2oi5 leadership distii{ctive a - pepperdine university · distii{ctive leadership 2oi5 university...

DISTII{CTIVE LEADERSHIP 2OI5 University Mission Pepperdine is a Christian university committed to the highest standards of academic excellence and Christian values, where students are strengthened for lives of purpose, service, and leadership. Graziadio School Vision To achieve global distinction for advancing knowledge and developing leaders that create value for business and society. Graziadio School Mission To develop values-centered leaders and advance responsible business practice through education that is entrepreneurial in spirit, ethical in focus and global in orientation. As a professional school growing out of the tradition of a Christian University, We seek to impact positively both society atlarge, and the organizations and communities in which our students and graduates are members. Therefore, we affirm a higher purpose for business practice than the exclusive pursuit of shareholder wealth. We believe that successful management seeks collective good along with individual profit and is anchored in core values such as integrity, stewardship, courage, and compassion. Mission Related Definitions: o Values-centeredleadership o Values-centered leaders strive for excellence in all they do through an unrelenting commitment to integrity, stewardship, courage and compassion o Responsible business practice o Responsible business practice affirms a higher purpose for business practice than the exclusive pursuit of shareholder wealth. Successful management seeks collective good along with individual profit through economic, ethical, social, and environmental resp onsibility. o Practical and applied o Embedding opportunities to apply knowledge acquired in formal learning experiences to real-time business situations. o Ethical in focus o Promoting professional behavior and business practice in accordance with the rules and standards of right conduct and practice in business. o Global in orientation o Gaining greater knowledge of international business complexities through better understanding of the relationship and interdependence of nations and people around the world. o Entrepreneurial in spirit o Preparing students to organize, operate, and assume the risk for a business venture andlor to exhibit leadership in innovation in an organizational setting. o Collaborative, experiential leaming environment o Learning through cooperative, team based pedagogical methods that emphasize hands-on learning in an immediate and relevant setting.

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Page 1: 2OI5 LEADERSHIP DISTII{CTIVE a - Pepperdine University · DISTII{CTIVE LEADERSHIP 2OI5 University Mission Pepperdine is a Christian university committed to the highest standards of


University MissionPepperdine is a Christian university committed to the highest standards

of academic excellence and Christian values, where students are strengthenedfor lives of purpose, service, and leadership.

Graziadio School VisionTo achieve global distinction for advancing knowledge and developing leaders

that create value for business and society.

Graziadio School MissionTo develop values-centered leaders and advance responsible business practice

through education that isentrepreneurial in spirit, ethical in focus and global in orientation.

As a professional school growing out of the tradition of a Christian University,We seek to impact positively both society atlarge, and the organizations and communities

in which our students and graduates are members. Therefore, we affirm a higher purpose forbusiness practice than the exclusive pursuit of shareholder wealth. We believe that successful

management seeks collective good along with individual profit and is anchored incore values such as integrity, stewardship, courage, and compassion.

Mission Related Definitions:o Values-centeredleadership

o Values-centered leaders strive for excellence in all they do through an unrelentingcommitment to integrity, stewardship, courage and compassion

o Responsible business practiceo Responsible business practice affirms a higher purpose for business practice than

the exclusive pursuit of shareholder wealth. Successful management seekscollective good along with individual profit through economic, ethical, social, andenvironmental resp onsibility.

o Practical and appliedo Embedding opportunities to apply knowledge acquired in formal learning

experiences to real-time business situations.o Ethical in focus

o Promoting professional behavior and business practice in accordance with therules and standards of right conduct and practice in business.

o Global in orientationo Gaining greater knowledge of international business complexities through better

understanding of the relationship and interdependence of nations and peoplearound the world.

o Entrepreneurial in spirito Preparing students to organize, operate, and assume the risk for a business venture

andlor to exhibit leadership in innovation in an organizational setting.o Collaborative, experiential leaming environment

o Learning through cooperative, team based pedagogical methods that emphasizehands-on learning in an immediate and relevant setting.

Page 2: 2OI5 LEADERSHIP DISTII{CTIVE a - Pepperdine University · DISTII{CTIVE LEADERSHIP 2OI5 University Mission Pepperdine is a Christian university committed to the highest standards of

I Enrich Learning: Enrich students with innovative and personal learningexperiences and services.

a. Align curriculum more effectively in every program with the school'smission.

. Values-centeredleadershipo Responsible business practiceo Practical and appliedo Ethical in focuso Global in orientationo Entrepreneurial in spirito Collaborative, experiential learning environment

Enhance Thousht Leadership: Enhance capacity for thought leadership thatshapes business practice.

Thought Leadership: Recognizedby peers as a leader in the creation, promotion, andapplication of innovative ideas and concepts that create value for business and society.

3. Cultivate Communitv: Cultivate an engaged and vibrant learning community.

^. Mobilize alumni through:o Lifelong learningo Program level activitieso Technology. Career Engagement

b. Create learning communities:o In geographical regions

o Enhance community space at regional campuseso In academic departmentso Between and among faculty, staff and students

4. Build Partnerships: Build dedicated corporate and community partnerships.

a. Develop Graziadio 100 Corporate Engagement Programo Target companies:

o Consistent with our missiono That respect higher education

o Expect companies to:o Refer studentso Participate in executive education offeringso Hire studentso Sponsor eventso Host on-site programso Engage in the learning experience with our students (guest

speakers, E2B, etc.)


Page 3: 2OI5 LEADERSHIP DISTII{CTIVE a - Pepperdine University · DISTII{CTIVE LEADERSHIP 2OI5 University Mission Pepperdine is a Christian university committed to the highest standards of


b. Develop strategic partnerships with top tier universities domestically andglobally to create academic and business opportunities.

c. Develop strategic partnership with non-profitsÆ.{GOs to drive a focusedbusiness development initiative locally and/or globally.

Advance Reputation: To achieve global distinction for advancing knowledgeand developing leaders that create value for business and society.

Framework for Advancine ReputationFour key elements for advancing reputation drive our efforts in the Graziadio School:

Educational excellence advanced through excellence in program and course design,content, and delivery - and supported by the Enrich Learning strategic goal.

Academic excellence advanced through excellence in faculty reputation and researchreputation - and supported by the Enhance Leadership strategic goal.

Career services excellence advanced through excellence in placement for full-timestudents and career progression for fully-employed students, executive students, andalumni - and supported by the Cultivate Community and Build Partnerships strategicgoals.

Network excellence advanced through excellence in alumni activities, alumniengagement and participation, and connections with the business community- andsupported by the Cultivate Community and Build Partnerships strategic goals.

The following initiatives are mechanisms for advancing the school's reputation bypromoting the school's accomplishments as the strategic initiatives associated with thefirst four strategic goals are implemented.

a. Develop highly effective marketing strategy to promote the school and itsaccomplishments to key stakeholder groups.

b. Pursue leadership opportunities in key academic, program, and professionalorganizations.

Enrollment Excellence: To achieve the quality and quantity targets of programbudget plans.

Operational Excellence: To achieve high quality processes and procedures in aneffective and efficient manner to support Graziadio's operations.

Exceptional Student Experience: To achieve high quality student supportservices that ensure an exceptional learner experience as perceived by students.




9. Specifïc Departmental Goals