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3I)c (ntcvprjsc. occcox air. tm'rsdai. afeil i, i?;s. R EPUSLI G A lR Htl ARI EST The of Clackamas county will meet at their usual place of voting, in their respective precincts, on PATURDAV, MARCH SOTIf, 1S7S, At 1 o'clock p. m. forth purpose of elect- ing Delegates to attend the liepublican County Convention, to be held in Oregon City, on SATCRDAr. TIIEGth DAY OF APRIL, 1S78, At the. hour of 10 o'clock a. in., for the purpose of nominating a County Ticket ami choosing Delegates to attend the Re publican State Convention, to lie held at alem, on Wednesday, the 17th day of April, 178. i no several precincts are entitled to Delegates in the County Convention as follows : Oregon City.... 12 Canbv ... 2 Springwater .... 1 Oswego ... 3 Union . 2 Canemah ... 8 Lower Molalla 3 Eagle Creek..., ... 3 Cascades- - , a Viola .. 1 Marahfleld a Pleasant Hill- - .2 Wilwaukie.. .. X Harding ... 1 Tualatin .........2 Marquams ... 3 Boda .Spring! 1 P.eaver Creek- - ... 2 Cuttings l New Era .. ... 2 Hock Creek 4 Highland ... 1 Upper Molalla... 2 Total number of delerites ..58 Py order of the Committee. 1 . Paqckt. Chairman. 1IKEVITIE.S. County Court in session. Easter Sunday the 21stjnst. Republican county convention next Sat urday. Next Saturday will end the sus-jiens- for tv portion oi mo woum-b- e oince-houter- s. Mr. Richard Morton was presented with ten pounds of bov last Sunday. You can imagine, how Dick teels. A now postoflice has been established at t;uiorii, . lacKanias county, with Mrs Sallie S. Henry as postmistress. The little steamer Venal, which used to run on the rivers hereabouts, now navi gates the tributaries ot the sound. The school children have had a vacation at the Semhiarv for the pat week. School will ojh'ii again next Monday morning. M.. Will.-- , formerly a resident of this county, lias been nominated bv the Dent ocrats of Washington county for sheriff County Treasurer ad vert ises that ho will pav all orders endorsed on or before, the loth of September, 1S77, and that interest will ccasij from to-da- y. A Inter from New Era informs us that there was a good turn out at the primary la-- d Sat unlay. Dr. J. Casto was chairman i nd Dr. Paul I Joyce secretary. A. 1. Eaverty gives notice in another column that he will stand his stallion. "Rod Oak" at his place, Molalta I'raiiie and Silverton for the .season of 17.S. The larmer is busy putting in Ins cropc, ami candidates for oilieo arc watching for the country delegate to me to town, when they all mr.ko a rush for him. Mrs. J. M. Vra.er and children left for Tacoma where I hey e. pr-- t to res'nio for the future. Mr. Frazer will re- main in town until the lishing season js over. Any one knowing the whereabouts of John Winter, or any of his relatives, who :me to Oregon in an early day from Des Moines count v, Iowa, will confer a great favor by addressing a tew lines to A. Win- ter, Clearmont, Missouri. School district No. (., of this county, resolved last Monday at the annual school nu t ting, to petition the legislature for an amendment to the school law so as to levy a uniform tax in each county sullicient to support the pul .lie schools at least six months m the year. Major Thos ('barman, of this city, is mentioned as a prominent candidate for Ntato Treastimr. and we feci sanguine, if placed n tin1 ticket for this of! ice. that he will "s.iini" the enemy without much of an eii'oi t. lie would iill the place with credit to himself and. Clackamas county. We en I the atl-miio- of our readers to the fact that our advert iscrs, U.S. A; A. P. l.acev, Washington. D. '.. prosecute pen- sion cl iuiis. 'flic law givinir pension.- to lh soltliers of the war of ;iM.j their w idows lias approved hv the I'resi- - leni.and ail inicii-Hlc- wool.! ii- well to write to this liiui for proper t hinks and information. Wo are under oblisrajions for a compli- mentary invitation to the celebration of the t wcnty-fifl- h anniversary of the insti- tution of Samaritan lodtre No. '1, l.O.O. V., of Portland, next Monday. The exercises w ill consist of a public" parade, musical and literary entertainment, oration, his- torical review, and to conclude with a grand Imll in the evening at Turn Verein Flail, under the auspices of the lodge. 3.1asuuera-.le- . The masquerade ball given by Professor llalpruuer at Pope's Hall last Friday evening was well attended, and those w ho participated say it was tho most enjoyable idlair of the season. Col. W. E. White, of this city. Prof. ISra3', of Portland, and Mr. P. Francis, of East Portland, wero cd a committee on prizes, anil they vere awarded as follows: First ladies' gold slecTe-button-s, for best cos- tume, Miss H attic Babeoek.of Portland; second ladies' prize, Ix'st comical costume and character, Mrs. Col. White, of this city ; tirst gent's prize, gold studs, for best coMtume, Geo. EaRrxNjue, of this city; second gent's prize, for liest comical cos- tume, M. tstoker, of Portland. Danc- ing commenced about 10 o'clock and was kept up until 3:4,, when the Portlanders boarded tho steamer City of Salem and sailed for home. Tho following is a list of tho maskers and tho characters they rep- resented : LADY CUATtACTKR. Miss Jennie Holds Snow Flake M iss Jen nicCa rot hers... Circus! ues trieno Miss Unie lJrannan. School (iiil Miss llattio IJabcoek Page M iss Ella Bacon Silly Oirl Mrs. T. A. Bacon Tyrolean CJirl Miss Laura Bacon... ".School tiirl Miss Nellie J Jew ley.. Nellio lily N iss Jennie EmerV. II tin tress Mrs. V. I j. White. 7. . .Old Southern Cook Miss May Smith Craiul mother Miss Sarah Blount American l'las; Miss 1 latlie EaEoeo,ue Jockev irl M iss tJeorgia Roberts. F'ch Bady'sMaid M iss Maria Summers. shells "of ( ce:m Miss Alice Arthur Night Miss Emma Potter . Victim of Fashion Mrs. Wr'urht "Topsy" Miss Josie Milne 1-- ire Cirl Miss Hattic Miller . ...Huntress Mrs. May Philips. . Daughter of Miss Maggie Silver Night Miss Emma Barlow Fireman Mrs. Brown Peasant Ciirl GENT'S CHARACTERS. John Worden ....... I'ink Ioniiuo J. F. Johnson Orcen Domino f ieo.EaPocquo Race Han Smith Clog J. E. Dolan Handy Mr. Weber ..Tourist F. T. Harlow Domino Mr. C Young ..Portland Fireman Tommy Mayhew . Yankee Sport Volnev Moss Old Woman P.ert Philips Sailor Roy M. Stoker Clown T.J. Rrodcrick... ..1st Eieut., U. S. A. J. 1'.. Rhodes Dolly Varden P. W. tireenman. . "Darkness Morris Rroderick. . Eong Nose 'harles Mavhew. . Eow Negro Miller Negro Wench M. R. Rlioails Teamster Corn eh Stone. The corner stone for an Episcopal chapel will be laid at Canemah Bishop Morris has been iu- - Vlteu to bO Present find iir nrrr. C1S. Bontty Brothers Discharged. The Portland Bee of last Friday cives the following account of the trial of the Jiontty brothers for counterfeiting: The ease of John and Joseph Rontty, ointly indicted bv the U. S. trrand iurv tor itiaimfaeturinpconnterfe.it half dollars, i has lieen attracting the attention of the U. S. district court lor the past dav or two. i The, prosecution was conducted Ly Hon. Kutus Mallorv . U. S. attornev. and Hon. J. F. Caples appeared on behalf of the de- - icnse. me following gentlemen were chosen as jurors: (Sustaf Wilson. Eewis Love, L. M. Dyer, John Kruse, H. Blnm- - aur, m. Cornell. W. w. Jaoues. Win. iatton, I. II. J rove. E. W. Swafford. R. Bradley, and Jos. Delay. Tho tools and implements found in their cabin, in Clack amas county, were seized at tho time of tne arrest ana were brought into ttie court and presented as evidence against tfie par ties, inev were to alt apt ea ranees in tended for the prosecution of counterfeit- ing purposes, although they were excess- ively crude and imperfect. The defense claimed tho outfit was used in the manu- facture of pijws, and to prove their theory, introduced some of the iiies manufac tured. Tho dies, however, wero exactly the size of a half dollar piece, and the co- incidence was ieculiar, to say the least. The milling machine was "also an exact eouuteroart of the coin as were also certain impressions made on a lithographic stone. The chief witness test i tied positively that ho saw them manufacturing coin, but his testimony was materially weakened by the introduction of several witnesses who testified that his reputation for truth and veracity was not by any means what it should" be. The prosecution brought for- ward eighteen witnesses, the mam fact established leing that the outfit alluded to was found in their possession. The case was given to the jury about 5 o'clock last evening, and they remained out all uight. At 10 o'clock this morning they were call- ed in and reported that tuey were unable to agreo on a verdict. The ballot, we are informed, stood seven for acquittal and live for conviction. It appears that. while little doubt remained in tneir minds as to the intended use of the implements found in the possession of the prisoners, a doubt did exist in the minds of some as to the probability of their ha ing yet been used for the purpose alleged in the indictment. Such being the facts and there being but little probabilitv of securing a jury that would convict the defendants, the district attorney moved that a nolle proocoui be entered, which motion was allowed, and an order made discharging the prisoners. The ollicers congratulate themselves on having at least broken up the nest; for be their intentions what Ihev nwv, the prob- abilities are that they will desist from that which has tho appearance of evil in the mind of an offended law. Transfers of Krai Kstate. The following are the transfers of real estate which have taken place since our issue of March 21, compiled by Mr. W.T. Whitlock, deputy county clerk: W. W. Davis and wife to Sarah A. Bes-scllc- n. tho E i of the E of section G4, T 1 S It 2E ; considcrat ion son . Jacob Scott and wife to Jacob Seott Jr., liMiacres in claim No.:!t! ; conside rat ion SCoo. State of Orcvfon to iJ. J. and R.Y. t 'urrin, hits 1, 2, :;, 4, . and G and the S of the N E U.and thoS E 'i of section Pi, f . J S 1M VI, containing I S'.i.M a. res ; consideration ?.il! sj;. J. Stevens and wile to Eiam Frost, the E 'i of the S W i of section 21,T:.iS Rl E, coiitainir.tr Til acres; consideration $1.imhi. United States to Win. Parker, the S of the N E and the E '.. of the N W U of section i.'.'MS Rl E.eontaining If-- acres. John Jrav. deceased, lv administrator, to J. Trtiflinger, the N E '4 of the SE '4 of section i'i);ind the N ' of Hie S W and the N W U of tho SE !4, of section 21, T4S 11 J V., containing PiO acres; also,Vj:v-acre- s in same township; consideration J. i:. Stephenson to C. Becker, all of tho J. Stephenson donation claim, less P0 acres: cousideiatioii S;5.1f. R. Dean and wife to Win. Perry and J.S. Workman, the N E 4 of section ;M, con- taining It !0 acres; consideration 1 ,5im. Ii. H. Brown ami W. Ciichton to t'lO Oswego Iron Co., all real estate formerly belonging to the Oregon Iron works : con- sideration 8o",l:ts 47. C.Mathieu anil wife to T.onisa TiOwis.all of the Root. Beer itonation claim ; consid- ered ion $7.3. Win. Smith and wife to Robert Beer, donation claim of Rachel 11. Beer; consid- eration ?1M. O. N. Denny and wife to Robert Beer, the unsold pVtiou of the Rechcl I leer claim, containing Ztii acres; confide rat ion itt. Rebecca II. Cone and P. J. Cone to Robt B. er.samoilescription , consideration Iihi. J . Ztiii! '.visit and wife to J . II . E;ler, part of claim No. .d in sections 2-- 1 and 27, T ' S, R 1 W, coiitaiuitig .12 acics; coi:sid-ra-tio- Sl-.o- . Anne Abernethv to Oregon I'itv Maini- - factnrmg Co., lot 7 in Mock 1 in Oregon City: consideration ilS. F. Talbot and wife to J. Talbot, part of section Lo, T 1 S R 2 E, containing SO acres ; coiisideratiini ?1. J . M vers and wife to E. W. Ilornshuh, the N"E i of section 1, T4 SR 2 E, con- taining PH) acres; consideration S7.V) E. W. Ilornshuh to R. Schuehel, the N of tho N E li of section 1, T 4 S It 2 E, containing sx acres ; consideration !v!7j. Primaries. Last Saturday afternoon the llcpnblicans of Clackamas county held their primaries in the various precincts to elect delegates to attend the county convention, to l.c held in this city next Saturday. A lar;re and enthusiastic attendance is reported in every precinct heard from, and the candi- dates for olliee are sat is lied with the result. Wo aro unable to pive a full list, as several precincts havo not reported up to the time of to press. Oregon Citv J. W. Chase, J. T. Tlun-sake- r, V. 1. 1'ratt, II. Cochran, J. Iogus, J. YV. Mcldruin, J. R. Davids. C. H. Roads, C. X. Greennian, K. tJannnill, J. Shepard, J. M. Frazer. Canemah -- II. O. Inskcep, R. J. Spencer and Jos. llowrll. Osweffo-- F. Ford, Y W. Carr and G.W. Prosper. Tualatin M. F. Rird, and .Tas. Evans. Now Era- - C. 15. 1'owell and S. U'aldron. Viola 11. C. I,evis. Marshlield Wiley Chapman and S. M. Keenan. .MilwankieJ. H.Lamlici t, W. A. Stark- weather and W A, fiUelliiur. Canby Geo. Knight and .1. C. Rradley. Cascades G. 'ilpcrt and W.II. Rorinir. Pleasant Hill 11. V. Short and W. M. Scott. Rock Creek C. R. Roork. It. J. Sharp, J. A. Wilson and D. II. Deardorll'. Union Win. Harlow and Jacob Raucr. Harding A. Smith. lPIer Molalla S. McRamsby and A.R. Sturji'cs. Reaver Creek R. IS. Roberts and C. P. Howard. Rower -- Molalla Marion Reed, 15. F. Ronny and C. (. Rovnton. ' Cuttings G.J. Trullinger. Ivivile Creek Isaa; Gordon, Jas. Caile3T and John 1'alniateer. Springwater Henry DuRois. Accidentally Shut. George Epperly, ; , tne right eye, ranging upwari anil Ink- - , ward several irairmciits ot l ie ia i iiave ' been extracted, but the medical attendant concluded it was not lest to attempt j to extract the ball at present on account of irritating the wound. The eye ball is not ; impaired. At last accounts the voting man was resting easv, and was in aVair wav to ! recover from the injury. " I The Portland Tele'irram of Tuesdav ' evening .says: Thousrh not considered j dangerous, young Epjeilv is still sutler- - ' severely from the shot. Several physicians have visited the yonns man , to-da- y and are;uiianimou.s in their decision that in order to remove the l,all, tho eve will have to be removed. his mother ' will not allow to Le done. Money Oiuikrs. is the amount of money order business trans- acted at postoffice in Oregon Civ for tho quarter March 31. . 1S7S? Num. - "per of orders issued. 325; ! orders, ?.l.00 hi. eri 17 ; totcil amount yaid, 54 ,1M 12. School Meetings. OUEOOX CITY. Tlie voters of school district No. 62 met at the court house last Monday evening and d Mr. Peter Paquet director for the ensuing three years, and Mr. II. J. Harding clerk. A levy of six mills on the dollar was voted, lor tiio ensuing year, lor "llooi puipocs, CAN EM Air, In school district No. --- , Messrs.-Joh- Baxter, Thos. Day and Clias. Fonts were elected directors, and Darwin Beats clerk. A levy of 2 Si mills was voted. MOUNT ITEASAXT. School district No. 43 elected as director W. B. Partlow ; clerk, W.S. Lawton. Vot- ed to have the school house pai.ntod and to have t ight months' school. Levied a tax of not to exceed three mills on the dollar. NEW ERA. At the annual school meeting of district No Ti the following persons were elected directors: Thos. Buckman for three years anil J. W. Strawser for one y?ar. District clerk, Wni. B.Stalford. Everything pass- ed oil' harmoniousl-- . NORTON" DISTRICT. - At the annual meeting of tho voters of school district No. (St, held last Mondav evening, Mr. David MeArthur was director for the ensuing three vears, and Mr. J. l. Foster clerk. Messrs. Heba Norton and Samuel Brown are the hold- over directors. It was voted to postpone the levying of a tax for school purposes for a future meeting. OSWEUO. In schisd district No. 47, A. II. Bullock and D. O'Brien were elected directors, and W. W. Carr clerk. A three mill tax was levied on all taxable property in the dis- trict. A Peso ted Ibisluii'l Hial ChiUren. Mrs. George GIthens, of Eagle Creek, concluded last .Monday to icave her liege lord and try her fortunes with one Frank Williams. She said she was going to Limi county to visit her son, and was taken to the railroad depot for that purpose, but there she met her paramour and took the train lor Portland. The husband, learning that she had started for Portland, followed her, only to find that she had left, for East- ern Oregon with her companion. Mrs. (iithens has been slightly demented for some time past, or at least pretended to lie, and Williams has waited on her, as she would not take medicine fiom any other person. She left three young children and a kind and indulgent htisband. Wil- liams is about sixty years of g'', poor as Job's turkey, and a. a seam pas could be found in tin coiinfv, and it is safe to say that the j;uiity pair will not have a pleasant road to travel. The deserted husband informs us that he will not lake any steps to tiring Pack tne erring wife, who left him without cause, and "will a suit for divorce. (rangers ami Primary. IUm.vsccs, Ogn., April 1st, ls7s. Kovroii lis I KitrKisji : On Saturday, March L't'lh, we had a good timegenerally. The Grangers met at It) o'clock A. M., and attended to the business of the Order tint il noon, then adjourned until li 1. M., had a feast of tho good thing su-- as the ladies of Damascus know how to prepare. Then came the Jlepuiilican primary. .James. VYi listen was called to the chair, and J. 1. Fori t s chosen secretary. They proceeded to deleirates to the cnuntv conven- tion. The lirst ballot elected C. 11. Kootk, K. J. Sharp and J. A. Wilson. Second-ballo- elected I. II. Deardorlf. The ballot for precinct ollicers resulted in the nom- ination of N. Darling fo justice of the peai e and S. Mink for constable. J). Scraiih my Pael.. The sequel to that beautiful song by Ku-ge- Field, "Grease the Griddle, Ih'rdie, larling," is just out. We have only room for one .stan.a : Scratch n;y back, oh brown-eye- d Mabel, Throw the buck-whe- at flour away; Scratch as long as you able, Harder; stroinrer; that's tho way. Somewhat higher ; little lowo-- ; Closer to the shoulder blade ; Ditr". !! Good heavens go il slower! Murder! Thunder! Come, that's played. Halt t'aiv. Arrar.gcir.tnls have been iseiTectcd 1 which all ilelegates payitur fare over lht lines ot either tho Oregtin Steam Naviga- tion company, the frAgon and California railroad, or tin- - Oregon Central railroad, to attend the coming'' 'Republican State con- vention, '.vill lie returned free over the same route of travel u pon the eert ilieate of the undersigned. W.Cauky Jomn iOX, Sec'y Rep. State Cen. Cum. Ei;t ; i;n lAsr. The following is a list of the letters remaining in the postollico at Oregon City, Clackamas cou i it y, Oregon, April 4th, 1S7S: Rerry, Miss Mollie. A. I. Rerry, Miss Mary. Righard. C, I'oulkner, Josi ph E. Racked, l Heekard, Michael. Stoker, Nancy. Kautanbe'mer, J. Si ingley. liver. Roe. Rohet. Wilson. Epwis. McClannahan, Thos. Wade, Mrs. Eottio. Noriiii. A. ;. If called for please sav when advertised J. M. R.ACON, P. M. " Don't no any Cioou to Advektisk." A few weeks since John Wilson, of Sandy, advertised in the ENTEitrnisK for a pair of oxen which had strayed off several months before, and after a long search had been iriven upas "lost for good." Mr. Wilson, like every sensible man ought to do, put a notice in the paper, and now Mr. Ed. Chaso informs us that the cattle have turned up at his place on tho Clackamas. Thirtieth Anmneksaky.-T- he Spirit- ualists and liiberaiists of Portland and vicinity celebrated "tho 30th anniversarj of tho dawn ot modern Spiritualism" at Jacob Miller's Hotel, in Milwaukie, last Monday afternoon and even in sr. The pro- gramme consisted of literary exercises, a social dance and supper. Saxiiv. A correspondent says: Tiie Republican primary was held yesterday in this precinct, and considerable interest was manifested. The delegates are J. Wilpert and W. H. Rorhur. S. II. Hatch for justice of the peace and II. Rruns for constable. Tho San Francisco Attn deserves well of the gooJ people of California for tho genuine pluck and manhood it displays in its treatment of Kcarneyism. It.--J action is in strong contrast with that of some of its contemporaries which of late havo fret dow n on their bellies to l)v emnloviug his followers to browbeat 1 public meetings and crush out free i speech. Pluck iu journalism, in tlie.se degenerate tlavs, deserves recognition at the hands of manly men, move than ever before, on acconut of its rarity. The Democrata are continually in- quiring, what has Mitche'.l accomplish- ed? He has kept his word with his constituents, and has introduced every bill ho prooniised to. Before answering further, we would like to ask, can as much be said of any Democratic Senator from Oregon ? Ex-Secreta- ry Bristow believes tLat tbe Democrata of tbe .SoulUanJ West aro foinf? m for rendiauon. son of Mr. Al. Epperly, of Portland, for-- ! C1 jUge aru fawn at tho feet of the trucu-merl- y of Canen.ah was accidentally shot j ffi j Jai, ;nsnUs fc. w ith a pistol bv a little bov last Mondav. The ball struck him in the outer corner of rages t:ie decent people of ban I rancisco that ing This Following the endinc elected la.y elect Orr, MARRIED. At the residence of the bride's parents in New Era, Sunday, March 31, IhTS, by Rev. J. Casto. Mr. Jos on Parrott and Miss Mary D. Jesse, all of New Era. BOKX. In ttiis county, March is, to the wife of V. A. Lewis, a daughter. In this city, March 31, to the wife of R. Morton, a boy. In In this city, March 31, to tho wife of F. F. White, a daughter. . In this city, March 30th, 1S78, Inez M. Coch- ran, second daughter of Hiram and Fanuie Cochran, nyed 16 years aud 6 months. Inez was a sweet, dear child, and greatly beloved by all who knew her. She possessed mora than ordinary strength of intellect, a sweet and sunny disposition, and a strict con- scientiousness and dept h of religious feeling seldom found in ono so ytmng. She was bap-llze- d when an Infant by the venerable Dr. M- ccarty in St. Luke's church, Vancouver, and was tor several vcars a most faithful ond be- loved pupil or yt. Paul's Sunday School, in this citv. Her regular attendance, her well i.r, ivirit and reverent and devout conduct when there, won for her tho highest powm ami lovo of both teacher and pastor. Long and jrreatly will her sweet and smiling face oe missed from the church aud Sunday School, to which she was so devotedly attach- ed. But while her teacher and fellow pupils feel sad and lonely at her loss, they cannot but rejoice at. the thought that her pure spirit has ascended from the church on earth to the church in heaven, there to bathe in the bright sunlight of God's jrlory, to sing His praises and to rejoice in His love, world with- out end. The funeral services were conducted by the rector, the Rev. John W. Sellwood, in the Episcopal church, on Monday morning lust. The church was filled to overflowing with a large number of mourning and sympathizing friends. The Sundas- - School, of which Inez was so long a member, turned out in a body and were seated around the chancel in the front ot" t h church. Tliry walked oat in pro- cession to rho grave yard, carrying boquets of llowers in their bands, which they threw into the oncn grave when the words of committal, "Karth to earth, ashes to ashes, dust to dust," were pronounced. It was a most beaut itul, solemn and impressive sight to see those children standing around the grave and to hear their voices joining devoutly In the Lord's pravcr. The grave was bereft of much of its coldness for loving hands had been out all morning and tastefullv covered its walls with ever- greens and llowers. At the head of the grave too stood a large wreath of llowers. With such loving preparations us these it seemed more like laying Inez in a bower of beauty than in the cold, cold grave, to await the resurrection morn. It is needless to say that the heart-stricke- n parents and sisters have the dcep'-s- t sympathy of this community, ilav the richest oi heaven's co'isolatious r-- upon t hem in i his their hour of trial. "No bitterness for thee bo shed, p.lossom of hcinu, Seen mid gone ; With flowers alone we strew thy brd, O, blessed departed one! Whos" all of life, it rosy way. l'.hished into dawn and passed away " POLITICAL ANNOUNCEMENT?. For SUerlir. EniTOR KxxKiti'iiiSK : The friends of Hon. N. N. Matlock will present his name to the Iteputilican County Cuiivciittutt, seeking his nomination for .Siur:.'?. M.XV YOTKlW. I'or Co it 11 fy Clerk. The undersigned announces himsoTf its a candidate for tho otnee ot County Cierii sul-je- et to the decision of the Republican County C'dii ve nt ion. rttA-S- 31. AL.E UIGHT. For 4'oniiJy Trensjirer. The undersigned nnnouuc'S himself as a candidate for the otllee of County Treasurer subject to the decision of the Republican County Convention. K. It. FKI.L.OWS. The announces himself as a cantiidatc for tlic office of County Treasurer subject, to the decision of the Republican County Convention. r'HXNKS. DEMEXT, News lor the People. If Von visit, Portland and wish to buy a fine suit of clothes at a low price, call at Aokcrmati Rros., corner i'irst and Washing- ton streets. 'JThf Nat ion.'ilt;ild Meial wa awarded o Praiiley it Kulotson for the te.t Photographs in the'i;nit; d flat' s, and the Vienna Meda tor the best in the world. il'.) Montgomery Street, San Francisco. Anions the Whitest Tilings on Earth, are teeth, beautified and preserved by SOZOiXJXT; and the rose is scarce sweeter than the breath which becomes aromatic through its influence. It is the very pearl of dentifrices and the surest preventative of dental decay in existence. It. remedies with certainty canker and every specie of corrosive blemish a hii tho teeth, aud counteracts the hurtful influence uion them of acidity of the stomach. The formula of its preparation in- cludes only liotonic ingredients and it con- tains only lh? purest aud most salutary of t IlL'Se. ' Uei'oiit it Syrup." No other meck-in- ? in the world was ever given such a test of its curat ive qualities as ISoschcc's German Syrup. In thr 'e years two mi' lion four hundred thousand small bottles of t his meilieitie were distributed free of charge by druggists in this country to those afflicted with Consumption, Asthma, Croup, severe 'oughs. Pneumonia and ot her diseases of tho Throat and laings, giving the American peo- ple undeniable proof that German Syrup will euro them. The result has been that druggists in every town and village in the United States arc recommending it to their customers. Go to Ward A Harding and ask what they kno Hliout it. Sample Ixttllcs M cents. Kegular size To cents. Three doses will relieve any case. Hull's Ve Sicilian HttlrHenewer Is a scientific combination of some of the most powerful restorative agents iu the vege- table kingdom. It restores gray hair to its orlgnal color. It makes the scalp white and clean. Jt "cures dandrutrfand humors, and falling-ou- t of the hair. It furnishes the nu- tritive principle by which the hair is nourish- ed and supported. It makes the hair moist, sort and glossy, and is unsurpassed as a hair-dressin- g. It is the most economical prepara- tion ever offered to the public, as its effect s re- main a long t ime, making on ly tin occasional application necessary. It is recommonilot and used by eminent medical men, and otll-ciall- y endorsed by the State Assay of Massa- chusetts. For sHie by all dealers. Market HeiKrt. Portland Market. T.e;ral tenders !S Inlying. WVt selling, K.tra. ?ti lit); superllne, f 1 ov. Wheat $1 K.I V cental. Oats We. 0 v bushel, sacked. Barley SI r') V cental. ltacon .Sides He.: hams, 12t&13; shoulders, ftvvl'le. Irfird In kegs, PV. ; in ltllft tins, 11c. P.utter Kiesh roll, 2W.i!ic. Dried apples in sacks, CC. ; kegs, 5: plums, pi; less, ll&!2e. ; peacjes, lie; prunes. 17c. KggS llM'. 'hickens Full grown, 'Tt I nf) doen. Hides-Dr- y, IK; salted. Gc. ; culls, 'i off. TmIIoiv v f"'. Wool i'VV--"-. Feed Isrun. ) i ton; shorts, $30; oil cake, $pi en. Hay Baled. $1''vt12 r ton ; loose, Ui. Potatoes il J" ip bushel. Onions lrl ti . Muttou aheep $1 Orejroii City Market, Wheat ?1 Ot) S tiusnet. Oats feel. sacked. Aihril' bushel; mill- - j lug, sacked. 5c. V bushel. Barley Choice browing, 9c bushel feed, 1'otatoes x bushel sacked. Onions 1 !$'.!'. Ih. fi .k,i7 en V bid. lried Fruits Applcs.l q,lc. ft. ; plumsl Ss!2c. Butter SOrttte. 11. ''hickens jrown, ?.l 50 ?4 dozen. Eis-18:-2i- c. t dozen. rtacon Sides, liVlle. ?l ft; hams. UJiglJ. Lard l'J'il-l- c V lb. Hav f f.a,!t ? ton. Wool 2i3,21c. . Hides Dry, ? lh : jrreen, i 'tc. Mill feed Bran, tlSJJ ton ; 6horts, Lif ybrvinj Apy?g- -f l . COURTESY OF BANCROFT LIBRARY, UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA, NEW GOODS! SPRING GOODS!! HAS RETURNED FROM SAN where he bought the Latest Styles Gent's nid Ladies' Spring and Summer Goods which he calls attention to, one and all. Give him a call before purchasing else- where. He will sell the same at PORTLAND CASH PRICES. Dry Goods, Clothing, Boots, Shoes, 1 1 at f. Groceries, Crockery. Hardware, Paints. Oils. Doors-- . Windows, A Blinds, At Brick Uullding, two doors south, ot Urns Store. Oregon City, March 2S, ISTS-t- f. CHRIS. ZAUNER, DEPOT SALOON, Opposite the Railroad Depot, THE BEST BEEIt AKDCICAI19 KEEPS City. Give him a call. Jyo-t- f. GAMBRINUS BEER. rnHIS CELEr.RATED BEVEKAGE FROM X Ij. Fearer's Brewers, at Portland, Is con stantly kept on draught at JACK TREM BATH'S SALOON. It is t hf best beer la the city, and we Invite the public to call and give it trial. uregon city, March 2i, tsra-tr- . SHADES SALOON ON HAND T HE CHOICES X J.-- S Liquors, Wines & Cigars, And an Oyster .Stew at all times. Good bed and a nifrlit cap for 2T cents. He rail's lT. S. Pecr'.!o cents pcrcpinrt. I don't sell O. C. U.G. . C 9I.WIIKW, Proprietor. Oregon City, March 'JS, ls7S-t- f. JOHN S CHR AM, Main St.. Oregon City. MAMTACTiRER A.D IMPORTER OF Saddles, IlarueHM, N;iilcliei-llinl- -. vr", etc, ! rilKTI Hi: OKFKRS AS CHEAP AS can be had in the State, at WHOLESALE OR RETAIL. feVl warrant iuv goods as rejresenfcl. JOHN Si.'HUAM, Saddle and Harness Maker. Oregon City, Oregon, Nov. I. ISTo-t-f. tv.OORE & PARKER S Celebrated TURBSME WATER WHEEL! vv. 5. WALLACE, Ag'-n- l for Clackamas Gcunty, And the state In general.- This Is one of th best l'-el- s in use on the Pacific Ciwst, and gives satisfaction in 'very inst anee. Any one purchasing a wheel which does not eoiiic up to the guarantee, if proK-ri- put In, the money will be refunded and all damages paid. further information apply to W. M. Wai.i.ack. at Cutting's Mill, uear Viola, Clackamas "., or at this oftice. Sept. Ij. IS77-tiino- A. N 1 FOI? S V B 2'. fK HAVE THE UEAIj V Estate for sail-- . No. ItiO Acres, nood house, and liar n full ot hay; 8 acres in cultivation, urcnard, poiMl water: li miles from Oregon city. Price f 0ti, half down. No. 1. :JD acres, 'I miles from (iraham's ferry on the Willamette river.HOaeres in cultiva-- 1 ion, 'l acn-- s in an orchard of choice varie- ties of fruit, ;it acres in wheat, loO acres under fence, good house, barn and run-nin- n water, l miles from Oregon City, l'l iee fl.tiHl, part doivn balance on time. So. i). Jl iu acres ; 7" Improveil, a large, new, well finished frame dwelling, plum and apple orchards, living water, IS aeies ot fall wheat, 6 miles lroiu Oregon City, on Molalla road, church and school house adjoining; can be had for one-thir- d down, balance on time. No. . - t acres 10 miles east cf Oregon City, Di mill's from Viola grist and saw mill and postofJic: o." acres 'in cultivation, UK) acres under fence, good frame house l:lx:l -- I Hix2J, 3 acres iu fruit trees. Trice f t.Oei.', half down. No. 7. 4U acres nt Milwaukie; part beaver dam. i'riee,i.iitNi. No. H. ;liJ acres ten miles east of Oregon City, T miles troin Marsh field station ; 7.") acres in en !li vat ion, :tin acres of level bottom land, good liox house and frame barn, gxd run- ning water for stock, good stock ranch, 7nt bearing fruit t rees. Price Sl,'t)0. Will sell stock and crops to purchaser if he desires. No. . lt) acres t miles east of Oregon City ; til) acres in cultivation, S acres in orchard, good house and barn, remaining land easily cleared. Price f',oet, half doivn. No. in. l.V) acres, more or less, 11 miles from Oregon City, l.Pi miles to Portland, jn acres in cultivation. 100 more easily eieared, all under fence, g.wxl house, good land fttul plenty of water. 6ehoo' house and church 1 mile away, D month hool in year. Terms easy, jl.'-iot)- . No." 1. lit) or Pit) acres off of t he north of the claim, 4 miles from Oregon City, open brush land, all easily cleared, living water, good mill power, at fit) per acre ; terms easy. No. VJ. Jacob Johnson's hoinestcaA, near Oregon City : 120 acres. No. M. The former residence of W. W. HiicK andix lot s : -- ',500. No. 14. Wiley May's block, ail In cultivation, with house and barn ; frilO. No. 15. J. 1. Allison's farm, 220 acres, 75 lb cultivation, ;l in orchard, good farm house, barn and out buildings; f WU0, half down. No. If. Kk) acres, flat meadow land, Smiles from Oregon City, 80 acres in cultivation, good house and barn, orchard, running water, price $5000. No. 17. 171 acres, 8 miles S of Oregon City, 40 acres in cultivation, 4 acres orchard, 10 tons old hay, log house, 2 barns, good wa- ter, team, wagon and harness, cow and calf, nil farming implements, household furniture; poo $1000, l:!(IOdown. No. IS. :?KJ ucres, all under fence, 13 miles in iks from Oregon City, 4.0 in cultivation, H in orchard, good house and barn ; price No. Id. Orln Cutting farm, 3n acres, l.'O in cultivation, iit) more to plow, good bouse and barn, 10 acres in orchard ; price JltO-H)- . Also 105 acres, 2-- i in cultivaiion.no house or barn, 50 acres easi'y cleared : f HMO. Ot her desirable bargains in Clackamas, the best, county in the State. Any one having money to lend can havomir services, free of charge, in managing t he same and select ing seciirit les. Persons wanting to borrow money can jyet favorable terms by calling on us. lOHXSOX Mittm X, ond JOHNSON, MtfOWX ife HACHl'M. Offices m Oregon City and Portland. Nov. 12. lS75:tf d V T Ureal chance to make inon"y. (i Ijt J lf you can't get gold you can get greenbacks. We ncd a person in every town to take subscriptions Pr the lariii-sr, cheap st nti.l t Illustrated family publica- tion in the world. Any one can become a suc- cessful aent. The most eiejrant works of art. tiven free to subscribers. The price is to low-tha- t almost every hotly subscribes. One agent rejiorts making over ?l 'l in n week. A lady agent reports taking over 4i subscriU-r- s in en lays. All who engage nink- - money last. You can devote all your time to tho business, or only your spare rime. You need not be away from home over nijiht. Yon can do it as weil as others.- - Full particulars, directions and term free. Elegant and expensive Out- fit free. If you want profitable work send us your address at once. It costs nothing to trv the business. No one who engages fails to great pay. Address "The IVople's Journal," Portland, Maine. NOTICE. lr. S. I.axd Office, Oregon City, Oregon, March 10, i,S7S. ( CIOMPEAINT HAYING P.EEN KNTF.KED by James II. Heed, of Mult- nomah county, against Jonathan Wright for abandoning his homestead entrv. No. iMfi dated ssept. 'Zl, is,.), ujion the east north- - iist, section II). loinshiii 1 cm,ih i nail in Mnilmiinnh I ...;.7. .. I View to the cancellation of said tl... ! said parties are hereby summoned to sin near an ..i, i ire hi ta.t v ui lr,n. cIL I iu o oiock a. jj. to respond and furnish testl- - i mony concerning said alleged abandonment. J T. BAKIN, Recrlster rxriTM. r. V.. 'C..v.tT j EEADY FOR SPRING OPENING WOlVDER-PUI- i I HAVE BOUGHT AN UNUSALLY LARGE STOCK AT GREAT BAHQAJUfSL AJf wilt oiler Extra Inducements in both Quantity and Quality, i?oi&'t Grumble About IIsirl Times After seeing how Cheap we sell our Goods. Or course vuu Want to do tbe bet you can With your money, but icfore you buy come aud see us and wo will give you Bargains. Good Goods, and low Prices. We have bought all the Lutcst styles, and our stock mdI be beat this side of Sau Traucisco. . AlKEUMl.V. IProduee siiicl Wool. All kinds of Produce taken, and we want all the Wool wj can gc for whhh wV will pay the highest market price. Kemeniber the corner, at S- - Oregoa City, March 28, 187S-H- . Established 1855. V I LiT 1 rr rUZ G. 7. WALLING & SON,, PROPRIETORS. Oswego, CIsielcsimus Co., Oregon AGENTS T. A. DACO.V..... C. T. HOWARD.. MACK ItASISUV, Jit... M orders left with tho promptly filled. SKXD FOtt A CATALOGUE Fruit and .Ornamental Trees, v-iii- ts. Slirulis mid Koes cltiyate! iSLMOX. SIM,' Manufacturer- a Impor! rs atiil German, French and English Window Class, SASH VVLK.HTS, t OiiDS .M I'l LLtVS, 4 1 KK().T HTilEKT, - - - HOllTLAJiD, OQW. decla'V7-ly- . X'Crders from the Country prompt'-- filled FIRM FELLOWS & HARDING, At The 1IKAI.ERS ir FIRST CLASS GROCERIES & PROVISIONS. TAKKN FItJI FAKMF.KS IN irtorUCK lor Uroccrics. SELECT TEAS, COFFEE AND SPICES. A splendid assortment of Fresh Crackers and Cheese. FOREIGN & DOMESTIC FRlliS. And a full variety of jjoods usually kej t liiht-clas- s Cirocc-r- Store. We invite t he citizens of Oregon City, Cae -- mall and vicinity to give us a call, and il i . don't frive you as many and as good a qua :r y of poods for your money as you can obium elsewhere, lie m ill leave town. B"Wc deliver Hoods to all parts of tho City and Canemah free of chartre. orejron City, March 1, lS77-t- f. W. A. PHILLIPS, (Successor to T. A. Bacon J Dealer in GROCERIES AND PROVISIONS, TKAS, COFFIIE AND AU, SKI.r.CTEI) tor Culinary purposes. High- est nierket price paid for Country Produce. Goods delivered free to all parts of the city or Canemah. Orders promptly tilled. Oregon City, Feb. H, ls78-t- f. L. JACGAS, DKAI.EB 1." FLCIR, HAY, ST2AW, OATS, POTATOES, WOOL, ETC., GRAIN SACKS AND TwINE highest marke t paid in cash for nil kinds of produce . One dour kuutli f Ios!oi!lce. Oregon City, Sept. PI, 1ST7-If- . OKO. KS1GKT. KNIGHT BROS., CANBY, OREGON. PtSAkKHtt 13 SHIXGLKS, ( i;iR POSTH, (iKOCElt-Hi.- -, fl.OTHIX, HOOTS, SHOKS, 11 A HI) W Alt K, And ercry thli5T asMally kept 1m . ren try store. W itiTlte tho public In call and examine our stock before goinftto Oregon City or Port- land, as wo are soiling as cheap as any house In the 8tate. Come and get our prices. Those indebted to the firm will please call and settle immediately, and safe costs. iiovS-t- f KNIUIIT Him j GEORGE BRQUGHTGN, "rOC!A XN1-OIV- THK C1TIZKNS OV IT Oregon City aud Mcinif y that he 1? pre- - Fir & Cedar Lumber, Of every description, t low rates. ash i APPLE BOXES. Ap, l1ryiFlnarlr.fr, filling-- , Kutir, . fhjii'utp, (tor shelving), iiitllce. ' I'it kfls ami t''iii-iPo(i.- , Cedar, (. .f.sA?(.y on haixl. Hll xt end Sidewalk linuU-- r furn!s)ed cin t he f hortest notice, nt us low rates n If can bo I purchased in the Slatt. i Give m a ca 11 at the OJtiUOX CITY RA W MIT.LS. Oregon City. June 10. 1S75 :tf i LUfc1BERJLUM5ER! oui.n i.vroiiM thk n-nr.- K' ac W be has purchased A Cutties.' )fnw I mill, eight nit It s ensr of City, a i i i hat I h is prepared to furnish j FIR AND CEDAR LUMBER, i of everv description nt. low rates. Ckdah Ceiling, Hustic, Wuier I'lf, ItriC Posts, s"J'hii Myers. ag"nf in )reon City, vill keep a supplv of I.umUr, of ait k ;nds, ai wa.v s on hand. Oct. Z'y. 77-t- f CLIFF HOUSE. o i: k n o x c it y, o kk ; o x. T. W. RHODES, Transient Hourtl. 91 &'S jyer Iy. i SliiitlnMi-nU- . ....50 t-- n I ' UoUI'li 1r U'in-- 3 t'O Board t iKxtviHK jx-- r i ei-- 5i iv . ' The Talde will be supplied with the bet the t market airorus. Kail Supper furnMied noiie anii : sit reivaonble Ujrnrs. Vcv. J3XJSHSTESS NURSERY, OF NEW GOODS ! I.OAV PRICES! ACXERA.T3. OREGON CITY. .HOWARD'S MILL. MOLALLA. above named persons will bo AM) VIUCE Li ST ! Evergreens, Grape Vines, Small and for sale at this Nursery. 0. W. WALLING ic SON. jij; .to CO., :nl Hcaiers iu jl.:i:tvis, Jobber?! of THOMAS GKARUAN E TABLISHED 1853 TO INFORM THECITIZENS 0 DFKIK-K- City and of tho Willamette Val- ley, that he is still on hand and doing lutl-m-s- b on t he old motto, thai A Aimfce Six retfeeis Better than a Slow Shilling I have just returned from Sail Franolso. Where I purchased one of the LARGEST AND BEST SELECTEE? STOCK OF GOODS i vi r before offered In this city ; and consists Bt I a: l , as follows : ii'otsand Shoes, Clothing, l)ry Gooils, Hats and Caps, Hosiery of Every Description, Hardware, Groceries-- , Oils, Paints and bash and Doors, Chiiiit'ware, Queensware, stoneware, Crockery, DIatedware, Glassware, Jewelry of Various Qualities And Styles, Clocks and Wulches, Indies and Gents' Furnishing Talent Medicines, Goods, Fancy Ko- - Ioje, lions of Every lmpleni',nts of Description All Kind., Carpets, iai tings, Oii Cloth, Wall rper, i etes, Of the above l tt, I tan aj iuy stock: U tb MOHV COSPLKVK ever offered In thin murket, and was Mletod' with especial care for the Oregon City trd.AW ol which I uow olft-- for sale at th Lowest Market Rates. No use forthe ladies, or any obo else, to think of going to Portland to buy goods for 1 hiii !)( ratai'd to Sell, Clmx aud not to allow myself to be I'XCERSOLD TME STATE OF CREGOM. All 1 nsk is a fair rliane and qnlclu pay- ments, believing us 1 do ih.Ht Twenty Years Experience fn Ongon City enables me to know lh ot the trade. Come one and nil and see for yourselves that tho old stand of THOMAS CIIAHMAX cannot be beaten inouallty or prky. It would j be useless for metotellyou all t he advantages i store that Advertises docs thai, and probably v..n hm.-.- . . ah i in fray Is I'oinr, nutl Sff, nii;l E'lamiae for TonrselTCft, for Ido not' wish to make any mistakes. My object ixtotellall my old friends now that "l a in si ill alive, ami desirous to sell goods cheap. for cash, or lamii such terms as agreed uihui. Thanking all lor the liberal patrotiuge hercto- - i lorn nesioweu. ! THOS. OHAKMAX, ! Main Street, flretron Cltr. .. .. . .. T i t- - i -- .... u..;.. market lates. THOiS. CIIAItM Art. I lbs woo! wanted by nov. 1, '7i-- t f THOS. CII A RMAK. Administrator's Notice. "IT A VING BKI'N' DULY APPOINTED P.V XT. t lie lion. County Court of Clackamas county, i regoii, administrator of thn state of W. W. Higgs, deceased, I hereby notify all ik tsods Having claims ntainsi nucn esiaie to thorn, tlulv verifie.tl nnd vlt.1i ti piv-i- . . .... i .... . . iii.;.. . n , i. n .i.i " latia precinct, nacsamas ctuntv, reiron. w.o.M.?r.

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Page 1: oregonnews.uoregon.edu · 3I)c (ntcvprjsc. occcox air. tm'rsdai. afeil i, i?;s. R EPUSLI G A lR Htl ARI EST The of Clackamas county will meet at their usual place of voting, in their

3I)c (ntcvprjsc.occcox air. tm'rsdai. afeil i, i?;s.


The of Clackamas countywill meet at their usual place of voting, intheir respective precincts, on


At 1 o'clock p. m. forth purpose of elect-ing Delegates to attend the liepublicanCounty Convention, to be held in OregonCity, on


At the. hour of 10 o'clock a. in., for thepurpose of nominating a County Ticketami choosing Delegates to attend the Republican State Convention, to lie held atalem, on Wednesday, the 17th day of

April, 178.i no several precincts are entitled to

Delegates in the County Convention asfollows :

Oregon City.... 12 Canbv ... 2Springwater .... 1 Oswego ... 3Union . 2 Canemah ... 8Lower Molalla 3 Eagle Creek..., ... 3Cascades- -

, a Viola .. 1

Marahfleld a Pleasant Hill-- . 2Wilwaukie.. .. X Harding ... 1

Tualatin .........2 Marquams ... 3Boda .Spring! 1 P.eaver Creek- - ... 2Cuttings l New Era .. ... 2Hock Creek 4 Highland ... 1Upper Molalla... 2

Total number of delerites ..58Py order of the Committee. 1 . Paqckt.



County Court in session.Easter Sunday the 21stjnst.Republican county convention next Sat

urday.Next Saturday will end the sus-jiens- for

tv portion oi mo woum-b- e oince-houter- s.

Mr. Richard Morton was presented withten pounds of bov last Sunday. You canimagine, how Dick teels.

A now postoflice has been established att;uiorii, . lacKanias county, with Mrs

Sallie S. Henry as postmistress.The little steamer Venal, which used to

run on the rivers hereabouts, now navigates the tributaries ot the sound.

The school children have had a vacationat the Semhiarv for the pat week. Schoolwill ojh'ii again next Monday morning.M.. Will.-- , formerly a resident of thiscounty, lias been nominated bv the Dent

ocrats of Washington county for sheriffCounty Treasurer ad vert ises that ho will

pav all orders endorsed on or before, theloth of September, 1S77, and that interestwill ccasij from to-da- y.

A Inter from New Era informs us thatthere was a good turn out at the primaryla-- d Sat unlay. Dr. J. Casto was chairmani nd Dr. Paul I Joyce secretary.

A. 1. Eaverty gives notice in anothercolumn that he will stand his stallion."Rod Oak" at his place, Molalta I'raiiieand Silverton for the .season of 17.S.

The larmer is busy putting in Ins cropc,ami candidates for oilieo arc watching forthe country delegate to me to town,when they all mr.ko a rush for him.

Mrs. J. M. Vra.er and children left forTacoma where I hey e. pr-- t tores'nio for the future. Mr. Frazer will re-main in town until the lishing season jsover.

Any one knowing the whereabouts ofJohn Winter, or any of his relatives, who:me to Oregon in an early day from Des

Moines count v, Iowa, will confer a greatfavor by addressing a tew lines to A. Win-ter, Clearmont, Missouri.

School district No. (., of this county,resolved last Monday at the annual schoolnu t ting, to petition the legislature for anamendment to the school law so as to levya uniform tax in each county sullicient tosupport the pul .lie schools at least sixmonths m the year.

Major Thos ('barman, of this city, ismentioned as a prominent candidate forNtato Treastimr. and we feci sanguine, ifplaced n tin1 ticket for this of! ice. that hewill "s.iini" the enemy without muchof an eii'oi t. lie would iill the place withcredit to himself and. Clackamas county.

We en I the atl-miio- of our readers tothe fact that our advert iscrs, U.S. A; A. P.l.acev, Washington. D. '.. prosecute pen-sion cl iuiis. 'flic law givinir pension.- tolh soltliers of the war of ;iM.j theirw idows lias approved hv the I'resi- -

leni.and ail inicii-Hlc- wool.! ii- well towrite to this liiui for proper t hinks andinformation.

Wo are under oblisrajions for a compli-mentary invitation to the celebration ofthe t wcnty-fifl- h anniversary of the insti-tution of Samaritan lodtre No. '1, l.O.O. V.,of Portland, next Monday. The exercisesw ill consist of a public" parade, musicaland literary entertainment, oration, his-torical review, and to conclude with agrand Imll in the evening at Turn VereinFlail, under the auspices of the lodge.

3.1asuuera-.le- .

The masquerade ball given by Professorllalpruuer at Pope's Hall last Fridayevening was well attended, and those w hoparticipated say it was tho most enjoyableidlair of the season. Col. W. E. White, ofthis city. Prof. ISra3', of Portland, and Mr.P. Francis, of East Portland, wero cd

a committee on prizes, anil theyvere awarded as follows: First ladies'

gold slecTe-button-s, for best cos-

tume, Miss H attic Babeoek.of Portland;second ladies' prize, Ix'st comical costumeand character, Mrs. Col. White, of thiscity ; tirst gent's prize, gold studs, for bestcoMtume, Geo. EaRrxNjue, of this city;second gent's prize, for liest comical cos-tume, M. tstoker, of Portland. Danc-ing commenced about 10 o'clock and waskept up until 3:4,, when the Portlandersboarded tho steamer City of Salem andsailed for home. Tho following is a list oftho maskers and tho characters they rep-resented :

LADY CUATtACTKR.Miss Jennie Holds Snow FlakeM iss Jen nicCa rot hers... Circus! ues trienoMiss Unie lJrannan. School (iiilMiss llattio IJabcoek PageM iss Ella Bacon Silly OirlMrs. T. A. Bacon Tyrolean CJirlMiss Laura Bacon... ".School tiirlMiss Nellie J Jew ley.. Nellio lilyN iss Jennie EmerV. II tin tressMrs. V. I j. White. 7. . .Old Southern CookMiss May Smith Craiul motherMiss Sarah Blount American l'las;Miss 1 latlie EaEoeo,ue Jockev irlM iss tJeorgia Roberts. F'ch Bady'sMaidM iss Maria Summers. shells "of ( ce:mMiss Alice Arthur NightMiss Emma Potter . Victim of FashionMrs. Wr'urht "Topsy"Miss Josie Milne 1-- ire CirlMiss Hattic Miller . ...HuntressMrs. May Philips. . Daughter ofMiss Maggie Silver NightMiss Emma Barlow FiremanMrs. Brown Peasant Ciirl

GENT'S CHARACTERS.John Worden ....... I'ink IoniiuoJ. F. Johnson Orcen Dominof ieo.EaPocquo RaceHan Smith ClogJ. E. Dolan HandyMr. Weber ..TouristF. T. Harlow DominoMr. C Young ..Portland FiremanTommy Mayhew . Yankee SportVolnev Moss Old WomanP.ert Philips Sailor RoyM. Stoker ClownT.J. Rrodcrick... ..1st Eieut., U. S. A.J. 1'.. Rhodes Dolly VardenP. W. tireenman. . "DarknessMorris Rroderick. . Eong Nose'harles Mavhew. . Eow Negro

Miller Negro WenchM. R. Rlioails Teamster

Corn eh Stone. The corner stone for anEpiscopal chapel will be laid at Canemah

Bishop Morris has been iu--Vlteu to bO Present find iir nrrr.C1S.

Bontty Brothers Discharged.

The Portland Bee of last Friday civesthe following account of the trial of theJiontty brothers for counterfeiting:

The ease of John and Joseph Rontty,ointly indicted bv the U. S. trrand iurv

tor itiaimfaeturinpconnterfe.it half dollars, ihas lieen attracting the attention of the U.S. district court lor the past dav or two. i

The, prosecution was conducted Ly Hon.Kutus Mallorv . U. S. attornev. and Hon.J. F. Caples appeared on behalf of the de- -icnse. me following gentlemen werechosen as jurors: (Sustaf Wilson. EewisLove, L. M. Dyer, John Kruse, H. Blnm- -aur, m. Cornell. W. w. Jaoues. Win.iatton, I. II. J rove. E. W. Swafford. R.

Bradley, and Jos. Delay. Tho tools andimplements found in their cabin, in Clackamas county, were seized at tho time oftne arrest ana were brought into ttie courtand presented as evidence against tfie parties, inev were to alt apt ea ranees intended for the prosecution of counterfeit-ing purposes, although they were excess-ively crude and imperfect. The defenseclaimed tho outfit was used in the manu-facture of pijws, and to prove their theory,introduced some of the iiies manufactured. Tho dies, however, wero exactlythe size of a half dollar piece, and the co-

incidence was ieculiar, to say the least.The milling machine was "also an exacteouuteroart of the coin as were also certainimpressions made on a lithographic stone.The chief witness test i tied positively thatho saw them manufacturing coin, but histestimony was materially weakened bythe introduction of several witnesses whotestified that his reputation for truth andveracity was not by any means what itshould" be. The prosecution brought for-ward eighteen witnesses, the mam factestablished leing that the outfit alludedto was found in their possession. The casewas given to the jury about 5 o'clock lastevening, and they remained out all uight.At 10 o'clock this morning they were call-ed in and reported that tuey were unableto agreo on a verdict. The ballot, we areinformed, stood seven for acquittal andlive for conviction. It appears that. whilelittle doubt remained in tneir minds as tothe intended use of the implements foundin the possession of the prisoners, a doubtdid exist in the minds of some as to theprobability of their ha ing yet been usedfor the purpose alleged in the indictment.Such being the facts and there being butlittle probabilitv of securing a jury thatwould convict the defendants, the districtattorney moved that a nolle proocoui beentered, which motion was allowed, andan order made discharging the prisoners.The ollicers congratulate themselves onhaving at least broken up the nest; for betheir intentions what Ihev nwv, the prob-abilities are that they will desist from thatwhich has tho appearance of evil in themind of an offended law.

Transfers of Krai Kstate.

The following are the transfers of realestate which have taken place since ourissue of March 21, compiled by Mr. W.T.Whitlock, deputy county clerk:

W. W. Davis and wife to Sarah A. Bes-scllc- n.

tho E i of the E of section G4, T1 S It 2 E ; considcrat ion son .

Jacob Scott and wife to Jacob Seott Jr.,liMiacres in claim No.:!t! ; conside rat ion SCoo.

State of Orcvfon to iJ. J. and R.Y. t 'urrin,hits 1, 2, :;, 4, . and G and the S of the NE U.and thoS E 'i of section Pi, f . J S 1MVI, containing I S'.i.M a. res ; consideration?.il! sj;.

J. Stevens and wile to Eiam Frost, theE 'i of the S W i of section 21,T:.iS Rl E,coiitainir.tr Til acres; consideration $1.imhi.

United States to Win. Parker, the S ofthe N E and the E '.. of the N W U ofsection i.'.'MS Rl E.eontaining If-- acres.

John Jrav. deceased, lv administrator,to J. Trtiflinger, the N E '4 of the S E'4 of section i'i);ind the N ' of Hie S Wand the N W U of tho S E !4, of section 21,T4S 11 J V., containing PiO acres; also,Vj:v-acre- s

in same township; consideration

J. i:. Stephenson to C. Becker, all of thoJ. Stephenson donation claim, less P0acres: cousideiatioii S;5.1f.

R. Dean and wife to Win. Perry and J.S.Workman, the N E 4 of section ;M, con-taining It !0 acres; consideration 1 ,5im.

Ii. H. Brown ami W. Ciichton to t'lOOswego Iron Co., all real estate formerlybelonging to the Oregon Iron works : con-sideration 8o",l:ts 47.

C.Mathieu anil wife to T.onisa TiOwis.allof the Root. Beer itonation claim ; consid-ered ion $7.3.

Win. Smith and wife to Robert Beer,donation claim of Rachel 11. Beer; consid-eration ?1M.

O. N. Denny and wife to Robert Beer,the unsold pVtiou of the Rechcl I leerclaim, containing Ztii acres; confide rat ionitt.

Rebecca II. Cone and P. J. Cone to RobtB. er.samoilescription , consideration Iihi.

J . Ztiii! '.visit and wife to J . II . E;ler, partof claim No. .d in sections 2--

1 and 27, T ' S,R 1 W, coiitaiuitig .12 acics; coi:sid-ra-tio-

Sl-.o- .

Anne Abernethv to Oregon I'itv Maini- -factnrmg Co., lot 7 in Mock 1 in OregonCity: consideration ilS.

F. Talbot and wife to J. Talbot, part ofsection Lo, T 1 S R 2 E, containing SO acres ;

coiisideratiini ?1.J . M vers and wife to E. W. Ilornshuh,

the N"E i of section 1, T4 S R 2 E, con-taining PH) acres; consideration S7.V)

E. W. Ilornshuh to R. Schuehel, the Nof tho N E li of section 1, T 4 S It 2 E,

containing sx acres ; consideration !v!7j.


Last Saturday afternoon the llcpnblicansof Clackamas county held their primariesin the various precincts to elect delegatesto attend the county convention, to l.cheld in this city next Saturday. A lar;reand enthusiastic attendance is reported inevery precinct heard from, and the candi-dates for olliee are sat is lied with the result.Wo aro unable to pive a full list, as severalprecincts havo not reported up to the timeof to press.

Oregon Citv J. W. Chase, J. T. Tlun-sake- r,

V. 1. 1'ratt, II. Cochran, J. Iogus,J. YV. Mcldruin, J. R. Davids. C. H. Roads,C. X. Greennian, K. tJannnill, J. Shepard,J. M. Frazer.

Canemah -- II. O. Inskcep, R. J. Spencerand Jos. llowrll.

Osweffo-- F. Ford, Y W. Carr and G.W.Prosper.

Tualatin M. F. Rird, and .Tas. Evans.Now Era-- C. 15. 1'owell and S. U'aldron.Viola 11. C. I,evis.Marshlield Wiley Chapman and S. M.

Keenan..MilwankieJ. H.Lamlici t, W. A. Stark-

weather and W A, fiUelliiur.Canby Geo. Knight and .1. C. Rradley.Cascades G. 'ilpcrt and W.II. Rorinir.Pleasant Hill 11. V. Short and W. M.

Scott.Rock Creek C. R. Roork. It. J. Sharp,

J. A. Wilson and D. II. Deardorll'.Union Win. Harlow and Jacob Raucr.Harding A. Smith.lPIer Molalla S. McRamsby and A.R.

Sturji'cs.Reaver Creek R. IS. Roberts and C. P.

Howard.Rower --Molalla Marion Reed, 15. F.

Ronny and C. (. Rovnton.' Cuttings G.J. Trullinger.Ivivile Creek Isaa; Gordon, Jas. Caile3T

and John 1'alniateer.Springwater Henry DuRois.

Accidentally Shut. George Epperly,



tne right eye, ranging upwari anil Ink- - ,

ward several irairmciits ot l ie ia i iiave 'been extracted, but the medical attendantconcluded it was not lest to attempt j

to extract the ball at present on account ofirritating the wound. The eye ball is not ;

impaired. At last accounts the voting manwas resting easv, and was in aVair wav to !

recover from the injury. "I

The Portland Tele'irram of Tuesdav '

evening .says: Thousrh not considered j

dangerous, young Epjeilv is still sutler- - '

severely from the shot. Severalphysicians have visited the yonns man ,to-da- y and are;uiianimou.s in their decisionthat in order to remove the l,all, tho evewill have to be removed. his mother '

will not allow to Le done.

Money Oiuikrs. is theamount of money order business trans-acted at postoffice in Oregon Civ fortho quarter March 31.. 1S7S? Num.-"per of orders issued. 325; !

orders, ?.l.00 hi. eri17 ; totcil amount yaid, 54 ,1M 12.

School Meetings.

OUEOOX CITY.Tlie voters of school district No. 62 met

at the court house last Monday eveningand d Mr. Peter Paquet directorfor the ensuing three years, and Mr. II. J.Harding clerk. A levy of six mills on thedollar was voted, lor tiio ensuing year, lor

"llooi puipocs,CAN EM Air,

In school district No. --- , Messrs.-Joh-Baxter, Thos. Day and Clias. Fonts wereelected directors, and Darwin Beats clerk.A levy of 2 Si mills was voted.

MOUNT ITEASAXT.School district No. 43 elected as director

W. B. Partlow ; clerk, W.S. Lawton. Vot-ed to have the school house pai.ntod andto have t ight months' school. Levied atax of not to exceed three mills on thedollar.

NEW ERA.At the annual school meeting of district

No Ti the following persons were electeddirectors: Thos. Buckman for three yearsanil J. W. Strawser for one y?ar. Districtclerk, Wni. B.Stalford. Everything pass-ed oil' harmoniousl-- .


At the annual meeting of tho voters ofschool district No. (St, held last Mondavevening, Mr. David MeArthur wasdirector for the ensuing three vears, andMr. J. l. Foster clerk. Messrs. HebaNorton and Samuel Brown are the hold-over directors. It was voted to postponethe levying of a tax for school purposesfor a future meeting.


In schisd district No. 47, A. II. Bullockand D. O'Brien were elected directors, andW. W. Carr clerk. A three mill tax waslevied on all taxable property in the dis-trict.

A Peso ted Ibisluii'l Hial ChiUren.

Mrs. George GIthens, of Eagle Creek,concluded last .Monday to icave her liegelord and try her fortunes with one FrankWilliams. She said she was going to Limicounty to visit her son, and was taken tothe railroad depot for that purpose, butthere she met her paramour and took thetrain lor Portland. The husband, learningthat she had started for Portland, followedher, only to find that she had left, for East-ern Oregon with her companion. Mrs.(iithens has been slightly demented forsome time past, or at least pretended to lie,and Williams has waited on her, as shewould not take medicine fiom any otherperson. She left three young childrenand a kind and indulgent htisband. Wil-liams is about sixty years of g'', poor asJob's turkey, and a. a seam pas couldbe found in tin coiinfv, and it is safe tosay that the j;uiity pair will not have apleasant road to travel. The desertedhusband informs us that he will not lakeany steps to tiring Pack tne erring wife,who left him without cause, and "will

a suit for divorce.

(rangers ami Primary.

IUm.vsccs, Ogn., April 1st, ls7s.Kovroii lis I KitrKisji : On Saturday,

March L't'lh, we had a good timegenerally.The Grangers met at It) o'clock A. M., andattended to the business of the Order tint ilnoon, then adjourned until li 1. M., had afeast of tho good thing su-- as the ladiesof Damascus know how to prepare. Thencame the Jlepuiilican primary. .James.VYi listen was called to the chair, and J. 1.Fori t s chosen secretary. They proceededto deleirates to the cnuntv conven-tion. The lirst ballot elected C. 11. Kootk,K. J. Sharp and J. A. Wilson. Second-ballo-

elected I. II. Deardorlf. The ballotfor precinct ollicers resulted in the nom-ination of N. Darling fo justice of thepeai e and S. Mink for constable. J).

Scraiih my Pael..

The sequel to that beautiful song by Ku-ge-

Field, "Grease the Griddle, Ih'rdie,larling," is just out. We have only roomfor one .stan.a :

Scratch n;y back, oh brown-eye- d Mabel,Throw the buck-whe- at flour away;

Scratch as long as you able,Harder; stroinrer; that's tho way.

Somewhat higher ; little lowo-- ;Closer to the shoulder blade ;

Ditr". !! Good heavens go il slower!Murder! Thunder! Come, that's played.

Halt t'aiv.

Arrar.gcir.tnls have been iseiTectcd 1

which all ilelegates payitur fare over lhtlines ot either tho Oregtin Steam Naviga-tion company, the frAgon and Californiarailroad, or tin- - Oregon Central railroad, toattend the coming'' 'Republican State con-vention, '.vill lie returned free over thesame route of travel u pon the eert ilieate ofthe undersigned. W.Cauky Jomn iOX,

Sec'y Rep. State Cen. Cum.

Ei;t ; i;n lAsr. The following is a list ofthe letters remaining in the postollico atOregon City, Clackamas cou i it y, Oregon,April 4th, 1S7S:Rerry, Miss Mollie. A. I.Rerry, Miss Mary. Righard. C,I'oulkner, Josi ph E. Racked, l

Heekard, Michael. Stoker, Nancy.Kautanbe'mer, J. Si ingley. liver.Roe. Rohet. Wilson. Epwis.McClannahan, Thos. Wade, Mrs. Eottio.Noriiii. A. ;.

If called for please sav when advertisedJ. M. R.ACON, P. M.

" Don't no any Cioou to Advektisk."A few weeks since John Wilson, of Sandy,advertised in the ENTEitrnisK for a pairof oxen which had strayed off severalmonths before, and after a long searchhad been iriven upas "lost for good." Mr.Wilson, like every sensible man ought todo, put a notice in the paper, and now Mr.Ed. Chaso informs us that the cattle haveturned up at his place on tho Clackamas.

Thirtieth Anmneksaky.-T- he Spirit-ualists and liiberaiists of Portland andvicinity celebrated "tho 30th anniversarjof tho dawn ot modern Spiritualism" atJacob Miller's Hotel, in Milwaukie, lastMonday afternoon and even in sr. The pro-gramme consisted of literary exercises, asocial dance and supper.

Saxiiv. A correspondent says: TiieRepublican primary was held yesterdayin this precinct, and considerable interestwas manifested. The delegates are J.Wilpert and W. H. Rorhur. S. II. Hatchfor justice of the peace and II. Rruns forconstable.

Tho San Francisco Attn deserveswell of the gooJ people of Californiafor tho genuine pluck and manhood itdisplays in its treatment of Kcarneyism.It.--J action is in strong contrast with thatof some of its contemporaries which oflate havo fret dow n on their bellies to

l)v emnloviug his followers to browbeat1

public meetings and crush out free i

speech. Pluck iu journalism, in tlie.sedegenerate tlavs, deserves recognitionat the hands of manly men, move thanever before, on acconut of its rarity.

The Democrata are continually in-

quiring, what has Mitche'.l accomplish-ed? He has kept his word with hisconstituents, and has introducedevery bill ho prooniised to. Beforeanswering further, we would like toask, can as much be said of anyDemocratic Senator from Oregon ?

Ex-Secreta- ry Bristow believes tLattbe Democrata of tbe .SoulUanJ Westaro foinf? m for rendiauon.

son of Mr. Al. Epperly, of Portland, for--! C1 jUge aru fawn at tho feet of the trucu-merl- y

of Canen.ah was accidentally shot j ffi j Jai, ;nsnUs fc.w ith a pistol bv a little bov last Mondav.The ball struck him in the outer corner of rages t:ie decent people of ban I rancisco











At the residence of the bride's parents inNew Era, Sunday, March 31, IhTS, by Rev. J.Casto. Mr. Jos on Parrott and Miss Mary D.Jesse, all of New Era.


In ttiis county, March is, to the wife ofV. A. Lewis, a daughter.In this city, March 31, to the wife of R.

Morton, a boy. InIn this city, March 31, to tho wife of F. F.

White, a daughter. .

In this city, March 30th, 1S78, Inez M. Coch-ran, second daughter of Hiram and FanuieCochran, nyed 16 years aud 6 months.

Inez was a sweet, dear child, and greatlybeloved by all who knew her. She possessedmora than ordinary strength of intellect, asweet and sunny disposition, and a strict con-

scientiousness and dept h of religious feelingseldom found in ono so ytmng. She was bap-llze- d

when an Infant by the venerable Dr. M-ccarty in St. Luke's church, Vancouver, andwas tor several vcars a most faithful ond be-

loved pupil or yt. Paul's Sunday School, inthis citv. Her regular attendance, her welli.r, ivirit and reverent and devoutconduct when there, won for her tho highestpowm ami lovo of both teacher and pastor.Long and jrreatly will her sweet and smilingface oe missed from the church aud SundaySchool, to which she was so devotedly attach-ed. But while her teacher and fellow pupilsfeel sad and lonely at her loss, they cannotbut rejoice at. the thought that her pure spirithas ascended from the church on earth tothe church in heaven, there to bathe in thebright sunlight of God's jrlory, to sing Hispraises and to rejoice in His love, world with-out end.

The funeral services were conducted by therector, the Rev. John W. Sellwood, in theEpiscopal church, on Monday morning lust.The church was filled to overflowing with alarge number of mourning and sympathizingfriends. The Sundas- - School, of which Inezwas so long a member, turned out in a bodyand were seated around the chancel in thefront ot" t h church. Tliry walked oat in pro-cession to rho grave yard, carrying boquets ofllowers in their bands, which they threw intothe oncn grave when the words of committal,"Karth to earth, ashes to ashes, dust to dust,"were pronounced. It was a most beaut itul,solemn and impressive sight to see thosechildren standing around the grave and tohear their voices joining devoutly In the Lord'spravcr.

The grave was bereft of much of its coldnessfor loving hands had been out all morningand tastefullv covered its walls with ever-greens and llowers. At the head of the gravetoo stood a large wreath of llowers. Withsuch loving preparations us these it seemedmore like laying Inez in a bower of beautythan in the cold, cold grave, to await theresurrection morn. It is needless to say thatthe heart-stricke- n parents and sisters havethe dcep'-s- t sympathy of this community,ilav the richest oi heaven's co'isolatious r--

upon t hem in i his their hour of trial."No bitterness for thee bo shed,

p.lossom of hcinu, Seen mid gone ;

With flowers alone we strew thy brd,O, blessed departed one!

Whos" all of life, it rosy way.l'.hished into dawn and passed away "


For SUerlir.EniTOR KxxKiti'iiiSK : The friends of Hon.

N. N. Matlock will present his name to theIteputilican County Cuiivciittutt, seeking hisnomination for .Siur:.'?.


I'or Co it 11 fy Clerk.The undersigned announces himsoTf its a

candidate for tho otnee ot County Cierii sul-je- et

to the decision of the Republican CountyC'dii ve nt ion.

rttA-S- 31. AL.E UIGHT.

For 4'oniiJy Trensjirer.The undersigned nnnouuc'S himself as a

candidate for the otllee of County Treasurersubject to the decision of the RepublicanCounty Convention. K. It. FKI.L.OWS.

The announces himself as acantiidatc for tlic office of County Treasurersubject, to the decision of the RepublicanCounty Convention.


News lor the People.

If Von visit, Portland and wish to buy afine suit of clothes at a low price, call atAokcrmati Rros., corner i'irst and Washing-ton streets.

'JThf Nat ion.'ilt;ild Meial wa awarded oPraiiley it Kulotson for the te.t Photographsin the'i;nit; d flat' s, and the Vienna Medator the best in the world.

il'.) Montgomery Street, San Francisco.

Anions the Whitest Tilings onEarth, are teeth, beautified and preserved bySOZOiXJXT; and the rose is scarce sweeterthan the breath which becomes aromaticthrough its influence. It is the very pearl ofdentifrices and the surest preventative ofdental decay in existence. It. remedies withcertainty canker and every specie of corrosiveblemish a hii tho teeth, aud counteracts thehurtful influence uion them of acidity of thestomach. The formula of its preparation in-

cludes only liotonic ingredients and it con-tains only lh? purest aud most salutary oft IlL'Se.

' Uei'oiit it Syrup."No other meck-in- ? in the world was ever

given such a test of its curat ive qualities asISoschcc's German Syrup. In thr 'e years twomi' lion four hundred thousand small bottlesof t his meilieitie were distributed free of chargeby druggists in this country to those afflictedwith Consumption, Asthma, Croup, severe'oughs. Pneumonia and ot her diseases of tho

Throat and laings, giving the American peo-ple undeniable proof that German Syrup willeuro them. The result has been that druggistsin every town and village in the United Statesarc recommending it to their customers. Goto Ward A Harding and ask what they knoHliout it. Sample Ixttllcs M cents. Kegularsize To cents. Three doses will relieve any case.

Hull's Ve Sicilian HttlrHenewerIs a scientific combination of some of themost powerful restorative agents iu the vege-table kingdom. It restores gray hair to itsorlgnal color. It makes the scalp white andclean. Jt "cures dandrutrfand humors, andfalling-ou- t of the hair. It furnishes the nu-tritive principle by which the hair is nourish-ed and supported. It makes the hair moist,sort and glossy, and is unsurpassed as a hair-dressin- g.

It is the most economical prepara-tion ever offered to the public, as its effect s re-main a long t ime, making on ly tin occasionalapplication necessary. It is recommonilotand used by eminent medical men, and otll-ciall- y

endorsed by the State Assay of Massa-chusetts. For sHie by all dealers.

Market HeiKrt.Portland Market.

T.e;ral tenders !S Inlying. WVt selling,K.tra. ?ti lit); superllne, f 1 ov.

Wheat $1 K.I V cental.Oats We. 0 v bushel, sacked.Barley SI r') V cental.ltacon .Sides He.: hams, 12t&13; shoulders,

ftvvl'le.Irfird In kegs, PV. ; in ltllft tins, 11c.P.utter Kiesh roll, 2W.i!ic.

Dried apples in sacks, CC. ; kegs,5: plums, pi; less, ll&!2e. ; peacjes, lie;prunes. 17c.

KggS llM'.'hickens Full grown, 'Tt I nf) doen.

Hides-Dr- y, IK; salted. Gc. ; culls, 'i off.TmIIoiv v f"'.Wool i'VV--"-.

Feed Isrun. ) i ton; shorts, $30;oil cake, $pi en.

Hay Baled. $1''vt12 r ton ; loose, Ui.Potatoes il J" ip bushel.Onions lrl ti .Muttou aheep $1

Orejroii City Market,Wheat ?1 Ot) S tiusnet.Oats feel. sacked. Aihril' bushel; mill- - j

lug, sacked. 5c. V bushel.Barley Choice browing, 9c bushel feed,1'otatoes x bushel sacked.Onions 1 !$'.!'. Ih.

fi .k,i7 en V bid.lried Fruits Applcs.l q,lc. ft. ; plumsl

Ss!2c.Butter SOrttte. 11.''hickens jrown, ?.l 50 ?4 dozen.Eis-18:-2i- c. t dozen.rtacon Sides, liVlle. ?l ft; hams. UJiglJ.Lard l'J'il-l- c V lb.Hav f f.a,!t ? ton.Wool 2i3,21c. .Hides Dry, ? lh : jrreen, i 'tc.Mill feed Bran, tlSJJ ton ; 6horts,Lifybrvinj Apy?g- -f l .




HAS RETURNED FROM SANwhere he bought the Latest Styles

Gent's nid Ladies' Spring and SummerGoods which he calls attention to, one andall. Give him a call before purchasing else-where. He will sell the same at


Boots, Shoes,1 1 at f. Groceries,

Crockery. Hardware,Paints. Oils.

Doors--. Windows, A Blinds,At Brick Uullding, two doors south, ot UrnsStore.

Oregon City, March 2S, ISTS-t- f.


Opposite the Railroad Depot,

THE BEST BEEIt AKDCICAI19KEEPS City. Give him a call. Jyo-t- f.

GAMBRINUS BEER.rnHIS CELEr.RATED BEVEKAGE FROMX Ij. Fearer's Brewers, at Portland, Is constantly kept on draught at

JACK TREM BATH'S SALOON.It is t hf best beer la the city, and we Invite

the public to call and give it trial.uregon city, March 2i, tsra-tr- .



Liquors, Wines & Cigars,And an Oyster .Stew at all times. Good bedand a nifrlit cap for 2T cents. He rail's lT. S.Pecr'.!o cents pcrcpinrt. I don't sell O. C. U.G.

. C 9I.WIIKW, Proprietor.Oregon City, March 'JS, ls7S-t- f.

JOHN S CHR AM,Main St.. Oregon City.


Saddles, IlarueHM,N;iilcliei-llinl- -.

vr", etc, !

rilKTI Hi: OKFKRS AS CHEAP AScan be had in the State, at

WHOLESALE OR RETAIL.feVl warrant iuv goods as rejresenfcl.

JOHN Si.'HUAM,Saddle and Harness Maker.

Oregon City, Oregon, Nov. I. ISTo-t-f.



vv. 5. WALLACE,Ag'-n- l for

Clackamas Gcunty,And the state In general.- This Is one of thbest l'-el- s in use on the Pacific Ciwst, andgives satisfaction in 'very inst anee.Any one purchasing a wheel which does noteoiiic up to the guarantee, if proK-ri- put In,the money will be refunded and all damagespaid. further information apply to W.M. Wai.i.ack. at Cutting's Mill, uear Viola,Clackamas "., or at this oftice.

Sept. Ij. IS77-tiino-

A. N 1 FOI? S V B 2'.fK HAVE THE UEAIjV Estate for sail-- .

No. ItiO Acres, nood house, and liar n fullot hay; 8 acres in cultivation, urcnard,poiMl water: li miles from Oregon city.Price f 0ti, half down.

No. 1. :JD acres, 'I miles from (iraham's ferryon the Willamette river.HOaeres in cultiva-- 1

ion, 'l acn-- s in an orchard of choice varie-ties of fruit, ;it acres in wheat, loO acresunder fence, good house, barn and run-nin- n

water, l miles from Oregon City,l'l iee fl.tiHl, part doivn balance on time.

So. i). Jl iu acres ; 7" Improveil, a large, new,well finished frame dwelling, plum andapple orchards, living water, IS aeies otfall wheat, 6 miles lroiu Oregon City, onMolalla road, church and school houseadjoining; can be had for one-thir- d

down, balance on time.No. . - t acres 10 miles east cf Oregon City,

Di mill's from Viola grist and saw milland postofJic: o." acres 'in cultivation, UK)

acres under fence, good frame house l:lx:l-- I Hix2J, 3 acres iu fruit trees. Trice f t.Oei.',half down.

No. 7. 4U acres nt Milwaukie; part beaverdam. i'riee,i.iitNi.

No. H. ;liJ acres ten miles east of Oregon City,T miles troin Marsh field station ; 7.") acres inen !li vat ion, :tin acres of level bottom land,good liox house and frame barn, gxd run-ning water for stock, good stock ranch, 7ntbearing fruit t rees. Price Sl,'t)0. Will sellstock and crops to purchaser if he desires.

No. . lt) acres t miles east of Oregon City ;til) acres in cultivation, S acres in orchard,good house and barn, remaining landeasily cleared. Price f',oet, half doivn.

No. in. l.V) acres, more or less, 11 milesfrom Oregon City, l.Pi miles to Portland,jn acres in cultivation. 100 more easilyeieared, all under fence, g.wxl house, goodland fttul plenty of water. 6ehoo' house andchurch 1 mile away, D month hool inyear. Terms easy, jl.'-iot)- .

No." 1. lit) or Pit) acres off of t he north of theclaim, 4 miles from Oregon City,

open brush land, all easily cleared, livingwater, good mill power, at fit) per acre ;

terms easy.No. VJ. Jacob Johnson's hoinestcaA, near

Oregon City : 120 acres.No. M. The former residence of W. W. HiicK

andix lot s : --',500.No. 14. Wiley May's block, ail In cultivation,

with house and barn ; frilO.No. 15. J. 1. Allison's farm, 220 acres, 75 lb

cultivation, ;l in orchard, good farm house,barn and out buildings; f WU0, half down.

No. If. Kk) acres, flat meadow land, Smilesfrom Oregon City, 80 acres in cultivation,good house and barn, orchard, runningwater, price $5000.

No. 17. 171 acres, 8 miles S of Oregon City, 40acres in cultivation, 4 acres orchard, 10tons old hay, log house, 2 barns, good wa-ter, team, wagon and harness, cow andcalf, nil farming implements, householdfurniture; poo $1000, l:!(IOdown.

No. IS. :?KJ ucres, all under fence, 13 milesin iks from Oregon City, 4.0 in cultivation,H in orchard, good house and barn ; price

No. Id. Orln Cutting farm, 3n acres, l.'O incultivation, iit) more to plow, goodbouse and barn, 10 acres in orchard ; priceJltO-H)- . Also 105 acres, 2--i in cultivaiion.nohouse or barn, 50 acres easi'y cleared : f HMO.

Ot her desirable bargains in Clackamas, thebest, county in the State.

Any one having money to lend can havomirservices, free of charge, in managing t hesame and select ing seciirit les.

Persons wanting to borrow money can jyetfavorable terms by calling on us.

lOHXSOX Mittm X, ondJOHNSON, MtfOWX ife HACHl'M.

Offices m Oregon City and Portland.Nov. 12. lS75:tf

d V T Ureal chance to make inon"y.(i Ijt J lf you can't get gold you canget greenbacks. We ncd a person in everytown to take subscriptions Pr the lariii-sr,

cheap st nti.l t Illustrated family publica-tion in the world. Any one can become a suc-cessful aent. The most eiejrant works of art.tiven free to subscribers. The price is to low-tha- t

almost every hotly subscribes. One agentrejiorts making over ?l 'l in n week. A ladyagent reports taking over 4i subscriU-r- s inen lays. All who engage nink- - money last.You can devote all your time to tho business,or only your spare rime. You need not beaway from home over nijiht. Yon can do itas weil as others.- - Full particulars, directionsand term free. Elegant and expensive Out-fit free. If you want profitable work send usyour address at once. It costs nothing to trvthe business. No one who engages fails togreat pay. Address "The IVople's Journal,"Portland, Maine.

NOTICE.lr. S. I.axd Office, Oregon City,

Oregon, March 10, i,S7S. (


nomah county, against Jonathan Wright forabandoning his homestead entrv. No. iMfidated ssept. 'Zl, is,.), ujion the east north- -

iist, section II). loinshiii 1 cm,ih inail in Mnilmiinnh I ...;.7. .. I

View to the cancellation of said tl... !

said parties are hereby summoned to sin nearan ..i, i ire hi ta.t v ui lr,n. cIL I

iu o oiock a. jj. to respond and furnish testl- - imony concerning said alleged abandonment.J T. BAKIN, Recrlster

rxriTM. r. V.. 'C..v.tT j




HAVE BOUGHT AN UNUSALLY LARGE STOCK AT GREAT BAHQAJUfSL AJfwilt oiler Extra Inducements in both Quantity and Quality,i?oi&'t Grumble About IIsirl Times

After seeing how Cheap we sell our Goods. Or course vuu Want to do tbe bet you can Withyour money, but icfore you buy come aud see us and wo will give you Bargains. GoodGoods, and low Prices. We have bought all the Lutcst styles, and our stock mdI be beatthis side of Sau Traucisco. . AlKEUMl.V.

IProduee siiicl Wool.All kinds of Produce taken, and we want all the Wool wj can gc for whhh wV will pay

the highest market price. Kemeniber the corner, at

S- -Oregoa City, March 28, 187S-H- .

Established 1855.V ILiT 1 rrrUZ


Oswego, CIsielcsimus Co., OregonAGENTS


M orders left with thopromptly filled.


Fruit and .Ornamental Trees,v-iii- ts. Slirulis mid Koes cltiyate!

iSLMOX. SIM,'Manufacturer- a

Impor! rs atiil

German, French and English Window Class,SASH VVLK.HTS, t OiiDS .M I'l LLtVS,

4 1 KK().T HTilEKT, - - - HOllTLAJiD, OQW.decla'V7-ly- . X'Crders from the Country prompt'-- filled


At The



TAKKN FItJI FAKMF.KS INirtorUCK lor Uroccrics.

SELECT TEAS, COFFEE AND SPICES.A splendid assortment of

Fresh Crackers and Cheese.FOREIGN & DOMESTIC FRlliS.

And a full variety of jjoods usually kej tliiht-clas- s Cirocc-r- Store.

We invite t he citizens of Oregon City, Cae --

mall and vicinity to give us a call, and il i .

don't frive you as many and as good a qua :r y

of poods for your money as you can obiumelsewhere, lie m ill leave town.

B"Wc deliver Hoods to all parts of tho Cityand Canemah free of chartre.

orejron City, March 1, lS77-t- f.

W. A. PHILLIPS,(Successor to T. A. Bacon J


TKAS, COFFIIE AND AU,SKI.r.CTEI) tor Culinary purposes. High-est nierket price paid for Country Produce.

Goods delivered free to all parts of the cityor Canemah. Orders promptly tilled.

Oregon City, Feb. H, ls78-t- f.




GRAIN SACKS AND TwINEhighest marke t paid in cash for nil

kinds of produce .

One dour kuutli f Ios!oi!lce.Oregon City, Sept. PI, 1ST7-If- .



PtSAkKHtt 13

SHIXGLKS, ( i;iR POSTH, (iKOCElt-Hi.- -,


And ercry thli5T asMally kept 1m . rentry store.W itiTlte tho public In call and examine

our stock before goinftto Oregon City or Port-land, as wo are soiling as cheap as any houseIn the 8tate. Come and get our prices.

Those indebted to the firm will please calland settle immediately, and safe costs.

iiovS-t- f KNIUIIT Himj

GEORGE BRQUGHTGN,"rOC!A XN1-OIV- THK C1TIZKNS OVIT Oregon City aud Mcinif y that he 1? pre- -

Fir & Cedar Lumber,Of every description, t low rates.

ash i

APPLE BOXES.Ap,l1ryiFlnarlr.fr, filling-- , Kutir, .

fhjii'utp, (tor shelving), iiitllce. '

I'it kfls ami t''iii-iPo(i.- , Cedar,(. .f.sA?(.y on haixl.

Hll xt end Sidewalk linuU-- r furn!s)ed cint he f hortest notice, nt us low rates n If can bo I

purchased in the Slatt. iGive m a ca 11 at theOJtiUOX CITY RA W MIT.LS.

Oregon City. June 10. 1S75 :tf i


oui.n i.vroiiM thk n-nr.- K' acW be has purchased A Cutties.' )fnw I

mill, eight nit It s ensr of City, a i i i hat Ih is prepared to furnish j


of everv description nt. low rates.Ckdah Ceiling, Hustic, Wuier I'lf, ItriC

Posts,s"J'hii Myers. ag"nf in )reon City, vill

keep a supplv of I.umUr, of ait k ;nds, ai wa.v son hand. Oct. Z'y. 77-t- f

CLIFF HOUSE.o i: k n o x c it y, o k k ; o x.


Transient Hourtl. 91 &'S jyer Iy. i

SliiitlnMi-nU- . ....50 t-- n I '

UoUI'li 1r U'in-- 3 t'OBoard t iKxtviHK jx-- r i ei-- 5i iv .


The Talde will be supplied with the bet the t

market airorus.Kail Supper furnMied noiie anii :

sit reivaonble Ujrnrs.Vcv.








above named persons will bo


Evergreens, Grape Vines, Smalland for sale at this Nursery.


jij; .to CO.,:nl Hcaiers iu

jl.:i:tvis,Jobber?! of



TO INFORM THECITIZENS 0DFKIK-K- City and of tho Willamette Val-ley, that he is still on hand and doing lutl-m-s-b

on t he old motto, thaiA Aimfce Six retfeeis Better than a Slow Shilling

I have just returned from Sail Franolso.Where I purchased one of the



i vi r before offered In this city ; and consists BtI a: l , as follows :

ii'otsand Shoes,Clothing, l)ry Gooils,

Hats and Caps,Hosiery of Every Description,

Hardware, Groceries--,

Oils, Paints andbash and Doors,

Chiiiit'ware, Queensware,stoneware, Crockery,

DIatedware, Glassware,Jewelry of Various Qualities

And Styles, Clocks andWulches, Indies and

Gents' FurnishingTalent Medicines, Goods, Fancy Ko--

Ioje, lions of Everylmpleni',nts of Description

All Kind., Carpets,iai tings, Oii

Cloth, Wall rper, i etes,Of the above l tt, I tan aj iuy stock: U tb

MOHV COSPLKVKever offered In thin murket, and was Mletod'with especial care for the Oregon City trd.AWol which I uow olft-- for sale at th

Lowest Market Rates.No use forthe ladies, or any obo else, to

think of going to Portland to buy goods for 1hiii !)( ratai'd to Sell, Clmx aud not to allowmyself to be


All 1 nsk is a fair rliane and qnlclu pay-ments, believing us 1 do ih.Ht

Twenty Years Experiencefn Ongon City enables me to know lh

ot the trade. Come one and niland see for yourselves that tho old stand of

THOMAS CIIAHMAXcannot be beaten inouallty or prky. It would

j be useless for metotellyou all t he advantagesi store that Advertises docs thai, and probably

v..n hm.-.- . . ah i infray Is

I'oinr, nutl Sff, nii;l E'lamiae for TonrselTCft,

for Ido not' wish to make any mistakes. Myobject ixtotellall my old friends now that "la in si ill alive, ami desirous to sell goods cheap.for cash, or lamii such terms as agreed uihui.Thanking all lor the liberal patrotiuge hercto- -

i lorn nesioweu.! THOS. OHAKMAX,! Main Street, flretron Cltr.

.. .. . ..T i t- - i -- .... u..;..market lates. THOiS. CIIAItM Art.

I lbs woo! wanted bynov. 1, '7i-- t f THOS. CII A RMAK.

Administrator's Notice."IT A VING BKI'N' DULY APPOINTED P.VXT. t lie lion. County Court of Clackamascounty, i regoii, administrator of thn state ofW. W. Higgs, deceased, I hereby notify allik tsods Having claims ntainsi nucn esiaie tothorn, tlulv verifie.tl nnd vlt.1i ti piv-i-.

. .... i .... . . iii.;.. . n , i. n .i.i"latia precinct, nacsamas ctuntv, reiron.
