4. typologies of culture

Typologies of culture

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Page 1: 4. typologies of culture

Typologies of culture

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• Low-context cultures – information and rules are explicit (e.g. USA)

• High-context cultures – information and rules are implicit (e.g. African cultures,

Latin American)

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Includes three broad dimensions:

• Expected Social Behavior (Individualistic or group; Low or high power distance; masculine or feminine).

• Man’s search for truth (high or low uncertainty avoidance).

• Importance of time (short term or long term orientation).

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Geert Hofstede’s cultural typology

• based upon a study of 100,000 IBM employees who work in IBM divisions throughout the world.

• dimensions of culture: – Power Distance– Uncertainty Avoidance– Individualism/Collectivism– Masculinity/Femininity– Long-Term Orientation

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Power Distance (PD)

• Measures the extent to which less powerful members of organizations accept the unequal distribution of power

• Artifacts of high PD:– Centralization– # Org. Levels- Height– # Supervisors– Wage Differentials– Values

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Power Distance (PD)Power distance: country examples and organizational implications

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Power Distance (PD)Rank distinctions among the Japanese

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Uncertainty Avoidance (UA)

• Uncertainty Avoidance is the extent to which uncertainty and ambiguity are tolerated.

• Artifacts of high UA:– Standardization– Structured activities– Written rules– Specialists– No risk tolerance– Ritualistic behavior

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Uncertainty Avoidance (UA)Uncertainty avoidance: country examples and

organizational implications

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Individualism/Collectivism (I/C)

• I/C is the extent to which the self or the group constitutes the center point of identification for the individual.

• Individual self interest is pursued individually, or as a part of a group.

• Artifacts of I/C– Firm as “family”– Utilitarian decision making– Group performance

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• Individualism exists when people define themselves as individuals. It implies loosely knit social frameworks in which people are supposed to take care only of themselves and their immediate families.

• Collectivism is characterized by tight social frameworks in which people distinguish between their own groups (i.e., relatives, organizations) and other groups.

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Individualism/Collectivism (I/C)Individualism/collectivism: country examples and

organizational implications

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Masculinity-Femininity (M/F)

• Refers to the extent to which traditional masculine values, like aggressiveness and assertiveness, are valued.

• Artifacts of M/F– Sex Roles Minimized– More Women In Jobs– Interpersonal Skills Rewarded– Intuitive Skills Rewarded– Social Rewards Valued

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• MASCULINITY measures the extent to which the dominant values in society emphasize assertiveness and acquisition of money things while not particularly emphasizing concern for people.

• FEMININITY is the extent to which

dominant values in society emphasize relationships among people, concern for others, and the overall quality of life.

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Masculinity-Femininity (M/F)Masculinity/femininity: country examples and

organizational implications

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Long-Term Orientation (LTO)

• Confucian Dynamism (synonym)

• Values: thrift, persistence, and traditional respect of social obligations

• Organizations are likely to adopt longer planning horizon, with individuals ready to delay gratification.

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Long-Term Orientation (LTO)Country scores on Confucian dynamism (long-term orientation)

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Florence Kluckhohn and Fred Strodtbeck

value orientations are deeply held beliefs about the way the world should be, and not necessarily the way it is

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human nature orientation

• innate character of human nature

• should human beings be seen as good, evil, or a mixture of ?

• are human beings capable of change (mutable) or are not able to change (immutable)?

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person-nature orientation

the potential types of relations between humans and nature

(mastery over nature, harmony with nature, or subjugation to nature)

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relational orientation




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relational orientation individualism

preference for individual goals and objectives over group objectives

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relational orientation lineality

focuses on the group and group goals crucial issue is the continuity of the group through time

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relational orientation laterality

focuses on the value of the group, group members goals but not the group extended through time

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activity orientation

• Doing

• Being

• Being-in-becoming (growing)

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activity orientationdoing

emphasizes productivity and tangible outcomes

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activity orientationbeing

spontaneity, emotional gratification, and personal balanaсe

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activity orientation final activity orientation, being-in-


concerned with who we are and places importance on spiritual development

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time orientation

examines how cultures come to terms with the past, the present, and the future

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past orientation

predominates in cultures placing a high value on tradition and emphasizing ancestors and strong family ties

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present orientation

predominates where people see only the here and now as real — the past is seen as unimportant and the future is seen as vague and unpredictable

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future orientation

highly values change and progress

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