500 toeic questions with keys

500 Toeic Questions http://www.yeutienganh123.com Any mistakes, please feel free to contact me. Page 1 1/ Pet Love is an independent veterinary______devoted to the highest standards of animal care and to the provision of quality pet supplies a. practically b. practice c. practical d. practices 2/ The European tire market, which has doubled in size ______ the last decade, is now reaching its peak. a. at b. over c. while d. until 3/ In Florida, the population expanded ____ during the 1990s, changing the composition of many communities a. tightly b. substantially c. warmly d. subjectively 4/ Our firm received____ from numerous clients for our excellent work over the past twenty years a. compliment b. complimented c. compliments d. complimentary 5/ He was given the job because of his reputation in the field, but he has failed to live _____ the hype. a. on to b. in to c. up to d. off to 6/ Until_______notice, the cafeteria is closed. a. further b. furthermore c. farther d. recent 7/ Only twice in the last thirty years________ the company seen such low sales figures. a. has b. does c. since d. have 8/ The flight departed two hours_____ a. lately b. late c. behind d. after then 9/ I have a feeling that______ is going to happen today. a. some bad b. bad something c. some badly d. something bad 10/ _____all of the prisoners were set free a. Most b. Almost c. Both d. Neither 11/ By the end of the day, you must decide_____ or not you want to attend the conference next month a. whether b. if c. however d. rather 12/ We should expand our existing production capabilities since our product

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1/ Pet Love is an independent veterinary______devoted to the highest standards of animal care and to the provision of quality pet supplies a. practically b. practice c. practical d. practices 2/ The European tire market, which has doubled in size ______ the last decade, is now reaching its peak. a. at b. over c. while d. until 3/ In Florida, the population expanded ____ during the 1990s, changing the composition of many communities a. tightly b. substantially c. warmly d. subjectively 4/ Our firm received____ from numerous clients for our excellent work over the past twenty years a. compliment b. complimented c. compliments d. complimentary 5/ He was given the job because of his reputation in the field, but he has failed to live _____ the hype. a. on to b. in to c. up to d. off to 6/ Until_______notice, the cafeteria is closed.

a. further b. furthermore c. farther d. recent 7/ Only twice in the last thirty years________ the company seen such low sales figures. a. has b. does c. since d. have 8/ The flight departed two hours_____ a. lately b. late c. behind d. after then 9/ I have a feeling that______ is going to happen today. a. some bad b. bad something c. some badly d. something bad 10/ _____all of the prisoners were set free a. Most b. Almost c. Both d. Neither 11/ By the end of the day, you must decide_____ or not you want to attend the conference next month a. whether b. if c. however d. rather 12/ We should expand our existing production capabilities since our product

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is still very much in________ throughout the world. a. need b. question c. control d. demand 13/ When the _____ for this new safety policy was under consideration by the managers, a number of experts were asked for their comments. a. proposing b. propose c. proposes d. proposal 14/ The article provides readers with tips on how to get_____ out of debt by setting finacial goals and eliminating unnecessary spending. a. totally b. total c. totaled d. totaling 15/ _______ please find the documents that contain confidential data on the visibility of operations a. Enclosed b. Enclose c. Enclosure d. Enclosing 16/ So as to _______ that your medical treatment will be paid for, you must present a note from your doctor. a. ensure b. ensuring c. ensured d. be ensured 17/ If you have difficulty preparing for a presentation on_______, ask Mr.Jacobs

for help. a. your own b. yourself c. your d. yours 18/ Since the corporate system has a _______structured daily schedule, it would be nearly impossible to impair the work efficiency. a. hopefully b. highly c. probably d. rarely 19/ Milky Cookies____enters into a contract with a third party vendor in order to fullfill its business operations. a. occasionally b. prematurely c. marginally d. uncommonly 20/ _____ inexperienced, individuals with the willingness to learn will make a difference in the foreseeable future. a. Until b. Despite c. Although d. Otherwise 21/ The president was criticized for being _____ optimistic about the prospects of increasing profits at the previous conference call. a. overly b. fluently c. brightly d. customarily 22/ Although he was not to blame, he ______ responsibility for the production mistakes

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a. held b. took c. gave d. made 23/ The passengers were ______of the flight's delay a. expecting b. notified c. annouced d. saying 24/ She hasn't finished the monthly financial reports ______, but says she should have them by the end of the day. a. by this tiem b. still c. yet d. then 25/ The new overtime regulations will take ________ at the start of next month. a. affect b. effect c. efficacy d. affectations 26/ The management has agreed not to take further action, _____ you do not commit any further violations of company policy. a. granted b. therefore c. provided d. moreover 27/ I will be announcing to the media today that all _______ from sales of this CD will go to charity. a. proceeds b. precedes c. precedent d. results

28/ According to Nancy in the quality control department, there have been_______custormer complaints this month. This is a great improvement on the preceding two months. a. few b. a few c. some d. none 29/ Marion Smith of Merston Enterprises has asked me to make this presentation here today, on ____ behalf. a. theirs b. my c. her d. hers 30/ Her speech did not inspire any public support;_______, it made people less sympathetic to her cause. a. consequently b. otherwise c. indeed d. factually 31/ Even though Peterson Group Inc. is one of the largest automobile manufacturing companies, it has yet to see any profits as a result of____ market conditions. a. unfavorable b. unwilling c. opposing d. reluctant 32/ In an effort _____ custormers with repect we have changed our hours to accommodate customer needs. a. treating b. has treated

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c. treated d. to treat 33/ Service occupations are prevalent in all sectors of the economy, such as in manufacturing as ______ as in the service sector. a. far b. well c. good d. near 34/ The newly appointed vice president is expected to earn the _____trust of employees despite all indications to the contrary. a. completely b. completed c. completing d. complete 35/ The first step in preparing a fairly _____presentation is to do your research thoroughly on your topic. a. informative b. inform c. information d. informer 36/ _____ to focus resources and investment on this rapidly growing business, we have to make a strategic decision. a. Whether b. According c. In order d. How 37/ Passengers will get to their destination on time _____ our departure time is a little late due to a mechanical problem. a. as if

b. while c. because d. even though 38/ People don't put much inportance into a powerful marketing tool and ____ miss the opportunity to gain more potential customers. a. now that b. in case c. therefore d. otherwise 39/ All the terms of the agreement must be clear so that the meaning and intent won't be _____ by either party. a. misinterpret b. misinterpretation c. misinterpreted d. misinterpreting 40/ The plans are under serious consideration______extension of better garbage collection, street maintenance and adequate sewage services into the province. a. for b. next c. while d. onto 41/ I would like you ______ go out with him at night. a. no b. not c. to not d. not to 42/ It was necessary that she ______ her father the truth a. tell b. to tell

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c. tells d. does tell 43/ I have to go to the meeting________I want to or not. a. because b. whether c. as soon as d. whille 44/ I drive to school, ________ my brother always cycles. a. when b. even c. whereas d. if 45/ _______ at a distance, it looks like a miniature city a. Seen b. Seeing c. Having seen d. Having been seen 46/ The photocopier needs ______ a. to fix b. to be fix c. fixing d. to be fixing 47/ The head of the marketing department attributed success in the overseas market to_____ motivated and hard-working employees. a. them b. they c. itself d. its 48/ Lightware Kitchen Goods Ltd. reserves the_______ to deny any liability for damages caused by abnormal use. a. residence

b. right c. endeavor d. encompass 49/ People who have wanted to buy a home but couldn't afford to will be able to qualify, _______ interest rates remain moderate. a. whereas b. as if c. whether d. assuming that 50/ ________ merchandise may be exchanged for the same item in compliance with our exchange policy. a. Defective b. Defect c. Defects d. Defected 51/ We, one of the leading manufacturing companies, would like to build a _______ beneficial relationship with your esteemed company. a. precisely b. respectively c. punctually d. mutually 52/ Applicants are advised to fill out an application form concisely to impress potential employers, without being too ____ or boring. a. repeating b. repetitive c. repetition d. repeat 53/ _______ you have to do is sit by the baby and read to her. a. What b. Which

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c. Who d. That 54/ Let's go Smith's, _______ we can have a drink before the soccer game starts. a. where b. when c. which d. whether 55/ We should cut down_____our expenditures. a. in b. at c. on d. with 56/ The probably______ dinner by the time we get there. a. had finished b. have finished c. will have finished d. will have been finishing 57/ The speech, ____ quite long, succeeded in holding the interest of the audience from beginning to end a. though b. needless c. factually d however 58/ The TV advertisement was so effective that customer service representatives had a difficult time _________ with the sudden increase in incoming calls. a. holding down b. putting through c. keeping up d. taking over

59/ We regret ______your office of the changes to the program earlier and apologize for any inconvenience this may have caused a. to inform b. not having informed c. no to inform d. the informing of 60/ For the most part, ____ in technology stocks have seen the value of their shares increase dramatically over the last 5 years a. investing b. investment c. investors d. investiture 61/ The assets of Marble Faun Publishing Company ______last quarter when one of their main local distributors went out of business. a. suffer b. suffers c. suffering d. suffered 62/ Ms.Cho relayed her concerns about the company's financial situation while she ________ a meeting with the manager. a. having b. will have c. was having d. has 63/ Mr. Singh requested ____ from several catering companies before making his decision. a. estimates b. sponsors c. deliverance d. relocations

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64/ Our apartment building's occupancy increased ______ the efforts of our knowledgeable and friendly rental agent, Ms. Gova. a. despite b. due to c. provided that d. because 65/ Those employees wishing to change departments ________ the company may send their inquiries to Mr. Alvarez. a. among b. since c. within d. whereas 66/ The New Economic Quarterly criticized the _______ of all new products produced by Yun Sung Industrial Co., Ltd. a. procedure b. layer c. accessory d. quality 67/ One of the __ international research facilities in botany is located at the Hoskin Museum of Natural History a. led b. leads c. leader d. leading 68/ Welton Textiles Inc. made a net profit of $500 million, ______it to fund its expansion across the continent. a. allowing b. allows c. allowance d. allowably

69/ Heidelberg Publishing Co. offers employees ______ performance bonuses to encourage success. a. of b. for c. with d. to 70/ ________ contacting our Human Resources Department by phone, please include your contact information. a. During b. Until c. After d. When 71/ A_______of officers from some American corporations will be attending the Future Tech Expo in Japan. a. nomination b. revision c. description d. delegation 72/ To be in _______ with labor standards, Hampton Pharmacies' offices will have to become wheelchair accessible. a. compliance b. competence c. arrangement d. advancement 73/ If your washing machine malfunctions, you may replace it with _____ or get a full refund. a. all other b. other c. another d. each other 74/ Signs must be posted in the elevators that their maximum capacity may not

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_______ 1,600 pounds, or 727 kilograms. a. exceed b. excel c. promote d. interrupt 75/ Mr.Ben Shipley will be promoted next month for ____ managing production at our facility in Kansas City. a. effective b. effectively c. more effective d. most effective 76/ _____a recent incident with one of the newly installed elevators malfunctioning, repairmen have been hired to check all of them a. Not only b. In fact c. Due to d. As much as 77/ Employees should be aware that staff in the Human Resources Department will be ________ every weekend this month. a. refrained b. unavailable c. dissolved d. understood 78/ The shipments of air conditioning units are _____ to arrive at all four of the Lahore Trading Company's supply centers. a. measured b. scheduled c. distributed d. decided 79/ We ca create a visual identify for your company that is memorable and

________ recognizable to your target market. a. abruptly b. instantly c. hastily d. urgently 80/ With the upgrading of the company website to a simpler format, potential stockholders can find the information they seek more______. a. sympathetically b. sensitively c. rarely d. easily 81/ _______ in this department was busy preparing for the conference last week. a. Every person b. Every people c. All people d. All the people 82/ Sorry this is taking so long. Can you wait for _______ ten minutes? a. other b. an other c. another d. few 83/ The pictures, ________by a professional photographer, are going to be on display. a. taken b. which taken c. were taken d. was taken 84/ Since the early 1990s, the demand for personal computer ____ a. steadily increases b. steadily increase c. has been steadily increasing d. are steadily increasing

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85/ It is reported that the boat ______ about 60 miles off the coast of Sounth Africa. a. disappeared b. was disappeared c. was being disappeared d. has been disappeared 86/ After______interviewing more than fiffty candidates for the position of manager of the Biotechnology Department, the committee chose Dr. Alan Liu. a. carefully b. to care c. most careful d. careful 87/ This year's avarage customer satisfaction level was_____ last year's level. a. less b. little c. lower d. below 88/ The new management will ask _____ you please make sure you are aware of the new safety guidelines in the laboratories. a. that b. so that c. what d. unless 89/ The new overtime regulations will take _______ at the start of next month. a. affect b. effect c. efficacy d. affectations

90/ After the surveys were collected, the Research Department organized them and _______ the results to the chemistry team on the 3rd floor. a. exchanged b. eliminated c. proceeded d. forwarded 91/ The longer you practice, _______ accurately you will be able to type. a. more b. the c. the more d. the most 92/ She tried to express her feelings _______ she could. a. more honest than b. as honest as c. more honestly d. as honestly as 93/ Between them, Dr.Gates has ____insight. a. the greater b. greater c. greatest d. more greater 94/ Two-quarters of the land _____sold to investors. a. will b. have c. have been d. has been 95/ Fifty cents _______how much I owe you. a. does b. are c. do d. is

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96/ Don't leave your bags ________ , as they may be removed without notice. a. attend b. attending c. unattended d. unattending 97/ He has studied English _______ he was in elementary school. a. during b. while c. as long as d. since 98/ I don't think it will rain. However, if it ______, turn off the machine. a. do rain b. do rains c. does rain d. doesn't rain 99/ If you do not find the accommodations here______, be sure to let us know when you fill out your custormer comment card. a. satisfactory b. satisfied c. satisfaction d. satisfactorily 100/ One of the requirements of this position is that you show up every day _______ of the weather. a. despite b. nonetheless c. regardless c. although 101/ If inform Ms.Anne hedoni that we suggest she________ her appointment for at least a week. a. postpone

b. is postponing c. postpones d. will postpone 102/ There is no need to bring anything to the exam; you will be provided______ all required materials. a. to b. with c. for d. about 103/ Dr. Scobie is about to complete his research, the results of _____ he hopes to have published in a journal by the end of the year. a. whose b. it c. which d. that 104/ Because he knew he was being observed, Curtis had trouble_________ on his work. a. concentrates b. concentrating c. concentrated d. concentration 105/ While I was sitting outside the head office yesterday, I overheard someone_______ that your application for transfer had been rejected, though I am not certain who it was I heard speaking. a. say b. said c. to say d. had said 106/ It is necessary to_________ a thorough survey in order for us to obtain highly desirable sites for our new

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headquarters. a. detain b. associate c. conduct d. foresee 107/ Applicants must possess a master of business administration or __________experience in a related field. a. compare b. compared c. comparable d. comparing 108/ The more we spent with the sales team, the more_____ we were with their innovative marketing skills. a. impression b. impress c. impresses d. impressed 109/ _________anyone wish to access the information on the status of his or her order, the password should be entered. a. If b. Should c. Whether d. As though 110/ The fitness club________a steadily increasing number of customers and is eager to develop new programs. a. see b. seen c. seeing d. has seen 111/ The enclosed documents summarize_______ changes to the existing overtime regulations. a. propose b. propsed

c. proposes d. proposing 112/ It is likely that ________ of the annual conference will reach an all-time high this year, with more than 1000 people planning to attend a. attendant b. attendance c. attended d. attendee 113/ _________understaffed and under tight budget, 911 centers are struggling to adequately provide emergency assistance to the citiziens. a. Yet b. Meanwhile c. But d. Although 114/ A detailed quotation on the ongoing_______will be provided for free any time upon request. a. maintaining b. maintenance c. maintained d. maintains 115/ The customer sevice department is responsible for fullfilling___ from the public and has to forward them to the chief financial officer. a. requests b. request c. requesting d. requested 116/ The purchasing department________the drastic changes to the purchasing pratice with outside suppliers. a. involved

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b. agreed c. announced d. maintained 117/ Thank you for offering me a position with the company I wish to work for, and I really appreciate the efforts you've made on_______ behalf. a. I b. my c. me d. mine 118/ We are ______considering a wide variety of potential applicants, so please fill out your background information accurately. a. ordinarily b. currently c. commonly d. lately 119/ The unions requested that they be offered_______pay increases equaling about 40,000 dollars a year. a. substantiate b. substantially c. substance d. substantial 120/ The company announced plans to________ its corporate name to BATEL, Inc. for marketing and commercial purposes. a. use b. add c. change d. differ 121/ The chairperson was trying to curtail a lengthy, heated discussion________ the merits of work ethics due to the time constraint.

a. on b. by c. with d. to 122/ _________researching for long-term economic growth, the government intends to study immediate solutions to avoid severe criticism from the public. a. According to b. Future c. However d. Instead of 123/ The company you work for is willing to take advantage of new technology, but ________ are concerned about adverse consequences. a. other b. others c. the other d. another 124/ Much of the expected boost in revenue is related to a transaction tax which has yet to receive final ________ from Congress. a. approving b. approved c. approval d. approves 125/ Milky Cookies_______ enters into a contract with a third party vendor in order to fulfill its business operations. a. occasionally b. prematurely c. marginally d. uncommonly 126/ The Prime Miniter's decision to delay the upcoming election______a month will cause significant controversy

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among lawmakers. a. to b. for c. within d. with 127/ Many corporate farms are increasingly_______on subsidies from the government thanks to fluctuating food prices. a. relied b. reliant c. reliance d. relying 128/ Salary______are verified after an evaluation performed every six months after starting employment. a. increases b. increasing c. increase d. increased 129/ New owners of Century Regal's condominiums are advised to become more______ with the amenities and services available to residents. a. familiarity b. familiarly c. familiar d. familiarize 130/ Purchasing tickets for Rocky Multiplexes has become easier than______ thanks to changes made to the theater's website. a. once b. never c. not d. ever 131/ Furniture from our supply centers can only be ordered______ directly over

the phone or online. a. and b. either c. both d. yet 132/ Empty boxes should be placed in the stockroom for______ a. removable b. remover c. removed d. removal 133/ West Venture Trust, formerly _____ as the Western Mining Company, has expanded its business into finance and rural real estate. a. knowing b. was known c. known d. know 134/ Construction of the new bank branch was completed on time ______ the unseasonably wet weather. a. even though b. as if c. in spite of d. nevertheless 135/ Intended vacation times require a notification period of at least two weeks_____. a. in advance b. initially c. behind d. ago 136/ Profits fell by 20%________ the closure of one of the company’s main branches. a. due to b. because

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c. for d. past 137/ Mr.Ben Shipley will be promoted next month for_______ managing production at our facility in Kansas City. a. effective b. effectively c. more effective d. most effective 138/ Consider volunteering at a nonprofit agency to gain new skills and experience that can help_______ your transition into a new job. a. easily b. ease c. eased d. easeful 139/ Once the cause of the flooding on the ground level has been______, the warehouse can resume operations. a. find b. finding c. found d. being found 140/ The deal between Salten Industries and Epitwee Ventures Limited will not be offcial________signed by both parties next week. a. without b. until c. between d. against 141/ As part of our latest marketing strategy, this coupon_______ customers to save more money on purchases made within a certain time period. a. allows b. promotes

c. accepts d. gives 142/ Registering and shelving new books and other media is now a________process since we are down to seven librarians. a. length b. lengthen c. lengthy d. lengthens 143/ Whenever you look to make a deal _____ anybody, always establish the decision-making hierarchy ahead of time. a. of b. to c. with d. off 144/ Near 1,000 ___ tires were diverted from landfill disposal and recycled into rubber to resurface the school track. a. wastes b. wasted c. wasting d. waste 145/ The____ for the research team are asked to wait in room 203 for their interviews. a. applicants b. application c. applies d. applied 146/ Unless specified______, contractors will be responsible for obtaining all necessary safety certification and permits applicable to their scope of work. a. therefore b. consequently

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c. otherwise d. yet 147/ Andrew Hartwell is _______regarded by his employees because of his dedication and experience. a. highly b. high c. highest d. higher 148/ In a television interview, the Traxton Ltd. CEO said that _______ of the merger with Bell Corporation would be announced soon. a. detail b. details c. detailed d. detailing 149/ Ms. Fenwick not only composed the report_______ produced the visual aids which were so useful during the meeting. a. but b. however c. also d. and 150/ Rosewater Medical Center employs healthcare_______ affiliated with Huron University. a. professional b. profession c. professionals d. professionally 151/ After twenty-three years of_______, Jeffrey Bartlett is retiring from his positionas chief accounting officer. a. service b. serving

c. server d. serves 152/ When oil ________do occur as a result of accidents, a single incident has the potential to affect very large areas of sea and lengths of coast. a. spill b. spills c. spilled d. spilling 153/ The research teams of Tyrell Telecommunications Inc. possess______ knowledge of many of the products put forth by the competition. a. extend b. extends c. extensive d. extent 154/ Arcadia Homes _______ for its commitment to provide customers with quality furniture at competitive prices. a. is known b. will know c. to know d. has known 155/ Even though construction _______by unexpected electrical storms, the new office building was still finished in a timely manner. a. interrupts b. to interrupt c. was interrupted d. be interrupted 156/ Rather than the usual hosted dinner and drinks, we will be _______ tonight at the Mandarin Garden at 2025 Shattuck Ave, near the conrner of EIm Street. a. dine

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b. dined c. dining d. diner 157/ This plan outlines the topics______ plan to discuss at this afternoon's staff meeting. a. my b. me c. I d. mine 158/ As the chief administrative officer, Quincy Paxton will face exciting_______ in this new job with Laval International Shipping Company. a. challenge b. challenges c. challenging d. challenged 159/ Rei Takahashi is one of the three people________for overseeing the Research Department at Omi-Tech Solutions. a. responsible b. responsibly c. responsibility d. responsibilities 160/ Staff is reminded to treat new employees with courtesy_______ that a friendly and professional work environment can be maintained. a. as b. then c. so d. if 161/ Ms. Quong is a promising bookkeeper at our firm, as she completes________ assigned to her with precision and quickness.

a. working b. worker c. work d. worked 162/ New students at Strafford College of Computer Science are advised to take a free student’s guide booklet and review______ thoroughly. a. themselves b. them c. itself d. it 163/ ______ hiring the British marketing agent Arthur Downshire, Keene Clothiers Co. has gained and edge against its competition. a. Up b. About c. By d. To 164/ The music area will be enlarged to include pratice room with immediate_______ to the stage. a. next b. close c. adjacency d. neighboring 165/ The lights turn on every day at 6 a.m. and off again at 10p.m. _______ employees are in the office. a. during b. whereas c. while d. through 166/ Remember that work-life balance issues can affect______ in any stage of the life cycle. a. who

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b. whom c. whoever d. anyone 167/ ______ half of the existing employees at Alabama factory have agreed to transfer to the newly built factory in Ohio in July. a. Every b. Almost c. Once d. Near 169/ This summer’s lack______ interesting events in the community caused a decline in tourism from other townships. a. of b. from c. with d. for 170/ _______top entertainment venues enjoy using notable celebrities, local talents are also welcome to participate and gain experience. a. But b. Even so c. Except d. Although 171/ Laboratory employees are expected to wear a name tag and carry identification at_________times. a. full b. complete c. all d. total 172/ UDA Airways will no longer participate in joint mileage programs with credit card companies,______January 2006.

a. effected b. effective c. effects d. effect 173/ Airlines will most likely make it easier_______ frequent travelers to upgrade their tickets. a. to b. of c. for d. from 174/ We are a business strategy consulting firm ______ the top management of leading corporations. a. are serving b. serve c. serving d. served 175/ Ms. Maria Perreira is ________ responsible for some of our company's most successful marketing campaigns. a. large b. largely c. largest d. larger 176/ Ms. Cho relayed her concerns about the company's financial situation while she _______ a meeting with the manager. a. having b. will have c. was having d. has 177/ Our apartment building's occupancy increased ______ the efforts of our knowledgeable and friendly rental agent, Ms, Gova. a. despite

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b. due to c. provided that d. because 178/ Welton Textiles Inc. made a net profit of $500 million, _____ it to fund its expansion across the continent. a. allowing b. allows c. allowance d. allowably 179/ Heidelberg Publishing Co. offers employees________ performance bonuses to encourage success. a. of b. for c. with d. to 180/_______contacting our Human Resources Department by phone, please include your contact information. a. During b. Until c. After d. When 181/ Since she's running late for _______ meeting downtown, Ms. Joyce will have to catch a taxi. a. she b. her c. hers d. herself 182/ Dr. Teitelbaum asked his assistant___ the report for tomorrow morning's meeting. a. type b. will type c. was typing d. to type

183/ Between April 2nd ______ April 11th, the Merewether Library will be closed for renovations. a. or b. and c. yet d. if 184/ ______$5 million was paid for the construction of this office building. a. More b. Over c. Higher d. Further 185/ Once Mr. Mirren________completes his studies and necessary training, he may come and work for our corporation. a. success b. successful c. successfully d. successes 186/ The _______ delivery date was moved ahead by one week because of a minor computer error. a. expected b. expecting c. expectation d. expect 187/ Poplar Mills Inc. has been purchasing more arable land, hoping to increase not only production but also its_______ in the nation's grocery stores. a. competitor b. competitiveness c. competitive d. competitively

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188/ When handling large funds, bank employees are required to check the statements______ to make sure that everything is correct. a. careful b. carefully c. more careful d. carefulness 189/ Doctor at Stephen Mallory Memorial Hospital claim that cases of food poisoning caused by improper storage are becoming more......... a. frequented b. frequently c. frequent d. frequency 190/ The conference's keynote speaker addressed_____ impacts of digital technology on the current music industry. a. variety b. variably c. variation d. various 191/ The two divisions have unveiled________ plan to set aside millions of dollars to invest in a very lucrative field. a. they b. them c. their d. those 192/ _______ proficiency in German would be of much help, it is not a requirement for the advertised position. a. Otherwise b. Despite c. Regarding d. Although

193/ I don't think I've ever had a more difficult time ________ here than I did during the events of the past few days. a. to work b. working c. worked d. at work 194/ Most of the departments will be _________ office parties before the Christmas vacation begins. a. to hold b. held c. have held d. holding 195/ Be sure______ all stationery orders by 3 p.m on Fridays. a. place b. placing c. to place d. placed 196/ A questionnnaire asked________to evaluate the appearance and the overall brightness of the new merchandise. a. shopping b. shoppers c. to shop d. shopper 197/ Applicants are advised to fill out an application form concisely to impress potential employers, without being too________ or boring. a. repeating b. repeative c. repetition d. repeat 198/ During the sessions, speakers will discuss the process of_______ a global

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service by opening doors to economic opportunities. a. establish b. establishing c. establishes d. established 199/ OFA representatives recently________on-line tours and found those kinds of tours to promote their products the most effective. a. conduct b. conducted c. to conduct d. will conduct 200/ Requirements for the open position include basic computer skills and managerial experience in ______sales. a. retailing b. retail c. retailer d. retailed 201/ Come meet some of the best minds in technology: our ____________ create more products than any other software company. a. developing b. developers c. developments d. developed 202/ They have decided to scrap the new project because they can't raise enough__________. a. caption b. capitol c. captain d. capital

203/ By the end of the day, you must decide _________or not you want to attend the conference next month. a. if b.rather c. whether d. however 204/ The police are___________ investigating allegations of insider trading. a. current b. recent c. currently d. present 205/ The question we are debating is _________ we can expand our research department to meet ours needs. a. weather b. whether c. there d. what 206/ Mr. Ferguson had to inform the secretary that he wouldn't be able to return to work_______January 22. a. between b. within c. above d. before 207/ If you sell your house before the end of this month, your taxes will be reduced by almost 30%_______ the sale of your home. a. regarding b. despite c. supposing d. regardless of

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208/ Sea Sapphire Cruises is __________ to annouce the launch of their newest luxury ocean liner. a. pleased b. pleasant c. pleasure d. pleasing 209/ Even with our detailed website, many customers prefer to visit our store locations and see the products for_______. a. they b. their c. theirs d. themselves 210/ Sales_________are encounraged to familiarize themselves with the location of various merchandise in the department store. a. representational b. represent c. represents d. representatives 211/ Workshop participants were required to be _____not to choose any reserved front-row seats. a. caution b. cautious c. cautiously d. cautiousness 212/ The head of the marketing department attributed success in the overseas market to________motivated and hard-working employees. a. them b. they c. itself d. its

213/ We require all club members to________their membership cards to the service desk in order to use the fitness room. a. notify b. present c. assign d. permit 214/ Employment application forms compeleted by applicants must be_______ to Mr.Keith by Friday at noon. a. submitting b. submitted c. submit d. submission 215/ A few flight attendants have requested that some loose volts in the overheard bins________ tightened. a. be b. are c. have been d. will be 216/ ________of survey data revealed distinct differences between the two proposed projects. a. Analyst b. Analysis c. Analyze d. Analytical 217/ The sales of new wireless electronic products have significantly increased and _________-customer satisfaction. a. so has b. even so c. whereas d. as to 218/ Although revised reports are better than they were last week, Mr.Dan Gum,

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the program director, suggested_________them. a. to rewrite b. rewriting c. rewritten d. should rewrite 219/ Questions concerning whether international trade is _______ more beneficial to lower income economies have been raised for years. a. much b. such c. very d. too 220/ If you do not find the accommodations here_____, be sure to let us know when you fill out your customer comment card. a. satisfactory b. satisfied c. satisfaction d. satisfactorily 221/ Increasingly powerful computer graphics have enabled domestic filmmakers to create screen images that rival _______ Hollywood. a. them of b. that of c. this of d. those of 222/ We will help you find _____ and cost-effective solutions to drive your business to a higher level of success. a. comprehensive b. comprehension c. comprehensively d. comprehend

223/ Mr. Jackson is ______ that he is authorized to fly business class to get to the trade fair in Chicago. a. doubt b. doubted c. doubtful d. doubtfully 224/ If you need further information or have any questions about ______ your merchandise, please send an e-mail to the sales department or contact us. a. return b. returns c. returned d. returning 225/ ______must be paid to what's going on here. a. Looking b. Attention c. Presense d. Attendence 226/ The employees in the planning department spend most of their time ______ proposals for a better management structure. a. write b. writing c. written d. for writing 227/ _______ in satellite technology have significantly altered the appearance of the country's communication antenna facilities. a. Advance b. Advancement c. Advances d. Advancing

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228/ If you would like to lose weight, you ________ replace high-calorie side dishes with healthier alternatives. a. had better b. had rather c. would have d. are better 229/ Anyone employer or contractors who are found to have_______safety laws will be subject to a heavy fine. a. complied b. observed c. breached d. alhered 230/ This discount offer may not be used in______ with any other coupons. a. alignment b. momentum c. conjunction d. relation 231/ The school announced that all handout materials will be supplied in class _______ now on. a. until b. and c. since d. from 232/ When Sunlop Corporation moved its headquarters to Chicago, the director had a state-of-the-art security system________. a. installing b. install c. installed d. installs 233/ The Progress Group facilitated the design of a set of incremental steps to________its objectives.

a. accelerate b. accumulate c. accentuate d. accomplish 234/ A plethora of study programs now available online has made it possible for working people to gain certificates or degrees far ______ than ever before. a. more easily b. easier c. easiest d. easily 235/ To remain ______ for financial aid, recipients are required to show satisfactory progress toward a degree according to the guidelines. a. eligible b. entitled c. responsible d. considerate 236/ The government ordered that the experimental drug______to the laboratory for further study. a. send b. sent c. sending d. be sent 237/ A number of small companies will go bankrupt when the government ______ the legal working hours to thirty hours a week. a. reduces b. is reduced c. has reduced d. will reduce 238/ The European tire market, which has doubled in size________ the last decade, is now reaching its peak.

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a. at b. over c. while d. until 239/ The university football player______ his success and development as a player to his mother and his coach. a. accounts b. attributes c. accuses d. appraises 240/ We request that students edit their essays carefully before_______, or else they will receive major point reductions. a. submit b. submitting c. submission d. submitted 241/ Treatment for accident victims, illnesses and other injuries may be impaired_______ the Red Cross is unable to supply enough blood to hospitals. a. since b. when c. before d. after 242/ As far as the records show, Mrs. Gomez wasn't in the office on Monday, _______ on Tuesday for that matter. a. no b. nor c. either d. or 243/ Requests for extra tables must be made at least 48 hours in advance _________ our staff to have time to set

them up in the dining area. a. to b. for c. that d. after 244/ Even though there have been a number of new products claiming to be similar to our company's product in recent years, ________ is still rated number one by the consumer magazines. a. its b. that c. ours d. which 245/ This is a ____ to all shoppers that the store will be closing in 5 minutes; so we ask that you bring your items to the cash register. a. remains b. reminder c. remainder d. remembrance 246/ The ________point of the cliff offers the best view of the surrounding area especially during the winter months. a. high b. higher c. highly d. highest 247/ The________of the agreement which underwent several revisions are outlined in this report to be reviewed by the board. a. terms b. terminal c. terminally d. termination

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248/ The bank may even consider _______ the terms of the loan or forgiving it altogether. a. renegotiate b. to renegotiate c. renegotiating d. renegotiated 249/ It is ___ to sleep under a mosquito net at night when visiting Northern Manibia. a. advice b. advisable c. advise d. advised 250/ She has not sought employment outside of the local area ______ she lacks transportation. a. that b. if c. as d which 251/ Gerald Barksdale was asked if he would go for an interview for a position in______with Conway. a. management b. manager c. managing d. manages 252/ Ms. Jones hopes to learn skills like tailoring and emproidery so that she can start ______ own business later. a. herself b. her c. she d. hers 253/ I finally get home between 8:00 and 8:30 pm and still have to cook dinner, so we have been eating quite _______ these

days. a. lately b. late c. later d. lateness 254/ The new filing system proposed by Anders Consulting already_______ efficiency by thirty percent since it was implemented. a. has increased b. increased c. will increase d. was increasing 255/ Quality of service is becoming an increasingly important consideration in _______ a competitive edge in all markets. a. maintain b. maintaining c. maintained d. maintenance 256/ The human resources department will get in touch ________ all applicants as soon as a hiring decision has been made. a. with b. to c. of d. by 257/ ______ party wins the election, we do not anticipate a dramatic change in goverment policy. a. Whoever b. Whichever c. Whenever d. Wherever

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258/ Under the insurance policy, repairs to a damaged vacuum cleaner of that particular brand and covered, _______ they are performed by an authorized dealership. a. in that b. depending on c. provided that d. such that 259/ Shares for Docucom Inc. continued to rise today, ______ the fact that the CEO sold one thousand shares of his stock. a. contrast b. however c. despite d. reflect 260/ Not only ________ your department finish all its work on time, but it also provided an excellent example of successful quality control. a. were b. have c. did d had 261/ Our customers expect good service from us and we should do our best to live________their expectations. a. in for b. on for c. up for d. up to 262/ The government has earmarked eight percent of gas tax ______ for the development of alternative-energy vehicles. a. reversions b. reminders

c. remainders d. revenues 263/ European air passengers who fail to catch their plane _______ overbooking are set to have their compensation doubled. a. resulting in b. thanks for c. owed to d. because of 264/ Our company's head of R&D _______last year after the company was prosecuted for copying a new idea from one of our rivals. a. fired b. was fired c. has been fired d. will be fired 265/ All employees in our company will be_________by the Human Resources department at least two months prior to the expiration of the medical examination. a. submited b. notified c. annouced d. arranged 266/ When it comes to kingdergarden, _______ may have more to do with a mother's education or marital status than a child's intelligence. a. successful b. succession c. successive d. success 267/ The five-step process will help you to avoid_____ argumentative by lessening the conflict and opening dialogue with the customer.

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a. become b. became c. becoming d. to become 268/ The biggest problem________ our economy is the fact that business spending on capital equipment has come to a virtual standstill. a. will face b. faced c. had faced d. facing 269/ We may request personal information when you register to receive additional information__________our products and services. a. regards b. regarded c. regarding d. regardless of 270/ I expect Dimitri will continue to be a success in ________ new role and the board has complete confidence in his ability to lead the company. a. he b. his c. him d. himself 271/ Workers who possess skills which take a long time to acquire tend to earn relatively high wages to________. a. another b. other c. others d. the others 272/ After_______debate, the committee decided that now was not the time to expand their investments in South

America. a. consider b. considerate c. considerable d. considerably 273/ Negotiations between management and the union leaders broke off after the union rejected the company's ______ offer. a. late b. lately c. later d. latest 274/ _______ the finace manager and director finish discussing the funding for the buyout, they will annouce their decision. a. Because b. As soon as c. Unless d. So that 275/ Fifty dollars must be sent in with ______ of the registration forms, or the organizers of the convention will not process them. a. all b. every c. almost d. entire 276/ The investment group could not raise ______ money to start the construction on the new condonminium development. a. too much b. enough c. some of d. a lot

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277/ Prior to the new laws, there ________no penalty for polluting. a. had been b. has been c. have been d. is being 278/ His resignation happened at the _______ possible time. a. most b. worst c. worse d. terrible 279/ The company hopes that the personel ______will be of varied backgrounds and possess outstanding research skills. a. choose b. choice c. chose d. chosen 280/ Prior _____ starting the tournament, they shook hands and promised to play fair. a. to b. than c. as d. before 281/ He seems to have cut _______shaving this morning. a. him b. himself c. his d. he 282/ If you do not find the accommodations here_____, be sure to let us know when you fill out your customer comment card. a. satisfactory

b. satisfied c. satisfaction d. satisfactorily 283/ When I walked into the store, she was busy________calls a. taking b. takes c. took d. take 284/ Kate usually goes to class by bicycle, but today she _______ by bus because of the rain. a. go b. goes c. went d. gone 285/ There isn't ________information yet for us to make a final decision. a. much b. enough c. many d. a lot of 286/ Airlines will most likely make it easier_____ frequent travelers to upgrade their tickets. a. to b. for c. of d. from 287/ UDA Airways will no longer participate in joint mileage programs with credit card companies, _______ January 2006. a. effected b. effective c. effects d. effect

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288/ In order to provide a better service to ______, Smallville's traveller information desk has been explanded. a. visit b. visitors c. visiting d. vistation 289/ The managers hope that the new plan will increase sales both in the coming year and______. a. beyond b. within c. above d. along 290/ Mr. Jacobs was ecstatic when he learned that he ______ to the board of directors. a. has appointed b. was appointing c. had appointed d. had been appointed 291/ He was given the job because of his reputation in the field, but he has failed to live ______ the hype. a. on to b. in to c. up to d. off to 292/ With pratice, I can assure you, you'll make ____ mistakes. a. much b. any c. lesser d. fewer 293/ I ________him to finish editing the manuscript by Friday. a. told b. said

c. told to d. tell 294/ I ______ afraid to speak in front of a large crowd. a. did not b. don't c. am not d. will not 295/ She would like to meet ________ who have done business in South Africa. a. another people b. other people c. another person d. other person 296/ He said he didn't need _____help moving the files into the basement. a. some b. to c. any d. many 297/ The new secretary _______too many mistakes. a. takes b. does c. makes d. has 298/ There were no ______ of financial trouble. a. designs b. signs c. signatures d. signal 299/ A large ________of money is missing from safe. a. number b. a lot

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c. sum d. much 300/ There isn't ________information yet for us to make a final decision. a. much b. enough c. many d. a lot of 301/ Although he was not to blame, he _________responsibility for the production mistakes. a. held b. took c. gave d. made 302/ There will be a meeting for anyone interested in learning about the new building plans at 5 p.m ________. a. on next Friday b. at next Friday c. in next Friday d. next Friday 303/ He is particularly_______by the way the new manager has dealt with emergencies. a. impressionable b. impressed c. impressive d. impression 304/ We are a business strategy consulting firm _______ the top management of leading corporations. a. are serving b. serve c. served d. serving

305/ We are looking for recent graduates with exceptional and _______quantitative abilities and language skills to join our company. a. demonstrate b. demonstrable c. demonstrating d. demonstrates 306/ UDA Airways will no longer participate in joint mileage programs with credit card companies, ________ January 2006. a. effected b. effective c. effects d. effect 307/ The new overtime regulations will take ______ at start of next month. a. affect b. effect c. efficacy d. affectations 308/ Whenever you look to make a deal ______ anybody, always establish the decision-making hierarchy ahead of time. a. of b. to c. with d. off 309/ The mild summer weather _______ for the slow business this season. a. accounts b. explains c. states d. adapts 310/ The primary _______ concern among our manufacturers is acquiring

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the necessary resources at a reasonable price. a. finances b. financed c. financial d. financially 311/ Those employees who cite their salaries as a reason for not renewing their contracts represent only a _______ small number of employees who resign. a. nearly b. closely c. precisely d. relatively 312/ This new software would _______the accounting firm to process accounts more efficiently. a. inhibit b. prefer c. enable d. keep 313/ The secrectary in the 2nd floor office________e-mails between 8 a.m and noon. a. answers b. talks c. responds d. replies 314/ _______of the proposed plans by the chamber of commerce involves an annual agricultural exhibition. a. Someone b. The one c. One d. As one 315/ Maurice Robertson, _________an executive at a small company, became the CEO of Bradshaw Industries four

months ago. a. once b. often c. soon d. now 316/ Our aim is to focus on customers' needs and satisfaction by _______ introducing exceptional goods. a. consist b. consistently c. consistent d. consisting 317/ An investment ________ gradually increases in value over the years can be more profitable than more short-term alternatives. a. that b. they c. what d. when 318/ There will be a panel ________of pharmaceutical company spokesperson and consumer advocates to debate current health concerns. a. consist b. consisting c. will consist d. to be consisted 319/ Please mark the appropriate box to indicate if the person named above________ any of the certificates listed below. a. holding b. held c. holds d. hold 320/ Dr.Elizabeth Kay was by _______ until the arrival of Dr.lan DeSilva at 8:30

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a.m. a. her b. herself c. she d. hers 321/ Ms. Jennifer Hong has been a_______ colleague of mine for seven years and it has been pleasure to work with her. a. close b. closely c. closing d. closure 322/ It’s high time you .................. to study seriously. a. begin b. began c. did begin d. would begin 323/ Since the invention of seatbelts, certain automobile fatalities are now often_______. a. preventability b. prevention c. preventing d. preventable 324/ Customers at Prussian Blue Books are reminded to keep their receipt________ proof of purchase when they place an order. a. off b. except c. as d. though 325/ Mr.Whatley unintentionally took Ms.Potvin's timetable, thinking it was _______.

a. him b. himself c. his d. he 326/ Indigo Electronic's research team recommended _________ notebook computers to complete in the national market. a. develop b. developed c. developing d. development 327/ Despite _______ addtional capital for her business, Ms.Rita Klein still had trouble meeting overheard costs. a. having received b. be receiving c. has received d. received 238/ The Blackwell KV, part of our newest series of headphones, is the most advanced model of ____ kind. a. its b. our c. your d. their 239/ Transportation costs amidst rising oil prices and environmental issues are among the toughest ________ for Partridge Farms and Maple Orchard Mills. a. challenge b. challenging c. challenged d. challenges 240/ Epsilon Mining Corp. plans to ________ stock from the companies they supply with raw materials.

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a. purchased b. purchase c. purchases d. perchasing 341/ One of the requirements of this position is that you show up every day ______ of the weather. a. despite b. nonetheless c. regardless d. although 342/ There is construction going on outside today, so please ______ the windows closed. a. stay b. remain c. let d. keep 343/ The agreement was concluded_______ precisely 11:03 p.m. on November 27th. a. near b. on c. at d. to 344/ Ms. Oliver wishes to express her concern _______ the decision not to review the safety procedures. a. regard b. regarding c. regards d. regardless 345/ Dr. Scobie is about to complete his research, the results of _______ he hopes to have published in a journal by the end of the year. a. whose b. it

c. which d. that 346/ Stress is the physical and mental tension you feel when ________ with change. a. faces b. face c. facing d. faced 347/ If your ______ is received within one month from now, the price might be reduced to 480 dollars per unit. a. ordering b. ordered c. to order d. order 348/ If you ________any inconvenience in using the student laboratory please do not hesitate to tell us so that we can rectify the problem. a. experience b. had experienced c. experiencing d. were experienced 350/ A banquet is being held in honor of the governor_______political career began in 1989 in an underground student movement and spanned almost quarter a century. a. who b. whom c. which d. whose 351/ When Sunlop Corporation moved its headquarters to Chicago, the director had a state-of-the-art security system______. a. installing

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b. install c. installed d. installs 352/ The market research report was full of _______ predictions about exchange rates that later proved completely wrong. a. compel b. compelled c. the compelled d. compelling 353/ I would also like to _______ my thanks to Ms.Porter, the hotel clerk who located my missing luggage. a. expand b. expect c. extend d. exhale 354/ A private investor purchased the historic castle, which _______ renovations before being opened to public. a. undergo b. will undergo c. have undergone d. will be undergone 355/ With the newly built manufacturing facility in North Korea, the company will be able to produce______ as many units as before. a. two b. double c. twice d. second 356/ During job interviews, applicants should try to remain as calm as they can________ nervous they may actually be. a. even if

b. however c. although d. nonetheless 357/ Requests for extra tables must be made at least 48 hours in advance _______ our staff to have time to set them up in the dining area. a. to b. for c. that d. after 358/ The manager made______ clear that everyone will be given additional time to complete the required survey forms after the meeting. a. them b. so c. such d. it 359/ Guests are reminded _______ use of this facility is restricted to people over the age of 12. a. to b. by c. for d. that 360/ Production schedules need to be revised because it may take longer than _________ anticipate to receive parts from the coverseas plant. a. we b. us c. our d. ours 361/ You can have a chance to win a free trip for two to the Bahamas by completing the entry form available _______the product is being sold.

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a. wherefore b therefore c. wherever d. however 362/ The people _______ the class expressed strong interest in attending the free lecture over the weekend. a. take b. taking c. taken d. took 363/ I still ______ going to the supermarket once a week is the most convenient way to shop for groceries. a. like b. try c. intend d. find 364/ The best way to keep parents________ is to keep them informed and for their children to thrive. a. satisfaction b. satisfy c. satisfyingly d. satisfied 365/ She developed her painting skills only later, by_____, rather than receiving a formal art education. a. she b. her c. herself d. hers 366/ Research ________ that prisoners with low educational success or those who do not receive education during imprisonment are more likely to be repeat offenders. a. imply

b. was implied c. implies d. have implied 367/ My experience shows a new employee generally makes 2 to 5 times _______ mistakes as a one-year employee. a. as many b. much more c. more than d. too much 368/ This jacket is ______ superior to that one a. far b. few c. a few d. any 369/ Over the last 18 months, price reduction has been accompanied by a three-fold decrease in_______demand. a. produce b. produced c. producer d. product 370/ The state law now prevents companies from asking questions about an applicant's marital ______ on an application form. a. state b. status c. statistics d. statement 371/ The current global semiconductor trading situation is widely considered to be the worst and I see no indication of any real upturn in the ________ future. a. long b. nearer

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c. expecting d. foreseeable 372/ After a lengthy debate, it was decided that there was _______ need to purchase additional office equipment. a. no b. not c. none d. never 373/ ________ of the outcome of the election, 49% of the country now feels a burning hatred for 51% of the country, and vice versa. a. Regard b. Regarding c. Regardless d. Regards 374/ The Building Committee has narrowed down the list of potential contractors to those________ bids are within budget. a. who b. which c. whom d. whose 375/ You shall be ______ no obligation to accept any offer and may, at your discretion, discontinue membership after two years. a. under b. making c. able to d. used to 376/ The new gaming system everyone is waiting for will be released ______ December. a. by b. with

c. from d. in 377/ Those who suffer from their back pain should check with a healthcare provider before_____ an exercise program. a. beginning b. begin c. to begin d. begins 378/ The ten prisoners were all blaming________. a. altogether b. one another c. together d. each another 379/ Both of us gave________the gifts last night. a. together b. altogether c. one another d. each other 380/ As networks have become more_______, the knowledge needed for installation and maintenance also has increased. a. sophisticate b. sophisticated c. sophisticating d. sophistication 381/ ______ finished the task, he couldn't take a vacation a. Had not b. Have not c. Not having d. Having not

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382/ Forelli Media Inc. is an internationally________marketing firm noted for its success throughout Europe, East Asia, and the Americas. a. recognized b. recognizing c. recognize d. recognizes 383/ New owners of Century Regal's condominiums are advised to become more_______ with the amenities and services available to residents. a. familiarity b. familiarly c. familiar d. familiarize 384/ Purchasing tickets for Rocky Multiplexes has become easier than ______thanks to changes made to the theater's website. a. once b. never c. not d. ever 385/ The business weekly magazine suggested that________shipping problems in the upcoming holiday season, businesses should encourage customers to shop early. a. avoid b. avoided c. to avoid d. avoids 386/ When it comes to_______, there are multiple options. a. invest b. invested c. investing d. invests

387/ Rather than the usual hosted dinner and drinks, we will be ______ tonight at the Mandarin Garden at 2025 Shattuck Ave, near the corner of Elm Street. a. dine b. dined c. dining d. diner 388/ Spokesmen for Newport Properties praise the company about_____well-made their dwellings are. a. only b. there c. most d. how 389/ The lights turn on every day at 6 a.m and off again at 10 p.m ______ employees are in the office. a. during b. whereas c. while d. through 390/ Employees who wish to ______ in the marketing seminar are urged to do so by this Friday. a. attend b. apply c. enroll d. expect 391/ Remember that work-life balance issues can affect_______in any stage of the life cycle. a. who b. whom c. whoever d. anyone

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392/ Huntley Village Stores would like to ______ custormer' attention to the information below: a. pull b. make c. draw d. have 393/ The chief financial officer of Waterhouse Inc. is expressing______concerning his predecessor's informative advice. a. appreciation b. appreciative c. appreciating d. appreciates 394/ ________ he studied hard, he would have passed his exam. a. If b. Should c. Had d. When 395/ Anyone_______experiences complications with the new software is encouraged to bring this matter to Mr.Gruber's attention in room 210 a. who b. which c. whom d. whose 396/ Through the Internet people are discovering new ways to share relevant information with________. a. the other b. another c. other d. one another 397/ We had to spend the whole month searching for better solutions, and

_________ customers were impressed by our efforts. a. fortunate b. fortunes c. fortune d. fortunately 398/ Donations_______ for the purchase of necessities will help provide a brighter holiday season to people in need. a. seek b. seeking c. have sought d. being sought 399/ The custormer service department is responsible for fulfilling____from the public and has to forward them to the cheif financial officer. a. requests b. request c. requesting d. requested 400/ You should always get approval_______the purchasing manager before buying any new supplies. a. to b. with c. at d. from 401/ I'd never ________studying for an MBA, but my boss just offered to help cover the cost of tuition if I do. a. been b. thought c. considered d. contemplating 403/ What the new employees________in experience, they

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make up for in enthusiasm. a. have b. lack c. deficient d. insufficient 404/ The bus departed ten munites_______. a. lately b. late c. behind d. after then 405/ The potential cadidate needs to be responsive______ customer needs, be able to create new and original ideas, and be able to adjust to shifting priorities. a. from b. on c. of d. to 406/ The movie's village-bred heroine must ________with the culture shock that she faces upon arrival in the United States. a. contend b. replace c. reward d. group 407/ The incredible design________the attention of big partners, which could potentially be worth millions. a. attracts b. was attracted c. attract d. has attracted 408/ We should expand our existing production capabilities since our product is still very much ______in throughout the world.

a. need b. question c. control d. demand 409/ It looks like directors of the corporate finance division_____the details of managerial compensation contracts. a. regulate b. regulating c. regulates d. is regulated 410/ Buses in the metropolitan area are rarely on schedule ______ traffic is busy and hectic. a. which b. in case c. when d. in order that 411/ You will have a full week at the resort of your____, departing on July 20 and arriving back in Tokyo on July 26. a. choose b. choice c. choices d. chose 412/ It was likely that the results of our study were heavily influenced______individual experience and skills participants had, according to the report. a. toward b. due c. by d. when 413/ he newly appointed vice president is expected to earn the _____trust of employees despite all indications to the

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contrary. a. completely b. completed c. completing d. complete 414/ To be in _______ with labor standards, Hampton Pharmacies' offices will have to become wheelchair accessible. a. compliance b. competence c. arrangement d. advancement 415/ Between them, Dr.Gates has ____insight. a. the greater b. greater c. greatest d. more greater 416/ Transportation costs amidst rising oil prices and environmental issues are among the toughest ________ for Partridge Farms and Maple Orchard Mills. a. challenge b. challenging c. challenged d. challenges 417/ Mr.Leavenworth sought free legal advice online before______with his own lawyers a. to consult b. consults c. consulted d. consulting 418/ The people _______ the class expressed strong interest in attending the

free lecture over the weekend. a. take b. taking c. taken d. took 419/ Requests for extra tables must be made at least 48 hours in advance _______ our staff to have time to set them up in the dining area. a. to b. for c. that d. after 420/ When Sunlop Corporation moved its headquarters to Chicago, the director had a state-of-the-art security system______. a. installing b. install c. installed d. installs 421/ ________ you are here for corporate workshops or need to host a meeting, we can offer conference rooms, food services, and lodging. a. That b. Should c. Even d. Whether 422/ After further research on breast cancer treatment, pharmaceutical companies are investing in medicine development areas that look more________. a. promising b. completed c. favorite d. immature

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423/ Please make sure that all the volts in overhead compartments are tightened_______. a. secure b. security c. securely d. more secure 424/ You are cordially invited to attend a_________ party thrown in honor of employees who have served the company for more than thirty years. a. retirement b. retire c. retires d. retired 425/ Many young professionals say they would prefer more vacation time________ a pay increase. a. than b. to c. from d. through 426/ Currently, BDH Corp. is looking at making additional changes in the management strategies that will continue to________ its employees. a. benefit b. benefiting c. benefical d. beneficiary 427/ Discount________for Friday's morning movies are available in Ms. Cheddar's office. a. ticket b. tickets c. ticketing d. ticketed

428/ The program director was absent from the meeting yesterday because she________ a seminar in another room. a. is conducting b. was conducting c. had conducted d. had been conducted 429/ So many new university______are expected to join the work force this year that the competition for jobs is likely to be very stiff. a. graduates b. graduations c. gradually d. graduated 430/ Those who suffer from their back pain should check with a healthcare provider before_______an exercise program. a. beginning b. begin c. to begin d. begins 431/ _______ of the outcome of the election, 49% of the country now feels a burning hatred for 51% of the country, and vice versa. a. Regard b. Regarding c. Regardless d. Regards 432/ As networks have become more______, the knowledge needed for installation and maintenance also has increase. a. sophisticate b. sophisticated c. sophisticating d. sophistication

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433/ Registering and shelving new books and other media is now a_______process since we are down to seven librarians. a. length b. lengthen c. lengthy d. lengthens 434/ The_______for the research team are asked to wait in room 203 for their interviews. a. applicants b. application c. applies d. applied 435/ Contractors will be________ the office building so that the stockroom will be on the first floor. a. renovation b. renovated c. renovating d. renovates 436/ The business weekly managize suggested that________shipping problems in the upcoming holiday season, businesses should encourage customers to shop early. a. avoid b. avoided c. to avoid d. avoids 437/ Sorry this is taking so long. Can you wait for_______ ten minutes? a. other b. an other c. another d. few

438/ He wouldn't say anything________ directly asked a question; he was a man of few words. a. since b. otherwise c. or else d. unless 439/ ______I'm retired, I can take a long journey throughout Europe. a. However b. Now that c. Thanks to d. Due to 440/ I drive to school,_________ my brother always cycles. a. when b. even c. whereas d. if 441/ All________you have to do is take care of the baby. a. what b. that c. which d. it 442/ My father is________me to bring whomever I wish. a. making b. allowing c. letting d. giving 443/ _______what to do, he just waited until his father arrived. a. Know not b. Not know c. No knowing d. Not knowing

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444/ I would like you______ go out with him at night. a. no b. not c. no to d. not to 445/ Only twice in the last thirty years________ the company seen such low sales figures. a. has b. does c. since d. have 446/ In the future, you really ________plan your finances better. a. should b. need c. has to d. have better 447/ She would like to meet_______ who have done business in South Africa. a. another people b. other people c. another person d. other person 448/ I _______him to finish editing the manuscript by Friday. a. told b. said c. told to d. tell 449/ He seems to have cut_______ shaving this morning. a. him b. himself c. his d. he

450/ As was expected, we got there without_______difficulty. a. so b. many c. any d. some 451/ According to a survey, the size of a man's eyes is generally a bit smaller than________. a. a woman's b. those of a woman c. that of a woman d. that of a woman's 452/ If you do not find the accommodations here_______, be sure to let us know when you fill out your customer comment card. a. satisfactory b. satisfied c. satisfaction d. satisfactorily 453/ Please inform Ms.Anne Hedoni that we suggest she________ her appointment for at least a week. a. postpone b. is postponing c. postpones d. will postpone 454/ Trying to force one's religious beliefs on someone else is futile, for no one can_______ another person believe anything. a. let b. impose c. make d. get 455/ Nobody is opposed________your suggestion.

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a. at b. on c. to d. with 457/ UDA Airways will no longer participate in joint mileage programs with credit card companies, ________ January 2006. a. effected b. effective c. effects d. effect 458/ The secrectary in the 2nd floor office________e-mails between 8 a.m and noon. a. answers b. talks c. responds d. replies 459/ Indigo Electronic's research team recommended _________ notebook computers to complete in the national market. a. develop b. developed c. developing d. development 460/ Our customers expect good service from us and we should do our best to live________their expectations. a. in for b. on for c. up for d. up to 461/ When I walked into the store, she was busy________calls a. taking b. takes

c. took d. take 462/ Maurice Robertson, _________an executive at a small company, became the CEO of Bradshaw Industries four months ago. a. once b. often c. soon d. now 463/ Despite _______ addtional capital for her business, Ms.Rita Klein still had trouble meeting overheard costs. a. having received b. be receiving c. has received d. received 464/ Heidelberg Publishing Co. offers employees ______ performance bonuses to encourage success. a. of b. for c. with d. to 465/ During job interviews, applicants should try to remain as calm as they can________ nervous they may actually be. a. even if b. however c. although d. nonetheless 466/ With the newly built manufacturing facility in North Korea, the company will be able to produce______ as many units as before. a. two b. double

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c. twice d. second 467/ I would also like to _______ my thanks to Ms.Porter, the hotel clerk who located my missing luggage. a. expand b. expect c. extend d. exhale 468/The newly appointed vice president is expected to earn the _____trust of employees despite all indications to the contrary. a. completely b. completed c. completing d. complete 469/ Please _______Ms.Condell that no one has received their paychecks yet. a. accept b. notify c. anounce d. present 470/ The incredible design________the attention of big partners, which could potentially be worth millions. a. attracts b. was attracted c. attract d. has attracted 472/ I was feeling______ sick, so I went home early. a. little b. a little c. much d. a lot

473/ Employees who wish to ______ in the marketing seminar are urged to do so by this Friday. a. attend b. apply c. enroll d. expect 474/ The best way to keep parents________ is to keep them informed and for their children to thrive. a. satisfaction b. satisfy c. satisfyingly d. satisfied 475/ The management has agreed not to take futher action, _______ you do not commit any further violations of company policy. a. granted b. therefore c. provided d. moreover 476/ ________was always one of my strong points during my M.B.A course. a. To advertise b. Advertising c. Advertisement d. To advertising 477/ All________ are asked to show up by 10:00 a.m a. personnel b. personnels c. personalities d. personal 478/ The advertising division is concerned about the new product. They think______will not sell very well. a. them b. that

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c. they d. it 479/ Usually between the two stock options the company offers, it makes little difference in the final amount_______way you prefer. a. which b. what c. in which d. whichever 480/ It was discovered that the blood bank knowingly________ using contaminated products. a. risked b. damaged c. feared d. attempted 481/ Club members are strictly prohibited from using spam in their marketing efforts, and are______ to immediate termination if they do so. a. accustomed b. subject c. possible d. likely 482/ Transportation costs amidst rising oil prices and environmental issues are among the toughest ________ for Partridge Farms and Maple Orchard Mills. a. challenge b. challenging c. challenged d. challenges 483/ We regret ______your office of the changes to the program earlier and apologize for any inconvenience this

may have caused a. to inform b. not having informed c. no to inform d. the informing of 484/ John recently _________ his friends to the party. a. take b. took c. taken d. has taken 485/ Attendance is mandatory for the staff meeting____ for next Tuesday in the council hall. a. has been scheduled b. schedule c. will schedulle d. scheduled 486/ _____ inexperienced, individuals with the willingness to learn will make a difference in the foreseeable future. a. Until b. Despite c. Although d. Otherwise 487/ _____ to focus resources and investment on this rapidly growing business, we have to make a strategic decision. a. Whether b. According c. In order d. How 488/ Applicants are advised to fill out an application form concisely to impress potential employers, without being too ____ or boring. a. repeating

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b. repetitive c. repetition d. repeat 489/ The longer you practice, _______ accurately you will be able to type. a. more b. the c. the more d. the most 490/ It's essential that he ______ his term paper by the end of next week a. submit b. submits c. submitted d. has submitted 491/ _________for the money management seminar will be forwarded to all the managers tomorrow. a. Invite b. Invitations c. Inviting d. Invitation 492/ It is necessary to__________ a thorough survey in order for us to obtain highly desirable sites for our new headquarters. a. detain b. associate c. conduct d. foresee 493/ Through the Internet people are discovering new ways to share relevant information with _______. a. the other b. another c. other d. one another

494/ During this time your application will remain available for ________ until opportunities become open. a. consider b. considering c. considered d. consideration 495/ Sea Sapphire Cruises is _______ to announce the launch of their newest luxury ocean liner. a. pleased b. pleasant c. pleasure d. pleasing 496/ The secrectary, Ms. Lucy Tran, has been working_______7 a.m. at responding to e-mails. a. until b. since c. about d at 497/ Sales________ are encouraged to familiarize themselves with the location of various merchandise in the department store. a. representational b. represent c. represents d. representatives 498/ Students are________ to provide identification before entering the stacks of Macintyre University's library. a. applied b. required c. submitted d. interviewed 499/ The biggest problem _______ our economy is the fact that bussiness

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spending on capital equipment has come to a virtual standstill. a/ will face. b/ faced. c/ had faced. d/ facing. 500/ The custormer service department is responsible for fulfilling____from the public and has to forward them to the cheif financial officer. a. requests b. request c. requesting d. requested