2nd announcement - xxii international symposium on morphological sciences


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2nd Announcement of the XXII ISMS


Page 1: 2nd Announcement - XXII International Symposium on Morphological Sciences
Page 2: 2nd Announcement - XXII International Symposium on Morphological Sciences

Dear Professor,

On behalf of the Symposium Organizing Committees, it gives us great pleasure to

invite you and all the teachers and students of your Department to participate in the

coming XXII International Symposium on Morphological Sciences to be held in São

Paulo, Brazil from February 12 to 16, 2012. The central theme of this edition is

"Morphology – From the Lab to the Bedside" with the aim of exploring the important

applications of this biological field for nowadays health care and science development.

Moreover, in this twenty-second edition, there will be special participations of the

Federative International Program for Anatomical Terminology (FIPAT) of the

International Federation of Associations of Anatomists (IFAA), Ibero-Latinamerican

Symposium of Anatomical Terminology (SILAT) of the Pan-American Association of

Anatomy (APA) and World Association of Veterinary Anatomists (WAVA).

In closing, we would be pleased and honored if you would attend the meeting and

help us in advertising this symposium among your friends and colleagues. Receive our

best wishes.

Organizing Committee

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Scientific Program

The scientific programme of the XXII ISMS is organized according to 4 main topics

related to Morphology: Science, Clinical Research, Education and Publication.

In the early mornings, there will be plenary lectures with outstanding professionals

talking about relevant issues related to those main topics. After the plenary lectures, a

thematic “Cutting-Edge” Mini-Symposium is going to take place each day. In the

“Cutting-Edge Symposium” of Advances in the Clinical Setting, experts in different

clinical specialties are going to discuss relevant issues and highlight the role of the

Morphological Sciences in their research.

During the afternoons, there will be parallel scientific sessions about important

questions regarding science, education and anatomical issues. Moreover, the VII

Ibero-Latinamerican Symposium on Anatomical Terminology (SILAT) is also going to

take place.

In the last day, there is going to have a session called “What we have learned, what

we still have to know?” when some conclusions of the meeting are going to be

presented and discussed with the audience.

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General Scientific Program

Saturday Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday

08:00-09:30 Alfonso Bovero

Plenary Session

Trieste Smanio Plenary Session

Renato Locchi Plenary Session

Free Period


Mini-Course Anatomical Record


Liberato Di Dio Mini-

Symposium: Cutting Edge Research

Hersz J. Trajber Mini-

Symposium: Advances in the Clinical Setting

Pietro Mota Mini-

Symposium: Cutting Edge Education

Orlando J. Aidar Mini-

Symposium: Cutting Edge Publication

13:00-14:00 Lunch Time Lunch Time Lunch Time Lunch Time Lunch Time Lunch Time


Mini-Course Anatomical Record


Parallel Session


Sílvia C. Boldrini Poster


Parallel Session


14:00-15:30hs What we have

learned, what we still have to know?

15:30-16:30hs Final Session


Free Evening

Opening Ceremony

and Reception

Official Photo and

Social Activities

Social Activities

Gala Dinner 16:30-22:00hs Closing Reception

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Abstract Submission

The XXII International Symposium on Morphological Sciences welcomes the

submission of abstracts from worldwide experts in Morphology. Only abstracts

submitted through the online system will be accepted. Please, refer to the following


1- The abstract must be submitted in English

2- The maximum number of authors per paper is 6 (six)

3- Please, ensure careful preparation, as the text is going to be copied directly into

the submission system

4- The author´s SURNAME must be in capital letters, followed by the first name and


5- The name of the speaker-author must be followed by an asterisk (*)

6- The abstract:

- must be laid out in terms of Introduction and Purpose, Materials and Methods,

Results and Conclusion;

- must have, at maximum, 450 words;

- should be related to one of the listed subjects and should include 3 key-words;

- may contain grants acknowledgements.

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Abstract Subjects

- Macroscopic Human Anatomy

- Macroscopic Animal Anatomy

- Microscopic Human Anatomy

- Microscopic Animal Anatomy

- Embryology, Development Biology and Evolution

- Education in Morphology

- History and Arts in Morphology

- Terminology (Anatomical, Histological and Embryological)

- Anatomical Techniques

- Body Donation

To submit your abstracts, please refer to the website: http://ismsxxii.webs.com.

The last deadline for abstract submission is November 10th, 2011.

Note: 1- It is important to register in the Symposium before submitting the abstracts;

2- Each registration allows the submission of two abstracts.

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Social Program

The Social Program is being prepared to offer the best São Paulo experiences to

our participants. Some activities are complimentary to all registered participants. Other

activities can be purchased during the meeting. The accompanying person allows free

entrance to all those activities, except the gala dinner.

Timetable Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday

Morning City Tour

Seaside Tour

City Theatre

Shopping Center Tour

Afternoon Visit to the Medical

School and Museum*

Seaside Tour

Latin-American Memorial

Happy Hour in

the Soccer Museum

Evening Opening Ceremony*



Jockey Club Happy Hour

Dinner at the


Dinner at the “Churrascaria”

Gala Dinner Happy Hour in

the Soccer Museum

*Complimentary social activities

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To refer to the Symposium Website, please access the site:


To make your registration please refer to the following link:


For any doubts or further inquiries, please contact:

E-mail: [email protected] or [email protected]

Tel: (55) (11) 3217-8281 or 3217-4353 or 9702-3409

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Institutional Support

Brazilian Institutions

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Institutional Support

Scientific Associations

Scientific Journals

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