3 variation reduction overview

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  • 7/27/2019 3 Variation Reduction Overview



    Variation Reduction (DMAIC) Fundamentals

  • 7/27/2019 3 Variation Reduction Overview


    2002 ConceptFlow 2

    Module Objective

    By the end of this module, the participant should be able to:

    Discuss the fundamentals of DMAIC in Variation Reduction

    Explain the benefits of DMAIC in Reducing Variation

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    2002 ConceptFlow 3





    Merrill Lynch Six Sigma is a System ofProven Methodologies

    Growth Engines

    El iminate


    Develop Talent


    Lets look at the second of these 3 Key Components . . .

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    2002 ConceptFlow 4


    The basic premise of DMAIC is that sources of variation can be: Identified


    Eliminated or Controlled

    Focused on strategic or core processes

    Data driven

    Measurements focused on right things

    Variation Is The Enemy!

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    The Goal: Breakthrough Performance




    Six SigmaBreakthrough

    Current State

    Breakthrough State

    Improvement Period

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    Long Term YieldDefects per Million OpportunitiesProcess CapabilitySigma Level

    If you played 100 rounds of golf per year, and played at:

    2 sigma - you'd miss 6 putts per round

    3 sigma - you'd miss 1 putt per round 4 sigma - you'd miss 1 putt every 9 rounds

    5 sigma - you'd miss 1 putt every 2.33 years

    6 sigma - you'd miss 1 putt every 163 years!

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    Simple Definition of Variation

    Reduce spread

    Client target



    Accuracy = Centering Precision = Spread

    Center on target

    Client target

    Off center and spread = process variation = Defects

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    Voice of the Process Versus Voice of theClient

    Voice of the Process is independent of the Voice of the Client


    Voice of the Process




    Defects Acceptable


    Voice of the Client

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    Goals of Six Sigma

    Center Process on TargetReduce Variation

    Client target

    Meet Client Targetand Specifications

    Client target

    Eliminate DefectsReduce Variation

    Client target

    Defects Defects




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    -3 -2 -1 0 1 2 3

    3 Sigma ProcessAverage = 0St.Dev. = 2Tolerance = 12

    Shift the average 1.5

    -4-5-6 4 5 6

    -3 -2 -1 0 1 2 3-4-5-6 4 5 6

    Shift the average 1.56 Sigma Process

    Average = 0

    St.Dev. = 1Tolerance = 12


    In a six sigma process, Client Satisfaction and Business Objectives are robust

    to shifts due to process or product variation!

    By shifting a 6 sigma process1.5 we create 3.4 defects per

    million opportunities

    By shifting a 3 sigma process1.5 we create 66,807 defects

    per million opportunities

    Six Sigma As a Statistical Measure

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    LSL USLNom

    Taguchi Loss Function

    (New View)

    LSL USLNom



    Can We Tolerate Variability?

    There will always be variability present in any process We can tolerate variability if:

    The process is on target

    The total variability is relatively small compared to the processspecifications

    The process is stable over time

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    Is 99% Good Enough?

    99% Good (3.8 Sigma) 99.99966% Good (6 Sigma)20,000 lost articles of mail perhour

    Seven articles lost per hour

    Unsafe drinking water for

    almost 15 minutes each day

    One unsafe minute every

    seven months5,000 incorrect surgicaloperations per week

    1.7 incorrect operations perweek

    Two short or long landings atmost major airports each day

    One short or long landingevery five years

    200,000 wrong drugprescriptions each year

    68 wrong prescriptions peryear

    No electricity for almost sevenhours each month

    One hour without electricityevery 34 years

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    2002 ConceptFlow 13

    The Magnitude of Six Sigma

    Sigma Area Spelling Money Time Distance

    3 Floor space of 1.5 misspelled $2.7 million 3 1/2 months Coast-to-coasta small hard- words per page indebtedness per per century tripware store in a book $1 billion in assets

    4 Floor space of 1 misspelled $63,000 indebted- 2 1/2 days per 45 minutes of

    a typical living word per 30 pages ness per $1 billion century freewayroom in a book in assets driving(inany direction

    5 Size of the 1 misspelled word $570 indebtedness 30 minutes A trip to thebottom of in a set of per $1 billion in per century local gasyour telephone encyclopedias assets station

    6 Size of a 1 misspelled word $2 indebtedness 6 seconds 4 steps in any

    typical in all of the books per $1 billion per century directiondiamond contained in a assets

    small library

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    Sigma Scale of Measure









    Restaurant Bills

    Doctor Prescription WritingPayroll Processing

    Order WriteupJournal Vouchers

    Wire TransfersAirline Baggage Handling

    Purchased MaterialLot Reject Rate

    Domestic Airline FlightFatality Rate (0.43 PPM)


    3 4 5 621

    Phone In Tax Advice(140,000 PPM)

    Six Sigma... Todays Performance

    How does your industry rank?

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    Can We Inspect Our Way to Six Sigma?


    2 308,5373 66,807

    4 6,2105 2336 3.4

    Process Capability

    Defects Per Million


    Inspection can only get us so far


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    The Inspection Exercise

    Task: Count the number of times the 6th letter of the alphabet appearsin the following text:

    The necessity of training farm hands for first class farms in the fatherlyhandling of farm live stock is foremost in the eyes of farm owners.Since the forefathers of the farm owners trained the farm hands forfirst class farms in the fatherly handling of farm live stock, the farmowners feel they should carry on with the family tradition of trainingfarm hands of first class farmers in the fatherly handling of farm livestock because they believe it is the basis of good fundamental farmmanagement

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    Practical Problem Statistical Problem

    Statistical SolutionPractical Solution

    Overall Problem Solving Approach

    Measure Analyze


    y f x x xk ( , , ... , )1 2

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    Process Focus of Six Sigma

    Inputs (X1, X2 . . . Xn)





    Dependent on Input



    ProcessY = f(x)X Y

    Determining the critical Xs & controlling the Xs to guarantee the Ys

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    How Y=f(x) Relates to a Process









    Process InputVariables


    Process OutputVariables


    ClientsNeeds &


    Critical To Satisfaction(CTS)

    Cost Quality Delivery

    Control the INPUTS to achieve the desired OUTPUTS

    that satisfies our Clients Expectations

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    Optimized Process

    10-15 Xs

    8-10 KPIVs

    4-8 Key KPIVs

    Dynamics of Execution Strategy - The FunnelEffect

    3-6 Key KPIVs

    30-50 Inputs (X)Define Phase

    Measure Phase

    Analyze Phase

    Improve Phase

    Control Phase

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    Leaders Need to Speak a New Language,Ask Relevant Questions

    To better understand our process, Leaders need to ask questions Same questions same answers

    Changing the result means we have to change the question

    As questions arise, visions emerge, direction becomes apparent

    To lead change, Black Belts have to be able to ask critical questions

    Of the organization

    Of process experts

    Of process authority

    Questions may often drive behavior

    Our Process Owners, Managers and Black Belts will work on what you

    are interested in . . . What gets measured, gets done

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    Purpose of the Define Phase

    Identify product and/or process to be improved

    Identify the clients, their needs and requirements

    Quantify the gap(s) between process outputs and clientrequirements

    Define the performance standards or measures

    Establish project objectives

    Ensure resources are in place for the improvement project

    Primary responsibility of Project Champion and Black Belt

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    Define Phase Deliverables

    Product or process balanced against strategic businessrequirements

    Client, critical-to-satisfaction requirements

    Linkage of client requirements to process outputs

    Team formed with charter describing purpose, goals andbenefits of the six sigma project

    Financial benefits approved by Finance Department

    A high-level process map of major processing events

    occurring in the process Project plan with milestones and deliverables

    States the need of the client (CTS) and the problem

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    The Funnel Effect - Measure Phase

    Key Tools Process Map

    C&E Matrix


    Measurement System Analysis

    Data Collection Plan

    Baseline Control Charts

    Process Capability Analysis Graphic Techniques

    Optimized Process

    30 - 50 Inputs (X)

    10 - 15 Xs

    Eliminate Waste

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    Measure Phase Deliverables

    Validated project definition Detailed process map with outputs and labeled inputs Clearly defined process output measures (Ys) Measurement System Analyses on the Ys Control charts on baseline, process performance

    Process capability and entitlementAssessment of current control plan C&E Matrix to determine focus within process FMEA to assess and prioritize process risk Low hanging fruit actions assigned to team Valid data in accordance with the data collection plan Graphical interpretation of data

    Determines baseline process performance

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    Key Tools Hypothesis Testing

    Multi-Vari Studies

    Variance Components




    Optimized Process

    30 - 50 Inputs (X)

    10 - 15 Xs

    8 - 10 KPIVs

    Eliminate Waste

    The Funnel Effect - Analyze Phase

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    Analyze Phase Deliverables

    A prioritized list of potential sources of variation

    Variation Component Studies

    Measurement Analysis on the xs

    Data collected to validate sources

    Graphical and statistical analysis of data

    p-value establishing level of significance and probability

    Correlation and regression analysis to determine variablerelationships

    Reduced list of potential key input variables that affect the

    output(s) Updated control charts, process map & FMEA

    Results to data (compared to baseline)

    Statistically links key input variables with key output variable

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    The Funnel Effect - Improve Phase

    Key Tools Screening DOEs


    Historical DOEs

    Modeling DOEs

    Optimized Process

    30 - 50 Inputs

    10 - 15 Xs

    8 - 10 KPIVs

    4-8 Key KPIVs

    3-6 Key KPIVs

    Eliminate Waste

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    Improve Phase Deliverables

    Systematically experiment with KPIVs

    Determine optimum conditions of KPIVs to result inoptimum KPOV to meet CTQ

    Proposed optimum operating conditions and solution

    Proposed operating tolerances

    Continue to lean processA new (improved) process performance baseline and


    Validated significance of improvements

    Confirmation plan or results

    Statistically validates optimum process operation conditions

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    The Funnel Effect - Control Phase

    Key Tools Control Plan


    Mistake Proofing

    Standard Operations

    Optimized Process

    30 - 50 Inputs (X)

    10 - 15 Xs

    8 - 10 KPIVs

    4-8 Key KPIVs

    3-6 Key KPIVs

    Eliminate Waste

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    Control Phase Deliverables

    Approved Control Plan encompassing documentationrequired to maintain improvements

    Lock in optimum KPIVs

    Monitor and control KPIVs to generate optimum KPOV

    Continue to lean process

    Meet CTQ consistently; sustainable results

    Documented project and process improvements

    Statistically validated process performance monitoringvehicle

    Keep the Process Owner involved throughout the project!

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    Optimized Process

    10-15 Xs

    8-10 KPIVs

    4-8 Key KPIVs

    Dynamics of Execution Strategy - The FunnelEffect

    3-6 Key KPIVs

    30-50 Inputs (X)Define Phase

    Measure Phase

    Analyze Phase

    Improve Phase

    Control Phase

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    2002 ConceptFlow 34

    Module Objective

    By the end of this module, the participant should be able to:

    Discuss the fundamentals of DMAIC in Variation Reduction

    Explain the benefits of DMAIC in Reducing Variation

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    D M

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    Identify the problem

    Define client requirements


    Who are your key clients and their criticalrequirements (CTSs)?

    What are your key process metrics (KPOVs or Ys)and key deliverables objectives and milestones?

    Have you created a high-level process map? Has team been initiated (kick-off)? Have you identified areas where you need to collect

    data? What is your plan for getting started with your

    project? What steps will you take first? Have you selected the key players associated with

    the project? Has Finance been involved (approved) in the

    project? What is the objective of the project . . . Vision of the

    area management team? Review with process owner, IT and Finance? Project definition refined? Project entered in Tracking System?

    For the define stage of your project:

    Six Sigma Key Concepts

    Average vs. VariationAverage tells little about client experience.

    The average is hidden within the variationof the data. Within the variation of aprocess are the defects, which prevent youfrom consistently achieving your


    Quantify process performance

    Calculate Sigma level

    Measure key steps / inputs


    Have you determined what type of data (KPOVs) isavailable and how has it been collected?

    Baseline control charts over time of the KPOVs? Have you completed a process map (flowchart) and

    who was involved in its development? Have you determined the categories of defects as

    shown in your Pareto analysis? Have you determined if a technology problem is

    indicated? If yes, what do you think it will take toimprove it? Are there any other alternatives?

    What did you learn when you verified themeasurement system on this project? How did youemploy measurement system analysis to yourproject and what were your takeaways?

    Did you identify your next steps? Are you satisfied with the level of cooperation and

    support that you are getting? Have you determined the Entitlement of the

    Process? What process did you use to determinethe Entitlement?

    Have you finalized performance objectives andproject scope?

    Update project in Tracking System?

    For the measure stage of your project:

    Six Sigma Key Concepts

    Enti t lementDemonstrated examples of superior

    performance represent your Entitlement.Entitlement is a statistical term that refers

    to the short-term capability of a process . . .That is referred to the best you have been

    in the process

    A I

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    Identify, verify and quantify

    root causes

    Establish improvement targets

    Validate hypothesis


    What tools have you used in this phase and howwere they helpful?

    What interim actions have you taken to containdefects until a final solution can be developed andimplemented? Has an FMEA (Failure Modes andEffects Analysis) been completed?

    What are your improvement plans and next steps toget there (including timing, responsibility andexpected results)?

    Are you satisfied with the level of cooperation andsupport that you are getting?

    What other support actions or activities do you needto accelerate your progress?

    Is your project statistically a Mean issue, a

    Variation issue or both?

    Update project in Tracking System?

    For the analyze stage of your project:

    Six Sigma Key Concepts

    DefectsVarious statistical models uncover the

    critical factors, which prevent the majorityfrom performing at the Entitlement.

    Process change removes the defects andallows performance to shift to theEntitlement.

    ACreate the solution design

    Validate and pilot the solution

    Implement improvement plan

    Test solutions


    What new tools have you used in this phase andhow were they helpful?

    What are the possible root causes of defects?

    What product or process design changes arerequired to achieve your improvement goals?

    What are your next steps toward achieving yourimprovement targets?

    Has Finance been involved in the project to fullyunderstand the cost implications of yourimprovement plans?

    Are you satisfied with the level of cooperation andsupport that you are getting?

    What other support actions or activities do youneed to accelerate your progress?

    For the improve stage of your project:

    Six Sigma Key Concepts

    Rolled Throughput YieldTypically, we measure the equality of agiven process by calculating the numberof transactions that pass the final step in

    the process. However, Rolled ThroughputYield accurately measures the cumulativedefect rate across all critical steps in a

    process. Y=f(X1 ,X2 ,X3 ,X4 ,X5)


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    Six Sigma Elements

    Six Sigma is a business phi losophythat employs aclient-centric, fact-based appro achto reduc ing

    variat ionin order to dramatically improve qu al i tybyeliminating defects and, as a result, reduc ing cost.

    Variation Reduction Report-OutQuestions and Key Concepts

    Document procedures

    Standardize Process


    What process controls are being implemented toensure we sustain the gains?

    Who is the process owner? Is he or she present?Are they fully aware that they are responsible formaintaining the process after your team hascompleted its project?

    Is there a plan to revisit this process in the future toensure the new capability level is maintained?

    What is the expected improvement in terms of costreduction? Has finance been involved in theproject?

    What new tools have you learned that were used inthe phase of the project?

    Are you satisfied with the level of cooperation andsupport that you received during the project? Whatshould we do differently to better support the nextproject?

    For the control stage of your project:

    Six Sigma Key Concepts

    Putt ing it in PerspectiveSigma Level % Defect Free DPMO*

    3 Sigma 93% 66,807

    4 Sigma 99.4% 6,210

    5 Sigma 99.976% 233

    6 Sigma 99.9997% 3.4

    *Defects Per Million Opportunities

  • 7/27/2019 3 Variation Reduction Overview


    Trademarks and Service Marks

    Six Sigma is a federally registered trademark of Motorola, Inc.

    Breakthrough Strategy is a federally registered trademark of Six Sigma Academy.

    VISION. FOR A MORE PERFECT WORLD is a federally registered trademark of Six Sigma Academy.

    ESSENTEQ is a trademark of Six Sigma Academy.

    FASTART is a trademark of Six Sigma Academy.

    Breakthrough Design is a trademark of Six Sigma Academy.

    Breakthrough Lean is a trademark of Six Sigma Academy.

    Design with the Power of Six Sigma is a trademark of Six Sigma Academy.

    Legal Lean is a trademark of Six Sigma Academy.

    SSA Navigator is a trademark of Six Sigma Academy.

    SigmaCALC is a trademark of Six Sigma Academy.

    iGrafxis a trademark of Micrografx, Inc.

    SigmaTRAC is a trademark of DuPont.

    MINITAB is a trademark of Minitab, Inc.