5 habits of healthy eating!!

5 Habits of Healthy Eating by LV Mayfield Thursday, July 31, 2014

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5 Habits of Healthy Eating

by LV Mayfield

Thursday, July 31, 2014

1. Eat Every 2 to 4 Hours

Because you can’t control your age, gender, or genetics, we have to use other techniques to boost our metabolism. Research has found that eating often can help you lose or maintain a healthy weight. If you eat large meals with lots of hours between, your metabolism slows down which can and will lead to unwanted weight gain. By having a small meal or snack every 3 to 4 hours, your metabolism keeps moving so you burn more!

Thursday, July 31, 2014

2. Eat complete protein with each meal.

Did you know that there is “POWER” in protein? Well, there is!! Your body burns way more calories digesting protein that it does eating fat or carbohydrates. So, replace some of those carbohydrates with lean, protein-rich foods that can boost your metabolism at mealtime. Good sources include beef, turkey, fish, white meat chicken, tofu, nuts, beans, eggs, and low-fat dairy products! Yum Yum!! :o)

Thursday, July 31, 2014

3. Eat veggies with each meal!

It turns out that our parents were right about the veggies friends. Research has confirmed that veggies help lower the risk of chronic disease as well as support longevity! They are a natural, relatively inexpensive superfood with low caloric volume so, you can eat a lot of them! Adding them to your diet is simple; have them as a juice, a side dish, a salad or even as a snack! Just having them on hand is a great start!!

Thursday, July 31, 2014

4. Eat the “good” carbs!Okay, I know, I know carbohydrates get a bad rap! Most of the time it’s because we choose the ones that don’t agree with our waistlines or our weight loss goals. Start by choosing those that are low glycemic meaning they don’t spike your blood sugar levels and then leave you feeling hungrier than before you ate. Additionally, exercise is the x-factor as it increases your insulin sensitivity and your ability to use carbs!

Thursday, July 31, 2014

5. Eat healthy fats daily!

Fat is a necessary part of our diets. It keeps our skin soft, provides essential fatty acids, delivers fat-soluble vitamins and is a source of energizing fuel. The problem is that we need to know the difference between the good and the bad. Avoid trans fats as they can clog your arteries. Choose things like olive, coconut, and flaxseed oils, avocados, and nuts over french fries, cakes, cookies and processed foods.

Thursday, July 31, 2014





Thursday, July 31, 2014