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Post on 12-Jan-2015




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• Rome was built on seven hills.

• Rome was located near the west coast of Italy.

• Rome was also located close to the Tiber River.

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• Many people thought that expansion in the Roman empire either helped or went against people.

• Tiberius Gracchus thought that expansion hurt the roman empire cause it drove small farmers off their land.

• Along with his brother Gaius the poor were able to maintain their land.

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• Farming in Rome was great especially with their climate.

• The Romans happily enjoyed the Mediterranean climate cause it gave the dirt more soil.

• With their arable land they were able to grow crops such as vegetables,grains,and olives.

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Punic wars

• As Carthage’s power grew in the Mediterranean Rome began to take its limits to Carthage’s expansion.

• A general from Carthage Hannibal decided to lead his army through the alps.

• Once they got through the alps Hannibal had lost half his elephants and one quarter of his army.

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• Judaism originated in the Middle East.

• Judaism spread beyond where they first developed.

• Jews lived in many parts of the Roman Empire.

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• Christianity is the official religion of Rome.

• All Christians spread among all non-Jews

• Paul helped to spread early Christianity.

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Etruscan mysticism

• The Etruscans believed that gods gave them signs in nature.

• They tried to interpret lightning before they went into battle.

• Etruscan diviners used the stars to plan the layouts of their cities.

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Greek Mythology

• Myths about the gods and goddesses functioned as their religion to the ancient Greeks.

• Greeks conducted elaborate ritual and sacrifices to please gods.

• Gods and Goddesses controlled all aspects of their life.

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Latin Language

• The roman‘s were able to establish a written and spoken language.

• They were able to make Latin speaking language.

• Today we are able to use Latin Roots to make new words.

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Military organization

• What was so great about their military was they were able to move quickly.

• Not only were they able to move quickly they were able to attack quickly.

• The Romans with being able to move out and to attack they were the most feared empire.

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Development of aqueducts

• Aqueducts was a great invention cause they were able to get water through them.

• The aqueducts were able to send the water through out the empire.

• The water that came through the aqueduct was fresh water.

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Republican form of government

• The Roman’s were able to make a new system of government.

• This system of government allowed anybody to vote it did not matter if you were in the high class the middle class or the lower class.

• The cool thing about this system of government was that their was no class that dominated.

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Political corruption

• One of Rome’s serious problems was choosing a new emperor.

• The Roman’s never created an effective system to determine who would be the next emperor.

• For this reason, the choice of a new emperor was chosen in an open debate.

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Tiberius Gracchus

• Tiberius Gracchus was born into a well plebian family.

• Tiberius Gracchus was elected into tribune.

• Until one day he was killed in a assembly along with 300 of his followers.

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Gauis Gracchus

• Gauis the youngest brother of Tiberius was elected into tribune for two successful years.

• He increased his power through the assembly.

• With Gauis attempting to appose with the senate broke into bloody riots.

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Law and order

• Rome had many crime scenes that is why guards mostly guarded the wealthy.

• People who did crimes were summoned to court.

• The roman senate were the most powerful branch beside the ruler.

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• A farmer who had to pay workmen could not produce goods cheap.

• Therefore slave owners could sell their crops for lower prices.

• Thousands of these men filled the cities with no jobs.

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• The Romans traded with many countries.

• Rome sometimes traded with countries along the Mediterranean Sea.

• Rome since it was in Italy mostly traded with Byzantium.

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• The roman economy suffered inflation beginning after the reign of Marcus Aurelius.

• Once the roman's stopped conquering land gold decreased into the roman economy.

• Yet gold was being spent by the the Roman’s to pay for luxury items.

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Excessive military spending to defend the empire

• Maintaining an army to defend the boarders from barbarian attacks was a constant drain on the government.

• Military spending left few resources for other activities.

• In the latter years of the roman empire frustrated Roman’s lost desire to fight for empire.

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Social structure

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Urban decay

• Wealthy Roman’s lived in houses with marble walls and intricate colored tiles.

• Most Roman’s were not rich.

• They lived in small smelly apartment houses called islands.

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Role of men

• The roman families are patriarchal, this means that their families are surrounded with men.

• The father or grandfather in a roman family is called a paterfamilias.

• His place in the house hold is the king in the old monarchy.

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Role of women

• Roman women had an advantage over women in Greece.

• In Rome a lady could own personal property.

• Although Roman law required that women must have male guardians thought their lives.

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Patrons and clients

• Another important tradition in Roman society involved patrons and clients.

• Patrons were patricians or wealthy plebeians and clients were poorer plebeians.

• Patrons offered assistance to clients in return their political support.

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• What I think that was most important thing I learned about Ancient Rome was the network of concrete roads. I think that was a great achievement because it helped people travel and trade. Another thing is that they we were able to use this idea in today's world.