5 itunes app store failures

The iTunes App Store 5 fails. 5 solutions. 5 minutes. Matt Mayer, ReignDesign (@matthewmayer) Mobile Mondays, 2009.06.29

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5 failures of the itunes app store. presentation given at mobilemonday shanghai event on June 29, 2009 by Matthew Mayer. More on mobilemonday: www.mobilemondayshanghai.net http://www.facebook.com/group.php?gid=5010806187 More on Reign Design: http://www.reigndesign.com/blog/reigndesign-talks-at-mobile-monday/


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The iTunes App Store 5 fails. 5 solutions. 5 minutes.

Matt Mayer, ReignDesign (@matthewmayer)

Mobile Mondays, 2009.06.29

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The review process

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A few adjectivesSlowInconsistentOpaqueSubjective

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Seven hundred Quidditch fouls are listed in the Department of Magical Games and Sports records… The full list of these fouls, however, has never been made available to the wizarding public. It is the Department's view that witches and wizards who see the list ‘might get ideas’

J.K. Rowling, Quidditch Through the Ages

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Reasons for rejection:“duplicates built-in functionality”“potentially offensive content”“use of Apple trademarks”“beta software”“logos don’t match”“undocumented API”….

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What can you do about it?Read the rules (written and unwritten)Make a fussIterate

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No sales metrics

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Who is using my app?

How did they find my app?

Which countries?Which devices?Which versions?Which features?Which times of day?

Searching in iTunes?Related Apps?Advertising?Review sites?

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What can you do about it?Use your own download pageRoll your own metricsUse third-party metricsSurvey your users

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iTunes Connect

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iTunes Connect UX failsSlow response timesPoor usability for common tasksBreaks the Back button

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What can you do about it?Heartbeat (heartbeatapp.com)Pre-register your apps

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No protection for your IP

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What can you do about it?Complain to AppleFight fire with fire

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Payment structure

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Month 1

Month 2

Month 3

Get paid here

Earn here

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The territories scam You need to hit $250 in each territory

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What can you do about it?Create an app pipelineIdentify your core markets

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