4) to what extent were the political and economic ideas of karl marx realized in post- revolutionary...

4) To what extent were the political and economic ideas of Karl Marx realized in post- revolutionary Russia between 1917 and 1938? Laura Carson, Grace Cho and Alizah Berg AP European History Nance 4th period

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Page 1: 4) To what extent were the political and economic ideas of Karl Marx realized in post- revolutionary Russia between 1917 and 1938? Laura Carson, Grace

4) To what extent were the political and economic ideas of

Karl Marx realized in post-revolutionary Russia between

1917 and 1938?

Laura Carson, Grace Cho and Alizah Berg

AP European HistoryNance 4th period

Page 2: 4) To what extent were the political and economic ideas of Karl Marx realized in post- revolutionary Russia between 1917 and 1938? Laura Carson, Grace

Thesis Statement

In Post-Revolutionary Russia between 1917 and 1938 Marx’s economic ideals were not realized under Lenin, but manifested in Stalin’s 5 year

plans, politically Marx’s ideals were hardly realized because of the establishment of a “permanent” totalitarian dictatorship.

Page 3: 4) To what extent were the political and economic ideas of Karl Marx realized in post- revolutionary Russia between 1917 and 1938? Laura Carson, Grace


• Causes of the 1917 Revolution include:o People have little influence over the

governmento Failing economy; shortages due to

the waro Archaic social hierarchy

• Tsar Nicolas was ignorant of economic problems and oblivious to the problems of the majority of Russians. He could not institute effective reforms and was indecisive.

Tsar Nicolas II

Page 4: 4) To what extent were the political and economic ideas of Karl Marx realized in post- revolutionary Russia between 1917 and 1938? Laura Carson, Grace


• A tightly organized group under Lenin's leadership saw WWI as a chance to start a revolution.

• Revolution began with a series of strikes on March 1917 and Nicholas abdicated power. The Provisional government was declared and Bolsheviks works to undermine the government until they gain power in November 1917.

Painting symbolizing the October Revolution of the Bolsheviks

Page 5: 4) To what extent were the political and economic ideas of Karl Marx realized in post- revolutionary Russia between 1917 and 1938? Laura Carson, Grace

Economy Not-Realized

• Lenin's initial program called for peasant control over land, gave workers more influence in factories, and nationalized a few key industries (banking and transportation). This program was not designed to build socialism in Russia right away.

• War Communism: Socialist principles implemented in the economy, an expedient or shortcut to Marxist Socialism, but was ultimately a failing economic program.o Marx had predicted that capitalism would mature into

proletarian revolt then to socialist dictatorship; War Communism though was a leap into socialism, skipping some Marx's steps.

o War Communism: "The most extreme effort in modern times to do away with the system of private property and voluntary exchange" -- Jack Hirshleifer, economist.

Page 6: 4) To what extent were the political and economic ideas of Karl Marx realized in post- revolutionary Russia between 1917 and 1938? Laura Carson, Grace

Economy Not-Realized

o  Characteristics: Production was run by the state, private ownership kept to a

minimum and private houses were to be confiscated by the state.

Private trade, the hiring of labor, and the leasing of land were abolished.

Property confiscated from the upper classes Businesses and factories are nationalized. Labor was conscripted and organized militarily; strikes are

outlawed.o The effects of War Communism were disastrous.

Economic production levels fell below the levels of 1914. Industrial labor decreased significantly.

Page 7: 4) To what extent were the political and economic ideas of Karl Marx realized in post- revolutionary Russia between 1917 and 1938? Laura Carson, Grace

Economy Not-Realized• New Economic Policy: a temporary program and a

success, it would attract foreign capital, increase industrial output and increase agricultural production.o Lenin justified NEP on the grounds that state

capitalism was the last step of capitalism before a socialist state developed.

o The essential feature of NEP was a negation or reversal of the policies of war communism Industry operated privately (except for the

Commanding Heights), increases by 40% Free market, some elements of trade still

controlled by the state Money, banking, and capitalist accounting

principles restored. Collectivization of agriculture abandoned to

appease peasants.

Page 8: 4) To what extent were the political and economic ideas of Karl Marx realized in post- revolutionary Russia between 1917 and 1938? Laura Carson, Grace

Economic Realized

• Stalin's 5 year planso Stalin came to favor rapid industrialization; at the end of 1927 he

ordered the collectivization of agriculture; agriculture, like industry, he said, must be transformed to a large-scale unified state enterprise.

o USSR had to "overtake and outstrip the capitalist countires"o  1928: Stalin launches first 5 year plan (1928-1932) for economic

development Gosplan organization was formed to oversee the 5 year plans Set quotas that factories and farms had to meet, those that fail to

meet quotas are often punished and sent to work camps. Emphasis on heavy industry (coal, iron, oil, steel, and electricity) collectivization causes resistance from kulacks, widespread famine,

and repression of the peasants.

Page 9: 4) To what extent were the political and economic ideas of Karl Marx realized in post- revolutionary Russia between 1917 and 1938? Laura Carson, Grace

Economic Realized

o 1933-1937: The second five year plan continued emphasis on heavy industry, new focus

on communication and transportation industry.o  5 year plans came at a cost:

liquidation of kulak class massive amount of death from famine sacrifice of quality

Page 10: 4) To what extent were the political and economic ideas of Karl Marx realized in post- revolutionary Russia between 1917 and 1938? Laura Carson, Grace

Economic RealizedThe Effects of Stalin's 5 Year Plans:

Page 11: 4) To what extent were the political and economic ideas of Karl Marx realized in post- revolutionary Russia between 1917 and 1938? Laura Carson, Grace

Political Realized

• Lenin stood for the rigid reaffirmation of Marxian fundamentals -- dialectical materialism and irreconcilable class struggle.o He denounced all who attempted to "add" anything to the

fundamentals of Marx.o Concentrated on four points: 

1) peace with the Central Powers 2) redistribution of land to the peasants 3) transfer of factories, mines, and other industrial plants

from capitalists to committees of workers in each plant. 4) recognition of the soviets as supreme power instead of

the Provisional Government.

Page 12: 4) To what extent were the political and economic ideas of Karl Marx realized in post- revolutionary Russia between 1917 and 1938? Laura Carson, Grace

Political Realizedo Had won over the soldiers, peasants, and

workers by promising them "peace, land, and bread"

o Introduced two resolutions: 1) "just democratic peace" without

annexations and indemnities. 2) "abolish all landlord property"

immediately and without compensation.o Lenin had the belief that because of the

revolution in Russia, all of Europe would all undergo a Marxist Revolution and the Poles, Ukrainians and others would emerge together as free socialists.

o Had created a party that's function was to carry out the dictatorship of the proletariat.

Page 13: 4) To what extent were the political and economic ideas of Karl Marx realized in post- revolutionary Russia between 1917 and 1938? Laura Carson, Grace

Political cartoon of prominent Communist Revolutionary Leon Trotsky published in 1917

Page 14: 4) To what extent were the political and economic ideas of Karl Marx realized in post- revolutionary Russia between 1917 and 1938? Laura Carson, Grace

Political Not Realized

• Lenin/the Bolshevikso Expanded upon the basic

principles of Marxismo the role of the party- saw it as an

organisation in which intellectuals provided leadership for the common workers

• Believed that the party should be a small, revolutionary elite, as well as strongly centralized, contradicting the Marxist opinion in a greater degree of influence by the membership as a whole 

Page 15: 4) To what extent were the political and economic ideas of Karl Marx realized in post- revolutionary Russia between 1917 and 1938? Laura Carson, Grace

Political Not Realized

• Stalin o Attempted to fully realize Marxist principles in his

collectivisation of agriculture, but this caused more class struggle and famine 

o Created a totalitarian government in which no one could leave the country without special permission, there was one political party, no free labor unions, and no free press

o Contrary to the Marxist belief in eventual Proletarian revolution, because his policies did not encourage movement in this direction. 

Page 16: 4) To what extent were the political and economic ideas of Karl Marx realized in post- revolutionary Russia between 1917 and 1938? Laura Carson, Grace
Page 17: 4) To what extent were the political and economic ideas of Karl Marx realized in post- revolutionary Russia between 1917 and 1938? Laura Carson, Grace


• Karl Marx's economic ideals were realized as time progressed and Stalin implemented the 5 year plans

• Politically, Lenin had kept many of Marx's fundamental beliefs -- however they changed slightly depending on the situation. The establishment of a totalitarian dictatorship under Stalin however prevented Marxism Socialism from succeeding completely