4 l horse all news in the of sports - chronicling...

IHB WASHINGTON EEEAIB SUNDAY IA3fUA T31 1809 RACING TRACK ATHLETICS ALL NEWS IN THE WORLD OF FIRESIDE LEAGUE BASEBALL NOTES I 1 4 L c 9 i- L HORSE SPORTS < Georgetown football Coach Again to Have Charge HELEB WILL COME OUT AGAIN With Fourteen Veterans as Nucleus It la Believed that Strong Team Will Be Turned Out to Represent the Hilltoppers on Gridiron Next Fall Coach Accepts Terms at Last It was definitely announced yesterday by the Georgetown University football management that BiU Newman has again a contract to coach Hilltop pers for next season At the expiratfea of Ms oneyear con tract it was rumored that Newman said he was dissatisfied with the existing con dttions at Ute Bhte and Gray university and that he weald not tee h pigskin fundaaaeatals at Georgetown In ISM This statement later ea was braided as false by the exCoraeti star who stated that if be coached at aH it would be with the Hllkeppera Manager Murray has been la COIBBW nicatioa with Newman for setae and it is believed that larger inducements ia salary were offered to bring the famous gridiron warrior beck to the Btae and Gray university In Newman Georgetown has seemed with the possible exception of Bunny Sackta one of the Dast available cracks He played ceater on the Big Red teeM four years and was named by Wal ter Camp the AllAmerican elovea Graduating from the Medical School he acted as first assistant coach to the Car- lisle Indians in 1997 after which he was secured by Georgetown ExCapt Miller when he teamed that Bill weeM again have charge of the gridiron warriors said that he wilt re consider his detariBteaUoR not to footbah again This certainly is a big boon hi the football stock at as MIller is undoubtedly we of the best eade seen a Blue and Gray uni- form since the days of McCarthy and Bmwy SacHn The noel eligible for next reason out of last years veterans number fourteen and with this as a nucleus to work on- Xetunaa shetdd turn out strong eleven in 19ML LOOKS GOOD Central Athlete Ought to Make Good in High Jump If Wittta the mss wile h Corral Highs best bet m the stanateg high jump oemes ap to BIll Fetey he will he B V closed meet fur the Central High track team yasierday Wktea easily repeated his jump of four feet six inches which he mode fat the teat meet and there easy at Coach Foteys orders Tbelaeet which was lIeN on the track in the Central High deg was a suc- cess in spite of the fact that Zen the dis tance man and Dewey the crack sprin- ter were to Baltimore for the Hepktas games The results follow StMMaag htii JHBpFtet Wttaa 4 8 tells Bided 4 feet 2 ted tatri Cwm 4 feet Rainlm fcfc hwtrnnt Obme S fret I feck second 4 felt 1 woks WtM 4 filet 7indM- TweBtyFu ceaoiactic dwfcFtot teat McEtef- aH acwd lea CMB tatei heat M It- naK Flat 9aBBK SMnrf RaOfc- wTwwtyjw sfttiet AFfcst Dafer TiwfciMi thM Ffccfec First Twtatyiwd gooier B Ffcat B di seM Tftfeetts tbM FattmL la la Pfct- tTibtatu FortyjKd beat Flat QAn second BMBfites SeoMd beat Past Lasostare- eeiwd MeDMUud Thud Fiat IMMas sec Od Brags FlMte bust OiltnTTi seoaad R toa- Fortjjwd JIM A Rrst Mat sectnd Shy Stead Mat Pmt Tradsias Bras Tired Met Pint Dafley sorted Wade Steak Fist R be KOM Tndgift- sFVtrjard anice fB Pbst heat Steam ceooed Cbftpaa Seoead Fine second SjiTeeUr Third heat Poet Tfbbetts sic cod Aad se u Fteafe Flat TObetts sexed swart Si ted5 id wrke it Nkate tecsad- sscMi QaethoBTOn yaid s riistloHrst LawreBce CSOSSCOTINTDY RUN South Atlantic A A TT Plans Event February 22 The first crosscountry run given ey the South Atlantic Associa- tion of the Amateur Athletic Union will be held here on the afternoon of 22 The distance will be about six and one half covering two laps of a course which bas been laid out in the suburbs of Washington The course runs partly through Rock Creek Park across fields and through woods with a stretch of about a mile along the macadamized military road The start and finish will be at Brightwoed at the end of two car- lines which run direct from the center of the city This the first attempt the South At- lantic Association lies made to give a crosscountry championship but it is be- lieved nearly all the clubs BOO other or ganizations in the association will be Solid gold silver aad bronze championship medals will be given the first and second and third men aad a sil- ver cup to the winning team of four men RUN IN BLINDING SNOW Shannon Finishes First in Fitialinrc Marathon Fittsbarg Jan 39 la a blinding snow storm 2N young men started to race twentysir miles in the Marathon press race this afternoon and SW finished TV T Shannon of Edgeworth suburb George W Masten Rochester Pa second It was bitter cold and a north- west wind was blowing when the starters were lined up near the Hotel Speyer Rochester at 1230 p m The runners were started twentyfive at a time Many of the athletes bad only eight running clothes and these had to give up chilled with the cold before they had gone many miles Rochester University Wins Rochester Jan fast basket ban team had Its colors lowered by the faster fire representing the Unl recsity of Rochester here tonight by the decisive score of IS to 1L PLEASE NOTE That air H C Newcomer with the H Lindsay Rubber Company now with the NEW Rubber Store loca- tion 1000 F street at Tenth street by name THE WASH- INGTON RUBBER COMPANY BILliNEWMANSIGNED I signed the time for for a s expecta- tions secoM Mat heat Met TnIdIin Mat Mat ncIL IItIPkst teat Pmt sec- ond FIrst heat scMb5UePirJt Re- Im IMo LuMIIL Ld Fmt Sta art secaad Feb- ruary mIleS is repr- esented a n- and young 3iColgates Is play George- town In V WITTEN where- In stop- ped J feat Bests tiled e and alt Falter mead heat seam ads Fib Steve eoa McKlmu- Foer haaed4ndfectg 5ard see cad sag ec elm Alehita- r cbazaplo strip a for- merly V i ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ < > > ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ > GOING TO PORTSMOUTH BRYANT S SPICER Loral ten tester she be tried in feet FAST COMPANY FOR SPICER District Baseball Player Goes to Virginia League Is Catcher of Considerable Ability and Expects to Make Good Hits for SSO- Washhtgtwi has contributed another ball player to the flat of baseball tessera who wO experience their first work in fast company during the coining season Bryant S Spteer is the aaaM of the latest recruit to profeGsteaal ranks and com petent judges who have seen him perform are confident that he will prove the real thing Spicer has sigaed a tract to play the outfield for the Portsmouth Va team sad his agreement calls fr ICO plunks per mouth He Hves with his parents In the neigh- borhood of Sixth and H streets north west and is twenty years of age stocky and weighs about 141 pounds He was born Ia Orange Y and has been in Washington five years In 1985 and 1916 he attended Fredericksburg Col- lege and did the backstop work for the team representing that college In the latter part of 1905 he played be- hind the bat for the Woodberry Forest Va club a fast semiprofessional In 1917 he was with the Bethany dull of the Church League of this city ad while not a seasattoaal performs caught a tine game and hit well In the early part of IMS he was with the Daitvffie Va team sad later signed with the Stanaton Va iadepetideat team During this year he smote the sphere for a percentage of Phi Spacers chief characteristic sad our that is table to bring him fame hi the baseball arena is coaJjlenoe aa attribute so generally lacking In youngsters just starting He entertains no sort of doubt that he will make good in the Virginia League and while he has signed to play the outfield is reedy to start m heated the bat where he has done much of his work hi put seasons SOTS WITS FAST Central T 3f C A of Baltimore Wins from V 31 I at Lexington Lexington Va Jazz 3H Tha Central y M C A of Baltimore won from Vir- ginia Military Institute tonight in a pretty game of basketball by the score of 25 to 23 Beth teams played fast baY and Bald more won the game In the last minute of play McEatee Pattison Buracker and McCredy were stars for V 34 L and Fry and Nelker for Baltimore The score was tied at the end of the first half also Lineup F f9tteBS TMaA- McE Jcft fKTrard Egberts Pester right forward RyP- attfsMO sorer TVHia Btmckcr Jett s i Ri rfek- McCredj right c i Ndfce- rRtfeeeMr Scftrsy Dmpiiii M- aSautt w LL U Ti dE SDerCWet V X- I SceraisOdet Breet VM I Mr Peters BaWawe Tire rf bahes20 sriaates HIGH SCHOOL NOTES By HARRY M DODD No scholastic Marathon Tanners as yet Game doesnt look good from aa amateur standpoint eh The management of the Easterjt High School basketball five was somewhat net up over Westerns failure to put In aa appearance at the Capitol Hill gym Fri- day as scheduled No word was received from the Western management Pat Powers Harry Pollack Al Herford and others of that bunch must keep their eyes peeled now Alfred Stern the for- mer Centralite has entered the promoting game Books and jampHtta great bin inliiTHi Lire its the dope f MsUcj8 raga Beat ve cant get the As to what is Wdcfe5rs age It took an oldtimer to do F street with fitting dignity yesterday Manager Corcoran of the Georgetown track squad says Catty is the cutest little runner he ever saw Martin and Gregory were not oa hand at the roll can yesterday morning They played a one night stand In Fredericks- burg Friday Local detective agencies please notice Some excellent time was made in the Tech track trials yesterday We are In receipt of a counter bouquet from Hooks TaggarL The Georgetown Prep basketball team has been coming right along and it looks as If the scheduled game between the West Enders Business should decide the scholastic supremacy Doe Hudson wore a broad grin If something new youve got lets have it Frederlcksburg Want Games Managers of A TJ sanctioned basket- ball teams desiring games with the Fredericksburg team will please write to George D Carter manager Fredericks burs Va Till ant oeeafrear ag- gregation v Y L Della I end Its Doc A Beer aid slightest netiaa yes- terday ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ TECH SHOWS FORM School Athlete Await the Big G W U Meet WALKER TRAINING Debut of Manual Training School Lads on Running Path Moat Promising Entries and Most of Them Are Going Well in TrialS Additional Entries That the Technical track squad Intends- to put that branch of athletics on a with the others at the Manual Train Ing School was very much assured by the large number of Red and Gray entries which have turned in for the George Washington meet Never before in the history of the track game at the Rhode Island avenue school has there been such a display in this branch and from the form which the Manual Trainers have been showing in their recent workouts their debut this season should be auspicious Already twentynine entries have been turned in and before the closing time Coach Walker expects to have a few more ia line Walker has the candidates out every day and the success of his methods in training are evident from the grist improvement in the work of the squad since he has had it in charge The list of entrants and events already turned In are as follows sebeluSe aoriee T H DocneHy W Thrall SL KwMer B H Fowle F W Fiftyyard sca haaHopB W Thrall H H- Falwntf H LL Bras tad w C Farmer Wftjjard Ksofestfc opcahB T Premier E Mayce H B Kramer KbusSc norlceH H Fal U Wsshbsclan rd W Oa th ji ad rd scbctoMle Reoer F Tew add O Weber F wb BdiwiaBdfertjjiid ecl J tic rra W a Famer G NAVY SCORES EASY VICTORY Delaware College Basketball Team Goes Down 48 to 9 Middies Ring Up Bankets with Ridic- ulous Badly Outclassed Sfncfel t Tie Wftdfastva AanapoUe Md Jan 39 The basket ball team of Delaware College proved an easy fee for the quintet of Midshipmen this afternoon the sailor lads winning by the everwhebalag score of 4S to 9 At no stage of the contest did the look aaagereus They lacked team work in a marked degree and their at- tempts at shooting for goals were mostly miserable failures The first half dosed with the score 23 to favoring the Midshipmen and in the second period the substitute players did equally as well as the regulars adding 20 more points to their already large and at the same time preventing the visitors tram Increasing their score by more than 3 points Lineup and summary Nwy DtUrae CoStse- Msaock GiwaWt fenrudT- OfeoB Btsd ff njt ftrwarf- Doasbu Fri carter lIMb Tnfe right cvwL Hagner- Eteason Haler JMcG rrey- 2ftxoa lei pKid Greenwood G als MK the 5 Wcazdl 5 Erg 0 TOtem a McCtes Dccsb 2- VVHto 9 Greco Hacaer GreraffwJ MeOimy- G a fray tie hat O HcGtrrey 3- BefereeMz Foster FassylTasia Time of balre 29 irrfaBtra The game scheduled with the team of Washington and Lee University for next Saturday has beencan etefe by the Virginians and instead the Midshipmen will play the team of Balti- more Medical College DBISCOLL MEETS CROSS Boxers Sign Articles for Bout ia New York New York Jan 34 Jem Driscoll the English featherweight champion was matched to meet Leach Cross at the Fair mount Athletic Club here the second week In February The weight will l e 135 pounds at 5 oclock which will give Cross about twelve pounds over the Englishman Drfscoll however is confident that his speed will make up for Cross weight FIRESIDE BASEBALL LEAGUE The double umpire system will prevail in both major leagues this year The Polo grounds will have stands this season that will seat 35000 people Walter Wllmot will coach the Unli varsity of Minnesota nine He begins work with the candidates next week Billy Murray engaged Ed Truelelb the Baltimore groundkeeper to get the grounds at Southern Pines ready for the Phillies Murray takes the team South en March 2 With Rucker McIntire Wllhelm Pas tories Bell and Stricklett In line Brook- lyn looks strong in the box Besides there are Scanlon and Hunter Scanlon has been out of the game a year and Hunter Is a new man Manager Jimmy McAleer Is so well with his success la holding Bill Dineen In reserve In the early months of last season that he may the same plan on Waddell and Howell making the young pitchers do the work in the spring Elmer Stricklett the socalled spitball inventor has accepted the terms of the Brooklyn club and will apply for rein statement to the national commission StrlckIett refused to sign last spring and played through the season with the San Jose club of the Pacific Coast League Dode Criss Is perhaps the only ball player In captivity who has signed a con tract as pinch hitter for club St Louis Browns will carry him again just to drive put hits for regulars in critical last year In hitting and he made most of his hits In pinches too The position of supervisor of umpires was tried once In the National League and it was little more than honorary President Pulliam Is too much Interested- In the work of his umpires to let any body but himself look after this depart ment Because he doesnt think it would be a good plan to make such a place for Anson doesnt mean that he wouldnt some plan to provide famous veteran TELLS I Many Promised bees ford Eo B Green w C Parer L F B H B Kane B T and F and COMr1i L G L runT L S 3l aM W EaseL ltors Herald visI- tors 6 score SeW UI t JIB of Va I a of a game Criss led the leAgue forth I foot- ing Pt S4eerd Marne Meerow Mzyman S- Teesr Sir 18sedlard Bdcesa Heard I tgtaa Perms weeL McG g Besaklex Jeeobe Issa ultra sitr Lexing- ton sati- sfied try periods fa- vor ¬ > ¬ ¬ < ¬ > ¬ ¬ ¬ OFFICERS OF THE WASHINGTON GROVE ASSOCIATION ATHLETIC BHARDlN VICE PRESIDET i Fine Future Ahead for Wash ington Grove A C BUILDING NEW CLUBHOUSE Association Represented with First class Teams In Every Branch of Sport Except Team One of Clubs Best ABiets Baseball Sine for This Season Looks Good Among the little coteay of who journey each cummer to Washington Grove there has sprung up the Washington Grove Athletic Associa- tion which prospering wonderfully In the pure air of the country has attained- an enviable position in the athletic af- fairs of the District of the South The same people are found each year at the grove with the addition perhaps- of a few new ones so the teams remain practically intact from year to year which together with tilE excellence of management completeness of organiza- tion and perfect harmony which has characterized the sseodattoa its birth in 3904 is responsible for the dubs continual success As a result of the Saterest growing out of the baseball palm between the and stogie men the association was first organized ia MH SInce that time the membership has grown until now it Is more than ill i du lag from nearly all the Easters and Southern eel loses as well as a number of substantial business met of this city Same Board of Officers The officers who are elected aaaoally are at the present time Dr D E Wlber president Mr WHHam B Hardy vice president Mr D B Garges secretary and Mr M D Lindsay treasurer these officers each branch of ath- letics is managed by a committee the present chairmen of these committees being Tennis Dr Janvier Lindsay track Mr Walter Foster N Walker quoit Dr Albert Osborne rogue Howell Bartell and basketball Mr Mc Cathran Few clubs are proficient in so many branches of sport there being ample here for both the old and the young Becaase of the fact that the grove Is only a summer resort it is not possible for the association to put a football team In the field this being practically the only respect In which the club does not meas ure up with the best as bowling and billiards will be added as soon as the new clubhouse Is completed Handsome Athletic Field The athletic field and is one of the best in the vicinity of Washington baseball field is situated Inside of the running track which Is onesixth of a mile In circumference having more than 100 yards straight away for the eprints There are four fine tennla courts and two modern roque courts besides six quoit alleys Quoits by the way though quite a minor game these days has been worked up to some prominence in the clubs affairs the quoit tournament being one of the blueribbon events of the season Last year thirty the and by matches lasting all through the summer this number was gradually decreased until the finals wire won by Arthur B Smith with Dr Os borne second In the early spring quite an addition- to the clubs facilities will be made when the new clubhouse now In course of construction will be completed Of tho most approved bungalow type the new house will contain bowling alleys billiard parlors baths lookers and other neces sities of a firstclass modern clubhouse More efforts perhaps have been upon track athletics than upon the other branches of sport The meet held by the association at the grove on Labor Day has become an annual fixture athletes entering from all over tho East and South Strong for Long Distance Runs Unlike most teams which are generally strongest In the sprints and short runs the strength of the associations team IS to a great extent in the middle and long distance events With such men as Lewis Connors the champion miler Capt Mllburn B R Bolton Chester Leakln Gordon Slarrow E and R Rutherford In training the chances of turning out a winning track team are very bright Indeed Con nors Is a host in himself and can be upon to gather In some points for his club in every meet he enters OLD GLORY If you care to enjoy exception- ally fine dark beer The quality flavor and goodness of this healthful brew surpass your expectations On tap and bot- tled 2 doz 12- AserDniry Brewing Co BETTER EVERY YEAR FootballTrack sad since I seen Bes- Ides baseball c equipment men entered tour- nament 1 Swing de- pended GET ACQUAINTEDw- ith Washing- tonians mar- ried Tie ex- pended 25th surd F- Y ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ N eslo In the sprints and short rue the elation will be represented by Thrli the old Technical High School star Pidgeon and Clarence Rose W B White will be out for the handles sand the jumps also while gall and Oweae will take of the jumps sad TtaaH will also represent his toast In tW polo vault In weight events A C and W P Talbot eater With this array of material to start with a strong team should developed Great Interest In Roque The sitetion under the guM ance of Mr Howell Batten gives alga of being very fruitful Mr McCathraa has succeeded In rounding out a ftxftcfeas basketball team though not one of championship caliber vader Dr Lindsay promises to contribute a put deal toward the of the dole The baseball outlook is bright nearly all of teat years haw lag slgaidsd their teteadaa f aaala try ing for the nine la the catching will be oeD Ishervroed Lodge and Brake an experteaeed catchers sod good hitters McCathraa Pace sad S Smith will look after the slab work and as aH are twirlers of class this department ie cam ing the Management ao worry The Infield will very Kkaiy be eeetpesed of B Isherwoed at Marshall ea see ODd B Kaott for shortstop end Twos dale to look after third Outfield Will Be Strong In the outfield B Kaott will cover left Tschefeily center Xthersea right whfl- eLekin will be oa hand to fill ia if any of the vets fall down As before stated the team of teat year witt reawia pencil catty intact thus ooatrlbattog much team work and Inside Ddt playtes which does ao snuck toward landing a team OB top The schedule though not yet complete wttt be a extensive as the Btaaage most is of giving the teem a to show its real caliber which te not possible under a short schedule Unique ia origin complete to organisa- tion there is yet another side of the clubs affairs which is worthy of the closest attention Cemniereialfsm ao la amateur athletics of today le here utterly absent Many athJedc clubs of the present time are not above sus- picion wbea one considers the methods by which their teams are held together At the grove this is not the case Amateur theatricals lawn fetes sad the payment of nominal dues by the mem- bers outfit the teams sad keep the athletic field in shape Here sport Is in dulged In for sports sake alone and many other athletic clubs of the District could do worse than adopt some of the associations principles ZING JAMES WINS Captures Handicap at Emeryville Public Hit Hard San Francisco Jan Jft King James under skillful riding by Dugaa captured the 19000 Burns Handicap at EmeryviBe- today The books made a killing from the public which beaviif basked Malthy The track was a sea of mud The crowd was smaller than last year at tom same event The summaries FIRST KACEStx f kMcs Sfdw m yell 13 to 2 ArpoaMt 97 Upton S SB 1 seams Dottle Dottxrs MS fTmtta S to 1 taM 1373 BantestiM Bt DsHs BnA Adena Oteco MMctalk Tnimiati mi- SECOND BACBTtew sad KX teHvcv- Old Mezics IB GfiberU 7 to 1 BWM US Butler 7 to 1 secead lithe KM te m Ofo try 6 to 1 third Tie Odl Tkcta Pen Maid Kfa a The Ek tai 5w Gvtte ale THIRD KACESii ftirtea DcstseUiatf US- Keo s 3 to 2 wra lYote TCSBBS so Scarffie 6 1 sec ad Dafatr B De IN TipRm J5 to 1 third Time 10725 HUSJMLM Sotpade Please also na- FOimTH RACKOne and r ales King 131 Dagui II to 2 wwi Donate Ui Lee 9 to 2 seeDBd 96 Whfc 9 to 1 third Arssee Na o Lfefctoiod- FirestoEe MalttsJe Big ewer Aaaw OBMC aA Don EariQBQ aka ran FIFTH RACBOce and afcrt e tti- KebdMls ST Bctler 4 to 1 doe Ji3m W Boss 8 to 1 secesd Mbs VO Va Dusen 13 to H thfciL Thc 15534 Red Leaf Courant 3I tfiaB and Mettle kind also ran SIXTH EACBOae mile Satder UKctt iu- Mestrj ties won Early Tide KO Beaten H to 5 seared Yankee DamgMer M Ti b 9 to I third T5a 1O25 Tea Harvard a J also ran LOS ANGELES JLESUITS FIRST RACE Fire aDd eaefe fmtomg Col Bob 113 MnyeraTT I to Z won O W 1M Howard 7 to 2 secoed French Cte 100 Qfe 7 to 1 tier Tfcucv IM Latea4 Fvaace Catherine F Sir Edward ud Tto else ISB SECOND RAOBTbiee sad cacalf fecieags A J Small H3S Powers 6 ta 5 trea Denv 112- THoward 12 to 5 seosd Key Ehorar M5 fBcot i- U to 2 tiiid Time 0 SL Dcteas J H Bur Mara IAmb Caoefeoa MOB 3Mett and Dozaltlialds also UH THIRD and OBOcijhth ales yea Pomli Ill Howard 2 to 1 was G irafi xe McGee 5 to 1 second Xcaifivarcr K2 AnU bald 4 to I third Thae l S4i Angeles ago ranFOURTH RACEStx Jteienss Jack Able 138- Powsr 4 to 5 wee Dentate Arri 113 Art boM 10 to 1 second lla stec MS Ofea J t0 1 third Time iai3i OM Jeto A use ben Conoooy Sit Alrescst OtMcdsr Pets L- and Miss Safe also ran FIFTH RACBSix and oaehaX ftriwgs Powers n to WOO Oaaute C Qa hen 5 to 1 sacred Gkjnma Bakri MS Clark 12 to 1 tiW Time 1 35 the Few Swift Sibar Ampede act Opt also Tan SIXTH BACEOaa mile Daadebaa US held 5 to 2 wca St Etewood 112 OfcGee 7 to third Time Red Gaxcilet SwnrbaB- Moleser Notfcitt and Ben Trwator also ran SBVEmi BACEFItB God roe3 lf teioBss Bed inn c 10 McGee 8 to sea CkOte Martin 2 to 1 fccoodj Tnnuiwty KS Hcncard 7 to 1 third Time 1ST Boat G das Legend Pocftiie Hadte Alleviator and Keg she ran 30 Indians Philadelphia Jan 3ft Pennsylvanias basketball team tonight defeated the Carlisle Indians by the score 30 t9 sees CC the will be unique Tea success depart- ment to- ward one desirous chance von Tine Yank Its wa ran DIll He Indian ran to sie Milked Time 211 mkt Invader Bell Help Bet Girl RAG ODe S Toner Lon1 of JIM CAr L sexxed t1 Apt 4 to L Penn 9 of cane Thomp- son exceedingly team first pre- valent Bet Prestige tea ese James 5 Del nom l Get Pal- l l0 log Bennett li Oddeteiai Er S4 jug handled 3- Y a ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ > < < ° = Deep Interest in Big Indoor from Entry List OLYMPIC STARS ARE COMING Quaker City end Oystertovrn Cin der Stars Are Anions for Hand some Trophies College Entries ire Double Those of YeAr Sale of Seats Opens With th George hieoer neat oafer two weeks oft evorybodp at ate testitutioit interested te- thletfca Is knadtog to make the fair a auccaae aad give to the pohHe the greatest eatertateneBt hi this ever put OB the floor at Coxveotioa Halt tries for the meet dose Friday 5 with HWonea White 3 G street northwest or by malt with Man agac Nowhoueer at George Wasofegton University Satrles already tied with Manager Newhouser indicate that the ember Of participants will be greeter than ever appeared before ia a similar west in this city and that every wilt be of and fought out to the last ditch The scholastic features of the graaune will undoubtedly be ranch more spirited than heretofore owing to the Increase m the Hnaber of entries roa- Teehaleal Wostem and Boners High schools Central High has carried off tile ymim to the local k 9oor meets for a number of years hut wilt be confronted with a much stronger opposition on this sand wilt have to extend herself to the Hailt to aoaiateia peer prestige and carry off the much coveted scholastic trophy Philadelphians To add to the uncertainty as to the winner of the scholastic trophy is the tattte entrance and appearance IB this city of the track teams of the Phfiadel- phte Manuel Tramtag School the peas Charter School of the same city Those Quaker Institutions always turn- out strong track aggregations and will amid down the cream of the Philadelphia schoolboy athletes Baltimore City Col- lege will also make a strong bid for the trophy with an entry list of twenty men The desire to capture the handsome club trophy te not a bit less spirited than that being displayed with reference- to the scholastic cup This trophy will he awarded to the Y M C A or club seoriag the greatest number of points hi the open handicap events The most prominent contestants for this prise be the Washington aad Bald more Y M C A teems the Gurtey Athletic Club the BJoooringdate Ch a the Maryland Athletic Club of Baltimore the Mount WasMagton Athletic Chub and the AtWette Crab Olympic Stars Due WK the entrance of the Olympic stars HfMmsa Bacon Porter and Glee however representing the Irish Anfrleaa Athletic sad Ute New Fork Athtedc Club it is pos jle that the cup go to ORe of the clubs of the metropolis ease the points won by the other ere evenly divided The entries from the colleges will be double the number of lest years meet The etasetftcatton of relays is being rapid ly perfected by Manager Newhocser and more definite announcements with respect to these Interesting events will be made during the week The sale of seats opens at Jones Ticket Agency 2819 G street northwest EACING CARDS FOR MONDAY Los Angeles FIRST RAOESfcc fwtaaes 112 Ssceeed W 1 Lftert IK Seen Bad 1C ASMS ThgMa IK- Tw IW Nittfe Boapp If 6 TUud BaisfeYUl IK osto lit EeraaBaar MS Bea IB- Wbtarfe 1 Md Pfay 1H- Xax 112 Bed HiaUrLf HZ SECOND EACETkrw sad re iK Mi MS Arthvr Bies 8 a 183 IK- Sas H2 Mss FciS H saa Ml J JT States 1M IE- KB tetorai w UK- Je X8 GnsKte 16- 4D cr m US THIRD SACEOse mile Taimt May W- SMrtftH Can KB j c Clan zrri itei MB Ffeeo fe 91 SUJaa e IH 105 Stack Mate N9 FOURTH XACEStc Ottidtac Star 115 Airs i- Atwf 112 n- S MSK Bairett IB Xfeg 2 Slat IK VeocW9 IK IK Sey U2 Stain IB I US- Toopee 112 Ilaaeiawcve W FIFTH RACEOat aid tbi eitst Bths alp MS Earl Begets J- AdMinXtM IK 95- f rj IjjB K6 OfidMs S3 BIlls Caiaaa 1 Little Ftali- Miato BT Han La Kcfoe Hiado 95 Monra Key Svsfot- M6 AMaerat- MS Tnncstoa JOE TURNERW- orlds Champion Wrestler Announces that he has ripened a Buffet for Ladies and Gentlemen at 602 Penna Ave and will be glad to meet his friends l SEcRETARY Photo bm Hmi- G W UI BOYS HAPPY I Last Wutd bilk die line I full pro taM eel Coming sad will A Test fag Chili may T f Week J Ida iIl RIIbiic vmetfu A AJsa Bar 5 Pest I JJ- Ox 111 tJI H mute I t Miss SLOTH RCBFbe fwdows leri IlA Lasits 15 5 EarIr UIt var JIIi Snare Soee I5 H h < t a Feb- ruary con- test exdite eat ath- letic Ath- lete famous con- testants Monday aa Tapirs Bee Sax fin 1 a Odes Web 1 Lasedle Mt Si Joh 5 cattle s4- Moluer 180 Lera tie Tavern Dares SprIg si 5 Sts edWse le- Ba C ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ + Ten Colleges Represented in Georgetowns Big Meet VS PORBEH Manager Corcoran Also Planning to Briag Army and Navy Track stars ZoKCther with Every 5ncces Jimmy Mulligan Matched Hillman Sew York Flyer It was announced yesterday by Mana- ger VJaesat Coraoraa of the Georgetown University Inaugural most be held ia Convention Hal oa 8 that Yale and Prinestoa be hy till pick f their athletes Including John Bred m s the Tigers crack pole vaulter and aflrecnd champion of the United States This brings tile total number of colleges that will be represented ia the Inaugural games up to ten and the fight for first honors promises ts be interesting from the creek of the starters pistol Manager Corcoran Is andeavojrtes to have Prince urn aw Tate matched ia a sate relay aIR m all probability will succeed Both of these colleges have a good fol he amt that all of the events will be a s ttdftnce with tha metric sj tara of m during lies created great interest among the contestants the loci schools especially favoring this plan The manager of the Villa Nova track team has written to Manager Corcoran asking for a relay race with Fordnam These two schools have been rivals for years and a contest of this kind them should prove to be ORe of exddng races of the night Relay Races Look Good To say that the relay races this year will surpass any heretofore held at the Georgetown games is petting it mild Maaager Corcona has neither time nor mttsnttoa to match the greatest qearternAers in event reafizhig that these rues axe what the pabllc The pick of athletes from ten of the best colleges in the country have signified their intention to l e present ant it X more than lively that at least five more will be represeated If present pleas do not BsJecarry the public will have an opportunity to wit ness a great struggle between the Navy lid West Point teems The meet is but two days after inaogaratioa and Corcoran is endeavors to have the Army team stay over hi order to try conclusions with the Middies Every one knows of the great rivalry which exists between Uncle Sams soldiers and sailors and as the army and navy officers will be here at the time the excitement among the spectators should be intense Besides the it ia expected that the greatest bench of local athletes that ever competed IB a meet in this city will wear the colors of their respective schools and colleges In this meet All will be given the usual amount of attention especially the relays It is Manager Corcoraas Intention to have the relay teams matched as evenly as pos- sible and he will give a great deal of time to these events Georgetown Has a Chance It looks as If the Georgetown teem this year has a better chance to capture the point trophy than over Wore The Blue and Gray fe under the coed of Jimmy MsMgaH former Georgetown crack qwartermHer who was a member of the relay teats which brake the worlds record at the St Louis Exposition in 159 It is more than likely that Mulligan wiH be pitted against Harry Human in a match race It will be recalled that this pair met test year Hffijaaa winning by a scant margin after Mulligan lost one of his shoes being forced to g half of the distance barefooted Tickets will be on sale shortly at all of the leading sporting goods stone TRIAlS FOB TECH ATHLETES Farmer and R Frazier Figure in Fast Time The last steps necessary for the picking of a relay team to represent Technical High School were takes yesterday morn lag when Coach Walker had the candi- dates run their try Mach excitement was created at some of the fut exhibi- tions and the results bid fair for a fast team for the Maroon and Gray The bet than was made by Farmer with R Frazier aad Fowle tied for sec- ond place WhIle all the men have net had their trials it looks as though the term will be selected from Farmer Fowle Tew Frazier Falconer and Thrall Capt S raaay and some of the best men will trials next Tuesday and they will have to bustle In order to oust their team mates for a place The freshman relay will be fast and chosen from ChOcott Koehler Kramer Hyatt Mayne aad Phillips The men are eagerly awaiting the com- ing George WasMngtoa meet where yen show their strength Coach Walker having already received the estates of nineteen men and has had the promise of fourteen others before the 3d of February whet the entries does COLLEGE WIDOWS WIN Defeat Southern Seminary of Buena Vista at Special ta The WatWactea aakL Lexington Fa Jan 3ft The College Widows of Lexington this afternoon de- feated the Southern Seminary teem of Buena Vista hi a hotly contested basket- ball game by the score of 9 to 7 The teems were matches but tile Widows excelled hi team work The stars the Seminary were Misses Umholz Brower earl Lee For the Col- lege Widows Misses Brace Sows Tur and Gadsdea Several hundred cadets and stttdoats were ea band while the Seminary girls were nearly H strong Lineup Sootfcern SeniEttr Positions OoVtsv Wiioirs Tee Brewer v Jttesoo- BaradeBor Sanest caasi Garth Je caff Btferteilr GUssccw ef WsM gi ant Lee DmiireMr Pete tt T X L TMe ef fcahea 39 xsisates each Columbia Wins at Basketball Ithaca Jan The Columbia basket- ball team soundly defeated Cornell this afternoon by the score of 45 to 38 The gime was played before a large crowd ot junior girls who bad corns out to cheer for Cornell but their hopes were shat- tered from the very first whistle ENTRIES NUMEROUS VILLANOVA tAt Mart Bee leving here spared this wants runners the tske their I I Coll- ege i I nor t Hare Umholz1iIIe CIIIiIIIr1CGcas- I Assurance of with alit reinvested between Man- ager oertof tows they Basket well for Uashnn famed TQnea N Arai 6aiedet Beecs ceder Gsdelen- IL Repel ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬

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Page 1: 4 L HORSE ALL NEWS IN THE OF SPORTS - Chronicling Americachroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn83045433/1909-01-31/ed-1/seq-9.pdf · ihb washington eeeaib sunday ia3fua t31 1809 racing






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Georgetown football Coach

Again to Have Charge


With Fourteen Veterans as Nucleus

It la Believed that Strong TeamWill Be Turned Out to Representthe Hilltoppers on Gridiron NextFall Coach Accepts Terms at Last

It was definitely announced yesterdayby the Georgetown University footballmanagement that BiU Newman has again

a contract to coach Hilltoppers for next season

At the expiratfea of Ms oneyear contract it was rumored that Newman saidhe was dissatisfied with the existing condttions at Ute Bhte and Gray universityand that he weald not tee h pigskinfundaaaeatals at Georgetown In ISM Thisstatement later ea was braided as falseby the exCoraeti star who stated thatif be coached at aH it would be with theHllkeppera

Manager Murray has been la COIBBW

nicatioa with Newman for setae andit is believed that larger inducements iasalary were offered to bring the famousgridiron warrior beck to the Btae andGray university

In Newman Georgetown has seemedwith the possible exception of BunnySackta one of the Dast available cracksHe played ceater on the Big Red teeM

four years and was named by Walter Camp the AllAmerican eloveaGraduating from the Medical School heacted as first assistant coach to the Car-lisle Indians in 1997 after which he wassecured by Georgetown

ExCapt Miller when he teamed thatBill weeM again have charge of the

gridiron warriors said that he wilt reconsider his detariBteaUoR not tofootbah again This certainly is a bigboon hi the football stock at

as MIller is undoubtedly we of thebest eade seen a Blue and Gray uni-form since the days of McCarthy andBmwy SacHnThe noel eligible for next reason out

of last years veterans number fourteenand with this as a nucleus to work on-Xetunaa shetdd turn out strong elevenin 19ML


Central Athlete Ought to Make Goodin High Jump

If Wittta the mss wile h CorralHighs best bet m the stanateg highjump oemes ap to BIll Fetey

he will heB V closed meet fur the Central

High track team yasierday Wktea easilyrepeated his jump of four feet six incheswhich he mode fat the teat meet and

there easy at Coach Foteys ordersTbelaeet which was lIeN on the track

in the Central High deg was a suc-cess in spite of the fact that Zen the distance man and Dewey the crack sprin-ter were to Baltimore for the Hepktasgames The results follow

StMMaag htii JHBpFtet Wttaa 4 8 tellsBided 4 feet 2 ted tatri Cwm 4 feet

Rainlm fcfc hwtrnnt Obme S fret I fecksecond 4 felt 1 woks WtM 4 filet7indM-

TweBtyFu ceaoiactic dwfcFtot teat McEtef-aH acwd lea CMB tatei heat M It-naK Flat 9aBBK SMnrf RaOfc-

wTwwtyjw sfttiet AFfcst DaferTiwfciMi thM Ffccfec First

Twtatyiwd gooier B Ffcat B di seMTftfeetts tbM FattmL la la Pfct-

tTibtatuFortyjKd beat Flat QAn

second BMBfites SeoMd beat Past Lasostare-eeiwd MeDMUud Thud Fiat IMMas secOd Brags FlMte bust OiltnTTi seoaad R toa-

Fortjjwd JIM A Rrst Matsectnd Shy Stead Mat Pmt Tradsias

Bras Tired Met Pint Dafley sortedWade Steak Fist R be KOM Tndgift-

sFVtrjard anice fB Pbst heat Steamceooed Cbftpaa Seoead Finesecond SjiTeeUr Third heat Poet Tfbbetts siccod Aad se u Fteafe Flat TObetts sexedswartSi ted5 id wrke it Nkate tecsad-

sscMiQaethoBTOn yaid s riistloHrst LawreBce


South Atlantic A A TT Plans EventFebruary 22

The first crosscountryrun given ey the South Atlantic Associa-tion of the Amateur Athletic Union willbe held here on the afternoon of

22The distance will be about six and one

half covering two laps of a coursewhich bas been laid out in the suburbsof Washington The course runs partlythrough Rock Creek Park across fieldsand through woods with a stretch ofabout a mile along the macadamizedmilitary road The start and finish willbe at Brightwoed at the end of two car-lines which run direct from the centerof the city

This the first attempt the South At-lantic Association lies made to give acrosscountry championship but it is be-lieved nearly all the clubs BOO other organizations in the association will be

Solid gold silver aad bronzechampionship medals will be given thefirst and second and third men aad a sil-ver cup to the winning team of four men


Shannon Finishes First in FitialinrcMarathon

Fittsbarg Jan 39 la a blinding snowstorm 2N young men started to racetwentysir miles in the Marathon pressrace this afternoon and SW finished TVT Shannon of Edgeworth suburb

George W Masten Rochester Pasecond It was bitter cold and a north-west wind was blowing when thestarters were lined up near the HotelSpeyer Rochester at 1230 p m Therunners were started twentyfive at atime

Many of the athletes bad onlyeight running clothes and these had togive up chilled with the cold before theyhad gone many miles

Rochester University WinsRochester Jan fast

basket ban team had Its colors loweredby the faster fire representing the Unlrecsity of Rochester here tonight by thedecisive score of IS to 1L

PLEASE NOTEThat air H C Newcomer

with the H LindsayRubber Company now withthe NEW Rubber Store loca-tion 1000 F street at Tenthstreet by name THE WASH-INGTON RUBBER COMPANY



signed the




s expecta-tions


Matheat Met







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BRYANT S SPICERLoral ten tester she be tried in feet


District Baseball Player Goes toVirginia League

Is Catcher of Considerable Abilityand Expects to Make Good

Hits for SSO-

Washhtgtwi has contributed anotherball player to the flat of baseball tesserawho wO experience their first work infast company during the coining seasonBryant S Spteer is the aaaM of the latestrecruit to profeGsteaal ranks and competent judges who have seen him performare confident that he will prove the realthing Spicer has sigaed a tract toplay the outfield for the Portsmouth Vateam sad his agreement calls fr ICO

plunks per mouthHe Hves with his parents In the neigh-

borhood of Sixth and H streets northwest and is twenty years of age stockyand weighs about 141 pounds

He was born Ia Orange Y and hasbeen in Washington five years In 1985

and 1916 he attended Fredericksburg Col-

lege and did the backstop work for theteam representing that college

In the latter part of 1905 he played be-

hind the bat for the Woodberry ForestVa club a fast semiprofessional

In 1917 he was with the Bethany dullof the Church League of this city adwhile not a seasattoaal performs caughta tine game and hit well

In the early part of IMS he was withthe Daitvffie Va team sad later signedwith the Stanaton Va iadepetideatteam

During this year he smote the spherefor a percentage of Phi

Spacers chief characteristic sad ourthat is table to bring him fame hi thebaseball arena is coaJjlenoe aa attributeso generally lacking In youngsters juststarting He entertains no sort of doubtthat he will make good in the VirginiaLeague and while he has signed to playthe outfield is reedy to start m heatedthe bat where he has done much of hiswork hi put seasons


Central T 3f C A of Baltimore Winsfrom V 31 I at Lexington

Lexington Va Jazz 3H Tha Centraly M C A of Baltimore won from Vir-ginia Military Institute tonight in apretty game of basketball by the scoreof 25 to 23

Beth teams played fast baY and Baldmore won the game In the last minuteof play McEatee Pattison Burackerand McCredy were stars for V 34 Land Fry and Nelker for Baltimore Thescore was tied at the end of the first halfalso

LineupF f9tteBS TMaA-

McE Jcft fKTrard EgbertsPester right forward RyP-

attfsMO sorer TVHiaBtmckcr Jett s i Ri rfek-McCredj right c i Ndfce-

rRtfeeeMr Scftrsy Dmpiiii M-aSautt w LL U Ti dE SDerCWet V X-

I SceraisOdet Breet V M I Mr PetersBaWawe Tire rf bahes20 sriaates


No scholastic Marathon Tanners as yetGame doesnt look good from aa amateurstandpoint eh

The management of the Easterjt HighSchool basketball five was somewhat netup over Westerns failure to put In aaappearance at the Capitol Hill gym Fri-day as scheduled No word was receivedfrom the Western management

Pat Powers Harry Pollack Al Herfordand others of that bunch must keep theireyes peeled now Alfred Stern the for-mer Centralite has entered the promotinggame

Books and jampHtta great bin inliiTHiLire its the dope f MsUcj8 raga

Beat ve cant get theAs to what is Wdcfe5rs age

It took an oldtimer to do F street withfitting dignity yesterday

Manager Corcoran of the Georgetowntrack squad says Catty is thecutest little runner he ever saw

Martin and Gregory were not oa handat the roll can yesterday morning Theyplayed a one night stand In Fredericks-burg Friday Local detective agenciesplease notice

Some excellent time was made in theTech track trials yesterday

We are In receipt of a counter bouquetfrom Hooks TaggarL

The Georgetown Prep basketball teamhas been coming right along and it looksas If the scheduled game between theWest Enders Business should decidethe scholastic supremacy

Doe Hudson wore a broad grinIf something new youve got

lets have itFrederlcksburg Want Games

Managers of A TJ sanctioned basket-ball teams desiring games with theFredericksburg team will please write toGeorge D Carter manager Fredericksburs Va

Till antoeeafrear


v Y L







slightest netiaa












School Athlete Await theBig G W U Meet


Debut of Manual Training SchoolLads on Running Path Moat Promising

Entries and Most ofThem Are Going Well in TrialSAdditional Entries

That the Technical track squad Intends-to put that branch of athletics on a

with the others at the Manual TrainIng School was very much assured by thelarge number of Red and Gray entrieswhich have turned in for the GeorgeWashington meet

Never before in the history of the trackgame at the Rhode Island avenue schoolhas there been such a display in thisbranch and from the form which theManual Trainers have been showing intheir recent workouts their debut thisseason should be auspicious

Already twentynine entries have beenturned in and before the closing timeCoach Walker expects to have a fewmore ia line Walker has the candidatesout every day and the success of hismethods in training are evident from thegrist improvement in the work of thesquad since he has had it in charge

The list of entrants and events alreadyturned In are as follows

sebeluSe aoriee T H DocneHyW Thrall SL KwMer B H Fowle F W

Fiftyyard sca haaHopB W Thrall H H-

Falwntf H LL Bras tad w C FarmerWftjjard Ksofestfc opcahB T Premier E

Mayce H B KramerKbusSc norlceH H Fal

U Wsshbsclan rd W

Oa th ji ad rd scbctoMle ReoerF Tew add O Weber

F wb BdiwiaBdfertjjiid ecl J tic rra W aFamer G


Delaware College Basketball Team

Goes Down 48 to 9

Middies Ring Up Bankets with Ridic-

ulous BadlyOutclassed

Sfncfel t Tie WftdfastvaAanapoUe Md Jan 39 The basket

ball team of Delaware College proved aneasy fee for the quintet of Midshipmenthis afternoon the sailor lads winning bythe everwhebalag score of 4S to 9

At no stage of the contest did thelook aaagereus They lacked team

work in a marked degree and their at-tempts at shooting for goals were mostlymiserable failures

The first half dosed with the score 23

to favoring the Midshipmen and in thesecond period the substitute players didequally as well as the regulars adding20 more points to their already large

and at the same time preventingthe visitors tram Increasing their scoreby more than 3 points

Lineup and summaryNwy DtUrae CoStse-

Msaock GiwaWt fenrudT-OfeoB

Btsd ff njt ftrwarf-Doasbu Fri carterlIMb Tnfe right cvwL



JMcG rrey-

2ftxoa lei pKid GreenwoodG als MK the 5 Wcazdl 5

Erg 0 TOtem a McCtes Dccsb 2-

VVHto 9 Greco Hacaer GreraffwJ MeOimy-G a fray tie hat O HcGtrrey 3-

BefereeMz Foster FassylTasiaTime of balre 29 irrfaBtra

The game scheduled with the team ofWashington and Lee University

for next Saturday has beencanetefe by the Virginians and instead theMidshipmen will play the team of Balti-more Medical College


Boxers Sign Articles for Bout iaNew York

New York Jan 34 Jem Driscoll theEnglish featherweight champion wasmatched to meet Leach Cross at the Fairmount Athletic Club here the second weekIn February

The weight will l e 135 pounds at 5

oclock which will give Cross abouttwelve pounds over the EnglishmanDrfscoll however is confident that hisspeed will make up for Cross weight


The double umpire system will prevailin both major leagues this year

The Polo grounds will have stands thisseason that will seat 35000 people

Walter Wllmot will coach the Unlivarsity of Minnesota nine He beginswork with the candidates next week

Billy Murray engaged Ed Truelelb theBaltimore groundkeeper to get thegrounds at Southern Pines ready for thePhillies Murray takes the team Southen March 2

With Rucker McIntire Wllhelm Pastories Bell and Stricklett In line Brook-lyn looks strong in the box Besidesthere are Scanlon and Hunter Scanlonhas been out of the game a year andHunter Is a new man

Manager Jimmy McAleer Is so wellwith his success la holding Bill

Dineen In reserve In the early monthsof last season that he may the sameplan on Waddell and Howell making theyoung pitchers do the work in the spring

Elmer Stricklett the socalled spitballinventor has accepted the terms of theBrooklyn club and will apply for reinstatement to the national commissionStrlckIett refused to sign last spring andplayed through the season with the SanJose club of the Pacific Coast League

Dode Criss Is perhaps the only ballplayer In captivity who has signed a contract as pinch hitter for club StLouis Browns will carry him again justto drive put hits for regulars in critical

last year In hitting and he made most ofhis hits In pinches too

The position of supervisor of umpireswas tried once In the National Leagueand it was little more than honoraryPresident Pulliam Is too much Interested-In the work of his umpires to let anybody but himself look after this department Because he doesnt think it wouldbe a good plan to make such a place forAnson doesnt mean that he wouldnt

some plan to provide famousveteran





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Fine Future Ahead for Washington Grove A C


Association Represented with Firstclass Teams In Every Branch ofSport Except TeamOne of Clubs Best ABiets BaseballSine for This Season Looks Good

Among the little coteay ofwho journey each cummer to

Washington Grove there has sprung upthe Washington Grove Athletic Associa-

tion which prospering wonderfully In

the pure air of the country has attained-an enviable position in the athletic af-

fairs of the District of the SouthThe same people are found each year

at the grove with the addition perhaps-of a few new ones so the teams remainpractically intact from year to yearwhich together with tilE excellence ofmanagement completeness of organiza-tion and perfect harmony which hascharacterized the sseodattoa itsbirth in 3904 is responsible for the dubscontinual success

As a result of the Saterest growing outof the baseball palm between the

and stogie men the association wasfirst organized ia MH SInce that timethe membership has grown until now itIs more than ill i du lag fromnearly all the Easters and Southern eelloses as well as a number of substantialbusiness met of this city

Same Board of OfficersThe officers who are elected aaaoally

are at the present time Dr D E Wlberpresident Mr WHHam B Hardy vicepresident Mr D B Garges secretaryand Mr M D Lindsay treasurer

these officers each branch of ath-

letics is managed by a committee thepresent chairmen of these committeesbeing Tennis Dr Janvier Lindsaytrack Mr Walter Foster NWalker quoit Dr Albert Osborne rogueHowell Bartell and basketball Mr McCathran Few clubs are proficient in somany branches of sport there beingample here for both the old and theyoung

Becaase of the fact that the grove Isonly a summer resort it is not possiblefor the association to put a football teamIn the field this being practically the onlyrespect In which the club does not measure up with the best as bowling andbilliards will be added as soon as the newclubhouse Is completed

Handsome Athletic FieldThe athletic field and is one

of the best in the vicinity of Washingtonbaseball field is situated Inside of

the running track which Is onesixth ofa mile In circumference having morethan 100 yards straight away for theeprints

There are four fine tennla courts andtwo modern roque courts besides sixquoit alleys Quoits by the way thoughquite a minor game these days has beenworked up to some prominence in theclubs affairs the quoit tournament beingone of the blueribbon events of theseason

Last year thirty theand by matches lasting all

through the summer this number wasgradually decreased until the finals wirewon by Arthur B Smith with Dr Osborne second

In the early spring quite an addition-to the clubs facilities will be made whenthe new clubhouse now In course ofconstruction will be completed Of thomost approved bungalow type the newhouse will contain bowling alleys billiardparlors baths lookers and other necessities of a firstclass modern clubhouse

More efforts perhaps have beenupon track athletics than upon

the other branches of sport The meetheld by the association at the grove onLabor Day has become an annual fixtureathletes entering from all over tho Eastand South

Strong for Long Distance RunsUnlike most teams which are generally

strongest In the sprints and short runsthe strength of the associations team IS

to a great extent in the middle and longdistance events

With such men as Lewis Connors thechampion miler Capt Mllburn B RBolton Chester Leakln Gordon SlarrowE and R Rutherford In trainingthe chances of turning out a winningtrack team are very bright Indeed Connors Is a host in himself and can be

upon to gather In some pointsfor his club in every meet he enters

OLD GLORYIf you care to enjoy exception-ally fine dark beer The qualityflavor and goodness of thishealthful brew surpass yourexpectations On tap and bot-tled 2 doz 12-

AserDniry Brewing Co









baseball c


men entered tour-nament











25thsurd F-













In the sprints and short rue theelation will be represented by Thrlithe old Technical High School starPidgeon and Clarence Rose W BWhite will be out for the handles sandthe jumps also while gall and Oweaewill take of the jumps sad TtaaHwill also represent his toast In tW polovault In weight events A C

and W P Talbot eater Withthis array of material to start with astrong team should developed

Great Interest In RoqueThe sitetion under the guM

ance of Mr Howell Batten gives algaof being very fruitful Mr McCathraa hassucceeded In rounding out a ftxftcfeasbasketball team though not one ofchampionship caliber vader DrLindsay promises to contribute a putdeal toward the of the dole

The baseball outlook isbright nearly all of teat years hawlag slgaidsd their teteadaa f aaala trying for the nine la the catching

will be oeD Ishervroed Lodgeand Brake an experteaeed catchers sodgood hitters

McCathraa Pace sad S Smith willlook after the slab work and as aH aretwirlers of class this department ie caming the Management ao worry

The Infield will very Kkaiy be eeetpesedof B Isherwoed at Marshall ea seeODd B Kaott for shortstop end Twosdale to look after third

Outfield Will Be StrongIn the outfield B Kaott will cover left

Tschefeily center Xthersea right whfl-eLekin will be oa hand to fill ia if anyof the vets fall down As before statedthe team of teat year witt reawia pencilcatty intact thus ooatrlbattog much

team work and Inside Ddt playteswhich does ao snuck toward landing ateam OB top

The schedule though not yet completewttt be a extensive as the Btaaagemost is of giving the teem a

to show its real caliber which tenot possible under a short schedule

Unique ia origin complete to organisa-tion there is yet another side of theclubs affairs which is worthy of theclosest attention Cemniereialfsm ao

la amateur athletics of today lehere utterly absent Many athJedc clubsof the present time are not above sus-picion wbea one considers the methodsby which their teams are held togetherAt the grove this is not the case

Amateur theatricals lawn fetes sadthe payment of nominal dues by the mem-bers outfit the teams sad keep theathletic field in shape Here sport Is indulged In for sports sake alone andmany other athletic clubs of the Districtcould do worse than adopt some of theassociations principles


Captures Handicap at EmeryvillePublic Hit Hard

San Francisco Jan Jft King Jamesunder skillful riding by Dugaa capturedthe 19000 Burns Handicap at EmeryviBe-today The books made a killing fromthe public which beaviif basked Malthy

The track was a sea of mud Thecrowd was smaller than last year at tomsame event The summaries

FIRST KACEStx f kMcs Sfdw myell 13 to 2 ArpoaMt 97 Upton S SB 1seams Dottle Dottxrs MS fTmtta S to 1 taM

1373 BantestiM Bt DsHs BnAAdena Oteco MMctalk Tnimiati mi-

SECOND BACBTtew sad KX teHvcv-Old Mezics IB GfiberU 7 to 1 BWM USButler 7 to 1 secead lithe KM te m Ofo

try 6 to 1 third Tie Odl Tkcta PenMaid Kfa a The Ek tai 5w Gvtte

aleTHIRD KACESii ftirtea DcstseUiatf US-

Keo s 3 to 2 wra lYote TCSBBS so Scarffie6 1 sec ad Dafatr B De IN TipRm J5 to1 third Time 10725 HUSJMLM SotpadePlease also na-

FOimTH RACKOne and r alesKing 131 Dagui II to 2 wwi DonateUi Lee 9 to 2 seeDBd 96 Whfc 9 to1 third Arssee Na o Lfefctoiod-FirestoEe MalttsJe Big ewer Aaaw OBMC aADon EariQBQ aka ran

FIFTH RACBOce and afcrt e tti-KebdMls ST Bctler 4 to 1 doe Ji3m WBoss 8 to 1 secesd Mbs VO Va

Dusen 13 to H thfciL Thc 15534 Red LeafCourant 3I tfiaB and Mettle kind

also ranSIXTH EACBOae mile Satder UKctt iu-

Mestrj ties won Early Tide KO Beaten Hto 5 seared Yankee DamgMer M Ti b 9 to Ithird T5a 1O25 Tea Harvard a Jalso ran


FIRST RACE Fire aDd eaefe fmtomg ColBob 113 MnyeraTT I to Z won O W 1MHoward 7 to 2 secoed French Cte 100 Qfe

7 to 1 tier Tfcucv IM Latea4 FvaaceCatherine F Sir Edward ud Tto else ISB

SECOND RAOBTbiee sad cacalf fecieags AJ Small H3S Powers 6 ta 5 trea Denv 112-

THoward 12 to 5 seosd Key Ehorar M5 fBcot i-

U to 2 tiiid Time 0 SL Dcteas J H BurMara IAmb Caoefeoa MOB 3Mett andDozaltlialds also UH

THIRD and OBOcijhth ales yeaPomli Ill Howard 2 to 1 was G irafi xeMcGee 5 to 1 second Xcaifivarcr K2 AnU

bald 4 to I third Thae l S4i Angeles ago

ranFOURTH RACEStx Jteienss Jack Able 138-

Powsr 4 to 5 wee Dentate Arri 113 ArtboM 10 to 1 second lla stec MS Ofea J t01 third Time iai3i OM Jeto A useben Conoooy Sit Alrescst OtMcdsr Pets L-and Miss Safe also ran

FIFTH RACBSix and oaehaX ftriwgsPowers n to WOO Oaaute C Qa

hen 5 to 1 sacred Gkjnma Bakri MS Clark12 to 1 tiW Time 1 35 the Few

Swift Sibar Ampede act Optalso Tan

SIXTH BACEOaa mile Daadebaa USheld 5 to 2 wca St Etewood 112 OfcGee 7 to

third Time Red Gaxcilet SwnrbaB-Moleser Notfcitt and Ben Trwator also ran

SBVEmi BACEFItB God roe3 lf teioBssBed inn c 10 McGee 8 to sea CkOteMartin 2 to 1 fccoodj Tnnuiwty KS Hcncard7 to 1 third Time 1ST Boat G das LegendPocftiie Hadte Alleviator and Keg she ran

30 IndiansPhiladelphia Jan 3ft Pennsylvanias

basketball team tonight defeated theCarlisle Indians by the score

30 t9













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Deep Interest in Big Indoorfrom Entry List


Quaker City end Oystertovrn Cin

der Stars Are Anions for Handsome Trophies College Entriesire Double Those of YeAr

Sale of Seats Opens

With th George hieoerneat oafer two weeks oft evorybodp atate testitutioit interested te-

thletfca Is knadtog to make the faira auccaae aad give to the pohHe thegreatest eatertateneBt hi this everput OB the floor at Coxveotioa Halttries for the meet dose Friday

5 with HWonea White 3 G

street northwest or by malt with Managac Nowhoueer at George WasofegtonUniversity Satrles already tied withManager Newhouser indicate that theember Of participants will be greeterthan ever appeared before ia a similarwest in this city and that every

wilt be of and foughtout to the last ditch

The scholastic features of thegraaune will undoubtedly be ranch morespirited than heretofore owing to theIncrease m the Hnaber of entries roa-

Teehaleal Wostem and Boners Highschools Central High has carried offtile ymim to the local k 9oor meets for anumber of years hut wilt be confrontedwith a much stronger opposition on this

sand wilt have to extend herselfto the Hailt to aoaiateia peer prestige andcarry off the much coveted scholastictrophy

PhiladelphiansTo add to the uncertainty as to the

winner of the scholastic trophy is thetattte entrance and appearance IB thiscity of the track teams of the Phfiadel-phte Manuel Tramtag School thepeas Charter School of the same cityThose Quaker Institutions always turn-out strong track aggregations and willamid down the cream of the Philadelphiaschoolboy athletes Baltimore City Col-

lege will also make a strong bid for thetrophy with an entry list of twenty men

The desire to capture the handsomeclub trophy te not a bit less spiritedthan that being displayed with reference-to the scholastic cup This trophy willhe awarded to the Y M C A or

club seoriag the greatest numberof points hi the open handicap eventsThe most prominent contestants for thisprise be the Washington aad Baldmore Y M C A teems the GurteyAthletic Club the BJoooringdate

Ch a the Maryland Athletic Clubof Baltimore the Mount WasMagtonAthletic Chub and the AtWetteCrab

Olympic Stars DueWK the entrance of the Olympic

stars HfMmsa Bacon Porter and Gleehowever representing the Irish

Anfrleaa Athletic sad Ute NewFork Athtedc Club it is pos jle thatthe cup go to ORe of theclubs of the metropolisease the points won by the other

ere evenly dividedThe entries from the colleges will be

double the number of lest years meetThe etasetftcatton of relays is being rapidly perfected by Manager Newhocser andmore definite announcements with respectto these Interesting events will be madeduring the week The sale of seats opens

at Jones Ticket Agency 2819

G street northwest


Los AngelesFIRST RAOESfcc fwtaaes

112 Ssceeed W1 Lftert IK

Seen Bad 1C ASMS ThgMa IK-Tw IW Nittfe Boapp If6 TUud BaisfeYUl IK osto litEeraaBaar MS Bea IB-Wbtarfe 1 Md Pfay 1H-Xax 112 Bed HiaUrLf HZ

SECOND EACETkrw sad re iKMi MS Arthvr Bies 8

a 183 IK-

Sas H2 Mss FciS H saa MlJ JT States 1M IE-

KB tetorai w UK-

Je X8 GnsKte 16-4D cr m US

THIRD SACEOse mileTaimt May W-

SMrtftH Can KB

j c Clan zrri iteiMB Ffeeo fe 91

SUJaa e IH 105Stack Mate N9

FOURTH XACEStcOttidtac Star 115 Airs i-

Atwf 112 n-

S MSK Bairett IB Xfeg 2Slat IK VeocW9 IK

IK Sey U2Stain IB I US-Toopee 112 Ilaaeiawcve W

FIFTH RACEOat aid tbi eitst Bths alpMS Earl Begets J-

AdMinXtM IK 95-

f rj IjjB K6 OfidMs S3

BIlls Caiaaa 1 Little Ftali-Miato BT HanLa Kcfoe Hiado 95 Monra

Key Svsfot-M6 AMaerat-MS Tnncstoa

JOE TURNERW-orlds Champion Wrestler

Announces that he has ripened aBuffet for Ladies and Gentlemen at602 Penna Ave and will be gladto meet his friends



Photo bm Hmi-




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Ten Colleges Represented inGeorgetowns Big Meet


Manager Corcoran Also Planning toBriag Army and Navy Track starsZoKCther with Every5ncces Jimmy Mulligan Matched

Hillman Sew York Flyer

It was announced yesterday by Mana-ger VJaesat Coraoraa of the GeorgetownUniversity Inaugural most be held iaConvention Hal oa 8 that Yaleand Prinestoa be hy tillpick f their athletes Including JohnBred m s the Tigers crack pole vaulterand aflrecnd champion of the UnitedStates

This brings tile total number of collegesthat will be represented ia the Inauguralgames up to ten and the fight for firsthonors promises ts be interesting fromthe creek of the starters pistol ManagerCorcoran Is andeavojrtes to have Princeurn aw Tate matched ia a sate relay

aIR m all probability will succeedBoth of these colleges have a good fol

he amt that all of the events will bea s ttdftnce with tha metric sj tara of

m during lies created great interestamong the contestants the loci schoolsespecially favoring this plan

The manager of the Villa Nova trackteam has written to Manager Corcoranasking for a relay race with FordnamThese two schools have been rivals foryears and a contest of this kindthem should prove to be ORe ofexddng races of the night

Relay Races Look GoodTo say that the relay races this year

will surpass any heretofore held at theGeorgetown games is petting it mildMaaager Corcona has neithertime nor mttsnttoa to match the greatestqearternAers in event reafizhigthat these rues axe what the pabllc

The pick of athletes from ten of thebest colleges in the country have signifiedtheir intention to l e present ant it Xmore than lively that at least five morewill be represeated

If present pleas do not BsJecarry thepublic will have an opportunity to witness a great struggle between the Navylid West Point teems The meet is buttwo days after inaogaratioa and

Corcoran is endeavors to have theArmy team stay over hi order to tryconclusions with the Middies Every oneknows of the great rivalry which existsbetween Uncle Sams soldiers and sailorsand as the army and navy officers willbe here at the time the excitementamong the spectators should be intense

Besides the it iaexpected that the greatest bench of localathletes that ever competed IB a meetin this city will wear the colors of theirrespective schools and colleges In thismeet All will be given the usual amountof attention especially the relays It isManager Corcoraas Intention to have therelay teams matched as evenly as pos-sible and he will give a great deal oftime to these events

Georgetown Has a ChanceIt looks as If the Georgetown teem this

year has a better chance to capture thepoint trophy than over Wore The Blueand Gray fe under the coed of JimmyMsMgaH former Georgetown crackqwartermHer who was a member of therelay teats which brake the worldsrecord at the St Louis Exposition in159

It is more than likely that MulliganwiH be pitted against Harry Human ina match race It will be recalled thatthis pair met test year Hffijaaa winningby a scant margin after Mulligan lost oneof his shoes being forced to g half ofthe distance barefooted

Tickets will be on sale shortly at all ofthe leading sporting goods stone


Farmer and R Frazier Figure inFast Time

The last steps necessary for the pickingof a relay team to represent TechnicalHigh School were takes yesterday morn

lag when Coach Walker had the candi-

dates run their try Mach excitementwas created at some of the fut exhibi-

tions and the results bid fair for a fastteam for the Maroon and Gray

The bet than was made by Farmerwith R Frazier aad Fowle tied for sec-

ond place WhIle all the men have nethad their trials it looks as though theterm will be selected from Farmer FowleTew Frazier Falconer and Thrall

Capt S raaay and some of the bestmen will trials next Tuesdayand they will have to bustle In order tooust their team mates for a place

The freshman relay will be fast andchosen from ChOcott Koehler KramerHyatt Mayne aad Phillips

The men are eagerly awaiting the com-

ing George WasMngtoa meet whereyen show their strength Coach Walkerhaving already received the estates ofnineteen men and has had the promiseof fourteen others before the 3d ofFebruary whet the entries does


Defeat Southern Seminary of BuenaVista at

Special ta The WatWactea aakLLexington Fa Jan 3ft The College

Widows of Lexington this afternoon de-

feated the Southern Seminary teem ofBuena Vista hi a hotly contested basket-ball game by the score of 9 to 7 Theteems were matches but tile

Widows excelled hi team workThe stars the Seminary were Misses

Umholz Brower earl Lee For the Col-

lege Widows Misses Brace Sows Turand Gadsdea Several hundred

cadets and stttdoats were ea band whilethe Seminary girls were nearly H strongLineup

Sootfcern SeniEttr Positions OoVtsv Wiioirs

TeeBrewer v




Garth Je caffBtferteilr GUssccw ef WsM gi ant Lee

DmiireMr Pete tt T X L TMe ef fcahea39 xsisates each

Columbia Wins at BasketballIthaca Jan The Columbia basket-

ball team soundly defeated Cornell thisafternoon by the score of 45 to 38 Thegime was played before a large crowd otjunior girls who bad corns out to cheerfor Cornell but their hopes were shat-tered from the very first whistle






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