5 paas myths every cio needs to get over

5 PaaS myths every CIO needs to get over

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Post on 16-Apr-2017



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5 PaaS myths every CIOneeds to get over

Platform-as-a-Service (PaaS) is a relatively new approach to delivering IT. This means there still a number of myths and misunderstandings around it.

Let’s knock a few of them on the head.

Here are

myths every CIO needs to get over:


PaaS won’t help us

Although a third of IT decision makers have adopted PaaS and a further 72 percent expect to use PaaS technology in their business soon, some organisations just don’t see how it would benefit their business…1/3

Many businesses think that PaaS is only applicable to small businesses, but that’s not true. PaaS offers

big benefitsto organisations of all sizes:

Better performance. PaaS allows businesses to deploy their application quicker and more efficiently than other alternatives.

Easier maintenance. By running your app on your service provider’s infrastructure you don’t have to worry about updates and maintenance needed to keep your application running.

Lower costs. It’s generally cheaper to run your app on a provider’s infrastructure and operating system than to buy, install and maintain your own.


We’ll lose control if we use PaaS

By migrating your application to PaaS, you’ll no longer have to worry about the underlying host and operating system powering your app, but that doesn’t mean giving up control.


For example, hosting SQL Server on Azure means you don’t have to worry about the low level details of Windows Server or tuning SQL Server but you still get access to the full power of the database.

With those worries out of the way, PaaS still allows you to control exactly how you design and run your app.


Once we go PaaS there’s no going back

Some CIOs are concerned that if they commit to PaaS for one workload, they’ll need to do the same across their whole application stack.

In fact, the flexibility is one of the reasons why so many businesses are choosing PaaS. PaaS-hosted services can integrate seamlessly with your other applications if they’re migrated with care. And there’s no reason why you can’t use a mix of SaaS, IaaS and PaaS as well as on-premise services.


All PaaS offerings are the same

Comparing Microsoft Azure to Amazon Web Services is like comparing IOS to Android: superficially they seem similar, but fans of each platform could go into great detail about the differences.

You should choose the service that best suits your business, because they aren’t all one and the same.

On first glance, there are all the obvious distinctions like price, up-time promises and the name behind the platform. Beyond that, you need to ensure your PaaS provider can support your project.


Moving to PaaS will be hard

For some applications, it’s true, moving to PaaS can be complicated. For example, if an app relies on a local file system, it will need to be reworked in order to be migrated.

But, for many applications, these complications simply aren’t an issue and any costs of migrating to PaaS are far outweighed by the benefits. Plus, with the support of the right technology partner, your migration process can be made far simpler than you might expect.

In summary...

Even as it has started to gain popularity, many CIOs remain unclear about what exactly PaaS offers for their business.

But it’s worth it! comment below…

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