4 billion nodes

4 Billion Nodes © 2009 iNomadics, Inc.

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Page 1: 4 Billion Nodes

4 Billion Nodes

© 2009 iNomadics, Inc.

Page 2: 4 Billion Nodes

The New Nomads >Half the world has

mobile phones 4 Billion mobile phones

Mobile usage up 500% since 2007

Half all new Internet connections

2014 50% Android 25% Apple

© 2009 iNomadics, Inc.

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Laptop in your Pocket 2009 iPhone GS 2.4x4.5x0.5” – 4.8

ounces 620 MHz ARM CPU 256 MB RAM 32 GB Storage 320 x 480 Display $199.00 > 10 Hours GPS, Compass, Camera,

Accelerometer, Bluetooth, Wifi, 3G, Phone, Audio

2003 Laptop ~ Sony Vaio

9x11x2” - 5 pounds 1000 MHz Pentium

CPU 256 MB Ram 30 GB Storage 640 x 480 Display $1999.00 > 2 Hours

© 2009 iNomadics, Inc.

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New Paradigm Always there Always on Location aware Touch Motion control Multimedia

Audio, video, photo - create/consume

While Waiting (WW) time Q Dead-air Dispute resolution Memex

© 2009 iNomadics, Inc.

Page 5: 4 Billion Nodes

iPhone Apps Apple iPhone

>30% of Smartphone market >60% of mobile Internet traffic

Over 40 Million sold Projecting 50 Million through Dec.

App Store 55,000 apps 1.5 Billion downloads

App >10x browser

© 2009 iNomadics, Inc.

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One Perspective Each new medium has it’s own rules Mobile is NOT a tiny browser 1. Interstitials2.Memory Augmentation3.Location Based Services4.Social Networking

1. Hunter / Gatherer

5.Remote Operation6.Mobile Presence

© 2009 iNomadics, Inc.

Page 7: 4 Billion Nodes

Interstitials - While Waiting Poker iSteam PocketGod – movie

Sketches Thereminator -

movie Ocarina

© 2009 iNomadics, Inc.

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Memory Augmentation Wikipanion Google Search VR iBirds iHarmony Netter’s Anatomy gContacts

Dispute resolution……. or why my wife wants an iPhone

© 2009 iNomadics, Inc.

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Location Based Services Google Maps Zagat Journey Cast Graffitio Trapster Android Locale MapCleveland.org Cleveland Zoo Key On This Spot

© 2009 iNomadics, Inc.

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Social Networking Hunter / Gatherer SMS Facebook LinkedIn Twitter clients YouTube Loopt/Yelp

© 2009 iNomadics, Inc.

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Remote Operation iTunes Remote SimplifyMedia MobileFiles AndroidScan DVRRemote (Tivo)

Home Automation

© 2009 iNomadics, Inc.

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Mobile Presence Retail

Purchasing, store locator, product catalogs Venues

Events calendar, map, contacts, tickets, webcams Universities

Manufacturer Catalogs, field service Paint matcher

Field personnel Medical, service,

Nomadic tribes Memberships, contractors

© 2009 iNomadics, Inc.

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Integrate Multiple Channels

© 2009 iNomadics, Inc.

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mCommerce Categories Transactions

Amazon, Sears, SkyMall Catalogs

Ralph Lauren, Victorinox Information

Epicurious, Whole Foods Utility

Sherwin Williams (Color Snap) Entertainment

Nissan, Ford (Flex), Audi A4

© 2009 iNomadics, Inc.

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Functional Facets News Events Maps Multimedia

Music, Video, Photo Contacts

Dial, email, text, chat, tweet Shopping

Online and offline catalogs Example movie

© 2009 iNomadics, Inc.