4 sharp competency


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Post on 12-Jul-2015




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SHARPJordon Belfort quickly appears to others as a sharp and intelligent professional. He hasdeveloped his sales process skills to an unconscious level of competence, and therefore hashoned the ability to focus on the strategic direction of a sales conversation rather than onthe process and dialogue

Demonstrates a unique ability to manage dual cognitive processes; effectively conducts an external dialogue with others whilst internally assessing the situation, asking own questions and predicting how next words and actions will influence or manipulate events

Mentally alert, fast in decision making and demonstrates a unique pace of delivery that immediately impresses and builds trust

Quickly becomes an ‘expert’ in any area that he chooses, through efficient but deep research, in order to ‘be’ the expert in front of clients

Enjoys debate, spirited conversation, analysis and cognitive challenge – is easily bored

Quickly identifies the client’s buying obstacles and provides an irrefutable logical argument and statement that cant be argued with

Has a natural inquisitiveness, and is intellectually curious - gathers intelligence in order to make better informed decisions and demonstrate greater levels of expertise

Intelligent, mentally alert and fast in response – always has an answer to questions, or creates impressive responses in the absence of direct knowledge

Quickly processes, analyses and organises complex ideas and concepts - thrives on new ideas, challenges and problem solving

Is ‘self’ conscious of own level of sales ability and appears process oriented and staged as a result

Provides emotional and irrational arguments with little logic or structure

Appears unprepared with regard to client questions and challenge -lacks impressive and intelligent responses

Appears to have little desire to learn or develop own skill set –doesn’t probe, ask questions, seek clarification or challenge decisions

Appears lost for words, loses train of thought, allows long pauses

Slow in decision making

Messages are confused with no clear logic flow

Disengages from debate, lively conversation and challenge – prefers interactions with known and familiar content

Needs time or authority/intelligence from others to provide an answer to questions

Prefers the tried and tested and will choose to remain in comfort zone – unlikely to push own boundaries, acquire new knowledge areas or development own abilities to any large extent

Allows others to source and provide knowledge and expertise