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SystemVue - 3GPP LTE Advanced Baseband Verification Library


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3GPP LTE Advanced Baseband Verification Library

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SystemVue - 3GPP LTE Advanced Baseband Verification Library


© Agilent Technologies, Inc. 2000-2010395 Page Mill Road, Palo Alto, CA 94304 U.S.A.No part of this manual may be reproduced in any form or by any means (includingelectronic storage and retrieval or translation into a foreign language) without prioragreement and written consent from Agilent Technologies, Inc. as governed by UnitedStates and international copyright laws.

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Portions of this product include code developed at the University of Maryland, for theseportions the following notice applies.

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The University of Maryland specifically disclaims any warranties, including, but not limitedto, the implied warranties of merchantability and fitness for a particular purpose. thesoftware provided hereunder is on an "as is" basis, and the University of Maryland has noobligation to provide maintenance, support, updates, enhancements, or modifications.

Portions of this product include the SystemC software licensed under Open Source terms,which are available for download at http://systemc.org/ . This software is redistributed byAgilent. The Contributors of the SystemC software provide this software "as is" and offerno warranty of any kind, express or implied, including without limitation warranties orconditions or title and non-infringement, and implied warranties or conditionsmerchantability and fitness for a particular purpose. Contributors shall not be liable forany damages of any kind including without limitation direct, indirect, special, incidentaland consequential damages, such as lost profits. Any provisions that differ from thisdisclaimer are offered by Agilent only.

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SystemVue - 3GPP LTE Advanced Baseband Verification Library


With respect to the portion of the Licensed Materials that describes the software andprovides instructions concerning its operation and related matters, "use" includes the rightto download and print such materials solely for the purpose described above.

Restricted Rights Legend If software is for use in the performance of a U.S.Government prime contract or subcontract, Software is delivered and licensed as"Commercial computer software" as defined in DFAR 252.227-7014 (June 1995), or as a"commercial item" as defined in FAR 2.101(a) or as "Restricted computer software" asdefined in FAR 52.227-19 (June 1987) or any equivalent agency regulation or contractclause. Use, duplication or disclosure of Software is subject to Agilent Technologies´standard commercial license terms, and non-DOD Departments and Agencies of the U.S.Government will receive no greater than Restricted Rights as defined in FAR 52.227-19(c)(1-2) (June 1987). U.S. Government users will receive no greater than LimitedRights as defined in FAR 52.227-14 (June 1987) or DFAR 252.227-7015 (b)(2) (November1995), as applicable in any technical data.

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SystemVue - 3GPP LTE Advanced Baseband Verification Library


About 3GPP LTE Advanced Baseband Verification Library . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 Features . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 Component Libraries . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8

LTE Advanced Channel Coding Category . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12 Contents . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12

LTE_A_DL_ChannelCoder Part . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13 LTE_A_DL_ChannelCoder . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13

LTE_A_DL_ChannelDecoder Part . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16 LTE_A_DL_ChannelDecoder . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16

LTE_A_HARQ_Controller Part . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20 LTE_A_HARQ_Controller . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20

LTE_A_UL_ChannelCoder Part . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23 LTE_A_UL_ChannelCoder . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23

LTE_A_UL_ChannelDecoder Part . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27 LTE_A_UL_ChannelDecoder . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27

LTE_A_UL_ChDeInterleaver Part . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31 LTE_A_UL_ChDeInterleaver . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31

LTE_A_UL_ChInterleaver Part . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 34 LTE_A_UL_ChInterleaver . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 34

LTE Advanced Measurement Category . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 37 Contents . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 37

LTE_A_BER_FER Part . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 38 LTE_A_BER_FER . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 38

LTE_A_DL_Src_RangeCheck Part . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 41 LTE_A_DL_Src_RangeCheck . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 41

LTE_A_UL_Src_RangeCheck Part . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 45 LTE_A_UL_Src_RangeCheck . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 45

LTE Advanced MIMO Precoder Category . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 49 Contents . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 49

LTE_A_DL_MIMO_Deprecoder Part . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 50 LTE_A_DL_MIMO_Deprecoder . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 50

LTE_A_DL_MIMO_LayDemapDeprecoder Part . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 53 LTE_A_DL_MIMO_LayDemapDeprecoder . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 53

LTE_A_DL_MIMO_LayerDemapper Part . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 56 LTE_A_DL_MIMO_LayerDemapper . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 56

LTE_A_DL_MIMO_LayerMapper Part . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 58 LTE_A_DL_MIMO_LayerMapper . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 58

LTE_A_DL_MIMO_LayMapPrecoder Part . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 60 LTE_A_DL_MIMO_LayMapPrecoder . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 60

LTE_A_DL_MIMO_Precoder Part . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 63 LTE_A_DL_MIMO_Precoder . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 63

LTE_A_DL_VirtualAntMapping Part . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 66 LTE_A_DL_VirtualAntMapping . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 66

LTE_A_PHICH_Deprecoder Part . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 68 LTE_A_PHICH_Deprecoder . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 68

LTE_A_PHICH_LayDemapDeprecoder Part . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 70 LTE_A_PHICH_LayDemapDeprecoder . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 70

LTE_A_UL_MIMO_Deprecoder Part . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 72 LTE_A_UL_MIMO_Deprecoder . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 72

LTE_A_UL_MIMO_LayDemapDeprecoder Part . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 74 LTE_A_UL_MIMO_LayDemapDeprecoder . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 74

LTE_A_UL_MIMO_LayerDemapper Part . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 76 LTE_A_UL_MIMO_LayerDemapper . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 76

LTE_A_UL_MIMO_LayerMapper Part . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 77 LTE_A_UL_MIMO_LayerMapper . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 77

LTE_A_UL_MIMO_LayMapPrecoder Part . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 79 LTE_A_UL_MIMO_LayMapPrecoder . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 79

LTE_A_UL_MIMO_Precoder Part . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 81 LTE_A_UL_MIMO_Precoder . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 81

LTE_A_UL_VirtualAntMapping Part . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 83 LTE_A_UL_VirtualAntMapping . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 83

LTE Advanced Modulation Category . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 84 Contents . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 84

LTE_A_DL_OFDM_Demodulator Part . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 85 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 85

LTE_A_DL_OFDM_Modulator Part . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 87 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 87

LTE_A_MIMO_Mapper Part . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 89 LTE_A_MIMO_Mapper . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 89

LTE_A_SCFDMA_Demodulator Part . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 91 LTE_A_SCFDMA_Demodulator . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 91

LTE_A_SCFDMA_Modulator Part . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 93 LTE_A_SCFDMA_Modulator . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 93

LTE_A_SpecShaping Part . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 95

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LTE_A_SpecShaping . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 95 LTE_A_SS_MIMO_Demod Part . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 97

LTE_A_SS_MIMO_Demod . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 97 LTE_A_UL_DFT Part . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 98

LTE_A_UL_DFT . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 98 LTE Advanced Multiplex Category . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 100

Contents . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 100 LTE_A_DL_DemuxFrame Part . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 101

LTE_A_DL_DemuxFrame . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 101 LTE_A_DL_DemuxOFDMSym Part . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 103

LTE_A_DL_DemuxOFDMSym . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 103 LTE_A_DL_DemuxSlot Part . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 109

LTE_A_DL_DemuxSlot . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 109 LTE_A_DL_MIMO_DemuxCIR Part . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 110

LTE_A_DL_MIMO_DemuxCIR . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 110 LTE_A_DL_MuxOFDMSym Part . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 113

LTE_A_DL_MuxOFDMSym . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 113 LTE_A_DL_MuxSlot Part . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 119

LTE_A_DL_MuxSlot . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 119 LTE_A_UL_DemuxFrame Part . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 120

LTE_A_UL_DemuxFrame . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 120 LTE_A_UL_DemuxSCFDMASym Part . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 122

LTE_A_UL_DemuxSCFDMASym . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 122 LTE_A_UL_DemuxSlot Part . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 126

LTE_A_UL_DemuxSlot . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 126 LTE_A_UL_MuxFrame Part . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 127

LTE_A_UL_MuxFrame . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 128 LTE_A_UL_MuxSCFDMASym Part . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 130

LTE_A_UL_MuxSCFDMASym . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 130 LTE_A_UL_MuxSlot Part . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 133

LTE_A_UL_MuxSlot . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 133 LTE Advanced Receiver Category . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 134

Contents . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 134 LTE_A_DL_Rcv Part . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 135

LTE_A_DL_Rcv . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 135 LTE_A_UL_Rcv Part . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 143

LTE_A_UL_Rcv . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 143 LTE Advanced Signaling Category . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 149

Contents . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 149 LTE_A_UL_PUCCH_Controller Part . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 150

LTE_A_UL_PUCCH_Controller . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 150 LTE_A_UL_PUCCH_Encoder Part . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 151

LTE_A_UL_PUCCH_Encoder . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 151 LTE_A_UL_PUCCH Part . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 152

LTE_A_UL_PUCCH . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 152 LTE_A_UserAllocInfo Part . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 155

LTE_A_UserAllocInfo . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 155 LTE Advanced Source Category . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 157

Contents . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 157 LTE_A_DL_Src Part . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 158

LTE_A_DL_Src . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 158 LTE_A_UL_Src Part . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 164

LTE_A_UL_Src . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 164 LTE Advanced Sync Equalization Category . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 171

Contents . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 171 LTE_A_DL_ChEstimator_CRS Part . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 172

LTE_A_DL_ChEstimator_CRS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 172 LTE_A_DL_ChEstimator Part . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 174

LTE_A_DL_ChEstimator . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 174 LTE_A_DL_MIMO_FrameSync Part . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 176

LTE_A_DL_MIMO_FrameSync . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 176 LTE_A_DL_MIMO_FreqSync Part . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 178

LTE_A_DL_MIMO_FreqSync . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 178 LTE_A_DL_TimeFreqSync Part . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 180

LTE_A_DL_TimeFreqSync . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 180 LTE_A_IQ_Offset Part . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 182

LTE_A_IQ_Offset . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 182 LTE_A_UL_ChEstimator Part . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 183

LTE_A_UL_ChEstimator . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 183 LTE_A_UL_FrameSync Part . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 186

LTE_A_UL_FrameSync . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 186 LTE_A_UL_FreqSync Part . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 188

LTE_A_UL_FreqSync . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 188 LTE_A_UL_TimeFreqSync Part . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 191

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LTE_A_UL_TimeFreqSync . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 191 LTE Advanced Sync Signal Category . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 193

Contents . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 193 LTE_A_DL_DMRS Part . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 194

LTE_A_DL_DMRS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 194 LTE_A_UL_CAZAC Part . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 197

LTE_A_UL_CAZAC . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 197

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About 3GPP LTE Advanced BasebandVerification LibraryLTE-Advanced is specified as part of Release 10 of the 3GPP specifications and is nowapproved for 4G IMT-Advanced. The requirements for LTE-Advanced are defined in 3GPPTechnical Report (TR) 36.913, “Requirements for Further Advancements for E-UTRA (LTE-Advanced).” The new features of LTE-Advanced consist of both enhancements to LTERelease 8/9, as well as newer emerging technologies. Proposed solutions for achieving theperformance targets for the LTE-Advanced radio interface are defined in 3GPP TR 36.814,“Further Advancements for E-UTRA Physical Layer Aspects.”

SystemVue is Agilent’s new electronic design automation (EDA) environment focused onthe physical layer (PHY) of wireless communication systems. SystemVue enables systemarchitects and algorithm developers to combine signal processing innovations withaccurate RF system modeling, interaction with test equipment, and algorithm-levelreference IP and applications. The W1918 LTE-Advanced library is an option to SystemVuethat provides > 100 reference models, coded sources and receivers, and test benches forboth 3GPP Release 8 and Release 10.

This LTE Advanced Verification library enables you to easily create waveforms that complywith LTE Advanced PHY in the 3GPP TS 36.211, TS 36.212, TS 36.213 v10.0.0 standard.This library provides transmitter measurements (such as Spectrum, CCDF and etc) andreceiver measurements (such as BER and throughput). This library also provides goldenreference signals for channel coding/decoding procedure.

FeaturesLTE Advanced BVL in SystemVue 2011.03 is based on 3GPP LTE Release 10 (Dec 2010version)

3GPP TS 36.211 v10.0.0, "Physical Channels and Modulation", December 2010.3GPP TS 36.212 v10.0.0, "Multiplexing and Channel Coding", December 2010.3GPP TS 36.213 v10.0.0, "Physical Layer Procedures", December 2010.

Top-level LTE Advanced downlink baseband multiple antenna sources and multipleantenna receivers are provided. The key features are:

Support both FDD and TDDSupport up to 8 Tx antennas and 8 Rx antennasSupport virtual antenna mapping, the mapping matrix can be configuredSupport Release 10 PDSCH transmission and Release 8 PDSCH transmission in thedownlink sourceSupport closed-loop HARQ simulation by employing Dynamic Data Flow (DDF) andMatrix Data Type. Each codeword have one individual HARQ feedback loop.Support PDSCH

Support full coding and decoding procedures for DL-SCH with or without HARQretransmissionSupport three RB (resource block) allocations (StartRB+NumRBs, RB indices(1D), RB indices (2D) )Support three transport block allocations (MCS index, transport block size andtarget code rate)

Support Physical signalsCell-specific reference signalsUE-specific reference signals (port 7 ~14)Synchronization signals, including primary and secondary synchronizationsignals

Support control channelsFull procedures for PCFICH, PHICH, PDCCH and PBCH, including information bitsgeneration and channel codingDownlink power allocation according to TS36.213

Receiver baseband algorithmSupport downlink timing and frequency synchronization, including

Cross-correlation with two received P-SCHAuto-correlation with local P-SCHTwo stages for timing synchronization: raw and fine synchronizationInteger and fractional frequency synchronization

Support linear, MMSE-2D channel estimationSupport ZF (Zero Forcing) decoding for spatial multiplexingSupport Alamouti decoding for transmit diversitySupport received soft bits combining for HARQ retransmissionSupport soft turbo decoder with specified iteration number

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Top-level LTE Advanced uplink baseband source and receivers are provided. The keyfeatures are:

Support both FDD and TDDSupport up to 4 Tx antennas and 4 Rx antennasSupport cluster SC-FDMASupport simultaneous PUSCH and PUCCH transmissionSupport maximal ratio combining (MRC) method for receiver diversitySupport closed-loop HARQ simulation by employing Dynamic Data Flow (DDF) andMatrix Data Type.Support PUSCH

Support full coding and decoding procedures for UL-SCH with or without HARQretransmissionSupport PUSCH HoppingSupport full multiplexing modes for PUSCH

UL-SCH Data and control multiplexing (as in 5.2.2 of 36.212)Uplink control information only without UL-SCH data (as in 5.2.4 of 36.212)

Support three RB (resource block) allocations (StartRB+NumRBs, RB indices(1D), RB indices (2D) )Support three transport block allocations (MCS index, transport block size andtarget code rate)Support DMRS for PUSCH

Support PRACHPreamble sequence generation and baseband signal generationPRACH demodulation and detection

Support PUCCH transmissionSupport PUCCH Format 1, 1a, 1b, Shorten 1, Shorten 1a, Shorten 1b, 2, 2a and2b.Support channel coding for control information bits on PUCCHSupport DMRS for PUCCH

Support Sounding Reference Signal (SRS) transmissionSupport uplink power allocationReceiver baseband algorithm

Support uplink timing and frequency synchronizationSupport linear and MMSE channel estimationSupport soft turbo decoder with specified iteration number

Component LibrariesThis 3GPP LTE Advanced Wireless Design Library is organized by the types of behavioralmodels and subnetworks. Following are the new/updated models and subnetworks in LTEAdvanced library compared to the LTE Library.

Channel Coding Components

The channel coding components are for both downlink and uplink channel codec.

LTE_A_DL_ChannelCoder: LTE Advanced Downlink Channel CoderLTE_A_DL_ChannelDecoder: LTE Advanced Downlink Channel DecoderLTE_A_UL_ChannelCoder: LTE Advanced Uplink Channel CoderLTE_A_UL_ChannelDecoder: LTE Advanced Uplink Channel DecoderLTE_A_UL_ChInterleaver: LTE Advanced Uplink Channel InterleaverLTE_A_UL_ChDeinterleaver: LTE Advanced Uplink Channel De-InterleaverLTE_A_HARQ_Controller: LTE Advanced HARQ Transmission Controller

MIMO Precoder Components

MIMO precoding/de-precoding, layer mapper/demapper models for transmit diversity andspatial multiplexing are provided.

LTE_A_DL_MIMO_Deprecoder: Downlink MIMO De-precoderLTE_A_DL_MIMO_LayDemapDeprecoder: Downlink MIMO Layer Demapper and De-precoderLTE_A_DL_MIMO_LayMapPrecoder: Downlink MIMO Layer mapper and PrecoderLTE_A_DL_MIMO_LayerDemapper: Downlink MIMO Layer DemapperLTE_A_DL_MIMO_LayerMapper: Downlink MIMO Layer MapperLTE_A_DL_MIMO_Precoder: Downlink MIMO PrecoderLTE_A_DL_VirtualAntMapping: Downlink virtual antenna mappingLTE_A_PHICH_Deprecoder: Downlink MIMO De-precoderLTE_A_PHICH_LayDemapDeprecoder: PHICH MIMO Layer Demapper and De-precoderLTE_A_UL_MIMO_Deprecoder: Uplink MIMO De-precoderLTE_A_UL_MIMO_LayDemapDeprecoder: Uplink MIMO Layer Demapper and De-precoder

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LTE_A_UL_MIMO_LayMapPrecoder: Uplink MIMO Layer mapper and PrecoderLTE_A_UL_MIMO_LayerDemapper: Uplink MIMO Layer DemapperLTE_A_UL_MIMO_LayerMapper: Uplink MIMO Layer MapperLTE_A_UL_MIMO_Precoder: Uplink MIMO PrecoderLTE_A_UL_VirtualAntMapping: Uplink virtual antenna mapping

Measurement Components

The measurement models provide basic measurements for both FDD/TDD downlink anduplink.

LTE_A_BER_FER: LTE Advanced Bit Error Rate and Frame Error Rate measurementLTE_A_DL_Src_RangeCheck: Range Check for LTE Advanced Downlink SourceLTE_A_UL_Src_RangeCheck: Range Check for LTE Advanced Uplink Source with

Modulation Components

The modulation models provide mapping/demapping, OFDM modulation/demodulation,SCFDMA modulation/demodulation both downlink and uplink.

LTE_A_DL_OFDM_Demodulator: Downlink OFDM De-modulatorLTE_A_DL_OFDM_Modulator: Downlink OFDM ModulatorLTE_A_MIMO_Mapper: MIMO MapperLTE_A_SCFDMA_Demodulator: SCFDMA De-modulatorLTE_A_SCFDMA_Modulator: SCFDMA ModulatorLTE_A_SpecShaping: Spectrum ShapingLTE_A_SS_MIMO_Demod: MIMO Demodulation for Synchronization Signals (PSCHand SSCH)LTE_A_UL_DFT: Uplink Complex Discrete Fourier Transform

Multiplex Components

The multiplex models provide OFDM/SCFDMA symbol multiplexing/de-multiplexing, DL/ULframing/de-framing for DL/UL transceiver.

LTE_A_DL_DemuxFrame: Downlink Radio Frame De-multiplexer with FrequencyOffset CompensatorLTE_A_DL_DemuxOFDMSym: Downlink OFDM Symbol De-multiplexer in one RadioFrameLTE_A_DL_DemuxSlot: Downlink Slot De-multiplexerLTE_A_DL_MIMO_DemuxCIR: Downlink Channel Impulse Response de-multiplexer inone Radio FrameLTE_A_DL_MuxOFDMSym: Downlink OFDM Symbol Multiplexer in one Radio FrameLTE_A_DL_MuxSlot: Downlink Slot MultiplexerLTE_A_UL_DemuxFrame: Uplink Radio Frame De-multiplexer with Frequency OffsetCompensatorLTE_A_UL_DemuxSCFDMASym: Uplink SC-FDMA Symbol De-multiplexer in one RadioFrameLTE_A_UL_DemuxSlot: Uplink Slot De-multiplexerLTE_A_UL_MuxFrame: Uplink Radio Frame MultiplexerLTE_A_UL_MuxSCFDMASym: Uplink SC-FDMA symbol multiplexerLTE_A_UL_MuxSlot: Uplink Slot Multiplexer

Receiver Components

The receiver models can be configured for multiple antennas.

LTE_A_DL_Rcv: Downlink Baseband ReceiverLTE_A_UL_Rcv: Uplink Baseband Receiver

Signaling Components

The Signaling models are provided for downlink and uplink control channels.

LTE_A_UL_PUCCH: PUCCH GeneratorLTE_A_UL_PUCCH_Encoder: Uplink Control Information Encoder on PUCCHLTE_A_UL_PUCCH_Controller: Uplink Control Information Controller on PUCCHLTE_A_UserAllocInfo: Generation of RB-allocation-related information

Source Components

These models can be configured for multiple antennas.

LTE_A_DL_Src: Downlink Baseband Signal Source

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LTE_A_UL_Src: Uplink Baseband Signal Source

Sync Equalization Components

Sync Equalization models provide timing/frequency synchronization, channel estimationand etc for downlink and uplink receiver.

LTE_A_DL_ChEstimator: Downlink Channel Estimator and Interpolator using DMRS(port 7~14)LTE_A_DL_ChEstimator_CRS: Downlink Channel Estimator and Interpolator usingCRS (port 0~3)LTE_A_DL_MIMO_FrameSync: Downlink Timing and Frequency Synchronizer in TimeDomainLTE_A_DL_MIMO_FreqSync: Downlink Timing and Frequency Synchronizer inFrequency DomainLTE_A_DL_TimeFreqSync: Downlink Timing and Frequency SynchronizerLTE_A_IQ_Offset: Uplink IQ Offset CompensatorLTE_A_UL_ChEstimator: Uplink Channel Estimator and InterpolatorLTE_A_UL_FrameSync: Uplink Timing and Frequency Synchronizer in Time DomainLTE_A_UL_FreqSync: Uplink Timing and Frequency Synchronizer in FrequencyDomainLTE_A_UL_TimeFreqSync: Uplink Timing and Frequency Synchronizer

Sync Signal Components

These models are provided for timing/frequency synchronization and channel estimationfor both downlink and uplink.

LTE_A_DL_DMRS: Downlink DMRS(port 7~14) GeneratorLTE_A_UL_CAZAC: Uplink CAZAC Sequence Generator including DMRS for PUSCHand SRS

Array Parameter Overview

The array parameters in SystemVue LTE Advanced library are quite flexible supportingmultiple array sizes. These parameters can be roughly divided into two categories:subframe-related and UE-related.

The following table lists new/updated array parameters in DL.Parameter Parameter type Allowable input sizes

UEs_RevMode UEs-related 6 × 1

UEs_n_SCID UEs-related 6 × 1, 6 × 10

DMRS_Ra UEs-related 6 × 1

The following table lists new/updated array parameters in UL.Parameter Parameter type Allowable input sizes

Payload subframes-related 1 × 1, 10 × 1, 2 × 1, 20 × 1

MappingType subframes-related 1 × 1, 10 × 1, 2 × 1, 20 × 1

PUSCH_n_DMRS1 subframes-related 1 × 1, 10 × 1

PUSCH_n_DMRS2 subframes-related 1 × 1, 10 × 1

PUCCH_n1 antenna ports-related 1 × 1, 2 × 1

PUCCH_n2 antenna ports -related 1 × 1, 2 × 1

SRS_CyclicShift antenna ports -related 1 × 1, 2 × 1

RI_NumInfoBits subframes-related 1 × 1, 10 × 1, 2 × 1, 20 × 1

RI_BetaOffsetIndex subframes-related 1 × 1, 10 × 1, 2 × 1, 20 × 1

CQI_NumInfoBits subframes-related 1 × 1, 10 × 1, 2 × 1, 20 × 1

CQI_BetaOffsetIndex subframes-related 1 × 1, 10 × 1, 2 × 1, 20 × 1

HARQACK_NumInfoBits subframes-related 1 × 1, 10 × 1, 2 × 1, 20 × 1

HARQACK_BetaOffsetIndex subframes-related 1 × 1, 10 × 1, 2 × 1, 20 × 1

Nbundled subframes-related 1 × 1, 10 × 1, 2 × 1, 20 × 1

For subframe-related parameters, the allowable array sizes are 1x1, 2x1, 10x1, 10x2and 10xN, where N is the number of independent items in each subframe. Thecorresponding values in the 10 subframes (one radio frame) for each code word canbe gotten regardless of the actual size of the array parameters.Please refer to Array Parameter (ltebasever) for more information.

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For more information on LTE system, please refer to About 3GPP LTE Baseband Verification Library(ltebasever).For more information on the configuration of RB allocation, please refer to Resource Block Allocation(ltebasever).For more information on the channel coding related calculation, please refer to Relation of Transport BlockSizes (ltebasever) and Channel Bits Calculation (ltebasever). In LTE Advanced library, for downlinkchannel bits calculation, the overhead should include DMRS (port 7~14).For more information on retransmission, please refer to Closed-loop HARQ Transmission (ltebasever).


3GPP TS 36.211 v10.0.0, "Physical Channels and Modulation", December 2010.1.3GPP TS 36.212 v10.0.0, "Multiplexing and Channel Coding", December 2010.2.3GPP TS 36.213 v10.0.0, "Physical Layer Procedures", December 2010.3.3GPP TS 36.104 v10.0.0, "Base Station (BS) radio transmission and reception",4.September 2010.3GPP TS 36.101 v10.0.0, “User Equipment (UE) radio transmission and reception”,5.October 2010.

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LTE Advanced Channel Coding Category Contents

LTE A DL ChannelCoder Part (lteabasever)LTE A DL ChannelDecoder Part (lteabasever)LTE A HARQ Controller Part (lteabasever)LTE A UL ChannelCoder Part (lteabasever)LTE A UL ChannelDecoder Part (lteabasever)LTE A UL ChDeInterleaver Part (lteabasever)LTE A UL ChInterleaver Part (lteabasever)

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LTE_A_DL_ChannelCoder Part Downlink channel coder

Categories: Channel Coding (lteabasever)

The models associated with this part are listed below. To view detailed information on amodel (description, parameters, equations, notes, etc.), please click the appropriate link.




Description: Downlink channel coderAssociated Parts: LTE A DL ChannelCoder Part (lteabasever)

Model Parameters

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Name Description Default Units Type RuntimeTunable

UE_RevMode release version of the UE, 0for Release 8, 1 for Release10: Release_8, Release_10

Release_10 Enumeration NO

HARQ_Enable Whether HARQ closed-looptransmission is enabled: NO,YES

NO Enumeration NO

NumHARQ Number of HARQ processes 8 Integer NO

MaxHARQTrans Maximum number of HARQtransmission per each HARQprocess

4 Integer NO

CellID_Sector index of cell ID within onephysical cell ID group

0 Integer NO

CellID_Group index of cell ID group 0 Integer NO

n_RNTI radio network temporaryidentifier

0 Integer NO

Payload_Config input data payloadconfiguration mode: MCSindex, Transport block size,Code rate

Transport block size Enumeration NO

Payload input payload data, the inputtype is determined by thePayload_Config

[2555, 2555, 2555,2555, 2555, 2555, 2555,2555, 2555, 2555]

Floatingpoint array


MappingType modulation type for eachsubframe

[0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0] Integer array NO

CRS_NumAntPorts number of CRS Antenna ports:CRS_Tx1, CRS_Tx2, CRS_Tx4

CRS_Tx2 Enumeration NO

DMRS_NumAntPorts number of DMRS Antennaports for this UE

8 Integer NO

NumOfLayers number of layers for onecodeword

4 Integer NO

UE_Category defines UE capability, used toget the total number of softchannel bits for rate-matchingin downlink.: Category 1,Category 2, Category 3,Category 4, Category 5

Category 1 Enumeration NO

RV_Sequence Redundancy Version Sequencefor HARQ closed-looptransmission

[0, 1, 2, 3] Integer array NO

q codeword number 0 Integer NO

ChBit_Config configuration mode ofcodeword size: REs persubframe, Channel bit size

REs per subframe Enumeration NO

NumChBits number of channel bits [5640, 5640, 5640,5640, 5640, 5640, 5640,5640, 5640, 5640]

Integer array NO

FrameMode frame mode: FDD, TDD FDD Enumeration NO

TDD_Config downlink and uplink subframealloctaion for TDD-LTE: Config0, Config 1, Config 2, Config3, Config 4, Config 5, Config 6

Config 0 Enumeration NO

SpecialSF_Config special subframe configurationfor TDD-LTE: Config 0, Config1, Config 2, Config 3, Config4, Config 5, Config 6, Config7, Config 8

Config 4 Enumeration NO

Bandwidth bandwidth: BW 1.4 MHz, BW 3MHz, BW 5 MHz, BW 10 MHz,BW 15 MHz, BW 20 MHz

BW 5 MHz Enumeration NO

CyclicPrefix cyclic prefix: Normal,Extended

Normal Enumeration NO

RB_AllocType resource block allocation type:StartRB + NumRBs, RB indices(1D), RB indices (2D)

StartRB + NumRBs Enumeration NO

RB_Alloc RB allocation for UE, theformats of [Start RB, numberof RBs] or [SF0 start RB, SF0number of RBs, ...]

[0, 25] Float NO

MIMO_Mode MIMO mode: Spatial_Mux,Tx_Div

Spatial_Mux Enumeration NO

PDCCH_SymsPerSF number of OFDM symbols ofPDCCH in each subframe

[2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2] Integer array NO

Input Ports

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Port Name Description Signal Type Optional

1 DataIn Input information bits int NO

4 HARQ_Bits Input HARQ ACK/NACK feedback from the channel decoder int YES

Output Ports

Port Name Description Signal Type Optional

2 DataOut Output channel bits int matrix NO

3 Qm Output modulation order for each subframe int NO

Parameter Details

Most of the parameters are the same as in LTE_DL_ChannelCoder (ltebasever). Followingare the new/updated parameters in LTE_A_DL_ChannelCoder.

UE_RevMode: the release version of the UE1.If the RevMode is set to 0(Release 8 LTE), the NumOfLayers should be in the range[1,4]. The NumOfLayers should be equal to CRS_NumAntPorts.If the RevMode is set to 1(Release 10 LTE Advanced), the NumOfLayers should be inthe range [1,8].CRS_NumAntPorts: number of cell specific antenna ports (port 0, 1, 2, 3). It can be2.selected from {CRS_Tx1, CRS_Tx2, CRS_Tx4}.DMRS_NumAntPorts: number of antenna ports to transimt the UE-specific reference3.signals. This parameter is vaild when RevMode=1(Release 10 LTE Advanced).MIMO_Mode: specifies the MIMO mode.4.


This subnetwork performs LTE Advanced downlink channel coding with the optional1.closed-loop HARQ transmission. Data streams from MAC layer are encoded to offertransport services over the radio transmission link. Channel coding scheme is acombination of error detection, error correcting, rate matching, interleaving andtransport channel mapping onto physical channels.Each firing, variant tokens are consumed at the DataIn port based on the transport2.block size (A) and HARQ ACK/NACK bit. If the transmission of new transport block isneeded in this subframe (firing), the number of tokens consumed is the transportblock size (A); otherwise, no token is consumed in this subframe (firing). Refer toClosed-loop HARQ Transmission (ltebasever).One token is consumed at the HARQ_Bits port, where 1 indicates CRC check success,0 indicates CRC check failure. When HARQ_Enable is set NO, this port could beunconnected and no data is read from this port; when HARQ_Enable is set YES, thedata is read from this port when this port is connected, and the value '1' (HARQ ACK)is assumed when this port is unconnected. Note that it is required that the HARQACK/NACK bits input to this port should be delayed by NumHARQ when HARQ_Enableis set YES.One Matrix-based token is produced at the DataOut port. The matrix vector size isthe number of channel bits (G) for this subframe (firing). For more information, referto Relation of Transport Block Sizes, Channel Bits and Code Rates (ltebasever).One token is produced at the Qm port, indicating the modulation order for thissubframe (firing), where 2 means QPSK, 4 means 16QAM and 6 means 64QAM.The schematic LTE_A_DL_ChannelCoder is shown below,3.

The subnetwork includes LTE_CRCEncoder, LTE_CodeBlkSeg, LTE_TurboCoder,4.LTE_RateMatch, LTE_Scrambler and LTE_A_HARQ_Controller, which perform CRCattachment, code block segmentation, turbo encoding, rate matching, PDSCHscrambling and HARQ control signal generation respectively for both FDD and TDD.For more information, pls. refer to LTE_DL_ChannelCoder (ltebasever).5.


3GPP TS 36.212 v10.0.0, "Multiplexing and Channel Coding", December 2010.1.

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LTE_A_DL_ChannelDecoder Part Downlink channel decoder

Categories: Channel Coding (lteabasever)

The models associated with this part are listed below. To view detailed information on amodel (description, parameters, equations, notes, etc.), please click the appropriate link.




Description: Downlink channel decoderAssociated Parts: LTE A DL ChannelDecoder Part (lteabasever)

Model Parameters

Name Description Default Units Type RuntimeTunable

UE_RevMode releaseversion ofthe UE, 0 forRelease 8, 1for Release10:Release_8,Release_10

Release_10 Enumeration NO

HARQ_Enable WhetherHARQclosed-looptransmissionis enabled:NO, YES

YES Enumeration NO

NumHARQ Number ofHARQprocesses

8 Integer NO

MaxHARQTrans Maximumnumber ofHARQtransmissionper eachHARQprocess

4 Integer NO

CellID_Sector the index ofcell identitygroup

0 Integer NO

CellID_Group the index ofcell identitywithin thephysical-layer cell-identitygroup

0 Integer NO

n_RNTI Radionetworktemporaryidentifier forUE

0 Integer NO

Payload_Config theconfigurationmode of

Transport block size Enumeration NO

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input datafor UE 1.:MCS index,Transportblock size,Code rate

Payload the inputpayload forUE 1, themeaning ofthe input isdefined inUE1_Config

[2555,2555,2555,2555,2555,2555,2555,2555,2555,2555] Floatingpoint array


MappingType themodulationorders forUE 1 in eachsubframe,valid whenUE1_Payloadis not set toMCS index.(0:QPSK,1:16QAM,2:64QAM)

[0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0] Integerarray


NumOfLayers number oflayers oneUE

4 Integer NO

CRS_NumAntPorts number ofCRSAntennaports:CRS_Tx1,CRS_Tx2,CRS_Tx4

CRS_Tx4 Enumeration NO

DMRS_NumAntPorts number ofDMRSAntennaports

8 Integer NO

UE_Category defines UEcapability,used to getthe totalnumber ofsoft channelbits for rate-matching indownlink.:Category 1,Category 2,Category 3,Category 4,Category 5

Category 1 Enumeration NO

RV_Sequence RedundancyVersionSequencefor HARQclosed-looptransmission

[0,1,2,3] Integerarray


q Code wordnumber

0 Integer NO

ChBit_Config theconfigurationmode ofcode wordsize: REs persubframe,Channel bitsize

REs per subframe Enumeration NO

NumChBits the numberof channelbits

[5640 5640 5640 5640 5640 5640 5640 5640 5640 5640] Integerarray


FrameMode frame mode:FDD, TDD

FDD Enumeration NO

TDD_Config downlinkand uplinkallocationsfor TDD:Config 0,Config 1,Config 2,Config 3,Config 4,Config 5,

Config 0 Enumeration NO

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Config 6

SpecialSF_Config downlinkand uplinkallocationsfor TDD:Config 0,Config 1,Config 2,Config 3,Config 4,Config 5,Config 6,Config 7,Config 8

Config 4 Enumeration NO

Bandwidth bandwidth:BW 1.4 MHz,BW 3 MHz,BW 5 MHz,BW 10 MHz,BW 15 MHz,BW 20 MHz

BW 5 MHz Enumeration NO

CyclicPrefix type of cyclicprefix:Normal,Extended

Normal Enumeration NO

RB_AllocType RB allocationtype:StartRB +NumRBs, RBindices (1D),RB indices(2D)

StartRB + NumRBs Enumeration NO

RB_Alloc the RBallocation forUE 1, in theformats of[start RB,number ofRBs] or [SF0start RB,SF0 numberof RBs; . . .; SF9 startRB, SF9number ofRBs]

[0,25] Integerarray


MIMO_Mode MIMO Modefor one UE,1 for TD, 0for SM:Spatial_Mux,Tx_Div

Spatial_Mux Enumeration NO

PDCCH_SymsPerSF number ofOFDMsymbols ofPDCCH foreachsubframe

[2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2] Integerarray


TC_Iteration Turbodecoderiterationnumber

4 Integer NO

SubframeIgnored number ofsubframes(or transportblocks) thatare ignoredat thebeginningdue tosystemdelay

0 Integer NO

Input Ports

Port Name Description Signal Type Optional

1 DataIn Input downlink data afterdemapper

real matrix NO

Output Ports

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Port Name Description Signal Type Optional

2 HARQ_Bits Output HARQ ACK/NACK bits int NO

3 BitsDataOut Output information (raw) bits int NO

4 MatrixDataOut Output information (raw) bits (matrix based) int matrix NO

5 Qm Output modulation order for each subframe int NO

6 TBS Output transport block size for each subframe int NO

Parameter Details

Most of the parameters are the same as in LTE_DL_ChannelDecoder (ltebasever).Following are the new/updated parameters in LTE_A_DL_ChannelDecoder.

UE_RevMode: the release version of the UE1.If the RevMode is set to 0(Release 8 LTE), the NumOfLayers should be in the range[1,4]. The NumOfLayers should be equal to CRS_NumAntPorts.If the RevMode is set to 1(Release 10 LTE Advanced), the NumOfLayers should be inthe range [1,8].CRS_NumAntPorts: number of cell specific antenna ports (port 0, 1, 2, 3). It can be2.selected from {CRS_Tx1, CRS_Tx2, CRS_Tx4}.DMRS_NumAntPorts: number of antenna ports to transimt the UE-specific reference3.signals. This parameter is vaild when RevMode=1(Release 10 LTE Advanced).MIMO_Mode: specifies the MIMO mode.4.


This subnetwork performs LTE Advanced downlink channel decoding.1.Each firing2.One Matrix-based token is consumed at the DataIn port. The matrix vector size is thenumber of channel bits (G) in this subframe (firing). For more information, refer toLTE_RateDematch.One Matrix-based token is produced at the MatrixDataOut. The matrix vector size isthe number of transport block size decoded in this subframe (firing).Variant tokens are produced at the MatrixDataOut. The number of tokens produced isequal to the matrix vector size at the MatrixDataOut port.One token is produced at the Qm port, indicating the modulation order for thissubframe (firing), where 2 means QPSK, 4 means 16QAM and 6 means 64QAM.One token is produced at the TBS port, indicating the transport block size for thissubframe (firing).One token is produced at the HARQ_Bits port, where 1 indicates CRC check success,0 indicates CRC check failure.Note that for all output ports, the effective output values are delayed bySubframeIgnored.The schematic LTE_ChannelDecoder is shown below,3.

This subnetwork includes LTE_Descrambler, LTE_RateDematch, LTE_TurboDecoder,4.LTE_CodeBlkDeseg, LTE_CRCDecoder and LTE_A_HARQ_Controller, which performPDSCH descrambling, rate dematch, turbo decoding, code block de-segmentation,CRC decoding and HARQ control signal generation respectively.For more information, pls. refer to LTE_DL_ChannelDecoder (ltebasever).5.


3GPP TS 36.212 v10.0.0, "Multiplexing and Channel Coding", December 2010.1.

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LTE_A_HARQ_Controller PartCategories: Channel Coding (lteabasever)

The models associated with this part are listed below. To view detailed information on amodel (description, parameters, equations, notes, etc.), please click the appropriate link.

Model Description


Controller for HARQ closed-loop transmission


Description: Controller for HARQ closed-loop transmissionDomain: UntimedC++ Code Generation Support: NOAssociated Parts: LTE A HARQ Controller Part (lteabasever)

Model Parameters

Name Description Default Units Type RuntimeTunable

LinkDir link direction: DL, UL DL Enumeration NO

UE_RevMode release version of the UE, 0 forRelease 8, 1 for Release 10

1 Integer NO

CRS_NumAntPorts number of CRS Antenna ports:CRS_Tx1, CRS_Tx2, CRS_Tx4

CRS_Tx4 Enumeration NO

HARQ_Enable whether HARQ closed-looptransmission is enabled: NO, YES

YES Enumeration NO

NumHARQ Number of HARQ processes 8 Integer NO

MaxHARQTrans Maximum number of HARQtransmission per each HARQprocess

4 Integer NO

Payload_Config the configuration mode of inputdata of PUSCH.: MCS index,Transport block size, Code rate

Transport blocksize

Enumeration NO

Payload the input payload for PUSCH, themeaning of the input is defined inPayload_Config

[2555, 2555,2555, 2555, 2555,2555, 2555, 2555,2555, 2555]

Floating pointarray


MappingType the modulation orders for the UE ineach subframe. (0:QPSK,1:16QAM, 2:64QAM)

[0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,0, 0, 0]

Integer array NO

NumOfLayers number of layers 8 Integer NO

DMRS_NumAntPorts Number of DMRS antenna ports forthis UE

8 Integer NO

UE_Category defines UE capability, used to getthe total number of soft channelbits for rate-matching in downlink.:Category 1, Category 2, Category3, Category 4, Category 5

Category 1 Enumeration NO

ChBit_Config the configuration mode of channelbit size.: REs per subframe,Channel bit size

REs per subframe Enumeration NO

NumChBits the number of channel bits [5640, 5640, Integer array NO

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5640, 5640, 5640,5640, 5640, 5640,5640, 5640]

FrameMode frame mode: FDD, TDD FDD Enumeration NO

TDD_Config downlink and uplink allocations forTDD: Config 0, Config 1, Config 2,Config 3, Config 4, Config 5, Config6

Config 0 Enumeration NO

SpecialSF_Config special subframe configuration forTDD: Config 0, Config 1, Config 2,Config 3, Config 4, Config 5, Config6, Config 7, Config 8

Config 4 Enumeration NO

Bandwidth bandwidth: BW 1.4 MHz, BW 3MHz, BW 5 MHz, BW 10 MHz, BW15 MHz, BW 20 MHz

BW 5 MHz Enumeration NO

CyclicPrefix type of cyclic prefix: Normal,Extended

Normal Enumeration NO

RB_AllocType RB allocation type: StartRB +NumRBs, RB indices (1D), RBindices (2D)

StartRB + NumRBs Enumeration NO

RB_Alloc the RB allocation for the UE, in theformats of [start RB, number ofRBs] or [[SF0 start RB, SF0number of RBs]; . . .; [SF9 startRB, SF9 number of RBs]]

[0, 25] Integer array NO

MIMO_Mode MIMO mode: Spatial_Mux, Tx_Div Spatial_Mux Enumeration NO

PDCCH_SymsPerSF number of OFDM symbols ofPDCCH for each subframe

[2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2,2, 2, 2]

Integer array NO


PUSCH Enumeration NO

Enable64QAM indicates whether 64QAM isallowed in uplink: NO, YES

YES Enumeration NO

PUSCH_TransMode whether control and data are sentvia PUSCH: Data and ControlMultiplexing, Data Only, ControlOnly

Data and ControlMultiplexing

Enumeration NO

SRS_Enable sounding reference symbol isenable: NO, YES

NO Enumeration NO

SRS_SF_Config the cell-specific SRS subframeconfiguration

0 Integer NO

RI_NumInfoBits RI information bits size [0] Integer array NO

RI_BetaOffsetIndex RI offset values, used in calculatingthe number of coded RI symbols

[0] Integer array NO

CQI_NumInfoBits CQI information bits size [0] Integer array NO

CQI_BetaOffsetIndex CQI offset values, used incalculating the number of codedCQI symbols

[2] Integer array NO

SubframeIgnored number of subframes (or transportblocks) that are ignored at thebeginning due to system delay

0 Integer NO

Input Ports

Port Name Description Signal Type Optional

1 HARQ_Bits HARQ ACK/NACK bits feedbacked from thereceiver

int YES

Output Ports

Port Name Description SignalType


2 ProcNum Process number for each subframe, -1 means no process exsits in thissubframe

int NO

3 RSN Retransmission number for each subframe int NO

4 TBS Retransmission number for each subframe int NO

5 Qm Modulation order for each subframe int NO

6 Msymb Number of modulation symbols for each subframe int NO

7 NIR Soft buffer size for each subframe, only for downlink int NO

8 NL Number of layers for each subframe, only for downlink int NO

9 G Number of channel bits for each subframe int NO


This model is used to control HARQ transmission for downlink/uplink transport1.channels, which generates HARQ control signals such as transport block size,retransmission number using the HARQ ACK/NACK feedback from the receiver. LTEAdvanced closed-loop HARQ simulation employs dynamic data flow. Refer to DynamicData Flow Simulation (sim) for how dynamic data flow and closed-loop HARQ

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simulation work collaboratively.Compared to LTE_HARQ_Controller (ltebasever), the updates in this model are as2.follows.

For downlink, parameter UE_RevMode is added to indicate the release version ofthe PDSCH.

If it is set to 0:Release 8, the implementation of this model is the same asLTE_HARQ_Controller (ltebasever).If it is set to 1:Release 10, in the calculation of available REs for PDSCHtransmission, the REs occupied by DMRS (port 7~ 14) is precluded.CRS_NumAntPorts indicates the number of antenna ports for cell specificreference signals.NumOfLayers indicates the number of layers for this codeword of PDSCH.DMRS_NumAntPorts indicates the number of DMRS antenna ports.

For uplink, this model also supports multiple layers as in downlink.See LTE_HARQ_Controller (ltebasever) for more information.3.


3GPP TS 36.211 v10.0.0, "Physical Channels and Modulation", December 2010.1.3GPP TS 36.212 v10.0.0, "Multiplexing and Channel Coding", December 2010.2.

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LTE_A_UL_ChannelCoder Part Uplink channel coder

Categories: Channel Coding (lteabasever)

The models associated with this part are listed below. To view detailed information on amodel (description, parameters, equations, notes, etc.), please click the appropriate link.




Description: Uplink channel coderAssociated Parts: LTE A UL ChannelCoder Part (lteabasever)

Model Parameters

Name Description Default Units Type RuntimeTunable

HARQ_Enable whether enableHARQ or not:NO, YES

YES Enumeration NO

NumHARQ Number ofHARQ processes

8 Integer NO

MaxHARQTrans Maximumnumber ofHARQtransmissionper each HARQprocess

4 Integer NO

CellID_Sector the index of cellidentity withinthe physical-layer cell-identity group([0:2])

0 none Integer NO

CellID_Group the index of cellidentity group([0:167])

0 none Integer NO

n_RNTI radio networktemporaryidentifier([0:65535])

0 none Integer NO

Payload_Config theconfigurationmode of inputdata forpayload.: MCSindex,Transport blocksize, Code rate

Transport block size none Enumeration NO

Payload the inputpayload, themeaning of theinput is definedinPayload_Config

[2555,2555,2555,2555,2555,2555,2555,2555,2555,2555] none Floatingpoint array


MappingType the modulationorders for theUE in each

[0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0] none Integerarray


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RV_Sequence RedundancyVersion Index([0, 3])

[0,1,2,3] none Integerarray


ChBit_Config theconfigurationmode ofchannel bitsize.: REs persubframe,Channel bit size

REs per subframe none Enumeration NO

NumChBits the number ofchannel bits

[5640,5640,5640,5640,5640,5640,5640,5640,5640,5640] none Integerarray


FrameMode frame mode:FDD, TDD

FDD none Enumeration NO

TDD_Config downlink anduplinkallocations forTDD: Config 0,Config 1, Config2, Config 3,Config 4, Config5, Config 6

Config 0 none Enumeration NO

SpecialSF_Config specialsubframeconfigurationfor TDD: Config0, Config 1,Config 2, Config3, Config 4,Config 5, Config6, Config 7,Config 8

Config 4 none Enumeration NO

Bandwidth bandwidth: BW1.4 MHz, BW 3MHz, BW 5MHz, BW 10MHz, BW 15MHz, BW 20MHz

BW 5 MHz none Enumeration NO

CyclicPrefix type of cyclicprefix: Normal,Extended

Normal none Enumeration NO

RB_AllocType RB allocationtype: StartRB +NumRBs, RBindices (1D),RB indices (2D)

StartRB + NumRBs none Enumeration NO

RB_Alloc the RBallocation forthe UE, in theformats of[start RB,number of RBs]or [SF0 startRB, SF0number of RBs;. . . ; SF9 startRB, SF9number of RBs]

[0,25] none Integerarray


NumOfLayers number oflayers for thiscodeword

1 Integer NO

q codewordnumber

0 Integer NO


PUSCH none Enumeration NO

Enable64QAM indicateswhether 64QAMis allowed inuplink: NO, YES

YES Enumeration NO

PUSCH_TransMode whether controland data aresent viaPUSCH: Dataand Control

Data and Control Multiplexing Enumeration NO

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Multiplexing,Data Only,Control Only

SRS_Enable soundingreferencesymbol isenable: NO,YES

NO none Enumeration NO

SRS_SF_Config SRS subframeconfiguration([0:14])

0 none Integer NO

RI_NumInfoBits RI informationbits size([0,inf))

[0] none Integerarray


RI_BetaOffsetIndex RI offsetvalues, used incalculating thenumber ofcoded RIsymbols([0,12])

[0] none Integerarray


CQI_NumInfoBits CQI informationbits size([0,inf))

[0] none Integerarray


CQI_BetaOffsetIndex CQI offsetvalues, used incalculatingnumber ofcoded CQIsymbols([2,15])

[2] none Integerarray


HARQACK_NumInfoBits HARQ-ACKinformation bitssize ([0,inf))

[0] none Integerarray


HARQACK_BetaOffsetIndex HARQ-ACKoffset values,used incalculatingnumber ofcoded HARQ-ACKsymbols([0,inf))

[0] none Integerarray


ACK_NACK_FeedbackMode ACK/NACKfeedback modesfor TDD:ACK/NACKmultiplexing,ACK/NACKbundling

ACK/NACK multiplexing none Enumeration NO

Nbundled Nbundled forTDD ACK/NACKbundling

[1] none Integerarray


Input Ports

Port Name Description Signal Type Optional

1 DataIn Input PUSCH information bits int NO

2 RI_In Input RI information bits int NO

3 HARQACK_In Input HARQ-ACK information bits int NO

4 CQI_In Input CQI information bits int NO

7 HARQ_Bits Input HARQ ACK/NACK feedback from the channel decoder int YES

Output Ports

Port Name Description Signal Type Optional

5 DataOut PUSCH channel bits int matrix NO

6 Qm Output modulation order for each subframe int NO


This subnetwork performs LTE Advanced uplink channel coding. Data and control1.streams from MAC layer are encoded to offer transport and control services over theradio transmission link. Channel coding scheme is a combination of error detection,error correcting, rate matching, interleaving and transport channel or controlinformation mapping onto physical channels.The schematic LTE_A_UL_ChannelCoder is shown below:2.

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The subnetwork includes LTE_CRCEncoder (ltebasever), LTE_CodeBlkSeg3.(ltebasever), LTE_TurboCoder (ltebasever), LTE_RateMatch (ltebasever),LTE_A_UL_ChInterleaver (lteabasever), LTE_Scrambler (ltebasever) andLTE_A_HARQ_Controller (lteabasever), which perform CRC attachment, code blocksegmentation and code block CRC attachment, turbo encoding, rate matching,multiplexing of data and control information as well as interleaving, PUSCHscrambling and HARQ control signal generation respectively for both FDD and TDD.Compared to LTE_UL_ChannelCoder, new parameters NumOfLayers and q are added4.to support LTE Advanced uplink MIMO.

NumOfLayers: number of layers of this codewordq: codeword number

For more information, please refer to LTE_UL_ChannelCoder (ltebasever).5.


3GPP TS 36.212 v10.0.0, "Multiplexing and Channel Coding", December 20101.

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LTE_A_UL_ChannelDecoder Part Uplink channel decoder

Categories: Channel Coding (lteabasever)

The models associated with this part are listed below. To view detailed information on amodel (description, parameters, equations, notes, etc.), please click the appropriate link.




Description: Uplink channel decoderAssociated Parts: LTE A UL ChannelDecoder Part (lteabasever)

Model Parameters

Name Description Default Units Type RuntimeTunable

HARQ_Enable whetherenable HARQor not: NO,YES

YES Enumeration NO

NumHARQ Number ofHARQprocesses

8 Integer NO

MaxHARQTrans Maximumnumber ofHARQtransmissionper each HARQprocess

4 Integer NO

CellID_Sector the index ofcell identitywithin thephysical-layercell-identitygroup ([0:2])

0 none Integer NO

CellID_Group the index ofcell identitygroup([0:167])

0 none Integer NO

n_RNTI radio networktemporaryidentifier([0:65535])

0 none Integer NO

Payload_Config theconfigurationmode of inputdata forpayload.: MCSindex,Transportblock size,

Transport block size none Enumeration NO

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Code rate

Payload the inputpayload, themeaning of theinput isdefined inPayload_Config

[2555,2555,2555,2555,2555,2555,2555,2555,2555,2555] none Floatingpoint array


MappingType the modulationorders for theUE in eachsubframe.(0:QPSK,1:16QAM,2:64QAM)

[0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0] none Integerarray


NumOfLayers number oflayers for thiscodeword

1 Integer NO

RV_Sequence RedundancyVersion Index([0, 3])

[0,1,2,3] none Integerarray


q code wordindex

0 Integer NO

ChBit_Config theconfigurationmode ofchannel bitsize.: REs persubframe,Channel bitsize

REs per subframe none Enumeration NO

NumChBits the number ofchannel bits

[5640,5640,5640,5640,5640,5640,5640,5640,5640,5640] none Integerarray


FrameMode frame mode:FDD, TDD

FDD none Enumeration NO

TDD_Config downlink anduplinkallocations forTDD: Config 0,Config 1,Config 2,Config 3,Config 4,Config 5,Config 6

Config 0 none Enumeration NO

SpecialSF_Config specialsubframeconfigurationfor TDD:Config 0,Config 1,Config 2,Config 3,Config 4,Config 5,Config 6,Config 7,Config 8

Config 4 none Enumeration NO

Bandwidth bandwidth: BW1.4 MHz, BW 3MHz, BW 5MHz, BW 10MHz, BW 15MHz, BW 20MHz

BW 5 MHz none Enumeration NO

CyclicPrefix type of cyclicprefix: Normal,Extended

Normal none Enumeration NO

RB_AllocType RB allocationtype: StartRB+ NumRBs, RBindices (1D),RB indices(2D)

StartRB + NumRBs none Enumeration NO

RB_Alloc the RBallocation forthe UE, in theformats of[start RB,number ofRBs] or [SF0start RB, SF0number ofRBs; . . . ; SF9

[0,25] none Integerarray


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start RB, SF9number ofRBs]


PUSCH none Enumeration NO

SRS_Enable soundingreferencesymbol isenable: NO,YES

NO none Enumeration NO

SRS_SF_Config SRS subframeconfiguration([0:14])

0 none Integer NO

RI_NumInfoBits number of RIinfomation bits([0,2])

[0] none Integerarray


TC_Iteration Turbo decoderiterationnumber([1:20])

4 none Integer NO

Enable64QAM indicateswhether64QAM isallowed inuplink: NO,YES

YES Enumeration NO

PUSCH_TransMode whethercontrol anddata are sentvia PUSCH:Data andControlMultiplexing,Data Only,Control Only

Data and Control Multiplexing Enumeration NO

HARQACK_NumInfoBits HARQ-ACKinformationbits size

[0] Integerarray


HARQACK_BetaOffsetIndex HARQ-ACKoffset values,used incalculating thenumber ofcoded HARQ-ACK symbols

[0] Integerarray


RI_BetaOffsetIndex RI offsetvalues, used incalculating thenumber ofcoded RIsymbols

[0] Integerarray


CQI_NumInfoBits CQIinformationbits size

[0] Integerarray


CQI_BetaOffsetIndex CQI offsetvalues, used incalculating thenumber ofcoded CQIsymbols

[2] Integerarray


SubframeIgnored number ofsubframes (ortransportblocks) thatare ignored atthe beginningdue to systemdelay

0 Integer NO

Input Ports

Port Name Description Signal Type Optional

1 DataIn Input uplink data after demapper real matrix NO

Output Ports

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Port Name Description SignalType


2 HARQ_Bits Output HARQ ACK/NACK bits int NO

3 DataOut Output information (raw) bits int NO

4 RI_Out Output RI bits (matrix based) after channel deinterleaving (notdecoded yet)

int matrix NO

5 HARQACK_Out Output HARQ-ACK bits (matrix based) after channeldeinterleaving (not decoded yet)

int matrix NO

6 CQI_Out Output CQI bits (matrix based) after channel deinterleaving (notdecoded yet)

int matrix NO

7 DataOut_Matrix Output information (raw) bits (matrix based) int matrix NO

8 Qm Output modulation order for each subframe int NO

9 TBS Output transport block size for each subframe int NO


This subnetwork performs LTE Advanced uplink channel decoding. Data and control1.streams to MAC layer are decoded to offer transport and control services over theradio transmission link. Channel decoding scheme is a combination of error detection,error correcting, de-rate matching, deinterleaving and transport channel or controlinformation splitting from physical channels.The LTE_A_UL_ChannelDecoder schematic is shown below:2.

The subnetwork includes LTE_DeScrambler (ltebasever), LTE_A_UL_ChDeInterleaver3.(lteabasever), LTE_RateDeMatch (ltebasever), LTE_TurboDecoder (ltebasever),LTE_CodeBlkDeSeg (ltebasever), LTE_CRCDecoder (ltebasever) andLTE_A_HARQ_Controller (lteabasever), which performs PUSCH descrambling,deinterleaving and demultiplexing of data and control information, rate dematching ,turbo decoding, code block de-segmentation, CRC decoding and HARQ control signalgeneration respectively for both FDD and TDD.Compared to LTE_UL_ChannelCoder, new parameters NumOfLayers and q are added4.to support LTE Advanced uplink MIMO.

NumOfLayers: number of layers of this codewordq: codeword number

It should be noted that channel decoding for control information is NOT supported in5.current implementation.For more information on the parameters details, please refer to6.LTE_UL_ChannelDecoder (ltebasever).


3GPP TS 36.212 v10.0.0, "Multiplexing and Channel Coding", December 2010.1.

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LTE_A_UL_ChDeInterleaver PartCategories: Channel Coding (lteabasever)

The models associated with this part are listed below. To view detailed information on amodel (description, parameters, equations, notes, etc.), please click the appropriate link.

Model Description


Uplink PUSCH Channel DeInterleaver


Description: Uplink PUSCH Channel DeInterleaverDomain: UntimedC++ Code Generation Support: NOAssociated Parts: LTE A UL ChDeInterleaver Part (lteabasever)

Model Parameters

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Name Description Default Units Type RuntimeTunable

Payload_Config the configuration mode ofinput data of PUSCH.: MCSindex, Transport block size,Code rate

Transport blocksize

Enumeration NO

Payload the input payload for PUSCH,the meaning of the input isdefined in Payload_Config

[2555, 2555,2555, 2555,2555, 2555,2555, 2555,2555, 2555]

Floatingpoint array


ChBit_Config the configuration mode ofchannel bit size.: REs persubframe, Channel bit size

REs per subframe Enumeration NO

NumChBits the number of channel bits [5640, 5640,5640, 5640,5640, 5640,5640, 5640,5640, 5640]

Integer array NO

FrameMode frame mode: FDD, TDD FDD Enumeration NO

TDD_Config downlink and uplink allocationsfor TDD: Config 0, Config 1,Config 2, Config 3, Config 4,Config 5, Config 6

Config 0 Enumeration NO

Bandwidth bandwidth: BW 1.4 MHz, BW 3MHz, BW 5 MHz, BW 10 MHz,BW 15 MHz, BW 20 MHz

BW 5 MHz Enumeration NO

CyclicPrefix type of cyclic prefix: Normal,Extended

Normal Enumeration NO

MappingType the modulation orders for theUE in each subframe.(0:QPSK, 1:16QAM, 2:64QAM)

[0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,0, 0, 0, 0]

Integer array NO

NumOfLayers number of layers 1 Integer NO

RB_AllocType RB allocation type: StartRB +NumRBs, RB indices (1D), RBindices (2D)

StartRB +NumRBs

Enumeration NO

RB_Alloc the RB allocation for the UE, inthe formats of [start RB,number of RBs] or [[SF0 startRB, SF0 number of RBs]; . . .;[SF9 start RB, SF9 number ofRBs]]

[0, 25] Integer array NO


PUSCH Enumeration NO

Enable64QAM indicates whether 64QAM isallowed in uplink: NO, YES

YES Enumeration NO

PUSCH_TransMode whether control and data aresent via PUSCH: Data andControl Multiplexing, DataOnly, Control Only

Data and ControlMultiplexing

Enumeration NO

SRS_Enable sounding reference symbol isenable: NO, YES

NO Enumeration NO

SRS_SF_Config the cell-specific SRS subframeconfiguration

0 Integer NO

RI_NumInfoBits RI information bits size [0] Integer array NO

RI_BetaOffsetIndex RI offset values, used incalculating the number ofcoded RI symbols

[0] Integer array NO

CQI_NumInfoBits CQI information bits size [0] Integer array NO

CQI_BetaOffsetIndex CQI offset values, used incalculating the number ofcoded CQI symbols

[2] Integer array NO

HARQACK_NumInfoBits HARQ-ACK information bitssize

[0] Integer array NO

HARQACK_BetaOffsetIndex HARQ-ACK offset values, usedin calculating the number ofcoded HARQ-ACK symbols

[0] Integer array NO

SubframeIgnored number of subframes (ortransport blocks) that areignored at the beginning dueto system delay

0 Integer NO

DisplayPortRates whether the port rates andother useful information aredisplayed in Simulation Logwindow: NO, YES

NO Enumeration NO

Input Ports

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Port Name Description Signal Type Optional

1 DataIn Data In float matrix NO

Output Ports

Port Name Description Signal Type Optional

2 DataOut Data Out float matrix NO

3 RI Rank Indication Out float matrix NO

4 HARQACK HARQ-ACK Out float matrix NO

5 CQI CQI/PMI Out float matrix NO


This model is used to de-interleave the uplink bits transported in each subframe and1.demultiplex the uplink control information and data. This model is similar toLTE_UL_ChDeInterleaver. Please refer to LTE_UL_ChDeInterleaver (ltebasever)except that this model supports multi-layers.What different with LTE_UL_ChDeInterleaver are as follows:2.

New added parameters:NumOfLayer defines the number of layer to be processed. This parametercan be set to 1, 2, 3 or 4.

Each firing, 1 matrix token is consumed and produced at input and output ports.But these matrix sizes are NumOfLayer times of those ofLTE_UL_ChDeInterleaver. MatrixSize_LTE_A_UL_ChDeInterleaver =NumOfLayer * MatrixSize_LTE UL_ChDeInterleaver.

See LTE_A_UL_ChInterleaver (lteabasever).3.


3GPP TS 36.211 v10.0.0, "Physical Channels and Modulation", December 2010.1.3GPP TS 36.212 v10.0.0, "Multiplexing and Channel Coding", December 2010.2.3GPP TS 36.213 v10.0.0, "Physical Layer Procedures", December 2010.3.3GPP TS 36.104 v10.0.0, "Base Station (BS) radio transmission and reception",4.September 2010.3GPP TS 36.101 v10.0.0, “User Equipment (UE) radio transmission and reception”,5.October 2010.P. Hoeher, S. Kaiser, and P. Robertson. "Two-Dimensional Pilot-Symbol-Aided6.Channel Estimation by Wiener Filtering". Proc. IEEE ICASSP '97, Munich, Germany,pp. 1845-1848, Apr. 1997.

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LTE_A_UL_ChInterleaver PartCategories: Channel Coding (lteabasever)

The models associated with this part are listed below. To view detailed information on amodel (description, parameters, equations, notes, etc.), please click the appropriate link.

Model Description


Uplink ChannelInterleaver


Description: Uplink Channel InterleaverDomain: UntimedC++ Code Generation Support: NOAssociated Parts: LTE A UL ChInterleaver Part (lteabasever)

Model Parameters

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Name Description Default Units Type RuntimeTunable

Payload_Config the configuration mode ofinput data of PUSCH.: MCSindex, Transport block size,Code rate

Transport blocksize

Enumeration NO

Payload the input payload for PUSCH,the meaning of the input isdefined in Payload_Config

[2555, 2555,2555, 2555,2555, 2555,2555, 2555,2555, 2555]

Floatingpoint array


ChBit_Config the configuration mode ofchannel bit size.: REs persubframe, Channel bit size

REs per subframe Enumeration NO

NumChBits the number of channel bits [5640, 5640,5640, 5640,5640, 5640,5640, 5640,5640, 5640]

Integer array NO

FrameMode frame mode: FDD, TDD FDD Enumeration NO

TDD_Config downlink and uplink allocationsfor TDD: Config 0, Config 1,Config 2, Config 3, Config 4,Config 5, Config 6

Config 0 Enumeration NO

Bandwidth bandwidth: BW 1.4 MHz, BW 3MHz, BW 5 MHz, BW 10 MHz,BW 15 MHz, BW 20 MHz

BW 5 MHz Enumeration NO

CyclicPrefix type of cyclic prefix: Normal,Extended

Normal Enumeration NO

MappingType the modulation orders for theUE in each subframe.(0:QPSK, 1:16QAM, 2:64QAM)

[0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,0, 0, 0, 0]

Integer array NO

NumOfLayers number of layers 1 Integer NO

RB_AllocType RB allocation type: StartRB +NumRBs, RB indices (1D), RBindices (2D)

StartRB +NumRBs

Enumeration NO

RB_Alloc the RB allocation for the UE, inthe formats of [start RB,number of RBs] or [[SF0 startRB, SF0 number of RBs]; . . .;[SF9 start RB, SF9 number ofRBs]]

[0, 25] Integer array NO


PUSCH Enumeration NO

Enable64QAM indicates whether 64QAM isallowed in uplink: NO, YES

YES Enumeration NO

PUSCH_TransMode whether control and data aresent via PUSCH: Data andControl Multiplexing, DataOnly, Control Only

Data and ControlMultiplexing

Enumeration NO

SRS_Enable sounding reference symbol isenable: NO, YES

NO Enumeration NO

SRS_SF_Config the cell-specific SRS subframeconfiguration

0 Integer NO

RI_NumInfoBits RI information bits size [0] Integer array NO

RI_BetaOffsetIndex RI offset values, used incalculating the number ofcoded RI symbols

[0] Integer array NO

CQI_NumInfoBits CQI information bits size [0] Integer array NO

CQI_BetaOffsetIndex CQI offset values, used incalculating the number ofcoded CQI symbols

[2] Integer array NO

HARQACK_NumInfoBits HARQ-ACK information bitssize

[0] Integer array NO

HARQACK_BetaOffsetIndex HARQ-ACK offset values, usedin calculating the number ofcoded HARQ-ACK symbols

[0] Integer array NO

DisplayPortRates whether the port rates andother useful information aredisplayed in Simulation Logwindow: NO, YES

NO Enumeration NO

Input Ports

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Port Name Description Signal Type Optional

1 DataIn Data In integermatrix


2 RI Rank Indication In integermatrix


3 HARQACK HARQ-ACK In integermatrix


4 CQI CQI/PMI In integermatrix


Output Ports

Port Name Description Signal Type Optional

5 DataOut Data Out integermatrix



This model is used to interleave the uplink bits transported in each subframe and1.multiplex the uplink control information and data. This model is similar toLTE_UL_ChInterleaver. Please refer to LTE_UL_ChInterleaver (ltebasever) except thatthis model supports multi-layers.What different with LTE_UL_ChInterleaver are as follows:2.

New added parameters:NumOfLayer defines the number of layer to be processed. This parametercan be set to 1, 2, 3 or 4.

Each firing, 1 matrix token is consumed and produced at input and output ports.But these matrix sizes are NumOfLayer times of those of LTE_UL_ChInterleaver.MatrixSize_LTE_A_UL_ChInterleaver = NumOfLayer * MatrixSize_LTEUL_ChInterleaver.


3GPP TS 36.211 v10.0.0, "Physical Channels and Modulation", December 2010.1.3GPP TS 36.212 v10.0.0, "Multiplexing and Channel Coding", December 2010.2.3GPP TS 36.213 v10.0.0, "Physical Layer Procedures", December 2010.3.3GPP TS 36.104 v10.0.0, "Base Station (BS) radio transmission and reception",4.September 2010.3GPP TS 36.101 v10.0.0, “User Equipment (UE) radio transmission and reception”,5.October 2010.P. Hoeher, S. Kaiser, and P. Robertson. "Two-Dimensional Pilot-Symbol-Aided6.Channel Estimation by Wiener Filtering". Proc. IEEE ICASSP '97, Munich, Germany,pp. 1845-1848, Apr. 1997.

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LTE Advanced Measurement Category Contents

LTE A BER FER Part (lteabasever)LTE A DL Src RangeCheck Part (lteabasever)LTE A UL Src RangeCheck Part (lteabasever)

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LTE_A_BER_FER PartCategories: Measurement (lteabasever)

The models associated with this part are listed below. To view detailed information on amodel (description, parameters, equations, notes, etc.), please click the appropriate link.

Model Description


Bit Error Rate and Frame Error Rate estimation in LTElibrary


Description: Bit Error Rate and Frame Error Rate estimation in LTE libraryDomain: UntimedC++ Code Generation Support: NOAssociated Parts: LTE A BER FER Part (lteabasever)

Model Parameters

Name Description Default Units Type RuntimeTunable


LinkDir link direction: Downlink, Uplink Downlink Enumeration NO

Payload_Config the configuration mode of inputdata for payload.: MCS_index,Transport_block_size,Code_rate

Transport_block_size Enumeration NO

Payload the input payload, the meaningof the input is defined inPayload_Config

[2555, 2555, 2555, 2555,2555, 2555, 2555, 2555,2555, 2555]

Floatingpoint array


MappingType the modulation orders for theUE in each subframe. (0:QPSK,1:16QAM, 2:64QAM)

[0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0] Integerarray


Enable64QAM indicates whether 64QAM isallowed in uplink: NO, YES

YES Enumeration NO

NumOfLayers number of layers for onecodeword can be up to 2 for DL(for transmit diversity, it shouldbe set to 1), and be up to 1 forUL.

4 Integer NO [1:4]

CRS_NumAntPorts number of CRS antenna ports:Tx1, Tx2, Tx4

Tx2 Enumeration NO

DMRS_NumAntPorts number of DMRS antennaports.

8 Integer NO [1:8]

FrameMode frame mode: FDD, TDD FDD Enumeration NO

TDD_Config downlink and uplink allocationsfor TDD: Config_0, Config_1,Config_2, Config_3, Config_4,Config_5, Config_6

Config_0 Enumeration NO

SpecialSF_Config special subframe configurationfor TDD: Config0, Config1,Config2, Config3, Config4,Config5, Config6, Config7,Config8

Config4 Enumeration NO

Bandwidth bandwidth: BW_1_4_MHz,BW_3_MHz, BW_5_MHz,BW_10_MHz, BW_15_MHz,BW_20_MHz

BW_5_MHz Enumeration NO

CyclicPrefix type of cyclic prefix: Normal,Extended

Normal Enumeration NO

RB_AllocType RB allocation type:StartRB_NumRBs,RB_indices_1D, RB_indices_2D

StartRB_NumRBs Enumeration NO

RB_Alloc the RB allocation for the UE, inthe formats of [start RB,number of RBs] or [[SF0 startRB, SF0 number of RBs]; . . .;

[0, 25] Integerarray


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[SF9 start RB, SF9 number ofRBs]]

PDCCH_SymsPerSF number of OFDM symbols ofPDCCH for each subframe

[2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2] Integerarray

NO [0:3]


PUSCH Enumeration NO

PUSCH_TransMode whether control and data aresent via PUSCH:Data_and_Control_Multiplexing,Data_Only, Control_Only

Data_and_Control_Multiplexing Enumeration NO

SRS_Enable sounding reference symbol isenable: NO, YES

NO Enumeration NO

SRS_SF_Config SRS subframe configuration 0 Integer NO [0:14]

RI_NumInfoBits RI information bits size [0] Integerarray

NO [0,∞)

RI_BetaOffsetIndex RI offset values, used incalculating the number of codedRI symbols

[0] Integerarray

NO [0,12]

CQI_NumInfoBits CQI information bits size [0] Integerarray

NO [0,∞)

CQI_BetaOffsetIndex CQI offset values, used incalculating the number of codedCQI symbols

[2] Integerarray

NO [2,15]

DisplayPortRates whether the port rates andother useful information aredisplayed in Simulation Logwindow: NO, YES

NO Enumeration NO

SourceType The source is including channelcoding or not: RawBits,ChannelBits

RawBits Enumeration NO

UE_RevMode Release version of the UE:Release 8, Release 10

Release 8 Enumeration NO

FrameDelay Delay frame numbers for refinput pin

1 Integer NO [0:∞)

FrameStart Data collection start frameindex

1 Integer NO [0:∞)

FrameStop Data collection stop frameindex when EstRelVariance isnot met

10 Integer NO [FrameStart:∞)

EstRelVariance BER estimation relativevariance

0.01 Float NO [0:1)

StatusUpdatePeriod Status update period in numberof bits

1000 Integer NO [1:∞)

Input Ports

Port Name Description Signal Type Optional

1 ref reference bit stream int NO

2 test test bit stream int NO

Parameter DetailsMost of the parameters are the same as in LTE_BER_FER (ltebasever), following are thenew/updated parameters in LTE_A_BER_FER,

CRS_NumAntPorts: number of antenna ports to transmit the cell specific reference1.signals. It can be selected from {CRS_Tx1, CRS_Tx2, CRS_Tx4}.DMRS_NumAntPorts: number of antenna ports to transmit the UE-specific reference2.signals. It can be set in the range [1, 8].UE_RevMode: the release version of each UE. For Release 10 mode, only Spacial3.Multiplex is supported for downlink.


This model can be used to measure the bit error rate (BER) and frame error rate1.(FER) of both LTE Advanced downlink and uplink input data streams. FER issometimes referred to as PER (packet error rate) or BLER (block error rate). HereFER actually stands for subframe error rate. A subframe is considered to be in error ifat least one of the bits in the subframe is detected incorrectly.Both downlink and uplink BER/FER can be measured. The functionality of this model2.is like the LTE_BER_FER model except for the following enhancement,

LTE Release 10 for Downlink special multiplex, 1 transmit antenna with DMRSfor PDSCH, 2 transmit antennas upto 2 codewords and 2 layers with DMRS forPDSCH, 4 transmit antennas upto 2 codewords and 4 layers with DMRS forPDSCH and 8 transmit antennas upto 2 codewords and 8 layers with DMRS forPDSCH.LTE Release 10 for Uplink MIMO, 2 transmit antennas upto 2 codewords and 2layers for PUSCH, 4 transmit antennas upto 2 codewords and 4 layers forPUSCH.

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The typical use of this model can be found in the example workspace3.LTE_Advanced_DL_SISO_BER.wsv and LTE_Advanced_UL_SISO_BER.wsv.For more information, please refers to LTE_BER_FER (ltebasever).4.


3GPP TS 36.211 v10.0.0, "Physical Channels and Modulation", December 2010.1.3GPP TS 36.212 v10.0.0, "Multiplexing and Channel Coding", December 2010.2.

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LTE_A_DL_Src_RangeCheck PartCategories: Measurement (lteabasever)

The models associated with this part are listed below. To view detailed information on amodel (description, parameters, equations, notes, etc.), please click the appropriate link.

Model Description


LTE Advanced downlink signal source range check


Description: LTE Advanced downlink signal source range checkDomain: UntimedC++ Code Generation Support: NOAssociated Parts: LTE A DL Src RangeCheck Part (lteabasever)

Model Parameters

Name Description Default Units Type RuntimeTunable

FrameMode frame mode: FDD, TDD FDD Enumeration NO

TDD_Config downlink and uplink allocations for TDD:Config 0, Config 1, Config 2, Config 3,Config 4, Config 5, Config 6

Config 0 Enumeration NO

SpecialSF_Config special subframe configuration for TDD:Config 0, Config 1, Config 2, Config 3,Config 4, Config 5, Config 6, Config 7,Config 8

Config 4 Enumeration NO

Bandwidth bandwidth: BW 1.4 MHz, BW 3 MHz, BW5 MHz, BW 10 MHz, BW 15 MHz, BW 20MHz

BW 5 MHz Enumeration NO

NumTxAnts number of Tx Antennas: Tx1, Tx2, Tx4,Tx8

Tx8 Enumeration NO

CRS_NumAntPorts number of CRS Antenna ports:CRS_Tx1, CRS_Tx2, CRS_Tx4

CRS_Tx2 Enumeration NO

OversamplingOption Ratio 1, Ratio 2, Ratio 4, Ratio 8: Ratio1, Ratio 2, Ratio 4, Ratio 8

Ratio 2 Enumeration NO

CyclicPrefix type of cyclic prefix: Normal, Extended Normal Enumeration NO

CellID_Sector the index of cell identity within thephysical-layer cell-identity group

0 Integer NO

CellID_Group the index of cell identity group 0 Integer NO

RB_MappingType the mapping type of VRBs to PRBs:Localized, Distributed

Localized Enumeration NO

UEs_RevMode release version of each UE, 0 forRelease 8, 1 for Release 10

[1, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0] Integerarray


SS_PerTxAnt whether synchronization signals (P-SSand S-SS) are transmitted on eachtransmit antenna: NO, YES

NO Enumeration NO

UEs_MIMO_Mode MIMO Mode for each UE, 1 for TD, 0 forSM

[0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0] Integerarray


UEs_CDD_Mode CDD Mode for each UE, 1 for Zero-Delay, 0 for Large-Delay

[1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1] Integerarray


UEs_CdBlk_Index codebook index for precoding for eachUE

[0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0] Integerarray


UEs_NumOfCWs number of code words for each UE [2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2] Integerarray


UEs_NumOfLayers number of layers for each UE [8, 8, 8, 2, 2, 2] Integerarray


UE1_HARQ_Enable UE1 HARQ closed-loop transmissionenable: NO, YES

YES Enumeration NO

UE1_NumHARQ UE1 Number of HARQ processes 8 Integer NO

UE1_MaxHARQTrans UE1 Maximum number of HARQtransmission per each HARQ process

4 Integer NO

UE1_CL_Precoding_Enable whether closed-loop MIMO precoding forUE1 is enabled: NO, YES

NO Enumeration NO

UE1_PMI_Granularity closed-loop PMI reporting granularity inunits of resource blocks (RBs) for UE1

25 Integer NO

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UE1_PMI_Delay closed-loop PMI reporting delay in unitsof sub-frames (1ms) for UE1

6 Integer NO

UE1_Config the configuration mode of input data forUE 1.: MCS index, Transport block size,Code rate

Transport blocksize

Enumeration NO

UE1_Payload the input payload for UE 1, the meaningof the input is defined in UE1_Config

[2555, 2555,2555, 2555,2555, 2555,2555, 2555,2555, 2555]

Floatingpoint array


UE1_MappingType the modulation orders for UE 1 in eachsubframe, valid when UE1_Payload isnot set to MCS index. (0:QPSK,1:16QAM, 2:64QAM)

[0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,0, 0, 0, 0]



UE1_RV_Sequence UE1 Redundancy Version Sequence forHARQ closed-loop transmission

[0,1,2,3] Integerarray


UE1_n_RNTI Radio network temporary identifier forUE 1

1 Integer NO

UE1_Category defines UE capability, used to get thetotal number of soft channel bits forrate-matching in downlink.: Category 1,Category 2, Category 3, Category 4,Category 5

Category 1 Enumeration NO

RB_AllocType RB allocation type: StartRB + NumRBs,RB indices (1D), RB indices (2D)

StartRB +NumRBs

Enumeration NO

UE1_RB_Alloc the RB allocation for UE 1, in theformats of [start RB, number of RBs] or[[SF0 start RB, SF0 number of RBs]; . ..; [SF9 start RB, SF9 number of RBs]]

[0, 25] Integerarray


OtherUEs_MappingType the modulation orders for other UEsexcept UE 1 in all subframes. (0:QPSK,1:16QAM, 2:64QAM)

[0, 0, 0, 0, 0] Integerarray


UE2_RB_Alloc the RB allocation for UE 2, in theformats of [start RB, number of RBs] or[[SF0 start RB, SF0 number of RBs]; . ..; [SF9 start RB, SF9 number of RBs]]

[0, 0] Integerarray


UE3_RB_Alloc the RB allocation for UE 3, in theformats of [start RB, number of RBs] or[[SF0 start RB, SF0 number of RBs]; . ..; [SF9 start RB, SF9 number of RBs]]

[0, 0] Integerarray


UE4_RB_Alloc the RB allocation for UE 4, in theformats of [start RB, number of RBs] or[[SF0 start RB, SF0 number of RBs]; . ..; [SF9 start RB, SF9 number of RBs]]

[0, 0] Integerarray


UE5_RB_Alloc the RB allocation for UE 5, in theformats of [start RB, number of RBs] or[ [SF0 start RB, SF0 number of RBs]; . ..; [SF9 start RB, SF9 number of RBs]]

[0, 0] Integerarray


UE6_RB_Alloc the RB allocation for UE 6, in theformats of [start RB, number of RBs] or[[SF0 start RB, SF0 number of RBs]; . ..; [SF9 start RB, SF9 number of RBs]]

[0, 0] Integerarray


PDCCH_SymsPerSF number of OFDM symbols of PDCCH foreach subframe

[2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2,2, 2, 2, 2]



PDCCH_UE_AggreLevel the aggregation levels of UE-specificPDCCH search space for everysubframe. The allowable levels are 1, 2,4 and 8.

[1] Integerarray


PDCCH_UE_DCI_Formats the DCI Formats of the PDCCHcandidates for every subframe (-1means no DCI in correspondingcandidate).

[0, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1]



PDCCH_Common_AggreLevel the aggregation levels of CommonPDCCH search space for everysubframe. The allowable levels are 4and 8.

[4] Integerarray


PDCCH_Common_DCI_Formats the DCI Formats of the PDCCHcandidates for every subframe (-1means no DCI in correspondingcandidate).

[-1, -1, -1, -1] Integerarray


UE_n_RNTI Radio network temporary identifier forUE

[1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1,1, 1, 1, 1]



PHICH_Duration type of PHICH duration:Normal_Duration, Extended_Duration

Normal_Duration Enumeration NO

PHICH_Ng PHICH Ng value: Ng 1/6, Ng 1/2, Ng 1,Ng 2

Ng 1/6 Enumeration NO

HI physical hybrid-ARQ ACK/NAK indicators [1, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0,1, 0, 1, 0]



RS_EPRE transmit energy per resource element -25 Float NO

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(RE) for transmitted cell specific RS foreach antenna port, in unit ofdBm/15kHz

PCFICH_Rb PCFICH-to-RS EPRE ratio in dB insymbols with RS

0 Float NO

PHICH_Ra PHICH-to-RS EPRE ratio in dB insymbols without RS

0 Float NO

PHICH_Rb PHICH-to-RS EPRE ratio in dB insymbols with RS

0 Float NO

PBCH_Ra PBCH-to-RS EPRE ratio in dB in symbolswithout RS

0 Float NO

PBCH_Rb PBCH-to-RS EPRE ratio in dB in symbolswith RS

0 Float NO

PDCCH_Ra PDCCH-to-RS EPRE ratio in dB insymbols without RS

0 Float NO

PDCCH_Rb PDCCH-to-RS EPRE ratio in dB insymbols with RS

0 Float NO

PDSCH_PowerRatio PDSCH Cell Specific Ratio: p_B/p_A = 1,P_B = 0, P_B = 1, P_B = 2, P_B = 3

p_B/p_A = 1 Enumeration NO

UEs_Pa UE specific power parameter for each UE [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0] Floatingpoint array


PSS_Ra PSS-to-RS EPRE ratio in dB in symbolswithout RS

0 Float NO

SSS_Ra SSS-to-RS EPRE ratio in dB in symbolswithout RS

0 Float NO

SpectrumShapingType spectrum shaping method:TimeWindowing, FIRFilter

TimeWindowing Enumeration NO

WindowType type of time transition windowingbetween two consecutive symbols, validwhenSpectrumShapingType=TimeWindowing:Tukey, Raised cosine

Tukey Enumeration NO

CyclicInterval the overlapped cyclic interval betweentwo adjacent symbols in unit of chips(without oversampling), valid whenSpectrumShapingType=TimeWindowing

6 Integer NO

CI_StartPos the start position of cyclic interval(without oversampling), compared tothe start position of CP (negative meansahead of CP)

-3 Integer NO

FIR_Taps number of FIR filter taps, valid whenSpectrumShapingType=FIRFilter

19 Integer NO

FIR_withInterp whether spectrum-shaping FIR filterwith interpolation operation or not, validwhen SpectrumShapingType=FIRFilter:NO, YES

NO Enumeration NO

FIR_FilterType spectrum-shaping FIR filter type, validwhen SpectrumShapingType=FIRFilter:RRC, Ideal Lowpass, EquiRipple

RRC Enumeration NO

RRC_Alpha roll-off factor for root raised-cosinefilter, valid whenSpectrumShapingType=FIRFilter

.22 Float NO

DisplayMsg control LTE_A system informationdisplayed in Simulation Log window:None, Simple, Full

Simple Enumeration NO

ETM_Support whether to support PHICH m =1 in alltransmitted subframes for TDD E-TMdefined in 36.141 NO, YES

NO Enumeration NO


This model is used inside the LTE_A_DL_Src model for LTE Advanced Downlink,1.serving two functions:

Validate the input parametersReport some useful internal inforamtion based on the input parameters

When the parameter DisplayMsg = None, no message is shown;When the parameter DisplayMsg = Simple, the System Configurations andUE-specific Configurations are output;When the parameter DisplayMsg = Full, the System Configurations, UE-specific Configurations and Power are output. Note that the transmit powerfor the OFDM symbols allocated to PDCCH is calculated with the assumptionthat all resource elements (REs) allocated to PDCCH are occupied withQPSK symbols. When some of the resource elements (REs) allocated toPDCCH are empty, the actual transmit power will be lower than the powerabove.

There is no input and output port in this model.2.For the description for all input parameters, please refers to LTE_A_DL_Src3.(lteabasever).

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When users want to test a set of parameters for LTE Advanced Downlink, they can4.run this model alone. Then the error messages are shown if parameters are wrong,or the useful intenal messages are shown based on DisplayMsg setting if parametersare correct.See also LTE_DL_Src_RangeCheck (ltebasever).


3GPP TS 36.211 v10.0.0, "Physical Channels and Modulation", December 2010.1.3GPP TS 36.212 v10.0.0, "Multiplexing and Channel Coding", December 2010.2.

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LTE_A_UL_Src_RangeCheck PartCategories: Measurement (lteabasever)

The models associated with this part are listed below. To view detailed information on amodel (description, parameters, equations, notes, etc.), please click the appropriate link.

Model Description


LTE_A uplink signal source range check


Description: LTE_A uplink signal source range checkDomain: UntimedC++ Code Generation Support: NOAssociated Parts: LTE A UL Src RangeCheck Part (lteabasever)

Model Parameters

Name Description Default Units Type RuntimeTunable

FrameMode frame mode: FDD, TDD FDD Enumeration NO

TDD_Config downlink and uplink allocations for TDD:Config 0, Config 1, Config 2, Config 3,Config 4, Config 5, Config 6

Config 0 Enumeration NO

SpecialSF_Config special subframe configuration for TDD:Config 0, Config 1, Config 2, Config 3,Config 4, Config 5, Config 6, Config 7,Config 8

Config 4 Enumeration NO

Bandwidth bandwidth: BW 1.4 MHz, BW 3 MHz, BW5 MHz, BW 10 MHz, BW 15 MHz, BW 20MHz

BW 5 MHz Enumeration NO

OversamplingOption Ratio 1, Ratio 2, Ratio 4, Ratio 8: Ratio1, Ratio 2, Ratio 4, Ratio 8

Ratio 2 Enumeration NO

CyclicPrefix type of cyclic prefix: Normal, Extended Normal Enumeration NO

CellID_Sector the index of cell identity within thephysical-layer cell-identity group

0 Integer NO

CellID_Group the index of cell identity group 0 Integer NO

NumTxAnts number of Tx Antennas: Tx1, Tx2, Tx4 Tx1 Enumeration NO

n_RNTI radio network temporary identifier 0 Integer NO

HalfCarrierShift_Enable whether or not to enable 1/2 subcarriershifting: NO, YES

YES Enumeration NO

FrameNum frame number 0 Integer NO

FrameIncreased frame number increasing or not: NO,YES

NO Enumeration NO

DL_CyclicPrefix type of cyclic prefix in downlink:Normal, Extended

Normal Enumeration NO

Printf_RB_SF_Alloc print the RB_SF allocation to file: NO,YES

NO Enumeration NO


PUSCH Enumeration NO

NumOfCWs number of code words 1 Integer NO

NumOfLayers number of layers 2 Integer NO

HARQ_Enable HARQ closed-loop transmission enable:NO, YES

YES Enumeration NO

NumHARQ Number of HARQ processes 8 Integer NO

MaxHARQTrans Maximum number of HARQ transmissionper each HARQ process

4 Integer NO

Payload_Config the configuration mode of input data ofPUSCH.: MCS index, Transport blocksize, Code rate

Transport blocksize

Enumeration NO

Payload the input payload for PUSCH, themeaning of the input is defined inPayload_Config

[2555, 2555,2555, 2555,2555, 2555,2555, 2555,2555, 2555]

Floatingpoint array


Enable64QAM indicates whether 64QAM is allowed in YES Enumeration NO

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uplink: NO, YES

MappingType the modulation orders for the UE in eachsubframe. (0:QPSK, 1:16QAM,2:64QAM)

[0, 0, 0, 0, 0,0, 0, 0, 0, 0]



RV_Sequence Redundancy Version Sequence for HARQclosed-loop transmission

[0,1,2,3] Integerarray


DFTSwap_Enable PUSCH DFT swap is enable: NO, YES NO Enumeration NO

PUSCH_HoppingEnable whether PUSCH frequency-hopping isenabled or not: NO, YES

NO Enumeration NO

PUSCH_HoppingMode PUSCH frequency hopping mode:interSubFrame, intraAndInterSubFrame

interSubFrame Enumeration NO

PUSCH_HoppingOffset the offset used for PUSCH frequencyhopping

0 Integer NO

PUSCH_Hopping_Nsb number of sub-bands for PUSCHfrequency hopping

1 Integer NO

PUSCH_HoppingBits information in hopping bits: 0 or 00, 1or 01, 10, 11

0 or 00 Enumeration NO

PUSCH_TransMode whether control and data are sent viaPUSCH: Data and Control Multiplexing,Data Only, Control Only

Data andControlMultiplexing

Enumeration NO

RB_AllocType RB allocation type: StartRB + NumRBs,RB indices (1D), RB indices (2D)

StartRB +NumRBs

Enumeration NO

RB_Alloc the RB allocation for the UE, in theformats of [start RB, number of RBs] or[[SF0 start RB, SF0 number of RBs]; . ..; [SF9 start RB, SF9 number of RBs]]

[0, 25] Integerarray


GroupHop_Enable whether enable group hopping for DMRSon PUCCH and PUSCH or not: NO, YES

NO Enumeration NO

SeqHop_Enable whether enable sequence hopping forDMRS on PUSCH or not: NO, YES

NO Enumeration NO

PUSCH_Delta_ss used in determining the sequence-shiftpattern for PUSCH

0 Integer NO

PUSCH_n_DMRS1 used in computing the cyclic shift forPUSCH DMRS

[0] Integerarray


PUSCH_n_DMRS2 used in computing the cyclic shift forPUSCH DMRS

[0] Integerarray


PUCCH_Format PUCCH format: Format 1, Format 1a,Format 1b, Shortened 1, Shortened 1a,Shortened 1b, Format 2, Format 2a,Format 2b

Format 1 Enumeration NO

PUCCH_NumCQIBits number of CQI bits for PUCCH format2/2a/2b

5 Integer NO

PUCCH_NumHARQACKBits number of HARQ-ACK bits for PUCCHformat 2 in Extended CP mode: 1 bit, 2bits

1 bit Enumeration NO

PUCCH_Delta_shift used to calculate PUCCH cyclic shift Alfa 1 Integer NO

PUCCH_SF_Alloc which sub frames contain the PUCCH,valid when PUCCH_PUSCH is other thanPUSCH

[2] Integerarray


PUCCH_NRB2 number of RBs used for transmisstionPUCCH format 2/2a/2b

0 Integer NO

PUCCH_n1 resources used for transmisstion PUCCHformat 1/1a/1b

[0] Integerarray


PUCCH_n2 resources used for transmisstion PUCCHformat 2/2a/2b

[0] Integerarray


PRACH_Enable whether or not to enable PRACH: NO,YES

NO Enumeration NO

PRACH_Config PRACH configuration index 0 Integer NO

PRACH_ResourceIndex the PRACH Resource Index. In FDD, itindicates the subframe number wherethe preamble starts; in TDD, it indicatesthe preamble mapping in time andfrequency

[1] Integerarray


PRACH_PrmbleIndex preamble indexes, used to selectpreamble sequences from 64 preamblesavailable in this cell

[0] Integerarray


PRACH_RBOffset PRACH frequency offset, the first RBavailable for PRACH

0 Integer NO

PRACH_LogicalIndex logical index of root ZC sequence 0 Integer NO

PRACH_Ncs cyclic shifts of ZC sequence 0 Integer NO

PRACH_HS_flag high speed flag: NO, YES NO Enumeration NO

SRS_Enable sounding reference symbol is enable:NO, YES

NO Enumeration NO

SRS_BandwidthConfig the cell-specific SRS bandwidthconfiguration

7 Integer NO

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SRS_SF_Config the cell-specific SRS subframeconfiguration

0 Integer NO

SRS_MaxUpPts whether enable the reconfiguration ofmaximum m_SRS_0 or not: NO, YES

NO Enumeration NO

SRS_Bandwidth the UE-specific SRS bandwidth 0 Integer NO

SRS_HoppingBandwidth the SRS hopping bandwidth 3 Integer NO

SRS_FreqPosition the SRS frequency domain position 0 Integer NO

SRS_ConfigIndex the UE-specific SRS configuration 0 Integer NO

SRS_TransmissionComb transmission comb 0 Integer NO

SRS_CyclicShift used in computing the cyclic shift of SRS [0] Integerarray


PUSCH_PwrOffset the power offset in dB for PUSCH 0 Float NO

PUSCH_RS_PwrOffset the power offset in dB for PUSCH RS 0 Float NO

PUCCH_PwrOffset the power offset in dB for PUCCH 0 Float NO

PUCCH_RS_PwrOffset the power offset in dB for PUCCH RS 0 Float NO

PRACH_PwrOffset the power offset in dB for PRACH 0 Float NO

SRS_PwrOffset the power offset in dB for SRS 0 Float NO

SpectrumShapingType spectrum shaping method:TimeWindowing, FIRFilter

TimeWindowing Enumeration NO

WindowType type of time transition windowingbetween two consecutive symbols, validwhenSpectrumShapingType=TimeWindowing:Tukey, Raised cosine

Tukey Enumeration NO

CyclicInterval the overlapped cyclic interval betweentwo adjacent symbols in unit of chips(without oversampling), valid whenSpectrumShapingType=TimeWindowing

6 Integer NO

CI_StartPos the start position of cyclic interval(without oversampling), compared tothe start position of CP (negative meansahead of CP)

-3 Integer NO

FIR_Taps number of FIR filter taps, valid whenSpectrumShapingType=FIRFilter

19 Integer NO

FIR_withInterp whether spectrum-shaping FIR filterwith interpolation operation or not, validwhen SpectrumShapingType=FIRFilter:NO, YES

NO Enumeration NO

FIR_FilterType spectrum-shaping FIR filter type, validwhen SpectrumShapingType=FIRFilter:RRC, Ideal Lowpass, EquiRipple

RRC Enumeration NO

RRC_Alpha roll-off factor for root raised-cosinefilter, valid whenSpectrumShapingType=FIRFilter

.22 Float NO

RI_NumInfoBits RI information bits size [0] Integerarray


RI_BetaOffsetIndex RI offset values, used in calculating thenumber of coded RI symbols

[0] Integerarray


CQI_NumInfoBits CQI information bits size [0] Integerarray


CQI_BetaOffsetIndex CQI offset values, used in calculatingthe number of coded CQI symbols

[2] Integerarray


HARQACK_NumInfoBits HARQ-ACK information bits size [0] Integerarray


HARQACK_BetaOffsetIndex HARQ-ACK offset values, used incalculating the number of coded HARQ-ACK symbols

[0] Integerarray


ACK_NACK_FeedbackMode ACK/NACK feedback modes for TDD:ACK/NACK multiplexing, ACK/NACKbundling


Enumeration NO

Nbundled Nbundled for TDD ACK/NACK bundling [1] Integerarray



This model is used inside the LTE_A_UL_Src model to validate the input parameter1.configurations and display useful internal information based on the parameterconfigurations.There is no input or output port in this model.2.If there is any range error or confliction between the parameters, errors would be3.shown in the Error log panel.The useful messages are displayed in the Simulation log panel, including4.

System Configurations, including frame mode, system bandwidth, cell ID, cyclicprefix mode, etc.PUSCH and DMRS information, including RB allocation for PUSCH, sequence-group number u, base sequence number v and cyclic shifts ncs for PUSCH DMRS,

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etc.Channel Coding information, including HARQ closed-loop transmission, transportblock size, number of channel bits, etc.PUCCH information, including PUCCH format, time and frequency resources forPUCCH, etc.SRS information, including SRS transmission instances, length of SRS, etc.PRACH information, including time and frequency resources for PRACH, etc.

For more information on the details of parameters, please refer to LTE_A_UL_Src (lteabasever).


3GPP TS 36.211 v10.0.0, "Physical Channels and Modulation", December 2010.1.3GPP TS 36.212 v10.0.0, "Multiplexing and Channel Coding", December 2010.2.

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LTE Advanced MIMO Precoder Category Contents

LTE A DL MIMO Deprecoder Part (lteabasever)LTE A DL MIMO LayDemapDeprecoder Part (lteabasever)LTE A DL MIMO LayerDemapper Part (lteabasever)LTE A DL MIMO LayerMapper Part (lteabasever)LTE A DL MIMO LayMapPrecoder Part (lteabasever)LTE A DL MIMO Precoder Part (lteabasever)LTE A DL VirtualAntMapping Part (lteabasever)LTE A PHICH Deprecoder Part (lteabasever)LTE A PHICH LayDemapDeprecoder Part (lteabasever)LTE A UL MIMO Deprecoder Part (lteabasever)LTE A UL MIMO LayDemapDeprecoder Part (lteabasever)LTE A UL MIMO LayerDemapper Part (lteabasever)LTE A UL MIMO LayerMapper Part (lteabasever)LTE A UL MIMO LayMapPrecoder Part (lteabasever)LTE A UL MIMO Precoder Part (lteabasever)LTE A UL VirtualAntMapping Part (lteabasever)

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LTE_A_DL_MIMO_Deprecoder PartCategories: MIMO Precoder (lteabasever)

The models associated with this part are listed below. To view detailed information on amodel (description, parameters, equations, notes, etc.), please click the appropriate link.

Model Description


Downlink MIMODeprecoder


Description: Downlink MIMO DeprecoderDomain: UntimedC++ Code Generation Support: NOAssociated Parts: LTE A DL MIMO Deprecoder Part (lteabasever)

Model Parameters

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Name Description Default Units Type RuntimeTunable

UE_RevMode release version of the UE, 0for Release 8, 1 for Release10

1 Integer NO

CRS_NumAntPorts number of CRS Antennaports: CRS_Tx1, CRS_Tx2,CRS_Tx4

CRS_Tx2 Enumeration NO

NumRxAnts number of Rx Antennas:Rx1, Rx2, Rx4, Rx8

Rx8 Enumeration NO

MIMO_Mode MIMO mode: Spatial_Mux,Tx_Div

Spatial_Mux Enumeration NO

CDD_Mode cyclic delay diversity (CDD)mode, valid whenMIMO_Mode is Spatial_Mux:Large-Delay, Zero-Delay

Zero-Delay Enumeration NO

CdBlk_Index codebook index forprecoding, valid whenMIMO_Mode is Spatial_Mux

0 Integer NO

NumOfLayers number of layers 8 Integer NO

MIMO_Decoder MIMO decoder mode forspatial multiplexing: ZF,MMSE

MMSE Enumeration NO

CL_Precoding_Enable whether closed-loop MIMOprecoding is enabled: NO,YES

NO Enumeration NO

PMI_Granularity closed-loop PMI reportinggranularity in units ofresource blocks (RBs)

25 Integer NO

PMI_Delay closed-loop PMI reportingdelay in units of sub-frames(1ms)

6 Integer NO

FrameMode frame mode: FDD, TDD FDD Enumeration NO

TDD_Config downlink and uplinkallocations for TDD: Config0, Config 1, Config 2, Config3, Config 4, Config 5, Config6

Config 0 Enumeration NO

SpecialSF_Config special subframeconfiguration for TDD:Config 0, Config 1, Config 2,Config 3, Config 4, Config 5,Config 6, Config 7, Config 8

Config 4 Enumeration NO

Bandwidth bandwidth: BW 1.4 MHz,BW 3 MHz, BW 5 MHz, BW10 MHz, BW 15 MHz, BW 20MHz

BW 5 MHz Enumeration NO

CyclicPrefix type of cyclic prefix:Normal, Extended

Normal Enumeration NO

PDCCH_SymsPerSF number of OFDM symbols ofPDCCH for each subframe

[2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2] Integerarray


RB_AllocType RB allocation type: StartRB+ NumRBs, RB indices (1D),RB indices (2D)

StartRB + NumRBs Enumeration NO

RB_Alloc the RB allocation for the UE,in the formats of [start RB,number of RBs] or [[SF0start RB, SF0 number ofRBs]; . . .; [SF9 start RB,SF9 number of RBs]]

[0, 25] Integerarray


SubframeIgnored number of subframes (ortransport blocks) that areignored at the beginningdue to system delay

0 Integer NO

UserDefinedPrecoder whether to use user-definedprecoding matrix asspecified in PrecodingMatrixor not: NO, YES

YES Enumeration NO

PrecodingMatrix the user defined precodingmatrix




Input Ports

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Port Name Description Signal Type Optional

1 CIR Channel Impulse Response in frequency domain complex matrix YES

2 SNR input of linear signal noise ratio per receiver antenna real YES

3 PMI input of precoding matrix index for closed-loopprecoding

integer matrix YES

4 MIMO_Symbol input of modulation symbols multiple complexmatrix


Output Ports

Port Name Description Signal Type Optional

5 Layer_Symbol output of layer mappingsymbols

multiple complex matrix NO


This model is used to implement MIMO deprecoding for both spatial multiplexing and1.transimit diversity for both Release 8 and Release 10 UE. It is the inverse ofLTE_A_DL_MIMO_Precoder (lteabasever). This model is similar toLTE_DL_MIMO_Deprecoder. Please refer to LTE_DL_MIMO_Deprecoder (ltebasever).What different with LTE_DL_MIMO_Deprecoder are as follows:2.

New added parameters:UE_RevMode defines the release version of this UE, 0 for Release 8 and 1for Release 10.If this parameter is set to 0, this model will work same asLTE_DL_MIMO_Deprecoder except that the parameter NumTxAnts ofLTE_DL_MIMO_Deprecoder is replaced with CRS_NumAntPorts. And in thiscase the NumOfLayers is not support 8.If this parameter is set to 1, this model will work for Release 10 UE. In thisphase, the PMI port is not supported at this phase. For Release 10 UE, ifMIMO_Mode is set to Spatial_Mux the precoding matrix is defined byparameter PrecodingMatrix; and if MIMO_Mode is set to TD, it works sameas the Release 8 UE and the number of layer must same as the theCRS_NumAntPort.UserDefinedPrecoder defines whether to use user-defined precoding matrixas specified in PrecdongMatrix or not. In this phase, if UE_RevMode is setto 1, and MIMO_Mode is set to 0, UserDefinedPrecoder must be set to YES.PrecodingMatrix defines the precoding matrix for Release 10 UE. Thisparameter is a complex array parameter which has the size ofNumOfLayers*NumOfLayers in case of MIMO_Mode is set to Spatial_Mux.

Changed parameters:the parameter NumRxAnts can be set 8 Antennas and so the multiportinput port MIMO_Symbol can be expanded to 8.the parameter NumOfLayers can be set to 8 in case of UE_RevMode is setto 1 and so the multiport output port Layer_Symbol can be expanded to 8.

See also LTE_A_DL_MIMO_Precoder (lteabasever).3.


3GPP TS 36.211 v10.0.0, "Physical Channels and Modulation", December 2010.1.3GPP TS 36.212 v10.0.0, "Multiplexing and Channel Coding", December 2010.2.3GPP TS 36.213 v10.0.0, "Physical Layer Procedures", December 2010.3.3GPP TS 36.104 v10.0.0, "Base Station (BS) radio transmission and reception",4.September 2010.3GPP TS 36.101 v10.0.0, “User Equipment (UE) radio transmission and reception”,5.October 2010.P. Hoeher, S. Kaiser, and P. Robertson. "Two-Dimensional Pilot-Symbol-Aided6.Channel Estimation by Wiener Filtering". Proc. IEEE ICASSP '97, Munich, Germany,pp. 1845-1848, Apr. 1997.

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LTE_A_DL_MIMO_LayDemapDeprecoderPart Downlink layer demapping and deprecoding

Categories: MIMO Precoder (lteabasever)

The models associated with this part are listed below. To view detailed information on amodel (description, parameters, equations, notes, etc.), please click the appropriate link.




Description: Downlink layer demapping and deprecodingAssociated Parts: LTE A DL MIMO LayDemapDeprecoder Part (lteabasever)

Model Parameters

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Name Description Default Units Type RuntimeTunable

UE_RevMode release version of the UE, 0for Release 8, 1 for Release10

1 Integer NO

CRS_NumAntPorts number of CRS Antennaports: CRS_Tx1, CRS_Tx2,CRS_Tx4

CRS_Tx2 Enumeration NO

NumRxAnts number of Rx Ant: Rx1,Rx2, Rx4, Rx8

Rx8 Enumeration NO

MIMO_Mode MIMO Mode, 1 for TD, 0 forSM: Spatial_Mux, Tx_Div

Spatial_Mux Enumeration NO

CDD_Mode cyclic delay diversity (CDD)mode, valid whenMIMO_Mode is Spatial_Mux:Large-Delay, Zero-Delay

Large-Delay Enumeration NO

CdBlk_Index codebook indexrecoding foreach UE

0 Integer NO

NumOfCWs number of code words 2 Integer NO

NumOfLayers number of layers 8 Integer NO

MIMO_Decoder MIMO decoder mode forspatial multiplexing: ZF,MMSE

ZF Enumeration NO

CL_Precoding_Enable whether closed-loop MIMOprecoding for UE1 isenabled: NO, YES

NO Enumeration NO

PMI_Granularity closed-loop PMI reportinggranularity in units ofresource blocks (RBs)

25 Integer NO

PMI_Delay closed-loop PMI reportingdelay in units of sub-frames(1ms)

6 Integer NO

FrameMode frame mode: FDD, TDD FDD Enumeration NO

TDD_Config downlink and uplinkallocations for TDD: Config0, Config 1, Config 2, Config3, Config 4, Config 5, Config6

Config 0 Enumeration NO

SpecialSF_Config special subframeconfiguration for TDD:Config 0, Config 1, Config 2,Config 3, Config 4, Config 5,Config 6, Config 7, Config 8

Config 0 Enumeration NO

Bandwidth bandwidth: BW 1.4 MHz,BW 3 MHz, BW 5 MHz, BW10 MHz, BW 15 MHz, BW 20MHz

BW 5 MHz Enumeration NO

CyclicPrefix type of cyclic prefix:Normal, Extended

Normal Enumeration NO

PDCCH_SymsPerSF number of OFDM symbols ofPDCCH for each subframe

[2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2] Integerarray


RB_AllocType RB allocation type: StartRB+ NumRBs, RB indices (1D),RB indices (2D)

StartRB + NumRBs Enumeration NO

RB_Alloc the RB allocation for the UE,in the formats of [start RB,number of RBs] or [[SF0start RB, SF0 number ofRBs]; . . .; [SF9 start RB,SF9 number of RBs]]

[0, 25] Integerarray


SubframeIgnored number of subframes (ortransport blocks) that isignored at the beginningdue to system delay

0 Integer NO

UserDefinedPrecoder whether to use user-definedprecoding matrix asspecified in PrecodingMatrixor not: NO, YES

YES Enumeration NO

PrecodingMatrix the user defined precodingmatrix




Input Ports

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Port Name Description Signal Type Optional

1 CIR Channel Impulse Response complex matrix NO

2 input input of modulation symbols multiple complex matrix NO

4 SNR input of linear signal noise ratio per receiver antenna real YES

5 PMI input of PMI int matrix YES

Output Ports

Port Name Description Signal Type Optional

3 output output of modulation symbols multiple complex matrix NO


This sub-network model is used to implement layer de-mapping (section 6.3.3 in [1])1.and de-precoding (section 6.3.4 in [1]) for Release 10 UEs with spatial multiplexingand for Release 8 UEs with spatial multiplexing and transmit diversity MIMO mode.The LTE_A_DL_MIMO_ LayDemapDeprecoder schematic is shown below:

Each firing, one Matrix-based token is consumed at each bus of the input port and at2.the CIR port. Refer to LTE_A_DL_MIMO_Deprecoder (lteabasever) for moreinformation on input ports.One Matrix-based token is produced at each bus of the output port. Refer toLTE_A_DL_MIMO_LayerDemapper (lteabasever) for more information on outputports.It consists of LTE_A_DL_MIMO_LayerDemapper and LTE_A_DL_MIMO_Deprecoder.3.It supports spatial multiplexing for Release 10 UEs and spatial multiplexing and4.transmit diversity MIMO mode for Release 8 UEs.The SubframeIgnored parameter specifies how many tokens are ignored at the5.beginning of simulation. In the first SubframeIgnored tokens, the matrix size at eachbus of the Layer_Symbol port is 0.See also LTE_A_DL_MIMO_Deprecoder (lteabasever) and6.LTE_A_DL_MIMO_LayerDemapper (lteabasever).


3GPP TS 36.211 v10.0.0, "Physical Channels and Modulation", December 2010.1.3GPP TS 36.212 v10.0.0, "Multiplexing and Channel Coding", December 2010.2.3GPP TS 36.213 v10.0.0, "Physical Layer Procedures", December 2010.3.3GPP TS 36.104 v10.0.0, "Base Station (BS) radio transmission and reception",4.September 2010.3GPP TS 36.101 v10.0.0, “User Equipment (UE) radio transmission and reception”,5.October 2010.

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LTE_A_DL_MIMO_LayerDemapper PartCategories: MIMO Precoder (lteabasever)

The models associated with this part are listed below. To view detailed information on amodel (description, parameters, equations, notes, etc.), please click the appropriate link.

Model Description


Downlink MIMO LayerDemapper


Description: Downlink MIMO Layer DemapperDomain: UntimedC++ Code Generation Support: NOAssociated Parts: LTE A DL MIMO LayerDemapper Part (lteabasever)

Model Parameters

Name Description Default Units Type Runtime Tunable

NumOfCWs number of code words 1 Integer NO

NumOfLayers number of layers 8 Integer NO

Input Ports

Port Name Description Signal Type Optional

1 Layer_Symbol input of layer mapping symbols multiple complex matrix NO

Output Ports

Port Name Description Signal Type Optional

2 Mod_Symbol output of modulation symbols multiple complex matrix NO


This model is used to implement MIMO layer de-mapping for both spatial multiplexing1.(SM) and transmit diversity (TD). It is the inverse of LTE_A_DL_MIMO_LayerMapper(lteabasever). This model is similar with LTE_DL_MIMO_LayerDemapper except thatthe parameter NumOfLayers in LTE_A_DL_MIMO_LayerDemapper can be expandedto 8 and so the bus width of outport can be expanded to 8. Please refer toLTE_DL_MIMO_LayerDemapper (ltebasever) .Each firing, one Matrix-based token is consumed at the input port whose bus width is2.equal to NumOfLayers. The matrix vector size for each bus is denoted by B.One Matrix-based token is produced at the output port whose bus width is equal toNumOfCWs. The matrix vector size for each bus, denoted by A(i), is shown in thefollowing table.NumOfCWs NumOfLayers A(i)

1 1 B

1 2 2*B

1 3 3*B

1 4 4*B

2 2 Codeword#1:BCodeword#2: B

2 3 Codeword#1: BCodeword#2: 2*B

2 4 Codeword#1: 2*BCodeword#2: 2*B

2 5 Codeword#1:2*BCodeword#2: 3*B

2 6 Codeword#1: 3*BCodeword#2: 3*B

2 7 Codeword#1: 3*BCodeword#2: 4*B

2 8 Codeword#1: 4*BCodeword#2: 4*B

Note that when transmit diversity mode for 4 antenna ports (NumOfCWs=1,3.NumOfLayers=4), the number of modulation symbols may be not integer multiple of

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4 (see Table in 36.211 [1]). In this case, it is required that the number ofdata in the last two layers (at the last two buses in the Layer_Symbol port) should beone less than the number of data in the first two layers (at the first two buses in theLayer_Symbol port).


3GPP TS 36.211 v10.0.0, "Physical Channels and Modulation", December 2010.1.3GPP TS 36.212 v10.0.0, "Multiplexing and Channel Coding", December 2010.2.3GPP TS 36.213 v10.0.0, "Physical Layer Procedures", December 2010.3.3GPP TS 36.104 v10.0.0, "Base Station (BS) radio transmission and reception",4.September 2010.3GPP TS 36.101 v10.0.0, “User Equipment (UE) radio transmission and reception”,5.October 2010.P. Hoeher, S. Kaiser, and P. Robertson. "Two-Dimensional Pilot-Symbol-Aided6.Channel Estimation by Wiener Filtering". Proc. IEEE ICASSP '97, Munich, Germany,pp. 1845-1848, Apr. 1997.

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LTE_A_DL_MIMO_LayerMapper PartCategories: MIMO Precoder (lteabasever)

The models associated with this part are listed below. To view detailed information on amodel (description, parameters, equations, notes, etc.), please click the appropriate link.

Model Description


Downlink MIMO Layer Mapper


Description: Downlink MIMO Layer MapperDomain: UntimedC++ Code Generation Support: NOAssociated Parts: LTE A DL MIMO LayerMapper Part (lteabasever)

Model Parameters

Name Description Default Units Type Runtime Tunable

NumOfCWs number of code words 1 Integer NO

NumOfLayers number of layers 8 Integer NO

Input Ports

Port Name Description Signal Type Optional

1 Mod_Symbol input of modulationsymbols

multiple complex matrix NO

Output Ports

Port Name Description Signal Type Optional

2 Layer_Symbol output of layer mappingsymbols

multiple complex matrix NO


This model is used to implement MIMO layer mapping for both spatial multiplexing1.(SM) and transmit diversity (TD). The complex-valued modulation symbols for eachof the code words to be transmitted are mapped onto one or several layers. Thismodel is similar with LTE_DL_MIMO_LayerMapper except that the parameterNumOfLayers in LTE_A_DL_MIMO_LayerMapper can be expanded to 8. Please referto LTE_DL_MIMO_LayerMapper (ltebasever).Each firing, one Matrix-based token is consumed at the input port whose bus width is2.equal to NumOfCWs. One Matrix-based token is produced at the output port whosebus width is equal to NumOfLayers.The matrix vector size of input port for each bus is CW1 and CW2, and output port ofeach bus is B. Please see the following table.NumOfCWs NumOfLayers CW1 CW2

1 1 B -

1 2 2B -

1 3 3B -

1 4 4B -

2 2 B B

2 3 B 2B

2 4 2B 2B

2 5 2B 3B

2 6 3B 3B

2 7 3B 4B

2 8 4B 4B

Layer mapping for spatial multiplexing: For spatial multiplexing, the layer mapping3.shall be done according to Table in [1]. The case of a single codewordmapped to multiple layers is only applicable when the number of cell-specificreference signals is four or when the number of UE-specific reference signals is twoor larger.Layer mapping for transmit diversity: For transmit diversity, the layer mapping shall4.

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be done according to Table in [1]. There is only one codeword and thenumber of layers is equal to the number of antenna ports used for transmission ofthe physical channel.Note that when transmit diversity mode for 4 antenna ports (NumOfCWs=1,5.NumOfLayers=4), the number of modulation symbols may be not integer multiple of4 (see Table in 36.211 [1]), two null symbols are added in this model.


3GPP TS 36.211 v10.0.0, "Physical Channels and Modulation", December 2010.1.3GPP TS 36.212 v10.0.0, "Multiplexing and Channel Coding", December 2010.2.3GPP TS 36.213 v10.0.0, "Physical Layer Procedures", December 2010.3.3GPP TS 36.104 v10.0.0, "Base Station (BS) radio transmission and reception",4.September 2010.3GPP TS 36.101 v10.0.0, “User Equipment (UE) radio transmission and reception”,5.October 2010.P. Hoeher, S. Kaiser, and P. Robertson. "Two-Dimensional Pilot-Symbol-Aided6.Channel Estimation by Wiener Filtering". Proc. IEEE ICASSP '97, Munich, Germany,pp. 1845-1848, Apr. 1997.

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LTE_A_DL_MIMO_LayMapPrecoder Part Downlink layer mapping and precoding

Categories: MIMO Precoder (lteabasever)

The models associated with this part are listed below. To view detailed information on amodel (description, parameters, equations, notes, etc.), please click the appropriate link.




Description: Downlink layer mapping and precodingAssociated Parts: LTE A DL MIMO LayMapPrecoder Part (lteabasever)

Model Parameters

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Name Description Default Units Type RuntimeTunable

UE_RevMode release version of the UE,0 for Release 8, 1 forRelease 10

1 Integer NO

MIMO_Mode MIMO Mode, 1 for TD, 0for SM: Spatial_Mux,Tx_Div

Spatial_Mux Enumeration NO

CDD_Mode : Large-Delay, Zero-Delay Large-Delay Enumeration NO

CdBlk_Index codebook index forprecoding, valid whenMIMO_Mode isSpatial_Mux

0 Integer NO

NumOfCWs number of code words 1 Integer NO

NumOfLayers number of layers 8 Integer NO

CL_Precoding_Enable whether closed-loop MIMOprecoding for UE1 isenabled: NO, YES

NO Enumeration NO

PMI_Granularity closed-loop PMI reportinggranularity in units ofresource blocks (RBs)

25 Integer NO

PMI_Delay closed-loop PMI reportingdelay in units of sub-frames (1ms)

6 Integer NO

FrameMode frame mode: FDD, TDD FDD Enumeration NO

TDD_Config downlink and uplinkallocations for TDD: Config0, Config 1, Config 2,Config 3, Config 4, Config5, Config 6

Config 0 Enumeration NO

SpecialSF_Config special subframeconfiguration for TDD:Config 0, Config 1, Config2, Config 3, Config 4,Config 5, Config 6, Config7, Config 8

Config 4 Enumeration NO

Bandwidth bandwidth: BW 1.4 MHz,BW 3 MHz, BW 5 MHz, BW10 MHz, BW 15 MHz, BW20 MHz

BW 5 MHz Enumeration NO

CyclicPrefix type of cyclic prefix:Normal, Extended

Normal Enumeration NO

PDCCH_SymsPerSF number of OFDM symbolsof PDCCH for eachsubframe

[2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2] Integerarray


RB_AllocType RB allocation type:StartRB + NumRBs, RBindices (1D), RB indices(2D)

StartRB + NumRBs Enumeration NO

RB_Alloc the RB allocation for UE ,in the formats of [startRB, number of RBs] or[[SF0 start RB, SF0number of RBs]; . . .;[SF9 start RB, SF9number of RBs]]

[0, 25] Integerarray


CRS_NumAntPorts number of CRS Antennaports: CRS_Tx1, CRS_Tx2,CRS_Tx4

CRS_Tx2 Enumeration NO

UserDefinedPrecoder whether the precodingmatrix are user defined:NO, YES

YES Enumeration NO

PrecodingMatrix the user defined precodingmatrix




Input Ports

Port Name Description Signal Type Optional

1 input input of modulationsymbols

multiple complex matrix NO

3 PMI input of PMI int matrix YES

Output Ports

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Port Name Description Signal Type Optional

2 output output of layer mappingsymbols

multiple complex matrix NO


This sub-network model is used to implement layer mapping (section 6.3.3 in [1])1.and precoding (section 6.3.4 in [1]) for Release 10 UEs with spatial multiplexing andfor Release 8 UEs with spatial multiplexing and transmit diversity MIMO mode. TheLTE_A_DL_MIMO_LayMapPrecoder schematic is shown below:

Each firing, one Matrix-based token is consumed at each bus of the input port. Refer2.to LTE_A_DL_MIMO_LayerMapper (lteabasever) for more information on input ports.One Matrix-based token is produced at the output port. Refer toLTE_A_DL_MIMO_Precoder (lteabasever) for more information on output ports.It consists of LTE_A_DL_MIMO_LayerMapper and LTE_A_DL_MIMO_Precoder.3.It supports spatial multiplexing for Release 10 UEs and spatial multiplexing and4.transmit diversity MIMO mode for Release 8 UEs.See also LTE_A_DL_MIMO_Precoder (lteabasever) and5.LTE_A_DL_MIMO_LayerMapper (lteabasever).


3GPP TS 36.211 v10.0.0, "Physical Channels and Modulation", December 2010.1.3GPP TS 36.212 v10.0.0, "Multiplexing and Channel Coding", December 2010.2.3GPP TS 36.213 v10.0.0, "Physical Layer Procedures", December 2010.3.3GPP TS 36.104 v10.0.0, "Base Station (BS) radio transmission and reception",4.September 2010.3GPP TS 36.101 v10.0.0, “User Equipment (UE) radio transmission and reception”,5.October 2010.

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LTE_A_DL_MIMO_Precoder PartCategories: MIMO Precoder (lteabasever)

The models associated with this part are listed below. To view detailed information on amodel (description, parameters, equations, notes, etc.), please click the appropriate link.

Model Description


Downlink MIMOPrecoder


Description: Downlink MIMO PrecoderDomain: UntimedC++ Code Generation Support: NOAssociated Parts: LTE A DL MIMO Precoder Part (lteabasever)

Model Parameters

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Name Description Default Units Type RuntimeTunable

UE_RevMode release version of the UE, 0for Release 8, 1 for Release10

1 Integer NO

MIMO_Mode MIMO mode: Spatial_Mux,Tx_Div

Spatial_Mux Enumeration NO

CRS_NumAntPorts number of CRS Antennaports: CRS_Tx1, CRS_Tx2,CRS_Tx4

CRS_Tx1 Enumeration NO

CDD_Mode cyclic delay diversity (CDD)mode, valid whenMIMO_Mode is Spatial_Mux:Large-Delay, Zero-Delay

Zero-Delay Enumeration NO

CdBlk_Index codebook index forprecoding, valid whenMIMO_Mode is Spatial_Mux

0 Integer NO

NumOfLayers number of layers 1 Integer NO

CL_Precoding_Enable whether closed-loop MIMOprecoding is enabled: NO,YES

NO Enumeration NO

PMI_Granularity closed-loop PMI reportinggranularity in units ofresource blocks (RBs)

25 Integer NO

PMI_Delay closed-loop PMI reportingdelay in units of sub-frames(1ms)

6 Integer NO

FrameMode frame mode: FDD, TDD FDD Enumeration NO

TDD_Config downlink and uplinkallocations for TDD: Config0, Config 1, Config 2, Config3, Config 4, Config 5, Config6

Config 0 Enumeration NO

SpecialSF_Config special subframeconfiguration for TDD:Config 0, Config 1, Config 2,Config 3, Config 4, Config 5,Config 6, Config 7, Config 8

Config 4 Enumeration NO

Bandwidth bandwidth: BW 1.4 MHz,BW 3 MHz, BW 5 MHz, BW10 MHz, BW 15 MHz, BW 20MHz

BW 5 MHz Enumeration NO

CyclicPrefix type of cyclic prefix:Normal, Extended

Normal Enumeration NO

PDCCH_SymsPerSF number of OFDM symbols ofPDCCH for each subframe

[2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2] Integerarray


RB_AllocType RB allocation type: StartRB+ NumRBs, RB indices (1D),RB indices (2D)

StartRB + NumRBs Enumeration NO

RB_Alloc the RB allocation for the UE,in the formats of [start RB,number of RBs] or [[SF0start RB, SF0 number ofRBs]; . . .; [SF9 start RB,SF9 number of RBs]]

[0, 25] Integerarray


UserDefinedPrecoder whether to use user-definedprecoding matrix asspecified in PrecodingMatrixor not: NO, YES

YES Enumeration NO

PrecodingMatrix the user defined precodingmatrix




Input Ports

Port Name Description Signal Type Optional

1 PMI input of precoding matrix index for closed-loopprecoding

integer matrix YES

2 Layer_Symbol input of layer mapping symbols multiple complexmatrix


Output Ports

Port Name Description Signal Type Optional

3 MIMO_Symbol output of modulation symbols multiple complex matrix NO

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The precoder takes as input a token of vectors from the layer mapping and generates1.a token of vectors to be mapped onto resources on each of the antenna portsaccording to Section 6.3.4 in [1].

If parameter UE_RevMode = 1 and MIMO_Mode = Spatial multiplexing, thismodel perform precoding for spatial multiplexing using antenna ports with UE-specific reference signals according to Section In this case, theprecoding matrix can be user-defined by set parameterUserDefinedPrecoder=YES and set PrecodingMatrix correctly.Otherwise, this model is same as LTE_DL_MIMO_Deprecoder except that theparameter NumTxAnts in LTE_DL_MIMO_Precoder is replaced withCRS_NumAntPorts. Please refer to LTE_DL_MIMO_Precoder (ltebasever).

What different with LTE_DL_MIMO_Precoder are as follows:2.New added parameters:

UE_RevMode defines the release version of this UE, 0 for Release 8 and 1for Release 10.CRS_NumAntPorts defines the number of antenna ports.UserDefinedPrecoder defines whether to use user-defined precoding matrixas specified in PrecdongMatrix or not. If UE_RevMode = 1, and MIMO_Mode= 0, parameter UserDefinedPrecoder is active.PrecodingMatrix provides user-defined precoding matrix in the case thatUE_RevMode = 1, MIMO_Mode = Spatial multiplexing andUserDefinedPrecoder=YES. This parameter is a complex array parameterwhich has the size of NumOfLayers*NumOfLayers.

Changed parameters:the parameter NumOfLayers can be set to 8 in case of UE_RevMode = 1and MIMO_Mode = Spatial multiplexing and so the multiport port can beexpanded to 8.

See also LTE_DL_MIMO_Precoder (ltebasever).3.


3GPP TS 36.211 v10.0.0, "Physical Channels and Modulation", December 2010.1.3GPP TS 36.212 v10.0.0, "Multiplexing and Channel Coding", December 2010.2.3GPP TS 36.213 v10.0.0, "Physical Layer Procedures", December 2010.3.3GPP TS 36.104 v10.0.0, "Base Station (BS) radio transmission and reception",4.September 2010.3GPP TS 36.101 v10.0.0, “User Equipment (UE) radio transmission and reception”,5.October 2010.P. Hoeher, S. Kaiser, and P. Robertson. "Two-Dimensional Pilot-Symbol-Aided6.Channel Estimation by Wiener Filtering". Proc. IEEE ICASSP '97, Munich, Germany,pp. 1845-1848, Apr. 1997.

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LTE_A_DL_VirtualAntMapping PartCategories: MIMO Precoder (lteabasever)

The models associated with this part are listed below. To view detailed information on amodel (description, parameters, equations, notes, etc.), please click the appropriate link.

Model Description


Downlink Virtual Antenna Mapping


Description: Downlink Virtual Antenna MappingDomain: UntimedC++ Code Generation Support: NOAssociated Parts: LTE A DL VirtualAntMapping Part (lteabasever)

Model Parameters

Name Description Default Units Type RuntimeTunable

UE_RevMode release version of the UE, 0 forRelease 8, 1 for Release 10

0 Integer NO

NumTxAnts number of Tx Antennas: Tx1,Tx2, Tx4, Tx8

Tx8 Enumeration NO

CRS_NumAntPorts number of CRS Antenna ports:CRS_Tx1, CRS_Tx2, CRS_Tx4

CRS_Tx2 Enumeration NO

NumOfLayers number of layers 2 Integer NO

AntMappingMatrix the user defined antennamapping matrix

[1, 0; 0, 1; 0, 0; 0, 0;0, 0; 0, 0; 0, 0; 0, 0]



Input Ports

Port Name Description Signal Type Optional

1 InputPorts input of CRS antenna ports multiple complex matrix NO

Output Ports

Port Name Description Signal Type Optional

2 Tx_Antenna output of Txantenna

multiple complex matrix NO


This model is used to map the complex-valued modulation symbols for each of the1.virtual antenna ports onto actual Tx antenna ports. The number of virtual antennaports is determined by parameter UE_RevMode as shown in the following table.UE_Rev_Mode NumOfVirtualAnt

0 CRS_NumAntPorts

1 NumOfLayers

The number of actual Tx antenna ports is specified by parameter NumTxAnts.Each firing,2.

1 token is consumed at each of the multiple input port. The bus width is theNumOfVirtualAnt.1 token is procuded at each of the multiple output port. The bus width isNumTxAnts.

Input(i) is the complex-valued modulation symbols for the ith input port, output(j) is3.the complex-valued modulation symbols for the jth output port. The mapping isdefined by

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The AntMappingMatrix defines the antenna mapping format in [NumOfVirtualAnt xNumTxAnts]. It is recommended to separate the rows by semicolons and separatethe columns in the row by commas.


3GPP TS 36.211 v10.0.0, "Physical Channels and Modulation", December 2010.1.

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LTE_A_PHICH_Deprecoder PartCategories: MIMO Precoder (lteabasever)

The models associated with this part are listed below. To view detailed information on amodel (description, parameters, equations, notes, etc.), please click the appropriate link.

Model Description




Description: PHICH DeprecoderDomain: UntimedC++ Code Generation Support: NOAssociated Parts: LTE A PHICH Deprecoder Part (lteabasever)

Model Parameters

Name Description Default Units Type RuntimeTunable

FrameMode frame mode: FDD, TDD FDD Enumeration NO

TDD_Config downlink and uplink allocations for TDD:Config 0, Config 1, Config 2, Config 3,Config 4, Config 5, Config 6

Config 0 Enumeration NO

Bandwidth bandwidth: BW 1.4 MHz, BW 3 MHz, BW5 MHz, BW 10 MHz, BW 15 MHz, BW 20MHz

BW 5 MHz Enumeration NO

CRS_NumAntPorts number of CRS Antenna ports: CRS_Tx1,CRS_Tx2, CRS_Tx4

CRS_Tx1 Enumeration NO

NumRxAnts number of Rx Antennas: Rx1, Rx2, Rx4,Rx8

Rx8 Enumeration NO

CyclicPrefix type of cyclic prefix: Normal, Extended Normal Enumeration NO

PDCCH_SymsPerSF number of OFDM symbols of PDCCH foreach subframe

[2, 2, 2, 2, 2,2, 2, 2, 2, 2]



PHICH_Ng PHICH Ng value: Ng 1/6, Ng 1/2, Ng 1,Ng 2

Ng 1/6 Enumeration NO

SubframeIgnored number of subframes (or transportblocks) that are ignored at the beginningdue to system delay

0 Integer NO

ETM_Support whether to support PHICH m =1 in alltransmitted subframes for TDD E-TMdefined in 36.141 NO, YES

NO Enumeration NO

Input Ports

Port Name Description Signal Type Optional

1 CIR input of Rx antenna signals complex matrix YES

2 MIMO_Symbol multiple complex matrix NO

Output Ports

Port Name Description Signal Type Optional

3 Layer_Symbol output of layer mappingsymbols

multiple complex matrix NO


This model is used to implement PHICH pre-decoding. It is the inverse of1.LTE_PHICH_Precoder. This model is similar with LTE_PHICH_Deprecoder. Please referto LTE_PHICH_Deprecoder (ltebasever).What different with LTE_PHICH_Deprecoder are as follows:2.

CRS_NumAntPorts works as the parameter NumTxAnts in modelLTE_PHICH_Deprecoder.the parameter NumRxAnts can be set 8 Antennas and these multiport inputand output ports can be expanded to 8.

See LTE_PHICH_Deprecoder (ltebasever).3.

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3GPP TS 36.211 v10.0.0, "Physical Channels and Modulation", December 2010.1.3GPP TS 36.212 v10.0.0, "Multiplexing and Channel Coding", December 2010.2.3GPP TS 36.213 v10.0.0, "Physical Layer Procedures", December 2010.3.3GPP TS 36.104 v10.0.0, "Base Station (BS) radio transmission and reception",4.September 2010.3GPP TS 36.101 v10.0.0, “User Equipment (UE) radio transmission and reception”,5.October 2010.P. Hoeher, S. Kaiser, and P. Robertson. "Two-Dimensional Pilot-Symbol-Aided6.Channel Estimation by Wiener Filtering". Proc. IEEE ICASSP '97, Munich, Germany,pp. 1845-1848, Apr. 1997.

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LTE_A_PHICH_LayDemapDeprecoderPart PHICH layer demapping and deprecoding

Categories: MIMO Precoder (lteabasever)

The models associated with this part are listed below. To view detailed information on amodel (description, parameters, equations, notes, etc.), please click the appropriate link.




Description: PHICH layer demapping and deprecodingAssociated Parts: LTE A PHICH LayDemapDeprecoder Part (lteabasever)

Model Parameters

Name Description Default Units Type RuntimeTunable

FrameMode frame mode: FDD, TDD FDD Enumeration NO

TDD_Config downlink and uplink allocations forTDD: Config 0, Config 1, Config 2,Config 3, Config 4, Config 5, Config6

Config 0 Enumeration NO

Bandwidth bandwidth: BW 1.4 MHz, BW 3MHz, BW 5 MHz, BW 10 MHz, BW15 MHz, BW 20 MHz

BW 5 MHz Enumeration NO

CRS_NumAntPorts number of CRS antenna ports:CRS_Tx1, CRS_Tx2, CRS_Tx4

CRS_Tx2 Enumeration NO

NumRxAnts number of Rx Antennas: Rx1, Rx2,Rx4, Rx8

Rx2 Enumeration NO

CyclicPrefix type of cyclic prefix: Normal,Extended

Normal Enumeration NO

CellID_Sector the index of cell identity group 0 Integer NO

CellID_Group the index of cell identity within thephysical-layer cell-identity group

0 Integer NO

NumOfLayers number of layers 1 Integer NO

PDCCH_SymsPerSF number of OFDM symbols ofPDCCH for each subframe

[2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2] Integerarray


PHICH_Ng type of PHICH duration : Ng 1/6,Ng 1/2, Ng 1, Ng 2

Ng 1/6 Enumeration NO

SubframeIgnored number of subframes (or transportblocks) that are ignored at thebeginning due to system delay

0 Integer NO

Input Ports

Port Name Description Signal Type Optional

1 CIR Channel impulse response for PHICH complex matrix NO

2 input PHICH layer mapping and precodingsignal

multiple complex matrix NO

Output Ports

Port Name Description Signal Type Optional

3 HI HI bits int matrix NO

4 Constellation PHICHconstellation

complex matrix NO

Parameter Details

Most of the parameters are the same as in LTE_PHICH_LayDemapDeprecoder(ltebasever). Following are the new/updated parameters in

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CRS_NumAntPorts: number of cell specific antenna ports (port 0, 1, 2, 3). It can be1.selected from {CRS_Tx1, CRS_Tx2, CRS_Tx4}.


This sub-network model is used to implement PHICH de-precoding, PHICH de-1.mapping and de-modulator of LTE Advanced system. It consists ofPHICH_Depredecoder, PHICH_LayerDemapper and PHICH_Demodulator.The LTE_A_PHICH_LayDemapDeprecoder schematic is shown below,

Each firing,2.one Matrix-based token is consumed at the input port. Refer toLTE_A_PHICH_Deprecoder (lteabasever) for more information on input ports.for each antenna port, one Matrix-based token is produced at the output port.Refer to LTE_PHICH_Demodulator (ltebasever) for more information on outputports.

It consists of LTE_A_PHICH_Deprecoder, LTE_PHICH_LayerDemapper and3.LTE_PHICH_Demodulator.It can support transmit diversity MIMO mode for PHICH.4.For more information, pls. refer to LTE_A_PHICH_Deprecoder (lteabasever),5.LTE_PHICH_LayerDemapper (ltebasever) and LTE_PHICH_Demodulator (ltebasever).


3GPP TS 36.211 v10.0.0, "Physical Channels and Modulation", December 2010.1.

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LTE_A_UL_MIMO_Deprecoder PartCategories: MIMO Precoder (lteabasever)

The models associated with this part are listed below. To view detailed information on amodel (description, parameters, equations, notes, etc.), please click the appropriate link.

Model Description


Uplink MIMO Deprecoder


Description: Uplink MIMO DeprecoderDomain: UntimedC++ Code Generation Support: NOAssociated Parts: LTE A UL MIMO Deprecoder Part (lteabasever)

Model Parameters

Name Description Default Units Type RuntimeTunable

NumTxAnts number of Tx Antennas: Tx1, Tx2, Tx4 Tx1 Enumeration NO

NumRxAnts number of Rx Antennas: Rx1, Rx2, Rx4 Rx1 Enumeration NO

NumOfLayers number of layers 1 Integer NO

CdBlk_Index codebook index for precoding 0 Integer NO

SubframeIgnored number of subframes (or transport blocks) thatare ignored at the beginning due to systemdelay

0 Integer NO

Input Ports

Port Name Description Signal Type Optional

1 CIR Channel Impulse Response in frequencydomain

complex matrix YES

2 MIMO_Symbol input of modulation symbols multiple complex matrix NO

Output Ports

Port Name Description Signal Type Optional

3 Layer_Symbol output of layer mappingsymbols

multiple complex matrix NO


This model is to implement MIMO deprecoding for LTE Advanced PUSCH with spatial1.multiplexing precoding. It is the inverse of LTE_A_UL_MIMO_Precoder (lteabasever).Each firing, one Matrix-based token is consumed at each bus of the MIMO_Symbol2.port whose bus width is equal to the number of Rx antennas (determined byNumRxAnts). The matrix vector size for each bus, donated B.One Matrix-based token is consumed at the CIR port when this port is connected. Thematrix vector size should be equal to NumTxAnts*NumRxAnts*B, where NumTxAntsand NumRxAnts are the number of transmit antennas and the number of receiverantennas respectively.One Matrix-based token is produced at each bus of the Layer_Symbol port whose buswidth is equal to NumOfLayers. The matrix vector size for each bus is the same as B.The SubframeIgnored parameter specifies how many tokens are ignored at the3.beginning of simulation. In the first SubframeIgnored tokens, the matrix size at eachbus of the Layer_Symbol port is 0.When this CIR port is connected, the H matrix is constructed from this port, with the4.size of NumTxAnts*NumRxAnts. Otherwise, the identity matrix is constructed for Hmatrix.(Zero Forcing) algorithm is employed in this model.5.See also LTE_A_UL_MIMO_Precoder (lteabasever).6.


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3GPP TS 36.211 v10.0.0, "Physical Channels and Modulation", December 2010.1.3GPP TS 36.212 v10.0.0, "Multiplexing and Channel Coding", December 2010.2.3GPP TS 36.213 v10.0.0, "Physical Layer Procedures", December 2010.3.3GPP TS 36.104 v10.0.0, "Base Station (BS) radio transmission and reception",4.September 2010.3GPP TS 36.101 v10.0.0, “User Equipment (UE) radio transmission and reception”,5.October 2010.

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LTE_A_UL_MIMO_LayDemapDeprecoderPart Uplink layer demapping and deprecoding

Categories: MIMO Precoder (lteabasever)

The models associated with this part are listed below. To view detailed information on amodel (description, parameters, equations, notes, etc.), please click the appropriate link.




Description: Uplink layer demapping and deprecodingAssociated Parts: LTE A UL MIMO LayDemapDeprecoder Part (lteabasever)

Model Parameters

Name Description Default Units Type RuntimeTunable

NumTxAnts number of Tx Antennas: Tx1, Tx2, Tx4 Tx2 Enumeration NO

NumRxAnts number of Rx Antennas: Rx1, Rx2, Rx4 Rx2 Enumeration NO

CdBlk_Index codebook indexrecoding for each UE 0 Integer NO

NumOfCWs number of code words 2 Integer NO

NumOfLayers number of layers 2 Integer NO

SubframeIgnored number of subframes (or transport blocks) thatis ignored at the beginning due to systemdelay

0 Integer NO

FrameMode frame mode: FDD, TDD FDD Enumeration NO

TDD_Config downlink and uplink allocations for TDD: Config0, Config 1, Config 2, Config 3, Config 4,Config 5, Config 6

Config 0 Enumeration NO

Bandwidth bandwidth: BW 1.4 MHz, BW 3 MHz, BW 5MHz, BW 10 MHz, BW 15 MHz, BW 20 MHz

BW 5 MHz Enumeration NO

CyclicPrefix type of cyclic prefix: Normal, Extended Normal Enumeration NO

RB_AllocType RB allocation type: StartRB + NumRBs, RBindices (1D), RB indices (2D)

StartRB +NumRBs

Enumeration NO

RB_Alloc the RB allocation for the UE, in the formats of[start RB, number of RBs] or [[SF0 start RB,SF0 number of RBs]; . . .; [SF9 start RB, SF9number of RBs]]

[0, 25] Integerarray



PUSCH Enumeration NO

SRS_Enable sounding reference symbol is enable: NO, YES NO Enumeration NO

SRS_SF_Config the cell-specific SRS subframe configuration 0 Integer NO

Input Ports

Port Name Description Signal Type Optional

1 CIR Channel Impulse Response complex matrix NO

2 input input of modulationsymbols

multiple complex matrix NO

Output Ports

Port Name Description Signal Type Optional

3 output output of modulation symbols multiple complex matrix NO


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This sub-network model is used to implement layer de-mapping (section 5.3.2A in1.[1]) and de-precoding (section 5.3.3A in [1]) for PUSCH with spatial multiplexing.The LTE_A_UL_MIMO_LayDemapDeprecoder schematic is shown below:

Each firing, one Matrix-based token is consumed at each bus of the input port and at2.the CIR port. Refer to LTE_A_UL_MIMO_Deprecoder (lteabasever) for moreinformation on input ports.One Matrix-based token is produced at the output port. Refer toLTE_A_UL_MIMO_LayerDemapper (lteabasever) for more information on outputports.It consists of LTE_A_UL_MIMO_LayerDemapper and LTE_A_UL_MIMO_Deprecoder.3.It supports spatial multiplexing for PUSCH.4.The SubframeIgnored parameter specifies how many tokens are ignored at the5.beginning of simulation. In the first SubframeIgnored tokens, the matrix size at theLayer_Symbol port is 0.See also LTE_A_UL_MIMO_Deprecoder (lteabasever) and6.LTE_A_UL_MIMO_LayerDemapper (lteabasever).


3GPP TS 36.211 v10.0.0, "Physical Channels and Modulation", December 2010.1.3GPP TS 36.212 v10.0.0, "Multiplexing and Channel Coding", December 2010.2.3GPP TS 36.213 v10.0.0, "Physical Layer Procedures", December 2010.3.3GPP TS 36.104 v10.0.0, "Base Station (BS) radio transmission and reception",4.September 2010.3GPP TS 36.101 v10.0.0, “User Equipment (UE) radio transmission and reception”,5.October 2010.

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LTE_A_UL_MIMO_LayerDemapper PartCategories: MIMO Precoder (lteabasever)

The models associated with this part are listed below. To view detailed information on amodel (description, parameters, equations, notes, etc.), please click the appropriate link.

Model Description


Uplink MIMO LayerDemapper


Description: Uplink MIMO Layer DemapperDomain: UntimedC++ Code Generation Support: NOAssociated Parts: LTE A UL MIMO LayerDemapper Part (lteabasever)

Model Parameters

Name Description Default Units Type Runtime Tunable

NumOfCWs number of code words 1 Integer NO

NumOfLayers number of layers 2 Integer NO

Input Ports

Port Name Description Signal Type Optional

1 Layer_Symbol input of layer mapping symbols multiple complex matrix NO

Output Ports

Port Name Description Signal Type Optional

2 Mod_Symbol output of modulation symbols multiple complex matrix NO


This model is used to implement MIMO layer de-mapping for PUSCH with spatial1.multiplexing (SM). It is the inverse of LTE_A_UL_MIMO_LayerMapper.Each firing, one Matrix-based token is consumed at each bus of the input port whose2.bus width is equal to NumOfLayers. The matrix vector size for each bus is denoted byB.One Matrix-based token is produced at each bus of the output port whose bus widthis equal to NumOfCWs. The matrix vector size for each bus, denoted by A(i), isshown in the following table.NumOfCWs NumOfLayers A(i)

1 1 B

1 2 2*B

2 2 Codeword#1:BCodeword#2: B

2 3 Codeword#1: BCodeword#2: 2*B

2 4 Codeword#1: 2*BCodeword#2: 2*B

LTE Advanced PUSCH layer mapper and de-mapper supports cases for NumOfLayers3.and NumOfCWs are listed as follows: {1, 1}, {2, 1}, {2, 2}, {3, 2} and {4, 2}See also LTE_A_UL_MIMO_Deprecoder (lteabasever) and4.LTE_A_UL_MIMO_LayerMapper (lteabasever).


3GPP TS 36.211 v10.0.0, "Physical Channels and Modulation", December 2010.1.3GPP TS 36.212 v10.0.0, "Multiplexing and Channel Coding", December 2010.2.3GPP TS 36.213 v10.0.0, "Physical Layer Procedures", December 2010.3.3GPP TS 36.104 v10.0.0, "Base Station (BS) radio transmission and reception",4.September 2010.3GPP TS 36.101 v10.0.0, “User Equipment (UE) radio transmission and reception”,5.October 2010.

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LTE_A_UL_MIMO_LayerMapper PartCategories: MIMO Precoder (lteabasever)

The models associated with this part are listed below. To view detailed information on amodel (description, parameters, equations, notes, etc.), please click the appropriate link.

Model Description


Uplink MIMO Layer Mapper


Description: Uplink MIMO Layer MapperDomain: UntimedC++ Code Generation Support: NOAssociated Parts: LTE A UL MIMO LayerMapper Part (lteabasever)

Model Parameters

Name Description Default Units Type Runtime Tunable

NumOfCWs number of code words 1 Integer NO

NumOfLayers number of layers 2 Integer NO

Input Ports

Port Name Description Signal Type Optional

1 Mod_Symbol input of modulationsymbols

multiple complex matrix NO

Output Ports

Port Name Description Signal Type Optional

2 Layer_Symbol output of layer mappingsymbols

multiple complex matrix NO


This model is used to implement MIMO layer mapping for PUSCH with spatial1.multiplexing (SM). It is the inverse of LTE_A_UL_MIMO_LayerDemapper. Thecomplex-valued modulation symbols for each of the code words to be transmitted aremapped onto one or several layers.Each firing, one Matrix-based token is consumed at each bus of the input port whose2.bus width is equal to NumOfCWs. The matrix vector size for each bus is denoted by Awith the exception that, in case NumOfCWs = 2, NumOfLayers=3, the size inCodeword#1 is A, the size in Codeword#2 is 2A.One Matrix-based token is produced at each bus of the output port whose bus widthis equal to NumOfLayers. The matrix vector size for each bus, denoted by B, is shownin the following table.NumOfCWs NumOfLayers B

1 1 A

1 2 A/2

2 2 A

2 3 A

2 4 A/2

Layer mapping for spatial multiplexing: the layer mapping shall be done according to3.Table 5.3.2A.2-1 in [1]. The case of a single codeword mapped to two layers is onlyapplicable when the number of antenna ports is 4.LTE Advanced PUSCH layer mapper supports cases for NumOfLayers and NumOfCWs4.are listed as follows: {1, 1}, {2, 1}, {2, 2}, {3, 2} and {4, 2}See also LTE_A_UL_MIMO_Precoder (lteabasever) and5.LTE_A_UL_MIMO_LayerDemapper (lteabasever).


3GPP TS 36.211 v10.0.0, "Physical Channels and Modulation", December 2010.1.3GPP TS 36.212 v10.0.0, "Multiplexing and Channel Coding", December 2010.2.3GPP TS 36.213 v10.0.0, "Physical Layer Procedures", December 2010.3.3GPP TS 36.104 v10.0.0, "Base Station (BS) radio transmission and reception",4.

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September 2010.3GPP TS 36.101 v10.0.0, “User Equipment (UE) radio transmission and reception”,5.October 2010.

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LTE_A_UL_MIMO_LayMapPrecoder Part Uplink layer mapping and precoding

Categories: MIMO Precoder (lteabasever)

The models associated with this part are listed below. To view detailed information on amodel (description, parameters, equations, notes, etc.), please click the appropriate link.




Description: Uplink layer mapping and precodingAssociated Parts: LTE A UL MIMO LayMapPrecoder Part (lteabasever)

Model Parameters

Name Description Default Units Type RuntimeTunable

NumOfCWs number of code words 2 Integer NO

NumOfLayers number of layers 2 Integer NO

NumTxAnts number of Tx Antennas: Tx1, Tx2, Tx4 Tx2 Enumeration NO

CdBlk_Index codebook index for precoding, valid whenMIMO_Mode is Spatial_Mux

0 Integer NO

FrameMode frame mode: FDD, TDD FDD Enumeration NO

TDD_Config downlink and uplink allocations for TDD: Config0, Config 1, Config 2, Config 3, Config 4, Config5, Config 6

Config 0 Enumeration NO

Bandwidth bandwidth: BW 1.4 MHz, BW 3 MHz, BW 5 MHz,BW 10 MHz, BW 15 MHz, BW 20 MHz

BW 5 MHz Enumeration NO

CyclicPrefix type of cyclic prefix: Normal, Extended Normal Enumeration NO

RB_AllocType RB allocation type: StartRB + NumRBs, RBindices (1D), RB indices (2D)

StartRB +NumRBs

Enumeration NO

RB_Alloc the RB allocation for the UE, in the formats of[start RB, number of RBs] or [[SF0 start RB, SF0number of RBs]; . . .; [SF9 start RB, SF9number of RBs]]

[0, 25] Integerarray



PUSCH Enumeration NO

SRS_Enable sounding reference symbol is enable: NO, YES NO Enumeration NO

SRS_SF_Config the cell-specific SRS subframe configuration 0 Integer NO

Input Ports

Port Name Description Signal Type Optional

1 input input of modulationsymbols

multiple complex matrix NO

Output Ports

Port Name Description Signal Type Optional

2 output output of layer mappingsymbols

multiple complex matrix NO


This sub-network model is used to implement layer mapping (section 5.3.2A in [1])1.and precoding (section 5.3.3A in [1]) for PUSCH with spatial multiplexing. TheLTE_A_UL_MIMO_LayMapPrecoder schematic is shown below:

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Each firing, one Matrix-based token is consumed at the input port. Refer to2.LTE_A_UL_MIMO_LayerMapper (lteabasever) for more information on input ports.One Matrix-based token is produced at the output port. Refer toLTE_A_UL_MIMO_Precoder (lteabasever) for more information on output ports.It consists of LTE_A_UL_MIMO_LayerMapper and LTE_A_UL_MIMO_Precoder.3.It supports spatial multiplexing for PUSCH.4.See also LTE_A_UL_MIMO_Precoder (lteabasever) and5.LTE_A_UL_MIMO_LayerMapper (lteabasever).


3GPP TS 36.211 v10.0.0, "Physical Channels and Modulation", December 2010.1.3GPP TS 36.212 v10.0.0, "Multiplexing and Channel Coding", December 2010.2.3GPP TS 36.213 v10.0.0, "Physical Layer Procedures", December 2010.3.3GPP TS 36.104 v10.0.0, "Base Station (BS) radio transmission and reception",4.September 2010.3GPP TS 36.101 v10.0.0, “User Equipment (UE) radio transmission and reception”,5.October 2010.

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LTE_A_UL_MIMO_Precoder PartCategories: MIMO Precoder (lteabasever)

The models associated with this part are listed below. To view detailed information on amodel (description, parameters, equations, notes, etc.), please click the appropriate link.

Model Description


Uplink MIMO Precoder


Description: Uplink MIMO PrecoderDomain: UntimedC++ Code Generation Support: NOAssociated Parts: LTE A UL MIMO Precoder Part (lteabasever)

Model Parameters

Name Description Default Units Type RuntimeTunable

NumAntPorts number of Antenna ports: 1 Ant Port, 2 AntPorts, 4 Ant Ports

1 AntPort

Enumeration NO

NumOfLayers number of layers 1 Integer NO

CdBlk_Index codebook index for precoding 0 Integer NO

Input Ports

Port Name Description Signal Type Optional

1 Layer_Symbol input of layer mapping symbols multiple complex matrix NO

Output Ports

Port Name Description Signal Type Optional

2 MIMO_Symbol output of modulation symbols multiple complex matrix NO


The precoder takes as input a token of vectors from the layer mapping and generates1.a token of vectors to be mapped onto resources on each of the antenna ports foraccording to Section 5.3.3 in [1].Each firing, one Matrix-based token is consumed at the input port whose bus width is2.equal to NumOfLayers. The matrix vector size for each bus is donated by A.One Matrix-based token is produced at the output port whose bus width is equal tothe number of antenna ports (determined by NumAntPorts). The matrix vector sizefor each bus is same as A.For transmission on a single antenna port, this precoder do nothing.3.For transmission on multiple antenna ports, precoding for spatial multiplexing is4.defined by Section 5.3.3A.2 in [1]. Spatial multiplexing supports two or four antennaports.Precoding for spatial multiplexing is defined by

where , .The precoding matrix W of size P x v is given by one of the entries in Table 5.3.3A.2-1 in [1] for P=2 and by Tables 5.3.3A.2-2 through 5.3.3A.2-5 in [1] for P=4 wherethe entries in each row are ordered from left to right in increasing order of codebookindices.See also LTE_A_UL_MIMO_Deprecoder (lteabasever).5.


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3GPP TS 36.211 v10.0.0, "Physical Channels and Modulation", December 2010.1.3GPP TS 36.212 v10.0.0, "Multiplexing and Channel Coding", December 2010.2.3GPP TS 36.213 v10.0.0, "Physical Layer Procedures", December 2010.3.3GPP TS 36.104 v10.0.0, "Base Station (BS) radio transmission and reception",4.September 2010.3GPP TS 36.101 v10.0.0, “User Equipment (UE) radio transmission and reception”,5.October 2010.

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LTE_A_UL_VirtualAntMapping PartCategories: MIMO Precoder (lteabasever)

The models associated with this part are listed below. To view detailed information on amodel (description, parameters, equations, notes, etc.), please click the appropriate link.

Model Description


Uplink Virtual Antenna Mapping


Description: Uplink Virtual Antenna MappingDomain: UntimedC++ Code Generation Support: NOAssociated Parts: LTE A UL VirtualAntMapping Part (lteabasever)

Model Parameters

Name Description Default Units Type RuntimeTunable

NumTxAnts number of Tx Antennas: Tx1,Tx2, Tx4

Tx1 Enumeration NO

NumAntPorts number of Antenna ports: 1 AntPort, 2 Ant Ports, 4 Ant Ports

1 Ant Port Enumeration NO

AntMappingMatrix the user defined antennamapping matrix

[1, 0; 0, 1; 0, 0; 0, 0;0, 0; 0, 0; 0, 0; 0, 0]



Input Ports

Port Name Description Signal Type Optional

1 InputPorts input data on antennaports

multiple complex matrix NO

Output Ports

Port Name Description Signal Type Optional

2 Tx_Antenna output data on Tx antennas after virtual antennamapping

multiple complexmatrix



This model is used to map the complex-valued modulation symbols for each of the1.virtual antenna ports onto actual Tx antennas. The number of virtual antenna ports isdefined by parameter NumAntPorts, the number of actual antenna ports is defined byparameter NumTxAnts.Each firing,2.

1 token is consumed at each of the multiple input port. The bus width is theNumAntPorts.1 token is produced at each of the multiple output port. The bus width isNumTxAnts.

Input(i) is the complex-valued modulation symbols for the ith input port, output(j) is3.the complex-valued modulation symbols for the jth output port. The mapping isdefined by

The AntMappingMatrix defines the antenna mapping format in [NumAntPorts xNumTxAnts]. It is recommended to separate the rows by semicolons and separatethe columns in the row by commas.see also LTE_A_DL_VirtualAntMapping (lteabasever).


3GPP TS 36.211 v10.0.0, "Physical Channels and Modulation", December 2010.1.

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LTE Advanced Modulation Category Contents

LTE A DL OFDM Demodulator Part (lteabasever)LTE A DL OFDM Modulator Part (lteabasever)LTE A MIMO Mapper Part (lteabasever)LTE A SCFDMA Demodulator Part (lteabasever)LTE A SCFDMA Modulator Part (lteabasever)LTE A SpecShaping Part (lteabasever)LTE A SS MIMO Demod Part (lteabasever)LTE A UL DFT Part (lteabasever)

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LTE_A_DL_OFDM_Demodulator Part Downlink OFDM Demodulator

Categories: Modulation (lteabasever)

The models associated with this part are listed below. To view detailed information on amodel (description, parameters, equations, notes, etc.), please click the appropriate link.



Description: Downlink OFDM DemodulatorAssociated Parts: LTE A DL OFDM Demodulator Part (lteabasever)

Model Parameters

Name Description Default Units Type RuntimeTunable

Bandwidth bandwidth of LTE system: BW 1.4 MHz, BW3 MHz, BW 5 MHz, BW 10 MHz, BW 15 MHz,BW 20 MHz


Enumeration NO

OversamplingOption oversampling ratio option: Ratio 1, Ratio 2,Ratio 4, Ratio 8

Ratio 2 Enumeration NO

NumRxAnts number of Rx Antennas: Rx1, Rx2, Rx4, Rx8 Rx8 Enumeration NO

Input Ports

Port Name Description Signal Type Optional

1 TimeSig time domian signal before FFT multiple complex NO

Output Ports

Port Name Description Signal Type Optional

2 MappingData demodulated mapping signal after FFT multiple complex NO


This model is used to complete LTE Advanced downlink OFDM demodulator. It is a1.sub-network model and the schematic is shown below:

This model is same as LTE_DL_OFDM_Demodulator with the exception that this2.model supports multiports whose bus width is the number of Rx antennas andperforms OFDM demodulator for multiple Rx antennas. Please refer toLTE_DL_OFDM_Demodulator (ltebasever).What different with LTE_DL_OFDM_Demodulator are as follows:3.

input and output ports are multiport with the bus width decided by the numberof Rx antennas.New added parameters:

NumRxAnts defines the number of Rx antennas.Each firing,4.The number of tokens consumed at each bus of the input port TimeSig and thatgenerated at each bus of the output port MappingData are same as that inLTE_DL_OFDM_Demodulator.See LTE_A_DL_OFDM_Modulator (lteabasever).5.


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3GPP TS 36.211 v10.0.0, "Physical Channels and Modulation", December 2010.1.3GPP TS 36.212 v10.0.0, "Multiplexing and Channel Coding", December 2010.2.3GPP TS 36.213 v10.0.0, "Physical Layer Procedures", December 2010.3.3GPP TS 36.104 v10.0.0, "Base Station (BS) radio transmission and reception",4.September 2010.3GPP TS 36.101 v10.0.0, “User Equipment (UE) radio transmission and reception”,5.October 2010.

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LTE_A_DL_OFDM_Modulator Part Downlink OFDM Modulator

Categories: Modulation (lteabasever)

The models associated with this part are listed below. To view detailed information on amodel (description, parameters, equations, notes, etc.), please click the appropriate link.



Description: Downlink OFDM ModulatorAssociated Parts: LTE A DL OFDM Modulator Part (lteabasever)

Model Parameters

Name Description Default Units Type RuntimeTunable

Bandwidth bandwidth of LTE system: BW 1.4 MHz, BW3 MHz, BW 5 MHz, BW 10 MHz, BW 15 MHz,BW 20 MHz


Enumeration NO

OversamplingOption oversampling ratio option: Ratio 1, Ratio 2,Ratio 4, Ratio 8

Ratio 2 Enumeration NO

NumTxAnts number of Tx Antennas: Tx1, Tx2, Tx4, Tx8 Tx8 Enumeration NO

Input Ports

Port Name Description Signal Type Optional

1 MappingData mapping signal multiple complex NO

Output Ports

Port Name Description Signal Type Optional

2 OFDMSig output of one OFDMsignal

multiple complex NO


This model is used to complete LTE Advanced downlink OFDM modulator. It is a sub-1.network model and the schematic is shown below:

This model is same as LTE_DL_OFDM_Modulator with the exception that this model2.supports multiports whose bus width is the number of Tx antennas and performsOFDM modulator for multiple Tx antennas. Please refer to LTE_DL_OFDM_Modulator(ltebasever).What different with LTE_DL_OFDM_Modulator are as follows:3.

input and output ports are multiport with the bus width decided by the numberof Tx antennas.New added parameters:

NumTxAnts defines the number of Tx antennas.Each firing,4.The number of tokens consumed at each bus of the input port MappingData and thatgenerated at each bus of the output port OFDMSig are same as that inLTE_DL_OFDM_Modulator.See LTE_A_DL_OFDM_Demodulator (lteabasever).5.

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3GPP TS 36.211 v10.0.0, "Physical Channels and Modulation", December 2010.1.3GPP TS 36.212 v10.0.0, "Multiplexing and Channel Coding", December 2010.2.3GPP TS 36.213 v10.0.0, "Physical Layer Procedures", December 2010.3.3GPP TS 36.104 v10.0.0, "Base Station (BS) radio transmission and reception",4.September 2010.3GPP TS 36.101 v10.0.0, “User Equipment (UE) radio transmission and reception”,5.October 2010.

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LTE_A_MIMO_Mapper Part MIMO mapping for two codewords

Categories: Modulation (lteabasever)

The models associated with this part are listed below. To view detailed information on amodel (description, parameters, equations, notes, etc.), please click the appropriate link.




Description: MIMO mapping for two codewordsAssociated Parts: LTE A MIMO Mapper Part (lteabasever)

Model Parameters

Name Description Default Units Type RuntimeTunable

UE_RevMode release version of the UE, 0 for Release 8,1 for Release 10: Release_8, Release_10

Release_10 Enumeration NO

CW1_DataPattern data pattern for codeword 1: PN9, PN15,FIX4, _4_1_4_0, _8_1_8_0, _16_1_16_0,_32_1_32_0, _64_1_64_0

PN9 Enumeration NO

CW2_DataPattern data pattern for codeword 2: PN9, PN15,FIX4, _4_1_4_0, _8_1_8_0, _16_1_16_0,_32_1_32_0, _64_1_64_0

PN9 Enumeration NO

CW1_MappingType modulation type for codeword 1: QPSK,QAM16, QAM64

QPSK Enumeration NO

CW2_MappingType modulation type for codeword 2: QPSK,QAM16, QAM64

QPSK Enumeration NO

FrameMode frame mode: FDD, TDD FDD Enumeration NO

TDD_Config downlink and uplink allocations for TDD:Config 0, Config 1, Config 2, Config 3,Config 4, Config 5, Config 6

Config 0 Enumeration NO

SpecialSF_Config special subframe configuration for TDD:Config 0, Config 1, Config 2, Config 3,Config 4, Config 5, Config 6, Config 7,Config 8

Config 4 Enumeration NO

Bandwidth bandwidth: BW 1.4 MHz, BW 3 MHz, BW5 MHz, BW 10 MHz, BW 15 MHz, BW 20MHz

BW 5 MHz Enumeration NO

NumTxAnts number of Tx Antennas: Tx1, Tx2, Tx4,Tx8

Tx8 Enumeration NO

CRS_NumAntPorts number of CRS Antenna ports: CRS_Tx1,CRS_Tx2, CRS_Tx4

CRS_Tx2 Enumeration NO

CyclicPrefix type of cyclic prefix: Normal, Extended Normal Enumeration NO

RB_AllocType RB allocation type: StartRB + NumRBs,RB indices (1D), RB indices (2D)

StartRB +NumRBs

Enumeration NO

RB_Alloc the RB allocation for the UE, in theformats of [start RB, number of RBs] or[[SF0 start RB, SF0 number of RBs]; . . .;[SF9 start RB, SF9 number of RBs]]

[0, 25] Integerarray


NumOfLayers number of layers 8 Integer NO

PDCCH_SymsPerSF number of OFDM symbols of PDCCH foreach subframe

[2, 2, 2, 2, 2,2, 2, 2, 2, 2]



Output Ports

Port Name Description Signal Type Optional

1 ModulationSymbols output of Matrix-based (subframe-based) modulationsymbols for at most 2 codewords

multiple complexmatrix



This subnetwork model generates modulation symbols (QPSK, 16-QAM and 64-QAM)1.for two codewords. It is only for 3GPP FDD and TDD LTE Advanced MIMO usage. This

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model is similar with LTE_MIMO_Mapper. Please refer to LTE_MIMO_Mapper(ltebasever).The LTE_A_MIMO_Mapper schematic is shown below:2.

What different with LTE_MIMO_Mapper are as follows:3.New added parameters:

UE_RevMode defines the release version of this UE, 0 for Release 8 and 1for Release 10.CRS_NumAntPorts defines the number of antenna ports.

Changed parameters:NumTxAnts defines the number of Tx antennas. In this model, NumTxAntscan be set to Tx1, Tx2, Tx4 or Tx8.

Each firing, one Matrix-based token is produced at each output.4.For ith firing, the modulation symbols for Subframe#i%10 are output on the Matrix-based token. The matrix vector size is equal to the number of resource elements(REs) that are allocated to UE in Subframe#i%10. Refer to Channel Bits Calculation(ltebasever) for how to get the number of resource elements (REs) per eachsubframe based on input parameter for downlink. And in LTE Advanced library, fordownlink channel bits calculation, the overhead should include DMRS (port 7~14).


3GPP TS 36.211 v10.0.0, "Physical Channels and Modulation", December 2010.1.3GPP TS 36.212 v10.0.0, "Multiplexing and Channel Coding", December 2010.2.3GPP TS 36.213 v10.0.0, "Physical Layer Procedures", December 2010.3.3GPP TS 36.104 v10.0.0, "Base Station (BS) radio transmission and reception",4.September 2010.3GPP TS 36.101 v10.0.0, “User Equipment (UE) radio transmission and reception”,5.October 2010.P. Hoeher, S. Kaiser, and P. Robertson. "Two-Dimensional Pilot-Symbol-Aided6.Channel Estimation by Wiener Filtering". Proc. IEEE ICASSP '97, Munich, Germany,pp. 1845-1848, Apr. 1997.

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LTE_A_SCFDMA_Demodulator PartCategories: Modulation (lteabasever)

The models associated with this part are listed below. To view detailed information on amodel (description, parameters, equations, notes, etc.), please click the appropriate link.

Model Description


LTE_A SC-FDMA demodulator


Description: LTE_A SC-FDMA demodulatorAssociated Parts: LTE A SCFDMA Demodulator Part (lteabasever)

Model Parameters

Name Description Default Units Type RuntimeTunable

Bandwidth bandwidth: BW 1.4 MHz, BW 3 MHz, BW 5MHz, BW 10 MHz, BW 15 MHz, BW 20 MHz


Enumeration NO

OversamplingOption oversampling ratio option: Ratio 1, Ratio 2,Ratio 4, Ratio 8

Ratio 2 Enumeration NO

NumRxAnts number of Rx antennas: Rx1, Rx2, Rx4 Rx1 Enumeration NO

Input Ports

Port Name Description Signal Type Optional

1 SCFDMASig Input SC-FDMA signal multiple complex NO

Output Ports

Port Name Description Signal Type Optional

2 MappingData Output mapped signal in frequencydomain

multiple complex NO


This model is used to complete LTE Advanced downlink OFDM demodulator. It is a1.sub-network model and the schematic is shown below:

This model is same as LTE_SCFDMA_Demodulator with the exception that this model2.supports multiports whose bus width is the number of Rx antennas and performsOFDM demodulator for multiple Rx antennas. Please refer toLTE_SCFDMA_Demodulator (ltebasever).What different with LTE_SCFDMA_Demodulator are as follows:3.

input and output ports are multiport with the bus width decided by the numberof Rx antennas.New added parameters:

NumRxAnts defines the number of Rx antennas.Each firing,4.The number of tokens consumed at each bus of the input port SCFDMASig and thatgenerated at each bus of the output port MappingData are same as that inLTE_SCFDMA_Demodulator.See LTE_A_SCFDMA_Modulator (lteabasever).5.

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3GPP TS 36.211 v10.0.0, "Physical Channels and Modulation", December 2010.1.3GPP TS 36.212 v10.0.0, "Multiplexing and Channel Coding", December 2010.2.3GPP TS 36.213 v10.0.0, "Physical Layer Procedures", December 2010.3.3GPP TS 36.104 v10.0.0, "Base Station (BS) radio transmission and reception",4.September 2010.3GPP TS 36.101 v10.0.0, “User Equipment (UE) radio transmission and reception”,5.October 2010.

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LTE_A_SCFDMA_Modulator Part Uplink SCFDMA Modulator

Categories: Modulation (lteabasever)

The models associated with this part are listed below. To view detailed information on amodel (description, parameters, equations, notes, etc.), please click the appropriate link.




Description: Uplink SCFDMA ModulatorAssociated Parts: LTE A SCFDMA Modulator Part (lteabasever)

Model Parameters

Name Description Default Units Type RuntimeTunable

Bandwidth bandwidth of LTE_A system: BW 1.4 MHz,BW 3.0 MHz, BW 5 MHz, BW 10 MHz, BW 15MHz, BW 20 MHz


Enumeration NO

OversamplingOption oversampling ratio option: Ratio 1, Ratio 2,Ratio 4, Ratio 8

Ratio 2 Enumeration NO

NumTxAnts number of Tx antennas: Tx1, Tx2, Tx4 Tx1 Enumeration NO

Input Ports

Port Name Description Signal Type Optional

1 MappingData Input mapped signal in frequencydomain

multiple complex NO

Output Ports

Port Name Description Signal Type Optional

2 SCFDMASig Output SC-FDMA signal multiple complex NO


This model is used to complete LTE Advanced downlink OFDM modulator. It is a sub-1.network model and the schematic is shown below:

This model is same as LTE_SCFDMA_Modulator with the exception that this model2.supports multiports whose bus width is the number of Tx antennas and performsOFDM modulator for multiple Tx antennas. Please refer to LTE_SCFDMA_Modulator(ltebasever).What different with LTE_SCFDMA_Modulator are as follows:3.

input and output ports are multiport with the bus width decided by the numberof Tx antennas.New added parameters:

NumTxAnts defines the number of Tx antennas.Each firing,4.The number of tokens consumed at each bus of the input port MappingData and thatgenerated at each bus of the output port SCFDMASig are same as that inLTE_SCFDMA_Modulator.

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See LTE_A_SCFDMA_Modulator (lteabasever).5.


3GPP TS 36.211 v10.0.0, "Physical Channels and Modulation", December 2010.1.3GPP TS 36.212 v10.0.0, "Multiplexing and Channel Coding", December 2010.2.3GPP TS 36.213 v10.0.0, "Physical Layer Procedures", December 2010.3.3GPP TS 36.104 v10.0.0, "Base Station (BS) radio transmission and reception",4.September 2010.3GPP TS 36.101 v10.0.0, “User Equipment (UE) radio transmission and reception”,5.October 2010.

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LTE_A_SpecShaping PartCategories: Modulation (lteabasever)

The models associated with this part are listed below. To view detailed information on amodel (description, parameters, equations, notes, etc.), please click the appropriate link.

Model Description


LTE_A Spectrum Shaper


Description: LTE_A Spectrum ShaperDomain: UntimedC++ Code Generation Support: NOAssociated Parts: LTE A SpecShaping Part (lteabasever)

Model Parameters

Name Description Default Units Type RuntimeTunable

Bandwidth bandwidth: BW 1.4 MHz, BW 3 MHz, BW5 MHz, BW 10 MHz, BW 15 MHz, BW 20MHz

BW 5 MHz Enumeration NO

OversamplingOption Ratio 1, Ratio 2, Ratio 4, Ratio 8: Ratio1, Ratio 2, Ratio 4, Ratio 8

Ratio 2 Enumeration NO

CyclicPrefix type of cyclic prefix: Normal, Extended Normal Enumeration NO

NumTxAnts number of Tx Antennas: Tx1, Tx2, Tx4,Tx8

Tx8 Enumeration NO

SpectrumShapingType spectrum shaping method:TimeWindowing, FIRFilter

TimeWindowing Enumeration NO

WindowType type of time transition windowingbetween two consecutive symbols, validwhenSpectrumShapingType=TimeWindowing:Tukey, Raised cosine

Tukey Enumeration NO

CyclicInterval the overlapped cyclic interval betweentwo adjacent symbols in unit of chips(without oversampling), valid whenSpectrumShapingType=TimeWindowing

6 Integer NO

CI_StartPos the start position of cyclic interval(without oversampling), compared tothe start position of CP (negative meansahead of CP)

-3 Integer NO

FIR_Taps number of FIR filter taps, valid whenSpectrumShapingType=FIRFilter

19 Integer NO

FIR_withInterp whether spectrum-shaping FIR filterwith interpolation operation or not, validwhen SpectrumShapingType=FIRFilter:NO, YES

NO Enumeration NO

FIR_FilterType spectrum-shaping FIR filter type, validwhen SpectrumShapingType=FIRFilter:RRC, Ideal Lowpass

RRC Enumeration NO

RRC_Alpha roll-off factor for root raised-cosinefilter, valid whenSpectrumShapingType=FIRFilter

.22 Float NO

SpecShapingScale spectrum shaping scale for FIR Filter:PerFrame, PerSubframe

PerSubframe Enumeration NO

SpecShapingAntNum the number of antennas to applyspectrum shaping from Antenna index#1 to index #SpecShapingAntNum

1 Integer NO

Input Ports

Port Name Description Signal Type Optional

1 DataIn input signal in one frame multiple complex NO

Output Ports

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Port Name Description Signal Type Optional

2 DataOut output signal in oneframe

multiple complex NO


This model is used to shape the spectrum of the transmitting signal by FIR filtering or1.time domain windowing. This model is similar with LTE_SpecShaping. Please refer toLTE_SpecShaping (ltebasever)What different with LTE_SpecShaping are as follows:2.

This model works both in the MIMO mode and in SISO mode (buswidth is 1).The bus width of the input and output pins should be compliance with theparameter NumTxAnts.This model support apply spectrum shaping on named antenna.This model support apply spectrum shaping sub-frame by sub-frame by setparameter SpecShapingScale in case of SpectrumShapingType set to FIRFilter.New added parameters:

NumRxAnts defines the number of receive antennas which can be set 8Antennas and the multiport ports can be expanded to 8.SpecShapingAntNum defines the number of antennas to apply spectrumshaping which from 1 to the number of receive antennas.SpecShapingScale defines spectrum shaping scale for FIR Filter.

See LTE_SpecShaping (ltebasever).3.


3GPP TS 36.211 v10.0.0, "Physical Channels and Modulation", December 2010.1.3GPP TS 36.212 v10.0.0, "Multiplexing and Channel Coding", December 2010.2.3GPP TS 36.213 v10.0.0, "Physical Layer Procedures", December 2010.3.3GPP TS 36.104 v10.0.0, "Base Station (BS) radio transmission and reception",4.September 2010.3GPP TS 36.101 v10.0.0, “User Equipment (UE) radio transmission and reception”,5.October 2010.P. Hoeher, S. Kaiser, and P. Robertson. "Two-Dimensional Pilot-Symbol-Aided6.Channel Estimation by Wiener Filtering". Proc. IEEE ICASSP '97, Munich, Germany,pp. 1845-1848, Apr. 1997.Harris, F. J. "On the Use of Windows for Harmonic Analysis with the Discrete Fourier7.Transform" Proceedings of the IEEE. Vol. 66 (January 1978). pp. 66-67.

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LTE_A_SS_MIMO_Demod PartCategories: Modulation (lteabasever)

The models associated with this part are listed below. To view detailed information on amodel (description, parameters, equations, notes, etc.), please click the appropriate link.

Model Description


MIMO demodulation for Sync signals (PSS andSSS)


Description: MIMO demodulation for Sync signals (PSS and SSS)Domain: UntimedC++ Code Generation Support: NOAssociated Parts: LTE A SS MIMO Demod Part (lteabasever)

Model Parameters

Name Description Default Units Type Runtime Tunable

NumTxAnts number of Tx Antennas: Tx1, Tx2, Tx4, Tx8 Tx8 Enumeration NO

NumRxAnts number of Rx Antennas: Rx1, Rx2, Rx4, Rx8 Rx8 Enumeration NO

Input Ports

Port Name Description Signal Type Optional

1 H CIR for Sync signals complex matrix NO

2 RxSync received Sync signals multiple complex matrix NO

Output Ports

Port Name Description Signal Type Optional

3 DemodSignal demodulated Synsignals

multiple complex matrix NO


This model is used to perform the MIMO decoding for P-SCH and S-SCH in MIMO1.transmission. It is similar with LTE_SS_MIMO_Demod. Please refer toLTE_SS_MIMO_Demod (ltebasever).What different with LTE_SS_MIMO_Demod are as follows:2.

Changed parameters:the parameter NumTxAnts and NumRxAnts can be set 8 Antennas andthese multiport input and output ports can be expanded to 8.

See LTE_SS_MIMO_Demod (ltebasever).3.


3GPP TS 36.211 v10.0.0, "Physical Channels and Modulation", December 2010.1.3GPP TS 36.212 v10.0.0, "Multiplexing and Channel Coding", December 2010.2.3GPP TS 36.213 v10.0.0, "Physical Layer Procedures", December 2010.3.3GPP TS 36.104 v10.0.0, "Base Station (BS) radio transmission and reception",4.September 2010.3GPP TS 36.101 v10.0.0, “User Equipment (UE) radio transmission and reception”,5.October 2010.P. Hoeher, S. Kaiser, and P. Robertson. "Two-Dimensional Pilot-Symbol-Aided6.Channel Estimation by Wiener Filtering". Proc. IEEE ICASSP '97, Munich, Germany,pp. 1845-1848, Apr. 1997.

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LTE_A_UL_DFT PartCategories: Modulation (lteabasever)

The models associated with this part are listed below. To view detailed information on amodel (description, parameters, equations, notes, etc.), please click the appropriate link.

Model Description


Complex discrete Fourier transform for uplink


Description: Complex discrete Fourier transform for uplinkDomain: UntimedC++ Code Generation Support: NOAssociated Parts: LTE A UL DFT Part (lteabasever)

Model Parameters

Name Description Default Units Type RuntimeTunable

FrameMode frame mode: FDD, TDD FDD Enumeration NO

TDD_Config downlink and uplink allocations for TDD:Config 0, Config 1, Config 2, Config 3, Config4, Config 5, Config 6

Config 0 Enumeration NO

Bandwidth bandwidth: BW 1.4 MHz, BW 3 MHz, BW 5MHz, BW 10 MHz, BW 15 MHz, BW 20 MHz

BW 5 MHz Enumeration NO

CyclicPrefix type of cyclic prefix: Normal, Extended Normal Enumeration NO

NumOfLayers number of layers 1 Integer NO

RB_AllocType RB allocation type: StartRB + NumRBs, RBindices (1D), RB indices (2D)

StartRB +NumRBs

Enumeration NO

RB_Alloc the RB allocation for the UE, in the formats of[start RB, number of RBs] or [[SF0 start RB,SF0 number of RBs]; . . .; [SF9 start RB, SF9number of RBs]]

[0, 25] Integerarray



PUSCH Enumeration NO

SRS_Enable sounding reference symbol is enable: NO, YES NO Enumeration NO

SRS_SF_Config the cell-specific SRS subframe configuration 0 Integer NO

Direction direction of transform: Inverse, Forward Forward Enumeration NO

SubframeIgnored number of subframes (or transport blocks)that are ignored at the beginning due tosystem delay

0 Integer NO

Input Ports

Port Name Signal Type Optional

1 input multiple complex matrix NO

Output Ports

Port Name Signal Type Optional

2 output multiple complex matrix NO


This model performs DFT or IDFT of LTE uplink signal using the fast Fourier transform1.(FFT) algorithm. This model is similar with LTE_UL_DFT. Please refer to LTE_UL_DFT(ltebasever) except that this model supports multiport for the case of multi-layers.What different with LTE_UL_DFT are as follows:2.

New added parameters:NumOfLayers defines the number of layers. This parameter can be set to 1,2, 3 or 4. And so the input and output ports can be expanded to 2 or 4.


3GPP TS 36.211 v10.0.0, "Physical Channels and Modulation", December 2010.1.3GPP TS 36.212 v10.0.0, "Multiplexing and Channel Coding", December 2010.2.3GPP TS 36.213 v10.0.0, "Physical Layer Procedures", December 2010.3.

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3GPP TS 36.104 v10.0.0, "Base Station (BS) radio transmission and reception",4.September 2010.3GPP TS 36.101 v10.0.0, “User Equipment (UE) radio transmission and reception”,5.October 2010.P. Hoeher, S. Kaiser, and P. Robertson. "Two-Dimensional Pilot-Symbol-Aided6.Channel Estimation by Wiener Filtering". Proc. IEEE ICASSP '97, Munich, Germany,pp. 1845-1848, Apr. 1997.

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LTE Advanced Multiplex Category Contents

LTE A DL DemuxFrame Part (lteabasever)LTE A DL DemuxOFDMSym Part (lteabasever)LTE A DL DemuxSlot Part (lteabasever)LTE A DL MIMO DemuxCIR Part (lteabasever)LTE A DL MuxOFDMSym Part (lteabasever)LTE A DL MuxSlot Part (lteabasever)LTE A UL DemuxFrame Part (lteabasever)LTE A UL DemuxSCFDMASym Part (lteabasever)LTE A UL DemuxSlot Part (lteabasever)LTE A UL MuxFrame Part (lteabasever)LTE A UL MuxSCFDMASym Part (lteabasever)LTE A UL MuxSlot Part (lteabasever)

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LTE_A_DL_DemuxFrame PartCategories: Multiplex (lteabasever)

The models associated with this part are listed below. To view detailed information on amodel (description, parameters, equations, notes, etc.), please click the appropriate link.

Model Description


Downlink Radio Frame De-multiplexer with Frequency OffsetCompensator


Description: Downlink Radio Frame De-multiplexer with Frequency Offset CompensatorDomain: UntimedC++ Code Generation Support: NOAssociated Parts: LTE A DL DemuxFrame Part (lteabasever)

Model Parameters

Name Description Default Units Type RuntimeTunable

Bandwidth bandwidth: BW 1.4 MHz, BW 3 MHz, BW 5MHz, BW 10 MHz, BW 15 MHz, BW 20 MHz

BW 5 MHz Enumeration NO

NumRxAnts number of Rx Antennas: Rx1, Rx2, Rx4,Rx8

Rx8 Enumeration NO

OversamplingOption Ratio 1, Ratio 2, Ratio 4, Ratio 8: Ratio 1,Ratio 2, Ratio 4, Ratio 8

Ratio 2 Enumeration NO

CyclicPrefix type of cyclic prefix: Normal, Extended Normal Enumeration NO

PreDownsampling pre-downsampling to 1X symbol rate ?:NO, YES

NO Enumeration NO

ReceiverDelay receiver delay ( One frame delay is fornon-HARQ; One subframe delay is forclosed-loop HARQ.: One frame delay(10ms), One subframe delay (1ms)

Onesubframedelay (1ms)

Enumeration NO

Input Ports

Port Name Description Signal Type Optional

1 DataIn data in multiple complex NO

2 index propagation delay insamples

multiple int NO

3 DeltaF frequency offset multiple real float NO

Output Ports

Port Name Description Signal Type Optional

4 DataOut data out multiple complex NO


This model is used to demultiplex LTE Advanced downlink frame, which includes1.removing pre-downsampling, and compensating time and carrier frequency offsets.This model is similar with LTE_DL_DemuxFrame. please refer toLTE_DL_DemuxFrame (ltebasever)What different with LTE_DL_DemuxFrame is the the parameter NumRxAnts which2.can be set 8 Antennas and the multiport input ports and output port can be expandedto 8.See LTE_DL_DemuxFrame (ltebasever).3.

References3GPP TS 36.211 v10.0.0, "Physical Channels and Modulation", December 2010.4.3GPP TS 36.212 v10.0.0, "Multiplexing and Channel Coding", December 2010.5.3GPP TS 36.213 v10.0.0, "Physical Layer Procedures", December 2010.6.3GPP TS 36.104 v10.0.0, "Base Station (BS) radio transmission and reception",7.September 2010.3GPP TS 36.101 v10.0.0, “User Equipment (UE) radio transmission and reception”,8.October 2010.

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P. Hoeher, S. Kaiser, and P. Robertson. "Two-Dimensional Pilot-Symbol-Aided9.Channel Estimation by Wiener Filtering". Proc. IEEE ICASSP '97, Munich, Germany,pp. 1845-1848, Apr. 1997.

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LTE_A_DL_DemuxOFDMSym PartCategories: Multiplex (lteabasever)

The models associated with this part are listed below. To view detailed information on amodel (description, parameters, equations, notes, etc.), please click the appropriate link.

Model Description


Downlink OFDM Symbol De-multiplexer in one radio frame


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Description: Downlink OFDM Symbol De-multiplexer in one radio frameDomain: Untimed

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C++ Code Generation Support: NOAssociated Parts: LTE A DL DemuxOFDMSym Part (lteabasever)

Model Parameters

Name Description Default Units Type RuntimeTunable

FrameMode frame mode: FDD, TDD FDD Enumeration NO

TDD_Config downlink and uplink allocations forTDD: Config 0, Config 1, Config 2,Config 3, Config 4, Config 5, Config 6

Config 0 Enumeration NO

SpecialSF_Config special subframe configuration forTDD: Config 0, Config 1, Config 2,Config 3, Config 4, Config 5, Config 6,Config 7, Config 8

Config 4 Enumeration NO

Bandwidth bandwidth: BW 1.4 MHz, BW 3 MHz,BW 5 MHz, BW 10 MHz, BW 15 MHz,BW 20 MHz

BW 5 MHz Enumeration NO

NumTxAnts number of Tx Antennas: Tx1, Tx2,Tx4, Tx8

Tx8 Enumeration NO

CRS_NumAntPorts number of CRS Antenna ports:CRS_Tx1, CRS_Tx2, CRS_Tx4

CRS_Tx4 Enumeration NO

NumRxAnts number of Rx Antennas: Rx1, Rx2,Rx4, Rx8

Rx8 Enumeration NO

CyclicPrefix type of cyclic prefix: Normal,Extended

Normal Enumeration NO

CellID_Sector the index of cell identity within thephysical-layer cell-identity group

0 Integer NO

CellID_Group the index of cell identity group 0 Integer NO

UEs_RevMode release version of each UE, 0 forRelease 8, 1 for Release 10

[1, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0] Integer array NO

UEs_MIMO_Mode MIMO Mode for each UE, 1 for TD, 0for SM

[0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0] Integer array NO

UEs_NumOfLayers number of layers for each UE [8, 8, 8, 2, 2, 2] Integer array NO

RB_MappingType the mapping type of VRBs to PRBs:Localized, Distributed

Localized Enumeration NO

SS_PerTxAnt whether synchronization signals (P-SS and S-SS) are transmitted oneach transmit antenna: NO, YES

NO Enumeration NO

RB_AllocType RB allocation type: StartRB +NumRBs, RB indices (1D), RB indices(2D)

StartRB +NumRBs

Enumeration NO

UE1_RB_Alloc the RB allocation for UE 1, in theformats of [start RB, number of RBs]or [[SF0 start RB, SF0 number ofRBs]; . . .; [SF9 start RB, SF9number of RBs]]

[0, 25] Integer array NO

UE2_RB_Alloc the RB allocation for UE 2, in theformats of [start RB, number of RBs]or [[SF0 start RB, SF0 number ofRBs]; . . .; [SF9 start RB, SF9number of RBs]]

[0, 0] Integer array NO

UE3_RB_Alloc the RB allocation for UE 3, in theformats of [start RB, number of RBs]or [[SF0 start RB, SF0 number ofRBs]; . . .; [SF9 start RB, SF9number of RBs]]

[0, 0] Integer array NO

UE4_RB_Alloc the RB allocation for UE 4, in theformats of [start RB, number of RBs]or [[SF0 start RB, SF0 number ofRBs]; . . .; [SF9 start RB, SF9number of RBs]]

[0, 0] Integer array NO

UE5_RB_Alloc the RB allocation for UE 5, in theformats of [start RB, number of RBs]or [ [SF0 start RB, SF0 number ofRBs]; . . .; [SF9 start RB, SF9number of RBs]]

[0, 0] Integer array NO

UE6_RB_Alloc the RB allocation for UE 6, in theformats of [start RB, number of RBs]or [[SF0 start RB, SF0 number ofRBs]; . . .; [SF9 start RB, SF9number of RBs]]

[0, 0] Integer array NO

PDCCH_SymsPerSF number of OFDM symbols of PDCCHfor each subframe

[2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2,2, 2, 2, 2]

Integer array NO

PHICH_Duration type of PHICH duration:Normal_Duration, Extended_Duration

Normal_Duration Enumeration NO

PHICH_Ng PHICH Ng value: Ng 1/6, Ng 1/2, Ng1, Ng 2

Ng 1/6 Enumeration NO

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PCFICH_Rb PCFICH-to-RS EPRE ratio in dB insymbols with RS

0 Float NO

PHICH_Ra PHICH-to-RS EPRE ratio in dB insymbols without RS

0 Float NO

PHICH_Rb PHICH-to-RS EPRE ratio in dB insymbols with RS

0 Float NO

PBCH_Ra PBCH-to-RS EPRE ratio in dB insymbols without RS

0 Float NO

PBCH_Rb PBCH-to-RS EPRE ratio in dB insymbols with RS

0 Float NO

PDCCH_Ra PDCCH-to-RS EPRE ratio in dB insymbols without RS

0 Float NO

PDCCH_Rb PDCCH-to-RS EPRE ratio in dB insymbols with RS

0 Float NO

PDSCH_PowerRatio PDSCH Cell Specific Ratio: p_B/p_A =1, P_B = 0, P_B = 1, P_B = 2, P_B =3

p_B/p_A = 1 Enumeration NO

UEs_Pa UE specific power parameter for eachUE

[0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0] Floating pointarray


PSS_Ra PSS-to-RS EPRE ratio in dB insymbols without RS

0 Float NO

SSS_Ra SSS-to-RS EPRE ratio in dB insymbols without RS

0 Float NO

DMRS_Ra UE specific power parameter forDMRS of each UE

[0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0] Floating pointarray


SubframeIgnored number of subframes (or transportblocks) that are ignored at thebeginning due to system delay

0 Integer NO

ETM_Support whether to support PHICH m =1 inall transmitted subframes for TDD E-TM defined in 36.141 NO,YES

NO Enumeration NO

DisplayPortRates whether the port rates and otheruseful information are displayed inSimulation Log window: NO, YES

NO Enumeration NO

Input Ports

Port Name Description Signal Type Optional

1 DataIn downlink OFDM symbols in oneframe

multiple complex NO

Output Ports

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Port Name Description Signal Type Optional

2 CSI_RS the CSI RS complex matrix NO

3 Pilots output pilots multiple complexmatrix


4 PSCH output P-SCH mapping signal multiple complexmatrix


5 SSCH output S-SCH mapping signal multiple complexmatrix


6 PBCH output CCPCH mapping signal multiple complexmatrix


7 PCFICH output mapping signal of PCFICH multiple complexmatrix


8 PHICH output mapping signal of PHICH multiple complexmatrix


9 PDCCH output mapping signal of PDCCH multiple complexmatrix


10 Data_UE6 output signal data for UE6 multiple complexmatrix


11 Data_UE5 output signal data for UE5 multiple complexmatrix


12 Data_UE4 output signal data for UE4 multiple complexmatrix


13 Data_UE3 output signal data for UE3 multiple complexmatrix


14 Data_UE2 output signal data for UE2 multiple complexmatrix


15 Data_UE1 output signal data for UE1 multiple complexmatrix


16 DMRS_UE6 DMRS for UE6 multiple complexmatrix


17 DMRS_UE5 DMRS for UE5 multiple complexmatrix


18 DMRS_UE4 DMRS for UE4 multiple complexmatrix


19 DMRS_UE3 DMRS for UE3 multiple complexmatrix


20 DMRS_UE2 DMRS for UE2 multiple complexmatrix


21 DMRS_UE1 DMRS for UE1 multiple complexmatrix


22 StdOut downlink OFDM symbols without scale factor in oneframe

multiple complex NO


This model is used to de-multiplex LTE Advanced FDD and TDD downlink OFDM1.Symbol into various physical channels (PDCCH, PCFICH, PHICH and PBCH),synchronization signals (RS, PSCH, SSCH), users information (PDSCH1, PDSCH2,...,PDSCH6) and DMRS for each Release 10 users and etc. This model is similar withLTE_DL_DemuxOFDMSym. Please refer to LTE_DL_DemuxOFDMSym (ltebasever).What different with LTE_DL_DemuxOFDMSym are as follows:2.

New added parameters:CRS_NumAntPorts defines the number of CRS antenna ports.UEs_RevMode defines the release version of each UE, 0 for Release 8 and 1for Release 10.UEs_NumOfLayers defines the number of layer for each UE, the number oflayers for Release 10 UE, can be expanded to 8 in case of NumTxAnts setto Tx8.DMRS_Ra defines the UE specific power parameter for each UE.For more details please refer to LTE_A_DL_Src (lteabasever).

Changed parameters:the parameter NumTxAnts and NumRxAnts which can be set 8 Antennasand these multiport input and output ports can be expanded to 8.

See LTE_DL_DemuxOFDMSym (ltebasever) and LTE_A_DL_MuxOFDMSym3.(lteabasever).


3GPP TS 36.211 v10.0.0, "Physical Channels and Modulation", December 2010.1.3GPP TS 36.212 v10.0.0, "Multiplexing and Channel Coding", December 2010.2.3GPP TS 36.213 v10.0.0, "Physical Layer Procedures", December 2010.3.3GPP TS 36.104 v10.0.0, "Base Station (BS) radio transmission and reception",4.September 2010.3GPP TS 36.101 v10.0.0, “User Equipment (UE) radio transmission and reception”,

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5.October 2010.P. Hoeher, S. Kaiser, and P. Robertson. "Two-Dimensional Pilot-Symbol-Aided6.Channel Estimation by Wiener Filtering". Proc. IEEE ICASSP '97, Munich, Germany,pp. 1845-1848, Apr. 1997.

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LTE_A_DL_DemuxSlot PartCategories: Multiplex (lteabasever)

The models associated with this part are listed below. To view detailed information on amodel (description, parameters, equations, notes, etc.), please click the appropriate link.

Model Description


Downlink Slot De-multiplexer for LTE Advanced DL receiver


Description: Downlink Slot De-multiplexer for LTE Advanced DL receiverDomain: UntimedC++ Code Generation Support: NOAssociated Parts: LTE A DL DemuxSlot Part (lteabasever)

Model Parameters

Name Description Default Units Type RuntimeTunable

Bandwidth bandwidth: BW 1.4 MHz, BW 3 MHz, BW 5MHz, BW 10 MHz, BW 15 MHz, BW 20 MHz


Enumeration NO

NumRxAnts number of Rx Antennas: Rx1, Rx2, Rx4, Rx8 Rx8 Enumeration NO

OversamplingOption Ratio 1, Ratio 2, Ratio 4, Ratio 8: Ratio 1,Ratio 2, Ratio 4, Ratio 8

Ratio 2 Enumeration NO

CyclicPrefix type of cyclic prefix: Normal, Extended Normal Enumeration NO

Sym_StartPos start position (without oversampling) to getthe OFDM symbol for FFT operation for long CPand short CP symbols respectively, comparedto the start position of the OFDM body after CP

[-3, -3] Integerarray


Input Ports

Port Name Description Signal Type Optional

1 FrameData input downlink framesymbol

multiple complex NO

Output Ports

Port Name Description Signal Type Optional

2 OFDMSig OFDM signal multiple complex NO


This model is used to de-multiplex LTE Advanced downlink slot. This model is similar1.with LTE_DL_DemuxSlot. Please refer to LTE_DL_DemuxSlot (ltebasever)What different with LTE_DL_DemuxSlot are as follows:2.

Changed parameters:the parameter NumRxAnts can be set 8 Antennas and the multiport portscan be expanded to 8.

See LTE_DL_DemuxSlot (ltebasever) and LTE_A_DL_MuxSlot (lteabasever).3.


3GPP TS 36.211 v10.0.0, "Physical Channels and Modulation", December 2010.1.3GPP TS 36.212 v10.0.0, "Multiplexing and Channel Coding", December 2010.2.3GPP TS 36.213 v10.0.0, "Physical Layer Procedures", December 2010.3.3GPP TS 36.104 v10.0.0, "Base Station (BS) radio transmission and reception",4.September 2010.3GPP TS 36.101 v10.0.0, “User Equipment (UE) radio transmission and reception”,5.October 2010.P. Hoeher, S. Kaiser, and P. Robertson. "Two-Dimensional Pilot-Symbol-Aided6.Channel Estimation by Wiener Filtering". Proc. IEEE ICASSP '97, Munich, Germany,pp. 1845-1848, Apr. 1997.

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LTE_A_DL_MIMO_DemuxCIR PartCategories: Multiplex (lteabasever)

The models associated with this part are listed below. To view detailed information on amodel (description, parameters, equations, notes, etc.), please click the appropriate link.

Model Description


Downlink CIR De-multiplexer in one radioframe


Description: Downlink CIR De-multiplexer in one radio frameDomain: UntimedC++ Code Generation Support: NOAssociated Parts: LTE A DL MIMO DemuxCIR Part (lteabasever)

Model Parameters

Name Description Default Units Type RuntimeTunable

ChEstType the reference signals used in channelestimation: Use DMRS, Use CRS

Use DMRS Enumeration NO

UE_ID : UE 1, UE 2, UE 3, UE 4, UE 5, UE 6 UE 1 Enumeration NO

FrameMode frame mode: FDD, TDD FDD Enumeration NO

TDD_Config downlink and uplink allocations forTDD: Config 0, Config 1, Config 2,Config 3, Config 4, Config 5, Config 6

Config 0 Enumeration NO

SpecialSF_Config special subframe configuration forTDD: Config 0, Config 1, Config 2,Config 3, Config 4, Config 5, Config 6,Config 7, Config 8

Config 4 Enumeration NO

Bandwidth bandwidth: BW 1.4 MHz, BW 3 MHz,BW 5 MHz, BW 10 MHz, BW 15 MHz,BW 20 MHz

BW 5 MHz Enumeration NO

NumTxAnts number of Tx Antennas: Tx1, Tx2,Tx4, Tx8

Tx8 Enumeration NO

CRS_NumAntPorts number of CRS Antenna ports:CRS_Tx1, CRS_Tx2, CRS_Tx4

CRS_Tx4 Enumeration NO

NumRxAnts number of Rx Antennas: Rx1, Rx2,Rx4, Rx8

Rx8 Enumeration NO

CyclicPrefix type of cyclic prefix: Normal, Normal Enumeration NO

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CellID_Sector the index of cell identity within thephysical-layer cell-identity group

0 Integer NO

CellID_Group the index of cell identity group 0 Integer NO

UEs_RevMode release version of each UE, 0 forRelease 8, 1 for Release 10

[1, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0] Integer array NO

UEs_MIMO_Mode MIMO Mode for each UE, 1 for TD, 0for SM

[0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0] Integer array NO

UEs_NumOfLayers number of layers for each UE [8, 8, 8, 2, 2, 2] Integer array NO

RB_MappingType the mapping type of VRBs to PRBs:Localized, Distributed

Localized Enumeration NO

SS_PerTxAnt whether synchronization signals (P-SS and S-SS) are transmitted oneach transmit antenna: NO, YES

NO Enumeration NO

RB_AllocType RB allocation type: StartRB +NumRBs, RB indices (1D), RB indices(2D)

StartRB +NumRBs

Enumeration NO

UE1_RB_Alloc the RB allocation for UE 1, in theformats of [start RB, number of RBs]or [[SF0 start RB, SF0 number ofRBs]; . . .; [SF9 start RB, SF9number of RBs]]

[0, 25] Integer array NO

UE2_RB_Alloc the RB allocation for UE 2, in theformats of [start RB, number of RBs]or [[SF0 start RB, SF0 number ofRBs]; . . .; [SF9 start RB, SF9number of RBs]]

[0, 0] Integer array NO

UE3_RB_Alloc the RB allocation for UE 3, in theformats of [start RB, number of RBs]or [[SF0 start RB, SF0 number ofRBs]; . . .; [SF9 start RB, SF9number of RBs]]

[0, 0] Integer array NO

UE4_RB_Alloc the RB allocation for UE 4, in theformats of [start RB, number of RBs]or [[SF0 start RB, SF0 number ofRBs]; . . .; [SF9 start RB, SF9number of RBs]]

[0, 0] Integer array NO

UE5_RB_Alloc the RB allocation for UE 5, in theformats of [start RB, number of RBs]or [ [SF0 start RB, SF0 number ofRBs]; . . .; [SF9 start RB, SF9number of RBs]]

[0, 0] Integer array NO

UE6_RB_Alloc the RB allocation for UE 6, in theformats of [start RB, number of RBs]or [[SF0 start RB, SF0 number ofRBs]; . . .; [SF9 start RB, SF9number of RBs]]

[0, 0] Integer array NO

PDCCH_SymsPerSF number of OFDM symbols of PDCCHfor each subframe

[2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2,2, 2, 2, 2]

Integer array NO

PHICH_Duration type of PHICH duration:Normal_Duration, Extended_Duration

Normal_Duration Enumeration NO

PHICH_Ng PHICH Ng value: Ng 1/6, Ng 1/2, Ng1, Ng 2

Ng 1/6 Enumeration NO

PCFICH_Rb PCFICH-to-RS EPRE ratio in dB insymbols with RS

0 Float NO

PHICH_Ra PHICH-to-RS EPRE ratio in dB insymbols without RS

0 Float NO

PHICH_Rb PHICH-to-RS EPRE ratio in dB insymbols with RS

0 Float NO

PBCH_Ra PBCH-to-RS EPRE ratio in dB insymbols without RS

0 Float NO

PBCH_Rb PBCH-to-RS EPRE ratio in dB insymbols with RS

0 Float NO

PDCCH_Ra PDCCH-to-RS EPRE ratio in dB insymbols without RS

0 Float NO

PDCCH_Rb PDCCH-to-RS EPRE ratio in dB insymbols with RS

0 Float NO

PDSCH_PowerRatio PDSCH Cell Specific Ratio: p_B/p_A =1, P_B = 0, P_B = 1, P_B = 2, P_B =3

p_B/p_A = 1 Enumeration NO

UEs_Pa UE specific power parameter for eachUE

[0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0] Floating pointarray


PSS_Ra PSS-to-RS EPRE ratio in dB insymbols without RS

0 Float NO

SSS_Ra SSS-to-RS EPRE ratio in dB insymbols without RS

0 Float NO

DMRS_Ra UE specific power parameter forDMRS of each UE

[0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0] Floating pointarray


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SubframeIgnored number of subframes (or transportblocks) that are ignored at thebeginning due to system delay

0 Integer NO

DisplayPortRates whether the port rates and otheruseful information are displayed inSimulation Log window: NO, YES

NO Enumeration NO

Input Ports

Port Name Signal Type Optional

1 H_DataIn complex NO

Output Ports

Port Name Signal Type Optional

2 H_PSCH complex matrix NO

3 H_SSCH complex matrix NO

4 H_PBCH complex matrix NO

5 H_PDCCH complex matrix NO

6 H_PCFICH complex matrix NO

7 H_PHICH complex matrix NO

8 H_Data_UE6 complex matrix NO

9 H_Data_UE5 complex matrix NO

10 H_Data_UE4 complex matrix NO

11 H_Data_UE3 complex matrix NO

12 H_Data_UE2 complex matrix NO

13 H_Data_UE1 complex matrix NO


This model is used to de-multiplex the channel estimation H (which are estimated use1.both DMRS and CRS) of LTE Advanced FDD and TDD downlink signal according tovarious physical channels (PDCCH, PCFICH, PHICH and PBCH), synchronizationsignals (RS, PSCH, SSCH) and users information (PDSCH1, PDSCH2,..., PDSCH6) andetc. This model is similar with LTE_DL_MIMO_DemuxCIR. Please refer toLTE_DL_MIMO_DemuxCIR (ltebasever).What different with LTE_DL_MIMO_DemuxCIR are as follows:2.

New added parameters:ChEstType defines the reference signals used in channel estimation.UE_ID defines which UE's DMRS is used in channel estimation. It is activein case of ChEstType is set to DMRS.CRS_NumAntPorts defines the number of CRS antenna ports.UEs_RevMode defines the release version of each UE, 0 for Release 8 and 1for Release 10.UEs_NumOfLayers defines the number of layer for each UE, the number oflayers for Release 10 UE, can be expanded to 8 in case of NumTxAnts setto Tx8.RB_MappingType defines the mapping type of VRBs to PRBs.DMRS_Ra defines the UE specific power parameter for each UE.For more details please refer to LTE_A_DL_Src (lteabasever).

This model performs the same functionality as LTE_A_DL_DemuxOFDMSym3.(lteabasever) with the exception that, for each resource element, the channelestimation H_i has the size Size_H expressed by NumOfLayers*NumRxAnts tokens incase of ChEstType is set to DMRS or NumOfCRSPorts*NumRxAnts in case ofChEstType is set to Use CRS, so that the number of input tokens is the Size_H timethe number of tokens in LTE_A_DL_MuxOFDMSym; the number of matrix size atoutput ports is the Size_H time the number of matrix size inLTE_A_DL_MuxOFDMSym.See LTE_DL_DemuxOFDMSym (ltebasever) and LTE_A_DL_DemuxOFDMSym4.(lteabasever).


3GPP TS 36.211 v10.0.0, "Physical Channels and Modulation", December 2010.1.3GPP TS 36.212 v10.0.0, "Multiplexing and Channel Coding", December 2010.2.3GPP TS 36.213 v10.0.0, "Physical Layer Procedures", December 2010.3.3GPP TS 36.104 v10.0.0, "Base Station (BS) radio transmission and reception",4.September 2010.3GPP TS 36.101 v10.0.0, “User Equipment (UE) radio transmission and reception”,5.October 2010.P. Hoeher, S. Kaiser, and P. Robertson. "Two-Dimensional Pilot-Symbol-Aided6.Channel Estimation by Wiener Filtering". Proc. IEEE ICASSP '97, Munich, Germany,pp. 1845-1848, Apr. 1997.

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LTE_A_DL_MuxOFDMSym PartCategories: Multiplex (lteabasever)

The models associated with this part are listed below. To view detailed information on amodel (description, parameters, equations, notes, etc.), please click the appropriate link.

Model Description


Downlink OFDM Symbol Multiplexer in one radioframe


Description: Downlink OFDM Symbol Multiplexer in one radio frameDomain: UntimedC++ Code Generation Support: NOAssociated Parts: LTE A DL MuxOFDMSym Part (lteabasever)

Model Parameters

Name Description Default Units Type RuntimeTunable

FrameMode frame mode: FDD, TDD FDD Enumeration NO

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TDD_Config downlink and uplink allocations forTDD: Config 0, Config 1, Config 2,Config 3, Config 4, Config 5, Config6

Config 0 Enumeration NO

SpecialSF_Config special subframe configuration forTDD: Config 0, Config 1, Config 2,Config 3, Config 4, Config 5, Config6, Config 7, Config 8

Config 4 Enumeration NO

Bandwidth bandwidth: BW 1.4 MHz, BW 3MHz, BW 5 MHz, BW 10 MHz, BW15 MHz, BW 20 MHz

BW 5 MHz Enumeration NO

NumTxAnts number of Tx Antennas: Tx1, Tx2,Tx4, Tx8

Tx8 Enumeration NO

CRS_NumAntPorts number of CRS Antenna ports:CRS_Tx1, CRS_Tx2, CRS_Tx4

CRS_Tx2 Enumeration NO

CyclicPrefix type of cyclic prefix: Normal,Extended

Normal Enumeration NO

CellID_Sector the index of cell identity within thephysical-layer cell-identity group

0 Integer NO

CellID_Group the index of cell identity group 0 Integer NO

UEs_RevMode release version of each UE, 0 forRelease 8, 1 for Release 10

[1, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0] Integer array NO

UEs_MIMO_Mode MIMO Mode for each UE, 1 for TD, 0for SM

[0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0] Integer array NO

UEs_NumOfLayers number of layers for each UE [8, 8, 8, 2, 2, 2] Integer array NO

RB_MappingType the mapping type of VRBs to PRBs:Localized, Distributed

Localized Enumeration NO

SS_PerTxAnt whether synchronization signals (P-SS and S-SS) are transmitted oneach transmit antenna: NO, YES

NO Enumeration NO

RB_AllocType RB allocation type: StartRB +NumRBs, RB indices (1D), RBindices (2D)

StartRB + NumRBs Enumeration NO

UE1_RB_Alloc the RB allocation for UE 1, in theformats of [start RB, number ofRBs] or [[SF0 start RB, SF0 numberof RBs]; . . .; [SF9 start RB, SF9number of RBs]]

[0, 25] Integer array NO

UE2_RB_Alloc the RB allocation for UE 2, in theformats of [start RB, number ofRBs] or [[SF0 start RB, SF0 numberof RBs]; . . .; [SF9 start RB, SF9number of RBs]]

[0, 0] Integer array NO

UE3_RB_Alloc the RB allocation for UE 3, in theformats of [start RB, number ofRBs] or [[SF0 start RB, SF0 numberof RBs]; . . .; [SF9 start RB, SF9number of RBs]]

[0, 0] Integer array NO

UE4_RB_Alloc the RB allocation for UE 4, in theformats of [start RB, number ofRBs] or [[SF0 start RB, SF0 numberof RBs]; . . .; [SF9 start RB, SF9number of RBs]]

[0, 0] Integer array NO

UE5_RB_Alloc the RB allocation for UE 5, in theformats of [start RB, number ofRBs] or [ [SF0 start RB, SF0number of RBs]; . . .; [SF9 startRB, SF9 number of RBs]]

[0, 0] Integer array NO

UE6_RB_Alloc the RB allocation for UE 6, in theformats of [start RB, number ofRBs] or [[SF0 start RB, SF0 numberof RBs]; . . .; [SF9 start RB, SF9number of RBs]]

[0, 0] Integer array NO

PDCCH_SymsPerSF number of OFDM symbols of PDCCHfor each subframe

[2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2,2, 2, 2]

Integer array NO

PHICH_Duration type of PHICH duration:Normal_Duration,Extended_Duration

Normal_Duration Enumeration NO

PHICH_Ng PHICH Ng value: Ng 1/6, Ng 1/2,Ng 1, Ng 2

Ng 1/6 Enumeration NO

RS_EPRE transmit energy per resourceelement (RE) for transmitted cellspecific RS for each antenna port, inunit of dBm/15kHz

-25 Float NO

PCFICH_Rb PCFICH-to-RS EPRE ratio in dB insymbols with RS

0 Float NO

PHICH_Ra PHICH-to-RS EPRE ratio in dB insymbols without RS

0 Float NO

PHICH_Rb PHICH-to-RS EPRE ratio in dB in 0 Float NO

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symbols with RS

PBCH_Ra PBCH-to-RS EPRE ratio in dB insymbols without RS

0 Float NO

PBCH_Rb PBCH-to-RS EPRE ratio in dB insymbols with RS

0 Float NO

PDCCH_Ra PDCCH-to-RS EPRE ratio in dB insymbols without RS

0 Float NO

PDCCH_Rb PDCCH-to-RS EPRE ratio in dB insymbols with RS

0 Float NO

PDSCH_PowerRatio PDSCH Cell Specific Ratio: p_B/p_A= 1, P_B = 0, P_B = 1, P_B = 2,P_B = 3

p_B/p_A = 1 Enumeration NO

UEs_Pa UE specific power parameter foreach UE

[0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0] Floatingpoint array


PSS_Ra PSS-to-RS EPRE ratio in dB insymbols without RS

0 Float NO

SSS_Ra SSS-to-RS EPRE ratio in dB insymbols without RS

0 Float NO

DMRS_Ra UE specific power parameter forDMRS of each UE

[0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0] Floatingpoint array


DisplayPortRates whether the port rates and otheruseful information are displayed inSimulation Log window: NO, YES

NO Enumeration NO

ETM_Support whether to support PHICH m =1in all transmitted subframes forTDD E-TM defined in 36.1416.1.2.6: NO, YES

NO Enumeration NO

AntMappingMatrix the user defined antenna mappingmatrix

[1, 0; 0, 1; 0, 0; 0,0; 0, 0; 0, 0; 0, 0;0, 0]



Input Ports

Port Name Description Signal Type Optional

1 Pilots input pilots complex matrix NO

2 PSCH input P-SCH mapping signal complex matrix NO

3 SSCH input S-SCH mapping signal complex matrix NO

4 CSI_RS the CSI RS complex matrix YES

5 PBCH input CCPCH mapping signal multiple complex matrix NO

6 PCFICH input mapping signal of PCFICH multiple complex matrix NO

7 PHICH input mapping signal of PHICH multiple complex matrix NO

8 PDCCH input mapping signal of PDCCH multiple complex matrix NO

9 Data_UE6 input signal data for UE6 multiple complex matrix NO

10 Data_UE5 input signal data for UE5 multiple complex matrix NO

11 Data_UE4 input signal data for UE4 multiple complex matrix NO

12 Data_UE3 input signal data for UE3 multiple complex matrix NO

13 Data_UE2 input signal data for UE2 multiple complex matrix NO

14 Data_UE1 input signal data for UE1 multiple complex matrix NO

15 DMRS_UE6 DMRS for UE6 multiple complex matrix YES

16 DMRS_UE5 DMRS for UE5 multiple complex matrix YES

17 DMRS_UE4 DMRS for UE4 multiple complex matrix YES

18 DMRS_UE3 DMRS for UE3 multiple complex matrix YES

19 DMRS_UE2 DMRS for UE2 multiple complex matrix YES

20 DMRS_UE1 DMRS for UE1 multiple complex matrix YES

Output Ports

Port Name Description Signal Type Optional

21 DataOut downlink OFDM symbols in one frame multiple complex NO

22 StdOut downlink OFDM symbols without scale factor in one frame multiple complex NO

23 SC_Status downlink subcarrier (resource element) status in oneframe

multiple int NO


This model is used to constitute LTE Advanced FDD and TDD downlink OFDM Symbol.1.It multiplexes control channels PCFICH, PHICH PDCCH and PBCH), synchronizationsignals (PSS, SSS, RS and DMRS) and data channels PDSCH1 to PDSCH6 into oneOFDM frame. This model is similar with LTE_DL_MuxOFDMSym except that there arenew added DMRS for Release 10 UEs. Please refer to LTE_DL_MuxOFDMSym(ltebasever).What different with LTE_DL_MuxOFDMSym are as follows:2.

New added parameters:

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CRS_NumAntPorts defines the number of CRS antenna ports.UEs_RevMode defines the release version of each UE, 0 for Release 8 and 1for Release 10.UEs_NumOfLayers defines the number of layer for each UE, the number oflayers for Release 10 UE, can be expanded to 8 in case of NumTxAnts setto Tx8.DMRS_Ra defines the UE specific power parameter for each UE.AntMappingMatrix specifies the user-defined antenna mapping matrix.For more details please refer to LTE_A_NewAddedParameters(lteabasever).

Changed parameters:the parameter NumTxAnts can be set to 8 Antennas and so the input andoutput port can be expanded to 8.

Changed functionalityThe Downlink Resource Grid is same as 3GPP LTE System. The controlchannel, PHICH, PCFICH, PDCCH and PBCH are mapped to the resourceelements same as the LTE. The physical signals, the primary synchronizationsignal (PSS), the secondary synchronization signal (SSS) and the CRS aremapped to the resource elements same as the LTE.But for LTE Advanced, there are new added DMRS for each Release 10 UE thatneed mapped to the resource elements. Figure in [1], illustrates theresource elements used for UE-specific reference signals for normal cyclic prefixfor antenna ports 7, 8, 9 and 10.

Figure illustrates the resource elements used for UE-specificreference signals for extended cyclic prefix for antenna ports 7, 8.

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If the REs labeled in these figures above are allocated for other physicalchannel/signals (such as PSS), there will be no DMRS.

For all the input and output multiple ports, the bus width should be equal to the3.number of Tx antennas which defined by NumTxAnts parameter.For ith firing, Subframe#(i%10) is processed, where 10 is the number of subframesin one radio frame.

Each firing, for each antenna port, one Matrix-based token is consumed at eachinput port.The matrix vector sizes needed at ports Data_UEx (x is 1~6) are equal to thenumber of resource elements (REs) allocated to this UE (PDSCH) in one radioframe (10 subframes). For more information on how to get the number ofallocated REs given the UEx_RB_Alloc parameter (x is 1~6), refer to ResourceBlock Allocation (lteabasever) and Channel Bits Calculation (lteabasever).For other control channels, the matrix vector sizes needed at correspondinginput ports are equal to the number of resource elements (REs) allocated tocontrol channels.For DMRS_UEx (x is 1~6), which are optional, if there are Release 10 UEs,corresponding DMRS port for this UE is must connected. The matrix vector sizesneeded at corresponding input ports are equal to the number of resourceelements (REs) allocated to this UE’s DMRS.For output ports, the number of tokens produced is equal to the number ofresource elements (REs) in one subframe, determined by the Bandwidth andCyclicPrefix parameter.

For each channel, when the input matrix vector size is less than the desired matrix vectorsize, an error message will be given, showing the desired matrix vector size and the actualmatrix vector size which are helpful for troubleshooting.when the input matrix vector size is greater than the desired matrix vector size, thesimulation will continue and the desired data are collected from the beginning of the inputmatrix vector.

The output at port SC_Status is the status for each subcarrier (resource element).4.The first value is the status for the first subcarrier (resource element) in the firstOFDM symbol, and then the second is for the second subcarrier (resource element) inthe first OFDM symbol. When the last subcarrier (resource element) in the first OFDMsymbol is output, then next the first subcarrier (resource element) in the secondOFDM symbol is output, and so on. The 8 LSB bits of each status value represent thechannel type allocated on each subcarrier (resource element). The meaning of the8 LSB bits is shown in the table below:

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Value ChannelType


1 RS







8 PDSCH 1 (UE 1)

9 PDSCH 2 (UE 2)

10 PDSCH 3 (UE 3)

11 PDSCH 4 (UE 4)

12 PDSCH 5 (UE 5)

13 PDSCH 6 (UE 6)

14 DMRS_UE 1

15 DMRS_UE 2

16 DMRS_UE 3

17 DMRS_UE 4

18 DMRS_UE 5

19 DMRS_UE 6

See LTE_DL_MuxOFDMSym (ltebasever) and LTE_A_DL_DemuxOFDMSym5.(lteabasever).


3GPP TS 36.211 v10.0.0, "Physical Channels and Modulation", December 2010.1.3GPP TS 36.212 v10.0.0, "Multiplexing and Channel Coding", December 2010.2.3GPP TS 36.213 v10.0.0, "Physical Layer Procedures", December 2010.3.3GPP TS 36.104 v10.0.0, "Base Station (BS) radio transmission and reception",4.September 2010.3GPP TS 36.101 v10.0.0, “User Equipment (UE) radio transmission and reception”,5.October 2010.P. Hoeher, S. Kaiser, and P. Robertson. "Two-Dimensional Pilot-Symbol-Aided6.Channel Estimation by Wiener Filtering". Proc. IEEE ICASSP '97, Munich, Germany,pp. 1845-1848, Apr. 1997.

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LTE_A_DL_MuxSlot PartCategories: Multiplex (lteabasever)

The models associated with this part are listed below. To view detailed information on amodel (description, parameters, equations, notes, etc.), please click the appropriate link.

Model Description


Downlink slotmultiplexer


Description: Downlink slot multiplexerDomain: UntimedC++ Code Generation Support: NOAssociated Parts: LTE A DL MuxSlot Part (lteabasever)

Model Parameters

Name Description Default Units Type RuntimeTunable

Bandwidth bandwidth: BW 1.4 MHz, BW 3 MHz, BW 5MHz, BW 10 MHz, BW 15 MHz, BW 20 MHz


Enumeration NO

OversamplingOption Ratio 1, Ratio 2, Ratio 4, Ratio 8: Ratio 1,Ratio 2, Ratio 4, Ratio 8

Ratio 2 Enumeration NO

CyclicPrefix type of cyclic prefix: Normal, Extended Normal Enumeration NO

NumTxAnts number of Tx Antennas: Tx1, Tx2, Tx4, Tx8 Tx8 Enumeration NO

Input Ports

Port Name Description Signal Type Optional

1 OFDMSig input OFDMsymbol

multiple complex NO

Output Ports

Port Name Description Signal Type Optional

2 FrameData downlink frame signal multiple complex NO


This model is used to multiplex LTE Advanced downlink slot. This model is similar1.with LTE_DL_MuxSlot. Please refer to LTE_DL_MuxSlot (ltebasever)What different with LTE_DL_MuxSlot are as follows:2.

Changed parameters:the parameter NumTxAnts can be set 8 Antennas and the multiport portscan be expanded to 8.

See LTE_DL_MuxSlot (ltebasever) and LTE_A_DL_DemuxSlot (lteabasever).3.


3GPP TS 36.211 v10.0.0, "Physical Channels and Modulation", December 2010.1.3GPP TS 36.212 v10.0.0, "Multiplexing and Channel Coding", December 2010.2.3GPP TS 36.213 v10.0.0, "Physical Layer Procedures", December 2010.3.3GPP TS 36.104 v10.0.0, "Base Station (BS) radio transmission and reception",4.September 2010.3GPP TS 36.101 v10.0.0, “User Equipment (UE) radio transmission and reception”,5.October 2010.P. Hoeher, S. Kaiser, and P. Robertson. "Two-Dimensional Pilot-Symbol-Aided6.Channel Estimation by Wiener Filtering". Proc. IEEE ICASSP '97, Munich, Germany,pp. 1845-1848, Apr. 1997.

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LTE_A_UL_DemuxFrame PartCategories: Multiplex (lteabasever)

The models associated with this part are listed below. To view detailed information on amodel (description, parameters, equations, notes, etc.), please click the appropriate link.

Model Description


Uplink radio frame de-multiplexer with frequency offset compensator


Description: Uplink radio frame de-multiplexer with frequency offset compensatorDomain: UntimedC++ Code Generation Support: NOAssociated Parts: LTE A UL DemuxFrame Part (lteabasever)

Model Parameters

Name Description Default Units Type RuntimeTunable

FrameMode frame mode: FDD, TDD FDD Enumeration NO

Bandwidth bandwidth: BW 1.4 MHz, BW 3 MHz, BW 5MHz, BW 10 MHz, BW 15 MHz, BW 20 MHz

BW 5 MHz Enumeration NO

OversamplingOption Ratio 1, Ratio 2, Ratio 4, Ratio 8: Ratio 1,Ratio 2, Ratio 4, Ratio 8

Ratio 2 Enumeration NO

NumRxAnts number of Rx Antennas: Rx1, Rx2, Rx4 Rx1 Enumeration NO

PreDownsampling pre-downsampling to 1X symbol rate ornot: NO, YES

NO Enumeration NO

ReceiverDelay receiver delay ( One frame delay is fornon-HARQ; One subframe delay is forclosed-loop HARQ.: One frame delay(10ms), One subframe delay (1ms)

Onesubframedelay (1ms)

Enumeration NO

Input Ports

Port Name Description Signal Type Optional

1 DataIn data in multiple complex NO

2 index propagation delay insamples

multiple int NO

3 DeltaF frequency offset multiple real float NO

Output Ports

Port Name Description Signal Type Optional

4 DataOut data out multiple complex NO


This model is used to demultiplex LTE uplink frame, which includes pre-1.downsampling and compensating time and carrier frequency offsets. This model issimilar with LTE_UL_DemuxFrame. Please refer to LTE_UL_DemuxFrame (ltebasever)except that this model supports multiport for the case of multi-RxAnts.What different with LTE_UL_DemuxFrame are as follows:2.

Changed parameters:NumRxAnts defines the number of receive antennas. This parameter can beset to 1, 2, or 4. And so the input and output ports can be expanded to 2 or4.


3GPP TS 36.211 v10.0.0, "Physical Channels and Modulation", December 2010.1.3GPP TS 36.212 v10.0.0, "Multiplexing and Channel Coding", December 2010.2.3GPP TS 36.213 v10.0.0, "Physical Layer Procedures", December 2010.3.3GPP TS 36.104 v10.0.0, "Base Station (BS) radio transmission and reception",4.September 2010.

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3GPP TS 36.101 v10.0.0, “User Equipment (UE) radio transmission and reception”,5.October 2010.P. Hoeher, S. Kaiser, and P. Robertson. "Two-Dimensional Pilot-Symbol-Aided6.Channel Estimation by Wiener Filtering". Proc. IEEE ICASSP '97, Munich, Germany,pp. 1845-1848, Apr. 1997.

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LTE_A_UL_DemuxSCFDMASym PartCategories: Multiplex (lteabasever)

The models associated with this part are listed below. To view detailed information on amodel (description, parameters, equations, notes, etc.), please click the appropriate link.

Model Description


Uplink SC-FDMA symbol Demultiplexer


Description: Uplink SC-FDMA symbol DemultiplexerDomain: UntimedC++ Code Generation Support: NOAssociated Parts: LTE A UL DemuxSCFDMASym Part (lteabasever)

Model Parameters

Name Description Default Units Type RuntimeTunable

FrameMode frame mode: FDD, TDD FDD Enumeration NO

TDD_Config downlink and uplink allocations forTDD: Config 0, Config 1, Config 2,Config 3, Config 4, Config 5, Config 6

Config 0 Enumeration NO

SpecialSF_Config special subframe configuration forTDD: Config 0, Config 1, Config 2,Config 3, Config 4, Config 5, Config 6,Config 7, Config 8

Config 4 Enumeration NO

Bandwidth bandwidth: BW 1.4 MHz, BW 3 MHz,BW 5 MHz, BW 10 MHz, BW 15 MHz,BW 20 MHz

BW 5 MHz Enumeration NO

CyclicPrefix type of cyclic prefix: Normal,Extended

Normal Enumeration NO

CellID_Sector the index of cell identity within thephysical-layer cell-identity group

0 Integer NO

CellID_Group the index of cell identity group 0 Integer NO

NumTxAnts number of Tx Antennas: Tx1, Tx2,Tx4

Tx1 Enumeration NO

NumRxAnts number of Rx Antennas: Rx1, Rx2,Rx4

Rx1 Enumeration NO

FrameNum frame number 0 Integer NO

FrameIncreased frame number increasing or not: NO,YES

NO Enumeration NO

RB_AllocType RB allocation type: StartRB +NumRBs, RB indices (1D), RB indices(2D)

StartRB +NumRBs

Enumeration NO

RB_Alloc the RB allocation for the UE, in theformats of [start RB, number of RBs]or [[SF0 start RB, SF0 number ofRBs]; . . .; [SF9 start RB, SF9number of RBs]]

[0, 25] Integerarray


DL_CyclicPrefix type of cyclic prefix in downlink:Normal, Extended

Normal Enumeration NO


PUSCH Enumeration NO

DFTSwap_Enable PUSCH DFT swap is enable: NO, YES NO Enumeration NO

PUSCH_HoppingEnable whether PUSCH frequency-hopping is NO Enumeration NO

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enabled or not: NO, YES

PUSCH_HoppingMode PUSCH frequency hopping mode:interSubFrame,intraAndInterSubFrame

interSubFrame Enumeration NO

PUSCH_HoppingOffset the offset used for PUSCH frequencyhopping

0 Integer NO

PUSCH_Hopping_Nsb number of sub-bands for PUSCHfrequency hopping

1 Integer NO

PUSCH_HoppingBits information in hopping bits: 0 or 00,1 or 01, 10, 11

0 or 00 Enumeration NO

PUCCH_Format PUCCH format: Format 1, Format 1a,Format 1b, Shortened 1, Shortened1a, Shortened 1b, Format 2, Format2a, Format 2b

Format 1 Enumeration NO

PUCCH_Delta_shift used to calculate PUCCH cyclic shiftAlfa

1 Integer NO

PUCCH_SF_Alloc which sub frames contain the PUCCH,valid when PUCCH_PUSCH is otherthan PUSCH

[2] Integerarray


PUCCH_NRB2 number of RBs used for transmisstionPUCCH format 2/2a/2b

0 Integer NO

PUCCH_n1 resources used for transmisstionPUCCH format 1/1a/1b

[0] Integerarray


PUCCH_n2 resources used for transmisstionPUCCH format 2/2a/2b

[0] Integerarray


PRACH_Enable whether or not to enable PRACH: NO,YES

YES Enumeration NO

PRACH_Config PRACH configuration index 0 Integer NO

PRACH_ResourceIndex the PRACH Resource Index. In FDD, itindicates the subframe number wherethe preamble starts; in TDD, itindicates the preamble mapping intime and frequency

[1] Integerarray


PRACH_RBOffset PRACH frequency offset, the first RBavailable for PRACH

0 Integer NO

SRS_Enable sounding reference symbol is enable:NO, YES

NO Enumeration NO

SRS_BandwidthConfig the cell-specific SRS bandwidthconfiguration

7 Integer NO

SRS_SF_Config the cell-specific SRS subframeconfiguration

0 Integer NO

SRS_MaxUpPts whether enable the reconfiguration ofmaximum m_SRS_0 or not: NO, YES

NO Enumeration NO

SRS_Bandwidth the UE-specific SRS bandwidth 0 Integer NO

SRS_HoppingBandwidth the SRS hopping bandwidth 3 Integer NO

SRS_FreqPosition the SRS frequency domain position 0 Integer NO

SRS_ConfigIndex the UE-specific SRS configuration 0 Integer NO

SRS_TransmissionComb transmission comb 0 Integer NO

PUSCH_PwrOffset the power offset in dB for PUSCH 0 Float NO

PUSCH_RS_PwrOffset the power offset in dB for PUSCH RS 0 Float NO

PUCCH_PwrOffset the power offset in dB for PUCCH 0 Float NO

PUCCH_RS_PwrOffset the power offset in dB for PUCCH RS 0 Float NO

SRS_PwrOffset the power offset in dB for SRS 0 Float NO

SubframeIgnored number of subframes (or transportblocks) that are ignored at thebeginning due to system delay

0 Integer NO

DisplayPortRates whether the port rates and otheruseful information are displayed inSimulation Log window: NO, YES

NO Enumeration NO

Input Ports

Port Name Description Signal Type Optional

1 Input uplink SCFDMA symbols in oneframe

multiple complex NO

Output Ports

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Port Name Description Signal Type Optional

2 PUSCH_Sym uplink Shared Channel Symbol multiple complex matrix NO

3 PUCCH_Sym uplink Control ChannelSymbol

multiple complex matrix NO

4 PUSCH_RS uplink Shared Channel DMRS multiple complex matrix NO

5 PUCCH_RS uplink Control Channel DMRS multiple complex matrix NO

6 SRS uplink sounding RS multiple complex matrix NO

7 RBOut valid RB output without RS multiple complex matrix NO


This model is used to de-multiplex UL frames into physical channels and physical1.signals. PUSCH, PUCCH, DMRS for PUSCH, DMRS for PUCCH and Sounding referencesignals are output. This model is similar with LTE_UL_DemuxSCFDMASym. Pleaserefer to LTE_UL_DemuxSCFDMASym (ltebasever).What different with LTE_DL_MuxOFDMSym are as follows:2.

input and output ports are multiport with the bus width decided by the numberof Rx antennas.New added parameters:

NumTxAnts defines the number of Tx antennas. In this model, NumTxAntsdecides the antenna ports used for PUCCH transmission. If number of Txantenna is Tx1, the antenna ports used for PUCCH is 1, otherwise, 2.NumRxAnts defines the number of Rx antennas. NumRxAnts can be set toRx1, Rx2 or Rx4, and so the input and output ports are multiport which canbe expanded to 2 or 4.

Changed parameters:PUCCH_n1 defines the resources used for transmission PUCCH format1/1a/1b on each antenna port.PUCCH_n2 defines the resources used for transmission PUCCH format2/2a/2b on each antenna port.These 2 parameters can have the size 1x1 or 1xNumOfPUCCHAntPorts. Ifthey have size 1x1, it means that same resources are used for PUCCH(s)transmitted on each antenna port. For more details, please refer toLTE_A_NewAddedParameters (lteabasever).

Each firing,3.NumberREsPerSubframe tokens are consumed at each bus of port Input, whereNumberREsPerSubframe is the total number of REs in each subframe.NumberREsPerSubframe = NumOfTotalRBs * 12 (subcarriers per RB) *NumberOfSymbolsPerSubframe.1 matrix token is produced at each bus of port PUSCH_Sym, the size of thematrix token is equal to the number of REs allocated for PUSCH transmission inthis subframe. If PUSCH is not transmitted in this subframe, the output matrixtoken is empty.1 matrix token is produced at each bus of port PUCCH_Sym, the size of thematrix token is equal to the number of REs allocated for PUCCH transmission inthis subframe. If PUCCH is not transmitted in this subframe, the output matrixtoken is empty.1 matrix token is produced at each bus of port PUSCH_RS, the size of the matrixtoken is equal to the number of REs allocated for PUSCH DMRS transmission inthis subframe. If PUSCH is not transmitted in this subframe, the output matrixtoken is empty.1 matrix token is produced at each bus of port PUCCH_RS, the size of the matrixtoken is equal to the number of REs allocated for PUCCH DMRS transmission inthis subframe. If PUCCH is not transmitted in this subframe, the output matrixtoken is empty.1 matrix token is produced at each bus of port SRS, the size of the matrix tokenis equal to the number of REs allocated for SRS transmission in this subframe. IfSRS is not transmitted in this subframe, the output matrix token is empty.1 matrix token is produced at each bus of port RBOut, the size of matrix token isequal to the number of REs allocated for PUSCH and PUCCH transmission.For the default parameter configurations, NumberREsPerSubframe = 7200; thesize of matrix token output at PUSCH_Sym is 3600; the size of matrix tokenoutput at PUSCH_RS is 600; the matrix tokens output at PUCCH_Sym andPUCCH_RS are empty; the matrix token output at SRS is empty; the size ofmatrix token output at RBOut is 3600.

Port RBout output data symbols transmitted in each allocated RB for PUSCH and4.PUCCH. Reference signals are not output from this port.For the first SubframeIgnored subframes(firings), this model does nothing on the5.input but produces empty tokens at all output ports.It should be noted that the parameter DFTSwap_Enable should be set to NO6.according to the LTE Advanced specifications.See LTE_A_UL_MuxSCFDMASym (lteabasever).7.

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For more information on the mapping of UL physical channels and signals, please refer toLTE_A_UL_MuxSCFDMASym (lteabasever).For more information on the Parameters details please refer to LTE_UL_Parameters(lteabasever).


3GPP TS 36.211 v10.0.0, "Physical Channels and Modulation", December 2010.1.3GPP TS 36.212 v10.0.0, "Multiplexing and Channel Coding", December 2010.2.3GPP TS 36.213 v10.0.0, "Physical Layer Procedures", December 2010.3.3GPP TS 36.104 v10.0.0, "Base Station (BS) radio transmission and reception",4.September 2010.3GPP TS 36.101 v10.0.0, “User Equipment (UE) radio transmission and reception”,5.October 2010.P. Hoeher, S. Kaiser, and P. Robertson. "Two-Dimensional Pilot-Symbol-Aided6.Channel Estimation by Wiener Filtering". Proc. IEEE ICASSP '97, Munich, Germany,pp. 1845-1848, Apr. 1997.

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LTE_A_UL_DemuxSlot PartCategories: Multiplex (lteabasever)

The models associated with this part are listed below. To view detailed information on amodel (description, parameters, equations, notes, etc.), please click the appropriate link.

Model Description


Uplink slot de-multiplexer


Description: Uplink slot de-multiplexerDomain: UntimedC++ Code Generation Support: NOAssociated Parts: LTE A UL DemuxSlot Part (lteabasever)

Model Parameters

Name Description Default Units Type RuntimeTunable

Bandwidth bandwidth: BW 1.4 MHz, BW 3 MHz, BW 5MHz, BW 10 MHz, BW 15 MHz, BW 20 MHz


Enumeration NO

OversamplingOption Ratio 1, Ratio 2, Ratio 4, Ratio 8: Ratio 1,Ratio 2, Ratio 4, Ratio 8

Ratio 2 Enumeration NO

CyclicPrefix type of cyclic prefix: Normal, Extended Normal Enumeration NO

NumRxAnts number of Rx Antennas: Rx1, Rx2, Rx4 Rx1 Enumeration NO

HalfCarrierShift_Enable whether or not to enable 1/2 subcarriershifting: NO, YES

YES Enumeration NO

Sym_StartPos start position (without oversampling) to getthe OFDM symbol for FFT operation for longCP and short CP symbols respectively,compared to the start position of the OFDMbody after CP

[-3 -3] Integerarray


Input Ports

Port Name Description Signal Type Optional

1 SlotData slot signal multiple complex NO

Output Ports

Port Name Description Signal Type Optional

2 DemuxSlotData SC-FDMA datasymbol

multiple complex NO


This model is used to demultiplex each slot into seven and six SC-FDMA symbols for1.normal cyclic prefix and extended cyclic prefix respectively, where the start of eachoutput SC-FDMA symbol is calculated from Sym_StartPos.This model is similar withLTE_UL_DemuxSlot. Please refer to LTE_UL_DemuxSlot (ltebasever) except that thismodel supports multiport for the case of multi-RxAnts.What different with LTE_UL_DemuxSlot are as follows:2.

New added parameters:NumRxAnts defines the number of Rx antennas. This parameter can be setto 1, 2, or 4. And so the input and output ports can be expanded to 2 or 4.

See LTE_A_UL_MuxSlot (lteabasever).3.


3GPP TS 36.211 v10.0.0, "Physical Channels and Modulation", December 2010.1.3GPP TS 36.212 v10.0.0, "Multiplexing and Channel Coding", December 2010.2.3GPP TS 36.213 v10.0.0, "Physical Layer Procedures", December 2010.3.3GPP TS 36.104 v10.0.0, "Base Station (BS) radio transmission and reception",4.September 2010.3GPP TS 36.101 v10.0.0, “User Equipment (UE) radio transmission and reception”,5.October 2010.P. Hoeher, S. Kaiser, and P. Robertson. "Two-Dimensional Pilot-Symbol-Aided6.

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Channel Estimation by Wiener Filtering". Proc. IEEE ICASSP '97, Munich, Germany,pp. 1845-1848, Apr. 1997.

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LTE_A_UL_MuxFrame PartCategories: Multiplex (lteabasever)

The models associated with this part are listed below. To view detailed information on amodel (description, parameters, equations, notes, etc.), please click the appropriate link.

Model Description


Uplink radio framemultiplexer


Description: Uplink radio frame multiplexerDomain: UntimedC++ Code Generation Support: NOAssociated Parts: LTE A UL MuxFrame Part (lteabasever)

Model Parameters

Name Description Default Units Type RuntimeTunable

FrameMode frame mode: FDD, TDD FDD Enumeration NO

TDD_Config downlink and uplink allocations for TDD:Config 0, Config 1, Config 2, Config 3,Config 4, Config 5, Config 6

Config 0 Enumeration NO

Bandwidth bandwidth: BW 1.4 MHz, BW 3 MHz, BW 5MHz, BW 10 MHz, BW 15 MHz, BW 20 MHz


Enumeration NO

OversamplingOption Ratio 1, Ratio 2, Ratio 4, Ratio 8: Ratio 1,Ratio 2, Ratio 4, Ratio 8

Ratio 2 Enumeration NO

NumTxAnts number of Tx Antennas: Tx1, Tx2, Tx4 Tx1 Enumeration NO

FrameNum frame number 0 Integer NO

FrameIncreased frame number increasing or not: NO, YES NO Enumeration NO

PRACH_Enable whether or not to enable PRACH: NO, YES YES Enumeration NO

PRACH_Config PRACH configuration index 0 Integer NO

PRACH_ResourceIndex the PRACH Resource Index. In FDD, itindicates the subframe number where thepreamble starts; in TDD, it indicates thepreamble mapping in time and frequency

[1] Integerarray


DisplayPortRates whether the port rates and other usefulinformation are displayed in Simulation Logwindow: NO, YES

NO Enumeration NO

Input Ports

Port Name Description Signal Type Optional

1 DataIn data in multiple complex NO

2 RACHIn RACH in multiple complex NO

Output Ports

Port Name Description Signal Type Optional

3 DataOut data out multiple complex NO


This model is used to multiplex slots and PRACH signal into one uplink radio frame for1.both FDD and TDD mode. This model is similar with LTE_UL_MuxFrame. Please referto LTE_UL_MuxFrame (ltebasever) except that this model supports multiport for thecase of multi-TxAnts.What different with LTE_UL_MuxFrame are as follows:2.

Changed parameters:NumTxAnts defines the number of Tx antennas. This parameter can be setto Tx1, Tx2 or Tx4. And so the input and output ports can be expanded to 2or 4.

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3GPP TS 36.211 v10.0.0, "Physical Channels and Modulation", December 2010.1.3GPP TS 36.212 v10.0.0, "Multiplexing and Channel Coding", December 2010.2.3GPP TS 36.213 v10.0.0, "Physical Layer Procedures", December 2010.3.3GPP TS 36.104 v10.0.0, "Base Station (BS) radio transmission and reception",4.September 2010.3GPP TS 36.101 v10.0.0, “User Equipment (UE) radio transmission and reception”,5.October 2010.P. Hoeher, S. Kaiser, and P. Robertson. "Two-Dimensional Pilot-Symbol-Aided6.Channel Estimation by Wiener Filtering". Proc. IEEE ICASSP '97, Munich, Germany,pp. 1845-1848, Apr. 1997.

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LTE_A_UL_MuxSCFDMASym PartCategories: Multiplex (lteabasever)

The models associated with this part are listed below. To view detailed information on amodel (description, parameters, equations, notes, etc.), please click the appropriate link.

Model Description


Uplink SC-FDMA symbolmultiplexer


Description: Uplink SC-FDMA symbol multiplexerDomain: UntimedC++ Code Generation Support: NOAssociated Parts: LTE A UL MuxSCFDMASym Part (lteabasever)

Model Parameters

Name Description Default Units Type RuntimeTunable

FrameMode frame mode: FDD, TDD FDD Enumeration NO

TDD_Config downlink and uplink allocations forTDD: Config 0, Config 1, Config 2,Config 3, Config 4, Config 5, Config 6

Config 0 Enumeration NO

SpecialSF_Config special subframe configuration forTDD: Config 0, Config 1, Config 2,Config 3, Config 4, Config 5, Config 6,Config 7, Config 8

Config 4 Enumeration NO

Bandwidth bandwidth: BW 1.4 MHz, BW 3 MHz,BW 5 MHz, BW 10 MHz, BW 15 MHz,BW 20 MHz

BW 5 MHz Enumeration NO

CyclicPrefix type of cyclic prefix: Normal,Extended

Normal Enumeration NO

CellID_Sector the index of cell identity within thephysical-layer cell-identity group

0 Integer NO

CellID_Group the index of cell identity group 0 Integer NO

NumTxAnts number of Tx Antennas: Tx1, Tx2,Tx4

Tx1 Enumeration NO

FrameNum frame number 0 Integer NO

FrameIncreased frame number increasing or not: NO,YES

NO Enumeration NO

RB_AllocType RB allocation type: StartRB +NumRBs, RB indices (1D), RB indices(2D)

StartRB +NumRBs

Enumeration NO

RB_Alloc the RB allocation for the UE, in theformats of [start RB, number of RBs]or [[SF0 start RB, SF0 number ofRBs]; . . .; [SF9 start RB, SF9number of RBs]]

[0, 25] Integerarray


DL_CyclicPrefix type of cyclic prefix in downlink:Normal, Extended

Normal Enumeration NO

Printf_RB_SF_Alloc print the RB_SF allocation to file: NO,YES

NO Enumeration NO


PUSCH Enumeration NO

DFTSwap_Enable PUSCH DFT swap is enable: NO, YES NO Enumeration NO

PUSCH_HoppingEnable whether PUSCH frequency-hopping is NO Enumeration NO

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enabled or not: NO, YES

PUSCH_HoppingMode PUSCH frequency hopping mode:interSubFrame,intraAndInterSubFrame

interSubFrame Enumeration NO

PUSCH_HoppingOffset the offset used for PUSCH frequencyhopping

0 Integer NO

PUSCH_Hopping_Nsb number of sub-bands for PUSCHfrequency hopping

1 Integer NO

PUSCH_HoppingBits information in hopping bits: 0 or 00,1 or 01, 10, 11

0 or 00 Enumeration NO

PUCCH_Format PUCCH format: Format 1, Format 1a,Format 1b, Shortened 1, Shortened1a, Shortened 1b, Format 2, Format2a, Format 2b

Format 1 Enumeration NO

PUCCH_Delta_shift used to calculate PUCCH cyclic shiftAlfa

1 Integer NO

PUCCH_SF_Alloc which sub frames contain the PUCCH,valid when PUCCH_PUSCH is otherthan PUSCH

[2] Integerarray


PUCCH_NRB2 number of RBs used for transmisstionPUCCH format 2/2a/2b

0 Integer NO

PUCCH_n1 resources used for transmisstionPUCCH format 1/1a/1b

[0] Integerarray


PUCCH_n2 resources used for transmisstionPUCCH format 2/2a/2b

[0] Integerarray


PRACH_Enable whether or not to enable PRACH: NO,YES

NO Enumeration NO

PRACH_Config PRACH configuration index 0 Integer NO

PRACH_ResourceIndex the PRACH Resource Index. In FDD, itindicates the subframe number wherethe preamble starts; in TDD, itindicates the preamble mapping intime and frequency

[1] Integerarray


PRACH_RBOffset PRACH frequency offset, the first RBavailable for PRACH

0 Integer NO

SRS_Enable sounding reference symbol is enable:NO, YES

NO Enumeration NO

SRS_BandwidthConfig the cell-specific SRS bandwidthconfiguration

7 Integer NO

SRS_SF_Config the cell-specific SRS subframeconfiguration

0 Integer NO

SRS_MaxUpPts whether enable the reconfiguration ofmaximum m_SRS_0 or not: NO, YES

NO Enumeration NO

SRS_Bandwidth the UE-specific SRS bandwidth 0 Integer NO

SRS_HoppingBandwidth the SRS hopping bandwidth 3 Integer NO

SRS_FreqPosition the SRS frequency domain position 0 Integer NO

SRS_ConfigIndex the UE-specific SRS configuration 0 Integer NO

SRS_TransmissionComb transmission comb 0 Integer NO

PUSCH_PwrOffset the power offset in dB for PUSCH 0 Float NO

PUSCH_RS_PwrOffset the power offset in dB for PUSCH RS 0 Float NO

PUCCH_PwrOffset the power offset in dB for PUCCH 0 Float NO

PUCCH_RS_PwrOffset the power offset in dB for PUCCH RS 0 Float NO

SRS_PwrOffset the power offset in dB for SRS 0 Float NO

DisplayPortRates whether the port rates and otheruseful information are displayed inSimulation Log window: NO, YES

NO Enumeration NO

Input Ports

Port Name Description Signal Type Optional

1 Sym_PUCCH uplink Control Channel Symbol multiple complex matrix NO

2 RS_PUCCH uplink PUCCH Reference Signal multiple complex matrix NO

3 Sym_PUSCH uplink Shared Channel Symbol multiple complex matrix NO

4 RS_PUSCH uplink PUSCH Reference Signal multiple complex matrix NO

5 SRS uplink Sounding Reference Signal multiple complex matrix NO

Output Ports

Port Name Description Signal Type Optional

6 Output uplink SCFDMA symbols in one frame multiple complex NO

7 Out uplink SCFDMA symbols without scale factor and gain inone frame

multiple complex NO

8 RBOut valid RB output without RS multiple complexmatrix


9 Channel_Type Output the channel and RS type for each output data multiple int NO

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This model is used to multiplex uplink SC-FDMA symbols of one radio frame. Data for1.PUSCH, PUCCH and reference signals are mapped onto the allocated physicalresources. This model is similar with LTE_UL_MuxSCFDMASym. Please refer toLTE_UL_MuxSCFDMASym (ltebasever).What different with LTE_DL_MuxOFDMSym are as follows:2.

input and output ports are multiport with the bus width decided by the numberof Tx antennas.New added parameters:

NumTxAnts defines the number of Tx antennas. In this model, NumTxAntscan be set to Tx1, Tx2 or Tx4. If number of Tx antenna is Tx1, the antennaports used for PUCCH is 1, otherwise, 2.

Changed parameters:PUCCH_n1 defines the resources used for transmission PUCCH format1/1a/1b on each antenna port.PUCCH_n2 defines the resources used for transmission PUCCH format2/2a/2b on each antenna port.These 2 parameters can have the size 1x1 or 1xNumOfPUCCHAntPorts. Ifthey have size 1x1, it means that same resources are used for PUCCH(s)transmitted on each antenna port. For more details, please refer toLTE_A_NewAddedParameters (lteabasever).

Each firing,3.1 matrix token is consumed at each bus of port Sym_PUCCH, the size of thematrix token should be equal to the number of REs allocated for PUCCHtransmission in this subframe. If PUCCH is not transmitted in this subframe, theinput matrix token is empty.1 matrix token is consumed at each bus of port RS_PUCCH, the size of thematrix token should be equal to the number of REs allocated for PUCCH DMRStransmission in this subframe. If PUCCH is not transmitted in this subframe, theinput matrix token is empty.1 matrix token is consumed at each bus of port Sym_PUSCH, the size of thematrix token should be equal to the number of REs allocated for PUSCHtransmission in this subframe. If PUSCH is not transmitted in this subframe, theinput matrix token is empty.1 matrix token is consumed at each bus of port RS_PUSCH, the size of thematrix token should be equal to the number of REs allocated for PUSCH DMRStransmission in this subframe. If PUSCH is not transmitted in this subframe, theinput matrix token is empty.1 matrix token is consumed at each bus of port SRS, the size of the matrixtoken should be equal to the number of REs allocated for SRS transmission inthis subframe. If SRS is not transmitted in this subframe, the input matrix tokenis empty.NumberREsPerSubframe tokens are produced at each bus of port Output, Outand ChannelType, respectively, where NumberREsPerSubframe is the totalnumber of REs in each subframe. NumberREsPerSubframe = NumOfTotalRBs *12 (subcarriers per RB) * NumberOfSymbolsPerSubframe.1 matrix token is produced at each bus of port RBOut, the size of matrix token isequal to the number of REs allocated for PUSCH and PUCCH transmission.For the default parameter configurations, the matrix token read fromSym_PUCCH and RS_PUCCH is empty; the size of matrix token read fromSym_PUSCH is 3600; the size of matrix token read from RS_PUSCH is 600; thematrix token read from SRS is empty; NumberREsPerSubframe = 7200; the sizeof matrix token output at RBOut is 3600.

See LTE_A_UL_DemuxSCFDMASym (lteabasever).4.

For more information on the mapping of UL physical channels and signals, please refer toLTE_A_UL_MuxSCFDMASym (lteabasever).For more information on the Parameters details please refer to UL Parameters (lteabasever).


3GPP TS 36.211 v10.0.0, "Physical Channels and Modulation", December 2010.1.3GPP TS 36.212 v10.0.0, "Multiplexing and Channel Coding", December 2010.2.3GPP TS 36.213 v10.0.0, "Physical Layer Procedures", December 2010.3.3GPP TS 36.104 v10.0.0, "Base Station (BS) radio transmission and reception",4.September 2010.3GPP TS 36.101 v10.0.0, “User Equipment (UE) radio transmission and reception”,5.October 2010.

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LTE_A_UL_MuxSlot PartCategories: Multiplex (lteabasever)

The models associated with this part are listed below. To view detailed information on amodel (description, parameters, equations, notes, etc.), please click the appropriate link.

Model Description


Uplink slotmultiplexer


Description: Uplink slot multiplexerDomain: UntimedC++ Code Generation Support: NOAssociated Parts: LTE A UL MuxSlot Part (lteabasever)

Model Parameters

Name Description Default Units Type RuntimeTunable

Bandwidth bandwidth: BW 1.4 MHz, BW 3 MHz, BW5 MHz, BW 10 MHz, BW 15 MHz, BW 20MHz


Enumeration NO

OversamplingOption Ratio 1, Ratio 2, Ratio 4, Ratio 8: Ratio 1,Ratio 2, Ratio 4, Ratio 8

Ratio 2 Enumeration NO

CyclicPrefix type of cyclic prefix: Normal, Extended Normal Enumeration NO

NumTxAnts number of Tx Antennas: Tx1, Tx2, Tx4 Tx1 Enumeration NO

HalfCarrierShift_Enable whether or not to enable 1/2 subcarriershifting: NO, YES

YES Enumeration NO

Input Ports

Port Name Description Signal Type Optional

1 SCFDMASig input SC-FDMA symbol multiple complex NO

Output Ports

Port Name Description Signal Type Optional

2 FrameData uplink slotsignal

multiple complex NO


This model is used to multiplex reference signals (RS symbol) and data SC-FDMA1.symbols into uplink slots by inserting cyclic prefix. Half carrier shift can also beperformed in this model if enabled. This model is similar with LTE_UL_MuxSlot.Please refer to LTE_UL_MuxSlot (ltebasever) except that this model supportsmultiport for the case of multi-TxAnts.What different with LTE_UL_MuxSlot are as follows:2.

New added parameters:NumTxAnts defines the number of Tx antennas. This parameter can be setto Tx1, Tx2 or Tx4. And so the input and output ports can be expanded to 2or 4.


3GPP TS 36.211 v10.0.0, "Physical Channels and Modulation", December 2010.1.3GPP TS 36.212 v10.0.0, "Multiplexing and Channel Coding", December 2010.2.3GPP TS 36.213 v10.0.0, "Physical Layer Procedures", December 2010.3.3GPP TS 36.104 v10.0.0, "Base Station (BS) radio transmission and reception",4.September 2010.3GPP TS 36.101 v10.0.0, “User Equipment (UE) radio transmission and reception”,5.October 2010.P. Hoeher, S. Kaiser, and P. Robertson. "Two-Dimensional Pilot-Symbol-Aided6.Channel Estimation by Wiener Filtering". Proc. IEEE ICASSP '97, Munich, Germany,pp. 1845-1848, Apr. 1997.

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LTE Advanced Receiver Category Contents

LTE A DL Rcv Part (lteabasever)LTE A UL Rcv Part (lteabasever)

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LTE_A_DL_Rcv Part Downlink Baseband Receiver

Categories: Receiver (lteabasever)

The models associated with this part are listed below. To view detailed information on amodel (description, parameters, equations, notes, etc.), please click the appropriate link.




Description: Downlink Baseband ReceiverAssociated Parts: LTE A DL Rcv Part (lteabasever)

Model Parameters

Name Description Default Units Type RuntimeTunable

ShowSystemParameters show systemparameters for LTEdownlink signals:NO, YES

YES Enumeration NO

FrameMode frame mode: FDD,TDD

FDD Enumeration NO

TDD_Config downlink anduplink allocationsfor TDD: Config 0,

Config 0 Enumeration NO

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Config 1, Config 2,Config 3, Config 4,Config 5, Config 6

SpecialSF_Config downlink anduplink allocationsfor TDD: Config 0,Config 1, Config 2,Config 3, Config 4,Config 5, Config 6,Config 7, Config 8

Config 0 Enumeration NO

Bandwidth bandwidth: BW1.4 MHz, BW 3MHz, BW 5 MHz,BW 10 MHz, BW15 MHz, BW 20MHz

BW 5 MHz Enumeration NO

NumTxAnts number of TxAntennas: Tx1,Tx2, Tx4, Tx8

Tx1 Enumeration NO

CRS_NumAntPorts number of CRSAntenna ports:CRS_Tx1,CRS_Tx2,CRS_Tx4

CRS_Tx1 Enumeration NO

NumRxAnts number of RxAntennas: Rx1,Rx2, Rx4, Rx8

Rx1 Enumeration NO

OversamplingOption oversamplingoption: Ratio 1,Ratio 2, Ratio 4,Ratio 8

Ratio 2 Enumeration NO

CyclicPrefix type of cyclicprefix: Normal,Extended

Normal Enumeration NO

CellID_Sector the index of cellidentity group

0 Integer NO

CellID_Group the index of cellidentity within thephysical-layer cell-identity group

0 Integer NO

RB_MappingType the mapping typeof VRBs to PRBs:Localized,Distributed

Localized Enumeration NO

SS_PerTxAnt whethersynchronizationsignals (P-SS andS-SS) aretransmitted oneach transmitantenna: NO, YES

NO Enumeration NO

UEs_RevMode release version ofeach UE, 0 forRelease 8, 1 forRelease 10

[1, 1, 1, 0, 0 , 0] Integerarray


ShowMIMO_Parameters show MIMO-related parametersfor all six Ues: NO,YES

YES Enumeration NO

UEs_MIMO_Mode MIMO Mode foreach UE, 1 for TD,0 for SM

[0,0,0,0,0,0] Integerarray


UEs_CDD_Mode CDD Mode foreach UE, 1 forZero-Delay, 0 forLarge-Delay

[1,1,1,1,1,1] Integerarray


UEs_CdBlk_Index codebook index forprecoding for eachUE

[0,0,0,0,0,0] Integerarray


UEs_NumOfCWs number of codewords for each UE

[1,1,1,1,1,1] Integerarray


UEs_NumOfLayers number of layersfor each UE

[1,1,1,1,1,1] Integerarray


ShowUE1_Parameters show parametersfor coded UE1:NO, YES

YES Enumeration NO

UE1_HARQ_Enable Whether HARQclosed-looptransmission isenable for UE1:NO, YES

NO Enumeration NO

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UE1_NumHARQ Number of HARQprocesses for UE1

8 Integer NO

UE1_MaxHARQTrans Maximum numberof HARQtransmission pereach HARQprocess for UE1

4 Integer NO

UE1_CL_Precoding_Enable whether closed-loop MIMOprecoding for UE1is enabled: NO,YES

NO Enumeration NO

UE1_PMI_Granularity closed-loop PMIreportinggranularity in unitsof resource blocks(RBs) for UE1

25 Integer NO

UE1_PMI_Delay closed-loop PMIreporting delay inunits of sub-frames (1ms) forUE1

6 Integer NO

UE1_Config the configurationmode of input datafor UE 1.: MCSindex, Transportblock size, Coderate

Transport block size Enumeration NO

UE1_Payload the input payloadfor UE 1, themeaning of theinput is defined inUE1_Config

[2555,2555,2555,2555,2555,2555,2555,2555,2555,2555] Floatingpoint array


UE1_MappingType the modulationorders for UE 1 ineach subframe,valid whenUE1_Payload isnot set to MCSindex. (0:QPSK,1:16QAM,2:64QAM)

[0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0] Integerarray


UE1_RV_Sequence RedundancyVersion Sequencefor HARQtransmission forUE 1

[0, 1, 2, 3] Integerarray


UE1_n_RNTI Radio networktemporaryidentifier for UE 1

1 Integer NO

UE1_Category defines UE1capability, used toget the totalnumber of softchannel bits forderate-matching indownlink.:Category 1,Category 2,Category 3,Category 4,Category 5

Category 1 Enumeration NO

RB_AllocType RB allocation type:StartRB +NumRBs, RBindices (1D), RBindices (2D)

StartRB + NumRBs Enumeration NO

UE1_RB_Alloc the RB allocationfor UE 1, in theformats of [startRB, number ofRBs] or [SF0 startRB, SF0 number ofRBs; . . . ; SF9start RB, SF9number of RBs]

[0,8] Integerarray


ShowOtherUEs_Parameters show parametersfor other uncodedUes: NO, YES

YES Enumeration NO

OtherUEs_MappingType the modulationorders for otherUEs except UE 1 inall subframes.

[0,0,0,0,0] Integerarray


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UE2_RB_Alloc the RB allocationfor UE 2, in theformats of [startRB, number ofRBs] or [SF0 startRB, SF0 number ofRBs; . . . ; SF9start RB, SF9number of RBs]

[0,0] Integerarray


UE3_RB_Alloc the RB allocationfor UE 3, in theformats of [startRB, number ofRBs] or [SF0 startRB, SF0 number ofRBs; . . . ; SF9start RB, SF9number of RBs]

[0,0] Integerarray


UE4_RB_Alloc the RB allocationfor UE 4, in theformats of [startRB, number ofRBs] or [SF0 startRB, SF0 number ofRBs; . . . ; SF9start RB, SF9number of RBs]

[0,0] Integerarray


UE5_RB_Alloc the RB allocationfor UE 5, in theformats of [startRB, number ofRBs] or [SF0 startRB, SF0 number ofRBs; . . . ; SF9start RB, SF9number of RBs]

[0,0] Integerarray


UE6_RB_Alloc the RB allocationfor UE 6, in theformats of [startRB, number ofRBs] or [SF0 startRB, SF0 number ofRBs; . . . ; SF9start RB, SF9number of RBs]

[0,0] Integerarray


ShowControlChannelParameters show parametersfor controlchannels: NO, YES

YES Enumeration NO

PDCCH_SymsPerSF number of OFDMsymbols of PDCCHfor each subframe

[2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2] Integerarray


PHICH_Duration type of PHICHduration :Normal_Duration,Extended_Duration

Normal_Duration Enumeration NO

PHICH_Ng type of PHICHduration : Ng 1/6,Ng 1/2, Ng 1, Ng 2

Ng 1/6 Enumeration NO

UEs_n_SCID given by thescrambling identityfield in the mostrecent DCI format2B associated withthe PDSCHtransmission foreach layer

[0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0] Integerarray


ShowPowerParameters show power-relatedparameters: NO,YES

YES Enumeration NO

PCFICH_Rb PCFICH-to-RSEPRE ratio in dB insymbols with RS

0 Float NO

PHICH_Ra PHICH-to-RS EPREratio in dB insymbols with RS

0 Float NO

PHICH_Rb PHICH-to-RS EPREratio in dB insymbols withoutRS

0 Float NO

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PBCH_Ra PBCH-to-RS EPREratio in dB insymbols with RS

0 Float NO

PBCH_Rb PBCH-to-RS EPREratio in dB insymbols withoutRS

0 Float NO

PDCCH_Ra PDCCH-to-RSEPRE ratio in dB insymbols with RS

0 Float NO

PDCCH_Rb PDCCH-to-RSEPRE ratio in dB insymbols withoutRS

0 Float NO

PDSCH_PowerRatio PDSCH CellSpecific Ratio:p_B/p_A = 1, P_B= 0, P_B = 1, P_B= 2, P_B = 3

p_B/p_A = 1 Enumeration NO

UEs_Pa UE specific powerparameter foreach UE

[0,0,0,0,0,0] Floatingpoint array


PSS_Ra PSS-to-RS EPREratio in dB insymbols withoutRS

0 Float NO

SSS_Ra SSS-to-RS EPREratio in dB insymbols withoutRS

0 Float NO

DMRS_Ra UE specific powerparameter forDMRS of each UE

[0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0] Floatingpoint array


ShowRxAlgorithmParameters show Parametersfor LTE downlinkreceiver algorithm:NO, YES

YES Enumeration NO

PreDownsampling pre-downsamplingto 1x symbol rate?: NO, YES

NO Enumeration NO

ReceiverDelay receiver delay (One frame delay isfor non-HARQ;One subframedelay is for closed-loop HARQ.: Oneframe delay(10ms), Onesubframe delay(1ms)

One subframe delay (1ms) Enumeration NO

SyncMode synchronization forevery port or onesynchronization forall ports:SyncPerPort,AverageSync

AverageSync Enumeration NO

SearchType start a new timingand frequencesynchronizationsearch for everyframe or not:Search everyframe,Search+Track

Search+Track Enumeration NO

SearchRange timing andfrequencesynchronizationsearching rangefor the first frame

0.003 s Float NO

TrackRange timing andfrequencesynchronizationtracking range forthe frames exceptthe first frame,valid whenSearchType is setto Search+Track

0 s Float NO

FreqSync frequencyestimation rangeselect: non, lessthan 100Hz, less

less than 15kHz Enumeration NO

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than 15kHz, lessthan 45kHz

ChEstimatorMode mode ofinterpolationalgorithm inchannel estimator:Linear, MMSE_2D,For EVM

Linear Enumeration NO

MMSE_RBWinLen number of RBs foreach MMSE-2Dinterpolation

3 Integer NO

SNR SNR in dB. (usedby 2D-MMSEchannel estimatorin PDSCH)

15 Float NO

Tmax the maximumdelay of multi-pathchannel. (used by2D-MMSE channelestimator inPDSCH)

0 s Float NO

Fmax the maximumdoppler frequency.(used by 2D-MMSEchannel estimatorin PDSCH)

100 Hz Float NO

Sym_StartPos start position(withoutoversampling) toget the OFDMsymbol for FFToperation for longCP and short CPsymbolsrespectively,compared to thestart position ofthe OFDM bodyafter CP

[-3, -3] Integerarray


DemapperType symboldemodulationtype: Hard, Soft,CSI

Soft Enumeration NO

DemapperMaxLevel the maximumlevel for softdemapping outputwhenDemapperType isSoft or CSI

1 Float NO

MIMO_Decoder MIMO decodermode for spatialmultiplexing forUE1: ZF, MMSE

ZF Enumeration NO

TC_Iteration Turbo decoderiteration number

4 Integer NO

Input Ports

Port Name Description Signal Type Optional

1 Frame Input of received IQ data multiple complex NO

Output Ports

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Port Name Description Signal Type Optional

2 UE1_RawBits Output of UE1 information (raw) bits (non-Matrix-based) for at most 2 codewords

multiple int NO

3 UE1_ChannelBits Output of UE1 channel bits (non-Matrix-based) for atmost 2 codewords

multiple int NO

4 UE1_ModSymbols Output of UE1 Matrix-based (subframe-based)modulation symbols for at most 2 codewords

multiplecomplex matrix


5 UE2_ModSymbols Output of UE2 Matrix-based (subframe-based)modulation symbols for at most 2 codewords

multiplecomplex matrix


6 UE3_ModSymbols Output of UE3 Matrix-based (subframe-based)modulation symbols for at most 2 codewords

multiplecomplex matrix


7 UE4_ModSymbols Output of UE4 Matrix-based (subframe-based)modulation symbols for at most 2 codewords

multiplecomplex matrix


8 UE5_ModSymbols Output of UE5 Matrix-based (subframe-based)modulation symbols for at most 2 codewords

multiplecomplex matrix


9 UE6_ModSymbols Output of UE6 Matrix-based (subframe-based)modulation symbols for at most 2 codewords

multiplecomplex matrix


10 PDCCH_ModSymbols Output of PDCCH Matrix-based (subframe-based)modulation symbols

multiplecomplex matrix


11 PHICH_ModSymbols Output of PHICH Matrix-based (subframe-based)modulation symbols

multiplecomplex matrix


12 PCFICH_ModSymbols Output of PCFICH Matrix-based (subframe-based)modulation symbols

multiplecomplex matrix


13 PBCH_ModSymbols Output of PBCH Matrix-based (subframe-based)modulation symbols

multiplecomplex matrix


14 SSS_ModSymbols Output of SSS Matrix-based (subframe-based)modulation symbols

multiplecomplex matrix


15 PSS_ModSymbols Output of PSS Matrix-based (subframe-based)modulation symbols

multiplecomplex matrix


16 DataOut Output of demodulated frequency data for all 2 RXAntennas



17 UE1_HARQ_Bits Output of UE1 HARQ ACK/NACK bits for at most 2codewords

multiple int NO

18 UE1_TBS Output of UE1 transparent block size for eachsubframe for at most 2 codewords

multiple int NO

Parameter Details

Most of the parameters are the same as in LTE_DL_Receiver (ltebasever),LTE_DL_MIMO_2Ant_Rcv (ltebasever) and LTE_DL_MIMO_4Ant_Rcv (ltebasever).Following are the new/updated parameters in LTE_A_DL_Rcv.

NumRxAnts: number of receive antennas. Up to 8 receive antennas can be supportedin LTE-A DL receiver.

The new/updated parameters in LTE Advanced library can be found in LTE_A_DL_Src(lteabasever).


This subnetwork implements 3GPP LTE Advanced downlink FDD/TDD baseband1.receiver.The LTE_A_DL_Rcv schematic is shown below:2.

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This subnetwork can be configured as LTE Advanced downlink receiver with single3.receive antenna, 2 receive antennas, 4 receive antennas and 8 receive antennas,which is determined by NumRxAnts. Together with LTE_A_DL_Src (lteabasever), upto 8 × 8 LTE Advanced MIMO solution can be easily provided.Only ZF (Zero Forcing) MIMO decoder is supported. MMSE MIMO decoder has not4.been supported yet.Linear and MMSE channel estimation are supported. For the demodulation of PDSCH5.of Release 10 UE, the DMRS (UE specific reference signals, port 7~14) are used inthe channel estimation. For the demodulation of PDSCH of Release 8 UE and theother physical channels (e.g. PCFICH, PHICH, PDCCH, PBCH), the CRS (Cell specificreference signals, port 0~3) are used in the channel estimation. The channelestimation using DMRS is only implemented for UE 1. Hence, if UE2~UE6 are selectedas Release 10 UE, the PDSCH of this UE may not be correctly demodulated.

If the first UE is selected as Release 10 UE, and the RB allocation for UE1 overlapped with PSS, SSSor PBCH, the DMRS would not be transmitted on those symbols. Then the receiver can’t get accuratechannel estimation on those RBs and the PDSCH transmitted on those RBs may not be demodulatedcorrectly in current implementation. Hence the overlap of Release 10 PDSCH and PSS, SSS andPBCH should be avoided.


3GPP TS 36.211 v10.0.0, "Physical Channels and Modulation", December 2010.1.3GPP TS 36.104 v10.0.0, "Base Station (BS) radio transmission and reception",2.September 2010.

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LTE_A_UL_Rcv Part Uplink Baseband Receiver

Categories: Receiver (lteabasever)

The models associated with this part are listed below. To view detailed information on amodel (description, parameters, equations, notes, etc.), please click the appropriate link.




Description: Uplink Baseband ReceiverAssociated Parts: LTE A UL Rcv Part (lteabasever)

Model Parameters

Name Description Default Units Type RuntimeTunable

ShowSystemParameters show system parameters forLTE uplink signals: NO, YES

YES none Enumeration NO

FrameMode frame mode: FDD, TDD FDD none Enumeration NO

TDD_Config downlink and uplink allocationsfor TDD: Config 0, Config 1,Config 2, Config 3, Config 4,Config 5, Config 6

Config 0 none Enumeration NO

SpecialSF_Config special subframe configurationfor TDD: Config 0, Config 1,Config 2, Config 3, Config 4,Config 5, Config 6, Config 7,Config 8

Config 4 none Enumeration NO

Bandwidth bandwidth: BW 1.4 MHz, BW 3MHz, BW 5 MHz, BW 10 MHz,BW 15 MHz, BW 20 MHz

BW 5 MHz none Enumeration NO

OversamplingOption oversampling ratio option:Ratio 1, Ratio 2, Ratio 4, Ratio8

Ratio 2 none Enumeration NO

CyclicPrefix type of cyclic prefix: Normal,Extended

Normal none Enumeration NO

CellID_Sector the index of cell identity withinthe physical-layer cell-identitygroup ([0, 2])

0 none Integer NO

CellID_Group the index of cell identity group 0 none Integer NO

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([0, 167])

n_RNTI radio network temporaryidentifier ([0, 65535])

0 none Integer NO

NumRxAnts number of Rx antennas: Rx1,Rx2, Rx4

Rx1 Enumeration NO

NumTxAnts number of Tx antennas: Tx1,Tx2, Tx4

Tx1 Enumeration NO

HalfCarrierShift_Enable whether or not to enable 1/2subcarrier shifting: NO, YES

YES none Enumeration NO

FrameNum frame number ([0, inf)) 0 none Integer NO

FrameIncreased frame number increasing ornot: NO, YES

NO none Enumeration NO

DL_CyclicPrefix type of cyclic prefix indownlink: Normal, Extended

Normal none Enumeration NO

ShowPUSCH_Parameters show PUSCH parameters forLTE uplink signals: NO, YES

YES none Enumeration NO


PUSCH none Enumeration NO

NumOfCWs number of code words 1 Integer NO

NumOfLayers number of layers 1 Integer NO

CdBlk_Index codebook index for precoding,valid when MIMO_Mode isSpatial_Mux

0 Integer NO

HARQ_Enable whether enable HARQ or not:NO, YES

YES Enumeration NO

NumHARQ Number of HARQ processes 8 Integer NO

MaxHARQTrans Maximum number of HARQtransmission per each HARQprocess

4 Integer NO

Payload_Config the configuration mode ofinput data of PUSCH.: MCSindex, Transport block size,Code rate

Transport blocksize

none Enumeration NO

Payload the input payload for PUSCH,the meaning of the input isdefined in Payload_Config

[2555, 2555,2555, 2555,2555, 2555,2555, 2555,2555, 2555]

none Floatingpoint array


Enable64QAM indicates whether 64QAM isallowed in uplink: NO, YES

YES Enumeration NO

MappingType the modulation orders for thePUSCH in each subframe.(0:QPSK, 1:16QAM, 2:64QAM)

[0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,0, 0, 0, 0]

none Integerarray


RV_Sequence Redundancy Version Index ([0,3])

[0,1,2,3] none Integerarray


DFTSwap_Enable PUSCH DFT swap is enable:NO, YES

NO none Enumeration NO

PUSCH_HoppingEnable whether PUSCH frequency-hopping is enabled or not: NO,YES

NO none Enumeration NO

PUSCH_HoppingMode PUSCH frequency hoppingmode: interSubFrame,intraAndInterSubFrame

interSubFrame none Enumeration NO

PUSCH_HoppingOffset the offset used for PUSCHfrequency hopping ([0, 63])

0 none Integer NO

PUSCH_Hopping_Nsb number of sub-bands forPUSCH frequency hopping ([1,4])

1 none Integer NO

PUSCH_HoppingBits information in PUSCH hoppingbits: 0 or 00, 1 or 01, 10, 11

0 or 00 none Enumeration NO

PUSCH_TransMode whether control and data aresent via PUSCH: Data andControl Multiplexing, DataOnly, Control Only

Data and ControlMultiplexing

Enumeration NO

RB_AllocType RB allocation type: StartRB +NumRBs, RB indices (1D), RBindices (2D)

StartRB +NumRBs

none Enumeration NO

RB_Alloc the RB allocation for PUSCH, inthe fomats of [start RB,number of RBs] or[SF0 startRB, SF0 number of RBs; ...;SF9 start RB, SF9 number ofRBs]

[0, 25] none Integerarray


GroupHop_Enable whether enable group hoppingfor DMRS on PUCCH andPUSCH or not: NO, YES

NO none Enumeration NO

SeqHop_Enable whether enable sequence NO none Enumeration NO

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hopping for DMRS on PUSCHor not: NO, YES

PUSCH_Delta_ss used in determining thesequence-shift pattern forPUSCH ([0, 29])

0 none Integer NO

PUSCH_n_DMRS1 used in computing the cyclicshift for PUSCH DMRS

[0] none Integerarray


PUSCH_n_DMRS2 used in computing the cyclicshift for PUSCH DMRS

[0] none Integerarray


ActivateDMRSwithOOC whether to activate DMRS withOOC: NO, YES

YES Enumeration NO

ShowPUCCH_Parameters show PUCCH parameters forLTE uplink signals: NO, YES

YES none Enumeration NO

PUCCH_Format PUCCH format: Format 1,Format 1a, Format 1b,Shortened 1, Shortened 1a,Shortened 1b, Format 2,Format 2a, Format 2b

Format 1 none Enumeration NO

PUCCH_NumCQIBits number of CQI bits for PUCCHformat 2/2a/2b

5 Integer NO

PUCCH_NumHARQACKBits number of HARQ-ACK bits forPUCCH format 2 in ExtendedCP mode: 1 bit, 2 bits

1 bit Enumeration NO

PUCCH_Delta_shift used to calculate PUCCH cyclicshift Alfa ([1, 3])

2 none Integer NO

PUCCH_SF_Alloc which sub frames contain thePUCCH, valid whenPUCCH_PUSCH is other thanPUSCH ([0, 9])

[2] none Integerarray


PUCCH_NRB2 number of RBs used fortransmisstion PUCCH format2/2a/2b ([0, 99])

1 none Integer NO

PUCCH_n1 resources used fortransmisstion PUCCH format1/1a/1b ([0, 12*100-1])

11 none Integer NO

PUCCH_n2 resources used fortransmission PUCCH format2/2a/2b ([0, 12*PUCCH_NB2-1])

11 none Integer NO

ShowPRACH_Parameters show PRACH parameters forLTE uplink signals: NO, YES

YES none Enumeration NO

PRACH_Enable whether or not to enablePRACH: NO, YES

NO none Enumeration NO

PRACH_Config PRACH configuration index ([0,63])

0 none Integer NO

PRACH_ResourceIndex the PRACH Resource Index. InFDD, it indicates the subframenumber where the preamblestarts; in TDD, it indicates thepreamble mapping in time andfrequency ([0, 9])

[1] none Integerarray


PRACH_PrmbleIndex preamble indexes, used toselect preamble sequencesfrom 64 preambles available inthis cell ([0, 63])

[0] none Integerarray


PRACH_RBOffset PRACH frequency offset, thefirst RB available for PRACH([0, 94])

0 none Integer NO

PRACH_LogicalIndex logical index of root ZCsequence ([0, 837])

0 none Integer NO

PRACH_Ncs cyclic shifts of ZC sequence([0, 15])

0 none Integer NO

PRACH_HS_flag high speed flag: NO, YES NO none Enumeration NO

ShowSRS_Parameters show SRS parameters for LTEuplink signals: NO, YES

YES none Enumeration NO

SRS_Enable sounding reference symbol isenable: NO, YES

NO none Enumeration NO

SRS_BandwidthConfig the cell-specific SRSbandwidth configuration ([0,7])

7 none Integer NO

SRS_SF_Config the cell-specific SRS subframeconfiguration ([0, 14])

0 none Integer NO

SRS_MaxUpPts whether enable thereconfiguration of maximumm_SRS_0 or not ([0, 15]):NO, YES

NO none Enumeration NO

SRS_Bandwidth the UE-specific SRS bandwidth([0, 3])

0 none Integer NO

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SRS_HoppingBandwidth the SRS hopping bandwidth([0, 3])

3 none Integer NO

SRS_FreqPosition the SRS frequency domainposition ([0, 23])

0 none Integer NO

SRS_ConfigIndex the UE-specific SRSconfiguration ([0, 1023])

0 none Integer NO

SRS_TransmissionComb transmission comb ([0, 1]) 0 none Integer NO

SRS_CyclicShift used in computing the cyclicshift of SRS ([0, 7])

0 none Integer NO

ShowPowerParameters show power-relatedparameters: NO, YES

YES none Enumeration NO

PUSCH_PwrOffset the power offset in dB forPUSCH ((-inf, +inf))

0 none Float NO

PUSCH_RS_PwrOffset the power offset in dB forPUSCH RS ((-inf, +inf))

0 none Float NO

PUCCH_PwrOffset the power offset in dB forPUCCH ((-inf, +inf))

0 none Float NO

PUCCH_RS_PwrOffset the power offset in dB forPUCCH RS ((-inf, +inf))

0 none Float NO

PRACH_PwrOffset the power offset in dB forPRACH ((-inf, +inf))

0 none Float NO

SRS_PwrOffset the power offset in dB for SRS((-inf, +inf))

0 none Float NO

ShowControlInfoParameters show control informationparameters for LTE uplinksignals: NO, YES

YES none Enumeration NO

RI_NumInfoBits number of RI infomation bits([0,2])

[0] Integerarray


RI_BetaOffsetIndex RI offset values, used incalculating the number ofcoded RI symbols

[0] Integerarray


CQI_NumInfoBits CQI information bits size [0] Integerarray


CQI_BetaOffsetIndex CQI offset values, used incalculating the number ofcoded CQI symbols

[2] Integerarray


HARQACK_NumInfoBits HARQ-ACK information bitssize

[0] Integerarray


HARQACK_BetaOffsetIndex HARQ-ACK offset values, usedin calculating the number ofcoded HARQ-ACK symbols

[0] Integerarray


ShowRxAlgorithmParameters show parameters for LTEuplink receiver algorithm: NO,YES

YES none Enumeration NO

IQ_Offset_Correct whether or not to correct IQoffset: NO, YES

YES none Enumeration NO

PreDownsampling pre-downsampling to 1Xsymbol rate: NO, YES

NO none Enumeration NO

ReceiverDelay receiver delay ( One framedelay is for non-HARQ; Onesubframe delay is for closed-loop HARQ.: One frame delay(10ms), One subframe delay(1ms)

One subframedelay (1ms)

Enumeration NO

Sym_StartPos the start position of thenegative offset value to the CPlength(without oversampling)to get the OFDM symbol forFFT operation

[-3,-3] none Integerarray


ChEstimatorMode mode of interpolationalgorithm in channelestimator: Linear, MMSE

Linear none Enumeration NO

SNR SNR in dB. (used by MMSEchannel estimator in PUSCH)((-inf:inf))

15 none Float NO

Tmax the maximum delay of multi-path channel. (used by MMSEchannel estimator in PUSCH)([0:inf))

0 s Float NO

Fmax the maximum dopplerfrequency. (used by MMSEchannel estimator in PUSCH)([0:inf))

100 Hz Float NO

DemapperType symbol demodulation type:Hard, Soft

Soft none Enumeration NO

DemapperMaxLevel the maximum level for softdemapping output when

1 none Float NO

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DemapperType is Soft or CSI((0:inf))

TC_Iteration Turbo decoder iterationnumber ([1:20])

4 none Integer NO

Input Ports

Port Name Description Signal Type Optional

1 Frame Input receiverd uplinksignal

multiple complex NO

Output Ports

Port Name Description Signal Type Optional

2 UE_RawBits Output PUSCH information (raw) bits after channeldecoding

multiple int NO

3 PUSCH_ChannelBits Output channel bits multiple int NO

4 RI_Out Output RI bits (matrix based) after channeldeinterleaving (not decoded yet)

multiple intmatrix


5 HARQACK_Out Output HARQ-ACK bits (matrix based) after channeldeinterleaving (not decoded yet)

multiple intmatrix


6 CQI_Out Output CQI bits (matrix based) after channeldeinterleaving (not decoded yet)

multiple intmatrix


7 PUSCH_ModSymbols Output PUSCH modulation symbols in time domain complex matrix NO

8 PUSCH_FD Output PUSCH signal in frequency domain multiple complexmatrix


9 PUCCH_Sym Output PUCCH signal in frequency domain multiple complexmatrix


10 FRM_FD Output frame signal in frequency domain multiple complex NO

11 HARQ_Bits Output HARQ ACK/NACK bits multiple int NO

12 TBS transport block size multiple int NO

Parameters Details

Most of the parameters are the same as in LTE_UL_Receiver (ltebasever),LTE_UL_MIMO_2Ant_Rcv (ltebasever) and LTE_UL_MIMO_4Ant_Rcv (ltebasever).Following are the new/updated parameters in LTE_A_UL_Rcv.

NumRxAnts: number of receive antennas. Up to 4 receive antennas can be supportedin LTE-A UL receiver.The new/updated uplink parameters in LTE Advanced library can be found inLTE_A_UL_Src (lteabasever).


This subnetwork constructs 3GPP LTE uplink baseband receiver for both frame1.structure type 1 and frame structure type 2.The LTE_A_UL_Rcv schematic is shown below:2.

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This subnetwork can be configured as LTE Advanced uplink receiver with single3.receive antenna, 2 receive antennas and 4 receive antennas, which is determined byNumRxAnts. Together with LTE_A_UL_Src (lteabasever), up to 4 × 4 LTE AdvancedMIMO solution can be easily provided.Only ZF (Zero Forcing) MIMO decoder is supported. MMSE MIMO decoder has not4.been supported yet.The demodulation of PUCCH, the detection of SRS and decoding of control5.information transmitted on PUSCH has not been supported yet.


3GPP TS 36.211 v10.0.0, "Physical Channels and Modulation", December 2010.1.3GPP TS 36.101 v10.0.0 "User Equipment (UE) radio transmission and reception",2.October 2010.

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LTE Advanced Signaling Category Contents

LTE A UL PUCCH Part (lteabasever)LTE A UL PUCCH Controller Part (lteabasever)LTE A UL PUCCH Encoder Part (lteabasever)LTE A UserAllocInfo Part (lteabasever)

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LTE_A_UL_PUCCH_Controller PartCategories: Signaling (lteabasever)

The models associated with this part are listed below. To view detailed information on amodel (description, parameters, equations, notes, etc.), please click the appropriate link.

Model Description


uplink control information encoder on PUCCH


Description: uplink control information encoder on PUCCHDomain: UntimedC++ Code Generation Support: NOAssociated Parts: LTE A UL PUCCH Controller Part (lteabasever)

Model Parameters

Name Description Default Units Type RuntimeTunable

FrameMode frame mode: FDD, TDD FDD Enumeration NO

TDD_Config downlink and uplink allocations for TDD:Config 0, Config 1, Config 2, Config 3,Config 4, Config 5, Config 6

Config 0 Enumeration NO

CyclicPrefix type of cyclic prefix: Normal, Extended Normal Enumeration NO


PUCCH Enumeration NO

PUCCH_Format PUCCH format: Format 1, Format 1a,Format 1b, Shortened 1, Shortened 1a,Shortened 1b, Format 2, Format 2a,Format 2b


Enumeration NO

PUCCH_NumCQIBits number of CQI bits for PUCCH format2/2a/2b

5 Integer NO

PUCCH_NumHARQACKBits number of HARQ-ACK bits for PUCCHformat 2 in Extended CP mode: 1 bit, 2bits

1 bit Enumeration NO

PUCCH_SF_Alloc which sub frames contain the PUCCH,valid when PUCCH_PUSCH is other thanPUSCH

[2] Integerarray


Output Ports

Port Name Description Signal Type Optional

1 Output Number of PUCCH information bits for eachsubframe

int NO


This model outputs the number of PUCCH information bits transmitted in each1.subframe. At this phase, this model is same as LTE_UL_PUCCH_Controller. Pleaserefer to LTE_UL_PUCCH_Controller (ltebasever).


3GPP TS 36.211 v10.0.0, "Physical Channels and Modulation", December 2010.1.3GPP TS 36.212 v10.0.0, "Multiplexing and Channel Coding", December 2010.2.3GPP TS 36.213 v10.0.0, "Physical Layer Procedures", December 2010.3.3GPP TS 36.104 v10.0.0, "Base Station (BS) radio transmission and reception",4.September 2010.3GPP TS 36.101 v10.0.0, “User Equipment (UE) radio transmission and reception”,5.October 2010.P. Hoeher, S. Kaiser, and P. Robertson. "Two-Dimensional Pilot-Symbol-Aided6.Channel Estimation by Wiener Filtering". Proc. IEEE ICASSP '97, Munich, Germany,pp. 1845-1848, Apr. 1997.

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LTE_A_UL_PUCCH_Encoder PartCategories: Signaling (lteabasever)

The models associated with this part are listed below. To view detailed information on amodel (description, parameters, equations, notes, etc.), please click the appropriate link.

Model Description


uplink control information encoder on PUCCH


Description: uplink control information encoder on PUCCHDomain: UntimedC++ Code Generation Support: NOAssociated Parts: LTE A UL PUCCH Encoder Part (lteabasever)

Model Parameters

Name Description Default Units Type RuntimeTunable

FrameMode frame mode: FDD, TDD FDD Enumeration NO

TDD_Config downlink and uplink allocations for TDD:Config 0, Config 1, Config 2, Config 3,Config 4, Config 5, Config 6

Config 0 Enumeration NO

CyclicPrefix type of cyclic prefix: Normal, Extended Normal Enumeration NO


PUCCH Enumeration NO

PUCCH_Format PUCCH format: Format 1, Format 1a,Format 1b, Shortened 1, Shortened 1a,Shortened 1b, Format 2, Format 2a,Format 2b


Enumeration NO

PUCCH_NumCQIBits number of CQI bits for PUCCH format2/2a/2b

5 Integer NO

PUCCH_NumHARQACKBits number of HARQ-ACK bits for PUCCHformat 2 in Extended CP mode: 1 bit, 2bits

1 bit Enumeration NO

PUCCH_SF_Alloc which sub frames contain the PUCCH,valid when PUCCH_PUSCH is other thanPUSCH

[2] Integerarray


Input Ports

Port Name Description Signal Type Optional

1 Input Uplink ControlInformation



Output Ports

Port Name Description Signal Type Optional

2 Output PUCCH coded bits integermatrix



This model performs channel coding for uplink control information on PUCCH for each1.layer. At this phase, this model is same as LTE_UL_PUCCH_Encoder. Please refer toLTE_UL_PUCCH_Encoder (ltebasever).


3GPP TS 36.211 v10.0.0, "Physical Channels and Modulation", December 2010.1.3GPP TS 36.212 v10.0.0, "Multiplexing and Channel Coding", December 2010.2.3GPP TS 36.213 v10.0.0, "Physical Layer Procedures", December 2010.3.3GPP TS 36.104 v10.0.0, "Base Station (BS) radio transmission and reception",4.September 2010.3GPP TS 36.101 v10.0.0, “User Equipment (UE) radio transmission and reception”,5.October 2010.P. Hoeher, S. Kaiser, and P. Robertson. "Two-Dimensional Pilot-Symbol-Aided6.Channel Estimation by Wiener Filtering". Proc. IEEE ICASSP '97, Munich, Germany,

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pp. 1845-1848, Apr. 1997.

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LTE_A_UL_PUCCH PartCategories: Signaling (lteabasever)

The models associated with this part are listed below. To view detailed information on amodel (description, parameters, equations, notes, etc.), please click the appropriate link.

Model Description


PUCCH Generator


Description: PUCCH GeneratorDomain: UntimedC++ Code Generation Support: NOAssociated Parts: LTE A UL PUCCH Part (lteabasever)

Model Parameters

Name Description Default Units Type RuntimeTunable

FrameMode frame mode: FDD, TDD FDD Enumeration NO

TDD_Config downlink and uplink allocations for TDD: Config0, Config 1, Config 2, Config 3, Config 4,Config 5, Config 6

Config 0 Enumeration NO

Bandwidth bandwidth: BW 1.4 MHz, BW 3 MHz, BW 5MHz, BW 10 MHz, BW 15 MHz, BW 20 MHz


Enumeration NO

CyclicPrefix type of cyclic prefix: Normal, Extended Normal Enumeration NO

CellID_Sector the index of cell identity within the physical-layer cell-identity group

0 Integer NO

CellID_Group the index of cell identity group 0 Integer NO

NumAntPorts number of Antenna ports: 1 Ant Port, 2 AntPorts

1 AntPort

Enumeration NO

n_RNTI radio network temporary identifier 0 Integer NO


PUCCH Enumeration NO

GroupHop_Enable whether enable group hopping for DMRS onPUCCH and PUSCH or not: NO, YES

NO Enumeration NO

PUCCH_Format PUCCH format: Format 1, Format 1a, Format1b, Shortened 1, Shortened 1a, Shortened 1b,Format 2, Format 2a, Format 2b


Enumeration NO

PUCCH_Delta_shift used to calculate PUCCH cyclic shift Alfa 1 Integer NO

PUCCH_SF_Alloc which sub frames contain the PUCCH, validwhen PUCCH_PUSCH is other than PUSCH

[2] Integerarray


PUCCH_NRB2 number of RBs used for transmisstion PUCCHformat 2/2a/2b

0 Integer NO

PUCCH_n1 resources used for transmisstion PUCCH format1/1a/1b

[0] Integerarray


PUCCH_n2 resources used for transmisstion PUCCH format2/2a/2b

[0] Integerarray


DisplayPortRates whether the port rates and other usefulinformation are displayed in Simulation Logwindow: NO, YES

NO Enumeration NO

Input Ports

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Port Name Description Signal Type Optional

1 Input PUCCH Infomation multiple integer matrix NO

Output Ports

Port Name Description Signal Type Optional

2 PUCCH_Sym_AP PUCCH Symbols in each antenna port multiple complex matrix NO

3 PUCCH_RS_AP PUCCH RS in each antenna port multiple complex matrix NO

4 PUCCH_Sym PUCCH Symbols multiple complex matrix NO

5 PUCCH_RS PUCCH RS multiple complex matrix NO

6 PUCCH_ScrambledBits scrambled bits of PUCCH format 2/2a/2b multiple integer matrix NO

7 PUCCH_ModSyms modulatd symbols of PUCCH multiple complex matrix NO


This model is used to generate PUCCH (Physical Uplink Control Channel, carries1.uplink control information) and its demodulation reference signal for each subframe.This model is similar with LTE_UL_PUCCH except that this model supports multipleAntenna Ports. Please refer to LTE_UL_PUCCH (ltebasever).What different with LTE_UL_PUCCH are as follows:2.

New added parameters:NumAntPorts defines the number of antenna ports. This parameter can beset to 1 or 2. And so the input and output ports bus width can be expandedto 2 in case of multiple Antenna Ports, 1 for each layer.


3GPP TS 36.211 v10.0.0, "Physical Channels and Modulation", December 2010.1.3GPP TS 36.212 v10.0.0, "Multiplexing and Channel Coding", December 2010.2.3GPP TS 36.213 v10.0.0, "Physical Layer Procedures", December 2010.3.3GPP TS 36.104 v10.0.0, "Base Station (BS) radio transmission and reception",4.September 2010.3GPP TS 36.101 v10.0.0, “User Equipment (UE) radio transmission and reception”,5.October 2010.P. Hoeher, S. Kaiser, and P. Robertson. "Two-Dimensional Pilot-Symbol-Aided6.Channel Estimation by Wiener Filtering". Proc. IEEE ICASSP '97, Munich, Germany,pp. 1845-1848, Apr. 1997.

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LTE_A_UserAllocInfo PartCategories: Signaling (lteabasever)

The models associated with this part are listed below. To view detailed information on amodel (description, parameters, equations, notes, etc.), please click the appropriate link.

Model Description


Generation of RB-allocation-related information


Description: Generation of RB-allocation-related informationDomain: UntimedC++ Code Generation Support: NOAssociated Parts: LTE A UserAllocInfo Part (lteabasever)

Model Parameters

Name Description Default Units Type RuntimeTunable

UE_RevMode release version of the UE, 0 for Release8, 1 for Release 10

1 Integer NO

FrameMode frame mode: FDD, TDD FDD Enumeration NO

TDD_Config downlink and uplink allocations for TDD:Config 0, Config 1, Config 2, Config 3,Config 4, Config 5, Config 6

Config 0 Enumeration NO

SpecialSF_Config special subframe configuration for TDD:Config 0, Config 1, Config 2, Config 3,Config 4, Config 5, Config 6, Config 7,Config 8

Config 4 Enumeration NO

Bandwidth bandwidth: BW 1.4 MHz, BW 3 MHz, BW5 MHz, BW 10 MHz, BW 15 MHz, BW 20MHz

BW 5 MHz Enumeration NO

CRS_NumAntPorts number of CRS Antenna ports: CRS_Tx1,CRS_Tx2, CRS_Tx4

CRS_Tx2 Enumeration NO

CyclicPrefix type of cyclic prefix: Normal, Extended Normal Enumeration NO

NumOfLayers number of layers 2 Integer NO

RB_AllocType RB allocation type: StartRB + NumRBs,RB indices (1D), RB indices (2D)

StartRB +NumRBs

Enumeration NO

RB_Alloc the RB allocation for the UE, in theformats of [start RB, number of RBs] or[[SF0 start RB, SF0 number of RBs]; . ..; [SF9 start RB, SF9 number of RBs]]

[0, 25] Integerarray


PDCCH_SymsPerSF number of OFDM symbols of PDCCH foreach subframe

[2, 2, 2, 2, 2,2, 2, 2, 2, 2]



MIMO_Mode MIMO mode: Spatial_Mux, Tx_Div Spatial_Mux Enumeration NO

Output Ports

Port Name Description Signal Type Optional

1 NumREs the number of Resource Elements (REs) per each subframe int NO


This model is used to generate RB allocation-related information for LTE Advanced1.downlink PDSCH.In this release, the output information only includes the number of resource elements(REs) per each subframe for PDSCH. This model is similar with LTE_UserAllocInfo.Please refer to LTE_UserAllocInfo (ltebasever).What different with LTE_UserAllocInfo are as follows:2.

New added parameters:UE_RevMode defines the release version of this UE, 0 for Release 8 and 1for Release 10.If this parameter is set to 0, this model will work same asLTE_UserAllocInfo except that the parameter NumTxAnts ofLTE_UserAllocInfo is replaced with CRS_NumAntPorts.If this parameter is set to 1, this model will work for Release 10 UE. In this

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phase, the CRS_NumAntPorts and NumOfLayers are used to calculate thenumber of REs.CRS_NumAntPorts defines the number of CRS antenna portsNumOfLayers defines the number of layers and it can be set to 1~8.

See also LTE_UserAllocInfo (ltebasever).3.For more information on how to get the number of resource elements (REs) per each4.subframe for PDSCH, refer to Resource Elements and Channel Bits Calculation(lteabasever).


3GPP TS 36.211 v10.0.0, "Physical Channels and Modulation", December 2010.1.3GPP TS 36.212 v10.0.0, "Multiplexing and Channel Coding", December 2010.2.3GPP TS 36.213 v10.0.0, "Physical Layer Procedures", December 2010.3.3GPP TS 36.104 v10.0.0, "Base Station (BS) radio transmission and reception",4.September 2010.3GPP TS 36.101 v10.0.0, “User Equipment (UE) radio transmission and reception”,5.October 2010.P. Hoeher, S. Kaiser, and P. Robertson. "Two-Dimensional Pilot-Symbol-Aided6.Channel Estimation by Wiener Filtering". Proc. IEEE ICASSP '97, Munich, Germany,pp. 1845-1848, Apr. 1997.

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LTE Advanced Source Category Contents

LTE A DL Src Part (lteabasever)LTE A UL Src part (lteabasever)

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LTE_A_DL_Src Part Downlink Source

Categories: Source (lteabasever)

The models associated with this part are listed below. To view detailed information on amodel (description, parameters, equations, notes, etc.), please click the appropriate link.




Description: Downlink SourceAssociated Parts: LTE A DL Src Part (lteabasever)

Model Parameters

Name Description Default Units Type RuntimeTunable

ShowSystemParameters show system parameters for LTEdownlink signals: NO, YES

YES Enumeration NO

FrameMode frame mode: FDD, TDD FDD Enumeration NO

TDD_Config downlink and uplink allocations for TDD:Config 0, Config 1, Config 2, Config 3,Config 4, Config 5, Config 6

Config 0 Enumeration NO

SpecialSF_Config downlink and uplink allocations for TDD:Config 0, Config 1, Config 2, Config 3,Config 4, Config 5, Config 6, Config 7,Config 8

Config 0 Enumeration NO

Bandwidth bandwidth: BW 1.4 MHz, BW 3 MHz, BW5 MHz, BW 10 MHz, BW 15 MHz, BW 20MHz

BW 5 MHz Enumeration NO

OversamplingOption oversampling option: Ratio 1, Ratio 2,Ratio 4, Ratio 8

Ratio 2 Enumeration NO

CyclicPrefix type of cyclic prefix: Normal, Extended Normal Enumeration NO

CellID_Sector the index of cell identity group 0 Integer NO

CellID_Group the index of cell identity within thephysical-layer cell-identity group

0 Integer NO

UEs_RevMode the release version of each UE [1, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0] Integerarray


RB_MappingType the mapping type of VRBs to PRBs:Localized, Distributed

Localized Enumeration NO

NumTxAnts number of Tx antennas: Tx1, Tx2, Tx4,Tx8

Tx1 Enumeration NO

CRS_NumAntPorts number of CRS antenna ports:CRS_Tx1, CRS_Tx2, CRS_Tx4

CRS_Tx1 Enumeration NO

UserDefinedAntMappingMatrix whether use customized virtual antennamapping matrix or not: NO, YES

NO Enumeration NO

UE1_AntMappingMatrix the user defined antenna mappingmatrix

[1, 0; 0, 1; 0, 0; 0, 0; 0, 0; 0, 0; 0, 0; 0, 0] Complexarray


UE2_AntMappingMatrix the user defined antenna mappingmatrix

[1, 0; 0, 1; 0, 0; 0, 0; 0, 0; 0, 0; 0, 0; 0, 0] Complexarray


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UE3_AntMappingMatrix the user defined antenna mappingmatrix

[1, 0; 0, 1; 0, 0; 0, 0; 0, 0; 0, 0; 0, 0; 0, 0] Complexarray


UE4_AntMappingMatrix the user defined antenna mappingmatrix

[1, 0; 0, 1; 0, 0; 0, 0; 0, 0; 0, 0; 0, 0; 0, 0] Complexarray


UE5_AntMappingMatrix the user defined antenna mappingmatrix

[1, 0; 0, 1; 0, 0; 0, 0; 0, 0; 0, 0; 0, 0; 0, 0] Complexarray


UE6_AntMappingMatrix the user defined antenna mappingmatrix

[1, 0; 0, 1; 0, 0; 0, 0; 0, 0; 0, 0; 0, 0; 0, 0] Complexarray


CRS_AntMappingMatrix the user defined antenna mappingmatrix

[1, 0; 0, 1; 0, 0; 0, 0; 0, 0; 0, 0; 0, 0; 0, 0] Complexarray


SS_PerTxAnt whether synchronization signals (P-SSand S-SS) are transmitted on eachtransmit antenna: NO, YES

NO Enumeration NO

ShowMIMO_Parameters show MIMO-related parameters for allsix Ues: NO, YES

YES Enumeration NO

UEs_MIMO_Mode MIMO Mode for each UE, 1 for TD, 0 forSM

[0,0,0,0,0,0] Integerarray


UEs_CDD_Mode CDD Mode for each UE, 1 for Zero-Delay, 0 for Large-Delay

[1,1,1,1,1,1] Integerarray


UEs_CdBlk_Index codebook index for precoding for eachUE

[0,0,0,0,0,0] Integerarray


UEs_NumOfCWs number of code words for each UE [1,1,1,1,1,1] Integerarray


UEs_NumOfLayers number of layers for each UE [1,1,1,1,1,1] Integerarray


ShowUE1_Parameters show parameters for coded UE1: NO,YES

YES Enumeration NO

UE1_HARQ_Enable Whether HARQ closed-loop transmissionis enable: NO, YES

NO Enumeration NO

UE1_NumHARQ Number of HARQ processes 8 Integer NO

UE1_MaxHARQTrans Maximum number of HARQ transmissionper each HARQ process

4 Integer NO

UE1_CL_Precoding_Enable whether closed-loop MIMO precoding forUE1 is enabled: NO, YES

NO Enumeration NO

UE1_PMI_Granularity closed-loop PMI reporting granularity inunits of resource blocks (RBs) for UE1

25 Integer NO

UE1_PMI_Delay closed-loop PMI reporting delay in unitsof sub-frames (1ms) for UE1

6 Integer NO

UE1_Config the configuration mode of input data forUE 1.: MCS index, Transport block size,Code rate

Transport block size Enumeration NO

UE1_Payload the input payload for UE 1, the meaningof the input is defined in UE1_Config

[2555,2555,2555,2555,2555,2555,2555,2555,2555,2555] Floatingpoint array


UE1_MappingType the modulation orders for UE 1 in eachsubframe, valid when UE1_Payload isnot set to MCS index. (0:QPSK,1:16QAM, 2:64QAM)

[0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0] Integerarray


UE1_RV_Sequence Redundancy Version Sequence for HARQclosed-loop transmission

[0,1,2,3] Integerarray


UE1_n_RNTI Radio network temporary identifier forUE 1

1 Integer NO

UE1_Category defines UE1 capability, used to get thetotal number of soft channel bits forrate-matching in downlink.: Category 1,Category 2, Category 3, Category 4,Category 5

Category 1 Enumeration NO

RB_AllocType RB allocation type: StartRB + NumRBs,RB indices (1D), RB indices (2D)

StartRB + NumRBs Enumeration NO

UE1_RB_Alloc the RB allocation for UE 1, in theformats of [start RB, number of RBs] or[SF0 start RB, SF0 number of RBs; . . . ;SF9 start RB, SF9 number of RBs]

[0,8] Integerarray


ShowOtherUEs_Parameters show parameters for other uncodedUes: NO, YES

YES Enumeration NO

OtherUEs_MappingType the modulation orders for other UEsexcept UE 1 in all subframes. (0:QPSK,1:16QAM, 2:64QAM)

[0,0,0,0,0] Integerarray


UE2_RB_Alloc the RB allocation for UE 2, in theformats of [start RB, number of RBs] or[SF0 start RB, SF0 number of RBs; . . . ;SF9 start RB, SF9 number of RBs]

[0,0] Integerarray


UE3_RB_Alloc the RB allocation for UE 3, in theformats of [start RB, number of RBs] or[SF0 start RB, SF0 number of RBs; . . . ;SF9 start RB, SF9 number of RBs]

[0,0] Integerarray


UE4_RB_Alloc the RB allocation for UE 4, in theformats of [start RB, number of RBs] or

[0,0] Integerarray


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[SF0 start RB, SF0 number of RBs; . . . ;SF9 start RB, SF9 number of RBs]

UE5_RB_Alloc the RB allocation for UE 5, in theformats of [start RB, number of RBs] or[SF0 start RB, SF0 number of RBs; . . . ;SF9 start RB, SF9 number of RBs]

[0,0] Integerarray


UE6_RB_Alloc the RB allocation for UE 6, in theformats of [start RB, number of RBs] or[SF0 start RB, SF0 number of RBs; . . . ;SF9 start RB, SF9 number of RBs]

[0,0] Integerarray


ShowControlChannelParameters show parameters for control channels:NO, YES

YES Enumeration NO

PDCCH_SymsPerSF number of OFDM symbols of PDCCH foreach subframe

[2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2] Integerarray


PDCCH_UE_AggreLevel the aggregation levels of UE-specificPDCCH search space for everysubframe. The allowable levels are 1, 2,4 and 8.

[1] Integerarray


PDCCH_UE_DCI_Formats the DCI Formats of the PDCCHcandidates for every subframe (-1means no DCI in correspondingcandidate).

[0, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1] Integerarray


PDCCH_Common_AggreLevel the aggregation levels of CommonPDCCH search space for everysubframe. The allowable levels are 4and 8.

[4] Integerarray


PDCCH_Common_DCI_Formats the DCI Formats of the PDCCHcandidates for every subframe (-1means no DCI in correspondingcandidate).

[-1, -1, -1, -1] Integerarray


PHICH_Duration type of PHICH duration :Normal_Duration, Extended_Duration

Normal_Duration Enumeration NO

PHICH_Ng type of PHICH duration : Ng 1/6, Ng1/2, Ng 1, Ng 2

Ng 1/6 Enumeration NO

HI physical hybrid-ARQ ACK/NAK indicators [1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1] Integerarray


UEs_n_SCID n_SCID of each user, given by thescrambling identity field in the mostrecent DCI format 2B associated withthe PDSCH transmission for each layer

[0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0] Integerarray


ShowPowerParameters show power-related parameters: NO,YES

YES Enumeration NO

RS_EPRE transmit energy per resource element(RE) for transmitted cell specific RS foreach antenna port, in unit ofdBm/15kHz

-25 Float NO

PCFICH_Rb PCFICH-to-RS EPRE ratio in dB insymbols with RS

0 Float NO

PHICH_Ra PHICH-to-RS EPRE ratio in dB insymbols with RS

0 Float NO

PHICH_Rb PHICH-to-RS EPRE ratio in dB insymbols without RS

0 Float NO

PBCH_Ra PBCH-to-RS EPRE ratio in dB in symbolswith RS

0 Float NO

PBCH_Rb PBCH-to-RS EPRE ratio in dB in symbolswithout RS

0 Float NO

PDCCH_Ra PDCCH-to-RS EPRE ratio in dB insymbols with RS

0 Float NO

PDCCH_Rb PDCCH-to-RS EPRE ratio in dB insymbols without RS

0 Float NO

PDSCH_PowerRatio PDSCH Cell Specific Ratio: p_B/p_A = 1,P_B = 0, P_B = 1, P_B = 2, P_B = 3

p_B/p_A = 1 Enumeration NO

UEs_Pa UE specific power parameter for each UE [0,0,0,0,0,0] Floatingpoint array


PSS_Ra PSS-to-RS EPRE ratio in dB in symbolswithout RS

0 Float NO

SSS_Ra SSS-to-RS EPRE ratio in dB in symbolswithout RS

0 Float NO

DMRS_Ra DMRS-to-CRS EPRE ratio in dB for eachUE

[0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0] Floatingpoint array


ShowSpectrumShapingParameters show parameters for transmit spectrumshaping: NO, YES

NO Enumeration NO

SpectrumShapingType spectrum shaping method:TimeWindowing, FIRFilter

TimeWindowing Enumeration NO

WindowType type of time transition windowingbetween two consecutive symbols, validwhen

Tukey Enumeration NO

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SpectrumShapingType=TimeWindowing:Tukey, Raised cosine

CyclicInterval the overlapped cyclic interval betweentwo adjacent symbols in unit of chips(without oversampling), valid whenSpectrumShapingType=TimeWindowing

6 Integer NO

CI_StartPos the start position of cyclic interval(without oversampling), compared tothe start position of CP (negative meansahead of CP)

-3 Integer NO

FIR_Taps number of FIR filter taps, valid whenSpectrumShapingType=FIRFilter

19 Integer NO

FIR_withInterp whether spectrum-shaping FIR filterwith interpolation operation or not, validwhen SpectrumShapingType=FIRFilter:NO, YES

NO Enumeration NO

FIR_FilterType spectrum-shaping FIR filter type, validwhen SpectrumShapingType=FIRFilter:RRC, Ideal Lowpass, EquiRipple

RRC Enumeration NO

RRC_Alpha roll-off factor for root raised-cosinefilter, valid whenSpectrumShapingType=FIRFilter

0.22 Float NO

DisplayMsg the messages displayed in SimulationLog window: None, Simple, Full

Simple Enumeration NO

Input Ports

Port Name Description SignalType


1 UE1_Data Input of UE1 information bits for at most 2 codewords multiple int NO

7 UE1_HARQ_Bits UE1 HARQ ACK/NACK bits for at most 2 codewords feedbackedfrom the receiver

multiple int YES

Output Ports

Port Name Description Signal Type Optional

2 frm_TD Output of baseband time-domain data for Antenna1 multiple complex NO

3 frm_FD Output of frequency data without power setting forAntenna1

multiple complex NO

4 UE1_ModSymbols UE1 Matrix-based (subframe-based) modulationsymbols for at most 2 codewords

multiple complexmatrix


5 UE1_ChannelBits UE1 Matrix-based (subframe-based) channel bits for atmost 2 codewords

multiple intmatrix


6 SC_Status Output of resource element status for all 2 antennas multiple int NO

Parameter Details

Most of the parameters are the same as in LTE_DL_Src (ltebasever),LTE_DL_MIMO_2Ant_Src (ltebasever) and LTE_DL_MIMO_4Ant_Src (ltebasever).Following are the new/updated parameters in LTE_A_DL_Src.

CyclicPrefix: only Normal Cyclic Prefix is supported in LTE-A downlink in currentSystemVue implementation.UEs_RevMode: the release version of each UE. It is a vector of length 6corresponding to six UEs in the DL source. Each of the six elements can be set to 0 or1, in which 0 indicates Release 8 and 1 indicates Release 10.

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For each UEIf the RevMode is set to 0(Release 8 LTE), the MIMO_Mode can be selected as 0(SM, SpatialMultiplexing) or 1(TD, Transmit Diversity). The NumOfLayers should be in the range [1,4].The precoding is according to sub clause (Precoding for spatial multiplexing usingantenna ports with cell-specific reference signals) and sub clause (Precoding fortransmit diversity)[1]. The implementation of layer mapping and precoding is the same as inLTE_DL_MIMO_2Ant_Src (ltebasever) and LTE_DL_MIMO_4Ant_Src (ltebasever). If thenumber of CRS antenna ports (CRS_NumAntPorts) is less than the number of physicaltransmit antennas (NumTxAnts), virtual antenna mapping is employed to map the antennaports onto the Tx antennas. If UserDefinedAntMappingMatrix is set to 1:YES,CRS_AntMappingMatrix is used for Release 8 UE.If the RevMode is set to 1(Release 10 LTE Advanced), the MIMO_Mode is fixed to 0(SM,Spatial Multiplexing). The NumOfLayers should be in the range [1,8]. The precoding isaccording to sub clause (Precoding for spatial multiplexing using antenna ports withUE-specific reference signals)[1]. If the number of layers (NumOfLayers[ueId]) is less thanthe number of physical transmit antennas (NumTxAnts), virtual antenna mapping is employedto map the antenna ports onto the Tx antennas. If UserDefinedAntMappingMatrix is set to1:YES, UE#ueID_AntMappingMatrix is used for each Release 10 UE.In other words,

to implement precoding for spatial multiplexing using antenna ports with cell-specificreference signals [1], please set UEs_RevMode[ueID] to 0 (Release 8) and setUEs_MIMO_Mode[ueID] to 0 (SM).to implement precoding for transmit diversity)[1], please set UEs_RevMode[ueID] to 0(Release 8) and set UEs_MIMO_Mode[ueID] to 1 (TD).to implement precoding for spatial multiplexing using antenna ports with UE-specificreference signals)[1], please set UEs_RevMode[ueID] to 1 (Release 10) and setUEs_MIMO_Mode[ueID] to 0 (SM).

NumTxAnts: number of transmit antennas. Up to 8 transmit antennas can besupported in LTE-A DL source.CRS_NumAntPorts: number of cell specific antenna ports (port 0, 1, 2, 3). It can beselected from {CRS_Tx1, CRS_Tx2, CRS_Tx4}.UserDefinedAntMappingMatrix: whether to configure the virtual antenna mappingmatrix manually.

If it is set to NO, the default matrixes are used. By default, for Release 8 UE, theCRS antenna ports (port 0, 1, 2, 3) are mapped onto the first CRS_NumAntPortstransmit antennas; for Release 10 UE, the antenna ports with UE-specificreference signals (port 7~14) are mapped on to the first NumOfLayers[ueID]transmit antennas;If it is set to YES, for Release 8 UE, the matrix specified inCRS_AntMappingMatrix is used; for Release 10 UE, the matrix specified inUE#ueID_AntMappingMatrix is used.

CRS_AntMappingMatrix should be set as a matrix with NumTxAnts rows andCRS_NumAntPorts columns.For Release 10 UE, the matrix UE#ueID_AntMappingMatrix should be set as a matrixwith NumTxAnts rows and NumOfLayers[ueID] columns.The lines are separated by semicolons, while the elements within each line areseparated by commas.It should be noted that the antenna mapping matrixes configured by these parametersare directly used in the virtual antenna mapping without any additional powernormalization.

UEs_n_SCID: the scrambling identity for each UE. It is used in the generation ofDMRS on port 7 and 8.DMRS_Ra: DMRS to CRS EPRE ratio in dB for each UE.


This subnetwork generates 3GPP LTE Advanced FDD (FS1) and TDD (FS2) coded1.downlink baseband signal (up to six users (PDSCHs)).The LTE_A_DL_Src schematic is shown below:2.

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This subnetwork can be configured as LTE Advanced downlink source with single3.transmit antenna, 2 transmit antennas, 4 transmit antennas and 8 transmitantennas, which is determined by NumTxAnts. Together with LTE_A_DL_Rcv(lteabasever), up to 8 × 8 LTE Advanced MIMO solution can be easily provided.There are several MIMO related parameters, i.e. UEs_MIMO_Mode, UEs_CDD_Mode,4.UEs_ Cdblk_Index, UEs_NumOfCWs and UEs_NumOfLayers.For UE i,

If UE i is Release 8 UE, i.e. UEs_RevMode[i] = 0, UEs_MIMO_Mode[i] can be setto 0(SM, Spatial Multiplexing) and 1(TD, Transmit Diversity).

If SM is configured, the cyclic delay diversity mode (UEs_CDD_Mode[i]) canbe set to 0(Large-Delay) and 1(Zero-Delay). If Zero-Delay is configured,the code book (UEs_Cdblk_Index[i]) can be selected from Table Table [1]. The number of codewords (UEs_NumOfCWs[i])can be set to 1 or 2. The precoding of PDSCH is according to6.3.4.2(Precoding for spatial multiplexing using antenna ports with cell-specific reference signals) [1].If TD is configured, the number of codewords (UEs_NumOfCWs[i]) is fixedto 1. The precoding is according to for transmit diversity)[1].The number of layers (UEs_NumOfLayers[i]) is limited byCRS_NumAntPorts. The maximum number of layers is 4.

If UE i is Release 10 UE, i.e. UEs_RevMode[i] = 1, UEs_MIMO_Mode[i] is fixed to0(SM, Spatial Multiplexing). UEs_CDD_Mode[i] and UEs_Cdblk_Index[i] are notused. The number of codewords (UEs_NumOfCWs[i]) can be set to 1 or 2. Theprecoding of PDSCH is according to for spatial multiplexingusing antenna ports with UE-specific reference signals) [1]. The number oflayers (UEs_NumOfLayers[i]) is limited by NumTxAnts. The maximum number oflayers is 8.

For all physical signals and physical channels except PSS and SSS, virtual antenna5.mapping is implemented to map the antenna ports onto the physical transmitantennas. For PDSCH of Release 10 UE, the corresponding UE#ID_AntMappingMatrixis used. For PDSCH of Release 8 UE, PDCCH, PHICH, PCFICH, PBCH and CRS,CRS_AntMappingMatrix is used.For more information, pls. refer to LTE_DL_Src (ltebasever), LTE_DL_MIMO_2Ant_Src6.(ltebasever) and LTE_DL_MIMO_4Ant_Src (ltebasever).Close loop precoding with PMI feedback has not been supported in LTE-A library yet.7.The Spectrum shaping is employed on all transmit antennas by default. Open the8.LTE_A_DL_Src by right clicking the model and selecting open->Model/Subcircuit, findthe SpectrumShaper(LTE_A_SpecShaping (lteabasever)), set the parameterSpecShapingAntNum, then the spectrum shaping is performed only for the firstSpecShapingAntNum transmit antennas. It can decrease the required memory insimulation.


3GPP TS 36.211 v10.0.0, "Physical Channels and Modulation", December 2010.1.3GPP TS 36.213 v10.0.0, "Physical Layer Procedures", December 2010.2.3GPP TS 36.104 v10.0.0 "Base Station (BS) radio transmission and reception",3.September 2010.

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LTE_A_UL_Src Part Uplink Source

Categories: Source (lteabasever)

The models associated with this part are listed below. To view detailed information on amodel (description, parameters, equations, notes, etc.), please click the appropriate link.




Description: Uplink SourceAssociated Parts: LTE A UL Src part (lteabasever)

Model Parameters

Name Description Default Units Type RuntimeTunable

ShowSystemParameters show system parametersfor LTE uplink signals: NO,YES

YES none Enumeration NO

FrameMode frame mode: FDD, TDD FDD none Enumeration NO

TDD_Config downlink and uplinkallocations for TDD:Config 0, Config 1, Config2, Config 3, Config 4,Config 5, Config 6

Config 0 none Enumeration NO

SpecialSF_Config special subframeconfiguration for TDD:Config 0, Config 1, Config2, Config 3, Config 4,Config 5, Config 6, Config7, Config 8

Config 4 none Enumeration NO

Bandwidth bandwidth: BW 1.4 MHz,BW 3 MHz, BW 5 MHz, BW10 MHz, BW 15 MHz, BW20 MHz

BW 5 MHz none Enumeration NO

OversamplingOption oversampling ratio option:Ratio 1, Ratio 2, Ratio 4,Ratio 8

Ratio 2 none Enumeration NO

CyclicPrefix type of cyclic prefix:Normal, Extended

Normal none Enumeration NO

CellID_Sector the index of cell identitywithin the physical-layercell-identity group ([0, 2])

0 none Integer NO

CellID_Group the index of cell identitygroup ([0, 167])

0 none Integer NO

n_RNTI radio network temporaryidentifier ([0, 65535])

0 none Integer NO

NumTxAnts number of Tx antennas: Tx1 Enumeration NO

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Tx1, Tx2, Tx4

HalfCarrierShift_Enable whether or not to enable1/2 subcarrier shifting:NO, YES

YES none Enumeration NO

FrameNum frame number ([0, inf)) 0 none Integer NO

FrameIncreased frame number increasingor not: NO, YES

NO none Enumeration NO

DL_CyclicPrefix type of cyclic prefix indownlink: Normal,Extended

Normal none Enumeration NO

Printf_RB_SF_Alloc print the RB_SF allocationto file: NO, YES

NO none Enumeration NO

ShowPUSCH_Parameters show PUSCH parametersfor LTE uplink signals: NO,YES

YES none Enumeration NO


PUSCH none Enumeration NO

NumOfCWs number of codewords 1 Integer NO

NumOfLayers number of layers 1 Integer NO

CdBlk_Index codebook index forprecoding, valid whenMIMO_Mode isSpatial_Mux

0 Integer NO

HARQ_Enable whether enable HARQ ornot: NO, YES

YES Enumeration NO

NumHARQ Number of HARQprocesses

8 Integer NO

MaxHARQTrans Maximum number ofHARQ transmission pereach HARQ process

4 Integer NO

Payload_Config the configuration mode ofinput data of PUSCH.:MCS index, Transportblock size, Code rate

Transport blocksize

none Enumeration NO

Payload the input payload forPUSCH, the meaning ofthe input is defined inPayload_Config

[2555, 2555,2555, 2555,2555, 2555,2555, 2555,2555, 2555]

none Floatingpoint array


Enable64QAM indicates whether 64QAMis allowed in uplink: NO,YES

YES Enumeration NO

MappingType the modulation orders forthe PUSCH in eachsubframe. (0:QPSK,1:16QAM, 2:64QAM)

[0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,0, 0, 0, 0]

none Integerarray


RV_Sequence Redundancy Version Index([0, 3])

[0,1,2,3] none Integerarray


DFTSwap_Enable PUSCH DFT swap isenable: NO, YES

NO none Enumeration NO

PUSCH_HoppingEnable whether PUSCHfrequency-hopping isenabled or not: NO, YES

NO none Enumeration NO

PUSCH_HoppingMode PUSCH frequency hoppingmode: interSubFrame,intraAndInterSubFrame

interSubFrame none Enumeration NO

PUSCH_HoppingOffset the offset used for PUSCHfrequency hopping ([0,63])

0 none Integer NO

PUSCH_Hopping_Nsb number of sub-bands forPUSCH frequency hopping([1, 4])

1 none Integer NO

PUSCH_HoppingBits information in PUSCHhopping bits: 0 or 00, 1 or01, 10, 11

0 or 00 none Enumeration NO

PUSCH_TransMode whether control and dataare sent via PUSCH: Dataand Control Multiplexing,Data Only, Control Only

Data andControlMultiplexing

Enumeration NO

RB_AllocType RB allocation type:StartRB + NumRBs, RBindices (1D), RB indices(2D)

StartRB +NumRBs

none Enumeration NO

RB_Alloc the RB allocation forPUSCH, in the fomats of[start RB, number of RBs]or[SF0 start RB, SF0

[0, 25] none Integerarray


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number of RBs; ...; SF9start RB, SF9 number ofRBs]

GroupHop_Enable whether enable grouphopping for DMRS onPUCCH and PUSCH or not:NO, YES

NO none Enumeration NO

SeqHop_Enable whether enable sequencehopping for DMRS onPUSCH or not: NO, YES

NO none Enumeration NO

PUSCH_Delta_ss used in determining thesequence-shift pattern forPUSCH ([0, 29])

0 none Integer NO

PUSCH_n_DMRS1 used in computing thecyclic shift for PUSCHDMRS

[0] none Integerarray


PUSCH_n_DMRS2 used in computing thecyclic shift for PUSCHDMRS

[0] none Integerarray


ActivateDMRSwithOOC whether to activate DMRSwith OOC: NO, YES

YES Enumeration NO

ShowPUCCH_Parameters show PUCCH parametersfor LTE uplink signals: NO,YES

YES none Enumeration NO

PUCCH_Format PUCCH format: Format 1,Format 1a, Format 1b,Shortened 1, Shortened1a, Shortened 1b, Format2, Format 2a, Format 2b

Format 1 none Enumeration NO

PUCCH_NumCQIBits number of CQI bits forPUCCH format 2/2a/2b

5 Integer NO

PUCCH_NumHARQACKBits number of HARQ-ACK bitsfor PUCCH format 2 inextended CP mode: 1 bit,2 bits

1 bit Enumeration NO

PUCCH_Delta_shift used to calculate PUCCHcyclic shift Alfa ([1, 3])

2 none Integer NO

PUCCH_SF_Alloc which sub frames containthe PUCCH, valid whenPUCCH_PUSCH is otherthan PUSCH ([0, 9])

[2] none Integerarray


PUCCH_NRB2 number of RBs used fortransmisstion PUCCHformat 2/2a/2b ([0, 99])

1 none Integer NO

PUCCH_n1 resources used fortransmisstion PUCCHformat 1/1a/1b ([0,12*100-1])

[0] none Integerarray


PUCCH_n2 resources used fortransmission PUCCHformat 2/2a/2b ([0,12*PUCCH_NB2-1])

[0] none Integerarray


ShowPRACH_Parameters show PRACH parametersfor LTE uplink signals: NO,YES

YES none Enumeration NO

PRACH_Enable whether or not to enablePRACH: NO, YES

NO none Enumeration NO

PRACH_Config PRACH configuration index([0, 63])

0 none Integer NO

PRACH_ResourceIndex the PRACH ResourceIndex. In FDD, it indicatesthe subframe numberwhere the preamblestarts; in TDD, it indicatesthe preamble mapping intime and frequency ([0,9])

[1] none Integerarray


PRACH_PrmbleIndex preamble indexes, used toselect preamblesequences from 64preambles available in thiscell ([0, 63])

[0] none Integerarray


PRACH_RBOffset PRACH frequency offset,the first RB available forPRACH ([0, 94])

0 none Integer NO

PRACH_LogicalIndex logical index of root ZCsequence ([0, 837])

0 none Integer NO

PRACH_Ncs cyclic shifts of ZCsequence ([0, 15])

0 none Integer NO

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PRACH_HS_flag high speed flag: NO, YES NO none Enumeration NO

ShowSRS_Parameters show SRS parameters forLTE uplink signals: NO,YES

YES none Enumeration NO

SRS_Enable sounding referencesymbol is enable: NO, YES

NO none Enumeration NO

SRS_BandwidthConfig the cell-specific SRSbandwidth configuration([0, 7])

7 none Integer NO

SRS_SF_Config the cell-specific SRSsubframe configuration([0, 14])

0 none Integer NO

SRS_MaxUpPts whether enable thereconfiguration ofmaximum m_SRS_0 ornot ([0, 15]): NO, YES

NO none Enumeration NO

SRS_Bandwidth the UE-specific SRSbandwidth ([0, 3])

0 none Integer NO

SRS_HoppingBandwidth the SRS hoppingbandwidth ([0, 3])

3 none Integer NO

SRS_FreqPosition the SRS frequency domainposition ([0, 23])

0 none Integer NO

SRS_ConfigIndex the UE-specific SRSconfiguration ([0, 1023])

0 none Integer NO

SRS_TransmissionComb transmission comb ([0,1])

0 none Integer NO

SRS_CyclicShift used in computing thecyclic shift of SRS ([0, 7])

[0] none Integerarray


ShowPowerParameters show power-relatedparameters: NO, YES

YES none Enumeration NO

PUSCH_PwrOffset the power offset in dB forPUSCH ((-inf, +inf))

0 none Float NO

PUSCH_RS_PwrOffset the power offset in dB forPUSCH RS ((-inf, +inf))

0 none Float NO

PUCCH_PwrOffset the power offset in dB forPUCCH ((-inf, +inf))

0 none Float NO

PUCCH_RS_PwrOffset the power offset in dB forPUCCH RS ((-inf, +inf))

0 none Float NO

PRACH_PwrOffset the power offset in dB forPRACH ((-inf, +inf))

0 none Float NO

SRS_PwrOffset the power offset in dB forSRS ((-inf, +inf))

0 none Float NO

ShowSpectrumShapingParameters show parameters fortransmit spectrumshaping: NO, YES

YES none Enumeration NO

SpectrumShapingType spectrum-shaping type:TimeWindowing, FIRFilter

TimeWindowing none Enumeration NO

WindowType type of time transitionwindowing between twoconsecutive symbols:Tukey, Raised cosine

Tukey none Enumeration NO

CyclicInterval the overlapped cyclicinterval between twoadjacent SC-FDMAsymbols in unit of chips(without oversampleing)([0, 96])

6 none Integer NO

CI_StartPos the start position of cyclicinterval(take the startposition of CP as origin),indicates the number ofsamples(withoutoversampling) of ECPadded before CP ([-96,0])

-3 none Integer NO

FIR_Taps number of FIR filter taps([1, 1000])

19 none Integer NO

FIR_withInterp spectrum-shaping FIRfilter with interpolationoperation: NO, YES

NO none Enumeration NO

FIR_FilterType spectrum-shaping FIRfilter type: RRC, IdealLowpass, EquiRipple

RRC none Enumeration NO

RRC_Alpha roll-off factor for rootraised-cosine filter ([0,1.0])

0.22 none Float NO

ShowControlInfoParameters show control informationparameters for LTE uplink

YES none Enumeration NO

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signals: NO, YES

RI_NumInfoBits RI information bits size([0, inf))

[0] none Integerarray


RI_BetaOffsetIndex RI offset values, used incalculating the number ofcoded RI symbols ([0,12])

[0] none Integerarray


CQI_NumInfoBits CQI information bits size([0, inf))

[0] none Integerarray


CQI_BetaOffsetIndex CQI offset values, used incalculating the number ofcoded CQI synbols ([2,15]

[2] none Integerarray


HARQACK_NumInfoBits HARQ-ACK informationbits size ([0, inf))

[0] none Integerarray


HARQACK_BetaOffsetIndex HARQ-ACK offset values,used in calculating thenumber of coded HARQ-ACK symbols ([0,14])

[0] none Integerarray


ACK_NACK_FeedbackMode ACK/NACK feedbackmodes for TDD:ACK/NACK multiplexing,ACK/NACK bundling


none Enumeration NO

Nbundled Nbundled for TDDACK/NACK bundling ([1,20])

[1] none Integerarray


Input Ports

Port Name Description Signal Type Optional

1 DataIn Input RI information bits multiple int NO

2 RI_In Input RI information bits multiple int NO

3 HARQACK_In Input HARQ-ACK information bits multiple int NO

4 CQI_In Input CQI information bits multiple int NO

11 HARQ_Bits Input HARQ ACK/NACK feedback from the receiver multiple int YES

Output Ports

Port Name Description Signal Type Optional

5 Frame Output frame signal multiple complex NO

6 FRM_FD Output frame signal in frequency domain multiple complex NO

7 Data_FD Output PUSCH signal in frequency domain multiple complexmatrix


8 PUSCH_ModSymbols Output PUSCH modulation symbols multiple complexmatrix


9 PUSCH_ChannelBits Output PUSCH channel bits before modulation multiple int NO

10 SC_Status Output uplink subcarrier (resource element)status

multiple int NO

Parameter Details

Most of the parameters are the same as in LTE_UL_Src (ltebasever). Following are thenew/updated parameters in LTE_A_UL_Src.

NumTxAnts: number of transmit antennas. It can be selected from {Tx1, Tx2, Tx4}.NumOfCWs: number of code words. It can be set to 1 or 2.NumOfLayers: number of layers. It should be in the range [1,4].CdBlk_Index: codebook index for precoding. The codebook can be found in subclause5.3.3A.2 [1].PUSCH_n_DMRS1: the index of n(1)

DMRS values. It indicates the cyclicShift in Table [1].cyclicShift n(1)


0 0

1 2

2 3

3 4

4 6

5 8

6 9

7 10

PUSCH_n_DMRS2: the index of n(2)DMRS values. It indicates the cyclicShift in Table [1].

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ActivateDMRSwithOOC: whether the higher-layer parameter Activate-DMRS-with OCCis set. It determines the orthogonal sequence w( λ )(m) used in DMRS generation.PUCCH_n1: It is an Array Parameter (ltebasever) indicating the n(1)

PUCCH on each

PUCCH port. The supported sizes are 1 × 1 and 2 × 1.PUCCH_n2: It is an Array Parameter (ltebasever) indicating the n(2)

PUCCH on each

PUCCH port. The supported sizes are 1 × 1 and 2 × 1.RI_NumInfoBits: number of information bits of rank indication. It is an ArrayParameter (ltebasever). The supported sizes are 1 × 1, 10 × 1, 2 × 1 and 20 × 1.RI_BetaOffsetIndex: index of RI beta offset. It is an Array Parameter (ltebasever).The supported sizes are 1 × 1, 10 × 1, 2 × 1 and 20 × 1.CQI_NumInfoBits: number of information bits of channel quality information. It is anArray Parameter (ltebasever). The supported sizes are 1 × 1, 10 × 1, 2 × 1 and 20 ×1.CQI_BetaOffsetIndex: index of CQI beta offset. It is an Array Parameter (ltebasever).The supported sizes are 1 × 1, 10 × 1, 2 × 1 and 20 × 1.HARQACK_NumInfoBits: number of information bits of HARQ-ACK. It is an ArrayParameter (ltebasever). The supported sizes are 1 × 1, 10 × 1, 2 × 1 and 20 × 1.HARQACK_BetaOffsetIndex: index of HARQ-ACK beta offset. It is an Array Parameter(ltebasever). The supported sizes are 1 × 1, 10 × 1, 2 × 1 and 20 × 1.ACK_NACK_FeedbackMode: ACK/NACK feedback modes for TDD.Nbundled: Nbundled for TDD ACK/NACK bundling. It is an Array Parameter(ltebasever). The supported sizes are 1 × 1, 10 × 1, 2 × 1 and 20 × 1.


This subnetwork generates LTE Advanced uplink baseband signal for both frame1.structure type 1 and frame structure type 2.The LTE_A_UL_Src schematic is shown below:2.

This subnetwork can be configured as LTE Advanced uplink source with single3.transmit antenna, 2 transmit antennas and 4 transmit antennas, which is determinedby NumTxAnts. Together with LTE_A_UL_Rcv (lteabasever), up to 4 × 4 LTEAdvanced MIMO solutions can be easily provided.Simultaneous PUCCH and PUSCH transmission is supported. Set parameter4.PUCCH_PUSCH to 2:both, then the PUCCH and PUSCH can be transmitted on thesame subframe. However, there should be no conflict between the RB allocation forPUSCH and PUCCH.Cluster SC-FDMA is supported. Set RB_AllocType to 1:RB indices(1D) or 2:RB5.indices(2D), then non-contiguous RB allocation can be accepted by RB_Alloc. Formore information, please refer to Resource Block Allocation (ltebasever).For PUCCH, it can be transmitted on one or two antenna ports in current6.implementation. Virtual antenna mapping is employed when the number of transmitantennas is larger than 2. The antenna mapping matrix PUCCH_AntMappingMatrixcan be configured in the Equation of the LTE_A_UL_Src. Right click theLTE_A_UL_Src model, choose open->Model/Subnets and navigate to the Equationtab. Find the PUCCH_AntMappingMatrix on line 11.For PRACH, virtual antenna mapping is employed to map it from single port onto7.multiple transmit antennas. It is only transmitted on the first antenna by default. Theantenna mapping matrix PRACH_AntMappingMatrix can be configured in the Equationof the LTE_A_UL_Src.

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3GPP TS 36.211 v10.0.0, "Physical Channels and Modulation", December 2010.1.3GPP TS 36.213 v10.0.0, "Physical Layer Procedures", December 2010.2.3GPP TS 36.101 v10.0.0 "User Equipment (UE) radio transmission and reception",3.October 2010.

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LTE Advanced Sync EqualizationCategory Contents

LTE A DL ChEstimator Part (lteabasever)LTE A DL ChEstimator CRS Part (lteabasever)LTE A DL MIMO FrameSync Part (lteabasever)LTE A DL MIMO FreqSync Part (lteabasever)LTE A DL TimeFreqSync Part (lteabasever)LTE A IQ Offset Part (lteabasever)LTE A UL ChEstimator Part (lteabasever)LTE A UL FrameSync Part (lteabasever)LTE A UL FreqSync Part (lteabasever)LTE A UL TimeFreqSync Part (lteabasever)

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LTE_A_DL_ChEstimator_CRS PartCategories: Sync Equalization (lteabasever)

The models associated with this part are listed below. To view detailed information on amodel (description, parameters, equations, notes, etc.), please click the appropriate link.

Model Description


Downlink channel estimator and interpolator for FDD and TDD withCRS


Description: Downlink channel estimator and interpolator for FDD and TDD with CRSDomain: UntimedC++ Code Generation Support: NOAssociated Parts: LTE A DL ChEstimator CRS Part (lteabasever)

Model Parameters

Name Description Default Units Type RuntimeTunable

FrameMode frame mode: FDD, TDD FDD Enumeration NO

TDD_Config downlink and uplink allocations for TDD: Config0, Config 1, Config 2, Config 3, Config 4, Config5, Config 6

Config 0 Enumeration NO

SpecialSF_Config special subframe configuration for TDD: Config0, Config 1, Config 2, Config 3, Config 4, Config5, Config 6, Config 7, Config 8

Config 4 Enumeration NO

Bandwidth bandwidth: BW 1.4 MHz, BW 3 MHz, BW 5 MHz,BW 10 MHz, BW 15 MHz, BW 20 MHz


Enumeration NO

NumTxAnts number of Tx Antennas: Tx1, Tx2, Tx4, Tx8 Tx8 Enumeration NO

NumRxAnts number of Rx Antennas: Rx1, Rx2, Rx4, Rx8 Rx8 Enumeration NO

CyclicPrefix type of cyclic prefix: Normal, Extended Normal Enumeration NO

CellID_Sector the index of cell identity within the physical-layer cell-identity group

0 Integer NO

CellID_Group the index of cell identity group 0 Integer NO

ChEstimatorMode mode of interpolation algorithm in channelestimator: Linear, MMSE_2D, For EVM

Linear Enumeration NO

MMSE_RBWinLen number of RBs for each MMSE-2D interpolation 3 Integer NO

SNR SNR in dB. (used by 2D-MMSE channelestimator in PDSCH)

15 Float NO

Tmax the maximum delay of multi-path channel.(used by 2D-MMSE channel estimator inPDSCH)

0.000001 s Float NO

Fmax the maximum doppler frequency. (used by 2D-MMSE channel estimator in PDSCH)

100 Hz Float NO

SubframeIgnored number of subframes (or transport blocks) thatare ignored at the beginning due to systemdelay

0 Integer NO

Input Ports

Port Name Description Signal Type Optional

1 Pilots reference signals complex matrix NO

2 input output signals fromFFT

multiple complex NO

Output Ports

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Port Name Description Signal Type Optional

3 Coef channel coefficient in active subcarriers complex NO

4 RcvPower received power real NO


This model is used to estimate LTE Advanced downlink channel response (CR) with1.Cell-specific reference signals (CRS) for both FDD and TDD schemes. The Cell-specificreference signals (CRS) are based on [1]. This model is similar withLTE_DL_ChEstimator. please refer to LTE_DL_ChEstimator (ltebasever)What different with LTE_DL_ChEstimator is the the parameter NumTxAnts and2.NumRxAnts which can be set 8 Antennas and the multiport input can be expanded to8.See LTE_DL_ChEstimator (ltebasever) and LTE_A_DL_ChEstimator (lteabasever).3.


3GPP TS 36.211 v10.0.0, "Physical Channels and Modulation", December 2010.1.3GPP TS 36.212 v10.0.0, "Multiplexing and Channel Coding", December 2010.2.3GPP TS 36.213 v10.0.0, "Physical Layer Procedures", December 2010.3.3GPP TS 36.104 v10.0.0, "Base Station (BS) radio transmission and reception",4.September 2010.3GPP TS 36.101 v10.0.0, “User Equipment (UE) radio transmission and reception”,5.October 2010.P. Hoeher, S. Kaiser, and P. Robertson. "Two-Dimensional Pilot-Symbol-Aided6.Channel Estimation by Wiener Filtering". Proc. IEEE ICASSP '97, Munich, Germany,pp. 1845-1848, Apr. 1997.

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LTE_A_DL_ChEstimator PartCategories: Sync Equalization (lteabasever)

The models associated with this part are listed below. To view detailed information on amodel (description, parameters, equations, notes, etc.), please click the appropriate link.

Model Description


Downlink channel estimator and interpolator for FDD andTDD


Description: Downlink channel estimator and interpolator for FDD and TDDDomain: UntimedC++ Code Generation Support: NOAssociated Parts: LTE A DL ChEstimator Part (lteabasever)

Model Parameters

Name Description Default Units Type RuntimeTunable

FrameMode frame mode: FDD, TDD FDD Enumeration NO

TDD_Config downlink and uplink allocations for TDD:Config 0, Config 1, Config 2, Config 3, Config4, Config 5, Config 6

Config 0 Enumeration NO

SpecialSF_Config special subframe configuration for TDD:Config 0, Config 1, Config 2, Config 3, Config4, Config 5, Config 6, Config 7, Config 8

Config 4 Enumeration NO

Bandwidth bandwidth: BW 1.4 MHz, BW 3 MHz, BW 5MHz, BW 10 MHz, BW 15 MHz, BW 20 MHz

BW 5 MHz Enumeration NO

CRS_NumAntPorts number of CRS Antenna ports: CRS_Tx1,CRS_Tx2, CRS_Tx4

CRS_Tx2 Enumeration NO

NumOfLayers number of layers 8 Integer NO

NumRxAnts number of Rx Antennas: Rx1, Rx2, Rx4, Rx8 Rx8 Enumeration NO

CyclicPrefix type of cyclic prefix: Normal, Extended Normal Enumeration NO

CellID_Sector the index of cell identity within the physical-layer cell-identity group

0 Integer NO

CellID_Group the index of cell identity group 0 Integer NO

RB_AllocType RB allocation type: StartRB + NumRBs, RBindices (1D), RB indices (2D)

StartRB +NumRBs

Enumeration NO

RB_Alloc the RB allocation for the UE, in the formats of[start RB, number of RBs] or [[SF0 start RB,SF0 number of RBs]; . . .; [SF9 start RB, SF9number of RBs]]

[0, 25] Integerarray


ChEstimatorMode mode of interpolation algorithm in channelestimator: Linear, MMSE_2D

Linear Enumeration NO

MMSE_RBWinLen number of RBs for each MMSE-2Dinterpolation

3 Integer NO

SNR SNR in dB. (used by 2D-MMSE channelestimator in PDSCH)

15 Float NO

Tmax the maximum delay of multi-path channel.(used by 2D-MMSE channel estimator inPDSCH)

0.000001 s Float NO

Fmax the maximum doppler frequency. (used by2D-MMSE channel estimator in PDSCH)

100 Hz Float NO

SubframeIgnored number of subframes (or transport blocks)that are ignored at the beginning due tosystem delay

0 Integer NO

Input Ports

Port Name Description Signal Type Optional

1 DMRS Demodulation RS after precoding multiple complex matrix NO

2 input output signals from FFT multiple complex NO

Output Ports

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Port Name Description Signal Type Optional

3 Coef channel coefficient in active subcarriers complex NO


This model is used to estimate 3GPP LTE downlink channel response (CR) with the1.DM-RS symbols assisted for both FDD and TDD schemes. The downlink UE-specificreference signals (DM-RS) are based on 1 .Each firing,2.

1 matrix token is consumed at port DMRS, the size of the pth matrix token isequal to the number of DM-RS REs for the antenna port p in each subframe, formore information, please refer to LTE_A_DL_DMRS.NumberREsPerSubframe tokens are consumed at each port of the multiportinput, NumberREsPerSubframe = NumOfRBs * 12 (subcarriers per RB) *NumberOfSymbolsPerSubframe, where NumOfRBs is the number of resourceblocks assigned to the UE.NumberREsPerSubframe * NumberOfLayers * NumberRxAnts tokens areproduced at port Coef, where NumberOfLayers is the number of layers andNumberRxAnts is the number of Rx antennas.

Linear interpolation and MMSE interpolation are supported in this channel estimator.3.Channel estimation is done on a subframe basis.The least-squares CR estimate at a pilot location ( i ) can be obtained as:4.Hi = Yi / Xi, where Yi is the received Pilot symbol and Xi is the transmitted Pilot

symbol on the ith subcarrier.After getting the CRs at pilot locations, an interpolation algorithm is used to obtain all5.CR estimations.

If ChEstimatorMode is set to Linear, linear interpolation in frequency domain isperformed to get CEs in all subcarriers in DM-RS OFDM symbols, then do linearinterpolation in time domain is performed to get CEs in all other OFDM symbols.If ChEstimatorMode is set to MMSE_2D, two-dimensional MMSE interpolation isperformed on a subframe basis in time domain and MMSE_RBWinLen RBs infrequency domain. For more information, please refer to [3].

If ChEstimatorMode is MMSE_2D, SNR should be set as the signal to noise ratio in6.dB, Tmax should be set as the maximum delay spread of the channel, Fmax shouldbe set as the maximum dopper frequency, while these parameters are ignored whenChEstimatorMode is Linear. In AWGN channel, Tmax and Fmax can be set as a smallvalue, e.g. Tmax = 1e-8s, Fmax = 0.01Hz.It should be noted that if SubframeIgnored is not 0, the first SubframeIgored7.subframes read from input are ignored. The first matrix token read from Pilots wouldbe used in the SubframeIgnored-th subframe. The Coef output for the firstSubframeIgored subframes would be all '1's.See LTE_A_UL_ChEstimator (lteabasever).8.

For more information on system parameters, please refer to DL System Parameters (ltebasever)For more information on Rx Algorithm Parameters, please refer to DL Rx Algorithm Parameters(ltebasever).


3GPP TS 36.211 v10.0.0, "Physical Channels and Modulation", December 2010.1.3GPP TS 36.104 v10.0.0, "Base Station (BS) radio transmission and reception",2.September 2010.P. Hoeher, S. Kaiser, and P. Robertson. "Two-Dimensional Pilot-Symbol-Aided3.Channel Estimation by Wiener Filtering". Proc. IEEE ICASSP '97, Munich, Germany,pp. 1845-1848, Apr. 1997.

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LTE_A_DL_MIMO_FrameSync PartCategories: Sync Equalization (lteabasever)

The models associated with this part are listed below. To view detailed information on amodel (description, parameters, equations, notes, etc.), please click the appropriate link.

Model Description


Downlink time and frequency synchronizer in time domain


Description: Downlink time and frequency synchronizer in time domainDomain: UntimedC++ Code Generation Support: NOAssociated Parts: LTE A DL MIMO FrameSync Part (lteabasever)

Model Parameters

Name Description Default Units Type RuntimeTunable

SyncScale synchronization scale: PerFrame,PerSubframe

PerFrame Enumeration NO

FrameMode frame mode: FDD, TDD FDD Enumeration NO

TDD_Config downlink and uplink allocations for TDD:Config 0, Config 1, Config 2, Config 3,Config 4, Config 5, Config 6

Config 0 Enumeration NO

Bandwidth bandwidth: BW 1.4 MHz, BW 3 MHz, BW5 MHz, BW 10 MHz, BW 15 MHz, BW 20MHz

BW 5 MHz Enumeration NO

NumRxAnts number of Rx Antennas: Rx1, Rx2, Rx4,Rx8

Rx8 Enumeration NO

OversamplingOption Ratio 1, Ratio 2, Ratio 4, Ratio 8: Ratio 1,Ratio 2, Ratio 4, Ratio 8

Ratio 2 Enumeration NO

CyclicPrefix type of cyclic prefix: Normal, Extended Normal Enumeration NO

IdleInterval idle interval between two consecutiveradio frames

0 Float NO

SyncType synchronization type indicating using PSScross-correlation between two receivedPSSs or auto-correlation betweenreceived PSS and local generated PSS:Cross-Correlation, Auto-Correlation


Enumeration NO

SearchType start a new timing and frequencesynchronization search for every frame ornot: Search every frame, Search+Track

Search+Track Enumeration NO

SearchRange timing and frequence synchronizationsearching range for the first frame

3e-3 s Float NO

TrackRange timing and frequence synchronizationtracking range for the frames except thefirst frame, valid when SearchType is setto Search+Track

0.1e-3 s Float NO

FreqSync : non, <100Hz, <15kHz, <45kHz <15kHz Enumeration NO

AutoDetec_CellID whether or not to auto detect the CellIDs:NO, YES

NO Enumeration NO

CellID_Sector the index of cell identity within thephysical-layer cell-identity group

0 Integer NO

CellID_Group the index of cell identity group 0 Integer NO

Input Ports

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Port Name Description Signal Type Optional

1 input received basebandsignal

multiple complex NO

Output Ports

Port Name Description Signal Type Optional

2 CellIDs int NO

3 TimeDete time offset detection multiple int NO

4 FODete frequency offset detection multiple real float NO

5 SSCH_Sym SSCH OFDM symbol output multiple complex NO

6 Corr_Max the max corr value ofPSCH

multiple real float NO


This model is used to achieve downlink radio frame/subframe synchronization and1.estimate frequency offset less than 15 KHz for both FDD and TDD modes. This modelworks both in the MIMO mode and in SISO mode (buswidth is 1). The bus width ofthe input and output pins should be compliance with the parameter NumRxAnts. Thismodel is similar with LTE_DL_MIMO_FrameSync. Please refer toLTE_DL_MIMO_FrameSync (ltebasever).What different with LTE_DL_MIMO_FrameSync are as follows:2.

Changed parameters:the parameter NumRxAnts can be set 8 Antennas and so these multiportinput and output ports can be expanded to 8.


3GPP TS 36.211 v10.0.0, "Physical Channels and Modulation", December 2010.1.3GPP TS 36.212 v10.0.0, "Multiplexing and Channel Coding", December 2010.2.3GPP TS 36.213 v10.0.0, "Physical Layer Procedures", December 2010.3.3GPP TS 36.104 v10.0.0, "Base Station (BS) radio transmission and reception",4.September 2010.3GPP TS 36.101 v10.0.0, “User Equipment (UE) radio transmission and reception”,5.October 2010.P. Hoeher, S. Kaiser, and P. Robertson. "Two-Dimensional Pilot-Symbol-Aided6.Channel Estimation by Wiener Filtering". Proc. IEEE ICASSP '97, Munich, Germany,pp. 1845-1848, Apr. 1997.

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LTE_A_DL_MIMO_FreqSync PartCategories: Sync Equalization (lteabasever)

The models associated with this part are listed below. To view detailed information on amodel (description, parameters, equations, notes, etc.), please click the appropriate link.

Model Description


Timing and freqency estimation in freqencydomain


Description: Timing and freqency estimation in freqency domainDomain: UntimedC++ Code Generation Support: NOAssociated Parts: LTE A DL MIMO FreqSync Part (lteabasever)

Model Parameters

Name Description Default Units Type RuntimeTunable

SyncScale synchronization scale: PerFrame,PerSubframe

PerFrame Enumeration NO

Bandwidth bandwidth: BW 1.4 MHz, BW 3 MHz, BW 5MHz, BW 10 MHz, BW 15 MHz, BW 20MHz

BW 5 MHz Enumeration NO

NumRxAnts number of Rx Antennas: Rx1, Rx2, Rx4,Rx8

Rx8 Enumeration NO

OversamplingOption Ratio 1, Ratio 2, Ratio 4, Ratio 8: Ratio 1,Ratio 2, Ratio 4, Ratio 8

Ratio 2 Enumeration NO

CyclicPrefix type of cyclic prefix: Normal, Extended Normal Enumeration NO

Sync_Mode synchronization for every port or onesynchronization for all ports: SyncPerPort,AverageSync

SyncPerPort Enumeration NO

FreqSync frequency estimation range select: non,<100Hz, <15kHz, <45kHz

<15kHz Enumeration NO

Input Ports

Port Name Description Signal Type Optional

1 CellIDs Cell ID int NO

2 TD_ByFrameSync Timing index detected by FrameSync multiple int NO

3 FD_ByFrameSync Frequency offset detected by FrameSync multiple real float NO

4 input Input S-SCH signal data multiple complex NO

Output Ports

Port Name Description Signal Type Optional

5 TimeDete Final timing index multiple int NO

6 FODete Final frequencyoffset

multiple real float NO


This model is used to achieve integer subcarrier-spacing (15KHz) frequency offsets1.and adjust the time offset estimated by the model LTE_A_DL_MIMO_FrameSync(lteabasever) for both FDD and TDD modes. This model works both in the MIMOmode and in SISO mode (buswidth is 1). The bus width of the input and output pinsshould be compliance with the parameter NumRxAnts. This model is similar withLTE_DL_MIMO_FreqSync. Please refer to LTE_DL_MIMO_FreqSync (ltebasever).What different with LTE_DL_MIMO_ FreqSync are as follows:2.

Changed parameters:the parameter NumRxAnts can be set 8 Antennas and so these multiportinput and output ports can be expanded to 8.

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3GPP TS 36.211 v10.0.0, "Physical Channels and Modulation", December 2010.1.3GPP TS 36.212 v10.0.0, "Multiplexing and Channel Coding", December 2010.2.3GPP TS 36.213 v10.0.0, "Physical Layer Procedures", December 2010.3.3GPP TS 36.104 v10.0.0, "Base Station (BS) radio transmission and reception",4.September 2010.3GPP TS 36.101 v10.0.0, “User Equipment (UE) radio transmission and reception”,5.October 2010.P. Hoeher, S. Kaiser, and P. Robertson. "Two-Dimensional Pilot-Symbol-Aided6.Channel Estimation by Wiener Filtering". Proc. IEEE ICASSP '97, Munich, Germany,pp. 1845-1848, Apr. 1997.

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LTE_A_DL_TimeFreqSync Part Frequency and time synchronization for DL

Categories: Sync Equalization (lteabasever)

The models associated with this part are listed below. To view detailed information on amodel (description, parameters, equations, notes, etc.), please click the appropriate link.




Description: Frequency and time synchronization for DLAssociated Parts: LTE A DL TimeFreqSync Part (lteabasever)

Model Parameters

Name Description Default Units Type RuntimeTunable

FrameMode frame mode: FDD, TDD FDD Enumeration NO

TDD_Config downlink and uplink allocations for TDD:Config 0, Config 1, Config 2, Config 3,Config 4, Config 5, Config 6

Config 0 Enumeration NO

Bandwidth bandwidth: BW 1.4 MHz, BW 3 MHz, BW5 MHz, BW 10 MHz, BW 15 MHz, BW 20MHz

BW 5 MHz Enumeration NO

NumRxAnts number of Rx Antennas: Rx1, Rx2, Rx4,Rx8

Rx8 Enumeration NO

OversamplingOption oversampling option: Ratio 1, Ratio 2,Ratio 4, Ratio 8

Ratio 2 Enumeration NO

CyclicPrefix type of cyclic prefix: Normal Normal Enumeration NO

AutoDetec_CellID whether or not to auto detect theCellIDs: NO, YES

NO Enumeration NO

CellID_Sector the index of cell identity group 0 Integer NO

CellID_Group the index of cell identity within thephysical-layer cell-identity group

0 Integer NO

IdleInterval idle interval between two consecutiveradio frames

0 s Float NO

ReceiverDelay receiver delay ( One frame delay is fornon-HARQ; One subframe delay is forclosed-loop HARQ.: One frame delay(10ms), One subframe delay (1ms)

One subframedelay (1ms)

Enumeration NO

SyncType synchronization type indicating usingPSS cross-correlation between tworeceived PSSs or auto-correlationbetween received PSS and localgenerated PSS: Cross-Correlation, Auto-Correlation


Enumeration NO

SearchType start a new timing and frequencesynchronization search for every frameor not: Search every frame,Search+Track

Search+Track Enumeration NO

SearchRange timing and frequence synchronizationsearching range for the first frame

0.003 s Float NO

TrackRange timing and frequence synchronizationtracking range for the frames except thefirst frame, valid when SearchType isset to Search+Track

0 s Float NO

Sync_Mode synchronization for every port or onesynchronization for all ports:SyncPerPort, AverageSync

SyncPerPort Enumeration NO

FreqSync frequency estimation range select: non,less than 100Hz, less than 15kHz, lessthan 45kHz

less than15kHz

Enumeration NO

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Input Ports

Port Name Description Signal Type Optional

1 input Input of received IQ data multiple complex NO

Output Ports

Port Name Description Signal Type Optional

2 TODete Estimated timing indices in all rx antennas multiple int NO

3 FODete Estimated frequency offsets in all rx antennas multiple real NO



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LTE_A_IQ_Offset PartCategories: Sync Equalization (lteabasever)

The models associated with this part are listed below. To view detailed information on amodel (description, parameters, equations, notes, etc.), please click the appropriate link.

Model Description


Uplink IQ offset compensation


Description: Uplink IQ offset compensationDomain: UntimedC++ Code Generation Support: NOAssociated Parts: LTE A IQ Offset Part (lteabasever)

Model Parameters

Name Description Default Units Type RuntimeTunable

Bandwidth bandwidth: BW 1.4 MHz, BW 3 MHz, BW 5MHz, BW 10 MHz, BW 15 MHz, BW 20 MHz


Enumeration NO

OversamplingOption Ratio 1, Ratio 2, Ratio 4, Ratio 8: Ratio 1,Ratio 2, Ratio 4, Ratio 8

Ratio 2 Enumeration NO

NumRxAnts number of Rx Antennas: Rx1, Rx2, Rx4 Rx1 Enumeration NO

IQ_Offset_Correct whether or not to correct IQ offset: NO, YES YES Enumeration NO

Input Ports

Port Name Description Signal Type Optional

1 DataIn signal input multiple complex NO

Output Ports

Port Name Description Signal Type Optional

2 DataOut sigal output multiple complex NO


This model performs LTE Advanced Uplink IQ offset compensation. This model is1.similar with LTE_IQ_Offset. Please refer to LTE_IQ_Offset (ltebasever)What different with LTE_IQ_Offset are as follows:2.

This model works both in the MIMO mode and in SISO mode (buswidth is 1).The bus width of the input and output pins should be compliance with theparameter NumRxAnts.New added parameters:

the parameter NumRxAnts which can be set 8 Antennas and the multiportports can be expanded to 8.

See LTE_IQ_Offset (ltebasever).3.


3GPP TS 36.211 v10.0.0, "Physical Channels and Modulation", December 2010.1.3GPP TS 36.212 v10.0.0, "Multiplexing and Channel Coding", December 2010.2.3GPP TS 36.213 v10.0.0, "Physical Layer Procedures", December 2010.3.3GPP TS 36.104 v10.0.0, "Base Station (BS) radio transmission and reception",4.September 2010.3GPP TS 36.101 v10.0.0, “User Equipment (UE) radio transmission and reception”,5.October 2010.P. Hoeher, S. Kaiser, and P. Robertson. "Two-Dimensional Pilot-Symbol-Aided6.Channel Estimation by Wiener Filtering". Proc. IEEE ICASSP '97, Munich, Germany,pp. 1845-1848, Apr. 1997.

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LTE_A_UL_ChEstimator PartCategories: Sync Equalization (lteabasever)

The models associated with this part are listed below. To view detailed information on amodel (description, parameters, equations, notes, etc.), please click the appropriate link.

Model Description


Uplink Channel Estimator and Interpolator


Description: Uplink Channel Estimator and InterpolatorDomain: UntimedC++ Code Generation Support: NOAssociated Parts: LTE A UL ChEstimator Part (lteabasever)

Model Parameters

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Name Description Default Units Type RuntimeTunable

FrameMode frame mode: FDD, TDD FDD Enumeration NO

TDD_Config downlink and uplink allocations forTDD: Config 0, Config 1, Config 2,Config 3, Config 4, Config 5, Config 6

Config 0 Enumeration NO

Bandwidth bandwidth: BW 1.4 MHz, BW 3 MHz,BW 5 MHz, BW 10 MHz, BW 15 MHz,BW 20 MHz

BW 5 MHz Enumeration NO

CyclicPrefix type of cyclic prefix: Normal, Extended Normal Enumeration NO

CellID_Sector the index of cell identity within thephysical-layer cell-identity group

0 Integer NO

CellID_Group the index of cell identity group 0 Integer NO

FrameNum frame number 0 Integer NO

FrameIncreased frame number increasing or not: NO,YES

NO Enumeration NO

NumTxAnts number of Tx Antennas: Tx1, Tx2, Tx4 Tx1 Enumeration NO

NumRxAnts number of Rx Antennas: Rx1, Rx2,Rx4

Rx1 Enumeration NO

RB_AllocType RB allocation type: StartRB +NumRBs, RB indices (1D), RB indices(2D)

StartRB +NumRBs

Enumeration NO

RB_Alloc the RB allocation for the UE, in theformats of [start RB, number of RBs]or [[SF0 start RB, SF0 number ofRBs]; . . .; [SF9 start RB, SF9 numberof RBs]]

[0, 25] Integerarray



PUSCH Enumeration NO

PUSCH_HoppingEnable whether PUSCH frequency-hopping isenabled or not: NO, YES

NO Enumeration NO

PUSCH_HoppingMode PUSCH frequency hopping mode:interSubFrame,intraAndInterSubFrame

interSubFrame Enumeration NO

PUSCH_HoppingOffset the offset used for PUSCH frequencyhopping

0 Integer NO

PUSCH_Hopping_Nsb number of sub-bands for PUSCHfrequency hopping

1 Integer NO

PUSCH_HoppingBits information in hopping bits: 0 or 00, 1or 01, 10, 11

0 or 00 Enumeration NO

PUCCH_Format PUCCH format: Format 1, Format 1a,Format 1b, Shortened 1, Shortened1a, Shortened 1b, Format 2, Format2a, Format 2b

Format 1 Enumeration NO

PUCCH_Delta_shift used to calculate PUCCH cyclic shiftAlfa

1 Integer NO

PUCCH_SF_Alloc which sub frames contain the PUCCH,valid when PUCCH_PUSCH is otherthan PUSCH

[2] Integerarray


PUCCH_NRB2 number of RBs used for transmisstionPUCCH format 2/2a/2b

0 Integer NO

PUCCH_n1 resources used for transmisstionPUCCH format 1/1a/1b

[0] Integerarray


PUCCH_n2 resources used for transmisstionPUCCH format 2/2a/2b

[0] Integerarray


SRS_Enable sounding reference symbol is enable:NO, YES

NO Enumeration NO

SRS_SF_Config the cell-specific SRS subframeconfiguration

0 Integer NO

ChEstimatorMode mode of interpolation algorithm inchannel estimator: Linear, MMSE

Linear Enumeration NO

SNR SNR in dB. (used by MMSE channelestimator in PUSCH)

15 Float NO

Tmax the maximum delay of multi-pathchannel. (used by MMSE channelestimator in PUSCH)

0.000001 s Float NO

Fmax the maximum doppler frequency.(used by MMSE channel estimator inPUSCH)

100 Hz Float NO

SubframeIgnored number of subframes (or transportblocks) that are ignored at thebeginning due to system delay

0 Integer NO

DisplayPortRates whether the port rates and otheruseful information are displayed inSimulation Log window: NO, YES

NO Enumeration NO

Input Ports

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Port Name Description Signal Type Optional

1 input output signals from FFT multiple complex NO

2 RS_PUSCH PUSCH Reference signals multiple complex matrix NO

3 RS_PUCCH PUCCH Reference signals multiple complex matrix NO

Output Ports

Port Name Description Signal Type Optional

4 Coef channel coefficient in active subcarriers complex matrix NO


This model is used to estimate 3GPP LTE Advanced uplink channel response (CR) with1.the reference signals assisted for both FDD and TDD schemes. This model onlyestimates CRs in the time and frequency resources occupied by PUSCH. In the otherlocations, this model outputs '1's.This model supports multiple antennas(layers) by using multiport.2.Each firing, this model estimates uplink channel response for one subframe.3.

NumberREsPerSubframe tokens are consumed at each input port,NumberREsPerSubframe = NumOfTotalRBs * 12 (subcarriers per RB) *NumberOfSymbolsPerSubframe.1 matrix token is consumed at each RS_PUSCH port, the size of the matrixtoken is equal to the number of PUSCH DMRS REs in each subframe.NumberREsPerSubframe × NumTxAnts × NumRxAnts tokens are produced atport Coef.For the default parameter configurations, 7200 tokens are consumed at input; 1matrix token is consumed at RS_PUSCH, the size of the matrix token is 600; thematrix token read from RS_PUCCH is empty; 7200 tokens are produced at Coef.

Linear interpolation and MMSE interpolation are supported in this channel estimator.4.Channel estimation is done on a slot basis.See LTE_DL_ChEstimator (ltebasever).5.


3GPP TS 36.211 v10.0.0, "Physical Channels and Modulation", December 2010.1.P. Hoeher, S. Kaiser, and P. Robertson. "Two-Dimensional Pilot-Symbol-Aided2.Channel Estimation by Wiener Filtering". Proc. IEEE ICASSP '97, Munich, Germany,pp. 1845-1848, Apr. 1997.

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LTE_A_UL_FrameSync PartCategories: Sync Equalization (lteabasever)

The models associated with this part are listed below. To view detailed information on amodel (description, parameters, equations, notes, etc.), please click the appropriate link.

Model Description


Uplink time and frequency synchronizer in time domain


Description: Uplink time and frequency synchronizer in time domainDomain: UntimedC++ Code Generation Support: NOAssociated Parts: LTE A UL FrameSync Part (lteabasever)

Model Parameters

Name Description Default Units Type RuntimeTunable

SyncScale synchronization scale: PerFrame,PerSubframe

PerFrame Enumeration NO

UseDesiredValues whether or not to use the desired timedelay and frequency offset: NO, YES

YES Enumeration NO

DesiredDelay the index of delayed symbol 0 Integer NO

DesiredFreq the desired frequency offset 0 Float NO

FrameMode frame mode: FDD, TDD FDD Enumeration NO

TDD_Config downlink and uplink allocations for TDD:Config 0, Config 1, Config 2, Config 3,Config 4, Config 5, Config 6

Config 0 Enumeration NO

Bandwidth bandwidth: BW 1.4 MHz, BW 3 MHz, BW5 MHz, BW 10 MHz, BW 15 MHz, BW 20MHz

BW 5 MHz Enumeration NO

OversamplingOption Ratio 1, Ratio 2, Ratio 4, Ratio 8: Ratio 1,Ratio 2, Ratio 4, Ratio 8

Ratio 2 Enumeration NO

CyclicPrefix type of cyclic prefix: Normal, Extended Normal Enumeration NO

NumRxAnts number of Rx Antennas: Rx1, Rx2, Rx4 Rx1 Enumeration NO

IdleInterval idle interval between two consecutiveradio frames

0 Float NO

RB_AllocType RB allocation type: StartRB + NumRBs,RB indices (1D), RB indices (2D)

StartRB +NumRBs

Enumeration NO

RB_Alloc the RB allocation for the UE, in theformats of [start RB, number of RBs] or[[SF0 start RB, SF0 number of RBs]; . . .;[SF9 start RB, SF9 number of RBs]]

[0, 25] Integerarray


HalfCarrierShift_Enable whether or not to enable 1/2 subcarriershifting: NO, YES

YES Enumeration NO


PUSCH Enumeration NO

PUCCH_SF_Alloc which sub frames contain the PUCCH,valid when PUCCH_PUSCH is other thanPUSCH

[2] Integerarray


Input Ports

Port Name Signal Type Optional

1 input multiple complex NO

Output Ports

Port Name Signal Type Optional

2 TimeDete multiple int NO

3 FODete multiple real float NO

4 PUSCHRS multiple complex NO

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This model is used to achieve uplink symbol timing synchronization and estimate1.frequency offset less than 15 KHz for both FDD and TDD modes.This model is similarwith LTE_UL_FrameSync. Please refer to LTE_UL_FrameSync (ltebasever) except thatthis model supports multiport for the case of multi-RxAnts.What different with LTE_UL_FrameSync are as follows:2.

New added parameters:NumRxAnts defines the number of Rx antennas. This parameter can be setto Rx1, Rx2, or Rx4. And so the input and output ports can be expanded to2 or 4.


3GPP TS 36.211 v10.0.0, "Physical Channels and Modulation", December 2010.1.3GPP TS 36.212 v10.0.0, "Multiplexing and Channel Coding", December 2010.2.3GPP TS 36.213 v10.0.0, "Physical Layer Procedures", December 2010.3.3GPP TS 36.104 v10.0.0, "Base Station (BS) radio transmission and reception",4.September 2010.3GPP TS 36.101 v10.0.0, “User Equipment (UE) radio transmission and reception”,5.October 2010.P. Hoeher, S. Kaiser, and P. Robertson. "Two-Dimensional Pilot-Symbol-Aided6.Channel Estimation by Wiener Filtering". Proc. IEEE ICASSP '97, Munich, Germany,pp. 1845-1848, Apr. 1997.

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LTE_A_UL_FreqSync PartCategories: Sync Equalization (lteabasever)

The models associated with this part are listed below. To view detailed information on amodel (description, parameters, equations, notes, etc.), please click the appropriate link.

Model Description


Timing and freqency estimation in freqency domain, using the PUSCH RS


Description: Timing and freqency estimation in freqency domain, using the PUSCH RSDomain: UntimedC++ Code Generation Support: NOAssociated Parts: LTE A UL FreqSync Part (lteabasever)

Model Parameters

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Name Description Default Units Type RuntimeTunable

SyncScale synchronization scale: PerFrame,PerSubframe

PerFrame Enumeration NO

UseDesiredValues whether or not to use the desired timedelay and frequency offset: NO, YES

YES Enumeration NO

DesiredDelay the index of delayed symbol 0 Integer NO

DesiredFreq the desired frequency offset 0 Float NO

FrameMode frame mode: FDD, TDD FDD Enumeration NO

TDD_Config downlink and uplink allocations forTDD: Config 0, Config 1, Config 2,Config 3, Config 4, Config 5, Config 6

Config 0 Enumeration NO

Bandwidth bandwidth: BW 1.4 MHz, BW 3 MHz,BW 5 MHz, BW 10 MHz, BW 15 MHz,BW 20 MHz

BW 5 MHz Enumeration NO

OversamplingOption Ratio 1, Ratio 2, Ratio 4, Ratio 8:Ratio 1, Ratio 2, Ratio 4, Ratio 8

Ratio 2 Enumeration NO

CyclicPrefix type of cyclic prefix: Normal, Extended Normal Enumeration NO

CellID_Sector the index of cell identity within thephysical-layer cell-identity group

0 Integer NO

CellID_Group the index of cell identity group 0 Integer NO

NumRxAnts number of Rx Antennas: Rx1, Rx2,Rx4

Rx1 Enumeration NO

FrameNum frame number 0 Integer NO

FrameIncreased frame number increasing or not: NO,YES

NO Enumeration NO

RB_AllocType RB allocation type: StartRB +NumRBs, RB indices (1D), RB indices(2D)

StartRB +NumRBs

Enumeration NO

RB_Alloc the RB allocation for the UE, in theformats of [start RB, number of RBs]or [[SF0 start RB, SF0 number ofRBs]; . . .; [SF9 start RB, SF9 numberof RBs]]

[0,25] Integerarray



PUSCH Enumeration NO

PUSCH_HoppingEnable whether PUSCH frequency-hopping isenabled or not: NO, YES

NO Enumeration NO

PUSCH_HoppingMode PUSCH frequency hopping mode:interSubFrame,intraAndInterSubFrame

interSubFrame Enumeration NO

PUSCH_HoppingOffset the offset used for PUSCH frequencyhopping

0 Integer NO

PUSCH_Hopping_Nsb number of sub-bands for PUSCHfrequency hopping

1 Integer NO

PUSCH_HoppingBits information in hopping bits: 0 or 00, 1or 01, 10, 11

0 or 00 Enumeration NO

IntFreqEstimation estimation the large frequency offset(multiple of 15kHz) or not: NO, YES

NO Enumeration NO

Input Ports

Port Name Description Signal Type Optional

1 TD_ByFrameSync time offset detection by the FrameSync model multiple int NO

2 FD_ByFrameSync frequency offset detection by the FrameSyncmodel

multiple real float NO

3 input SSCH signals from FFT multiple complex NO

4 PUSCHRS PUSCH RS signals generated by the receiver multiple complexmatrix


Output Ports

Port Name Description Signal Type Optional

5 TimeDete time offset detection multiple int NO

6 FODete frequency offsetdetection

multiple real float NO


This model is used to achieve integer subcarrier-spacing (15KHz) frequency offsets1.and adjust the time offset estimated by the model LTE_A_UL_FrameSync for bothFDD and TDD modes, given the local and received frequency-domain RS for PUSCH.This model is similar with LTE_UL_FreqSync. Please refer to LTE_UL_FreqSync(ltebasever) except that this model supports multiport for the case of multi-RxAnts.What different with LTE_UL_FreqSync are as follows:2.

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New added parameters:NumRxAnts defines the number of Rx antennas. This parameter can be setto Rx1, Rx2 or Rx4. And so the input and output ports can be expanded to2 or 4.


3GPP TS 36.211 v10.0.0, "Physical Channels and Modulation", December 2010.1.3GPP TS 36.212 v10.0.0, "Multiplexing and Channel Coding", December 2010.2.3GPP TS 36.213 v10.0.0, "Physical Layer Procedures", December 2010.3.3GPP TS 36.104 v10.0.0, "Base Station (BS) radio transmission and reception",4.September 2010.3GPP TS 36.101 v10.0.0, “User Equipment (UE) radio transmission and reception”,5.October 2010.P. Hoeher, S. Kaiser, and P. Robertson. "Two-Dimensional Pilot-Symbol-Aided6.Channel Estimation by Wiener Filtering". Proc. IEEE ICASSP '97, Munich, Germany,pp. 1845-1848, Apr. 1997.

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LTE_A_UL_TimeFreqSync Part Frequency and time synchronization for UL

Categories: Sync Equalization (lteabasever)

The models associated with this part are listed below. To view detailed information on amodel (description, parameters, equations, notes, etc.), please click the appropriate link.




Description: Frequency and time synchronization for ULAssociated Parts: LTE A UL TimeFreqSync Part (lteabasever)

Model Parameters

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Name Description Default Units Type RuntimeTunable

FrameMode frame mode: FDD, TDD FDD none Enumeration NO

TDD_Config downlink and uplink allocations forTDD: Config 0, Config 1, Config 2,Config 3, Config 4, Config 5, Config 6

Config 0 none Enumeration NO

Bandwidth bandwidth: BW 1.4 MHz, BW 3 MHz,BW 5 MHz, BW 10 MHz, BW 15 MHz,BW 20 MHz

BW 5 MHz none Enumeration NO

OversamplingOption oversampling ratio option: Ratio 1,Ratio 2, Ratio 4, Ratio 8

Ratio 2 none Enumeration NO

CyclicPrefix type of cyclic prefix: Normal,Extended

Normal none Enumeration NO

CellID_Sector the index of cell identity within thephysical-layer cell-identity group ([0,2])

0 none Integer NO

CellID_Group the index of cell identity group ([0,167])

0 none Integer NO

NumRxAnts number of Rx Antennas: Rx1, Rx2,Rx4

Rx2 Enumeration NO

HalfCarrierShift_Enable whether or not to enable 1/2subcarrier shifting: NO, YES

YES none Enumeration NO

FrameNum frame number 0 Integer NO

FrameIncreased frame number increasing or not: NO,YES

NO Enumeration NO

IdleInterval idle interval between two consecutiveradio frames ([0, 1.0e-3])

0 s Float NO


PUSCH none Enumeration NO

PUSCH_HoppingEnable whether PUSCH frequency-hopping isenabled or not: NO, YES

NO none Enumeration NO

PUSCH_HoppingMode PUSCH frequency hopping mode:interSubFrame,intraAndInterSubFrame

interSubFrame none Enumeration NO

PUSCH_HoppingOffset the offset used for PUSCH frequencyhopping ([0, 63])

0 none Integer NO

PUSCH_Hopping_Nsb number of sub-bands for PUSCHfrequency hopping ([1, 4])

1 none Integer NO

PUSCH_HoppingBits information in PUSCH hopping bits: 0or 00, 1 or 01, 10, 11

0 or 00 none Enumeration NO

RB_AllocType RB allocation type: StartRB +NumRBs, RB indices (1D), RB indices(2D)

StartRB +NumRBs

none Enumeration NO

RB_Alloc the RB allocation for PUSCH, in thefomats of [start RB, number of RBs]or[SF0 start RB, SF0 number of RBs;...; SF9 start RB, SF9 number of RBs]

[0, 25] none Integerarray


PUCCH_SF_Alloc which sub frames contain the PUCCH,valid when PUCCH_PUSCH is otherthan PUSCH ([0, 9])

[2] none Integerarray


SyncScale synchronization scale: PerFrame,PerSubframe

PerSubframe Enumeration NO

UseDesiredValues whether or not to use the desired timedelay and frequency offset: NO, YES

YES Enumeration NO

DesiredDelay the index of delayed symbol 0 Integer NO

DesiredFreq the desired frequency offset 0 Float NO

Input Ports

Port Name Description Signal Type Optional


multiple complex matrix NO

2 signal Input uplink signal multiple complex NO

Output Ports

Port Name Description Signal Type Optional

3 TD Output the time delay multiple int NO

4 FD Output the frequencyoffset

multiple real NO



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LTE Advanced Sync Signal Category Contents

LTE A DL DMRS Part (lteabasever)LTE A UL CAZAC Part (lteabasever)

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LTE_A_DL_DMRS PartCategories: Sync Signal (lteabasever)

The models associated with this part are listed below. To view detailed information on amodel (description, parameters, equations, notes, etc.), please click the appropriate link.

Model Description


Uplink IQ offset compensation


Description: Uplink IQ offset compensationDomain: UntimedC++ Code Generation Support: NOAssociated Parts: LTE A DL DMRS Part (lteabasever)

Model Parameters

Name Description Default Units Type RuntimeTunable

FrameMode frame mode: FDD, TDD FDD Enumeration NO

TDD_Config downlink and uplink allocations for TDD: Config0, Config 1, Config 2, Config 3, Config 4,Config 5, Config 6

Config 0 Enumeration NO

SpecialSF_Config special subframe configuration for TDD: Config0, Config 1, Config 2, Config 3, Config 4,Config 5, Config 6, Config 7, Config 8

Config 4 Enumeration NO

Bandwidth bandwidth: BW 1.4 MHz, BW 3 MHz, BW 5MHz, BW 10 MHz, BW 15 MHz, BW 20 MHz

BW 5 MHz Enumeration NO

CyclicPrefix type of cyclic prefix: Normal, Extended Normal Enumeration NO

CellID_Sector the index of cell identity within the physical-layer cell-identity group

0 Integer NO

CellID_Group the index of cell identity group 0 Integer NO

RB_AllocType RB allocation type: StartRB + NumRBs, RBindices (1D), RB indices (2D)

StartRB +NumRBs

Enumeration NO

RB_Alloc the RB allocation for the UE, in the formats of[start RB, number of RBs] or [[SF0 start RB,SF0 number of RBs]; . . .; [SF9 start RB, SF9number of RBs]]

[0, 25] Integerarray


NumOfLayers number of layers 8 Integer NO

n_SCID nSCID for each user, given by the scramblingidentity field in the most recent DCI format 2Bassociated with the PDSCH transmission foreach layer

[0] Integerarray


DisplayPortRates whether the port rates and other usefulinformation are displayed in Simulation Logwindow: NO, YES

NO Enumeration NO

Output Ports

Port Name Description Signal Type Optional

1 DMRS DMRS for all antenna ports multiple complexmatrix


2 DMRS_WithOOC DMRS after multiplying with OOC multiple complexmatrix


3 DMRS_NoOOC DMRS before multiplying with OOC multiple complexmatrix


4 DMRS_AllSeq the whole DMRS sequence in all RBs in eachsubframe

multiple complexmatrix



This model is used to generate 3GPP LTE Advanced UE-specific reference signals(DM-1.RS) for antenna port p=7,p=8,or p=7,8,...,v+6. The downlink UE-specific signals(DM-RS) are based on Reference[1].Each firing, one Matrix-based token is produced at the output DMRS,2.DMRS_WithOOC, DMRS_NoOOC and DMRS_AllSeq multiple output ports. Thebuswidth of all output ports is NumOfLayers. For ith firing, the DRMSs on all transmit

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layers in subframe#(i%10) are output on the Matrix-based output tokens.For token DMRS, the matrix vector size is equal to NumOfDMRS_SC*NumRBs,where NumOfDMRS_SC is the number of subcarriers to carrier DM-RSs persubframe. We can get the NumOfDMRS_SC by the following figure.

Mapping of UE-specific reference signals, antenna ports 7,8,9 and10(normal cyclic prefix)

Mapping of UE-specific reference signals, antenna ports 7 and8(extended cyclic prefix)The relation between NumOfDMRS_SC and NumOfLayers is shown in thefollowing table.

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NumOfDMRS_SC NumOfLayers CyclicPrefix

12 1,2 normal

24 3,4,5,6,7,8 normal

16 1,2 extended

For token DMRS_WithOOC and DMRS_NoOOC, the pth matrix vector size isequal to the number of active DMRSs for antenna port p for the specified UE. Forantenna port p, the number of active DMRSs in one subframe is NumRBs*12 fornormal CP and NumRBs*16 for extended CP, where NumRBs is the number ofresource blocks assigned to the UE.For token DMRS_AllSeq, the matrix vector size is equal to the number of activeDMRSs over all transmit antenna ports occupied 110 RBs. For antenna port p,the number of active DMRSs in one subframe is 110*12, where 110 is maximumnumber of resource blocks.The output DM-RS ordering at all the output ports is described as follows. Thefirst output are for the DM-RSs in the first OFDM symbol of the first slot for thefirst antenna port in increasing order of resource block index, then are the DM-RSs for other antenna port in increasing order, then are the DM-RSs for theother OFDM symbols of the first slot in increasing order, then are the DM-RSsfor the second slot.

The reference-signal sequence r(m) is defined by3.

For the definition of pseudo-random sequence c(i), please refer to the LTE_ScramblerModel document. The pseudo-random sequence generator shall be initialized with

at the start of each subframe.


3GPP TS 36.211 v10.0.0, "Physical Channels and Modulation", December 20101.

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LTE_A_UL_CAZAC PartCategories: Sync Signal (lteabasever)

The models associated with this part are listed below. To view detailed information on amodel (description, parameters, equations, notes, etc.), please click the appropriate link.

Model Description


Uplink CAZAC sequence generator


Description: Uplink CAZAC sequence generatorDomain: UntimedC++ Code Generation Support: NOAssociated Parts: LTE A UL CAZAC Part (lteabasever)

Model Parameters

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Name Description Default Units Type RuntimeTunable

FrameMode frame mode: FDD, TDD FDD Enumeration NO

TDD_Config downlink and uplink allocations for TDD:Config 0, Config 1, Config 2, Config 3,Config 4, Config 5, Config 6

Config 0 Enumeration NO

SpecialSF_Config special subframe configuration for TDD:Config 0, Config 1, Config 2, Config 3,Config 4, Config 5, Config 6, Config 7,Config 8

Config 4 Enumeration NO

Bandwidth bandwidth: BW 1.4 MHz, BW 3 MHz, BW 5MHz, BW 10 MHz, BW 15 MHz, BW 20 MHz

BW 5 MHz Enumeration NO

CyclicPrefix type of cyclic prefix: Normal, Extended Normal Enumeration NO

CellID_Sector the index of cell identity within thephysical-layer cell-identity group

0 Integer NO

CellID_Group the index of cell identity group 0 Integer NO

NumAntPorts number of Antenna ports: 1 Ant Port, 2Ant Ports, 4 Ant Ports

1 Ant Port Enumeration NO

NumOfLayers number of layers 2 Integer NO

FrameNum frame number 0 Integer NO

FrameIncreased frame number increasing or not: NO, YES NO Enumeration NO

RB_AllocType RB allocation type: StartRB + NumRBs, RBindices (1D), RB indices (2D)

StartRB +NumRBs

Enumeration NO

RB_Alloc the RB allocation for the UE, in the formatsof [start RB, number of RBs] or [[SF0 startRB, SF0 number of RBs]; . . .; [SF9 startRB, SF9 number of RBs]]

[0, 25] Integerarray


DL_CyclicPrefix type of cyclic prefix in downlink: Normal,Extended

Normal Enumeration NO


PUSCH Enumeration NO

GroupHop_Enable whether enable group hopping for DMRSon PUCCH and PUSCH or not: NO, YES

NO Enumeration NO

SeqHop_Enable whether enable sequence hopping forDMRS on PUSCH or not: NO, YES

NO Enumeration NO

PUSCH_Delta_ss used in determining the sequence-shiftpattern for PUSCH

0 Integer NO

PUSCH_n_DMRS1 used in computing the cyclic shift forPUSCH DMRS

[0] Integerarray


PUSCH_n_DMRS2 used in computing the cyclic shift forPUSCH DMRS

[0] Integerarray


ActivateDMRSwithOOC whether to activate DMRS with OOC: NO,YES

YES Enumeration NO

PRACH_Enable whether or not to enable PRACH: NO, YES YES Enumeration NO

PRACH_Config PRACH configuration index 0 Integer NO

PRACH_ResourceIndex the PRACH Resource Index. In FDD, itindicates the subframe number where thepreamble starts; in TDD, it indicates thepreamble mapping in time and frequency

[1] Integerarray


SRS_Enable sounding reference symbol is enable: NO,YES

NO Enumeration NO

SRS_BandwidthConfig the cell-specific SRS bandwidthconfiguration

7 Integer NO

SRS_SF_Config the cell-specific SRS subframeconfiguration

0 Integer NO

SRS_MaxUpPts whether enable the reconfiguration ofmaximum m_SRS_0 or not: NO, YES

NO Enumeration NO

SRS_Bandwidth the UE-specific SRS bandwidth 0 Integer NO

SRS_ConfigIndex the UE-specific SRS configuration 0 Integer NO

SRS_CyclicShift used in computing the cyclic shift of SRS [0] Integerarray


DisplayPortRates whether the port rates and other usefulinformation are displayed in SimulationLog window: NO, YES

NO Enumeration NO

Output Ports

Port Name Description Signal Type Optional

1 RS_PUSCH_OOC reference signal for PUSCH after multiplexing withOOC

multiple complexmatrix


2 RS_PUSCH reference signal for PUSCH multiple complexmatrix


3 RS_S sounding reference signal multiple complexmatrix



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This model is used to generate demodulation reference signal associated with1.transmission of PUSCH and sounding reference signal for all antenna ports.Each firing, this model generates DMRS for PUSCH and SRS of one subframe.2.PUSCH_n_DMRS1 and PUSCH_n_DMRS2 are array parameters with each element3.indicating the cyclic shifts for nDMRS

(1) and nDMRS(2) values in the corresponding

subframe.See LTE_UL_CAZAC (ltebasever) for more information.4.The mapping of cyclic shifts to nDMRS

(1) and nDMRS(2) values are as follows.5.


3GPP TS 36.211 v10.0.0, "Physical Channels and Modulation", December 2010.1.3GPP TS 36.213 v10.0.0, "Physical Layer Procedures", December 2010.2.