45 best home based business ideas

45 Best Home Based Business Ideas By Nabanita Kundu

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45 Best Home Based Business Ideas

By Nabanita Kundu

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About Me

I’m Nabanita Kundu, 33 years old stay-at home mom who have finally set up her own world by becoming a full time blogger. I started my blogging journey with HomeBusinessIDeasCenter with a dream to help aspiring entrepreneurs who want to succeed in home based businesses.

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IntroductionStarting a home-based business might seem like a big challenge. Most of us think that a person with many credentials and a bank account full of cash can do so. The truth is, when you have a fitting home business idea, create a solid business plan and follow the steps accordingly, it is really easy to set up and grow a business venture. You need not to invest a lot of capital for many of the home based business ideas. If you have a dedicated work space and internet access in your computer, you may qualify for most of these opportunities

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45. Accounting BusinessAccounting is an essential part of any type of business. This is where all of the finances – both income and expenses – are recorded and organized. Accounting also helps the business keep track of their finances and file for tax. If you have accounting skills, you can start your own accounting business and offer this service to other companies in need of a professional, outsourced accountant. Read More about Accounting Business

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44. Amazon Affiliate BusinessAffiliate marketing is dubbed as the best opportunity for people just getting started on the internet. It is also used by many internet marketers to create a five-figure monthly income. Amazon’s affiliate program is one of the best programs to get started with – simply due to the fact that you can literally find almost anything on their website. Simply choose a niche, write a couple of reviews and add affiliate links. Read More About Amazon Affiliate Business

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43. Bed and Breakfast BusinessBed and breakfast businesses are quite popular and in demand. Millions of people travel each year and they require somewhere to live while abroad. This is where your business comes in. You prepare one or more rooms in your house and rent them out. Include a breakfast in the morning and people will pay you to get a good night’s sleep at your place. This opportunity does not necessarily need an investment when starting out, but the specifics of how you want to start and run your business can have an effect on this factor. Read More About Bed and Breakfast Business

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42. Bookkeeping BusinessIf you are a trained accountant and desire to work from home, you may go for this option. It is better if you are a certified accountant but it is not mandatory. You just need to know the background of bookkeeping. Freelance bookkeepers are generally sought after by small businesses who cannot afford a full-time bookkeeper. Read More About Bookkeeping Business

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41. BloggingJust a few years ago, blogging was not considered a real income opportunity. Now, blogging is one of the best home-based business opportunities availed by many enthusiastic. The process is apparently simple – choose a topic, do some keyword research and start blogging. Once you have a few readers, you can monetize your blog and start making money. You need to put lot of hard work and time to build your authority as a blogger. Read More About Blogging

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40. Candle Making BusinessCandles are essential for many occasions. It is not only used in birthdays, prayers or funerals but candles are required for decorating homes and creating a special ambiance in massage rooms and spas. If candle making is your passion, you can turn it into a profitable home based business. It would fetch a nice profit by making and selling your own candles. You can choose to specialize in certain types of candles, such as fragrance candles or crafted candles. The ingredients required to make these candles are relatively affordable, that means you can start this business from home without the need for a large startup expenses. Read More About Candle Making Business

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39. Cosmetics BusinessIn today’s modern lifestyle, both men and women use a variety of cosmetics to cover up imperfections and looking better. The cosmetics industry is also a billion-dollar industry growing rapidly. Investing your time, money and effort, you can start a cosmetics business and get success even in just a couple of months. You can choose to make your own cosmetics line or promote renowned brands and sell their cosmetics. Read More About Cosmetics Business

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38. Copywriting BusinessIf you are good with words, a home based copywriting business may just be the correct option for you. Copywriters are hired by companies to develop their web contents, sales brochures, mails, advertisements, newsletters, press releases and others. Any person with good writing skills can go for this option however a good command over English language and marketing skill is necessary for future growth. The startup expenses are also nominal; you need just a computer with broadband connection. Read more About Copywriting Business

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37. Computer Repair BusinessIf you are good at repairing computers – hardware repairs or software installation – then you can start your own home-based computer repair business. You will exchange your expertise and skills for money. Both consumers and businesses are usually happy to pay you per hour or a fixed amount in order to get their computer problems sorted out. Read More About Computer Repair Business

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36. Consulting BusinessA consulting business assists other businesses with different kinds of tasks. This can be anything from employment to assisting with business functions. This opportunity has a lot of potential and companies usually pay top dollars for consultants. You do not need an initial investment to start a consulting business, but if you do have a small amount to invest in marketing your services, you’ll be able to gain a competitive advantage. Read More About Consulting Business

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35. Dog Grooming BusinessWith our busy lives, we don’t always get the time to properly attend to our pets. You can use this fact to your advantage. If you like working with dogs, then starting your own dog grooming business from home can be a great opportunity to make money from the comfort of your own home. You also don’t need initial capital to start this business – you simply need a couple of tools, as well as some essential dog supplies. Read More About Dog Grooming Business

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34. Driving Training SchoolBefore you can legally drive around in town, you need a driver’s license. We all know that going through a professional driving school before taking the final test makes things a lot easier. This gives you some much needed training before the big day. If you have a car and some patience to teach others, you can start your own driving training school and offer your driving assistance services at a price you choose. Read More About Driving Training School

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33. Doggie Daycare BusinessChildren aren’t the only ones that are sent to a daycare in modern day. Many people think of their dogs as their children and have a strong bonding with them. If you are fond of dogs, then consider starting a doggie daycare business from home. You need to buy some essential tools and equipment and should get a license from the corresponding authority. This is a lucrative opportunity that does not require too much work or a large amount of initial capital. Read More About Doggie Daycare Business

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32. Fashion BoutiqueEveryone is always trying their best to keep in trend with the latest fashion. If you want to tap into this market, then you can start a fashion boutique from home. You can choose to design your own clothes or import clothes from abroad. Then you can sell these clothes directly from your home – just be sure to set out a room that can be used to store all the clothing and to assist customers in. Read More About Fashion Boutique

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31. Freelance Resume WritingWriting is a thriving business with lots of opportunity and a lot of space to grow. Some bloggers and freelance writers earn more than $1,000 per article they write. If you like writing and you have good language skills, then starting your own freelance resume writing business can be an excellent opportunity for you. You also don’t need any upfront capital and a simple computer with access to the internet will do. Read More About Freelance Resume Writing Business

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30. Gift Basket Making BusinessBirthdays, marriage anniversaries, Christmas, Easter, Thanksgiving-there are so many occasions and events where gifts are exchanged. If you are a creative person, you can start your own gift basket making business. You can choose to create your own gift baskets and then sell them to companies who specialize in selling gifts, or you can sell them of your own. You need to put some money on purchasing essential supplies and creating some marketing materials for your gift basket business. Read More About Gift Basket Making Business

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29. Graphic Design BusinessThere is a constant demand of graphic designers in the job market as business houses frequently need them to design logos, convey information in the form of advertisements, posters and also to design their websites. Graphic designing can be learnt on your own, still a certificate in graphic designing is a better option for getting selected for such jobs. The overhead costs of graphic designing are also minimal; you need to purchase a graphic designing software only. Read More About Graphic Design Business

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28. House Cleaning BusinessWe are all busy and often find the house to be in chaos, especially when we do not get the time to clean up. Use this to your advantage by starting a house cleaning business. This business does not require a large amount of initial capital, but you will need some cash to buy the necessary equipment and cleaning supplies. If you are hard working and have a good physique, you can do the cleaning tasks of your own; otherwise you might also have to appoint a couple of workers to help you out. Read More about House Cleaning Business

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27. Home Sewing BusinessClothes tear all the time. While a $10 T-Shirt won’t bother you, tearing your $500 dress might bring tears to your eyes. If you have the ability to fix clothes to a state where it looks like it was never torn, then a home sewing business might be the perfect opportunity for you. All you need to get started is sewing skills and a sewing machine. You can start lining up clients, fix their clothes and cash in. Read More about Home Sewing Business

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26. Homemade Soap BusinessStarting your own homemade soap business is a fun and rewarding opportunity that can be promoted to local, national and international customers. Soap is an essential item used in every location, including in our home and workplace, as well as in public toilets. Naturally you can target both consumers and companies. If you handcraft the soap into different shapes, then your artwork can also be sold on handcraft marketplaces such as Etsy. Read More About Homemade Soap Business

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25. Home-Based Flower ShopFlowers are used at weddings, funerals, birthday parties and many other occasions. If you have green hands and like to work with flowers, then a home-based flower shop might be the perfect way to start a brand new career. You will be either sourcing the flowers from a florist or you can grow your own flowers. You can then create beautiful bouquets for your clients and they will be more than happy to pay. Read More About Home-Based Flower Shop

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24. Home Based Jewelry BusinessJewelry can be used at any occasion. Whether you are attending a wedding, going out to the club or simply on your way to work, jewelry adds some extra class to whatever you are already wearing. If you are good at working with your hands and you have an eye for fashion, then a home based jewelry business might be the perfect business opportunity for you. Read More About Home Based Jewelry Business

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23. Juice Bar BusinessWhether you are a health nut or simply like to keep an eye on the amount of nutrition you consume, starting a home-based juice bar is perfect for anyone who likes to keep in shape. This opportunity lets you create juices and sell them for profit. You can also combine this opportunity with a fitness or weight loss program for additional success. Read More About Juice Bar Business

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22. Junk Removal BusinessAlmost every household and business place has junk that needs to be removed. You can start your own junk removal business and offer a service to remove and transport junk for domestic clients and businesses in your locality. This business venture does not require a large upfront investment – if you have a vehicle that you can load junk onto, then you should be ready to go. Read More About Junk Removal Business

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21. Laser Hair Removal BusinessWhether you are a man or a woman, you have hair on your body. This can be embarrassing in some parts, as well as uncomfortable if you are active all day long. This is also the exact reason why hair removal clinics make so much money. Now you can also tap into this market by starting your own home-based laser hair removal business. You will need some startup capital to buy the required equipment and , but the market is quite big so there is a lot of potential. Read More About Laser Hair Removal Business

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20. Life Coaching BusinessIt might surprise you, but millions of people do not know where they are going in life. They’re unsure of where they are, who they are and what they want in life. Even worse, they do not know how to fix these problems. If you have excellent organization skills and work easily with people, then starting a life coaching business might be the perfect solution for you. You will help clients to organize their lives in order to be more efficient and productive, thus helping them succeed in their own way. Read More About Life Coaching Business

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19. Make Money on Face BookFaceBook is the world’s most popular social media network. Keeping this in mind and just by using a bit of creativity, you can make thousands of dollars on the network. There are different ways to earn with Facebook – you can set up a Facebook page and promote affiliate offers or your own offer, or you can set up a page, make it popular and then rent out advertising space. Facebook can also be used to drive traffic to your website. Read More About Make Money on Face Book

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18. Make Money with PhotoshopGraphic design is an important element of any business. Every business needs a logo, business cards and more. Then there’s also photographers that need work done to their photos. You can tap into this market by learning how to use Photoshop. You then combine these skills with your creativity to create a lucrative business opportunity selling your Photoshop skills to the public. Read More About Make Money with Photoshop

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17. Make Money from YouTubeWhen YouTube was introduced, it was only a small video sharing network. During the last couple of years, the platform has grown into the most popular video platform on the internet. Many business owners are tapping into this platform to gain more leads and sales, make decent bucks. You can too. There are different ways to make money from YouTube – you can create videos, upload them and then monetize them through YouTube’s monetization program; you can create videos and add an affiliate link in the description; or you can upload videos and add a link back to your landing page in the description of these videos. Read More About Make Money from YouTube

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16. Massage Therapy BusinessGot a pair of strong hands and know how to work those stiff muscles. Then starting a massage therapy business from your home can be a great way to put your skills to good use. This opportunity requires a certification and license in some states, so be sure to esquire about the requirements of starting a message therapy business from home at your local authority. You will also need some startup capital to purchase various equipment and supplies to conduct massages in your home. Read More About Massage Therapy Business

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15. Motivational SpeakerAs a motivational speaker, it will be your responsibility to deliver speeches in such a way that it motivates and lifts the spirit of the audience. This job is fun, but comes with a lot of responsibility and risk. If you do not have these skills, you will need to gain them first. You do not need an initial investment to be a motivational speaker and can usually find work in your local area. Read More About Motivational Speaker

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14. Nail Salon BusinessBoth men and women like to stay well-groomed and look beautiful. This creates a more professional impression on their employer, co-workers, clients and even their friends circle. If you are a creative person or enjoy the beauty industry, starting a nail salon business from home can be a great career-choice. You do to invest some capital to buy the necessary equipment, but the opportunity is very lucrative and there is a market for this type of business almost anywhere. Read More About Nail Salon Business

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13. Non-Medical Home Care Business

If you really enjoy working with people, then a non-medical home care business might be for you. There are different types of business models when it comes to this venture, each with its own benefits and obstacles. You need to decide whether you will offer care in your own home during daytime. You can also choose to provide your home care services in the home of the client. Read More About Non-Medical Home Care Business

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12. Online Stock Photography Business

There are millions of websites on the internet require images. There are millions of apps on the app store. These apps need images. There are also thousands of brochures, flyers and posters being printed every day. If you have a talent for taking the perfect photos, then starting your own online stock photography business could be a truly amazing income opportunity. You take photos and sell them online. Website owners and graphic designers are ready to buy these photos from you to use them in their projects. Read More About Online Stock Photography Business

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11. Create Your Online StoreIf you are good in marketing, you can start an online store of your own. You do not need to build a store of brick and mortar. You can start your store on world famous websites such as eBay, Amazon and others. For this you will need to carefully select your products. Go for products which are in demand but are not readily available. Next you will need to buy wholesale products or go for the drop-shipping strategy. Read More About Create Your Online Store

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10. Paper Jewelry MakingPaper jewelry is the latest trend that grabs the attention of women and teenagers. If you have an eye for fashion and have creative hands, then you can start your own paper jewelry making business. While these type of jewelry are of low-cost, if you do a good job you can make a large amount of money through this opportunity. You will need a minimal amount to buy some jewelry making tools and supplies. You can do it from the comfort of your home using your creativity. Read More About Paper Jewelry Making

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9. Physical Therapy BusinessPhysical therapy involves providing assistance to patients who have experienced damage to a part of their body. It is very rewarding, but involves muscles. You require a certification before you can legally start operating. Startup requirements are moderate, but there is a lot of potential and money to be made in this industry. Read More About Physical Therapy Business

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8. Proofreading BusinessBusiness owners are just too busy to get to everything. Proofreading the content that needs to be published in newspapers, newsletters and on the internet takes time, but is vital for the professional image of the business. This is where you come in. If you have excellent language skills, you can start your own proofreading business and offer this service to other business owners. You do not need any initial capital to start this type of business, but should have access to a computer that is connected to the internet. Read More About Proofreading Business

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7. Recycling BusinessThousands of businesses are going green and using recycling services. Starting your own recycling business means you can tap into this industry and get your share of the thousands of dollars being spent to recycle items. You can choose between doing the actual recycling or offer a transportation service for recyclable material. If you choose to recycle yourself, you will not be able to perform the operation from home. Choosing to offer a transportation service will allow you to start your recycling business from home – all you need to get started is a vehicle with loading capacity. Read More About Recycling Business

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6. Smartphone Repair BusinessIf you are a tech person and know what’s going on inside a Smartphone, then starting a smartphone repair business could be a profitable venture for you. Here, you will be offering your technical skills in exchange of money. This means that you will fix smart phones for your clients and they will either pay you an hourly rate or a fixed rate based on what needs to be repaired. Read More About Smartphone Repair Business

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5. Tattoo BusinessIf you have creative genes and you like skin art, then a tattoo business might be perfect for you. You will need to learn the proper techniques to apply tattoos, but once mastered you will be able to make thousands of dollars by offering a tattoo service from your home. This opportunity requires skills and a couple of tools and equipment to get started. You should obtain certain license and permits from Read More About Tattoo Business

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4. Tour and Travel Agency from Home

Thousands of people travel to foreign countries each day. Some travel for pleasure and other for business. If you want to tap into this goldmine of an industry, then all you need to get started is some knowledge, a computer and internet access. Having a smartphone will also be very handy. You can sign up to become an agent for an existing travel agency, set up your own partnerships with travel companies or you can use an affiliate program to refer clients to an existing company. Each model has a lot of income potential. Read More About Tour and Travel Agency from Home

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3. Travel plannerPeople want to get the best deals for airfares, accommodation and rental cars. This is where travel planners come to action. Their duty is to find the best deal possible for their clients using their skills. You can set up the office for this business at your home.

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2. Virtual Assistant BusinessA virtual assistant can save thousands of dollars of a business compared to hiring a full-time employee. If you have some essential skills that you can sell to businesses – such as data entry, customer support, sales support, content writing, or anything related – then you can start your own profitable virtual assistant business. Here you will be offering your services to business and you will usually charge them an hourly rate for the work you do. Read More About Virtual Assistant Business

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1. Window Cleaning BusinessA business needs to always be presented in a professional manner. A clean interior and exterior is a vital part of upholding this professional image. The same is applicable for domestic places. People want to keep their home clean and dust-free. Tapping into this industry means you get an opportunity to make money by offering a window cleaning service. The best part is you can hire labor workers to do all the hard work, while you manage and run the business from the background. Read More About Window Cleaning Business

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Final WordsThe nine-to-five job-train isn’t for everyone. Many people, especially the creative ones, find them frustrated and stuck in a day job they do not even remotely enjoy. While starting your own business from home might seem daunting at first, once you’ve considered the benefits and what it can do for your life, things might seem possible all of a sudden. We’ve guided you through 45 excellent home-based business ideas that you can use to start a business and make a comfortable living from your own home.

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