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From then, when we wonder about an appropriate topic for this year’s contest, we look

for what is teachable related to LOMCE principles which are laid out in its Preamble,

talent. Next we can see several passages that we find meaningful:

1st, 3rd & 5th Evaluation in 3rd grade

1st BASIC VT:Students, who pass the units, will obtain the title of Graduated in Secondary. In subsequent courses they will have to make Final Evalua-tion of Secondary.


1st MIDDLE-GRADE VT:Inclusion of new voluntary subjects for extensión of competences, and others oriented to Upper-Grade.

2nd, 4th & 6th Final Evaluation in 6th grade

Chart. Calendar of Implementation of LOMCE.

1st & 3rd



2014-2015 2015-2016

Establishment of new Educational Law LOMCE is following a gradual process, which we have

into account for the topic of this 32 edition adapts everything possible to actual educational

reality. Without leaving apart before laws, which are still applied in cases new doesn’t still

intercede, next we soy a summary chart showing a specific calendar of implementation:






‘Student body is the centre and the reason for living of education. Learning at school

must be directed to educate autonomous, critical and with own thinking people. All

students have a dream, all Young people have talent. Our people and their talents

are what is the most valuable that we have as a nation’.

‘Because of that, all and every student will be an attention object, in the search of

development of talent (...)’.

(…) ‘All students have talent, but the nature of that talent is different in every one.

Consequently, educational system must count on necessary mechanisms to

recognize it and encourage it’ (...).

(…) ‘Behind talents of people are values that support them, attitudes that inspire

them, competences that make them a reality and knowledge that put them up. The

challenge of a democratic society is creating conditions for all students to acquire

and express their talents, definitely, the agreement with quality education as a

support of equality and social justice’ (…).

(…) ‘Just a quality, inclusive, conciliatory and demanding educational system,

guarantee the equality of opportunities and makes effective possibility of every

student develop the maximum or her/his potentialities’ (…).

Having into account all this passages extracted from Organic Law 8/2013,

December 9th, for improvement of educational quality, we see the necessity of

working in this theme to answer the comprehensive development of student and

achieve one of the principles set out in this law.

Objectives, contents, activities and materials of our proposal are developed by teachers for

teachers. Because of that they are fully based on school curriculum, as in needs and interests

of educational community.

Theme of the contest, talent, has a cross-wise nature so we consider it can be worked out

from any subject of the curriculum. In addition we also see is an useful topic to work in the

tutorial because it will favour classroom environment, students know each other, resolution

of conflicts, self-esteem... Even so and in a concrete way we will describe curriculum

connection with every one of educational stages involved in the contest:

Primary: we suggest subjects of ‘Spanish Language and Literature’ ‘Artistic Education’ and ‘Social and Civic Values’.

Secondary Education: we suggest subjects of ‘Ethical Value/Education for Citizenship’ ‘Plastic and Visual Education’ and ‘Technology’.

Basic VT: we suggest specifically ‘Tutorial’ times, because of special importance is given to them at the curriculum.

VT: we suggest the module of ‘Working Formation and Guidance’, as a cross-wide element to the rest of modules and that is common to all Training Cycles. In the same way that at Basic VT, it’s also the option of working it in ‘Tutorial’ times.

A Levels: we suggest subject of ‘Philosophy’. In the same way that previous cases, it’s possible to work it in ‘Tutorial’ times.


Development of talent contributes in a cross way to the achievement of purposes

establish in Primary Education of Educational System, found in article 7 of Organic

Law 8/2013, December 9th for improvement of educational quality, and in article 6

of Royal Decree 126/2014, February 28th, which establishes basic curriculum for

Primary Education. It says:

‘To facilitate to students learning of oral expression and comprehension, reading,

calculation, acquisition of basic notions of culture, habit of coexistence just like

studying and working ones, artistic sense, creativity and emotion, with the purpose of

guaranteeing a comprehensive formation which contributes to development of

personality of students and prepare them to study with exploitation Compulsory

Secondary Education’.

Participation in this contest will encourage educational action of teacher in the

classroom, to integrate experiences and learning of the students and adapting to

their work rhythms.

Royal Decree 126/2014, February 28th, which establishes basic curriculum of Primary

Education, in its article 2, determines next basic competences:

1. Linguistic competence.

2. Mathematical competence and basic competences in science and technology.

3. Competencia Digital competence.

4. Learning to learn.

5. Social and civic competences.

6. Initiative and entrepreneurship.

7. Cultural awareness and expression.




Rules of ONCE Contest promote the achievement of every one of these competences,

either because of its contents, used methodology or proposed activities. We will

emphasize in the two first, because they will be evaluated in the sixth grade of Primary:

We consider there will be a development of Linguistic Communication through oral

expression, dialogue to agree and writing expression of final work that will go with the

photographic composition.

Mathematical competence and basic competences in science and technology, will

start-up through the production of photographic composition, taking into account

perfect measures, specific materials and caring of environment.

On the other hand, discovering of talent that the contest suggests, has into account that

students valuate themselves in their trend and ease with numerical activities, or on the

contrary, with humanistic tasks. Competences 1 and 2 which were mentioned before

are used for it.

Digital Competence will be worked through the treatment of images.

Reflection about the concept of talent and discovering in every one of us and in the

others will suppose development of competence of Learning to learn.

On the other hand, recognizing that all of us have a talent, stressing values of tolerance

and respect, and move students closer to disabilities world, will favour the acquisition of

Social and civic competences.

Initiative and entrepreneurship are fostered when the child, at discovering his/her

talent, decides put it at disposal, through his/her participation in activities, suggesting

ideas and performing suggested project.

Finally, we find Cultural awareness and expression competence, which contest works

through last aim, that is making global conscience bigger, where the addition of talents

in the world, permit to us growing as a society and going on.

Primary Education will contribute to develop in children qualities that will permit to them:

a) Know and appreciate values and norms of coexistence, learn to work in keeping with these,

prepare for the active exercise of citizenship and respect human rights, as well as the plura-

lism inherent in a democratic society.

b) Develop habits of individual and team work, of effort and responsibility in study, and attitu-

des of self-confidence, critical sense, personal initiative, curiosity, interest and creativity in

learning, and entrepreneurial spirit.

c) Acquire habits for the prevention and peaceful resolution of conflict, which enable them to

behave autonomously in the family and domestic sphere, and in the social groups in which

they move.

d) Know, understand and respect different cultures and differences between people, equal

rights and opportunities for men and women and non-discrimination against people with disa-


e) Know and use the Spanish language appropriately and, if it exists, the co-official language

of the Autonomous Community and develop reading habits.

f) Acquire in at least one foreign language basic communicative competence in order to

express and understand simple messages and negotiate everyday situations.

g) Develop basic mathematical competences and begin to resolve problems requiring the

execution of elementary operations of calculation, geometric knowledge and estimations, and

apply these to everyday situations.

h) Know the basic aspects of Natural Sciences, Social Sciences, geography, history and Cultu-


i) Begin to use, for learning, Information and communication technology developing critical

faculties regarding messages they receive and prepare


j) Use different artistic representations and expressions and begin to construct visual and

audiovisual proposals.

k) Value hygiene and health, accept one’s own body and that of others, respect physical diffe-

rences and use physical education and sport as means of promoting personal and social


l) Know and value those animals closest to humans and adopt behaviour conducive to their


m) Develop their affective capacities in all aspects of their personality and in their relations-

hips with others, as well as an attitude against violence, prejudiced of any kind and sexist


n) Encourage road safety and attitudes of respect that contribute towards preventing traffic


Participation in this contest will favour the achievement of general objectives of Primary

Education a, b,c, d, i, j and m from the previous ones.


Inside the proposal of subjects that LOMCE makes, we find a direct relation of contents

to work in the contest with the suggested on subjects of ‘Artistic Education’, ‘Social and

Civic Values’ and ‘Spanish Language and Literature’.

In Royal Decree 126/2014, February 28th, which establishes basic curriculum of

Primary Education we find next reflection around specific subject of ‘Artistic Education’:

process of learning in human being cannot be distant from development of its artistic

sides which serve as a way to express ideas, thoughts and feelings. Just as other

languages, human being uses both plastic and musical languages to communicate

with the rest of human beings.

We can highlight the relation of actual proposal with Artistic Education area, as well in

blocks of Plastic Education as in Musical Education. However next we will make a

review of its integration, not only in this area, but also in areas of Spanish Language

and Literature, and Social and Civic Values, We will find that, though it will be artistic

expression the way through children share their talent (through photographic compo-

sition), the work that is being made to achieve it is related directly with the mentioned


Area of Artistic Education is divided into two parts: Plastic Education and Musical

Education. Programme we are introducing is directly related to both, because Artistic

Education itself looks for students to discover their talents for the different arts that

formed curriculum.

Plastic Education:

Block 1. Audiovisual Education.

It refers to study of the image in all its appearances, both visual and audiovisual. In this

sense we will stress caring it, and we will give importance to the creation of a brand

that be an image and represent to the group through the photographic composition.

Block 2. Artistic Expression.

It refers to the combination of concepts and procedures that have been traditionally asso-

ciated to it, as the related to mathematics area in geometry section. This knowledge will

provide quality and professionalism to the design created by the class.

Musical Education:

Block 1. Listening. It refers to capacity of listening, both of suggested plays and ideas of

the others. Active listening is understood as one of the most important tools in cooperati-

ve work. In addition, it’s possible that children want to make creations and that they can

record and/or listen and put it later into images..

Block 2. Musical performance. It refers to creation and performance of plays created by

them, in small groups, which contribute to wake up talent in the members of the group.

These creations will be capture in a graphic report that will be made up later in the photo-

graphic composition.

Block 3. Music, movement and dancing. In the same way that in the previous blocks,

suggested activity is directly related to this block through activities in which talent of diffe-

rent members of the group is developed, and that can be immortalized through pictures.

For the specific subject of Social and Civic Values, according to Royal Decree 126/2014,

February 28th, which establishes basic curriculum of Primary Education, we stand out

next reflections about aims of the contest:

It encourages construction of individual identity and fosters interpersonal enriching


It helps to study respect of human rights and being prepared to assume a responsible life

in a tolerant with the differences society

It pretends every child builds a tight self concept and a good self-esteem, to promote

responsible initiatives and living with dignity.

It encourages attitudes that foster positive interdependance, cooperation and solidarity

according to values, rights and duties of Spanish Constitution.

It works simultaneously personal and academic progress, because emotional balance

and learning go together and get stronger each other.

Learning and teaching processes will be based on participation of all the students, so that

they feel valuable and capable.

It encourages logic reasoning and analysis of social and historical problems.

It promotes a stimulating and educational cohabitation climate, and reinforces itself the

achievement of area aims.

Royal Decree 126/2014, February 28th, which establishes basic curriculum of Primary

Education establishes that Spanish Language and Literature area in Primary Education

has as purpose development of basic skills in the use of language (listening, speaking,

reading and writing) in an integrated way.

With block ‘Oral communication: speaking and listening’ we search that pupil acquires

necessary abilities to communicate accurately his/her ideas, makes speeches that will

increase its difficulty little by little and to listen actively, interpreting in a correct way the

others’ speeches. Oral practices (explanations, debates, talks, etc) must be a part of

quotidian activity in the classroom not only in this area but in all of the curriculum areas.

With blocks ‘Writing communication: reading’ and ‘Writing communication: writing’ we

pursue that student is able of understanding text with different levels of complexity and

different genres and creating his/her own texts.

From this perspective it’s considered that many of the activities suggested in different

sessions of the contest are directly related to the previously described blocks, considering

that they involve a communication level that will encourage this competence in the class-


Inside LOMCE, we find, in its article 10, following general principles:

The purpose of Compulsory Secondary Education consists on reach that students acquire

basic elements of culture, especially in its humanistic, artistic, scientific and technological

aspects; developing and consolidating in them studying and working habits; prepare them

for subsequent studies and for their working insertion and preparing them for the practice

of their rights and duties in life as citizens.

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have a special attention.


tion and attention to the students’ diversity. Measures of attention to the diversity in this

stage will be guided to answer to educational specific necessities of students and to the

achievement of pertinent competences and they won’t suppose, in any case, a discrimina-



In Compulsory Secondary Education, LOMCE (Organic Law 8/2013, December 9th,

for improvement of educational quality) is introduced this school year 2015 – 2016,

in 1st and 3rd levels, so the rest of the levels, 2nd and 4th levels, will continue regula-

ted by LOE (Organic Law 2/2006, May 3rd, of Education). To make an appropriated

distinction between both curriculums, we will develop levels separately.


tion that impedes reaching said objectives and competences and corresponding


In them, the sense of this contest is reflected, at recognizing the importance of human

aspects of the young person as companion of the rest of the fields, in addition of atten-

tion to diversity of talents, and the need of putting it all at the service of professional

future of students

Royal Decree 1105/2014, December 26th, which establishes basic curriculum of

Compulsory Secondary Education and A Levels, in its article 2, determines next basic



a) Linguistic competence.

b) Mathematical competence and basic competences in science and technology.

c) Competencia Digital competence.

d) Learning to learn.

e) Social and civic competences.

f) Initiative and entrepreneurship.

g) Cultural awareness and expression.

Rules of ONCE Contest promote the achievement of every one of these competences,

either because of its contents, used methodology or proposed activities. We will empha-

size in the two first, because they will be evaluated in the sixth grade of Primary:

We consider there will be a development of Linguistic Communication through

oral expression, dialogue to agree and writing expression of final work that will

go with the photographic composition.

Mathematical competence and basic competences in science and technology,

will start-up through the production of photographic composition, taking into

account perfect measures, specific materials and caring of environment.


On the other hand, discovering of talent that the contest suggests, has into account

that students valuate themselves in their trend and ease with numerical activities, or

on the contrary, with humanistic tasks. Competences 1 and 2 which were mentioned

before are used for it.

Digital Competence will be worked through the treatment of images.

Reflection about the concept of talent and discovering in every one of us and in the

others will suppose development of competence of Learning to learn.

On the other hand, recognizing that all of us have a talent, stressing values of toleran-

ce and respect, and move students closer to disabilities world, will favour the acquisi-

tion of Social and civic competences.

Initiative and entrepreneurship are fostered when the child, at discovering his/her

talent, decides put it at disposal, through his/her participation in activities, sugges-

ting ideas and performing suggested project.

Finally, we find Cultural awareness and expression competence, which contest works

through last aim, that is making global conscience bigger, where the addition of

talents in the world, permit to us growing as a society and going on.

Compulsory Secondary Education, will contribute to develop in children qualities that will

permit to them:

a) Know, assume and exercise their rights and duties in respect to others, practice tolerance,

cooperation and solidarity among students and groups. Carry out dialogue to consolidate

human rights as common values of a plural, open and democratic society.


b) Acquire, develop and consolidate habits of discipline, study and individual work and

teamwork as a necessary condition for effective learning of tasks and the realization of same

as a means of personal development.

c) Value and respect difference of sex and equality of rights and opportunities of all people,

regardless of their sex, rejecting any kind of discrimination between men and women, or any

other demonstration of violence against woman

d) Promote emotional attitudes that encourage coexistence and avoid violence in school,

family and other social environments.

e) Develop basic skills in the use of information sources to develop a critical eye, acquire new

knowledge, as well as basic preparation in the field of the technology, especially information

and communication.

f) Develop scientific knowledge as an integrated knowledge which is divided into different disci-

plines, as well as understand and apply methods to identify problems in various fields of

knowledge and experience.

g) Develop entrepreneurship and self confidence, participation, critical sense, personal initia-

tive and ability for learning to learn, plan, take decisions and assume responsibilities.

h) Understand and express corrected texts and complex messages, orally and in writing, in

the Castilian language, and co-official language of Autonomous Community, and initiate in

knowledge, reading and study of literature.

i) Understand and express themselves in one or more foreign languages properly.

j) Learn key aspects of culture, geography and history of Spain and the World, just like its

artistic and cultural heritage.

k) Know and accept the workings of the personal body and the others ones, respect the diffe-

rences, as well as the beneficial effects on the health of proper food and exercise, incorpora-

ting the practice of sport to promote personal and social development. Know and value

human dimensions of sexuality in all their diversity. Value critically social habits related to

health, consumption, caring of living beings and environment, contributing to its improve-


l) Evaluate the artistic creation and understand the language of the different artistic activities,

using various means of expression and representation.

Participation in this contest will favour the achievement of general objectives of Secondary

Education a, b, c, d, g, h, k and l from the previous ones.

Inside the proposal of subjects that LOMCE suggests for 1st and 3rd of Secondary Education,

we find a direct relation of contents to work in the contents with the proposal both for ‘Tuto-

rials’ and specific subjects of ‘Ehical Values’, ‘Plastic and Visual Education’ and ‘Technology’.

In the mentioned Royal Decree, we find following descriptions of contents of subjects:

Ethical Values. It has direct connection with study of person’s dignity, ability to choose

his/her actions and model his/her own personality, assuming responsibility of being

free from his/her potentials. In addition, it considers interpersonal relationships with

the aim of understanding them from respect and equality, highlighting necessity of

developing person’s abilities as a social human being.

Plastic & Visual Education. In this subject we see conection with next blocks of


Block 1. ‘Plastic Expression’. It gives to students a greater autonomy in

work’s creation, helping plan better steps to follow in the realization of group

artistic projects. In addition, characteristics of audiovisual language of

images for the design to present to the contest are analysed.

Block 2. ‘Technical Drawing’. It applies theoretical-practical knowledge about

geometric figures and representation system, to resolution of problems and

realization of different designs.


Technology. In this subject we can see conection with following blocks of contents:

Block 1. ‘Process for resolution of technological problems’. It deals with

abilities and methods that permit a constructive solution of a problem. For

that, it will be necessary laying on the table talent of every student, to start


Block 2. ‘Technical Expression and Communication’. Use of computer tools in

elaboration of documents of the technical Project to present to the contest

must be introduced.

Block 3. ‘Materials for technical use’. Techniques of working with materials

and specific tools just like behaviours related to cooperative working and

habits of safe and health are of special relevance.

In LOE, Organic Law 2/2006, May 3rd, of Education, we stand out, in its article 22, and

in article 2 of Royal Decree 1631/2006, December 29th, which establishes mini-

mums for Secondary Education, following general principles are highlighted:

1.The purpose of Compulsory Secondary Education consists on reach that students

acquire basic elements of culture, especially in its humanistic, artistic, scientific and

technological aspects; developing and consolidating in them studying and working

habits; prepare them for subsequent studies and for their working insertion and prepa-

ring them for the practice of their rights and duties in life as citizens.

2. In Compulsory Secondary Education vocational and educational counselling of

students will have a special attention.

3. Compulsory Secondary Education is organized according to principles of common

education and attention to the students’ diversity. It corresponds to educational Govern-

ment regulating organizational and curricular measures of attention to the diversity,

which permit to the centres, in exercise of its autonomy, a flexible organization of


In this sense, and in the same way that is reflected in LOMCE, the sense of this contest

is found at recognizing the importance of human aspects of the young person as compa-

nion of the rest of the fields, in addition of attention to diversity of talents, and the need

of putting it all at the service of professional future of students.



In Appendix I of Royal Decree previously mentioned, next basic competences are


a) Competence in linguistic communication.

b) Mathematical competence.

c) Competence in knowledge and interaction with physical environment.

d) Treatment of information and digital competence.

e) Social and civic competence.

f) Cultural and artistic competence.

g) Competence for learning to learn.

h) Autonomy and personal initiative.

Rules of ONCE Contest promote the achievement of every one of these competences,

either because of its contents, used methodology or proposed activities. It’s as follows:

We consider there will be a development of Linguistic Communication through

oral expression, dialogue to agree and writing expression of final work that will

go with the photographic composition.

Mathematical competence and Competence in knowledge and interaction with

physical environment will start-up through the production of photographic com-

position, taking into account perfect measures, specific materials and caring of


On the other hand, discovering of talent that the contest suggests, has into

account that students valuate themselves in their trend and ease with numeri-

cal activities, or on the contrary, with humanistic tasks. Competences 1 and 2

which were mentioned before are used for it.

In Treatment of information and digital competence will be worked through the

treatment of images.


Reflection about the concept of talent and discovering in every one of us and in the

others will suppose development of competence of Learning to learn.

On the other hand, recognizing that all of us have a talent, stressing values of toleran-

ce and respect, and move students closer to disabilities world, will favour the acquisi-

tion of Social and civic competence.

Autonomy and personal initiative are fostered when the young person, at discovering

his/her talent, decides put it at disposal, through his/her participation in activities,

suggesting ideas and performing suggested project.

Finally, we find Cultural and artistic competence, which contest works through last

aim, that is making global conscience bigger, where the addition of talents in the

world, permit to us growing as a society and going on.

Compulsory Secondary Education, will contribute to develop in children qualities that will

permit to them, according to the corresponding Royal Decree:

a) Know, assume and exercise their rights and duties in respect to others, practice toleran-

ce, cooperation and solidarity among students and groups. Carry out dialogue to consolidate

human rights as common values of a plural, open and democratic society.

b) Acquire, develop and consolidate habits of discipline, study and individual work and

teamwork as a necessary condition for effective learning of tasks and the realization of same

as a means of personal development.

c) Value and respect difference of sex and equality of rights and opportunities of all people,

regardless of their sex, rejecting any kind of discrimination between men and women, or any

other demonstration of violence against woman

d) Promote emotional attitudes that encourage coexistence and avoid violence in school,

family and other social environments.


e) Develop basic skills in the use of information sources to develop a critical eye, acquire new

knowledge, as well as basic preparation in the field of the technology, especially information

and communication.

f) Develop scientific knowledge as an integrated knowledge which is divided into different disci-

plines, as well as understand and apply methods to identify problems in various fields of

knowledge and experience.

g) Develop entrepreneurship and self confidence, participation, critical sense, personal initia-

tive and ability for learning to learn, plan, take decisions and assume responsibilities.

h) Understand and express corrected texts and complex messages, orally and in writing, in

the Castilian language, and co-official language of Autonomous Community, and initiate in

knowledge, reading and study of literature.

i) Understand and express themselves in one or more foreign languages properly.

j) Learn key aspects of culture, geography and history of Spain and the World, just like its

artistic and cultural heritage.

k) Know and accept the workings of the personal body and the others ones, respect the diffe-

rences, as well as the beneficial effects on the health of proper food and exercise, incorpora-

ting the practice of sport to promote personal and social development. Know and value

human dimensions of sexuality in all their diversity. Value critically social habits related to

health, consumption, caring of living beings and environment, contributing to its improve-


l) Evaluate the artistic creation and understand the language of the different artistic activities,

using various means of expression and representation.

Participation in this contest will favour the achievement of general objectives of Secondary

Education a, b, c, d, g, h, k and l from the previous ones.

Inside the proposal of subjects that LOE suggests for 2nd and 4th of Secondary Education,

we find a direct relation of contents to work in the contents with the proposal both for ‘Tuto-

rials’ and specific subjects of ‘Education for the citizenship’, ‘Plastic and Visual Education’ and


In the Royal Decree 1631/2006, December 29th, which establishes minimums for Secon-

dary Education, we find following descriptions of contents of subjects:

Education for the citizenship and human rights (2nd Level)/ Ethical-Civic Education

(4th Level), where we highlight 2 blocks of contents:

��Block 1. It has a direct connection with the study of person’s dignity, abilities

and skills related to reflection and participation. Training in the dialogue and

debate and respectful approximation to personal and cultural diversity.

��Block 2. Interpersonal relationships and participation, oriented to respect

to person’s dignity and equality of personal rights, recognition of differences,

rejection to discrimination and promotion of solidarity.

Plastic and visual Education. It has a development of contents that permit participa-

ting in the contest, focusing on own photographic composition. It’s done as follows:

�� It involves need of education in acceptance of different perceptions of

existing objects, valuating visual information that is received, getting excited

with creations and analysing reality. Contents of block 1, Observation, block

3, audiovisual and multimedia environment, and block 5, reading and valua-

tion of artistic referents which contribute to develop this topic’s dimensions,

contribute to develop this dimension of the subject.

��It develops attitude of investigation, production and creation, which permits

expressing and developing own creative potential. To acquire and develop

this ability, contents of block 2, technical drawing, block 3, audiovisual and

multimedia environment and, finally, block 4, expression and creation, are



��In the fourth level, optional, is conceived in a more specialized way. It deve-

lops some of the principle processes of creation: plastic and visual expres-

sion, in block 2, graphical arts and design, in 3, image and sound, in block 4,

in addition to objective description of shapes, in blocks 5


Technology. Contents programme of this subject stands out in the contest because

of following aspects:

��It includes different disciplines, conjugating scientific knowledge, its techni-

cal application, together with economical and aesthetic character.

�� It develops abilities and methods that permit going on from identification

and formulation of a technical problem to its constructive solution, and all of

it through a planned process that looks for optimization of resources and


��Communication also plays a relevant role in the relationship of people and


��It’s mainly related to next content blocks: Process for the technical resolu-

tion of problems, Hardware and Operative Systems, and Communication



According to Article 2, of Royal Decree mentioned before, we consider that, in addition to

purposes and objectives established with general carácter for Vocational Training Learning,

basic vocational training will also contribute students to acquire or complete competences

of permanent learning, according to article 40.2 of Organic Law 2/2006, May 3rd.

In the curriculum of Basic Vocational Training, and especified in article 14 of mentioned

Royal Decree, we suggest two options:

1. Working in a cross-curricular way in the modules that teacher’s group consider

better in their planning, according to item 6 of article 11 of Royal Decree: ‘To

guarantee incorporation of competences and contents in a cross-curricular way in

these learning, in educational planning of professional modules that configure every

degree of Basic Vocational Training, combination of learning and evaluation

activities associated to those competences and those contents will be clearly


In case of Basic Vocational Training and according to Royal Decree 127/2014,

February 28th, which regulates specific aspects of Basic Vocational Training, this

school year 2015- 2016, it starts following LOMCE (Organic Law 8/2013,

December 9th, for improvement of educational quality) requirements, both in first

and second levels of Basic Vocational Training.


2. Developing through ‘Tutorial’ time, which together with educational and professio-

nal guidance, has special importance in Basic Vocational Training, where we will

stand out next specific purposes:

��Tutorial action will guide individual and collective educational process of

students and will contribute to the acquisition of social competences and

developing self-esteem in the students, as in promoting abilities and skills

that permit them planning and managing their educational and professional


��Tutor will make an annual planning of tutorial action expressed in educatio-

nal Project of the centre, that will comprise specific aspects of the group it’s

oriented to, and will include specific activities of information and counselling

that guarantee to students a proper decision making about their educational

and professional future.

Trough ONCE Contest, we suggest an useful tool for the teachers to decide what part of

planning introduce it in: ‘Tutorial’ or ‘Other professional modules’. It will be resources that will

permit develop competences required in Royal Decree, and which anyway have a direct

relation with the necessary ones to carry out successful participation of students in the

context. We stand out next competences and contents:

All the stages if Basic Vocational Training will include in a cross-curricular way, in the

combination of professional modules of the stage, aspects related to teamwork,

labour risk prevention, entrepreneur, business activity and vocational guidance of

students that will have as a reference to concrete subjects of basic education and

demands of professional profile of degree.

Additionally, competences related to reading comprehension, oral and writing

expression, audiovisual communication, ICT and Civic and Constitutional Education,

will have a cross-curricular treatment.


Educational Government will encourage development of values that promotes

effective equality of men and women and prevention of gender violence and values

inherent to principle of treatment equality and no discrimination by any condition or

social or personal circumstances, especially related to people with disabilities’ rights,

as in learning of values that support freedom, justice, equality, political pluralism,

peace and respect to human rights and against terrorist violence, plurality, respect

to rule of law, respect and consideration to terrorism and any kind of violence victims.

For that, pedagogical criteria having into account, will adapt to specific characteristics of

students and will encourage teamwork, oral and writing expression, principle of equality and

respect of the talent of people having or not having disabilities, looking further than obvious

and increasing sensibility towards strenght and human values.

Dentro da LOMCE, encontramos, no seu artigo 24, os seguintes principios xerais:

Inside LOMCE we find, in article 24, next general principle: ‘A Levels has as purpose giving

to students formation, intellectual and human maturity, knowledge and abilities that permit

them developing social functions and integrate to active life with responsibility and

competence. In addition, it will prepare to students for going on a higher education’.

In this purpose we can recognize integral development of students and therefore not only it

stresses intellectual knowledge but also human development. From then that we consider

topic of this 32th edition of ONCE and its Foundation school contest can be an instrument

that encourage this development and therefore growth and maturity of students of A Level.



The same as Compulsory Secondary Education, we find that, in school year 2015-2016

LOMCE (Organic Law 8/2013, December 9th, for improvement of educational quality)

will be only applied for the first grade of A Levels. In this manner, second grade will conti-

nue regulated by LOE (Organic Law 2/2006 May 3rd, of Education). To make an adequa-

te distinction between both curriculums, we will develop grades separately having into

account that first of A Levels starts from LOMCE proposal, and second grade from LOE.


Royal Decree 1105/2014, December 26th, which establishes basic curriculum of

Compulsory Secondary Education and A Level, in its article 2, determines next basic


a) Linguistic competence.

b) Mathematical competence and basic competences in science and technology.

c) Competencia Digital competence.

d) Learning to learn.

e) Social and civic competences.

f) Initiative and entrepreneurship.

g) Cultural awareness and expression.

Rules of ONCE Contest promote the achievement of every one of these competences,

either because of its contents, used methodology or proposed activities. We will empha-

size in the two first, because they will be evaluated in the sixth grade of Primary:

We consider there will be a development of Linguistic Communication through

oral expression, dialogue to agree and writing expression of final work that will

go with the photographic composition.

Mathematical competence and basic competences in science and technology,

will start-up through the production of photographic composition, taking into

account perfect measures, specific materials and caring of environment.

On the other hand, discovering of talent that the contest suggests, has into

account that students valuate themselves in their trend and ease with numeri-

cal activities, or on the contrary, with humanistic tasks. Competences 1 and 2

which were mentioned before are used for it.

Digital Competence will be worked through the treatment of images.

Reflection about the concept of talent and discovering in every one of us and in

the others will suppose development of competence of Learning to learn.


On the other hand, recognizing that all of us have a talent, stressing values of toleran-

ce and respect, and move students closer to disabilities world, will favour the acquisi-

tion of Social and civic competences.

Initiative and entrepreneurship are fostered when the child, at discovering his/her

talent, decides put it at disposal, through his/her participation in activities, sugges-

ting ideas and performing suggested project.

Finally, we find Cultural awareness and expression competence, which contest works

through last aim, that is making global conscience bigger, where the addition of

talents in the world, permit to us growing as a society and going on.

A Level will contribute to develop in students abilities that permit to them:

a) Exercise a democratic citizenship, from a global perspective, and acquire a responsible

civic conscience, inspired in values of Spanish Constitution as in human rights defence, which

encourage co responsibility in construction of a fair and equitable society.

b) Consolidate a personal and social maturity that permits them acting in a responsible and

autonomous way and develop their critical spirit. Foresee and solve peacefully personal,

family and social conflicts.

c) Encourage effective equality of rights and opportunities for men and women, analyse and

valuate critically existing inequalities and discriminations, and specially violence against

woman and impulse real equality and no discrimination of people by any personal or social

condition or circumstance, with special attention to people with disabilities.

d) Reinforce reading, study and discipline habits, as necessary condition for efficient exploita-

tion of learning, and as means for personal development.

e) Control, both in oral and writing expression, Castilian language and, in case, co official

language of their Autonomous Community.

f) Express themselves fluently and correctly in one or more foreign languages.


g) Use with solvency and responsibility information and communication technologies.

h) Know and valuate critically realities of contemporary world, its historical precedents and

main factors of its evolution. Participate in a caring way in development and improvement of

their social environment.

i) Access to essential scientific and technological knowledge and control typical basic abilities

of chosen modality.

j) Understand essential elements and knowledge of investigation and scientific methods.

Know and valuate in a critical way contribution of science and technology in the change of life

conditions, just like consolidate sensibility and respect to the environment.

k) Secure entrepreneurship spirit with creativity, flexibility, initiative, teamwork, self confiden-

ce and critical sense attitudes.

l) Develop artistic and literary sensibility, just like aesthetic criteria, as sources of training and

cultural enrichment.

m) Use physical education and sports to favour personal and social development.

n) Secure respect and prevention attitudes in road safety field.

Participation in this contest will favour the achievement of general objectives of Secondary

Education a, b, c, d, g, and l from the previous ones.

In the suggested subjects that LOMCE makes for 1st A Level, we find a direct relation of

contents to work in ONCE Contest with the suggested ones for Philosophy subject.

In Royal Decree previously mentioned, we find following description of the subject:

‘Philosophy subject has as goal that students are able to think and understand, reasonably

disengaging from concrete studied field in every one of the subjects, to focus in what specifi-

cally characterizes to Philosophy, this is reflecting, reasoning, criticising and arguing, using

extreme questioning mode and the last that is distinctive features of it, about problems

related to totality of human experience, without putting aside their transformation and chan-

ging ability both individual and society. Philosophy is a special mode of questioning and

knowing, a manner to understand and face to reality around us and which, to a large extent,

make us to be and understand how we are.’

If we focus in the main objective of the subject: ‘Philosophy subject pursues as main objective

students comprehension of themselves and their world, giving them cognitive and theoretical

tools.’ we see that the goal is finding oneself and the others which, on the other hand, is what

we pretend with the talent.

In the subject, we see especial connection with following contents blocks:

Block 1. Human being from philosophy. Construction of self identity. Dialectics natu-

re-culture in the process of human identity. Philosophical reflection about human

being and sense of existence. Some keys about sense of human existence. The ques-

tion of sense, essence and existence, self, liberty, death, destiny, chance, history,

necessity of transcendence.

Block 2. Practical rationality. Ethics as reflection about moral action: character, cons-

cience and moral maturity. Search of happiness. Art as an instrument of comprehen-

sion and symbolic expression of reality. Artistic creation and society. Art as justifica-

tion or criticism of reality. Philosophy and art. Importance of communication and its

relation with language, truth and reality.


Royal Decree 1467/2007, November 2nd, which establishes structures and mínimum

learning for A Level, in its article number 2, sets out next purpose:

‘A Level has the purpose to give to students formation, intellectual and human maturity,

knowledge and abilities that permit them to develop social functions and integrate to active

life with responsibility and competence. In addition, it will train to students to acces to higher


The same as in LOMCE, we find that it recognizes integral development of students and

therefore not only it stresses intellectual knowledge but also human development. From then

that we consider topic of this 32th edition of ONCE and its Foundation school contest can be

an instrument that encourage this development and therefore growth and maturity of

students of A Level.

As we can see in LOE, Organic Law 2/2006, May 3rd, of Education, basic competences are

defined until Compulsory Secondary Education, because it’s considered that students have

acquired them in these previous stages. This is one of the chamges we find in LOMCE which

will be introduced in school year 2016-2017.




In Royal Decree 1467/2007, November 2nd, which establishes structure of A Level and

mínimum teachings, in its Article number 1, we find definitions of following objectives:

a) Exercise a democratic citizenship, from a global perspective, and acquire a responsible

civic conscience, inspired in values of Spanish Constitution as in human rights defence, which

encourage co responsibility in construction of a fair and equitable society and will favour


b) Consolidate a personal and social maturity that permits them acting in a responsible and

autonomous way and develop their critical spirit. Foresee and solve peacefully personal,

family and social conflicts.

c) Encourage effective equality of rights and opportunities for men and women, analyse and

valuate critically existing inequalities and discriminations, and specially violence against

woman and impulse real equality and no discrimination of people with disabilities.

d) Reinforce reading, study and discipline habits, as necessary condition for efficient exploita-

tion of learning, and as means for personal development

e) Control, both in oral and writing expression, Castilian language and, in case, co official

language of their Autonomous Community.

f) Express themselves fluently and correctly in one or more foreign languages.

g) Use with solvency and responsibility information and communication technologies.

h) Know and valuate critically realities of contemporary world, its historical precedents and

main factors of its evolution. Participate in a caring way in development and improvement of

their social environment.

i) Access to essential scientific and technological knowledge and control typical basic abilities

of chosen modality.



j) Understand essential elements and knowledge of investigation and scientific methods.

Know and valuate in a critical way contribution of science and technology in the change of life

conditions, just like consolidate sensibility and respect to the environment.

k) Secure entrepreneurship spirit with creativity, flexibility, initiative, teamwork, self confiden-

ce and critical sense attitudes.

l) Develop artistic and literary sensibility, just like aesthetic criteria, as sources of training and

cultural enrichment.

m) Use physical education and sports to favour personal and social development.

n) Secure respect and prevention attitudes in road safety field.

Participation in this contest will favour the achievement of general objectives of Secondary

Education a, b, c, d, g, and l from the previous ones.

Tutorial action in A Level takes a distinguising appearance in relation to previous stage. In

addition to continue developing in students some of the values that characterize tutorial

action during Secondary period, line of learning to take decisions acquire a great priority,

taking into account terminal and at the same time preparatory for higher studies character.

We consider that 2nd of A Level is the best stage for students to think about what are their

qualities, that in which they are outlined and definitely, field in which they want to develop and

focus their professional career.

Taking into account students’ age, contest can result a marvellous vehicle to deepen in

accompaniment and monitoring of teens by means of individual tutorials. So, in this way, we

will be able of work in these two aspects. Recognizing of talent in oneself, with a deep personal

analysis, and discovery of talents in people around us, by means of group tutorial and partici-

pation in ONCE Contest

As we have seen in calendar of implementation of LOMCE in stages, we see that in Speci-

fic Vocational Training, Middle and Upper Grades, some changes will take place. On the

one hand, it will happen in access and admission of Cycles in school year, and on the

other hand, modifications at curricular level. In this last case, it’s pretended make flexible

Middle Grade Vocational Training by means of inclusion of voluntary subjects, some

oriented to upper grade and others to extension of competences. These modifications

will be applied for this school year 2015-2016.

Taking into account all of this, curriculum of units of Vocational Training aren’t modified,

so they will continue with the established in LOE, Organic Law 2/2006, May 3rd, of


Inside curriculum of Vocational Training, we find a section denominated Vocational

Formation and Guidance (VFG), with cross-curricular character, which is shared by all

cycles as much middle grade as upper grade. This section is going to permit us knowing

opportunities of learning, opportunities of employment, organization of work, relations-

hips in the company, basic labour laws, just likes rights and duties that are derived from

labour relations, to facilitate access to employment or labour reintegration in genre

equality and no discrimination of people with disabilities.

With the participation in the contest, we pretend that young people think about the

importance of knowing their potentialities and limitations, as starting point to decide, in

the most correct way, their professional career.

We are going to analyse elements from curriculum of Vocational Training and the

section ‘Vocational Formation and Guidance’, and its relation with this contest.


It’s connected to development of a concrete professional competence, which is mana-

ging their professional career, analysing opportunities of employment, self employment

and learning. It contributes directly to the achievement of purposes of Vocational

Training proposed by Educational System, collected in article 40 parts c) and e) from

Organic Law 2/2006, May 3rd, of Education and in article 3 of Royal Decree

1147/2011, July 21st, which establishes General Order of Vocational Training in

Educational System. These purposes are:

a) Practice professional activity defined in general competence of training programme.

b) Understand organization and characteristics of productive corresponding sector,

mechanisms of professional incorporation, its labour laws and rights and duties that

are derived from labour relations.

c) Consolidate habits of discipline, individual and team work, as in self learning and

critical abilities.

d) Establish interpersonal and social relations, in personal and professional activities,

based on pacific resolution of conflicts, respect to the others and rejection to violence,

to any kind of prejudices and to sexist behaviours.

e) Prevent labour and environmental risks and adopt measures to work in healthy and

safety conditions.

f) Develop a motivating professional identity of future learning and adaptations to evolu-

tion of productive processes and to social change.

g) Encourage creativity, innovation and entrepreneurial initiative.

h) Use information and communication technologies, just like foreign languages that

are necessary in their professional activity.


i) Communicate in an effective way in the development of professional and personal activity.

j) Manage their professional career, analyzing more adequate training itineraries to impro-

ve their employability.

Participation in this contest will favour the achievement of purposes c, d, e, f, h, g, and i from

the previous ones.

Contest is inspired in acquisition of professional, personal and social competences that

module of VFG contributes to achieve. They are the following:

Lead collective situations that can happen, interceding in personal and working

conflicts, contributing to establishment of a nice working climate, acting every

moment in a sincere, respectful and tolerant way.

Solve problems and taking individual decisions, following established rules and

procedures, defined in their competence area.

Participate in an active way in economic, social and cultural life with critical and

responsible attitude.

Creation of photographic composition and participation in school contest would mean one

more step to get next result of learning, from the ones determined in curriculum:

Apply strategies of teamwork, valuating its effectiveness and effiency for achieve-

ment of objectives of the organization.



In minimum contents to work in module of Vocational Formation and Guidance, from sugges-

ted work for participation in ONCE and its Foundation School Contest we will deal with the

following contents:

Block 1. Active search of employment. Analysis of interests, aptitudes and personal

motivation for develop professional career and taking of decisions process.

Block 2. Conflict management and teamwork. Valuation of advantages and disadvan-

tages of teamwork for the effectiveness of the organization, analysis of formation of

work teams, characteristics of an efficiency teamwork, participation in teamwork

and definition of conflict: characteristics, sources and stages of conflict.