48042-001: panj-amu river basin sector project...the panj-amu river basin sector project is a...

Social Safeguard Monitoring Report (Resettlement) Semiannual Report Covering Jan-Jun 2018 AFG: Panj Amu River Basin Sector Project Grant No: 0506 AFG (SF) and 0507 AFG (EF) October 2018 Prepared by the Ministry of Energy & Water of Islamic Republic of Afghanistan for the Asian Development Bank. This safeguard monitoring report is a document of the Government of Afghanistan. The views expressed herein do not necessarily represent those of ADB's Board of Directors, Management, or staff, and may be preliminary in nature. In preparing any country program or strategy, financing any project, or by making any designation of or reference to a particular territory or geographic area in this document, the Asian Development Bank does not intend to make any judgments as to the legal or other status of any territory or area. This Report does not necessarily reflect the views of ADB or the Government concerned. ADB and the Government cannot be held liable for its content.

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Page 1: 48042-001: Panj-Amu River Basin Sector Project...The Panj-Amu River Basin Sector Project is a co-financed project by ADB and the European Union (EU) that aims to increase agricultural

Social Safeguard Monitoring Report


Semiannual Report

Covering Jan-Jun 2018

AFG: Panj Amu River Basin Sector Project

Grant No: 0506 AFG (SF) and 0507 AFG (EF)

October 2018

Prepared by the Ministry of Energy & Water of Islamic Republic of Afghanistan for the Asian Development Bank.

This safeguard monitoring report is a document of the Government of Afghanistan. The views expressed herein do not necessarily represent those of ADB's Board of Directors, Management, or staff, and may be preliminary in nature.

In preparing any country program or strategy, financing any project, or by making any designation of or reference to a particular territory or geographic area in this document, the Asian Development Bank does not intend to make any judgments as to the legal or other status of any territory or area.

This Report does not necessarily reflect the views of ADB or the Government concerned. ADB and the Government cannot be held liable for its content.

Page 2: 48042-001: Panj-Amu River Basin Sector Project...The Panj-Amu River Basin Sector Project is a co-financed project by ADB and the European Union (EU) that aims to increase agricultural


Project Number: 42091

1 January to 30 June 2018







Financed by the Asian Development Bank ADB

Grant No. 0506-AFG (SF) and 0507-AFG (EF)

Prepared by: Ministry of Energy and Water Islamic Republic of Afghanistan for the Asian

Development Bank.

The Social Safeguard monitoring report is a document of the government of Afghanistan. The

views expressed herein do not necessarily represent those of ADB’s Board of Directors, Management, or staff, and may be preliminary in nature.

Page 3: 48042-001: Panj-Amu River Basin Sector Project...The Panj-Amu River Basin Sector Project is a co-financed project by ADB and the European Union (EU) that aims to increase agricultural

Bi-annual Social Monitoring Report, January-June 2018

Reference: ADB Project Number 42091, ADB Grant No. 0506-AFG (SF) and 0507-AFG (EF)

Panj Amu River Basin Project



ADB Asian Development Bank

AF affected family

AH affected household

AP affected person

CEMP contractor’s enviromental managemnt plan

DFID Department for International Development UK

DSCS design and supervising consultancy service

EARF environmental assesmnet review framework

EIA environmental impact assessment

EMP environmental managment plan

EO environmental officer

ESCS engineering supervision and consultancy services

EU European Union

FAO Food Agriculture Organization

GRC grievance redress committee

HH household

HRBMP Helmond River Basin Master Plan

ICB international competitive bidding

IEE initial environmental examination

LKIP Lower Lokcha Irrigation Project

GIRoA(GOA) Government of the Islamic Repuplic of Afghanistan

IFCI Imam Sahib Proposed Protect Area

MAIL Minstry of Agriculture, Irrigation and Livestock

MEW Minstry of Energy and Water

MFF multi-tranche financing facility

MoM Ministry of Mines

MPH Ministry of Public Health

NBD Norther Basin Development

MRRD Ministry of Rural Rehabilitation and Development

MUD Ministry of Urban Development

NEPA National Environmental Protection Agency

NFMP national flood management program

PDF project development facility

PMO project management office

PPMS project performance management system

PC public consultation

PPTA project preparation technical assistance

RBA river basin authority

RBC river basin council

R&U rehabilitation and upgrading

RRP Recommendation and Report of the President

UNEP United Nations Environment Program

WRDIP Water Resources Development Investment Program

Page 4: 48042-001: Panj-Amu River Basin Sector Project...The Panj-Amu River Basin Sector Project is a co-financed project by ADB and the European Union (EU) that aims to increase agricultural

Bi-annual Social Monitoring Report, January-June 2018

Reference: ADB Project Number 42091, ADB Grant No. 0506-AFG (SF) and 0507-AFG (EF)

Panj Amu River Basin Project


Table of Contents

1. Introduction 4

1.1 Basic Project Information 4

1.2 Update on the Impacts 6

1.3 Objectives and Scope of the Monitoring 7

1.4 Approach and Methodology 8

2. RSPs’ RP Implementation 8

3. Monitoring of Emerging LAR Issues During Implementation of Civil Works 10

4. Consultation and Complaints 10

5. Conclusion 10

6. Corrective Action Plan 11

List of Tables:

Table 1: Tentative List of Packages for Feasibility Study and Detailed Design

Table 2: Comparison of Changes in Impacts as per the LARP and Detailed Design 6

Table 2: Status of Trees Removal and Compensation in the Construction Site 9

Table 3: Corrective Action Plan 11


Annex 1: Consultation meeting photo with AHs Error!

Bookmark not defined.

Annex 2: Meeting minutes with AHs Error!

Bookmark not defined.


Page 5: 48042-001: Panj-Amu River Basin Sector Project...The Panj-Amu River Basin Sector Project is a co-financed project by ADB and the European Union (EU) that aims to increase agricultural

Bi-annual Social Monitoring Report, January-June 2018

Reference: ADB Project Number 42091, ADB Grant No. 0506-AFG (SF) and 0507-AFG (EF)

Panj Amu River Basin Project



Affected Household/Family: All members of a household residing under one roof and operating

as a single economic unit; who are adversely affected by the Project or any of its

components. It may consist of a single nuclear family or an extended family group.

Affected Person (AP): All the people (or household) affected by the Project through land

acquisition, relocation, or loss of income; and include any person, household [sometimes

referred to as project affected family (AF)], firms, or public or private institutions. APs

include (i) persons whose agricultural land or other productive assets such as trees or crops

are affected; (ii) persons whose businesses are affected and who might experience loss of

income due to the Project impact; (iii) persons who lose work/employment due to Project’s

impact; and (iv) people who lose access to community resources/property as a result of the


Jerib: Traditional unit of land measurement in Afghanistan. One Jerib is equal to 2000 square

meter of land. 5 Jeribs make 1 hectare.

Jirga: Pashto language meaning a community development council or assembly.

Land Acquisition: The process whereby a person is compelled by a public agency to alienate all

or part of the land s/he owns or possesses, to the ownership and possession of that agency,

for public purposes, in return for fair compensation.

Rehabilitation: Compensatory measures provided under the Policy Framework on involuntary

resettlement other than payment of the replacement cost of acquired assets.

Relocation: Displacement or physical moving of the APs from the affected area to a new area/site

and rebuilding homes, infrastructure, provision of assets, including productive

land/employment and re-establishing income, livelihoods, living and social systems.

Shura: Local institution which represent the seniors of a rural community. They are mostly the

decision makers at village level. There are two types of Shura - NSP/MRRD established

shuras and tribal shuras. NSP shuras or CDCs are responsible mostly for developmental

work while the tribal shuras are responsible for conflict resolutions, jirgas etc. Currently

both shuras function for both responsibilities and are represented by the same group of


Vulnerable : Who might suffer disproportionately or face the risk of being marginalized from the

effects of resettlement and includes : (i) female-headed households with dependents; (ii)

disabled household heads; (iii) poor households that fall on or below the poverty line

(within the meaning given previously); (iv) landless; (v) elderly households with no means

of support; (vi) households without security of tenure; (vii) households of indigenous

population or ethnic minority; and (viii) marginal farmers (with landholdings of five acres

or less).

Page 6: 48042-001: Panj-Amu River Basin Sector Project...The Panj-Amu River Basin Sector Project is a co-financed project by ADB and the European Union (EU) that aims to increase agricultural

Bi-annual Social Monitoring Report, January-June 2018

Reference: ADB Project Number 42091, ADB Grant No. 0506-AFG (SF) and 0507-AFG (EF)

Panj Amu River Basin Project


1. Introduction

1. The Panj-Amu River Basin Sector Project is a co-financed project by ADB and the European

Union (EU) that aims to increase agricultural productivity in the Panj-Amu River Basin

through improving access and use of irrigated water at farm, scheme and river levels. The

project will improve yields, cropping intensities and irrigated areas on a command area of

74,500 ha, resulting in increased farm incomes and reduced rural poverty for over 400,000

beneficiaries, improved food security, import substitution, especially for wheat, and an

increase in exports for high-value products such as fruit and nuts. Additional benefits include

a reduction in conflict over water use, and an increase in sales of agricultural inputs such as


2. Project implementation started in late 2016 and is expected to complete by 2023, at an estimated cost of $76.75 million ($50 million in EU funds, $26 million in ADB funds and $0.75m in government counterpart funds). The Project executing agency (EA) is the Ministry of Finance (MOF). The implementing agencies (IAs) are the Ministry of Energy and Water (MEW) and the Ministry of Agriculture, Irrigation, and Livestock (MAIL). MEW is involved in Output 1, while MAIL is involved in Outputs 2 and 3.

1.1 Basic Project Information

3. Output 1 will provide the capacity and resources for MEW, and associated river basin agency (RBA), and sub basin agencies (SBAs) in the Panj-Amu river basin, to: (i) improve the conveyance and allocation of water to irrigated areas through rehabilitating and upgrading head works and main canals in priority schemes; (ii) establish and strengthen the capacity of 112 water user associations (WUAs) to operate and maintain (O&M) conveyance infrastructure in these schemes to better distribute water between the head, middle and tail end of canals more equitably; and for them to work with RBA and SBAs to facilitate water sharing between schemes; and (iii) enhance the capacity of MEW, RBA and SBAs for more effective water allocation between schemes to benefit downstream users. In addition, support will also be provided to Afghan members of the Afghanistan-Tajikistan transboundary technical working group to prepare them for technical meetings and strengthen their ability to conduct negotiations regarding the set-up and operations of the Pyanj River Basin Commission.

4. Under Output 1, 21 priority candidate irrigation schemes in the basin have been selected for

interventions. Implicit least-cost analysis was undertaken to select projects to ensure that

severe environmental and social impacts are avoided, and that schemes are large enough to

attain economies of scale. Three representative sub-projects (RSPs) were chosen from the list

of candidate sub-projects as being representative of the type of scheme that will be assisted in

the project, and which will be the first to be implemented. Selection of the RSPs was also

based on government priority and ease of access from both a security and logistical point of

view. The three RSPs are Laqi canal, in Aliabad district in Kunduz province (Lower Panj sub-

basin), Sharawan-Takhar canal in Takhar province (Taloquan sub-basin) and Seyaab canal in

Keshim district in Badakshan province (Upper Panj sub-basin).

Page 7: 48042-001: Panj-Amu River Basin Sector Project...The Panj-Amu River Basin Sector Project is a co-financed project by ADB and the European Union (EU) that aims to increase agricultural

Bi-annual Social Monitoring Report, January-June 2018

Reference: ADB Project Number 42091, ADB Grant No. 0506-AFG (SF) and 0507-AFG (EF)

Panj Amu River Basin Project


5. All these RSPs have involuntary resettlement impacts. Hence, resettlement plans (RPs) have

been prepared during the processing of the project. A brief description of these three

subprojects and the impacts as assessed during the draft RP preparation is presented below:

• Laqi Irrigation Scheme. The scheme involves the construction of headwork intake

and the rehabilitation of three off-takes (two of which will be combined into one

offtake) for secondary command areas greater than 30 ha, two domestic water

access points, and one livestock access point. All of these structures will be built

along the public right of way (RoW) of the canal. There is no land acquisition

requirement and no physical displacement. The only impact constitutes the

removal of 51 non-fruit (willow) trees on the RoW used by three (farming)

households. The number of affected trees was expected to be updated following

the detailed design. The amount for compensation for tree removal has been

included in the BOQ for the construction contractor who will be tasked with paying

this compensation before civil works can begin.

• Sharawan-Takhar Irrigation Scheme. The scheme involves the construction of five

new off-takes and cross regulators with a spill weir, two cross-regulators in the

main canal, eleven domestic access water points and five livestock water access

points. These structures will be built along the ROW of the canal. There is no land

acquisition requirement and no physical displacement. The only impact constitutes

the removal of 150 non-fruit (willow) trees on the RoW, of which only 50 are

mature, used by two (farming) households. Similarly, the number of affected trees

will be updated following detailed design. The amount for compensation for tree

removal has been included in the BOQ for the construction contractor who will be

tasked with paying this compensation before civil works can begin.

• Seyaab Irrigation Scheme. The scheme involves the repair of the head work (2 new

gates), the construction of four new off-takes and cross-regulators with spill and

the construction of four domestic water access points and two livestock water

access points. All of these structures will be built along the ROW of the canal.

There is no land acquisition requirement and no physical displacement. The only

impact constitutes the removal of 145 non-fruit (willow) trees, of which 100 are

mature, used by three (farming) households and a mosque. The estimates were

expected to be updated following the detailed design. The amount for

compensation for tree removal has been included in the BOQ for the construction

contractor who will be tasked with paying this compensation before civil works

can begin.

6. The feasibility study and design for the (NCB 3) that include two subprojects (Gulbar and

Shurab) was completed by Landell Mills company and base on the feasibility study a draft RP

for Shurab and Gulbar subprojects was prepared during quarter one of 2018. Consultant was

hired for the detailed design of subprojects and they will prepare the schedule for the design

of the remaining subprojects. Table 1 shows the tentative list of subprojects under Packages 2

to 8 where feasibility study and detailed design will be prepared. All subprojects will be

screened for IR impacts. It should be mentioned that for the rest of the subprojects, the amount

for compensation for tree removal has not been included in the BOQ. since trees are on RoW

that is government property based on the river and canal bed and ROW regulation, Also Base

Page 8: 48042-001: Panj-Amu River Basin Sector Project...The Panj-Amu River Basin Sector Project is a co-financed project by ADB and the European Union (EU) that aims to increase agricultural

Bi-annual Social Monitoring Report, January-June 2018

Reference: ADB Project Number 42091, ADB Grant No. 0506-AFG (SF) and 0507-AFG (EF)

Panj Amu River Basin Project


on the field report most of the trees were planted by Department of Agriculture Irrigation and

Livestock (DAIL) on the Right of Way of the canal for canal bank protection and watershed

management that people only were using the wood of these trees and the trees which were

planted by farmers are fare away from the canal that won’t affected by the project so it is

indicating that only public trees are identified as located on the ROW and that such will be

given for free to the community as fire wood. It is mentionable that during the monitoring if

any private trees or other crops are affected will be reported.

Table 1: Tentative List of Packages for Feasibility Study and Detailed Design

Sub-Basin Province District Canal Name



d Area





ted #




Package 2

1 Taloqan Takhar Taloqan

center Nar e Chaman 1,014


protection 5,605

2 Taloqan Takhar Taloqan

Center Shorab 842


canal lining,







gate and

sluice gate


Feasibility studies, detailed

design and RP already prepared.

3 Taloqan Takhar Taloqan

center Qulbars 835


protection 4,615

Feasibility studies, detailed

design and RP already prepared.

4 Taloqan Takhar Taloqan



Takhar 11,122




canal lining,







Package 3

1 Kokcha Badakhsha

n Baharak Kocha Hasar* 715



canal lining,




protection, 5



Mobilization and inception

phase are under process

2 Kokcha Badakhsha

n Baharak Sar-e-Shar 1,703




canal lining,


Mobilization and inception

phase are under process

Page 9: 48042-001: Panj-Amu River Basin Sector Project...The Panj-Amu River Basin Sector Project is a co-financed project by ADB and the European Union (EU) that aims to increase agricultural

Bi-annual Social Monitoring Report, January-June 2018

Reference: ADB Project Number 42091, ADB Grant No. 0506-AFG (SF) and 0507-AFG (EF)

Panj Amu River Basin Project


Sub-Basin Province District Canal Name



d Area





ted #







protection, 1


3 Kokcha Badakhsha

n Baharak Farhad 519



canal lining,




protection, 5



Mobilization and inception

phase are under Process

Package 4

1 Lower Panj Takhar Dashtqal

a Dashtqala 6,247








2 Lower Panj Takhar Darqad Qaghni 466






protection, 2




3 Lower Panj Takhar Khojaba

hauddin Qataqjar 1,907



protection, 1




4 Lower Panj Takhar Khojaba

huddin Momen Abad 1,449




canal lining,


protection, 2




Package 5

1 Lower Panj Takhar Khojaba

hauddin Arpoli* 724

Headwork ,









2 Lower Panj Takhar ChaAb Yatim Tepa 12,200




canal lining,




Page 10: 48042-001: Panj-Amu River Basin Sector Project...The Panj-Amu River Basin Sector Project is a co-financed project by ADB and the European Union (EU) that aims to increase agricultural

Bi-annual Social Monitoring Report, January-June 2018

Reference: ADB Project Number 42091, ADB Grant No. 0506-AFG (SF) and 0507-AFG (EF)

Panj Amu River Basin Project


Sub-Basin Province District Canal Name



d Area





ted #




protection, 2


Package 6

1 Taloqan Kunduz Kunduz

Center Naqi Kunduz 647










2 Taloqan Kunduz Kunduz

Center Gul Tepa 6,063






protection, 2


spillway and

1 divider



Package 7

1 Lower

Kunduz Kunduz Qalazal Qala I Zal 4,120





wall, cross-



canal lining,







2 Lower

Kunduz Kunduz Qalazal Aqtepa 4,260





takes, bank


dividers and




3 Lower

Kunduz Kunduz Aliabad Abdullah 1,367








Package 8

1 Lower

Kunduz Kunduz


a Chardara 15,904


canal lining,







Page 11: 48042-001: Panj-Amu River Basin Sector Project...The Panj-Amu River Basin Sector Project is a co-financed project by ADB and the European Union (EU) that aims to increase agricultural

Bi-annual Social Monitoring Report, January-June 2018

Reference: ADB Project Number 42091, ADB Grant No. 0506-AFG (SF) and 0507-AFG (EF)

Panj Amu River Basin Project


7. Feasibility study, detailed design, RP and IEE for the rest of subprojects will be conducted

based on the schedule submitted by the EPTISA Company.

1.2 Update on the Impacts

8. The detailed design and assessment for affected household and trees to be removed for

Package 1 (Sharawan-Takhar, Seyaab, and Laqi) was completed in the 4th quarter of 2016, but

the procurement process for the civil works took a long time. To implement the construction

works, a contract with the New United Construction Company (NUC) was signed on 3rd July

2017. The impact assessment for Package 1 was updated during the 4th quarter of 2017 and 1st

quarter of 2018 based on the detailed design review.

9. From January and February 2018, assessment was conducted for updating of RP and to see if there is any change in the preliminary and detailed design. It was confirmed that the scope and alignment of the 3 subprojects as per the preliminary design remained the same. The same APs (9 families) are affected and no land acquisition is required. The only change is in the number of trees in ROW of canal as indicated in the table below. Table 2. Comparison of Changes in Impacts as per the RP and Detailed Design of Package 1 Subprojects



No. of Affected Trees




Value AFN

Name of







As per Detailed Design

Total Sibling Trees

RSP Seyaab

Keshim Bazar Intake:

45 0 0 0 -45 0

Qomandan Zarin Offtake (changed to bank lining of the canal

20 127 107


107 42000

- Moh, Zarin,

5 - Saifullah,

10 - Noorullah

Haji Wali Off take 50 29 16 13 -21 27300 - Haji Wali

Pul Seyab Dare Hairatan Off take

30 32 27 5 2 10500 - Abdul Wadod,

Page 12: 48042-001: Panj-Amu River Basin Sector Project...The Panj-Amu River Basin Sector Project is a co-financed project by ADB and the European Union (EU) that aims to increase agricultural

Bi-annual Social Monitoring Report, January-June 2018

Reference: ADB Project Number 42091, ADB Grant No. 0506-AFG (SF) and 0507-AFG (EF)

Panj Amu River Basin Project


pul Seyab Dare bank lining

0 25 25 0 25 0

Ghara Dara 0 0 0 0 0 0

Subtotal 145 202 163 38 57 79800

RSP Sharawan

Amanullah - Offtake and weir

0 0 0

Baghak - Offtake and weir

0 15 10 5 15 Public

Konchi - Rehabilitation of the existing offtake

0 0 0

Ehsan Saeed - Rehabilitation of existing offtake and weir

20 0 -20

Haji Musa - Offtake and weir

30 35 20


5 31500

- Moh Zahir ,

5 - Juma Khan

Haji Abdul Qayum - Offtake and weir

100 0 -100 0

AbilAriq off take/ CR (changed to Kishwari CR&Off-take)

0 10 -10 0 Public

Subtotal 150 60 30 20 -90 31500

RSP Laqi

Page 13: 48042-001: Panj-Amu River Basin Sector Project...The Panj-Amu River Basin Sector Project is a co-financed project by ADB and the European Union (EU) that aims to increase agricultural

Bi-annual Social Monitoring Report, January-June 2018

Reference: ADB Project Number 42091, ADB Grant No. 0506-AFG (SF) and 0507-AFG (EF)

Panj Amu River Basin Project


Sarband Intake (Changed to Laqi canal Intake)

15 15 0 Public

Haji Hakim Offtake

20 20 13 7 0 14700 - Haji Hakim

Haji Sakhidad Offtake

0 0 0

Haji Nematullah Offtake

20 20 12 8 0 16800 -Haji Nematullah

Subtotal 55 55 55 15 0 31500

Total 350 317 248 73 -33 142800

10. As structures are in the existing canal and there is no need for land acquisition, the only change is in the number of trees. As per draft RPs for Package 1, there are 350 trees that will be affected. However, as per detail design the number of trees are 317, of which 68 are trees and 248 are sibling which are grown naturally in the right of way of canal. Also there is no change in the number of affected persons (9 families). The details are indicated in table 2 above.

11. The values of the trees are determined based on the dry wood of the trees in the market. An assessment was conducted in the nearest market to determine the value of each kilo gram of dry wood. PIO team visited the local market in Kunduz, Takhar and Badakhshan (the nearest main town) on 15 Mar 2018 to collect current fuelwood price data which was Afg10/kg.

12. As these subprojects don’t have land acquisition impacts and there is only removal of trees, a

committee is not required to be formed and APs can be compensated directly. But to ensure

transparency, a committee from the irrigation association and APs will be formed to pay the


1.3 Objectives and Scope of the Monitoring

13. The objective and scope of Biannual Social Monitoring Report is to analyze and monitor the

implementation of the RPs and to see if there are any changes or any LAR issue emerging

during the monitoring period and to comply with the approved RPs for the three subprojects

(Sharawan-Takhar IS, Seyaab IS, and Laqi IS) under civil works contract Package 1 of the Panj

Amu River Basin Project. PMO is responsible to oversee the implementation and monitoring

of social safeguards issues of each subproject. This report covers resettlement and social

safeguard monitoring results to comply with the spirit of ADB policy to ‘enhance stakeholders trust’ in and ability to engage with ADB, and thereby increase the development impact of

projects. The next monitoring period will cover the one more package that include two

subprojects, but as mentioned above the amount of compensation has not been included in the

contractor BOQ and only wood will be given to the trees owner. Based on the field report most

of the trees were planted by Department of Agriculture Irrigation and Livestock (DAIL) on the

Page 14: 48042-001: Panj-Amu River Basin Sector Project...The Panj-Amu River Basin Sector Project is a co-financed project by ADB and the European Union (EU) that aims to increase agricultural

Bi-annual Social Monitoring Report, January-June 2018

Reference: ADB Project Number 42091, ADB Grant No. 0506-AFG (SF) and 0507-AFG (EF)

Panj Amu River Basin Project


Right of Way of canal for canal bank protection and watershed management that people only

were using the wood of these trees and the trees which were planted by farmers are fare away

from the canal that won’t be affected by the project. so it is indicating that only public trees are

identified as located on the ROW and that such will be given for free to the community as fire

wood. It is mentionable that during the project construction work if any trees or other crops are

affected will be reported.

1.4 Approach and Methodology

14. The report is based on a review of available information received from the respective site

offices of the PIO and the contractor. PIO supervision engineer conducts daily monitoring on

the construction site. Beside that Consultations with affected persons (APs) especially the

farmers and affected person by participation of PIO office coordinator, Irrigation association

and river basin agency were carried out during the February 2018 about the project, RP and on

10 June 2018 regarding the delay of compensation process and obtain agreement from the APs

to be compensated later. Environmental specialist has planned to monitor the site but due to

the late security problem and tight schedule, specially preparing of tree management plan for

Lower Lokcha Irrigation project couldn’t conduct monitoring.

2. RSPs’ RP Implementation

14. The RPs provided the project a basis to carry out social monitoring during RP implementation.

It also paved the way for consultations to happen which provided AH opportunities to convey

grievances or complaints through a grievances redress mechanism.

15. As part of the project interventions a number of structures will be built along the canal. All of

these structures will be built along the public right of way (RoW) of the canal. There is no land

acquisition requirement and no physical displacement. The only impact constitutes the removal

of trees used by farmers and a mosque. As of this monitoring, the project has not faced any

issue to cause any temporary land acquisition as structures are built in the existing location and

they have the access road.

16. Before the removal of trees consultation meeting conducted with trees owner, and they agreed

that the trees will be removed prior to them receiving compensation as this is a vital project for

the farmer and all villagers.

17. Their livelihoods do not depend on these trees, which are not grown commercially and are

simply ancillary. They sometimes use the trees for fuelwood. Willow trees were used in the

past for construction materials but this is no longer the case. The households’ economic dependence on these trees is less than 1% of their income, as obtained through the stakeholder


Page 15: 48042-001: Panj-Amu River Basin Sector Project...The Panj-Amu River Basin Sector Project is a co-financed project by ADB and the European Union (EU) that aims to increase agricultural


Table 3: Status of Trees Removal and Compensation in the Construction Site under Package 1


under Package 1

# of Removed Trees in construction


Types of


Status of



Total Big Non


Small Non


RSP Syaab

Keshim Bazar Intake: 0

Bank lining of the canal 128 20 107 Willow/

sibling Not Paid yet

Haji Wali Off take 17 13 4 Willow/

sibling Not Paid yet

Pul Seyab Dare Hairatan Off

take 57 5 52


sibling Not Paid yet

Ghara Dara 0

Total 202 27 175

RSP Sharawan

Amanullah - Offtake and


Baghak - Offtake and weir 15 5 10 Willow/

sibling Not Paid yet

Konchi - Rehabilitation of

the existing offtake 0

Ehsan Saeed - Rehabilitation

of existing offtake and weir 0

Haji Musa - Offtake and

weir 35 15 20


sibling Not Paid yet

Haji Abdul Qayum - Offtake

and weir 0

Kishwari CR&Off-take 10 10 Willow/

sibling Not Paid yet

Total 60 20 40

RSP Laqi

Sarband Intake 15 15 Willow/

sibling Not Paid yet

Haji Hakim Offtake 20 7 13 Willow/

sibling Not Paid yet

Haji Sakhidad Offtake 20 8 12 Willow/

sibling Not Paid yet

Haji Nematullah Offtake 20 8 12 Willow/

sibling Not Paid yet

Total 75 23 52

Page 16: 48042-001: Panj-Amu River Basin Sector Project...The Panj-Amu River Basin Sector Project is a co-financed project by ADB and the European Union (EU) that aims to increase agricultural


3. Monitoring of Emerging LAR Issues During Implementation of Civil Works

18. Monitoring the implementation of RPs is an important component of the project

implementation, which has several activities to be performed such as appointment and

mobilization of contractor and verification of APs.

19. The monitoring also verified if there are any emerging LAR issues during the implementation

of civil works in all subprojects so that appropriate actions can be undertaken.

20. During the monitoring period and daily monitoring of construction work no LAR issue

emerged except the cutting of some non-fruit trees.

21. During the monitoring it was observed that there is a bit of changes in the number of trees

which were cut during the construction of project.

22. The number of trees which were removed and also the changes recorded by PIO and contractor

and consultation meeting conducted with Affected household for compensation.

23. No compensation paid for affected people till date, though base on ADB safeguard policy

statement, the compensation should be paid before the start of project construction work.

24. The budget for the LARP is included in the contractor BOQ, but their process takes a long time. The PIO couldn’t get approval of allocation during the monitoring period to be paid to affected people. So base on the latest report the allocation approved and during the coming monitoring period payment will be done for the APs.

4. Consultation and Complaints

25. The Grievance Redress Mechanisms were established for the three mentioned subprojects as

per the LARP in Takhan, Kunduz and Badakhshan provinces, DPs were informed about the existence of GRM by the committee and all members of the GRM were oriented by the PIO coordinator about the GRM.

26. Regarding the on-going civil work of Syaab, Sharwan and Laqi subprojects during the reporting

period, in general, the communities in the project zone influence have given their support to

the project activities and during the reporting period no written complaint has been recorded.

During the monitoring period consultation meeting on 10th May 2018 conducted with APs of

Syaab subproject regarding the delay in compensation and the process of allocation, the APs

confirmed that they have agreed that work in the canal can start given its importance and that

once the allocation has been processed, they will get the compensation it is mentionable that

consultation with all 9 APs of the 3 subprojects under Package 1 has been conducted. The

project obtained their agreement. Agreement for Syaab subproject is attached in Annex 1.

27. During the implementation and daily monitoring of subprojects in the reporting period no LAR

issue were emerged in the project site as the construction work is ongoing and if any LAR issue

emerged will be reported.

5. Conclusion

Page 17: 48042-001: Panj-Amu River Basin Sector Project...The Panj-Amu River Basin Sector Project is a co-financed project by ADB and the European Union (EU) that aims to increase agricultural

Bi-annual Social Monitoring Report, January-June 2018

Reference: ADB Project Number 42091, ADB Grant No. 0506-AFG (SF) and 0507-AFG (EF)

Panj Amu River Basin Project


28. The RPs for Syaab, Sharawan and Laqi subprojects have not been implemented yet and

compensation not paid for the APs. Although the budget for the LARP is included in contractor

BOQ, their process takes long time and PIO couldn’t get approval of allocation during the monitoring period.

29. No emerging LAR issues or pending complaints were noted in any subprojects during the

reporting period.

6. Corrective Action Plan

30. The project was notified that the construction work is ongoing and a number of trees removed

but compensation payment has not been done. This puts the project out of compliance with the

grant agreement and ADB SPS. Although the APs agreed that works can start while their

compensation payments are being processed, it is important that the compensation be made

without further delay.

31. The following corrective action plan (CAP) is proposed to complete the compensation

payments in close consultation with the APs and water user association. The implementation

of this CAP will monitored and reported soon after payment and also in the next SMR.

Table 4: Corrective Action Plan for the period of July-December 2018

Item # Activity




Responsible for



Completion Date


Consultation with AP

regarding the

compensation payment.

PIO, PMO PMO July 2018


Consultation with water

user association, AP and

verification of trees


PIO/PMO PMO Aug, 2018

3 Compensation payment Contractor/PI

O PMO Aug, 2018

4 Reporting of LARP

implementation PMO PMO Sep, 2018

Page 18: 48042-001: Panj-Amu River Basin Sector Project...The Panj-Amu River Basin Sector Project is a co-financed project by ADB and the European Union (EU) that aims to increase agricultural

Bi-annual Social Monitoring Report, January-June 2018

Reference: ADB Project Number 42091, ADB Grant No. 0506-AFG (SF) and 0507-AFG (EF)

Panj Amu River Basin Project



Annex 1: Agreement of affected peoples for delay of compensation

Translation of AP agreement

To PIO office:

We, namely, Haji Wali, Saifullah, Mohd. Zarin, Norullah and Abdul Wadod owners of the trees affected

in the project, confirm that our affected trees have not been compensated yet. Taking into account the

financial difficulties of the project, we agreed with our trees cut down before our payment and hope

that our compensation is paid as soon as the budget is allocated and approved.

Page 19: 48042-001: Panj-Amu River Basin Sector Project...The Panj-Amu River Basin Sector Project is a co-financed project by ADB and the European Union (EU) that aims to increase agricultural

Bi-annual Social Monitoring Report, January-June 2018

Reference: ADB Project Number 42091, ADB Grant No. 0506-AFG (SF) and 0507-AFG (EF)

Panj Amu River Basin Project


Annex 2: Meeting Minutes with Affected people regarding the compensation payments.

Page 20: 48042-001: Panj-Amu River Basin Sector Project...The Panj-Amu River Basin Sector Project is a co-financed project by ADB and the European Union (EU) that aims to increase agricultural

Bi-annual Social Monitoring Report, January-June 2018

Reference: ADB Project Number 42091, ADB Grant No. 0506-AFG (SF) and 0507-AFG (EF)

Panj Amu River Basin Project


Annex 3: with AH regarding the tree removal

Page 21: 48042-001: Panj-Amu River Basin Sector Project...The Panj-Amu River Basin Sector Project is a co-financed project by ADB and the European Union (EU) that aims to increase agricultural

Bi-annual Social Monitoring Report, January-June 2018

Reference: ADB Project Number 42091, ADB Grant No. 0506-AFG (SF) and 0507-AFG (EF)

Panj Amu River Basin Project


Canal Nematullah and Haji Sakhidad offtake:

Page 22: 48042-001: Panj-Amu River Basin Sector Project...The Panj-Amu River Basin Sector Project is a co-financed project by ADB and the European Union (EU) that aims to increase agricultural

Bi-annual Social Monitoring Report, January-June 2018

Reference: ADB Project Number 42091, ADB Grant No. 0506-AFG (SF) and 0507-AFG (EF)

Panj Amu River Basin Project


Annex 4: Meeting minutes with Affected people.

1. Meeting minutes for Laqi subproject in Kundoz Province

Page 23: 48042-001: Panj-Amu River Basin Sector Project...The Panj-Amu River Basin Sector Project is a co-financed project by ADB and the European Union (EU) that aims to increase agricultural

Bi-annual Social Monitoring Report, January-June 2018

Reference: ADB Project Number 42091, ADB Grant No. 0506-AFG (SF) and 0507-AFG (EF)

Panj Amu River Basin Project


2. Meeting minutes for Syaab Subprojects, Badakhshan Province

Page 24: 48042-001: Panj-Amu River Basin Sector Project...The Panj-Amu River Basin Sector Project is a co-financed project by ADB and the European Union (EU) that aims to increase agricultural

Bi-annual Social Monitoring Report, January-June 2018

Reference: ADB Project Number 42091, ADB Grant No. 0506-AFG (SF) and 0507-AFG (EF)

Panj Amu River Basin Project


3. Meeting minutes for Sharawan Subprojects, Takhar Province.