4 simple ways to trick your mind into attracting wealth

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  • 8/13/2019 4 Simple Ways to Trick Your Mind Into Attracting Wealth


    How to Trick Your Mind into Attracting Wealth

    By Ilya Alexihttp://www.SecretMind ower.co!

    "earning how to u#e !ind power$ and learning #peci%ically how to u#e !ind power toattract wealth and a&undance ha# &een a !a'or %ocu# %or !o#t o% !y li%e. Along theway$ I()e learned that u#ing !ind power work# !o#t e%%ecti)ely when it i# donewith ea#e and grace. You don(t ha)e to #truggle to get exactly what you want inli%e. In %act$ whene)er you #truggle$ you pu#h away that which you !o#t de#ire.

    *#ing !ind power to change your li%e i# !ore like a !agic trick than anythingel#e. You #i!ply trick your !ind into &elie)ing that you ha)e what you want$ andthen your li%e !iraculou#ly change# to re%lect your new &elie%. And 'u#t like a!agic trick$ it #ee!# i!po##i&le until you learn the trick$ and then you reali+eit i# actually )ery #i!ple.

    Ye#$ I #aid )ery #i!ple. The %our #tep# which %ollow are de#igned %or the co!plete&eginner. You can #tart today$ right now$ to attract !ore pro#perity in your li%e.Here are %our way# to #tart i!!ediately.

    ,our Si!ple Way# to Trick Your Mind Into Attracting Wealth

    -. Show gratitude %or any !oney which enter# your li%e.In order to attract !oney into your li%e$ you !u#t #how gratitude %or the !oneywhich i# already in your li%e. In#tead o% &e!oaning how little !oney you ha)e$&a#k in gratitude at the !any way# in which you are rich already. ,or exa!ple$ i%you earn o)er $-0 per year you ha)e !ore wealth than 01 per cent o% the peopleon earth. And i% you earn !ore than 1$233 a year you are in the top -3 per cento% wealthy people on thi# planet. When you %ocu# on what you ha)e rather than whatyou want$ you reali+e that you A45 already rich. 6i)e thank# o%ten %or all theriche# in your li%e.

    How to u#e thi# principle today:The next ti!e !oney enter# your li%e$ %ro! any #ource what#oe)er$ in#tead o%&arely noticing what ha# happened and !entally &eginning to #pend it$ u#e a %ew!o!ent# o% ti!e to gi)e thank# to the uni)er#e %or &ringing thi# !oney into yourli%e. 5)ery ti!e you recei)e a paycheck$ e)ery ti!e #o!eone gi)e# you !oney %orany rea#on$ e)ery ti!e you %ind !oney$ or get a great deal$ or #a)e !oney in #o!eway$ #top and appreciate the %act that !oney i# %lowing into your li%e. 7oing thi#e)ery ti!e !oney co!e# to you will attract !ore and !ore !oney into your li%e.

    . Act a# i% you are rich.Thi# i# the %unda!ental truth o% all !ind power work$ that you !u#t act a# i% whatyou want i# already your#. So act a# i% you already ha)e the !oney you wi#h toha)e. A#k your#el%$ i% I wa# already rich$ what would I do$ how would I act$ howwould I %eel$ and then do$ act$ and %eel in tho#e way#.

    8% cour#e$ thi# doe#n(t !ean that you 9uit your 'o& and !o)e to the South aci%iclike you would i% you #uddenly won the lottery$ &ut you #tart #!all and with each#ucce## you &uild your way to greater and greater wealth. 5at a little &it &etter$dre## a little &it nicer$ go on #lightly higher end )acation#$ take a ca& in#teado% the &u# now and then$ take that cour#e you think you can t a%%ord$ or do anything at all that you wi#h to do &ut &elie)e you can t &ecau#e o% a lack o% !oney.

    And when you do the#e thing#$ &a#k in 'oy at your inner #tate o% wealth$ and knowthat thi# #tate will &e re%lected in your outer world. You ll &e a!a+ed at how

  • 8/13/2019 4 Simple Ways to Trick Your Mind Into Attracting Wealth


    li%e pro)ide# %or the thing# which &ring you 'oy.

    How to u#e thi# principle today:The next ti!e you are a&out to &uy #o!ething$ anything at all$ purcha#e an ite!that i# o% #lightly higher 9uality and price than you would u#ually &uy. 5)en i%#o!ething only co#t# a %ew dollar# !ore than what i# u#ual %or you to #pend$ &uythat ite! and thank the uni)er#e %or pro)iding %or your new expanding li%e#tyle.

    5)en though it i# a tiny #tep$ you are &eginning to teach your !ind that you areexpanding your li!itation#$ and a# you practice thi# you will &egin to purcha#e!ore o% the thing# you want in your li%e and the !oney will co!e to you to pay %orthe!.

    ;. Be open to !oney !aking opportunitie#.8ne thing that all #el% !ade !illionaire# agree on i# that there are opportunitie#e)erywhere$ i% we are 'u#t open to #eeing the!. You can pro)e thi# %or your#el% &ylooking at your own li%e. There are pro&a&ly !any ti!e# in your pa#t which youthink &ack to and wonder what !ight ha)e happened i% you had taken an opportunityat 'u#t the right ti!e. Whether it # o&)iou# thing# like career opportunitie# you let #lip &y$ in)e#t!ent opportunitie# you didn t &eli)e in$ or le## o&)iou# opportunitie# like an idea you once had that i# now !aking #o!eone el#e rich$ oran indu#try you could ha)e 'oined &e%ore it &eca!e #aturated.

    I% you are like !o#t people$ when you think o% your pa#t opportunitie#$ you&elie)e that you once had a chance &ut that opportunity i# now gone. Thedi%%erence &etween rich and poor people i# that rich people reali+e that newopportunitie# are alway# all around u#$ all the ti!e. You #i!ply need to keep alook out %or the opportunitie#$ keep and open !ind$ and &e prepared to takead)antage when the opportunity arri)e#.

    I ! #ure you )e heard the old adage that luck occur# when opportunity !eet# preparation. Well$ it couldn t &e !ore true. I% you expect to %ind !oney !aking opportunitie# in your li%e$ and you prepare to take ad)antage o% the! when theyco!e$ you will &e &le##ed with !ore incredi&le luck than you ha)e e)erexperienced.

    How to u#e thi# principle today:6et out a little note&ook and write down all the !oney !aking idea# you can thinko%. It doe#n t !atter how #tupid or outrageou# the idea !ight #ee!$ write it down anyway.

    Thi# doe# two thing#. ,ir#t$ you reali+e that there are plenty o% !oney !akingopportunitie# around you right now$ a# there alway# ha)e &een and alway# will &e.Secondly$ thi# exerci#e will #ti!ulate your !ind to #ee !oney !aking opportunitie#where it !ight ha)e ignored the! in the pa#t$ and will help you practice to #eeopportunitie# in the %uture.

    I% you keep adding idea# to your note&ook con#i#tently$ one day you will #ee anincredi&ly opportunity on your li#t which i# per%ect %or you. Then go %or it ?ot really$ &ut we are #o caught up in the &ackward#thinking o% e)eryone around u# that we !i## the o&)iou# %low o% energy. All you

  • 8/13/2019 4 Simple Ways to Trick Your Mind Into Attracting Wealth


    really need to attract !ore o% the good thing# in your li%e$ including !ore !oney$i# to generate po#iti)e energy into the world. The #tate# o% happine## and 'oyliterally rearrange the ato!# o% your world to &ring you !ore happine## and 'oy.8% cour#e$ the re)er#e i# true a# well. So a)oid %ear$ anger$ depre##ion$ and#pend your ti!e %eeling good a&out your#el% and your li%e.

    I% thi# i# di%%icult %or you$ 'u#t practice. Begin with #o!e #!all thing which&ring# you happine##. It could &e a# #i!ple a# watching a #un#et$ renting your%a)orite !o)ie o% all ti!e$ taking #o!eone you lo)e out %or de##ert$ or anythingat all.

    The #ecret i# to do the#e thing# whole heartedly$ with all your attention %ocu##edon the happine## )i&rating %ro! your #oul out into the world. Thi# #i!ple act will&ring you rich reward#.

    How to u#e thi# principle today:7on t 'u#t read thi# article and think @that #ound# good@ and then go &ack to your li%e. ick #o!ething to do which will &ring you happine## and do it today. Itdoe#n t !atter what it i# or how #!all it #ee!#. In %act$ you don t ha)e to do anything at all. All that i# i!portant i# %eeling the po#iti)e e!otion# o%happine## and 'oy e!anating %ro! your #oul.

    8ne #i!ple way to generate po#iti)e e!otion i# to %eel gratitude %or #o!ething inyour li%e. u#t pick #o!ething in your li%e %or which you are )ery grate%ul$ and)i&rate your gratitude toward# it.

    It(# ?e)er Too "ate I% You Start ?ow

    That #hould get you #tarted. ,our extre!ely #i!ple action# you can take to &eginto expand the pro#perity you experience in your li%e. But don t #top there. ?e)er let %ear or dou&t enter your !ind. There i# nothing you need in order to #ucceedexcept the power o% your own !ind.

    I% you worry that you are not #!art enough$ not connected enough$ not talentedenough$ not young enough or not old enough$ you are #i!ply creating li!iting&elie%# which will !ani%e#t in the out#ide world. All you really need to know i#that the out#ide world i# a re%lection o% the #tate o% your inner !ind. now thatyou can !ake e)ery day %ro! thi# day %orward a little !ore 'oy%ul and a little!ore a&undant and then watch your li%e &egin to change.

    It # an ea#y and gentle proce##$ !uch like letting a plant grow. 8ne day you will #uddenly reali+e that all o% your good thought# ha)e grown into the &eauti%ul%ruit# o% a happy and #ucce##%ul li%e.

    Author(# Bio: Ilya Alexi i# the author o% @Mind 8)er Money: rogra! Your Mind ,orWealth$@ a %ree training !anual which you can download athttp://www.SecretMind ower.co!