5 weird ways winter is hurting your heart

5 Weird ways winter is hurting your heart Cold weather not just brings flu & asthma attacks in its track, it also enhances the risk of heart attacks. Evidence recommends that the number of patients suffering from the heart attacks rises during the winter. Unhappily, public awareness concerning these dangers remains abysmally low, incorporating heart patients. Here, is the reasons why winter is the critical stage for heart patients & how to stay safe & healthy. Here are 5 Weird Ways winter is hurting your heart you should know 5 Ways to Stay Healthy & Safe This Winter 1. Hypothermia: The risk of hypothermia or an immediate loss of body temperature is normal during winter, even as we keep ourselves satisfied with woollens. Hypothermia puts the body in the state of shock. It might also occur when a person is not adequately protected or covered, which could be harmful to heart patients. The body quickly loses its capacity to provide warmth on opened to the chill. In fact, heart attacks that happen during winters can be associated with hypothermia over any other triggers. People with coronary heart disease also frequently suffer angina or chest pain when revealed to cold weather. Read on Foods That Prevent Heart Attack And Stroke

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Post on 12-Apr-2017




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Page 1: 5 weird ways winter is hurting your heart

5 Weird ways winter is hurting your heart

Cold weather not just brings flu & asthma attacks in its track, it also enhances the risk of heart

attacks. Evidence recommends that the number of patients suffering from the heart attacks rises

during the winter. Unhappily, public awareness concerning these dangers remains abysmally

low, incorporating heart patients. Here, is the reasons why winter is the critical stage for heart

patients & how to stay safe & healthy. Here are 5 Weird Ways winter is hurting your heart you

should know

5 Ways to Stay Healthy & Safe This Winter

1. Hypothermia:

The risk of hypothermia or an immediate loss of body temperature is normal during winter, even

as we keep ourselves satisfied with woollens. Hypothermia puts the body in the state of shock. It

might also occur when a person is not adequately protected or covered, which could be harmful

to heart patients. The body quickly loses its capacity to provide warmth on opened to the chill. In

fact, heart attacks that happen during winters can be associated with hypothermia over any other

triggers. People with coronary heart disease also frequently suffer angina or chest pain when

revealed to cold weather. Read on Foods That Prevent Heart Attack And Stroke

Page 2: 5 weird ways winter is hurting your heart

2. An overworked heart:

We do not recognise this but during winter, our heart works overtime as the cold weather

constrains it to pump more blood to the external areas of the body. It is one of the many causes

why blood pressure soars during the winter season, making one inclined to heart attacks &


3. Constricted airways:

With the drop in body temperature, arteries & veins are believed to tighten or squeeze. It might

limit the supply of oxygen to the heart, putting it at a risk.

4. Lack of Vitamin D: Deficiency of vitamin D is the risk factor for heart attacks, peripheral arterial disease (PAD),

congestive heart failure, strokes, & the conditions connected with the cardiovascular diseases,

such as high blood pressure & diabetes. Lack of the same during winter just sets the stage for a

heart to underperform. Read more 10 most common mistakes we all make in winter

Why Your Heart Attack Risk May Increase This Winter

Page 3: 5 weird ways winter is hurting your heart

5. Fluctuating cholesterol levels:

For heart patients, cholesterol would always be the villain. Cholesterol levels frequently fluctuate

with the change in the season, which might leave people with problematic high cholesterol with

elevated cardiovascular risk during the winter periods. And it is not unknown that high LDL

cholesterol is one of the main risk factors for the heart diseases. Read on Early Warning Signs Of

Stroke Heart attacks

What can you do?

It might seem clichéd but dress up in coats of clothing to visit safe & prevent body temperature

from falling.

Avoid depleting yourself. Your heart is already under the stress, adjusting with the drop in

temperature, & it might not be able to take another period of high-stress activity. Take rest for

work & exercise.

Never neglect any symptoms of a heart problem, at least during winter season – chest pain,

tiredness, breathing problems, as these could symbolise danger.