40 Ḥadīth of al-nawawi (sacred scrolls)

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Al-Maghrib Hadith Sciences ‘Ulūm’l-Ḥadīth Seminar Master Notes


  • Introduction

    From the great importance and status of this book is the extraordinary number of

    commentaries that have been written for itreaching well over 100 difference commentaries

    over the centuries. Some take the aspect of fiqh, hadeeth, worshipping Allah Subhanahu

    waTa'aala etc. Also, even though hundreds of 40 hadeeth collections have been complied

    over the years whenever one hears the phrase the 40 hadeeth, they invariably always think of

    Nawawis collection. There is no doubt that if these hadeeth are understood properly and

    implemented that they will lead the person to Jannah with Allahs permission.

    There are many narrations that mention the virtues of collecting 40 hadeeths, but all of them

    are weak or fabricated. Imam An-Nawawi mentions this in his books introduction and adds that

    the basis for his compiling of this book is the following hadeeths:

    Let him who was a witness among you inform him who was absent {Bukhari}

    !"# $%&' ()* +,-' May Allah make radiant the face of someone who has heard what I have said, has

    learnt it by heart and has transmitted it as he heard it. {Tirmidhi}

    Side Note: It is okay to take a weak hadeeth due to the weakness of the narrator, if there are

    other evidences that support it. However, if it has chains of narrators known to fabricate and

    forge, then we do not act on it. This is the case in regards to gathering of 40 ahadeeth.

    Life of Imam Nawawi

    Full Name: Muhyid-Deen Abu Zakariyya Yahya ibn Sharaf An-Nawawi

    Birth: 631 AH

    Birth Place: Nawa, a small town near Damascus.

    He lived in the time when parts of the Muslim Empire and even the Capital, Baghdad were

    being sacked by the Mongols. At the same time, people woke up and were able to push the

    Mongols back.

    He did not come from a family that is known for scholarship. His father was a very righteous

    man though. To avoid any trace of Haraam, he would only feed his family from the food that

    came from his garden. The Imam was never interested in anything but studying. One time

    when he was young, his friends dragged him out of the house and he started crying in regret as

    he was missing out on his Quran. He knew how to use his time wisely.

  • Later on in his life, his father took him to Damascus. He went to a school that provided him

    with a small room. His room was filled with books everywhere. He used to attend 12 lectures a

    day. That is a total of at least 8 hours if they are 45 minutes long. Additionally, he would need

    another 8 hours to study, etc. This is how we see that Allah Subhanahu waTa'aala blessed his

    time! Allah Subhanahu waTa'aala blessed him because of his sincerity.

    We have holes in our day lets find them and fill them!

    He did not get distracted by things of the dunya. He fasted everyday as an adult and only ate

    once a day. His continuous fasting wasnt because he thought that it was better than the fast of

    Dawud, but because he was really busy. Likewise with marriage. Marriage is sunnah, he used to

    say, I do not want to pursue a sunnah and leave out obligatory matters. He used to constantly

    read and when he gets tired, he would on his book. In a span of 10 years he was able to acquire

    a lifetime of knowledge and began writing books.

    Books he wrote:

    40 Hadith



    Ash-SharH: commentary of Sahih Muslim


    Death: At the age of 45

    As regards to his worship, ibn Kathir mentions in al-Bidaaya wan-Nihaaya his great devotion to

    night prayer and to the recitation of the Quran and the daily remembrances (dhikr), in addition

    to his perpetual; fasting as mentioned above. And in this matter let the student of knowledge

    ponder-for this is indeed the only route of success for someone who pursues knowledge is that

    they must act upon it.

  • Rules and Requests

    Don't Be Stingy Please:

    The Prophet (saw) said, Indeed the stingy one is he who doesn't send peace and

    blessings upon me when I am mentioned in his presence. (S - Tirmithi)

    Imam Nawawi mentioned that the Prophet (SAW) said that if I was going to take anyone as a

    khalil, it would be Abu Bakr, but he (SAW) is the Khalil of Allah Subhanahu waTa'aala. This

    shows that there are levels of messengers. 5 were chosen to be the top.

    They are known as Ulul Azm and they are Nuh, Ibrahim, Isa, Musa and Muhammad (saw).

    Prophet Muahmmad (SAW) is the best of creation who is singled out for comprehensive


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  • waTa'aala. The truth should not be tied to a certain individual, and we do not tie the success of

    the deen to an individual.

    We have to be careful not to praise people too highly. Nor, should we criticize people to a great


    The Messenger (SAW) saw a man praise another highly, so he said, You are breaking his

    back. Rather say that I presume that this person is good in such and such a way.

    Imam Shafi: I wish people knew what they knew without mentioning my name.

    Who Am I?

    I am not a sheikh, so please save that term for those who deserve it and have earned it.

    I am a medical doctor and you may call me Dr. if you like.

    I am a student of knowledge who maybe slightly ahead of some of you listening today. I

    will make mistakes and I will appreciate you gently and privately correcting me,

    critiquing me and advising me to help save me from my mistakes and to help me be a

    better teacher. You may also call me brother and that is good.

    Thank you in advance.


    Fath al-Bari (Commentary on Sahih al-Bukhari) Ibn Hajr

    Commentary on Forty Hadeeth M. ibn Uthaymeen

    Commentary on Forty Hadeeth S. Luhaymid

    Notes on Discipline from the 40 Hadeeth U. Shamry

    Siyar Alaam an-Nubalaa Dhahabi

    Sifat as-Safwah


    To learn about the life of al-Imam an-Nawawi and to derive beneficial lessons from his


    To read and understand the meanings of the 42 Ahadeeth found in this famous


    To derive some of the benefits from each Hadeeth.

    To briefly learn about the narrator of each Hadeeth.

    To constructively seek out ways to implement the lessons of each Hadeeth into our daily




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    On the authority of Umar bin Al-Khattab, who said: I heard the Messenger of Allah

    (saw) say:

    "Actions are but by their intention and every man shall have but that which he

    intended. Thus he whose migration was for Allah and His messenger, his migration

    was for Allah and His messenger, and he whose migration was to achieve some

    worldly benefit or to take some woman in marriage, his migration was for that for

    which he migrated."

    Related by the Leader of the Masters of Hadeeth, Abu Abdillah Muhammad ibnu Isma'eel

    ibnu Ibrahim ibnul Mugheerah ibnu Bardizbah al-Bukhari and Abul Hussein Muslim ibnul

    Hajjaaj ibnu Muslim al-Qushayree an-Naysaaboori in their respective collections of

    Authentic Ahadeeth which are the most authentic of the authored texts.

    o Prophet Muhammad (SAW) said that most merciful to my people from my people

    is Abu Bakr, the most stern in application of Allah (SWT)s religion is Umar, the

    most sincere in modesty is Uthman, the most judicious is Ali

    o This tells us that every muslim has special quality.

    o Abu Bakr was weighed against the whole ummahbecause of the deedsHis

    impact on ummah is stronger and bigger than every one else.

    The Narrator: UUmmaarr iibbnnuull KKhhaattttaabb

    And the most stern in matters of Allah is Umar

    Often called al-Farooq (the Criterion between good and evil) for his tenacity in seeking

    the truth in affairs of religion. The second Caliphate and the most beloved to the

    Prophet after Abu Bakr.

  • Omar's submission to Islam was a conquest, his migration was a victory, his Imamate

    (period of rule) was a blessing, I have seen when we were unable to pray at the Kabah

    until Umar submitted

    Abd Allah ibn Masood

    Embraced Islam 5 years before Hijrah.

    As Caliph, defeated Persian and Roman Empires extending rule of Islam from Persia to

    Egypt but only ruled for about 10years due to being assassinated.

    o Umar (RA) used to make a dua that he wants to die in madinah and die as a

    shaheed. He did allow some non-muslims to live in Madinah. Among them was a

    fire worshipper who was a servant for a Sahabi. It is customary for Muslim

    leaders to lead the prayer and Umar would lead the prayer. One day, at the time

    of Fajr, the fire worshipper attacked Umar with a poisoned dagger. Umar

    succumbed to his wounds.

    o Prophet Muhammad (SAW) said that none of you will enter jannah on basis of

    your deeds. It will only be the Mercy of Allah (SWT) that will make you enter


    From Umars sayings, Account yourselves before you are taken to account.

    o Today there in no accountability but there is action; on the Day of Judgment

    there is only accountability and no action

    Narrated ~ 530 Hadeeth.

    o Umar was very distinguished by his knowledge. Prophet Muhammad (SAW) said

    that his knowledge outweighs all the knowledge of other muslims.

    o Prophet Muhammad (SAW) dreamt that Umar came dragging his clothes behind

    him which indicated his knowledge.

    An Essential Hadeeth

    Abu Ubaid al-Qasim ibnu as-Salaam: There is no hadeeth that is more comprehensive,

    richer in meaning, neither more beneficial nor greater in its lessons than this one.

    It was a matter of agreement among al-Shaafi'ee, Ahmad, ibn al-Madeeni, Abu Dawood,

    al-Bayhaqi, ad-Daraqutni and others that this hadeeth comprises one-fourth, one-third,

    or one-half of Islam.

    o Understanding this hadeeth is understanding the greatest part of the deen.

    Abu Dawood stated, I have written half a million ahadeeth of the Prophet (saw) and

    chose from them 4800 for my collection (as-Sunan) and from them there are four that

    would suffice any Muslim.

    o The Four Ahadeeth of Abu Dawood

    1. Deeds are according to intention

    2. From the perfection of a person's Islam is his leaving that which does not

    concern him.

    3. None of you truly believes until he loves for his brother what he loves for


    4. Halal is clear and Haram is clear ...

  • All of these ahadeeth are a part of of Imam Nawawis collection.

    Deeds are either inner or outward the intention covers the inner aspect of deeds,

    whereas action deals with the outward expression. Furthermore, the intention is the

    worship of the soul and action is the worship of the limbs.

    Niyyah - Definitions

    Lexical purpose and objective sought with a level of determination

    o Level of determination is the key word

    o i.e sleeping late at night and saying that I intend to wake up for fajr.

    Islamic/Technical two possibilities in writings:

    1. Differentiating one act of worship from another as with the differentiating of

    Dhuhr from Fajr

    2. Clarifying a specific act of worship as due only to Allah or to someone else

    Sometimes we have 3 definitions for each Arabic word. So, the third could be to understood as

    the word locally.

    Importance of the Intention

    People will be sent forth according to their intentions (S Ibn Maajah)

    People will be raised up according to their intentions. (S Ibn Maajah)

    Intention Goes Beyond the Deed

    Ja'far ibnu Hayaan used to say: Indeed, the man achieves with his intention that which

    he does not achieve with his deeds.

    If the servant becomes ill or travels, his deeds will be written for him as what he used to

    do while he was healthy and a resident. (Bukhari)

    The Four Types of People

    The world is for four kinds of people. (1) One upon whom Allah has bestowed wealth and

    knowledge and so he fears his Lord in respect to them, joins the ties of blood relationship

    and acknowledges the Rights of Allah on him (and fulfills them); this type will have the

    best position (in Jannah). (2) One upon whom Allah has conferred knowledge but no

    wealth, and he is sincere in his intention and says: `Had I possessed wealth, I would have

    acted like so-and-so.' If that is his intention, his reward is the same as that of the other

    (S Tirmithi)

    Intention and Wordly Acts

  • If a man spends upon his family expecting a reward from Allah then it will be counted

    for him as a charity. (Agreed)

    Mu'aath asked Abu Musa al-Ash'ari, O' Abdullah, how do you recite the Qur'an (in the

    night). He replied, I read a portion and then take a break. He then asked Mu'aath how

    he read. He replied, I sleep in the first part of the night and then awake to recite what

    Allah has written for me. And I hope for the reward from my sleep the same way I hope

    for the reward from my qiyaam. (Bukhari)

    A Question

    Why does a disbeliever spend an eternity in Hellfire if he only lived so many years in

    this world, and how can someone accept Islam and, in at least one case, enter into

    Jannah forever without even having prayed a single rak'ah? I thought your God was fair.

    Another Question

    Are you rewarded for that which you do not intend?

    Would you be rewarded for coming to this program if you had no specific intention?

    The Answer

    Abdullah ibn Mas'ood said:

    A statement has no benefit unless it is accompanied by an action, and a statement and

    action have no benefit unless accompanied by an intention, and these three have no

    benefit unless they conform to the Sunnah

    The Evidence

    Whoever fasts Ramadan with Imaan and seeking its reward will be forgiven all of his

    sins, and whoever stands in prayer on Laylatul Qadr with Imaan and seeking its reward

    will be forgiven his sins. (Agreed Upon)

    Sincerity and Intention Among the Salaf

    Ayub as-Sukhtiyaani: To maintain their sincerity in their deeds was harder upon them

    (the righteous) then all other deeds.

    Sufyaan ath-Thawri:

    1. They used to learn the intention for the deed the same way they used to learn the

    deed itself.

  • 2. I never attended to something so difficult as my intention, for it was always trying to


    Sufyaan ibn 'Uyaynah: One of our scholars said, I have been busy treating two matters

    now for 30 years: rooting out my greed for the possessions of others (the dunya) and

    making my deeds sincere to Allah alone'.

    Al-Suqty: Purifying the deed from defects is more difficult than performing the deed


    A Grave Warning

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    "Give glad tidings to my community of great splendor, strength in religion, an exalted

    status, victory and establishment upon the Earth. Yet whoever among them performs the

    deeds of the Hereafter seeking this life, then he shall have nothing in the Hereafter.

    (Ahmad, Sahih al-Jaami')

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    The Prophet (saw) said, Indeed, I know people from this Ummah who will come on the

    Day of Judgment with good deeds piled high like great snow-capped mountains and then

    Allah will bring their deeds to nothing. Indeed they are from your brothers and they take

    from the night (in prayer) as you do, yet they are those who indulged in the forbidden

    when they were in seclusion. (Sahih al-Jaami)

    The Proper Intention Behind Seeking Knowledge

    Imam ibnu Jamaa'ah:

    ; C$ :, 30 *, !( D $ ! 4 8 $ ; -$ ! )C #D ; * 4 *E !

    The good and right intention in seeking knowledge is that you do so seeking Allah's

    pleasure, and to act in accordance with it, and to enliven the Shari'ah by it, to enlighten

    the soul, to beautify your inner-self, to seek closeness to Allah on the Day of Judgment

    and to lend yourself to that with which Allah is pleased.

    So Why Are You Here Today?

    Are you here out of boredom or entertainment?

    Here to look for mistakes and to condemn?

    Here to be seen by others?

  • Here awaiting descent of the sakeenah/mercy?

    Here to learn so you can act, get closer to Allah?

    Here so that Allah can mention you?

    You will get what you intended ....

    Why We Study Islam

    *; ( H;:, .!, 4 ; J ! %3 O %2 O

    Knowledge is only a means whereby we may get closer to Allah and whereby we validate

    our humility before Him. And there is no such thing as knowledge without action as a

    result of it, nor action without knowledge to guide it.

    Hidden Desires in Seeking 'Ilm

    The desire for prominence and fame, for superiority over others and status.

    The taking of knowledge of the deen as a means to achieve position and fame, to earn

    wealth, to have a forum whereby to put down others and to criticize them, the desire

    that people look at him and to be the subject of discussion.

    Another Story

    A young man comes to visit a scholar and asks him to teach him. The scholar, true to his

    knowledge, asks the young man why he wants to study. The young man says he wants to

    be a mujtahid Imam like Imam Maalik and Ahmad.

    Good intention or bad? Answer: BAD.

    Back to Your Intention

    Way back when you decided you were going to be more serious about Islam why did

    you do it? Did you have any intention at all?

    One man let his beard grow after his father passed and soon found all the Sunnis giving

    him salaam and thought it was cool; one tried to get away from his annoying girlfriend;

    another thought it made him look respectable, etc.

    Repent and repeat your intention right!

    Other Forms of Hidden Desires

    That you become busy w/ fard kifaaya (communal obligation) over fard ayn (individual


  • To race to give others a fatwa, to request to give khutbah before you are asked.

    Becomes angry with all who differ with him pleased with a large following and avoids

    small groups (needs quota to give class)

    To think well of yourself and attribute goodness to yourself (among the Muslims).

    How to Achieve Sincerity?

    Take Sincerely Yours: Understanding and Achieving Sincerity in Islam one weekend



    P( QR, .D $* QR;, O $* QR;, .D 5 QR;, O$U Hijrah will not cease until repentance ceases to be accepted, and repentance will

    continue to be accepted until the Sun rises from the West. (S Abu Dawood)

    Types of Migration in Islam:

    A. Leaving a land of disbelief for one of belief.

    B. Leaving a land of fear and oppression for one of safety.

    C. Leaving the disobedience of Allah hadeeth Bukhari:

    4 . 5 8 The migrant is he who forsakes that which Allah forbids.

    Warning About the Material World

    4 WX : YYU, Z HD Verily, the Promise of Allah is true, let not then this (worldly) present life deceive you


    )) ] ^ _ !$ Y Y (( H_ From what I fear most for you after me is the opening up of the beauty and glitter of the

    world. (Agreed)

    The Material World

    Ibnul Hanafiyyah: Whoever respects himself will as a result disregard the material


    Al-Hasan al-Basri: Whoever seeks to compete with you in your religion, compete with

    him; and whoever competes with you in this world, let him have it.

    Ibnul Qayyim: The degree of a servants love for this world and his satisfaction with it

    reflects his level of laziness in the obedience of Allah and seeking Jannah.

    Other Beneficial Lessons

  • 1. From the excellence of teaching is to mention a principle and then to mention an


    2. %U, 3 Statement of Abdullah ibn al-Mubarak; How many a great deed is made small by the intention that accompanies it.

    3. From among the greatest destroyers of religion is temptation, especially the opposite


    The Allure of this World

    .$ Y Yc #d *;Y, ] *;Y, *!, e f _g# Y Y 6 *D ] Y #d . h iJ

    Indeed the world is nice and green, and Allah has left you in charge of it to see what you

    will do, so protect yourselves from the world and protect yourselves from women, for

    indeed the first trial of the Children of Israel was from women. (Muslim)



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    Also on the authority of Umar, who said: One day while we were sitting with the Messenger

    of Allah (saw), there appeared before us a man whose clothes were exceedingly white and

    whose hair was exceedingly black; no signs of journeying were to be seen on him and none of

    us knew him. He walked up and sat down by the Prophet (saw). Resting his knees against his

    and placing the palms of his hands on his thighs, he said: "O Muhammad, tell me about

    Islam". The Messenger of Allah (saw) said: "Islam is to testify that there is nothing worthy of

    worship except Allah and that Muhammad is the Messenger of Allah, to establish the prayers,

    to pay the zakat, to fast in Ramadhan, and to make the pilgrimage to the House if you are

    able to do so." He said:"You have spoken rightly", and we were amazed at him asking him and

    then saying that he had spoken rightly

    Then he said: "Then tell me about Emaan.He said:"It is to believe in Allah, His angels, His

    books, His messengers, and the Last Day, and to believe in Qadr, both the good and the evil

    thereof." He said:"You have spoken rightly". He said: Then tell me about Ihsaan." He said: "It

    is to worship Allah as though you are seeing Him, and while you see Him not yet truly He sees

    you". He said: Then tell me about the Hour". He said: The one questioned about it knows no

    better than the questioner." He said: Then tell me about its signs." He said: "That the slave-

    girl will give birth to her mistress and that you will see the barefooted, naked, destitute

    herdsman competing with one another in constructing tall buildings." Then he stood up and

    left and I stayed for a time. Then he (saw) said: "O Umar, do you know who the questioner

    was?" I said: "Allah and His Messenger know best". He said: "He was Jibreel (Gabriel), who

    came to you to teach you your religion." (Muslim)

  • Subnarrator: WWaakkeeee'' iibbnnuull JJaarraaaahh

    Imam Ahmad said about him, My eyes have never seen someone like him. He would

    memorize hadeeth well, study fiqh and excel in it - applying cautious abstainment

    (wara) and ijtihaad , and he used to never speak against anyone.

    He also said, I have never seen anyone comparable to Wakee in knowledge, memory or

    gentleness with humility and cautious abstainment (wara).

    A scholar from the generation of the Successors (Tabieen) who lived in Kufah [128-197


    From the Life of Wakee' ibnul Jaraah

    Yayha ibnu Aktham states, I accompanied Wakee both in travel and in residence, and

    he used to fast everyday and to finish the Quran every night.

    He narrated from such senior Successors as Sufyaan al-Thawri, al-Amash, ibnu Juraij,

    Shubah, al-Awzaee, etc

    He took the place of Sufyaan al-Thawri after his death.

    Was among the teachers of Imam al-Shaafiee who said, I complained to Wakee of my

    poor memory, so he encouraged me to leave disobedience, for knowledge is light, and

    the light of Allah is not granted to the heedless sinner.

    Beneficial Lessons

    1. The importance of asking questions to learning:

    { *!, O & *-J} So ask then the people of knowledge if you dont know. {21:7}

    Ibn Abaas was asked how he learned so much and he replied,

    0 ! hU$ : *; )0 mJ #$ $ By an inquisitive tongue and an understanding heart. 2. To ask questions that have benefit and to avoid asking about that which has no

    importance (hypoth.)

    3. To ask a question, at times even if you know the answer, if you see that it will benefit

    those seated.

    4. To have manners with the one whom you are asking and to be gentle in your manners


    5. That Islam is something distinct from Imaan:

    m 8- # d h$ n 8 So We brought out from therein the believers. But We found not there any household of

    the Muslims except one. {51:35-36}

    Thus Islam is outward deeds and Imaan is inward deeds.

  • Articles of Faith

    Belief in Allah His Oneness as regards His Lordship, making worship alone to Him and

    believing in His unique Names and Attributes.

    Belief in His Angels created from light, have no ability to disobey, serve Him without


    Belief in His Books Suhuf Ibrahim, Tawrah, Zaboor, Injil and Quran are the ones that are

    known; the only one preserved from error is the last one.

    Belief in His Messengers Chosen only by Allah, they deliver His message to mankind

    and Jinn.

    We are required to believe in all of them and each of their messages as taught to us in

    the Quran; we must obey and submit to the guidance of our Messenger who came in

    our era Muhammad.

    Belief in the Last Day death, resurrection, judgment (scales, questioning, sirat) and

    recompense Jannah or Hell, after the Last Day. Evidence for the last day lies in the

    innate belief in Justice that every soul holds.

    Belief in Qadr Allahs perfect knowledge of what will come and what would come if

    things happened differently.

    Two levels of awareness of Allah are being discussed in this portion of the hadeeth:

    1) To act as if you see Allah in front of you due to such a strong sense of His presence

    Mushaahadah (the level of the one who is witnessing).

    2) To act knowing that He sees you and knows what is in your heart (lesser degree)

    Muraaqabah [the level of the one being observed].

    The difference of having the supervisor looking directly over your shoulder vs. knowing

    you are on CC security camera.

    Beneficial Lessons

    The Prophet does not know the Unseen.

    Although the timing of the Hour is unknown, it has signs: Major and Minor. He

    mentioned two minor signs: that the slave girl would give birth to her master (end of

    slavery or disrespect of parents) and that you would see the bare-footed, naked

    shepherds competing in the building of tall buildings. Other minor signs in the

    neighborhood of 100 loss of trust, increase in wealth, Islam would return to being

    strange, wars between Muslims, wars against Muslims, conquest of Jerusalem, Arabia,

    Constantinople, Rome etc.

    Why is it strange for a shepherd to compete in building a tall building?

    Major Signs: Mahdi, Jesus, Dajjal, Yajooj and Majooj, the Beast that shall have the ring

    of Sulayman (as) and the staff of Musa (as), soft wind from Yemen, lack of remembrance

    of Allah on Earth, sun rising from West.

    The ability of the Angel to take the appearance of a human and the permissibility of

    seeing him and hearing him in that form.

  • The importance of saying I dont know when asked a question you dont know

    indicates taqwa and deen.

    38 -J .D O When the Prophet (saw) was asked what city was most beloved to Allah, he replied, I dont know unless I ask Jibreel. (S Albani)

    Islam, Imaan and Ihsaan all are covered under deen since he said, He came to teach you

    your religion (deenukum).

    Attending the circles of knowledge in the best appearance possible for a clean

    appereance makes for a clean, prepared mind.

    Hadeeth is considered a summary of the Sunnah and is believed to have occurred late in

    the life of RasulAllah (saw)



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    25%_4J `L'B 4l-"j ` .- 8z ` gG{ 93' BI ~B

    On the Authority of Abu Abdur Rehman Abdullah ibn Umar, who said,I heard the Messenger

    of Allah say: Islam has been built on five pillars: testifying that there is nothing worthy of

    worship except Allah and that Muhammad is the Messenger of Allah, establishing the

    prayers, paying the zakat, making the pilgrimage to the House, and fasting in Ramadan.

    [Bukhari and Muslim]


    The eldest son of Umar ibnul Khattab, one of the great 4 Abdullahs (al-Abaadilah) in

    terms of knowledge and the impact on the Ummah. Participated in all battles except

    Badr. Avoided the struggle between Ali and Muaawiyah. Last of the Sahabah to die in

    Makkah. The four Abdullahs are: Abdullah ibn Amr ibn al-Aas; Abdullah ibn az-Zubayr;

    Abdullah ibn Umar and Abdullah ibn Abbas.

    o Fitnah in Arabic is a process of taking impure metal and sticking it into a fire until

    a melting point of a certain impurity and again for the next impurity and so on

    until you end up with pure metal. The temperature is raised higher and higher

    until purity is left. Those who do not have sincerity they melt off, the ones left

    are the purest in iman, sincerity for the sake of Allah swt.

    o In the battle between Ali and Muawiyah, only about 100-200 out of 10,000

    Sahabah participated in the battle. Thats only 1 to 2 percent. During this time

    of fitnah, they sat down.

    o The Hadeeth narrated by Abu Bakra where he said, If the time of fitnah

    comes to you stay in your house. If someone enters your house, then go into

    the deeper part of your house If you are sitting, lie down. If he comes to

    harm you, be the better of the son of Adam (meaning, let him kill you).

    o Q: You said in times of fitnah to sit down and wait for light. What light are we

    waiting for? A: Not the flash light. Nor is it Imam Mahdi as turning everything

    around solely because of he himself would make him better than the

  • Prophet, he will come once everything is set up for him as a final puzzle

    piece. Were in a position of hardship, ease will come, part of it is victory,

    part of it is clarity, and right now we cant see whats going on. You have to

    sit until the picture becomes clear as one of the sisters said Allah swt knows.

    Point is dont try and hasten it, e.g. non-Muslims trying to complete Israel

    forcing the hand of God as they put it to hasten the return of Jesus. When

    you know more youll be more likely to see the light when it comes. One of

    the signs of Mahdi is that an army is swallowed up.

    o In other words Dont get involved!

    When the fitnah hits (i.e. there is darkness), sit until you see a light. Think of

    it as a dark

    room without any lights, filled with holes.

    Ibn Umar was known for his strict adherence to the Sunnah of the Prophet. His rulings

    had a great influence on the Maaliki school of thought. He is second only to Abu

    Hurairah in narrating Hadeeth (2630) and his students include: al-Hasan, al-Zuhri, Naafi,

    Saeed ibnal Mussayib, ibn Sireen, etc.

    Beneficial Lessons:

    Islam has been built upon these five pillars, so whoever rejects anyone of them cannot

    be considered a Muslim.

    An example is made of a house; just like a house cannot stand without one of its walls,

    so cannot Islam.

    Mentioned in order of importance as evidenced by the Sunnah sent to Muaath to give

    dawah to the people of Yemen, first point tawheed, then salah, then zakah (Agreed


    Ibn Abbs (RA)said,

    When the Prophet (SAW) sent Mudh to the inhabitants of Yemen he said to him, You are

    going to a nation from amongst the People of the Book so let the first thing that you call

    them to be the Tawhd of Allh [in that they single Him out Alone for worship]. If they learn

    this then inform them that Allh has obligated five prayers upon them to be prayed during

    the day and night. If they pray then inform them that Allh has obligated upon them the

    giving of Zakh from their wealth and property, it is to be taken from the rich and given to

    the poor. If they accept this then take it from them but avoid the best and most beloved

    property of the people.

  • The Meaning of Shahadah

    There is no deity worthy of worship, except Allah and Muhammad is His Messenger.

    Allah root of the word

    Aliha to obey, adore something to the point of worship; thus nothing worthy of worship.

    Hadeeth of the woman who was looking for her infant/toddler child in the middle of

    battle (or after a battle) the two found each other and the child ran to the mother, she

    embraced him intensely and began to feed him immediately. The Prophet said look at

    that woman, do you think she would ever let that child go to Hell / battle (they all saw

    the love in the embrace)? Verily Allah is more merciful to/ loves you than that woman

    to her child.

    People say that Jesus is all about love and your God and Messenger are about

    punishment and battle, etc.

    Ar-Rahman: The best attribute is of mercy which entails kindness and forgiveness.

    Isa 'Alayhisalaam has 2 phases: 1st life and 2nd life.

    o 1st

    phase: He was a gentle and humble man. He was extremely simple.

    o 1st

    phase of Rasool (saw): similar to Jesus.

    o 2nd

    phase of Rasool (saw) in Madinah as a leader.

    o 2nd

    phase of Isa at his second coming by the Christian perspective: He is a

    warrior, Last Battle, the actual coming; he will come out of the clouds with

    armies of angels.

    o 2nd

    life of Isa from a Muslim perspective: he will descend when Muslims are

    getting ready to pray fajr.

    We dont only want the Love of Allah Subhanahu waTa'aala, we want to go to Jannah

    and be saved from hell. Hell: It needs to be tamed with leashes, with 70,000 angels per

    leash because otherwise it would devour everything if it was let loose! So dont say you

    just want the love of Allah Subhanahu waTa'aala and after hearing the joys of Jannah,

    do not say you do not want to be in it.

    Meaning of Muhammad is the Messgener of Allah:

    1. Obeying what he ordered.

    2. Avoiding that which he forbade and disliked.

    3. Believing in what he foretold.

    4. Defending him from enemies.

    5. To not worship Allah except by what he legislated.

  • L"?4%_ V_u @ M"*A"%:' 4K_ u $8'Qe $4 9'6_ 4c4K-2w gB-"% $# -9@!-?)4 l8f_ =8/ 9 cf_ 4:@) 4V! -9-@_ -9-j4J -9-@! (_ I 94-!Mvde ~B{! 4 "@' V_u# -94-! -.G $% ?' M4{0, u B"
  • 7. Love (Mahabah) for it and those who adhere to it, a love that negates Dislike and


    Abi darda passing a street and sees a guy beating the other and he stops him like

    Prophet Muhammad (SAW) would do to tell them to stop. The one beating said

    that dont you hate him for what he is doing. He said that I hate the sin that he is

    doing but as soon as he leaves it he is my brother in Islam.

    The Prayer

    0gv> ~o")! ` lv-*w -'e ,B The heart of the matter is Islam and its pillars are the prayer (S Ibn Majah,


    )) gv> -P ` : -8 V- 4c; V- LJ ((93' ~B

    Between a man and shirk & kufr is leaving the prayer.

    The difference between the one who leaves off the prayer at times and one who has

    absolutely abandoned it.

    o There is a difference between a person who leaves the prayer at times and a

    person who never prays. While we may not use this knowledge it may help us at

    times to prevent. A question often asked is if e.g. a person who flakes out on

    prayer from time to time is a Muslim or not. Some call them kafir outright. The

    idea of the ulema is that he is fasiq (corrupt) but he is not a disbeliever. What do

    you do about it? Advice. If there were an Islamic sultan what would he do? He

    would get advisors to give him nasiha. It could be that the person not praying is

    crazy. What about people who see the example of bad Muslims everywhere but

    not of good? They have something of an excuse before they die but they still

    owe it to themselves to learn the truth. If a person says outright, I dont think

    we should pray he is not Muslim as he is denying both Quran and Sunnah.

    What about a person that never, ever prays? Ibn Taymiyyah says that person is

    not really a believer. He says if we really believe, what are the actions of the

    heart? Hope, fear, trust, love (not duaa, duaa as an actual outward action). If

    you sit and think of the magnificence of Allah swt, can you say Im not going to

    bow down to Him? Can a person really understand the greatness of Allah swt

    and not bow down to Him? Can a person be afraid of Allah swt and not bow

    down to Him? If you study these people do they bow down to other things,

    submit to other things? Certainly. Example of our lack of knowledge about

    Jannah influencing our actions (in some cases i.e. the lack thereof). The Prophet

    mentioned many women being in the Hellfire saying itll happen because of

    ingratitude to people no matter how much good is done for them, if they find

  • one thing bad, it is as if no good was done. He did this to clarify their weakness

    so they would avoid doing that. What about men? We have so many, where to


    Pray as you have seen me pray. (Agreed)

    Meaning of establishing Prayer as opposed to praying.

    o Umar ibn al-Khataab said, The amount who perform hajj are few and the riders

    many. There are few people who perform hajj properly. Likewise, pray salah


    o Ibn abbasbowing, prostration, reciting with khushoo.

    o Qatadah---Stick to and guard its timing, bowing and prostration.

    The Zakah

    Connection between prayer and alms throughout the Quran as well as the Sunnah

    (Hadeeth of Muaath)

    Zakaah in Arabic means growth, blessing and purification(from the Arabic dictionary:

    Lisaan al-Arab).

    Sadaqah comes from the word sidq (loyalty) it is a sign of sincerity of faith on the part

    of the person who gives it.

    With regard to the Shari definition:

    o Zakaah is a means of worshipping Allah by giving that which He has obligated of

    different types of zakaah to those who are entitled to them, according to

    guidelines in Shariah.

    o Saqadah is a means of worshipping Allah by giving money without being made

    obligatory in Shariah. The word sadaqah can also be used to refer to obligatory


    Some Details of Zakaah

    1. Zakaah is obligatory on: gold, silver, crops/fruits, trade goods and livestock.

    2. Zakaah requires that one full Hijri year have passed since acquiring the wealth, and that

    the wealth meets the minimum threshold (nisaab).

    3. Allah has enjoined that zakaah be given to certain types of people, and it is not

    permissible to give it to anyone else. They are mentioned:

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  • Alms are for the poor and the needy, and those employed to administer the (funds); for

    those whose hearts have been (recently) reconciled (to Truth); for those In bondage and

    In debt; In the cause of Allah. and for the wayfarer: (thus is it) ordained by Allah, and

    Allah is full of knowledge and wisdom.

    [At-Taubah 9:60]

    4. Whoever dies and owes Zakaah, his heirs must pay it from his wealth and that takes

    precedence over the will and inheritance.

    No one who doesnt pay zakah except that he will be branded by plates

    The Hajj

    Hajj is one of 3 deeds that wipe out all sins.

    Whoever comes to this house and does not commit any lewd behavior or any sins, he

    shall return the way he was the way he was born. Bukhari.

    What are the other two?

    - Leaving kufr and entering into Islaam.

    - Hijrah for the sake of Allah.

    Along with Umrah, it is the Jihad of women.

    Aisha asked, Is Jihad incumbent upon women? The Prophet (saw) said, Yes, it is the

    Jihad that does not encompass fighting Hajj and Umrah.

    It is obligatory upon the one who has the means (health, wealth provisions, permission,


    Majority of the scholars are of the opinion that one must perform it as soon as the have

    the ability, otherwise they are sinful. This is the opinion of the majority of scholars,

    except some of the shafiee scholars.

    If anyone breaks a bone or becomes lame, he must break his hajj and perform it the

    following year. It is supposed to be done quickly!



    month of Hijri calendar; no food, drink or intimacy during the hours from Fajr to


    Prescribed for the nations before Muhammad (saws).

    o Insert Ayah from Baqarah Kuteebah Alaykumul Siyam kama kutibah

    alalatheena min qableekum.

    Protection and shield from the hell-fire

  • Adh-Dhahabi states, According to the leaders of this Ummah, whoever leaves the fast

    of Ramadan without being sick or traveling is worse than a fornicator or an alcoholic. In

    fact, they doubt his Islam and they suspect he might be an apostate who seeks to

    destroy Islam.

    Beneficial Lessons:

    The phrase, Islam has been built, is indicative of a complete structure that can neither be

    added to nor can anything be taken away. This corresponds well to the verse, This day I have

    completed for you your religion.

  • Hadeeth Four

    Theres a small defect in the actual text of the 40 Nawawi. This caused a lot of commentators to

    make a small mistake in their commentary. Jamal Zarabozo pointed it out. It is correct in the

    English, but the Arabic is a little issue because it gives you the idea of 3 separate 40 day

    periods. This created a bit of a misunderstanding and was corrected by later scholars.

    MN @! R $SB o"?3' V R ! V ! Y, V! : " 9* ! R 7j R M"*B @n >\ o> :?-B, 8'0, 4V/ 7# 0&E ()-K_ -90G , L4J 90n k cq' +F&! k 7# 0L"0:_ 90n A'-"_ Z

    ;, N-4B 4-%:4 =)G 4(-B64 '-[_

  • Narrated about 848 ahadeeth but best known for his knowledge of the Quran, from

    whom the Prophet used to encourage people to take it from.

    He was given a post in Kufa, Iraq and remained there for some time where he helped to

    spread what later became known as the Kufan school of Fiqh which became part of the

    Hanafi school of thought.

    The Truthful, the One to be Believed

    The only Hadeeth in which Ibn Masood opens with this fashion of the reasons offered

    is that due to the nature of the content of the Hadeeth, and that it can only be known

    through revelation; that he wished to emphasize the fact the Prophet is the Truthful

    One and the One to be believed.

    o Believe it was the truth even though at the time they couldnt understand it. E.g.

    the embryonic stages as described in the Quran could not have been known

    without the degree of microscopes available since about the last 50 years.

    One day ibn Masood climbed up a tree to get some food and his legs showed and he

    had skinny legs. The people started making fun of his legs because they were skinny and

    the Prophet said, Indeed, these legs are going to be heavier than the mountain of Uhud

    on the Day of Judgment.

  • Embryonic Stages

    Important Note: Most of the knowledge we know about Embryology has been discovered in

    the last 50 years. Most of what we know in the very early stages can only be seen using an

    electron microscope. This is good to know because it highlights the miracles of the Quran!

    Nutfah drop of fluid; established in Quran and Sunnah that both women and men

    contribute; scientifically from Day 1 to Day 7 (mixing of egg and sperm to create a zygote

    that progresses on to become a blastocyst)

    Microscopic Blastocyst

  • Alaqah: Something that clings; a leech. The period between day 7-21 is most aptly

    characterized by clinging: implantation of the blastocyst to the uterine wall with

    eventual development of the connecting stalk (cord).

    Clinging an early form

    Mudghah: Means chewed lump (of flesh); development of somites happen at this stage

    (day 21-42) from which the skeleton and muscles will develop.

  • Day ~ 32-38 Human Life Cycle

    Important Stages

    Day 1: Fertilization Occurs

    Day 6: Embryo implants in the uterus

    Day 18: Human heartbeat can be detected

    Day 21: Foundations for many organs are apparent

    Day 31: Human anatomy (arms, legs, etc.) develops

    Day 38: Baby begins moving independently

    Day 40: Brain waves can be detected

    o Whats amazing is that this information on embryology is from a non-Muslim

    website. Day 40 is also the day the Angel implants the soul!

    Day 42: EKG and EEG can be done.

    Insert Hadeeth in Muslim States that the Angel comes with the soul at 40 or 45 days.

    Insert Hadeeth in al-Jame3 al sagheer Indeed the muqtah will stay in the womb of the mother

    for 40 nights and then the angel will come to her.

    Important fiqh Principle

    Using this Hadeeth as a basis, a fetus comes into existence as a life at approximately 40

    days, or 6 weeks gestation. Those that supposed the Hadeeth refer to three separate 40

    day periods placed that much further at approximately 120 days or 4 months.

    o This is also important because the child will make shafa3ah for the parents.

    Funeral prayer can thus be prayed for any fetus that has passed 40-45 days or 6 weeks.

  • o The reason its important to realize its 40 days and not 120 days, it affects the

    Fiqh after 40 days its a life and requires janazah. Before 120, under the other

    opinion its not considered to be a life.

    Is the last part of the Hadeeth Fair?

    Armed with our understanding of the intention, this portion of this noble Hadeeth

    makes a great deal of sense and is very fair.

    Just doing the actions of the people of Paradise does not mean that those deeds were

    done for the right reasons or with the right intention.

    o About has been written overtakes what happens is Allah swt exposes the

    intention of the person. Take for example implementation of Islamic rules for

    clothing, so people will dress a certain way because its encouraged, its good,

    its forced, its troublesome if they dont. Example of them given a plane ticket

    and now we see the real person going from abaya to make up, skirt, etc. Thats

    the Qadr, thats what was written, that plane ticket, those actions. (Never miss

    the chance to give dawah you never know when or how itll be someones qadr

    even if ten years down the line even if say the person you hand material to

    throws it away and the one that picks it up is turned to Islam you get the reward

    for intention of helping others.).

    Beneficial Lessons

    The Hadeeth should cause us to reflect on the Majesty and Ability of Allah to create

    from such a microscopic source a walking, thinking, acting human being.

    To reflect upon the mercy of Allah that he preserves us all throughout this very fragile

    state where any one of a million things could go wrong that we can be born.

    o Think about how you were the images above not long ago and now you have all

    the skills that Allah swt has blessed you with, its miracle we even lived after

    coming out of the womb.

    The Hadeeth contains in it a treatment for arrogance and pride, for when you remember

    your weak and flimsy origins; you have naught except to be humble.

    To be calm on the matter of provision for it is written

    o Provision includes your spouse and your children, etc.

    A reminder to be good to our parents, especially the mother, in whose womb all of the

    preceding occurs.

    o If your parents are alive and you dont go to Jannah, youre a loser! A real loser!

    o The Prophet was in Jannah walking around and he heard someone reciting

    Quran. He asked the Angels who is the one reciting the words of Allah in Jannah

  • and they responded Al-Haarith. He heard that and he said, kathaleekum ul-Birr 3

    times. This is because he wasnt a man known for his recitation but for his

    dedication to his parents.

    o There was a tabiee who is mentioned by name in the Hadeeth, Owais Al-Qarni.

    Sahih Muslim Prophet told Umar Ibnul Khattab, There is a man named Owais

    from al-Qarn. He had a skin disease and he made Dua for Allah to heal him and

    Allah healed him. The man is good to his mother. If you find him, ask him to

    make dua for you (Umar ibnul Khattab).

    o What could possibly be the status of that man?

    It was literally because of his goodness to his mother!

    Serve your parents. Sacrifice for them. Take care of them. Make them happy.

    A reminder that it is the seal upon our lives that determines much, so not to be too

    proud of good that we have done for fear that we might end up upon evil, nor to be

    distraught over evil we have done in hopes that Allah will yet guide us to that which is

    better. That which we do upon our death is that which will send us forth to our final


    The fear of an evil end kept many of the righteous awake with tears; Sufyan ath-Thawri

    said through tears, I fear that I have been written among the wicked in the Preserved

    Book, I fear that I will lose my Imaan upon my death-bed; Maalik ibn Dinaar used to

    say, Oh Allah you know the inhabitants of hell-fire and the inhabitants of Jannah, so in

    what land have you recoded the name of Maalik.

    Thus this Hadeeth should cause us to reflect upon the sincerity of our deeds and our

    loyalty to Allah.



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    On the authority of the Mother of the Believers, Umm Adullah Aisha, who said: The

    Messenger of Allah said: He who innovates something in this matter of ours that is not of it

    will have it rejected. (Bukhari and Muslim).

    And in one version by Muslim it reads: He who does an act which is not in agreement with

    our matter will have it rejected.

    Narrator: Aisha bint as-Sideeq

    The daughter of Abu Bakr, and the favorite wife of the Prophet; he married her when

    she was very young and she spent 9 years in his close sompany while she attained

    maturity, observing him in many different phases and thus able to relate his habits.

    She narrated 2210 Hadeeths and was called upon for several years after the death of

    the Prophet to help the companions solve difficult problems. She was a scholar of the

    highest standard and had a great many students among the sahabah and the Tabieen.

    Beneficial Lessons

    The Shariah is complete and needs no additions.

    Principle: All acts of worship are forbidden with the exception of those acts performed,

    commanded or approved by the prophet.

    Principle: All worldly deeds are allowed with the exception of those deeds that are

    expressly forbidden in the Quran and Sunnah.

    No points for creativity in Islam, only for following.

    o You have to have a precedence to go on in regards to religious actions. Tawkifiya

    you stop where the Prophet and his Companions stopped, what was enough for

    them needs to be enough for you. This hadeeth is about bidah and

    understanding the true Sunnah.

    The Hadeeth encourages seeking knowledge for how else is one to come to the

    evidence to support a deed.

  • To Comply with Shariah

    An act must conform to six parameters:

    1. Cause Taraweeh vs. Mawlid

    2. Type Sacrifice a cow vs. a horse

    3. Amount - Maghrib 3 vs 4; Thikr morning/evening

    4. Manner start wudu with feet

    5. Time Jumuah prayer on Sunday, Eid on weekend

    6. Place Hajj in Arizona

    7. Who i.e. who can Sadaqah or Zakaah go to.

    Relating to Bidah

    Abu Musa was sitting in the masjid and some people were sitting in a circle making thikr and

    throwing a rock in the middle. He never saw it before so he didnt say anything and he went to

    Abdullah ibn Masoods house and on the way to fajr he told Abdullah ibn Masood about this

    incident. Ibn Masood marched over there and told them, You are either more guided than the

    Prophet Muhammad or you are upon the clear Misguidance. The person who narrated the

    Hadeeth said he saw them making thikr, and then he saw them in the battle of naHrawan. This

    is the battle of the khawarij.

    Abdullah ibn Abbas, when he met the Khawaarij, said, I dont see one companion of the

    Messenger of Allah among you. These people started out doing a small thing and it grew.

    Bidah starts small and it grows and grows until it eats away at the person.

    There are 2 other dangers to Bidah that we should recognize.

    Ibnul Qayyim said there are 6 pitfalls that the Shaytaan tries to get people to fall into.

    1. Shirk

    2. Bidah i.e. how could throwing a stone into a circle be worse than killing someone?

    Because a person will never realize that they are doing something wrong and spreading

    it. At least if you commit a major sin (i.e. murder), then you know its wrong and you can

    ask for Repentance. With Bidah, you dont usually seek repentance because you dont

    see anything wrong.

    -- What was enough for the Messenger and his companions should be enough for us as


    3. Major Sins leaving the prayer, zina, alcohol, gambling, etc

    4. Minor Sins accumalating minor sins might destroy a believer just as a huge fire can be

    sustained by small pieces of wood.

  • 5. Temptations and deceptions: Sahytan resorts to corrupt their acts of worship and

    obedience, so that he can deprive them of the rewards. For example the missing the


    6. Uses other people against him to take him away to torture, ridicule, call him to evil,




    MN )@! R $SB ] V L)?@ R ! Y, V! : M"&_ 9* ! R 7j R M"*B .? :-%-* =

  • There are a small number of matters though that are unclear to the majority of people,

    and the rule with regards to these is caution (yellow light).

    The Hadeeth indicates the honor of knowledge, for the more knowledge a person has,

    the smaller the number of unclear issues he shall encounter.

    To avoid doubtful matters will clear honor and deen.

    Whoever persists upon disliked matters or doubtful matters will no doubt eventually fall

    into Haram.

    From the effective techniques of teaching is to give an analogy or an example as did the

    Prophet here.

    The majority of matters are Halal, minority haram.

    The heart, in general, directs the body to good or evil.

    Indicates the importance of purification of soul/heart.

    Signs of the Pure and Healthy Heart (Ibnul Qayyim - Ighaathatul Lahfaan)

    1. The person considers himself as belonging to the next world and not to this one. He is a

    stranger here looking forward to returning home.

    2. The person is ashamed and greatly disappointed any time he disobeys Allah, and he

    remains so until he completely repents for that action.

    3. If the person misses his daily portion of Qur'anic recitation or thikr, it is heavier upon

    him and fills him with more remorse than had he lost his wealth.

    4. The person finds a pleasure in worshipping Allah that is greater than any pleasure he

    might find in eating or drinking.

    5. When the person enters the prayer, his worldly worries and concerns leave

    him.(Arihnaa bi haa Ya Bilal)

    6. He is stingier with his time than a greedy person is with regards to his wealth. (Hadeeth

    about the blessing of free time and five before five)

    7. The person is as concerned with his intention and the correctness of the deed as he is

    with the actual performance of the deed.

    Signs of the Ill Heart:

    1. The person feels no pain or discomfort when he commits sins.

    2. The person finds pleasure in that which Allah has forbidden and achieves a degree of

    rest after completing them.

    3. The person is more concerned with insignificant and trivial matters than with heavy

    matter (the opposite of 'Uluw al-Himma)

    4. The person dislikes the truth and has difficulty submitting to it or accepting it.


    5. The person finds relaxation among the disobedient sinners and is aggravated when

    among the righteous and obedient.

  • 6. The person is overwhelmed with doubts and is affected greatly by misconceptions and

    false arguments. He is more attracted to such discussions than he is to the recitation of

    the Quran or to the circles of knowledge.

    7. The person is not affected by admonition.

    o When was the last time that we heard the verse of Hell-fire and passed out?



    0Ff>@ V_8 MN 9* ! R 7j @ L, @! O?P R $SB B , V 9 FNB Y, V! MN -V) @0N -94%'! Z)-3) F)de "* 4%: 93' ~B

    On the authority of Abu Ruqayyah Tamim ibnu Aws Al-Dari that the Prophet (saws) said:

    "Religion is sincerity". We said: "To whom?" He said: "To Allah and His Book, and His

    Messenger, and to the leaders of the Muslims and their common folk". (Muslim)

    Narrator: Tamim ad-Daari

    Accepted Islam in 9 AH and the Prophet mentioned him upon the pulpit in regards to Dajjal.

    Lived in Madinah until the death of Uthmaan after which time he moved to Greater Syria

    where he died in Palestine in 40 AH. Was known for being a devout worshipper and fluent

    reciter of the Quran. Narrated about 18 hadeeth in various books of Hadeeth.

    ) % ( and those too who have knowledge of the Scripture. {13:43} Qatadah states that this ayah includes Salmaan al-Farisi, ibn Salaam and Tamim ad-Daari.

    o Tamim ad-Daari was on a boat. It crashed and he floated on pieces to the shore.

    When he got to the shore, they found this creature on the shore called al-Jassassah. It

    asked them some questions and it took them to a cave where a big man was chained

    to the wall. The man asked if the prophet of the arabs had come, they replied yes and

    he said then my time will soon come.


    We need to look at the root of the word because how can we give Naseeha (i.e. advice) to Allah.

    Hence, the roots of the word make a big difference on the meaning.

    Two roots:

    1. To clean, purify or improve something (Honey)

    2. To join something together that is scattered or separated (sewing garment) This is

    what tawheed is.

    Shari definition (according to Lanes Lexicon): Direction to that which is for the good of the

    person who is the object, by words or counsel, or sincere or honest conduct, or benevolence

    desire for what is good for the person who is the subject.

    How does a person give Naseeha to Allah? It needs to be understood as sincerity. You need to

    have a pure intention and you need to worship Allah as a unified Lord (i.e. Only One). When you

    do this, youre doing it seeking the good from Allah.

  • To Allah - Vernacular definition of naseeha, i.e. advice, doesnt work in light of hadeeth

    on naseeha to Allah swt, as we cant give advice to Allah. How do we understand giving

    naseeha to Allah swt? Looking at the second definition what is done with the pieces of a

    garment? Theyre being unified. Such is the case with tawheed, unifying worship to

    Allah swt, and purifying yourself for the worship of Allah swt with no benefit to Allah

    only to us.

    To the Book - How do you give naseeha to the Book of Allah?

    Believing in all of it. Don not be from amongst those who are able to recite the

    Quran beautifully but it does not get past their throats, i.e. doesnt enter their


    Unifying our belief and understanding of it dont just read the two surahs you

    read every time you pray.

    Read it as it should be read.

    Purify yourself before touching and reciting it.

    Calling others to it.

    Defend it.

    Calling people to respect it.

    Prevent if from distortion.

    To the Messenger of Allah

    Believing what he told us - The Messenger of Allah did not speak his own opinion

    (in regards to religion) he was obedient to Allah. [anNajm: 3-4]

    Following his sunnah.

    Loving him, defending his honor, defending his family.

    Beneficial Lessons

    This Hadeeth cuts off all the routes to cheating and deception, since the Muslim is required

    to always advise another Muslim as to that which is better for him.

    o Abu Bakr did not excel or surpass the other Companions because of his fasting or

    prayer but because of something in his heart. This is because of his sincerity for Allah

    and his sincere love and good for everybody.

    o Abu Bakr sincerely loved what was good for the Ummah. The most beloved people

    to Allah swt are those who cause others to love Allah swt-Abu Darda.

    o Insert Hadeeth and Story about Man buying a horse for 300 dirhams. Jareer looks at

    the horse and says your horse is worth more than that, until they reached 800

  • dirhams. When they asked him, Why he did that it was because he promised the

    Prophet he would always give sincere advice to every Muslim.

    o Fudayl ibn Iyaad a believer conceals the sins of others and his own sins and advises,

    whereas the corrupt person expose their sins and disgraces the person.

    o Ibn Mubarak (scholar of hadeeth) was asked whats the best thing we can do. He

    replied: best advise you can give is the best thing you can do.

    Among the greatest forms of advising is commanding the good and forbidding the evil.

    o They asked a scholar, whats the best act we can do and he replied, to give advice for

    the sake of Allah.

    Important to understand the difference between shaming someone and advising them:

    intention, remembering their good, being specific about the shortcoming, advising in private

    if at all possible, not to create a bigger evil from your advice.

    Must have knowledge regarding that which you advise.

    We should always accept advice and cut off pride.

    When giving advice:

    1. Its important to know that theres a big difference between shaming someone and

    advising them.

    2. Do it nicely. Surround the meat with 2 pieces of bread. The meat is the advice and the 2

    pieces of bread are some nice compliments.

    3. You must have knowledge of that on which you advice

    4. Lastly, you should accept the advice and not be proud. Its important!



    MN 9* 7! ! O?P R 7j R M"*B L, )@! O?P R $SB )! V V! )) cPN0, L, =-'0,"0?# k4# ` gG{ "P[_ ` gv> ")&_ ` R M"*B +)f' L, ` R mJ J m L, -_ 7% @

    7?P R 7! -93 ` 4lv-*w 8H mJ -9"-', -95'o $8@' ")>! k(( 93' BI ~B

    Abdullah bin Umar narrated that the Messenger of Allah (saws) said: "I have been ordered to

    fight against people until they testify that there is nothing worthy of worship except Allah and

    that Muhammad is the Messenger of Allah and until they perform the prayers and pay the

    zakat, and if they do so they will have gained protection from me for their lives and property,

    unless [they do acts that are punishable] in accordance with Islam, and their reckoning will be

    with Allah the Almighty."

    [Bukhari and Muslim]

    Sub-Narrator: Shu'bah ibnul Hajjaj

    Lived from 80-160 AH

    He was a freed slave; Master of Hadeeth from among the people of Basrah, among the

    students of al-Hasan al-Basri; met Anas ibn Maalik; had no peer in Hadeeth in his era;

    narrated a large number of Hadeeth.

    o Many scholars of the past were slaves.

    Hasan Al-Basri his parents were Persian slaves, Saeed ibn Jubayr, Mujahid etc.

    o Dawah point Whats the deal with slavery in Islam Western mindset of slavery is:

    packing Africans into boats like animals, dying on the way to the New World, being

    thrown overboard and when they got there the inhumane treatment continued. The

    life expectancy upon beginning slavery was 5-10 years. The separation of families, the

    humiliation, and so on. Example of Islamic slavery Abi Dharr dressed well and his

    slave would be wearing the same thing. He was asked about it to which he said,

    Indeed one time I criticized a man (Bilal ibn Rabah) by insulting his mother and

    when the Prophet heard that he said you still have some jahiliyya in you. Upon

    hearing this he went back to Bilal and laid his face on the floor for him to step on.

    Bilal said no he would never do that to him. After that he would never treat a person

    bad. He heard the Prophet said that indeed your slaves are your brothers. So dress

    them as you dress, feed them with what you eat, and so on. Now is this closer to

    slavery or employment? Also Abi Dharr is not a regular person he was one of the


  • o Shubah divided his days into 3 He would spend 8 hours with deen, 8 hours tending

    to his mistress and the rest tending to his own daily affairs. Eventually, his mistress

    realized how smart he was and how much he could do so he was freed.

    Among those that narrated from him: Ayub as-Sukhtiani (his teacher), al-Thawri, ibnal-

    Mubarak and Wakee.

    Sufyan al-Thawri called him the Leader of the Believers in the field of Hadeeth.

    Imam al-Shaafiee said, Were it not for him, hadeeth would not be known in Iraq.

    I never saw anyone more gentle with the needy than Shubah.

    He once saw one of his students wearing a new shirt and asked him how much he had paid

    for it. The man replied, 8 dirhams. He said, Maybe you could have bought one for 4

    dirhams and spent 4 in charity?

    o Think about this. Could we spend a little less on what we buy and spend the rest on

    charity? Reducing in your expenditures increases in the amount you can spend in

    sadaqah e.g. an extra dollar to the masjid every week. Side note if you dont have

    anything to give say you have nothing but at least smile, but if you have something

    and dont want to give, at least give something. Hadeeth of the Prophet on a man

    giving sadaqah one night randomly. It turns out it was given to a thief, next night

    ends up to a prostitute, and on the third it turns out given to a rich man after some

    reflection the wisdom in this the thief may stop stealing as he does not need to steal

    to acquire money, the prostitute gives up her way of life and the rich man notices he

    is wealthy and doesnt give sadaqah and so he starts giving. Dont look down upon

    people if they are needy, dont be of the people that neglect them, put them down,


    o Ayesha (RA) used to polish the coins that she was going to give sadaqah. She said that

    I am putting them in the hands of Allah (SWT)

    Shubah was known for his simplicity, his frequent praying, his generosity, and his frequent

    fasting once again, a great link between knowledge and action that we should reflect


    Ordered to Fight Against the People

    Implicit command from Allah I have been ordered

    o Disclaimer: Some of the hadeeth were discussing were learning of the obligations

    we have personally and obligations of Muslim states/society that has a khalifa (ruler),

    people, army, etc. This is only for the leader.

  • Majority of scholars state that the people is a reference to the Mushrikeen (idolaters), due

    to the verified practice of peace agreements and jizyah as performed by the Prophet (saw)


    o There is another variation of this Hadeeth in Sunan An-Nasai Where the Prophet

    said he was ordered to fight the mushrikeen/idol worshippers/polytheists.

    o We also have to take historical precedence into account. If the prophet was only

    ordered to fight the polytheists, how did he make peace treaties? How did he not

    fight at times? We can see examples in Treaty of Hudaybiyah, how he dealt with the

    ruler of Abyssinia etc. Umar made a peace treaty with the Christians of Jerusalem.

    o This shows us that one of the options the Caliph has is to fight the people. However,

    its not the only option. In Makkah, the Prophet was patient and he didnt fight.

    Supported furthermore by the fact that this Hadeeth represents a general statement, not a

    specific one.

    o This is a general hadeeth so one of the options the sultan or khalifa has is to fight the

    people. Why is the Quran so graphic e.g. cut off their heads and finger [tips]?

    Why the specificity? They were detail-oriented people. In Makkah they had to

    persevere so being told to fight they would have to know to what extent. For a long

    time they were told no you cant fight so finally when told they have to know the

    details i.e. fight to protect, fight with what, where we draw the line, etc.

    It goes against there is no compulsion in religion {2:256}

    If we leave the hadeeth as it stands without sub-commentary

    o The goal of fighting is to make sure people have the right to hear about Islam. Its not

    to fight people to make them Muslim.

    o Historically several nations did not allow their people to discuss, teach or spread

    Islam. There was religious oppression.

    o Hence, the Muslim state was allowed to fight as an option. They fought for these

    rights. This is also why when they had these rights, they signed peace treaties with

    non-Muslims and mushrikeen.

    A Question

    Is it wrong for the Prophet (saw) to have fought to spread the domain of Islam (not to

    spread Islam) since it is the best way of life for mankind?

    o People who say Muslims are wrong for trying to spread their governance are

    hypocrites! This is exactly whats happening today. This is what Greeks and Romans

    did. They didnt say, AlHamdulillah, were happy with our lands. They went and

    conquered because they believed they had the best form of living. The Chinese did it,

  • the Indians did it, and today the Western powers are doing it (i.e. spread democracy

    & freedom).

    o Taking into account the above, whats really wrong with the Muslims doing it?

    Would it then be wrong for democratic nations to fight wars to spread democracy since they

    believe in earnest that it is the best way of life for mankind?

    Note on Jizyah

    For the longest time, it was only 1 dirham! Later, it was raised to 4 dirhams. This is at

    a time when the lower class was earning 10-20,000 dirhams.

    Back then, there was almost no incentive to become Muslim. If anything, it would be

    easier to stay non-Muslim living under Muslim rule or even under non-Muslim rule.

    Financially speaking, you dont have to pay zakah which is almost guaranteed to be a

    larger amount. Additionally, as a dhimmi, you dont have to fight. The Muslims fight

    to protect you. This was a minimal tax for protection.

    When an army was needed to fight the Romans in the battle of Yarmuk, Abu

    Ubaidah the leader of the Muslim Army had to withdraw forces from the conquered

    lands of Shaam so that they would be able to fight the Byzantines as one huge,

    unified army. They returned the money given to them by the dhimmi Ahl al-Kitaab as

    they could no longer physically protect them. Surprisingly, the Christian dhimmis

    would pray to God for the Muslims to be victorious against the Roman Christians.

    Had the Romans been given the same chance they would have kept the money. One

    of the scholars wrote a book in which he said When it comes to our dawah

    sometimes were very meek like help me, dont be like that be on the offensive. .

    Beneficial Lessons

    People are to be judged by their outward actions and appearances. There is no validity to

    seeking out their intentions and secrets. Their intentions are none of our business.

    o If person outwardly become muslim, we cannott say that his/her intentions are

    not good

    Life and property are two necessities that Islam protects.

    This hadeeth has particular importance in times of Fitnah, for whoever declares the

    shahadatayn, prays our prayer and pays the zakaah then we cannot say otherwise without

    clear evidence.

    Except by the right of Islam crimes that may call for capital punishment and the like.



    MN @! O?P R $SB Ij V V ! g_ Y, V! : 9* ! R 7j R M"*B .? M"&_ 0gqG -90:-N -V' V_u -, )4# -9%-?/%-* ' -@' "0?## 4 -90:P-', ' ~"4@%-;# -@! -90:%- '

    -944-, 7! -90#v%-E -943' 93' BI ~B

    On the authority of Abu Huraira AbdurRahmaan ibnu Sakhr, who said: I heard the Messenger

    of Allah (saas) say: "What I have forbidden to you, avoid; what I have ordered you to do, do as

    much of it as you can. It was only their excessive questioning and their disagreeing with their

    prophets that destroyed those who came before you." (Bukhari and Muslim)

    Narrator: Abu Hurairah

    o [d. 57 AH] Born in Yemen as an orphan with only a mother. Accepted Islam early

    but didnt join the Prophet (saw) until 7 AH; spent three years with the Prophet

    (saas) in close company, persistent in taking Hadeeth from him.

    o I divided my nights into three parts: in one third I would pray, in another sleep,

    and in the last third I would review the Hadeeth of the Prophet (saw).

    He made the effort to learn the hadeeth

    o I said: Messenger of Allah, truly I hear from you many ahadeeth which I forget.

    The Prophet (saw) said: Spread your cloak. I spread my cloak and the Prophet

    made a scooping gesture with his hands, then said: Wear it. I wore it, and I

    never forgot a thing thereafter. (Bukhari)

    This happened to him because he made the effort.

    o Narrated 5374 Hadeeth, large number Agreed Upon.

    Ibn Umar narrated about 2600 and Ayesha RA narrated 2200

    Abu Hurairah and Hadeeth

    Lo! The people are saying: Abu Hurairah narrates too much. If it were not for two

    verses in the book of Allah I would not narrate a single hadeeth. (Those who hide the

    proofs and the guidance which We revealed, after We had made it clear in the Scripture:

    such are cursed by Allah and cursed by those who have the power to curse. Except such

    of them as repent and amend and make manifest the truth. Toward these I relent. I am

    the Relenting, the Merciful.) (2:159-160) Truly, our brethren among the Muhajireen were

    busy with business transactions; and truly, our brethren among the Ansaar were busy

    working their lands; and truly, Abu Hurairah all this time kept company with the Prophet

    provided he had quelled his hunger, attending what they did not attend and memorizing

    what they did not memorize. (Bukhari, Muslim, Ahmad)

    He was one of the ahlas suffahe ate whoever provided them food they stayed there to

    learn from Prophet Muhammad (SAW).

  • Beneficial Lessons

    Points to the mercy of the Shariah in that it orders a person to only do what they are

    capable of doing

    o He starts with forbidding, which you are not allowed to do and you cant do it

    until in absolute necessity

    o Obligatory to stand up for the prayer.

    o Morning Dhikr is strong recommendation by Prophet Muhammad (SAW)

    Subhanallahi walhamdulilah-100

    Laillaha illallahu wahdahu---100/10

    Do as much as you can

    Types of questions that led to destruction of Societies:

    1. That which has no benefit and no need for it

    2. That which is asked in ridicule or jest

    a. Characteristic of hypocrites

    3. Too many hypothetical questions

    4. About that which Allah has kept hidden (Qadr, Hour)

    The type of question which is praiseworthy is that which results in a good deed and

    benefits the person

    It is not enough to not do the forbidden, but to stay away from it and from that which

    leads to it.

    o You block every pathway to something wrong

    Hadeeth in ibn Majah Aishah said: May Allah have Mercy upon the women of Ansar,

    their modesty did not prevent them from asking questions.



    MN @! O?P R $SB g_ Y, V! : 9* ! R 7j R M"*B MN : 0c&_ m t8C L4J)4 Z4@'-[) ', L4J A8C m4J M Z*-) 4 ', ) Afj "0)-! =8/ V' "00G 0c*

  • Means Behind Accepted & Rejected Du'a

    A - The dua of the traveler upon a long journey.

    A - The dua of the disheveled and dusty person.

    o The story of Imam Malik disciplining a young boy who demanded that the Imam

    teach him hadeeth as compensation.

    o The story of Jurayj a very righteous worshipper, who was performing voluntary

    acts of worship and when his mother called him he didnt reply so his mother

    made dua against him and he went through a big fitnah.

    A - The dua of the one who raises his hands in accordance with the Sunnah (not during

    Jumuah, etc.)

    o One of the sahabah saw someone on the day of jumuah raising his hand making

    dua he stopped him and told that Prophet Muhammad (SAW) never did that.

    A To repeat certain portions of the dua w/ humility.

    All these things are source of acceptance of dua but dua is rejected because of following

    R The one who eats haram food

    R The one who drinks haram drinks

    R The one who is sustained by haram earnings



    C Y, V $! V V3 ) Y, V! R $SB %B 9* ! R 7j R M"*B * MN )@! :9* ! R 7j R M"*B V' .

    _4_ m ' O4J _4_ ' -o u'% MN $3@ u'% ~B :fj V3 _

    On the authority of Abu Muhammad Al-Hasan bin Ali ibn Abu Talib, the grandson of the

    Messenger of Allah (saas) and his beloved, who said : I memorized from the Messenger of

    Allah (saas) his saying : "Leave that which makes you doubt for that which does not make you

    doubt." (Tirmithi & Nasa'ee; Tirmithi classed it as hasan)

    Narrator: Al-Hasan ibn Ali ibn Abu Talib

    o [d. 50 AH] Grandson of the Prophet through his daughter Fatima. Born 3 AH, 1 yr

    older than al-Hussain.

    o Became Caliph after the death of Ali but abdicated to Muawiyyah only 6-7 months

    later in 41 AH. He thus fulfilled the prophecy of the Prophet (saw) that he would bring

    peace to two great groups of the Muslims.

    o He and his brother will be the masters of the Youth on the Day of Judgment as stated

    by the Prophet (saw)

    o Prophet Muhammad (SAW) used to recite for hasan and hussain I seek refuge to

    Allah (SWT) over you from every shaitan, every harmful creature and every evil eye

    Beneficial Lessons

    This hadeeth represents a great, yet forgotten, principle of cautious avoidance (wara) in


    From the benefits of wara:

    Zuhd (astism) and warazuhd is to neglect everything that has no benefit in the

    Hereafter, wara means avoiding everything that you fear might harm you in the


    If you keep running a yellow light eventually you will run a red light.

    1. It protects your honor and your religion (Hud:6)

    2. It is among the best aspects of the deen: ) * (: % 3. It is a means of strength in worship Have wara and you will be among the best of

    those who worship Allah (S- IM)

  • 4. Sunnah of RasulAllah (saw) exemplified by the incident of him finding a date in the

    street. He didnt pick it up fearing that it might be from charity Agreed]. This is an

    example of Waraa.

    5. It is a source of salvation from the oppression of doubt.

    a. Hasan al-Basri Taqwa will remain in the hearts of the people who have

    taqwa as long as they leave off much of the permissible for fear that it might

    be impermissible.

    b. Umar bin khattab would avoid 90% of the actions that appear permissible

    for fear that they might lead to something haraam.

    c. Abdullah ibn Mubarak If you really think about this hadeeth this is the

    summary of how to deal with confusing matters. For me to leave one piece of

    money of haram is more beloved to me than giving a 1000 in sadaqah.

    d. Allah (SWT) has given us boundaries and we have to stay within them.



    MN @! O?P R $SB g_ Y, V! :9* ! R 7j R M"*B MN )) 4@-?_ m ' 0G-P 25-\ 4lv-*J 4V-3 -V'((

    u: ~] u'% ~B V3 _

    On the authority of Abu Huraira, who said: The Messenger of Allah (saas) said: "Part of

    someone's being a good Muslim is his leaving alone that which does not concern him."

    (Tirmithi and others; Hasan)

    Beneficial Lessons

    The religion of Islam is full of merits, this being one.

    From the merits of Islam is that one should not busy himself to even the smallest degree

    with that which will not benefit him in his deen nor in his Hereafter.

    The more a person wastes his time with that which does not concern him is a sign of

    fault in his deen.

    Some examples of that which does not concern: vain speech, excessive questioning into

    peoples lives, excessive time in games and news, television, internet if not controlled,

    blog comments/arguments, activities of killing time, some stories and magazines.

    o Some of us watch the news 3 hours and spend 3 hours discussing it but we dont

    read the Quran and we do not lengthen our prayers.

    o Imam Ghazali you should know that which is in front of you and you are

    accountable for every single word you say. Money that you can invest for the

    hereafter is your breath so how do you want to use the time. And your tongue is

    the weapon that you can use to capture Hur al-Ayn in the Jannah.

    We have so limited commodity in this world why waste it in wasteful


    o Hasan al-basri From the signs that Allah (SWT) hates a person is to make him

    busy with that which doesnt concern him.

    o Malik ibn Deenar If you find that your heart is hard and your body is weak and

    there is deficiency in your provision then you must be involved with the thing that

    doesnt concern you.

    o Imam shafi 3 things that increase intellect -

    1. Sitting with scholars.

    2. Sitting with righteous people.

    3. Leaving off speech that doesnt concern one.

    o Prophet Muhammad (SAW) said that choose your company wisely.

    o He (SAW) also said that a person is upon the ways of his friend.

  • o Whoever wishes that Allah (SWT) illuminates light upon him should leave that

    which doesnt concern him.



    9* ! R 7j R M"*B loE @! O?P R $SB ' V s, g{ Y, V!MN 9* ! R 7j @ V!


  • To love for those even that may not love you or wish well for you is an even higher


    o Ibn abbas While looking at any ayah I wish that every one know about the

    ayah what I know.

    o It is short hadeeth in commentary and also short in implementation. It doesnt

    take a lot from us to implement this hadeeth.



    MN @! O?P R $SB o"?3' V V! :* ! R 7j R M"*B MN 9 W9-3' Wb4-' lo cf_ m F!)K 4B) 4@_ 4B% 4s@4 s@ L{ 8q vn a- 44 m4J

    93' BI ~B

    Abdullah ibn Mas'ud narrated that the Messenger of Allah (saw) said: "The blood of a

    Muslim may not be legally shed except in one of three [instances]: the married person

    who commits adultery, a life for a life and one who forsakes his religion and abandons

    the community." (Bukhari and Muslim)

    Subnarrator: Masrooq ibnul-Ajda'

    o [62 AH] Narrated from such Companions as Umar and his son Abdullah, Uthmaan, Ali

    ibn Abu Talib, Aisha, Muaath ibn Jabal, Ubay ibn Kab, ibn Masood, etc.

    Lived among Sahabah and very early Tabieen.

    o Those that narrated from him include al-Shabi, Ibrahim al-Nakhaee, Abdullah ibn

    Murra, Abu Is-haq

    o Al-Shabi said, I never saw anyone seek knowledge as persistently as Masrooq.

    Also, When he made Hajj, I never saw him sleep except in sajdah till his return.

    o Ibnul-Madeeni said, I dont believe anyone from among those who were led by Abu

    Bakr in