4g programmi e compiti delle vacanze di inglese

LICEO SCIENTIFICO STATALE “ VITTORIO VENETO “ a.s.2012/2013 Docente Prof. Maria Grazia Montrezza Materia Lingua Inglese PROGRAMMA Classe 4^ G Testi SUCCESS upper intermediate LONGMAN ONLY CONNECT .....NEW DIRECTIONS b/c ZANICHELLI ROBINSON CRUSOE D.Defoe CIDEB CONTENUTI DISCIPLINARI LITERATURE VOL. B THE PURITAN AGE: Key points (B109); Charles I's reign (B110); The Civil War and the Commonwealth (B111); The Puritan Mind (B112-113);The Puritans and society (B114-115); Metaphysical poetry (B118); John Donne (B120-121-122) + "Batter my heart"(B 123) +"A Valediction: Forbidding Mourning"(B 124-125) + "No man is an island" (B134-135); John Milton (B126) +Aeropagitica : “The Freedom of Press”(B 127) + Paradise Lost (B 128-129): "Satan's speech"(B 131) VOL. C THE RESTORATION: Key points (C2-3); The Restoration of the Monarchy (C4); the Glorious Revolution (C5-6); Scientific rigour and intellectual clarity (C7-8);The Royal Society (C9-10); Wit and science (C11); the enjoyment of the senses (C12); William Congreve (C14-15) +”The Way of the World” :“The sealing of the deed” (C 15); The development of human rights (C17-18-19-20) THE AUGUSTAN AGE: Key points(C22-23); The early Hanoverians (C24-25); Reason and sense (C26); Enlightenment (C 27); William Hogarth: satire and street life (C28-29); Artifice and real life: a survey of Augustan literature(C30-31);Journalism (C32); The Newspapers: the Spectator and il Caffé (fotocopia); the Rise of the novel (C33); The features of a narrative text (C35); Satire, Irony and humour (C 36); Daniel Defoe (C37) +Robinson Crusoe” (C 38-39-40) + testo CIDEB /BLACK CAT + Moll Flanders” (C47): "Molly becomes a thief"; Jonathan Swift (C51) “Gulliver’s Travels”(C 52-53-54) +”On politics in Lilliput” (fotocopia) + "The laputians" (C58-59)+ “The Academy of Lagado” (fotocopia) + “ A bitter judgement on England and the English” (fotocopia) + “The Yahoos and the Houyhnhnms (fotocopia); “A Modest Proposal” :”It is a Melancholy Object” (fotocopia) fotocopie : All people are equal: United Nations Millennium Development Goals; The 8 Development Goals; The United Nations; The Universal Declaration of Human Rights; The Convention on the Rights of the Child; The Right to participation; Rights and responsibilities; The fundamental rights of children and young people fotocopie : Mary Shelley and a new interest in science ;Frankenstein : The creation of the monster + Frankenstein and the monster Visione del film Frankenstein SUCCESS upper intermediate: units 8, 9, 10, 11 + fotocopie da testi in preparazione alla certificazione FCE come esercizio di approfondimento e recupero linguistico. La classe ha assistito allo spettacolo in L2 “Waiting for Godot” di S. Beckett La Docente Gli Studenti

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Page 1: 4g Programmi e Compiti Delle Vacanze Di Inglese

LICEO SCIENTIFICO STATALE “ VITTORIO VENETO “ a.s.2012/2013 Docente Prof. Maria Grazia Montrezza Materia Lingua Inglese PROGRAMMA Classe 4^ G Testi SUCCESS upper intermediate LONGMAN ONLY CONNECT .....NEW DIRECTIONS b/c ZANICHELLI ROBINSON CRUSOE D.Defoe CIDEB



THE PURITAN AGE: Key points (B109); Charles I's reign (B110); The Civil War and the Commonwealth

(B111); The Puritan Mind (B112-113);The Puritans and society (B114-115); Metaphysical poetry (B118);

John Donne (B120-121-122) + "Batter my heart"(B 123) +"A Valediction: Forbidding Mourning"(B 124-125)

+ "No man is an island" (B134-135); John Milton (B126) +Aeropagitica : “The Freedom of Press”(B 127) +

Paradise Lost (B 128-129): "Satan's speech"(B 131)


THE RESTORATION: Key points (C2-3); The Restoration of the Monarchy (C4); the Glorious Revolution

(C5-6); Scientific rigour and intellectual clarity (C7-8);The Royal Society (C9-10); Wit and science (C11);

the enjoyment of the senses (C12); William Congreve (C14-15) +”The Way of the World” :“The sealing of

the deed” (C 15); The development of human rights (C17-18-19-20)

THE AUGUSTAN AGE: Key points(C22-23); The early Hanoverians (C24-25); Reason and sense (C26);

Enlightenment (C 27); William Hogarth: satire and street life (C28-29); Artifice and real life: a survey of

Augustan literature(C30-31);Journalism (C32); The Newspapers: the Spectator and il Caffé (fotocopia); the

Rise of the novel (C33); The features of a narrative text (C35); Satire, Irony and humour (C 36); Daniel Defoe

(C37) +” Robinson Crusoe” (C 38-39-40) + testo CIDEB /BLACK CAT + “ Moll Flanders” (C47): "Molly

becomes a thief"; Jonathan Swift (C51) “Gulliver’s Travels”(C 52-53-54) +”On politics in Lilliput” (fotocopia) +

"The laputians" (C58-59)+ “The Academy of Lagado” (fotocopia) + “ A bitter judgement on England and the

English” (fotocopia) + “The Yahoos and the Houyhnhnms (fotocopia); “A Modest Proposal” :”It is a

Melancholy Object” (fotocopia)

fotocopie : All people are equal: United Nations Millennium Development Goals; The 8 Development Goals;

The United Nations; The Universal Declaration of Human Rights; The Convention on the Rights of the Child;

The Right to participation; Rights and responsibilities; The fundamental rights of children and young people

fotocopie : Mary Shelley and a new interest in science ;Frankenstein : The creation of the monster +

Frankenstein and the monster Visione del film Frankenstein

SUCCESS upper intermediate: units 8, 9, 10, 11 + fotocopie da testi in preparazione alla certificazione FCE

come esercizio di approfondimento e recupero linguistico.

La classe ha assistito allo spettacolo in L2 “Waiting for Godot” di S. Beckett

La Docente Gli Studenti

Page 2: 4g Programmi e Compiti Delle Vacanze Di Inglese

SUMMER HOMEWORK 4 G a.s.2012/2013

Clare Kennedy FIRST PRACTICE TESTS (primi 5 tests) Black Cat Cideb

Readings :





Painful Case, The Dead Loescher