnding. Sherrom~ . , • ._;* ™- •" ' j , 1 — — •—' ••"" mtm ™a/t^"*"*aa*i*.«'»» v&auw u i f »«.'•.•

School grounds. h^u.been aword«l to U , was inUnded. Mr. Hunter had baerii/and the work started promised at the last ngular meeting by

I the chairman.; pr». tern, (Mr.McIntyre)that tbe street would be put in propershape at once, and he wanted that prom-ise fulltltled. Mr. SIcIotyra broke in attbia point a partial denial and a state-ment th»t the raise of grade Jiad irjj-proved Siy.'JIunter'a property^ .. The


Mrs. Edward Everett and daughter.started TJfursduy on a vieif to relativesotNewark, N. J., eipecting to begoneabout one month.

,Mias Agaow of New Vork, will address^h» Voun^g'WomonVTMiasionary Socfetyj

Enginpe.r X reeland hud no repjjrt (Vllierthan rallingattention to the fact thatmany telephone and other poles on Southavenue eni'rosclied on the street. Thisthe Committee |ilntt>d in rhargtt of DIPKlectrioC(>.,theiiiiitter will be lookedinto. _ -,'

The Clark rrimrtud that- u lire iiiKiir-K>licy uf (LOKt. on the llrolinuiso


f l u ^ ANI. ( A W t!.W, «..V)

I B.I1B SUMil.fnr (Thin, il. I'loiit a i v i

. : ' ;•- ;S. BL0CK,;Pr1ipV.6LOCK, J

, t.,, ,:| :,

, N. J.

. as

•Tneiday afternoon..

Next Thursday, night Miss FlorencePurcoll will become .the wife of Mr. VV.C. Hodgson, the wedding being, in thePresbyterian Church. Rev. O. KGreene will tie the knot.

Contractor J. G. Moors starts workMonday on the new Central UrilroadStations at Asbury and AnnamlalelJohn Watefson has the contract for thecarpenter work". These contractorsare also figuring on a umv station for the1>. L. A \V. It. R. at Bernardaville:

The St. AgnesOuild of Trinity Churchintend holding a Itotl, White and BlueConundrum Thursday, Oct. &,..both

.afternoon and evening, at tbe residenceof Mr. R. Fulton on NoVth avenue. Re-freshmentsand small articles forBale.

Thursday night Messr^Cromwell andMclntire of the Township CommitteemetC. G. McCully, representative of theTelephone Company, to talk over thfltelephone franchise matter and il was

'' arranged that tbe Company's attorneymeet the Committee next Tuesday night.

Tho llrst meeting of the MissionaryQuild of'Trinity Church was held onTuesday at the residence of Mrt. W. E.

- Htarr. The attendanee was large and, • great interest manifested. Miss Lakey

' was elected treasurer pod it was decidedto socure a speaker for the next monthlymeeting?"

' ,OD Fairview Manor Mr. F. \V. Hunteris presonting. direct evidence as to howimprovements to.-property * should bemade. On Miln street the work otgradiDg property is being tlnished andthe finest cut etono sidewalks in towaare being put down in the most thorough

tfie thairilisti usrtJ iii t gavel, but'* benMr. Hunter proceeded to ahW that whilehe was paying full tales he was being de-prived of incooiafnwn rents. l<y reason oftha coniiitiiJJi uf the elr*elv he was de-clared entirely out of order..

!I>A. Rath, repreaenticg his oivnilruiand other contractors, sant«l tu knowwhy the (3.00 rebate on thecosi'of sew-er permits «as returned to owners in-stead of the contractors, who paid* suchcoat when making application for permit.Any rebaU ahoukt goto party payingmoney in lbs (ins pist*. It was foundthat no provision is made in applicationfor- rebate to e<j U>cuntractors,but somearrangement will be made to take care uftheir interests hereafter.

Mr. B.W. llale brought up the matterof |tieortttiua uf poW tiiroughuut tliotown ty ' f l i i Suliuriai'"Elrctriiif tijrii-pony. These polea were oat tlie kind pro-

Btul one off 1(10. (.n the ling |M>le wouldshortly eipire and thai he had recvirmlrrnswals thxrvof froin Jos. \V. PorgiiHuuata'reduceil rate. On'motiou of Mr.Molutire the clerU was instructed to IP

It i» known to evcrtl>odylu Craiiford that the Host and Cliuipest nl».-i»puri'liaHo • • • • • . . • • . . - • . - •

Clothing, DryGoods,5hoes&Hats


Window Shades ?: " " " " '

ynu.iuritii.'«rCufUinV\'-iuti fm null Ail) j , , , ,

'» ''"I '"•'« ••nri»i»,,rW.. tv,c.-.Mil W. « j . l lUIHIVUH "!)• •« «,nii|il,,

V_i> Kill mil ni).n,,i.i.||i',,,in,.,,im-,lnmfr»rtr...!,.,!, t.V,M.nrtli.nl uil.l f.( I . .; ,„. , , „ „ , ,nl l«n| . i i l l ;n |

- i s a t -

cut the flag pule henceforth wi|l not bocovered by insurance. > •

A l)ill for K> presented by KngiuoerVrralsnd for services attending Court atKlizabeth ro. the Cook suit was hungup ns Chnirmsn Cromwell did,\uu%think ho was entitled to inoreOmii ruguInr witueos feus; Other billa urdeivdpaid wore:

Prices and Satisfaction Guaranteed

W. W, GRA^j Union Awe. CfanforrJ


• L O T SFllltKA|,Ki)N §8

manner.Mrs. Sfsrgaret Maroney while in

Jlossvillelost Tuesday, was thrown tothe sidewalk by a large dog jumping onher. In falling her wrist was twistedbadly, fracturing some of the bones.She is doing as well as may be eipected,but w'll b? confined to (ho house forsometime. •,

At the Methodist • Episcopal Church,Tuesday evening October 17th, at 8o'clock.. Rev. P. & Simmons, Pastor ofPark Church, Elizabeth, N. J., will speakoil "Temperance." There will also 4wsome {Music. Mrs. Simmons and "Rev.ATr. Thonjpson will siflg. All are cordi-ally invited to attend.

Heinrich Imhorst, died yesterdaymorninf in Flower Hoipitsl, New fork,whore he.hais been for » m » time past.Undertaker Gray'brought tJbe remains^oCranford' "in the afternoon and thafuneral Bervices>will be held ftt* threeo'clock Monday, by Rer. John Edge-cumbe. Mr. Irahor.t leaves a widow«nd one daughter suiriviiig. t

^ A. meeting of the friends of E. K.Adams, to help along his boomlet for

- - - sheriff Domination-was> b*ld-last Tue«>•day» most of ..those .-pirtwa)-being:- good•"Citizena." It wu-decided this ti«neunder the guise of " IndepeBdents," ,totry to arouse enough opposition to theso called party "machine" to secure theelection of Adams delegatea to the(County Convention, but Emmor agrafting his time. Houston is the sore

'ibica for sheriff nomination. 1

lsinB U the life of trade."

videdfurin th8irfracc!u«?.but uhst Mr.Hali? boat wanted to i know was hisrights as a property o-.rJior; »hfthpr, ornot th'e comjAny could i place or reuewpotes on his property, without his con-sent ThUalso bruogbt up the matter ofteUpbone franch j r . as, lEe telephonecompany; use Ufa ^Electric Company'spotes to string tfaeir win* Muchtime-mattars, ami there was a great burrow-ing in old p-'tprn, without axiy betteruudenstnndtng.

Mr. Cromwell Bakl ..the matter wouldbe."looked up,™ ami the whole was finallyreferred to a committee consisting of thethree mrmber* of the Town Committeepresent, but Mr. Half did not grt theibformattun he cama for. . Mr. Tbomp-son 'stated in. thia connection that hebad notified the Telephone Companythat they would have to apply for a newfraneltaeasd had received a letter fromtheir representative, saying that fiewould attend this tattlingot TOKUCVMU-mittee, but a confusIOJJ of datea hadprevented. Meanahie the company aregoing ahead crgardJea.

Mr. Winkle brocgbt to tb* attentionof the meeting the filling up of culrertand ditch in front*>f the Felt propertyon Springfield are. This would cause atail overflow at tbjs j«tnt ami render thestreet impassable. Inferred toThomp-

J.frendergast, roadsC. U Winkle . "U.Ifradloy : -V, M. BIauvi.lt " .O. E. liudluw "II. E. Atwaten "J. Ilobaoii" ' « '*•Suburban Klectric Co.,M. I t Thompson, runlJ. Hchindler, |»ilicoJ. Ileonesay ••.l.KuUn~ '--'-•iT...V~7-";r;7I*. J. ninduiibi'rger, |wlk'«(ieti. Neumun lire ucwuntA. II. Miller " ••A. II. Craft " "

sowur arc'i

4 Ms-11 61HKl

4 W>:i tltf

'JO (XI;) (.»

' So IX1

1 U)5 00

- t 603 75

J'fi .10U !£>

Cranford Citizen, pointing 'Mrs. (lloasun, |xx>r Bcoiunt\V. N. Gray, board of health acc't 10 C5S. T. Blarfilmll,on aco't iuu

•sr lb

atoii >VinulfW, T. i juJir of William-

i', ui-ar Columbia, H.

son, but after decided to bea matter for Freeholder Adamr to at-tend to—another chance far Mr. Adamsto distinguish himself was afforded intbe matter of • dacgeroas bole in cui verton Orange avecse at New Orange, thismatter having been brocgbt to the at-

dereon ^ . „ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ - _

A letUr from Chaod^r Biker, of New-ark, as attorney roc Sever ContractorCosta, was read. This stated at lengthbow Costa bad ascincied tor sewer workand afterward* roste "cad bees cbacg-ed, sbortasicg tha distaste, bat m«Hrgheavier catting- Mr. Biker demasdid


C . lias Junl rc-turued from a bicycletrib. tbrougb th« \vlMi-»t muuntalu r«-gUJu of HiKtcru North Carolina aud

la that thu natives up'ln Traunyl-cuunly have fuuhil, or Iwllrt'cd

Ibiy have found, a cure fur connump-(lon. su)» tbu Cblciigo Inter Ocean,

rimedy Is woriui Ihuu tb«dliua»e is a matter of opinion.

II Is a Ktuifular fact that In tbe uiuuu-talns whiTi- coudumptlv^s go for rvlk-fcousumptlun SIUUIIK natives Is not un-dumtuon: I'rufcsHor Uuilfr wan sbutvua faiun who nan said to have lout allbut a. small part of oue Ivuig, whvu anulj Indian doctor gave him a prescrip-tion. He followed lustructluns auil"lsnow strung anil robust. Other <-uu-sumptlres are using the formula withbrneflclal results, causing lucreanedeoimuniptluu of whisky aud <Iestruc-tlun of rattlesnaki's. The preocrlptluucalls for two (heads of' rattjenuakcx,tatign, puliton bags and all to be beateaup Into One powder and tbi-n soakedIn llquur. The liquor Is then taken asmedicine. ,

Carpets cleaned ami iunde over, furniture repaired

and puJished, inattrcMHCH inside <5ver, willI guaraiitee to

keep carpctH free from inotliH one yeiir. _ Work ilonc

at .your luiiiie if propoticd.

cH.iR5c«NiD Charles Sheldon, : , - -

I'. O U u x UOl, Ci;aiifor«l, N.J.

Medicines and Supplies.Now in the Time to buy for

fowlH Healthy. ii

Keep Your

I'iU'illi- avonue.r«eniix aveiiue.. Union avciiui?.

i..', t

liii|llir..iiM.|,|,, HI,J..»illk». I.•'ii'. Tvu iiitiiuu*"«iii|k fn.i

F. E.C.Winckier, owner.

PAUL JIITTIMER.Shaving and Hair

Cutting Parlor.lltmiill, ll |«m Ilimaol

Feeil our BANNER Ivgtf Food an.l Tonic, .25c pert fan, .r) CUUH $I.0U,*2J1OZ. ca.se $»M

CJive it a trial, it will pay you and to et Ivg«» dur-ing the Winter. Our. Grand Catalogue ofMailed FKISI5 •; '

5-8 of i Cent per Sq. Foot for a in.- Mesh No. IQ Wire•ruK'Ki'KiiUAi.u 0K'r«riib-riKN(iiii '

H I m l i Alcnli No . IH Wire .I! ill. KVi19 Iu. tl.tli St Ui, «IJW:'Wln.li.l<;iIII. p.Mjfciu.fJ.IMilX IU. «3.J^ W ill.il.^.'iil i t . $?t.l/l. • • .

•£ Inch Mrsli No. Ill ivlri*.U III, Hit", 14 ill. 11.11; 2( Iu. tlJ"; 31 ill. ».',,1Ji Sin. $2*1'. 4- In. |9.SV| iH In. $J.7&[ tM Iu. $i.fiVi i

Our Brand is the

A iiew rtiuetly for tuberculosis, de-veloped lo Krauce, has be«a reported tutbe state department by United StatesCommercial Agtnt At well at Iloubalx.It Is a treatment called to tbe atten-tion uf the Academj of iledlciue byT>r.Ileiidgl,' and conilsfs'"of"tb»" daily

Into the branchial tube* of

I liH-li'Mi'Nli N O . 'M win-.If In. i.'.V7! H 111. |,1 \»; u |». (Ms, »| )„, .-, it,Mlti.iD.IV; i:ii,,t1.i!i Mill. SH.;5|«« III SIUI'» l a . II2.W. •n.«ii,4.,

Wn«ll(>w nill«i,iii,t i,f |i) ivrri'iiloiiSur mum

IIMUIUII mini >U|.IM IU i«fil« u t ||, cniuirnsbuit l ib , l»»t«ij».

"EXCELSIOR."t'<in«tiititl}r im htuui Irictilntfir Kapid




IIPHOL8TERY.Hair Muf.trw.iuea llumutlo.

, ' )•: lt-i.nn 11 (J|»Vru HIJIUM),


uid Kiiilder(Room 9, Opora Itouuo,1 Ijtliiimti-M fiirnliiliml |ironi|itly,

l^nkn, kiiiibn, Imtta, wrottit, iiriita of nilkiuilHuml KMiiiiul Imrclwitro for

H llo Ut K'lli«i|ii|l;|« pnilyl.

* i

Hli-fl.; iVfnkTns'i'.-JMiMHb'IO/iiffTrHtiHfir,ptr. p,

Oiiiut nuil Mwtiur llnlir InruW'ir*.«u-l>. IV»tl»MtaWl>« l l . -H lucii

essence of eucalyptus, tbyme and .cinnamon, held In solution of olive oil,Tbe oil. la deicending. slowly come*

lInto contacty

tbe wailj of tbe tube

ttereacder be catitled to caepecaatioafor loss of proSt, which woakl have beenmade by him if the c&Tfosta bad beenfollowed. This -matter via referred tocommittee. •. .. • .;..

1A comronnicatina frcca the V. I. A. rethe compelling of sewerfrom oat-houae* i s tba cere thickly builtapportion of t i e tcrma was referred to]

and opper luag. Tbe gas stt freesaturates Use air In the lungs asd actson tbe mocou* membrane. ' IQ.18 casesiteatgd._af»er_ onei_orjjro .jfj»Jts,jJ).ejs_w»J- .-Si, • ¥_» lessening ;or__«mjplete_

j ctssatiou of tfie cobgb a id exptctora-Uon. as well aa a return of sleep, ap-petite and strength.—Argonaut.

J.C. W.RANKJN,Lehigh Valley Coal.

Kindling Wood.O & i ( tnalci* Block. Tu4 (.'«st<siiUl IIKSS*

Ssnd to osnts and gat a Grand C'aU-logu» Showing tha Larga Plants.


Now Is tha Time t« Fssd and Strangthan*our Fowls ..


Excelsior Wlro and PoultrySupply Co. •

. Zi VtHwy otreet. Ns» Vorlf.VV, V. Hues i'roprlator.


Lehigh Coal, lumberLIME, LATH, PLASTER, ETC,

,'fi '

IM uiiibcr anWas TitterritMl >A l l«t lmiil*«. Tluilnir

VMltunUm fliroWmJ

iKKSSi* ^

Wittnebeil & Doremus.

Chairs RecanedJ.eave your'order at the

*' restaurant.Union Avenue & Cherry St.


New Mackrel, perlbCoflee, per 1bHires I'.(x/t Beer

temori ''r" " --•-••

BcifOst Steal, per j)kgol b H h


10c- j

Special stijeMonday, Tuesday, Wednesday.

Canned Peat, per can 7c.Csnoed Tomatoes, 3 tot 25e.Corn Starcb, per pkge . Oe.Imported Vinigsr, per bot 'ijc.Olira-Oil; peri j t"~ '." ' * 25c:

sabs, per can ""' ' Se.Best Family Flour per b*£,(. <J"te.Gold Medal •' " '•'•\ Ox. OaU, Fe*l, Hay and ritraw at Rca«oo10 Cskes Soap for * : 'IK. able prices.

Ginger Ale; Iloat Beet, SsnapsriUa anil Soda, Cc. per bottle.


UNION HOUSE & RESmURANTOpposite Slatfoo.

Now open fo"r




Feed,.Oata, CJrain, Hay and Straw.

FURNISHEDROOMSbj tbe I>ay or Week.


lea Cream and Soil Drinks of aii KindsG. RIEIVIER, Pfop.

Goods In Abunrfanco.'

j \ •


• . t .

^ •

• • J 1

V «

Page 4: 2!I BROAD ST., '• gLIZ^HETH, 1ST, J. · This is-nbt quality advertised by department atorea. Wd also carry a full llna-orHoac, all »IM», and Hachanical Rubber Coods, Water Bags,

MISS MUFFET ANO THE SPIDERt ie night did tb« terror eosB« oret

Ultlr Mitt lluSrl diaroirmi a Ijtrf• W'Uili toirt Kimml („ u, . rut d m ) ,t at 't«aa • Ju»f tUy and iual abuul ii

Mi* »aM«l lu ™i~!lle IW l*«l of m.

It 1* uUulnfcjinr, and»JK>I Mug )«*wly,

grew tatU.I/ fjot only«4t en it.

w5i«reTtT Ibe baraa'a re-talacn wt*i%»

uW cax&r.a rltultt fc-tbtiird troidr Uv

A» flwil|rt» alwaja an*till! d»m«u» Cira HKirifsl afyuml toil larurtat."

o Uo;lnff add* fur * ^

A l.mril.1* niftl tbat tfeugltt fear to \**f,t I.IJw^a «],l<Vr • • • tolutij Uitd, W

And tnort UBAVuJdilrtr Dear U> bcrl


4 *

f r . ifali cr<>Mu« (*litclrluM: "Madiro, I «artir«U> %ytr Cn }vu

. I w |*ullt>,l Hut 1 4ij not >Mr mr |,,t. 1tshuuld utitfrwifrvmalAlf Ujw to >wi."

IViujb aniiuua lu |.lcH«*, )>« o n au ill at ( a »That to l« t all lilt HBM l<f |.fut,Hnj

And (rtw Ki Itirjrt ttiat He duiuijlj tl.^ptdIn tur iilatr- fcMth ti lurim] is lucjrlj.

' n'la'i^i^Ua'rr^Mr i-"ini*lrt«nj f inoY;Shw atiuddrwil aiid, a*T"*ific nnA.IJ paler, sot

Duly It-tt tuBH, but dealt Mm l buffetttlilrh douMixl Mm up ill J ailhit knot.

It i M i l l . tipliliml ll,«l at 11,1. l,r tII* <rlrd; "J ltat» v*lnl juu.- no tli'iiU cf it J

Ybur Bst't like a truntlwwn." ' "You'r* atlll In'tnf lun<t*on,"

Wai all that ali« ali*»i:rrj|; "yrt i<ut vl lit"

Ami ll,»j.n,fal |i ll.l»; II. | | mailiin or nilai. To'wIiiHni rt<a tiat« aontrtlittig iu aay,

Yuu nrff.uif)/ aUiird Mlit-n >'cu K^I. tn lltf. rurttBui >ou'rt tiidt »IIIII joii gtl In tin » l» j .

—«ur HVlmi.1. t'arrjl la fiiiRh.




,By De la Motte Foujne.

g-A Bemsrfeabto Bu>i-yCt«,« BorderB t I h M l d



msrfeabto Bu>iyCt«,« BorBotweon I ho Mortal and


ooooooooooooooooooooooooooIJIIC niiccviMiliiK nu iild kiilKht matl«>

Ids way wearily tluu'ii from a lilgtiJM-ak of llfo llnrr. IIIIHIIIIIIIIIH Into (lie

• viilli')'. Illn uniiif nun lyciiltiultl, millhv lind fonniTly- InM nwny uvcr nilHint tract (it counlry, Tiiil In- hiiil IH<CIIdriven (itit from iilx PIDDKMMIUUS 1>y tin-'

ar mlKlit ut a lirli lmrnu, /mil tin.'r now llv.il In tin- huuorcd nu-

lmlU, fur a Kllui|m- of uhlcli, till' a KIM] I.iMltlloll! clliiilM'il tin- WIHMICII

,liclgul» Jiy IIIH cultiiKv ut> lung u« thrywere |>a«iiabhi mid Kiir.cd ul tin* two-tall totvt'iH until tlio Him m;t. Tlicn Hipold limn xviul down Sitnln Into the vul-ley, wlicri' In' HUH allowcil In Ihc lin-

conHltWrrt bnrnlli'sn

npirlied,. young feiliw. .II.H'.Uiero uf•imiiy u Imttlelleld, Imd fulli>u In tlc-fciiNe of bis futher'n "hearth. Ou bisnay home iliu knight nlwuys PUHSI'II'Hchapel nhli'li lie-lind Imil erei'ted ,iu

~ bolter'dtiyii uuil when- Hie lauily uf theyutlilK luril, nleeplui; IIIH tioimrubluslve|i, luy viituiiibiMl. Tlieu Urn fatherwould knei'l befuri' the tUtor lit the lit-tle uiilldlug and twy a i'utiT .NoMtt-r furtho sun! of hla iloar Hlgebnlil. lit* tlldHo toiliiy also. Then be rose ami luukettioiiglngly through the -window, but. liecoultl nut even won the colllu, for Itstood In n lilvhe In the wnll behind thenltiir, uml immediately lifter his sou\vn» ialil tu rent the lielviivetl father,overcome 'by Ids grief. Imil Hung thekey of tliti door Into the r.ushltig tor-itiil i>f tla'.ltullp. l i e rued It bitterlynow, for the poor mini lucked moneyto :hnvc a urvr key mndtrfor: thrr plnbo>.rato lock, mi l no he luul cut off hliunrlfmill his f;ouil wife null his ulece, Dlo-Iwlim.wlin luul iHien {t|g«bnld'« betroth^I'd, from ttui precious rciiiiilttH of theirdearest lutpiiitiess. Never lieiore hadhis loiigliiis'lKMiu no great its ou tillsevening, l i e gated at the tluor with,panmouate yearning.. l i e almost bu-aouftlit It to give way, aud felt that i tmust perforue yjeld to his dcttlre. llutIt stood Drill au<l Immovable beforehim, It would scarcely allow (lie rust-.

to get up to ere what Itlm. but his uffv-sald;

"I.le Mill, hunbaud. I hare beard Itfor u long tluie ou.l have Win .sileutly. it Is surely sonu- unholy marchof tbe

"ll'iu!" raid Ix-utbold, "1 Jiavc oftenheard the Ull.i Hunter runh past lu

fun-klx, but this is <|U]!f a tllf-fen-ut _

Thru It must IK- witchcraft ofsort," Kald bis wife. "Whu knows, what

I * faap|N-ulug u)»n1 beg yuu to'lie still and to curb yourcuriosity." .

'i'lit* (itd man yielded to bis wife's en-Inullca, In): ijulel and phfyed softly.Itut after awhile be began again:

"Wife, some oue Is riding a bornepant our window Ju»t as our bk-net.ilputt M*Kii tu ride."

She trembled and urged him with'jpiiifr' voli* to I* still Ilirt aftt-r a lit-lie tlic olJ man said ngalu:~'l>ld you liut^hear bow Hotiw one ou

Ili>- tuiiuntalu railed out: 'Wheel!{JXuttguT II nilui' distinctly through

/tin* Hturm. Hut shortly .befqri- ourKlgebattl fell he gave Just Ktieb a cry."

"If you wish lo kill me with fear oudanguish," aald his wife, ''or to rob meof luy ri-snwi. keep on with such Words,It will take very little mure."

H<i th» old man held his peace andkept bis thoughts, which were manynud" strange, lu bis oivu breast. Thewonderful tumult leased also or was»»*r In other valleys, and, towardluurnlng the old people fell asleep.

Tin- brlKht sunlight shone again overthe mountains, the ilume waa alreadywilted at her. ill staff, and the kulglit%vn* golug out tu-hoe uud spade his lit-UP j.iilt li nl tin-<loor ami nsld: -

"It Is Miiinlirful how the riddles audKhinlly htfp|H'nlugs of the nlKlit, nbcuutii'i* they liave. furi'ed themselves Intou m/iu's bruin,, refuse lo go to restHKHI.IV ' drvaiued'. until bright ility-Hliht uf the burveitt fetitlval us wo used_tu. celt-brute It III bnppler days at ourul i l h o m e " - ' * • • ' V

"How "HIIIIIIBC!". ..liitii'rriipted ib«iliuiiiv ."I tii«> dreamed of It. Tht"pi'iiHiii'tts cnnie to the courtyard of thei null.- with Nlriiiltii; Heythes, their wivesIIlid duuulilfrn U'&riug their rakes, lli:lwith-many ribbons. The harvest crownshone brllllunlly III tbe bluts of thebrliilit Hiiiniiier day, anil, alus! before Itnulked my ili-iir, deu^lluy an a youngi-blltl, wound round mid round with arhulu of blue eurullowi'rs, u beautifuliviciitli llLt- tliat ufa bridegroom on hisheutl unD u grent retl l lowepou liUbreast.. And 1 kucw. .the. red- llower

To the Best Your Money Can Buy, andThat is just What We Give You.


\\'o bouglit them before the price

of inotal was advanceil, "'

Handsomo Iron lied, all

purs whit* ODamcl finish, extra

Uesty brau uoauti and trimmings,

with oitPDnion foot,


White Enamel Iron IIe<1, all sizes,

brass ttlmmings, extension


650ill sizes,

390J, brassiwo sizes

5003 75


Whlto Enamel Iron Bed, brass

trinjming", extension foot, two sizes

only, 3. 0 and •*. -C,

Iron Dei], oho of our leotlcra,

wlilfo llnlnti, liraas mounts,

any iizo; SRfX'IAL,

J L ! ! _wf i lT

to turn tier thoughts from the deathwound uf her only HUH, mild:

"The aliiKltiK was the most tvoudcivflll-tu me. liVt'U lifter I UttoLo I tftlllheiird the soleuiu liyuill which the

& o i l liad sling, nud at this moment 1•teem tu hear It over the muliutulut,loiul'iK nearer uuil nearer down thivwomleil slope. Intleed, now that Iopen the door, the Bound seems tocome more [plainly.". T h e duuiu hi-ard.lt also nud roso luHjHi't-lileiM nxloiililiiiu'iit to step out-Hide the ilwr, leanlug on her huitaud'snrin. tu look fur tbu cause of tbu unac-customed liolte, emboldened by thecheerful morning licaius which gildedthe trees aud the dewy grass underthem, but still mure emboldened bythe reverent character o f the liyinii,wlilch came steadily nearer. Hhuwuisltndjjved pipe* iulugled with tu» slua-lug. .

As the elderly couplv stood ut thfl•flour they cuuld see.] through the trunksof the iH'cclii-B, a crowd of peoplu wltbgleaming scythes In their bauds; some,however, bad also nuked halberds ant]upcars. • „ ,

•Ah, heavi'usl" cried the daiuu. "ItIs not yet harvest time. And why dothey ciimo thus, with .song aud rejoic-ing? Kev liow red the murulug snosbliu-s on their scythes."

We niako all our bodding and can

tlicroford ((iiarnutoo It, . •

•10 Hi. Rood (juajjty initcd HairMattress, twoticklni:;HPElJIAti,

4011i. extra quality mixeil HairMattrens, two^ parts, |llain or faucytlckin

;G6wii-f^bricsrTiisbosf choice in the- wholo State

at less tluvn Haw York jprfees:

Black Feau de Sole, all tilk, at 75o,

1.00,1.23,1.00 aaj 1.75 j t r J .

Black Balin Poohesee, all aOk, at £9c,

7Cc, 1.00, I.X0, 1.SS. ISO asa

1.75 yarU. '

Black Taffeta, airalitr7So, 1.00, 1.10 and 125 yard.

Black droa Or»|n, all iilit, at ;77dt

09<f. 1.25 anil 1.50 yard , .

Jolorcd Taffeta, all silk and a good

firm f a b r i c ' 110 sh*de»«o select

from.' Light and dark colon, at

: r)!)o"and 7So yard. '

-arethe ttanm. la

t i . awara TbetoiraKl'"j;bo"

tititU xnr tost aaais nat^ed tune, H U Btut saltop«l taek toite *s*Ste to makeready tax jrscr tKY*iilMi If jou u UlIM> pieatan) u> tct tsa ta&jst joa thither,* L '.ih t» ' t iree seaiie. »«UbrukuMi t u n * * trass jocr o v afur yea a B j c c r noI4e lady «uJ

"Now you know who yotir delivererwas. dear, faithful people, and if youwtil open the chapel and the coCSn. as Ipray TOO to do, t ie victor"* wreath on

^ brave.faltitttd pef^e irsji wVSe.td arms. Tt» Uanwa w«re U*l forth,Ute.iitne »t«w lift«i teta 5l»e-tadjleaami the >iurt*y ta tin cutlr iraJs be-troa atald t « a i rrjeidas. ; -

The oid cwaaasz «ralk«J beside bistauter'* bone aad VA3. of tite olsbfabattte and tint tsart-dkxa te&u ut liici-ani. As LectJiolJ' teard wttli ever

sslfr esd adalratioa tLomaay.magnanfnillT. gausalsbSp ami fiero-uuo.hU osliSe boutt traa ao <iTert!ow-'

wltfJ gratrfal «j«iusl!una ttiit beTried oct bsxsily, au t&at tie wboloband b d '

fcraro tjrtirerercaoat prwHona thing

ojwo itls earUi, and that, fair Dittx U b M u ! . 8Le Istiervby tartrattud ta Mai (Wfore Godand maar* . . ' - . ' • . •

all wool 39o to. L25


parts, plain or fancy

848Silk AVarp


•It) 1b. suporQne gray Hair Mattresses,

two parts, bott ticking;


Honrictta. 1,00 to 2.25

Whip Coras' all wool.' 75c to 1.S0

•. yard.

ton-art] ttcarta as If sakice a suU-mnoatb. Ttw psw^siisa baited In amaxe-ctent au&t luolLrd a t t i e Impetuous oldoian, ttnt U s « u > wsa desuhjy pale,aild at bajUa sSai! satd aaaiy:

"tlusband, (rastaml. wbat tiaTi«youdime? Uow caa t i la fatal rastuusibe found wRh ttalr so white? Lookaiiiondr yott and: aa* where we stand.Yonder I* ttte- i-fcjtpH within whJcb oaronly son siwjw. aad you liar* Jtett an-SDll.'d Dlatarlaa-* »o5(ijan TOW tn liveand dte t t r p m r brtroUkpd of onrSlje-bald. Wthlib txuh » iaUnow belirukt-n?Hers or joonsT*

Ttiu old nls&t'a taead iaask opoo hisbreast, and fi#algs«d

' I * i


yard. '

all wooL 7S» to 1.50

Halnie & Co, Newark, make free deliveries atNew JetS9/ Railroad Stations.

• ' - . • * - ' • ' • ; .

mOSt prvr{sB9 gift*. Bad rrmiw m hlfi tut'bridled oVligtat tae» th«a to t!s ru lo f

The whole toed irsxrdfd their tlut-trrssed master •omowfdly. Thtii 1)1-otwtBst opened htr lovt-lr Una In a'S^h^:'SsKi***ti35^Vi»itij.'i'4s-aij"WiE>*:'«*

the helmet'of my betrblned will beartestimony to tbe truth of my words."

The people looked at one another 1°doubt and slleac>7~'rHiS suspicion rusela many minds that Dlotwlia's brainUad been sffecteil by the wonderfulevents of the nlgbt, and.ptrhap* alsoby a terrible dream; but when thej re-called how1 calmly she had coma out 1of the cotUje. to meet them at th«edge of the wood there was no longsTrou£> for this Idea, and Indeed thept-fis&n'ts remembered that then: leader,after' be had assembled them, hadb*en missing for a space and had re-torn«l with a beaatif id wreath- crown-ing UU helmet. 80 It was done as Dlo-twlna begged. The chapel was opeoeu.and the iltme, wio was' doubtfulwhetherthe boties of,haw precious deadought to be exposed to view so auda-ciously, was satlafleU by the peasants'promise to keep guard a t the tomb uo"til the door and lock Were made fastagain. But when it" was seen whatpowerful resistance the rusted door of-fered, belief In the apparition tseepoedcrushed ta death In erery htsrt by theweight of the material wgrld. OnlyDlotwlna smiled conndently and auralt-etl thu proof of her worda. '

Back rolled the cover of th» coffln,and there, with a smile upon hla IIja,lay the young hero In full armor, thevUor raUed and upon his bead thewreath of victory made of tho myrtiftb»sh' of -hlntietrothed. -Then *fll asnk -upon their knees and praised Ood.

Iilotwlna found her bapplneiu In ful-filling her own Anil her uncle's vow.8he remained the faithful betrothed of -berk-night until th.e'day of her death,living la a- Utlle cottage near thechapel. When Rlci|ard did come homemany years utter and cams la to thoproperty, which tbe old people had leftto him with their blcjislng, he enlargedthe little IIDUHR to q Beautiful nunnery,under" whose protection ' Slgebald'achapel was lung revered as a place ntsanctity and an object of many pil-grlninges.—Translated From the Ger-man For Short Stories.

Kullier aoa taotbrr. do ntit grieve.think oar oaii ar n t &Sitl

•" tlflently to prove tbe Btr»'iij;Hi: - which every |iart of the lirujieli elaiiip. Old Its duty. After the oia 111:111 bad

tried the dour lu vulu fur- nwblle heturued awuy tititl went buck to bU out-tii|;c, vhnklui; bis head nud wUrrteartilu his. eye*

He found hla. wife Avnltlui: fur Wmw Itli the fniful fvi'iilni; meal.

"Wherf Is HlotniiuiJ" he nsketl."She lias pune to her IHHIIII," replied

the ilnuie. "Todiiy Is'the auulversitryuf her tK'trotlial tu Slcebulii, which, as)ou kuuvv, K1H> iilivu.vtt *|«-ud* In-fast-'ing ami .solitude.": - ••--•

The kulRbt sighed deeply mid wna BI-lent a'luiig time. At leUKtli he asked:

"How much tnuuey linm we got Ialilusltlc uowl1"' "Not qtlllu two culdeu."

"And the lucksmlth's price fur n newkey Is"— «i '

"Three golil guldou."Tlicn the old mnu fell to Blghlng

ngalu nud Iwkcd Kcarchlncly aroundthe room. ,_

"No," said the tltiiuc, "tberp~ts tiuth-lug morv lo nt>o here. Ths;n* Is onlyone tblug. The lwkfUilth would glad-ly give u-* a couple of gulden fur It."

\ . "You mean that!" cxeluliucd tlie oldman, luoklng up at his sfvord, whichhung on the wall. Ills vclfV nodded, lu..UBsent. llut lie JUUIIHHI up Indignantlyand cried:

"God forbltll 1 shall do lip ruore workwith" the~o1irbfadV in tUl's« worlds It Is Ktrlkliig

bnnor on tiy cotllu. Slgi'bald Minself. j ly.

Vluowliij! Btmiewhere," tuutlered thekliltiht. - lli> knew the red ou the linrosteel far tin. well to take It. an did hiswife, for the rrllectlou of the uiurulngNUU. i " - ' - '

.Meuuwblle the (H-aimuts bad furtueda Hemtclri'le anxmd the venerable pair,nud out from theli1 rau|«s, between the.Ki-ytheu nnd latlees which they bmud-l^heil a* they Mulshed their soug, »tep-IHHI lHntwlnu -with radla'ut faiv. Shewent up to the astonished couple audtiald: ' '. „

'* l i e whoipira enrly to |ini£er'.0l»lrKIKHI fruit; Here at the edgo of thewiipd thew heroes met me, aud theywish, that you hear the tiding* frommy lips. They have reconquered yourcastle. The couutry Is free, the op-pressor Is dead I"

The old. kulght stared around, hluius If hi' had agaiu fallen Into tbudreams of the previous nlgftt. t h e n theulilest or the armed peasants appruach-«1. a vt'iierable lira) beard, like his mas-ter, uud. taking the simile and hoegently fro 111 hla hand, he placed Intheir stend nn uuclcut silver staff, lu-hi ldwl ib gold, which Leuthold's fore-fatlictv had iKirui* from time liumv-11101i.1l aud'which had now'been re-raptured with tho other family relics.Then the circle of men rained a greatoliiiut of Joy. repeating UlotwhUk'swords, "The couutry Is fiw. The op-

. t giee.I think oar oaiin are not ao cu&Sictlnsaa you lmagtnw." . ..".

Ajud, joraltts towarJ tbe o!4 p«uant,•he coattnmil: . .

EIow du yon t o a w t i a t year leaderor tot ulght a«a* lUctardT* v

"ID Cod'« nssise. gracious lady, whoelse coulj It b*r* rej,U«l the old man.''lie wore t i f co lon of <mr inaster'ahouse, and, Its arras roe on his scarfand shield. Evta t i» »p«vh and man-nerand way uf rtllqij wen- like ourlord's. Antl tte rrtnl out the familyname as a i&shty balUecs7 every timethat ho thargtd lt>« e s e m f s ranks.Indeed, he tula as tlsat v e n«-re flght-ID4- under a shoot of the tree stock.Who. then, coold It bare been bat SirRichard? Tbouglt la tmituX no onesuw hla features, foe he kept i l a visord " "v

iHow does the. Yankee look"In tb«

Imaglnatlou of iny countrymen? asksI'rofessor Hugo Munsterherf ID ThoAtlantic. Hi the German language only

.kt BK- tin at i t



. 'We do .lot annoy people who have recently lostfriends, by peddling monuments but endeavor to getOUT tirade byJudicious advertising and by dealing viitticustomeraju a square business way giving an honestpieOe of work and material for an honest dollar wewould be pleased to have ^:our-ordered theseprinciples.'. . '

,• Very truly,' ; '

JftE.165 East Front Street, . _ Plainfield, N. J.

}p tome hut Bight." aafcJ, Olotvina In aclear TOlce, >nd glre cireful heed t».s

what I say, tot 1 apeak the pure truthas. a pure taaktita t&osld.' I atovd atmy wlml^«r.uad car tears fell opou abeadtlf ul myrtle basis ufclrfi la formerhappy day* I hid tatesded for mjteidal trnaxh. S o * ft bad reacted thefullness of Its beassij, but the feastwhich It should tare graced vas neverto lie. I was Intemsstted In thla andother like thought* S»y -a oUght noise

distinctly hear soce cse coming upthe little stainraor with . sen, lightsteps. Lot wJth (laaUs? span, and, aafather and .mother bid baas *U>ce coneto U-J. I WSJ afrsU. Tbeo the doorwas ptuhvd half cpta aad aa arm In-cased In steel was ttmist Inside myroom, holding a scarf which I bad em-broidered for ray betrothed and'whichwas. laid tn the- coffia trith *iin ThenSlgttbaU's twice said:

It Lt I. Uayfrightenhig yoo

I case Ja vlthont

their we:i|K>U3 against uno•jTcTa^kwrjuTiuanr

h n o r i y . g l a l d himself. ly.looking down from paradise." would | "If Is'all'true," said the old peasant

— . , . . . . — . . . . . . . . . . . . ( , l t | M l ] l jscarce forgive me If I parted wltb thefaithful old -weapon.'"

The dame began to weep behind herwrinkled hand, for Blie rememberedliotr nor dead[son Imd played, as abeautiful, merry Jx>y. with the old,iwbrStahd lisped of"I'uttiiro'vleVofTi'S."

• rT6eh" both* t i e oloT^iiwlilB'Tw?affier st-leut, put out -their light and went tobed. v

Toward midnight the old knightheard strange sounds and cries ringingthrough tbe valleys. From one of thoheights a light like a great Same shonethrough the window of the little room.


brother's son, lllchanl has returnedfrom the crusade, my llegi>, and hasbrought these wonderful thing, to passsince yeslenlay evening, when he llrstahowiil yiiij><Jf_hvi\\ He must have

"known"liou-'Wain'ongyd""for our tilii'for' ne"»pi>ki l o l l s so

that we felt compelled to take upere

| g *endecided ui>on. and even the hestmlugones among us believed that It couldnot U> otherwise. Then the storm bellsrang, the battle Ores flared op on the

p to take upscythe and speur for you aa ir It werea UMvssary act wh|ch had long l*end i d d d

Railway Hand Uundpy.125 I,e%vis St.,

Highest Grade--Hand,work« speciality.- Family-work, allflat pieces•jrt>fied~ ; 't iei" • Jbr"fTt?:-~ATT "i•.T^i^aifl^Vit1stvaia»rt;'Iift«1•f"•^^«a•'i!l'l

r.I «S«1. tremblingwith fear and ttpc.

Then the paltryoaUa slepppj alowlyand gravely into tbe rwca clad inarmor, with rsishl rtsa-. I.taew thedear featores «r«lL bat jvt I bad notthe conrase to gas« sta^rht Ista hishelmet. *> 1 do cot fcscrar wither hlaeyes were fixed i cJ bviBaw. like tboaeof a corpse, or giawlaj with • t^iderlove, as they were la life. •

" 'Do you atiU cred tbe tayrtle foryear marriace iajT be allied at klnj-bv " ' "; ' • • ; • • • • . - " .

"1 shook ray bead.•• 'Xerermore. tnsjyr>'l thank my tteadl asaUa. -14 'Then/ he bested o o a i ^ s l y . gende

and tree hearted a s -fee erer waa, lalife, Treave me a « n a t h of victcay ofIt. my dear Utlle bride. . For. «ee. It Ispermitted me ti> acv»=;-pllsij the worfct ' k i i & ' U W ' l r

special rates. Shirta ironed by hand 10c. Lace curtainsper pair 50c. Dropus a postal and wagon will call foryour laundry.

A. T. CR^VNB jr. . Prop.

in lu coQa it wia tate tSse wreath ofvictory with I f . '' "1 boanil aad txraad deltly asd twhv

ed all the h£assuBs tato a beautifulwreath. My bctrotbed stpoi sliest andpatient at the door. Vrtxa I tad CaJsh-td, -he tnclt befbi* ice. I set the wreathon hla belmet. osd be rose, sayiag: •

"•'Do-cot be alir=»i. drar terr. Ifyoa hear tltav.dia. <*• tonic Ja the cat; -leys. God has given tbe victory tstomy. hand.' . '

"And then be toci kave of ra, tosweetly that a3 toy f<3T Tasked, and1 had ta mi l e after ilsa «s I tzsed todo irhea ho left B » fur s tssry JoistOofy when I beard h&a ssUsp aw*y <u>tils harse so Cue asAso caserij tsar

•mans speak of American stoves andtueafl.a klud of store -which I havo,never seen la this country; secondly,'they suenk oj American duels, -andmean a crary type of duel which wascertainly never fought on this' coiiU*nent and. thtally, they speak of Amer- _lean humbug and mean- by It that bindof humbug which flourishes In.BerlinJust as in Chicago. t .'

But the American man is of coursavery well known. He; Is tt haggardcreature, with Vulgar tastes and brutalmanners, who drinks"' whisky and -chews tobacco, spits, 'flgbta, puts hisfeet ou the tablu and habitually ralliesalong In wild baste, absorbed'by agreedy desire for the dollars of bisneighbors^ iH,e. does not care- for edu-cation or urt, for the public weUare or'for Justice, except'so far as they mean .•Ooney to him/ Oocrupt frost tbp to totwhe buys leglaLatlon aud courts and gov-ernment, uLd when be wants fun helynches. Innocent negroes- ta Madisonsiiuareln New York,'or In the BostonPublic garden. '. lie has his famuyhomeNusually In fa fUyscrapat of 24 'stories; Ills business is founded Oh mis-leading advertisements;: Jits, newspa-pers-are:; flllsd with accounts of. mur-ders and hfa'cliurches -with" hypocrites.

DOM'I Worrr /ibant Smtsurtn."What salaries aru paid In UlBercnt

buslncss-ealllngiHs-muettlstt-oftCB-nsked by youpg men and one-whichseems to enter Into then: deliberationsas: a qualifying, factor as to whetherthey Flmll-cutor certuln trades op pro-fesslona." writes Udward Bok tn ThoLndles' Home Journal.' "I never couldquite seethe point of this nor the rea-son for it. What nn? the salaries whichare i»ald to otliemto you, or to me?They algnlfy nothing. I£ the highestsalary paid to the. foremopt man In acertain profession la * 10,000 a "yearwhat does It prove or signify! There*is no obsiacle-to som* one's else going-Into that tome profession and earning«3,0U0. The first step In, going Intobusiness-Is to find out not which sp«.clal line is most profitable, but whichline you are most Interested'tn and arabest flttea for. Then drive ahead, andthe salary will take care of ItselfWhen a young man thinks too muchof his salary, It Is pretty good proofthat be Is not of very superior make.Ability commands Income. But youmust start with ability, not with sal-ary." • . • . • • ' •

Do Flaati ThtakfA well known botanist propound*

the question. "Have plants the ppwer 'of .reason or any way of determlnuigwhat is going on around them?"; Thoquestion, though he admits It appearsrather fantastic, is prompted by ob-



waa tending a meaningonw^TrtiBn-aaj^TrtiBnaaajcate'

tendril reacbedout toward a najl iaithe casing.; The botanist proceed*-',-She marked the position of the Wfira wltb.a pencil on the wood onfl Uwai"shifted the nail about an Inch'LiferKert day the Ittfle feeler had deflectedItself veryinotlctably and was againbeading ror the MIL ,

• M O S C U

Data a


hong t>l»t. Ellrubi

j JFe' v*•' •" Nozzle arid

High pressi

This is no.Vasts*



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tlngwerertvpcateil fooror flTeHtaes; alwayaTwIth"the same result, aad finally one nightthe tendril, which had grown consider-ably, managed to reach the .covetedsupport; and we foaad It coQed tishtlraromidlt." " ' •• . i_ .^*• Other little experiments of a similarnature are put forward la support atthe botaniit'a theory.—Lonasa Mall.

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