$4.50 / 4,50 $ preparing the universitaires ua au ...€¦ · réflexions entourant le 150 e truth...

PM40064644 R09831 UA AU $4.50 / 4,50 $ University Affairs Affaires universitaires University boards find themselves in the glare of the media spotlight Les conseils d’administration sous les projecteurs des médias 02 18 Baby on board Students who are parents look to universities for support Bébé à bord Les étudiants parents souhaitent l’appui des universités PM40064644 R09831 A look back 50 years ago in the pages of University Affairs 01 17 UA AU C’était il y a 50 ans dans les pages d’Affaires universitaires $4.50 / 4,50 $ Boring… Canada has become the epicenter for boredom research L’ennui… Le Canada est devenu l’épicentre de la recherche sur l’ennui Hook, line and sinker Academics are getting reeled in by scam journals Mordre à l’hameçon Des universitaires se font avoir par des revues frauduleuses What I wish I knew when I started out in academe 02 17 UA AU Tout ce que j’aurais aimé savoir quand j’ai commencé à enseigner $4.50 / 4,50 $ Academics investigate the roots of radicalization 03 17 UA AU Des universitaires font enquête sur les origines de la radicalisation $4.50 / 4,50 $ The voluntourist trap Making volunteering abroad a more ethical experience L’envers du bénévolat touristique Pour une expérience de bénévolat éthique The dubious legacy of Quebec’s Maple Spring 04 17 UA AU L’énigmatique héritage du Printemps érable $4.50 / 4,50 $ University Affairs Affaires universitaires A constant struggle Women’s studies programs fight for recognition Un éternel combat Asseoir la légitimité des études des femmes 05 17 UA AU $4.50 / 4,50 $ University Affairs Affaires universitaires Parents on board Student affairs staff navigate helicopter parenting Parents à bord Les bureaux des affaires étudiantes s’adaptent aux parents hélicoptères Open educational resources are redefining the textbook La métamorphose des manuels de cours en ressources éducatives libres PM40064644 R09831 06 17 UA AU $4.50 / 4,50 $ University Affairs Affaires universitaires “Moments that Matter” Canadian history course a team performance Enseigner l’histoire canadienne : un véritable travail d’équipe VÉRITÉ ET REPENTIR Six universitaires autochtones partagent leurs réflexions entourant le 150e TRUTH AND RECKONING Six Indigenous scholars share their views of Canada at 150 PM40064644 R09831 08 17 UA AU $4.50 / 4,50 $ University Affairs Affaires universitaires An academic shares her personal ordeal with infertility L’épreuve de l’infertilité : une universitaire se livre Outside the box Andrew Pelling challenges conventions in science and academia Sortir des sentiers battus Andrew Pelling défie les conventions des milieux scientifique et universitaire PM40064644 R09831 10 17 UA AU $4.50 / 4,50 $ University Affairs Affaires universitaires Why do universities bother with automatic entrance scholarships? Pourquoi offre-t-on encore des bourses d’admission automatiques? A death on campus Universities confront the tragedy of student suicide Un décès sur le campus Les universités face à la tragédie du suicide d’un étudiant PM40064644 R09831 11 17 UA AU $4.50 / 4,50 $ University Affairs Affaires universitaires Universities take steps to help international students succeed Prendre des mesures pour aider les étudiants étrangers à réussir The univer-city Universities are playing a big role in the development of their cities L’univers-cité Les universités contribuent au développement socioéconomique de leurs villes PM40064644 R09831 UA AU $4.50 / 4,50 $ University Affairs Affaires universitaires The role of campus chaplain evolves with the times L’aumônerie universitaire et son évolution 12 17 Equity on campus We’re not there yet Équité sur le campus Une quête qui se poursuit PM40064644 R09831 UA AU $4.50 / 4,50 $ University Affairs Affaires universitaires Universities using surplus land to raise revenue through real estate Les universités rentabilisent leurs terres en misant sur l’immobilier 01 18 Building an AI powerhouse How Canada has emerged as a leader in artificial intelligence Bâtir une forteresse en IA Le Canada en tant que leader en intelligence artificielle PM40064644 R09831 Préparer le recteur Une transition en douceur pour un rectorat réussi Preparing the president A successful university presidency starts with a smooth transition PM40064644 R09831 Accueillir Omar Khadr Comment l’Université King’s s’est ralliée à la cause de l’ancien détenu de Guantanamo Embracing Omar Khadr How The King’s University rallied around the former Guantanamo Bay detainee PM40064644 R09831 Le plafond de verre Les femmes ont encore du mal à accéder aux plus hauts postes universitaires The ivy ceiling Women still struggle to make it to the top in academia Esprit de synthèse Les concours visant à diffuser les résultats de recherche gagnent en popularité Pitch perfect Contests to communicate research gain in popularity Media Kit www.universityaffairs.ca

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Page 1: $4.50 / 4,50 $ Preparing the universitaires UA AU ...€¦ · réflexions entourant le 150 e TRUTH AND RECKONING Six Indigenous scholars share their views of Canada at 150 UA JuneJuly2017






UA AU$4.50 / 4,50 $


University boards find themselves in the glare of the media spotlight

Les conseils d’administration sous les projecteurs des médias02 18

Baby on boardStudents who are parents look to universities for support

Bébé à bordLes étudiants parents souhaitent l’appui des universités

UA Feb2018 Cover FA.indd 1 1/4/18 2:25 PM

PM40064644 R09831

A look back 50 years ago in the pages of University Affairs01 17

UA AUC’était il y a 50 ans dans les pages d’Affaires universitaires

$4.50 / 4,50 $

Boring…Canada has become the epicenter for boredom research

L’ennui…Le Canada est devenu l’épicentre de la recherche sur l’ennui

UA Jan2017_Cover_FA.indd 1 11/25/16 10:11 AM

Hook, line and sinker Academics are getting reeled in by scam journals

Mordre à l’hameçon Des universitaires se font avoir par des revues frauduleuses

What I wish I knew when I started out in academe02 17

UA AUTout ce que j’aurais aimé savoir quand j’ai commencé à enseigner

$4.50 / 4,50 $

UA Feb2017_Covers FA.indd 1 1/3/17 4:08 PM

Academics investigate the roots of radicalization03 17

UA AUDes universitaires font enquête sur les origines de la radicalisation

$4.50 / 4,50 $

The voluntourist trapMaking volunteering abroad a more ethical experience

L’envers du bénévolat touristiquePour une expérience de bénévolat éthique

UA March2017_Covers FA.indd 1 1/31/17 2:56 PM

The dubious legacy of Quebec’s Maple Spring04 17

UA AUL’énigmatique héritage du Printemps érable

$4.50 / 4,50 $


A constant struggleWomen’s studies programs fight for recognition

Un éternel combat Asseoir la légitimité des études des femmes

UA April2017 Covers FA.indd 1 2/28/17 11:38 AM

05 17

UA AU$4.50 / 4,50 $

UniversityA�airsA�airesuniversitairesParents on boardStudent affairs staff navigate helicopter parenting

Parents à bordLes bureaux des affaires étudiantes s’adaptent aux parents hélicoptères

Open educational resources are redefining the textbook

La métamorphose des manuels decours en ressources éducatives libres

UA May2017 Covers FA.indd 1 3/29/17 10:33 AM






06 17

UA AU$4.50 / 4,50 $


“Moments that Matter” Canadianhistory course a team performance

Enseigner l’histoire canadienne :un véritable travail d’équipe

VÉRITÉ ET REPENTIRSix universitaires autochtones partagent leurs réflexions entourant le 150e

TRUTH AND RECKONINGSix Indigenous scholars share their views of Canada at 150

UA JuneJuly2017 Cover FA.indd 1 5/30/17 2:25 PM






08 17

UA AU$4.50 / 4,50 $


An academic shares herpersonal ordeal with infertility

L’épreuve de l’infertilité : une universitaire se livre

Outside the boxAndrew Pelling challenges conventions in science and academia

Sortir des sentiers battusAndrew Pelling défie les conventions des milieux scientifique et universitaire

UA AugSept2017 Cover FA.indd 1 8/2/17 2:01 PM






10 17

UA AU$4.50 / 4,50 $


Why do universities bother withautomatic entrance scholarships?

Pourquoi offre-t-on encore desbourses d’admission automatiques?

A death on campusUniversities confront the tragedy of student suicide

Un décès sur le campusLes universités face à la tragédie du suicide d’un étudiant

UA Oct2017 Cover FA.indd 1 8/29/17 9:39 AM






11 17

UA AU$4.50 / 4,50 $


Universities take steps to helpinternational students succeed

Prendre des mesures pour aider les étudiants étrangers à réussir

The univer-cityUniversities are playing a big role in the development of their cities

L’univers-citéLes universités contribuent au développement socioéconomique de leurs villes

UA Nov2017 Cover FA.indd 1 9/27/17 10:30 AM






UA AU$4.50 / 4,50 $


The role of campus chaplainevolves with the times

L’aumônerie universitaire et son évolution12 17

Equity on campusWe’re not there yet

Équité sur le campusUne quête qui se poursuit






UA AU$4.50 / 4,50 $


Universities using surplus land to raise revenue through real estate

Les universités rentabilisent leursterres en misant sur l’immobilier01 18

Building an AI powerhouseHow Canada has emerged as a leader in artificial intelligence

Bâtir une forteresse en IALe Canada en tant que leader en intelligence artificielle

UA Jan2018 Cover FA.indd 1 11/29/17 11:29 AM






Moving heaven and hell to completethe Dictionary of Old English 08 16 Remuer ciel et terre pour terminer

un dictionnaire du vieil anglais

$4.50 / 4,50 $

Préparer le recteurUne transition en douceur pour un rectorat réussi

Preparing the presidentA successful university presidency starts with a smooth transition

UA AUUniversityA�airsA�airesuniversitaires

UA_AugSep2016_Cover_FA.indd 1 16-07-26 11:53 AM

PM40064644 R09831

The invaluable learning opportunitiesof campus clubs10 16 Les clubs universitaires offrent de

précieuses occasions d’apprentissage

$4.50 / 4,50 $

Accueillir Omar Khadr Comment l’Université King’s s’est ralliée à la cause de l’ancien détenu de Guantanamo

Embracing Omar KhadrHow The King’s University rallied around the former Guantanamo Bay detainee

UA AUUniversityA�airsA�airesuniversitaires

UA_Oct2016_Cover_FA.indd 1 16-08-30 3:37 PM






Classrooms redesigned for a new eraof student-centred, active learning11 16 Salles de classes rénovées pour un

apprentissage actif axé sur l’étudiant

$4.50 / 4,50 $

UA AUUniversityA�airsA�airesuniversitaires

Le plafond de verreLes femmes ont encore du mal à accéder aux plus hauts postes universitaires

The ivy ceilingWomen still struggle to make it to the top in academia

UA Nov2016_Cover_FA.indd 1 16-09-29 10:04 AM

12 16

$4.50 / 4,50 $

UA AUUniversityA�airsA�airesuniversitaires

Esprit de synthèse Les concours visant à diffuser les résultats de recherche gagnent en popularité

Pitch perfectContests to communicate research gain in popularity

Six experts sound off on how universities can foster innovation

Six experts expliquent comment les universités peuvent stimuler l’innovation

UA Dec2016_Cover_FA.indd 1 16-11-02 10:48 AM

Media Kitwww.universityaffairs.ca

Page 2: $4.50 / 4,50 $ Preparing the universitaires UA AU ...€¦ · réflexions entourant le 150 e TRUTH AND RECKONING Six Indigenous scholars share their views of Canada at 150 UA JuneJuly2017

Advertisewith us.

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University Affairs. The most trusted news sourcefor Canada’s universitiesUniversity Affairs is the publication of choice for Canadian higher education. Our readers – academics and their university colleagues - are among the country’s best educated, demanding editorial excellence with every issue. Our contributors include faculty, administrators and graduate students, as well as some of the best journalists working in Canada today.

Our feature-length reports illuminate, our news stories inform, and our columns and opinion pieces spark debate in a community that represents Canada’s intellectual heart. With stories on contentious topics like plagiarism and fair access to higher education, to a website complete with career advice and the most extensive academic job listings in the country, University Affairs reaches a vibrant academic community both within Canada and internationally.






UA AU$4.50 / 4,50 $


The role of campus chaplainevolves with the times

L’aumônerie universitaire et son évolution12 17

Equity on campusWe’re not there yet

Équité sur le campusUne quête qui se poursuit


A dedicated resource• Published for over 50 years for the academic community• Canada’s primary source of university career ads• Read by senior academics and administrators• The only audited publication aimed at the Canadian higher education market1

• Produced by the Universities Canada, the national organization representing 96 public and private not-for-profit universities and university-degree level colleges at home and abroad

Frequency• Magazine and digital edition published 10 times a year• Continual online updates• Weekly e-newsletter distribution• Daily job alerts by e-mail

Reach100,000+ total monthly reach (print, digital, web)16,000+ copies of qualified circulation2

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A readership that spans every segment of today’s universities:• Presidents • Faculty • Administrators • Board members• Librarians • Researchers • Graduate students

1.Circulation is verified and certified by an independent third party, the CCAB, a division of BPA International • 2. CCAB data, June 2017

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Audience facts.

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...have a high level of involvement in university purchasing decisions for:*

• Information technology

• Research equipment

• Computer hardware

• Textbooks/courseware

• Periodicals/journals

• Office supplies

...are involved in institutional planning for:

...have planned business or leisure travel over the next 12 months to:*

...are likely to spend/invest over the next 12 months in:

Digital records management: 28%

Food services: 12%

Classroom teaching aids: 69%

Student IT support: 35%

University Affairs readers.

57%United States



57%Charitable donations


42%Home renovations


42%Consumer electronics

* Based on 2015 Readership survey

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Page 7: $4.50 / 4,50 $ Preparing the universitaires UA AU ...€¦ · réflexions entourant le 150 e TRUTH AND RECKONING Six Indigenous scholars share their views of Canada at 150 UA JuneJuly2017

University Affairs.Canada’s university recruitment advertising solution. Today, more readers and more advertisers turn to University Affairs magazine and its website, universityaffairs.ca, to find and place job ads for faculty positions than to any other publication in Canada.

University Affairs consistently outperforms CAUT Bulletin by a 2 to 1 margin1 for the number of monthly text and career boxed ad job listings in the print magazine.

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• To facilitate online searches, we categorize ads in our jobs database through discipline tags (e.g. chemical engineering, mathematics, history). Three tags are included at no charge with each text ad booking. Additional discipline tags are $25 each.

Career Boxed Ads (print)Career boxed ads increase visibility of your message by offering more space and flexibility for incorporating branding, logos and graphics.

• For ad sizes and pricing details, see next page.

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• Each additional category is $25.

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46 / www.universityaffairs.ca / April 2013

Carrières Careers

community and profession. The union affil-iation of this position is with the Cape Breton University Faculty Association. Qualified candidates should send a letter of application quoting the reference number (EC1302-UA), a complete dossier including curriculum vitae, a copy of academic tran-scripts, evidence of teaching effectiveness, a sample of scholarly writing and three cur-rent letters of reference (sent directly to CBU) to the Human Resources Department at Cape Breton University, PO Box 5300, 1250 Grand Lake Road, Sydney, NS, Canada, B1P 6L2; Email [email protected]; Website www.cbu.ca. Applica-tions must be received by 4:00 p.m. April 8, 2013. Email applicants will receive a return email confirming receipt. All qualified can-didates are encouraged to apply; however, Canadian citizens and permanent residents will be given priority (all applicants should clearly indicate their status as a Canadian citizen or permanent resident). CBU is an equal opportunities employer.[26349]

Civil and Resource Engineering

Dalhousie University - The Department of Civil and Resource Engineering invites applications for a Tier II Canada Research Chair in the area of Water Technologies, with a specific focus on wastewater. Appointment to a faculty position will be conditional on the selected candidates being awarded a Canada Research Chair. It is anticipated that the Chair nomination will be submitted to the CRC Secretariat in fall 2013 or spring 2014. The appointment will be made at the rank of Assistant or Associ-ate Professor (probationary tenure-track) with a starting date for the appointment of July 1, 2013, or later (depending on the date of the CRC submission). The Department of Civil and Resource Engineering, in collabo-ration with Dalhousie's Centre for Water Resources Studies (CWRS), has research strength in the area of drinking water qual-ity, watershed management, and treatment technologies. The Canada Research Chair will be a faculty member within the depart-ment as well as an integral member of CWRS. The Chair will be expected to col-laborate with other researchers to develop world-class expertise in wastewater technol-ogies. Candidates with expertise in waste-water treatment and/or waste management associated with water/wastewater treatment practices are encouraged to apply. In addi-tion, the Chair will be expected to work with local water utilities (e.g., Halifax Water) as well as collaborate with other members of the CWRS. Finally, Dalhousie has significant institutional research strength in Oceans and Marine Studies and the ability to collaborate across faculties would be desirable. Applicants must have a well-established research record and dem-onstrated ability to conduct independent scholarly research. The Chair will teach both undergraduate and graduate courses, develop graduate level courses, and support the Department and CWRS initiatives. The Chair will be expected to establish a strong,

Executive Search & Leadership ConsultingThe Geldart Group

1. based on publisher statistics

Page 8: $4.50 / 4,50 $ Preparing the universitaires UA AU ...€¦ · réflexions entourant le 150 e TRUTH AND RECKONING Six Indigenous scholars share their views of Canada at 150 UA JuneJuly2017

Rates are commissionable to recognized agencies at 15% who supply print ready material.

Did you know?

UA AUUniversity AffairsMechanical Specificationsfor Career Boxed Ads


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1/8 page AD SIZE 1.8687" 4.475" $465 $715Vertical BLEED n/a n/a

1/8 page AD SIZE 3.9125" 2.149" $465 $715Horizontal BLEED n/a n/a

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UA AUfor Career Boxed Ads

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Agriculture, Agriculture

Operations and Related


• Agricultural Business and Management

• Horticulture• Animal Sciences• Food Science and Technology• Plant Sciences• Soil Sciences• Agriculture, Other

Natural Resources and


• Natural Resources Conservation and Research

• Natural Resources Management and Policy

• Fishing and Fisheries Sciences and Management

• Forestry• Wildlife and Wildlands Science

and Management• Natural Resources and

Conservation, Other

Architecture and Related


• Architecture/Environmental Design

• City/Urban, Community and Regional Planning

• Landscape Architecture• Architecture and Related Fields,


Area, Ethnic, Cultural and

Gender Studies

• Area Studies• Ethnic, Cultural Minority and

Gender Studies• Area, Ethnic, Cultural and

Gender Studies, Other

Communication, Journalism

and Related Programs

• Communication and Media Studies

• Journalism• Public Relations, Advertising and

Applied Communication• Publishing• Communication, Journalism and

Related Programs, Other

Computer and Information

Sciences and Support Services

• Information Science/Studies• Computer Science• Computer and Information

Sciences, Other


• Bilingual, Multilingual and Multicultural Education

• Curriculum and Instruction• Educational Administration and

Supervision• Educational/Instructional Media


• Educational Assessment, Evaluation and Research

• Social and Philosophical Foundations of Education

• Special Education and Teaching• Student Counseling and

Personnel Services• Teacher Education and

Professional Development• Teaching English or French

as a Second Language• Education, Other


• Aerospace, Aeronautical and Astronautical Engineering

• Agricultural/Biological Engineering and Bioengineering

• Biomedical/Medical Engineering• Chemical Engineering• Civil Engineering• Computer Engineering• Electrical, Electronics and

Communications Engineering• Engineering Physics• Environmental/Environmental

Health Engineering• Materials Engineering• Mechanical Engineering• Mining and Mineral Engineering• Naval Architecture and Marine

Engineering• Nuclear Engineering• Ocean Engineering• Petroleum Engineering

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Engineering• Engineering, Other

Aboriginal and Foreign

Languages, Literatures and


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• Aboriginal Languages and Literatures

• Classics and Classical Languages and Literatures

• English/ French as a second language

• Aboriginal and Foreign Languages, Literatures, and Linguistics, Other

Family and Consumer

Sciences/Human Sciences

Legal Professions and Studies

English Language and


Liberal Arts and Sciences,

General Studies and Humanities

What are discipline tags?We tag ads on our website with discipline codes so that job seekers can easily find them. We can tag them for you or you can let us know which tags you want. Up to three tags are included for text ads and career ads under 1/2 page (five tags for a half page and larger). Additional tags are $25 each.

UA AUUniversity AffairsDiscipline Categories for career advertising

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Library and Information Science

Biological and Biomedical


• Biology• Biochemistry/Biophysics and

Molecular Biology• Cell/Cellular Biology and

Anatomical Sciences• Microbiological Sciences and

Immunology• Genetics• Physiology, Pathology and

Related Sciences• Pharmacology and Toxicology• Biological and Biomedical

Sciences, Other

Mathematics and Statistics

• Mathematics• Statistics• Mathematics and Statistics,


Military Technologies


Interdisciplinary Studies

• Peace Studies and Conflict Resolution

• Gerontology• Medieval and Renaissance Studies• Science, Technology and Society• Behavioural Sciences• Natural Sciences• Nutrition Sciences• International/Global Studies• Classical and Ancient Studies• Neuroscience• Cognitive Science• Multidisciplinary/

Interdisciplinary Studies, Other

Parks, Recreation, Leisure and

Fitness Studies

• Parks, Recreation and Leisure Studies

• Health and Physical Education/Kinesiology

• Parks, Recreation, Leisure and Fitness Studies, Other

Philosophy and Religious Studies

• Philosophy, Logic and Ethics• Religion/Religious Studies• Philosophy and Religious

Studies, Other

Theology and Religious


Physical Sciences

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Meteorology• Chemistry• Geological and Earth Sciences• Physics• Physical Sciences, Other


Security and Protective Services

• Criminal Justice and Corrections

Public Administration and

Social Service Professions

• Public Administration• Social Work• Public Administration and

Social Services, Other

Social Sciences

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Geomatics• International Relations and

Affairs• Political Science and

Government• Sociology• Urban Studies/Affairs• Social Sciences, Other

Visual and Performing Arts

• Crafts/Craft Design, Folk Art and Artisanry

• Dance• Design and Applied Arts• Drama/Theatre Arts and

Stagecraft• Film/Video and Photographic Arts• Fine and Studio Art• Music• Visual and Performing Arts,


Health Professions and Related

Clinical Sciences

• Chiropractic• Communication sciences and

disorders• Dentistry• Health/Health Care

Administration/Management• Medicine• Medical Clinical Sciences• Nursing• Optometry• Pharmacy, Pharmaceutical

Sciences and Administration

• Public Health• Rehabilitation and Therapeutic

Professions• Veterinary Medicine• Dietetics and Clinical Nutrition• Bioethics/Medical Ethics• Health Professions and Related

Clinical Sciences, Other

Business, Management,

Marketing and Related Support


• Business Administration and Management

• Accounting• Finance and Financial

Management• Hospitality/Tourism

Management• Human Resources

Management/Organizational Behaviour

• Management Information Systems and Services

• Management Sciences and Quantitative Methods

• Marketing/Sales/Merchandising• Business, Management, Other


French Language and Literature

Multiple Disciplines

UA AUUniversity AffairsDiscipline Categories for career advertising

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Editorial display advertising.

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University Affairs.Canada’s publication of record for universities.

Published 10 times a year and enhanced with continual online updates, University Affairs gives advertisers unrivalled access to a loyal readership that includes every segment of Canada’s university community.

Advertise next to our award-winning coverage of university news, research, teaching and people and watch your brand’s recognition grow on campuses across Canada.

Smart advertising begins with University Affairs.

Fast Facts.Launched: 1959Production schedule: 10 issues per yearTotal print and digital circulation: 20,000*Languages: English and FrenchTotal monthly reach: 100,000+ (print, digital, web)Target audience: Canadian higher education communityWebsite: www.universityaffairs.caAverage monthly unique web visitors: 80,000

* Circulation is verified and certified by an independent third party, the Canadian Circulations Audit Board, a division of BPA international

86% 70%


of readers agree that University Affairs is relevant to them in their profession

have been reading University Affairs for more than three years.

have used University Affairs to look for a job

72%save a particular issue or article for future reference.



spend up to 60 minutes reading a typical issue.

are likely to travel in the next 12 months

of readers have visited a referenced website as a result of reading University Affairs.

* Based on 2015 Readership Survey

69%of readers who influence university purchase decisions are interested in classroom teaching aids






08 17

UA AU$4.50 / 4,50 $



An academic shares herpersonal ordeal with infertility

L’épreuve de l’infertilité : une universitaire se livre

Outside the boxAndrew Pelling challenges conventions in science and academia

Sortir des sentiers battusAndrew Pelling défie les conventions des milieux scientifique et universitaire

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You can save up to 25% with our frequency discount pricing!Contact [email protected] for details.

Did you know?

UA AUUniversity AffairsMechanical Specificationsfor Editorial Display Advertising


Double page TRIM SIZE 18" 10.875" $7,400 $8,400 Bleed LIVE AREA 17" 9.875" BLEED SIZE 18.25" 11.125"

Full page TRIM SIZE 9" 10.875" $3,700 $4,200Bleed LIVE AREA 8" 9.875" BLEED SIZE 9.25" 11.125"

2/3 page AD SIZE 5.27" 9.875" $2,970 $3,470Vertical BLEED n/a n/a

1/2 page AD SIZE 8" 4.4675" $2,375 $2,875Horizontal BLEED n/a n/a

1/2 page AD SIZE 3.905" 9.875" $2,375 $2,875Vertical* BLEED n/a n/a

1/3 page AD SIZE 2.54" 9.875" $1,895 $2,145Vertical BLEED n/a n/a

1/4 page AD SIZE 8" 2.1388" $1,525 $1,775Horizontal BLEED n/a n/a

1/4 page AD SIZE 1.8575" 9.875" $1,525 $1,775Vertical* BLEED n/a n/a

1/4 page AD SIZE 5.27" 4.4675" $1,525 $1,775Square BLEED n/a n/a

1/6 page AD SIZE 2.54" 4.4675" $1,220 $1,470Vertical BLEED n/a n/a

* Only available for appointment notice ads

in the People section of the magazine.

* Only available for appointment notice ads

in the People section of the magazine.

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Trim size

9" wide × 10.875" high


Full page bleed size should be 9.25" wide × 11.125" high


Supply page spreads in single page units with 0.125"bleed around all outside edges

Display ad sizing

Please refer to dimensions and thumbnail illustrations provided on preceding page.

Paper stock and binding

• Cover: Supreme Silk FSC 100 lb.• Text: LibertyGloss 45 lb.• Saddle stitched

Image and type preparation

• Resolution of the images should be 300 dpi, CMYK

• Black type should be 100% K and not Registration black (100C, 100M, 100Y, 100K)

• Minimum rule size of 0.25pt is recommended

Colour proofs

• Supplying colour proofs with your CMYK colour files is recommended• A calibrated, digital proof with stock & press gain simulations must be submitted if the printer is to match colour on digital files• Proofs should conform to SWOP standards

Inserts, gate folds and

customized design

Please inquire.

Print-ready materials

Print-ready materials may be sup - plied in digital format in two ways:1. Press quality PDF (Acrobat) files created from professional layout programs (preferred format).2. Postscript, QuarkXpress or Adobe InDesign files. You must include all screen and printer fonts, as well as any image files used in the advertisement.

File delivery

PDF preparation

Use the following checklist to help you create high quality PDF files that reproduce well. For further information and a more detailed explanation of PDFcreation, please see:


• Use Acrobat Distiller’s “Press Quality” setting• Convert all colours to CMYK• Downsample (bicubic) to 300 pixels any colour or greyscale images above 450 pixels• Downsample (bicubic) to 1200 pixels any monochrome image above 1800 pixels• Use ZIP image compression• Crop marks should be offset

12pt (0.1667") and bleed set to 0.125" when making PDFs from a file

• Embed all fonts used in ad (do not subset)

UA AUfor EditorialDisplay Advertising

How to bookFor editorial advertising, contact Glen Ashworth at 613-563-3961 x248 or [email protected]. Please provide the following information with your order: • Issue in which you want the ad published • Format: “Editorial ad” • Billing address, contact name, telephone, fax and e-mail

You can supply files by e-mail or via our online transfer service (univcan.wetransfer.com). Do not forget to include contact information, the advertisement number and issue(s) in which this ad will be published.

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Benefits:Rich media entices users to click and visit an adver-tiser’s website, and builds brand recognition. Recent surveys have shown that our website’s unique visitors and print readers are distinct audiences, so by combining print and online advertising you maximize your marketing reach in the academic community.

Advertisers:Promote your product or service through the run-of-site advertising positions available on our website.

Universities:Increase your institution’s exposure and brand awareness with web advertising positions in the Careers section.

Ad Sizes:BigBox: 300x250 pixelsMobile: 300x50 pixels

E-newsletter Advertising:Sponsorship opportunities are available to get in front of E-newsletter subscribers each month! University Affairs distributes a weekly mailout announcing the latest web content, and a daily career alert for job seekers interested in new online job postings. In total, over 10,000 e-mails are sent each week to a growing audience of subscribers. Available ad size: 300 x 250 pixels

Increase your exposure.Get in front of our growing online audience

How to bookFor more details regarding Online Advertising, contact Glen Ashworth at 613-563-3961 x248 or [email protected].

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Benefits:Rich media entices users to click and visit an adver-tiser’s website, and builds brand recognition. Recent surveys have shown that our website’s unique visitors and print readers are distinct audiences, so by combining print and online advertising you maximize your marketing reach in the academic community.

Advertisers:Promote your product or service through the run-of-site advertising positions available on our website.

Universities:Increase your institution’s exposure and brand awareness with web advertising positions in the Careers section.

Ad Sizes:BigBox: 300x250 pixelsMobile: 300x50 pixels

E-newsletter Advertising:Sponsorship opportunities are available to get in front of E-newsletter subscribers each month! University Affairs distributes a weekly mailout announcing the latest web content, and a daily career alert for job seekers interested in new online job postings. In total, over 10,000 e-mails are sent each week to a growing audience of subscribers. Available ad size: 300 x 250 pixels

Increase your exposure.Get in front of our growing online audience

How to bookFor more details regarding Online Advertising, contact Glen Ashworth at 613-563-3961 x248 or [email protected].

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Advertising deadlines.

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UA AUUniversity AffairsAdvertising Deadlines



January 2018 November 10 November 10 November 17 December 4

February 2018 December 8 December 8 December 15 January 8

March 2018 January 12 January 12 January 19 February 5

April 2018 February 9 February 9 February 16 March 5

May 2018 March 9 March 9 March 16 April 3

June - July 2018 May 11 May 11 May 18 June 4

Aug - Sept 2018 July 13 July 13 July 20 August 7

October 2018 August 10 August 10 August 17 September 4

November 2018 September 7 September 7 September 14 October 1

December 2018 October 12 October 12 October 19 November 5

* For Career ads that require layout by University Affairs (available at no charge).

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1710-350 Albert Street, Ottawa, Ontario K1R 1B1T: 613.563.1236 • F: 613.563.9745www.universityaffairs.ca • [email protected]