30 ideas in 30 minutes with kenny lauer of gpj

30 Ideas in 30 Minutes with Kenny Lauer Vice President, Digital Experience George P. Johnson Twitter: @kennyL

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Prepared for the 2010 Social Media Summit at Cisco by Kenny Lauer of GPJ, this idea-crammed presentation weaves in and out of tips to be used immediately, strategies to implement and eye-opening social media nuggets for future thinking. It covers such things as: ways to use social media now, tips and tricks to “step up” your social media efforts, new dimensions on how to think about social media, and discussion about the future of social media.


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30 Ideas in 30 Minutes

with Kenny Lauer Vice President, Digital Experience George P. Johnson Twitter: @kennyL

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Live from New York, it’s… 1 Listen Act Win

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Live from New York, it’s… 1 Listen Act Win

12 million Viewers SNL 8.68 on USA TODAY’s Ad meter poll

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1 Listen Act Win

“…the voice of one person is no longer “statistically insignificant” and that collectively we can improve the world one experience at a time.” –Dave Carroll


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Written by Flavio Gikovate –psychoanlyst. Chris M

2 It’s Important to Be Seen

“Sawa Bona” [I see you]

“Sik Bona” [I am here]

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It’s Important to Be Seen

“Sawa Bona” [I see you]

“Sometimes you want to go Where everybody knows your name, And they're always glad you came”



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What is your company’s MOST valuable asset?

3 Best Asset of every company

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3 Best Asset of every company

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3 Your customers determine…

. . . your brand . . . your revenue . . . your future

Best Asset of every company

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Your Brand is not defined by you

4 Corporate Control is a Myth

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4 Corporate Control is a Myth

“…They [ your customers ] are redefining for themselves that brand you spent millions of dollars, or hundreds of millions of dollars, creating.” -- Groundswell: Winning in a World Transformed by Social Technologies,

J. Bernoff and C. Li

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Corporate Control is a Myth

“No, I'm simply saying that life, uh…finds a way”

4 Corporate Control is a Myth


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Our old friend “The Funnel”


5 The Good

OL’ Days

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The New Funnel 5 The Good

OL’ Days

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Viral Mkt

Virtual Event

Competitor Site

You Tube

Flickr Picts







Virtual Event

Iphone App


The New Funnel 5 The Good

OL’ Days

Know our customers

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Don’t ask a social media expert if you should blog or tweet, watch and ask your customers first

Don’t Ask Me


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7 Know your customers

Know your customers

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Jeremiah Owyang, Altimeter Group

7 Know your customers

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8 Twitter is NOT a social media plan

- NOT about the Technology + a means to an end


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8 Twitter is NOT a social media plan


- NOT about the Technology + a means to an end

- NOT where you do social media + how your going to be social



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If a conversation happens and you aren’t there to

hear it, did it



9 You Better Be Listening

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10 Everywhere all the time

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10 Everywhere all the time


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11 It’s all about engagement

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12 It’s a Balancing Act


Balance: Talking and Talked About

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13 Where’s Waldo?


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13 Where’s Waldo?

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14 Global Trends


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14 Global Trends


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1 part chemistry

1 part marketing

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Can I enemy you?

16 Quality NOT Quantity

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Can I enemy you? 16 Quality NOT Quantity

• How you interact online • Strength of relationships

• Your Reputation

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Goodbye websites hello social places hello social places

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Framework: Evolution of the Social Corporate Website

1. No social integration

2. Link away with no strategy

3. Link away but encourage sharing

4. Brand integrated in social channels

5. Aggregate discussion on site

6. Users stay on site with social log-in

7. Social log-in triggers sharing

8. Seamless integration

17 Goodbye Websites


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1.  Sent out Social Media Press release

2.  Create or leverage a social network

3.  Setup mobile alerts & reminders

4.  Define social media tags for flickr, twitter etc.. (#Cisco08)

5.  Make Event widget available to all

6.  Make available pre-event videos/podcasts/pictures to enroll and engage.

7.  Promote through RSS, Blogs, social bookmarking and other social media

8.  Encourage Pre-event posting and sharing of content

1.  Conversations 1.  Twitter 2.  TXT messaging 3.  Social Networking

2.  Event Capture 1.  Blogs 2.  Live Streaming 3.  Post-seminar

speaker interviews 4.  Online

Communities 5.  Text to screen

vote/survey 3.  Event Mgmt

1.  SMS alerts / reminders

2.  Mobile WAP

1.  Share everything 2.  Post video of what was

missed 3.  Continue to social

network 4.  Follow the

conversation and take note

5.  Add crowdsourcing to add or replace post-event surveys

6.  Aggregate and promote content

7.  Extend to communities and social networks

8.  Use content to promote next event


18 Integrate Social Media into your events.

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19 Get outside the four-walls of the event

Think Resources Not Constraints

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19 Get outside the four-walls of the event

Think Resources Not Constraints

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Physical Events should have a virtual component 1.  Extend content reach

2.  Extend spend

3.  Extend duration

20 Extend Your Physical Events

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Virtual events don’t

cannibalize physical events.

They extend it. Get over it.


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2 Strategies Events Must Have: 21 Event Must Haves

•  Hashtag Strategy •  Social Media Monitoring Strategy

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games drive behavior 22

right behavior drives business goals


Putting the fun in functional

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Games address human needs

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Rajat Paharia Bunchball

Games address human needs

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Twitter Tips


“Oh No You’re Not!

  Maximize retweetability [115]!

  Reply: often [75%]!

  DM if it’s a halfalogue!

  Autofollow: Don’t!

 Enough about you, what about me!!

 No company in your profile name !

 It’s not SMS [ 4u LOL ]!

 Use Bit.ly (forget about the rest)!


Twi(er  tutorial:        h(p://bit.ly/smslauer24  

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Sticks and stones will break my bones

but tweets will never hurt me (or posts, or clips, or


25 Don’t Twitter drunk

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Don’t Twitter Drunk

“You can’t take something off of the Internet.

That’s like trying to take pee out of a swimming

pool.” — Joe Ragan, Newsradio As quoted in “Groundswell” by Charlene Li and Josh Bernoff


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Don’t Twitter Drunk

“What happens in Vegas Stays in twitter.”

— Annonymous


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Don’t Twitter Drunk

Deleted messages can be discoverable in a

court of law. “ouch”


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QR Code Support Social Media

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27 Social

Augment Reality

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1 27 Social Augment Reality  

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Remember when this was Four Square?

Location services: Don’t leave home without it

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Location services: Don’t leave home without it




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“Make Me a Viral Campaign”

Adjective, not a noun —ze frank

29 Make Good Content

Copy  of  Seth’s  book  ideavirus:  h(p://bit.ly/smslauer29  

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30 It’s all one experience.

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Time to

Get Wet.

Into the

Streams we go

Photo credit: Stream by aspheric.lens



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Concepts you should know

flash Mob

river of news

social graph

tag cloud



virtual Goods



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Kenny Lauer Vice President Digital Experience

George P Johnson @kennyL [email protected]

* Be Real. Be Responsive. Be Generous. Be a Mensch.

FOLLOW ME: http://bit.ly/smslauer