46576530 is nunology for you by dr neb heru

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  • 8/6/2019 46576530 is Nunology for You by Dr Neb Heru


  • 8/6/2019 46576530 is Nunology for You by Dr Neb Heru


    This Little book is the MASTERKEY to changing the WORLD!

    Big things come in small packages.

    Inspired by: The Forces of Nature (NUN)Inscribed by: NEB HERU A KHEPER KA RE (KHAF-RE)

  • 8/6/2019 46576530 is Nunology for You by Dr Neb Heru


    Is NUNOLOGY for YOU?

    Question: What is Nunology?

    Answer : Nunology is our Ancient Mental & SpiritualScience that teaches you how to tap into, work withand Apply the Positive Unseen Forces in Natureknown to our Ancient African Egyptian Ancestors asNupu . Nupu is the Hidden Dark Energy in Naturethat represents the Original Creative Forces .

    Nunology which is known as NUN PronoucedNoon is the Science of Sciences and is the Way weChildren of the SUN (PAA RE) and Nature as AncientAfricans also known today as Melaninites learn totap into, bring forth and work with the Positive LifeForces in Nature .

    In Ancient Africa (Egypt ) and Ancient (NAPATA/NUPU-TA ) Nubia or Cush we called thisScience of Black Mental Magic (Al-Khemy ) NUN.To the onlookers who did not know or wasuninitiated our Science appeared to be MAGIC and

    spookism, but to the Initiated and students of theHigh Mysteries at the time we always knew aboutthe Laws of Nature (Nazduru ) and the Science inworking with the Laws of Nature to bring about aPositive result to raise the Vibrations of not onlyourselves but all others around us and who come in

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    Is NUNOLOGY for YOU?

    The People who practice and apply this way of Lifein this day and time as in Ancient times are known as

    NUNOLOGIST. Nupu-Nun = ElectromagneticEnergy known today by the Scientific World .

    As African People Worldwide YOU are anincarnated Whole Light Being (SOUL) ,that has risenfrom the Dark Waters of ANUN-RE. ANUN-RE is theUnseen Darkness or Ether of Original Creation stilland always will be CREATING which is Growth forcreation truly means GROWTH. Realize now thatyour Melanin or what the Science World is callingMELANIN is a condensed form of Light, andresponds to and interacts to Light Waves , Vibrations ,Tones and Frequencies in its immediateenvironment.

    We as Nunologist always knew that we could havean effect on distant places, persons, and things onthis side of h1 (Hydrogen ) via MIND POWER.Nunology is Pure Mental Energy that is in contact

    with the Pure Mental Creative thought of the infiniteand boundless Universes (Multiverse ) and Beyondthe Beyond. Your Mind Power has been a symbol of your GOD POWER and Birth Right which isGreatly Lacking in this day and time as AfricanPeople World Wide .

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    Is NUNOLOGY for YOU?

    We are now living in the Day and Time where MINDPOWER must overcome Physical Matter and gain

    back control which is Order over the Chaos ! As aNunologist you are the MIND of GOD , learn to utilizeit! And when we say GOD, we mean any Person ,Place or Thing in control at any given Moment ! YourMind Power as Nunologist is the Governor overSpace , Matter and Time thus making you aQuantum Being , and in time all this will becomeclear to you, as your Awareness grows inremembrance of all these Ancient Facts ! Alwaysremember Oh Children of ALL that MIND POWER is GOD POWER and you always receive thisconfirmation through facts , Which is SOUND RIGHTREASONING! You now have the Master Keys (Ankh) to your ultimate freedom as a Nunologist to shape ,mold , control and MASTER your Destiny !

    Question: How will Nunology Benefit Me?

    Answer: Nunology teaches you step by step how to

    work with and apply the laws of Nature in youreveryday life. There are unseen laws and Forceswithin Nature that benefit all Human Beings , if onlywe would give the time to learn how access them.We Nunologist know that everything is a growthfrom Eternal Almighty Nature , and in knowing this

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    Is NUNOLOGY for YOU?

    and link with Nature . We never lost this connection, just lost the know how in strengthening this


    Question: Is Nunology for any group of People or Gender?

    Answer: No, it is for all for we are all Children of Nature and we all Grew from Nature thus we allhave a link to Nature.

    Question: Will the study Nunology make me Rich?

    Answer: Well you are born Rich, according to aNatural Living Law in Nature called the Law of Infinite

    Supply, there is never a time that Nature is NotProviding, so realize now that one first becomes richin the Mind , before the Pocket. So yes, once youlearn the Study of Natures Laws also known as theLaws of Nature , and learn to apply them in youreveryday life, then there is no limit to what you are

    able to do. What you desire it will manifest, this is aLiving Law with in Nature , ASK and yea shall receive.

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    Is NUNOLOGY for YOU?

    Question: Will Nunology bring me a Soul Mate,Love, and a Better Relationship with My Wife or


    Answer: Of Course! It is a great idea to include theones you love into the Study of NUNOLOGY , it doesnot matter how old a person is. We as Nunologist ,know of what is termed Divine Love , coming fromNature , which is a Love that is not based onConditions . So yes, once you learn how to bringback harmony into your life by learning how torealign with Nature , all areas of your life begin to riseinto order, and the chaos stops. Nunology bringsback balancement into your life, peace and harmony.

    Question: Can I teach Nunology to my Children?

    Answer: Sure, you have to remember, our childrenare more intune with Nature then we give themcredit. They are the ones who are the closest toNature , because they are still growing so all the fresh

    elements of Life are within them. The Questionshould be can I learn NUNOLOGYfrom my Children.

    Question: Why is Nature such an important Study within Nunology?

    Answer: Because being you are a Child of Nature you

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  • 8/6/2019 46576530 is Nunology for You by Dr Neb Heru


    Is NUNOLOGY for YOU?

    Question: What is a Nunologist?

    Answer: A Person who Studies Self and the hiddenmysteries of Life. There are unseen forces withinNature to us Nunologist call the forces of NUN .These unseen forces influence our everyday life andour Conscious Awareness .

    Question: What do you means Conscious Awareness, are you saying we have the ability affect our lives by our Thoughts?

    Answer: Yes this is exactly what we are saying! WeNunologist know that ultimately we are the Mastersof our own Destiny , and in knowing this Desire to

    take back control of our life and our Inner Power,known as will Power ( Nun ) or NUN POWER, ourinner hidden power that is responsible for themanifestation of all. We NUNOLOGISTknow that ourMental Powers and what we Think and EnvisionActivates this NUN POWER, that is linked to Eternal

    Almighty Nature.

    Question: What is the Most Important Study inNunology?

    Answer: The Cultivation of the MIND , We know aPerson acts the way they think, which is a Natural

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    Is NUNOLOGY for YOU?

    Living Law within Nature known as The Law of Causes and Effects.

    Question: Are there any other Studies in Nunology?

    Answer: Sure not only do we study the Mind, theother aspects and compartments of your being,which are the Body, Sprit ( Life Forces ) and Soul(Emotions ). This is what makes you a QuantumBeing . In Nunology you also learn about LifeSciences , the Anatomy of the Body , proper Care forthe Body , Plants and Herbology , and so much more.

    Question: How do you Nunologist view The MIND?

    Answer : We Nunologist view the Mind as ALL for asour Ancient African ancestors in Cush (Nubia ) andEgypt displayed that Mind Power is GOD POWER bythe many great structures they built and Culturesthey influenced. Nunolog y teaches that Naturealways Speaks to the Mind first either Unconsciously

    (Sub-Consciously ) or Consciously .

  • 8/6/2019 46576530 is Nunology for You by Dr Neb Heru


    Is NUNOLOGY for YOU?

    The Power of Intention

  • 8/6/2019 46576530 is Nunology for You by Dr Neb Heru


    Is NUNOLOGY for YOU?

    Question: You mentioned the Subconscious Mind,why is this an important study of Nunology?

    Answer: Because your Subconscious Mind is thedoorway too all the Forces within Nature . So to learnthe Higher Aspects of this Department of your Mind ,is to be back intune with Nature , thus ALL and willguide you to unleashing your Infinite Potential thatwill assist you in your everyday life. There is a wholeNew Life waiting for each Human Being who areready to Study, Work With and Apply the innerworkings of their Minds !

    Question: You make Mention of the MIND quiet often, is Nunology just another MIND THING, like

    some New age Teaching?

    Answer: Well yes because, when people say NewAge, they are correct in so far as We are moving intoa New Era of Time known as the Aquarian Age ,which is the Era of Mind , Ether , Technology etc So

    yes now in this day and time, it is truly time to learnthe Cultivation of the Mind , and learn how to use the other 95% that goes unused untouched butcontrols every involuntary function of your wholebeing.

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    Is NUNOLOGY for YOU?

    Question: Is Nunology a Fraternal Order, Secret Society, or mystery System?

    Answer: No not at all, Nunology in all essence is justthe Study of Self and how YOU The Child of Nature relate with ALL!

    Question: Can Nunology assist me in strengtheningmy Connection with my Ancestors?

    Answer: Of course, because our ancestors are alsospirit forces within Nature , once we learn throughNunology how to re-attune ourselves with NatureForces or the Laws of Nature , then communicationwith loved ones is not hard at all.

    Question: You asked is Nunology for YOU, Why?

    Answer : According to Universal Law , you alwayshave to ask a person if they would be interested inlearning a particular thing in order not to enforceyour will upon another Human Being , this isUniversal Law . To in force you Will upon anotherHuman being is going against Natural Law , becausethen that person would not be moving by their ownwill but by the will of another, and if that person ismoving by the will of another, they are not livingwhat Nature truly intended them to do, thus we

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    Is NUNOLOGY for YOU?

    Divinity . So we allow you to make a decision foryourself, then you are moving according to Natural

    Law from within your own being. We Nunologist know our Emotions or Feelings are signals fromNature to know if a Person, Place or Thing is for oragainst us, which we call the Higher Aspects of Emotional Intunement known as Intuition .

    Question: Once a Person Loose there Divinity will they Get is back?

    Answer: Sure you can get your Divinity Back , bysimply making up your Mind , which beings with athought, then a decision, which then activates ALLinto Sound Right Action . We as Nunologist know

    that the worst thing one can do is not make up theirown Mind , or Make an Effective Decision . ForThought is Creative Energy and like Water (h2O) is inConstant motion, and needs to flow . To staystagnated is to stop the flow, which hinders growth,and ultimately leads to Mental Death , so we

    Nunologist in courage any Human Being to learn tomake a decision even it is the wrong decision.Remember, we learn as we do. Nothing in theUniverse (Multiverse ) is still or stagnated, everythingvibrates , everything is in constant motion, inknowing this why go against the Flow of Nature ,

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    Is NUNOLOGY for YOU?

    NUN Ancient ( TaMa-Rean ) Egyptian Word and Principle

    for 1st

    , Prime, Hidden Potential and InfinitePossibilities . The Original Creative Forces of theUniverse (Nature), the Black Light of Intellect(Mental Energy ), the Black Waters or CelestialWaters known as the Etheric Realm , formless Ethers ,Un-manifested energies, Nameless.

    The Eternal Now! As African People our Minds are linked to ALL

    Eternal and Almighty Nature , what we can conceivein our Minds will be, see it and so shall it be seen .

    Neb Heru

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    Is NUNOLOGY for YOU?



    Neb Heru: A Kheper Ka Re (Khaf-Re) Master Your Destiny Series

    Tablet Title The Energy of Thought Vibration4 th Dimension and The Sub-Conscious MindHolographic Brain-The Power of Inner VisionElectromagnetic FoodsThe G.O.D. GeneHow the Mind Works?Inner Vision Outer RealityThe Value of An IdeaThe Healing Power of PrayerAuto-Suggestions for Magical SuccessMagnetize Your LifePlane of Force and Magnetic Attraction

    Tablet #123456789


  • 8/6/2019 46576530 is Nunology for You by Dr Neb Heru


    Is NUNOLOGY for YOU?

    Master Your Destiny Series

    Tablet Title You are the ShrineThe Sacred Alter of the MindPsychic Self DefenseScientific Training for ChildrenPerfect HealthThe Magnetic BodyHow to think like a G.O.D .Quantum Thinking (Nine Reasoning)Imagination and the Master MindThe Higher Forces WithinThe Creative Forces in You

    The Nine Stars WithinThe Age of Reasoning Feminine HealingHow to Rid the Mind of Negative ThoughtsEgyptian Black MagikHow Thoughts Become ThingsThe Power to Change ALL

    The Shift in VibrationEnergetic Tones

    Tablet #1314151617181920212223



  • 8/6/2019 46576530 is Nunology for You by Dr Neb Heru


    Is NUNOLOGY for YOU?

    Healing Vibrations

    The Therapeutic Value of AUM Booklet /w AUDIO CD

    For more information about how youcan order the Most Dynamic Books in

    the New Sun Cycle emailThe Eternal Temple of NUN

    [email protected]

    Or visit our websitewww.nupu-nun.com


  • 8/6/2019 46576530 is Nunology for You by Dr Neb Heru


    Is NUNOLOGY for YOU?



    The Eternal Temple of NUN!


    In these Series of 31 Nun Tablets youwill learn:

    The Art and Powers of your Mind and PsychicUniverse, Thought Transfer, How to Developyour Intuition for Success, Telepathy Exercises,Clairvoyance, Clair audio, Psychometry, TheAntonym of the Body, Nunology Sciences,Quantum Physics, Visualization Exercises,Practical Meditations, and OPENING THEINNER DIMENSIONS OF YOURSUBCONSCIOUS(NUN) MIND to INVOKE YOUR AncientEgyptian Ancestors! 4 th Dimension is NOW!

  • 8/6/2019 46576530 is Nunology for You by Dr Neb Heru


    Is NUNOLOGY for YOU?

  • 8/6/2019 46576530 is Nunology for You by Dr Neb Heru


  • 8/6/2019 46576530 is Nunology for You by Dr Neb Heru
