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    Volume XXI, Number 259 14thWaning of Nadaw 1375 ME Tuesday, 31 December, 2013


    New Light of Myanmar

    NAY PYI TAW, 30

    Dec President U Thein

    President U Thein Sein honoursprize-winning sports contingents

    Republic of the Union of MyanmarPresident Ofce

    (Order No. 51/2013)13thWaning of Nadaw, 1375 ME

    (30 December, 2013)

    Pardon1. The President issued this pardon under Section (204),

    Subsection (a) of the Constitution, in order to contribute

    to the stability of the state and the lasting peace, to build

    national reconsolidation, to ensure all-inclusiveness in the

    political process, on humanitarian grounds and to enable

    them to participate in the nation-building tasks after real-

    izing the magnanimity of the state.

    2. In connection with any offenses in Paragraph (3) un-dergoing on 31 December 2013 and before;

    (a) All convicted shall be pardoned.

    (b) All cases being heard by respective courts shall be

    dropped immediately.

    (c) All ongoing investigations shall be closed without

    any further action.

    3. The pardon covers only those being convicted and

    prosecuted in cases under the following laws:-

    (a) Unlawful Association Act cases;

    (b) Treason (Code of Criminal Procedure Article

    122) cases;

    (c) Sedition (Code of Criminal Procedure Article

    124 (a)) cases;

    (d) The Law to Safeguard the State from the Danger

    of Subversive Elements cases;

    (e) Peaceful Gathering and Peaceful Procession Law


    (f) An act of harming public interests (Code of Crim-

    inal Procedure Article 505) cases;

    (g) 1950 Emergency Act cases;

    4. The privileges granted under this order shall not tie

    with any offenses in Paragraph (3) which underwent af-ter 31 December 2013.

    Sd/Thein Sein


    Republic of the Union of Myanmar

    Sein delivered an address

    at the ceremony to honour

    victorious Myanmar sports

    contingents in the 27thSEA

    Games, at Myanmar Inter-

    national Convention Cent-

    er, here, today.

    President U Thein Sein

    said in his speech that the

    27th SEA Games success-

    fully concluded on 22 De-

    cember. Upholding patri-

    otism and national spirit,

    Myanmar athletes did their

    best in the competitions and

    stood second in the medal

    tally with 86 gold, 62 silver

    and 85 bronze, totaling 233


    Myanmar had been far

    away from victory after its

    second place with 26 gold

    medals in the medal tally

    of the 10th SEA Games in

    1979. At present, victory

    could be plucked due to

    Myanmar sports contin-

    gents efforts.

    Myanmar started

    preparation for hosting

    the 27thSEA Games since

    2009. Sports grounds,

    stadiums and sports gear

    were arranged to meet in-ternational standard while

    Myanmar selected players

    underwent training.

    He continued that My-

    anmar sports contingents

    who won gold, silver and

    bronze medals were hon-

    oured. The athletes who

    missed the victory were

    urged to make more ef-

    forts in next competitions

    because the State and the

    public recognize their con-

    certed efforts.

    He said that the 27th

    SEA Games could bringbenefts to Myanmar ena-

    bling her to join the inter-

    national community. Inter-

    national society has also

    been aware of democratic

    transition progress of the

    country in the term of new

    government. In addition,

    Myanmar regained its own

    position and responsibili-

    ties in ASEAN community

    due to the success of SEA


    (See page 8)


    El Salvador

    volcano erupts,



    Iran and world

    powers resume

    expert level

    nuclear talksPAGE-3

    Sano says US

    regulators reject

    MS treatment


    Blast at Egyptian

    army building

    wounds four soldiers


    President U Thein Sein bearing a broad smile poses for a documentary photo together with victorious Myanmar sports contingents

    in the 27thSEA Games.MNA

  • 8/13/2019 31.Dec 13_nlm


    Tuesday, 31 December, 20132 New Light of Myanmar


    New Light of Myanmar

    Preparations for construction

    of Nampaw Creek BridgeHSIPAW, 30 DecAAA

    Cement Int Co Ltd of

    Hsipaw makes preparations

    for construction of Nampaw

    Creek Bridge in Hsipaw.

    The bridge will be 22feet long and 12 feet wide.

    It can withstand 60 tons of


    Chairman of Township

    Development Supportive

    Co m m i t t ee U Au n g

    Khin, Deputy Township

    Administrator U Moe Htwe

    Oo and Executive Officer

    of Township Development

    Affairs Committee U Sai

    Win Myint inspected the

    construction of the bridge on

    27 December.

    U Saw Naing of

    AAA Cement Int Co Ltd

    and responsible persons

    explained progress of works.

    Engineer in-charge of thebridge U Hla Tun said, Our

    company places emphasis

    on development tasks of the

    township including Nampaw

    RC Bridge. We have built

    three bridges and Nampaw

    Bridge will be the fourth

    facility of its kind in addition

    to many small bridges for

    better transport of the local


    MM AL- Hsipa w Ko


    Mohnyin-Mandalay Aung

    Yadana bus line launchedM O H N Y I N , 3 0

    DecWith the aim of

    ensuring better transport

    fromMohnyin to Mandalay,

    Mohnyin-Mandalay Aung

    Yadana express bus line was

    launched at the bus terminal

    in Mohnyin on 25 December


    Mohnyin District Deputy

    Commissioner U Aung Soe

    Moe, Commander of DistrictPolice Force Police Lt-Col

    Tun Tun Wai and owner of

    the bus line U Myint Oo cut

    the ribbon to open the bus line.

    The express bus of

    the bus line will leave

    Mohnyin at 3 pm and arrive

    in Mandalay at 7 am the

    next day. The bus will also

    depart Thiri Mandalar Bus

    Terminal of Mandalay at

    3 pm and arrive at the bus

    terminal in Mohnyin at 7 am

    the next day.

    Fare of the bus is

    K 18000 per passenger.The express bus will pass

    Mohnyin, Indaw, Shwebo

    and Mandalay along its route.

    MMAL-District IPRD

    Control room for easing trafc congestions in Yangon

    Y A N G O N, 30 Dec

    Although overpasses and

    car parks have been built atjunctions in main points of

    Yangon, the facilities could

    reduce trafc congestions to

    some extent.That is why, the

    Transport Department

    under the Ministry of Rail

    Transportation plans to formthe trafc control room in


    We a re m ak in g

    arrangements for opening

    a traffic control room in

    Yangon so as to ease trafc

    congestions, said an ofcial

    of Transport Department.

    The room will be

    equipped with necessary

    devices. The room will

    control all the vehicles

    running in Yangon with

    the use of modern devices

    meet ing in ternat ional


    The trafc control rooms

    are being operated in major

    cities of world countries. So,

    Myanmar also plans to apply

    such system.

    Singapore one of the

    ASEAN member countries

    applies the trafc control

    room.MMAL-Arkar Hein,Photo: Tin Soe (MMAL)

    Dahatgon BEPS in Natmauk

    Tsp needs water tank

    MAGWAY , 30 Dec

    Basic Education Primary

    School in Dahatgon Village

    of Natmauk Township

    in Magway Region has

    fu l f i l led basic needs

    but schoolchildren face

    difculties in shortage of

    drinking water.

    Three teachers including

    the headmaster are teaching

    34 students from two

    Dahatgon villages.

    The school has been

    equipped with fly-proof

    latrine, desks and teaching

    aids. However, the children

    have to take water from one-

    furlong distance creek.

    In the rainy season, it

    is very dangerous for taking

    water from the creek due

    to torrent water, said local


    Headmaster U Khin

    Maung Than said, My

    school turns out outstanding

    students yearly. Teachers

    and students ratio is proper

    in balance. In the school

    days, we are waiting for the

    students who take water from

    the creek before teaching.

    So, we need one well for

    the school.MMAL-Paing

    Zay (Magway)

    Fire breaks out at Mela (Bekalaw) Myanmar refugee camp

    BANGKOK, 30 DecAre broke out at Ward 3 in

    Zone C of Mela (Bekalaw)

    Myanmar refugee camp

    where about 50000 people

    are residing, 60 kilometres

    north to Mae Sot of Thailand,

    on 27 December.

    The re reduced 102houses into ashes.

    A short circuit started

    re at the boarding hall at

    1.30 pm on 27 December.

    As some house owner

    did not want to destroy their

    houses, the fire strongly

    engulfed the houses one afteranother. Indeed, the houses in

    the re should be destoryed

    so as to reduce the burning


    The burning hour lasted

    one and a half hours.

    The re victims take

    shelter at their friendshouses, said Myanmar

    citizens in Thailand.

    Ofcials of the camp

    recounted, Local people

    and two re engines put out

    the re. However, a total of

    102 houses were destroyed.

    The re left one child and

    one adult injured, missing

    one child.

    In February 2012, a

    re broke out at Ohnphyan

    refugee camp in Popra

    Township of Tak Province at

    Myanmar-Thai border area,

    leaving about 3000 houses

    and tens of thousands of

    people homeless.

    Mela refugee re was

    the rst of its kind.

    MMAL-Soe Win (SP)

    12-wheeled vehicle overturns on Hpa-an-

    Thaton RoadH PA - AN , 30 Dec

    A c c o r d i n g t o t h e

    information that a trafc

    accident occurred on Hpa-

    an-Thaton Road at 12.45

    pm on 26 December, IP

    Aung Than and party of

    Myainggale police outpost

    and local authorities rushedto the scene and inspected

    the incident.

    A vehicle with the load of

    seven goods from Myawady

    Trade Zone driven by Maung

    Maung Gyi (a) Rakhine,

    26 of Baungduk Village in

    MraukU Township together

    with conductor Myo Zaw

    Tun, 32, of Aungmyitta Road

    in Thamaing of Yangon

    overturned near Lower

    Kawyin Village of Hpa-an


    The vehicle plunged

    into the left roadside due

    to out of control.

    Driver Maung Maung

    Gyi (a) Rakhine was

    injured in the incident.

    The conductor was free

    from injury. The driver was

    rushed to Hpa-an General

    Hospital to receive medical


    Hpa-an Myoma Police

    Station opened a le of

    lawsuit against reckless

    driver under the law.

    MMAL-Tun Tun Htwe


    Trafc Accident


  • 8/13/2019 31.Dec 13_nlm


    Tuesday, 31 December, 2013 3New Light of MyanmarWORLD

    14 killed, 23 hurt in

    trolleybus blast in

    Russias VolgogradSOCHI, 30 Dec At least

    10 people were killed in an

    explosion on a trolleybusin Russias southern city

    of Volgograd on Monday

    morning, Itar-Tass News

    Agency reported.

    The report said the ex-

    plosion in Kachintsev Street

    in the Dzerzhinsky district of

    the city left another 23 people

    Members of the emergency services work at the site ofa bomb blast on a trolleybus in Volgograd

    on 30 Dec, 2013.



    The incident comes a

    day after a suicide bomberkilled at least 17 people and

    injured dozens more in the

    same citys main railway

    station 40 days before Rus-

    sia is to hold the Winter

    Olympics in the Black Sea

    resort city of Sochi.

    Kyodo News

    El Salvador volcano

    erupts, evacuations

    orderedSAN SALVADOR, 30

    DecThe Chaparrastiquevolcano in eastern El Sal-

    vador belched a column ofhot ash high into the air onSunday, frightening nearby

    residents and prompting au-thorities to order evacuationsin the area.

    There were no immedi-ate reports of injuries in theSan Miguel region, where

    the volcano is located andthat is known for its coffeeplantations.

    Civil protection au-thorities said they would

    evacuate people from withinthree kilometres (1.9 miles)of the volcano and set up

    emergency shelters.The evacuations began

    almost right after the explo-

    sion, said civil protectionofcial Armando Vividor.He said some 5,000 people

    lived around the volcano.The volcano, which is

    about 140 kilometres (86

    miles) to the east of the

    The Chaparrastique volcano, behind electricity cables,spews ash at the municipality of San Miguel

    on 29 Dec, 2013.REUTERS

    capital, spewed ash over awide area and the smell ofsulfur hung over surrounding

    towns, according to reportson social media. Authoritiesrecommended breathing

    through moist handkerchiefs.Santos Osorio, a mem-

    ber of a local coffee growers

    union, said heavy ash wasfalling in the area and localcoffee plantations would be

    checked for damage.El Salvadors crop has

    already been blighted by an

    outbreak of leaf rust that hasreduced output in all ve of

    Central Americas coffeeproducers.

    El Salvador has 23

    active volcanoes and theChaparrastique volcano isconsidered one of the most

    active, with 26 eruptions inthe last 500 years, the envi-ronment ministry said. In a

    1976 eruption, lava gushedfrom the volcano and it shookviolently in another event in


    Indias homegrown terror

    outfit plans to explode nuclear

    bomb in western state ofGujarat

    NEW DELHI, 30 Dec

    Indian Mujahideen, a

    homegrown terror outt,

    planned to explode a nuclear

    bomb in the western state of

    Gujarats city of Surat, local

    media reported on Monday.

    The terror groups India

    chief, Yasin Bhatkal, who

    was arrested by police in

    August this year, revealed

    this to his interrogators, The

    Times of India newspaper

    reported, citing the interro-gation report.

    According to the report,

    Bhatkal told the interroga-

    tors that he had even asked,

    Riyaz Bhatkal, over the

    phone whether the latter

    could arrange a small nu-

    clear bomb to explode in

    Surat. Riyaz told me that

    attacks can be done with

    nuclear bombs. I requested

    him to look for one nucle-

    ar bomb for Surat, the

    newspaper quoted Yasin

    as saying. However, the

    plan could not be initiated

    as Yasin was tracked by

    the Indian authorities andsubsequently arrested from

    near the international border

    with Nepal.


    Shots fired at residence of German ambassador in AthensATHENS, 30 Dec Un-

    identied attackers opened

    re on the German ambas-

    sadors residence in Ath-

    ens with an assault rie on

    Monday, but no one was

    hurt in the early morning

    attack, police said.At least four shots hit

    the metal gate of the high-

    security residence, which

    lies on a busy street of a

    northern suburb, police

    said. Sixty spent bullet cas-

    es have been collected so

    far. Anti-German sentiment

    has grown during Greeces

    prolonged economic crisis,

    and many of those strug-

    gling with record unem-

    ployment and plummeting

    living standards blame Ger-

    manys insistence on scal

    rigor for their economic

    woes.Germany is the big-

    gest single contributing na-

    tion to Greeces 240-billion

    euro bailouts which have

    kept the country aoat since

    2010 and saved it from

    Police experts search for evidence following a gun

    attack, outside the German ambassadors residence in

    Chalandri suburb north of Athens on 30 Dec, 2013.



    The German ambas-

    sadors residence was the

    target of an attack in 1999,

    when members of the now

    dismantled extremist group

    on 17 November red a

    rocket-propelled grenade

    that hit its roof.

    Greek Prime Minister

    Antonis Samaras spoke to

    the German ambassador

    Wolfgang Dold, who was

    at home at the time of the

    incident, and Foreign Min-

    ister Evangelos Venizelos

    expressed his outrage and

    outright condemnation

    over the attack.

    It was a cowardly

    terrorist act clearly target-

    ing Greeces image abroada few days before the start

    of the Greek presidency,

    Venizelos said, according

    to a statement from the For-

    eign Ministry.

    With a reputation for

    being Europes problem

    child, Greece takes on the

    rotating European Union

    presidency for six months

    starting 1 January, hoping

    to show how far it has come

    since it almost crashed out

    of the common currency

    bloc 18 months ago.

    No one has claimed re-

    sponsibility yet for the 3.40am (0140 GMT) attack. A

    police ofcial who spoke

    on condition of anonymity

    said at least two assailants

    on foot were involved.


    Iran and world powers resume expert level nuclear talksDUBAI, 30 Dec Iran

    resumed technical talkswith world powers in Ge-

    neva on Monday, a vitalstep in implementing a nu-

    clear deal signed last monthwhich suspends key ele-ments of Teherans nuclearprogramme in exchange for

    limited sanctions relief.The talks between ex-

    pert teams from Iran and sixworld powers are meant totranslate the political deal

    into a detailed implemen-tation plan by the end ofJanuary, Irans state news

    agency, IRNA, quoted anunnamed source as saying.

    A key sticking point

    appears to be how muchadvance information West-ern governments will get so

    they can verify that Iran ismeeting its end of the dealbefore they lift any sanc-

    tions.The third round of talks

    The ag of the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) ies in front of itsheadquarters during a board of governors meeting in Vienna

    on 28 Nov, 2013.REUTERS

    between technical expertsfrom the permanent UNSecurity Council members

    Britain, China, France,Russia and the United

    States plus Germany, areset to last a day and resumein 2014, IRNA reported,a sign of the complexi-

    ties facing the negotiators

    in reaching agreement onpractical steps. They beganwork on 9 December but

    Iran broke off the talks inprotest at the US blacklist-

    ing an additional 19 Iraniancompanies and individualsunder existing sanctions.

    Iranian ofcials saidthe move violated the spirit

    of the deal but US ofcialssaid it did not breach theagreement.

    Iran rejects Westernfears that its nuclear work

    has any military intentionsand says it needs nuclearpower for electricity gener-ation and medical research.


  • 8/13/2019 31.Dec 13_nlm


    4 Tuesday, 31 December, 2013


    New Light of Myanmar

    Japan mid-tier camera makers face shakeout assmartphones shatter mirrorless hopes

    TOKYO, 30 Dec Pa-nasonic Corp and Japansother mid-tier camera mak-ers have a battle on their

    hands to win over a smart-phone sele generation

    to mirrorless cameras thatheld such promise whenthey were launched around

    ve years ago.

    Panasonic, like peersFujilm Holdings and

    Olympus Corp, has been

    losing money on its cam-eras since mobile phonesthat take high-quality pho-tos ate into the compactcamera business. This

    A model poses with Nikon Corps new Nikon 1 J1

    camera at its unveiling ceremony in Tokyo, in this21 Sept, 2011 le photo. REUTERS

    year, compact camera salesare likely to fall more than40 percent to fewer than 59million, according to in-

    dustry researcher IDC.Meanwhile, sales of

    mirrorless cameras seenas a promising format be-tween low-end compactsand high-end single-lens

    reex (SLR) cameras are sputtering as buyers put

    connectivity above picturequality.

    A 40 percent drop inPanasonics overall camerasales in April-Septemberleft the imaging division

    vulnerable as the com-panys mid-term plan toMarch 2016 demands un-protable businesses turn

    themselves around or facethe axe.

    If you look mid-to-long term, digital cameramakers are slipping and

    the market is becoming

    an oligopoly, said Credit

    Suisse imaging analyst YuYoshida.

    Panasonic held 3.1

    percent of the camera mar-ket in July-September,down from 3.8 percent a

    year earlier, according toIDC. Canon Inc, NikonCorp and Sony Corp con-trolled over 60 percent be-tween them.

    Only those who havea strong brand and are

    competitive on price willlast and only Canon,Nikon and Sony full thatcriteria, added Yoshida.

    Canon and Nikondominate the SLR cam-era market, while Sony

    could survive any shake-out thanks to its strength inmaking sensors for a num-ber of camera manufactur-ers as well as collaborationwith its smartphone divi-sion.Reuters

    A man enters BBC New Broadcasting House in Londonon 11 Nov, 2012.REUTERS

    Hacker took over BBCserver, tried to sell access

    on Christmas DayBOSTON, 30 Dec

    A hacker secretly tookover a computer server atthe BBC, Britains pub-lic broadcaster, and thenlaunched a Christmas Daycampaign to convince other

    cyber criminals to pay himfor access to the system.

    While it is not knownif the hacker found anybuyers, the BBCs securityteam responded to the issueon Saturday and believes

    it has secured the site, ac-cording to a person familiarwith the cleanup effort.

    A BBC spokesman de-clined to discuss the inci-dent. We do not comment

    on security issues, he said.Reuters could not de-

    termine whether the hack-ers stole data or caused anydamage in the attack, which

    compromised a server thatmanages an obscure pass-word-protected website.

    It was not clear howthe BBC, the worlds old-est and largest broadcaster,

    uses that site, ftp.bbc.co.uk,though ftp systems are typi-cally used to manage the

    transfer of large data lesover the Internet.

    The attack was rstidentied by Hold SecurityLLC, a cybersecurity rm

    in Milwaukee that monitorsunderground cyber-crime

    forums in search of stoleninformation.

    The rms research-ers observed a notoriousRussian hacker known bythe monikers HASH and

    Rev0lver, attempting

    to sell access to the BBCserver on December 25,the companys founder andchief information securityofcer, Alex Holden, told

    Reuters.HASH sought to

    convince high-prole hack-

    ers that he had inltratedthe site by showing themles that could only be ac-cessed by somebody whoreally controlled it, Holdensaid.

    So far Hold Security

    researchers have found noevidence the conversationsled to a deal or that datawas stolen from the BBC,Holden said. It is common

    for hackers to buy and sellaccess to compromisedservers on underground fo-rums.Reuters

    Spain arrestseight over

    global bankcyber heistsMADRID, 30 Dec

    Spanish police on Sunday

    said they had arrested eightpeople suspected of helping

    to steal more than $60 mil-lion from banks worldwideby hacking into credit card

    processing rms and with-drawing money from cashmachines.

    The arrests are one ofthe biggest breakthroughsyet outside the United States

    in connection with a series ofglobal bank heists, coordi-nated across numerous coun-tries by cells which withdrewmillions of dollars in a mat-ter of hours. Spanish police

    said in a statement they haddetained six Romanian citi-zens and two Moroccans onthe outskirts of Madrid, andseized 25,000 euros in cashas well as around 1,000 blankcredit cards, IT material andjewels after several buildingsearches. The statement said

    the global hacking gang hadbeen controlled by a single

    person, who had been ar-rested in Germany. The po-lice could not be reached forcomment on when the al-leged mastermind had beendetained. German prosecu-tors said in May they had ar-

    rested two Dutch citizenssuspected of taking part in a

    $45 million cyber heist in-volving two Middle Easternbanks.Reuters

    Bad weather hampers effort to rescue shipstuck in Antarctic ice

    SYDNEY, 30 Dec Ad-verse weather conditionsoff Antarctica are prevent-ing an Australian icebreak-er from punching through

    thick sea ice to free a

    stranded research ship car-rying dozens of scientists

    and tourists, authorities saidon Monday.

    The Australian Mari-time Safety Authority said

    the Aurora Australis madeit to within 10 nauticalmiles of the stranded Aka-demik Shokalskiy beforebeing compelled by strong

    winds and snow showers tomove back into open wa-ters about 18 nautical milesfrom the Russian-agged


    These weather condi-tions have resulted in poorvisibility and made it dif-cult and unsafe for the

    Aurora Australis to con-tinue todays attempt, the

    AMSA said on its website.It said it also remains

    unsafe to attempt to launcha helicopter evacuationmission from the ChineseicebreakerXuelong.

    The Xuelong has re-mained in the area after un-dertaking an unsuccessful

    rescue attempt Friday, inwhich it made it to within6.1 nautical miles of the

    Shokalskiy before the thick-ness of the ice exceeded itsicebreaking capabilities and

    caused it to stall.

    A third icebreaker, theFrench vessel Astrolabe,had also been on the wayto rescue the Shokalskiy

    before it ran into enginetrouble.

    The Shokalskiy, whichleft New Zealand on 28Nov with 74 people aboard,

    became trapped by ice inAntarcticas Common-wealth Bay on ChristmasEve while on a scienticexpedition.

    The AMSA said that its

    Rescue Coordination Cent-er is in regular contact with

    the vessel and that those onboard it remain safe andwell with supplies for sev-eral weeks.

    Kyodo News

    Migrating red crabs are seen in Christmas Island,

    Australia, on 26 Dec, 2013. Recently, millions of

    red crabs began their annual migrations from the

    rainforest on Christmas Island in the Indean Oceanto the sea coast to breed. Local government closed

    most of the roads during the migrations, which

    normally requires at least a week.


    Canadas astronaut, space executivecall for intl cooperation with ChinaOTTAWA, 30 Dec

    Canadian astronaut ChrisHadeld is calling for coop-eration with China in spaceand wants it to be part ofany international effort toreturn to the moon, Cana-dian Broadcasting Corpo-ration (CBC) reported on

    Sunday on its website.I think right now a lot

    of people see it as kind ofcrazy to cooperate with theChinese, but I think its the

    next logical step, CBCquoted Hadeld as saying

    in a recent interview withthe Canadian Press.

    China sent its rst as-

    tronaut into space in 2003.

    Hadeld said Chinas am-bitious space programme

    aims to eventually put anastronaut on the moon.

    He also cited the fact

    that China launched in2011 an experimental spacestation, saying it will be re-placed with a more perma-nent one to be completed in2020.

    However, China wasbarred from participating in

    the current orbiting spacestation, largely because ofUS objections over politicaldifferences.

    Hadeld said a logical

    progression would be to in-clude as many countries aspossible in an internationalmission beyond Earth

    hopefully including China

    and India and the othercountries that have launchcapability and then pro-gress to the next stepping

    stone, the next natural way-point out to space, which isthe moon. Hadeld, who

    became a Canadian astro-naut in 1992, visited Mir in

    November 1995 on the USSpace Shuttle Atlantis, be-coming the only Canadianto ever board the Russian

    space station.Xinhua

  • 8/13/2019 31.Dec 13_nlm


    Tuesday, 31 December, 2013 5New Light of MyanmarBUSINESS & HEALTH

    Sanof says US regulators rejectMS treatment Lemtrada

    PARIS, 30 Dec Sa-

    no said its Lemtrada mul-tiple sclerosis treatmenthad failed to win approvalfrom US regulators for

    launch in the worlds big-gest drug market, due tosafety concerns and a needfor further clinical studies.

    The French drugmak-er said it strongly disagreedwith the Food and DrugAdministrations (FDA)decision and planned toappeal the decision.

    The FDA consideredSano unit Genzyme hadnot submitted evidencefrom studies to show the

    Chris Viehbacher, Chief Executive Ofcer of Sano,poses for the media before the companys 2012 annualresults presentation in Paris on 7 Feb, 2013.REUTERS

    benets of Lemtrada out-weigh its serious adverseeffects, Sano said in astatement on Monday.

    The FDA also demand-

    ed Sano carry out furtherclinical trials using differ-ent designs and methodsprior to approval, Sanosaid.

    We strongly believethat the clinical develop-ment program, which wasdesigned to demonstratehow Lemtrada comparesagainst an active compara-tor as opposed to placebo,provides robust evidenceof efcacy and a favour-

    able benet-risk prole,Genzyme Chief ExecutiveDavid Meeker said.

    Lemtrada, an injectabledrug also known as alemtu-

    zumab, is designed to treatrelapsing remitting multiplesclerosis, the most commonform of the disease. It wasapproved in September byEuropean regulators in anincreasingly crowded mar-ket dominated by rivalsBiogen Idec, Novartis andTeva Pharmaceutical.

    Lemtrada was at theheart of the French drug-makers lengthy $20.1 bil-lion takeover battle for US

    biotech rm Genzyme,which it acquired in 2011.

    As part of the takeo-ver agreement, Genzymeshareholders received con-tingent value rights (CVRs)entitling them to future pay-

    ments of up to $14 a shareif certain goals were met.Sano said on Monday itdid not expect to meet theCVR milestone of US ap-proval for Lemtrada by theend of March.Reuters

    Japan, Oman

    seek to reach



    during PM

    Abes visit

    Nepal court

    upholds ban on

    sale of cigarettes

    without pictorial

    warningsKATHMANDU, 30 Dec

    Nepals highest courthas upheld a ban on sale ofcigarettes and other tobaccoproducts that do not carrya pictorial health warningsprinted on 75 percent of thepackaging, a court spokes-man said on Monday.

    In 2011, Nepals par-liament passed a bill thatbanned smoking in publicplaces, prohibited sale oftobacco products to minorsand directed manufacturersto print pictures and factshighlighting health hazardsof tobacco consumption on

    75 percent of the packagingof tobacco products.

    The law did not comeinto immediate effect, how-ever, because it was chal-lenged in the courts by lead-ing cigarette manufacturers.

    They argued that an im-mediate ban on products notcarrying pictorial warningswould result in heavy lossesfor them because productswithout such warnings hadalready been distributed inthe market. They also arguedthat devoting 75 percent ofpackaging space to suchwarnings would be imprac-

    ticable as that would leaveinsufcient space for printingthe names of the product andthe manufacturer.

    Kyodo News

    Crocs to receive $200 million from

    Blackstone, CEO to retireNEW YORK, 30 Dec

    Crocs Inc (CROX.O)said Blackstone Group LP(BX.N) is making a $200million investment that willgive the private equity rma 13 percent stake in theshoe company. In exchangefor the $200 million, Black-stone will receive preferredstock that can convert tocommon stock in threeyears if certain conditionsare met. It will also receivetwo board seats.

    The preferred stock

    will have a 6 percent cashdividend rate and is con-vertible into shares of com-mon stock at a conversionprice of $14.50 per share.

    The shoemaker alsosaid late on Sunday that thecompanys chief executive,John McCarvel, plans toretire in April and will alsogive up his seat on Crocsboard. We will recruit anew CEO who will workwith the reconstituted boardto rene our short-termand long-term strategicplans, which will include a

    sharper focus on earningsgrowth with less emphasison top-line growth, Chair-man Thomas Smach said in

    Crocs Chief Financial Ofcer Jeff Lasher speaks at theReuters Consumer and Retail Summit in New York on

    11 Sept, 2012.REUTERSa statement. Crocs, whichis known for its colorfulclogs, intends to use theBlackstone investment tohelp pay for a $350 millionstock repurchase it expectsto launch in the rst quarter.

    Established in 2002,Crocs sells its shoes, madeout of a proprietary closed-cell resin it calls Crosliteand which are offered inmore than 300 four-seasonfootwear styles in some 125countries, according to itswebsite.

    Crocs posted a 2 per-cent decline in sales forthe third quarter, hurt byweakness in the Americas

    and Japan. The companysaid it saw less discretion-ary spending for footwear,apparel and other consumergoods in the United States.

    The company nowexpects fourth-quarter rev-enue to be at the low endof the previously providedoutlook range of $220 mil-lion and $225 million, whileit expects loss per share tobe near 23 cents.

    Analysts, on an aver-age, were expecting fourthquarter loss per share of 20

    cents on revenue of $222.3million, according toThomson Reuters I/B/E/S.


    Straumann to cut prices

    of some dental implants

    UK government could sell off Lloyds bank stake in 2014LONDON, 30 Dec The

    British government couldsell off all of its 18.4 billionpound stake in the Lloydsbanking group in 2014, theDaily Telegraph reported,citing unnamed sources.

    The newspaper report-ed that the entire govern-ment holding could be soldoff in the next 12 months in

    a combination of retail andinstitutional offerings.

    Post-results is when afurther institutional offer-ing would make most sense.

    After that, the thinking isan autumn sale, combiningan institutional and a retailsegment, is a realistic pros-pect, a source was quotedas saying by the newspaper.

    The UK governmenthas already sold off 6 per-cent of its stake in the partlynationalised bank, raisingover 3.2 billion pounds in

    September this year.The government cur-

    rently holds around 33percent of the bank, veyears after Lloyds and

    ZURICH, 30 Dec The

    worlds largest dental im-plant maker, Straumann,will cut the price of itsstandard titanium implantsby around 15 percent nextyear in Germany, Austriaand Switzerland, the rmschief executive told a Swissnewspaper on Sunday. TheSwiss company said itsprice gap with rivals mustbe reduced, and that it mayadjust prices in other partsof Europe at a later date.

    Premium implant mak-

    ers like Straumann and localrival Nobel Biocare havebeen hit by weak consumercondence in Europe, ascash-strapped consumerscut back on non-essentialdental treatment or tradedown to cheaper brands.

    If we dont adapt pricesto the market situation, thenin a few years well be sell-ing a third less in price-sensi-tive markets such as Germa-ny than we do today, ChiefExecutive Marco Gadolatold the NZZ am Sonntag.The Basel-based rm wants

    to become a global leaderin the value segment of themarket, which is growing at afaster pace than the premium

    segment.Straumann also plans

    to offer its new Roxolidimplants at the same pricesas models it is phasing outto try to create better valueand a competitive edge.

    The Roxolid implantsare made from an alloy oftitanium and zirconium thatis stronger than the titaniumused on its own in oldermodels. In October, theStraumann raised its full-year sales forecast, expect-ing a better performance in

    North America and Japan tooffset weak sales in Europe,where it makes more thanhalf of its revenues.


    A pedestrian passes

    the head ofce of theLloyds Banking Group

    in central London

    on 5 Aug, 2009.


    TOKYO, 30 Dec Japanand Oman will seek to reachagreement on an investmentpact when Prime MinisterShinzo Abe visits the Mid-dle East nation in Januaryfor talks with Sultan Qaboosbin Said, sources close tothe matter said on Saturday.Oman, which seeks to lessenits dependency on crude oilexports and develop otherindustrial sectors, wants Jap-anese companies to join pro-jects to build an airport andother large-scale public in-frastructure, the sources said.

    Japan and Oman

    launched talks in Februarytoward concluding a pactto facilitate investments be-tween the two countries.

    Kyodo News

    rival Royal Bank of Scot-land were bailed out by thegovernment at the height ofthe credit crunch. Sharesin Lloyds closed at 78.84pence on the London StockExchange on Friday, valu-ing the group at 56.5 billionpounds.Reuters

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    Tuesday, 31 December, 20136


    New Light of Myanmar

    Maruha Nichiro subsidiary recalls6.3 million packs of frozen foodTOKYO, 30 Dec

    A subsidiary of MaruhaNichiro Holdings Inc said

    on Sunday it is recalling atotal of 6.3 million packs offrozen foods including cro-

    quettes and pizza after pes-ticide was detected in someof them.

    Frozen food subjectto the recall was made ata factory of the subsidiary,

    Aqlifoods Co, in GunmaPrefecture.

    The food maker ex-

    amined the products anddetected malathion, used asinsecticide, in the wake of

    reports from customers thatthe food smelled unusual.Malathion is not usually

    used in the factory, it said.

    Kyodo News

    Yutaka Tanabe (R), president of Aqlifoods Co, speaksat a Press conference in Tokyo on 29 Dec, 2013, withToshio Kushiro, president of Maruha Nichiro Holdings

    Inc. They announced that Aqlifoods, a subsidiary ofMaruha Nichiro, is recalling a total of 6.3 million packs

    of frozen foods including croquettes and pizza afterpesticide was detected in some of them.


    British police arrest two men over

    North Sea ferry reLONDON, 30 Dec

    British police said on Sun-day they had arrested two

    men after a suspected ar-son attack on a ferry in theNorth Sea carrying more

    than 1,000 people fromNewcastle in England toAmsterdam.

    Police said the incidentoccurred late on Saturdaynight on board theMS KingSeaways, a ship operatedby Denmarks DFDS Sea-ways, after a passenger set

    re to a cabin in circum-stances that remained un-clear. Local media said the

    vessel was about 30 milesoff the English coast at thetime.

    Up to seven peo-

    ple, most of them crew

    members, had been takenby helicopter to a hospitalin the English town of Scar-

    borough where they weretreated for smoke inhala-tion, the police said.

    Two men have beenarrested a 26-year-oldman on suspicion of arson

    and a 28-year-old man onsuspicion of affray, Brit-ains Northumbria police

    force said in a statement.Both are currently helpingpolice with inquiries.

    DFDS, which oper-ates the daily service fromthe North Shields port near

    Newcastle to IJmuiden nearAmsterdam, said in a state-ment that crew members

    had put the re out within

    15 minutes.

    It said the vessel,which has since returnedto England, had been car-

    rying 946 passengers and127 crew members, addingthat 15 passengers and eight

    crew were thought to havesuffered smoke-related in-juries. None of the injures

    was reported to be serious.Many of the passen-

    gers were Britons planning

    to celebrate New YearsEve in the Netherlands.

    DFDS said on its web

    site that its Newcastle-Am-sterdam service scheduledfor later on Sunday would

    operate as normal, but thatits Amsterdam-Newcastleservice on Sunday had been

    cancelled due to the inci-


    US intelligence estimate sees big rollbacksin Afghanistan

    WASHINGTON, 30 Dec A new US intelligence

    estimate predicts that gainsthe United States and allieshave made in the Afghani-

    stan war in the past threeyears will be signicantlyrolled back by 2017, even if

    some US troops remain, theWashington Post reported

    on Saturday, citing ofcials

    familiar with the report.The National Intelli-

    gence Estimate also predictsthat Afghanistan will quick-ly fall into chaos if Wash-

    ington and Kabul fail tosign a security pact to keepan international military

    contingent there beyond2014, the newspaper said.The pact must be signed for

    the United States and its al-lies to provide billions more

    dollars in aid to the impov-erished country.

    The newspaper citedofcials who have read the

    classied report, which in-

    cludes input from the 16US intelligence agencies,or were briefed on its con-

    clusions. In the absenceof a continuing presence

    and continuing nancial

    support, the intelligenceassessment suggests the

    situation would deterioratevery rapidly, the newspa-per quoted one US ofcial

    familiar with the report assaying.

    But the newspaper said

    some ofcials felt the reporton the potential outcome ofthe longest war in US his-

    tory was overly pessimisticand did not take into account

    Afghan National Army (ANA) soldiers keep watch near

    a building in which the Loya Jirga (or grand council) is

    holding a committee session, in Kabul on 22 Nov, 2013.


    progress made by Afghani-stans security forces.

    I think what were go-ing to see is a recalibrationof political power, territory

    and that kind of thing, the

    paper quoted one ofcial assaying. Its not going tobe an inevitable rise of theTaleban.Reuters

    Blast at Egyptian army building wounds four soldiersbuilding in the village of

    Anshas, 100 km (60 miles)

    north of the capital.The army described the

    bombing as a terrorist at-tack. Its statement referredto groups of darkness and

    did not name the MuslimBrotherhood, the Islamistgroup it declared a terrorist

    organization last week.That decision was a

    response to a suicide bombattack on Tuesday on a po-lice compound in the Nile

    Delta city of Mansoura,north of the site of Sun-days explosion. The army-

    backed government hasused the new classication

    to detain hundreds of themovements supporters andthousands more are alreadyin jail. Some of those held

    in recent days are students,

    who have continued daily

    protests in spite of the in-

    creased penalties for loyaltyto the Brotherhood.

    The government hadaccused the Brotherhoodof carrying out last weeks

    suicide bombing, whichkilled 16 people and forwhich a radical Sinai-based

    group called Ansar Baytal-Maqdis claimed respon-

    sibility. The Brotherhood,which says it is committedto peaceful activism, con-

    demned the attack.In Anshas, some resi-

    dents blamed the Brother-

    hood for Sundays attack,saying the aim was to dis-

    rupt a mid-January referen-dum on a new constitution,the next step in the govern-ments political transition


    People and army personnel stand around a damagedbulding after an explosion in Egypts Nile Delta town of

    Anshas, about 100 km (65 miles) northeast of Cairo,

    on 29 Dec, 2013.REUTERS

    Yui Ito, a 17-year-old violinist and a victim of the hu-

    man papilloma virus vaccine Cervarix, performs at an

    audition in Tokyo on 21 Oct, 2013, to qualify to appear

    as a soloist in concert with the Nippon Symphony. Yui,

    who has suffered partial paralysis and excruciating

    pain since 2011, uses a wheelchair except when in bed,

    but courageously stands to play when performing for

    an audience.KYODONEWS


    Dec A bomb exploded

    outside an Egyptian armybuilding north of Cairo on

    Sunday, wounding foursoldiers, the army said, in

    the second bomb attack on

    security forces in the Nile

    Delta in less than a week.The bomb partly de-

    stroyed the back wall ofthe military intelligence

    Yemen jails nine al-Qaeda

    suspects for plotting to kill


    SANAA, 30 Dec AYemeni security court onSunday sentenced nine al-

    Qaeda suspects to up to 10years in prison for plottingto assassinate President

    Abd-Rabbu Mansour Hadi,ofcial Saba news agencyreported.

    The court in the capitalSanaa sentenced nine al-Qaeda suspects to between

    two and 10 years in prisonfor plotting to assassinateHaid by a roadside bomb on

    his convey in Sanaa duringthe past months. A similar

    trial was concluded on 15September, in which threeal-Qaeda members were

    sentenced to up to sevenyears in prison for the samecharges. Meanwhile, the

    court handed down a deathpenalty against al- Qaedasuspect Ahmed Turkey for

    attacking the intelligenceheadquarters branch in thesouthern port city of Aden

    in 2011 that left at least 20security personnel killed.

    The Yemen-based re-

    gional al-Qaeda in the Ara-bian Peninsula is active inthe poverty-stricken coun-

    try, taking advantage ofgrowing chaos and politicalsplits in the south and east-

    ern regions since 2011.Hadi took ofce in

    February 2012 after a UN-

    backed power transfer dealeased former President AliAbdullah Saleh from power

    after a year of mass pro-tests.Xinhua

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    Tuesday, 31 December, 2013 7


    New Light of Myanmar 7

    NAY PYI TAW, 30

    DecMyanmar paralym-pics (athletic) team is under

    Myanmar Para (Shotput) athletes hope gold


    intensive training in Wunna

    Theikdi Sport Ground toparticipate in the 7th ASE-

    AN Para Games.

    A total of 58 athletes

    consist of 41 men and 17

    women will participate in

    the event. Coach Daw Aye

    Aye Nwe of Myanmar Para

    Sports Federation is giving

    intensive training to Myan-

    mar athletes for the latter tobe able to secure gold med-

    als. Myanmar Para Sports

    athletes are supported by

    the State and donors. So

    we are very satised, said

    Daw Aye Aye Nwe.

    Kyemon-Kyaw Thuya

    (Nay Pyi Taw)

    New sub-power station under construction in


    MEIKTILA, 30 DecA

    33/11 KV (10) MVA

    sub-power station is being

    constructed for the dwellers

    in Aung San Ward, Meik-

    tila near Central Institute

    of Transport and Commu-

    nications beside Meikti-

    la-Kyaukapadaung motor


    Power access was tak-

    en from the transformer

    near Irrigation Department

    in Wun Zin Ward in the

    past, it is not sufcient for

    the people in Aung San

    Ward. Upon completion of

    sub-power station, it will

    be benecial to not only

    households in Aung San

    Ward but also nearby vil-lages. The ofcials from

    Electricity Supply Enter-

    prise are striving for suf-

    cient use of electricity for

    locals, said an ofcial of the


    Meiktila Township

    consists of 14 wards and

    379 villages. Although

    14 wards in Meiktila now

    enjoy electricity access,

    most villages are carrying

    out electrication task on

    self-reliance basic.

    Kyemon-Chan Tha


    MANDALAY, 30 Dec

    Peoples park and Peo-

    ples square are being

    placed with concrete in

    the garden area of Manaw-

    ramman which is situated

    on 62nd Street, between

    38thx40th Streets in Ma-

    haaungmye Township,

    here, since last week of

    this month.

    The square with a to-

    tal length of 350 feet can

    give place for 1000 peo-ple and the construction

    works will nish in March,

    2014, said a responsible

    person from Department

    of Roads and Bridges un-

    der Mandalay City Devel-

    opment Committee.

    Kyemon-Maung Pyi Thu

    Peoples Square constructed in Manawramman garden

    KYAUKDAGA, 30 Dec

    Phado Sedana Social Ser-

    vices Group donated black-

    board, desks and pencils to

    60 primary students who

    are studying their education

    at temporary school on 28

    December. The students

    parents who reside in the

    village-tract at 5th and 12th

    mile on Minhla-Seinkant-

    Stationery donated to

    students in Kyaukdaga

    lant Road in Phado Area

    in Kyaukdaga Township

    in Bago Region are manu-

    al workers and engaged in

    cutting bamboo and mak-

    ing charcoal. The teachers

    also contributed voluntary

    works to the students and

    provided traditional med-

    icine for them.Kyemon-

    Myo Win (Kyaukdaga)

    National Sports


    Head of Pyay District Rural Development Depart-ment U Min Maung and party inspect reconstruc-

    tion of Saytaing Bridge between Pauktaw and

    Agga Villages in Pyay District, Bago Region on 27


    MINBU, 30 DecZay-

    etgyi-Alanpal earthen roadwas opened as the celebra-

    tion of the 66thAnniversary

    Independence Day at the

    archway of the road, near

    Zayetgyi Village in Minbu

    Township, here, on 29 De-


    U Kyaw Thu, executive

    ofcer of Township Devel-

    opment Affairs Committee

    elaborated on construction

    of the road. U Aung Win, a

    local spoke words of thanks

    for construction of the road.

    Magway Region Min-

    ister for Development Af-

    fairs U Nay Shin, Region

    Hluttaw Representative U

    Maung Maung Tin and Dis-

    trict Deputy Commissioner

    U Khin Maung Myint cut

    Earthen road opened to

    mark 66thAnniversary

    Independence Daythe ribbon to open the road.

    They then greeted localpeople.

    The road with the

    length of two miles had

    been constructed spending

    K 5.4 million through ru-

    ral development fund. This

    road can contribut to devel-

    opment of education, health

    and economic sectors 1966

    people from nearby villag-

    es.Kyemon-Tin Tun Oo

    (Minbu District IPRD)

    Construction of Peoples Square in progress in Mahaaungmye

    Township of Mandalay Region.

    Over 200 houses engulfed in

    Labutta freLABUTTA, 30 DecA

    re broke out in Kanbet

    Village of Labutta Town-

    ship, reducing 200 housesinto ashes on 30 December


    A total of 15 people

    were injured but not in a

    serious condition. The redestroyed textile shop, rice

    shop, medicine shop and

    construction material shop.

    The re victims are

    being accommodated at the

    relief camp at Maha Aung-

    myezan Monastery and so-

    cial organization provided

    assistance to them.

    Political parties,

    social organization and

    health care group gave

    blankets, foods, clothes,

    snacks, puried drinking

    water and instant noodle

    to the victims, said a lo-

    cal people.

    Kanbet Village of La-

    butta Township is formed

    with 1500 houses.


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    Tuesday, 31 December, 20138 New Light of MyanmarNATIONAL

    Tuesday, 31 December, 2013

    Make the country a better

    place to live in

    Myanmar is a fascinating country with itsnatural and cultural heritage. With the current

    experience of rapid growth in tourism demand,

    the responsibility to conserve our cultural values

    aiming at making the country a better place for

    people to live in and a better place to visit is com-

    prehensively stated as the vision supported by the

    relevant action points of the Myanmar Responsi-

    ble Tourism Policy.

    Viable and sustainable tourism industry in

    Myanmar requires strong public and private

    partnerships as well as inclusion and support from

    the local communities and civil societies. The role

    of the private sector is driving development and

    investment in tourism services and experiences,

    while the public sector plays a catalytic role ofproviding and improving infrastructures and a

    conducive climate for investments.

    As tourism plays a vital role in Myanmar by

    reducing poverty, bringing about employment op-

    portunities, balancing social and economic devel-

    opment and implementing political reforms, tour-

    ism development in the country shall be benefcial

    and inclusive, and as best possible accessible to all

    of the people both as visitors (customers) and par-

    ticipants (suppliers) of the tourism industry. But

    its objectives and implications should be transpar-

    ent to all tourism stakeholders.

    We are now taking concrete steps to further

    strengthen cooperation mechanisms within the

    public sector and with the various tourism sectorstakeholders (private sector, local communities

    and civil society) in order to realize the three prin-

    cipal outcomes of sustainable development eco-

    nomic growth, environmental sustainability and

    social justice.

    At a time when activities are being undertak-

    en to make the country a better place to live in,

    to provide more employment and greater business

    opportunities for all our people, to contribute to

    the conservation of our natural and cultural herit-

    age and to share with us our rich cultural diversi-

    ty, we warmly welcome those who appreciate and

    enjoy our heritage, our way of live and who travel

    with respect.

    NAY PYI TAW, 30

    DecMs Ana Maria Ram-

    irez, the newly-accredited

    Ambassador of the Ar-gentine Republic to the

    Republic of the Union of

    Myanmar presented her

    credentials to U Thein Sein,

    President of the Republic

    of the Union of Myanmarat Presidential Palace, Nay

    Pyi Taw at 11:00 am today.

    Present on the occasion

    were Union Minister for

    Foreign Affairs U Wunna

    Maung Lwin, Union Min-

    ister at President Ofce U

    Thein Nyunt and Director-

    General U Thurain Thant

    Zin of the Protocol Depart-



    President U Thein

    Sein accepts

    credentials ofnewly-accredited Ambassador

    of the Argentine

    Republic to Myanmar

    Ms Ana Maria Ramirez.


    I wish you

    Happy New

    Year on

    the new year


    On such an auspicious

    occasion, we should abstain

    from excessive drinking,

    making too much noise,

    committing an act of

    vandalism as well as avoid

    possible crimes.

    Cartoon Thabyay

    (from page 1)

    The Myanmar sports

    contingents had shownthe public their strength in

    overcoming the challenges.

    It was the success not only

    for the contingents but also

    for 60 million people.

    The President conclud-

    ed his saying that the contin-

    gents need to carry on train-

    ing without being contented

    with the victory gained.

    Next, Mawgunthit

    video was shown to honour

    the victorious sports contin-

    gents of the 27thSEA Games.

    Next, President U Thein

    President U Thein Sein honours ...Sein, Vice-Presidents Dr Sai

    Mauk Kham and U Nyan

    Tun, Speaker of PyidaungsuHluttaw and Pyithu Hluttaw

    Thura U Shwe Mann, Speak-

    er of Amyotha Hluttaw U

    Khin Aung Myint, Chief Jus-

    tice of the Union U Tun Tun

    Oo, Commander-in-Chief

    of Defence Services Senior

    General Min Aung Hlaing,

    Chairman of the Constitu-

    tional Tribunal of the Union

    U Mya Thein, Chairman of

    Union Election Commis-

    sion U Tin Aye and Deputy

    Commander-in-Chief of De-

    fence Services Commander-

    in-Chief (Army) Vice-Senior

    General Soe Win presented

    certicates of honour to the

    medalists.Three gold medalist

    Wushu athlete Maung Wai

    Phyo Aung spoke words of


    In the evening, the

    President hosted a dinner

    in honour of the victorious

    Myanmar athletes. It was

    also attended by the Presi-

    dent, the Vice-Presidents,

    the Speaker of Pyidaungsu

    Hluttaw and Pyithu Hlut-

    taw, the Speaker of Amy-

    otha Hluttaw, the Chief

    Justice of the Union, the

    Commander-in-Chief of

    Defence Services, the

    Chairman of the Constitu-

    tional Tribunal of the Un-ion, the Chairman of Union

    Election Commission and

    the Deputy Commander-

    in-Chief of Defence Ser-

    vices Commander-in-Chief

    (Army), Union ministers,

    the Mandalay Region Chief

    Minister, deputy ministers,

    the commander of Nay Pyi

    Taw Command, the SEA

    Games organizing commit-

    tee members, presidents of

    sports federations, coaches,

    athletes and wellwishers.


    Vice-President U Nyan Tun presents certicate of

    honour to victorious athletes.MNAVice-President Dr Sai Mauk Kham presents

    certicate of honour to victorious athletes.MNA

    Senior General Min Aung Hlaing presents certi-

    cate of honour to victorious athletes.MNA

    Haungthayaw River

    crossing bridge on Kyarinn-


    kton Road was put into

    service in Kayin State on

    27 December. At the open-

    ing ceremony, Kayin State

    Chief Minister U Zaw Min

    delivered an address and

    heard reports by Deputy

    Managing Director (Works)

    of Public Works U Win

    Tint on construction of the

    780-foot bridge.

    The newly-opened



    commissioned into


    bridge is the 36thof its kind

    in the term of new govern-

    ment. The RC type bridge

    can withstand 21 tons of

    load. It was built at the cost

    of K 1214.4 million.

    Kayan Soe Myint, Photo:

    decoration group

    President U Thein Sein

    accepts credentials of

    Argentinas Ambassador

  • 8/13/2019 31.Dec 13_nlm


    9Tuesday, 31 December, 2013New Light of MyanmarN A T I O N A L

    NAY PYI TAW, 30

    DecMr Omer Eisa

    Ahmed, the newly-accred-

    ited Ambassador of the

    Republic of the Sudan to

    the Republic of the Union

    of Myanmar presented his

    credentials to U Thein Sein,

    President of the Repub-

    lic of the Union of Myan-

    mar at Presidential Palace,

    Sudanese Ambassador

    presents credentials to

    President U Thein SeinNay Pyi Taw at 11:30 am


    Present on the occa-

    sion were Union Minis-

    ter for Foreign Affairs U

    Wunna Maung Lwin, Un-

    ion Minister at President

    Ofce U Thein Nyunt and

    Director-General U Thurain

    Thant Zin of the Protocol


    President U Thein Sein poses for documentary

    photo with Mr Omer Eisa Ahmed, the

    newly-accredited Ambassador of the Republic of

    the Sudan to the Republic of the Union of


    NAYPYITAW, 30 Dec

    Vice-President Dr Sai

    Mauk Kham delivered an

    address at the fth meeting

    of the Central Committeefor Myanmars ASEAN

    Chairmanship and Estab-

    lishment of ASEAN Com-

    munity at the meeting hall

    of the Presidents Ofce,

    here, this afternoon.

    Also present were the

    Union ministers, the Union

    Attorney-General, the dep-

    uty ministers, departmental

    heads and guests.

    In his address, the

    Vice-President stressed the

    need to get ready for host-

    ing ASEAN Summit and

    related meetings by nal-

    izing the ongoing prepara-

    tions as Myanmar will of-

    cially take ASEANs Chair

    on 1 January, 2014. He

    called on the Ministry of

    Myanmars image will shine brighter thanever before by successfully hosting ASEAN

    Summit, its related meetings

    Information to launch pub-

    lic awareness campaigns

    through media. The infor-

    mation team led by Deputy

    Minister for InformationPresidential Spokesperson

    U Ye Htut is responsible

    to release information on

    activities and stances of

    Myanmar to local and for-

    eign media. Cooperation

    with media is necessary for

    ensuring transparency, he


    He continued that spe-

    cial cares have to be taken

    on foreign media persons

    while the Summits and

    ministerial meetings are be-

    ing held. He called for ca-

    pacity building of the staff

    of Information Ministry to

    be media friendly and to

    be able to deal with media


    He also highlighted

    necessary preparations in

    Myanmar International

    Convention Centre for

    Summit and related meet-

    ings, event management inorder to meet international

    standards and hospitality

    services and management

    for heads of state/govern-

    ment of ASEAN countries

    and visitors.

    He called for coop-eration and coordination

    among the ministries con-

    cerned regarding the service

    of Nay Pyi Taw Airport andcollaborative efforts with

    private catering service.

    He stressed the im-

    portance of transportation

    subcommittee for the con-

    venience of VIPs and del-

    egation members, saying

    that coordination among

    Nay Pyi Taw Council, Min-

    istry of Transport, Ministry

    of Hotels and Tourism and

    private transport sector is


    He urged the H&T

    Ministry and Nay Pyi Taw

    Council to organize market

    festivals and night markets

    meeting international stand-

    ards of health, hygiene and

    food safety in cooperation

    with respective shopping

    centres and markets.

    It is required to pro-

    mote security conscious

    and public awareness for

    mass participation in or-

    der to perform rapid re-

    sponse. All subcommittees

    are to follow the rules and

    regulations of the nancial

    subcommittee for ensuring

    thrifty spending.

    More efforts are need-ed to enhance the image of

    the host country while hold-

    ing AMM Retreat from 15

    to 18 January, he said.In his conclusion, the

    Vice-President called on

    those present to grasp the

    good opportunity for rais-

    ing the image of the nation

    through cooperation of the

    ministries concerned and

    other organizations and

    mass participation.

    Next, chairmen of

    ASEAN Political-Security

    Community committee,

    ASEAN Economic Com-

    munity committee, ASEAN

    Social-Cultural Community

    committee Union Ministers

    U Wunna Maung Lwin, Dr

    Kan Zaw and U Aye My-

    int Kyu, central committee

    member U Kan Chun and

    those present reported on

    work progress.

    In his concluding re-

    marks, the Vice-President

    stressed the importance of

    cooperation in respective

    sectors based on the expe-

    rience obtained in the SEA

    Games. He pointed out

    that Myanmars image will

    shine brighter than ever be-

    fore by successfully hosting

    the ASEAN Summit and itsrelated meetings.


    Vice-President Dr Sai Mauk Kham delivers an address at fth meeting of the Central Committee for

    Myanmars ASEAN Chairmanship and Establishment of ASEAN Community.MNA

    Chairman of Union Election Commission

    U Tin Aye presents certicate of honour to

    outstanding athletes. (News on page 1)MNA

    Vice-Senior General Soe Win presents

    certicate of honour to outstanding

    athletes. (News on page 1)MNA

  • 8/13/2019 31.Dec 13_nlm


    Tuesday, 31 December, 2013

    L O C A L N E W S

    10 New Light of Myanmar

    Four objectives of 66thAnniversary

    Independence Day- All the national people to live together in the Union forever

    in weal or woe;

    - All the national people to strive together for non-disintegra-

    tion of the Union, non-disintegration of national solidarity

    and perpetuation of sovereignty;

    - All the national people to participate in efforts for ceasing

    armed conflicts and gaining genuine peace;

    - All the national people to work hard in building a developed

    and discipline-flourishing democratic nation

    Catholic Church of Myeik

    carries out sanitation to mark

    XmasMYE IK , 30 Dec

    Catholic Church of Myeik

    organized the sanitation

    tasks in commemoration of

    the Christmas Day, on 28

    December morning.

    About 150 students led

    by ofcials of the church

    joined hands with workers

    of Township Development

    Affairs Committee in

    gathering garbage along

    Strand Road from Pearl

    Yadana Hall to Myeik

    Shopping Centre.

    Deputy Commissioner

    of Myeik District U Lwin

    Ko Oo and ofcials looked

    into sanitation tasks of the



    District IPRD

    Voluntarily Services Seven signicant buildings in establishment of

    royal palace reconstructed

    MANDALAY, 30 Dec

    T h u d h a m m a S a n g h a

    Golden Monastery, Maha

    Pathan Golden Ordination

    Hall, Pitakat Chamber,

    destroyed in the Second

    World War in the area of

    Yadanabon Palace, are

    being rebuilt near Mandalay

    Hill in Aungmyethazan

    Township, here, as of

    April 2013. Thudhamma

    Sangha Golden Monastery

    and Maha Pathan Golden

    Ordination Hall are being

    decorated with Myanmar


    The reconstruction

    tasks are donated by U

    Kyaw Win and family of

    Mandalay (Real Estate


    The construction tasks

    are expected to complete in

    April next year.Kyemon-

    Thiha Ko Ko (Mandalay)

    A building

    of sevensignicant






    Hill in




    Illegal sawn timber seized in SagaingSAGAING, 30 DecA

    team comprising Head of

    Township Forest Deparment

    U Kyaw Phone Wai, foresters

    U Than Swe and U Bo

    Nyan, ranger U Myo Thwin,

    ofcials and staff, policemen

    and local authorities led by

    Assistant Director U Thant

    Zin-2 of Sagaing District

    Forest Department searched

    the illegal timber on 27


    They found 514 pieces

    of illegal Inn sawn timber

    weighing 11.2456 tonson board three boats near

    Wachet Village in Sagaing


    The boats are kept at

    Htonbo ward administrator

    office. Investigation is


    Bridge underconstruction

    in Kalay Tsp

    KALAY , 30 Dec

    Yenangyaung Bridge located

    on Kalewa-Kyikon-Tamu

    Road in Sagaing Region.

    The bridge lies on India-

    Myanmar-Thailand tripar-

    tite highway.

    The bridge is a link

    for transport of domestic

    commodities in townships

    of upper Sagaing Region and

    those of northern Chin State.At present, the bridge,

    190 feet long, is being

    built by Bridge Special

    Construction Group No 11

    of Public Works.

    The facility will be two-

    lane bridge.

    Chairman of Kalay

    Dist r ict Management

    Committee U Maung Htoo

    inspected progress of the

    bridge for ensuring timely

    completion by meeting set

    standard on 27 December.

    The bridge constructed

    was funded with K 50

    million by the State for better

    transport of the local people

    in their trading works with


    The bridge construction


    being conducted to arrest

    the crime brokers for illegal

    timber and boats.

    Kyemon-Myo Win

    started on 1 October this year,

    and it may be completed this

    scal year, said Chairman

    of District Management

    Commit tee U Maung


    Kyemon-Lin Let Kyei Sinn


    Farmland owners from

    irrigated area meetKALAY , 30 Dec

    Yazagyo Multi-purpose Dam

    Project is being implementedby Irrigation Department

    near Yazagyo Village of

    Kalay Township.

    Its feeder canals will

    irrigate 6500 acres of


    The dam will extend

    irrigated farmlands to 8500

    acres of land.

    On 26 December,Chairman of Dist r ict

    Management Committee

    U Maung Htoo met local

    farmers and discussed

    effectiveness of irrigation


    Kyemon-Ju Nine






    on board


    boats in



    66thAnniversary Independence Day


    Photo: Kyaw Swe

    Moe (IPRD)

    ASEAN Summits and related meetings will be held at

    Myanmar International Convention Centre (1), Nay Pyi Taw

  • 8/13/2019 31.Dec 13_nlm


    Tuesday, 31 December, 2013 11New Light of MyanmarREGIONAL

    TOKYO,30 Dec Ten

    prefectures predict that theywill see more deaths thanthe states estimate if a big

    earthquake occurs along the

    Nankai Trough off centraland western Japan, basedon tougher conditions suchas the collapse of embank-

    ments, a Kyodo Newsstudyshowed on Sunday.

    Among the 10, Hiro-

    shima Prefecture forecastsa massive quake could kill14,759 people, 18.4 times

    as many as the states pre-diction, while Osaka Pre-fecture expects 133,891 to

    die, a 13.7-fold increase.

    10 prefectures predict more deaths in

    Nankai Trough quake than stateWhile the state calcu-

    lated the possible death tollon the assumption that em-bankments will not be af-

    fected by the quake, many

    local governments com-piled their own data assum-ing that the subsidence ofembankments will increase

    the area of land underwaterand kill more people.

    Meanwhile, Nagasaki

    Prefecture, where the stateestimated 80 people woulddie, said, While up to

    5,360 people could die un-der the worst-case scenario,no one will be victimized

    if we carry out appropriate

    evacuations. The Cabinet

    Ofce said in August lastyear the nationwide deathtoll could hit 323,000.

    A government expert

    panel predicted earlier thisyear that there is a 60 per-cent to 70 percent chancethat a major earthquake

    could occur along the Nan-kai Trough within the next30 years.

    The Nankai Troughruns from Suruga Bay inShizuoka Prefecture to the

    Hyuganada Sea off Mi-yazaki Prefecture in thesouthwestern Japan region

    of Kyushu.Kyodo News

    A man takes photosof Cambodian op-position supporters

    during a rally at theFreedom Park in

    Phnom Penh, Cambo-

    dia, on 29 Dec, 2013.An estimated 40,000opposition supporters

    took to the streets incapital Phnom Penh

    on Sunday afternoonto demand the resigna-tion of Prime Minister

    Hun Sen and a re-votefollowing allegations

    of serious irregularities

    during the Julyelection.XINHUA

    NEWDELHI, 30 Dec Delhi Police has seized il-licit drugs worth 1 billion

    rupees (16 million US dol-lars) in one of its biggesthauls made in four separate

    raids across the Indian capi-tal, a senior police ofcialsaid on Sunday.

    Acting on a tip-off,the raids were carried outby a team of Delhi Police.

    Some 47 kilograms of her-oin and two kilograms ofcocaine valued at over 1

    billion rupees were seizedand one person has beenarrested, he said, on condi-

    tion of anonymity.However, the al-

    leged kingpin could not be

    nabbed as he has been oper-ating from Afghanistan, the

    ofcial said, adding that theillicit drugs were broughtinto India through borders

    in the northern state of Pun-jab.

    A probe has been or-

    dered as there is a suspicionthat some of the illicit drugsalso make their way to Sri

    Lanka from India throughthe southern city of Chen-

    nai, the ofcial said.Xinhua


    Police seize

    illicit drugs

    worth 16

    mln USD

    Vacationers form long lines in a departure hall at

    Narita International Airport, northeast of Tokyo, onon 28 Dec, 2013, as the New Years holiday exodus

    began the same day. Some 177,000 people are

    expected to leave Japan from the airport at the endof the year.


    KAMPONG SPEU, (Cam-bodia), 30 Dec Cambo-

    dia on Monday conducteda live re exercise to buildcapacity for the Royal

    Cambodian Armed Forcesin defending territorial in-

    tegrity, an army chief said.The drill was held at

    the military training eld

    in Kampong Speu Prov-ince, about 70 km west of

    Protests against Bangladesh election

    turn violentDHAKA, 30 Dec Violent clashes erupted in

    Bangladesh on Sunday asopposition supporters took

    to the streets to protestagainst a 5 January gen-eral election which they are

    boycotting.The opposition says it

    will not take part in the vote

    unless an interim govern-ment oversees it and PrimeMinister Sheikh Hasina

    steps down.The boycott means

    more than half of 300 par-

    liament seats will go un-contested, undermining thelegitimacy of the elec-

    tion and making it highly

    unlikely it will do anythingto restore stability in one of

    the worlds poorest coun-tries.

    The leader of the mainopposition Bangladesh Na-tionalist Party (BNP), Be-

    gum Khaleda Zia, calledfor a march on the capital,

    Dhaka, in deance of a po-

    lice ban to protest againstwhat she calls the farcicalelection.

    One person was killedas police opened re to dis-perse protesters throwing

    stones and crude bombs incentral Dhaka and a railwayguard was killed in a blast

    at a city station, police said.

    The government isundemocratic and illegal.

    It should step down imme-diately, former premier

    Khaleda told reporters infront of her home after be-ing barred from attending

    the march. Dozens of policewere deployed late on Sat-urday to stop her from leav-

    ing her house. Khaleda saidthe march for democracywould go on Monday.

    Pro-BNP lawyers alsoclashed with police andruling party supporters at

    the Supreme Court.Opposition party of-

    cials say hundreds oftheir supporters have been

    Lawyers loyal to Bangladesh Nationalist Party (BNP)

    and Bangladesh Jamaat-E-Islami shout slogans aspolicemen use water cannons during a protest inside thepremises of Supreme Court in Dhaka on 29 Dec, 2013.


    detained across the country

    over recent days and Dhakais virtually cut off as au-

    thorities suspended bus, railand ferry services into the

    city. Violence has gripped

    the country as Hasina andher ruling Awami League

    press ahead with vote.Reuters

    Cambodia conducts live fre drill to strengthen military

    capacitycapital Phnom Penh, withthe participation of about

    1,900 soldiers.Gen Pol Saroeun,

    commander-in-chief of the

    Royal Cambodian ArmedForces, said that BM-21

    rocket launchers were redduring the exercise.

    The purpose of the

    exercise is to strengthenthe capacity for our armed

    forces in defending ourterritorial integrity and na-tional interest only, he told

    reporters at the event. Thedrill is also to test our new

    weapons.About 145 shells had

    been red and all had hit

    the target in the distancebetween 20 km and 40 km,

    he said.It was the third time

    that the country held live

    re drill with BM21 rock-ets. The rst one was made

    in March 2010 and the sec-ond was in April this year.


    S Korean rail workers to end

    long-drawn-out strikes

    HO CHI MINH CITY,30 Dec Seven studentsfrom Nguyen Binh Khiem

    secondary school in DauTieng District of Vietnamssouthern Binh Duong Prov-

    ince have been drowned af-ter being swept away by seawaves at a beach in south-

    ern Ho Chi Minh ( HCM)City, local press reported

    on Monday.

    Seven students drown during

    feld trip in southern Vietnam

    SEOUL, 30 Dec South Korean rail work-ers, who have been on thecountrys longest strike forfear of privatization of rail-way services, have decidedto end their long-drawn-outwalkouts.

    Lawmakers of the rul-ing Saenuri Party and themain opposition Demo-cratic Party agreed to forma parliamentary subcom-mittee on developing therail industry, which was ex-pected to discuss the ban onthe rail privatization. KimMyung-hwan, the labour

    union chief of the KoreaRailroad Corp (KORAIL),agreed to end the three-week strike if the NationalAssembly sets up the sub-committee.

    The union head andmembers of the parliamen-tary transportation commit-tee reached such agreementat around midnight on Sun-day. The committee calleda plenary session to estab-lish the subcommittee.

    More than 8,700 KO-RAIL workers walkedoff the job on 9 Decem-ber in a protest against the

    governments move toopen a new subsidiary forthe state-run rail operator,which unionists fear willresult in privatization andlayoffs.

    Thousands of railworkers and supporters ral-lied in downtown Seoul andmarched down the streetson Saturday after the gov-ernment issued a formallicense for the KORAILsnew afliate that will oper-ate the new high-speed linefrom Suseo-dong in Seoulto the southern port city ofBusan.Xinhua

    Specically, the acci-dent took place on Sundayafternoon when the students

    were on a school eld tripto Can Gio District of HCMCity, reported Vietnams

    state-run TV station VTV.During a rest at Can

    Gio beach, 12 male students

    went swimming, of whomseven were swept away by

    big sea waves.Xinhua

  • 8/13/2019 31.Dec 13_nlm


    Tuesday, 31 December, 201312


    New Light of Myanmar


    Consignees of cargo carried on MV CHANG DA

    LONG VOY NO (3) hby nod h h v-

    b vng on 30.12.2013 nd cgo b

    discharged into the premises of m.i.t.t where it will

    lie at the consignees risk and expenses and subject

    o h by nd condon of h Po of Yngon.

    Dgd cgo b uvyd dy fo 8 o 11:20 nd 12 noon o 4 p o C Dy no

    dcd h hd dy f n dchg of cgo

    fo h V.

    No c gn h v b dd

    f h C Dy.





    Phon No: 256924/256914


    Consignees of cargo carried on MV malte

    RAMBOW VOY NO (1356) hby nod hh v b vng on 31.12.2013 nd cgo

    will be discharged into the premises of m.i.P where it

    will lie at the consignees risk and expenses and subject

    o h by nd condon of h Po of Yngon.

    Dgd cgo b uvyd dy fo 8

    o 11:20 nd 12 noon o 4 p o C Dy no

    dcd h hd dy f n dchg of cgo

    fo h V.

    No c gn h v b dd

    f h C Dy.





    Phon No: 256908/378316/376797


    HOLIDAY NOTICEa h hv, hou nd Chn Ofc

    of Yngon Po b cod on h 1 st JANUARY2014 (Kn N Y Dy) nd 4th JANUARY2014 (indpndnc Dy). lodng, Unodng nddvy fo Good b cvd on Pyn Hody F.


    Consignees of cargo carried on MV KOta restU

    VOY NO (359) hby nod h h v

    b vng on 30.12.2013 nd cgo b dchgd

    into the premises of a.w.P.t where it will lie at the

    consignees risk and expenses and subject to the byel-

    nd condon of h Po of Yngon.

    Dgd cgo b uvyd dy fo 8

    o 11:20 nd 12 noon o 4 p o C Dy no

    dcd h hd dy f n dchg of cgo

    fo h V.

    No c gn h v b dd f

    h C Dy.





    Phon No: 256908/378316/376797

    CLAIMS DAY NOTICEMV KUO HUSING VOY NO (1009)Consignees of cargo carried on MV KUO HUs-

    iNG VOY NO (1009) hby nod h h

    v b vng on 30.12.2013 nd cgo

    be discharged into the premises of H.P.t where it will

    lie at the consignees risk and expenses and subject

    o h by nd condon of h Po of Yngon.

    Dgd cgo b uvyd dy fo 8

    o 11:20 nd 12 noon o 4 p o C Dy no

    dcd h hd dy f n dchg of cgo

    fo h V.

    No c gn h v b dd

    f h C Dy.





    Phon No: 256908/378316/376797


    Consignees of cargo carried on MV PARAGON

    PesCaDOres VOY NO ( ) hby nod h

    h v b vng on 30.12.2013 nd cgo

    be discharged into the premises of m.i.t.t where it

    will lie at the consignees risk and expenses and subject

    o h by nd condon of h Po of Yngon.

    Dgd cgo b uvyd dy fo 8

    o 11:20 nd 12 noon o 4 p o C Dy no

    dcd h hd dy f n dchg of cgo

    fo h V.No c gn h v b dd f

    h C Dy.




    Phon No: 256916/256919/256921

    th 2010 TUN FOUNDATION Literary Award

    wnn on Cuu, Facts About Myanmar

    Traditional Chinlone Game And Correct

    Methods of Chinlone Playing Book, wn

    By Pkn Pyn wn Ko (inn)

    avb evy Book shop.

    Conc No. Du wun s Py

    01-385597 095190676

    A bullet train runs on Wuhan-Xianning railway in

    Wuhan, capital of central Chinas Hubei Province, on28 Dec, 2013. Chinas railways network topped 100,000

    km in total mileage on Saturday, as several new

    high-speed rail links, including the Xiamen-Shenzhenrailway, Xian-Baoji railway, Chongqing-Lichuanrailway, and others in southwest Chinas Guangxi

    Zhuang Autonomous Region, started operations aheadof the spring travel peak, one of the busiest travel

    seasons next month.XINHUA

    DAMASCUS, 30 Dc

    th syn oop on sun-dy kd ny 73

    rebels in separate clashesnond, h -dpod, oppoon c-

    v cd h bombing on rebel-held ar- n appo kd 471

    pop ov h p k.th ofc SANA

    n gncy d h sy-n oop kd 30 -rorists from the al-Qaeda-

    linked Nusra Front andother jihadist groups during of quv op-

    erations in two areas of theb-hd Dou ubub,east of the capital Damas-cu.

    in h on of Ybudn Dcu, h oop

    eliminated gatherings of theNu gh, kng 15 ofthem and destroying their

    ammunitions and weapon-

    .in h nohn pov-

    nc of appo, o of28 d b, ny of

    whom foreign and Arab

    Syrian troops kills 73

    rebels in separate

    clashesnon, kd by h

    syn oop n h onof Zzou nd -Nkkn,

    according to SANA, whichadded that one citizen waskilled when a mortar shell

    ndd sundy h ab-basiyen district of Damas-cu.

    On the oppositiond, h Bn-bd sy-n Obvoy fo Hun

    rgh d on sundy h o of 517 pop, 471 ofho cvn, hv bn

    kd ov h p k nAleppo as a result of aerial

    bombing on areas in Alep-po cy nd counyd.

    th cv pocoudn b vd nd-pndny.

    th syn d hcny fud pvou

    cv ccoun on n-cdn n appo, yng

    the army only targets the

    positions of the Nusra Frontnd h o-cd ic

    s of iq nd h lvn(isil).


    Mongolia to celebrate 65th

    anniversary of ties withChina

    ULAN BATOR, 30 Dc th mongon govn-n dcdd on sudyto host a series of cultural

    vn n 2014 o cbh 65h nnvy of dp-oc h Chn.

    th cbon ncud cv uch

    as Chinese and Mongo-n cuu dy, youhpo ch nd tV

    programmes featuring the

    memoirs of former ambas-do of h o coun.

    invn fou nd

    round table discussions in-vovng cho of h o

    coun o b hd.th cbon b

    headed by Deputy Primemn Dndv t-

    bhdgv, nd unhoughou h y.

    China and Mongolia

    established diplomatic rela-on on 16 Ocob, 1949,

    and China is currentlyMongolias largest tradepn nd nvo.

    th o coun hv

    also witnessed a rise in cul-u xchng. Cuny,bou 8,000 mongon u-dn udy n Chn.


    GAZA, 30 Dc i-rael reopened its commer-

    cial crossing point with theGz sp on sundy, fou

    days after shutting it downin retaliation for a Palestiniannp h kd n i- ok on tudy.

    abou 450,000 of diesel will enter throughK sho cong on

    sundy o h opower plant in the Palestin-n co ncv, hch

    was shut down on Friday dueo h ck of fu, d rdFouh, Pnn bod


    abou 330 uckodof goods and shipments oftransportation fuel wouldalso make their way into the

    Hamas-controlled territory

    Israel reopens commercial

    terminal with Gaza after

    4-day closure

    hough h cong, Fouhddd.

    On tudy fnoon,a Palestinian sniper shot deadn i ok png

    parts of the fence betweenGz nd i. No goup

    claimed responsibility for thehoong.

    th cou of h

    crossing affected Palestin-ian farmers who exporth b o euophough K sho.

    i o f Gz 1.7million people in darknessfo 12 hou dy

    the power station produces

    about half of Gazas elec-tricity when running at fullcpcy. Oh ccy puchd v cb fo i- nd egyp.Xinhua

  • 8/13/2019 31.Dec 13_nlm


    Tuesday, 31 December, 2013


    13New Light of Myanmar

    Pharrell Williams seizes No 1 spot in UK

    singles chartLONDON, 30 Dec

    American singer-songwrit-er Pharrell Williams seizedtop spot in Britains sin-gles chart on Sunday withhis track Happy, oustingtalent show winner Sam

    Bailey after only a week atNo 1.

    The song, which fea-tures in the soundtrackto Despicable Me 2,achieved sales of nearly107,000 copies in the pastweek, the Ofcial ChartsCompany said, handingWilliams his third BritishNo 1 this year.

    Williams is set to re-lease his second solo albumearly next year, the compa-ny added, noting that the as-yet-untitled album would behis follow-up to 2006s In

    Producer, songwriter and

    rapper Pharrell Williams

    (R) accepts the Golden

    Note Award as Jon Platt,

    president of EMI Music

    Publishing, looks on at the

    25th Annual American

    Society of Composers,

    Authors and Publishers

    (ASCAP) Rhythm & SoulMusic Awards in Beverly

    Hills, California on 29

    June, 2012.


    Cast and crew members pose for photographers at the premiere of the lm The

    Hobbit: The Desolation of Smaug in Los Angeles on 2 Dec, 2013.REUTERS

    Hobbit blasts past newcomers to claim third boxoffice crown

    LOSANGELES, 30 DecThe Hobbit: The Desola-tion of Smaug, the special-effects-laden tale that pitsdwarfs against a dragon,blasted to its third consecu-tive box ofce title, collect-ing $29.9 million over thepost-Christmas weekendto beat newcomers TheWolf of Wall Street andThe Secret Life of Walter

    Mitty.Walt Disneys ani-

    mated lm Frozen wassecond with ticket sales of$28.8 million in its thirdweek, ahead of Will Fer-rells quirky comedy An-chorman 2: The LegendContinues that collected$20.2 million at domestictheaters.

    American Hustle,which reunited directorDavid O Russell with hisSilver Linings Playbookstars Bradley Cooper andJennifer Lawrence, wasfourth with $19.6 million in

    ticket sales at theaters in theUS and Canada, accordingto studio estimates. Sony,the distributor of Ameri-can Hustle, also said it had

    grossed $3 billion world-wide as of this weekend.

    Director MartinScorseses The Wolf ofWall Street was fth with$18.5 million after nish-ing a close second to TheHobbit on Christmas Day,according to estimatescompiled by Rentrak. Thenearly three hour moviereceived good reviews but

    registered only a C rat-ing from CinemaScore, asite that measures audiencereaction.

    The Hobbit: The Des-olation of Smaug, the sec-ond of three movies basedon JRR