5 powerful tips and tricks for web development

5 Powerful Tips and Tricks for Web Development Flashback some 25 years ago, the very first websites are nothing more than giant, sparkly About Us pages with marquee text scrolling endlessly across the headers. They were nothing but block texts on flat gray backgrounds or color-splattered ones that look like a rainbow throw-up. This was the best web designers could do, especially with internet speeds, rated at a blistering 14k. But times have changed and technology has developed substantially over the years. Today, it is almost unacceptable for a business or any other organizational entity not to have a web presence especially with the way the internet and its websites are dominating how the world communicates, acquires information, shops, and makes decisions. Websites are such an important asset for businesses and organizations and glorified "About Us" pages simply won't cut it in today's cutthroat world of elaborate web designs. From animated displays to fast-loading tabs, web design and development is best left in the hands of professional developers who have the technical know-how and eye for appealing and user-friendly web designs that users will love. Here are some powerful tips that you could use when developing an up-to-date website: 5-second rule: People's attention spans are getting shorter by the minute. This is why it is important that your site is able to explain your business' value proposition within the first few seconds of their visit to your landing page. A browser's back button is the largest, most noticeable, and naturally, most widely used command on the web, and people won't think twice to click it if they don't find what they need right away. CTA: A clear cut call to action is important if you want a successful web design. Always include a compelling and clear call to action that does not require your visitors to go through hoops to accomplish what they need to do on your site. Common calls to action include "Buy Now," "Work With Us," and "Request a Quote," often seen at the top masthead, the body, or the bottom of a page. Trust-building elements: Adding testimonials, highlighting customer-centered policies, contact and support information, and other features like certifications and badges on your pages is also a great way to build trust and reassure potential clients about the quality of products and services that you offer and the kind of organization you are. Fresh content: No matter how good your online marketing scheme may be, you still won't see conversions if you don't have fresh and relevant content. Outdated content will only make your visitors think that you are an inactive or worse, dead business. Social media tags: Adding social media components into your web design not only establishes your brand's voice, but also makes it easier for audiences and avid visitors to share your content, thus cultivating brand advocates who can attract new customers into your business. Innonline Solution provides custom web development services. About the Author:- Mr. Ryan Yung, the owner of Innonline Solution , started the company in 2012 to develop new and innovative web designs. He has developed a trust in this market for creating innovative and user-friendly Web Design and Development, Web Hosting, Internet Marketing, Search engine optimization services at affordable price. With innovation and hunger to something new always made Innonline Solution rising web developing company in the market.

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Page 1: 5 Powerful Tips and Tricks for Web Development

5 Powerful Tips and Tricks for Web Development

Flashback some 25 years ago, the very first websites are nothing more than giant, sparkly About Us pages with marquee text scrolling

endlessly across the headers. They were nothing but block texts on flat gray backgrounds or color-splattered ones that look like a rainbow

throw-up. This was the best web designers could do, especially with internet speeds, rated at a blistering 14k. But times have changed and

technology has developed substantially over the years. Today, it is almost unacceptable for a business or any other organizational entity not

to have a web presence especially with the way the internet and its websites are dominating how the world communicates, acquires

information, shops, and makes decisions.

Websites are such an important asset for businesses and organizations and glorified "About Us" pages simply won't cut it in today's cutthroat

world of elaborate web designs. From animated displays to fast-loading tabs, web design and development is best left in the hands of

professional developers who have the technical know-how and eye for appealing and user-friendly web designs that users will love. Here are

some powerful tips that you could use when developing an up-to-date website:

5-second rule: People's attention spans are getting shorter by the minute. This is why it is important that your site is able to explain

your business' value proposition within the first few seconds of their visit to your landing page. A browser's back button is the largest,

most noticeable, and naturally, most widely used command on the web, and people won't think twice to click it if they don't find what

they need right away.

CTA: A clear cut call to action is important if you want a successful web design. Always include a compelling and clear call to action

that does not require your visitors to go through hoops to accomplish what they need to do on your site. Common calls to action

include "Buy Now," "Work With Us," and "Request a Quote," often seen at the top masthead, the body, or the bottom of a page.

Trust-building elements: Adding testimonials, highlighting customer-centered policies, contact and support information, and other

features like certifications and badges on your pages is also a great way to build trust and reassure potential clients about the quality

of products and services that you offer and the kind of organization you are.

Fresh content: No matter how good your online marketing scheme may be, you still won't see conversions if you don't have fresh

and relevant content. Outdated content will only make your visitors think that you are an inactive or worse, dead business.

Social media tags: Adding social media components into your web design not only establishes your brand's voice, but also makes it

easier for audiences and avid visitors to share your content, thus cultivating brand advocates who can attract new customers into your

business. Innonline Solution provides custom web development services.

About the Author:-

Mr. Ryan Yung, the owner of Innonline Solution, started the company in 2012 to develop new and innovative web designs. He has developed

a trust in this market for creating innovative and user-friendly Web Design and Development, Web Hosting, Internet Marketing, Search engine

optimization services at affordable price. With innovation and hunger to something new always made Innonline Solution rising web developing

company in the market.