3.1 man vis avis happiness. marin, arlyn


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What does happiness mean to you?

Example: Feeling good about how things are going

Meta Cards

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What things make you happy?These could beactivities, people, places or

anything else that comes to mind.

Example: A relaxing day at home with my family

Meta Cards

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Happiness is a sense of well-being, joy, or contentment. When people are successful, or safe, or lucky, they feel happiness. The "pursuit of happiness" is something this country is based on, and different people feel happiness for different reasons. Whenever doing something causes happiness, people usually want to do more of it. No one ever complained about feeling too much happiness.

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Aristotle put it, “Happiness is the meaning and purpose of life, the whole aim and the end of human existence”!

Happiness Defined

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Aristotle said happiness: is the aim of life. results from two kinds of habits:

mental activity, such as knowledge, which lead to the highest human activity, contemplation;

practical action (moral virtues conforming to the golden mean) and emotion, such as courage.

is attained through intellectual and the moral virtues, which results from the full realization of human potential. (Nicomachean Ethics

Aristotle’s Philosophy

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virtue and happiness were intimately related for Socrates and Plato, with wisdom a necessary and sufficient condition for behaving well and being happy

Socrates and Plato

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Three levels of happiness :

Pleasure joy and bliss

Three Levels of Happiness

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For those who are largely asleep Happiness is sought from outer world

and is characterized by pleasure Sensual, instinctual and physiological Always perpetual and demand for more

and more. Leads to inevitable pain



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Food Sex Places Listening Music Fragrance

Where they find pleasure

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What does it do for you?

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Begin to feel happy for no particular reason

Comes from inner world (self) More psychological Refined Desires Through service to mankind, success,

achievements & spiritual practices like prayer, chanting , religious reading and satsang


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Spiritual practices

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The highest state Here mind and all its activity ceases Our consciousness becomes identified

with universal consciousness Experience of just being Permanent meditative state Fully awake


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Peace of mind is generally associated with happiness, bliss and contentment

Inner Peace

Inner Peace refers to a state of being “mentally” and “spiritually” at peace, with enough knowledge and understanding to keep oneself strong in the face of discord or stress.

Peace of mind is generally associated with happiness, bliss and contentment

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It is an umbrella term for various positive emotions

Feelings of serenity and contentment Feelings of ecstasy come after great agony Feelings of aliveness come from struggling Feelings of comfort in times of great sorrow

Things You Need to Know about Happiness

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1. You can have instant happiness

2. You can have lasting happiness

3. Everyone has a fixed set point for happiness

4. Money can buy happiness

5. The happiness formula is a scientific equation

5 Myths of Happiness

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1. HedonicThe pleasant moments such as “eat, drink, and be merry” 

2. Prudential The “flow” or enjoyment of doing what one does best

3. Eudaimonic A sense of fulfillment or flourishing from the pursuit of meaning & virtue

4. Chaironic The feeling of being blessed or favoured by God


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1. Freedom of Choice: You have the power to choose happiness and not to let anyone disturb your happiness

2. Faith & beliefs can open up many unexpected blessings

3. The right perspective can make all the difference

4. Acceptance: Enjoy who you are & what life offers

8 Simple Rules for Happiness

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1. Values: Devote time to what really matters

2. The journey is more enjoyable than the destination

3. Contentment is the key to wealth & happiness

4. Gratitude will bring joy to you & others

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Happiness often entails suffering

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The bitter-sweet experience of life

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Happiness is an emotion

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Happiness is subjective well-being

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Happiness is:A pleasant feelingA positive evaluation or judgment A favorable explanation after the factAn optimistic expectationA sense of inner peaceA sense of connectedness A spiritual experience

Daniel Gilbert’s Stumbling on Happiness

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Find happiness by becoming a positive person

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Find happiness by being appreciative

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Find happiness through belief and faith

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Find happiness through friendship

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Find happiness through transforming your mind

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Find happiness by starting a new chapter of your life

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Find happiness by weaving your dark experiences with positive ones into a

colourful quilt

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Find happiness by being mindful of the present, accepting of the

past and hopeful about the future

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Happiness is working together as a team

in harmony with nature

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Life is a journey, not a destination. A worthy life is a

journey of adventure,

discovery, & service to others.

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Thank you

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1. He said Happiness is the meaning and purpose of life, the whole aim and the end of human existence.

A. Socrates B. Aristotle C. Plato D. Socrates and plato

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When people are successful, or safe, or lucky, they feel ________?

A. Happiness B. Unhappiness C. Bliss D. Joy

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The pleasant moments such as “eat, drink, and be merry” 

A .Eudaimonic B .Prudential C. Chaironic D. Hedonic

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Happiness is sought from outer world and is characterized by _______?

A. Bliss B. Joy C. Pleasure D. Happiness

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He said with wisdom a necessary and sufficient condition for behaving well and being happy.

A. Socrates and Plato B. Aristotle C. Plato D. Socrates