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Successful Collaboration Engagement Lifecycles Presented by: Dan Keldsen from www.InformationArchitected.com Hosted by: www.Hoooley.com

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Successful Collaboration Engagement Lifecycles

Presented by: Dan Keldsen from


Hosted by: www.Hoooley.com

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About Dan Keldsen Expertise: Content/Knowledge Mgmt Enterprise 2.0/Web 2.0 Employee Engagement Innovation

Professional Background: Information Architected:

Principal Consultant & Chief Innovation Officer

AIIM International: Director, Market Intelligence Unit

Delphi Group/Perot Systems: Senior analyst, Consultant and CTO

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What We’ll Cover What is an engagement lifecycle, and why does it

matter? Engagement Lifecycle is:

Pre-engagement Rollout Re-engagement

How to focus collaboration efforts: Are you actively engaging, or passively hoping? What’s in it for THEM? What are the jobs to be done for collaboration… and

beyond collaboration?

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Planning the Strategy

Successful Collaboration




Source: Information Architected

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Successful Collaboration

Engagement Lifecycle




Source: Information Architected

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Here’s a Major Problem

9 times out of 10, this is THE problem

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If you’re a manager or executive

Trying to “make collaboration” happen

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Or an employee

Who’s being told to “collaborate”

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You’re probably either…

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You can’t simply “launch” a collaboration effort

And expect people will figure out how to effectively collaborate by themselves…

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We’ve Been Doing it Wrong…

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A Real-world Example

Of engagement techniques THAT WORK

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Which of these options gets people to take action?

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In a study of 3 randomized groups…

Among 61,000,000 (61 million) Facebookers…Which group VOTED at

the highest rate of participation…

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Option #1 “I Voted” posts on Facebook timeline, a counter with # of people who voted…

Source: http://www.forbes.com/sites/kareanderson/2012/09/12/insight-from-massive-social-experiment-could-sway-voting-spending-and-other-behavior/

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Option #2 “I Voted” posts on Facebook timeline, counter w/number of

people who voted, up to 6 pictures of friends who voted…

Source: http://www.forbes.com/sites/kareanderson/2012/09/12/insight-from-massive-social-experiment-could-sway-voting-spending-and-other-behavior/

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Option #3 No advertisement at all.

Source: http://www.forbes.com/sites/kareanderson/2012/09/12/insight-from-massive-social-experiment-could-sway-voting-spending-and-other-behavior/

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What’s your guess on the largest impact?

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Not Options #3 or #1 No advertisement at all had the same affect

as the call to action that was simply a raw count of those who clicked “I Voted”


Source: http://www.forbes.com/sites/kareanderson/2012/09/12/insight-from-massive-social-experiment-could-sway-voting-spending-and-other-behavior/

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Option #2 Used Social Proof Of “people like me” (your friends) – and is

estimated to have influenced another 60,000 people to vote on election day


Wait for it…

Source: http://www.forbes.com/sites/kareanderson/2012/09/12/insight-from-massive-social-experiment-could-sway-voting-spending-and-other-behavior/

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Option #2 Used Social Proof “Social contagion” (positive peer pressure)

beyond those 60,000 voters…

Are estimated to have spread to an additional 280,000 more voters, for a total

of 340,000 additional votes.

Source: http://www.forbes.com/sites/kareanderson/2012/09/12/insight-from-massive-social-experiment-could-sway-voting-spending-and-other-behavior/

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The Lesson? #1 Safety in Numbers &

Friends. #2 Networks Magnify.

We will follow our peers and “go with the flow” more often than we will

be “the crazy one” - so…

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Start a Movement

Source: http://www.ted.com/talks/derek_sivers_how_to_start_a_movement.html

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Roughly 97.5% of any given crowd

Doesn’t want to be the first to try something.

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Bonus Content: See video of 2009 E2.0 Keynote presentation at http://bit.ly/r7sfMD

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Step One: Begin at the Beginning


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If you’re asking people to “collaborate” – what

would they normally

do if they weren’t

asked to collaborate?

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What they do NOW

Is your competition for the change you want

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Croc Brain is Picky




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( It will ignore you if possible )

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Engagement is a CYCLE If you assume that “doing

collaboration” is a one-time “launch” or “roll-out” event, it is VERY unlikely that your collaboration initiative will work for the long-term.

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Enthusiast 3 Key Stages in the Lifecycle




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We all start.. ...As newbies

How are you bringing the 97.5% along for the ride?

They may not even know what a CAR is yet.

Let alone the rules of the road.

How to fill the tank, etc.


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Lower the bar Make it so easy for

people to get started, that they cannot fail.

Lower the bar so low that they can walk over it.


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Pre-Engagement Questions to Ask (What Jobs are they Trying to Do?)

Interview Questions: •  What is the problem you are working on? •  Why do you care about it? •  What is the process you use to solve that problem? •  What alternatives do you consider? •  Why do you select the option you select? •  What do you like about the option? What don’t you

like? •  What frustrates you when you are trying to solve this


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Engagement Questions You Need to Have Answered for Roll-out

•  What’s the context? •  What are we collaborating on? •  Who has access? •  Where’s my old stuff? Do I have to move it? •  Is this an empty library and we have to figure it out? •  Is there content or conversations that should NOT go

in here? If so, where do they go? •  Why should I use this system vs. something else? •  Does anyone own this? •  Who do I ask for questions? •  Is there training?

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Innovators to Naysayers

Who to interview, and what to ask

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3 Waves of Interviews

You're going to want to talk with five to 10 people at least, individually, in each

experiment, to get enough information to draw conclusions.

See Article on InformationWeek: “3 Ways to Turn E2.0 Laggards into Fans” http://bit.ly/engagementinterviews

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Experiment No. 1: Innovators

Find the people in your organization who are already in love with Enterprise 2.0, social business, or whatever

term has some positive association for them.

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Experiment No. 2: 2nd Wave

Have the innovators/evangelists point out the people they've excited (by mentoring, coaching, or cajoling) into at least being interested in this movement, and repeat

the prior questions to that second group of people.

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Experiment No. 3: Naysayers

Last but most important, find the people everyone knows absolutely despise everything about this

Enterprise 2.0/social business movement, and ask them what they despise the most.

Seriously, you want specifics.

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Don’t Make Them Think USERS shouldn’t have

to figure out HOW or WHY to collaborate

YOU should enable them to SPECIFICALLY collaborate in areas they WANT TO

How? Find their “jobs to be

done” The tasks, workload,

etc., that they have to deal with on a regular basis

Set them up for success – as quickly and easily as possible

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Understand your audience so well

That when you deliver what makes their lives easier, they salivate…

And more importantly, their PEERS want to be NEXT.

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Successful Collaboration

Engagement Lifecycle




Source: Information Architected

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Feedback Feeds Forward

So Get Out of Your Cube and Get to Know Your People and

Turn on the Engagement Loop! Photo credit: http://www.flickr.com/photos/sundazed/1450388845/

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Questions or Comments? Dan Keldsen, President [email protected] Twitter: @dankeldsen 617-933-9655 855-GO-INNOVATE 855-464-6668

30 Minute Engagement Consultation: http://bit.ly/engagementstrategy