39. conversation starters, individual project, reported speech, pie charts

Spring 2015 IECP Nikki Mattson

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Spring 2015


Nikki Mattson

Ying Ying Mohammed

Khaled Dina

Saeed Maryam

Xun Ahmed

Yousff Hala

Medhat Abdualla Martin

Salim Cheng

Zainab Almishal Zainab

Bu Ali

Amal Rahmah

Sarah Kholood

Vanny Hassan

Riyadh Moham



Chao Maad



Nancy Hiba

Abdulla Jessie

Ananda Salim Sunny

Malek Mona

Maryam Ahmed Ann

• Conversation Starters

• Individual Presentation introduction

• Reported speech

• Describing pie charts

• In the era of the pharaohs they built huge buildings (the

pyramids) without any machines. As of today, just how

these structures were built still remains a mystery. Do

you have an idea about how people in that era could do


(Medhat Sharawy, Civil Engineer, A130)

• Law is essential for any country because it saves our

lives and provides freedom. Also, it protects us from

being harmed by other people in society. In your opinion,

do your country’s laws offer you sufficient protection?

Why/why not?

( Mohammed ALBadi, Law, Class A)

• Extracting oil from underground reservoirs is an

important process for our lives. Oil can generate heat and

fuel vehicles. It is also used to manufacture almost all

synthetic products, such as plastics. What are oil

reservoirs and how are they formed ?

(Abdualla Almuraghi , AI130A , Petroleum engineering)

• Business cycles are dated according to when the

direction of economic activity changes and is measured

by the time it takes for an economy to go from one peak

to another. In your opinion, what causes economies to

reach a peak?

( Ahmed Al Jashmi/Economics/130B)

• Most majors have several specific sub-topics that can be

studied (minors). For example, in math, there is algebra,

real analysis, and topology. When I told one of my

professors that I want to study algebra, he told me that it

is old field, so all of the easy research has already been

done. He wanted to let me know that it is difficult to do

new research in this field. Would you choose a field that

you like even if a professor gave you such a warning?

Why/why not?

(math, Abdullah Alshyaie, 130B)

• At construction sites, if a current engineer or employee

gets hurt seriously during the construction process, the

chief engineer is responsible for finding him/her a proper

hospital and finding a substitute for the worker. Do you

think this should be the responsibility of the chief

engineer? Are there any similar circumstances in your


(Ananda, Civil Engineer, AI130B)

• Individual Presentation (7-12 in-class presentation

with presentation slides)

DUE April 20th, 21st, 22nd, 23rd, 27th, 28th, or 29th

(specific date to be assigned) in class

• Big Idea: You will prepare a 7-12 minute informative

presentation (with presentation slides) that is focused on:

your previous academic experiences, your prospective

academic department, and a summary of and reaction to

a current hot topic within your field. There will be a 3-5

minute question and answer period following your


• Your presentation should include the following information:

• a description of your previous studies/degrees

• a description of your future academic plans and motivations for pursuing a particular degree

• a description of the reason(s) why you hope to enter the particular university and department that you have chosen

• a general description of your prospective department (areas of foci, areas of specialties, types of degrees offered, size of faculty, campus location, etc.)

• a description of specific departmental events, people, courses, etc. that are of particular interest to you

• a description of the requirements for acceptance into your program

• a description of the requirements for degree completion in your program

• a non-technical summary of a current hot topic within your field, including appropriate oral references (and a Works Cited slide)

• your reaction/opinion about the current hot topic within your field

• Oral reference to at least 2 different reputable, academic sources is required.

Category Points Teacher Comments

Individual Presentation Content

Presentation included thorough explanations and/or

examples for the following topics:


a description of your previous studies/degrees (5)

a description of your future academic plans and

motivations for pursuing a particular degree (5)

a description of the reason(s) why you hope to

enter the particular university and the particular

department that you have chosen (5)

a general description of your prospective

department (areas of focus, areas of specialization,

types of degrees offered, size of faculty, campus

location, etc.) (10)

a description of specific departmental events,

people, courses, etc. that are of particular interest

to you (10)

requirements for acceptance into your program (5)

requirements for degree completion (5)

a non-technical summary of a current hot topic

within your field, including appropriate oral

references1 (and a Works Cited slide) (10)

your reaction/opinion about the current hot topic

within your field (5)


Ideas were logically organized and cohesive. ____/10


Delivery included:

sufficient volume, an engaging manner of speaking and

body language, clear pronunciation, and appropriate

stress, rhythm, and pacing


Language Usage

Speaker consistently made effective lexical and

grammatical choices in relation to the topics and the

intended audience


PPT Presentation

PowerPoint presentation was clearly organized, enhanced

the presentation by highlighting important information

and relevant images, and contained slides with minimal



Sources and References

Presentation effectively incorporated and referenced at

least 2 reputable, academic sources (both oral references

and a Works Cited slide)


1 Oral reference to at least 2 different reputable, academic sources is required.

Individual Presentations

• If you are absent on the day of your presentation, you will

NOT have the opportunity to make up your presentation

in class. You may submit a video recording of your

presentation for up to 24 hours after your assigned class

time if necessary. In the case, 20 points will be deducted

from your individual presentation score. Exceptions may

be made in cases of documented emergencies. Please

contact the teacher by email if you experience an

emergency that prevents you from giving your

presentation at your scheduled time.

• E302 Paterno, an instruction room located on the third

floor of Paterno Library, within the Business Library

• 1. The teacher said, “Open your books.” (imperative to infinitive)

• The teacher told us _________________ books.

• 2. Bill said, “You have to pay the tax.” (simple present to simple past)

• Bill told them (that)_____________ to pay the tax.”

• 3. Mary asked, “John, are you studying political science?” (present progressive

to past progressive)

• Mary asked John _______________political science.

• 4. “Amy prepared a delicious meal,” Mark said. (simple past to past perfect)

• Mark said (that)___________________.

• 5. “Sam, have you ever eaten at that restaurant?” Jack asked. (present perfect

to past perfect)

• Jack asked Sam if he ____________________at that restaurant.

• Pg. 128, part A

• Handout

• Example:

• Question: What do you wish you had done yesterday?

• Name: ____Nikki____

• Quote: “I wish I had completed my homework and

received a better grade.”(include result)

• Reported speech: If Nikki had completed her homework

yesterday, she would/might/could have received a

better grade.

What do you already know?







1. 75% is three-quarters.

2. 60% is three-fifths.

3. 40% is two-fifths.

4. 20% is a/one-fifth.

5. 50% is half.

6. 10% is one in ten/one-tenth.

7. 5% is one in twenty/ one-twentieth.

8. 66% is two-thirds.

9. 80% is four-fifths.

10.25% is a quarter.

• 1. 77% is just over three quarters.

• 2. 27% is just over a/one quarter.

• 3. 97% is almost all.

• 4. 49% is just under/nearly half.

• 5. 32% is almost/nearly a third.

• 6. 5% is a very small number.

• 7. 18% is just under/nearly a/one-fifth.

• 8. 68% is around two thirds.

• 9. 58% is approximately 60%.

• 10. 85% is a very large majority.

• Next Class (Monday) = Meet in E302 Paterno

• Interview Voicethread assignment DUE 4/6 (Blog)

• Group Presentation DUE 4/10 (Box)

• Tutoring and Conversation Partner (meeting 6) recording

and reflection DUE 4/5 (Box)