5 reasons leed certification makes business sense

5 Reasons LEED Certification Makes Business Sense

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5 Reasons LEED Certification Makes Business Sense

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Everywhere you turn there’s a new green or sustainable building springing up.

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But what does that mean and who gets to decide what makes one structure more green than the next?

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LEED, which stands for Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design, is a building rating system that enables building owners to identify, choose, and implement green building solutions and practices.

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It’s designed specifically to reduce negative environmental impact while simultaneously increasing profit.

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The LEED framework has been instrumental in the development and certification of sustainable buildings and communities in over 135 countries.

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In North America aline, over 242 million square meters of space have been LEED certified.

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But going green comes at a high price…

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Depending on the project size, LEED certification can cost anywhere between $2,250 and $22,500.

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So, the question is:

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Does attaining LEED certification make sense for your project?

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Let’s take a look at a few reasons why it actually might…

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1. Marketability

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When you make the effort to have your project LEED certified, you’re ensuring that your building is marketable over the long term.

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Green buildings are often held in high esteem by members of the community because they are safe, clean, and promote positive environmental consciousness.

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And because of their efficiency, LEED certified buildings often boast a higher resale value than non-certified buildings.

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2. Low Operating Costs

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One of the main reasons many building owners and managers build or modify structures to LEED standards is that it can result in low operating costs.

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These buildings save energy, use less water, and incur low utility bills.

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In fact, USGBC reports that operating costs can decrease by about 14% for new construction and 9% for existing structures.

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3. Financial Incentives

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Getting your project LEED certified can help you reap financial benefits as well

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Not only will your ROI improve, but you’ll also be eligible for tax breaks, lower interest loans, and grants and subsidies

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4. Highlights Leadership

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Making the choice to get LEED certified will also bring your leadership skills to the fore

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By taking initiative and providing a safe and environmentally friendly space for the community to enjoy, you’ll have the opportunity to show how much you care about the community’s well-being and about the environment.

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5. Low Vacancy Rates

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In most cases, the greener the building, the fewer the vacancies.

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As the general public receives more information about the benefits of green practices, they’re becoming more inclined to use green buildings as their homes and offices.

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For example, the vacancy rate in San Diego is 4% lower in green buildings than it is for non-green buildings.