5 steps to perfect running manual


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5 Steps To Perfect Running !By Tyler J. Bramlett All Rights Reserved Copyright © 2014, Tyler Bramlett www.garagewarrior.com !No portion of this book may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, or by any information storage and retrieval system, without the express written permission of the publisher. !Manufactured in the United States of America Published by: Tyler Bramlett. Santa Cruz, California !!!!!!!!!!I’m sad to have to include a disclaimer but here it is. DISCLAIMER STATEMENT: Exercise, Nutrition and Lifestyle books and videos sold and distributed by Tyler Bramlett and garagewarrior.com or it’s partnered websites reflects the authors personal experience and is provided for educational purposes and general reference. It is not be a substitute for medical advice or counseling. !The reader assumes all risks from the use, non-use or misuse of the book. Neither the author nor publisher assumes any responsibility for the use or misuse of the information contained in this book. Please consult a Physician before beginning any nutrition and exercise program.

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PART 1 !




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Running has long been touted as one of the best fat burning, cardio building exercises in the world. From running sprints, to 5k’s, to marathons or even grueling ultra-marathons, running is almost universally the first exercise that comes to mind when people want to be healthy and fit. !Running is a foundational movement pattern of the body that was originally used by our species to escape danger or chase prey. So why is it that so may people are getting aches and pains or even worse, injured when they start a running program for the first time? !Yes, running is a foundational movement pattern of the human body but I pose this question. “If running is so popular, why is no one teaching you to do it correctly?” !You see, the human body was designed to be taken through a series of progressive steps that automatically teach you the fundamental skills of human movement. It starts with you as a baby learning to stabilize and move your neck. From there it moves to sagittal, then lateral and then rotational coordination of your core muscles as you learn to roll over. This eventually leads you to crawling, standing, walking and eventually running. !This is what is supposed to happen to all human beings physical development. The problem is, when an external stimulus intervenes in this process it inhibits your natural development which leads to improper coordination and stabilization and eventually muscle imbalances, pain and even overuse or acute injury can occur. !Even worse, the external stimulus that I mentioned above doesn’t have to be an injury, or something that you would regularly notice. In fact, the smallest fracture in

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any link of the chain can force a negative adaptation that can cause eventual pain and injury. After all, you’ve probably heard the saying, a chain is only as strong as it’s weakest link, right? !Here’s just a few examples of things you may have encountered that will stall natural physical development: !- Wearing shoes from a young age - Being put in a “Johnny Jumper” or other assisted walking device for babies - Skipping any of the critical phases of infant motor pattern development - Being held too much as an infant and not being allowed to crawl - Any injury to your toes, foot, ankle, knee hip or back - Surgeries (especially those that involve your abdomen, feet, knees and hips) - Any other external stimulus that blocked you from natural development !As you can see, there’s a slim chance that you or anyone else you know has avoided all of these pitfalls and has successfully gone through the proper human motor development phases that I mentioned above. !The good news is, no matter where you are at now, there are exercises and progressions (which you are about to learn) that will teach your body how to work the way it was designed to be used. !Say goodbye to painful, clunky and un enjoyable running and say hello to running that is fun, pain-free and well… Perfect! !Now that you know why your running form isn’t perfect, the next chapter will teach you the 5 steps that your body must go through to reset your movement and lead you towards perfect running.

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There are 5 steps your body must go through in order to to reset your movement and lead you towards perfect running: ! STEP #1 - Muscle Activation !Muscle activation is critical if you want to have perfect running technique. Plain and simple, if your muscles aren't working and aren't working properly, you are on a one way road to injury town. !Using the 3 exercises in Level 1, you will re-activate your muscles and learn to use them properly so you can say goodbye to injuries and say hello to pain free running and movement! ! STEP #2 - Balance And Posture !Balance and posture has always been a huge part of my training and yet it seems to be a massively neglected component of most peoples training programs. To improve your running, walking and pretty much any other exercise, balance and posture are critical! !Using the exercises from Level 2, you will awaken your foot muscles, and teach the activated muscles from Level 1 how to perform properly during positions of balance and movement. This will improve your running, walking, squatting and and any other lower body exercise so you can get better overall results without the risk of your knees, ankles or hips being injured. !

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STEP #3 - Dynamic Balance !Dynamic balance builds on the static balance you will learn in Level 2 and is the ability to find balance during movement. It's an extension of balance and muscle activation that builds the foundation for great movement and full body stability. !The exercises from Level 3 will teach you how to have perfect dynamic balance which will translate into you becoming more injury resistant in everything you do. ! STEP #4 - Speed, Timing And Lightness !When you look at most average runners, they lack a certain degree of fines that makes running look exciting and easy to do. They stomp their way down the road looking like they are in slow agonizing motion. Speed, Timing and Lightness are what will take you from looking like a clunky slow-mo charging rhino, to a smooth, floating gazelle. !Learning perfect technique on the exercises from Level 4 are what separates the amateurs from the pros and is what will prepare you for the last step... ! STEP #5 - Perfect Running !Perfect running is the synergistic application of all 4 steps highlighted above. When done properly, your running, sprinting and even walking will be pain free and effortless so you can enjoy the newfound freedom of movement you now have. !The next chapter will highlight the exercises from each level as well as the best way to use this system. !!!!

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!This system was designed to be used as a running practice session before your existing running or gym workout. It contains 15 different exercises segregated into 5 different levels. Everyone using this system should start with the 3 Level 1 exercises and only move up to the next level when all 3 exercises can be executed with perfect form for a full minute. You should use the workout tracker sheets from Part 2 below and practice the 3 exercises in the level that you are on for 10-15 minutes before your workout session. !Here’s the levels and exercises in the perfect running system: !LEVEL 1 - Muscle Activation !- Prone Hip Extensions - Standing Lateral Wall Activation - Standing Sagittal Wall Activation !LEVEL 2 - Balance And Posture !- Single Leg Balance (Top Position) - Single Leg Balance (Bottom Position) - Single Leg Drinking Bird (Move From Top To Bottom Position) !LEVEL 3 - Dynamic Balance !- Alternating Single Leg Drinking Bird - Moon Walking (With Pause)  - Moon Walking (With Pause Every 3 Count) !

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LEVEL 4 - Speed, Timing And Lightness !- Bunny Hops - Wall Sprinters - Single Leg Pulls !LEVEL 5 - Perfect Running !- Double Leg Pulls - Double Leg Pulls With Movement - Perfect Running !To learn these exercises, you can flip to Part 3 of this manual or for best results, watch the videos on the download page by CLICKING HERE. !The next section contains 5 different workout tracker sheets that you can use as a guideline to learn the exercises in each level. Just follow along to the template of each level’s workout before your regular workout a minimum of 3 times per week and once you can do each of the 3 exercises with perfect form for an entire minute, move onto the next level. !!!!!

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PART 2 !




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Round 1 Score Round 2 Score

Right Prone Hip Extensions

Left Prone Hip Extensions

Right Standing Lateral Wall Activation

Left Standing Lateral Wall Activation

Right Standing Sagittal Wall Activation

Left Standing Sagittal Wall Activation

LEVEL 1 Workout

DATE: Mo Tu We Th Fr Sa Su _____/_____/_____

TIME: _____:_____ AM / PM

Perform The Following Workout: (Keep Track Of Your Score In The Chart Below) !30-60 Seconds Right/30-60 Seconds Left Prone Hip Extensions 30-60 Seconds Rest Repeat For One More Round NOTES: Do you feel your glute activating? How low can you keep your thigh? !30-60 Seconds Right/30-60 Seconds Left Standing Lateral Wall Activation 30-60 Seconds Rest Repeat For One More Round NOTES: Do you feel your the outside of your glute burning? !30-60 Seconds Right/30-60 Seconds Left Standing Sagittal Wall Activation 30-60 Seconds Rest Repeat For One More Round NOTES: Do you feel your entire glute and core activating?

HOW TO SCORE YOUR SESSION: Score Each Exercise Of Your Session On A Scale Of 1-10 (10 being you felt you had perfect form on the exercise 1 being you were really bad at it) Once all exercises and sets have a core of 9 or 10, feel free to move onto the next level.

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Round 1 Score Round 2 Score

Right Single Leg Balance (Top Position)

Left Single Leg Balance (Top Position)

Right Single Leg Balance (Bottom Position)

Left Single Leg Balance (Bottom Position)

Right Single Leg Drinking Bird

Left Single Leg Drinking Bird

LEVEL 2 Workout

DATE: Mo Tu We Th Fr Sa Su _____/_____/_____

TIME: _____:_____ AM / PM

Perform The Following Workout: (Keep Track Of Your Score In The Chart Below) !30-60 Seconds Right/30-60 Seconds Left Single Leg Balance (Top Position) 30-60 Seconds Rest Repeat For One More Round NOTES: Do you feel your glute and foot activating? Do you have perfect balance? !30-60 Seconds Right/30-60 Seconds Left Single Leg Balance (Bottom Position) 30-60 Seconds Rest Repeat For One More Round NOTES: Do you feel your glute and foot activating? Do you have perfect balance? !30-60 Seconds Right/30-60 Seconds Left Single Leg Drinking Bird 30-60 Seconds Rest Repeat For One More Round NOTES: Do you feel your glute as the prime mover? Do you have perfect balance?

HOW TO SCORE YOUR SESSION: Score Each Exercise Of Your Session On A Scale Of 1-10 (10 being you felt you had perfect form on the exercise 1 being you were really bad at it) Once all exercises and sets have a core of 9 or 10, feel free to move onto the next level.

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Round 1 Score Round 2 Score

Single Leg Drinking Bird

Moon Walking

Moon Walking (Pause + Drinking Bird Every 3)

LEVEL 3 Workout

DATE: Mo Tu We Th Fr Sa Su _____/_____/_____

TIME: _____:_____ AM / PM

Perform The Following Workout: (Keep Track Of Your Score In The Chart Below) !60-120 Seconds Alternating Single Leg Drinking Bird 30-60 Seconds Rest Repeat For One More Round NOTES: Do you feel your glute activating? Can you catch yourself with perfect balance? !60-120 Seconds Moon Walking (Pause And Reload On Every Step) 30-60 Seconds Rest Repeat For One More Round NOTES: Do you feel your glute activating? Can you catch yourself with perfect balance? !60-120 Seconds Moon Walking (Pause And Drinking Bird On Every 3rd Step) 30-60 Seconds Rest Repeat For One More Round NOTES: Do you feel your glute activating? Can you catch yourself with perfect balance?

HOW TO SCORE YOUR SESSION: Score Each Exercise Of Your Session On A Scale Of 1-10 (10 being you felt you had perfect form on the exercise 1 being you were really bad at it) Once all exercises and sets have a core of 9 or 10, feel free to move onto the next level.

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Round 1 Score Round 2 Score

Bunny Hops With Various Movement

Wall Sprints

Right Single Leg Pulls With Various Movement

Left Single Leg Pulls With Various Movement

LEVEL 4 Workout

DATE: Mo Tu We Th Fr Sa Su _____/_____/_____

TIME: _____:_____ AM / PM

Perform The Following Workout: (Keep Track Of Your Score In The Chart Below) !60-120 Seconds Bunny Hops With Various Movement 30-60 Seconds Rest Repeat For One More Round NOTES: Are you using your hips to bounce? Is movement coming from your lean? !60-120 Seconds Wall Sprints 30-60 Seconds Rest Repeat For One More Round NOTES: Are you leaning from your ankles? Can you maintain this pace perfectly? !30-60 Seconds Right/30-60 Seconds Left Single Leg Pulls With Various Movement 30-60 Seconds Rest Repeat For One More Round NOTES: Do you feel your entire glute and core activating?

HOW TO SCORE YOUR SESSION: Score Each Exercise Of Your Session On A Scale Of 1-10 (10 being you felt you had perfect form on the exercise 1 being you were really bad at it) Once all exercises and sets have a core of 9 or 10, feel free to move onto the next level.

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Round 1 Score Round 2 Score

Double Leg Pulls (No Movement)

Double Leg Pulls (With Various Movement)

Perfect Running

LEVEL 5 Workout

DATE: Mo Tu We Th Fr Sa Su _____/_____/_____

TIME: _____:_____ AM / PM

Perform The Following Workout: (Keep Track Of Your Score In The Chart Below) !60-120 Seconds Double Leg Pulls (No Movement) 30-60 Seconds Rest Repeat For One More Round NOTES: Are you light on your feet? Is your ankle under your tailbone? !60-120 Seconds Double Leg Pulls With Various Movement 30-60 Seconds Rest Repeat For One More Round NOTES: Is the movement happening from your lean? Can you move with perfect form? !60-120 Seconds Perfect Running 30-60 Seconds Rest Repeat For One More Round NOTES: Is the movement happening from your lean? Can you maintain perfect form?

HOW TO SCORE YOUR SESSION: Score Each Exercise Of Your Session On A Scale Of 1-10 (10 being you felt you had perfect form on the exercise 1 being you were really bad at it) Once all exercises and sets have a core of 9 or 10, feel free to move onto the next level.

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PART 3 !




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