2nd seminar report

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  • 7/30/2019 2nd Seminar Report


    2do SEMINARIOBARCELONA3, 4, 5 y 6 may 2012

    1RST DAY

    15h00Opening, welcoming, informing on Mardi Codolar

    Short welcome from the team, with each member saying a few opening words. The representant of Marti Codolarpresents the place and informs the group about practicalities.

    15h15Human Bingo

    Starting with a round of names, the rules of the Human Bingo are

    explained: each person will receive a bingo sheet and should find

    one different person for each of the questions asked.

    15h30Safari on Marti Codolar

    The group is divides in 3 smaller groups. Each group has 45 minutes to solve the challenges on the task sheet for the


    The groups go out on Marti Codolar and outside to. After 45 minutes the groups get back together at the working

    room and share the results of the safari.

    16h30Coffee Break

    17h00Collective Time Line

    From the last seminar 'til now, people went back to their countries, jobs, personal life. Some of the people may have

    met or communicate somehow, but the connections from the last seminar are now fainted and we need to get back

    together, looking at each other and strengthening the group. The way we propose to do that is trying to make up for

    the time away and share what happened to us since the last seminar. For this people will use post its (one per event)

    and right there in topics / short sentences something professional, personal, about the project, about moments when

    people met or communicate, about social / country events that were significant for that person.

    As they right the ideas on the post it they should put them in the time line that is in the wall.

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    TIME LINE notes

    Fragility of security (economic) in life, but positive attitude

    Lot has happen and we're still ALIVE

    Political global / european worrying situation - democracy somehow is in danger

    It is a challenge to promote participation...

    When you participate in something how in to that you are and for how long... in the beginning of a seminar and

    such a project we are very committed and then when all this all happen, you lose it in the way... You forget to be as

    committed as you were.

    We are living in a stressful situation (country and personal) but the affect it has to us was add to the things we do

    Many references to people loosing jobs it is the opposite side of more and more...

    We are in a european project, with european money, thinking about participation and we can't vote for our


    It was a period focusing in the personal and in the process. In terms of politics I always stepped out of politics i

    changed my attitude, in terms of talking to people. Being more cheeky. Not having the problem to harass

    politicians. Even in terms of local government...

    There is a high bridge between one side and the other... as you get close to seminar 2 we get more and more post


    FROM CP?Meetings and contacts for CP

    Being unable to follow the project in a virtual environment

    I am in a participatory process and i participate so little. It is not a good feeling. We can have excuses - but if I say

    let's do, I want to do. I lose the train

    We don't put so much info but we discussed about the project and one idea was to find one thing about our

    project that is connected to clearing. we found a project that maybe could be connected.

    It is very difficult to maintain

    How to keep clearing a project and keep our own project

    Connection doesn't work

    Difficult to study the other projects

    Virtual stuff would need animation... we let it so open...

    We talk alone in the platformWe need several different Fotis... and people to contest to Fotis

    We have to have a reason to do it and people to follow this reason

    The platform is important but is not urgent. Sometimes urgent means somebody is waiting

    I took good things from the 1st seminar that reflect on my work - now I take calm...

    It needs continuity

    18h00Why am I here (again)?

    As the last moment for the day, after getting back to the group, we need to

    prepare to dive in this second seminar. To do that, the group should be

    reminded of the walk done so far. From there, the program for the seminar is

    presented, along with the goals for it and the participants are asked to answer

    the question: why am I here... again? In post its, which are then shared and putaround the program.

    18h30End of the working day

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    2ND DAY

    9h30Daily plan

    9h40 - The Tale of the 2 Villages

    Se conforman los grupos del da anterior (verdes, amarillo, rojo)

    Leen la historia de las dos villas y discuten durante 10 minutos cmo resolver la situacin,

    qu pregunta deben formular.

    No fue fcil - usamos escenarios posibles

    Cuando trabajas en algo no logras ver claro, luego te

    separas un poco y aparece la respuesta

    Tena que ser simple, pero comenzamos a complicarnos

    Para algunos era ms sencillo buscar la respuesta en

    grupos, para otros cuando las tareas son complicadas se

    tiende a trabajar de manera individual

    No haba tiempo para escuchar y pensar a la vez

    Trabajar en grupo hace ms fcil encontrar la solucin

    porque hay ms ideas, se construye desde diversos sitios

    Al principio pareca simple, luego vimos que era

    complicado, y luego vimos que la respuesta era simple

    El proceso es complicado, no la solucin

    Es fcil hacer las preguntas correctas?

    Pensar mejor antes de hacer las preguntas

    Los mentirosos complican nuestra vida

    Las preguntas correctas para nosotros mismos, no para hacer a los dems, eso es manipulacin


    Reviewing Clearing & Clearing the ViewGoing back to the project as whole, review the project scheme and allow people to share their perspective on it.

    Besides what we are doing and through what steps, there is the issue of how we're doing it. Within what strategy or

    pedagogical approach. So not only as we put it in Lisbon is the process supposed to be itself participatory, as the

    methodology is based in some principles that it is important to remind people about:

    1 it is a NFE/L setting

    2 Competence Development is self-directed (for what concerns KSA - it is not an academic / theoretical / conceptual

    training nor a training of multipliers)

    Meaning that, as the facilitators team, we take on the role to facilitate the construction of individual and collective

    competence development processes, in different roles:

    - we can give you the hand and pull you

    - we can give you the hand and walk side by side

    - we can give you the hand and be pulled by you

    So, in an attempt to allow you as much as possible to bring you to lead

    the way, here is in a different way what the project is all about.

    And we can look at it the other way around, starting from the

    publication, which will consist of:

    - the theoretical framework for the concepts here implied



    - the training referential

    - best practices references

    - testimonies shaped by this group.

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    So far this publication has the skeleton and some meat. But there is meat messing, that we intend to find with you,

    based on the assumption that there is not 1 right way or THE best model. There is no formula. In face of so diverse and

    ever changing practices, it is not possible to apply one recipe to all. BUT: there are things that are common and

    constant. There are elements that we can say assure quality. And those are the ones we are going to share with the

    purpose to allow anyone that did not participate in any of the 3 projects, to use this publication and learn as much as

    possible as we all are doing.

    So, reviewing: you are already practitioners / multipliers; with specific practices in specific territories; characterized by

    what is the intervention they generate; and characterized by a certain way of doing.

    Checking the way we do it with some assessment questions will allow us to go deeper on aspects we want and have

    the chance with clearing to be experts on.

    The result of the work that may come out of these focusing will shape the publication (the best practices and the


    And in the end it will all go back to each one of us as competence development!

    From this path we got to describe the flag. Today we are going to get to describe the how and tomorrow we are going

    to start deciding on and defining the focuses and the orientation to shape the publication and the competence

    development (it is an exercise every time that is a win to outside and individual).

    10h15Sharing of Existing How's

    So we say we got to describe the flag, and we assume that it was difficult to answer to the how. But some of you did

    take that step. We asked Fotis and Ana to share on this...


    "How + a little bit of focus"

    I was always confused when I am thinking on the focus and when it is about the how

    1 - how the assembly works [consensus if can't majority]

    2 - subject of the assemblies

    3 - how I wrote all this:

    It was really really difficult - I made the presentation of the urban crops... it was really easy to focus on the

    initiative itself..The operational . How it works

    The important thing was the participation and the how of the participation

    What makes it participatory / what ruins the participation

    How you make it participatory

    a) what makes it participatory it's a bit more easy

    b) the problems of the part proc in this:

    . the most important for me is that after a while everybody focus on their own personal goals and not the group

    goal, the common goal and it is very easy to make that mistake because you think you're working on your own

    which is common goal

    . the most basic problem is that as time goes by you go apart from this group thinking and you do not notice your

    goals are getting distant from the common ones

    . in the beginning there is something that connects everybody in the group to reach this common goal- another basic problem that affect the part proc is that there are people in groups more active and the rest that

    other will act more so you feel secure you have leaders

    . most of the people in the group need to have someone in front which is bad because you need to be equal, you

    need to feel equal in participation

    . the result can be the same but the way you think about is different

    . if you have a part proc then the leader does not decide, but others expect its opinion first

    . I miss a lot of collective work, I realize I work on my own

    c) people who are not used to it feel the debate is a wasted of time, because .. getting practical - lets find the

    answer and go with it

    Going from consensus to majority is a decision that comes to early because people feel it is a wasted of time!!

    The most important is to strengthen the participation!!! and not solve the problems of the initiative

    Feel more like a team - community

    Do side groups (without losing the basic core)

    To create a side project created another way of connecting us

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    Do the things more collectively

    Group leisure with 'people from outside' - getting bigger

    There is a 'war' between what makes it more participatory and less participatory

    Joo - in the beginning of the process they don't want to be there but then they come

    if the process is really collective the people that are more individualist they get aside... if the movement wants to

    involved them, it maintain the window open...


    - participatory process for assessment and taking decisions for 'recommendations'

    - focused on stakeholders engagement

    - methods not to leave any stakeholder behind

    - method based on principles

    . inclusivity - recognizing the right for every part to be heard

    . materiality - finding relevance

    . impact

    . respond - to the things the stakeholders express as needs and aspirations

    thinking strategically:

    - why are we engaging

    - what to engage about

    - who do we want to engage

    what really are the questions, the things we want to ask the people

    criteria to decide on engagement of who - this part is very important and takes time just for working on that - IS IT

    PARTICIPATORY? it is internal and someone makes the decision

    the who comes from a set of attributes:

    . responsibility

    . influence

    . proximity

    . dependency [ARE INFLUENCED?]

    . representation

    persons - organizations and identification of the person

    10h45My How

    Presentation of the questions we got to in the last seminar, both interviewing Felix and working on groups for specific

    question groups.

    What we need to be clear about is that, answering to the how we develop our practices means replying to the

    questions found on all the 4 boxes! The ones that make sense to the practice and practitioners in case.

    Each person has 1h15m to look at the questions, talk to each other, talk to us, and prepare the presentation of the

    how. Before lunch, we are going to make the exhibition of the 'how's.

    15h00Case Study

    As como en Lisboa tuvimos la presentacin de una experiencia, en este seminario contamos con una persona del

    Ateneu9barris que comparti con nosotros/as los distintos momentos por los que fue atravesando la experienciahasta llegar al momento actual.

    16:30The Hows

    Pegan los HOWS en las paredes recorridos por los paneles pequeas conversaciones

    PLENARIO: no encontramos an el how hemos avanzado desde el seminario de Lisboa hasta hoy

    Hemos dado un gran paso, no todos partimos del mismo sitio, no todos dimos el mismo paso, no estamos en el mismo

    punto pero hemos avanzado. Tenemos el material suficiente para continuar trabajando maana desde este punto.

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    3ER DAY

    Llega Marta Comentamos mail enviado por Marina

    Dibujar el contorno de la mano en un papel en blanco I dont know my hands

    Plan de actividades para el da hemos aprendido a hacernos la pregunta acerca del


    OPEN SPACE. Qu dimensin de los procesos participativos-participacin quieren

    profundizar ahora?

    ANA 1 hora evaluacin de procesos participativos

    KONSTANTITA find things to motivate the participation on platform

    FOTIS exchange economic processes / romantics or not? (We strongly believe in participation?)

    DELPHI comunicacin entre promotores participantes o potenciales participantes

    DIONISIOS toma de decisiones en pequeos y grandes grupos

    TERESA the risk and traps of PPss

    JOAO how to make institutions to use a participatory method in local level to improve a method

    AZUCENA complicity and confidence in participation / different interest, engagement

    STABROS e-participation and the role in participatory processes

    STABRULA political and social situation in each countries, find common situations, common points to continue


    Brainstorming about the interest groups


    To go deep on thereflection, practices

    To generate outcomes



    Create synergies betweenprojects and practices

    PlanningWork together

    To support each other

    To share ideas and goodpractices;

    Making more practical the

    theoretical part that is

    being discussed;

    Exchange different


    Talk about bad practices

    (not to be repeated);

    To focus a specific part of

    the all;

    To identify our interest as

    a initial way to form the


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    Creation of groups

    Each person individually, having in mind these days will select his/ her interest (choose) 5 minutes and possibly


    - Stamos - Development and study of community projects economically valuable and ethically soundly (with valuefor people);

    - Ana - Leadership in participatory project and decision making and the governance of the project;- Paqui - Governance: Is it possible to Share responsibility, do we need leaders - Joao - How to lobby and advocate for participation?- Marta Feel lost (need for content input)- Teresa - How to implicate people in processes; personal commitment and participation; how implication works;- Fortis Blank. Bottom up to create together the interest of the group;- Dyonisis Governance and decision making: means to create and manage networks.- Mrcia - What for? Happiness, improve citizenship, democracy, - Delphi Relationship between promoters of the processes and people who participates.- Zoe - Participatory alternative spaces for learning. Participatory tools- Konstntina - New ways of raising awareness specially on human rights field- Anne How involve and commit people- Azucena Tension between spontaneous and models (to have or not to have a methodology)- Stravoula To focus in actions in different types of communities (alternatives ways of living)- Stravos Croud sourcing projects (start, development and evaluate phases) tools

    Time to think and talk in order to discover the possible interest groups.

    Difficulty of groups of interest. Time for talking together and trying to find groups of interests.

    Debate after the difficulty of creating groups.

    a) Bottom up Let it be messy! (Fotis, Teresa, Stravos)b) Community project, financial balance and ethical grounds (Joao, Stavros, Paqui)c) Governance, leadership and decision making (Joao, Stavros, Paqui)d) New ways of learning and raising awareness in a participatory way (Konstantina, Zoe, Azucena, Marta)

    When program was to be started, a participant asked to have more information about the project and where was the

    project to be led. Other participants spoke about the freedom and how happy are with it. Discussion continued until

    the facilitators spoke about their expectations and the way things development.

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    4th DAY

    Se renen los grupos constituidos el da anterior y trabajan sobre el planing para los prximos meses.

    Comunity accin


    El primer paso ser buscar ejemplos en Portugal, Grecia y otros pases


    Buscar caractersticas de estas comunidades.

    Modelo de organizacin de estas comunidades.

    Viabilidad econmica y conexin con el resto de la sociedad.

    Reflexiones en el grupo sobre cmo sera interesante que funcionen.


    FotisStabrus - Teresa

    Contactar iniciativas en nuestros pases, make some questions, qu hacen, cmo

    lo hacen (en el sentido de la participacin), quines son las personas que estn

    implicadas, herramientas que usan como punto de arranque, cuando todo

    comienza. Cmo emergen estos movimientos?

    No queremos slo recoger informacin vamos a explicarles qu estamos

    haciendo y preguntar si alguien quiere compartir con otros grupos y qu quiere

    compartir con otros grupos.

    Utilizaremos el email. Comenzaron a elaborar las preguntas.


    AnaPaquiJoao - Delphi

    Representamos organizaciones muy diferentes.

    1- Describir las prcticas que cada organizacin est realizando, identificar siestamos trabajando horizontalmente o no.

    2- Identificar nuestros temores en estos procesos de lidership yhorizontalidad

    3- Identificar otras prcticasUsaremos al principio google doc poner la informacin sistematizarla

    (caractersticas organizaciones, tipo de organizaciones, modelos de

    management, cuntas personas trabajan) elementos para identificar cun

    horizontal es una institucin

    Al final pretendemos producir recomendaciones para nuestras propias organizaciones y para otros

    Haremos un timetable

    New ways of learning


    Marta y marcia no estn seguras si quieren seguir en este grupo

    Social exclusin perspectiva de gnero una de las entidades ya tiene un

    proyecto de exclusin social y de gneroUsar social media, google doc, trabajar informalmente,

    Conectar este proyecto con intermediae, crear links

    It is posible to make a learning-participatory process? How?

    Xenia, Susana, Nuno, Lucrecia

    How are we building a participatory process in CLEARing?

    Assumption: we are crossing two components training and participation

    Explore if it is possible

    We are creating everything step by step. Can we sistematize it in order to

    make it a 'product'/an transferrable approach?What we are going to do:

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    1 Find the levels we have to look at

    2 Register and describe the moments so far and put it on dipity (making a reflection on 'this was how it was / this is

    how it could have been'


    Proyectar la Lnea del tiempo desde el seminario actual hasta el seminario de Grecia.

    1- Definir fecha seminario: 26 al 30 de septiembre (opcin a) 3 al 7 octubre (opcin b)Se hace en Atenas o fuera? La propuesta es hacerlo fuera de Atenas y que dure 5 das para tener uno para visitar


    Intentaremos hacerlo en cuatro das dejar el da extra al principio o al final y trabajar el programa en 4 das

    Fechas seminario final oporto: 5 al 9 diciembre

    2- PlataformaEl grupo que en el open space trabaj el tema presenta la propuesta

    Hay dos maneras de comunicarse: manera formal (la plataforma), y otra informal (tweeter,) En la plataforma

    colgar los documentos para visibilizar este proyecto

    Cada grupo puede decidir un hastag para cada grupo, para el proyecto

    Algunas personas usan facebook, otras tweeter, otras mailsProblema plataforma: no genera notificaciones, se volver a preguntar a bruno

    Necesitamos la plataforma para trabajar, poner los resultados, pero necesitamos encontrar otra forma de estar

    en contacto, y esto depende de la personalidad de cada uno. Platform must be used as an aquiver but more

    organized and must use notifications.

    Importance of building the platform together. Proposals: to make it simple (ex. to start with a free blog), to

    include more accessible data (ex. of participants), never the less was focused the importance of following other

    groups work. Susana explained that will give Bruno feedback and will see with him what to do to taylor made the


    3- Personas que no asistieron al seminario Once Elisa and Silvia has left, the decision was for Maria Jos, Marinaand Zoe. Importance of integrate people in the group. Who does it: facilitators? Partcipsnts? Zoe showed

    availability to contact Marina and put her on the process. The Greek group will integrate Zoe. To several

    questions (to integrate, have responsibility for them and to support them in the process) the group agree. Whatis this happen in September? If someone can`t come do we accept another person? The group didnt agree (this

    is about participation and not representation). Testimony of someone who arrives late: difficulty to participate.

    Another argument stressed the importance of receiving other peoples. The idea ended by deciding not to discuss

    an abstract phase and being able to discuss a concrete case if it happened.

    Como marco de trabajo comn a todos los grupos, se acordaron las siguientes pautas:

    Todos los/las participantes del proyecto tienen que hacer parte de un grupo de trabajo En el prximo seminario cada grupo tendr que presentar qu y cmo ha trabajado

    Las personas que no asistieron al seminario revisarn los materiales que cada grupo de trabajo comparta en la

    plataforma para identificar si encuentran algn grupo al que se quieran unir. Recibirn el apoyo tanto de los

    coordinadores de cada pas como de algunos participantes para reengancharse en el proyecto.


    Se reparten cuestionarios individuales para recoger opiniones personales.

    Se realiza una dinmica colectiva para complementar la evaluacin.

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