$2.oo,.2.so, - atlantic county library · wedn fbday, the~ieventeenth day of noveblbi~it~ ninbypeen...


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Page 1: $2.oo,.2.so, - Atlantic County Library · WEDN FBDAY, THE~IEVENTEENTH DAY OF NoVEblBI~It~ NINbYPEEN iIUN-DltED JIND FIFTEEN~ tit two O’I;Io(!I¢ Ill tile lii~Ot’l~0on tit liilll






be bereft of any thste whatever¯ Wll, Vnriohs .facts In support.of thll thl- ItitgllIFl~l~ SAl,g, . . t#ttEIlIPI~M SAni~ ’ ’,helmitm,mado no reply to’such c0mpll- 0ry that all ’ metals are naturally, of vlrlue of a.writ of flerl By vll~uo of a ¯writ of fief[ 10ins, la memettt~, keeping her eyes on the floor the color of sliver are given by Dr, ~ Imn~l oat of. the di~0ied,, ll~llued out of the Atlantic lJommon

will" be |lold at .Pit, is Court, will be imldat public vendue; cowith becoming modesty. Martlouellek ’ ht it Russian ehehflea| WEDN.geDAY, TIIE 8EVENTEIg~TtLDAY: I~ATUItI~AY, THE T$IIItTEENTH .DAY OF

Cluu]dler spent three hours in the J0urtml. ’I he yellow tint of eartlltn OF NOVEMBEIt, NINWrEEN HUN- NOVI~MBlgii, ;NINETgI~I~ HUN,young lady’s company. A great deal metals, sut.b as csiehtm, has been DRED AND FI~EENI ’ ’ DRED’ANDFrFTEEN, ,may bt: done’ In three hout~, especially found to be due to the presence of at two o’clock m Uto afternoon of mild et twu o~cloek In the allernooli

He Vohmteered,’Recelvlntl by a re)Idler. Battles bays been won traces of Impurities, the pure mtUIl In the Oourt Boom No. 201.- Ouaranteeln .the Court.RxlOmTruit NO. Beeond¯ ’ lauUo City, County 6f AthmU lantl0 City, County of

--o eybln Compen- in a few nflmltcs. Tile IieUienantfrom being silvery wllite, llelne him also Ouamnl~Trust Building, InNo sSmi.lthlzing wltll his companion sag- showA.that wllen et)l)l)cr is specially NewJeraey. " ¯ d ’miss’

New,lereey. ..... .: ....All that trl~t or pal~el.of Iimu nil pro , All that tract of luudaatidpl~mlsel’sltuate

gested tlutt n substitute mlglit alleviate purified It becomes of n paler tint, the situate, lying and belug In the CItyor Atlantic In the City of Pleexaantviile, In the Oouut~_ of, 8&|iOll ’

her dL~:tppohltulent, and’she was not red color I)elng apparently the rlgnlt city, .In tile .Couuty of Atlantic andSfiteol Atlautie "and 8tute 0f New Jersey, boundgd

at nil sb0cked nt tile suggestion, of oxidatlou caused i0y tile presence 0t N~l~n°nr~lY~’at I point In the Northerly line o!and described as follows: .

B0glnnlng lit th0 ~nt~r of4h.e rmid lind!rig

feet Westwardly from the Wealorly line of the seventh corner to the piece of lana con.By g. A; MITCREL

it wa, ulglltfail before tim general lead oxide. . .. . FrcoehBtmet dhitant twohundred and fifty from ’Nuthaulei Rlsley’s to lllsteyvlllo .using

and Ill.~ 8tuff drew rein at the ’chateau, - ~~ Vcrmout Avenue uud ext~ndlug these0 (l) rayed tll I~uZliaon (L Potter from Martha I~.

~t~l~lt~l?~]l"ll~ll’~f!l~~ dlslflounted lind strode into [he bongo . Tigris Monna Swift, Northwardly p~trallel with Vermont Avenue 8onyet ill. by decal (hgled August2i, 1881, nnd

to the ,hulkh~ o~ tilelr spurs and side The Tigris allpears la the book of ofafllleeu feet w dealley knows asFnuIRItu nne hundredai~dflveteettotheSoutherlylluelive mhlutea [ralstuh,ngthocenterof.aald rtstdruns ihence(l)Soulh ’fifty-eight degrees aud¯ four" Avemue thence (2) ~aatwnrdly aloug the.elgIHy und filly-two Inlndredths feet ~80.52);

Au elderly hldy I~l lielglnm stood on artfis+ SUlil’tcr was ready for them’; .G.encsi at lIlddekei,:one of thothe porqh of a re~l(l~oel~ Wltich wit~ nlld. when intTolluced to it ~hero wan ’" ~ fix ’lnch~ to the Wi.~tcrly side of Chelleu Westone hundred tl~trty feet; (3)North llfly-honda’ into which tile river of Eden Southerly line uf F’nlnklln Avenue sixty feet

(2) ~#tluth tblrly-one delireeeaad forty mlnutee

Avenue thence (3) 8outhwflrdly sioux the five dogrl~s mud flft~ ¯ itllnuies W(mt eightyI)n|lt on u hill nlld fro:ll which SilO. .¢lnrprl~e It) Iblt]¯ 0 collation such as was llarted. The name by which we weslerly sldeofChelten Aveone one hundrell unll tiny-twolnlndredtlm feet to Wlllhtln Ills-

could ovt,rh,~k u rllad wlIMlng through wonhl I,e re, reed at n social gathering ki~ow It d oc~a riot exactly meait "tlgei’." ena av, feet to the Northerly Ihte of Freueh le.v’s e, wuel;; (4~ N,,rth lhlrty-olindegret,sund8tn, et: thence (4) Westwnrdlv along the forty Inlnllh,s Fatal cite hundred thirty feet to

It + valley bl, h)w. Anxiety and impn- ratlier Ihun it hot nloal. ’ Then It eamo For the correct wuy of putting it isIneheltN°rtherlyto IIneof F’renehtlte plueo of beglnnlhg.Street slxtYilehlgftmt theglxttmveyedheglnilhlg.to imtitl BhnlehellChlg"thev. sameleord byPremhies con.deed fromtioneo wt, re expressed Oil her face. otlt th:lt they were enlhtg what had that both "tiger" tlll(] "Tigris" mean ~tne prelllim’+l which C.J¯Adttnts t:otnpaoy Charles S. Adltnui et. ux. dated June ~l, 191+0

in Pemhm swift as fin nrro "¯ E - (,tlUVeyed t~ l)elaney Company hy d(~tl deled and. recorded Ill theClerk’eOIltceofAthlntleShe WItS evhlently expel.lira= some-

been pl’el);ll’OI1 for It we(ldlnl~ break- x+ " nAtlgultt 15, 1908, and. recorded In tile Atlunt.le Couuiy In hook 4"10, ltttg0+2~ ofdeede. "

thing or ~t)llle Clip tlult dhl li,,t ~lppear. fast¯ ¯ . phrate~" Is n Creek verI.doil of the Per. cotinty I;lelk’S Ofllee In back No. 387 uf dee~% Seized us the .PlOllevly of Blanch V, Fordlingo 247. slid Liken Ill executllin at tile malt of lrrederlek

"~’|lhehnhulY’ site cried. (:h+ntnttl "~ordon. gi bhlli’ Britisher, alan llUfrllt, which signifies "the good Propertyll to I~wold subject to taxes of 1910F. Pttrl~lls nnd ltulsell Weeks, tmdhlgtm Par-

whn had bt,en a sol.diet for thirtyyears, was nlucb surl)rlsed nnd ind}g-nnnt I,i [l’;ll’ll llmt the pretty Wllhel-l{tinn hall exl)eeled to be n bride nndhad i’v:n:tllled li splnsler.

"My dear." ile said to her, "’If I weretl yt)lllIl’P4[L’l ¯ Io.’+lelid of an old fellownlld Ihe.father of a large family oft hjhIl’l’ll l xt’lltlltl id’fer nl.v.,qqf ItS li sub-~tlltl[e for lllbi i’lld who

Page 2: $2.oo,.2.so, - Atlantic County Library · WEDN FBDAY, THE~IEVENTEENTH DAY OF NoVEblBI~It~ NINbYPEEN iIUN-DltED JIND FIFTEEN~ tit two O’I;Io(!I¢ Ill tile lii~Ot’l~0on tit liilll
Page 3: $2.oo,.2.so, - Atlantic County Library · WEDN FBDAY, THE~IEVENTEENTH DAY OF NoVEblBI~It~ NINbYPEEN iIUN-DltED JIND FIFTEEN~ tit two O’I;Io(!I¢ Ill tile lii~Ot’l~0on tit liilll





’=:~’.~+-==.: L. ’,: :, ~IHERII~F’It:BALE.I ’.’!’By virtue of.a writ of fleff timbre, +t9 me

i dire0t~, i~uea out of the New Jersey Court, o.flChltuoery, will 13o tmld at pttbli0 yon due, onWEDNE~IDAY, TIlE TWENTY-’F’t)UItTlt


’at two o’clock In the aflorlioon of xhhl dill3;,;" in the Court Room No. ’201, ’Heeond I.’lo6rt4lmimnteeTrtmt Bulhihlg, lit tile City or At-latttlo City, Couttty nf At tult e nltd 8tll..te of

’ New J.ertmy.lit-I¯ All that certain lot, tract or parcel of id

IIteate in the City of bhtrgatc City, t;ouhty ol&tiantlo and State of New Jersey, i)otillded

’, arid desorib~t ak roilnws: .- ’¯ Beginning at a po tt n.tlm Westerly lille.I"(.~lro Ave itle two htmdred feet.L’l()ntl’lw trd

of thO f~mtherly line of Atlnntle .ltvenue, nlldexleading theaee.(l) We~twtlrdly |lltrallel¯ with Athititle Avcntl0 v;Ixlv.two ll4nl .lift,,’hundr0dth~l fl~,t ; tlwnee. (2) Notllhwnrdlyparlilh~i with Cal.ro ,llvl,tine lift’,’, feet; lheileei3) ~lYeattvtirdly iq~alh,I wll.h tit,, first i’otlr;~et~lxty-twl, and lift 3, Illtl,|ri,dth~ G,,’t to lhe.Westerly line of (’Ith%) A%’I’IIIIO: thenl¯q ~ {t)Nortllwlirtlly In IXIII| lilOlll~ ~tihl %Ve~terly lineof Cixiro Avenue llfly feet t. tilt, idili’eof tm-glnning.

Belng lot 13 Ill bhlek 12 on u "phIIx or l.lld~hilh)nglng to Velitntlr Hyndh’:th’ ill .%iargtltl,I’ark, Ml|tq~’t’*h’ t’l|y t N..l.. ere."

~eiz~d Ix~ the IlrOl.’rh" of Vent,-,.t Hvndh’llteAtilt Iltken Ill cx~?vtltlon IX! tile Rill’ +~f’ The I"lri,-illell+lt Bent’volent Al~sttl’t:lthHI IXII(| tl+ lt,*t4, iltl I)3’

.ICI,~.Ei’ll It. IIAIt’UI,I¯;’I"T,

,~ h+.rlfr.Dated i )ctoher 30. 1915.

TIIOM#.t~II)N tl~ S.IIATIt t,;lt’*, ,~,ollelOiru.

~IIEItlI"F"."~.’II,I’;. .fly ,vlrtur tff :t .writ ~,f IU.r’l fit’..bi,~, to .,

tllrtq’tt’d, tmstt~,(I Ollt of tile N~,w .h,rm¢,y Ih)t,,el t’hltnet.ry, w|ll t,e ~oht nt.lnlidlv vl,nduv. ~,1

WEIIN i,>4llAY. T41E TW I,’N¯I¯Y - i"t It? 1{ I’llDAY tH" NOVI’;MIH"It. NINE’I’H’;N

lieN liilI,:D..XN l) l:l F"I’I,;I.;.N.

f%t tWO o’clll(’k lit tilt’ l}~’l’lil)¢lll of ~llhI daY,hi the <’~nlrt [gt.llll :~4tL L’I)[, 7"~l’(’l)lltl ["h.il’,litlttlntntt.,Trt ~t ~ iI it., ill lilt’ t’ltV ,,f .’~t-I:lnth" I’!t3. ’t t Ix" t,I ,%llnlttiv nlld .’4hilt. i,fNI’W .IP ."~l’v

2%.11 tllilt vi,rttthl I,)l. tt:lc| ,,r p:trt,.t t,r h,mtnltltilte itl Lilt. t ’liy t)f ~% it "i~ th̄ t ’ltv. t ¯,HIIII%" (IfAtlttnfie llllcl .~titto of Nt.w +IVl’.~t.y.I.IIxlidC,|and de.~erll.’d II~ rifllmr~ :

Ile~lllllllll= lit n I)(lllll Ill th,’ I,:~i~l+,rl’,’ ~]llt, ll[I*,’ill ,llllti;r ~’l’(,?lllt’ t%%’tl I,tllitlt’q’qt fi’,’t ~lllIII t)ltill’St It erl.~ It)i, itf.%thtltl,..\x’i’tltl,’,liV)lil’x-tenilhig ?helle. (IF I<: ,~|w; ’fly p,irxtllcl wllhAllalltic "/ttvlql}l+¯ ~lxty-t~l Ittllt lilly htln.(lrl,dth.~ feet ; |IH,llC(, l’.ll ~,,Hlliwttt’,liy pltrllllrlwltit lattlt’~u~tt’r A’..OlltiV tttty h,+ t : till’lilt’ (;it%Vt,~twl~rdly luirnlh’l wltll tit*, ttr.it (’llllr~t’s xty-twi~ Itlltl 1]1"1.% hlllitlr+.’,ltll~ l~,Pt t,; th,,Eilsti,rlv lilt,, qll’ [,tiil(’.t~li,r.?lv+’rltlP; tl,vllcl’ It)Nortl t~tl’dly hi llnit itliHiiL t|l,’~:ttd I?,ixutq’rlylille lif l*llll(’ttNli’r .~.%’VIIAI(̄ lltl~ rc+.t 1() thv plat’+’I)f ~)eRIllll Ill

~t*lZ¢’tl it~ life* i~1"lq"*lI’< ,if" ~i’i.?tht.ir ~%’lidit’ltl¢"llkllil t~ik(]ll Ill t’Xo~’tltl~Ht tit 1h¢" ~ttit (it [l"ill’ }/h’t~

Inl,ll+N Ill,ll,,vi,l,’nt \4~ltl¯llit 1’ill :illll Ill lit’ K, Ihl tl3".ll I,~l’:l’ll I{, IIA It’TI ,I’:I+T.

~ hi.rift.Ihitl’d I I(’liltli’P ;ill. I!il,L

TIIIiMI’P4IiN .¢~ ,i~++l.%l IIEI{’4, P~iilh’lliil¯~.I’l-¯~ ft... ~t :+El.


;, i;+

.’4111’31. lI:I"’,"~ ,’~AI.I’;..

t~y %’lrttlt~ i,l" It writ (>1" fll,l’l t]lcln ~+, t+l lilt.(lll+l,t,lt,ll, I~ili’l| illlt ill flip =x~++w .l+’r-i’) I’litllt

¯ ¯ l.]lGAJ,. LttGAL.

¯ : .... : - ] . : _ ....

By.virtue of a writ of flerl lli olal% ~0 nitdtrc, etcd, llcstied oul of tile New derlley Court.of Cbnucory, will be i~ohl lit public veodue, on


DltED JIND FIFTEEN~tit two O’I;Io(!I¢ Ill tile lii~Ot’l~0on tit liilll diiyin the I~llin+{ i{o<)in No. 201. ~tmonll Floor{hilirliniul; Trust Ihllhtlngt In ttl~,~ City of At’lilntlc City+ {’ouuiy of Atliliitle and ~lttito of¯ NOIV .I erse.y.

All tllitl tract or pixreel Of htndjind premll~.,~,~lttntte, lyhig mid beloR 10i tile City of/tilantlcCIIy, hi the Counly (if Alliinll0 lind StateolNew Jorley0 . +

lll’illnltlnl aL ii p{llnt In Illt~ NorUlerly line ofl*’relleh bllreet ill.~bint Iwllliiliidred nntl lillyf.el W6~t~¢ixrdly f.roln Ihe We~lorly line. of

~’l, rniotlt :4tVelllle lind i~Xlelnlhig lllelll~e (|)Norlhwiirlll)’ lulriilh,I wllli Vl*rni,llil AvenlleOlll? htllilh-l,d iilld I|%’0 ll,ei ill llle~lllltilorly Ihie¢)r Ii II fh+l,ii lt..I whl. lilie+v kllnWii 1114 F’runkllnAVi.lnll,,~ thl,nt, p (:2) I,~l~lwllrdlv Iih)ni llle~oillheriy line lit b’riinkiin Avi,nllo+ ~lxly feelIdx hll.ho~ to Ihe Weuterly bible of (’hi,lienAvi,nnel ,hi!lice (:1) .m,~lulliwlll¯dly illoiiff lhe%l’i’.mter[l’ ~l(le’llf I’lil,lttql AVellnO one hllll(IP~,dlllid ’llvv D’el hl the ~lll+lllerly line of I,’l’t’litll

F1Lreet- tll¢,ll(’e (41 %Vi-Itwilrtllv llhlllg lheNorlherly linoof F’l~Pilch ~tn.et ~l.’tl.v feel ~ xInehi~l I~)lhe plliOo iif ht’~hinhlll. Ib,lng fileRllnll, prenllm.m +,tlilleh (J..I. Adlillltl I~OlilililnvelillV(,yetl t,I lh’huloy t’nlll|)lll y |l\’ deed IIttto~l+~lln/it~t Ill. !108, Ix Id rl’l’llrllt,(I I ¯th ̄ .tlllllnlIc(’Olltil’V I’lerk’tl I Iflli’e In llilllk ~ll. ~7 tit ItPtllblllll ff~’ 2"17.

I~rl>porlv I~ hi I,e +lllld tniiJri!l Io ltlxI .~l ill’ 11110lllnonnlhll~ It) ~ttlt4 I Bill, IIl(X’~.:15 191!, $II0.:12i:Ill:l, I1~1o2; 911,1 ~t.5’-’i lin(I il +ilr~.l iittlPpl~-inl.nl ill e !l’~:t7 iln(l lillto #41root iit~bli~lllll,lit (if~7~.7.’1 t(,gl,thel with hilor(,ulll Inl(I i.iiN[+l (ill lilxt’~l lillt| ll~l.(’l~4nll’llll.

F.t,lz+-d liq lht, pi~)p¢.rly of llelilnPx" (’ompixnyo . ii . i i~l t ik ,it In i,.x’l.l’lllll n at’the .ill, ofhthii I,’. I "rixlg lind h) lie i~ohl h+%+

, J(INF:I’II IL IIAILTI,EI"F.~-Ihorl if,

it,Lied {ll.ll,lll~r L~t. 11115

(;JllltlIF:T. li[l)l)l+~(lq tll~ I{1~1~.I), ,~lolh.ll,lrm,l’r’~ Gq’, tllPCill

,~111,;It I FI."S ,~A I.E,It v vhltll’, lit I1 writ ill IiPrl till.liiP% Ill nle

ilii’l~,h.ll+ iP~lil,iI llill ill" thl, Nl,ll’ .h*i’~l.v Cllill’l~l[I "tlitlici,r+%’, will lip ~l,lli lit lilltlllt! %l,litllll,. IIll

\V EIIN 1":,’4D.t ¥. TII F+ ~I’:VI’:N’I’I+H"NTli DAYill" NtIVI’;.MI|EII, NINI,71"EI,:N IIIIN-

III{EI~ AN D FII’1’H’:N,,’ll 1w~ ++’~’lll<’l( Ill lhl, Ixnl,rli~ill (if ~llthl thlv,In flip I’,,nrl I{i.ilix i~i. 2It], ~l,(.lllill" I,’hul’r.lliiliriliil~,e ¯I’rll~| I|lilhlhll~ hi lhl, 4¯lty ill" ¯~ithillte I¯lv. I’l)illl3¯ of. AIIIi II, i .~-lilO lit~(~tt" ,|1,i~+,3". . "

,’%11 tl’ill I’l’ltilhi t~il’t lit iqirvl,| i~f hind,~lllilill., 13 Illt~ lllill tll,lll~ hi Ih+, I’ll 3 of Allixn-lh, I’lly+ hi Ill~, I’illllilV lll’,llli:illt}l ¯ inll Pitilll,I)[ ,~i.w .|lq’~l,v, Iw,lili¢li,(I lilld (lt¯l.rlllo(I litf~d h)w~

, Itl,ltllilhl ~ ill Ii i,,dnl hi tile \%¯1.~I 1111o illI)ll’+’l.r +~lVl¯lllll, ¢,lll, hllllltl-l,ll 11111| t’¢i’l.n|y 1"4¯1.1Nllrtll *)f till’ Norltl lID,’ +d" \%’lilcht,~lt,r A%’lqltl+.lili+l rilli~ till’lille II i %lt’t’~twnrtllt’ llllil llilleillll,Iwlttl \lfhi,.tll.+~tl,r .~t%’i¯lill+, ~,,I.l+llt3- ll.l+t . till,lll.i¯

lit ~ , )11 h ’+vii rllL~ 11 ill1 |in rtill+,l wIIh [ ll)vpr.%l’+l.lltll+ l%l’(,llll-t|%i, fl,l,l : Illt’lll’l = I’ll t*:lltlI-wllrllly ltllll llll~lllvl with \li’lll(.lil.i+t+,r .%Vi¯lltll.

~+¯tl,lil,~ IH.t hi Iho \t,’v~l IIl.++J |h+vi,r %.Vl,lilll. Itll,li+.i. ill ~lilllllll’lli+ll% ’lit Ihl, \\’l.~t Ihil, lit[ tli%lq" % %i+1111o tWl,liI~; i|% i. tvi.I ill th*. |lhi~.t. it|

,~l.I/i,li ll+l ,hi+ |~liil)l,ltv lit ~nllll,lq +~llllLl’l"

¯ I~tH BlllI FI~R i, lA hE.By virtue ’of a writ Of’flerl "llela% tu me

dlr~0ted liUed out of the Allantlccommou!’ eat Courl+ will be iold at publi0 vendlle, ca



at tWO o’cloell iu the afternoon of mild day,IO the Court lloom’ No. 201. P~eond Floor.(tuamnt~ Trust Sulldlng, It) Ihe Clly of At-iaatl0 City. county of Athtnlle and 19lille ofNew Jor.ey ....

All Illlil Lraet of landll lind prmlilm~ nlttnatt!hi tim City of Pltm+tlntvlll0, In the County ofAlhinll0 lind I~tlil~ of New Jerli0y, botlndedand ih,~rlbed ll~ follow~;

Uelhlnhlg In Ih~ center of Ihe rlmd ieadlnlfrSilU Nathilalel Rlaley’a to IUnleyville bl, lnlthe +mvelitli ~Orller to ,be pli~e of Iliad (Nin-veytmi {o l)enlllnml t;. ¯l%lter from Martha I+.t-kmy t.L ul. by decal daled Alllllllt 2i, 1881, andPnnq Iheilee {l)’~olith Illly-elghl degreeli andfive niinult%,l it+ant aloni the c0nler of llald roodellhly iiod lllly-lwo btindredlhl feet {it0.G2);(2) I.lotllh thlrlv-one dell’Peg lind forty mlnlllell%Vim, one htlntired thirty I1~1 ; (3) NOrth fifty-five dPKree~ lind flflv mlnuteu %Veml plghlynnd lilly-two hnndrt~th~ feet to WIIIlaln il.l~-h,3"il0orner; (4) Norlil Ihlrly4)n+~dl’KlX~4"llqlndforty nllnlitel~ t~lllil one buadi’Pd thJl’ty feet tothe uPllnillnl, llelng lhe mlin~ premlm.m~.nli-veye<l Io lid llhinl il0 V. F’ord hv deed f.roln(.:herlol .*4. lSilllXllm el. ul. dnlell .lllne 2:1. 1910,liild rot’lIPd(,ll In Ihe Clerll’~ IHllee tlf-~lhilllll"COil 11%’ In hll<lk "l.e~l, |~ltg0 7~2 tit IIIN~ltl

~l’lz+’,l IIR the prl)l~rtv of Bhineh %’. Fordlind Ilikeil In t.Xeeiltlon lli. Ihellult of Frl~lerlckF, i’llrM, IIt and l{tlmmell %ll’~ktl. tnltllng itg l’ltr-~ellvl ~% Vreokl. nlrid to bo gold I)%’

JOI~iEPII IL llAltTl,i,:T’r,Sheriff.

I hi.led Oct,lhPr lit, lille,.

El+\e(ion I}. ~I:IRI~, Alt()rtle3".l,r,gf,g;,$15¯flN









’ l"|)[L ()HI P, YEAR.Ttl I{ I’:E I’OUNI)KI~EPI":RS.

An,I i~,,tl<’l, |.q h+.rl.I))" further glv(.n lhat I:<~r ,hi, lU,l’l,O~l..~ or t’ll’ctlll~ t’alldhlittoR"~IIEIJ+IFI""~I H’l’i’l’;’ IIn" l~,uii’d ,,f It++l~l~lrv nnd l’]lel’tlons will to fill lhl, f(dhlwlii;.: ofllce~l:

|iv +i-Ii’lll# I ~)f it writ lit Ill.r| rill.ill% l,i llll. llll.+.t :t| It. followtrll~ (l¢’slgnat+,ll I)l:t(’er+: "l’%tJ() /tHSI,]MIII.%_’MEN.(llrvct+’d, I~tll.ll inll tit lhl..~t,w .h.l’~l.y I’llllrl I-’h’~ll tA’:ir¢l-- City Hall. i IN1.] (’l)ltONl’:lt.llft’hliil, vi.)., will I~. mild ill pliidh. %’l,lillixl , i,i1

,~41,1+¢,lid \ll’:lrll S.A. Lutz. IXblecon Inn. q’lllil’:t i] C(tIINCILMEN.(J.~l+] .IIT~TICF~ OF TtlE I’EAC]0.\VF:IINI.:~411 \Y, TIll.: TWENTY- Flil’ltTli :illll th.it ill. ¢’lo(’tl(lil idll¢.l,r~ ’.t’i . ~lt flPI ~]’~+N~ A~E~SOIL

l).\\ ¯ I)F" NtlVF:MItI"It. NINF;I’I+,I,;N Ilqi;ll’l ,,¢ i.h,(’thm lit tilt, t I:l(-i.R ill)or(,"I’A.’,~ (’OI,LI+~CTOR.

~l~qll?NI)ltt+:ll %NIl FII,"rI,:EN,llll.lilllilll I] r)ri the .’ill(iv,, day ¢.()lnHlene-

+%1 lhl I I;i’l,l,rllrl I’:li’l’tt¢lu held oil Tne~day,ill I’~%¯,~,+’Clll<’k Ill Ihl, ll{ll+l-lli~ill lit ~:illt it:iv,

i|ij~ ill i~ i~’+.llll’|( ill ltll" li)(irlll il~ iillll t’lo~t-.~o’+’l.llihtlr 7. IlllTt, lhe l’lillowllig Proll~.ilthln Isiiii~ Ill 7 +i+l.hicl{ In lhe I,%i,iIit1!~

hi ,hi I i1i11¢I I~lllllll ~il. 7~11. .l-tll,¢.lllld ~’hllll- lit h4. Villi’(| lllllI;llllilll’b’+¯’l¯l’ll<t ItlllhllllIL ill tt)’~ q’lly I)f ,%1- t¯’l)t" th,’ |,llrll()t~(%l el’ i’l¢’t’lllll: i¯;ITll]ht;itt.~l P-4111111 llll, Ill.’, elitllh,(| ’l~%ll li(’t Io llll|tll)rlzl.llinlh. I+itv. I’,llllily tit %11111iI1~’ lillll P41ii[t, lit l+i fill itll, fllll¢l%%’llll~ olficos Ihl, ,~-411il+* %Viilor ,~lllllltlv |’lllnixil~41t)ll IO pllr-

i.hli~ll ~ <lr nc¢lnlrt, , I’-r Iht, pllrl+<~ll’ of IxPl)rll-

|lrl:tlllll~ nnd ¢t,ll~l’rvlllg ill*! IKdlltile Wnh,rllIhl,l’~.lii h, ttl~, l:t.ll*’l’ixl :&lid t’~iixllllt)l} Ll~ Of thehlil:~t,II ~llt~ ,)f Ih~’ ’6hilt, IIII (~t t|le landll,

] pr,,llil-,- :lll<l ~lltl,r rtghll+ n¢)w ownP¢l lly thei.~hll,, i,I- .l~l~+ellh %Vhlllton, th’t’ral~?d, ltltUlitoIn ,hi, [’, ~Vll~liill~ of M¢.dfllrd.P41iixlnong. Tab-t.t ~l;l(.il.. \V~.|llln(|. ~VitlqiinRtoll lind ]JltllilItlv¢.r. hi I|urlhll4t¢)n ~ ~+ixnty, New ̄h,l~oy, andthe "l’oll n~llill~ ,)f Vt’lllPrf, lr¢l .nd Vi’ln~hlw, In|’lllndOll t ¯lllln|v+ Now ,|t,rll,)’+ linll lilt. T(t’~’n llllnlniolil¢lrl, ll’lid lhe Townl~|illl ot" Mulh’a. InAllixnlh’ |’oulily, .%~ew .lersey, lind 1¢) providefor Iho [.ll+l el Ille eetllllsllhni lileleof.hy thell~llllllel, of tile t.lnd~l ill llill+ l~lille ;ll lhelililonl tit ¢)llt, inllllon dolldr~ hi oonforlnltywllh ilrllch, I%’, l~el.lloli %,’1, plirill[riiDh 4, rlf. thet il.iixtdltll Ih)li tit Ilil~i ~l+ltl%" bo lldol)led?

I). M’. RODEWFER,Borough Clerk¯


N,.w .1,.,.~y. ’ q’%vI) AS,’41’:MIII.Y+MI’:N,%11 Ih,iI (’~.rlillil h’]l¢’t or llnr~¢ "] ~f illnlt ()NI’: (’(.)I[()N[’:]{

IIIllllil,. h’llii{ 1111¢1 bcltll~ In Ihl, I ’1|3" (it’ +%tllill|-I" I’l H’NCII.M’AN-AT-I.AIt|II’:.I’lt.v. lit Ihl, t’OillilV of ;illlillth’ ilO<l ~lllll. ~lf+ (’OItNf’II.MAN, F’lll.qT %VAItl).~ew.I,,r~ev. I,¢ltlll<ll+¢l IInil iIP~+’rll)l.ll ii~ f.i{llll%v~: I’t)I’Nt?II+MAN. ~I<:(7()NI) %VAI{I

|lrgliilllllg Ill n IHihit hi llll, I?.n~t INil, ill I’l)l,l=l’:t’TOIt I)F TA.XF+H.Alili;illllll~i .k%’rliilt. llllt, hlllidrl.ll iilill tq.Vl,liI.Y . t’IINSTAIILF]. FIRST %VAItl).rt.i,I N,i;Ih ~lf lhl, Nllrtli lint, tit %\’lllclllmll.r I’lIN~T/sllI.E. SECOND WAItD..4%*1’1i111.. lillt| IIIIIN lhen(,i. II I,~l~t’+l¯llrtl y iilll| .)IL~VFI(71,: ()F" rFlll~. PF:ACE. FIItSTlliii¯illb.I irllh ~\’llll.illmh.r fll%’PIiil¢ ~ tm4~%’¢,ntv fo~¯ll ¯ %%’.%1(11lh~.li¢’l. 121 Nllrthwllrdly nnd Ililrlllh+l with/%1111111~111~ A%’l’lillt ¯ lwl¯fll)’+|t Vi’ lel’tl ,hi’Ileal’ I~1) ]tlt ltlo I;l¯lll,rixl i.’.h~¯tll,n heh] <lix Tllel~llliv,\Vl,~lwllldh- lind pixrulh.I wllh ~;tnclil,xll+r +%li)vl.nlll¢.rT. llll;i. Ihe fi)llll%vtlli~ l’rlq+omilhm’l~

l(i I,i, v¢il¢it o11 .,~l%’i.lllli¯ i~i,%¢qlt’¢ fit¯| h) lhl. I’~tiNl llnolll’Annlb l~lliill lira nit etltllllql "All lIct hllullh(,rizoI

t,,~11~ .,X~.iilll.* ; ilil.nl.i. 14) ~¢lixlilwllrlllv ill Ilie Ihl. 1"4title" ~,t,’iil(,r ~ll I lilY (’(llliillbi~il[,ii Ill Itlr. I¯hl~t linl. lit ;ltlllili|)¢)ll~ J%’¢+11i1¢,Iw’+,lll)’-II%’l, tl.¢.| ,(trill, plliC¢.of’ lleldtlllillll~, i (.|llitll. ¢)r ll¢’lllllrt" , fl)r lilt’ f)llr!~)’~t, i,f lll,i)ro-

.’41¯lzl,~t ll~ lh¢’ irll leltV ¢il \\’llllilill It. I¯:lll~¢)ii llriixthll~ ilid P¢illll~r%’hlg the i)oliilih, wtil¢,r~#.t. iil~. ntlll liik¢’ll Ill ¢.xl~ llll¢)ti lit the. ~ull tit I lhen~lli Io lhelenerul lltid etlllllli<ill iltt, ill" Ih<,I’h.lh.~ II. P~lilvi,r~illl¢l tl, ll¢.~;i)hl hy Inhat)ltanl~ of lhe 71it|l, all of tin, Iliads,

, i,rt’nllt’~ ROd =~ltt¢’r iLghtx now ¢lwn¢+lt b%" the.l(l~El’ll IL ll.%lt’l’l,FTrF, 1.14tlllt~ ill Jo!q,ph Whlirh)ll~ i|e<’l.il~¢,ll. ~||ililtl.

l’4|lPrlll" in Ihl. "l’¢)WnMItp of Medf<)rd, ~hlllnollg~ "rllh-Ihlt¢.l I h-|()t)l.r ’~n¯ l!llTi, orviliCIo. \%’oodhind, %t/udahlngtoll itlid I~lll+a

%V II+~)N ~ I’JltR. ~¢)lh’ll,li"+, I~.lvPr, In illlrllngllixl t"l)tlnL)’, New.|erm~’j’, lindI’r’~ f,’.. Sl:t ;+~t lheT¢lwnahll:m of %t;llll.rf.ord lilid %\’hi~h)w~

(’[llil+i. ()r li<’¢lixlr¢’, for the pnrpo*~ ,)f-appro-llrhillng lind conM!rvln I the- potable wiiler~ilh¢,ron l(i lhe leneritl Rlid eonllnfln ut4e ill" IheItihixhltixill~ ¢11r tiitl ~tllltll, lill ,lit Ihl, hili(l~,llrl~inli..>.l lind wiitor rllhta llOW OWli¢,¢l I1%, lh¢.oiUitr elf .llllq+[ih WbltrLoli, deCPliltPd, \i~lllltlteIll llie Tllwii~llilpt lit .%ledl-~ird, l-lh:lnion~, Tab+¢,rnliell. %Voll<tiilnd li~’lllhlllgllili illii| lhlr~I{Iver, ~li lhlrlltigl¢ili I+(lllllly. +New .it,rill+V, lllitltile’rowixNh|ll~ of Waterford aud %Vlllld]gw, ILlt311mdeti t~ounty, New .ler~ey, lind lhe T()Wli litHamila¢illUili, till(| Ihe l’ itlil4hlli lit Mulli(ui, IllAlhililic |~+llunly, Nt, w .ier~%,, linll I lllri,vhlef~ir the e~ml ()f lilt, ¢ivqullllLIiln llii.tl.¢)f. I}y I~lliilll.¢, tit I1i¢, llllilllH i)f tiil~l ,iltlllO to thellllllllllil of lille Irllllhili dollixrti, In confi)rllll|ywIlh lit,It.It. 1%’, bu~’llliii %’ I, luiriignlli|l 4~ i)f the,L¯llllNIt|llllllll lit til|~ ~tat,+," i)e ildol)tf,t


N(TI|:F; Tt) CitEI)ITOIL’LF:~titte of Atlrahtilll llrul)~t(,In, ¢ll,l,(¯ix~l¯¢|.

]’h.lll4 I ’llllrt <if |hi. ( :lillixty ¢if Alllinlh’ ¢111 111,’l’ltli lilly tit F41,1ili,nitll,r Ilil+l ut~ithil+t lilt! rlgiiltllilllt vri,(lit., liiOlieyl4 lind itllbl!tli, I(,~ll~ IxllllchiillelH, lllrlllll lililt lenelnellU4 (if (’]iixrh¢~(hllnl)i..ll , lilt illlU¢*lil di!llti)r¯ lit Iht ¯ i+ull f,li~<ilii(, I ¯ Plitl I it, for tilt, 14u ill tit li,005, rote rnllllle

I tin lhe IJIIti dlly or t)clJlllor 1.15, lind liix + llillllehllg |J(’l,rl N~lr%’l,d Itlld (lilly IfXt+~+,U|t’¢! IIltd Wagrvlt r it l iIll II t. lwl.t tv.141+conll dill ~ift’W.llleln.tier I!il;+l b)+ the t-llil,rl Irof lhe {~l)llllly ¢)f. A thllil h’.

()l.lVEli 1’. |{¢)1;Eio4,A li¢)r iii,y.-

I+:l)Wl~ A- l’AitKKIt, t;h!rk.I )iill~(I I IPt¢)hPr +20, ltilT). I’r’~ f¢~., l~ti

N(J’[’I(:I+: (ll" 1~ll,71"rI,EbtENT.N¢lll¢¯l’ iX IIl!r(’tiy I~l%’t’tl lilllt Ihe II¢’¢’OilllU41tf

A(ltnhill~tPlllj)r. I’tlr~+tlixllt tl, t hl¯¢m|¢+r ¢)f. Einixlltil,I i :. Hhitner.%lhintle t’itv. N.J. ~urrogliil, tit tli¢~ I’ll ity ~ f. ¯% hlnll ~. lhl~ ¢lllt.%hiy’~ l+luldliig, N..i.. i Ii’h)l.,r 2, Itil,r,. lnitth, ~iti lhl ~ nllllll<,lith n of the, iindl.ri~l~n¢,iiI’r’~ fl.l., $1-t.t)+l i~:xl’<.lll rt I i)f I |iv ~;ihl lll,¢.l-|l,llt Ii¢itll,¢, Ivl ht.rl+tly

IN A’I-I’A|’IIMI+;N’r. glVi-ll l~l lh¢.cri,i Itlil.~i ¢)f lhl+ i-~lllli ih,¢,l¯dl,lit |llelhll,it tli |h¢,xtitm¢,rllli,r, lillilvP¢iltlh lit lllllrlli-

l-lille- I.. l~itltlli +.’~. (’hilrll¯vl (+’linipllt+ll. |n ill- litloti, lhl,lr i.hllinx iitll| d¢’nliiinl~i ligilllil4L ti i.tll¢’hlill,lil. N¢llh~l. iN ht, rl+h+%- glVl+ll l|nlL il wrll 1~1411t 4. tit I il, ~;ihi ¢il~.l,drlit, wlthhi Ilhii, IiiiiIlfili4¢lf’iltlii[’lilill tit wii~ Ixllill,(I 4ixlt (If’ the (!¢llliltion lrOlll Ihl~ diilt+, ill’ llii+¥ will be f.¢lriw¢,r biirred

IMen’s Dress Shoes .... $2.50

Boys’ and Girls’ School Shoes- The best sold in the city

$2.oo,.2.so, $ .o0 .Men’s Heavy Worknng Shoes - $2.48D0uble’sole in black and tan

Our Men’s RallstonShoes ’¯

At Lowest Prices

Cannot be beat, for style and quality. Comeln and trya pair. Absolutely guaranteed.

$+.oo, $+.so, ss.oo] ................ .

H|lllll Ihe Ixel enlllll,d "All lIpI lonnlliorlze

g6@3= 16@S Atllanti¢ Ave.,ATLANTIC̄ CITY, N. J.

[==::::=IAt the (tent, rul L,:lectl¢ln held ,hi Tur~day.

N¢)Vt, lnber ~ lttlS, the following Prt)lumition . \

tile ~tllte Vi’llh+r ,~ltll)l)ly t;ollitliIN~lOll tit pur-9t!lnittle or ncqulre, Ibr the purpose O’f. appro- -’

liriulllil~ ILnd Ci)lll~rvInl~ |he llolilble Water#lilerl~llll tll t~le gel)l¯rll| illid ~lltlllrll)n UlIL, Iif tileillbat)|lltnlH of tho= HIItLl~ all of tile llilldl~prenaltil~vl ii[ld %Vlitl!r rlght~l llt.lw ilWlll~ ~}y thetmLlttt~ of Jo~’ph Whilrtlixl I ilt,i!elLl~d, sltixnte

I ill tile "J’liwllt+hll)tl of ~h!df¢lrtl, t~hililnllllg. Tlil~.I t.rlillcle, Woodhtnd. +%Vil~hiilgt¢lli lllid ]kigllI Itlvt’¢, In ltudlnglou I’l)tiilly I +New Jerlley, lllld

the Tliwnlhll)bl lit 1~Vlllel¯fl)rd illld %Vlnl4hlw, t.’litnden (;t)uoty, New .lerl.ey, l{nd lhe Town elf.Hixnlml)ntoti, llud lhe Tirwnldilll of Mlllllell, |llAthtntle Counl~t’, New Jer~¢¯y~ und to pnivldefor lhi ¯ CI)Nt ofllil+ aeqtilslllon thereof by theI IsLItlllCi, el’ the tliilit~t ¢)f llil~ l~Ulte Li) tile Iiinlllllit ¢)l’ #lLle Inlll14)ll li¢ilhirg~ in conforlnlly wllh ilrLl¢:le 1%’, l~elbqi V I,’piinlKraph 4 (if lhe( "Oli~llllllhln ¢)f thll ~llile," be Itdnpti.d

,%. B. REPETTO.’¯ City Clerk.

N Ifl¯It’E t|F lil.:t;l,~TltY ANII I’:I.EI’TI(~N

]¯llrbltllllll 141 ]~1.+ii.¯ tl+)tl¢.l. I~ h¢¯rel)y glvl, n Ihlttlht. lIlliirll +if It¢,gll+try lilitl l,:h~’lhlllX ILl lind for

Egg Harbor TownshipCounty of Atlantic, Stateof New Jersey,

will Illl~d ¢111

Tuesday, November 2, 1915,GENERAL ELECTION

All,| nl,th.i. I~ hl,rt.h3¯¯ll ¯I ~,I¯R v +It tlini lhe’l$¢llird i)f I(.l’gl~lrv lllill I’:lvl,tl,lli~l will ilif~l.l illtl +, f-I hiw I g (l +~ "~inih+ I I)hll.i!

I|A I.tl/,%l.\" l’l IW N I tAt,I..

lind Ihiit l|ll, i,li.¢.ll+ni lll|ll.l!rhl will l~lL ill ll bolird



Bliood, Skin & Nerve DiseasesCatarrhall D seases

of the EYE, EAR, NOSE and THROAT.

l CU o.i Diseases of the Lungs, Stomach,Liver, Kidneys, Bladder and Rectum.

Female Diseases.

SUFFERERSof any ChrOnic or Longstanding Disease who have Triedmany Doctors, and all kinds of. Patent Medicines, withoutrelief,. Do not hesitate to WRITE ME atonce,

MY ABILITY AND SUCCESShas been demonstrated by the scores.of cases I examine andtreat daily, at my Office and by Mall.

At the (ll’n,’ral Eh~,lhixl lu.hl P)n Tliel+diiyHove nbl r’) I IItl;i, the IlllhiwllJg llrllpotlllhiO 1~1o be vtJi(!d on

I~llillll tile ill2, i,lilllh!d "All li¢,t hi iitililorlzethe, I~lilli~ \Viitvr ~il lilly (.+lillinih+ldl)ll Ill pur-i’lilll+l, or lie¢tllll’t~ I~il" the lllari)(ll~ tit lllilJlO-ilrhlLlng illld e¢)liservlng Lhe IX)litblo wutt’rltthereoll to+the I~elix!l’lil illid CillnlllOll UNI# Of theliihlil)llitnt~ ~lf Ih0 HhtLe llll of tile laodl,prelnlPac~l llinl wilier I’llhlkl ii¢iw liwilt.d by thellltllie nf. Jor.l.l,b %Viiltrl¢ili I dl.eJ+tumed, glttlitOIn Illt~ Towllllil/ill of ~li,dford, ~iilllll¢lilg~ Tiib-eriiliele, ~lotld[lind, %Viuthlngioli lliid- Balml~.lvt, r hi liUrllrlglllli Collnl) Hi, i Jerll~y alidIhe [’liwiithllm i)f- I~tlrtllerfllrd lind %VlnlloWl hiCilllidi!n I’¢lllllly~ Nl!w ,Iollltoy., lltid ill# TllwU elr

||llnlllililit~ln tllld IheT, OWilihlp of MuLIIca, inAlhtnth; Cllulll¥. NOW Jer~y, and toprovldef, lrtbe cost I~f Ihe lit~lulsllhm theret)f.hy tbeImliillnr.. lit the hllndll of tlIW kltale Io the

’ " Atlantic Clly, N. ¯l. nnl.tlDI, nl’ one liilillon Ill)lllir I Ill eOlifl)rnlltlMliy’l¢ lmndlngI N. J,, (.)etllber 5, IUI5. wit i article J VI llllllon V I plirllrapti 41 of Ihe

Clnl~lilulloli of liilill-Jtale ’"be iidoptvd ? ’(?IIA III. FJ4 H, MOOItK |’r(~t(ir. ,

Athinlll e ( ly I N. J. (~IJAltl,Ei’i L. SMITHl’r’~ fee. $11.~0 ,\ i Pi,wnmi p (~lerk.

Office SpecialiSt,20 So. New Jersey Ave., Atlantic City, N,+J. i ’

" Nothing Doing" Is Sometimes The Resuit:’0f Doing’

Nothing. When Business Is Dull: AdverSe." ’The A’r~TmL COUNTY RECORD is The Best Coun!y AdvertlMng Medium.


\\ ,



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