50023iiird semester addon course examination

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  • 7/23/2019 50023iiird Semester Addon Course Examination







    1.A.)The main diference between an intranet and an extranet is that the intranet is the

    network that is limited or use on the organizations computers, whereas the extranet is an

    extension o the companys intranet. The extranet make a!ailable some o the inormation o

    the intranet to people not directly connected to the intranet.

    Intranet is an internal network. It is used by companies to connect their computers on a network. Webopedia defines

    intranet as a network based on TCP/IP protocols (an internet) belonin to an orani!ation" usually a corporation"

    accessible only by the orani!ation#s members" employees" or others with authori!ation. $n intranet#s Web sites lookand act %ust like any other Web sites" but the firewall surroundin an intranet fends off unauthori!ed access.&

    The intranet is based on TCP/IP protocols" howe'er" it is inaccessible from the outside. nly the members of the

    corporation with authori!ed access may lo on and access the network and the data on the network. ike allnetworks" the Intranet is mainly used to share data" information" resources" company prorams" software

    applications" as well as facilitate communication between people or work roups within the company. Intranet

    impro'es the data sharin capability and o'erall knowlede base of the company*s employees.

    While" anyone can setup an intranet+ it is mainly used by corporations as it is a secure network and is much less

    e,pensi'e to build and manae than pri'ate networks based on proprietary protocols. In fact" Intranets are

    considered to be one of the fastest-rowin sements of the Internet.

    ,tranet" on the other hand" is an internal network that can be accessed e,ternally. The e,tranet can be thouht as an

    e,tension of the company*s intranet. People from outside the company can ha'e a limited access to the company*s

    internal network for business or education related purposes. The access may be ranted to the orani!ation*spartners" 'endors" suppliers" current and potential customers" etc.

    Webopedia defines e,tranet as a bu!!word that refers to an intranet that is partially accessible to authori!ed

    outsiders. Whereas an intranet resides behind a firewall and is accessible only to people who are members of thesame company or orani!ation" an e,tranet pro'ides 'arious le'els of accessibility to outsiders. ou can access an

    e,tranet only if you ha'e a 'alid username and password" and your identity determines which parts of the e,tranet

    you can 'iew.&

    Webopedia also states that the e,tranets are becomin a 'ery popular means for business partners to e,chane

    information. 0owe'er" the e,tranets re1uire security and pri'acy" so that the information on the network is not

    wronly accessed or misused by e,ternal parties. In order to protect the network" the e,tranets can incorporate

    firewall ser'er manaement" the issuance and use of diital certificates or similar means of user authentication"encryption of messaes" and the use of2I3T4$ P3I2$T 5TW367 (2P5s) that tunnel throuh the public


    7earchnterpriseW$5 lists some of the uses of the e,tranet8

    ,chane lare 'olumes of data usin lectronic 9ata Interchane (9I)

    7hare product catalos e,clusi'ely withW07$37 or those :in the trade:

    Collaborate with other companies on %oint de'elopment efforts

    ;ointly de'elop and use trainin prorams with other companies

    Pro'ide or access ser'ices pro'ided by one company to a roup of other companies" such as an online

    bankin application manaed by one company on behalf of$

  • 7/23/2019 50023iiird Semester Addon Course Examination


    The main difference between an intranet and an e,tranet is that the intranet is the network that is limited for use on

    the orani!ations computers" whereas the e,tranet is an e,tension of the company*s intranet. The e,tranet makea'ailable some of the information of the intranet to people not directly connected to the intranet.

    ! Demographics8 The demoraphics and technoloy preferences of consumers and health professionals

    may be amon the first considerations when plannin a m0ealth proram so that technoloy platformscan be strateically tailored to users.

    Reimbursement and policy framework8 arly m0ealth models were primarily unsuccessful due toreimbursement issues rather than technoloical ones.>2alue-based reforms that bundle payment with

    1uality outcomes based on e'idence-based standards could help ad'ance the business case for m0ealth.$dditionally" orani!ations* risk manaement policies should address pri'acy and security" 0ealth

    Insurance Portability and $ccountability $ct (0IP$$) reulations" and consumer concerns reardin thesafety of patient information.

    Local infrastructure8 The a'ailability" accessibility" and reliability of local networks ? cellular"

    broadband" and wireless ? impact when and how m0ealth is used. $s download speeds and bandwidth

    capacity increase" m0ealth prorams could le'erae more ad'anced mobile functions. In addition"

    health care systems* current readiness to manae and respond to incomin clinical data may hinderm0ealth*s potential.

    Disease dynamics8 m0ealth strateies that alin with case manaement comple,ities and clinical

    ob%ecti'es" as determined by differin disease states" are more likely to be effecti'e.

    @) A! L"#$% A&'$ N'()"&* +LAN!

    $ ocal $rea 5etwork ($5) is a network that is restricted to smaller physical areas e.. a local office" school" or

    house. $ppro,imately all current $5s whether wired or wireless are based on thernet. n a Aocal $rea

    5etwork* data transfer speeds are hiher than W$5 and B$5 that can e,tend to a >. Bbps (thernet network)

    and >. Dbps (Diabit thernet).$5 networks can be implemented in multiple ways" for e,ample twisted pair

    cables and a wireless Wi-> standard can be used for this purpose. ne end of the twisted

    pair cable is plued into switches usin A3;-FG connectors* whereas the other end is plued to a computer or in

    another network. $ll new routers use the b//n I E@.>> standards. The Ab* and A* operate in the @.F D0!

    spectrum" and An* operates in @.F and G. D0! which allows better performance and less interference.Computers

    and ser'ers (pro'ides ser'ices to other computers like printin" file storae and sharin) can connect to each other

    'ia cables or wirelessly in a same $5. Wireless access in con%unction with wired network is made possible by

    Wireless $ccess Point (W$P). 9e'ices with W$P functionality pro'ide a bride between computers and

    networks. $ W$P is able to connect hundreds or e'en more of wireless users to a network. 7er'ers in a $5 are

    mostly connected by a wire since it is still the fastest medium for network communication. =ut for workstations

    (9esktop" laptops" etc.) wireless medium is a more suitable choice" since at some point it is difficult and

    e,pensi'e to add new workstations into an e,istin system already ha'in comple, network wirin.

    M'(&""%($ A&'$ N'()"&* +MAN!

    $ Betropolitan $rea 5etwork (B$5) is a network that connects two or more computers" communicatin de'ices

    or networks in a sinle network that has eoraphic area larer than that co'ered by e'en a lare Aocal $rea

    5etwork* but smaller than the reion co'ered by a AWide $rea 5etwork*. B$5s are mostly built for cities or

    towns to pro'ide a hih data connection and usually owned by a sinle lare orani!ation.

    $ Betropolitan $rea 5etworks brides a number of Aocal $rea 5etworks* with a fiber-optical links which act as

    a backbone" and pro'ides ser'ices similar to what Internet 7er'ice Pro'ider (I7P) pro'ide to Wide $rea

    5etworks and the Internet.

  • 7/23/2019 50023iiird Semester Addon Course Examination


    Ba%or technoloies used in B$5 networks are A$synchronous Transfer Bode ($TB)*" A

  • 7/23/2019 50023iiird Semester Addon Course Examination


    phones may interfere with sensiti'e medical de'ices. Huestions concerninmobile phone radiation and

    healthha'e been raised.

    H$ ('&8$#' )( 4'#'8 7creens and keyboards tend to be small" which may make them hard to use.

    $lternate input methods such as speech or handwritin reconition re1uire trainin.

    J $) 9I (lectronic 9ata Interchane) refers to electronic communications of business transactions between

    orani!ations. 9I implies computer to computer transactions directly into 'endor databases and orderin systems.

    In >KK the 5ational Institute of 7tandards and Technoloy defined electronic data interchane as :the computer-to-

    computer interchane of strictly formatted messaes that represent documents other than monetary instruments. 9I

    implies a se1uence of messaes between two parties" either of whom may ser'e as oriinator or recipient. The

    formatted data representin the documents may be transmitted from oriinator to recipient 'ia telecommunications

    or physically transported on electronic storae media.: (http8//www.itl.nist.o'/fipspubs/fip>>[email protected]) They specify

    that the usual processin is done by computer only and human inter'ention is intended only for problem resolution"

    1uality re'iew or other special circumstances.

    A4$($'7 "8 EDI

    9I pro'ides cost sa'ins by reducin paper and eliminatin paper processin.

    Time sa'ins and eliminatin repetition are other benefits from the reduction in paper processin.

    9ocuments can be transferred more 1uickly and processin errors can be decreased allowin business to be

    done more efficiently.

    Bore efficient processin will likely lead to impro'ed customer ser'ice which will ultimately e,pand the

    customer base.

    D7$4$($'7 "8 EDI

    Contrasted to LB" which is not strictly standardi!ed" many consider 9I to ha'e too many standards.

    There are 'arious standards bodies who ha'e de'eloped #standard document formats# for 9I which can

    cause problems with cross compatibility.

    These standards bodies also push standards re'isions annually which could cause problems if you ha'e a

    more recent 'ersion of a document than a business partner.

    9I systems are e,tremely e,pensi'e makin it difficult for small businesses to implement.

    Bany lare orani!ations will only work with others who utili!e 9I. This may limit the business small

    companies are able to do with such orani!ations and limitT3$9I5D partners.

  • 7/23/2019 50023iiird Semester Addon Course Examination


    =) To e,chane documents withT3$9I5D partners" you must con'ert the data to and from 9I 7tandard formats.

    9I standards are the re1uirements for the format and content of 9I business documents. 9I standards determine

    the correct order and location of the units of data in an 9I document. $ll 9I transactions are defined by 9I


    9I standards de'elopers desin and publish 9I 7tandard formats for 'arious kinds of documents" such aspurchase orders or in'oices" that you miht e,chane with yourT3$9I5D partners.

    $ll 9I standards include the followin components8

    E%''( The smallest component in an 9I 7tandard.

    S''(7 Droups of elements.

    T&$7$#(" 7'(7 $lso called messaes" transaction sets are roups of sements.

    9I 7tandard format is comparable to the lanuae that you speak.

  • 7/23/2019 50023iiird Semester Addon Course Examination









    EDIINT working gro!"

    EDIINTAS#$e%&en'ion &o ()i* &r)n'!or&+

    EDIINTAS2$b)'e, on HTTP &r)n'!or&+

    EDIINTAS3$b)'e, on FTP &r)n'!or&+

    EDIINTAS4$b)'e, on WebSer-ie'+

    =) 9I consists of J main components8

    >. S($4$&47are determined by the business partners

    @. T&$7%$(" 7"8()$&'has two fundamental functions. It must enerate outoin information in astandardi!ed format and interpret incomin information. Bany software tools pro'ide much more

    functionality. The cost of translation software 'aries dramatically dependin on the platform and the

    functionality re1uired. This cost can rane from hundreds to thousands of dollars/euros.J. E%'#(&"# $%/"; 7''7(2$5) is of the user company#s choice. 0owe'er" the use of a specific 2$5

    ser'ice may be stronly suested" due to the relationship established between the business partner and a

    specific 2$5. It could be a benefit as in this case" some 2$5s pro'ide discount prices.


    5 A! What is collaborati'e authorin or writinM ne definition is8 acti'ities in'ol'ed in the production of a

    document by more than one author" then pre-draft discussions and aruments as well as post-draft analyses and

    debates are collaborati'e components. N>O =ased on this definition" the collaborati'e authorin process includes the

    writin acti'ity as well as roup dynamics. $nother definition is :...any piece of writin" published or unpublished"

  • 7/23/2019 50023iiird Semester Addon Course Examination


    ascribed or anonymous" to which more than one person has contributed" whether or not they rasped a pen" tapped a

    keyboard" or shuffled a mouse.: N>O This definition alludes to the comple,ity of identifyin and acknowledincontributions and their contributors.With collaborati'e authorin" there is a meshin of the comple,ity of (technical)

    writin alon with the challenes of collaboration. Di'en that writin is a comple, " open-ended task" there are many

    ways of statin meanin. With multiple authors" this adds to the comple,ity. The acts of collaboration and writin as

    they relate to collaborati'e authorin include8 establishin an aenda or oal of the collaboration effort" identifyinwritin tasks and di'idin those tasks amon roup members" trackin indi'idual idea eneration" definin rules for

    document manaement" identifyin roles for roup members" communicatin ideas" and manain conflict.

    Collaborati'e authorin" therefore" re1uires effecti'e communication between members of the writin roup.

    The communication re1uirements of the writin task are8 task di'ision" brainstormin" editin" eneral discussion"

    and oal settin. Task di'ision relates to assinin tasks and communicatin the associated re1uirements anddeadlines. =rainstormin is eneratin and recordin ideas to be used in production of the te,t. ditin in'ol'es

    members indicatin their comments about and enhancements for the te,t. These comments and suestions will be

    used to re'ise the e,istin te,t. Deneral discussions can include formal team meetins as well as casual" impromptu

    con'ersations. 9eterminin what the purpose or oal of the document is oal settin. $lso" oal settin can includeestablishin the timeliness and acti'ities that relate to task di'ision.=esides facilitatin the processes of writin"

    lanuae and written te,t are the products of the roup as well as the means of communication. When writin" the

    author many times makes notes or comments about the te,t within the te,t itself. To the reader" these notes may

    appear to be part of the actual document. Therefore" there is the need to make the distinction between e,ternalrepresentation and actual document te,t. . the team plans and outlines the task" then each writer prepares his/her part and the roup compiles the

    indi'idual parts" and re'ises the whole document as needed+

    @. the team plans and outlines the writin task" then one member prepares a draft" the team edits and re'ises

    the draft+

    J. one member of the team plans and writes a draft" the roup re'ises the draft+

    F. one person plans and writes the draft" then one or more members re'ises the draft without consultin the

    oriinal authors+

    G. the roup plans and writes the draft" one or more members re'ise the draft without consultin the oriinalauthors+

    . one person assins the tasks" each member completes the indi'idual task" one person compiles and re'ises

    the document+

    . one dictates" another transcribes and edits. 3esults from the study indicated that the percentae of writin

    roups that use these methods often or 'ery often rane from JQ (method G) to J>Q (method J).

    ! $

  • 7/23/2019 50023iiird Semester Addon Course Examination


    creditor relationship with o'ernmental body or a corporation (bond)" or rihts to ownership as represented by an

    option. $ security is a funible" neotiable financial instrument that represents some type of financial 'alue. Thecompany or entity that issues the security is known as the issuer.

  • 7/23/2019 50023iiird Semester Addon Course Examination



    Contact centers run support or help desks" which reularly answers technical 1uestions from customers and assists

    them usin their e1uipment or software. 7upport desks are used by companies in the

    computin" telecommunicationsand consumer electronicsindustries.

    Customer ser'icecontact centres answer specific 1ueries relatin to customer issues" in the bankin and utility

    sectors these are fre1uently used to answer customer 1uestions relatin to their account or payments" this type of

    ser'ice may e'en be used to respond to customer complaints and undertake retention strateies for unsatisfied


    Contact centres also carry out sales andmarketinacti'ities+ these can be performed throuh cold callinstrateies

    and increasinly throuh li'e chat applications on company websites.


    contact centre supports interaction with customers o'er a 'ariety of media" includin telephony"e-mail" and

    internet chat. $ telephone answerin ser'ice is a more personalised 'ersion of the call centre" where aents et to

    know more about their customers and their callers+ and therefore look after calls %ust as if based in their customers#


    Calls may be inboundor outbound. Inbound calls are made by consumers" for e,ample to obtain information" report

    a malfunction" or ask for help. In contrast" outbound calls are made by aents to consumers" usually for sales

    purposes (telemarketin). $ :blended: center combines both inbound and outbound campains where each type of

    aent (inbound or outbound) can handle the o'erflow of the other.

    Call centre staff are often oranised into a multi-tier support system for more efficient handlin of calls. The first tier

    consists of operators" who initially answer calls and pro'ide eneral information. If a caller re1uires more assistance"

    the call is forwarded to the second tier (in the appropriate department dependin on the nature of the call). In some

    cases" there are three or more tiers of support staff. Typically the third tier of support is formed of product

    enineers/de'elopers or hihly skilled technical support staff for the product.


    In contrast to in house manaement" outsourced bureau contact centres are a model of contact centre that pro'ide

    ser'ices on a :pay per use: model. The o'erheads of the contact centre are shared by many clients" thereby

    supportin a 'ery cost effecti'e model" especially for low 'olumes of calls. utsourced centers ha'e rown in

    popularity. There is criticism of the outsourcin model

    Companies that reularly utilise outsourced contact centre ser'ices include =ritish 7ky =roadcastinand rane

    (telecommunications)in the telecommunications industry"$didasin the sports and leisure sector"$udiin car

    manufacturin and charities such as the37PC$.

    utsourced call centers are often located in thede'elopin countries" where waes are sinificantly lower. The call

    center industry in the Philippinesand call center industry in the =anladeshser'e as ood e,amples.

    C$%% C'('&7 H'$%(#$&'

    The healthcare industry has used outbound call center prorams for years to help manae billin" collections" and

    patient communication. The inbound call center is a new and increasinly popular ser'ice for many types of

    healthcare facilities" includin lare hospitals. Inbound call centers can be outsourced or manaed in-

    house.Bountain7tar 0ealthcareis one of the first companies to build an inbound call center in-house. $merican

    0ealth Connectionis an $merican healthcare call center corporation with a focus on inbound call centers that utili!e


  • 7/23/2019 50023iiird Semester Addon Course Examination


    These healthcare call centers are desined to help streamline communications" enhance patient retention and

    satisfaction" reduce e,penses and impro'e operational efficiencies.

    A)C"('( $$''((CM)" is a set of processes and technoloies that supports the collection" manain" and

    publishin of information in any form or medium. When stored and accessed 'ia computers" this information may be

    more specifically referred to as diital content"or simply as content.9iital content may take the form of te,t (such

    aselectronic documents)" multimedia files (such as audio or 'ideo files)" or any other file type that follows a content

    lifecycle re1uirin manaement.The process is comple, enouh to manae that se'eral lare and small commercial

    software 'endors such as Interwo'enand Bicrosoftoffercontent manaement softwareto control and automatesinificant aspects of the content lifecycle.

    E. $) Content manaement practices and oals 'ary by mission and by orani!ational o'ernance structure. 5ews

    orani!ations" e-commercewebsites" and educational institutions all use content manaement" but in different ways.

    This leads to differences in terminoloy and in the names and number of steps in the process.

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    The ability to track and manae multiple 'ersions of a sinle instance of content

    The ability to publish the content to a repository to support access

    Increasinly" the repository is an inherent part of the system" and incorporatesenterprise searchand retrie'al.

    Content manaement systems take the followin forms8

    Web content manaement systemRsoftwarefor web sitemanaement (often what content

    managementimplicitly means)

    utput of a newspapereditorial staff orani!ation

    Workflowfor articlepublication

    9ocument manaement system

    sinle sourcecontent manaement systemRcontent stored in chunks within a relational database

    2ariant BanaementsystemRwhere personnel ta source content (usually te,t and raphics) to represent

    'ariants stored as sinle source :master: content modules" resol'ed to the desired 'ariant at publication (for

    e,ample8 automobile owners manual content for >@ model years stored as sinle master content files and

    :called: by model year as needed)Roften used in concert with database chunk storae (see abo'e) for lare

    content ob%ects

    Content manaement e,pert Barc O

    Localized Governance8

    =y puttin control in the hands of those closest to the content" the conte,t e,perts" locali!ed o'ernance models

    empower and unleash creati'ity. These benefits come" howe'er" at the cost of a partial-to-total loss of manaerialcontrol and o'ersiht.

    Centralized Governance8

    When the le'ers of control are stronly centrali!ed" content manaement systems are capable of deli'erin an

    e,ceptionally clear and unified brand messae. Boreo'er" centrali!ed content manaement o'ernance structures

    allow for a lare number of cost-sa'ins opportunities in lare enterprises" reali!ed" for e,ample" (>) the a'oidance

    of duplicated efforts in creatin" editin" formattin" repurposin and archi'in content" (@) throuh process

    manaement and the streamlinin of all content related labor" and/or (J) throuh an orderly deployment or updatin

    of the content manaement system.

    Federated Governance8

  • 7/23/2019 50023iiird Semester Addon Course Examination


    shiftin their focus from sellin a product to creatin somethin that is needed. 7tartin from product creation to

    sellin and ser'icin" consumer focus is i'en the utmost priority. The focus roup discussions" 7ur'eys andfeedbacks done by companies to understand consumers are some e,amples to show how much importance is i'en

    to consumers.


    9) =luetooth is a computin and telecommunications industry specification that describes how mobile phones"

    computers" and personal diital assistants (P9$s) can easily interconnect with each other and with home and

    business phones and computers usin a short-rane wireless connection.

    1") #$%&' #(' #*

    11! C"('&-$4'4 4'7(CAD) is the use ofcomputersystems to assist in the creation" modification" analysis"

    or optimi!ation of adesin.C$9 software is used to increase the producti'ity of the desiner" impro'e the 1uality of

    desin" impro'e communications throuh documentation" and to create a database for manufacturin. C$9 output is

    often in the form of electronic filesfor print" machinin" or other manufacturin operations.Computer-aided desin

    is used in many fields. Its use in desinin electronic systems is known as electronic desin automation"or EDA. In

    mechanical desin it is known as mechanical desin automation (MDA

    ) or#"('&-$4'4 4&$8(


    )" whichincludes the process of creatin atechnical drawinwith the use of computer software. C$9 software for

    mechanical desin uses either 'ector-based raphics to depict the ob%ects of traditional draftin" or may also

    produceraster raphicsshowin the o'erall appearance of desined ob%ects. 0owe'er" it in'ol'es more than %ust

    shapes. $s in the manual draftinoftechnicaland enineerin drawins" the output of C$9 must con'ey

    information" such as materials" processes" dimensions"andtolerances"accordin to application-specific con'entions.

    C$9 may be used to desin cur'es and fiures in two-dimensional(@9) space+ or cur'es" surfaces" and solids

    inthree-dimensional(J9) space. C$9 is an important industrial arte,tensi'ely used in many applications" includin

    automoti'e" shipbuildin" and aerospace industries" industrial and architectural desin"prosthetics" and many more.

    C$9 is also widely used to produce computer animationfor special effectsin mo'ies" ad'ertisinand technical

    manuals" often called 9CC diital content creation. The modern ubi1uity and power of computers means that e'en

    perfume bottles and shampoo dispensers are desined usin techni1ues unheard of by enineers of the >Ks.=ecause of its enormous economic importance" C$9 has been a ma%or dri'in force for research incomputational

    eometry" computer raphics(both hardware and software)" and discrete differential eometry.

    12! It is absolutely possible and a rather economic decision to establish your own call center. 0owe'er" it is not as

    simple as e1uippin a few people with phones. There are se'eral factors that should be kept in mind.


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