3923053 jaimini sutras complete

JAIMINI SUTRAS  English Translation with full notes and original texts in Devanagari and transliteration by Bangalor Suryanarain Rao and revised and annotated by Dr. Bangalore Venkata Raman  and published by Sri . !. "nanthram f# $B% &rakashana' (th )ain' andhinagar' Bangalore*(+,,,-  Sixth Edition /01 2#3 Dr. B. V. R")"4' /01 &ri#e - Rs. 5,*,,  &rinted by %. S. 4. Rao' $B% &rakashana &rintery' Bangalore*(+, ,(1.  674TE4TS &reliminary 7bservations - eneology of )aharishis by Vedavyasa* The intelle#tual development of )aharishis by 8oga 9iterature in Sanskrit* *Definition of Sutra Diffi#ulties in Translation* &erfe#t Development of Sanskrit*)aharishi :aimini. "dhyaya ' pada * 26hapter ' &art 3 )eanings of "strologi#al terms defined*"spe#ts of &lanets and ;odia#al Signs** Differen#es of &rin#iples in "strology and their re#on#iliation 4e#essity for a study of general and spe#ial prin#iples*&neumoni#s in Sanskrit )athemati#s * Bad influen#es and their #ountera#tion*"tma karaka or 9ord of Soul' !alatrakaraka or 9ord of wife' 4aisargikakaraka or &ermanent 9ord

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 English Translation with full notes and originaltexts in Devanagari andtransliterationby Bangalor Suryanarain Rao and revised andannotated by Dr. BangaloreVenkata Raman  and published by Sri . !. "nanthram f# $B%&rakashana' (th )ain'andhinagar' Bangalore*(+,,,-  Sixth Edition /01 2#3 Dr. B. V. R")"4' /01&ri#e - Rs. 5,*,, &rinted by %. S. 4. Rao' $B% &rakashana &rintery'

Bangalore*(+, ,(1.


&reliminary 7bservations - eneology of )aharishisby Vedavyasa* Theintelle#tual development of )aharishis by 8oga9iterature in Sanskrit*

*Definition of Sutra Diffi#ulties in Translation*&erfe#t Developmentof Sanskrit*)aharishi :aimini.

"dhyaya ' pada * 26hapter ' &art 3 )eanings of"strologi#al termsdefined*"spe#ts of &lanets and ;odia#al Signs**Differen#es of&rin#iples in "strology and their re#on#iliation4e#essity for a studyof general and spe#ial prin#iples*&neumoni#s inSanskrit )athemati#s *Bad influen#es and their #ountera#tion*"tma karakaor 9ord of Soul'!alatrakaraka or 9ord of wife' 4aisargikakaraka or&ermanent 9ord

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9ordships for Rahu and !etu*Results of "tma karaka'"matyakaraka or9ord of minister' Bhratrukaraka or 9ord of brother')atrukaraka orlord of mother' &utrakaraka or 9ord of son'natikaraka or 9ord of#ousins and Darakaraka or 9ord of wife*Signifi#ation of &lanets' Rasi'Rasi Dasasor &eriod- of Signs and their results"rudha or &ada 9agna'Varnada 9agna' hatika 9agna' Bhava 9agna' 6handra9agna' %ora 9agnaand their uses.

"dhyaya ' &ada 5*26hapter ' &art 53 "tmakaraka indifferent 4avamsas*&lanets with "tmakaraka*ulikakala or Time of theSon of Saturn*9ordships planets over different times in a day*%ora Drekkana'4avamsa' Dwadasamsa and the Thrimsamsa explained asper Varaha mihira*&lanets aspe#ting "tmakaraka 4avamsa in ulikakala*Effe#ts of &lanets

in various houses from !arakamsas and theirsignifi#ations *!emadruma8oga.

"dhyaya ' &ada <*26hapter ' &art <3 &lanets invarious houses from&ada 9agna and their results*=#h#ha*raha Samanya*6ornbi nations forRoyalty and &overty.

"dhyaya ' &ada 1*26hapter ' &art 13 =papada 9agnaand its results*6ombinations for various diseases * 6hildren *Death of brothers'sisters*Dumbness' stammering' #omplexion' religioustenden#ies'

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adultery' leadership in #ommunity*<< #rores ofDevatas*4igraha and"nugraha forms*)ahamantras or good Vedi# Se#rets*!shudra )antras orevil in#antation.

"dhyaya 5' &ada *26hapter 5' &art 3 .Determination of 9ongevity*6ombinations for 9ong' )iddle and Short lives*Re#on#iliation ofdifferent systems of 9ongevity*!arakayogas !akshya'%rasa or redu#tionor degradation !akshya Vriddhi or > in#rease*DwaraRasi' Dwarabahya

Rasi and &akabhoga Rasis explained *$n#rease of9ife and avertingdeath*Viparitas or &erverts in meaning*!arakayogasand !artari yogasdetailed*Three kinds of 9ongevities "lpayu')adhyayu and &urnayu**Explanation and results of Rudra' )aheswara andBrahma Rasis *Different kinds of 8ogas.

"dhyaya 5. &ada 5*26hapter 5' &art 53 &lanets#ausing Death of )otherand ?ather in Shoola Dasas*6ombinations for deathsdue to thedispleasure of overnments*Different kinds ofdiseases*Bites ofinse#ts and venereal #omplaints.

"dhyaya 5' &ada <*26hapter 5' &art <3 @,*0,Sthira Dasas' 4avamsaDasas and &rana Dasas detailed*6ombinations fordeaths of un#les'#ousins and other relations in Shoola DasasExplanation Shoola Dasasor periods.

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"dhyaya 5' &ada 1*26hapter 5' &art 13 0,*/@ BhogaRasis' Bhoga Dasasand &aka Dasas 6ombinations for imprisonments andDeaths in &urushaand Stri Rasis*8ogardha Dasa' Drigdasa and TrikonaDasa. " shortsket#h of &rof. B. Suryanarain Rao>s life. //


  By B"4"97RE VE4!"T" R")"4  Editor- T%E "STR797$6"9 )"";$4E

  $ have the pleasure to present herewith theSixth and revisededition of the English Translation of the first two"dhyayas of:"$)$4$S=TR"S by my revered grandfather late&rofessor B. SuryanarainRao. :aimini is held in very great esteemthroughout $ndia not onlyfor his philosophi#al aphorisms but for his

astrologi#al writingsalso. :"$)$4$S=TR"S as presented in these pagesdeals with a system ofastrology that has no parallel in the existingmethods. The sutras arehard nuts to #ra#k and &rofessor Rao has tried hisutmost to explainthe aphorisms as #learly and #onvin#ingly aspossible. $ have notmeddled with either the translation or the 47TES asgiven by &rof. Raofor fear of affe#ting the sense. $ have howeveradded my own remarksby way of annotations wherever $ felt that anaphorism or aphorisms

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reuired further elu#idation. &rofessor Rao is theonly s#holar in$ndia to have attempted an English Translation of:aimini. Thereforethe #ultured publi# should feel grateful to him forhaving enabledthem to have a##ess to a system of astrologi#alliterature whi#h isuniue in its own way. )y own publi#ation ST=D$ES$4 :"$)$4$ "STR7978deals with the :aimini system in an exhaustivemanner with examples.The Translation herewith presented has beenthoroughly revised by me

and it is hoped readers will be highly benefited bya #areful study ofhis book.

  Bangalore B. V. R")"4


  The best $ndian s#ien#es' religion'philosophy' dramas'literature' politi#s andC epi#s are the produ#tionsof the )aharishis.These are intelle#tual giants like the %imalayan)ountains and allothers in the world are pigmies before them. Thewhy of this may notbe known to us' but the fa#ts are there. Aorks'therefore' from thebrains of the )aharishis stand unrivalled and theyare #olossal innature. )aharishi :aimini is a great intelle#t andhis sutras are veryvaluable. $ make no apology to introdu#e them tothe publi# in the

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simplest' English garb. The sutras will and have tospeak forthemselves. They are more than five thousand yearsold and valuable to#ommand attention and respe#t from all #lasses ofreaders' $ndian or?oreign. Those whi#h have stood brilliantly for (or , thousand yearswithout losing their brillian#y are realintelle#tual gems whi#heverybody should #ovet to possess. These fivethousand years' insteadof diminishing their lustre' have added furtherbrillian#y to the


  The #ommentators have done invaluable servi#eand all theirextensive interpretations and #lear arguments#annot be in#orporatedor embodied in short notes of mine. $f they are tobe assimilated intothe real explanations of the sutras' the bulk ofthe present volume

would in#rease by ten*fold and #ause tremendousdis#ouragement to thestudents who would like to pursue the easiest way'and learn somethingof :aimini sutras' whi#h have been sealed lettersto the Englishknowing publi#. Even the great Sanskrit s#holarsfind the sutras hardnuts to #ra#k and often they give them up for wantof patien#e'devotion and te#hni#al diffi#ulties in the way. $have been only astudent in "strology and kindred s#ien#es' although$ have had ((years of study and pra#ti#e. "strology is a grando#ean' #ontaining

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four '. hundred thousand stanas or verses' andreuires #ertainly#enturies for its grasp and #omprehension.

  "fter all our brains #an take in only a fewstanas from theextensive literature' but for brilliant intelle#ts'a knowledge of thefew fundamental prin#iples will enable them tograsp the s#ien#es andmake good progress in the #ourse of a few years $have done my best inthis English Translation' and $ leave the readersto udge of my

honest labours in propounding sutrai# prin#iples.Aithin my humbleknowledge none of our learned s#holars seem to havetaken the trouble'or made attempts to translate these aphorisms of)aharishi :aimini and$ am proud to say $ am the first in the field oftranslation to haveundertaken this diffi#ult task. 6onstru#tive#riti#isms are always

wel#ome and $ shall be grateful to them who offersu#h observations.Destru#tive #riti#isms must be treated with supreme#ontempt. 7ne whois not an adept in a sube#t will be a sorry#riti#. %e #an be leftalone.

  B. S=R8"4"R"$4 R"7


  "n $ntrodu#tion to the valuable :"$)$4$S=TR"Swill be an un#atted

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for luxury. The profundity and brevity of thesesutras have #alledforth the highest admiration from all readersduring the last fifty#enturies. )y pen is too humble to do them usti#eor bring theirmaesty before the publi# in that dignified form inwhi#h the originalsutras stand in Sanskrit. They elouently speak fortheir intrinsi#value. To frame short sutras with #omprehensivemeanings is not givento ordinary mortals. )aharishis of "ryavartha alonehave framed

sutias. 4one else #ould do them. 4o one has donethem in the world. $treuires not only the #ommand over the Sanskritlanguage but it alsoreuires #onsummate s#holarship in the S#ien#e of"strology andkindred sube#t to frame sutras. The readers shouldparti#ularlyremember that :yothisha in Sanskrit means light andthe sense whi#h

sees and feels the light. $t is the #lear vision ofthe Vedas. 7f theVedi# shadangas this is the most important. Aithoutthe help of:yotisha' Vedas would be blind.

  Ae want #lear 9ight over all our events' past'present' and themost desirable future. Ahat other s#ien#es #anpretend or havepretended to do this servi#e for mankind F ?romwhere and from whatprevious states of existen#e have we #ome F Ahatwill be our su##essand failures in the present state and where are wegoing to live after

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the separation of :eeva from the 7eha or the 9ifefrom the physi#alstru#ture F Ahat are our thoughts' deeds andaspirations in this life'and how far do we su##eed in our aims and in whatmanner #an we do soF Do the planets influen#e us and are we dire#tedunder their #ommandF $f not' what have they to do with us F %ow dothey exer#ise theirinfluen#es over us F and how #an we #orre#tly#al#ulate them and guideour destinies in their light' averting evils andenhan#ing good. Aho

are the most famous writers on "strology' and whatare theirpretentions F "re there any other s#ien#es whi#h#an help us in thesedire#tionsF "ll these and many more pertinent andrelevant uestionsare asked' both by believers and non*believers ofthis s#ien#e.

  Su#h uestions are no doubt very important and

are to the point.$ am proud to say that almost all su#h relevant orirrelevantuestions on "strology and remedies pres#ribed by"strology andDharmasastras' have been #learly and #onvin#inglyanswered by me in myintrodu#tion to the Study of "strology in the 9ightof )odernS#ien#es. The $ntrodu#tion extends over @0 pages of#losely printedmatter and $ must refer my readers to that forfuller details andinformation. :"$)$4$S=TR"S have not been translatedinto English by

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anybody in $ndia' so far as my knowledge goes.4either is it so veryeasy to translate sutras into proper English. Themeaning of a smallsutra' sometimes may be developed into stoutprinted volume- Englishlanguage is in#apable of framing sutras and mu#hless for their beingtranslated into #on#ise and short senten#es. $n itspresent form and#onstru#tion the English language is uite unfitfor framing sutras.

  These sutras are profound' s#holarly and

uniue in their#omposition and defy all #ompetition. They#omprehend a vast amount ofknowledge. in the shortest forms possible and havebeen framedgra#iously by )aharishi :aimini' for the benefit ofthe world. %eopenly says so. $n the end of these sutras theauthor remarks that allthat he has written is uite true' as these truths

have beenpropounded by the still earlier )aharishis'&itamaha or Brahma' Vyasa'&arasara' Vasishta' arga' Bhrigu' Surya' 6handra'Brihaspathi' Sukra')ari#hi' &alaha' &ulisa' )aya and other eminents#ientists. Thetreatment of the different Bhavas' Rasis and&lanets will be found alittle #onfusing in the beginning but with somepatien#e' diligen#eand pra#ti#e the pe#uliarities of his systemreadily yield themselvesto our #omprehension and enable us to read the fullhoros#opes in the

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light in whi#h :aimini has explained them for ourbenefit. %e givesvarious 9agnas' %ora 9agna' hatika 9agna' =papada9agna' Varnada9agna and so forth. %is Dasas are mostly founded onRasis and4avamsas.

  The #al#ulations ba#kwards and forwards forodd and even signstrouble the reader to some extent. The extent ofDasas differs fromthe ordinary #on#eptions as explained by thegeneral prin#iples of

"strology. 6onstellations have not been givenprominen#e. Brahma'Rudra and )aheswara Dasas are pe#uliar in thesesutras. Ahile thelanguage is gra#eful' the interpretations aretaxing' diffi#ult andstiff. " vast amount of general knowledge is neededfor the properinterpretations and #omprehension of these sutras.$t is asserted by

some that :"$)$4$S=TR"S extend over 0 "dhyayas. $have seen only fourand have not #ome a#ross the rest. $ am on the lookout for them andby #han#e $ may have the good*lu#k to dis#over themin some old pala#eor private libraries.  G $ shall translate the other two "dhyayas >&rof. B. SuryanarainRao tried his utmost to se#ure that other two#hapters but #ould not-su##eed.

  %owever $ have been able to se#ure the $$$ and$V "dhyayas

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information from whi#h has been in#orporated in mybook Studies in:aimini "strology "n English translation of the $$$and $V "dhyaya-has- been made by S. !. !ar. at an early date. Thetwo "dhyayas' $have now translated' are #omplete in themselves andwill be found tobe of the highest value to the students inastrology. The masterly wayin whi#h the )aharishi has explained the"strologi#al prin#iples' willsurely make the students masters in this line. Thesutras' being short

and sweet' #an easily be #ommitted to memory andthis is the greatestadvantage Sanskrit sutras possess over otherlanguages in the world. $have uoted the original sutras in thetransliteration system so thatthose who know Sanskrit may easily follow thesutras and mytranslation and 47TES' and #orre#t any mistakes'whi#h may have #rept

into my translations either through ignoran#e oroversight.

  $ have given the original Sanskrit words andhave explained themin easy English as $ have understood them. Sanskritalone #ommandssutras. Ae have Brahmasutras or =ttara )imamsa byVyasa' :aiminiSutras 7r &oorva )imamsa' rihyasutras'Vyakaranasutras' and othersutras on various sube#ts by )aharishis. Su#hwonderful display ofsutras is uite pe#uliar to Sanskrit and $ have notheard of the

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existen#e of su#h a system of sutras in any otherlanguage in theworld. Those who are better s#holars than myself in"strology'"stronomy' Sanskrit and English may.point out myina##ura#ies' #orre#tthem' for the benefit of the world and thus earnnot only my gratitudebut also of the #ultured humanity in general. Sin#ethis translationis the first of its kind in the field on:aiminisutras' $ re#ommendthis work to all lovers in "strology. Those who donot believe in

"strology' will do well to read the translation andapply theprin#iples to their own horos#opes and see howbeautifully the resultsagree with the positions of planets.

  Duty to s#ien#e and literature reuires everysensible man' whohas the good of humanity at heart' not to negle#tany bran#h of

knowledge' without fair and reasonable trials. Aehave no reason toree#t any s#ien#e' without proper study and#areful appli#ation.There are some persons who say Hl don>t believe inthis or thats#ien#eH. Refle#tion shows they are unwise andentirely wrong. $n thefirst pla#e they do not represent the sum total ofall knowledge inthe world. The importan#e atta#hed to their Ego' bythemselves' isunustifiable and untenable. $ #hallenge' if thereis any man in thisworld who knows all bran#hes of knowledge or eventhe " B 6 of them.

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Some s#ientists are more narrow*minded and bigotedthan the de#laredbigots of religion or so#ial #ustoms. Ahen the bestand the mostintelle#tual )aharishis of $ndia have not onlybelieved in "strology'but' have also written four hundred thousandstanas on "strology'will it be unreasonable to ask the readers to studythe s#ien#e' putit into pra#ti#e and then say' what they thinkabout it. To thes#epti#s' only one word of advi#e by me. 9earn theelementary

prin#iples' take your horos#opes and of those whoare dear and near toyou. Read them in the light of these sutras andthen say honestly whatyou think of this s#ien#e. " handful of experien#eis worth ten#artloads of theories. $f $ am wrong #orre#t me inthe light ofexperien#e. $f you are wrong #orre#t yourself likea noble soul. 6an $

be fairer than this in my advi#e F

  B. S=R8"4"R"$4 R"7

  &RE9$)$4"R8 7BSERV"T$74S

  The name of )aharishi :aimini is held in highesteem andreveren#e among the Sanskrit writers of eminen#eand probably he isheld only next to )aharishi Vedavyasa. :aimini isthe dis#iple ofVyasa' and besides being a writer of varioustreatises and the Epi#

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:aimini Bharata' he is the famous author of &oorva)imamsa Sastra' andthese able aphorisms in "strology #alled after hisname as the:"$)$4$S=TR"S. The )aharishis' so far as theirintelle#tualdevelopment was' #on#erned' stood altogether on auniue pedestalunapproa#hed by any other authors in the world.They expanded theirintelle#ts not by ordinary study' patient labourand devotion but bythe mysti# pro#esses of 8oga. Thus expanding theirmental vision by a

pe#uliar pro#ess still unknown to the greatests#holars of the presentday' they were able to grasp the #auses and effe#tsof the #elestialand terrestrial phenomena with the greatest easeand on. a s#ale ofunderstanding and #omprehension of fa#ts at whi#hthe presentgenerations stand surprised and wonderstru#k.

  Take )aharishi Vedavyasa the great grandson ofVasishta' thegrandson of Sakti' the son of &arasara and thefather of )aharishiShuka who is held in the highest esteem by thegreat Rishis themselvesfor this piety' Brahmagnana' and unalloyed purityof life. Vyasa haswritten 0 &uranas in#luding the )ahabharata'en#losing the immortalBhagavadgita' great Siddhanta after his name on"stronomy' severalworks on "strology and the most profoundBrahmasutras' #alled =ttara*)imamsa. This #olossal #olle#tion of literaturerelating to all

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bran#hes of human knowledge stands as a monument tothe grandeur ofhis glorious intelle#t and it will be a realsurprise to the #ulturedpubli#' if any other name in the world #ould be'#ompared to thisintelle#tual giant. $n addition to all these works'he was able tosystematise and put in proper order the ?our Vedasand thus earn themost envious title of Vedavyasa or one who put theVedas in theirpresent form and seuen#e. :aimini was a worthydis#iple of Vedavyasa

and has beueathed to humanity' many valuable worksamong whi#h standforemost :aimini Bharata' &oorva*)imamsa and the:aiminisutras on"strology.

  $n the various bran#hes of the SanskritS#ien#es the sutras are awonder of Sanskrit literature. Ae do not know ifthere is any other

language in this world whi#h has anything like thesutras. " sutra maythus be defined as the shortest in form with thelargest meaningpossible. :"$)$4$S=TR"S ere said t, have been#omposed in eight#hapters. Though brief' they #ontain a largeuantity of meaning. )anyte#hni#alities are used throughout these sutras and$ will try toexplain them as best as $ #ould. $n translationsfrom a ri#h and#omprehensive language to a poor and ill*euippedtongue' it isextremely diffi#ult to bring out the for#e' thedignity' the

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sweetness' the maesty and the flow of the originallanguage. Thetranslators' however learned they may be andhowever brilliant theirintelligen#e may be' have to remember the greatgulf whi#h separatestheir intelligen#e with that of the great )aharishiwho is theiroriginal author.

  "t best the translator #an only explain andillustrate what heunderstands and #on#eives to be the meaning of theoriginal author. $t

may be the #orre#t interpretation of the author orwhat may have beenunderstood to be the meaning by the translator. $nthe #ase of theworks of the )aharishis' $ may not be very wrong if$ say that none ofthe #ommentators or the translators #ould ever hopeto #ome up totheir standard. %owever' a man #an do at best whathe honestly knows

to be the meaningC and $ #an assure my readers thatin the translationof these diffi#ult sutras $ have taken the greatest#are to bring outthe #orre#t meaning of the )aharishi in hisinimitable work the:"$)$4$S=TR"S. Everyone #annot #ompose a sutra. "sutra' to be a soundone. must have #ertain #hara#teristi# features andunless these#onditions are satisfied they #annot pass musterunder the heading ofa sutra. $n English' so far as my humble knowledgeand pra#ti#alexperien#e go' it looks impossible to frame a sutraas the Sanskrit

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authors have #omposed and #on#eived it. The defe#tsof languages#annot be set right by ordinary men' and it ishopeless to make su#hattempts.

  :aimini' through his great sympathy and lovefor the people'framed these sutras and they have to be interpretedon #ertainprin#iples whi#h the Sanskrit writers have laiddown for our guidan#eand edu#ation. The brevity of a sutra is itsdistinguishing feature'

and it #an easily be #ommitted to memory even bythe ordinarystudents. Somehow or other' Sanskrit language seemsto have a #loseaffinity to strengthen and improve memory. %ave weever seen anadvo#ate or a udge who is able to repeat a fewse#tions of any legalbook F $s there any English knowing person who #anrepeat a play of

Shakespeare or a few pages of any di#tionaryF $nSanskrit'Dasopanishads are easily #ommitted to memory. Thereare Dwivedis andThrivedis who easily #ommit to memory one' two andthree Vedas andrepeat them with an ease whi#h surprises thelisteners. There are manywho have #ommitted to memory the Sanskrit lexi#onH"maraH and uoteits stanas offhand with the greatest ease.Bhagavata' Bharata'Ramayana and other extensive works are easily#ommitted to memory.!avyas and 4atakas. Epi#s and Dramas form noex#eption. "strologi#al

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47TES =padesa means literally bringing one #lose tothe obe#t andmake him understand the truth. =pa samip disanti#ause to sit*takingone #lose to the true obe#t of his sear#h' makinghim sit there andsee #learly with his mental vision' the truths ofthe S#ien#e. :aiminiobserves that he will take the sube#t of "strologyin &halabhaga or&redi#tive portion' introdu#e the readers anddis#iples to theprin#iples of "strology and make them see thetruths and realise their

grandeur by personal experien#es. %e expands thesube#t in his owninimitable style and tries his best to put vastuantities of"strologi#al knowledge in the fewest possible"phorisms #alled theSutras. This word =pa o##urs in =panayana as makinga man' see thegrandeur of &arabrahma' and =panishad or taking onenearer to od and

=pasana #arrying the same idea and making theperson see the obe#t ofhis sear#h and bring him into #loser #onta#t withit.

S=. 5.*"bhipasyanti rikshani. The odia#al signsaspe#t ea#h other 2intheir front3.

S=. <.*&arswabhe #ha. Ex#epting. the next odia#alsigns to them.

S=. 1.* Fihann ishthas#ha tadvat. Those planetswhi#h o##upy su#h

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signs will also aspe#t the planets found in su#hhouses.

47TES =nless easy explanations are offered andillustrations are giventhe meanings of these Sanskrit Sutras will notbe#ome intelligible and#onvin#ing to the readers. The se#ond Sutra #an beexplained thus. Theodia#al signs aspe#t ea#h other whi#h are in theirfront. $ do notexa#tly understand what is meant by the word front.The #ommentatorswho have done invaluable servi#es to humanity by

their lu#idexplanations and the removal of all reasonabledoubts thus observe -)esha has Vris#hika' Vrishabha has Thula' )ithunahas !anya' !atakahas !umbha' Simha has )akara' !anya has Dhanus'Thula has Vrishabha.Vris#hika has )esha' Dhanus has )eena' )akara hasSimha' !umbha has!ataka and )eena has )ithuna as the signs in front

and aspe#t them.

?rom the <rd sutra it is signified that theodia#al sign next to"ries' vi.' Vrishabha is not aspe#ted' the sign)ithuna is notaspe#ted by Vrishabha' !ataka is not aspe#ted by)ithuna' Simha is notaspe#ted by !ataka and so forth. ?ollowing thisrule alt the 6haraRasis or movable signs aspe#t all the Sthira Rasisor fixed signsex#epting that whi#h is next to it and all thefixed signs aspe#t themovable signs ex#epting that whi#h is next to it.The double bodied

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signs aspe#t ea#h other. $n none of the #urrentastrologi#al books ismentioned the fa#t of the aspe#ting of odia#alsigns or the planetswhi#h are in them in this parti#ular manner. $n the1th sutra'referen#e is made to planets o##upying thosehouses' and exer#isingaspe#tal influen#es as the houses themselves aresaid to do. $ willgive a few illustrations to exemplify the aboveenun#iated prin#iples.)eena )esha Vrishabha )ithuna !umbha $ !ataka $D$"R") $ )akara

Simha Dhanus Vris#hika Thula !anya

 G6hara Rasis aspe#t Sthira Rasis' Sthira Rasisaspe#t 6hara Rasis andDwiswabhava Rasis aspe#t the Dwiswabhavas. )esha ismovable andVrishabha next to it is fixed )esha is said toaspe#t the fixed signsex#ept the one whi#h is next to it. )esha aspe#tsthe fixed signs

Simha' Vris#hika and !umbha but not Vrishabha whi#his #lose to it.Vrishabha a fixed sign' aspe#ts the movable signs!ataka' Thula and)akara but not )esha whi#h is #lose to it. )ithuna'!anya Dhanus and)eena the four double*bodied or #ommon houseCaspe#t ea#h other andthere is no diffi#ulty about them. !ataka a movablesign' aspe#tsVris#hika' !umbha and Vrishabha' but not Simhawhi#h is #lose to it.Thula a movable sign aspe#tC !umbha' Vrishabha andSimha but not thefixed sign Vris#hika next to it. Vris#hika' a fixedsign' aspe#ts

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)akara' )esha and !ataka but not Thula whi#h is#lose to it. )akara amovable sign aspe#ts these fixed signs Vrishabha'Simha and Vris#hikabut not !umbha whi#h is #lose to it.

These aspe#ts of Rasis have pe#uliar influen#es andthey are takeninto #onsideration in these :aiminisutras."##ording to the abovesutras and the explanations aC understood by me'the followingaspe#ts. have to be noted in the example given onnext page. Ravi is

in a movable sign and does not aspe#t Budha butaspe#ts Simha'Vris#hika and the planet Sani in it and !umbha and6handra in it.Budha aspe#ts !ataka' Thula and )akara and !ua whois in that sign."s per above prin#iples' Rasis aspe#t ea#h otherand also the planetsin them. The planets aspe#t ea#h other and also theRasis mentioned in

the sutras. $n the above illustration Sukra aspe#ts!anya with uru init' Dhanus and )eena and uru aspe#ts Dhanus' )eenaand )ithuna withSukra in it.

"s per general prin#iples in use in astrology' theaspe#ts of planetsin the above diagram are thus Budha and Sani aspe#tea#h other' Saniaspe#ts !ua and Simha' <rd and ,th. uru aspe#ts!ua' )eena andBudha' the (th' @th and /th' !ua aspe#ts )eshawith Ravi in it !atakaand Simha or the 1th' @th and 0th houses andplanets in them. 6handra

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aspe#ts Simha. These are details whi#h have to beborne in mind by thereaders' who are anxious to master thete#hni#alities of these Sutras.:aimini is very #autious in his statements. %e askshis readers tostudy the general prin#iples of astrology' andalong with theirappli#ations to the pra#ti#al side of horos#opes hedire#ts them toremember the general and spe#ial prin#iples whi#hhe has explained inhis learned work and make predi#tions' taking boththe influen#es

mentioned in the general works and also theprin#iples he hasexplained with parti#ular #are and on his ownresponsibility' into#onsideration* Ravi and Sani in the diagrama##ording to ordinaryastrology do not aspe#t ea#h other' but in makingpredi#tions' we havenot only to as#ribe the general +th and 0thpositions of the Sun and

Saturn from ea#h other but also the spe#ial aspe#tinfluen#es whi#h:aimini has named here.

?or a novi#e in general astrology' theseobservations of the )aharishimay appear uite novel but a little pra#ti#e ofthese prin#iples alongwith those of the general prin#iples #urrent withthe astrologers'will show that there will be no diffi#ulty and thepredi#tions basedon these #ombined influen#es will be found to bemore a##urate and tothe point. The preliminaries should be #arefullystudied and

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remembered and the readers should put them#autiously into pra#ti#e.Theory and pra#ti#e will make a man perfe#t.

S=. (. * Darabhagyasulasthargala nidhyatuh. Thefourth' se#ond andeleventh pla#es 2or planets in them3 from theaspe#ting body are"rgalas.

S=. +.*!amasthathu bhuyasa papanam. )alefi#s in thethird from theaspe#ting planet give rise to evil "rgala.

S=. @.*Rihpha nee#hakamastha virodhinah. &lanets inthe tenth' twelfthand third from "rgala #ause obstru#tion to su#h"rgala.

S=. 0.*4a nyun1 vibalas#ha. $f planets obstru#ting"rgala are fewer orless powerful than those #ausing "rgala' then thepower of "rgala

#annot be affe#ted.

S=. /.*&rIgvastrikone. The houses or planets intrikonas 2( and /3similarly influen#e the "rgala.

S=. ,. * yipareetIm ketoh $n the #ase of !etu theformation of "rgalaand obstru#tion to it must be #al#ulated in thereverse order. .

47TES These sutras reuire elaborate 47TES as theyare highlyte#hni#al in nature. =nless these are properlyunderstood' further

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progress in :aiminisutras will be#ome diffi#ult anddoubtful. $ nSanskrit )athemati#s' pneumoni#s of a pe#uliar kindare used and thesemust be properly mastered. $n' Sutras <5 and << ofthis &ada' :aiminigives a #lue to the de#ipherment of his Sutras. $have to anti#ipate afew of the future Sutras here' for the great authorhimself does so.

S=. 5<. *Sarvatra savarna Bhava Sasayah.

S=. <<.*4a grahah. $n the indi#ation or designationof the Rasis andthe Bhavas 2Signs and Signifi#ations3 the authorhas used' for thesake of abbreviation' varnas or single letters. Butin the #ase ofplanets he has not done so' whi#h means he has usedthe proper namesof the planets and not any letters to indi#atethem. $ shall explain

these differen#es in the 47TES below. Ae have inSanskrit a sutra#alled !a' Ta' &a' 8adi. These are also #alled theVargas * !avarga'Tavarga' &avargaand 8avarga. !avarga #ontains !adi 4ava or nineletters #ommen#ingfrom !a thus *!a' !ha' a' ha' :na' 6ha' 6hha' :a':ha' or nineletters. Tavarga or Tadinava*nine letters beginningwith Ta*Tu' Tta'Da' Dha' 4a' Tha' Thha' Da' Dha' or the nineletters of Ta varga.&avarga or &adi &an#ha*five letters #ommen#ing from&a. They are &a'

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&ha' Ba' Bha' )a five letters. 8avarga yadyahrau oreight letters from8a. They are 8a' Ra' 9a' Va' Ssa. Sha' Saand %a'for the 0 letters of8a varga. "fter having learnt these the next sutrain Sanskrit)athemati#s is "nkanum Vamato ghtihi.

J Though Suryanarain Rao has elu#idated theabbreviations used by  :aimini to imply numerals $ propose to make someobservations for the  benefit of the reader The system of pneumoni#semployed here is #alled

  !atapayadi system. The #onsonants of the Sanskritalphabet have keen  used in the pla#e of the numbers */ and ero toexpress number-.  There are different variant- of this system but $shall explain the  most #ommonly a##epted method. 2n3 and 2n3  and the vowels denote  ero.

J The letter- in su##ession beginning with !a2 3' Ta 2 3' &a 23

  and 8a 2 3 denote the digits C in a #onoint  #onsonant' e.g.' !ya 2 3

  only the last one denotes a number "##ording tothis system therefore  the letters ka 2 3 ta 2 3 pa 6K3 8a 2 3 denotes  . kha 2 3 tta 2L3 pha

  2 3 ra 2 3 H 5. /a 2 3 da 2s3 ba 2 3 la 2 3 H <.  gha 2 3 dha 2 3 bha

  2 3 va 2 3 H 1. nga 2 3 na 2 3 ma 2 3' ssa 2 3 H  (. #ha 2s3 tha 2K3  sha 2 3 .' +. #hha 2 3 thha 2 3 sa 2 3 H @. a 2 3  da 2 3 ha 2 3 H 0.

  ha 2 3 dha 2 3 H /. " right to left arrangement  $s employed in the

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  formation of #hronograms i.e.' the letterdenoting units figure is  first written' than follows the letter denotingthe tens figure and so  on' e.g.' ra me M 5 +* +5. :aimini divides thefigure so obtained by  5 and takes the remainder as denoting aparti#ular sign of the odia#  as re#koned from )esha.

"ll figures in "stronomy' $ns#riptions and)athemati#s should be readin the reverse order or as the )ohammedans read

from right to left.The explanations of the following sutras make theseaphorisms easy tounderstand. . :aimini uses the word "rgala to meana sort ofobstru#tion or impediment for the free flow ofplanetary influen#es. "planet in a #ertain house from any desired Bhava orsignifi#ation orplanet' prevents or obstru#ts the progress of the

influen#e andthereby diminishes its value and. usefulness. Thesefive Sutras giveexplanations about these "rgala. influen#es andobstru#tions and theymust be #arefully treasured up. There are twovarieties of "rgala -shubha or benefi#ial' and papa or malefi#.

Dara #ontains two Sanskrit letters da and ra. Daa##ording > toTavarga given above' represents the 0th letter inthat group and hen#estands for the figure 0. Ra represents the 5ndletter in the 8avarga'

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and hen#e stands for the digit 5*thus we have bythe word dara 05.Reading this by the above mathemati#al Sutra in thereverse order weget 50. There are 5 signs or Rasis and when 50 isdivided by 5' weget 1 as the remainder. Therefore Dara means thefourth house'representing the "rgala from any desiredsignifi#an#e or planet. 4owthe pe#uliarity is this Dara in Sanskrit languagemeans wife and ingeneral astrology' when we say Dara or Darasthana'we signify the @th

house from 9agna for a male horos#ope. But Dara in:aimini by therules he has laid down means ?our and not Seven.Bhagya. By the letterinterpretation pro#ess*Bha is the fourth in the&avarga and standstherefore for 1' ya in Sanskrit is #omposed of a'and 8a the letterunderneath the former a' and in all #ompound or#onoined letters the

lower letter has to be taken into a##ount and notthe upper. Thus wehave here 8a' and it is the first letter in 8avargaand stands for .Ae have therefore 1.

Reading in the reverse order we get 1 and thisdivided by 5 willgive us a remainder of 5. Bhagya*5. Therefore the5nd house or planetfrom any given Bhava also be#omes an "rgala planetor obstru#tion.Sula is #omposed of Ssa and 9a. $n the Vavarga' Ssastands as thefifth letter and represents (. 9a represents the<rd letter in 8avarga

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and therefore stands for <. Ae thus get the figure(<. But reading inthe reverse order we have <(' Divided by 5 we geta remainder of and therefore Sula stands for . Those planetswhi#h are in 1' 5 and from any planet or Bhava in uestion or under#onsideration' be#ome#lassified as "rgala and obstru#t their influen#es.$n Sutra + if manyevil planets' more than two as the plural is used'are found in !amaor <rd house' they also then be#ome "rgala. !astands as in !avarga

and )a stands as ( in the &avarga. Therefore wehave (. Reading inthe reverse order we get (. Divide this by 5 andwe have theremainder <.

Therefore !ama stands for the <rd house. !ama inSanskrit means 6upid'passions' wife and desires. $n the generalastrologi#al literature'

!ama means the @th house representing husband orwife as the horos#opemay belong to a female or a male human being. Butby theinterpretation by letters as dire#ted by theauthor' it means thethird. "s it is stated here the planets be#ome"rgala in the <rd onlywhen there are more than 5 evil planets in the <rdfrom theuestioning planets or Bhava. But suppose there isonly one evilplanet in the <rd house' then by impli#ation itdoes not be#ome "rgalafor the planet or Bhava. $n Sutra @' Ripha means,' Ra in 8avarga

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stands for 5 as it is the se#ond letter from 8a and&ha is the se#ondletter .in the &avarga and therefore represents 5'putting together weget 55. Divide this by 5 we have a balan#e of ,.4ee#ha stands for5. 4a represents 7 in the Tavarga as it stands asthe ,th from Taand therefore represents #ipher.

Ae have only / "nkas or digits and the ,th shows aero. 6ha standsas the +th letter from Tavarga and represents +'putting together we

have ,+. Reading in the reverse order we have +,.Divided by 5 therewill be no balan#e' but the author asks the readersto take always thelast balan#e and when +, is divided by 5 it goesfour times 2103 andthe last balan#e is 5. Therefore 4ee#ha stands for5. !ama' we havealready seen' means <. Those planets whi#h are in,' 5 and < form an

obstru#tion to the "rgala mentioned in Sutra (.%ere probably themeaning is that the "rgala influen#es' formed byplanets mentioned inSutra (' good or bad' are themselves modified orobstru#ted by theplanetary positions mentioned in this Sutra.

Those planets whi#h are in the (th and /th orTrikonas #ountera#t theinfluen#es of the "rgala planets as explainedbefore. $t has beenalready stated that #ertain planets in #ertainhouse #ause "rgala orobstru#tion and those whi#h are in the (th and /th#ountera#t these

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"rgala influen#es. 6oming to Sutra 0' if fewerplanets or powerless ordisabled planets #ause obstru#tion in Sutra @ tothe "rgala generatedin Sutra (' then they will not affe#t the power ofthat "rgala. %ereit means that the obstru#tive "rgala #reated inSutra @' unless theplanets are strong' will not be able to obstru#tthe "rgala influen#es#aused by planetary positions mentioned in Sutra (.

Sutra / is #lear and needs no further explanation.Aith referen#e to

!etu the order must be reversed 2Sutra ,3. The /thfrom !etu be#omes"rgala and the (th from him be#omes &ratibandhakaor obstru#tion. Thename of Rahu is not mentioned in the original' butsome #ommentatorsare of opinion that the mention of !etu is enoughto in#lude Rahu.Sutras are short and #ertainly reuire #learerexplanations. Those

benefi#ial planets who are in Dara 1' Bhagya 5' andShula from !etudo not form "rgala. The malefi#s in the <rd and 0thfrom !etu do notform &apargala or evil obstru#tion. "rgala seems tobe a sort of for#eor energy' #aused by #ertain positions of theplanets' and this energymay be benefi#ial or mali#ious. &ower may be goodor bad as it isused. $n the #ase of Rahu and !etu the "rgalaresults must be#al#ulated in the reverse order. ?rom the thSutra :aimini givesthe rules whi#h will guide the student indetermining the lordship of

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the various relations and events' whi#h have to betaken into#onsideration' in the #areer of an individual.

S=. .*"tmadhikaha kaladibhirnabhogassaptanamashtamva. H 7f theseven planets from the Sun to Saturn' or the eightplanets from theSun to Rahu' whi#hever gets the highest number ofdegrees be#omes the"tmakaraka.

47TES The word "shtanamva is emphasised be#ause

Rahu' instead of beingmixed with other planets' seems to have beenseparated for a #ertainset purpose. The meaning be#omes evident when werefer to &arasaraa##ording to whom also' Rahu fills up the gap*whentwo planets 2of theseven3 possess the same number of degrees. $f twoor three planetsobtain the same !aNas or degrees and minutes' they

are all merged intoone !araka or 9ordship over some event in the humanlife. Theva#an#ies #aused by the merges of two or threeplanets into one haveto be supplied by Rahu in the reverse of order. Theother !araka willbe supplied by the 4aisargika !arakas or permanentlords.

This is a diffi#ult Sutra and reuires some #learexplanations. Ahileall the planets have got movements from left toright or dire#t. Rahuand !etu move in the reverse order or from right toleft. The first is

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#alled the Savyam or &radakshinam 2dextral3 and the7ther is #alled"pasavyam or "pradakshinam 2sinistral3. Rahu and!etu have no housesbut' :aimini gives lordship of !umbha to Rahu andVris#hika to !etu.They have been given lordships over some humanevents. $n anyhoros#ope' the first duty of an honest astrologeris to find out theexa#t positions of all the planets. This implies agood knowledge in"stronomy and astrologi#*mathemati#s. Then thedegrees' minutes and

se#onds of the positions of the planet are#al#ulated and pla#ed#orre#tly' then the student will be able to findout whi#h planet hasgot the highest number of !alas or degrees in ahoros#ope. Ahoever hasgot the highest number of !alas' be#omes the"tmakaraka.

These !arakatwas or 9ordships' therefore' #an be

a#uired a##ording tothese Sutras by any planet. Ahereas in 4aisargika'!arakas orpermanent lordships are fixed for ever. $n4aisargika' the !arakas or9ordships are thus detailed - $n Brihat :ataka'Ravi' 6handra' Saniand Sukra are given different !arakaships- Divaarkasukrow pitru.matru soungnitou. This means that persons bornduring the day have theSun and Venus as lords of the father and motherrespe#tively.Sanais#harendu nisi tadviparyayat. ?or persons bornduring the nights'

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Sani be#omes )atrukaraka and $ndu or 6handrabe#omes the lord offather. $ have simply drawn the attention of thereaders to thevarious versions given by the different authors.%ere we may have&itrukaraka 23 Ravi in the 4aisargika >method>'253 6handra as&itrukaraka for those who are born in the night and2<3 any planet outof the nine who gets or #ontains the largest numberof degrees in ahoros#ope.

Then the uestion arises as to how a student has tobe guided indetermining the prosperity and adversity of aperson>s father. Supposein the :aimini system Sani be#omes &itrukaraka -6handra be#omes&itrukaraka by the dire#tion of Brihat :ataka andby the general or4aisargike system' Ravi be#omes the &itrukaraka.These three planets'

vi.' Ravi' 6handra and Sani are thoroughlydifferent in#hara#teristi#s and these variations' expounded bythe learned in"strology' instead of helping a student in theprogress of the studieswill #onfound him and laun#h him into greaterdoubts and #onfusion.Ahen different systems' apparently #ontradi#tory'are enun#iated byeminent )aharishis the wisest thing would be' in myhumble opinion andexperien#e' to take all of them into #areful#onsideration' add hisown experien#e' udge all of them with a diligenteye and make a

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harmonious whole so that all of them may provesu##essful andsatisfa#tory.

Take half a doen medi#al experts in remote #ornersof the world. Theyexperiment and hit upon #ertain herbs or roots aseffi#a#ious for#ertain diseases. Ea#h one su##eeds with a #ertain#lass' and thinksthey may prove useful. $f all of them havesu##eeded and the resultsof their experiments satisfa#tory' then a wisephysi#ian #arefully

47TES the #hara#teristi#s of su#h of those drugsand roots and he maysu##eed even better than any one of the originalexperimenters' by audi#ious use of them suitable to times and#onditions of life.)aharishis' by their expanded vision' wat#hed andre#orded theirexperien#es from different mental visions' and gaveprin#iples in. all

su#h s#ien#es' whi#h' though #ontradi#tory on thesurfa#e' will befound to be agreeable on a deeper analysis.

Different systems have mentioned different periodsfor death and otherimportant events of human life. Bhattotpala' thegreat #ommentator ofVarahamihira>s worksC hits on a ni#e system ofre#on#iliation and $refer my readers for #learer explanations on my47TES to Dasantardasa#hapter in Brihat :ataka. " man may live upto @, or0, years and mayhave passed through various #riti#al #onditions. %ewill be killed in

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the period of the strongest death*infli#ting planetand have #riti#aldangers during other evil periods. Take thelongevity uestion. Aehave the =du Dasa or length of life measured by theplanets a##ordingto the #onstellations ruling at birth. Ae havese#ondly !ala#hakraDasas and the longevity given by them.

Third' we have the raha Datta &indayuryoga or theterm of life givenby the planets to the ?oetus at the time of#on#eption. ?ourth' we

have the "msayurdaya re#ommended by Satya#harya andfollowed byVarahamihira. ?ifth' we have the longevitydetermined by the o#haramovements of the planets. Sixth' the longevity asdetermined by thekendra "yurdaya. Seventh' we have the Dasantardasa"yurdaya. Then'eighthly' we have the "shtakavarga Bindusodhana"yurdaya. These eight

systems #ertainly give divergent views anddifferent terms. $f so'what should the astrologi#al student do when allthe eight systemsgive eight different periods.

Bhattotpala' whom we have not seen a more learned#ommentator onastrologi#al works in re#ent times' re#on#ilesthese different systemsin the following manner - say a person lives for (,years and getsvarious periods of longevity from < years to (,years. The suggestionof Bhattotpala stands to reason. Suppose the eightsystems give the

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following terms of life *<','(' 5,' 5@' <(' 1,and (, we are askedto pres#ribe the longest term obtained as thelongevity' and the termsindi#ated by the other systems will be periods inthe life of theperson whi#h will be very #riti#al and during whi#hhe. will sufferfrom severe diseases' dangers' or a##idents' but hewill manage to getover them and live upto the longest term' vi.' +,years as shown byone of those systems.

:aiminisutras offer the same explanations. $n thetypi#al #ase Sani'6handra and Ravi' representing father in the #aseof a single person'then the age and prosperity of the father will bedetermined by themost powerful among them. $t may also happen thatby the threesystems' Ravi may be#ome the lord of father. Thenhe will live longer

and be more prosperous and happy. The merging oftwo or three planetsinto one karaka has to be fully explained. =nless $give someillustration' the readers will not be able tofollow these sutras. Thesutra says that whi#hever planet gets the highestnumber of degrees'be#omes the "tmakaraka. Suppose in a horos#ope twoplanets get thesame number of degrees C then both of them willbe#ome "tmakaraka.Take Sani and 6handra in a horos#ope' and say theyhave got ea#h 5/degrees and ten minutes.

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"s per the above sutra' both of them be#ome mergerinto one' vi.'"tmakaraka. Ahen both of them be#ome representingone event' vi.'"tmakaraka' there will be a va#an#y for some otherkarakatwa say6handra has merged into Sani and his pla#e'representing matrukarakaor some other karaka' falls va#ant. This' :aiminisays' will besupplied by* Rahu. "s Rahu and !etu move in thereverse' they will be#onsidered as getting the highest number of degreeswhen they are at

the beginning of a sign. $n the above illustration'suppose Sani has5/o and ,> in "ries as also 6handra. Then theywill naturally havetravelled all over )esha and will be within fiftyminutes fromVrishabha.

Sani and other planets move from )esha toVrishabha' )ithuna' !ataka'

and so forth' whereas Rahu moves in the reverseorder' vi.' fromVrishabha . to )esha and )esha to )eena. Rahu willhave obtained 5/aand ,> when he is (,> from )eena' for Rahu gainsea#h degree as heenters )esha from Vrishabha and moves on to the Stdegree of )eshabefore he enters into the next sign )eena. %ere as6handra has mergedinto Sani' Rahu takes that karakatwa whi#h 6handraas a separateplanet would have taken. Suppose Budha also getsthe same degrees' andthese three represent one karakatwa orsignifi#ation. Suppose now

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brothers have to be represented. Then :aimini saystake the 4isarga!araka' !ua' and give him the #ontrol overbrothers. et#.' attributedto !ua in the general literature in "strology.

S=. 5.**Saeeshtay bandhamokshayoh. "tmakarakagives bad and goodresults by virtue of malefi# and benefi#dispositions su#h asdebility' exaltation' et#.

47TES Ahen the "tmakaraka is in exaltation or in

benefi#ial Rasis or#onun#tions' though the person is imprisoned hewill be liberated'will live in holy pla#es and will have )oksha or?inal Eman#ipation.But when he is in 4ee#ha Rasi or with evil#onun#tions and aspe#ts hewill be imprisoned' will suffer from #hains andother tortures' andwill not have )oksha. But it this debilitated

planet has benefi#ialaspe#ts or #onun#tions' he will be liberated. Theidea seems to bethe se#uring of final salvation. $f the "tmakarakais exalted and hasbenefi#ial aspe#ts and #onun#tions without anymali#ious influen#esthe man will get the final Bliss #alled )oksha' soardently #oveted byall devotees and the yogis. They desire nothingmore than this stateof bliss. %ere Bandha and )oksha may be interpretedas malefi# andbenefi# results.

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S=. <'*Thasyanusaranadamatyaha. The planet who isnext in kalas ordegrees to "tmakaraka will be#ome "matyakaraka. .

47TES By #areful mathemati#al #al#ulations thestudent should firstfind out the positions of planets #orre#tly indegrees and minutes.Then fix them up in the horos#ope and pla#e the9agna also in degreesand minutes. $t will be very easy to fix all theplanets and also the9agna in their vargas or minute divisions by proper#al#ulations.

=nless this part of the work is done satisfa#torilythe appli#ation ofthe prin#iples of "strology' enun#iated by :aiminior other)aharishis' will not be possible. "nd when thefoundation is not welllaid and solidly built' the superstru#ture #annever be durable orlasting. "fter the planets are pla#ed #orre#tly intheir degrees and

minutes' it be#omes easy for a student to find outwho gets thehighest number of degrees of !alas. whoever getsthe largest numbertake him as the "tmakaraka. The planet who gets thenext highestdegrees will be "matyakaraka. &robably when the"matya or )antrikarakais powerful and well #ombined and aspe#ted theperson will be#ome agreat )inister or 6oun#illor. But when he is ill#ombined and badlyaspe#ted and debilitated he be#omes an evil6oun#illor or an adviserwho brings disgra#e on himself and also on those towhom he offers his

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S=. 1'*Tasya bhratha. The planet who gets thehighest number ofdegrees next to "matyakaraka be#omes Bhratrukarakaor gets lordshipover brothers.

47TES $f the Bhratrukaraka is debilitated' oinsevil planets and hasmali#ious aspe#ts then there will be ruination tobrothers. %e' willhave no brothers or' if he gets them' they will die

or be#omewret#hed' poor and disgra#eful. $f' on the otherhand' theBhratrukaraka is exalted' well #ombined and wellaspe#ted there willbe plenty of brothers and prosperity and su##esswill attend on them.$n the world we have experien#e of various sortsand all these areindi#ated by the astrologi#al authors.

S=. (. * Tasya mriatha. * The planet who gets thehighest number ofdegrees next to Bhratrukaraka be#omes lord of themother or)atrukaraka.

S=. +. * Tasya putraha The planet who is next inpower in degrees to)atrukaraka be#omes the lord of the #hildren or&utrakaraka.

47TES The Sanskrit S#ien#es have atta#hed thegreatest importan#e to

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the birth of #hildren. Aithout #hildren a home isdesignated as aburial ground or smasana or #emetery. "putrasyagatirnasti observe theVedas. This means that a man who has no #hildrenwill have no heavenor )oksha. There is a spe#ial %ellish River #alledthe &ut. 7ne who no&utra will not be able to #ross this river &ut. %eis #alled a &utrawho enables the parents to #ross this river. $f hedoes not #ross it'he will have no salvation and he #annot go toregions of bliss. $n

this world what #an give a person greater pleasurethan the possessionof healthy' intelligent' obedient and prosperous#hildren F Ahat #andelight the hearts of the parents more than theplaying round aboutthem of their happy #hildren F 6an the work of#reation #ontinuewithout #hildren $f there are no #hildren' thenthe human spe#ies

must #ease to exist and the world will bedepopulated.

6hildren thus be#ome an absolute ne#essity' for the#ontinuation ofthe human spe#ies. But in getting #hildren' thereis a very greatvariety. Temperaments are various and #urious. $tis no doubt a sour#eof great pleasure for a man to have #hildren butwhat is the good ofgetting bad' deformed' repulsive' ungrateful'depraved and ras#ally#hildren who are antagonisti# to their parents' whoare immoral'

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#heats and otherwise uite undesirable to so#iety'to the nation andto the family. Ahere the &utrakaraka is wellsituated' exalted' ingood Shadvargas' in benefi#ial #onun#tions andaspe#ts' the #hildrenwill be blessed with all the virtues whi#h makethem agreeable' happy'prosperous and dutiful to parents. The greatestEpi# in $ndia' vi.'Ramayana tea#hes the ex#ellent duties of #hildrentowards theirparents and Sri Rama is the noblest #on#eption andembodiment of the

duties towards the parents' relations' friends andthe publi# #itiensunder his royal #are. $t is better to have no#hildren than to havebad and ungrateful ones.

S=. @.*Thasya gnathihi. The planet who gets lessdegrees than thoseof &utrakaraka be#omes nathikaraka or lord of the

#ousins. "mong allthe nations of the world' #ousins form oneimportant item' in makingthe domesti# #ir#le happy or unhappy. This isspe#ially so among the%indus' whose laws of inheritan#e and su##ession toproperty arepe#uliar and very #ompli#ated. There are maternaland paternal #ousinsand nephews. The last are the most formidable' whenthey are adverselysituated and most favourable when they aresympatheti# and loving. The#ondition of the planets who be#ome nathikarakaswill determine the

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attitude of the #ousins and the rules for udgingof these havealready been laid down in the previous 47TES andexplanations.

S=. 0. * Thnsya daras#ha. The planet who gets lessdegrees than thegnathikaraka be#omes Darakaraka or lord of wife.

47TES The use of #ha in this sutra indi#atesplurality and in#ludesthe examination of the various Bhavas orsignifi#ations from 9agna'

&ada 9agna and =papada 9agna' whi#h te#hni#alitieswill be explainedlater on in the 47TES. :aimini suggests that theresults should not beforetold simply by the #onsultations of the karakasalone' but also bythe Bhavas from 9agnaC &ada 9agna and =papada9agna. The S#ien#e ofastrology' spe#ially the foretelling of the future'is highly

#ompli#ated and reuires the highest form ofintelligen#e' and themost profound forms of analyti#al powers to unravelits mysteries andmake the future predi#tions #orre#t. This s#ien#eas well as others#ien#es reuire great intelligen#e and erudition'and this will be sospe#ially with astrology whi#h deals with all thephenomena in theworld and whi#h' therefore. reuires the most#omprehensive andgrasping intelle#t to understand its prin#iples.

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S=. /. *)atra saha putrameke samamananthi. Some"#haryas or authorshold that the )atru and putrakarakas may berepresented by one and thesame planet' that is these two Bhavas' lordship ofmother and #hildrenmay be udged by the same planet.

47TES %ere this union may be interpreted in twoways' vi' )atrukarakain#ludes &utrakaraka' and therefore these twoBhavas may be foretoldby the lord of mother or by the lord of #hildren.The planet next in

degrees to Bhratrukaraka be#omes )atrukaraka' andthe planet next indegrees to )atrukaraka be#omes &utrakaraka. Ahat:aimini apparentlymeans is that by the planet next in degrees toBhratrukaraka' may beforetold about the prosperity and adversity of themothers and the#hildren. Sin#e :aimini gives pada' ghatika andupapada 9agnas as also

the 9agna for the #onsultation for results'diffi#ulties and #onfusionhave been removed and the welfare and misfortunesof mother and#hildren may be easily analysed and predi#ted.

S=. 5,.*Bhaginyurathassyalaha kaniyaananee #heti.. Some say thatfrom !ua should be as#ertained parti#ularsregarding brothers andsisters' brother*in law' younger brothers and step*mothers. Someothers hold that predi#tions relating to step*mother should be made

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from the 0th house. %owever this latter view is notapproved by all.

47TES ?rom "ra or !ua the sisters. wife>sbrothers' younger brothersand mother must be examined. $n Sutras ( and +referen#e to find outthe lord of mother has been made. Ahy then againmention about motherF%ere from )ars we have to find elder and youngersisters' brothers ofwife' younger brother' step*mother and the maternalaunts. "ra or !uais the permanent or 4aisargika Bhratrukaraka or

lord of brothers. Someauthors by pronoun#ing "ratha in short "' make it "O ,' Ra O 5 andTha + O,.5+ and reading it in the reverse order weget +5,. Thisdivided by 5 will give us remainder 0. "nd ask thereaders to findout the above events from the 0th house from 9agna.:aimini does notapprove of it. .

S=. 5.*)athuladayo bandhavo matrusoatiyaittyuttarataha. ?rom)er#ury should be as#ertained details relating tomaternal un#les'maternal aunts and other maternal relations.

47TES Take the planet next to "ra or !ua and hewill be Budha. Theorder of the planets must always be remembered asin the weekdays*RaviC 6handra' )angala' Budha' uru' Sukra andSani. Therefore whenthe author says =ttarataha or take the next planet'it #learly means

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Budha. ?rom Budha' maternal aunts' maternal un#lesand other maternalrelations like step*mothers should be found out.Thus say some others.This means that :aimini is not in agreement withthe views of thesewriters. 9ike !e#hit in Brihat :ataka' Ekey in:aimini is used toindi#ate other s#hools of thought in "strologi#alpredi#tions.

S=. 55.*&itamahou pathiputraviti gurumukhadevaaniyat. ?rom uru the

paternal grandmother and grandfather' the husbandand #hildren must befound out.

S=. 5<.*&atnipitarau swasurou matamaha ityantevasinaha. ?rom the nextplanet from uru' vi.' Sukra' the parents of thewife' or parents*in*law' paternal and maternal aunts' maternalgrandfather and

grandmother' and "nte Vasina or dis#iples must befound out.

47TES $f two or three planets get the lordship bygetting the samedegrees' then find out who has got the greaternumber of minutes andse#onds' and if the planets are eual in all thesedegrees and minutesand se#onds then we are re#ommended to take the4isarga or permanentlords for the welfare of the parti#ular events. $shall give here the4aisargika lordships of planets. . Ravi.*"tmaprabhavasakti or soul

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for#e' reputation' vitality and father. ' 6handra.*)anas' )atru' )ani*)ind' )other and ems. !ua.*Bhumi' Satwa' Bhratru*9ands' Strength andBrothers. Budha.*&ragnya' )atula' Buddhi' Va#ha*intelligen#e' un#le'wisdom and spee#h. uru.*putra' Vidya' Dhana'rtana*6hildren'Edu#ation' Aealth and Spiritual development.Sukra.*!ama' $ndriasukha'!alatra*passion' sense pleasures and wife. Sani.*"yushyam':eevanopayam' )aranam*longevity' means oflivelihood and death. Rahu.*

)atamaha or maternal grandfather' Vishakaraka orlord governingpoison. !eru.** &itamaha or paternal grandfatherand !aivalyakaraka orone who gives final basis. . $ have given here onlythe most salientpoints and for greater details $ refer my readersto my Englishtranslation of Sarwartha#hintamani.

S=. 51. * )ondoyayan rah eshu. "mong all theplanets' Ravi'6handra' !ua' Budha' uru' Sukra and Sani' Saturnis the leastpowerful.

47TES Varaha )ihira observes in as#ribing theVeeryabala thus *Sa' !u'Bu' u' Su' 6ha' Ra meaning Sani is the leastpowerful in Veeryabala Cnext #omes !ua' then Budha' then uru' then Sukra'then 6handra andRavi represents the .strongest in' Veeryabala. Somewriters and

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#ommentators give the following interpretationwhi#h may also bea##eptable. )andoyayan ltyuttarataha. 4ext toSukra #omes Sani inSutra 5<. Therefore from Sani must be found out theprosperity andmisfortunes of the elder brothers.

S=. 5(.*&ra#heevruttirvishamabheshu. $n all oddsigns the #ountingmust be in the right dire#tion.

47TES )esha' )ithuna' Simha' Thula' Dhanus and

!umbha are odd signs.$n all these signs the #ounting must be from leftto right. $ willexplain in #learer terms. Say we want the (th from)esha. Then #ountas )esha' Vrishabha' )ithuna' !ataka' Simha and soforth.

S=. 5+. * &aravrutyottareshu. $n even signs the

#ounting must be inthe reverse order.

47TES Take Vrishabha and we want the +th from it.There we getVrishabha' )esha' )eena' !umbha' )akara and Dhanus.Take Thula. $t isan odd sign' suppose we want the 1th. Then Thula'Vris#hika' Dhanusand )akara. Take Vris#hika and we want the +th fromit. Then we haveVris#hika' Thula' !anya' Simha' !ataka and )ithuna.$n fa#t' in allodd signs the pro#edure is in the right dire#tion.in even signs we

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#ount ba#kwards like the movements of Rahu and !etuin reverse order.Then follows a short but very diffi#ult Sutra.Brevity may be the soulof #omposition' but it will be the thorny path tothe #ommentators andreaders' with ordinary intelligen#e and edu#ation.

S=. 5@.*4akwa#hit. $n some pla#es or signs thisdoes not apply.

47TES %ere the brevity of the Sutra offers thegreatest #onfusion.

Ahat are the pla#es or signs where these rules donot apply. Ahen ageneral prin#iple is laid down why should there beany ex#eptions F $fwe had ex#ellent #ommentators' who were almosteual to the originalauthors and some of whom were even superior totheir originals' manyof the Sanskrit S#ien#es would have been sealedletters and none of

the modern s#holars' though brilliant' have gotthat spiritual#apa#ity and #on#entration of mind to enable themto go beyond thes#reens and find out the literary gems whi#h werehidden in the deepmines of Sanskrit 9iterature. $f the an#ientauthors have been held asgreat benefa#tors to the literary world' .the#ommentators for thoseworks should. be #onsidered even greaterbenefa#tors.

Ahat would have been the use of the Vedas' if theyhad not been

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handled by the renowned two #ommentators Bhatta >Bhaskara andVidyaranya. Sanskrit S#ien#es are put in te#hni#alstyles and Sutrasand unless the #ommentators are s#holars of greatgenius and of eual#apa#ity' the original works would have remainedalmost ina##essibleand unintelligible to the modern generation. ?or inthis Sutra thereare two words 4a negative and !va#hit' at times areo##asions. Ae haveno #lue to when and how these two words have to beused or

interpreted. athering information from the an#ient#ommentators thisSutra signifies while the general rule is to #ountregularly in allodd signs and in the reverse order in the evensigns' this rule doesnot apply to Vrishabha or Vris#hika and to !umbhaand Simha. %ere itmeans that in the even signs of Vrishabha andVris#hika' instead of

#ounting in the reverse order we have to #ount inthe right way and in!umbha and Simha instead of #ounting in the rightway' we have to#ount in the reverse order. $n other signs wheresu#h ex#eptionsobtain they will be pointed out in their properpla#es.

S=. 50-*4athaanthahasamapruyenu. )any of thewriters are of opinion'that the GRasi Dasa 2period of the sign3 extendsover su#h number ofyears whi#h are #ounted from the Rasi to the pla#ewhere its lord is

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47TES Take )esha C its lord !ua. Say he is inSimha. . 6ount from)esha to Simha C we get (. This will be the numberof years of RasiDasa given by )esha. $n all other works' Dasas and.Bhuktis 2periodsand sub*periods3 are given only to planets butnever to the odia#alsigns. :aimini *gives Rasi Dasas as a pe#uliarfeature of his immortalworks. $ shall try to explain this Sutra in fullas' otherwise my

readers will be surrounded by many doubts anddiffi#ulties and mayunderstand the Sutra altogether in a very pervertedsense. The numberof years of the Rasi Dasa is determined by thenumber of Rasis whi#hits lord has travelled from it at birth. Take ahoros#ope and followthe reasoning.

Ae want to find out the Dasa period of years givenby )esha. $ts lordis !ua. %e is found in the @th house from )esha.Therefore )esha Dasaextends for @ years. Ae want the Dasa period givenby Dhanus. $ts lordis uru and he is in the <rd house from Dhanus' andtherefore thelength of Dasa of Dhanus will be < years. Thispoint is now #lear. $n:aiminisutras the lords of the houses are thosewhi#h are re#ognisedby the astrologi#al works in general and $ presumethe possession ofthis elementary knowledge in my readers. The lordsof the 5 odia#al

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signs are the following regularly G $ havedis#ussed Rasi Dasa at#onsiderable length in my book Studies in :aimini"strology. 6handraRahu 9agna Sani Ravi Budha uru R"S$ Sukra !etufrom )esha' vi.'!shitia*!ua' Sita* Sukra' na*Budha' 6handra*)oon' Ravi*.Sun' Soumya*Budha' Sita*Sukra' "vania**!ua. Suraguru *:upiter' )anda*Sani'Souri*Sani' uru**:upiter*vide my translation ofBrihat :ataka- Thesesame planets are also lords of the "msas or otherminuter divisions

like Drekkana' 4avamsa and Dwadasamsa.

Differen#es of opinion obtain in all bran#hes ofknowledge. Thesedifferen#es may arise from various #auses. Aorldpresents su#h a#ompli#ated and #omprehensive phenomena that twoobservers trying indifferent dire#tions may find different resultsfrom the same resear#h

or one result from different substan#es. Take oneillustration. Twodo#tors' men of hi h #ulture with tinges oforiginal genius' farremoved from ea#h other and uite stranger s' maygo on experimentingto find out the best antidote for fever. Ea#h maydeal with differentsets of arti#les and find a resultant' whi#h willhave the effi#a#y of#ompletely #uring fever and all su#h disorders.Similarly in"strology. Temperaments differ so radi#ally in some#ases that thosewho wat#h them keenly get puled over them andfait to a##ount for'

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su#h strange phenomena. $f the lord of the Rasi isin his own house'the sign gives 5 years of life. $f he is in the5th house the Rasigives a similar period. $f he is in the se#ondhouse he gives oneyear. Some say he gives two years.

The word prayena signifies a great deal. $f thelord of the Rasi is inexaltation he will add one more year to the numberhe gives by hisposition. Take Vris#hika and !ua in )akara. %erehe is in the <rd

house from Vris#hika and therefore gives < years.But as he is inexaltation one more year is to be added and thusthe Rasi gives fouryears. But if he is in debilitation he takes awayone year. Thus if wetake )esha and find !ua in !ataka' then he willhave to give fouryears as !ataka is the fourth from )esha but hisdebilitation has

taken away one year and instead of four years hegives only threeyears. There are two signs a##ording to :aiminiwhi#h have two lordsinstead of one granted by the rules of generalastrology. Vris#hikahas two lords' vi.' !ua and !etu and !umbha hasSani and Rahu. $nthis #ase if the two lords are in the sign' thenthe Rasi gives 5years of Dasa. $f one of them* is not there' thenthe presen#e of theother gives no years. Ahen both of them are not inthe Rasi' then findout the Dasa years by the stronger of the twoplanets.

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Suppose of these two' one is in his own house' andthe other in adifferent house' then #ount up and take the planetin his own house inpreferen#e to the other who is in a differenthouse. Take !umbha. $thas two lords Rahu and Sani. Sani is in )akara andRahu is in )esha.%ere we have to prefer Sani to Rahu as he is in hisown house andtherefore the longevity or Dasa given by !umbhawill be 5 years as)akara is the 5th from !umbha. $f out of the two

lords' in otherhouses one is with another planet or planets' andthe se#ond is notwith a planet then take the planet who is in#onun#tion with anotherplanet. Suppose both of them are with otherplanets' Then take thelord who is in #onun#tion with a larger number ofplanets. Supposeboth of them are with the same number of planets.

Then find out thestrength of the Rasi and whi#hever is morepowerful' take the planetin it.

%ere $ shall explain Ahat is meant by the strengthof the Rasi. Thefixed signs are stronger than movable signs. Thedouble bodied signsare stronger than the fixed ones. $f even here thestrength of the twolords is the same' then take that lord who givesthe larger number ofyears. $n this way we have to find out who is themore powerful of the

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two lords and as#ribe the Rasi Dasa a##ordingly. $fone of them is inexaltation' he should be preferred. $n this wayfind out the #auses ofstrength to the planet and then pres#ribe the RasiDasa years to it.

S=. 5/. * 8a vadeesasrayam padamrukshanam. "rudha9agna is the pointobtained by #ounting as many signs from the pla#eof lord of 9agna asthe lord of 9agna is removed from 9agna.

47TES %ere "rudha or &ada 9agna is explained. Thelord of the 9agna atbirth must o##upy some house. The sign whi#hmeasures from him in thesame number as he is from the 9agna will be #alled&ada 9agna. Take anexample. 6handra Rahu 9agna Sani . Ravi Budha uru. R"S$ !ua Sukra!etu %ere we have to find out the &ada 9agna. Thelord of 9agna is

Sukra. %e is in the 0th house from 9agna. The 0thfrom Sukra be#omespada. %ere the 0th from Sukra is !ataka. Thereforeit be#omes the"rudha or &ada 9agna. The uses for whi#h thesevarious 9agnas areenumerated here will be explained later on. :aiminimakes his meaning#lear in the next two sutras.

S=. <,. *Swasthe daraha. $f 9agnadhipathi is in the1th' then the @thbe#omes &ada 9agna.

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have given the fullest 47TES and details on thissutra and $ have totake the readers along those intri#ate paths. Theyhave introdu#edVarnada 9agna' hatika 9agna' %ora 9agna and otherdetails. Thefollowing is the full exposition for all these.Readers are advised tohave a large fund of patien#e and devote some timeto master thesedetails. $n all the following sutras of :aimini'Varnas or !atapayadiletters are used to indi#ate Bhavas and Rasis. Butfor planets their

various names are used and they should not beinterpreted with thehelp of su#h letters. ?or those who are born in oddsigns #ount from)esha in the regular order' for those who are bornin even signs #ountfrom )eena ba#kwards till we get to Bhava 9agna andkeep these figureson one side.

"gain #ount for those who are born in odd signsfrom )esha to %ora9agna in the regular order and for those born ineven signs #ount from)eena to :anma 9agna in the reverse order' anddedu#t the smallerfigures from the larger and #ounting again from)esha forwards to thenumber of remainder. and fix that Rasi as theVarnada Rasi for oddsigns and for person born in even signs #ountingba#k from )eena tothe number of Rasis given by the figure' take that9agna as theVarnada 9agna. This will #ertainly be notintelligible' unless a few

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examples are given here to illustrate theprin#iples involved.Varieties of 9agnas will be explained here. Bhava9agna*used in:aimini*means the ordinary 9agna as is mentioned inthe ordinary bookson "strology. The sign that rises at birth on anyparti#ular day.

6handra 9agna*or the :anma Rasi' is that sign inwhi#h 6handra issituated at the. time of birth. This is determinedby #onstellationruling on that day. &ada 9agna*means that sign in

number again fromthe position of the lord of 9agna whi#h he o##upiesfrom 9agna. %ora9agna*Take the time of birth from the sunrise andfix it in ghatis.Then divide this number by 5.( whi#h is #alled a%ora and the numberthus obtained represents the %ora 9agna. Take anexample. " man wasborn on the <rd of the solar month !umbha at 1.(

ghatis aftersunrise. 4ow 1.( ghatis divided by 5.( will giveus ( and 5 ghatis asa remainder. Therefore the %ora 9agna falls in the+th from !umbha*!anya.

Take a person born on the 5nd of the solar month.Vris#hika at about5/ ghatis after sunrise. Dividing this by 5.(ghatis we get and aremainder .( ghatis. That is the %ora 9agna willbe the 5th from thesign o##upied by the Sun' vi.' Vris#hika or itfalls in Thula the

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5th from it. $f suppose the man is born on thatday at 10 ghatisafter the sunrise then divide this by 5.( ghatis.Ae get / and aremainder of ( ghati. Therefore the %ora 9agnafalls in the 5,th. "sthere are only 5 signs' dedu#t this figure from 5,and we get 0.Therefore the e 0th from Vris#hika will be the %ora9agna and it fallsin )ithuna. %ere also the order already named forodd and even signsshould be observed.

hatika 9agna*?rom the sunrise to the time of birthfind out how manyghatikas have passed and find out the Rasi whi#hfalls at the time andthis will be easy to understand. Say a man is bornat 5( ghatis aftersunrise on the 5nd of Vrishabha )asa. Then take 5(ghatis and #ountfrom VrishabhaC whenever' the figure of ghatis ismore than 5 dedu#t

or divide the number of ghatis and find out theremainder. 5( dividedby 5 will give us a balan#e of after goingtwi#e. Thus in this #asethe ghatika 9agna falls in one and therefore inVrishabha itself.Varnada 9agna*Ae have already explained this and wewill give #learerexplanations later on. "s :aimini insists on Savya*right and "psasavya* left for odd and even signs our readers mustunderstand this point#learly and keep before their vision in all#ountings for the various9agnas.

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"n $ndian ghati means 51 minutes of English time."n hour means 5.(ghatis. " minute means 5.( vighatis. The minutenessof the divisionsof time' rea#hed by the $ndian astronomers' issimply astounding. TheEuropeans have no idea of them. $ shall give themhere for readyreferen#e. The European #on#eption of the minutedivisions of time isas follows. " day is divided into 51 hours. "n houris divided into +,minutes. " minute is divided into +, se#onds. %ereends their

#on#eption of time. 51 x +, x +, or one day#ontains 0+'1,, se#onds.This is the highest idea of the European #on#eptionof the divisionsof time for a day. Take the #on#eption of thedivision of Time by the$ndian "stronomers.

$n the uttara gograhana or the release of the#attle' "runa went ta

effe#t their release and Duryodhana' Emperor of%asthinapura' takesobe#tion to the appearan#e of "runa before thestipulated time fortheir "gnathavasa or in#ognito existen#e for 5years. Bhishma' thegreatest warrior' saint and philosopher in thewhole of )ahabharata'explains the astronomi#al details and #al#ulationsof time and#onvin#es Duryodhana' that the time of 5 yearsimposed on the&andavas passed away the previous day and "runawas ustified in hisappearan#e for the release of the #attle."##ordingto "ryan

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"stronomers a day is divided into +, ghatis. Ea#hghati is dividedinto +, vighatis. Ea#h vighati is divided into +,9iptas. Ea#h liptais divided into +, Viliptas. Ea#h vilipta isdivided into +, paras andea#h para is divided into +, Tatparas. The figureswhen multipliedstand thus - one day +, h. x +, V.. x +, 9 x +,V.9. x +, &. x +,T&. or +, x +, x +, x +, x +, x +,. )y goodreaders' this humblefigure when multiplied will give you 1++(+,,,,,,.

$magine here the #on#eption of the minuteness oftime by the )aharshisand their intelle#t. " day in the #al#ulation of%indu astronomers#ontains the above number of Tatparas. This #anpossibly be #on#eivedby the highest human intelle#t under the highestyogi# and experien#edDivya Drishti or Divine vision and #an never be thework of ordinary

mortals however high their genius may be. $ leavemy readers to udgeof these fa#ts with their own intelligen#e and notbe guided by thestupid theory of %indus borrowing their "strologyfrom the barbarousreeks and 6haldeans. %as any man in the world#on#eived divisions oftime more minute F $f so' who is he and where #anwe find him.

S=. <<. 4agrahaha. Varnada is not to be applied forthe planets butonly for Rasis. $n all the sutras of :aimini' the!a' Ta' &a' 8adi

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sutra of interpreting the language should not beapplied to theplanets. The author means that the grahas or theplanets aredesignated by their various names and never by theletter system.

S=. <1.*8avadwivekamavrittirbhanam. Divide RasiDasas by 5 anddistribute the same to the 5 Rasis in proportionto the Rasi Dasaperiods to get sub*periods. The #ounting should befrom right to leftif 9agna is odd sign and vi#e versa if even.

47TES $nterpreting of Viveka*Va *1 Va.*1 !a**or11 or reading in thereverse order we get 11. "ll the Rasis puttogether at 5 ea#h will#ome up to 11. Take the Rasi Dasa year and dividethat into 5bhagas' multiply the )esha Dasa Rasi by 5. Thendivide the total by5 and the uotient will represent the "ntardasa

years. Even here thereaders are advised to #ount and follow the odd andeven signs in theright and left dire#tions as has been alreadyexplained. Sutras aremeant really for those who have bright brains.

S=. <(.*%oradayaha siddhaha. . . ?rom the generalliterature of"strology learn all the details about %ora'Drekkana' Saptamsa.4avamsa' Dwadasamsa' Trimsamsa' Shashtiamsa' et#.

47TES Ahere the )aharishi does not differ from theordinary rules of

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"strology' he says siddaha' meaning they are readyat hand from ableastrologers. Aherever he #uts a new path heindi#ates the lines ofresear#h on whi#h he pro#eeds. These #ommentariesare written by4eelakanta and go under the name of Subodha. Theterm Subodha meansthat the #ommentaries are written in su#h an easyand #onvin#ing stylethat even ordinary readers and students #an easilygrasp the ideasexplained by the learned #ommentator. $ have also#onsulted other

learned #ommentators.

  End of ?irst &ada of the ?irst"dhyaya

  "D%8"8" * &"D" 5

S=. *"dhaswamsograhanam. %aving determined the"tmakaraka from amongthe several planets' as#ertain the results of his4avamsa position.

47TES "mong all the planets #ommen#ing from Ravi'find out who getsthe greatest number of degrees and minutes anddetermine. asprin#iples already explained' who be#omes the"tmakaraka. $n Sutra of the first pada it has been #learly enun#iatedthat whi#hever planetgets the highest number of degrees and minutes' hebe#omes the

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"tmakaraka. Su#h a planet' whoever he may be amongthe nine planets'must o##upy some 4avamsa. $n all the future sutras'the effe#ts ofsu#h 4avamsa o##upied by the "tmakaraka' theplanets who are there andthe planets who aspe#t su#h 4avamsa will be #learlydetailed. ?ind outby mathemati#al #al#ulations the position of allthe planets indegrees and minutes and then the results #an easilybe foretold in thelight of the following sutras. ?ind out the"tmakaraka and pla#e him

in the proper 4avamsa. &repare also the 4avamsa6hakra #orre#tly.

S=. 5.*&an#hamooshikamararaha. $f the "tmakarakao##upies )esha4avamsa' then the person will be sube#ted to thefears and bites ofrats' #ats' and other similar animals.

47TES &an#ha means one or )esha. &a stands for in&avarga. 6hastands for + in the Tavarga. Thus we get +'reading in the reverseorder we get +. Divide this by 5 we get theremainder and thisstands for the first sign in the ;odia# or )esha4avamsa.

S=. <.**Tathra #hatushpadaha. $f "tmakaraka is inTaurus 4avamsa'there will be fear from uadrupeds.

47TES Ta means + and Ra means 5 or +5 reversed weget 5+' divided by

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.5 we get 5 remainder whi#h means the 5nd housefrom )esha orVrishabha 4avamsa. $f "tmakaraka o##upies Vrishabha4avamsa the personwill have gains and happiness from uadrupeds like#attle' horses'elephants' et#. Some #ommentators say he will havetroubles andworries through them. $ think. when "tmakaraka isweak or has evilaspe#ts or asso#iations troubles should bepredi#ted. 7thers writeprosperity from them.

S=. 1. )rithyow kandooh sthotilyam #ha. $f"tmakaraka o##upies )ithunathe person will suffer from #orpulen#e' it#hes and#utaneouseruptions.

47TES . )a represents ( and 8a represents or (reading inversely weget (. Divided by 5 we have the balan#e of < and

this represents the<rd 4avamsa from )esha or )ithuna.

S=. (. *Dure alakushtadih. $f the "tmakarakao##upies !ataka 4avamsa'dangers and troubles #ome from watery pla#es andleprosy.

47TES Da stands for 0 and Ra represents for 5 or05. Reversing it' wehave 50. Divided by 5 we get the balan#e of 1 andthis refers to!ataka as the fourth from )esha. Dirty form ofleprosy or watery

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disease rises from blood #orruption and the use offilthy water.

S=. +. **Seshaha s wapadan i. $f the "tmakarakaoins Simha 4avamsa'troubles will #ome through dogs and su#h #anineanimals.

47TES Ssa represents ( and Sha indi#ates + or (+'reading ba#kwards wehave +(. Divided by 5 we get ( remainders andSimha #ounts as the (thfrom )esha. %ere in all these Sutras the #lass of

animals or diseasesis indi#ated and the reader has to use hisintelligen#e.

S=. @. )rithyuvaayognikanas#ha. $f "tmakaraka isin !anya 4avamsa'the native will suffer from fire' it#hes' and#orpulen#e.

47TES :a represents 0 and ya denotes . Ae get 0'in the reverseorder we get 0' divided by 5 have the balan#e +and !anya 4avamsarepresents the +th from )esha. $f the "tmakarakaoins !anya 4avamsathe person will suffer from the troubles indi#atedby the <rd Rasi or)ithuna and also from fires. But in )ithuna theauthor only said thatsuffering will #ome from #orpulen#e and it#hes.?rom this Sutra itmeans that in the )ithunamsa there will also betrouble from tires.

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S=. 0. *9abhe vaniyam. $f the "tmakaraka oinsThula 4avamsa' theperson will make mu#h money by mer#handise.

47TES 9a denotes < and Bha stands for 1' thisstands as <1. $n thereverse order it is 1<' divided by 5 we get @ asthe remainder. Thulastands as the @th 4avamsa from )esha. The variouskinds of arti#les inmer#handise have to be found out by the nature ofthe Rasi' its lord'the planets who are in #onun#tion and the aspe#tsthey have.

S=. /.*"rraalasareesrupaha sthanya#hanis#ha. $fthe "tmakaraka oinsVris#hikamsa' the person will have fears anddangers from wateryanimals' snakes and he will also have no milk fromhis mother. "tra-"a7*Ra 5*,5' reversed it means 5, divided by 5 weget a balan#e of 0

whi#h signifies Vris#hika #ounting from )esha4avamsa. Ahen he is a#hild he will have to be nursed and su#kled byothers for want of milkin his mother>s breast. There are some women whohave plenty of milkin their breasts and who nurse their #hildren withtheir own milk andsometimes the milk will be suffi#ient for even twoor three #hildren.Their breasts may not be large or heavy but theirla#teal glands domake brisk work and se#rete milk.

There are' on the other hand' a large number ofwomen who have large

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lumps of breasts without any milk' but full offlesh and making thebreasts attra#tive and heavy. The author apparently#onsiders that theabsen#e of milk in the mother will be a misfortunefor the #hild Theartifi#ial feeding of #hildren from nipplesatta#hed to feedingbottles has removed this misfortune' to someextent. Remember it isnot the mother who feeds the infant. " rubberbottle is not a mother>sholy breast. 4or does it #ontain the natural milkof the mother with

the maternal love and affe#tion pervadingthroughout its #ontents.

S=. ,. * Same vahanadu##ha##ha kramatpatanam. $fthe "tmakaraka oinsthe 4avamsa of Dhanus' the person will havesuffering and dangers fromfalls' .from #onveyan#es' horses' et#.' and alsofrom elevated pla#eslike trees' houses' hills and mountains.

47TES Sa denotes @' )a shows (' @( readingreversely we have (@'divided by' 5 will give us a balan#e of / andDhanus is the /th4avamsa from )esha. "eroplanes may be safelyin#luded in these falls.Dangers are indi#ated by these falls.

S=. .*:ala#hara khe#hara kheta kandudushtagranthayas#ha riphay. $fthe "tmakaraka oins )akara the person will havetroubles and sorrowsfrom auati# animals from fier#e birds' skindiseases' large wounds

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and glandular expansions.

47TES Ri 5 and &ha 5 O 55' divide this by 5 wehave a remainder of,' meaning )akaramsa as it is the ,th from)eshamsa. There will betroubles from !hetas. rahas have two importantsignifi#ations' vi.'planets and evil spirits - some read the sutra asBu#hara instead of!he#hara' and in#lude su#h wild animals as lions'tigers' boars andother fier#e animals found wandering on the earth.&lanets and evil

spirits o##upy the higher regions. !ha means thesky or the highersphere.

S=. 5.**Tatakadayo dharmay. $f the "tmakarakao##upies !umbha 4avamsathe person will do #harities in the shape of#onstru#ting wells'tra#ks' topes or gardens' temples and dharmasalas

or #hatrams'

47TES Dha stands for / and )a denotes (' thus weget /( reversing weget (/. Divided by 5 we get remainder ' denoting!umbha' the4avamsa th from )esha.

S=. <.*=#hhe dharmanityata kaivalyam #ha. $f the"tmakaraka o##upies)eenamsa' the person will be fond of vinuous deedsand #harities' andwill take residen#e in Swargadi 9okas or willattain to the final

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bliss or what is #alled by the Sanskrit writers)oksha or finaleman#ipation or freedom from rebirths.

47TES = stands for ,' 6ha denotes +' we get ,+'reading in the reverseorder we get +,. Divide this by 5 the balan#e willbe 5 andtherefore )eena 4avamsa is indi#ated by the termu#h#ha. "mong the8ogis and real Vedantists their sole aim or finalgoal is to get ridof these punaranmas or #onstant birth and getfinal assimilation with

&ara Brahma. The old #ommentators have offered somevaluablesuggestions. $ shall uote them here for readyreferen#e. $f the"tmakaraka is in a benefi#ial 4avamsa or ifbenefi#ial planets are in!endras from the 4avamsa he o##upies> the personwill be#ome verywealthy or a ruler.

$f the next planet to "tmakaraka o##upies abenefi#ial sign or4avamsa' or found in his own house or benefi#ialsign or in exaltationor in good 4avamsas' he will have residen#e' afterdeath' inSwargalokas a##ording to merit. $f both of them areauspi#iouslysituated' the person will get good Bliss and aftera prosperous andhappy #areer will go to %eaven. $f they have mixedpositions'#onun#tions and aspe#ts' he will have some goodand some bad. $f bothof them are badly situated #ombined and aspe#ted'he will suffer

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miseries' poverty and will take residen#e' afterdeath' in various%ells enumerated in the %indu Sastras like!umbhipatha' "ndha'Tamisra' et#. There are fourteen 9okas mentionedand prin#ipally threenamely Swarga tenanted by the Devatas who areheaded by $ndra' Bhulokainhabited by mortals #alled )artya' and &atalainhabited by spe#ial#reatures #alled 4agas. " person in andharva orSiddhaloka is not sohappy as one in $ndra 9oka.

7ne who resides in Brahmaloka enoys superior Blissto that whi#h he#an have in Devaloka. Ahen evil planets predominatethe temperamentwill be mixed and his deeds will be bad and sinful.Ahen benefi#spredominate they produ#e favourable results bothhere and also enhan#ehis pleasure in %eaven after his death. "s for the#omparison of

pleasures' see "nandavalli =panishad and alsonumbers and 5 7fV79. / 7f T%E "STR797$6"9 )"";$4E.

S=. 1.*Tatra ravou raakaryaparaha. $f the Suno##upies the!arakamsa' the person will be fond of publi#servi#e and will work inpoliti#al a#tivities.

47TES %ere it means' that Ravi must be in#onun#tion with the"tmakaraka in the 4avamsa. %is su##ess here may bedetermined both by

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the nature of the 4avamsa and also by his relationto the "tmakarakawho may #hange to be his friend' bosom friend'neutral or enemy orbitter enemy. "ll these different stages aresuggested by the)aharishi in #omplian#e with the general prin#iplesof "strology'whi#h he enumerates.

S=. (. *&oornendusukrayorbhogee vidyaeevee #ha.$f ?ull )oon andVenus oin "tmakaraka in the 4avamsa' the person

will #ommand greatwealth and all #omforts attendant on wealth and hewill also earnmoney and live by the profession of edu#ation.

47TES $n all these the strength' position andasso#iation of"tmakaraka will have great influen#e in determiningthe rank andposition in the line. " s#hool authority will be

great or small as hegets fat or low salary. $i.

S=. +.*Dhatuvadee kountayudho vahnieevee #habhoume. Ahen !ua oins"tmakaraka in the 4avamsa' the person be#omes greatin the preparationof various medi#al mixtures' will bear arms likekuntayudha and otherweapons' and live by profession involvingpreparations in or nearfire.

47TES The gunners' #ooks' engine drivers and thoseengaged in various

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preparations in or near fire are indi#ated. "l#hemy#omes in this lineof work.

S=. @.*yaniatantuvayaha silpino vyavaharavidas#hasoumye. $f Budha#onoins the "tmakaraka in the 4avamsa' the personsbe#ome mer#hants'weavers and manufa#turers of #lothes' artists andpersons #lever inpreparing #urios' and those well versed in theaffairs of so#ial andpoliti#al matters.

S=. 0.*!airmagnunanishta vedavidas#ha eevay. Ahenuru oins the4avamsa with "tmakaraka' the person will be wellversed in Vedi# orreligious rituals' will have religious wisdom' wellknown in the rulesof sa#rifi#ial fun#tions and will have goodknowledge in Vedanta andwill be a religious man. .

S=. /.*Raakeeyaha kaminaha satendriyas#ha sttkre.. $f Sukra oinsthe "tmakaraka in the 4avamsa' the person willbe#ome a great offi#ialor politi#al personage' will be fond of many womenand will retainvitality and sexual passions till he is hundredyears old.

47TES %e will be fond of women and sexual pleasuresand in spite ofthese sexual ex#esses he will retain passions for avery long period.. Sexual passions are as various and as #urious asany other

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phenomena. Some get prematurely old and lose theirsexual vitality.7ther retain sexual vigour for more than a hundredyears.

S=. 5,.**&rasiddhakarma eevaha sanow. $f Sanioins "tmakaraka in the4avamsa' he will produ#e a famous person in his ownline of business.

47TES The author apparently means that when Sanioins the "tmakarakain the 4avamsa' a person will be able to a#hieve

greatness *andreputation in whatever walk of life he may beengaged. There are greatwriters' painters. s#ulptors' speakers' mer#hants'warriors'statesmen' travellers' inventors' dis#overers's#ientists' musi#iansand so forth' the profession or line of work beingdetermined by other#ombinations in the horos#ope. Sani with the

"tmakaraka in the 4avamsalifts the person to a high position in that lineand gives him greatreputation and name.

S=. 5.*Dhanushkas#houvras#haangalikalohayantrinas#ha rahow. $t Rahuoins the "tmakaraka in 4avamsa the person willlive by the skilfuluse of warlike instruments' he will earn bread asthief and da#oitC hebe#omes a do#tor dealing in poisons' manufa#turerof gold' silver'#opper and other metalli# ma#hinery

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S=. 55.**aavyavaharinas#hourras#ha kethau. >Ahen!etu oins the"tmakaraka in the 4avamsa the persons born undersu#h #ombinationtrade in elephants or be#ome thieves and robbers.

47TES Between thieves and dealers in elephants theline of demar#ationseems to be deli#ate.

S=. 5<. *Ravirahubhyam sarpanidhranam. $f Ravi andRahu oin"tmakaraka in the 4avamsa the person dies by snake*


47TES Snakes are of. various kinds and the natureof the #auses willbe determined by other planetary positions.

S=. 51. *Subhadrislhte thannivrittihi. $f benefi#saspe#t the 8oga

mentioned above' there will be no deaths fromsnake*bites.

47TES %e may have snake*bites' but relief properwill be at hand andthe person will get over the danger.

S=. 5(.*Subhamatrasambandhaanagulikaha. $f Raviand Rahu oin"tmakaraka in the 4avamsa and have only benefi#ialaspe#ts the personwill have no snake*bites' but will be#ome a do#torwho deals solely inpoisonous matters.

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S=. 5+*!uarnatradrishtegrihadahako agnido va. $fRavi and Rahu oin"tmakaraka in the 4avamsa' and have the evil aspe#tof !ua' theperson will burn houses or lend fire and other helpto thein#endiaries.

47TES There is some differen#e in the guilt of theperson who burns ahouse and one who helps him in his diaboli#aldeeds.

S=. 5@.*Stukradrish te na dahaha. $f Ravi and Rahuoin "tmakaraka inthe 4avamsa and have the aspe#t of Sukra' theperson will not burn thehouses himself' but will lend fire to the rogueswho do it.

47TES The abettor is eually #ulpable in the eye oflaw and thedeli#ate differen#e of burning the house and

lending fire to burn thehouse' seems to be a ni#e point for #onsiderationof the Dharmasastrasand legal luminaries.

S=. 50.*urudrishte twasameepagrihat. $f Ravi andRahu oin "tmakarakain the 4avamsa' but have the aspe#t of uru alone'the person willburn houses at a distan#e from his own house. 4 7TES "pparentlySukra>s aspe#t will intensify the evil tenden#iesand aggravate theoffen#es' by burning houses #lose to one>s ownhouse.

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S=. 5/. * Sagulike vishado vishahato va. $f the!araka 4avamsa fallsin ulikakala or the time governed by ulika' theperson willadminister poison to others and kill them or bekilled by su#hadministrations of poison by others.

47TES %ere we have to learn what is meant byulikakala and the timegoverned by him. Ravi' 6handra' !ua' Budha uru'Sukra and Sani are#alled rahas. They have =pagrahas or their sons.

Sukra and 6handrahave not been given any =pagrahas. The latter areSani * ulika' uru*8amaghantaka' !ua*)ritya' Ravi*!ala and Budha*"rdhaprahara. Dividethe duration of the day by 0 and pro#eed to #ountfrom the lord of theday. Take Sunday and suppose the Gduration of theday is <, ghatis.Then ea#h part gets <,N0 or <.@( ghatis. The first

<.@( ghatis aregoverned by Ravi the lord of that day. The se#ond<.@( ghatis areunder the rule of 6handra. The third <.@( ghatisare governed by !ua.The fourth <.@( ghatis are under the lordship ofBudha. The fifth <.@(ghatis are ruled by uru. The sixth <.@( ghatis areunder Sukra. Theseventh <.@( ghatis are ruled by Sani. The 0th <.@(ghatis have nolord and ulika who is next to Sani be#omes thelord.

These <.@( ghatis are #alled ulikakala and if the"tmakaraka 4avamsa

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falls in this time' the results above named must bepredi#ted. <.@(ghatis is #alled a 8ama in Sanskrit. G $f theduration of day is moreor less than <, ghatis than ea#h part is indi#atedby the a#tualduration of day divided by 0. Take 6handrawara or)onday. ?irst6handra <.@( ghatis. ?ourth uru <.@( ghatis Se#ond!u a < H ?ifthSukra H .Third Budha <.@( H Sixth Sani < H .."llthese six give 55.(ghatis Seventh ulika <.@( ghatis Eighth Ravi <.( H"fter this #omes

in ulikakala extending from 55.( ghatis on )ondayand lasting upto5+.5( ghatis. 7n Tuesday or !uawara we #ommen#efrom !ua thus - .!ua <.@( ghatis (. Sani <.@( ghatis 5. Budha << H+. ulika <.@( H <.uru <.@( H @. Ravi <.@( H 1. Sukra <.@( H 0.6handra <.@( H

The first ( yamas give us l0.@( ghatis. ?rom that

time till 55.(ghatis after sunrise' there will be ulikakala andif the "tmakaraka4avamsa falls in this' the evil results indi#atedabove will happen.The ulikakala has been so stated by the#ommentators. $ have anotherauthority for the ulikakala. )andapanwatapariansam #haturgunyamdwihinakam.Tatkala gulikognayaha sarva karyavinasakritu. 6ount fromSaturday to the weekday reuired. Take the numberso obtained andmultiply it by four. Then take or dedu#t 5 from thenumber so

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obtained. Then ulikakala #ommen#es at the time and#ontinues upto<.@( ghatis more. The results differ in these twosystems. Take )ondayand find out the ulikakala as per the above rule.)onday #ounts asthe <rd from Saturday. )ultiply this < by 1 and weget 5. Dedu#t twoout of that and we get I ghatis. ulika kala fallson )onday from55.( ghatis to 5.5( ghatis after sunrise.

The pro#ess to find out the ulikakala in the nightis thus stated by

the old #ommentators. Take the fifth planet fromthe lord of theweekday arid #ount from him and then the 0th in theorder given abovewill be ulikakala. Take for example Sunday' the(th from him is uru.4ow take uru. Dropping uru we have Sukra and Sani#overing the firstand se#ond period' and the <rd period falls underulika on )onday.

the se#ond period on Tuesday' the 0th period onAednesday' the @th onThursday' the +th on ?riday and the (th onSaturday. Ahen there aredifferen#es of opinion on su#h matters among theold writers we haveto look to the opinion of the best among them' andto verify andsupport the theory we must also bring our largeexperien#e to help usin su#h interpretations. Take %ora' Varahamihiraand his s#hool. Say'that in odd signs the first %ora is governed byRavi and the se#ond by6handra.

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therefore am not in a position to go beyond thephenomena andas#ertain the true #auses. $ have to trust thelearned #ommentators.

S=. <,. * 6handrudrishtau #horapahritadharnas#hourova. $f 6handraaspe#ts the "tmakaraka 4avamsa falling inulikakala' the person willbe a re#eiver of stolen property or will be#omehimself a thief.

47TES $ think there is not mu#h differen#e between

the moral andspiritual offen#es between these two worthies.

S=. <.* Budhamatradrishte brihadbeeaha. $f the"tmakaraka 4avamsafalls in ulikakala and possesses only the aspe#tof Budha' the personwill have enlarged testi#les.

47TES %ere Budha alone must aspe#t the 4avamsawithout the aspe#t ofany other planets. %ydro#ele is a nasty form ofdisease and disgustingbefore the publi#.

S=. <5. *Tathra kethow papadrishte karna#h#hedahakurnarogo va. $f!etu oins the "tmakaraka 4avamsa the person willhave his ears #utoff or will have serious ear #omplaints.

S=. <<.*Sukradrishte deekshitaha. $f "tmakaraka and!etu in the

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4avamsa' have the aspe#t of Sukra' the person willbe#ome a Deekshitaor performer of 8agnyas or religious sa#rifi#es.

47TES ?ormerly su#h persons were held in highesteem. They had to leads#rupulously #lean' simple and holy lives.

S=. <1.*Buidhasanidrishte nirveeryaha $f the"tmakaraks with !etu inthe 4avamsa has the aspe#ts of Budha and Sani' thebind of an impotentor eunu#h should be predi#ted.

47TES Veerya is virility in a person and one whohas no veerya isimpotent.

S=. <(.*Btrdhasukradrishte pounah punikodasipt tree va. $f the

!arakamsa Rasi with !etu has the aspe#t of Sukraand Budha' the person

will talk repeating and repeating the same ideas orwill be the son ofa prostitute or dan#ing woman.

47TES Dasees are a spe#ial #lass of dan#ing womenwho were devoted tothe servi#e of ods in the temples and had nostri#tness in sexualmatters.

S=. <+. *Sanidrishte tapaswee preshyo va. $f the!arakamsa with !etuhas the aspe#t of Sani' he will be#ome a Tapaswi orre#luse or be adependent and servant under somebody.

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47TES There is a great gulf of differen#e betweenthe position of aman devoting all his energies on the #ontemplationof od and one whois dependent on others. Ahy both the results areas#ribed to the same#ombination is not #lear.

S=. < @. * Sanimatradrish te sanyasabhasaha. $f inthe above#ombination there is only the aspe#t of Sani andthere is no other

planetary aspe#t' he will put on the appearan#e ofa sanyasi but willnot be a true or real sanyasi. %e will be animpostor.

S=. <0.*Tatra ravisukradrishte raapreshyah. $fRavi and Sukra aspe#tthe !arakamsa the person will be employed by royalor politi#alpersonages to do their work. %e will be their


S=. </. * Ripphe budhe budhedrishte va mandavat. $fthe tenth from the!araka 4avamsa possesses the aspe#t of Budha' hewill get similarresults as have been given by Sani.

47TES This means that the person will follow somenotable profession.Ripha means' Ra 5' pha means 5 O 55 divided by 5'will give us ,',th house is indi#ated by Ripha.

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S=. 1,.*Shubhadrishte stheyaha. $f in the ,thfrom !arakamsa' thereis benefi#ial aspe#t' the person will be one ofgreat determinationand never #apri#ious.

47TES The other benefi#s are uru and Sukra. $t#annot mean anythingelse.

S=. 1.*Ravow gurumatradrishte gopalahu. $f the,th from the!arakamsa' there is Ravi possessing only the aspe#t

of uru and noother aspe#ts' the person will have su##ess throughthe sales of #ow'bulls and other #attle.

S=. 15.*Dare #handrasukradigyogatprasadaha. $f thelord of the 1thfrom the !arakamsa is oined or aspe#ted by 6handraand Sukra' theperson will be blessed with storeyed houses.

47TES Da means 0' Ra means 5 O 05' reversed itmeans 50' divided by 5we get 1 balan#e. This shows signs of wealth.&rasada means houseswith #ompounds'

S=. 1<.* =##hagrahe api. $f the fourth from the!arakamsa is o##upiedby an exalted planet' the person will have manyfine and splendidhouses.

S=. 11. * Rahusan ibhyam silagriham- $f the fourthfrom the !arakamsa

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is o##upied by Rahu and Sani' the houses will be#onstru#ted withrough stones not well plastered.

S=. 1(. *!ua!etubhyamaishtikam. $f the 1th from!arakamsa is o##upiedby !ua and !etu' the houses will be #onstru#ted ofbri#ks' lumps ofearth.

S=. 1+. *uruna daravam. $f the 1th from !arakamsais o##upied by uruwooden houses will be #onstru#ted by the native.

S=.1@. * Tharnamravina. $f the 1th is o##upied bythe Sun' the houseswill be #onstru#ted from that#h and grasses.

47TES The above three sutras give an idea of thenature of the houseproperty possessed by different persons dependingupon thedispositions of planets with referen#e to!arakamsa.

S=. 10.*Same shubhayogaddharmanityaha satyavaadeegtinubhaktas#ha. $fthe /th from !arakamsa is o##upied or aspe#ted bybenefi#s' the personwill have truth as his ideal and motto. %e will berighteous in#ondu#t' lover of truth and will be faithful anddutiful to elders'pre#eptors and urus.

47TES Sa stands for @ and )a denotes ( * @('reversed it is (@'divided by 5' we get a remainder of /. Sama means/th from !arakamsa.

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tempting the wives of other persons' and ruiningtheir families."dultery is sinful' but even here there are variousgrades of sins.MShadvargas are 2 3 9agna. 253 %ora' 2<3 Drekkana'213 4avamsa' 2(3Dwadasamsa' and 2+3 Thrimsamsa. "dultery withmotherly relations'friends' wives' spouses of urus and otherprohibited relations ismore sinful than adultery with other women.6orrupting family andinno#ent women is a horrible form of sin.

S=. (<.*Drigyogabhyamndhikabhyamamuranam. $f !uaand Sukra oin oraspe#t the /th from !arakamsa' the person will havethe evil habit ofsedu#ing and keeping illegal gratifi#ations tillthe end of his life.

47TES The #onun#tions and aspe#ts are morepowerful than >the

Shadvargas. $n the latter he will keep up thevi#ious habit for sometime' but in the former' this vi#e will #ontinuetill the end of life.Aith some persons' males and females. G This hasbeen #learlydes#ribed in my work )anual of %indu "strology.these morbidsensations of lust and sexuality will #ontinue forsome time and thenthey turn a new #hapter in their lives' but thereare others' who donot give up the vi#ious habits till their death.Some are ras#als onlyfor a time but there are others who are ras#als and#heats throughout

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their lives. Even on death*beds their thoughts runon unholy deeds.

S=. (1.*!etuna pratibandhaha. $f the /th from!arakamsa has the#onun#tion or aspe#t of !etu' he will be fond ofwomen for some timeand then give up the bad tenden#y.

S=. ((.*uruna strainaha. $f the /th from !arakamsahas the#onun#tion or aspe#t of uru' he will beex#essively fond of other


S=. (+.*Rahunarthanivrittihi. $f the /th from!arakamsa is oined oraspe#ted by Rahu' the person will lose all hiswealth by femaleex#esses.

47TES Even in these vi#es there are some prudentmen finan#ially. Some

get money by adultery' some enoy for nothing'there are others wholose all their wealth and health by su#h Vi#es.

S=. (@.*9abhe #handragurubhyam sundaree. $f uruand 6handra o##upythe @th from the !arakamsa' the wife will behandsome and loving.

47TES 9a means <' Bha denotes 1*<1' readingba#kwards we have 1<'divided by 5.' we have @ remainder. 9abhatherefore means @. $t will#ertainly be a great blessing to have handsome wifeprovided she is

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faithful. But when she is fair and unfaithful lifebe#omes miserable.%e will have a %ell on Earth. . .

S=. (0.*Rahuna vidhava. $f the @th from the!arakamsa oins with Rahuor has his aspe#t' the person will have widows for#onne#tion.

47TES There are some worthies who are extremelyfond of widows. Theyhunt after them. They like them in preferen#e toothers.

S=. (/.*Sanina vayodhika roginee tapaswinee va. .$f the @th from!arakamsa is o##upied or aspe#ted by Sani' the wifewill be older orwill be si#kly or will be a tapaswini or a womanwho will be engagedin religious meditations.

47TES Ahile some persons like younger people thereare others bothmales and females who hunt after old people.Temperaments are #urious.

S=. +,. *!uena vikalangee. $f !ua oins oraspe#ts the @th from!arakamsa' the wife will be deformed or there willbe defe#t in herlimbs.

S=. +.*GRavina swakule gupta #ha. $f Ravi o##upiesor aspe#ts the @thfrom !arakamsa' the wife will be prote#ted from themembers of the

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husband>s family and will have no defe#ts in herlimbs. 2G"notherversion reads as Ravina kata gutptha#l :a.3

S=. +5.*Budhena kalavatee. $f Budha oins oraspe#ts the @th from!arakamsa' the wife will be well versed in musi#'arts' dan#ing andother fine a##omplishments.

S=. +<.*6hape #handrenanavrite dese. $f 6handrao##upies the 1th from!arakamsa the first sexual union of the wives'mentioned in the above

sutras' will take pla#e in an open pla#e un#overedby root or #eiling.

47TES 6ha means +' po means O +' reversing wehave + divided by 5'the balan#e 1 shows the 1th house from the!arakamsa. There are somepeople who #annot #ontrol their passions and who

have sexual unions inopen pla#es. .

S=. +1.*!armani pape shooraha $f the <rd from the!arakamsa #ontainsevil planets' the person be#omes #ourageous and awarrior.

47TES !a means ' )a means ( *(' reading ba#kwardswe have ('divided by 5' we have the remainder <. $ n generalastrology' thethird house from 9agna shows brothers' sisters and#ourage.

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S=. +(.*Subhe kataraha. if the <rd from !arakamsahas benefi#s' theperson be#omes a #oward.

S=. ++.*)rityu#hintyayoh pape karshakafha. .$f the<rd and +th from!arakamsa are o##upied by malefi#s' the personlives by ploughing andagri#ulture.

47TES )a (' ya O (' reversing we have (. 6ha +'Tha + * ++'reversing we have ++. Divide them by 5' we get <

and +. )alefi#s are#onsidered to give auspi#ious results in <' + and. Thrishedayagatahpapaha.

S=. +@ - Same gurow viseshena. $f uru o##upies the/th from.!arakamsa' he will be#ome a great agri#ulturist.

S=. +0. * =##he shurbhe shubhalokaha. $f benefi#so##upy 5 from!arakamsa' the person goes to superior 9okas.

47TES = ,' 6ha + O ,+.' reversed we get +,' dividedby 5' we have 5.$ndian s#ien#es and religions mention many &unya9okas or happyregions in the universe.

S=. +/.*!etow kaivalyam. $f a benefi# o##upies!arakamsaC the personwill have )oksha or ?inal Bliss.

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47TES !a meana ' Ta signifies + O+. + reversed *+. Divided by 5'we get balan#e of . Ae may also take u##he fromthe previous Sutraand say that if !etu is found in 5th there will befinal Bliss.

S=. @,. *!riyo#hapayorviseshena. $f !arakamsa is)esha or Dhanus withbenefi#s there' the sube#t gets )oksha. $f )eshaor Dhanus happens tobe the 5th from !arakamsa and !etu is there' theperson will get


47TES The #ommentators have put on two differentkinds ofinterpretations. $ shall explain both of them. Thesplendid power ofsutras and their brevity #apable of longinterpretations are onlypossible in Sanskrit- 4o other language in theworld possesses su#h

fa#ilities for brevity and at the same time#ontaining a world ofmeaning. $f )esha or Dhanus be#omes !arakamsa witha benefi# there'there will be the highest Bliss- $f )esha or Dhanus* be#omes the 5thfrom !arakamsa and !etu is there' there will be thehighest Bliss or)oksha. !etu is not a full benefi#. !etu be#omes abenefi# in 6haraDasa and not otherwise. Therefore he #annot be#lassified asasubhagraha. But astrology as#ribes to him thehighest spiritual powerof eman#ipation from all births and re*births andgives man )oksha. .

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S=. @-**&apair Inyatha. - $f the 5th from the -!arakamsa iso##upied by evil planets' he will go to hell andwill have no Bliss.

47TES %eaven and %ell are not seen. But there isthe universal beliefin their existen#e and all religions lend support*to this faith.

S=. @5.*Raviketubhyam shive bhaktihi. $f Ravi and

!etu are in!arakamsa' the person will be#ome a Saivite or onewho worships Shiva.

47TES Aorship of od is as different a0 there aredifferen#es intemperaments. )atha is a pe#uliarity of )athi ormind.

S=. @<. * 6handrena gauryam. $f 6handra oins!arakamsa' the personwill worship ouri' wife of Shiva. '

S=. @1.*Sukrena lukshmyom. $f Sukra oins!arakamsa' he will worship9akshmi spouse of Vishnu.

S=. @(.*!uena skande. $f !ua o##upies !arakamsa'he be#omes aworshipper of Skanda or Shanmukha the warrior sonof Shiva.

S=. @+.*Budhasanibhyam vishnow. $f Budha and Sanioin. !arakamsa' hewill worship Vishnu.

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47TES Different temperaments have different tastesand their sele#tionof ods follows their temperaments. "s all riversfall into the o#ean'so also all forms of worship rea#h the "lmighty.

S=. @@.*uruna sambasive. $t !arakamsa is oined byuru' he willworship Sambasiva or &arvati and &aramesvara.

S=. @0-*Rahur:a thamasyam durgayam #ha. $f Rahuoins !arakamsa' the

person will worship evil spirits end Durga.

47TES There are about (+ varieties of evil spiritsmentioned in the)antrasastras. There are two prin#ipal divisionsamong the )antras.!shudra )antras devoted to the invo#ation of evilspirits and a#tions-performed by them and )aha )antras or in#antationsto Divine and

angeli# spirits and work that #an be done by them.$ shall mention afew names of evil spirits- Bhuta' &reta' &isa#ha'Sakini' Dhakini')ohini' :alini' )alini' Bhetala' et#. The )aha)antras invoke ayatri'Savitri' Saraswati' Brahma' Vishnu' )aheswara'9akshmi' 9alita' Durga'anapati' Skanda' Surya' et#.

S=. @/. * !etuna ganese skande #ha. *$f !etu oins!arakamsa' theperson be#omes a devotee of anesa and !umaraswami.

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S=. 0,.*&aparkshe mande kshudradevata. $f Sanio##upies the !arakamsafalling in an evil sign' the person be#omes a greatdevotee of evilspirits.

47TES There are Devil and Spirit worshippers ofvarious grades. Theexisten#e of spirit*world has been proved by thebest intelle#ts andby personal experien#e. " handful of experien#e isworth ten #artloads of theories.

S=. 0.* Sukre #ha. $f Sukra o##upies the evil!arakamsa' the personwill worship devils' spirits' et#.

47TES There are (+ varieties of Devils or &isa#hasheaded by thepowerful Bhetala. See my 47TES in Sarwartha6intamani.

S=. 05.*"matyadasay #haivam. $f the +th from"matyakaraka oins evil!arakamsa' the person devotes himself to theworship of evil spirits.

47TES The planet who Bets the highest number ofdegrees be#omes the"tmakaraka. The planet who gets the next highestnumber of degreesbe#omes the "matyakaraka. $f the +th planet from"matyakaraka*#ounting from Ravi in the regular order o##upiesthe evil !arakamsa'the person will be devoted to evil spirits. "lwaysthe order. of the

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planets are as follows -*Ravi' 6handra' !ua'Budha' uru' Sukra andSani' the order of the week**days. Somebody mustbe#ome "matyakaraka'suppose Sani be#omes so. .The +th from Ravi isSukra and $f Sukraoins the evil !arakamsa' the person devotes' histime to evilspirits. These )antras are #alled !shudra or Sabaraand #ount as /#rores' a bewildering number.

S=. 0<.**Fi>rikone popadwaye mantrikaha. $f the (th

and /th from the!arakamsa are o##upied by evil planets'. the personbe#omes a *)antrika or magi#ian and will be able to exer#isedevils and evilspirits.

S=. 01.*&apadrishte nigrahakaha. $f the evilplanets in the (th and/th from !arakamsa have evil #onun#tions or

aspe#ts' the personbe#omes a great )antrai# and will be able to rootout all evilspirits.

S=. 0(.* Shubhadrishtenu:grahakaha. . $f the evilplanets in the (th.and from !arakamsa have benefi#ial aspe#ts or#onun#tion' the personwill help the people and do them good.

S=. 0+. PSukrendou sukr Idri.shte rasavadee. $fSukra aspe#ts!arakamsa and the )oon' the person be#omes anal#hemist.

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S=. 0@.*Budhadrishte bhishak. $f !arakamsa and6handra have the aspe#tof Budha' the person be#omes a medi#al man.

47TES %is eminen#e and #apa#ity will depend uponthe strength ofBudha.

S=. 00.*6hape #handre sukr.adrishte pandusswithee.$f )oon is in the1th from !arakamsa and has the aspe#t of Sukra' theperson will sufferfrom white leprosy.

47TES 6ha +' &a O + reversed +' divided by 5'will give a balan#eof 1. %en#e 6hape means 1th house from the!arakamsa.

S=. 0/. *!uadrishte maharogaha. $t !ua aspe#ts6handra in the 1thhouse from the !arakamsa' the man will have serious

form of leprosy.

S=. /,.*!etht drishte r eelaku'shtam. $f 6handra in  the 1th from the!arakamsa is aspe#ted by !etu' the person will havebla#k leprosy.

47TES There are many hideous and repulsive forms ofthis loathsomedisease.

S=. /.*Tata mritow va kuarahubhyam kshayaha. $fthe 1th or (th from!arakamsa is oined by !ua and Rahu' the personwill suffer from

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#onsumption or pthysis. -V7TES %e will have a mildatta#k of disease.

S=. /5.*6hIndradrishte ns#hayena. $f su#h !ua andRahu' started inthe above sutra' have the inner aspe#t' #ertainlythe person will haveserious form of #onsumption.

S=. /<.*!uena pitakadihi. $f the 1th or (th fromthe !arakamsa iso##upied by !ua' the person will suffer fromex#essive sweating'#uts' it#hes or boils and sores in the body.

S=. /1.*!etuna grahani alarogo va. $f !etu oinsthe 1th or (th from!arakamsa' the man will suffer from rahani or akind of glandulardisease and from watery diseases like dropsy'diabetes' loose motions'et#.

S=. /(.* Rahrugulikabhyam kshudra vfshuni. $f the

1th or (th from the!arakamsa is oined by Rahu and ulika' there willbe suffering fromthe poisonous effe#ts of rats' #ats' et#.

S=. /+.*Tatra sanow dhanushkaha. $f the 1th fromthe !arakamsa isoined by Sani' the person be#omes an expert ininfli#ting wounds.This means he will be skilled in the use of deadlyarms.

S=. /@.*!etuna ghutikoyanthree. $f !etu oins the1th from !arakamsa'the person be#omes skilful in preparing #lo#ks'wat#hes and other time

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indi#ating ma#hines.

47TES $ have shown in the $ntrodu#tion and also inthe prefatoryremarks that :aimini flourished (',,, years ago. %ewas a #ontemporaryof Vedavyasa and was his worthy dis#iple.hatikayantras or ma#hinesshowing time were in existen#e as this Sutra provesand #onfirms.Suryasiddanta mentions many 8antras.

S=. /0.***Budhena paramahamso lagudee va. $f the

1th from the!arakamsa is #ombined by Budha' the person be#omesa paramahamsa or agreat yogi' or one who bears G&alasa Danda' et#.'showing Brahma#haryaor Sanyasayoga of parti#ular kind.

S=. //.**Rahuna lohayantree. G&alasa means Blitearfrondosa $f the 1thfrom the !arakamsa is o##upied by Rahu' he will

be#ome profi#ient inpreparing ma#hinery out of metals or a #leverme#hani#.

S=. ,,.*Ravina khadgee. $f Ravi oins the 1th from!arakamsa' theperson lives by his sword.

47TES )any kinds of swords are mentioned in thean#ient works. Swordsare terrible weapons then as well as now at #loseuarlers'

S=. ,.*!uena Qunthee. $f !ua oins the 1th from!arakamsa' he will

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live by the profession of using !untayudha' mK a#esand long sti#ks.

S=. ,5. )atapitros#handragturubhyam grantha $f6handra and uru arein the !arakamsa or in the (th from it' the personwill be#ome anauthor and will live by writing books.

47TES )a (' Ta + * (+' reversing we get +(' dividedby 5' there is abalan#e of (. &a ' Ta + O+' inverse order +divided by 5' we have. ?ifth is the house of intelligen#e in astrology

as also of#hildren.

S=. ,<. * JSukrena kin#hidoonam. $f 6handra andSukra oin !arakamsaor the (th house from it' the person be#omes anordinary author.

S=. $ ,1.*Bidhena tato api. The person be#omes

still less famous thanin the above Sutra if Budha oins 6handra insteadof Sukra in!arakamsa or the (th from it.

S=. ,(.*Sukrena kavirwagmee kavyagnas#ha. $f Sukraoins !arakamsa..or the (th from it' the person be#omes a greatpoetC an elouentspeaker and well versed in poetry and literature.

S=. $,+.Puruna s rvavid granthikas#ha $f uruoins the !arakamsa orthe (th from it' he will be an all*round man andwill know many

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bran#hes of knowledge' well read in s#ien#es andauthor of variousworks. %e be#omes a versatile genius.

S=. ,@.*4a vagmee. $n the above #ombination ofuru' though a personbe#omes learned he will not be#ome a good speakernor possess powersof elouen#e.

47TES Some have the gift of the gab while many haveit not.

S=. ,0.*yissishyavaiyyakarano vedavedanthavi#hha.$f uru oins!arakamsa or the (th from it' the person be#omeslearned in Vyakaranaor rammar' Vedi# literature and Vedangas.

47TES The last are named as Siksha' Vyakarana'6handas' 4irukta':yotishs and !alpa. Aithout a profi#ien#y in thesesix "ngas or limbs'

no s#holar #an interpret the Vedas properly. Vedassimply meanrepositories of knowledge useful for all ages'#laims and nations.Ahatever might have been the origin of theseintelle#tual mines' thereare no books extant in the world' whi#h #an #omparewith these deepmines o thought' knowledge and highest #on#eptionsof humanintelle#tual flights. The #ommentaries of BhattaBhaskara andVidyaranya are the two eyes for the Vedas throughwhi#h we #anapproa#h the Vedas and seen them to. some extent.

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The first and earliest #ommentators is BhattaBhaskara and he musthave flourished in the remote ages. Vidyaranya>sage is fixed #learlyby the ins#ription 2see my %istory of Viayanagar3as 5(0 SalivahanaSaka or <<+ ".D. This illustrious intelle#tualgiant not only foundedthe Empire of Viayanagar' but was also thepontifi#al %ead of theSringeri )utt of "di Sankara#harya. %e obtainedSamadhi in <0+ afterhaving seen %arihara $' Bukka $ and %arihara $$'ruling the Empire

founded by him in great prosperity' pea#e andprogress. &ra#ti#allythere seems to be no differen#e in the #ombinationsgiven in Sutras,+ and ,0. $f in this #ombination uru is exaltedor himself hasbenefi#ial aspe#ts or Shadvargas' the knowledge inthe man may be moreprofound' and the intelle#t more 6omprehensive andpier#ing. The

strength of the planet' of the Rasi' the power ofthe "tmakaraka and#ombinations and aspe#ts determine the extent ofthe profi#ien#y.

S=. ,/.*Sabhaadaha sanina. . . $f Sani oins!arakamsa or the (thfrom it' the person be#omes nervous in an assembly.

47TES %e may be a learned man' but will feel shyand nervous and thus#ut an awkward figure' in a eneral "ssembly orpubli# dis#ussion.

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S=. ,.*Bidhena nmeemamsakaha. $f Budha oins stor (th of!arakamsa' he w ill shine as a )eemamsaka.

47TES There are two prin#ipal divisions here.&oorvameemamsa by:aimini himself' explaining rituals of !arma andtheir effe#ts end=ttarameemamsa or Brahmasutras by Vyasa relating toBrahmagnana.

S=. .*!uena nayyayikaha. $f !ua oins st or(th of !arakamsa'

the person will be#ome a great logi#ian.

S=. 5. *6handreana sankfKiyayogagnaha sahityagnogayakas#ha. . $f6handra oins st or (th of !arakamsa' the personbe#omes #lever insankhyasastra' learned in language' poetry' dramaand attendantsube#ts' will have great profi#ien#y in musi# andother

a##omplishments. .

47TES Sankhya is a portion of Sanskrit S#ien#e'whi#h deals withnumbers and their interpretations. Sankhya alsomeans s system of&hilosophy.

S=. <.*Ravina vedanta geetagnas#ha. $f Ravi#ombines in st or (thof !arakamsa' the person will be#ome a greatVedantist and musi#ian.

S=. 1.*!etuna ganithagnaha. $f !etu #ombines inabove houses' the

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person be#omes well versed in mathemati#s.

S=. (.**urusambandhena sampradayasiddhih. $f inthe above#ombinations of planets' uru oins or aspe#ts'knowledge in thedifferent bran#hes will be well founded andregularly trained as perprin#iples of those s#ien#es.

S=. +.*Bhagye #haivam. The results as#ribed forplanetary positionsin the st and (th from !arakamsa will also holdgood for similar

positions in the 5nd from !arakamsa.

S=. @.*Sada #haiyamityeke. Bha stands for 1 and8a denotes O 1'reversed we get 1' divided by 5' the remainder is5. Sada OSa standsfor @' Da stands for 0 O @0' in the inverse orderwe have 0@' dividedby 5' the balan#e is <. By this the author means'all those results

from the positions of the planets in the st andthe !arakamsa must ormay be predi#ted by the #ombination of the aboveplanets in the 5ndand <rd houses from the !arakamsa.

S=. 0.*Bhagye kethowpapadrishte stabdhavak. !etuin the 5nd from!arakamsa' aspe#ted by evil planets' will make theperson indistin#tor a slow speaker.

47TES Se#ond house des#ribes spee#h' elouen#e'eyes' fa#e and ri#hes.

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S=. /. *Swapitrupadadbhagyarogayoho papasamyekemadrt maha. $f evil

planets are found in the 5nd and 0th houses from:anma 9agna or the"rudha 9agna' the person will suffer from !emadruma8oga or#ombination for great poverty. The same resultsapply to the positionsof planets in the <rd from !arakamsa.

47TES Bha 1' ya O 1' reversed 1' divided by 5'we get 5. Ra 5 anda < O 5<' reading ba#kwards we get <5' divided by>5' we have 0

balan#e C therefore' Bhagya and Roga denote 5 and0' respe#tively.6ompare !emadruma as explained by Varahamihira andothers 2See mytranslation of Brihat :ataka * 4abhasa 8ogas3. Ahenthere are noplanets on either side of 6handra the #ombinationis #alled !emadrumaby him.

S=. 5,.*6handradrishtow viseshena. $f 6handraaspe#ts the evilplanets in the above #ombination' the personsuffers from abe#tpoverty. The maority #onsider poverty as a great#urse.

S=. 5.*Sarvesham #haiva pake. The results'mentioned in all the#ombinations above named' will be experien#edduring all the Dasas ofRasis or in their "ntardasas or periods andsubperiods of the odia#alsigns.

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  End of Se#ond &ada of the ?irst"dhyaya.

  "D%8"8" * &"D" <

S=. .*"tha padam. Results based on &ada 9agna willbe des#ribed inthis #hapter.

47TES $n Sutra 5/ of the ?irst &ada :aimini has#learly illustrated

the meaning of &ada or "rudha 9agna. $n this#hapter he will give theresults of planets o##upying from &ada 9agna. $nthe previous #hapterhe gave the results of planets in Swamsa and!arakamsa. Remember!araka always has been used for "tmakaraka.

S=. 5.* yyaye sagrahe grahadrishteva sreemantaha.

$f the th housefrom &ada 9agna is o##upied or aspe#ted by planets'the person be#omesa sreemanta or a wealthy man. Take an example. %erethe lord of 9agnais Sukra and he is pla#ed in the 0th house from9agna. The eighth fromSukra be#omes &ada or "rudha 9agna and this fallsin !ataka the 0thfrom Sukra. The $ th from !ataka is Vrishabha andthis is aspe#tedby !ua and !etu and therefore the person will bein affluent#ir#umstan#es. The term sreemanta applies to onewho has not seenpoverty from birth to death.

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S=. <. *Shubhairnyayallabhaha. Ahen the th from&ada is aspe#ted oroined by benefi#s the wealth will #ome from proper#hannels. Thegains will be from fair and lawful means.

S=. 1. * &apairamargena. $f the aspe#ting oroining planets in theabove are evil' the wealth will #ome through sinfuland illegal means.

47TES =nfortunately we have seven evil and only twogood planets.

S=. (. * =##hadibhirviseshath. $f the th from"rudha 9agna is well#ombined and aspe#ted by benefi#s or those inexaltation' moolaOthrikona' et#.' the person will a#uire plenty ofwealth throughustifiable means.

47TES %ere =##ha has two signifi#ations. = ,' 6ha +O ,+ readingreversely we get +,' divided by 5' the balan#ewill be 5. =##ha alsomeans' the planets in exaltations' et#. Ahen theplanets aspe#ting the th or oining it are exalted' in good Vargas' in)oolathrikona' orin their own houses and are benefi#s in nature' thewealth will #omein plenty and will always be legally and rightlya#uired but whensu#h planets are malefi#s' the person will getri#hes on a larges#ale' but through unfair and illegal manner. $nboth #ases he will be

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ri#h but in the #ase of benefi#s he will be a goodman and will earnmoney honestly and by labour. $n the #ase of evilplanets' the wealthwill be thoroughly ill*gotten and #riminal. These8ogas will o##urwhen the 5th house is not aspe#ted by any planet.

S=. +.*4ee#he grahadrigyogadwayadhikyam. $f thereare planets in the5th house from 9agna' or &ada 9agna' the personwill spend more thanhe earns'

47TES 4a ,' 6ha means + O ,+ reversing we get +,'divided by 5' thebalan#e is 5' and the 5th house is indi#ated. $fevil planets o##upythe 5th' the expenditure will be on immoral andsinful deeds. $fthere are benefi#s in the 5th' the expenditurewill be on #haritableand religious purposes su#h as building temples or

pla#es of worship'tanks' wells' #haritable institutions and helpingthe poor and thedistressed. But when the planets are bad theexpenditure will be ondrinking' whoring' gambling' unust litigation andother sinfula#tions. .

S=. @.**Ravirahusukrairnrupath. $f Ravi' Rahu andSukra o##upy oraspe#t the 5th from 9agna or &ada 9agna' theperson will lose moneythrough kingly displeasure or fines and#onfis#ations.

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S=. 0.*6handradrishtau nis#hayena. $f in the#ombination in Sutra @there is the aspe#t of 6handra' the losses will#ertainly o##urthrough governing bodies-

S=. /.*Budhena gnathitho vivadadwa. $f Budhao##upies the 5th housefrom &ada or 9agna or aspe#ts it' there will belosses from #ousins'relations and litigations.

S=. ,.*uruna karamoola th. $f uru oins or

aspe#ts the 5th from&ada 9agna or 9agna' the man loses money by payingheavy governmenttaxes.

S=. .*!uasanibhyam bhratrumukhat. $f the 5thfrom 9agna or &ada9agna is oined or aspe#ted by !ua and Sani' theperson will sufferlosses through brothers.

S=. 5.*" etairvyaya aevam labhaha. The resultshave been given forthe 5th house from 9agna or &ada 9agna and thevarious sour#es oflosses have been indi#ated. $f those planets are inthe th house'then instead of losing money he will gain moneythrough those sour#eswhi#h have been shown to the #redit of planets. $fthe planets are inthe 5th house' he will lose money C if they are inthe th house' hewill gain.

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S=. <. **9abhe rahu!etubhyamudararogaha. $f the@th house from &adahas #onun#tion or aspe#t of Rah u or !etu' th eperson suffers fromstoma#h diseases.

S=. 1.**Tatra !etuna hatithi yanilingani. $f!etu o##upies the 5ndhouse from &ada 9sgna' the person will displaysigns of old age.though he may be young in years. %e will showwrinkles beyond hisproper age. $f in the +th house from &ada 9agnaevil planets #ombine'

he will be#ome a thief. $f the 5nd and +th from&ada 9agna areo##upied by benefi#s without evil aspe#ts' theperson will be agovernor of many #ountries.

S=. (. *6handragurusukreshtt sreemantaha. $f6handra' uru or Sukrao##upy the 5nd from &ada 9agna' he will be#ome ari#h man. %ere all

these planets may be in the se#ond or any one ofthem.

S=. +.* =#hhena va. $f the evil or good planetsare in the se#ondhouse from &ada in exaltationC the person be#omesri#h.

47TES $t has already shown if the exalted planet isa benefi#' theperson a#uires wealth. by lawful means but if anevil planet is inthe se#ond exalted' the person be#omes ri#h throughunlawful andsinful ways.

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S=. 5. *Ripuroga#hintasti vairam' $f the "rudhaBhavas fall in +' .0and 5 from 9agna' they denote evils to su#hBhavas.

47TES Ra 5' &a *5O5 Ra 5' a < O 5< O <5'divided by 5 we get 0.6ha +' Ta + * ++' divided by 5 we get + balan#e.

S=. 55.**&atneelabhayordishtya nirabhasargalaya. $fthe "rudha 9agnaand the @th from it have no obstru#tive "rgalas'the person be#omes


47TES &a ' 4a , *,' reversed it is ,' or itdes#ribes the firsthouse. 9a <' Bha 1 O <1 reversed we get 1<' dividedby 5' we get abalan#e of @. ?or subha and papa "rgalas see my47TES on Sutras ( to /in &ada of "dhyaya .

S=. 5<.*Shtibhargale dhanasamriddhihi. $f "rudha9agna and the @thfrom it have benefi#ial "rgalas' there will beplenty of money. .

47TES $f the "rgala happens to be mali#ious' therewill be ordinarywealth. $f there is a mixture of subha and papa"rgalas' the personwill have finan#ial ups and downs or he will betossed from wealth topoverty and from poverty to wealth.

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S=. 51.*:anmakalaghatikaswekadrishtasu raanaha. $fa planet aspe#ts%ora 9agna' hatika 9agna and :anma 9agna' theperson be#omes a ruleror one eual to him.

47TES ?or an explanation of these various 9agnassee Sutra <5 of st&ada. Ahat is meant here is that if one planetaspe#ts all these threedifferent 9agnas at the same time' the personattains to eminentposition C if not he will be#ome a !ing. $n somepla#es )inisters are

more powerful than !ings.

S=. 5(.*&atneelabhayos#ha rasyamsakadrikanairva. $f6handra 9agna'4avamsa 9agna' Drekkana 9agna and the @th housesfrom these three areaspe#ted by one planet' the person be#omes a greatruler or a)aharaa.

47TES Some old #ommentators observe thus - $f onehas #onne#tion'#onun#tion or aspe#t' with 9agna' the @th from it'6handra 9agna'4avamsa 9agna and Drekkana 9agna' the personbe#omes a )aharaa or agreat powerful ruler.

S=. 5+.*Theshwekasminnyune nyunam. $f out of the +9agnas' vi.'9agna' hatika 9agna' %ora 9agna' 6handra 9agna'4avamsa 9agna andDrekkana 9agna* one planet sees five and not allthe six' the person

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S=. 5/.*Sukrakua!etushu vaithanikaha. $f Sukra'!ua and !etu havemutual aspe#ts or if they are in the <rd house fromea#h other theperson will ' have aristo#rati# surroundings fromhis an#estors.

47TES %e will belong to an old and respe#tablefamily whi#h has royaltraditions and marks of honour. Some #ommentatorssay that the personwill be profi#ient in all the details of religious


S=. <,.*Swabhagyadaramatrubhavasameshu subheshuraanaha. $f the 5nd'1th and (th Bhavas be#ome eual to the !araka or ifbenefi#s o##upythem' the person be#omes a Raa or his eual inposition.

47TES Ae have de fa#to and de ure rulers. Ae have!arakas for allevents. The Bhavas and planets have to be takenwith referen#e to thevarious !arakas or lords of events. Some#ommentators interpret Bhavain the above Sutra as Bha 1 and Va 1 O 11' divided'by 5 will give usthe remainder as 0. They say that if the 5nd and1th houses from the!araka are eual or if benefi#s o##upy them or ifthe (th and 0thhouses are eual or have benefi#ial planets inthem' there will beRaayoga.

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S=. <.**!armadusayoh papayos#ha. $f the <rd and+th houses from"tmakaraka are eual or if they are oined bymalefi#s' there will beRaayogas.

47TES !a ' )a ( O(' reversed (' divided by 5'the balan#e Da 0' Sa@ O 0@' reversed @0' divided by 5' we have abalan#e of +. Ahen hesays eual he means that the sour#es of strengthand weakness mustbalan#e eually.

S=. <5.*&itnulabhadhipas#haivam. $f from the lordsof 9agna. or @thbenefi#s o##upy the 5nd' 1th' (th and 0th' therewill be Raayogas.

47TES :aimini #onfuses his readers' unless theyhappen to be veryintelligent' by referring to 9agna' &ada 9agna'

hatika' %ora 9agna'"tmakarakamsa and other amsas and unless we haveable #ommentaries'the readers will be laun#hed in a rough sea doubts.&itu' &a ' Ta +O+' reversing we get +' and divided by 5' wehave the first houseor 9agna. 9abha @' 9a <' Bha 1 * <1' reversed' wehave 1<' divided by5' we have a balan#e of @ C therefore the @thhouse from 9agna isindi#ated.

S=. <<.*)isre samaha. $f there is a mixture ofbenefi#s and malefi#s

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in the above #ombination' the person will attain toordinarypositions.

S=. <1.*Daridro vipareethe. $f evil planets o##upybenefi#ial signsand benefi#s evil signs' the person will be poor.

S=. <(. *)atari gttrow sukre #handre varaakeeyaha. $f to the lord of9agna or to the lord of @th' the (th house iso##upied by uru' Sukraor 6handra' the person be#omes a high overnmentoffi#ial and wields

politi#al powers.

S=. <+.*!armani dase va pape senanyaha. $f evilplanets o##upy the <rdand +th from the lords of 9agna or the lord of the@th' the personbe#omes a military #ommander.

47TES !armani <' Dasa +. !a ' )a ( *(' reversedwe have (' divided

by 5 we have the remainder <. Da ' Sa is @ * 0@'reading ba#kward wehave @0' divided by 5 we get the balan#e +.6ommanders often leadtheir vi#torious armies against their employers andbe#ome rulersthemselves. %yder' 4apoleon' Shivai' %indenberg'Aellington andothers be#ame rulers.

S=. <@.*Swapitrubhyam karmadasasthadrishtyatadeesadrishtyamatrtunathadrishtya #ha dheemantaha. $f the lordsof the <rd and +th

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from 9agna and "tmakaraka aspe#t the latter or ifthe planets in thosehouses aspe#t them and if the lord of the (thaspe#t them' the personbe#omes extremely intelligent.

47TES &itru ' Swa ' !arma <' Dasa (' )atru +.These have alreadybeen explained in !a' Ta' &a' 8adi Sutra rules.

S=. <0.*Daresadrishtya sukhinaha. $f 9agna and!araka 9agna have theaspe#t of the lord of the 1th' the person will be


47TES Dara 1. %appiness' it must be remembered'does not entirelydepend upon position or wealth. There are somepeople who areextremely ri#h and powerful' but they are mostmiserable. There aresome who are very ordinary but who are perfe#tlyhappy. &hysi#al and

mental #onditions have great deal to do withhappiness and spe#iallysome temperaments have the kna#k of makingthemselves agreeablealround and #reate happiness for themselves.

S=. </.*Rogesadrishtya daridraha. $f the lord ofthe 0th from 9agnaand !araka 9agna aspe#t them' the person suffersfrom poverty.

47TES Roga 0' Ra 5' a < O 5<' reversed <5' dividedby 5 we havebalan#e 0.

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#ombinations or aspe#ts for these houses or fortheir lords' thepunishments are Ripha*, #ertain and the man willsuffer.

$f there are good planetary #ombinations or !ita*aspe#ts for thesehouses or their lords' the person will have trialsand troubles 8ugma*< and prose#utions' but will be let off aftertrials and perse#utions.%ere five sets of houses have been named and thepresen#e of planets'in ea#h set' of eual number in ea#h of the houses

indi#ateimprisonments and tortures. But $ gather from the#ommentaries thatwhen the number of planets is not eual or properlymat#hed' thesetroubles may not be indi#ated.

S=. 1<.*Sukradgounapadastho rahuh suryadrishlonetraha. $f the (th

from "rudha 9agna is o##upied by Rahu and Raviaspe#ts him' the personwill lose his sight.

47TES Sukra ' Sa means (' Ra denotes 5 * (5'reversed 5(' divided by5' we have ' denoting 9agna. auna (' a shows <'4a denotes ( O <('reversed +<' divided by 5' we have the balan#e of(' denoting the (thhouse. Ea#h 9agna has its "rudha. Take the (th inthe undergivenhoros#ope. %ere the (th is !ataka. $ts lord is inthe th from the(th. The th from 6handra falls in )eena and if $understand the

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sutra properly' it means the fifth "rudha falls in)eena' is o##upiedby Rahu and Ravi aspe#ts him' the person will losehis sight.

S=. 11.*Swadaragayoh suk ra#K handrayoratodynmraa#hinhani #ha. ' $fSukra and 6handra o##upy the 1th from "tmakaraka'the person will havethe paraphernalia of royalty' vi.' 4agara ordrums' 4oubhat' musi#6hatras umbrellas' 6hamaras or tufts of hair*fanswhi#h attendants

keep waving about the royal personage and othersigns and emblems ofroyal state.

47TES Ae #an easily infer that if Sukra and 6handrain this#ombination are exalted' have good #onun#tions andaspe#ts' theperson will have these royal insignia on a grands#ale and if they are

weak or have evil aspe#ts and #onun#tions' theroyal paraphernaliawill be on small or poor s#ale. There are Raaswith a few lakhs andemperors with many #rores. There are !ings and!ings' rulers andrulers' emperors and all these have differentgrades and differentinsignia. $n all these sutras' taking the original#ommentaries and my47TES the readers will see that they have to shiftthrough a lot of#onfli#ting eviden#e and #onfusing prin#iples.

$ have tried my best to make the explanations'notes' examples as

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#lear and #onvin#ing as possible. But in spite ofall my efforts thereaders may find doubts and diffi#ulties. %ere insu#h #ases my soundadvi#e to them would be that they should read thesutra well twi#e orthri#e' read the translations $ have given andexamples by way ofillustrations. "nd after doing so' if they stillhave doubts they mustthink over well' for a few days' read the previousand the futurestanas and $ may assure them' that suddenly theywill hit upon the

#orre#t idea or meaning and their doubts will besolved and fresh andglorious mental light will flash on their brains.

  End of Third &ada of the ?irst"dhyaya

  "D%8"8" * &"D" 1

S=. .* =papadam padam pitraitu#harat. Take the5th house from 9agna.?ind out * its &ada 9agna or "rudha 9agna. Thisbe#omes upapada.

47TES ?or ordinary &ada we take the lord of 9agnaand we #ount againthe same number of Rasis from him as he hasadvan#ed from 9agna andthis be#omes &ada or "rudha 9agna. ?or =papada wehave to take fromthe lord of the 5th from 9agna and #ount againthat number of Rasis

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from the position of its lord and the sign whi#hfalls in that numberwill be =papada. The meaning will not be #learunless $ give one ortwo examples- Vrishabha is 9agna. $ts lord Sukraoins Dhanus the 0thfrom 9agna. 6ounting again the 0th from Sukra weget !ataka and thisis #alled &ada or "rudha 9agna 2see Sutra 5/ of&ada 3. 4ow we haveto find =papada. Take the lord of the 5th from9agna. The 5th from9agna is )esha. $ts lord is !ua and he is found inthe @th from it.

The seventh from him is again )esha and in thishoros#ope "rudha 9agnafalls in !ataka and it goes under the name of &ada.The =papada willfall in )esha' and the results in this #hapter willbe predi#ted withreferen#e to =papada.

Take another horos#ope. %ere #al#ulate the &ada andthe =papada

9agnas. The lord of 9agna is Sani and he is in the1th from 9agna. Thefourth from him or Simha will be "rudha or &ada9agna. 4ow #al#ulatethe =papada 9agna. Take the 5th from 9agna. Thisfalls in )akara. $tslord is Sani. %e is in the (th house from it orVrishabha. 4ow takethe (th from him' it will fall in !anya. ?or thisperson &ada 9agnafalls in Simha and =papada falls in !anya. Takeanother example. $nthis horos#ope the lord of 9agna is uru. %e is in)ithuna or the 1th.6ount from him to the 1th C we see that it falls in!anya. This will

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be the &ada 9agna for this native. 4ow take the5th house from 9agna.This will be !umbha. $ts lord is Sani. %e is foundin the 1th fromthat house in Vrishabha. 6ount the 1th from him andit will be Simhaand this will be his =papada 9agna.

"ll 9agnas and Bhavas have their &ada and =papadaand :aimini seems topay great attention to "tmakarakamsa' &ada 9agnaand =papada 9agna.Some #ommentators say*=papadam 9abhaditi. Thismeans*take the @th from

9agna and find out the "rudha from it. This be#omesthe =papada 9agnaTake the horos#ope given below. 9abha means. * 9a<' Bha 1 * <1'reversed it be#omes 1<' divided by 5' we get aremainder of @' andtherefore the @th house is meant by this sutra. The@th from 9agnabe#omes !anya 2see #hart on p.,/3. $ts lord Budhao##upies the +th

house from it in !umbha. The +th from !umbha is!ataka. Therefore forthis horos#ope the =papada be#omes !ataka a##ordingto this sutra.Thus in this horos#ope a##ording to one theory=papada be#omes Simhaand a##ording to the tatter upapada be#omes !ataka.This makes a greatdeal of differen#e. $ have indi#ated thedifferen#es and $eave thereaders to follow their own udgementC experien#eand personalreading.

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S=. 5. * Tatra papasya papayoge pravrayadaranasova. $f the upapadahas evil #onun#tion or aspe#t or if the 5nd fromit has an evilplanet' the wife will die or he will embra#epravraya or sanyasa oras#eti#ism.

47TES Brihaspathi is uoted here. $f there is amalefi# planet in the"rudha 9agna from the @th or :amitra or an evilplanet in the @th or5nd or Rahu is found in the /th' the wife of theperson will be


S=. <.* =papadasyapyarudhatwadeva natra ravihipapaha. $f the se#ondfrom the =papada is o##upied by Ravi he does notbe#ome a malefi#. .

47TES Somehow all astrologi#al writers have#lassified Ravi as an evil

planet. :aimini says that Ravi is not an evilplanet when he is in the5nd house from =papada.

S=. 1.*Shubhadrigyoganna. $f' in the above#ombinations in Sutras 5and < there are benefi#ial aspe#ts or #onun#tions'the evil resultsshould not be predi#ted.

47TES $t means that his wife will not die or hewill not take sanyasa.The wife must die some day or other. Ahat is meanthere is that during

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5nd from upapada is found in exaltation his wifewill #ome from arespe#table family.

47TES ?amily traditions and previous histories havegreat influen#e inso#ial #ir#les. .

S=. ,. * 4ee#he viparyayaha. $f the lord of these#ond from theupapada oins a debilitated sign' the #ase will bereversed.

47TES $t means the wife will #ome from a despi#ableor mean family.So#ial stigmas are often unpleasant.

S=. . *Shubhasambandhatsundaree. $f the se#ondfrom the upapada hasbenefi#ial aspe#ts or #onun#tions' the wife willbe a very beautifulwoman. .

47TES $t is both a fortune and misfortune to have avery beautifulwife. %er moral behaviour and the temperament ofthe husband shouldde#ide this #ompli#ated problem.

S=. 5.*Rahusanibhyamapavadatyago naso va. $f Saniand Rahu o##upy oraspe#t the se#ond house from upapada' the wife willdie or will beree#ted by the husband for so#ial s#andals.

S=. <. *Stikrakettibhyam raktapradaraha. $t Sukraand !etu o##upy or

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aspe#t the se#ond from =papada the wife will sufferfrom bloodydis#harges or blood #omplaints.

47TES ?emales have these menstrual and bloody#omplaints very oftenand they lead to #onsumption.

S=. 1.*"stisravo budha!etubhyam. $f the se#ondfrom =papada has theaspe#t or #onun#tion of Budha and !etu the wife ofthe person willsuffer from a disease wherein her bones will be

melted and droppeddown.

S=.(.OSaniraviruhubhirastivaraha. $t Sani' Raviand* Rahu oin oraspe#t the 5nd house from =papada the wife willsuffer from #hroni# orpersistent low fever.

47TES $n the "yurvedia system' there is the

Raktasrita :wara or feverfound persistent in blood and "stigata :wara orfever whi#h haspenetrated to the bones and whi#h #annot easily beeradi#ated. ' Thefirst fever is milder while the se#ond is moreserious. ?ever is themonar#h of all diseases and brings in its trainvarious #ompli#ations.

S=. +.*Budha!etubhyam sthaulyam. $f the se#ondfrom =papada isaspe#ted or #onoined by !etu and Budha' the wifebe#omes #lumsily#orpulent.

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47TES $ believe great #orpulen#e and a##umulationof fat in the bodyof man or woman is a great misfortune. There is alimit to #orpulen#e.Ahen it is unwieldy it gives great in#onvenien#e.

S=. . @. *Budhakshetre mandarabhyam nasikarogaha.$f the se#ond from=papada falls in one of the signs of Budha' vi.')ithuna or !anya andpossesses the aspe#t or #onun#tion of Sani and!ua' the wife will

suffer from nasal diseases or #omplaints of thenose.

S=. 0.*!tiakshetre #ha. $f the se#ond house from=papada falls inone of !ua>s houses' vi.' )esha or Vris#hika andhas the aspe#t of!ua and Sani' the same nasal diseases will troublethe man>s wife.

S=. /. *urusanibhyam karnarogo narahaka #ha. $fthe se#ond from=papada falls in any one of the houses of !ua orBudha and has theaspe#t or #onun#tion of uru. and Sani' the wifewill have ear#omplaints and also nervous diseases.

S=. 5,.*ururahubhyam dantarogaha. $f the se#ondfrom =papada falls inany of the houses of Budha or !ua and has theaspe#t of uru andRahu' the wife will suffer from tooth diseases. .

47TES $n Sanskrit it is stated that four forms ofdiseases are the

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most painful to endure' vi.' "kshiO eyes' !ukshiOstoma#h' Sira Ohead Dants O teeth. These a#hes are very painful.

S=. 5.*Sanirahubhyam kanyathulayoho &angurvatarogova. $f the se#ondfrom =papada falls in !anya or Thula and has theaspe#t of Sani andRahu' the wife will be defe#tive in limbs or willsuffer from windy#omplaints.

47TES "yurveda says that when the three Dhatus

Vata' &itta' andSleshma*are properly distributed' the body keepsgood health. Ahen anyone of them is ex#ited' diseases appear.

S=. 55. *Subhadrigyoganna. $f in the #ombinationsgiven above thereare benefi#ial #onun#tions or aspe#ts' the evilswill disappear and

bad should not be predi#ted.

S=. 5<. Saptamamsagrahebhyas#haivam. The aboveresults may also bepredi#ted by the @th from =papadaC by the !alatra!arakamsa and by thelords of those houses.

47TES This means that all the above results goodand bad may bepredi#ted by the lord of the @th from =papada' andby the @th housefrom =papada' by the !alatra !arakamsa and also byits lord. ?or ea#hBhava so many #ombinations have to be examined thatastrologi#al

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predi#tions are not easy matters. reat devotion isneeded.

S=. 51.*Budhasanisukreshwanapatyaha. $f the @thfrom =papada and itslord and the lord of the !alatra !arakamsa and itslord*if all thesefour are aspe#ted or #onoined by Budha Sani andSukra' the personwill have no issues.

S=. 5(.*&utreshu ravirahugurubhirbahuputraha. $fthe (th house from

the @th' from =papada' its lord' the !alatra!arakamsa and its lordhave the aspe#ts or #onun#tions of Ravi' Rahu anduru' the personwill have many #hildren.

47TES Rahu seems to exer#ise very pe#uliarinfluen#es.

S=. 5+.*6handrenaikaputraha. $f in the #ombinationgiven in Sutra 5('the fifth has only 6handra>s aspe#t or #onun#tion'the person willhave only one son.

S=. 5@. )isre yilambatnpuitraha. $f the (th inSutra. 5( has#ombinations and aspe#ts' both for many issues andno issues' thenpredi#t an issue later on in life.

47TES Ahat the author means is' when there are#ombinations for many#hildren and no #hildren' the person will haveissues later on in

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life. The problem of #hildren is #urious andvarious. Some beget#hildren very early in life and get as many as 5,or 5( by one wife.7thers get even <, to <( #hildren by two or threewives one after theother or simultaneously by several wives. There aresome who get onlya limited number. Some get an issue early in lifeand get no more.Some get one #hild in the middle of their life andthere are otherswho get only one #hild towards the #lose of theirlives. od>s

#reation presents pules and #onfusion all roundus.

S=. 50.*!uasanibhyam dattaputrahu. $f the (thhouse' in the#ombinations given in Sutra 5(' has the aspe#t or#onun#tion of !uaand Sani' the person will have an adopted son.

47TES $ have shown the importan#e of #hildren inthe previous 47TES.There are 1 varieties of #hildren mentioned by the%indu 9aw.

S=. 5/.**7e bahuputtaha. $f the (th from. the#ombinations mentionedin Sutra 5( falls in an odd sign' the person willhave many #hildren.

S=. <,.*8ugme alpapraaha. $f the (th sign in theabove #ombinationsfalls in even signs' there will be few issues.

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<rd indi#ates the younger brothers and sisters.This is well known ineneral "strology. Ae take these from :anmalagna.%ere :aimini takesthem from =papada.

S=. <<*Sukrenavyavahitagarbhanasaha- $f Sukra oinsthe <rd or theth. from =papada and its lord' the younger andthe elder brotherswill die.

47TES $ have already shown that the <rd indi#ates

younger and the th elder brothers and sisters.

S=. <1.*&i tnubhave sukradrishtepi. $f the 9agna orthe 0th house fromit has the aspe#t of Sukra' loss must be predi#tedfor elder andyounger brothers. &itru 7ne*&a ' Ta means + O+.reversed it be#omes

+' divided by 5' we get the 9agna or one. Bhava O0' Bha stands for1 and Va stands for 1 O 11' divided by 5' we havethe remainder 0.The #ommentators refer simply to 9agna and "shtamaand we have to takethem from :anmalagna. %ow "shtama or the 0th hasanything to do withelder and younger brothers' #annot be tra#ed. TheSutra is #lear andwe have to take it as given by the )aharishi.

S=. <(.*Quaguri#handrabudhalrbahu bhrataraha. '$f the th and <rdfrom =papada and its lord are oined by !ua' uru'6handra and Budha'

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the person will have many brothers' elder andyounger in#luded. .

S=. <+. * Sanyarobhyam drishte yathaswambhratrunasaha. P > . . . $fthe <rd and th from =papada have the aspe#t ofSani and !ua' theperson will have his brothers destroyed.

47TES Ahat the <rd has evil aspe#ts' the youngerand when the th hasaspe#ts' the elder brothers will die. $f both haveevil aspe#ts' thenthe younger as well as the elder brothers will die.

Sisters arein#luded in brothers. Brethren refers to those whoare born with aperson' males and females in#luded.

S=. <@.*Sanina swamatraseshas#ha. $f the <rd andth from =papada andits lord are aspe#ted by Sani he person will loseall his brothers and

sisters and he will remain alone.

S=. <0.* !ethau bhagineebahti lyam. .$f the <rd andth from =papadaand its lord has the #onun#tion of !etu' theperson will have manysisters.

S=. </.*9abhes dbhagyabheh rahau damstra van. $f  Rahu oins the 5ndfrom the @th from =papada' the person will havelarge teeth or noteeth or will be#ome dumb. .

S=. 1,.*!ethau stabdhavak $f !etu oins the 5ndhouse from the @th

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from =papada' the person will be an indistin#tspeaker or possessesbad pronun#iation. .%e may also have stammering.

S=. 1. )ande !uroopaha. $f Sani oins the 5ndhouse from the lord ofthe @th house from =papada' the person be#omes uglyand repulsive.

S=. 15.*Swamsavasadgowraneelapeetadivarnaha. The#olour or #omplexionof the person' yellow dark' golden or white must bepredi#ted from thenature of the 4avamsa o##upied by the "tmakaraka.

47TES Similarly :aimini hints to find out the#olours of the variousrelations from the 4avamsas o##upied by theirrespe#tive !arakas'Varahamihira says > 9agna 4avamsapa ThulyaTariusyet. 'udge the#olour' et#.' of the person by the 4avamsa o##upiedby the lord of9agna. .

S=. 1<.*"maryanu#haraddevatabhaktihi. Take theplanet next in degreesto "matya. karaka and find out from him thereligious tenden#ies ofthe person' .

47TES "s per those rules the next planet in degreesto "matyakarakawill be Bhratrukaraka. $f that planet happens to beevil' the man willbe devoted to the worship of evil spirits' if hehappens to be good'then he will worship good ods. $n the all*powerfulTime are embedded

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<< #rores of Devatas or for#es or Energies forpurposes of #reation'prote#tion and destru#tion. Eleven #rores. ofenergies are under the#ontrol of Brahma and his Spouse Saraswathi'representing a3$edu#ation' gnana and intelligen#e for #reative orgenerativefun#tions. Eleven #rores of energies are under therule of Vishnu with9akshmi' for fun#tioning prote#tion.

)oney is needed for prote#tion and 9akshmi>s gra#eis wanted. Eleven

#rores of for#es are under the #ontrol of )ahesvarawith Durga fordestru#tive purposes. By tapas man getspsy#hologi#al energy. Thisenables him to issue orders to the differentfor#es' generative'prote#tive and destru#tive as he develops one ofthese three. 4igrehaand "nugreha forms are different. The edu#ationdepartment in#reases a

man>s knowledge C the Distri#t )agistrate has powerto offend C theSessions :udge #an hang a man or let him off fromthe gallows. Thepostal man #an transport news and money and smallarti#les. The poli#eand the revenue have different fun#tions. "ll areorders or mentalfor#es but ea#h has a different fun#tions. Bykeeping #ompany with as#avenger a man gets dirty stink. By asso#iatingwith a s#ent mer#hanthe gets perfumes. "ll these << #rores of energiesare #alled Devatasand by analogy ods. The psy#hology of a persondiffers #onsiderably

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from others.

Ahile one #ultivates the art of #harity andphilanthropy' another#ultivates the art of #ruelty*and destru#tion. $nthis sutra the man>sdevotion is shown by the planets. Ahen they are badhe invokes evilspirits or for#es. Ahen good' he invokes thebenefi#ial powers. $refer my readers to the wilderness of )antraSastras. There are saptakoti mahamantras and navakoti kshudra mantras. Theformer enable a

person to do benefi#ial a#tions by the help of)ahamantras orbenefi#ial for#es. The latter enable the person to#all evil powersand do mis#hief to the people. Ae haveDakshina#hera or good andVama#hara or bad.

S=. 11.*Swaritse kevalapapasambandheparaataha. $f

evil planets o##upy"tmakarakamsa Rasi' the person will be born ofadultery.

S=. 1(.*4otrapapath. $f the "tmakaraka is himselfevil and other evilplanets are not with him' then the evil in theabove sutra should notbe attributed.

47TES This means he will be legitimate and born tohis father.

S=. 1+.*Sanirahubhyam prasiddhihi. $t Sani and Rahuare in #onun#tion

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with "tmakarakamsa Rasi' the person will be#ome anotorious rake. .

47TES &eople indulge in sexual embra#es' but manydo so with somesense of honour. But there are many who areshameless in su#h matters.

S=. 1@.*opanamanyebhyaha. $f in the "tmakarakamsaother evil planetsthan Sani and Rahu are #onoined' the person willnot be born toanother>s seed' but his mother will be immoral'

47TES " person >s mother may be an immoral woman'but he may be theprodu#t of legitimate embra#e.

S=. 10.*Shubhavarge apavadamatram. . $f shubhaShadwarga arises in the"tmakarakamsa in the above*mentioned yogas' therewill be s#andal

about his legitima#y but he will be really born ofhis father>s seed..

47TES There will be unfounded suspi#ions about hisbirth but they willnot be true.

S=. 1/.*Dvigrahe kulamukhyaha. $f there are twoplanets in the"tmakarakamsa' the person will be#ome a leader inhis #ommunity.

47TES &ersons' males as well as females' havepe#uliar temperaments.

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To be a leader in his own #ommunity' family'religion' s#ien#e' art'or se#t' trade or line of profession is a greatambition whi#h theyoften try to emulate. Even in vi#es there areleaders andsubordinates. The leader of a da#oit gang will havehundreds orthousands of persons under him and the leadershipis #ourted by hisfollowers and admirers. Take any line of work'there are leaders andthose who follow them as menials and subordinatesof various grades.

$n this leadership' there is mu#h good or evil theleader #an do. $fthere are two or more evil planets in the!arakamsa' the person willbe #ruel and sinful in his deeds. $f there arebenefi#s' we may expe#tthe prominen#e in good and virtuous ways.

  End of ?ourth &ada of the ?irst"dhyaya

  "D%8"8" 5*&"D"

S=. .*"ayuh pitrudinesabhyam. 9ongevity of aperson has to bedetermined with referen#e to 9agna and the 0th fromit.

47TES &itru *' 7ina O 0 C &a ' Ta means +' +reversed will be O +'divided by 5 we have a reminder . Therefore thest house. Di O 0'

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4a O ,' reversed we get ,0' Therefore 0th housefrom 9agna issignified. :ataka 6handrika' following &arasara'lays down 0th and <rdas houses of longevity.

S=. 5.*&rathamayonittarayorva deergham. . $f thelords of the st and0th are in movable or #ommon signs or if one ofthem is in a movableand the other in a #ommon sign' there will belongevity.

S=. <.*: &rathamadwiteeyayorantayorva madhyam. $fthe lords of the stand 0th are found in 6hara and Sthira Rasis*movableand fixed*or ifboth of them are in double. bodied signs' therewill be middle life.

S=. 1. **)adhyayoradyantayorva heenam. $f the lordsof the st and 0thare found in fixed signs or one in 6hara and other

in Dwiswabhava'there will be short life. $n the se#ond sutra thelast portion repeatsthe same idea.

S=. (. * Evam manda#handrabhyam. The rules he hasgiven in the firstfour sutras must also be' applied to 6handra 9agnaand the 9agna.

47TES )anda O' )a (' Da 0O (0' reversed we have 0(divided by 5' weget or first house. Therefore apply the aboverules for 9agna and6handra. %ere he drops the lord of the 0th.

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S=. +. *&itruka latas#ha. &oorna )adhya "lpa 9ong)iddle Shortlife 5life <life 59ong 5)iddle 5Short <life life5life <9ong <)iddle<Short 5life <life life 9ong' middle and shortlives may also beas#ertained from 9agna and %ora 9agna. . 6hara*)ovable. 5. Sthira*?ixed. <. Dwiswabhava*6ommon or Double bodied sign.9ong life isensured when the above*mentioned lords are. . $ntwo movable signs.5. $n fixed and #ommon signs. <. $n #ommon and

fixed signs. )iddlelife Ahen the two lords are in . )ovable and fixedsigns. 5. ?ixedand movable signs. <. 6ommon and #ommon signs.Short life . )ovableand #ommon. 5. ?ixed and fixed. <. 6ommon andmovable- This tableenables the reader to readily as#ertain from thelords of 9agna'6handra and %ora 9agna and the lord of the 0th' the

term of life of aperson.

S=. @.**Sam vadatpramanyam. Ahi#hever longevity isdetermined by thegreater number of #ombinations of planets' thatterm of life should bepredi#ted and it will happen #ertainly. . .

47TES This system of #al#ulation and #omparison is#alled samvada.Three systems have been given' vi'. . ?rom theposition of the lordsof 9agna and the 0th .'- in the movable' fixed and#ommon signs. 5.

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?rom the position of the lords of 9agna and 6handra9agna in the aboveRasis. <. ?rom the position of the 9agna and %ora9agna in the abovesigns. $ have already explained what is meant by%ora 9agna. $f theterms of life given by any of these two are opposedto or vary fromthe term of life indi#ated by one system' then theformer willprevail. f the #al#ulations from these threesystems agree' then#ertainty the person will have that term whi#h theyshow. .

S=. 0. * yisamvade piitrukalataha. $f three termsof life areindi#ated by the three systems' then the termsobtained by the 9agnaand %ora 9agna should be preferred and a##epted.

47TES $f by one system we get tong life' by anothersystem middle life

and by the third short $ife' a##ept that term whi#hyou get* by the9agna and %ora 9agna and ree#t * the other termsobtained by other#al#ulations.

S=. /.*&itrulabhage #handre #handramandabhyam. $f6handra is in the@th from :anma 9agna then the longevity obtained.from the lord ofthese two must be taken as the definite term of aman>s life. "lpayuor short life extends from birth to <5 years.)adhyayu or middle life

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extends from << to ++ years. &aramayu or long lifeextends from +@ to,, years. Ea#h Rasi has <, Bhagas or <, degreesand the positions ofplanets and houses will have to be taken withreferen#e to degrees andminutes they o##upy. $f the lords of 9agna and 0thare in the first ,degrees of the Rasis indi#ating long life' theperson will have thefull benefit of purnayu. $f they are in the end ofthose Rasis' deathmust be predi#ted at the #ommen#ement oflongevity.$f they are in the

middle' then the extent of the term in longevitymust be found out bythe rule of three. >

The rule of three should be thus applied. ?or ea#hdegree of the Rasiwe get year and <+ days as per explanations ofthe old #ommentators.$f purnayu #ounts <1 years from ++th year to onehundred' then this

has to be divided by <, degrees #omposing a Rasi.Ae get year and 10days and not <+- as explained by them. " purnayuman under thatte#hni#al term may die from his +@th year>s age tohis ,,th year.?ind out the degrees passed by the lords of 9agna*and 0th in therespe#tive houses they are and then by rule ofthree find out how manydegrees and minutes and se#onds they have passed inthose Rasis andas#ertain how many years they give. "dd this to ++and the years soobtained will be the term of life' the person willhave in the

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longevity period. Say they are in + degrees 5,minutes and (,se#onds.

Ahat would be the term of life F Ae have taken thisin the purnayu. $fea#h degree gets year and 10 days' what will bethe number of years'months and days for + degrees' 5, minutes and (6se#onds F This issimply a uestion of the rule of three. Ae get 0years' + months' /days and 1, ghatis. This added to ++' the term ofmiddle life' we get

01*+*/*1,. The longevity of the person will be 01years' + months. /days and 1, ghatis and his death must be predi#tedafter this age.Similarly the age must also be as#ertained by %oraas well as by6handra 9agna. $f there are differen#es' take themaority and de#ide.$n the se#ond and third divisions of )adhya and"lpayus or middle or

short lives the same pro#edure has to be followed.This gives a #lueto predi#t the #orre#t time of death.

The author in these sutras has not spoken anythingabout theBalarishta' )adhyarishta and 8ogarishta. " verylarge number ofinfants die before they are eight years of age andthis is des#ribedas death from Balarishta. Then )adhyarishta extendsfrom 0 to 5,years' and we have a large number of deaths. Thenwe have the8ogarishta extending from 5, to <5. &robably:aimini in#ludes all

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these three different periods in the "lpayuryogawhi#h extends upto <5years 2see my 47TES in Brihat :ataka andSarvanha#hintamani on thesevarious terms of life3. =nless we have a fullknowledge of Balarishtathe #al#ulation of :aimini will not be found usefulor a##urate. "ninfant dies in the womb' a few minutes after birthor months*how #anthese 8ogas apply to them F See &indotpatti orfoetal developmentgiven by me in Brihat :ataka.

S=. ,. *Sanow yoga.hetou kakshyahrasaha. $f in theabove #ombinationsSani #auses the &urnayuryoga' then pla#e it as)adhyayuryoga. $f he#auses )adhyayuryoga' then put it in "lpa and if he#auses "lpa' then#onsider it as still less and predi#t very earlydeath.

S=. .* y :#pureetamityanye. Some others are ofopinion that when thelongevity is #aused by Sani thereC should be no!akshya %rasa ordedu#tion or degradation. They mean that the termindi#ated by Sanishould hold good.

S=. 5.**4a. swarkshathungage saure. $f Sani#ausing longevityo##upies his own or exalted house' !akshya %rasa*orredu#tion shouldnot be applied. .

S=. <.*!evalpapadrigyogini #ha. $f Sani' #ausinglongevity' has many

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Dwarabahya Rasi.* Suppose the 1th from 9agna is theDwara* RasiC whi#h#ommen#es the Dasa' the 1th from it or the @thforms the DwarabahyaRasi. $n the :aiminisutras later on will beexplained the Rasi Dasasor periods and sub*periods and when a man would bekilled. This methodof attributing Dasas and Bhuktis to ;odia#al signsis not even hintedat in other books. There the Dasas and Bhuktis areattributed toplanets and #onstellations. $n the "msayurdaya ofSatya#harya' 9agna

in any sign #ontributes its own term of life. TheseDwarabahya Rasisare also #alled &akabhoga Rasis. &aka means Dasa.f these twoDwarabahya Rasis are evil signs' death will resultin the period of anevil 4avamsa in them. $f the lords of these twoRasis have evilaspe#ts or #onun#tions' death must be predi#ted inthe period of the

evil 4avamsa. Death always happens under thegreatest malefi# planetand malefi# Rasi.

GThe sutra is very tough and even the #ommentatorshave not #ome toour res#ue. $t has referen#e to )araka or death andhas been dealtwith by me in my Studies in :aimini "strology. TheRasi in whi#h Dasabegins at birth is Dwara Rasi. Suppose the 9agna is)eena and thaDwara Rasi is the (th from it' vi. !ataka. Thanthe +th from !ataka'vi. Vris#hika will be #alled Bahya 2Dwarabahya3Rasi. Dwara Rasi is

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also #alled &aka Rasi while Bahya Rasi is alsoknown as Bohga Rasi.

S=. +. *Shubhadrigyoganna. $f to the DwarabahyaRasis' and the Rasio##upied by Dwarabahya there are benefi#ial aspe#tsand #onun#tionsCthere will be no death in the 4avamsa periods ofthose Rasis.

S=. @.**Rogese* tunge navamsavriddhihi. $f thelord of the 0th from9agna oins exaltation' there will be in#rease of

life in the Dasa ofthe 4avamsa thus averting the death indi#ated inthe above#ombinations.

S=. 0.*Tatrapi padesadasante padanavamsadasayampitrudinesatrikoneva. . $f there is an in#rease ofC life as per Sutra@' then deathwill happen in 4avamsa Dasa of the Rasi o##upied by

"rudhalagnadhipathiC in the Dasas of Rasis whi#hare in trikona tolords of 9agna and 0th C in the 4avamsa Dasa of theRasi #ontaining"rudha 9agna.

47TES &itru ' &a stands for ' Ta denotes +'reversed it is +'divided by 5' we have remainder' and it means9agna. 7ina 0' Dastands for 0 and 4a , O 0,' reversed it means ,0'or the 0th house. $fin the Vriddhi paksha named in Sutra @' the deathdoes not happenthen' when #an the person expe#t death. :aiminihere gives the periods

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when death may be expe#ted. The "rudhadhipathi orthe lord of &ada9agna o##upies some Rasi. Death may be predi#ted inthe 4avamsa RasiDasa. Death may also happen in the Dasas of theTrikonas from 9agnaand the 0th or in the 4avamsa Dasa of the "rudhaRasi from 9agna. %ehas given here three sets of #ombinations. . Deathmay o##ur in theDasas of Trikonas from 9agna and the 0th. 5. Deathmay o##ur in the4avamsa Dasa of the "rudha Rasi. > <. $t may happenin the 4avamsa

Dasa from the Rasi o##upied by the lord of "rudha9agna.

S=. /.*&itrulobharogesapranini kant#rkadistheswatos#haivam thridha.$f the lord of the 0th from 9agna and the lord ofthe 0th from the@th' .from 9agna are powerful and o##upy !endras'&anaparas and

"poklimas' then they #ause long' middle and shortlives respe#tively.

47TES The lord of the 0th from 9agna and the 9ordof the 0th from the@th from 9agna must +e powerful. $f they o##upy!endras' they givelong life. $f they o##upy &anaparas' .they produ#emiddle life. $fthey o##upy "poklimas' they produ#e short life.!endras are ' 1' @and , from 9agna. &anaparas are 5' (' 0 and from 9agna. "poklimas<' +' / and 5 from 9agna. '

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S=. 5,.**8ogatsame swasmin vipareetam. $f"tmakaraka oins the @thfrom * the @th 29agna3' the meaning #onveyed inSutra / will have tobe differently interpreted.

47TES $n this sutra he is going to show somespe#ial results. Theseare #alled Viparitas or perverts in meaning. The@th from the @th willbe 9agna itself. $f by Sutra / longevity isindi#ated' then #all itmiddle life' if they indi#ate middle' #all it shortlife' if short

life is shown say there will be a very little termof life. $f it islong' say it will be short' if it is short' saylong' if it is middle'then #all it middle. 6ommentators give some morehints. $f the lord ofthe 0th from 9agna is in exaltation' then he willgive one*half morethan what #ould be expe#ted from him. $f heo##upies a debilitated

Rasi' then he will #ut off one half of what hewould have given undernormal #onditions. Similarly when there are exaltedand debilitatedplanets in the 0th we have to draw inferen#es andadd or take awayfrom the terms of life indi#ated +y them.

S=. 5.**Rasitaha pranaha. The strength of theRasis must be properlyas#ertained.

47TES :aimini gives parti#ular strength to Rasis'other Shastras also

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atta#h importan#e to Rasis. %e details !arakayogasshortly. %e saysthat mu#h strength need not be atta#hed to "msa.

S=. 55.*GRogesayoh swata aikye yoge va madhyam. $fthe 0th housesfrom> 9agna and the @th are oined by their.-!arakas or if theyhappen to be themselves !arakas' if the lords ofthe 0th house from9agna and the @th are o##upying !endras' &anaparasor "poklimas' thenthe terms of life as#ertained from the #ombinations

shown in Sutra /will have to be redu#ed.

G $ have not meddled >with the > English renderingof this sutra by&rof. B. Suryanarain Rao. $ understand it thus- H$fthe lord of tha0th from 9agna or the 0th from the @th is himself"tmakarakaC or arein #onun#tion with "tmakaraka' the terms of life

mentioned in sutra/ are to be redu#ed.H The rest is #lear from &rof.Raos 47TES.

47TES $f the life indi#ated is long' then #onvertit into middle' ifit is middle' then redu#e it to short. and if it isshort' then fixdeath very early. This kind of in#rease or de#reasedepends on theparti#ular positions of planets and the Rasis theyo##upy and thesematters should be parti#ularly and #arefullystudied and the positionsof the planets should be properly understood.

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S=. 5<.*&itrulabhayoh papamadhyatwe konepapayoge.vak'aksh..yahrasaha. $f 9agna and @th from it liebetween evil planets'or if evil planets are in the Trikonas from 9agnaarid Saptama'!akshyahrasa or dedu#tions and additions must bemade for terms oflife whi#h are obtained by planetary positions.

S=. 51. *Swasminnapyevam. $f the !araka is betweenthe evil planets orevil planets #onoin the Trikonas from him'

!akshyahrasa should bemade.

S=. 5(.*Prhasminpope nee#he*atunge*ashubhasamyukte#hn. $f the !arakaoins 4ee#ha or does not oin the exaltation or ifhe is not in#onun#tion with benefi#s' !akshyahrasa should bemade.

47TES " house or planet is said to be betweenmalefi#s when the 5ndand 5th from it are o##upied by evil planets. Ahentwo evil planetsare on both sides of a 9agna or a planet' it forms!artariyoga anda#ts preudi#ially to the Bhava indi#ated by theRasi or the planet.

S=. 5+. * "nyadanya tha. $f 9agna and Saptama 2@th3or if !araka andthe @th from him are between benefi#ial planets orif the Trikonas

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from :anma and !araka 9agnas are o##upied bybenefi#s' if the !arakahappens to be a benefi#' if he is in exaltation andnot indebilitation or has benefi#ial #onun#tion' thereshould be no!akshyahrasa made.

S=. 5@. *urou #ha. $f uru happens to be !arakaand has evil planetsin 5nd' 5th' +th and 0th and in the houses formingTrikonas from himor has evil planets with him or he is not inexaltation or oins

4ee#ha Rasi' !akshyahrasa should be made. "nd in#ases where these#ombinations are reversed in#rease must bepredi#ted.

S=. 50.**&urnendusukrayorekarasivriddhihi. $f &urna6handra and Sukrabe#ome !arakas and o##upy the positions named inthe above sutras'they will give an in#rease of one Rasi Dasa. .

47TES " #ertain Rasi Dasa be#omes death infli#tingbut when su#h a#ombination is present' this Dasa will pass off andthe next Dasa will#ause death. This means they will in#rease thelongevity of theperson.

S=. 5/.*Sanau vipareetham. $f Sani be#omes !arakaand is found in thepla#es named in the previous sutras' he #auses!akshyahrasa in theearlier Dasa than tha maraka.

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47TES This means he will #ut short the life by oneDasa and thereforeearlier than the allotted timeC when 6handra' Sukraand Sani be#omepowerful in these dire#tions' we need not takeother planets into#onsideration and there will be no de#reases.

S=. <,. * Sthiradasayam yathakhandam nidha nam.Three se#tions for"yurbhava or longevity have been explained' vi.'long' middle andshort lives- $n the Sthira Dasa suppose the term of

* life is settledas middle. $f a death*infli#ting planet or Dasa#omes in the period.of "lpayu' the person will not die' but will suffersi#kness andmisery at the time.

47TES ?or death he must wait for the middle termand the maraka there.Sthira Dasas seem to *prolong life to a #ertain


S=.. <.*Tatrarkshaviseshaha- . $n the matter ofdeath' note thepe#uliarity of the Rasi. That is death will happenin the Dasa of the)arana !araka Rasi. *

47TES Divide the 5 signs into < !handas orse#tions and predi#t thedeath for short life in the first !handa' formiddle life in these#ond !handa' and for long life in the third!handa in that Rasi Dasa

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whi#h is #ruel or whi#h possesses the power toinfli#t death. Supposea man gets "lpayu or short life as the result ofthe planetary andsign pe#uliarities foreshadowed in the previoussutra on longevityCthen his death must be and will be #aused by themost #ruel in thefirst !handa' or the first four signs. )iddle lifewilt have death innext four signs and the long life will have an endin the most #ruelof the last four Rasi Dasas.

S=. <5.*' &apamadhye papakone ripturogayoh pape va.. . $f the Dasa isbetween malefi#s or has evil planets in itsTrikonas' or has evilplanets in 5 and 0' su#h a Dasa will #ause deathto the person.

S=. <<. *Tadeesayoho kevalaksheenendusukradrishtowva. $f the lords of

the 5th and 0th are aspe#ted by !sheena#handra andSukra' the Dasa ofthe 5th or 0th will infli#t death.

47TES !sheena#handra is powerless or 4ew*)oon Sukramust also be weak** or powerless. %ere :aimini seems to hint thatthose lords shouldhave no other planetary aspe#ts to kill the person.Ahen a #ombinationis given' there should be no disturbing agen#ies toprodu#e theresult. G

G This is a rather tough stana and &rofessor Rao>snotes are not

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S=. <(.*&itrulabhabhavesapranee rudraha. Ahoever isstronger among thelords of the 0th from 9agna he gets the name. ofRudra.

47TES The symbol of Rudra will be given to thelords of the Rasiswhi#h are stronger in the 0th houses from 9agna andSaptama or @th.

S=. <+.*' "pranyapi papadrishtaha. $f the weakeramong the lords of

the two houses' 0th from 9agna and @th' is aspe#tedby malefi#s' hewill also get the name of Rudra.

47TES Thus sometimes there may be two Rudrasinstead of one.

S=. <@.*&ranini subhadrishte rudrasulanthamvyuhu.$f the powerful

Rudra is aspe#ted by benefi#s' death may bepredi#ted in the RudraRasi' or in the periods of its Trikona Rasis ' (and /.

47TES ?irst #lassify and find out under whatheading the term of lifefalls and then predi#t death at the end of the Dasawhi#h is #ruel. .

S=. <0. *Tatrapi subhayogay. Even' if the weakerof. the planets' whenhe has evil aspe#ts get the name of Rudra' hasbenefi#ial #onun#tions

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or aspe#ts he will extend the length of life' tothe Rudra Rasi Dasaor the Dasas (th and /th from it.

47TES Trikona Dasas are what are te#hni#ally #alledShoola Dasas.Trikonas are ' ( and /.

S=. </. * yyarkapapayoge na. The above resultsshould not be predi#tedif other planets than the Sun' should be in the (thand /th from thetwo Rudras.

47TES $f Ravi is there' he will not obstru#t theresults abovementioned. $n some 8ogas the presen#e of the Sundoes not #ount. $nSunapha' "napha' Dhurdhura and !emadruma' thepresen#e of the Sun isnot taken into a##ount.

S=. 1,.*)andarendudrishtesubhayogabhave papayogepiva shubhadrishtowva parataha. $f the two Rudras be#ome evil' deathwill #ome in thefirst Shoola DasaC if one of them be#omes evil'death will happen inthe se#ond Shoola DasaC and if both of them arefavourable' death will#ome in the last of the <rd Shoola Dasa.

47TES This means that if both Rudras are bad' earlydeath' if one ofthem is bad. longer life and if both of them aregood' the longestterm of life will be enoyed in the periods to bedetermined by the

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prin#iples already explained. Sutras areunpardonably short' sweet'suggestive and #omprehend a great deal whi#h thereaders are expe#tedto know' analyse and remember. These generalsour#es of knowledge andthe #onstru#tive #apa#ity of the language enabledthose intelle#tualgiants of $ndia' vi.' the great )aharishis toframe rules and Sastrasand Sutras with great ease and fa#ility andbeueath to the latergenerations mines of intelle#tual treasures' whosedepths have not yet

been #ompletely explored or examined by thegreatest #ultured brainsof the present day.

$t is not possible for the greatest s#holars inSanskrit to frame asingle Sutra' whi#h #an #ompare favourably with theSutras of thean#ient )aharishis. They had the Tapobala to their#redit' led the

most simple lives' developed the brain power to thegreatest#on#eivable extent and set examples of devotion and#ontemplation onsublime sube#ts' whi#h gave them vast mentalresour#es' and made themwrite works' whi#h are the admiration of the mostprofound s#holars ofthe present age. This sutra reuires lengthyexplanation and $ shallmake no apology to do so for the benefit of myreaders. The#ommentators have #alled the following from an#ientwriters. :aimini>sviews and explanations sometimes differ#onsiderably from Varahamihira

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and others. Ravi' !ua' Sani and Rahu are#lassified as evil planets'one stronger than the other.

Rahu is the most powerful malefi#' next to Sani'next to !ua and thento Ravi C uru' .!etu' Sukra and Budha arebenefi#s' one stronger thanthe other. uru is the most benefi#ial' next #omes!etu' next Sukraand Budha #omes last. $f 6handra has the#onun#tion of !ua' he is#lassified as evil' otherwise he is good. $f Raviand other evil

planets o##upy evil signs' they be#ome more andmore evil. $f theyo##upy benefi#ial signs' they be#ome good. $f uruand other benefi#so##upy benefi#ial signs' they be#ome veryfavourable. $f they o##upyevil signs' they be#ome bad.' Budha be#omes abenefi# if he is inexaltation or is in an independent sign. uru andSukra in the house

of Budha' vi.' !anya and )ithuna be#ome verybenefi#ial so also inother benefi#ial signs.

S=. 1. *Rtudrasrayepi prayena. Death may happensometimes in the RasiDasa o##upied by Rudra.

47TES The word prayena means death may happen inthem' earlier or thelater Dasa from the Rudra Dasa.

S=. 15.*!riye pitari viseshena. $f the 9agna fallsin !riya or )esha'

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death often takes pla#e in the Rudra Dasa.

47TES &itari means 9agna. &a Ta +O+' divided by5 the balan#e is' hen#e :anma 9agna.

S=. 1<.*&rathamamadhyamottanteshu vatattadayusham. To persons havingshort' middle and long lives' death happens in thefirst' se#ond andthird Shoola Rasi Dasas.

47TES The sub*period' when the death happens' will

be the "ntardasa ofa #ruel Rasi Dasa in their respe#tive periods orse#tions. $ havealready shown in the previous #hapter how the ruleof three should beapplied to get the #orre#t date of death.

S=. 11.*Swabhaveso maheswvaraha. The lord of 0thhouse from "tmakaraka

goes under the name of )aheswara.

47TES "tmakaraka has great signifi#an#e in :aiminiSutras.

S=. 1(.**Swo#hhe swabhe ripubhavesapranee. $f thelord of the 0th from"tmakaraka is exalted or is in his own house' thenthe stronger of thetwo' vi.' the lords of the 0th. and 5th from the!araka will also gounder the name of )aheswara.

47TES $f both of them are eually strong' then bothbe#ome )aheswaras.

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S=. 1+.* &atabhyam yoge swasya tayor va rogetataha. $f "tmakaraka has#onun#tion with Rahu or !etu' or if the 0th from"tmakaraka has#onun#tion with Rahu or !etu' then the +th planet#ounting regularlyfrom the Sun will be#ome )aheswara.

47TES Thus we have < )aheswaras. 6ounting the +thfrom the Sun will bethe SunC )oon' )ars' )er#ury' :upiter and the +thwill be Venus orSukra. 7n the above #ombination Sukra be#omes

)aheswara. 7f the threevarieties of )aheswaras' he alone be#omes )aheswarawho is thestrongest among these three. Rog in this Sutrameans 0' &atabhya hasbeen rendered as Rahu and !etu. $ #annot understandhow this has beeninterpreted as Rahu and !etu by the #ommentators *&ata ' Bha 5.&robably after the @th planets' Bhya * Bhya the st

is Rahu and these#ond is !etu. &atha may spe#ially mean Rahu and!etu.

S=. 1@.*&rabhubhavavaireesapraneepitrulabhapranyanu#ltaro.vishamastha brahma. ?ind out whi#h is the strongerof the two Rasis9agna and Saptama or @th. Then find out whi#h ofthe lords of the +th'0th and 5th from it is stronger' and if heo##upies an odd sign inthe &arswa Rasis from the stronger of 9agna orSaptama' 2@th3' he willbe named as the Brahma planet.

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47TES %e is going to explain in this sutra theplanet who goes underthe pe#uliar signifi#ation of Brahma. The &arswaRasis or side signsare the @th' 0th' /th' ,th' th and 5th from9agna. The + signsfrom 9agna. vi.' st' 5nd' <rd' 1th' (th and +thare denominated as&arswa Rasis to the saptama parswas. 7dd and evensigns are well knownand have been explained in the earlier 47TES. Thisis rather adiffi#ult sutra and must be #arefully studied and

understood. 7ne ofthe two signs 9agna andC Saptama will be stronger.Take the lords ofthe three houses' +th' 0th and 5th from thestronger of these twosigns 9agna and @th. ?ind out who is strongest ofthese three lords.$f he is in an odd sign from the &arswa Rasis tothe stronger Rasi in9agna or Saptama' he be#omes the planet #alled

Brahma. To my humblemind > the pro#edure seems to be very #ompli#ated.:aimini is a)aharishi and he knows best. %e has made thesesutras as short and assweet as possible and our intelle#ts are not#ompetent even tounderstand them. Ahere is then the ustifi#ation tofind fault withtheir #omposition or the interpretations put uponthem by the ablest#ommentators F 9earned #ommentators are a greatboon to mankind.Aithout them many valuable works would haveremained sealed letters.

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S=. 10.*Brahmani sanaupatayorva tataha. $f Sani'Rahu or !etu be#omesBrahma' the +th planet from him will be designatedas Brahma in whi#h#ase the other three will not have the Brahmapower.

47TES The +th planet must mean planet taken +th inthe regular order'RaviC 6handra' !ua' Budha'' uru' Sukra. Suppose'!etu be#omesBrahma' the +th from him would be uru. Similarlyfor other planets.

Thatha * + Tha +' Tha + * ++' divided by 5 we getthe remainder + andhen#e the +th house from the planet is meant. .

S=. 1/. *Bahurnam yoge swaateeyaha. $f many getthe powers of Brahma2say three or four planets at a time3' then thatplanet be#omes Brahmawho is next in degree to "tmakaraka.

47TES The next in degrees to "tmakaraka will be#ome"matyakaraka.Therefore in su#h #ases "matyakaraka be#omesBrahma.

S=. (,.P Rahuyoge vipareetam. Ahen Rahu also getsBrahmatwa' then the#onditions will be reversed.

47TES This means that planet be#omes Brahma whogets the lowest numberof degrees among the Brahmas. This is perfe#tlyintelligible. Suppose

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uru gets 5/ degrees in )esha' then as per :aiminirule he be#omes"tmakaraka. These planets move forwards. Butsuppose in thathoros#ope' Rahu has only 5, minutes to pass in)esha instead of uruRahu be#omes the "tmakaraka. %e has the ba#kwardmovement' andtherefore has the largest number of degrees to his#redit in theinverse order** Ahile uru has 5/ degrees in theforward movement'Rahu has 5/ degrees and 1, minutes in his ba#kwardmotion. Therefore

Rahu has a longer number of degrees.

S=. (.*Brahma swabhaveso bftavastlaha. The lordof the 0th from"tmakaraka as also the planet who o##upies thathouse be#omes Brahma.

47TES Thus may Brahmas have been enumerated and thereader must

#arefully study these rules. Bhava 0' Bha 1' Va 1**11' divided by 5'the remainder is 0.

S=. (5.* yivade balee. Between the' two planets thelord of the 0thfrom "tmakaraka and the planet who oins the 0th'the stronger of thetwo be#omes Brahma.

47TES Ahen there are many Brahmas' the strongest ofthe lot will bethe Brahma. The results flowing from the Brahma and)aheswara planets

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will be explained hereafter. Students must be very#areful.

S=. (<.* Brahmanoyavan:naheswararkshadasantamayuhu. The longevityextends through the Rasis #ommen#ing from Brahmaand #ounting up tothe Rasi #ontaining )aheswara .

47TES :aimini has explained how to fix theplanets'* Rudra' )aheswaraand Brahma.

S=. (1.*Tatrapi maheswarabhavesatrikonabde. Theperiod of death mustbe determined thus' )aheswara will be in a sign.Take the Dasa of thisRasi' take the lord of 0th house from )aheswara.Take the Trikonasfrom him' vi.' ' ( and /. &redi#t death in the"ntardasa of any oneof these Dasas whi#h is strong enough to infli#t


S=. ((.**Swakarma#hittaripuroganathapranee marakha.The strongestamong the lords of <' +'5 and 0 from the"tmakaraka will infli#tdeath.

47TES ?irst settle about the terms of life' shortCmiddle and long. $fall the four lords mentioned above are of eualstrength' predi#tdeath in su#h period by the evil Dasa' whi#hintervenes at that time.The lords of + and 0 are powerful marakas' of thesetwo' lord of the

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+th is more powerful in #ausing death. Death willhappen when theDasas of + or 0 #ome. Death will o##ur in the sub**periods of thelords of Trikonas from 0th and +th houses' of theseTrikona periodsfrom the +th are more powerful. $f the lord of the+th is powerful'then the Dasas of Trikona Rasis from him wouldinfli#t death.

S=. (+. * Thadrukshadasayam nidhanam. Death willhappen in the Rasi

Dasa o##upied by the maraka planet or in the Dasaof the Rasi of whi#hhe is the lord.

S=. (@. Tatrapi kaladripuroga#hittnnathapahare.Take "tmakaraka. ?indout the @th from him. Take Ripu' Roga' 6hitta or5' 0 and +th fromit. The lords of these o##upy some houses. Deathmay happen in the

Dasas of su#h signs or the Dasas of the housesowned by these lords.

47TES "fter having as#ertained su#h )arakagrahaRasis' he dire#ts hisreaders to find out the spe#ial sub*periods whi#hwould #ause death.Dasas of houses have to be #ounted from 6hara'Shtira and Dwiswabhavain the parti#ular order named under that se#tion.Some Rasi Dasabe#omes maraka. $f there are many Rasis whi#h getthe maraka power'find out the strongest among them and attributedeath to it. Suppose

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there is a sign without a planet' with a planet whois its lord and ahouse with benefi#s. The last will be the mostpowerful among thehouses named above. The first without a planet willbe the weakest.The potentialities of planets and the houses havebeen veryelaborately explained in the earlier Sutras. Theseprin#iples may alsobe learnt from the general study of "strology. Take)esha without anyplanet' with Sani' with Ravi' with 6handra withuru' with Sukra and

with !ua' Rahu or !etu. $ts potentialities varywith the presen#e orabsen#e of these planets and other aspe#ts and#onun#tions it has.

  End of ?irst &ada of Se#ond"dhyaya

  "D%8"8" 5*&"D" 5

S=. .*Ravisukrayoh pranee anakaha. 7ut of Venusand the Sun' thestronger will be#ome the maraka for father.

47TES $n the previous se#tion :aimini has explainedabout the )arakaDasa for a person' when he would die' and whi#hDasa and "msa Dasawould kill him. $ must #onfess here in spite of theelaborateexplanations offered for the fixing of the periodof death' the system

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seems to be #ompli#ated and #annot easily begrasped by the ordinarystudents. Even intelligent students will have topour long hours' andmu#h devotion to understand these #ompli#atedprin#iples and fix#orre#tly the time of death. ?or determining theterms of longevity'the other systems are no doubt hard and laborious'but it may be' theyare simpler than the one illustrated by the)aharishi in hisinimitable sutras' whi#h #annot easily bede#iphered by #ommon men. $n

this se#tion rules are given to find out the deathsof father' motherand other important relations.

" man>s #omforts and pea#e of mind and happiness inthe world dependgreatly upon his relations' his friends and hisservants. Ahen theseare inimi#able' the man #ertainly be#omes.miserable. Ravi and Sukra

represent father in a horos#ope. The stronger ofthe two will #ausethe death of father. in general astrology Ravi and6handra representfather and mother respe#tively. Varahamihira saysDivarkasukraupitrumatrusamgnitou sanais#harayndunisftadwiparyayat. ?or personsborn during the day' Ravi and Sukra representfather and motherrespe#tively. ?or those who are born during nights6handra. and Sanidenote father and mother respe#tively.

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S=. 5. *6handraarayoranee. The stronger of the twoplanets 6handraand !ua will kill the mother.

S=. <.*"pranyapi papadrishtah. "mong the fourplanets Ravi' Sukra'6handra and !ua whoever is weak and possesses evilaspe#ts will #ausethe death of father and mother.

47TES &rany means strength. "prany denotes want ofstrength' vi.'weakness.

S=. 1.*&ranini shubhadrishte tat#hule nidha nammatapitroh. $f' amongthe planets named above Ravi' Sukra' 6handra and!ua' whoever has gotbenefi#ial aspe#ts' the death of father and mothermust be predi#tedin the Shoola Dasa*st. (th or /th Rasi Dasa fromthe powerful planet.

S=. ( and +. 2(3 Tadbhavese spashtabale. 2+3That#huila ityanye. $fthe lord of the 0th from the lords of father andmother is powerful'then the period of the Shoola Rasis from him willinfli#t death on thefather and the mother. *

47TES This opinion is held by some writers. Twoplanets for father andtwo for mother have been named' whoever is strongerout of these twowill have the death arranged in their Shoola Dasas.

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S=. @.**"yushi #hanyat. "s deaths have to bepredi#ted for father andmother by their !arakas' similarly events have tobe predi#ted forothers from their !arakas and the Shoola Dasas fromthem.

47TES This means for all events in life there areRasis and !arakas.Rules governing the above for mother and fatherwill also applysimilarly for other events.

S=. 0.*"rkagnayoge tadasrithe kriye lagna.meshadasayam piturityeke-$f the 5th house from 9agna falls in any one ofthese three signs'vi.' )ithuna' Simha or !anya and has the#onun#tion of Ravi andBudha' death happens in the Dasa of the (th fromit.

47TES !riya 5' !a 5' 8a O 5' inverted it denotes

5. )esha means(th' )a (. Sha +O (+' reversed it gives +( dividedby 5' we haveremainder (' and fifth house is meant by )esha.)esha in ordinarylanguage means "ries. But in :aimini it has to beinterpreted by !a'Ta' &a' 8a sutra.

S=. /.* yyarkapapamatradrish tayoht pitrohpragdwadasabdat. Ahetherthe lords of father and mother are powerful orpowerless' if they havethe aspe#ts of evil planets other than the Sun' thedeath of father

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and mother may be predi#ted before the 5th year ofa person>s age.

S=. ,*urusule kalatrasya. The Dasas of st' (thor /th Rasis fromthe position of uru will #ause the death of hiswife.

47TES %e names three Dasas #alled Shoolas. Theworst among them willkill the wife.

S=. .* Thattat#hoole tesham. Death will happen to

#hildren' un#les'et#.' in the Dasas of st' (th and /th Rasis fromthe !arakas whogovern those events.

47TES Take the &utrakaraka and predi#t death to#hildren in the ShoolaDasas from him. Take the )atulakaraka. The ShoolaDasas from him willkill un#les' et#.

S=. 5.*!armani papayutadrishte dushtam maranam. $fthe <rd from 9agnaor !araka has the aspe#t or #onun#tion of evilplanets' death will bepainful and troublesome.

47TES Death is a pe#uliar phenomenon about whi#hpeople have various#on#eptions. Some dread it' some wel#ome it' andothers are uiteindifferent.

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S=. <. * Subham subhadrishtiyute. $f the <rd from9agna or !araka hasbenefi#ial aspe#ts or #onun#tions' death will beeasy from slight#omplaints. .

47TES Some have prolonged and most painful#omplaints before death'some have ordinary #omplaints and others have veryeasy deaths.

S=. 1.*)isre misram. $f the <rd from 9agna or!araka has mixed

aspe#ts and #onun#tions' death will be neithervery diffi#ult norvery easy.

S=. (.*"dityena raamoolath. $f the <rd from 9agnaor the !araka is#onne#ted with Ravi' death #omes to the personthrough the kingly orovernment displeasure. *

47TES %e may be hanged' #onfined' beheaded orexe#uted' thrown intoabysses from tops of forts or mountains * or shotat the #annon>smouth.

S=. +.*handrena yakshmanah. $f 6handra o##upiesor aspe#ts the <rdfrom 9agna or !araka' the person will die through#onsumption orTuber#ulosis.

47TES 8akshma means #onsumption. $t is no doubt anasty disease' but

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with some it takes years to bring their ruin' withothers it is ui#kand a#tive.

S=. @.*!uena.vranasastragnidahadyaihi. $f )arso##upies or aspe#tsthe <rd from 9agna or !araka' the person dies bywounds' inuries'fire and weapons.

47TES !araka in all these Sutras refer to"tmakaraks. ?ind out the <rdhouse from 9agna or "tmakaraka 9agna' whi#hever of

these two isstronger' predi#t the results from it' by the <rdhouse*and the planetwho is there. $f !ua is found there' by wounds andinuries' byweapons' by fire and by burning' he will meetdeath. !ua is #alled"ngaraka or one who robs and inures the bodilyorgans or "ngas'9ohitanga or bloody planet' "ra or one who inures

and burns thelimbs. Bloody diseases and blood #orruption lead tomany painful#omplaints.

S=. 0.*Sanina vatarogat. $f Sani is aspe#ting or#ombining with the<rd from 9agna or !araka' death #omes through windy#omplaints.

47TES > "yurveda or $ndian )edi#al S#ien#e mentionsthree Dhatus or#hara#teristi#s for all physi#al #onstitution' vi.Vata or wind'

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&itta or bile and Sleshma or phlegm. 4o disease#omes when these areworking in their proper proportions. But when anyone of them isex#ited beyond its normal uantity. ill**healthfollows in various#ompli#ations and death will result when any one ormore of them areroused and pro#eed to work out of the normal#onditions. "ll diseasesin the $ndian medi#ine are attribute to the ex#essor want of these inproportions.

S=. /. )undamandibhyam vishasarpaalodbandhanadibhihi. $f the <rdfrom 9agna or !araka is o##upied by Sani andulika' the person willdie from the effe#ts of poison' from snakesC from#hains and shaklesand from water.

47TES 'The latter means drowning or watery diseases

like dropsy'diabetes' et#.

S=. 5,-*!ethtina vishu#heealarogadyaihi. $f the<rd from 9agna or!araka is o##upied or aspe#ted by !etu' the persondies from#ontageous' watery and epidemi# #omplaints.

47TES Vishu#hi is a #omprehensive term and in#ludesvarious #ontageousand- epidemi# #omplaints su#h as small*pox'#holera' plague'influena' watery diseases or dropsy' diabetesdiarrhoea' et#. %ere

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great margin and latitude are given to the studentto use his brain'pra#ti#al knowledge and the instru#tions he getfrom his urus. 4oprin#iples of s#ien#es #an be explained withoutsutras. These sutrasare the pleasures of the learned and the pains ofthe ignorant. $nSanskrit adi is used often be#ause all the events'whi#h a prin#iplegoverns or #omprehends' #annot be explained' and ifsu#h an attempt isever made' it would fill volumes after volumes andthere would be no

end to writing. " dire#tion has to be shown to theintelligent studentand they should follow the same with diligen#e andsometimes a#hievebetter results than the original prin#iple intendedor #on#eived.Brain power has no limit. $t is able to grasp' whenproperly developedand dire#ted' the smallest and the largest obe#ts.

S=. 5.*6handramandibhyam poogamandannakabaladibhih kshan ikam. $fthe <rd from 9agna or !araka has the #on. un#tionof 6handra andulika' death will result immediately from eatinghard meals' food endother indigestible arti#les.

S=. 55.*unina sopharu#hivimanadyaihi. $f the <rdfrom 9agna or !arakais #ombined by uru' the death will be #aused bydropsy' disgust forfood' melan#holy and other #omplaints.

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47TES Dropsy and swellings of the body may be#aused by various#auses. The bites of inse#ts are often #auses forswellings of partsof body and through su#h swellings death may o##ur.

S=. 5<. * Sukrena mehat. $f the <rd is aspe#ted oroined by Sukrafrom 9agna or !araka' death will result fromvenereal #omplaints.

47TES $n the flush of passions' people #ommit allsorts o sexual

ex#esses and bring in their train a series of#ompli#ated and horriblediseases' some of whi#h are loathsome' repulsive'horrible andex#ru#iating. $n painful tortures' the venereal#omplaints take aprominent rank and punish the offenders with veryserious troubles andpains.

S=. 51. *)isrem israt. $f the <rd from 9agna or!araka has the#onun#tion or aspe#t of many planets' then thedeath will #ome fromvarious diseases. .

47TES Sometimes diseases are sharp and pronoun#ed'but often they are#ompli#ated and throw the do#tors on their wit>sends. The noses ofthe medi#al men will have to be expanded beforethey #orre#tlydiagnose them.

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S=. 5(.*6handradrugyogannis#hayena. $t 6handraaspe#ts or oins the<rd from 9agna or !araka along with other planets'death is #ertain tohappen from the #auses named in the previoussutras.

47TES $n all deaths' Sani and 6handra must have ahand. Death meansthe disruption of mind from the body and mind isrepresented by6handra. Vedas say 6handramamanasoatah. $f thereare many evilplanets in the <rd' then death happens under very

painful#ir#umstan#es. * But when there are many benefi#sin the <rd' deathwill happen after slight #omplaints or under easysurroundings. .

S=. 5+. *Subhaihi subhadese. $f the <rd from 9agnaor !araka has.Cbenefi#ial aspe#ts or #onun#tions' death happens

in good or holypla#es.

47TES ?or various reasons' too numerous to bedis#ussed in short 47TESlike these. people spe#ially religiously in#lined.#ovet death in holypla#es or happy surroundings. This is humanaspiration.

S=. 5@.*&apaih keekate. $f the <rd from 9agna or!araka has evilaspe#ts or #onun#tions' death will happen* invi#ious or sinful#ountries and pla#es.

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47TES The #ommentators have interpreted !eekataDesa as )agadha andother sinful #ountries. Ahen benefi#s are in the<rd' death happens inholy pla#es' like !asi' Tirupathi or other pla#esheld holy by thefollowers of different religions. )ohamedans hold)e##a and )edina asholy. The 6hristians #onsider :erusalem as holy.The Buddhists holdaya as holy. The %indus have many pla#es de#laredas holy like !asi'

Rameswaram' :agannath' %aridwara' Tirupathi' et#.Ahen evil planetsare in the <rd' death happens in vi#ious or sinfulpla#es. There aresome pla#es whi#h are full of vi#es and sinfuldeeds. Death in su#hpla#es will be #onsidered as a great misfortune.Say a man dies' neara #ess pool' in night soil' in gambling or whoringdens' or in dirty

wells or dreary forests.

?amilies' #ommunities' religious se#ts' villages'towns' #ities'#ountries and nations have ebbs and flows in theirfortunes' and alsoin their morals and spiritualities. Sodom andamora were destroyed ona##ount of their abominable vi#es. Ae have alsomany examples ofdestru#tion of these by ex#esses in sins and vi#es.$t will be a#onsolation to take birth in a virtuous pla#e andin the midst of goodand pious people. $t will #ertainly be a misfortuneto be born in

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5 houses' the person will not perform theobseuies of his parents.

47TES 9epa ' !hapa *5' 9a denotes <' &a shows *< reversed <'divided by 5 we get ' and therefore denotes the9agna or st house.!ha 5' &a O 5' reversed we get 5. Theperforman#e of death#eremonies for parents is held as a sa#red duty. $fa person does notdo it he will be #alled an ungrateful wret#h andgenerally #ommunitiesout#ast him.

S=. <.*9epvdipurvardhe anakadyaparardhe. $f Rahuand Sani are foundin #onun#tion in the first + houses from 9agna'the death #eremoniesfor the mother will not be performed. $f they arefound in the next +houses' vi.' from @th to 5th houses the#eremonies for the father

will not be performed.

47TES Sani and Rahu or Sani and !etu are meanthere. Their #onun#tionis ne#essary here in the houses indi#ated above.

S=. <5.*Subhadrigyoganna. $f Sani and Rahu or Saniand !etu havebenefi#ial aspe#ts or #onun#tions these evilresults should not bepredi#ted.

47TES $t means the person performs the death#eremonies properly tohis parents.

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  End of Se#ond &ada of the Se#ond"dhyaya

  "D%8"8" 5 * &"D" <

S=. .* yishame tadadirnavamamsah. $f the birthfalls in an odd sign'the 4avamsa Dasas #ommen#e from it.

47TES Ea#h Rasi Dasa #ontains / "msas or 4avamsas

and ea#h Rasi Dasa#ounts / years. %en#e these Dasas are #alled4avamsa Dasas. )esha')ithuna' Simha' Thula' et#.' are odd signs. 5.*"nyatha darsadihi. $nthe even signs the 4avamsa Dasas #ommen#e from the"bhimukha Rasis.

47TES The #ommentators explain thus - $f a movablesign is 9agna' then

the 0th Rasi from 9agna be#omes the #ommen#e. mentDasa. $f 9agnafalls in a fixed sign the #ommen#ing Dasa will bethe +th Rasi fromit. $f 9agna falls in a #ommon sign' the Dasa#ommen#es from the @thRasi from it. These are #alled "bhimukha Rasis andtheir explanationshave been given in the earlier sutras.

S=. <. *Sasinandapnvnkah kramadabdasthiraldasayam. $n the Sthiraor fixed sign Dasa' the movable sign Dasa will be@. the fixed Dasa

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will be 0 years and the Dasa of the #ommon Rasiwill extend to /years.

S=. 1 *Brahmadiresha. The Sthira Dasa #ommen#esfrom the Rasi o##upiedby Brahma.

47TES Brahma has already been explained in Sutra 1@of &ada of"dhyaya 5.

S=. (.*" tla pranah. :aimini now begins to

explain the strength ofthe planets and the Rasis. &rana' here as well asin the previoussutras' means sour#es of strength the planet andthe signs get.

S=. +.*!arakayogah prathamo bih#rn#lrmi. That Rasior sign be#omes thestrongest' whi#h has the #onun#tion of "tmakaraka.

47TES This #ombination is supposed to give greaterstrength than eventhe Shadbalas re#orded in the other astrologi#alworks. This is theprimary sour#e of strength.

S=. @.** Saamye bh uyasa. $f other sour#es ofstrength are eual' thenthe #onun#tion of larger number of planets givesgreater strength.

S=. 0.**Thathastungadih. $f these sour#es ofstrength are eual' thenexaltation' friendly houses' and )oolatrikonas givethem vitality.

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S=. /.*4isargasthathah. Then the 4isarga orpermanent sour#es ofstrength must be #onsidered.

47TES The #hara or movable signs are weaker thanSthira Rasis or fixedsigns. These are weaker than the #ommon orDviswabhava Rasis.

S=. ,.*Thadabhave swamin ithham.bhavah. $f theRasi has one of the!arakadi sour#es of strength' then its power will

be that whi#h itslord possesses from the asso#iations of !araka'et#.

47TES The strength of the Rasi and the strength ofits lord should betaken into #onsideration.

S=. .*"grayatto visesliath. "##ording to the

:aimini Sutras theplanets whi#h gets the highest number of degreesamong others willbe#ome the most powerful.

47TES This has been already explained in theearlier portion and themost forward planet in a Rasi be#omes the"tmakaraka and most of theresults previously named are based upon hisposition and the relativepositions of other Rasis and planets taken withreferen#e to him."##ording to this work "tmakaraka supersedes allother planets inpower and poten#y.

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S=. 5.*&rativesikah purushe. $n the odd sign' itgets strength fromthe planets who o##upy the 5th and 5nd from it. O

47TES &lanets in the 5nd and 5th from themselves  or from the Rasisthey o##upy have spe#ial influen#es. The Rasi willhave !artari 8oga'as also any planet whi#h has on both sides evilplanets. ood planetsmay #ause this 8oga and probably the results willbe benefi#ial.

S=. <.*$thi prathamah. > The sour#es of strengthnamed in the abovesutras will be the first set of inuiry into thepowers of a Rasi orits lord.

S=. 1.*Swami gurugnadrigyogo dwiteeyah. The se#ondset of strength

for a Rasi is derived by the aspe#t of its ownlord' :upiter or)er#ury.

47TES 4ow he names the se#ond set of powers whi#h aRasi 6an 6ommandto its #redit. Varahamihira observes thus in hisBrihat :ataka - .%orashyami rugnya yeekshitaytita 4anyais#hayeeryolkatah. The 9agnaor any Bhavava or Rasi be#omes strong when it hasthe aspe#t or#onun#tion of its lord' uru or Budha' if not itwill not bepowerful. This stana of Brihat :ataka is nothingbut a slavish

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imitation of this sutra of :aimini. The )aharishi:aimini was theauthor of &oorvamimamsa Sutras' :aimini Bharata andthe invaluablesutras. $ am translating. %e was the dis#iple ofVeda Vyasa and was'therefore #ontemporary of that great )aharishi. $have proved byindisputable authority that the period of )ahaBharata was more than(',,, years from now.

There are four #opper plate grants given by theEmperor :anameaya the

son of &arikshit and the grandson of "bhimanyu' theson of "runa' thegreat hero in that ruinous war and the re#ipient ofthe Bhagavadgitainstru#tions from 9ord !rishna himself and writtenby Veda Vyasa.Varahamihira' as per date given by himself instana 5 of his BrihatSamhita' 6hapter <' lived in the #ourt ofVikramaditya whose Era

#alled Samvat 4ripasaka is prevalent all over $ndiaand #ounts now as/00. Varahamihira says that he borrowed all hisideas of "stronomy'"strology and Samhita from the still more olderwriters and the aboveuoted of his stana #ertainly #omes from :aimini."ny sign be#omesstrong when it has the aspe#t or #onun#tion of itslord' uru orBudha. Six varieties arise from this. The lordaspe#ting or#onoining' it gives two. Similarly for the othertwo planets uru andBudha. This is the se#ond sour#e or item ofstrength. "spe#ts and

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#onun#tions are different.

S=. (. *Swuminastruteeyah. The third set ofstrength for the lordwill be the one to be detailed below.

S=. +.*Swatswaminah kantakadislw**apara#lourbalyam. Those planetswho are in !endras' &anaparas and "poklimas fromthe "tmakaraka be#omemore and more powerless than him.

47TES This means those who are in the. !endras from

the "tmakaraka arepowerless. Those who are in the next houses from!endras are stillmore feeble and those who o##upy the next housesare worse still inpower. This represents the <rd sour#e of strength.

S=. @.*6haturthah purushe. $f the lord of the Rasifalling in &urusha

Rasi 2odd sign3 has evil #onun#tions and aspe#ts'this will be#omethe 1th sour#e of strength to the Rasi.

S=. 0.*&itrtilabhaprathamapranyadi shooladasaniryane. Take thestronger out of the two st and @th. Then from thestronger of thesetwo' take the Shoola Dasas' vi.' ' ( and. /. ?indout whi#h of theseShoola Rasis be#omes the strongest. Then as#ribethe death period toit as #ertain.

S=. /. *&itrulabhaputrapranyadiht pitult. &utra /'&a ' Ra 5 O5'

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S=. 5+.*Stlanavyatllikarah. Ahen the :anma 9agnafalls in an oddsign' the Dasas #ommen#e from the Rasi o##upied byBrahma in regularorder. $f theM 9agna falls in an even sign' thenthe Dasas #ommen#eregularly from the @th house from Brahma.

47TES This means in odd signs the Dasas #ommen#efrom the Rasio##upied by Brahma' and in even signs the Dasas#ommen#e from the @th

Rasi from the sign o##upied by Brahma.

S=. 5@.**&apadrigyogastungadigrahayogah. The#onun#tions and aspe#tsof malefi#s are a sour#e of strength for the Rasis.So also is addedanother sour#e of strength to 2the Rasi3 by planets2situated there3being in exaltation' )oolatrikona and very friendly

and friendlyhouses.

47TES :aimini now gives the fourth sour#e ofstrength to the Rasis.The #onun#tions and aspe#ts of evil planets are asour#e of strengthto the Rasis. The states of su#h planets whi#h haveaspe#ts and#onun#tions in the Rasis will also be sour#es ofstrength' su#h stateare exaltations' debilitations' friendly andunfriendly houses')oolatrikonas. Benefi#s influen#e the Rasis byaspe#ts and

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#onun#tions when they are in exaltations and otherfavourablepositions otherwise they do not exer#ise mu#hinfluen#e' su#h is theopinion of the #ommentators. This is fourth sour#eof strength.

S=. 50.**&an#hame padu kramat prakpratynktvam. $fthe /th from 9agnahappens to be in#orporated in an odd sign' take theRasi Dasas in theregular order. $f it happens to be in#orporated inan even sign' takethe Rasi Dasas in the inverse order or ba#kwards.

The #ommen#ement ofthe Dasa should be from the 9agna. !etu in these#ases is #onsideredas a benefi#.

  End of Third &ada of Se#ond"dhyaya

  "D%8"8" 5 *&"D" 1

S=. .*DAiteeyam bhavaphalam #haranavamse. $n the4avamsa Dasa of6hara Rasi the signifi#ations of the se#ond housemust be explained inthe manner given in Sutra 1 of the previousse#tion.

47TES "ll Bhavas get strength when they areaspe#ted or #onoined bytheir lords' by uru and by Budha.

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S=. 5.**Dasasrayo dwaram. The Rasi whi#h #ommen#esthe Dasa or periodis #alled the Dwara Rasi or the door for thesubseuent Rasi Dasas.

47TES This Dasa. is #alled also &aka Rasi.

S=. <.*Thathastavatitham bahyam. 6ount as manysigns from Dwara Rasias Dwara Rasi is removed from 9agna. This will bethe Bhoga Rasi. .

47TES %e gives here the definition of what is

#alled Bhoga Rasi. The#ommen#ement of Dasas is given and their'differen#es in 6hara' Sthiraand Dviswabhava Rasis have been shown. The#ommen#ing Dasa falls insome sign from 9agna. Then #ount from that Rasi toa similar numberand this will be the Bahya Dasa or Bhoga Dasa.Suppose the #ommen#ingDasa falls in )esha for a person whose 9agna is

Dhanus. Then it willbe (th from it. )esha Dasa be#omes the &aka orDwara Dasa and the (thfrom it' vi.' Simha be#omes the Bahya or BhogaDasa.

Some #ommentators explain thus - $f )esha begins asthe Dasa of thefirst sign' then #ounting one from it' the BhogaDasa or the se#ondbegins in )esha alone. Then the se#ond Dasa beginsin Vrishabha whi#hwill be #alled &aka Dasa' and the se#ond from it)ithuna be#omes BhogaDasa. The third Dasa #ommen#es in )ithuna and itbe#omes &aka Dasa.

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The third from it. vi.' Simha be#omes the BhogaDasa' !ataka be#omesthe 1th Dasa and be#omes &akaC while the 1th fromit' vi.' Thulabe#omes Bhoga Dasa. $n this way Dasas must be#al#ulated till the lastDasa' whi#h ends the man>s existen#e and kills him.$ think $ havemade the meaning very #lear and simple.

S=. 1.** pupe bandharogadi- $f evil planets arefound in the &aka andBhoga signs' the person will suffer from

imprisonment 6hains. diseasesand other mental and physi#al troubles.

S=. (.*Swarksheasya thasminnopaeevasya. $f theevil planets in thetwo Rasis happen to be in their own houses or arevery #lose to uru'then the evil results foretold in Sutra 1 will nothappen.

S=. +.*Bhagrahayogoktam sarvamasmin. The results inthese Dasas willhave to be foretold' by the strength of the planetsand by the sour#esof strength and weakness of the &aka and BhogaRasis.

47TES These hints are to be taken not only here butthroughout thewhole work. Suppose there are evil planets indebilitation or withoutnearness to uru. . These two Rasis have exaltedevil planets. .5.There are benefi#ial planets with malefi#s. <.There are pure

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benefi#s. 1. Benefi#s in exaltation. (. Benefi#s indebilitation. $nall su#h #ases the results will #ertainly be andmust be different.The strength of the Rasis must also be #arefully#onsidered. Thenagain' in the Rasi extending over <, degrees thestrength and weaknessof the Rasi will not be uniform. There is a radi#aldifferen#e betweenthe general astrologers and :aimini )aharishi.

"ll the astrologi#al works have their foundationslaid in the writings

of the )aharishis. They alone were able to see thedifferen#es inplanetary globes' their influen#es on ea#h otherand the wonderfulways by whi#h they indi#ated the results of thekarma to the #redit ofthe person at the time of his birth. :aimini givesgreat prominen#e tothe planet who has advan#ed the largest number ofdegrees in a Rasi

and #alls him "tmakaraka. The 4avamsa he o##upiesplays a prominentpla#e in the delineation of #hara#teristi#s andresults- But in theDeepradi "vasthas' the planet who is in the last4avamsa of a Rasigets &eeda "vastha or the state of humiliation. 4ogreat prominen#e isatta#hed to him and on the other hand he be#omesweak and powerless.Differen#e of opinion among the various authors arefound in largenumbers. Take medi#ine' philosophy' religion' war'law' spe#ulationand even the so*#alled most exa#t s#ien#e'mathemati#s. %ere one plus

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one be#omes two and one and one both minus be#omestwo.

Ae give a separate value for plus and minus. Torea#h a pla#e theremay be one thousand and one ways. The differen#esin all these willhave to be #arefully #onsidered and re#on#iled."pproa#hing fromdifferent pla#es and dire#tions and experiments andexperien#es' twoor more persons may rea#h the same destination orresults. " simpleillustration will #onvin#e us about the truth of

these observations."' B and 6 are ea#h worth one lakh of rupees. Bywhatever means theyhave a#uired that wealth' the result is the same'and the money powerof one lakh lies with ea#h of them. Take half adoen warriors ofexa#tly eual physi#al and mental #apa#ities. Ea#hmay have takendifferent food' born in different #onditions' and

brought up underdifferent #ir#umstan#es but the results are one andthe same.Similarly in astrologi#al s#ien#es. Different)aharishis pursueddifferent methods and found out the identi#alresults though thoseresults were produ#ed from apparently different#auses. The solar'planetary and stellar radiations are working-through the variousdegrees of the odia#al signs in mysterious ways. .

S=. @.*&itrulabhapranithoyam. These results have tobe #arefully

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predi#ted from 9agna or the @th' whi#hever is thestronger of the two.?or males preferen#e should be given to 9agna andfor females the @thshould be preferred provided it is strong.

S=. 0.* &ralhame prakprathyakt vam. $f the Dasa#ommen#es with amovable sign or 6handra Rasi' then the order of theRasi Dasas will beregular in a horos#ope.

S=. /.*Diwiteeye ravitah. $f the Dasa #ommen#es inthe fixed sign or

Sthira Rasi' then the +th and @th' et#.' from itwill be thesu##essive Dasas.

47TES These are #alled &adakrama Dasas. &ada as weknow already meansthe number of a Rasi' again #ounted from the 9agnaor any other Bhava.Ravi +' Ra 5' Va 1 O 51 inverted' 15' divided by5' we have the

balan#e of +' and hen#e the +th' the +th from itand the +th from itand so on.

S=. ,.*&ruthakramena th.riteeye #hatushtayadi. $fthe Dasa Rasi#ommen#es in a #ommon sign' then the su##essiveRasi Dasas will bedetermined by the !endra' &anapara and "poklimaRasis from it.

S=. .**Swakendrasthadyah swamino navamsanam. . .Those who are in!endras' &ariaparas and "poklimas from the !arakabe#ome the lords of

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the 4avamsa Dasas.

47TES %ere we have to take the planets first in!endras a##ording totheir strength' then those who are in &anapara andlast those who arein "poklimas.

S=. 5.*&itru#hatushtayavaishambalastayah sthitah.* .. Those Rasiswhi#h are in !endras from 9agna furnish the firstDasa.

47TES . Suppose there are many' then that C signwhi#h be#omes strongby the various #ombinations and aspe#ts explainedin the previoussutras be#omes the first Rasi Dasa. The Dasa yearsare / for ea#h ofthe Rasis.

S=.- <.* PSa.tallabhayoravirrtate. The !araka willbe moving between- the 9agna and the @th.

47TES Ae have to find him from 9agna or the @thwhi#hever is stronger'and #ount ba#kwards or forwards as the Rasi heo##upies is even orodd. Then he gives the Dasa years as are #ountedfrom 9agna or the@th' taking the Dasa always by the larger number heobtains. . .Thisis the extent of !araka Dasa in years. ?or otherplanets' #ount thenumber from them to the !araka' in the forward orba#kward re#koning

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and as#ribe su#h number of years to the planets.

S=. 1.**Swamibalaphalani #ha prugvnth. The resultsof all these willbe determined' as detailed in the previous sutras'by the examinationof the sour#es of strength and weakness to theplanets' to the lordsof the Dasas and to the Rasis.

47TES :aimini has given various sour#es of strengthand weakness tothe planets in general' to the Rasis or signs and

to the lords of theDasas. %e advises his readers to take these into#areful #onsiderationand having regard to times' #ir#umstan#es andpla#es. predi#t theresults' so that they may turn out #orre#t and tothe point. .

S=. (.*Sthuladarsa vaishamyasrayo

mandukastrikutah. * "s the )andukaor frog umps from pla#e to pla#e' the two systemsof Dasas named by:aimini in the previous sutras' vi.' !endra'&anapara and "poklima'and the movable' fixed and double bodied signs'also ump from houseto house and hen#e he #alls them )anduka Dasas.

47TES ' "s per instru#tions given in the previous#hapters the Dasasboth for planets and Rasis ump from !endras to&anaparas and from thelatter to "poklimas. Similarly they ump from6haras to Sthiras and

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from Sthiras to Dwiswabhavas. They also ump inShoola Dasas.

S=. +.*4iryanalabhadi shooladasa phale. $npredi#ting results the @thfrom the 4iryanashoola Dasa should be taken intofirst a##ount.

47TES Shoola Dasas are marked as death infli#ting.Take the @th fromthe most powerful of these 4iryana Rasis and beginto make predi#tionsfrom it. . This 4iryanashoola is of many kinds.

Rudrashoola')aheswarashoola and Brahmashoola.

S=. @. * &urushe samah samanyatah. $f the "rambhaor #ommen#ing. Dasafalls in &urusha Rasi or mas#uline sign' then thesubseuent RasiDasas will be #ounted regularly and ea#h Dasa gets/ years only. .

47TES $f the #ommen#ing Dasa falls in a femininesign' then thesubseuent Dasas have to be #ounted from the @thsign from it. $nmas#uline horos#opes the "rambha Dasa #ommen#esfrom 9agna. $nfeminine horos#opes #ommen#es from the @th.

S=. 0.*Siddha ududaye. . Dasas #ounted from the  #onstellations atbirth have to be learned and taken from &arasara'argi' Vyasa andother well*known writers.

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47TES :aimini says he has not given them in hiswork be#ause they #anbe learnt from other works and the Dasa periodswill be as they aregiven there. Ae have 5@ #onstellations and theyhave to be #ountedfrom !rittika. 8ears !rittika*Ravi Dasa * +Rohini**6handra Dasa * ,)rigasira*!ua * @"ridra*Rahu * 0&unarvasu*uru * +&ushyami**Sani H * /"slesha*Budha * @

)akha**!etu * @&ubba*Sukra * 5,Then from star =ttara repeat the same planetaryDasa with the samenumber of years. These are #alled =du Dasas' from=du meaning a#onstellation or star. :aimini has made noreferen#e before to#onstellations. %e mentions them only in thissutra. Thus ea#h planet

gets < stars' with the same number of years. %euses the word Siddhameaning ready from other works well known in theworld.

S=. /. *:agattasthushorardham yognrdhe. . Theextent of 8ogardhadasawill be half of the two Dasas #ombined from the6hara and SthiraRasis.

47TES The 8ogardhadasa will have to be stronger ofthe two Rasis'9agna and the Saptama or the @th.

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S=. 5,.*Sthuladarsa' vaishamyasrayametat.8ogardhadasa begins eitherfrom 9agna or the @th*house whi#hever is stronger.

47TES The sour#es of strength and weakness havebeen #learly explainedin the previous pages. 8ogardhadasa #ommen#es fromthe stronger of thetwo 9agna and the @th. $f the Rasi whi#h #ommen#esthe Dasa be odd'then' take the subseuent Dasas in the regularorder. $f it is eventhen #ount the Dasas ba#kwards. Sthula O 9agna or

**Tha @' a < O @<'reversed <@' divided by 5' we get or 9agna.

S=. 5.*Quadi strikuta padakramena drigdasa.Drigdasas are formed#ommen#ing with the /th from 9agna' a##ording totrikonarupa pada.

47TES :aimini now speaks about Drigdasa. !ua O /'

!a ' :a 0'reversed 0' divided by 5' we get /. Take the <houses from t e"rambha Rasi' or #ommen#ing Rasi' vi.' 5nd' (thand /th from the 5nd'the 1th and the (th and /th from the 1th' thesethree sets of#ombinations from the "rambha Dasa or the#ommen#ing sign from what iste#hni#ally #alled Drigdasa.

S=. 55 # 5< -**)atrudharmayoh sa:nantyamvipareethamooiakutayoh.8atha samanyam.M Those bornin even signs will

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have the results as des#ribed in the previoussutras about the TrikonaDasa.C

47TES )atru means (- Dharma signifies . )a (' Ta+.O- (+' reversedit will be +(' divided by 5' we have the remainder(. Dha /' )a (O/(' reversed' we get (/' divided by 5' we have thebalan#e C#ounting from (th and th is #onsidered assamanyam or ordinary'#ounting from odd and even signs is #alledVyutkrama or spe#ial or

pe#uliar. v. M

S=. 51.*&itnimatru dharmapranyadistrikone. "mongthe Trikonas' theRasi Dasa #ommen#es with the strongest among them.

47TES The Trikonas are ' ( and /.

S=. 5(. * Tatra dwarabahyabhyam tpdwa t. Theresults whi#h have beenas#ribed to Dwarabahya Rasis should also bepredi#ted to the TrikonaDasas.

47TES $f the &aka and Bhoga Rasis are aspe#ted oroined by evilplanets' the person will suffer from diseases'#hains' imprisonments'et#.' similar results have to be predi#ted forTrikona Dasas when theyhave evil aspe#ts and #onun#tions. 6arefully readmy 47TES on Sutra <of pada four' on &aka and Bhoga Rasis and thedifferent views

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#lear. $ understand thus - :anma 9agna falls insome Rasi as a matterof fa#t. Take the whole duration of the star' anddivide it by 5.Then the birth 9agna falls in one of these 5divisions. The lord ofthat Rasi be#omes the lord of the #ommen#ing Dasa.These Dasas have tobe #ounted forwards and ba#kwards in odd and evensigns.

The sutra may also be $nterpreted like this - " isborn at 1 ghatisafter sunrise on the 5,th of !umbha. The balan#e of

!umbha Rasi atsunrise will be .( ghatis. $ am only giving arough example. !umbhais .( ghatis. )eena and )esha run for 0 ghatis.This makes /.(ghatis. "dd Vrishabha 1.( ghatis. Thus 1 ghatiswill #on#ludeVrishabha and the person is born in the end ofVrishabha. Say the fullextent of the star Bharani is +, ghatis on that day

after sunrise.Divided by 5' we get for ea#h part ( ghatis.:anmakala ghatis fall inthe <rd division and the <rd Rasi from 9agna' vi.'!ataka may betaken as the #ommen#ing Rasi Dasa. This is takenwith referen#e to6handra and hen#e #alled 6handra Dasa. $ am verydiffident about thisexplanation.

S=. 50.* Tasm innu#hhe nee#he va shreemantah. $f inthe example givenin the above sutra the lord of the Rasi Dasa is inexaltation or

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debilitation the person be#omes wealthy andinfluential.

S=. 5/.*Swamitrabhe kin#hit. $f in su#h a 9agna'its lord o##upies afriendly sign the wealth will be moderate.

S=. <,.* Dugathoaparatah. $f the lord of 9agnaabove mentioned is notas stated previously' the person be#omes poor andwret#hed. '

47TES This will be when he is debilitated oraspe#ted by malefi#s and

is found in unfriendly houses.

S=. <.*Swavaishamye yathaswam kramavyuthkramau. $fthe !arakao##upies the odd sign' then pro#eed for thesubseuent Dasas in theregular way' but when he is in an even sign' thengo ba#k*wards forthe Rasi Dasas. .

47TES %e has repeated this idea already in severalsutras and $suppose he wants to emphasise the prin#ipal pointwhi#h differs fromother astrologi#al prin#iples.

S=. <5.*Saumye vipareetam. $f the !araka Rasi fallsin even signs'then #ount ba#kwards.

47TES This is ust opposed to the above sutra'where he refers to theplanet and here he refers to the Rasi.

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S=. <<.*Thathatsanavapi veditavyamityeke a#haryavadanti. Some"#haryas say that all the results whi#h have beenas#ribed to planetsand signs in the previous sutras may also bepredi#ted with referen#eto Sani and his position.

47TES $f this sutra is of :aimini' it speakselouently to some fa#ts.&revious to :aimini )aharishis existed and wroteworks on astrologyand expounded prin#iples' with some of whi#h

:aimini is not inagreement. :aimini was a #ontemporary of Vedavyasaand hen#e he livedmore than (',,, years ago. This proves the greatantiuity of sutrasand also about $ndian "strology in#luding astronomyand other kindreds#ien#es. 6rooked theories' as#ribing to $ndians#ien#es #enturiesafter ".D.' may safely be lodged in the perverted

brains of theirauthors.

S=. <1.* "ntarbhuktyamsayoretat. These detailsabove mentioned in thevarious sutras should also be as#ribed to the"ntardasas or sub*periods among the maor Dasas in the forward andba#kward #ountings.

S=. <(.*Shubha dasa shubhayute dhamnyu#hhe $f theRasi has benefi#ialaspe#ts and #onun#tions' or if its lord hassimilar sour#es of

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strength or is exalted' then all the results willbe benefi#ial.

47TES The person will prosper in every way duringthe portion of su#hRasis of lords. But otherwise he will suffer.

S=. <+.***" nyathanyatha. Ahen the above #onditionsare not present'the results will be uite the #ontrary.

47TES Ahen Rasis are evil' when they have evilaspe#ts or

#onun#tions' when debilitated planets o##upy theRasis or when theirlords are debilitated' the benefi#ial results willbe absent' andmali#ious results will trouble the person.

S=. <@.*Siddhamanyat. :aimini says that all theprin#iples explainedin this work are truth propounded in other works

and therefore theyhold good in all #al#ulations and predi#tions.

  End of ?ourth &ada of the Se#ond"dhyaya

  S%7RT S!ET6% 7? T%E 9$?E 7? B. S=R8"4"R"$4 R"7

G This sket#h was written by &rofessor Rao in /<<and it is publishedwithout any altarations.

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  $t is but right' that my history should find apla#e in mytranslations and books. l belong to the )ulakanaduse#t of the "ndhra6ommunity of Brahmins' and $ have the otra of theVenerable Vasishta'the revered family uru of Sri Rama and the Solarline of monar#hs.Vasishta' &arasara' Vyasa and Suka are my firstprogenitors. )ygrandfather was a military offi#er under %yder andTippu and #hangedthe #areer to #ivil in his later life.Venkataramaniah' my

grandfather' was born in @1@ and died in 050. %elost his first wife4arasamma in his (/th year and married mygrandmother 4aranamma of%egganahalli in his +,th year and got @ #hildrenfrom her*twodaughters and five sons of whom my father opalaRao was >the <rd son.)y father was born on ?riday @th :uly 0+' the,th 9unar day of the

dark half of the month "shadha in the 6y#li# yearDhatu at ( (ghatis after sunrise under the #onstellationBharani with the periodof Venus and he was only 5 years old when hisfather died.

  )y father was of slender build' energeti#'strong and extremelya#tive in work' ualities whi#h $ have inherited toa large extent. )ymother Rukminamma' the daughter of C&alamanda SubbaRao &antulu' wasan intelligent' handsome and uiet going lady anddied in her </th

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year' when $ was about < years old. )y father#ould speak and readabout ten languages' and filled various posts inthe anam Distri#t'4orthern 6ir#ars' and finally be#ame )anager orDewan of &arlakimidior 6hinnakimidi ;amindari as it is #alled now. %ewas an expert in)antrasastras' and highly religious and obliging.%e would neverflin#h from doing an obligation and brought me upwith great $ove and#are. The following is his horos#ope %is tapobalawas so great that

with a blade of grass he was able to stop about',,, #attle andCabout <, or <( #ow*herds under the )aha "stra ofSanmohana. "ll the#attle and men lost their #ons#iousness' and afteran hour of trialthey began to move as if nothing had happened' whenmy father threwaway the blade of grass. )ark the positions ofplanets in all the

!endras. $n addition to his onerous duties' he#ompleted the giganti#task of finishing with his own hand' one #rore andtwenty*five la#s ofSri Ramanamas' and #on#luded the religious rites#onne#ted with themfour months before his death.

  uru in 9agna and Sukra and Ravi in the ,thmade him awonderful man in )antra sastras and he used toperform mira#les whenhe. liked. %e died in his +th year on the morningof the 5@th "ugust0/' and was therefore @( years and 1, days olda##ording to English

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#al#ulations. )y mother had some abortions and theadvi#e of a sadhuin 6hi#a#ole' after the performan#e of severeremedies she had fourdaughters and two sons' myself being the youngerson. )y elder brother:agannatha Row entered the )y sore servi#e andretired as an "mildaror Tahsildar and died in De#ember /(. $ was bornon Tuesday'Rathasaptami in )agha of the 6y#li# year Rakshasa'on 5th ?ebruary0(+' at about 1 ghatis after sunrise or midnoonat 6hi#a#ole in the

anam Distri#t and the following is my horos#ope.6handra 9agna lagnaSani Rahu Rahu uru Ravi' Budha uru R"S$ 4"V")S"Diagram Diagram Ravi!ua Budha !etu Sukra 6hanSukra !etu Sani dra !ua"fter my birth myfather wanted to give me the name of his fatherVenkataramaniah' butit appears on the fourth day $ be#ame seriously illand in the night

od Surya or the Sun appeared to my father in adream and ordered myfather to name me as Suryanaraina as $ was born atmidnoon on theRathasaptami' a day held sa#red to the Sun and the)oon all over$ndia.

  "bout 1 miles from 6hi#a#ole there is avillage #alled"rasavalli' where there is a #omplete temple to theSun od and whi#his #onsidered a sa#red shrine by the neighbouringpeople. )y fathermost gladly a##epted the altered name and to hissurprise and that of

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my good mother' $ was alright he (th day of mybirth. )y father was#alled opala Row. %e #ompleted 5( la#s ofRamanamas with his ownhand and died on okulashtami held sa#red to Sri!rishna and my motherwas #alled Rukmini' the name of the sa#red wife of!rishna. "t 5o#lo#k in the noon' the Sun is most powerful andthe time goes underthe spe#ial name of "bhiin )uhurtha' and "bhiitSarva Doshaghnam orthat noon time whi#h #uts and #ures all evilinfluen#es. " notable

in#ident o##urred to me in my (th year' whi#h hasinfluen#ed all mylife to a #onsiderable extent. )y first"ksharabhyasa or beginning ofedu#ation began in my (th year at &arlakimidi wheremy father wasDewan for the Raa. 7n that memorable night' $slept with my father'and had a wonderful dream. $ was taken to Suryalokato the presen#e of

the glorious Sun' and made to sit on his lap. %isspouse 6hayadevigave me &ayasam 2wheat preparation with milk andsugar3 and somefruits and made me eat them. "fter showing greatlove and kindnessSurya put his hands on my head' patted me on myba#k and pronoun#edthe blessing' that $ would live long. have many#hildren' be#ome alearned and great man' would write many books andbe#ome an author'events whi#h have been most wonderfully verified.

  $ am now in my G@@th year 2G This was writtenin /<< ".D.3' with

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a brain as #lear and vigorous as it was when $ was<, or <( years' and$ have #ompleted +@ books on various sube#ts'in#luding my %istory ofViayanagar or The 4ever*To*0e*?orgotten Empires. $awoke and relatedmy dream to my father' who had already anti#ipatedsome idea of myfuture greatness. $n my boyish days $ was extremelyintelligent' andpossessed an admirable memory' #oupled with astrong and pier#ingintelle#t. But as it often happens with intelligentboys' $ was

irregular in attendan#e at s#hool' #areless of mystudies' fond ofrunning' umping and other athleti# exer#ises' andwas mis#hievous toa #onsiderable extent. "ll the while $ felt $ wouldbe#ome a great manand a s#holar' and even #hallenged my tea#hers withthis idea whenthey found fault with my irregular attendan#e andwant of attention to

my lessons. Ahile $ was in the Senior B.". #lass'in the 6entral6ollege at Bangalore' )r- :. 6ook' )n.".C&rin#ipal' rebuked me forwant of attention to studies and for not #opying47TES' whi#h he gaveus #opiously. $ was ready with my impertinentanswer. $ observed in adetermined tone that #opying 47TES forms the partof dull headedstudents' and superfi#ial tea#hers and that brightstudents' likemyself' need no su#h pro#ess.

  %e remarked that he was a student andamanuensis of Dr. Bain of

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&sy#hologi#al fame and that $ should obey him. $told him that $ wouldbe#ome a greater man' than both of them' with theresult that $ wasturned out of the #lass for a day. )r. 6ook was agenerous S#ot#hgentleman. %e sent for me next day and uestionedme whether mybehaviour was right. $ replied that his treatmentof students shouldbe different as the intelligent and spirited #ouldnot bear #almlyremarks whi#h dull boys #onsider as theirinheritan#e. Both being

frank the re#on#iliation was ui#k and smooth. Ahen$ met him 5, yearsafter publishing some of my works' spe#ially the%istory ofViayanagar or The 4ever*To*Be ?orgonen Empire' hehad the nobility toaddress me as a greater man than himself' while $modestlya#knowledged his valuable instru#tions as the basisfor all my

s#holarship in English and physi#al S#ien#es. $ wasintended to takeup the legal line and finished my legal studies'and pra#tised forabout / years as a 9awyer in Bellary. $ kept up ade#entestablishment' and my house was open to all #lassesof professionalexperts' the musi#ians' the Veena*men' the learnedpandits' thereligious yogis' the vedantists' the uglers'buffoons and otherartistes would flo#k to my pla#e.

  )y astrologi#al instin#ts were stirred up byThogaray Ramasastry

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6ommissioner in the )ysore Servi#e' earned a verygood name as anoffi#er. %e died 5 years ago. "fter the death ofmy first wife in/,<' $ married again Subbamma' daughter -ofVenkatramasastry. Shebore ( #hildren' two of whom died soon after birth.$ have now twodaughters and one son by* her. $ have now 5grand#hildren and onegreat grand#hild. $ have built a spa#ious bungalowat the side of avillage named %unsamaranahalli on the 4andi Road'5 miles due north

of Bangalore. $t #ontains < a#res of #ompound'planted with varietiesof fruit and flower trees. $ have kept up a de#entestablishment withten servants' and am leading a uiet' honourableand religious life.)y birthdays are #elebrated on a grand s#ale' and $am visited by all#lasses' #reeds and nationalities of people fromall parts of the

world and my home is open to my friends andrelations. )y eldest son4anunda Row helps me in my publi#ation business.)y se#ond son B.9akshminarayana Row' e.".' is a raduate of&hilosophy and 9ogi# andis an $nspe#tor of s#hools in the )ysore Servi#e.

  )y third son' Somasekhara Row' was adopted bymy late brother. )yfourth son 6handrasekhara Row' aged < years' isstudying here. )ygrandson' B. V. Raman' has been trained by me andhe is helping me inthe editing of T%E "STR797$6"9 )"";$4E and otherbooks. Three

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individual predi#tions' $ made about wars' famines'deaths of royalpersonages' plagues' epidemi#s and other phenomenahave beenremarkably fulfilled and these fa#ts are well knownto the publi#' whoare in tou#h with my works. $ predi#ted about thegreat "nglo*ermanAar' and the nations who would be involved in itsdeadly folds. sixmonths before the war' in my )ar#h )againe for/1' and said' thatthe war would begin in "ugust of that year. )yle#tures' #onversations

and works have been highly appre#iated by the#ultured publi#. $ havebeen leading a religious life' in this age of falseallurements' offalse #ivilisation and of false professions andhave felt strongly inmy innermost heart that od prote#ts all those' whoentirely'sin#erely and honestly pla#e their faith and#onfiden#e in %im. )y own

independent life is a great illustration of thatprin#iple' whi#h laysdown #omplete devotion to od and honest andsin#ere life under %isgra#ious and omnipotent guidan#e should be thehighest ideal for humanefforts. )ay %e shower %is #hoi#est Blessings onall and make theworld happy' #heerful and pea#eful' have been myearnest daily prayersto the "lmighty. The aphorism' so beautifully and>aptly ordained onevery holy Brahmin after his &uas are over'deserves to be reprodu#edhere for the benefit of my readers - HSwasti&raabhyah

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&aripalayamntam 4yayena )argena )aheem )ahisahCobrahmanabhyassubhamastu 4ityam'9okassamastahSukhino Bhavantu C!aley Varshantu &aranyah &rithvisasyasalinee CDesoyam!shobharahitaah Brahmanah Santu 4irbhayahaC"putrah&u6rinah Santu&utrinsssantu &outrinahC "daanah Sadhanassantu:eevanti Saradassatam.H

  9iberally translated the verse means*let all