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JARINGAN EPITELTUJUAN PRAKTIKUM: Mengamati struktur jaringan epitel, sel-sel pada jaringan epitel, polaritas sel, dan membran basalis. No. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. Materi Praktikum Simple squamous epithelium Simple cuboidal epithelium Simple columnar epithelium Pseudostratified epithelium Stratified squamous keratinized epithelium Stratified squamous nonkeratinized epithelium Stratified cuboidal epithelium Transitional epithelium Gambar 1 Simple Squamous Epithelium Lapisan Parietal Kapsula Bowmann (US-1) 10 x 10 40 x 10 Kode Sediaan US 1 ES 2 DS 12 RS 2 IS 1 DS 7 IS 1 US 3

1. 2. 3. 4. Deskripsi Gambar 1 No. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Perihal Bentuk sel Bentuk nucleus Polaritas nucleus Jumlah lapisan sel Membran basalis

Keterangan Gambar _____________________________________ _____________________________________ _____________________________________ _____________________________________

Deskripsi Squamous/pipih/gepeng Gepeng/pipih Di tengah sel 1 Lapis Jelas / Tidak Jelas (tidak jelas) 1

GAMBAR 2 Simple Cuboidal Epithelium Kelenjar Tiroid (ES-2) 10 x 10 40 x 10

Keterangan Gambar 1. _______________________________ 3. ___________________________ 2. _______________________________ 4. ___________________________ Deskripsi Gambar 2 No. Perihal Deskripsi 1. Bentuk sel Cuboidal/torak 2. Bentuk nucleus Rounded nuclei 3. Polaritas nucleus Di tengah sel 4. Jumlah lapisan sel 1 Lapis 5. Membran basalis Jelas / Tidak Jelas (jelas) Gambar 3 Simple Columnar Epithelium Colon (DS-12) 10 x 10 40 x 10

Keterangan Gambar 1. _______________________________ 3. ___________________________ 2. _______________________________ 4. ___________________________ Deskripsi Gambar 3 No. Perihal Deskripsi 1. Bentuk sel Columnar/silindris 2. Bentuk nucleus Oval 3. Polaritas nucleus Di basal sel 4. Jumlah lapisan sel 1 Lapis 5. Striated border Terdapat/Tidak terdapat (terdapat) 6. Membran basalis Jelas / Tidak Jelas (jelas) Gambar 4 2

Pseudostratified Epithelium Trachea (RS-2) 10 x 10 40 x 10

Keterangan Gambar 1. _______________________________ 3. ___________________________ 2. _______________________________ 4. ___________________________ Deskripsi Gambar 4 No. Perihal Deskripsi 1. Bentuk sel Columnar/torak 2. Bentuk nucleus Oval 3. Polaritas nucleus Beragam: di basal dan di tengah (Gambaran bertingkat) 4. Jumlah lapisan sel 1 Lapis 5. Silia Terdapat / Tidak terdapat (terdapat) 6. Membran basalis Jelas / Tidak Jelas (jelas) Gambar 5 Stratified Squamous Keratinized Epithelium Dermis (IS-1) 10 x 10 40 x 10

Keterangan Gambar 1. _______________________________ 3. ___________________________ 2. _______________________________ 4. ___________________________ Deskripsi Gambar 5 No. Perihal Deskripsi 1. Bentuk sel pada lapisan terluar Squamous/gepeng/pipih 2. Bentuk nucleus sel pada Gepeng/pipih lapisan terluar 3. Bentuk sel pada lapisan basal Cuboidal/low columnar 4. Lapisan keratin Ada / Tidak Ada (ada) 5. Membran basalis Jelas / Tidak Jelas (tidak jelas) Gambar 6 Stratified Squamous Nonkeratinized Epithelium 3

Esofagus (DS-7) 10 x 10 40 x 10

Keterangan Gambar 1. _______________________________ 3. ___________________________ 2. _______________________________ 4. ___________________________ Deskripsi Gambar 6 No. Perihal Deskripsi 1. Bentuk sel pada lapisan terluar Squamous/gepeng/pipih 2. Bentuk nucleus sel pada Gepeng/pipih lapisan terluar 3. Bentuk sel pada lapisan basal Cuboidal/low columnar 4. Lapisan keratin Ada / Tidak Ada (tidak ada) 5. Membran basalis Jelas / Tidak Jelas (tidak jelas) Gambar 7 Stratified Cuboidal Epithelium Excretory Duct of Eccrine Sweat Gland (IS-1) 10 x 10 40 x 10

Keterangan Gambar 1. _______________________________ 3. ___________________________ 2. _______________________________ 4. ___________________________ Deskripsi Gambar 7 No. Perihal Deskripsi 1. Bentuk sel pada lapisan terluar Cuboidal 2. Bentuk nucleus sel pada Rounded nuclei lapisan terluar 3. Jumlah lapisan sel 2 Lapis 4. Membran basalis Jelas / Tidak Jelas (tidak jelas) Gambar 8 Transitional Epithelium 4

Kandung Kemih (US-3) 10 x 10 40 x 10

Keterangan Gambar 1. _______________________________ 3. ___________________________ 2. _______________________________ 4. ___________________________ Deskripsi Gambar 8 No. Perihal 1. Bentuk sel pada lapisan terluar 2. Bentuk nucleus sel pada lapisan terluar 3. Bentuk sel pada lapisan basal 4. Jumlah lapisan sel 5. Bentuk khas sel epitel 6. Binucleate cell pada sel permukaan epitel 7. Membran basalis Deskripsi Bervariasi: cuboidal hingga gepeng Bervariasi: bulat gepeng Cuboidal 5-8 Lapis Umbrella sign Terdapat / Tidak Terdapat (terdapat) Jelas / Tidak Jelas (tidak jelas)



JARINGAN IKATTUJUAN PRAKTIKUM: Mengamati struktur jaringan ikat sejati (connective tissue proper) serta beragam jenis serabut dan sel di jaringan ikat. No. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Materi Praktikum Loose (areolar) connective tissue Dense regular connective tissue Dense irregular connective tissue Adipose tissue Reticular tissue Gambar 1 Loose (Areolar) Connective Tissue Papillary Layer of Dermis (IS-1, IS-2) 10 x 10 40 x 10 Kode Sediaan IS 1, IS 2 CT 7 IS 1, IS 2 IS 1, IS 2 LO 1

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Deskripsi Gambar 1 No. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

Keterangan Gambar _____________________________________ _____________________________________ _____________________________________ _____________________________________ _____________________________________ _____________________________________

Perihal Jenis sel yang banyak terdapat Jenis serabut Ketebalan serabut Perbandingan relatif banyak sel dan serabut Vaskularisasi

Deskripsi Fibroblasts, adipocytes, macrophages, mast cells Collagen, reticular, elastic fibers Tebal / Tipis (tipis) Sel didapati relatif lebih banyak pada lapisan ini dibanding lapisan lainnya Banyak / Sedikit (banyak)


Gambar 2 Dense Regular Connective Tissue Tendon (CT-7) 10 x 10 40 x 10

Keterangan Gambar 1. _______________________________ 3. ___________________________ 2. _______________________________ 4. ___________________________ Deskripsi Gambar 2 No. Perihal 1. Jenis sel 2. Susunan serabut kolagen 3. Ketebalan serabut 4. Perbandingan relatif banyak sel dan serabut 5. Kuantitas ground substance 6. Vaskularisasi Deskripsi Fibrocytes Parallel berhimpit dipisahkan sedikit ground substances Tebal / Tipis (tebal) Lebih banyak serabut Banyak / Sedikit (sedikit) Ada / Tidak ada (tidak ada/sedikit?)

Gambar 3 Dense Irregular Connective Tissue Reticular Layer of Dermis (IS-1, IS-2) 4 x 10 10 x 10

Keterangan Gambar 1. _______________________________ 3. ___________________________ 2. _______________________________ 4. ___________________________ 7

Deskripsi Gambar 3 No. Perihal 1. Jenis sel yang banyak terdapat 2. Perbandingan relatif banyak sel dan serabut 3. Ketebalan serabut 4. Orientasi (susunan) serabut 5. Kuantitas ground substances

Deskripsi Fibroblasts Lebih banyak serabut Tebal / Tipis (tebal) Tanpa orientasi jelas Banyak / Sedikit (sedikit) Gambar 4 Adipose Tissue Subcutis (IS-1, IS-2)

4 x 10

10 x 10

Keterangan Gambar 1. _______________________________ 4. ___________________________ 2. _______________________________ 5. ___________________________ 3. _______________________________ 6. ___________________________ Deskripsi Gambar 4 No. 1. 2. 3. 4. 6. Perihal Bentuk sel Bentuk nucleus Letak nucleus Jumlah vakuola di sitoplasma adipocyte Vaskularisasi Deskripsi Polyhedral Gepeng/pipih Eccentric Satu signet ring cell Banyak / Sedikit (banyak)


Gambar 5 Reticular Tissue Limfonodus (LO-1) 4 x 10 10 x 10

Keterangan Gambar 1. _______________________________ 3. ___________________________ 2. _______________________________ 4. ___________________________ Deskripsi Gambar 5 No. Perihal Deskripsi 1. Jenis serabut Reticular (type III collagen) 2. Susunan serabut Seperti jala (mesh-like networks) 3. Jenis sel yang Limfosit, fibroblasts, macrophages terdapat pada jaringan



TULANG RAWANTUJUAN PRAKTIKUM: Mengamati struktur pertumbuhannya. No. 1. 2. 3. Materi Praktikum Hyaline cartilage Elastic cartilage Fibrous cartilage Gambar 1 Hyaline Cartilage Trachea (RS-2) 10 x 10 40 x 10 berbagai jenis tulang rawan dan proses Kode Sediaan RS 2 Auricula CT 11

Keterangan Gambar 1. _______________________________ 4. ___________________________ 2. _______________________________ 5. ___________________________ 3. _______________________________ 6. ___________________________ Deskripsi Gambar 1 No. Perihal 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. Penyusun matriks ekstrasel Jenis sel Struktur dan susunan chondrocyte pada cartilage Struktur perichondrium Vaskularisasi Jaringan saraf Cara pertumbuhan cartilage Deskripsi Type II collagen, basophilic matrix Type IX, X, and XI collagen Aggrecan, chondronectin Subdivided into territorial and interterritorial matix Chondrogenic cells, chondroblasts, condrocytes Chondrocytes usually arranged in groups 2 4 or more cells (isogenous groups) A dense irregular collagenous connective tissue - outer fibrous layer: type I collagen, fibroblast, BVs - inner cellular layer: chondrogenic cells Ada / Tidak Ada (Tidak ada) Ada / Tidak Ada (tidak ada) 1. interstitial growth 2. appositional growth 10

Gambar 2 Elastic Cartilage Auricula 10 x 10 40 x 10

Keterangan Gambar 1. _______________________________ 4. ___________________________ 2. _______________________________ 5. ___________________________ 3. _______________________________ 6. ___________________________ Deskripsi Gambar 2 No. Perihal 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Penyusun matriks ekstrasel Struktur dan susunan chondrocyte pada cartilage Struktur perichondrium Vaskularisasi Jaringan saraf Cara pertumbuhan cartilage Deskripsi Type II collagen and elastic fibers, elastic fiber bundles of the territorial matrix are larger and coarser than those of the interterritorial matrix. More abundant and larger than those of hyaline cartilage Sama dengan hyaline cartilage Ada / Tidak Ada (Tidak ada) Ada / Tidak Ada (Tidak ada) 1. interstitial growth 2. appositional growth Gambar 3 Fibrous Cartilage Intervertebral Disc (CT-11) 10 x 10 40 x 10

Keterangan Gambar 1. _______________________________ 4. ___________________________ 2. _______________________________ 5. ___________________________ 3. _______________________________ 6. ___________________________ 11

Deskripsi Gambar 3 No. 1. 2. 3. 4. Perihal Penyusun matriks ekstrasel Jenis sel Letak chondrocytes dalam matriks Perichondrium Deskripsi Coarse type I collagen Chondrocytes Satu atau berkelompok dalam deretan pendek di antara serabut kolagen Ada / Tidak Ada (tidak ada)



TULANGTUJUAN PRAKTIKUM: Mengamati struktur tulang dan proses perkembangannya. No. 1. 2. 2. 3. Materi Praktikum Compact bone Spongious (cancellous) bone Intramembranous development of bone Endochondral development of bone Gambar 1 Compact Bone Tulang Gosok 4 x 10 10 x 10 Kode Sediaan Tulang Gosok CT 1 Mandibula CT 1

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Deskripsi Gambar 1 No. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Perihal Matriks Lamella Canaliculi Kanal Havers Kanal Volkmann

Keterangan Gambar _____________________________________ _____________________________________ _____________________________________ _____________________________________ _____________________________________

Deskripsi Collagen fibers and inorganic material (CaCO3, CaF, MgF) Lapisan substansi intersel yang mengalami kalsifikasi dengan berbagai pola konsentrik mengelilingi kanal Havers Rongga tempat osteocytic processes, menghubungkan lacuna yang berdekatan Rongga vaskular pada osteon Rongga vascular yang bermula dari permukaan periosteum dan endosteum; menghubungkan kanal Havers yang satu dan lainnya


Gambar 2 Spongious (Cancellous) Bone Os. Femur (CT-1) 10 x 10 40 x 10

Keterangan Gambar 1. _______________________________ 4. ___________________________ 2. _______________________________ 5. ___________________________ 3. _______________________________ 6. ___________________________ Deskripsi Gambar 2 No. Perihal 1. Trabekula 2. Jenis sel Deskripsi Terdiri atas lamella yang bercabang tidak teratur dan berhubungan membentuk anyaman 1. osteoprogenitor cells 2. osteoblast 3. osteocytes 4. osteoclasts Ada/Tidak ada (Tidak Ada) Ada/Tidak ada (Ada) Gambar 3 Intramembranous Ossification Mandibula (Mandibula) 10 x 10 40 x 10

3. 3.

Sistem Havers Sumsum tulang

Keterangan Gambar 1. _______________________________ 4. ___________________________ 2. _______________________________ 5. ___________________________ 3. _______________________________ 6. ___________________________ 14

Deskripsi Gambar 3 No. Perihal 1. Osteoblast 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Osteosit Osteoclast Osteoid Spikula Primary ossification centre

Deskripsi Aktif: Bentuk cuboid columnar, sitoplasma basofilik Pasif: bentuk pipih, basofilia berkurang Memiliki juluran sitoplasma Bentuk pipih mirip kenari; Sitoplasma memiliki juluran (processes) Memiliki nucleus 5 50 buah; Bercabang banyak tidak teratur dan sitoplasma asidofilik Matriks tulang yang baru (belum terkalsifikasi) Pulau-pulau tulang tulang yang menjadi dinding rongga panjang yang berisi kapiler, sel-sel sumsum tulang, dan sel prakembang. Network of spiculae and trabeculae that is formed by trapped osteoblasts; matriks yang baru terbentuk mengalami kalsifikasi, terkurungnya osteoblast, osteoblasts berdifferensiasi mejadi osteosit Gambar 4 Endochondral Ossification Os. Femur (CT-1)

10 x 10

40 x 10

Keterangan Gambar 1. _______________________________ 4. ___________________________ 2. _______________________________ 5. ___________________________ 3. _______________________________ 6. ___________________________ Deskripsi Gambar 4 No. Perihal Deskripsi 1. Daerah osifikasi Terdapat di diafisis tahap pertama 2. Daerah osifikasi Terdapat di epifisis tahap kedua 3. Zona tulang rawan epifisis 1. zone of reserve cartilage 2. zone of proliferation 3. zone of maturation and hypertrophy 4. zone of calcification 5. zone of ossification



DARAHTUJUAN PRAKTIKUM: Mengamati struktur berbagai jenis sel darah di darah tepi. Dry Blood Smear

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. Deskripsi Gambar No. Jenis Sel Darah 1. Erythrocytes 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. Neutrophils Eosinophils Basophils Lymphocytes Monocytes Platelets

Keterangan Gambar _____________________________________ _____________________________________ _____________________________________ _____________________________________ _____________________________________ _____________________________________ _____________________________________ Ukuran Nukleus Sitoplasma



JARINGAN OTOTTUJUAN PRAKTIKUM: Mengamati struktur berbagai jenis otot. No. 1. 2. 3. Materi Praktikum Skeletal Muscle Cardiac Muscle Smooth Muscle Gambar 1 Skeletal Muscle Lingua (DS-2) 10 x 10 40 x 10 Kode Sediaan DS 2 CV 3 DS 12

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Deskripsi Gambar 1 No. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

Keterangan Gambar _____________________________________ _____________________________________ _____________________________________ _____________________________________ _____________________________________ _____________________________________

Perihal Bentuk sel Jumlah nucleus dalam satu serabut otot Bentuk dan letak nucleus Cabang serabut otot Cross striations

Deskripsi Silindris, sangat panjang Banyak Bentuk lonjong, ditepi serabut Ada / Tidak Ada (pada lidah ada cabang serabut) Ada / Tidak Ada (ada)


Gambar 2 Cardiac Muscle Heart (CV-3) 10 x 10 40 x 10

Keterangan Gambar 1. _______________________________ 4. ___________________________ 2. _______________________________ 5. ___________________________ 3. _______________________________ 6. ___________________________ Deskripsi Gambar 2 No. Perihal Deskripsi 1. Bentuk sel Silindris 2. Jumlah nucleus Satu atau dua nucleus dalam satu serabut otot 3. Letak nucleus Di tengah serabut 4. Cabang serabut otot Ada / Tidak Ada (ada) 5 Cross striations Ada / Tidak Ada (ada) 6 Intercalated disc Junctional complex pada pertemuan dua sel otot jantung bersebelahan; tampak sebagai garis gelap melintas serabut otot jantung dengan interval yang tidak teratur Gambar 3 Smooth Muscle Colon (DS-12) 10 x 10 40 x 10

Keterangan Gambar 1. _______________________________ 4. ___________________________ 2. _______________________________ 5. ___________________________ 3. _______________________________ 6. ___________________________ Deskripsi Gambar 3 No. Perihal Deskripsi 1. Bentuk sel Fusiform, elongated cells 2. Bentuk nucleus Pipih 3. Jumlah nucleus dalam satu sel Satu 4. Letak nucleus dalam sel Di tengah sel 5. Cross striations Ada / Tidak Ada (tidak ada) 18


JARINGAN SARAFTUJUAN PRAKTIKUM: Mengamati struktur sistem saraf pusat (SSP) dan saraf perifer. No. 1. 2. 3. 4. Materi Praktikum Medulla spinalis Cerebrum Cerebellum Peripheral Nerves Gambar 1 Medulla Spinalis (NS-1) 4 x 10 10 x 10 Kode Sediaan NS 1 NS 2 NS 3 NS 4

Keterangan Gambar 1. _______________________________ 4. ___________________________ 2. _______________________________ 5. ___________________________ 3. _______________________________ 6. ___________________________ Deskripsi Gambar 3 No. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Perihal Struktur gray matter Struktur white matter Dorsal horn Struktur neuron pada anterior horn Struktur dan jenis neuroglia pada central canal Deskripsi Aggregations of neuronal cell bodies, dendrites, unmyelinated axons, neuroglial cell; located deep in the spinal cord Mostly myelinated nerve fibers + Unmyelinated nerve fibers+ neuroglial cells, located in the periphery of the spinal cord Interneuron cell bodies (sensory neurons) Large multipolar motor neurons Ependymal cells, simple columnar epithelium


Gambar 2 Cerebrum (NS-2) 4 x 10 10 x 10

Keterangan Gambar 1. _______________________________ 4. ___________________________ 2. _______________________________ 5. ___________________________ 3. _______________________________ 6. ___________________________ Deskripsi Gambar 1 No. Perihal Deskripsi 1. Lapisan korteks 1. The molecular layer (gray matter) 2. The external granular layer 3. The external pyramidal layer 4. The internal granular layer 5. The internal pyramidal layer 6. The multiform layer 2. Lapisan medulla Mostly myelinated nerve fibers + Unmyelinated nerve (white matter) fibers 3. Jenis neuroglia 1. astrocytes 2. microglia 3. Gambar 3 Cerebellum (NS-3) 4 x 10 10 x 10

Keterangan Gambar 1. _______________________________ 4. ___________________________ 2. _______________________________ 5. ___________________________ 20

3. _______________________________ Deskripsi Gambar 2 No. 1. Perihal Lapisan korteks (gray matter) Molecular layer Purkinje cell layer granular layer 2. Lapisan medulla (white matter)

6. ___________________________ Deskripsi

Stellate cells, dendrites of Purkinje cells, basket cells, unmyelinated axons from the granular layer Purkinje cells Small granule cells, glomeruli (cerebellar islands) Myelinated axons

Gambar 4 Peripheral Nerves (NS-4) 10 x 10 40 x 10

Keterangan Gambar 1. _______________________________ 4. ___________________________ 2. _______________________________ 5. ___________________________ 3. _______________________________ 6. ___________________________ Deskripsi Gambar 4 No. Perihal 1. Ukuran kelompok serabut saraf 2. Jaringan ikat pada serabut saraf 3. Susunan axon (serabut saraf) dalam satu kelompok serabut saraf 4. Schwann cells 5. Internode (Node of Ranvier) Deskripsi Bervariasi Epineurium, perineurium Wavy



SISTEM SIRKULASITUJUAN PRAKTIKUM: Mengamati struktur sistem sirkulasi darah dan limfe. No. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. Materi Praktikum Capillary and arteriole Venule and small vein Muscular artery and moderate vein Large artery Large vein Heart Ductus thoracicus Gambar 1 Capillary and Arteriole Esophagus (DS-7) 10 x 10 40 x 10 Kode Sediaan DS 7 DS 7 CV 1 CV 2 CV 2 CV 3 CV 4

1. 2. 3. 4.

Keterangan Gambar _______________________________ 5. _____________________________ _______________________________ 6. _____________________________ _______________________________ 7. _____________________________ _______________________________ 8. _____________________________

Deskripsi Gambar 1 No. 1. Perihal Tunica intima Tunica media Tunica adventitia Capillary Arteriole




Gambar 2 Venule and Small Vein Esophagus (DS-7) 10 x 10 40 x 10

Keterangan Gambar 1. _______________________________ 4. _____________________________ 2. _______________________________ 5. _____________________________ 3. _______________________________ 6. _____________________________ Deskripsi Gambar 2 No. Perihal Venula Small Vein 1. 2. 3. 4. Tunica intima Tunica media Tunica adventitia Valve

Ada / Tidak Ada

Ada / Tidak Ada

Gambar 3 Muscular Artery and Moderate Vein (CV-1) 10 x 10 40 x 10

Keterangan Gambar 1. _______________________________ 4. _____________________________ 2. _______________________________ 5. _____________________________ 3. _______________________________ 6. _____________________________ 23

Deskripsi Gambar 3 No. Perihal 1. 2. 3. 4. Tunica intima Tunica media Tunica adventitia Valve

Muscular artery

Moderate vein

Ada/Tidak Ada Gambar 4 Large Artery Aorta (CV-2)

Ada/Tidak Ada

10 x 10

40 x 10

Keterangan Gambar 1. _______________________________ 4. ___________________________ 2. _______________________________ 5. ___________________________ 3. _______________________________ 6. ___________________________ Deskripsi Gambar 4 No. 1. 2. 3. 4. Perihal Tunica intima Tunica media Tunica adventitia Vasa vasorum 24 Deskripsi

Gambar 5 Large Vein Vena Cava (CV-2) 4 x 10 10 x 10

Keterangan Gambar 1. _______________________________ 4. ___________________________ 2. _______________________________ 5. ___________________________ 3. _______________________________ 6. ___________________________ Deskripsi Gambar 5 No. Perihal Deskripsi 1. 2. 3. 4. Tunica intima Tunica media Tunica adventitia Vasa vasorum Gambar 6 Heart (CV-3) 4 x 10 10 x 10

Keterangan Gambar 1. _______________________________ 4. ___________________________ 2. _______________________________ 5. ___________________________ 3. _______________________________ 6. ___________________________ 25

Deskripsi Gambar 6 No. Perihal 1. Endocard 2. Myocard 3. Pericard 4. Purkinje fibre Perbandingan ketebala n myocard pada atrium dan ventrikel



Gambar 7 Ductus Thoracicus (CV-4) 10 x 10 10 x 40

Keterangan Gambar 1. _______________________________ 4. ___________________________ 2. _______________________________ 5. ___________________________ 3. _______________________________ 6. ___________________________ Deskripsi Gambar 7 No. 1. 2. 3. Perihal Tunica intima Tunica media Tunica adventitia Deskripsi



SISTEM IMUN (LIMFOID)TUJUAN PRAKTIKUM: Mengamati struktur organ limfoid. No. 1. 2. 3. 4. Materi Praktikum Lymph Node Spleen Thymus Palatine Tonsils Gambar 1 Lymph Node (LO-1) 4 x 10 10 x 10 Kode Sediaan LO 1 LO 2 LO 3 LO 4

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Deskripsi Gambar 1 No. 1. 2. 3. 4. Perihal Struktur kapsul Struktur korteks Struktur medulla Hilus

Keterangan Gambar _____________________________________ _____________________________________ _____________________________________ _____________________________________ _____________________________________



Gambar 2 Spleen (LO-2) 10 x 10 40 x 10

Keterangan Gambar 1. _______________________________ 4. ___________________________ 2. _______________________________ 5. ___________________________ 3. _______________________________ 6. ___________________________ Deskripsi Gambar 2 No. Perihal Deskripsi 1. Struktur kapsul 2. Jenis serabut 3. 4. Struktur white pulp Struktur red pulp Gambar 3 Thymus (LO-3) 10 x 10 40 x 10

Keterangan Gambar 1. _______________________________ 4. ___________________________ 2. _______________________________ 5. ___________________________ 3. _______________________________ 6. ___________________________ Deskripsi Gambar 3 No. Perihal Deskripsi 1. Struktur korteks 2. 3. Struktur medulla

Hassls corpuscle28

Gambar 4 Palatine Tonsils (LO-4) 10 x 10 40 x 10

Keterangan Gambar 1. _______________________________ 4. ___________________________ 2. _______________________________ 5. ___________________________ 3. _______________________________ 6. ___________________________ Deskripsi Gambar 4 No. 1. 2. 3. Perihal Mukosa Nodulus limfatikus Kriptus Deskripsi



SALURAN PENCERNAANTUJUAN PRAKTIKUM: Mengamati struktur organ pencernaan. No. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. Materi Praktikum Bibir Lidah Bakal Gigi Esophagus Fundus and Body of Stomach Pyloric Stomach Duodenum Jejunum and Ileum Colon Appendix Gambar 1 Bibir (DS-1) 4 x 10 10 x 10 Kode Sediaan DS 1 DS 2 Gigi DS 7 DS 9a DS 9b DS 10 DS 11 DS 12 DS 13

Keterangan Gambar 1. _______________________________ 4. ___________________________ 2. _______________________________ 5. ___________________________ 3. _______________________________ 6. ___________________________ Deskripsi Gambar 1 No. 1. 2. 4. 5. Perihal Permukaan luar Permukaan mukosa Vaskularisasi mukosa Jenis otot Banyak / Sedikit Deskripsi


Gambar 2 Lidah (DS-2) 10 x 10 40 x 10

Keterangan Gambar 1. _______________________________ 4. ___________________________ 2. _______________________________ 5. ___________________________ 3. _______________________________ 6. ___________________________ Deskripsi Gambar 2 No. Perihal Deskripsi 1. Mukosa 2. Jenis papila 1. 2. 3. 4.

3. 4. 5.

Struktur taste bud Jenis kelenjar Jenis dan struktur otot di lidah Gambar 3 Bakal Gigi (Gigi)

10 x 10

40 x 10

Keterangan Gambar1. _______________________________ 2. _______________________________ 3. _______________________________ 31 4. ___________________________ 5. ___________________________ 6. ___________________________

Deskripsi Gambar 3 No. Perihal 1. Email 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. Ameloblas Sementum Dentin Pulpa Ligamen periodontal Gingiva


Gambar 4 Esophagus (DS-7) 10 x 10 40 x 10

Keterangan Gambar 1. _______________________________ 4. ___________________________ 2. _______________________________ 5. ___________________________ 3. _______________________________ 6. ___________________________ Deskripsi Gambar 4 No. 1. 2. 3. 4. Perihal Mukosa Submukosa Lamina muskularis Serosa/adventisia Deskripsi


Gambar 5 Fundus and Body of Stomach (DS-9a) 10 x 10 40 x 10

Keterangan Gambar 1. _______________________________ 4. ___________________________ 2. _______________________________ 5. ___________________________ 3. _______________________________ 6. ___________________________ Deskripsi Gambar 5 No. Perihal Deskripsi 1. Mukosa Sel Goblet Ada / Tidak Ada Sel parietal 2. 3. Sel zimogen Submukosa Lamina muskularis Gambar 6 Pyloric Stomach (DS-9b) 10 x 10 40 x 10

Keterangan Gambar 1. _______________________________ 4. ___________________________ 2. _______________________________ 5. ___________________________ 3. _______________________________ 6. ___________________________ 33

Deskripsi Gambar 6 No. Perihal 1. Mukosa 2. Sel Goblet Ada / Tidak Ada 3. Sel Parietal Ada / Tidak Ada 4. Submukosa 5. Lamina muskularis Gambar 7 Duodenum (DS-10) 10 x 10


40 x 10

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Deskripsi Gambar 7 No. Perihal 1. Mukosa 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7.

Keterangan Gambar _______________________________ _______________________________ _______________________________ _______________________________ _______________________________ _______________________________ Deskripsi

Sel Goblet Ada / Tidak Ada Submukosa Vili Kelenjar Brunner Lamina muskularis Serosa 34

Gambar 8 Jejunum and Ileum (DS-11) 10 x 10 40 x 10

Keterangan Gambar 1. _______________________________ 4. ___________________________ 2. _______________________________ 5. ___________________________ 3. _______________________________ 6. ___________________________ Deskripsi Gambar 8 No. Perihal 1. Mukosa 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Submukosa Peyer Patch Vili Ada / Tidak Ada Lamina muskularis Serosa Gambar 9 Colon (DS-12) 10 x 10 40 x 10 Deskripsi

Keterangan Gambar 1. _______________________________ 4. ___________________________ 2. _______________________________ 5. ___________________________ 3. _______________________________ 6. ___________________________ 35

Deskripsi Gambar 9 No. Perihal 1. Mukosa 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Sel Goblet Banyak / Sedikit Sub mukosa Vili Ada / Tidak Ada Lamina muskularis Serosa


Gambar 10 Appendix (DS-13) 10 x 10 10 x 40

Keterangan Gambar 1. _______________________________ 4. ___________________________ 2. _______________________________ 5. ___________________________ 3. _______________________________ 6. ___________________________ Deskripsi Gambar 10 No. Perihal 1. Mukosa 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. Sel Goblet Banyak / Sedikit Sub mukosa Vili Ada / Tidak Ada Nodulus limfatikus Lamina muskularis Serosa Deskripsi



ORGAN KELENJAR PADA SISTEM PENCERNAANTUJUAN PRAKTIKUM: Mengamati struktur organ/kelenjar yang berhubungan dengan saluran pencernaan. No. 1. 2 3 4 Materi Praktikum Parotid gland Submandibular gland Liver Pancreas Gambar 1 Parotid Gland (DS-4) 10 x 10 40 x 10 Kode Sediaan DS 4 DS 5 DS 15 DS 17

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Deskripsi Gambar 1 No. 1. 2. 3. 4. Perihal Jenis kelenjar Sel serosa Duktus interkalaris Duktus striata

Keterangan Gambar _____________________________________ _____________________________________ _____________________________________ _____________________________________ _____________________________________



Gambar 2 Submandibular Gland (DS-5) 4 x 10 40 x 10

Keterangan Gambar 1. _______________________________ 4. ___________________________ 2. _______________________________ 5. ___________________________ 3. _______________________________ 6. ___________________________ Deskripsi Gambar 2 No. Perihal 1. Jenis kelenjar 2. Sel serosa 3. 4. Sel mukosa Duktus striata Gambar 3 Liver (DS-15) 10 x 10 40 x 10 Deskripsi

Keterangan Gambar 1. _______________________________ 4. ___________________________ 2. _______________________________ 5. ___________________________ 3. _______________________________ 6. ___________________________ 38

Deskripsi Gambar 3 No. 1. 2. 3. 4. Perihal Struktur hepatosit Lobulus hati Triad portal Asinus hati Gambar 4 Exocrine Part of Pancreas (DS-17) 10 x 10 40 x 10 Deskripsi

Keterangan Gambar 1. _______________________________ 4. ___________________________ 2. _______________________________ 5. ___________________________ 3. _______________________________ 6. ___________________________ Deskripsi Gambar 4 No. Perihal 1. Struktur kelenjar 2. 3. 4. Sel asinar Sel sentroasinar Duktus Deskripsi



SISTEM ENDOKRINTUJUAN PRAKTIKUM: Mengamati struktur organ yang memproduksi hormon. No. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Materi Praktikum Hypophysis Thyroid gland Parathyroid gland Langerhans islet Adrenal gland Gambar 1 Hypophysis (ES-1) 10 x 10 40 x 10 Kode Sediaan ES 1 ES 2 ES 2 DS 17 ES 3

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Deskripsi Gambar 1 No. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Perihal Neurohipofisis

Keterangan Gambar _____________________________________ _____________________________________ _____________________________________ _____________________________________ _____________________________________


Herring bodies Adenohipofisis Jenis sel pada adenohipofisis Pars intermedia 1. 2.


Gambar 2 Thyroid Gland (ES-2) 10 x 10 40 x 10

Keterangan Gambar 1. _______________________________ 4. ___________________________ 2. _______________________________ 5. ___________________________ 3. _______________________________ 6. ___________________________ Deskripsi Gambar 2 No. Perihal Deskripsi 1. Struktur folikel 2. 3. 4. Jenis sel Struktur sel parafolikular Kapiler

Banyak/Tidak Ada Gambar 3 Parathyroid Gland (ES-2)

10 x 10

40 x 10

Keterangan Gambar 1. _______________________________ 4. ___________________________ 2. _______________________________ 5. ___________________________ 3. _______________________________ 6. ___________________________ Deskripsi Gambar 3 No. Perihal Deskripsi 1. Struktur kelenjar 2. 3 4. Struktur sel prinsipal Struktur sel oksifil Kapiler

Banyak/Tidak Ada 41

Gambar 4 Langerhans Islet (DS-17) 10 x 10 10 x 40

Keterangan Gambar 1. _______________________________ 4. ___________________________ 2. _______________________________ 5. ___________________________ 3. _______________________________ 6. ___________________________ Deskripsi Gambar 4 No. Perihal Deskripsi 1. Struktur kelenjar 2. 3. 4. 5. Jenis sel Struktur sel A Struktur sel B Kapiler Banyak/Tidak Ada Gambar 5 Adrenal Gland (ES-3) 10 x 10 40 x 10 1. 2. 3.

Keterangan Gambar 1. _______________________________ 4. ___________________________ 2. _______________________________ 5. ___________________________ 3. _______________________________ 6. ___________________________ 42

Deskripsi Gambar 5 No. Perihal 1. Struktur kapsul 2. Parenkim zona glomerulosa zona fasikulata zona retikularis 3. 4. Medulla Kapiler Banyak/Tidak Ada




SALURAN PERNAPASANTUJUAN PRAKTIKUM: Mengamati struktur saluran pernapasan. No. 1. 2. 3. 4. Materi Praktikum Trachea Bronchus Bronchiole Alveolus Gambar 1 Trachea (RS-2) 10 x 10 40 x 10 Kode Sediaan RS 2 RS 3 RS 3 RS 3

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Deskripsi Gambar 1 No. 1. Perihal Mukosa

Keterangan Gambar _____________________________________ _____________________________________ _____________________________________ _____________________________________ _____________________________________

Deskripsi 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

2. 3. 4.

Jenis sel pada epitel Submukosa Cartilage


Gambar 2 Bronchus (RS-3) 10 x 10 40 x 10

Keterangan Gambar 1. _______________________________ 4. ___________________________ 2. _______________________________ 5. ___________________________ 3. _______________________________ 6. ___________________________ Deskripsi Gambar 2 No. Perihal 1. Mukosa 2. 3. Submukosa Cartilage Gambar 3 Bronchiole (RS-3) Deskripsi

Keterangan Gambar 1. _______________________________ 4. ___________________________ 2. _______________________________ 5. ___________________________ 3. _______________________________ 6. ___________________________ 45

Deskripsi Gambar 3 No. 1. 2. 3. 4. Perihal Mukosa Sel Goblet Lamina propria Cartilage dan kelenjar submukosa Br. Intrapulmonar Br. terminalis Br. respiratorius

Ada / Tidak Ada

Ada / Tidak Ada Gambar 4 Alveolus (RS-3)

Ada / Tidak Ada

10 x 10

40 x 10

Keterangan Gambar 1. _______________________________ 4. ___________________________ 2. _______________________________ 5. ___________________________ 3. _______________________________ 6. ___________________________ Deskripsi Gambar 4 No. 1. 2. 3. Perihal Mukosa Septum interalveolus Interstisium Deskripsi



SALURAN KEMIHTUJUAN PRAKTIKUM: Mengamati struktur saluran kemih. No. 1. 2. 3. 4. Materi Praktikum Kidney Ureter Urinary bladder Urethra Gambar 1 Kidney (US-1) 10 x 10 10 x 40 Kode Sediaan US 1 US 2 US 3 MRS 5

Keterangan Gambar 1. _______________________________ 4. ___________________________ 2. _______________________________ 5. ___________________________ 3. _______________________________ 6. ___________________________ Deskripsi Gambar 1 No. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. Perihal Renal corpuscle Tubulus kontortus proksimal Ansa Henle Tubulus kontortus distal Makula densa Apparatus jukstaglomerular Duktus koligens Deskripsi


Gambar 2 Ureter (US-2) 4 x 10 10 x 10

Keterangan Gambar 1. _______________________________ 4. ___________________________ 2. _______________________________ 5. ___________________________ 3. _______________________________ 6. ___________________________ Deskripsi Gambar 2 No. Perihal Deskripsi 1. Bentuk lumen Star shape appearance 2. Mukosa Dilapisi oleh transitional epithelium 3. 4. 5. Lamina propria Lapisan muskular Adventitia Gambar 3 Urinary Bladder (US-3) 10 x 10 10 x 40 Loose connective tissue Smooth muscle: lapisan dalam sirkular, lapisan luar longitudinal

Keterangan Gambar 1. _______________________________ 4. ___________________________ 2. _______________________________ 5. ___________________________ 3. _______________________________ 6. ___________________________ 48

Deskripsi Gambar 3 No. Perihal 1. Mukosa 2. 3. 4. Lamina propria Lapisan muskular Adventitia

Deskripsi Dilapisi transitional epithelium Loose connective tissue Smooth muscle: dalam susunan yang tidak beraturan

Gambar 4 Urethra (MRS-5) 4 x 10 10 x 10

Keterangan Gambar 1. _______________________________ 4. ___________________________ 2. _______________________________ 5. ___________________________ 3. _______________________________ 6. ___________________________ Deskripsi Gambar 4 No. Perihal 1. Jenis epitel mukosa 2. 3. Lamina propria Lapisan muskular Deskripsi 1. 2. 3. Loose connective tissue Smooth muscle



SISTEM REPRODUKSI PRIATUJUAN PRAKTIKUM: Mengamati struktur testis, saluran reproduksi pria, dan kelenjar prostat. No. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Materi Praktikum Testis Ductus epididymidis Ductus deferens Prostate gland Penis Gambar 1 Testis (MRS-1) 10 x 10 10 x 40 Kode Sediaan MRS 1 MRS 2 MRS 3 MRS 4 MRS 5

Keterangan Gambar 1. _______________________________ 4. ___________________________ 2. _______________________________ 5. ___________________________ 3. _______________________________ 6. ___________________________ Deskripsi Gambar 1 No. Perihal 1. Jenis epitel tubulus seminiferus 2. Jenis sel pada epitel 1. tubulus seminiferus 2. 3. 4. 3. 4. Jaringan interstisial Sel Leydig (sel interstisial) Deskripsi


Gambar 2 Ductus Epididymidis (MRS-2) 10 x 10 40 x 10

Keterangan Gambar 1. _______________________________ 4. ___________________________ 2. _______________________________ 5. ___________________________ 3. _______________________________ 6. ___________________________ Deskripsi Gambar 2 No. Perihal Deskripsi 1. Mukosa 2. 3. 4. Stereosilia Ketebalan otot polos Connective tissue Ada / Tidak Ada Tebal / Tipis

Gambar 3 Ductus Deferens (MRS-3) 10 x 10 40 x 10

Keterangan Gambar 1. _______________________________ 4. ___________________________ 2. _______________________________ 5. ___________________________ 3. _______________________________ 6. ___________________________ 51

Deskripsi Gambar 3 No. Perihal 1. Mukosa 2. 3. 4. Stereosilia Lamina propria Ketebalan otot polos Ada / Tidak Ada Tebal / Tipis


Gambar 4 Prostate Gland (MRS-4) 10 x 10 40 x 10

Keterangan Gambar 1. _______________________________ 4. ___________________________ 2. _______________________________ 5. ___________________________ 3. _______________________________ 6. ___________________________ Deskripsi Gambar 4 No. 1. 2. 3. 4. Perihal Jenis kelenjar Jenis epitel pada kelenjar Stroma Konkremen prostat Deskripsi


Gambar 5 Penis (MRS-5) 4 x 10 10 x 10

Keterangan Gambar 1. _______________________________ 4. ___________________________ 2. _______________________________ 5. ___________________________ 3. _______________________________ 6. ___________________________ Deskripsi Gambar 4 No. 1. 2. 3. Perihal Tunica albuginea Corpus cavernosum Corpus spongiosum Deskripsi



SISTEM REPRODUKSI WANITATUJUAN PRAKTIKUM: Mengamati struktur organ reproduksi wanita. No. 1. 2. 3. 4. Materi Praktikum Ovary Uterine Tube Uterus Mammary Glands Gambar 1 Ovary (FRS-1) 4 x 10 10 x 10 Kode Sediaan FRS 1 FRS 2 FRS 3 MRS 5

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Deskripsi Gambar 1 No. 1. 2. 3. Perihal Folikel de Graaf Corpus luteum Corpus albicans

Keterangan Gambar _____________________________________ _____________________________________ _____________________________________ _____________________________________ _____________________________________



Gambar 2 Uterine Tube (FRS-2) 10 x 10 10 x 40

Keterangan Gambar 1. _______________________________ 4. ___________________________ 2. _______________________________ 5. ___________________________ 3. _______________________________ 6. ___________________________ Deskripsi Gambar 2 No. Perihal Deskripsi 1. Mukosa 2. 3. 4. Jenis sel 1. pada epitel 2. Muskularis Serosa Gambar 3 Uterus (FRS-3) 4 x 10 10 x 10

Keterangan Gambar 1. _______________________________ 4. ___________________________ 2. _______________________________ 5. ___________________________ 3. _______________________________ 6. ___________________________ 55

Deskripsi Gambar 3 No. Perihal 1. Endometrium 2. 3. Myometrium Serosa / adventisia

Deskripsi Dilapisi simple columnar epithelium; di bawah epitel terdapat loose connective tissue dengan vaskularisasi yang banyak Smooth muscle

Gambar 4 Mammary Glands (FRS-5) 10 x 10 40 x 10

Keterangan Gambar 1. _______________________________ 4. ___________________________ 2. _______________________________ 5. ___________________________ 3. _______________________________ 6. ___________________________ Deskripsi Gambar 4 No. Perihal 1. Jenis kelenjar 2. 3. 4. 5. Jaringan ikat di sekitar alveoli Sinus laktiferus Duktus laktiferus Duktus interlobularis Deskripsi



KULITTUJUAN PRAKTIKUM: Mengamati struktur kulit dan turunan kulit. No. 1. 2. Materi Praktikum Kulit berambut Kulit tak berambut Gambar 1 Kulit Berambut (IS-1) 4 x 10 10 x 10 Kode Sediaan IS 1 IS 2

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Deskripsi Gambar 1 No. 1. 2. Perihal Epidermis Lapisan epidermis

Keterangan Gambar _____________________________________ _____________________________________ _____________________________________ _____________________________________ _____________________________________

Deskripsi 1. 2. 3. 4. Tebal / Tipis

3. 4. 5. 6.

Lapisan keratin Papillary layer Reticular layer Turunan kulit

1. 2. 3. 57

Gambar 2 Kulit Tak Berambut (IS-2) 4 x 10 10 x 10

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Deskripsi Gambar 2 No. 1. 2. Perihal Epidermis Lapisan epidermis

Keterangan Gambar _____________________________________ _____________________________________ _____________________________________ _____________________________________ _____________________________________

Deskripsi 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Tebal / Tipis

3. 4. 5. 6.

Lapisan Keratin Struktur papillary layer Struktur reticular layer Turunan kulit

1. 2.



MATATUJUAN PRAKTIKUM : Mengamati struktur mata. No. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. Materi Praktikum Cornea Sclera Corpus ciliaris Iris Retina Lens Palpebra Gambar 1 Cornea (SS-2) 10 x 10 40 x 10 Kode Sediaan SS 2 SS 2 SS 2 SS 2 SS 2 SS 2 SS 3

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Deskripsi Gambar 1 No. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Perihal Epitel anterior Membran Bowmann Stroma Membran Descemet Endotel

Keterangan Gambar _____________________________________ _____________________________________ _____________________________________ _____________________________________ _____________________________________



Gambar 2 Sclera (SS-2) 10 x 10 40 x 10

Keterangan Gambar 1. _______________________________ 4. ___________________________ 2. _______________________________ 5. ___________________________ 3. _______________________________ 6. ___________________________ Deskripsi Gambar 2 No. Perihal Deskripsi 1. Jenis sel 2. Matriks dan serabut Gambar 3 Ciliar Body (SS-2) 10 x 10 10 x 40

Keterangan Gambar 1. _______________________________ 4. ___________________________ 2. _______________________________ 5. ___________________________ 3. _______________________________ 6. ___________________________ Deskripsi Gambar 3 No. Perihal Deskripsi 1. Matriks 2. Vaskular 3. Muskulus ciliaris 4. Jenis epitel 1. 2. Gambar 4 60

Iris (SS-2) 10 x 10 40 x 10

Keterangan Gambar 1. _______________________________ 4. ___________________________ 2. _______________________________ 5. ___________________________ 3. _______________________________ 6. ___________________________ Deskripsi Gambar 4 No. 1. 2. 3. 4. Perihal Jenis sel Matriks stroma Permukaan anterior Permukaan posterior Gambar 5 Retina (SS-2) 10 x 10 10 x 40 Deskripsi

Keterangan Gambar 1. _______________________________ 4. ___________________________ 2. _______________________________ 5. ___________________________ 3. _______________________________ 6. ___________________________ 61

Deskripsi Gambar 5 No. Perihal 1. Jumlah lapisan 2. Retinal pigmented epithelium 3. Fovea centralis Gambar 6 Lens (SS-2) 10 x 10


10 x 40

Keterangan Gambar 1. _______________________________ 4. ___________________________ 2. _______________________________ 5. ___________________________ 3. _______________________________ 6. ___________________________ Deskripsi Gambar 6 No. Perihal Deskripsi 1. Kapsul 2. 3. Epitel sub kapsular Lens fibers Gambar 7 Palpebra (SS-3) 10 x 10 10 x 40

Keterangan Gambar 1. _______________________________ 4. ___________________________ 2. _______________________________ 5. ___________________________ 3. _______________________________ 6. ___________________________ 62

Deskripsi Gambar 7 No. 1. 2. Perihal Jenis epitel pada conjunctiva Jenis kelenjar Deskripsi 1. 2. 3. 4.



TELINGATUJUAN PRAKTIKUM: Mengamati struktur telinga luar, telinga tengah, dan telinga dalam. No. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Materi Praktikum Auricula Meatus acusticus externus Macula Crista Ampularis Organ of Corti Gambar 1 Auricula 4 x 10 10 x 10 Kode Sediaan Auricula SS 4 SS 5 SS 6 SS 7

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Deskripsi Gambar 1 No. 1. 2. Perihal Jenis kulit Jenis cartilage

Keterangan Gambar _____________________________________ _____________________________________ _____________________________________ _____________________________________ _____________________________________

Deskripsi Tipis / tebal (tipis) Hyaline/Elastic/fibrous cartilage (elastic) 64

Gambar 2 Meatus Acusticus Externus (SS-4) 4 x 10 10 x 10

Keterangan Gambar 1. _______________________________ 4. ___________________________ 2. _______________________________ 5. ___________________________ 3. _______________________________ 6. ___________________________ Deskripsi Gambar 2 No. Perihal Deskripsi 1. Jenis kulit Kulit tebal/kulit tipis 2. Jenis kelenjar Sebaceous dan ceruminous glansds 3. Jenis cartilage Hyaline/Elastic/fibrous cartilage (elastic) 3. Bone Cancellous bone/Compact bone (Cancellous bone) Gambar 3 Macula (SS 5) 4 x 10 10 x 10

Keterangan Gambar 1. _______________________________ 4. ___________________________ 2. _______________________________ 5. ___________________________ 3. _______________________________ 6. ___________________________ Deskripsi Gambar 3 No. Perihal Deskripsi 1. Struktur inner dan outer hair cells 2. Jenis supporting cells 1. 2. 3. 4.


Otolith membrane 65

Gambar 4 Crista Ampularis (SS 6) 4 x 10 10 x 10

Keterangan Gambar 1. _______________________________ 4. ___________________________ 2. _______________________________ 5. ___________________________ 3. _______________________________ 6. ___________________________ Deskripsi Gambar 4 No. Perihal Deskripsi 1. Struktur inner dan outer hair cells 2. Jenis supporting cells 1. 2. 3. 4.


Cupula Gambar 5 Organ of Corti (SS 7) 10 x 10 40 x 10

Keterangan Gambar 1. _______________________________ 4. ___________________________ 2. _______________________________ 5. ___________________________ 3. _______________________________ 6. ___________________________ 66

Deskripsi Gambar 4 No. Perihal 1. Struktur inner dan outer hair cells 2. Jenis supporting cells 1. 2. 3. 4.
