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1 Brand keywords with highest average monthly search volume2 A list of 110 popular social media domains as identified by 360i3 Local, video, images, news, blogs and select product listings

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4 See Appendix for detailed list of advertiser owned vs. non-owned pages on YouTube, Facebook & Twitter appearing insearch results for each brand.


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4 See Appendix for detailed list of advertiser owned vs. non-owned pages on YouTube, Facebook & Twitter appearing insearch results for each brand.


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4 See Appendix for detailed list of advertiser owned vs. non-owned pages on YouTube, Facebook & Twitter appearing insearch results for each brand.


Page 10: 360i Search White Paper

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5 See Appendix for a complete list of the Top 100 Advertisers and their PageShare scores.


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5 See Appendix for a complete list of the Top 100 Advertisers and their PageShare scores.


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5 See Appendix for a complete list of the Top 100 Advertisers and their PageShare scores.


Page 11: 360i Search White Paper

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Page 13: 360i Search White Paper

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5%&- B'C.$261.$ 9F*$.

1 AT&T 80%

2 Hewlett-Packard 77%

3 Microsoft Corp. 70%

4 Citigroup 70%

5 Time Warner 69%

6 Nestle 69%

7 Sanofi-Aventis 68%

8 Bayer 68%

9 Campbell Soup Co. 68%

10 Walt Disney Co. 66%

11 Allstate Corp. 66%

12 Kohl’s Corp. 65%

13 Verizon Communications 65%

14 Novartis 65%

15 Dell 64%

16 Kroger Co. 64%

17 Kellogg Co. 64%

18 Glaxo Smith Kline 64%

19 eBay 63%

20 Capital One Financial Corp. 63%

21 Sony Corp. 63%

22 Boehringer Ingelheim 62%

23 Deutsche Telekom 62%

24 Merck & Co. 60%

25 ConAgra Foods 60%

26 Gap Inc. 60%

27 Ford Motor Co. 60%

28 Procter & Gamble Co. 58%

5%&- B'C.$261.$ 9F*$.

29 Sprint Nextel Corp. 58%

30 General Mills 58%

31 Wyeth 58%

32 JP Morgan Chase & Co. 58%

33 HomeDepot 58%

34State Farm Mutual AutoInsurance 57%

35 Pepsi Co 57%

36 Apple 56%

37 Yum Brands 56%

38 Honda Motor Co. 56%

39 Clorox Co. 55%

40 Coca-Cola Co. 55%

41 U.S. Government 55%

42 L’Oreal 54%

43 Walgreens Co. 54%

44 IBM Corp. 54%

45 Reckitt Benckiser 54%

46 General Electric Co. 54%

47 Wendy’s International 54%

48 safeway 54%

49 SC Johnson 53%

50 Alltel Corp. 52%

51 Johnson & Johnson 52%

52 Viacom 52%

53 Nike 52%

54 Schering-Plough 51%

55 News Corp. 51%

Page 14: 360i Search White Paper

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5%&- B'C.$261.$ 9F*$.

56 Wells Fargo & Co. 51%

57 Washington Mutual 50%

58 Pfizer 50%

59 Visa 50%

60 Eli Lilly & Co. 50%

61 Bank of America Corp. 49%

62 Doctor’s Associates (Subway) 49%

63 Best Buy 49%

64 Lowe’s Corp. 49%

65 Energizer Holdings 49%

66 Bristol-Myers Squibb Co. 48%

67 DirecTV Group 48%

68 Philips Electronics 48%

69 American Express Co. 48%

70 Unilever 48%

71 J.C.Penney Co. 47%

72 Wal-Mart Stores 47%

73 Macy’s 47%

74 SAB Miller 47%

75 Anheuser-Busch Corp 46%

76 Chrysler 46%

77 Mattel 46%

78 Kraft Foods 45%

5%&- B'C.$261.$ 9F*$.

79 Diageo (guiness) 45%

80 Estee Lauder CDS. 44%

81 McDonald’s Corp. 44%

82 Molson Coors Brewing Co. 42%

83 Target Corp. 42%

84 Progressive 41%

85 General Motors Corp. 41%

86 Astra Zeneca 41%

87 IAC/lnterActive Corp 41%

88 Sears Holdings Corp. 40%

89 MasterCard 39%

90 Burger King Holdings 39%

91 Comcast Corp. 39%

92 Toyota Motor Corp. 38%

93 Mars Inc. 36%

94 Berkshire Hathaway 35%

95FMR Corp.(FidelityInvestments) 35%

96 Nissan Motor Co. 31%

97 Hyundai Motor Co. 30%

98 Coty (JAB Investments) 28%

99 Circuit City Stores 26%

100 Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer 19%

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90 Burger King Holdings 2 15 1742 L’Oreal 0 15 1552 Viacom 0 14 1440 Coca-Cola Co. 6 8 1441 U.S. Government 1 10 1181 McDonald’s Corp. 0 10 1051 Johnson & Johnson 6 4 1020 Capital One Financial Corp. 0 9 980 Estee Lauder CDS. 0 9 923 Deutsche Telekom 3 6 994 Berkshire Hathaway 0 8 882 Molson Coors Brewing Co. 1 7 838 Honda Motor Co. 1 7 874 SAB Miller 2 6 830 General Mills 6 2 891 Comcast Corp. 0 7 792 Toyota Motor Corp. 0 7 770 Unilever 1 6 732 JP Morgan Chase & Co. 1 6 7

100 Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer 3 4 713 Verizon Communications 3 4 753 Nike 5 2 773 Macy’s 0 6 636 Apple 1 5 695 FMR Corp.(Fidelity Investments) 0 5 578 Kraft Foods 0 5 597 Hyundai Motor Co. 0 5 556 Wells Fargo & Co. 1 4 596 Nissan Motor Co. 1 4 5

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17 Kellogg Co. 1 4 527 Ford Motor Co. 1 4 555 News Corp. 2 3 572 Wal-Mart Stores 2 3 535 Pepsi Co 2 3 537 Yum Brands 5 0 586 Astra Zeneca 0 4 461 Bank of America Corp. 0 4 460 Eli Lilly & Co. 0 4 466 Bristol-Myers Squibb Co. 0 4 42 Hewlett-Packard 1 3 483 Target Corp. 2 2 419 eBay 2 2 444 IBM Corp. 2 2 415 Dell 2 2 411 Allstate Corp. 2 2 422 Boehringer Ingelheim 3 1 434 State Farm Mutual Auto Insurance 3 1 418 Glaxo Smith Kline 4 0 479 Diageo (guiness) 0 3 387 IAC/lnterActive Corp 0 3 393 Mars Inc. 0 3 398 Coty (JAB Investments) 0 3 357 Washington Mutual 0 3 362 Doctor’s Associates (Subway) 0 3 375 Anheuser-Busch Corp 0 3 354 Schering-Plough 0 3 328 Procter & Gamble Co. 0 3 369 American Express Co. 0 3 363 Best Buy 0 3 329 Sprint Nextel Corp. 0 3 325 ConAgra Foods 1 2 364 Lowe’s Corp. 1 2 369 Nestle 1 2 333 HomeDepot 3 0 345 Reckitt Benckiser 0 2 249 SC Johnson 0 2 247 Wendy’s International 0 2 2

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9 Campbell Soup Co. 0 2 28 Bayer 0 2 289 MasterCard 0 2 216 Kroger Co. 0 2 21 AT&T 0 2 268 Citigroup 0 2 268 Philips Electronics 1 1 221 Sony Corp. 2 0 288 Sears Holdings Corp. 2 0 277 Mattel 0 1 199 Circuit City Stores 0 1 13 Microsoft Corp. 0 1 165 Energizer Holdings 0 1 110 Walt Disney Co. 0 1 176 Chrysler 0 1 171 J.C.Penney Co. 1 0 185 General Motors Corp. 1 0 139 Clorox Co. 1 0 17 Sanofi-Aventis 1 0 158 Pfizer 1 0 167 DirecTV Group 1 0 150 Alltel Corp. 0 0 026 Gap Inc. 0 0 046 General Electric Co. 0 0 012 Kohl’s Corp. 0 0 024 Merck & Co. 0 0 014 Novartis 0 0 084 Progressive 0 0 048 Safeway 0 0 05 Time Warner 0 0 059 Visa 0 0 043 Walgreens Co. 0 0 031 Wyeth 0 0 0

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