5 guys’ sportsmanship

5 Guys’ Sportsmanship Inside the Issue Cuonzo Martin’s Feud with his fans Conflict between a player and coach A hothead official Do’s and What Not to Do When Resolving Conflict in Sports Joe Hall on Listening

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Post on 07-Mar-2016




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5 Guys’ Sportsmanship

Inside the Issue

Cuonzo Martin’s Feud with his fans

Conflict between a player and coach

A hothead official

Do’s and What Not to Do When Resolving Conflict in Sports

Joe Hall on Listening

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Table of Contents

Cuonzo vs. Tennessee 3

Player vs. Coach 5

Joe Crawford NBA Hothead 8

Editorial: Resolving Conflict 10

NCAA vs. Players 13

5 Types of Coaches 14

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In the end, Coach Martin did his job. He handled an everyday conflict with his players, trying to get them to buy into a philosophy. It is something that each coach has to handle on a daily basis. It took time, but it happened. He did this through a dominant conflict style. He said, "There are no magic tricks. We haven't changed anything. There's nothing different. They just completely bought in and understood in order for us to be successful, this is what we have to do — and they're doing it."

Cuonzo Martin's conflict with the University of Tennessee fans has come to an end. The conflict had become too much, and Coach Martin decided to bolt to be a California Golden Bear. Volunteer fans had started a petition to fire Martin in February and reached up to 30,000 by the time the Volunteers made the Sweet 16. Coach Martin showed an avoidant conflict style by not addressing the petition throughout the last half of the season. In an interview after taking the Cal job, he said, "I just really felt like it was the best thing for both parties. In order for the University of Tennessee, the fan base, to get what they need and what they're looking for, it was probably time to make a change." This shows how an avoidant conflict style becomes a lose-lose. Coach Martin held in his frustration. It then became too much to handle and forced him to leave. Coach Martin now has to go to a school where he wants to rebuild again. Now, Tennessee basketball fans have to be patient while new coach Donnie Tyndall rebuilds their own program.

Cuonzo vs Tennesseeby Brian Barnes


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When you want to avoid conflict, run away!

Just Do It.

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Player vs. CoachAlec Lemieux


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It seems as though the conflict between Michel Therrien and his defensemen P.K. Subban has come to an end as they enter the second round of the playoffs. But their conflict earlier in the year will be something that everyone in the hockey world will remember. As many people remember it all started with the rumors of P.K. Subban starting fights with older teammates at practice. Players such as David Desharnais, Tomas Plekanec, and former Canadian Erik Cole have had some disagreements on and off the ice with Subban. Ultimately starting arguments with head coach Michel Therrien wasn’t Subbam’s best idea considering that guy decides how much you play, but it didn’t stop Subban from his selfish ways. P.K. Subban is an award winning defensemen in the NHL but some say this has gone to his head and that’s why all of this conflict is happening to the Montreal Canadians. For Michel Therrien the best way to keep everybody on the team together through this bad time is stress the team concept and making sure that everyone is on board with him. If someone isn’t on board with him then they don’t play during the games, mainly because to Therrien if they don’t buy into the team they won’t play well with the team. Therrien stated, “Team concept is very important. That will never, never, never change.” Now because of Subban’s new attitude he hasn’t seen much of the ice late in games and many Habs fans do not like this kind of teaching moment for their young Norris trophy winning defensemen. Michel Therrien’s dominating conflict style was for the pure fact that he is trying to protect his team as a whole and mainly his job status as head coach. Forcing Subban to resist because of his new found love for himself and his stats leading up to a new contract next year. Showing that at first this conflict style is very bad for the group or team because not everyone is being heard and people that don’t like it might start to pull away from the group indefinitely. But in a situation where everyone in the group or team likes the same goal and everyone has compromised but one person then that solo person is going to have to buy into the system sooner or later. In this case Michel Therrin, the coach, had a system for his team and forced that idea on his team in order to win games. Everyone liked the idea and system that was in place so they bought into the idea of the common end result.

That is everyone but P.K. Subban who had an attitude outside the rest of the teams’ attitudes and he also had a different end goal on his mind for the season. This showed in games and in practice picking fights, not passing the puck, and getting penalties. So the coach disciplined his young player until he bought into the rest of the team confronting the situation from the start. This discipline involved sitting Subban on the bench during important parts of the game, almost treating him as a rookie. This is when Subban decided to go with the rest of the team and respect some of the older players on his team because he had no other choice at that point. There were probably some better ways Michel Therrien could have handled his young player but with all the support from the rest of the team he felt this was the best way to get across to Subban. If Therrien would have used other conflict styles in this situation he still would have gotten the same results just taking a different path to get there. Maybe a path less looked at by the media and fans and one that wouldn’t degrade such a good hockey player. But he got what he wanted by using his dominating conflict style and now that conflict has past the team as they look to move onto the Eastern Conference Finals.


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Louisville Slugger

Putting the D in Dominating

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Joe CrawfordNBA’s Hothead

Resume• Broke his finger giving Bill Fitch a technical• Suspended by the league for ejecting Tim Duncan for Laughing• Gave technicals for staring• Thrown out 3 players for laughing on the bench

His solution: A sports psychologist, a look in the rear view mirror, and a love for officiating 8

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Beats by DrePromoting

Collaboration since 2008

“When Conflict Arises, Dwayne and I put our Beats on and listen to each other!”-LeBron James

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Editorial: Resolving ConflictJoe Hall Sports have always been sought after to be a good way to bring out the good qualities in a person and a peaceful way to bring out competition as well. As with the many good things sports have to offer we all see the many conflicts it brings out in people as well. Yes we’ve all watched TV. And have heard those crazy stories about those fights between players, coaches, and even fans! The thing is everyone out there is competing not only for his or her passion but many for their livelihood as well. This can bring the worst out of someone and most of the time that resorts to the conflict we see on a daily basis. Now there is many sports out there with many of them being aggressive and many of them also being not so aggressive. Does that mean conflict only makes up fighting or cursing? No, and that’s far from the truth. If you take a close look at the meaning of conflict it’s “A difference that prevents agreement”. Now it’s a very broad definition that widens the meaning of conflict. With conflict having such a broad meaning its everywhere in the world of sports whether you see it or not! With conflict being around everywhere in these sports how do you prevent it? Well there’s many ways that conflict can be handled and it’s not as complicated as you may think.

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Listening also requires the ability to be able to feel when a conflict may be arising. Reading someone’s body language mostly does this. It’s actually funny that most of the time that conflict arises is mainly because the other person didn’t even realize they were doing something wrong. Let me give you a quick example. Let’s say you and your buddies are just playing a quick game of basketball and everything’s going fine and your having a good time. Next thing you know your friend gets in your face about not passing him the ball but you personally didn’t realize this was affecting him. Picking up on your friend’s body language beforehand could’ve helped solve the problem a lot smoother. In reality however the situation has progressed and it’s to late to do that now so what do you do? Listen! Instead of going back at it with him listening will make him often feel better that’s he’s being heard and in return may forgive you. So there you go! It’s that easy. Well, maybe not but it’s a way to positively effect the situation with a possible better outcome. Yes, I did use an example of normal kids playing basketball but in general it’s mostly the same types of conflict no matter if you’re playing in your backyard or practicing in a professional environment. Just teaching athletes all over the world this simples skill could help reverse the outcomes of many conflicts that are going on today.


One of the simplest solutions I’m going to talk to you about today is let me put it in simple words…….Listen! This term is used so loosely now and day that people don’t find huge meaning to it. You see when competition arises in sports you may see people go at it from time to time with opposing team members which is completely normal but in reality a lot of conflict actually results from the people within the team themselves! This can result in having major impacts on the individuals of team, which in return will affect the overall performance of a team in the long run. You may think to yourself that if it’s that easy then these problems would’ve been solved by then. The truth is there will always be conflict and quite frankly that’s a great thing! Obviously too much of it is a bad thing but it can help some people realize the actual issues behind a situation which in returned can be solved. Now let’s get back to solving some of these conflicts within sports. The ability to learn how to listen effectively to others not only helps you realize their perspective on the problem but it may allow them to see yours as well in return for you being open minded.

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Players vs. NCAATravis Gosselin


Currently there is a major conflict going on between NCAA student athletes and the NCAA on weather or not students athletes should be paid to play or not. This conflict needs to be address soon before it gets out of proportion and if not addressed soon will turn into a major issue and will need a lot of time and energy put into it below I will explain how the NCAA should approach this problem and what they shouldn’t do.

What to Do What Not to Do Create boundaries for both of the

groups so neutral respect can be shared between the parties, If the boundaries are broken everything will have to start over again to solve the conflict

Walk away when a major issue comes up then come back when both parties are calm

At the end of the day both parties should share the positives, so both parties feel they are getting somewhere

Forget about the NCAA mission statement

Walk away allowing the other party to take advantage you, Basically don’t give up

Remember this whole thing should be about the student athletes and what is best for them

Don’t Deny the rights of the student-athletes

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5 Types of Coachesby Emmett Miller




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These coaches seen here are all in their own little bubble and all wanting one thing: to win. But how they get their players to win and how they succeed on a team to coach level is all very different. Lets start with the 1 this is the “YOU HAVE TO DO IT MY WAY COACH” who is very angry all the time for the silliest reasons, wither it being the other team scored or a bad call this type of coach is always an in your face kind of guy. Now 2 on the other hand is a “I understand you got to the base but I wanted you to get to 2nd”. This type of coach is a more preferable coach not always angry but understanding that compromising is the key to this victory and he has to let up on some of his things to win. Type 3 is the golden area, it is the “You bring your skills to the table and I will point you into the right direction so we all can win this game”. This type of coaching speaks for it self, he has a set of skills and so does his players he uses them to their best output for the team. Now type 4 on the other hand is the Mr. Nice guy approach “ You guys need some water please go get some water and also if you guys could please try to win this game.” He’s not a person that wants to step on toes he just wants to get in does in the way he sees it by letting his players do what they want all the time. And last but not least is the “GO away I need to be alone and think” coach. This coach isn’t very good with confrontation at all but instead of dealing with it, he runs away from it. See Coaches don’t really understand what they need to do in order to win but when a coach sees that the collaborative approach is the way to get things their team is almost unstoppable.