5 assembly component enhacements.docx

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  • 8/12/2019 5 Assembly Component Enhacements.docx


  • 8/12/2019 5 Assembly Component Enhacements.docx


  • 8/12/2019 5 Assembly Component Enhacements.docx


  • 8/12/2019 5 Assembly Component Enhacements.docx


  • 8/12/2019 5 Assembly Component Enhacements.docx


    1. Procedure: Using the Component Dashboard for Constraints


    Use the component dashboard to assemble a carburetor to an engine.

    constraints engine_01.asm

    Task 1. Assemble the CARBURETOR.

    1. Click Assemble from the feature toolbar.

    Select CARBURETOR.PRT and click Open.

    The component preview appears in light yellow, which indicates a component that is not fully constrained.

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    2. Middle-click and drag to rotate the entire assembly. Then, press CTRL + ALT and right-click and drag toposition the component as shown.

    3. Select the surfaces shown.

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    4. Select the Placementtab from the dashboard.

    Notice that an Insert constraint has been created. Do not select anything from the dashboard.

    5. Select the surface shown in the figure on the left.

    Rotate the entire assembly and select the surface on the underside of the component, as shown in thefigure on the right.

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    6. Due to the proximity of the component, the system should assume a Mate-Coincident constraint, as shown inthe figure.

    If a Mate-Offset constraint is created, right-click the drag handle of the Mate constraint, and selectCoincident.

    7. Notice that the component STATUS in the dashboard is currently Fully Constrainedand that the AllowAssumptions option is enabled. The color also changes to bright yellow.

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    8. Right-click near the model and select New Constraint.

    Select the surfaces shown in the figure.

    9. Click Complete Component .

    This completes the procedure.

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  • 8/12/2019 5 Assembly Component Enhacements.docx



    Convert existing constraints to connections, then add another component using connections directly.

    connections engine_02.asm

    Task 1. Convert the assembly constraints for the crankshaft.prt to connections.

    1. Select crankshaft.prt from the model tree, then right-click and select Edit Definition.

    Note the two constraints shown, Insertand Mate.

    2. Click Constraints To Connections from the dashboard.

    Notice that the Insert and Mate constraints have been converted into a Pin connection.

    Click Constraints To Connections again from the dashboard to convert back to the Insert and Mateconstraints.

    Click Constraints To Connections a third time from the dashboard to convert back to a Pin connection.

    3. Select the Placementtab to view the available options.

    4. Select the Axis Alignmentand the Translationconstraints on the model to view their references.

    5. Click Complete Component .

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    Task 2. Assemble the PISTON_ASSY.ASM to the ENGINE_02.asm.

    1. Click Assemble from the feature toolbar.

    2. Double-click piston_assy.asm from the Open dialog box.

    3. Press CTRL + ALT and right-click and drag to position the component as shown.

    4. Select Cylinder as the connection type.

    5. Select the surfaces as shown.

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    6. Rotate the entire assembly. Press CTRL + ALT and right-click and drag to position the component as shown.

    7. Right-click and select Add Set.

    8. Zoom in and select the surfaces shown.

    9. Click Complete Component .

    This completes the procedure.

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  • 8/12/2019 5 Assembly Component Enhacements.docx



    Apply the Transparent Display style components of an assembly.

    transparency transparency.asm

    Task 1. Apply the Transparent Display style to the engine block front and rear components.

    1. Select the cylinder.prt.

    Click View > Display Style > Transparent.

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    2. Press CTRL and select the eng_block_rear.prt and the eng_block_front.prt.

    Click View > Display Style > Transparent.

    Notice that the transparency color is based on the existing model color.

    3. Start the View Manager .

    Select the Styletab.

    Right-click Master Styleand click Save > OKto create Style0001.4. Double-click Master Style.

    Click Close.

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    This completes the procedure.

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    1. Procedure: Component Dashboard Options

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    Adjust the placement of the carburetor and add a glow plug using the Angle-Align constraint.

    db_options engine_03.asm

    Task 1. Experiment with constraint options.

    1. Select carburetor.prt from the model tree.

    2. Right-click and select Edit Definition.

    3. Select the Insertconstraint from the model as shown.

    Notice that the constraint activates and its references highlight.

    4. Select the Mateconstraint from the model.

    Right-click and select Align.

    Notice that the component flips and the constraint becomes an Align constraint.

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    5. Click Undo from the main toolbar.

    6. Right-click the handle of the Mate constraint.

    Edit the option from Coincident to Offset. Drag the Mate-Offset handle to position the component approximately as shown.

    7. Right-click the handle of the Mate-Offset constraint.

    Edit the option from Offset to Coincident.

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    Task 2. Delete a constraint and add another.

    1. Select the Alignconstraint on the model.

    2. Right-click and select Delete.

    3. Right-click near the model and select New Constraint.

    Select the surfaces shown.

    4. Click Complete Component .

    Task 3. Assemble the GLOW_PLUG using an Align Angle constraint.

    1. Click Assemble from the feature toolbar.

    Select GLOW_PLUG and click Open.

    2. Select the appropriate surfaces to insert the component into the engine head.

    Insert the component into the center hole in the ENGINE_HEAD.

    Mate the component to the ENGINE_HEAD.

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    3. If necessary, right-click and select Assumptionsto disable assumptions.

    Press CTRL + ALT. Middle-click and drag to rotate the component approximately 45.

    4. Right-click and select New Constraint.

    Select the surfaces shown.

    5. Notice that the Mate Angle option is activated in the dashboard.

    6. Edit the Constraint option from Mate to Align.

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    Type 45as the angle in the dashboard.

    7. Click Complete Component .

    This completes the procedure.

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  • 8/12/2019 5 Assembly Component Enhacements.docx



    Drag the crankshaft to observe motion in the engine. Check the model for interference between components.

    component_drag engine_04.asm

    Task 1. Drag the mechanism.

    1. Click Drag Components from the main toolbar.

    Select the exposed tip of the crankshaft and drag the mechanism.

    Middle-click to return the mechanism to its original position.

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    2. Click Snapshotsto expand the Drag dialog box.

    Notice the available options.

    Click Take Snapshot to create Snapshot1.

    Click Close.

    You can drag directly in the Assembly mode.

    Task 2. Examine collision detection functionality.

    1. Click Tools > Assembly Settings > Collision Detection Settings.

    Click Partial Collision Detection.

    Press CTRL and select the ENGINE_BLOCK.PRT and the CONNECTING_ROD.PRT.

    Click Highlight Interfering Volumes.

    Click OK.

    2. Click Drag Components from the main toolbar.

    Select the interior tip of the crankshaft and drag the mechanism.

    Notice that the dynamic interference is displayed.

    Click Closefrom the Drag dialog box.

    Task 3. Examine collision detection in Mechanism mode.

    1. Click Applications > Mechanismfrom the main menu.

    Notice that the split model tree separates components from mechanism entities.

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    2. Expand MOTORS in the model tree.

    Right-click Servo and select New.

    Select the motion axis at the center of the CRANKSHAFT.PRT.

    Select the Profiletab.

    Select Velocityas the Specification, and type 90for A.

    Click OK.

    3. Right-click ANALYSES from the model tree and select New.

    Select Kinematicas the Type.

    Type 4as the End Time and press ENTER.

    Select Snapshotto specify Snapshot1 as the Initial Configuration.

    Click Runand then click OK.

    4. Click Tools > Assembly Settings > Collision Detection Settings.

    Select Stop Animation Playback on Collision.

    Click OK.

    5. Expand the PLAYBACKS node in the model tree.

    Right-click AnalysisDefinition1and select Play. Click Play from the Animate dialog box.

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    Notice that the animation stops when a collision is detected

    Click Close.

    6. Click Applications > Standard > Yes.

    This completes the procedure.

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  • 8/12/2019 5 Assembly Component Enhacements.docx


    1. Procedure: Active Component Enhancements


    Activate assembly components and edit their features.

    activate activate_edit.asm

    Task 1. Activate and edit the flywheel and crankshaft components.

    1. Select the flywheel.prt, right click, and select Activate.

    2. Click Settings > Tree Filters.

    Select Featuresto enable it if required, and click OK.

    3. Expand the crank.asm and the flywheel.prt in the model tree.

    Right-click pattern_fins and select Edit.

    Double-click the 16 FIN_ROUNDS value.

    Type 10and press ENTER.

    Press CTRL + G to regenerate the model.

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    4. Click Window > Activateto activate the top level assembly.

    You can also press CTRL+A or right-click the top-level assembly in the model tree and select Activate.

    5. In the model tree, right-click crankshaft.prt and select Activate.

    Zoom in and select the chamfer feature.

    Right-click and select Edit.

    Double-click the chamfer value and edit it to 1.

    Press CTRL + G to regenerate the model.

    6. Press CTRL + A to activate the top-level assembly.

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    This completes the procedure.

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  • 8/12/2019 5 Assembly Component Enhacements.docx



    Create a component interface on the generic instance of the BOLT part.

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    interfaces bolt.prt

    Task 1. Create a component interface on the BOLT.PRT.

    1. When opening the bolt.prt, select The Genericinstance from the Select Instance dialog box.

    2. Click Insert > Model Datum > Component Interfacefrom the main menu.

    Select INTFC001 from the COMPONENT INTERFACE dialog box, edit the Interface Name to BOLT, and pressENTER.

    Click Automaticand select the surface shown in the figure on the left.

    Click New Constraint. Select the surface shown in the figure on the right.

    Rules can be configured for use in components that will be assembled using component interfaces. You can configure a rule to check for the correct bolt

    ype when assembling the bolt.

    3. Select the Insertconstraint on the model to activate it.

    Select the Criteriatab.

    Click Edit Rules.

    4. Configure the Rule Editor dialog box.

    Select Featurefrom the Look by drop-down menu.

    Select Expressionas the Rule option.

    Select Stringfrom the Type drop-down menu.

    Type BOLT_TYPEin the Symbol field.

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    Type BOLT_MMin the Value field.

    Click OK.

    5. Click Settings > Tree Filtersin the model tree.

    Select Placement folderif necessary, then click OK.

    6. Click Apply .

    Notice that the feature is added to the footer at the bottom of the model tree.

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  • 8/12/2019 5 Assembly Component Enhacements.docx



    Place bolts in an engine assembly using both the Single and Multiple options with component interfaces.


    Task 1. Assemble bolts using the Single option with component interfaces.

    1. Click Assemble from the feature toolbar.

    Select the BOLT.PRT and click Open.

    Select BOLT_8 and click Open.

    Select the BOLT interface and click Single.

    In the dashboard, edit the Interface to Interface option to Interface To Geom.

    2. Select the surfaces shown.

    3. Click Complete Component .

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    Task 2. Assemble 5-millimeter bolts using the Multiple option with component interfaces.

    1. Click Assemble from the feature toolbar.

    Select the BOLT.PRT and click Open.

    Select BOLT_5 and click Open.

    Select the BOLT interface and click Multiple.

    2. Notice that, in this instance, only one location point is displayed on the ENGINE_HEAD.

    The component interfaces on the ENGINE_BLOCK are not displayed because the hole surfaces used in the component interface are too small for the bolt

    eing assembled. You can verify this.

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    3. In the dashboard, click Options.

    Clear the Check interference of matchescheck box.

    Notice additional location points on the ENGINE_BLOCK are now displayed, as shown.

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    You can increase the hole diameter for the hole feature near the CARBURETOR, enabling suitable component interfaces to be displayed.

    4. Select the Check interference of matchescheck box.

    Notice that the component interfaces for the ENGINE_BLOCK are no longer displayed.

    Click Cancel Component .

    5. In the model tree, select ENGINE_BLOCK, right-click, and select Activate.

    Select the hole feature, as shown.

    Right-click and select Edit.

    Edit the value to 3.0.

    Click CTRL + G to regenerate the model.

    Select ENGINE_05.ASM in the model tree, right-click, and selectActivate.

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    6. Click Assemble from the feature toolbar.

    Select the BOLT.PRT and click Open.

    Select BOLT_5 and click Open.

    Select the BOLT interface and click Multiple.

    7. Notice that two locations points are now displayed on the ENGINE_BLOCK.

    Select the two locations to fasten the carburetor.

    8. Click Complete Component .

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    1. Procedure: Placing Components with Interface Rules


    Test the Criteria Mismatch option for component interfaces.

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    interface_rules engine_06.asm

    Task 1. Test the Criteria Mismatch option when assembling 8-millimeter bolts.

    1. Click Assemble from the feature toolbar.

    Select the BOLT.PRT and click Open.

    Select BOLT_8 and click Open.

    Select the BOLT interface and click Multiple.

    2. In the dashboard, edit the Interface to Interface option to Interface To Geom.

    Click Optionsin the dashboard.

    Select the Check Interface Criteriacheck box.

    Select the surface shown. Notice that it is not possible to assemble the bolt.

    The message window reads, "Selection does not match criteria of component interface." The holes in the ENGINE_BLOCK do not have the correct

    arameter value configured.

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    3. Click Cancel Component .

    Click Yes.

    4. Select ENGINE_BLOCK in the model tree, right-click, and select Activate.

    Select the hole feature shown.

    Right-click and select Edit Parametersto open the Parameters dialog box.

    Notice that the BOLT_TYPE parameter is set to bolt_inch.

    Edit the Value to BOLT_MM.

    Click OK.

    Select ENGINE_06.ASM in the model tree, right-click, and select Activate.

    5. Click Assemble from the feature toolbar.

    Select the BOLT.PRT and click Open.

    Select BOLT_8 and click Open.

    Select the BOLT interface and click Multiple.

    Edit the Interface to Interface option in the dashboard to Interface to Geom.

    Select the surfaces shown.

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    It is now possible to assemble the bolt because the parameter in the hole feature in ENGINE_BLOCK has been changed. Note that Check InterfaceCriteria is disabled by default.

    6. Right-click and select New Location.

    Click Optionsin the dashboard.

    Note that the Check Interface Criteriacheck box is not selected.

    Select the surfaces shown.

    You can now assemble the bolt without changing the parameter for the second hole feature in ENGINE_BLOCK because Check Interface Criteria is


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    7. Click Complete Component .

    This completes the procedure.

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    1. Which option has been included in the new Component Placement user interface?

    A -Each constraint appears as a 3-D note, enabling direct selection for editing or deleting.

    B -The right mouse button provides access to common assembly actions.

    C -

    Drag handles enable you to position components with offset constraints.

    D -The component being assembled is previewed in yellow.

    E -All of the above.

    2. How can you activate a constraint from the graphics window?

    A -Right-click and select from a list of applied constraints.

    B - Select one of the references belonging to that constraint.

    C -Select the 3D Note for that constraint.

    D -All of the above.

    3. True or False? You can create mechanism connections using the same dashboard as assembly constraints.

    A -True

    B - False

    4. A component is assembled with a Mate Offset constraint of 10. What is the result of clicking Flip in the dashboard for this c onstraint?

    A -The Offset value is flipped from 10 to -10.

    B -The Mate Offset constraint is toggled to a Mate Coincident.

    C -The Mate offset value will flip between 0 and 10.

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    D -The mate offset is converted to an align offset.

    5. Which is NOT a valid option when observing components interfering during dynamic dragging?

    A -Push on collision.

    B -Rotate on collision.

    C -Highlight interfering volume.

    D -Stop on collision.