4.who would be the audience for your media product

4.Who would be the audience for your media product? By Shannon Korba

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Post on 04-Aug-2015




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4.Who would be the audience for your media product?

By Shannon Korba

Target Audience The Audience for my media product would be teenagers that are of the age of 13+ I think that I have been able to relate to a teenage audience better than I would have been able to relate to a younger audience as I know what I would want in a music magazine that I read and I think that it makes it more relatable to know that musically there are people who enjoy different types of music that will enjoy the magazine that I have created. I did choose a specific age range as I would then be set on what they would want and if I was to add something that I thought was appropriate it may not be anything like what you would find in a children's magazine that in on a shelf in WHS. The connotations of my magazine is probably best suited for the age range on 13+ as I think they may find it more appealing to read. I think that the Fonts and the strap lines would attract that type of audience as well.

My Aim for the audience

The aim of my Music Magazine that was eye catching and that was able to draw the attention of the audience that I have aimed the magazine at. I feel like because I have been doing research on what Music Magazines are selling well as well as magazines that have been aimed at teenagers has helped me to understand what my target audience want, because my aim was to be able to draw the attention of the audience in which I have chosen I think that I have done so.

Examples There are many different things that may get the teenagers viewers to look at the magazine and that is if you have the stories that they want to hear and what they want to be able to know about the ‘Gossip’ that is going on world wide for example:

Chris Brown And Rihanna’s Relationship

Beyonce and Blue Ivy (The Carter Family) As they are protective over their child so it is rare to see a picture of them all.