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  • 8/8/2019 4462827 Stanford Linear Accelerator Center Beamline Summer Fall 2000



    Summer/Fall 2000, Vol. 30, N

  • 8/8/2019 4462827 Stanford Linear Accelerator Center Beamline Summer Fall 2000




    Cont ributing Editors




    Editorial Advisory BoardPATRICIA BURCH AT, DAVID BURKE









    SUMMER/FALL 2000 VO L. 30, N UMBER 2

    Printed on recycled paper

    The Beam Line is published quarterly by the

    Stanford Linear Accelerator Center, Box 4349,

    Stanford, CA 94309. Telephone: (650 ) 926-2585.

    EMAIL: beam [email protected] ford.edu

    FAX: (650) 926-4500

    Issues of the Beam Line are accessible electroni-

    cally on th e World Wide Web at ht tp://ww w.slac.

    stanford.edu/pubs/beamline. SLAC is operated by

    Stanford University under contract with the U.S.

    Departm ent of Energy. The opinions of the au th ors

    do not necessarily reflect th e policies of the

    Stanford Linear Accelerator C enter.

    Cover: Einstein and the Quantum Mechanics, by artist

    David Martinez 1994. The original is acrylic on canvas,

    16 20. Martinezs notes about the scene are reproduced

    in the adjoining column, and you can read more about his

    philosophy in the Contributors section on page60. His

    website is http://members.aol.com/elchato/index.html and

    from there you can view more of his paintings. TheBeam

    Lineis extremely grateful to him and to his wife Terry for

    allowing us to reproduce this imaginative and fun image.

    Werner Heisenberg illustrates his Uncertainty Principle by

    pointing down with his right hand to indicate the location of

    an electron and pointing up with his other hand to its wave

    to indicate its momentum. At any instant, the more certain we

    are about the momentum of a quantum, the less sure we are

    of its exact location.

    Niels Bohr gestures upward with two fingers to empha-

    size the dual, complementary nature of reality. A quantum is

    simultaneously a wave and a particle, but any experiment

    can only measure one aspect or the other. Bohr argued that

    theories about the Universe must include a factor to account

    for the effects of the observer on any measurement of

    quanta. Bohr and Heisenberg argued that exact predictionsin quantum mechanics are limited to statistical descriptions

    of group behavior. This made Einstein declare that he could

    not believe that God plays dice with the Universe.

    Albert Einstein holds up one finger to indicate his belief

    that the Universe can be described with one unified field

    equation. Einstein discovered both the relativity of time and

    the mathematical relationship between energy and matter.

    He devoted the rest of his life to formulating a unified field

    theory. Even though we must now use probabilities to

    describe quantum events, Einstein expressed the hope

    that future scientists will find a hidden order behind quantum


    Richard Feynman plays the bongo drums, with Feynman

    diagrams of virtual particles rising up like music notes. Oneof his many tricks was simplifying the calculation of quantum

    equations by eliminating the infinities that had prevented real

    solutions. Feynman invented quantum electrodynamics, the

    most practical system for solving quantum problems.

    Schrdingers cat is winking and rubbing up to Bohr. The

    blue woman arching over the Earth is Nut, the Sky Goddess

    of Egypt. She has just thrown the dice behind Einsteins

    back. Nut is g iving birth to showers of elementary particles

    which cascade over the butterflies of chaos.

    David Martinez

    Einstein and The Quantum Mechanics

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    James Bjorken


    THEORYTh e first25 years of t he cent ury radically

    transform ed our ideas about N ature.

    Cathryn Carson


    A N obel laureate recount s the invention

    of the laser and the b irth of quantu m


    Ch arles H. Townes


    Large-scale structu re in t he U niv erse began

    with t iny quantum fluctuat ions.

    Rocky Kolb


    Hum ankind has wondered s ince the

    beginning of history w hat are th e

    fundam ental constituent s of m atter.

    Robert L. Jaffe



    Q uantum m echanics is crucial to

    und erstanding and using superconductivity

    John Clarke



    The Ratios of Sm all W hole N um bers:Misadventu res in Astronom ical Q uantizat ion

    Virginia Trim ble




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    2 SU MMER/ FA LL 2000


    N THIS ISSUE of th e Beam Line , we cele-

    brate the one hu ndredth ann iversary of th e

    birth of th e quantu m th eory. The story of

    how M ax Planck started it all is one of the m ost

    m arvelous in all of science. It is a favorite of

    m ine, so m uch so th at I have already written

    about it (see Particle Ph ysicsWhere Do We Go

    From H ere? in t he Winter 1992Beam Line,

    Vol. 22 , No. 4). Here I will only quot e again w hat

    th e late Abraham Pais said about Planck: H is

    reasoning was mad, but h is madness had th at

    divine quality th at only t he greatest transitional

    figures can bring to science.*

    A century later, th e madness has not yet com-

    pletely disappeared. Science in general h as a w ay

    of producing results wh ich defy hum an int uition.

    But it is fair to say that th e winn er in this

    category is the quant um th eory. In m y min d

    quant um paradoxes such as the H eisenberg

    un certain ty principle, Schrdingers cat,

    collapse of th e wave packet , an d so forth are far m ore perplexing and

    challenging than th ose of relativity, wh ether t hey be th e tw in paradoxes of

    special relativit y or th e black h ole physics of classical general relativity. It isoften said that no one really un derstands quant um th eory, and I would be

    th e last to disagree.

    In t he contributions t o this issue, th e knott y questions of th e interpreta-

    tion of quant um th eory are, m ercifully, not addressed. There w ill be no

    m ention of th e debates between Einstein and Bohr, nor the later att em pts by

    T h e Fu t u re of t h e Q u an t u m by JAM ES BJO RKEN

    *Ab raham Pais, Subtle is the Lord: Science and the Life of Albert Einstein, Ox ford U . Press, 1982.

    Max Planck, c irca1910

    (CourtesyAIPEmilio Segr Visual Archives)


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    Bohm , Everett , and oth ers to fin d int er-

    pretat ions of the t heory different from

    th e original Copenhagen interpreta-

    tion of Bohr an d his associates. Inst ead,

    wh at is right fully em phasized is the

    overwhelming practical success of these

    revolutionary ideas. Qu antu m th eory

    work s. It n ever fails. And th e scope of

    th e applications is enorm ous. As Leon

    Lederman, Nobel Laureate and Director

    Em eritus of Ferm ilab, likes to point out,

    m ore than 25 percent of th e gross

    national product is dependent upon

    techn ology th at springs in an essent ial

    way from quantu m phenomena.*

    N everth eless, it is hard not t o sympa-

    th ize with Einstein and feel that t here is

    somet hing incomplete about th e present

    statu s of quant um th eory. Perhaps th e

    equations defining the t heory are not ex-

    actly correct, and corrections will even-

    tu ally be defin ed and th eir effects

    observed. Th is is not a popular point ofview. But th ere does exist a min ority

    school of th ought w hich asserts that

    only for sufficiently sm all systems is th e quantu m th eory accurate, and th at

    for large complex quant um systems, hard t o follow in exquisite detail, th ere


    Albert Einstein and Neils Bohr in the late1920s.(CourtesyAIPEmilio Segr Visual Archives)

    *Leon Lederm an, The G od Particle (If th e Universe is the Answ er, What is t he Qu estion?),

    Houghton M ifflin, 1993.


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    4 SU MMER/FA LL 2000

    m ay be a sm all am ount of some kin d of extra intrinsic noise term or non-

    linearity in t he fundam ental equat ions, which effectively eliminat es para-

    doxes such as the collapse of th e wave packet.

    Dow n t hrough history most of the debates on the foun dations of quant um

    th eory produced many w ords and very little action, and rem ained closer toth e philosophy of science th an t o real experim ent al science. John Bell

    brought some freshness to th e subject. The fam ous th eorem th at bears his

    nam e initiated an experim ental program t o test some of th e fun dament als.

    N everth eless, it w ould have been an enorm ous shock, at least t o m e, if any

    discrepancy in such experimen ts h ad been foun d, because th e searches

    involved sim ple atom ic system s, not so different from element ary particle

    systems w ithin wh ich very subtle quant um effects have for som e tim e been

    clearly dem onstrated. A worth y challenge to th e quantu m th eory in m y

    opinion m ust go mu ch further and deeper.

    What m ight such a challenge be? At present, one clear possibility w hich is

    actively pursued is in th e realm of string theory, which attem pts an exten-

    sion of Einstein gravity in to t he dom ain of very short distances, wh ere quan-

    tu m effects domin ate. In th e present incarnations, it is t he t heory of gravity

    th at yields ground and un dergoes modifications and generalizations, wit h t he

    quant um th eory left essentially intact. But it seem s to me th at th e alterna-

    tive m ust also be entertainedthat t he quant um th eory itself does not sur-

    vive the synt hesis. This, how ever, is easier said th an done. And th e problem

    wit h each option is that t he answer needs to be found w ith precious little

    assistance from experim ent. Th is is in stark contrast wit h t he development

    of quant um th eory itself, which w as driven from in itiation to com pletion by

    a hu ge nu m ber of experim ents, essent ially guiding the t heorists t o th e final


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    Anot her approach has been recently laid out by Frank Wilczek in a very

    int eresting essay in Phy sics Today .* He compares the development of th e

    equations of quantu m th eory with th ose of Maxwells electrodynam ics. Both

    were first laboriously put together from experimental evidence. In both cases

    th e interpretations of wh at th e equations m eant cam e later. In t he case ofelectrodynamics, the u ltim ate verdict on M axwells equations is that at a

    deep level th ey express statem ent s about sym m etry. (In ph ysics jargon,

    Maxw ells equation s express th e fact t hat electrodynam ics is gauge invariant

    and Lorent z covariant .) Wilczek n otes t hat th ere is no sim ilar deep basis for

    th e equations of quant um m echanics, and he looks forward to statemen ts of

    symm etry as the fut ure expression of th e true m eaning of th e quantu m

    th eory. But if th ere are such sym m etries, th ey are not now kn own or at least

    not yet recognized. Wilczek does cite a pion eering suggestion of Herm ann

    Weyl, which m ight provide at least a clue as to w hat m ight be done. But

    even if Wilczek is on th e right track, th ere is again th e problem t hat th eo-

    rists will be largely on th eir own, with very little help t o be expected from


    Th ere is, how ever, a data-driven approach on t he h orizon. It is a conse-

    quence of th e inform ation revolution. In principle, quant um systems m ay be

    used to create m uch m ore powerful com puters th an now exist. So there is a

    stron g push t o develop th e concepts and th e techn ology to create large-scale

    quant um comput ers. If th is happens, the foundations of quant um m echanics

    will be test ed on larger and larger, m ore complex physical system s. And if

    quant um m echanics in t he large needs to be modified, these compu ters may

    not work as they are supposed to. If th is happens, it will be just one m ore ex-

    am ple of how a revolution in t echnology can lead to a revolution in fun da-

    m ental science.

    *Frank Wilczek, Physics Today, June 2000, Vol. 53, N o. 6, p. 11 .

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    6 SU MMER/ FA LL 2000


    H AT IS A Q UAN T U M T HEO RY? We have

    been asking th at qu estion for a long tim e, ever

    since Max Planck int roduced th e elem ent of dis-

    continuity w e call the quant um a cent ury ago. Since then,

    th e chu nk iness of N atu re (or at least of our th eories about

    it) has been built int o our basic conception of the world. It

    has prompt ed a fun dam ent al reth ink ing of physical th eory.

    At t he sam e tim e it has helped m ake sense of a wh ole range of pe-

    culiar behaviors manifested principally at microscopic levels.

    From its beginn ing, th e new regime w as symbolized by Planck s constan t

    h , introdu ced in his fam ous paper of1900. Measurin g the w orlds departu re

    from sm ooth, continu ous behavior, h proved to be a very sm all num ber, but

    different from zero. Wherever it appeared, stran ge phenom ena cam e wit h it .

    What it really meant was of course mysterious. While the quant um era was

    inaugurated in 1900, a quant um th eory would take m uch longer to jell. Int ro-

    ducing discont inuit y was a tent ative step, and only a first on e. And eventh ereafter, th e recastin g of physical th eory was hesitan t an d slow. Physicists

    pondered for years what a quant um th eory might be. Wondering how t o inte-

    grate it w ith th e powerful apparatu s of nineteenth -centu ry physics, they also

    asked what relation it bore to existing, classical theories. For some the

    answers crystallized with quant um m echanics, th e result of a quarter-

    centurys labor. Others held out for further rethinking. If the outcome was

    not to t he satisfaction of all, still th e quant um th eory proved remarkably

    T H E O RIG IN S



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    successful, and the puzzlement along the way, despite its frustrations, can

    only be called extraordinarily product ive.


    Th e story began inconspicuously enough on D ecember 14 , 1900. Max Planck

    was giving a talk t o th e Germ an Physical Society on t he contin uous spec-

    tru m of th e frequencies of light emit ted by an ideal heated body. Some tw o

    months earlier this 42-year-old theorist h ad present ed a form ula captu ring

    some new experim ental results. N ow, with leisure to thin k and m ore tim e at

    his disposal, he sought to provide a physical just ificat ion for his form ula.Planck pictured a piece of matter, idealizing it somewhat, as equivalent to a

    collection of oscillating electric charges. He t hen im agined distribut ing its

    energy in discrete chu nk s proportion al to th e frequencies of oscillation. Th e

    constant of proportionality he chose to call h ; we wou ld now write e = hf.

    Th e frequencies of oscillation determin ed th e frequencies of th e em itt ed

    light . A twist ed chain of reasoning then reproduced Planck s postulat ed

    form ula, which now involved th e sam e natural constant h .

    Two theorists,

    Niels Bohr and

    Max Planck, at the


    (Courtesy Emilio

    Segre Visual


    Margrethe Bohr


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    8 SU MMER/ FA LL 2000

    Looking back on t he event , we m ight expect revolu t ion ary

    fanfare. But as so often in h is tory, m at t ers were m ore ambigu-

    ous. Planck did not call his energy elemen ts quant a and was not

    inclined to stress their discreteness, which m ade litt le sense in any

    fam iliar term s. So th e m eaning of his procedure only gradually be

    came apparent. Although th e problem h e was treating was pivotal

    in i ts day, its im plications were at first th ought t o be confined.


    The behavior of l ight in i ts interaction w ith m atter w as indeed a

    key problem of nineteenth -centu ry physics. Planck was interest-

    ed in th e two t heories that overlapped in t his domain. Th e first was

    electrodynam ics, th e th eory of electricity, m agnet ism, and light

    waves, brought t o final form by Jam es Clerk Maxw ell in the 1870s

    Th e second, dat ing from roughly the same period, was th erm o

    dynam ics and statist ical m echanics, governing transform ations of

    energy and its behavior in t ime. A pressing question was w heth er

    th ese two grand t heories could be fused into one, since th ey started

    from different fundam ental n otions.

    Beginn ing in th e m id-1890s, Planck t ook up a seemin gly narrow

    problem, th e interact ion of an osci l lat ing charge with i ts elec

    trom agnet ic field. Th ese studies, however, brought him into con-

    tact w ith a long tradition of work on t he em ission of light. D ecades

    earlier i t had been recognized th at perfectly absorbing (black

    bodies provided a s tan dard for em ission as w el l . Then over the

    years a smal l indus t ry had grown u p around th e s tudy of such

    objects (and t heir real-world subst itu tes, like soot). A sm all group

    of theor i s t s occupied them selves wi th t he th erm odynamics o

    radiation, while a host of experiment ers labored over heated bod-

    i e s t o f i x t em perat u re , de t e rm i ne i n t ens i t y, and ch a rac t e ri ze

    deviation s from black body ideality (see th e graph above). After sci-

    ent ists push ed the pract ical realization of an old ideath at a closed

    tube with a small hole consti tuted a near-ideal blackbodythis

    cavit y radiation allowed ever more reliable m easurem ent s. (See

    il lustration at left .)

    An ideal blackbody spectrum

    (Schwarzer Krper) and its real-worldapproximation (quartz). (From Clemens

    Schaefer, Einfhrung in die Theoretische

    Physik, 1932).

    Experimental setup for measuring black-

    body radiation. (The blackbody is the

    tube labeledC.) This design was a prod-

    uct of Germanys Imperial Institute of

    Physics and Technology in Berlin, where

    studies of blackbodies were pursued

    with an eye toward industrial standards

    of luminous intensity. (FromMller-

    Pouillets Lehrbuch der Physik, 1929).

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    N ow Planck s oscillating charges emit ted an d absorbed radiation,

    so they could be u sed to m odel a blackbody. Thu s everything seem ed

    to fall into place in 1899 when h e reproduced a form ula th at a col-

    league had derived by less secure means. Th at was convenien t; every-

    one agreed th at Willy Wiens form ula m atched t he observations. The

    trouble was that im m ediately afterwards, experim ent ers began fin d-

    ing deviations. At low frequencies, Wiens expression became

    increasingly unt enable, while elsewhere it continu ed to work w ell

    enough. Informed of the results in th e fall of1900, on short n otice

    Planck cam e up with a reasonable interpolation. With its adjust ableconstan ts his formu la seemed to fit the experimen ts (see graph at

    right ). N ow th e question becam e: Where might it come from ? What

    was its physical meaning?

    As we saw, Planck m anaged to produce a derivation. To get t he

    right statist ical results, how ever, he had t o act as though t he energy

    involved were divided up int o element s e = hf. The derivation was

    a success and splendidly reproduced th e experim ental data. Its m ean-

    ing was less clear. After all, Ma xwells th eory already gave a beau-

    tiful account of light and treat ed it as a wave traveling in a con-

    tinuous m edium . Planck did not take the constant h to indicate a

    physical discontin uit y, a real atom icity of energy in a su bstant ive

    sense. Non e of his colleagues m ade mu ch of this possibility, either,

    until Albert Einstein took it up five years later.


    Of Einst eins th ree great papers of1905, the one O n a H euristic Point

    of View C oncern ing the Product ion and Transformat ion of Light

    was the piece that t he 26-year-old patent clerk labeled revolution ary.

    It was peculiar, he n oted, that th e electrom agnet ic theory of light

    assumed a continuu m , while current account s of m atter started from

    discrete atom s. Could discont inu ity be productive for light as well?

    How ever indispensable Maxw ells equations m ight seem , for some

    interes t ing phenom ena th ey proved inadequate. A key exam ple

    was blackbody radiation, wh ich Einstein now looked at in a w ay dif-

    ferent from Planck. Here a rigorously classical treatm ent, h e showed,

    Experimental and theoretical results on

    the blackbody spectrum. The data

    points are experimental values; Plancks

    formula is the solid line. (Reprinted from

    H. Rubens and F. Kurlbaum, Annalen

    der Physik, 1901.)

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    10 SU MM ER/ FA LL 2000

    yielded a result not only w rong but also absurd. Even w here Wiens

    law w as approxim ately right (and Planck s m odification u nnecessary)

    element ary therm odynamics forced light to behave as though it w ere

    localized in discrete ch un ks. Radiation had t o be parcelled into w hat

    Einstein called energy quanta. Today we wou ld write E= hf.

    Discontinu ity was thu s endemic to th e electrom agnetic world

    Interestingly, Einstein did not refer to Plancks constan t h , believing

    his approach to be different in spirit. Where Planck h ad looked at

    oscillatin g charges, Einstein applied th erm odynam ics to th e light

    itself. It w as only later th at Einstein wen t back and show ed how

    Plancks work im plied real quanta. In th e m eantim e, he offered a fur-

    th er, radical extension. If light behaves on its ow n as t hough com -

    posed of such qu anta, th en perhaps it is also emitt ed and absorbed in

    th at fashion. A few easy considerations th en yielded a law for th e

    photoelectric effect, in w hich l ight ejects electrons from th e sur-

    face of a m etal. Einst ein provided not on ly a testable hypothesis but

    also a new way of m easuring the constant h (see table on t he n ext


    Today the photoelectric effect can be checked in a college labo-

    rator y. In 1905, however, it w as far from t rivial. So it w ould rem ain

    Pieter Zeeman, Albert Einstein, and Paul

    Ehrenfest (left to right) in Zeemans

    Amsterdam laboratory. (Courtesy Emilio

    Segre Visual Archives, W. F. Meggers


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    BEA M LIN E 1

    for m ore than a decade. Even after Robert Mil l ikan confirm ed

    Einsteins prediction, he and others balked at the underlying quan-

    tum hypoth esis. It still violated everything known about light s wave-

    like behavior (notably, interference) and hardly seemed reconcil-

    able with Maxwells equations. When Einstein w as awarded the N obel

    Prize, he owed t he h onor largely to th e photoelectric effect. But th e

    citation specifically noted his discovery of the law, not th e expla-

    nation t hat he proposed.

    The relation of the quantu m to th e wave theory of light would re-

    m ain a point of puzzlemen t. Over th e next years Einstein w ould onlysharpen t he contradiction. As he showed, therm odynam ics ineluctably

    required both classical waves and quan tization . The tw o aspects were

    coupled: both w ere necessary, and at th e same t im e. In t he process,

    Einstein m oved even closer to attribut ing to light a wh ole panoply

    of particulate properties. The particle-like quant um , later named t he

    photon , would prove suggestive for explaining things like th e scat-

    terin g ofX rays. For th at 1923 discovery, Arth ur Com pton wou ld win

    th e N obel Prize. But th ere we get ahead of th e story. Before not ions

    of wave-particle duality could be tak en seriously, discontin uit y

    had to demonstrate its worth elsewhere.


    As it tu rned out, the earliest welcome given to t he new quan tum

    concepts cam e in fields far removed from th e troubled th eories of

    radiation. The fi rst of these domains, though h ardly th e m ost obvi-

    ous, was th e th eory of specific h eats. The specific heat of a substance

    determines how m uch of its energy changes when its tem perature is

    raised. At low t em peratu res, solids display peculiar behavior. Here

    Einstein su spectedagain we m eet Einsteinthat the deviance m ight

    be explicable on quan tu m groun ds. So he reformu lated Planck s prob-

    lem t o handle a latt ice of independen tly vibrating atom s. From t his

    highly simplistic m odel, he obtain ed quite reasonable predictions

    that involved the sam e quantity hf, now translated int o the solid-

    state context.

    Th ere thin gs stood for anoth er three years. It took th e sudden

    attent ion of th e physical chem ist Walther N ernst to bring quant um

    (From W. W. Coblentz, Radiation,

    Determination of the Constants and

    Verification of the Laws in A Dictionary

    of Applied Physics, Vol. 4, Ed. Sir

    Richard Glazebrook, 1923)

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    12 SU MM ER/ FA LL 2000

    th eories of specific heat s to general significance. Feeling his way

    towards a new law of thermodynamics, Nernst not only bolstered

    Einstein s ideas with experim ent al result s, but also put t hem on

    th e agenda for widespread discussion. It w as no accident, an d to a

    large degree Nernsts doing, that the first Solvay Congress in 1911

    dealt precisely with radiation th eory and quan ta (see photograph

    below). Einst ein spok e on specific heat s, offering additional com -

    m ents on electromagnetic radiation. If the quantu m was born in 1900

    th e Solvay meetin g was, so to speak, its social debut.

    What on ly just began to show up in t he Solvay colloquy was th eother m ain realm in wh ich discontinuity w ould prove its value. The

    tech nique of quantizin g oscillations applied, of course, to line spec

    tra as well. In cont rast to t he u niversality of blackbody radiation, th e

    discrete lines of light em ission an d absorption varied imm ensely from

    one substance to th e next. But th e regularities evident even in th e

    welter of th e lines provided fertile m att er for quantu m con jectu res

    Molecular spectra turn ed into an all-im portant site of research during

    The first Solvay

    Congress in1911

    assembled the

    pioneers of

    quantum theory.

    Seated (left to

    right): W. Nernst,

    M. Brillouin,

    E. Solvay,

    H. A. Lorentz,

    E. Warburg,

    J. Perrin, W. Wien,

    M. Curie,

    H. Poincar.

    Standing (left to


    R. Goldschmidt,

    M. Planck,

    H. Rubens,

    A. Sommerfeld,

    F. Lindemann,

    M. de Broglie,

    M. Knudsen,F. Hasenhrl,

    G. Hostelet,

    E. Herzen, J. Jeans,

    E. Rutherford,

    H. Kamerlingh

    Onnes, A. Einstein,

    P. Langevin. (From

    Cinquantenaire du

    Premier Conseil de

    Physique Solvay,


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    BEA M LIN E 1

    th e quant um s second decade. Slower to t ake off, but ultim ately even

    m ore productive, was the quant ization of motions with in th e atom

    itself. Since no one had much sense of the atoms constitution, the

    vent ure int o atom ic spectra was allied to speculative m odel-building.

    Un surprisingly, most of th e guesses of th e early 1910s turned out

    to be wrong. They nonetheless sounded out the possibilities. The

    orbital energy of electrons, their angular mom entu m (somet hing like

    rotation al inertia), or the frequency of their sm all oscillations about

    equilibrium : all these w ere fair gam e for quant ization. Th e observed

    lines of the discrete spectrum could th en be directly read off from th eelectrons motions.


    It m ight seem ironic th at N iels Bohr initially had no interest in spec-

    tra. He cam e to atom ic structu re indirectly. Writing his doctoral thesis

    on t he electron t heory of m etals, Bohr had becom e fascinated by

    its failures and instabilities. He thought they suggested a new type

    of stabilizing force, one fundamentally different from those famil-

    iar in class ical physics . Suspect ing the quan tu m was som ehow

    implicated, he could not figure out how t o work it into t he th eory.

    Th e intui t ion remained with him , however, as he t ransferred

    his postdoctoral attent ion from m etals to Ruth erfords atom . When

    it got started, th e nuclear atom (its dense positive center circled by

    electron s) was sim ply one of several m odels on offer. Bohr began

    workin g on it during downt im e in Rut herfords lab, th inkin g he could

    improve on its treatm ent of scattering. When he not iced that it ought

    to be un stable, however, his atten tion w as captured for good. To

    stabilize th e m odel by fiat, he set about im posing a quant um con-

    dition, according to th e standard practice of th e day. On ly after a col-

    league directed his attention to spectra did he begin to think about

    their significance.

    Th e fam ous Balm er series of hydrogen was m anifestly news t o

    Bohr. (See illustrat ion above.) He soon realized, however, th at h e

    could fit it t o his m odelif he ch anged his model a bit. He recon-

    ceptualized light em ission as a transition betw een discontinu ous or-

    bits, with t he em itted frequency determ ined by DE= hf. To get t he

    The line spectrum of hydrogen. (From

    G. Herzberg, Annalen der Physik, 1927)

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    14 SU MM ER/ FA LL 2000

    orbits energies right , Bohr had to int roduce som e rath er ad hoc rules

    These he eventu ally justified by quant ization of angular m omen tu m

    wh ich now cam e in unit s of Plancks constant h . (He also u sed an in -

    teresting asymptotic argument that will resurface later.)

    Published in 1913, the resulting picture of the atom was rather odd

    N ot only did a quant um condi t ion describe t ransi t ions between

    levels, but th e stat ionary states, t oo, were fixed by nonclassica

    fiat . Electron s certainly revolved in orbits, but t heir frequency of rev

    olution h ad noth ing to do with th e emit ted light . Indeed, their os-

    cillations were postulated not to produce radiation. There was nopredicting when t hey m ight jum p between levels. And transitions

    generated frequencies according to a quant um relation, but Bohr

    proved hesitant t o accept an ything like a photon.

    Th e m odel, un derstandably, was not t erribly persuasiveth at

    is, un til new experim ent al results began coming in on X rays, energy

    levels, and spectra. What really convinced th e skeptics was a sm all

    m odification Bohr m ade. Because th e nu cleus is not held fixed in

    space, its m ass enters in a small way in to t he spectral frequencies

    Th e calculations produced a prediction th at fit to 3 parts in 100,000

    pretty good, even for those days when so many numerical coinci-

    dences proved to be m isleading.

    The w heel made its final tu rn w hen Einstein connected th e Bohr

    atom back t o blackbody radiation. His fam ous papers on radiative

    transit ions, so importan t for th e laser (see following article by Charles

    Townes), showed the link among Plancks blackbody law, discrete

    energy levels, and quantized emission and absorption of radiation

    Einstein furth er stressed th at t ransitions could not be predicted in

    anyth ing more than a probabilistic sense. It was in these sam e papers

    by the way, that h e form alized the not ion of particle-like quant a.


    What Bohrs m odel provided, like Einst eins accoun t of specific heat s

    was a way to em bed the quant um in a m ore general theory. In fact

    the study of atomic structu re would engender someth ing plausibly

    called a quan tu m th eory, one th at began reaching towards a full-scale

    replacemen t for classical physics. Th e relation between t he old and

    What Was Bohr

    Up To?

    BOHRS PATH to his atomicmodel was highly indirect. The

    rules of the game, as played in

    19111912, left some flexibility

    in what quantum condition one

    imposed. Initially Bohr applied

    it to multielectron states,

    whose allowed energies he

    now broke up into a discretespectrum. More specifically, he

    picked out their orbital fre-

    quencies to quantize. This is

    exactly what he would later

    proscribe in the final version of

    his model.

    He rethought, however, in

    the face of the Balmer series

    and its simple numerical


    fn = R (1/4 - 1/n2).

    Refocusing on one electron

    and highlighting excited states,

    he reconceptualized light

    emission as a transition. The

    Balmer series then resulted

    from a tumble from orbit n to

    orbit 2; the Rydberg constant

    R could be determined in

    terms of h. However, remnants

    of the earlier model still

    appeared in his paper.

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    BEA M LIN E 15

    th e new becam e a key issue. For some featu res of Bohrs m odel

    preserved classical theories, while others presupposed their break-

    down. Was th is consistent or not? And why did it work?

    By th e late 1910s physicist s had refined Bohrs m odel, providing

    a relativistic treatm ent of the electrons and int roducing additional

    quantu m num bers. T he simple quantization condition on angular

    m omen tum could be broadly generalized. Then the t echniques of

    nineteent h-centu ry celestial m echanics provided powerful theoret-

    ical tools. Push ed forward by ingenious experim ent ers, spectroscopic

    studies provided ever more and finer data, not sim ply on th e basic

    line spectra, but on t heir m odulation by electric and m agnet ic fields.

    And abett ed by th eir elders, Bohr, Arnold Somm erfeld, and Max Born,

    a generation of youth ful atom ic theorists cut th eir teeth on such prob-

    lem s. The pupils, inclu ding Hendrik Kram ers, Wolfgang Pauli, Werner

    Heisenberg, and Pascual Jordan, practiced a tight rope kind of th eo-

    rizing. Facing resistant experim ental data, they balanced the em pirical

    evidence from th e spectra against t he am biguit ies of th e prescrip-

    tions for applying the quantu m rules.

    Within t his increasingly dense body of work , an interestin g strat-

    egy began t o jell. In treatin g any physical system , the fi rst task was

    to ident ify the possible classical m otions. Th en atop th ese classi-

    cal motions, quantum conditions would be imposed. Qu antization

    becam e a regular procedure, m akin g cont inu al if puzzling refer-

    ence back t o classical results. In anot her w ay, too, classical physics

    served as a touchstone. Bohrs famous correspondence principle

    Above: Bohrs lecture notes on atomic physics, 1921. (Original

    source: Niels Bohr Institute, Copenhagen. From Owen

    Gingerich, Ed., Album of Science: The Physical Sciences in

    the Twentieth Century, 1989.)

    Left: Wilhelm Oseen, Niels Bohr, James Franck, Oskar Klein

    (left to right), and Max Born, seated, at the Bohr Festival in

    Gttingen, 1922. (Courtesy Emilio Segre Visual Archives,Archive for the History of Quantum Physics)

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    16 SU MM ER/FA LL 2000

    first found application in his early papers, where it pro

    vided a deeper justifi cation of his quant ization con-

    dition. In th e classical lim it, for large orbits with

    high quan tum num bers and sm all differences in en-

    ergy, th e radiation from tran sitions betw een adja-

    cent orbits should correspond t o the classical radiation

    frequency. Quant um and classical results m ust m atch

    up. Em ployed wit h a certain Bohrian discrimin ation

    the correspondence principle yielded detailed infor-

    m ation about spectra. It also helped answer th e question: How do we build up a true quant um theory?

    N ot tha t the so lu t ion was yet in s igh t . Th e

    old quan tu m t heorys growing sophisticat ion m ade

    its failures ever plainer. By the early 1920s the the-

    orists found th em selves increasingly in difficul-

    t ies. No single problem w as fatal , but t heir accu-

    m ulat ion was daun tin g. This feeling of crisis was

    not ent irely un specific. A group of atom ic theorists

    cent ered on Bohr, Born, Pau li, and H eisenberg, had

    come to suspect th at th e problem s went back t o elec-

    tron trajectories. Perhaps it w as possible to abstract

    from th e orbits? Instead they focused on transition

    probabilities and emit ted radiation, since those might be m ore reli

    ably know able. At th e m oment , Pauli still rem arked in t he spring

    of1925, ph ysics is again very m uddled; in any case, i t is far too

    difficu lt for me, and I wish I were a movie com edian or somet hing of

    th e sort and h ad never heard of physics.


    Discont inu ity, abstraction from t he visualizable, a positivistic tu rn

    tow ards observable quant ities: th ese preferences indicated one pat h

    to a full quantum theory. So, however, did their opposites. When

    in 19251926 a true quantum mechanics was finally achieved, two

    seem ingly distinct altern atives were on offer. Both took as a leitm otif

    the relation to classical physics, but they offered different ways of

    working out the th eme.

    Paul Dirac and Werner Heisenberg

    in Cambridge, circa1930. (Courtesy

    Emilio Segre Visual Archives, Physics


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    BEA M LIN E 17

    Heisen bergs fam ous paper of1925, celebrated for launch ing the

    transformations to come, bore the title On the Q uantu m -Theoretical

    Reinterpretation of Kinem atical and Mechanical Relations. Th e

    point of departure w as Bohrs tradition of atom ic struct ure: discrete

    states remained fundament al, but now dissociated from intuit ive rep-

    resentation. The transformative intent was even broader from the

    start. Heisenberg translated classical not ions into quantu m ones in

    the best correspondence-principle s tyle. In his new quantum

    m echanics, fam iliar quan tit ies behaved strangely; m ultiplication

    depended on the order of the terms. The deviations, however, werecalibrated by Planck s constan t, th us gauging the depart ure from clas-

    sical normality.

    Som e greeted the new th eory with elation; others found it u n-

    satisfactory an d disagreeable. For as elegant as Heisen bergs tran s-

    lation m ight be, it took a very partial view of th e problem s of th e

    quant um . Instead of th e quant um t heory of atom ic struct ure, one

    m ight also start from t he wave-particle duality. Here another youn g

    th eorist, Louis de Broglie, had advan ced a speculat ive proposal in 1923

    th at H eisenberg and his colleagues had m ade little of. Think ing over

    th e discont inu ous, part icle-like aspects of light , de Broglie suggest-

    ed looking for contin uou s, wave-like aspects of electrons. His notion ,

    wh ile as yet un groun ded in experim ent al evidence, did provide sur-

    prising insight in to t he qu ant um conditions for Bohrs orbits. It also,

    by a sideways rout e, gave Erwin Schrdin ger th e idea for his brilliant

    papers of1926.

    Imagining th e discrete al lowed s tat es of any system of part i -

    c les as s imply the s tab le fo rms of con t inuous mat ter waves ,

    Schrdinger sought con nect ions to a well-developed branch of clas-

    sical physics. Th e techniqu es of contin uu m m echanics allowed him

    to formu late an equat ion for his waves. I t too was bui l t around

    the constant h . But now th e basic concepts w ere different , and so

    also the fundam ent al mean ing. Schrdinger had a distaste for the

    discontin uity of Bohrs atom ic m odels and t he lack of int uitive pic-

    tu rability of Heisenbergs quant um m echanics. To his m ind, the

    quantum did not imply any of these things. Indeed, it showed the

    oppos i te : tha t the apparen t a tomici ty o f mat ter d i sgu ised an

    underlying continuu m .

    The Quantum in

    Quantum Mechan ics

    ICONICALLY we now writeHeisenbergs relations as

    pq - qp = - ih/2p.

    Here p represents momentum

    and q represents position. For

    ordinary numbers, of course,

    pq equals qp, and so pq - qp

    is equal to zero. In quantum

    mechanics, this difference,

    called the commutator, is now

    measured by h. (The same

    thing happens with Heisen-

    bergs uncertainty principle of

    1927: DpDq h/4p.) The sig-

    nificance of the approach, and

    its rearticulation as a matrix

    calculus, was made plain by

    Max Born, Pascual Jordan, and

    Werner Heisenberg. Its full

    profundity was revealed by

    Paul Dirac.

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    18 SU MM ER/ FA LL 2000

    Thu s a familiar model connected to physical intu ition, but con-

    stitu tin g m att er of som e ill-un derstood sort of wave, confront ed an

    abstract m athem atics with seemingly bizarre variables, insistent

    about discontinu ity and suspending space-tim e pictu res. Un sur-

    prisingly, the coexistence of alternative theories generated debate

    The fact, soon demonstrated, of their m athem atical equivalence did

    not resolve th e int erpretative dispute. For fundam entally different

    physical pictures w ere on offer.

    In fact, in place of Schrdingers m att er w aves and Heisen bergs

    un comprom ising discreteness, a convent ional understanding settled

    in th at som ewhat spl it t he difference. However, the thin king of

    th e old quant um th eory school still domin ated. Born dem aterialized

    Schrdingers waves, tu rnin g them into pure densit ies of probability

    for fin ding discrete particles. Heisenberg added his un certaint y prin-

    ciple, lim iting the very possibility of m easurement and un dermin-

    ing th e law of causality. The picture was capped by Bohrs not ion

    Old faces and new at the1927Solvay

    Congress. The middle of the second row

    lines up Hendrik Kramers, Paul Dirac,

    Arthur Compton, and Louis de Broglie.

    Behind Compton stands Erwin

    Schrdinger, with Wolfgang Pauli and

    Werner Heisenberg next to each other

    behind Max Born. (From Cinquantenaire

    du Premier Conseil de Physique Solvay,


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    BEA M LIN E 19

    of complem entarity, which sought t o reconcile contradictory concepts

    like waves and particles.

    Labeled the Copenhagen Interpretation after Bohrs decisive in-

    fluence, its success (to his mind) led the Danish theorist to charac-

    terize quant um m echanics as a rational generalization of classical

    physics. N ot everyone agreed that t his was th e end point. Indeed,

    Einst ein, Schrdinger, and ot hers w ere never recon ciled. Even Bohr,

    Heisenberg, and Pauli expected further changesth ough in a new

    domain , the quantum theory of f i e lds , which took quantum

    m echan ics to a higher degree of com plexity. But t heir expectat ionsof fundam ental t ransformat ion in th e 1930s and beyond, charac-

    terized by analogies to t he old quan tum th eory, found li t t le reso-

    nance outside of their circle.

    Ironically enough, just as for their anti-Copenhagen colleagues,

    their deman d for furt her rethink ing did not m ake m uch h eadway. If

    the physical meaning of the quantu m remained, to some, rather

    obscure, its practical ut ility could not be denied. Whatever lessons

    one took from quantum m echanics, it seemed to w ork. It n ot only

    incorporated graceful ly the previous quan tu m ph enom ena, but

    opened the door to all sorts of new applications. Perhaps this kin d

    of success was all one could ask for? In that sense, then, a quarter-

    centu ry after Planck, the quantu m h ad been built into the founda-

    tion s of physical th eory.



    Olivier Darrigol, From c-

    Numbers to q-Numbers:

    The Classical Analogy in

    the History of Quantum

    Theory (Berkeley: U.C.

    Press, 1992).

    Helge Kragh, Quantum Gen-

    erations: A History of

    Physics in the Twentieth

    Century (Princeton, Prince-ton University Press, 1999).

    Abraham Pais, Subtle is the

    Lord ...: The Science and

    the Life of Albert Einstein

    (Oxford, Oxford University

    Press, 1982).

    Helmut Rechenberg, Quanta

    and Quantum Mechanics,

    in Laurie M. Brown,

    Abraham Pais, and SirBrian Pippard, Eds.,

    Twentieth Century

    Physics, Vol. 1 (Bristol and

    New York, Institute of

    Physics Publishing and

    American Institute of

    Physics Press, 1995),

    pp. 143-248.

    The August 11, 2000, issue of

    Science (Vol. 289) contains

    an article by Daniel Klep-

    pner and Roman Jackiw on

    One Hundred Years of

    Quantum Physics. To see

    the full text of this article, go

    to http://www.sciencemag.org/


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    20 SU MMER/FA LL 2000


    ON JULY 21, 1969, astronaut s N eil Arm strong andEdwin Buzz Aldrin set u p an array of sm all reflectors on

    th e moon, facing th em t oward Earth. At th e sam e tim e, tw o

    team s of astrophysicists, one at th e Un iversity of Californias

    Lick O bservatory and th e oth er at t he U niversity of Texass

    McDon ald Observatory, were preparing sm all instrum ents

    on t wo big telescopes. Ten days later, the Lick team point ed

    its t elescope at t he precise location of th e reflectors on th e

    m oon and sent a sm all pulse of power into th e hardware they

    had added to it . A few days after t hat, t he M cDonald team

    went th rough t he sam e steps. In t he h eart of each telescope,

    a narrow beam of extraordinarily pure red light em ergedfrom a synth etic ru by crystal, pierced th e sky, and ent ered

    th e near vacuu m of space. The tw o rays were still only a

    th ousand yards wide after t raveling 240,000 m iles to illumi-

    nate t he m oon-based reflectors. Slight ly m ore than a second

    after each light beam h it it s target, th e crews in C alifornia

    and Texas detected its faint reflection. The brief tim e int er-

    val betw een launch and detection of these light pulses per-

    m itted calculation of th e distance to the m oon to with in an

    incha m easurem ent of unprecedented precision.

    Th e ruby crystal for each light source was th e heart of a

    laser (an acronym for light am plification by stim ulated em is-

    sion of radiation), wh ich is a device first dem onst rated in

    1960, just nin e years earlier. A laser beam reflected from t he

    m oon to m easure its distance is only one dramatic illustra-

    tion of th e spectacu lar quality of laser light. Th ere are m any

    other m ore mu ndane, practical uses such as in surveying

    land an d grading roads, as well as m yriad everyday uses

    T H E L I G H T T H A T S H I

    Adapted by Michael Riordan from How

    The Laser Happened: A dven tures of a

    Scientist, by Charles H. Townes.

    Reprinted by perm ission of Oxford

    University Press.

    A Nob el laureate recounts

    the invention of the laser

    and t he birth of quantum


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    BEA M LIN E 2

    ranging from com pact disc play-

    ers to grocery-store ch eckou t


    Th e sm allest lasers are so tiny

    one cannot see them without a

    m icroscope. Thousands can be

    built on sem iconductor chips.

    Th e biggest lasers consu m e as

    m uch electricity as a small

    town. About 45 m iles from m y office in Berkeley is the

    Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory, which has some

    of th e worlds m ost powerful lasers. One set of th em , collec-tively called NOVA, produces ten individual laser beams that

    converge to a spot t he size of a pinhead an d generate t em per-

    atu res of m any m illions of degrees. Such int ensely concen-

    trated energies are essential for experiments that can show

    physicists h ow to create conditions for nuclear fusion. Th e

    Livermore team hopes thereby to fi nd a w ay to generate elec-

    tricity efficient ly, wit h little pollution or radioactive wastes.

    For several years after the lasers invention, colleagues

    liked to t ease me about it, saying, T hat s a great idea, but

    its a solut ion lookin g for a problem. Th e tru th is, none of

    us wh o worked on the first lasers ever imagined how m any

    uses there m ight eventually be. But th at was not ou r m otiva-

    tion . In fact, m any of todays practical t echn ologies have re-

    sult ed from basic scient ific research done years to decades

    before. The people involved, m otivat ed m ainly by curiosity,

    often have little idea as to w here th eir research w ill eventu -

    ally lead.

    ES S T R A I G H T

    Lasers are commonly used in eye

    surgery to correct defective vision.



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    22 SU MMER/FA LL 2000

    LIKE THE TRANSISTOR ,th e laser and its progenitor th e

    m aser (an acronym for m icro-

    wave amplif icat ion by s t imu lated

    em ission of radiation) result ed from

    the appl ica t ion of quantum me-

    chanics to electronics after World

    War II. Together w ith other advances,

    they h elped spawn a n ew discipline

    in applied physics known since the

    late 1950s as quant um electronics.

    Since early in th e twen tieth cen-tu ry, physicists such as N iels Bohr,

    Louis de Broglie, and Albert Einst ein

    learned how molecules and atom s

    absorb and em it lightor any oth er

    electromagnetic radiationon the

    basis of th e new ly discovered laws of

    quantum mechanics. When atoms or

    molecules absorb light, one might

    say that parts of them wiggle back

    and forth or twirl wit h n ew, added

    energy. Qu antum m echanics requires

    th at th ey store energy in very spe-

    cific w ays, with precise, discrete lev-

    els of energy. An atom or a molecu le

    can exist in either its ground (lowest)

    energy stat e or any of a set of higher

    (quan tized) levels, but n ot at energies

    between th ose levels. Therefore they

    only absorb l ight of cer tain wave-

    lengths, and no others, because the

    wavelength of light determines the

    energy of its in dividual phot ons (see

    box on right ). As atom s or molecules

    drop from higher back to lower en-

    ergy levels, they em it phot ons of thesame energies or wavelengths as

    those t hey can absorb. This process

    is usually spontaneous, and th is kind

    of l ight is norm ally em it ted wh en

    th ese atom s or molecules glow, as in

    a fluorescent light bulb or neon lamp,

    radiating in nearly all directions.

    Einstein was th e first to recognize

    clearly, from basic thermodynamic

    principles , that i f photon s can be

    absorbed by atoms an d boost them

    to higher energy states, th en light can

    also prod an atom to give up i ts

    energy and drop down to a lower

    level. One phot on hits th e atom, and

    two com e out. When this happens

    the emit ted photon takes off in

    precisely th e same direction as t he

    light t hat stim ulated th e energy loss

    with the t wo waves exactly in step

    (or in the sam e phase). This stimulated emission results in coherent

    am plification, or am plification of a

    wave at exactly the sam e frequency

    and phase.

    Both absorption and stimulated

    emission can occur sim ultan eously

    As a light wave com es along, it can

    thu s excite some atom s that are in

    lower energy states in to h igher states

    and, at t he same t ime, induce some

    of th ose in higher stat es to fall back

    down to lower s tat es . If there are

    more atoms in the u pper states than

    in the lower s tates , more l ight is

    emit ted than absorbed. In short, th e

    l ight gets s t ronger . I t comes out

    brighter than it went in.

    Th e reason wh y light is usu ally

    absorbed in m ater ials is that sub-

    stances almost always have more

    atom s and m olecules sitting in lower

    energy s tates th an in h igher ones

    more photons are absorbed than

    emit ted. Thu s we do not expect to

    shin e a light th rough a piece of glassand see it com e out th e other s ide

    brighter than it w ent in . Yet th is is

    precisely what happens w ith lasers

    The t rick in m aking a laser is to

    produce a mater ia l in which the

    energies of the atom s or m olecules

    present have been put in a very

    abnormal condi t ion, wi th m ore o

    them in exci ted sta tes than in th e

    An early small laser made of semicon-ducting material (right) compared with a

    U.S. dime.

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    BEA M LIN E 2

    BECAUSE OF QUANTUMmechanics, atoms and molecules

    can exist only in discrete states with

    very specific values of their total energy.

    They change from one state to another by

    absorbing or emitting photons whose ener-

    gies correspond to the difference between

    two such energy levels. This process, which

    generally occurs by an electron jumping

    between two adjacent quantum states, is

    illustrated in the accompanying drawings.

    How Lasers Work






    Stimulated emission of photons, the basis

    of laser operation, differs from the usual ab-

    sorption and spontaneous emission. When

    an atom or molecule in the ground state

    absorbs a photon, it is raised to a higher

    energy state (top). This excited state may

    then radiate spontaneously, emitting a pho-

    ton of the same energy and reverting back

    to the ground state (middle). But an excited

    atom or molecule can also be stimulated to

    emit a photon when struck by an approach-

    ing photon (bottom). In this case, there is

    now a second photon in addition to the

    stimulating photon; it has precisely the

    same wavelength and travels exactly in

    phase with the first.

    Lasers involve many atoms or mole-

    cules acting in concert. The set of drawings

    (right) illustrates laser action in an optical-

    quality crystal, producing a cascade of pho-

    tons emitted in one direction.

    (a) Before the cascade begins, the atoms in the crystal are in their ground state.

    (b) Light pumped in and absorbed by these atoms raises most of them to the excited

    state. (c) Although some of the spontaneously emitted photons pass out of the crys-

    tal, the cascade begins when an excited atom emits a photon parallel to the axis of

    the crystal. This photon stimulates another atom to contribute a second photon, and

    (d) the process continues as the cascading photons are reflected back and forth be-

    tween the parallel ends of the crystal. (e) Because the right-hand end is only partially

    reflecting, the beam eventually passes out this end when its intensity becomes great

    enough. This beam can be very powerful.

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    to f ind a way to generate waves

    shorter than those produced by the

    klystrons and m agnetron s developed

    for radar in World War II. One day

    suddenly had an ideause m olecules

    and the s t im ulated emission from

    them. With graduate s tudent J im

    Gordon an d postdoc Herb Z eiger,

    decided to experimen t fi rst with am

    monia (N H3) m olecules, wh ich em it

    radiation at a wavelength of about

    1 centim eter. After a couple of yearsof effort, the idea w orked. We chris

    tened this device the maser . It

    proved so interestin g that for a while

    I put off my original goal of trying to

    generate even sh orter wavelengths.

    In 1954, short ly after Gordon and

    I built ou r second m aser and show ed

    th at th e frequency of its m icrowave

    radiat ion was indeed remarkably

    pure, I vis i ted Denmark and saw

    Niels Bohr . As we were walking

    along the street together, he askedm e wh at I was doing. I described the

    m aser and its am azing performan ce

    But th at is not possible! he ex

    claimed. I assured him it w as.

    Similarly, at a cock tail party in

    Princeton, N ew Jersey, the H un gar

    ian math emat ician John von N eu

    m ann asked what I was working on

    I told him about t he m aser and the

    purit y of its frequency.

    That cant be right ! he declared

    But i t w as, I replied, tell ing him it

    had already been dem onstrated.

    Such protests were not offhand

    opinions about obscure aspects o

    physics; th ey came from t he m arrow

    of th ese men s bones. Th eir objec

    tions were foun ded on principlethe

    Heisenberg uncertainty pr inciple

    A central tenet of quantu m m echan

    ics, this principle is am ong the core

    achievem ents th at occurred during

    ground, or lower, states. A w ave of

    electromagnetic en ergy of the proper

    frequency traveling through such a

    peculiar substan ce will pick up rather

    th an lose energy. Th e increase in th e

    num ber of photons associated w ith

    th is wave represents amplification

    l ight amplif icat ion by s t imulated

    emission of radiation.

    If th is amplification is not very

    large on a single pass of the wave

    through th e m aterial, there are waysto beef it up. For example, tw o par-

    al lel mirrorsbetween which the

    light is reflected back and forth, wit h

    excited m olecules (or atom s) in t he

    middlecan build up the wave. Get-

    ting the highly directional laser beam

    out of th e device is just a m atter of

    one mirror being made par t ial ly

    transparent, so that wh en th e inter-

    nal ly ref lect ing beam gets s t rong

    enough, a substantial amount of its

    power shoots right on t hrough oneend of th e device.

    The way th i s manipula t ion of

    physical laws came about, with the

    m any false start s and blind alleys on

    the w ay to its realization, is the sub-

    ject of my book ,How t he Laser Hap-

    pened. Briefly sum m arized in this ar-

    ticle, it also describes my odyssey as

    a scient ist and its un predictable and

    perhaps na tura l path to th e m aser

    and laser. Th is story is interwoven

    with the w ay the f ield of quantum

    electronics grew, rapidly and strik -

    ingly, owing to a variety of im portan t

    contributors, their cooperation and


    DURING THE LATE 1940sand early 1950s, I was exam -

    ining molecules with m icro-

    waves at Colum bia Universitydo-

    ing microwave spectroscopy. I tried

    None of us w ho w orked

    on the first lasers ever

    imagined how many uses

    there might ev entually b e.

    Many of today s p ractical

    technologies have resulted

    from basic scientific

    research done years

    to decad es before.

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    BEA M LIN E 2

    a phenom enal burst of creativity in

    the first few decades of the t went ieth

    centu ry. As its nam e implies, it de-

    scribes the im possibility of achiev-

    ing absolute k now ledge of all the as-

    pects of a system s condition. There

    is a price to be paid in at tem pting

    to m easure or define one aspect of

    a specific particle to very great ex-

    actness. On e must surrender knowl-

    edge of, or control over, some other

    feature.A corollary of this principle, on

    which the m aser s doubters s tum -

    bled, is that on e cannot m easure an

    objects frequen cy (or energy) to great

    accuracy in an arbitrarily short t ime

    interval. Measurements m ade over a

    finite period of t ime autom atically

    impose uncertaint y on the observed


    To many ph ysicists steeped in the

    un certainty pr inciple, the maser s

    performan ce, at fi rst blush, made nosense at all. Molecules race th rough

    i ts cavi ty, spending so l it t le t im e

    thereabout one ten-thousandth of

    a secondthat it seemed im possible

    for the frequency of the out put m i-

    crowave radiation t o be so narrowly

    defined. Yet th at is exactly what hap-

    pens in the m aser.

    Th ere is good reason th at th e un-

    certaint y principle does not apply so

    simply here. Th e m aser (and by anal-

    ogy, the laser) does not tell you an y-

    th ing about th e energy or frequen-

    cy of any specific m olecule. When

    a m olecule (or atom ) is stimu lated to

    radiate, it m ust produce exactly the

    same frequency as the s t im ulat ing

    radiation. In addition, th is radiation

    represent s th e average of a large num -

    ber of molecules (or atoms) work-

    ing together. Each individual m ole-

    cule remains anonymous , not

    accurately measu red or tracked. The

    precision arises from factors that

    m ollify the apparent dem ands of the

    un certainty principle.

    I am not su re that I ever did con-

    vince Bohr. On t hat sidewalk in D en-

    mark, he t old me em phatically that

    if molecules zip through th e m aser

    so quickly, their emission lines m ust

    be broad. After I persisted, howev-

    er, he relented.

    Oh , well, yes, he said; Maybeyou are right. But m y im pression

    was th at he was just trying to be po-

    lite to a younger physicist.

    After our fi rst chat at th at Prince-

    ton party, von N eum ann w andered

    off and h ad anoth er drink. In about

    fi fteen m inut es, he was back.

    Yes, you re right, he snapped.

    Clearly, he had seen th e point.

    NOVA, the worlds largest and most pow-

    erful laser, at the Lawrence Livermore

    National Laboratory in California. Its10

    laser beams can deliver15trillion watts

    of light in a pulse lasting3billionths of a

    second. With a modified single beam, it

    has produced1,250trillion watts for half

    a trillionth of a second. (Courtesy

    Lawrence Livermore National


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    drive any specific resonant frequency

    inside a cavity.

    As I played with t he var iety of

    possible molecular and atom ic tran-

    si t ions, and the m ethods of exci t -

    ing them , what is well-known todaysuddenly becam e clear to m e: i t is

    just as easy, and probably easier, to

    go r ight on down to real ly short

    wavelengthsto the near-infrared or

    even optical regionsas to go down

    one smaller step at a tim e. This was

    a revelation, l ike stepping through

    a door into a room I did not suspect


    Th e Doppler effect does indeed in-

    creasingly smear out the frequency

    of response of an atom (or m olecule)

    as one goes to shorter wavelengths,

    but there is a compensat ing factor

    that comes into play. The nu m ber of

    atom s required to am plify a wave by

    a given am ount does not increase,

    because atoms give up th eir quanta

    m ore readily at h igher frequen cies.

    And wh ile the power needed to keep

    a certain num ber of atom s in excited

    states increases with th e frequency,

    He seemed very interested, and he

    asked m e about t he possibility of do-

    ing something s imilar at shorter

    wavelengths using semiconductors.

    Only later did I learn from his

    posthum ous papers, in a Septem ber

    1953 letter he had written to Edward

    Teller, th at h e had already proposed

    producing a cascade of stim ulat ed in-

    frared radiation in semiconduct ors

    by excit ing electrons w ith intense

    neutron bom bardm ent. His idea wasalmost a laser , but he had not

    th ought of em ploying a ref lect ing

    cavity nor of using the coherent prop-

    erties of stim ulated radiation.

    IN T H E LAT E SU M MER of1957, I fel t i t was high t ime I

    m oved on to the original goal that

    fostered th e m aser idea: oscillators

    that work at wavelengths apprecia-

    bly shorter th an 1 millim eter, beyond

    what s tandard electronics couldachieve. For some t im e I had been

    th inkin g off and on about t his goal,

    hoping that a great idea would pop

    into m y head. But since nothin g had

    spontaneously occurred to m e, I de-

    cided I had to t ake tim e for concen-

    trated thought.

    A m ajor problem to overcome was

    that th e rate of energy radiation from

    a molecu le increases as the fourth

    power of the frequency. Thu s to k eep

    molecules or atoms exci ted in a

    regim e to am plify at a wavelength of,

    say, 0.1 m illim eter instead of 1 cen-

    timet er requires an increase in pum p-

    ing power by man y orders of m ag-

    nitude. Another problem was th at for

    gas m olecules or atom s, Doppler ef-

    fects increasingly broaden t he em is-

    sion spectrum as the w avelength gets

    smaller. That m eans there is less am-

    pl ification per m olecule available to

    th e total power requiredeven t o

    am plify visible light is not n eces

    sarily prohibitive.

    Not only were there no c lear

    penalties in such a leapfrog to very

    short w avelengths or high frequencies

    th is approach offered big advant ages

    In th e n ear-infrared and visible re

    gions, we already had plent y of ex

    perience and equipment . By contrast

    wavelengths near 0.1 mm and tech

    niques to handle them were re latively unkn own. It was tim e to take

    a big step.

    Still, there remained anoth er ma-

    jor concern: the resonant cavity. To

    contain enough atom s or molecules

    the cavi ty would have to be much

    longer than t he wavelength of the

    radiation probably thousands o

    tim es longer. This m eant, I feared

    that no cavity could be very selective

    for one an d only on e frequency. The

    great size of the cavity, comparedto a single wavelength , meant th at

    m any closely spaced but slight ly dif

    ferent w avelengths w ould resonate

    By great good fortune, I got help

    and an oth er good idea before I pro

    ceeded any furt her. I had recently be

    gun a consulting job at Bell Labs

    wh ere my brother-in-law and form er

    postdoc Arthu r Schawlow w as work

    ing. I natu rally told him th at I had

    been t h inking about such opt ica

    m asers, and he w as very interested

    because he had also been t hink ing in

    that very direction.

    We talked over th e cavity prob

    lem, and Art came up with the so

    lut ion. I had been consider ing a

    rather well-enclosed cavity, with m ir

    rors on th e ends and holes in the

    sides only large enough t o provide

    a way to pu m p energy into t he gas

    and to k ill som e of the directions in

    The dev elopment

    of the laser follow ed

    no script excep t

    to hew to t he nature

    of scientist s groping

    to understand ,

    to explore, and

    to create.

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    BEA M LIN E 2

    which t he waves might bounce. He

    suggested instead that we u se just

    tw o plates, tw o simple mirrors, and

    leave off th e sides altogeth er. Such

    arrangem ent s of parallel mirrors were

    already used at the t ime in opt ics;

    th ey are called FabryPerot interfer-


    Art recognized that with out th e

    sides, man y oscillating modes th at

    depend on internal reflections would

    eliminate th emselves. Any wave hit-t ing ei ther end m irror at an an gle

    would eventually walk itself out of

    the cavityand so not build up en-

    ergy. Th e only modes th at could sur-

    vive and oscil late , then, w ould be

    waves reflected exactly straight back

    and forth between the t wo m irrors.

    More detailed studies showed th at

    th e size of the m irrors and th e dis-

    tance between t hem could even be

    chosen so that only one frequency

    wou ld be likely to oscillate. To besure, any wavelength t hat fi t an ex-

    ac t num ber of t imes between th e

    m irrors could resonate in such a cav-

    ity, just as a piano string produces not

    just one pure f requency but also

    m any higher harm onics. In a well-

    designed system , how ever, only one

    frequency will fall squarely at the

    transi t ion energy of the medium

    with in it. Mathem atically and phys-

    ically, it w as neat.

    Art an d I agreed to w rite a paper

    jointly on optical masers. It seemed

    clear th at we could actu al ly bui ld

    one, but it w ould take tim e. We spent

    nine m onth s working on and off in

    our spare time to w rite the paper. We

    needed to clear up the engineering

    and som e specific detai ls , such as

    wh at m aterial to use, and to clarify

    th e th eory. By August 1958 the man-

    uscript was com plete, and the Bell

    Labs patent lawyers told us that t hey

    had done their job protect ing i ts

    ideas. The Physical Rev iew published

    it in the D ecem ber 15 , 1958, issue.

    In Septem ber 1959 the fi rst scien-

    tific meeting on quantum electronicsand resonance phenomen a occurred

    at t he Shawan ga Lodge in N ew Yorks

    Catskill Mou ntains. In retrospect, it

    represented th e form al birth of the

    m aser and its related physics as a dis-

    t inc t subdisc ip l ine . At t ha t m eet -

    ing Schaw low delivered a general talk

    on optical m asers.

    Listening with interest was

    Theodore Maiman from t he H ughes

    Research Laboratories in Cu lver City,

    Cal i fornia. He had been working

    with ruby m asers and says he was al-

    ready thin king about using ruby as

    the m edium for a laser. Ted listened

    closely to the run down on t he pos-

    sibili ty of a solid-stat e ruby laser,

    about which Art w as not too hope-

    ful. It m ay well be that more suit-

    able solid materials can be found,

    he noted , and w e are looking for


    James Gordon, Nikolai Basov, Herbert

    Zeiger, Alexander Prokhorov, and author

    Charles Townes (left to right) attending

    the first international conference on

    quantum electronics in1959.

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    t ists recently hired after th eir uni-

    versity research in th e field of m i-

    crowave and radio spectroscopy

    stu dent s of Willis Lamb, Polykarp

    Kusch, and myself, who w orked to-

    geth er in the Colum bia Radiat ion

    Laboratory, and of N icholas Bloem -

    bergen at H arvard. The w hole field

    of quantum electronics grew out of

    this approach to physics.

    The deve lopment of the m aser

    and laser followed n o script exceptto hew to th e na ture of scien t i s t s

    groping to understand, explore and

    create. As a striking exam ple of how

    important technology applied to hu -

    m an int erests can grow out of basic

    un iversity research, the laser s de-

    velopment fi ts a pattern th at could

    not h ave been predicted in advance.

    What research planner, want ing a

    more intense l ight source, would

    have started by studying molecules

    with microwaves? What industrial-ist, looking for new cu tt ing and weld-

    ing devices, or what doctor, wan ting

    a new surgical tool as the laser has

    becom e, would have urged the stu dy

    of microwave spectroscopy? The

    whole field of quantum electronics

    is truly a text book exam ple of broad-

    ly applicable techn ology growing un-

    expectedly out of basic research.

    Maiman felt that Schawlow was

    far too pessimst ic and left t he m eet-

    ing intent on bu ilding a solid-state

    ruby laser. In subsequen t m onth s Ted

    made s t r ik ing measurements on

    ruby, showin g that it s lowest energy

    level could be partially emptied by

    exci ta t ion wi th in tense l ight . H e

    then pushed on tow ard still bright er

    excitation sources. On May 16, 1960,

    he f i red up a f lash lamp wrapped

    around a ru by crystal about 1.5 cmlong and produced the fi rst operating


    The evidence that i t worked was

    somewhat indi rec t . The Hughes

    group did not set it up t o shine a spot

    of light on th e wall. No such flash of

    a beam h ad been seen, which lef t

    room for doubt about just wh at th ey

    had obtained. But the inst rum ents

    had shown a substant ial chan ge in

    the f luorescence spectrum of the

    ruby; i t became m uch n arrower, aclear sign t hat em ission h ad been

    stim ulated, and the radiation peaked

    at jus t the w avelengths t ha t w ere

    m ost favored for such action. A short

    while later , both the Hughes re-

    searchers and Schaw low at Bell Labs

    independently dem onstrated power-

    ful flashes of directed light th at m ade

    spots on th e wal lclear intu i t ive

    proof th at a laser is indeed workin g.

    IT IS NOTEWORTHY that al-m ost all lasers were fi rst built in

    indu strial labs. Part of th e reason

    for indust rys success is that once its

    importance becomes apparent , in-

    dust rial laboratories can devote more

    resources and concentrated effort t o

    a problem than can a universi ty.

    When th e goal is clear, industry can

    be effective. But th e fi rst lasers were

    invented and bu ilt by young scien-

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    BEA M LIN E 2

    ON E N ORMALLY THIN KS that quantu m m echanics is only

    relevant on su bm icroscopic scales, operating in t he dom ain of

    atom ic, nuclear, and particle physics. But if our m ost exciting

    ideas about th e evolut ion of the early Universe are correct, th en

    th e im print of th e quantu m world is visible on astronom ical

    scales. The possibility that quantu m m echanics shaped th e

    largest stru ctu res in t he U niverse is one of th e th eories to com e

    from t he m arriage of th e quantu m and th e cosm os.

    The Quan tu m



    On a dark clear night th e sky offers

    m uch t o see. With t he un aided eye one

    can see thin gs in our solar system such

    as planet s, as well as extrasolar objects

    like stars. N early everyth ing visible by

    eye resides with in our own M ilky WayGalaxy. But with a little patience and

    skill it s possible to find a few extra-

    galactic objects. The Andromeda

    Galaxy, 2.4 m illion light -years distant ,

    is visible as a faint nebu lous region,

    and from t he Sout hern H emisphere

    tw o sm all nearby galaxies (if170,000

    light-years can be considered nearby),

    th e Magellanic Clou ds, can also be

    seen with th e unaided eye.

    While t he preponderance of objects

    seen by eye are galactic, the view

    th rough large telescopes reveals th e

    un iverse beyond t he M ilky Way. Even

    wit h t he telescopes of th e nineteent hcentu ry, th e great British astronom er

    Sir William Herschel discovered about

    2,500 galaxies, and h is son , Sir John

    Herschel, discovered an addit ional

    thousand (a l though nei ther of the

    Herschels kn ew th at th e objects they

    discovered were extragalactic) . As

    & Th e Cosm os

    When one

    tugs at a

    single thing

    in Nature, he

    finds it

    hitched tothe rest of the


    John Muir

    (Courtesy Jason Ware, http://www.galaxyphoto.com)

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    several thousan d galaxies. Clu sters

    of galaxies are part of even larger

    associat ions cal led superclusters

    cont ainin g dozens of clust ers spread

    out over 10 0 m illion light -years o

    space. Even su perclusters m ay not be

    the largest th ings in t he U niverse

    Th e largest surveys of the U niverse

    suggest to some astronom ers that

    galaxies are organized on two

    dimensional sheet- l ike s t ructures

    wh ile others believe that galaxies liealong extended on e-dimen sional fil

    ament s . The exac t na ture of how

    galaxies are arranged in t he Un iverse

    is still a matt er of debate am ong cos

    mologists. A picture of the arrange

    m ent of galaxies on t he largest scales

    is only now em erging.

    N ot all of the Un iverse is visible

    to th e eye. In addi t ion to pat t erns

    in the arrangement of m atter in the

    visible Universe, there is also a stru c

    tu re to the backgroun d radiation.Th e Universe is awash in a th er

    m al bath of radiat ion, wi th a tem

    peratu re of th ree degrees above ab

    solut e zero (3 K or -270 C). Inv isible

    to the hu m an eye, the background

    radiat ion is a remnant of the hot

    prim eval fireball. First discovered in

    1965 by Arno Penzias and Robert

    Wilson, i t is a fundam ental predic

    tion of the Big Bang th eory.

    Soon after Penzias and Wilson dis

    covered the background radiation

    th e search began for variations in th e

    temperature of the universe. For

    near ly 30 years , as t rophysicis ts

    searched in vain for regions of th e dis

    tan t U niverse tha t were hot te r or

    colder th an average. It w as not u nt i

    1992 that a team of astronom ers us

    ing th e C osmic Backgroun d Explorer

    Satelli te (COBE) discovered an in-

    trinsic pattern in t he tem perature o

    astronom ers built larger telescopes

    and looked deeper into space, the

    number of known galaxies grew.

    Although no one has ever bothered

    to count , astronom ers have identi-

    fied about four m illion galaxies. And

    there are a lot m ore out there!

    Ou r deepest view int o the Un i-verse is the H ubble Deep Field. The

    result of a 10-day exposure of a very

    small region of the sk y by NASAs

    Hu bble Space Telescope, the Hu bble

    Deep Field reveals a un iverse full of

    galaxies as far as Hu bbles eye can see

    (phot o above). If th e Space Telescope

    could take the time t o survey the en-

    t i re sky to the depth of the Deep

    Field, it would fi nd m ore than 50 bil-

    lion galaxies.

    Although large galaxies contain

    at least 100 billion st ars and stretch

    across 100,000 l ight-years or more

    of space, they arent the biggest

    thin gs in t he U niverse. Just as stars

    are part of galaxies, galaxies are part

    of larger structures.

    Many galaxies are members of

    groups containing a few dozen to a

    hundred galaxies, or even larger assem -

    blages kn own as clusters, containin g

    Galaxies fill the Hubble Deep Field, one

    of the most distant optical views of the

    Universe. The dimmest ones, some as

    faint as30th magnitude (about four bil-

    lion times fainter than stars visible to the

    unaided eye), are very distant and rep-

    resent what the Universe looked ike in

    the extreme past, perhaps less than one

    billion years after the Big Bang. To makethis Deep Field image, astronomers se-

    lected an uncluttered area of the sky in

    the constellation Ursa Major and pointed

    the Hubble Space Telescope at a single

    spot for10days accumulating and com-

    bining many separate exposures. With

    each add itional exposure, fainter objects

    were revealed. The final result can be

    used to explore the mysteries of galaxy

    evolution and the early Universe.

    (Courtesy R. Williams, TheHDFTeam,

    STScl, andNASA)

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    BEA M LIN E 3

    the U niverse. Since the t ime of the

    COBE discovery, a pat tern of tem-

    perature var iat ions has been m ea-

    sured wit h in creasing precision by

    dozens of balloon-borne and terres-

    trial observation s. A new era of pre-

    cision cosmological observations is

    s tar t ing. Sometime in 2 00 1 N A SA

    wil l l aunch a new sa te l l i t e , the

    Microwave An isotropy Probe (MAP),

    and sometime in 2007 the European

    Space Agency w ill launch an evenm ore ambit ious effor t , the Planck

    Explorer, to stu dy tem perature vari-

    at ions in the cosmic background


    Even if our eyes were sen sitive to

    m icrowave radiation, we would have

    a hard tim e discerning a pattern of

    temperature fluctuations since the

    hot t est and coldest regions of th e

    background radiation are only about

    one-thou sandth of a percent hott er

    and colder than average.Although small in magnitude, the

    background tem perature flu ctuations

    are large in importance since they

    give us a snapshot of structu re in the

    Universe when th e background pho-

    tons last scat tered, about 300,000

    years after th e Bang.


    A really good answ er to a deep ques-

    t ion usual ly leads to even deeper

    questions. On ce we discover what s

    in th e Universe, a deeper quest ion

    arises: Why is it th ere? Why are stars

    arranged int o galaxies, galaxies int o

    clusters, clusters into su perclusters,

    and so on? Why are th ere small vari-

    ations in the tem perature of the Uni-


    Part of the answer involves grav-

    ity. Everything we see in the Un iverse

    is th e result of gravity. Every tim e

    you see a star the im print of gravity

    is shining at you. Today we observe

    new stars form ing within giant inter-

    stellar gas clouds, such as th ose found

    at th e center of the O rion N ebula just

    1,500 light-years away (see phot o on

    next page).

    Interstellar clouds are not sm ooth

    and un iform; th ey contain regions

    wh ere the density of mat erial is larger

    than in surrounding regions. Thedense regions with in th e clouds are

    th e seeds around w hich st ars grow

    th rough t he irresistible force of grav-

    ity. The dense regions pull in nearby

    m aterial th rough th e force of gravity,

    which com presses the material un-

    til it becomes hot an d dense enough

    for nuclear reactions to com m ence

    and form stars.

    About fi ve billion years ago in our

    litt le corner of the M ilky Way, grav-

    ity started to pu ll togeth er gas anddust to form our solar system. This

    fashioning of structure in our local

    neighborhood is just a sm all part of

    a process that started about 12 billion

    years ago on a grander scale th rough-