3. lap.pengamatan mikroskopis

APPROVAL SHEET Complete report of general biology with title “Experiment of Microscopis”, created by : Name : Ummi Qalsum Reg. Number : 091204174 Class : B (ICP) Departement : Physics Group : V (Five) After checked by assistant and Assistant Coordinator, so this is report accepted. Makassar, November 2009 Assistant Coordinator Assistant (Djumarirmanto, S.Pd) (Dian Dwi Putri Wulan Sari Patongai) Nim.071404087 Known By

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Complete report of general biology with title “Experiment of Microscopis”,

created by :

Name : Ummi Qalsum

Reg. Number : 091204174

Class : B (ICP)

Departement : Physics

Group : V (Five)

After checked by assistant and Assistant Coordinator, so this is report accepted.

Makassar, November 2009

Assistant Coordinator Assistant

(Djumarirmanto, S.Pd) (Dian Dwi Putri Wulan Sari Patongai)


Known By

Lecturer of Responsibility

(Ir. Muh. Wiharto, M.Si)

NIP.132 006 81

Page 2: 3. Lap.pengamatan Mikroskopis


A. Background

Tissue is a collection of cells that relate to each other and have the

structure and function of the same. Cells is the core lump of protoplasm, as an

individual who serves organized activities for the needs of all life. Cell after

growing up and berdeferensiasi, will change its shape according to function,

there is a function to protect the epidermal cells of the inner one into the food

supply, there is a place that serves food and others.

Tissue of plants is the author's body cells making up the plant body

from the embryonic cell division that differentiate into a variety of


Never animal cell walls, as well as protists cells. Prokariot cell wall

and fungi very different from plant cell walls. Vacuoles can be found on the

fifth member of the world, but large vacuoles in the cell center is in almost all

plant cells, fungi, and some protists. Chloroplasts found only in plants and

some protists (depending on golongannya).

Although the animal cells and plant cells are different but the basic

equations are given about the nature, form, and function of the cell. In

general, the parts are the cell membrane, cytoplasm, mitochondria,

endoplasmic reticulum, Golgi apparatus, lysosomes, plastids, chloroplasts, the

centrosome, ribosomes, vacuole, cell nucleus, nucleus membrane,

microfilaments, and cell walls.

Well, to find out all kinds of plant tissue in general we can observe

with the microscopic observations made the following experiment

In addition to the plant tissue in the following experiment we observe

also that tissues are in animals

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B. Experiment’s Purpose

1. After doing this activity, students are expected to be able to explain

the structure and the various tissues that make up the organs of plants

2. After doing this activity, students are expected to be able to explain

the structure and the various tissues that make up the organs of


C. Experiment’s Benefit

Students will be able to explain the structure and the various tissues

that make up the organs contained both in plants and in animals

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Plant Tissue

The plant body is divided into several organs: roots, stems, and leaves.

The leaves are the primary photosynthetic organs of plants, serving as key

sites where energy from light is converted into chemical energy. Similar to

the other organs of a plant, a leaf is comprised of three basic tissue systems,

including the dermal, vascular, and ground tissue systems. These three

motifs are continuous throughout an entire plant, but their properties vary

significantly based upon the organ type in which they are located. All three

tissue systems are illustrated in Figure 1, which is a cutaway drawing of a

typical leaf. (Anonim: 2009).

The dermal tissue of a plant, more specifically referred to as the

epidermis, is an outer protective layer of typically polygonal cells, which

helps defend against injury and invasion by foreign organisms. The epidermis

of the leaf also functions in a more specialized manner by secreting a waxy

substance that forms a coating, termed the cuticle, on the surface of the leaf.

An adaptation unique to terrestrial plants, the cuticle functions chiefly in the

retention of water. As presented in Figure 1, the cells that comprise the

epidermis of a leaf are arranged very tightly together in a single stratum.

Microscopic pores known as stomata are the only breaches in the otherwise

continuous layer of the leaf epidermis. Each individual pore, or stoma, is, in

fact, a small opening between a pair of specialized cells known as guard

cells. By modifying the size of the stomata, guard cells are able to regulate

gas exchange and transpiration. Such modifications are influenced by various

environmental factors. For example, when the weather is unusually hot and

dry, the guard cells of plants in danger of losing too much water narrow the

stomata width in order to reduce evaporation from the leaf interior (Anonim:


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In order for leaves to obtain water and minerals from the roots and for

food manufactured in mature leaves to be transported to the roots and other

nonphotosynthetic regions, each leaf must be connected to the overall

vascular structure of the plant. Accordingly, the main vascular bundle of

xylem and phloem present in the stem of a plant bifurcates into leaf traces,

which are branches of vascular tissue that supply leaves. Each leaf trace

further branches into the familiar veins that can often be seen along the

surface of leaves, and the veins repeatedly subdivide as well. The vascular

components, which serve as a basic skeletal structure in addition to

functioning in the transport of materials, extend throughout the mesophyll so

that the xylem and phloem are brought into propinquity with leaf tissues that

carry out photosynthesis (Anonim: 2009).

Animal Tissue

Cells making up the body tissue in animals and more complex. Tissue

is a collection of structures, functions, how the growth and development

similar way. In animal tissue is divided into 4 major tissues, namely epithelial

tissue, or connective tissue, muscle tissue and nerve tissue (Brotowidjoyo,


Epithelial tissue is the tissue that lines a cavity or a free surface. The

cells are arranged close together so there is no space. Space between cells that

normally contain the intercellular substance or matrix can also be called. In

light of the many layers of cells arranged, differentiated epithelial layer of the

epithelium and the epithelium-lined. Epithelial tissue protects the skin against

damage due to lower mechanical friction, ultraviolet radiation, and bacterial

attack. (Brotowidjoyo, 1989).

Epithelial tissue is made from crushed cells arranged in flat layers.

These tissues form the skin covering the body. Epithelial tissue perform

various functions. In each case this function reflects the fact that the

epithelium is always there on the border between cell mass and the cavity or

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space. Epithelium also functions in transporting materials from the tissue and

into the cavity of the separation. Kolumner epithelium of the digestive tract

enzymes out into the intestin digested and absorbed food digestion end

products thereof. All the digestive glands in the body is covered with

epithelium. Epithelium is also coated tubes and water and lung cavity

(Kimball, 1992).

Connective tissue is often called the patron or connective tissue.

Location of cells of this tissue does not coincide meeting, but scattered and if

connected, only the ends of protoplasmanya. The special feature of

connective tissue is a component called the matrix interseluler. Cells form

connective tissue is irregular, the cytoplasm of the cell nucleus bergranula

and mengelembung. There are several types of cells are connective tissue,

fibroblasts, macrophages, mast cells, fat cells and various types of white

blood cells. Connective tissue is divided into two basic types, namely a loose

connective tissue and dense connective tissue (Albert, 1994)

Different connective tissue epithelial tissue, connective tissue matrix

containing very much. Connective tissue function: to bind a tool with other

tools, to wrap the tools, to replace the damaged tissue (wound), to neutralize

the poison and to form the framework backers. On the basis of the structure

and function, connective tissue divided into three types of tissues, each of

which can be subdivided into tissues more typical: real binding tissue,

connective tissue framework of hyaline cartilage, connective tissue fluid

(Storer, 1957).

Muscle cells called muscle fibers. Muscle fibers containing filaments

(yarn) actin and myosin which is a contractile protein that allows the muscles

shortened and lengthened. Muscle function is as a means of active motion.

Muscle tissue composed of longitudinal cells with visible nucleus and

miofibril limit. Miofibril composed of contractile proteins found in all cells

and it was clear on skeletal muscle and heart muscle. Boundary between

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muscle cells visible because of sarkolema. Sarkolema the membrane layer

that surrounds the muscle cells (Lim, 1998).

Muscle tissue, this tissue is composed largely of cells yan shaped

fibers with varying lengths. Can be said to contain no matrix. The cells are

arranged in files wrapped in connective tissue. Muscle tissue has the power

lines are high enough, the length can be shrunk to half or one third the normal

length. Muscle tissue is divided into latitude muscle fibers, smooth muscle,

cardiac muscle (Fahn, 1974).

Neural tissue composed of nerve cells (neurons) which has a special

characteristic, ie has a long juluran cytoplasm. Besides composed by neurons,

nerve cells have also been prepared by neuroglia cells found in the central

nervous system. Nerve cells located spread throughout the animal's body. In

the single neuron cell, cytoplasm containing ribosomes, Golgi, endoplasmic

reticulum, and mitochondria. Neurons get food supplies through the

enveloping neuroglia cells. Composed of neuron cell bodies, dendrites, and

axons (Lim, 1998).

Cell body contains the nucleus of cells. Each stimulus will be brought

to the dendritic cell body. Dendrite is the number of fiber cytoplasm.

Dendrites is brought Funsi stimuli to the cell body. Axon is a single-fiber

cytoplasm. Axon is brought Fungsia stimuli leave the cell body. Axons also

branch out near the end (axon terminal). The intersection between the axon

terminals of one neuron with other neurons called synapses. Synaptic

function continued stimulation to other nerve cells (Hadioetomo, 1993).

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A. Place and Date

I. Plant Tissue

This experiment’s is done at:

Day and Date : Wednesday, November 4th 2009

Time : at 13.10-15.00 pm

Place : Laboratory of Biology

Faculty Mathematis and Science

Makassar State University

(at the 2nd east floor part)

II. Animal Tissue

This experiment’s is done at:

Day and Date : Wednesday, November 11th 2009

Time : at 13.30-15.00 pm

Place : Laboratory of Biology

Faculty Mathematis and Science

Makassar State University

(at the 2nd east floor part)

B. Tools and Materials

I. Plant Tissue

1. Tools

1) Microscope

2) Rough Cloth

3) Smooth Cloth

2. Materials

1) Specimens preserved tissue of roots, stems, and leaves group

representing from monocotyle and dicotyle

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II. Animal Tissue

1. Tools

1) Microscope

2) Rough Cloth

3) Smooth Cloth

2. Materials

1) Specimens preserved Non-streated muscle, Human Cardiac Muscle,

Streated Muscle, Human Sympathetic Nerve, Human Bone, and


C. Work Procedure

I. Plant Tissue

1) We clean microscope using rough cloth and smooth cloth, and then

take root tissue preserved preparations

2) Watch parts

3) Draw it and gave information

4) Compare drawing

II. Animal Tissue

1) We clean microscope using rough cloth and smooth cloth, and then

take Non-streated muscle preserved preparations

2) Watch parts

3) Draw it and gave information

4) Compare drawing

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A. Observation Result

From the experiment, we can get the result such as :

1. Plant tissue

a. Monocotile root (Zea mayz)

b. Dicotile root (Arachis hypogaea)

10x10 magnification

1. Epidermis

2. Corteks

3. Feather

4. Xylem

5. Floem

10x10 magnification

1. Epidermis

2. Corteks

3. Feather

4. cambium

5. Xylem

6. Floem

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c. Monocotile steam (Zea mayz)

d. Dicotile steam (Cucurbita)

10x10 magnification

1. Epidermis

2. Corteks

3. Xylem

4. Floem

4x10 magnification

1. Epidermis

2. Corteks

3. Endodermis

4. Cambium

5. Xylem

6. Floem

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e. Monocotile leaf (Lilium t.s)

f. Dicotile leaf (Ficus elastica)

10x10 magnification

1. Epidermis

2. Spons tissue

3. Xylem

4. Floem

10x10 magnification

1. Epidermis adaksial

2. Sistolit

3. Palisade/tiang

4. Litokis/Idioblast

5. Ruang antar sel

6. Spon

7. Floem

8. Xylem

9. Stomata

10. Epidermis abaksial

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2. Animal tissue

a) Streated Muscle (Otot Lurik)

b) Human bone (Tulang)


Black ribbon

Light ribbon

The core








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c) Non Streated Muscle (Otot Polos)

d) Human Cardiac Muscle (Otot Jantung)


The Core



The core


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e) Human Sympathetic Nerve (Sel Saraf)

f) Human Blood, Eritrosit (Sel Darah Merah)


Terminal Dendrit

Nodus renuler




Schwann cell


Cell Nucleus


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B. Discussion

I. Plant Tissue

Root Anatomy

In vascular plants, the root is the organ of a plant that typically lies below the

surface of the soil. This is not always the case, however, since a root can also be

aerial (growing above the ground) or aerating (growing up above the ground or

especially above water). Furthermore, a stem normally occurring below ground is not

exceptional either (see rhizome). So, it is better to define root as a part of a plant

body that bears no leaves, and therefore also lacks nodes. There are also important

internal structural differences between stems and roots. The first root that comes

from a plant is called the radicle. The two major functions of roots are

1) absorption of water and inorganic nutrients and

2) anchoring of the plant body to the ground.

In response to the concentration of nutrients, roots also synthesise cytokinin, which

acts as a signal as to how fast the shoots can grow. Roots often function in storage of

food and nutrients. The roots of most vascular plant species enter into symbiosis with

certain fungi to form mycorrhizas, and a large range of other organisms including

bacteria also closely associate with roots. The parts of a root are the xylem, the

epidermis, the cortex, the root cap, the root hair, the phloem, and the cambium

Stem structure

Stem usually consist of three tissues, dermal tissue, ground tissue and

vascular tissue. The dermal tissue covers the outer surface of the stem and

usually functions to waterproof, protect and control gas exchange. The

ground tissue usually consists mainly of parenchyma cells and fills in around

the vascular tissue. It sometimes functions in photosynthesis. Vascular tissue

provides long distance transport and structural support. Most or all ground

tissue may be lost in woody stems. The dermal tissue of aquatic plants stems

may lack the waterproofing found in aerial stems. The arrangement of the

vascular tissues varies widely among plant species.

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Dicot stems

Dicot stems with primary growth have pith in the center, with vascular

bundles forming a distinct ring visible when the stem is viewed in cross

section. The outside of the stem is covered with an epidermis, which is

covered by a waterproof cuticle. The epidermis also may contain stomata for

gas exchange and multicellular stem hairs. A cortex consisting of Hypodermis

(collenchyma cells) and Endodermis (starch containing cells)is present above

the pericycle and vascular bundles.

Woody dicots and many nonwoody dicots have secondary growth originating

from their lateral or secondary meristems: the vascular cambium and the cork

cambium or phellogen. The vascular cambium forms between the xylem and

phloem in the vascular bundles and connects to form a continuous cylinder.

The vascular cambium cells divide to produce secondary xylem to the inside

and secondary phloem to the outside. As the stem increases in diameter due to

production of secondary xylem and secondary phloem, the cortex and

epidermis are eventually destroyed. Before the cortex is destroyed, a cork

cambium develops there. The cork cambium divides to produce waterproof

cork cells externally and sometimes phelloderm cells internally. Those three

tissues form the periderm, which replaces the epidermis in function. Areas of

loosely-packed cells in the periderm that function in gas exchange are called


Secondary xylem is commercially important as wood. The seasonal variation

in growth from the vascular cambium is what creates yearly tree rings in

temperate climates. Tree rings are the basis of dendrochronology, which dates

wooden objects and associated artifacts. Dendroclimatology is the use of tree

rings as a record of past climates. The aerial stem of an adult tree is called a

trunk. The dead, usually darker inner wood of a large diameter trunk is

termed the heartwood. The outer, living wood is termed the sapwood.

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Monocot stems

Vascular bundles are present throughout the monocot stem, although

concentrated towards the outside. This differs from the dicot stem that has a

ring of vascular bundles and often none in the center. The shoot apex in

monocot stems is more elongated. Leaf sheathes grow up around it, protecting

it. This is true to some extent of almost all monocots. Monocots rarely

produce secondary growth and are therefore seldom woody, with Palms being

notable exceptions. However, many monocot stems increase in diameter via

anamolous secondary growth.

Leaf anatomy

A structurally complete leaf of an angiosperm consists of a petiole (leaf

stem), a lamina (leaf blade), and stipules (small processes located to either

side of the base of the petiole). The petiole attaches to the stem at a point

called the "leaf axil." Not every species produces leaves with all of the

aforementioned structural components. In some species, paired stipules are

not obvious or are absent altogether. A petiole may be absent, or the blade

may not be laminar (flattened). The tremendous variety shown in leaf

structure (anatomy) from species to species is presented in detail below under

Leaf morphology. After a period of time (i.e. seasonally, during the autumn),

deciduous trees shed their leaves. These leaves then decompose into the soil.

A leaf is considered a plant organ and typically consists of the following


1. An epidermis that covers the upper and lower surfaces

2. An interior chlorenchyma called the mesophyll

3. An arrangement of veins (the vascular tissue)

II. Animal Tissue

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Animal tissue divided into four main groups of epithelial tissue is tissue that

covers a cavity or a free surface, the connective tissue matrix mengadung tissue

very much, jaringa muscle tissue is largely composed of cells form fibers with a

size varying length, and nerve tissue. More differentiated epithelial tissue into

tissue more specialized in accordance with the structure and function of each

binding tissue that includes some of the tissue structure and function is very

different from the connective tissue in the form of liquid blood. Terasusun blood

for liquid matrix and blood plasma also disebuut, and the cells floating freely in

the blood plasma.

Muscle tissue is not much variation is seranlintang muscle only muscle that is

generally attached to the bones except the tongue muscle, smooth muscle is

composed of muscle cells or muscle fibers are spindle-shaped flat, sometimes

turns the tip, and muscle the heart-muscle fibers serabutnya not separated from

each other, but the relationship with each other by connective-liaison

intermediaries who walked inclined to form contractile tissue.

For neural tissues to understand is the difference between nerve cells (neurons)

and nerve cell materials (silton), and understanding tenyang unipolar, hipolar,

multipolar, packaged, and ak-wrapped.

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A. Conclussion

Mostly the plants making up the tissue can be categorized into: Meristem

tissue, Parenchymal tissue ( Palisade parenchymal, Spongy parenchymal,

Parenchymal stars, Parenchymal folds, Parenchymal carrier ), Tissue

Protector (epidermis) ( Stoma, Trikoma, Exodermis and endodermis ), Tissue

amplifier (Stereom) ( Kolenkim, Sklerenkim ), Carrier tissues ( Xylem,

Phloem, Image carrier ), Sekretori Tissue.

Characteristic differences in monocot plants and dikotil by distinguishing

physical features that have:

1. Root form

Monocot: fibrous root system has

Dikotil: Having a root system upside

2. Form of bone marrow or leaf pattern

Monocot: curved or parallel

Dikotil: pinnate or menjari

3. Kaliptrogen / hood roots

Monocot: There's hood root / kaliptra

Dikotil: There is no hood roots

4. The number of pieces of seed or cotyledon

Monocot: a piece of fruit seeds only

Dikotil: There are two pieces of fruit seeds

5. Content of roots and stems

Monocot: There cambium

Dikotil: There cambium

6. The number of petals

Monocot: Generally is a multiple of three

Dikotil: Usually multiples of four or five

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7. Protective roots and stems institutions

Monocot: Found stems agencies / institutions koleoptil and

root / keleorhiza

Dikotil: No protective koleorhiza or koleoptil

8. Growth of roots and stems

Monocot: Can not grow into larger

Dikotil: Can grow to be enlarged

In animal tissue is divided into 4 major tissues, namely epithelial tissue, or

connective tissue, muscle tissue and nerve tissue

B. Suggestion

For students in the studied preparations, preferably with a good

attention to the image seen clearly

For Assistant, please to watch out and notice how the observations of

students, then so that not one of observation and discussion will be right.

For Laboratory should prepare the tools to be used in practical work

properly, such as a microscope that is not damaged or in good condition

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