32 crebert street, mayfield, nsw, 2304 email: mayfielde … · 2019-10-28 · tues 9th dec: student...

Phone: 02 4968 1495 www.mayfielde-p.school.nsw.edu.au 32 Crebert Street, Mayfield, NSW, 2304 Email: [email protected] Student Toilet Working Bee Just a reminder that next Monday 8th December from 9:00am we will be painng the toilet block to improve the internal look. We have a few people who have offered their assistance, however we have plenty of jobs for helping hands. Please let the office know if you are available. Sporng Success Last Saturday Bailey Clark competed in the Hotshot Invitaonal Tennis Compeon at District Park. Bailey was a semi-finalist in the compeon. Well done Bai- ley. The staff, students and community congratulate you on your achievement. School Camp The 76 students who aended the Great Aussie Bush Camp this week had a fantasc me. Their behavior was excellent and many challenged their fears in all the great acvies they parcipated in. There were new friendships made and it was inspiring to watch young people supporng each other. We have lots of photos from the camp. We will be looking at how we can best share the experiences of our students with the wider community. Thank you to all the parents for their support with having the children at school on me, packing and supporng the children’s needs. Volunteers Aſternoon Tea I would like to extend an invitaon to all the wonderful parents, grandparents and community members who have given so generously of their me this year to a special Aſternoon Tea on Friday 5th December. Starng at 2pm there will be a wonderful assortment of delicious food provided by the staff to say ‘thank you’. The students and staff really appreciate all the help and support you have given to our school this year. Hope to see you there! Student Recognion Ceremony I would like to remind all parents, carers and ex- tended family members about our ceremony to be held on Tuesday 9th December commencing at 6pm sharp in the hall. All classes will be parcipang in this ceremony. We look forward to seeing everyone come along to celebrate another fantasc year of achievement by all our students. Yours in Educaon Alan Wa Principal DATES FOR YOUR CALENDAR Fri 5th Dec: SRE Xmas Concert 11:20am & Volunteers Afternoon Tea 2pm Mon 8th Dec: Yr 6 Mini Fete-10am to 1pm Tues 9th Dec: Student Recognition Ceremony @ 6pm Thurs 11th Dec: Year 6 Farewell

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Page 1: 32 Crebert Street, Mayfield, NSW, 2304 Email: mayfielde … · 2019-10-28 · Tues 9th Dec: Student Recognition Ceremony @ 6pm Thurs 11th Dec: Year 6 Farewell . PAGE 2 ... 2014/2015

Phone: 02 4968 1495 www.mayfielde-p.school.nsw.edu.au

32 Crebert Street, Mayfield, NSW, 2304

Email: [email protected]

Student Toilet Working Bee Just a reminder that next Monday 8th December from 9:00am we will be painting the toilet block to improve the internal look. We have a few people who have offered their assistance, however we have plenty of jobs for helping hands. Please let the office know if you are available. Sporting Success Last Saturday Bailey Clark competed in the Hotshot Invitational Tennis Competition at District Park. Bailey was a semi-finalist in the competition. Well done Bai-ley. The staff, students and community congratulate you on your achievement. School Camp The 76 students who attended the Great Aussie Bush Camp this week had a fantastic time. Their behavior was excellent and many challenged their fears in all the great activities they participated in. There were new friendships made and it was inspiring to watch young people supporting each other. We have lots of photos from the camp. We will be looking at how we can best share the experiences of our students with the wider community. Thank you to all the parents for their support with having the children at school on time, packing and supporting the children’s needs. Volunteers Afternoon Tea I would like to extend an invitation to all the wonderful parents, grandparents and community members who have given so generously of their time this year to a special Afternoon Tea on Friday 5th December. Starting at 2pm there will be a wonderful assortment of delicious food provided by the staff to say ‘thank you’. The students and staff really appreciate all the help and support you have given to our school this year. Hope to see you there!

Student Recognition Ceremony I would like to remind all parents, carers and ex-tended family members about our ceremony to be held on Tuesday 9th December commencing at 6pm sharp in the hall. All classes will be participating in this ceremony. We look forward to seeing everyone come along to celebrate another fantastic year of achievement by all our students.

Yours in Education Alan Watt




Fri 5th Dec:

SRE Xmas Concert 11:20am


Volunteers Afternoon

Tea 2pm

Mon 8th Dec:

Yr 6 Mini Fete-10am to 1pm

Tues 9th Dec:

Student Recognition

Ceremony @ 6pm

Thurs 11th Dec:

Year 6 Farewell

Page 2: 32 Crebert Street, Mayfield, NSW, 2304 Email: mayfielde … · 2019-10-28 · Tues 9th Dec: Student Recognition Ceremony @ 6pm Thurs 11th Dec: Year 6 Farewell . PAGE 2 ... 2014/2015


We Grow and Learn Together www.mayfielde-p.school.nsw.edu.au

To all our wonderful

MEPS Volunteers who

have supported our school

in the classroom, kitchen,

canteen or garden…

Library News Stock take is well under-way. However there are still a lot of students with overdue books. Please have a good look around at home and return any MEPS library books as soon as possible. Thank your for your assistance.

Mrs Bayl,


Term Dates for

2014/2015 Just a reminder that all students last day of school this term is Wednesday 17th December.

School resumes on Tues-day 27th January for staff only. All students from Year 1 to Year 6 start on Wednesday 28th January.

All Kindergarten students for 2015 will have received an appointment time for their Best Start testing the first week of school. They commence the school year on Monday 2nd February.

Student Banking Student banking has now finished for the year. We will recommence in Week 3 of the new school year.

Uniform Shop Please note that next week will be the last week the uniform shop will be open this year. If you would like to purchase items please come to the office before

Friday 12th December.

Uniform Shop will be open on Tuesday 27th January (student free day) for pur-chases. Please understand that the first week of the new year is extremely busy and we will be open from 9am to 10am only on 28th, 29th and 30th Janu-ary.

MEPS Cook Book Don’t forget to purchase your copy of our cook book. They make fantastic presents for Christmas and are a wonderful keepsake of this past year in our Stephanie Alexander Kitch-en. All recipes have been cooked by the students and are very easy and economical.

Congratulations to

Bailey Clark of 4/5B

on your fantastic

Sporting Achievement

Page 3: 32 Crebert Street, Mayfield, NSW, 2304 Email: mayfielde … · 2019-10-28 · Tues 9th Dec: Student Recognition Ceremony @ 6pm Thurs 11th Dec: Year 6 Farewell . PAGE 2 ... 2014/2015


We Grow and Learn Together www.mayfielde-p.school.nsw.edu.au

Mayfield East PS Cookbook

Order Form

Student Name _____________________________ Class___________

I would like to order _______________ (no. of cookbooks)

I have enclosed $10 per cookbook ordered.