51 types of poetry

51 Types of Poetry This article contains 51 types of poetry. These include all known (at least to my research) forms a poem may take. If you wish to read more about poetry, these articles might interest you: poetry technique and poetry definition ABC A poem that has five lines that create a mood, picture, or feeling. Lines 1 through 4 are made up of words, phrases or clauses while the first word of each line is in alphabetical order. Line 5 is one sentence long and begins with any letter. Acrostic Poetry that certain letters, usually the first in each line form a word or message when read in a sequence. Ballad A poem that tells a story similar to a folk tail or legend which often has a repeated refrain. Read more about ballads. Ballade Poetry which has three stanzas of seven, eight or ten lines and a shorter final stanza of four or five. All stanzas end with the same one line refrain. Blank verse A poem written in unrhymed iambic pentameter and is often unobtrusive. The iambic pentameter form often resembles the rhythms of speech. Bio A poem written about one self's life, personality traits, and ambitions. Burlesque Poetry that treats a serious subject as humor. Canzone Medieval Italian lyric style poetry with five or six stanzas and a shorter ending stanza. Carpe diem Latin expression that means 'seize the day.' Carpe diem poems have a theme of living for today.

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Page 1: 51 Types of Poetry

51 Types of PoetryThis article contains 51 types of poetry. These include all known (at least to my research) forms a poem may take. If you wish to read more about poetry, these articles might interest you: poetry technique and poetry definition

ABCA poem that has five lines that create a mood, picture, or feeling. Lines 1 through 4 are made up of words, phrases or clauses while the first word of each line is in alphabetical order. Line 5 is one sentence long and begins with any letter.

AcrosticPoetry that certain letters, usually the first in each line form a word or message when read in a sequence.

BalladA poem that tells a story similar to a folk tail or legend which often has a repeated refrain. Read more about ballads.

BalladePoetry which has three stanzas of seven, eight or ten lines and a shorter final stanza of four or five. All stanzas end with the same one line refrain.

Blank verseA poem written in unrhymed iambic pentameter and is often unobtrusive. The iambic pentameter form often resembles the rhythms of speech.

BioA poem written about one self's life, personality traits, and ambitions.

BurlesquePoetry that treats a serious subject as humor.

CanzoneMedieval Italian lyric style poetry with five or six stanzas and a shorter ending stanza.

Carpe diemLatin expression that means 'seize the day.' Carpe diem poems have a theme of living for today.

CinquainPoetry with five lines. Line 1 has one word (the title). Line 2 has two words that describe the title. Line 3 has three words that tell the action. Line 4 has four words that express the feeling, and line 5 has one word which recalls the title. Read more about cinquain poetry.

ClassicismPoetry which holds the principles and ideals of beauty that are characteristic of Greek and Roman art, architecture, and literature.

CoupletA couplet has rhyming stanzas made up of two lines.

Dramatic monologueA type of poem which is spoken to a listener. The speaker addresses a specific topic while the listener unwittingly reveals details about him/herself.

ElegyA sad and thoughtful poem about the death of an individual.

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EpicAn extensive, serious poem that tells the story about a heroic figure.

EpigramA very short, ironic and witty poem usually written as a brief couplet or quatrain. The term is derived from the Greek epigramma meaning inscription.

EpitaphA commemorative inscription on a tomb or mortuary monument written to praise the deceased.

Epithalamium (Epithalamion)A poem written in honor of the bride and groom.

Free verse (vers libre)Poetry written in either rhyme or unrhymed lines that have no set fixed metrical pattern.

GhazalA short lyrical poem that arose in Urdu. It is between 5 and 15 couplets long. Each couplet contains its own poetic thought but is linked in rhyme that is established in the first couplet and continued in the second line of each pair. The lines of each couplet are equal in length. Themes are usually connected to love and romance. The closing signature often includes the poet's name or allusion to it.

HaikuA Japanese poem composed of three unrhymed lines of five, seven, and five morae, usually containing a season word.

Horatian odeShort lyric poem written in two or four-line stanzas, each with its the same metrical pattern, often addressed to a friend and deal with friendship, love and the practice of poetry. It is named after its creator, Horace.

Iambic pentameterOne short syllabel followed by one long one five sets in a row. Example: la-LAH la-LAH la-LAH la-LAH la-LAH

Idyll (Idyl)Poetry that either depicts a peaceful, idealized country scene or a long poem telling a story about heroes of a bye gone age.

Irregular (Pseudo-Pindaric or Cowleyan) odeNeither the three part form of the pindaric ode nor the two or four-line stanza of the Horatian ode. It is characterized by irregularity of verse and structure and lack of coorespondence between the parts.

Italian sonnetA sonnet consisting of an octave with the rhyme pattern abbaabba followed by six lines with a rhyme pattern of cdecde or cdcdcd.

LayA long narrative poem, especially one that was sung by medieval minstrels.

LimerickA short sometimes vulgar, humorous poem consisting of five anapestic lines. Lines 1, 2, and 5 have seven to ten syllables, rhyme and have the same verbal rhythm. The 3rd and 4th lines have five to seven syllables, rhyme and have the same rhythm.


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A poem that is made up of a list of items or events. It can be any length and rhymed or unrhymed.

LyricA poem that expresses the thoughts and feelings of the poet.

Memoriam stanzaA quatrain in iambic tetrameter with a rhyme scheme of abba -- named after the pattern used by Lord Tennyson.

NamePoetry that tells about the word. It uses the letters of the word for the first letter of each line.

NarrativeA poem that tells a story.

OdeA lengthy lyric poem typically of a serious or meditative nature and having an elevated style and formal stanza structure.

PastoralA poem that depicts rural life in a peaceful, romanticized way.

PetrarchanA 14-line sonnet consisting of an octave rhyming abbaabba followed by a sestet of cddcee or cdecde

Pindaric odeA ceremonious poem consisting of a strophe (two or more lines repeated as a unit) followed by a an antistrophe with the same metrical pattern and concluding with a summary line (an epode) in a different meter. Named after Pindar, a Greek professional lyrist of the 5th century B.C.

QuatrainA stanza or poem consisting of four lines. Lines 2 and 4 must rhyme while having a similar number of syllables.

RhymeA rhyming poem has the repetition of the same or similar sounds of two or more words, often at the end of the line.

Rhyme royalA type of poetry consisting of stanzas having seven lines in iambic pentameter.

RomanticismA poem about nature and love while having emphasis on the personal experience.

RondeauA lyrical poem of French origin having 10 or 13 lines with two rhymes and with the opening phrase repeated twice as the refrain.

SenryuA short Japanese style poem, similar to haiku in structure that treats human beings rather than nature: Often in a humorous or satiric way.

SestinaA poem consisting of six six-line stanzas and a three-line envoy. The end words of the first stanza are repeated in varied order as end words in the other stanzas and also recur in the envoy.


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A 14-line sonnet consisting of three quatrains of abab cdcd efef followed by a couplet, gg. Shakespearean sonnets generally use iambic pentameter.

ShapePoetry written in the shape or form of an object.

SonnetA lyric poem that consists of 14 lines which usually have one or more conventional rhyme schemes.

TankaA Japanese poem of five lines, the first and third composed of five syllables and the other seven.

Terza RimaA type of poetry consisting of 10 or 11 syllable lines arranged in three-line tercets.

VerseA single metrical line of poetry.

VillanelleA 19-line poem consisting of five tercets and a final quatrain on two rhymes. The first and third lines of the first tercet repeat alternately as a refrain closing the succeeding stanzas and joined as the final couplet of the quatrain.

More poetry articles

Poetry dictionaryWhat is poetry?

More articles on poetry

Poetry DictionaryAlliteration

Starting three or more words with the same sound. Example: The crazy crackling cropsAssonance

A repetition of vowel sounds within syllables with changing consonants. Example: Tilting at windmills

ClicheAn overused word or phrase. Example: I'm so hungry I could eat a horse.

HomonymA word that has the same spelling (or different spelling but same sound) as another, but has a different meaning or origan.


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A large exageration, usually used with humor. Example: The fish was a football field and a granny long.

IdiomA language familiar to a group of people. Example: Ya'll comin' to da party tonight?

MetaphorA word or phrase used to have a completely different meaning. Example: Edgar Allen Poe's "The Raven" being a constant reminder of his loss and not truly a raven.

OnomatopoeiaA word imitating a sound. Example: 'buzz', 'moo' and 'beep'

Penultimate syllableThe next to last syllable of a word.

RhymeSimilarity of sound in the last syllable. Example: Spoon and Toon

SimileAn expression that compares one thing to another using 'like' or 'as'. Example: The milk tasted like pickles.

SynechdocheThe metaphorical or rhetorical substitution of a whole for a part or vice versa. Example: Counting 'heads' as cattle.

TercetA group of three lines, often rhyming together or with another tercet.

Poetry in a NutshellPoetry is more than just rhyming and prose in meters and verse. It is an art form. It is something that can not be judged by its cover and can not be criticized to the point where it just "sucks." Poetry is about expression. Poetry expresses the way we feel about a certain subject through imagery and other senses. It helps us deal with our daily life, be it good or bad.

The emotion which is put within each meter brings it to life. A poem without emotion is not a poem at all but simply prose. Poetry is what makes us feel happy or sad, mad or gleeful, loving or broken hearted. Poetry is life through words. It does not need to be of a certain subject or even rhyme, it only needs emotion.

Poetry is poetry. It has its own mind. If it flows, good -- if not... it needs work. The rules can be bent but not broken. Our life is our life and no one can tell us what we have been through but ourselves. We know best not some stranger reading our poems. Our poetry is our life, not what someone says.

Rhyming in poetry is not always the best way to express yourself. Rhyming actually takes away many words that could have been used. If you try to rhyme it cuts your dictionary into little pieces. It doesn't need to be this way, choose flow over rhyme.

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As a result of this, poetry is defined as a way of putting flowing words together in meter and verse to show emotion or tell a story.

Poetry DictionaryAlliteration

Starting three or more words with the same sound. Example: The crazy crackling cropsAssonance

A repetition of vowel sounds within syllables with changing consonants. Example: Tilting at windmills

ClicheAn overused word or phrase. Example: I'm so hungry I could eat a horse.

HomonymA word that has the same spelling (or different spelling but same sound) as another, but has a different meaning or origan.

HyperboleA large exageration, usually used with humor. Example: The fish was a football field and a granny long.

IdiomA language familiar to a group of people. Example: Ya'll comin' to da party tonight?

MetaphorA word or phrase used to have a completely different meaning. Example: Edgar Allen Poe's "The Raven" being a constant reminder of his loss and not truly a raven.

OnomatopoeiaA word imitating a sound. Example: 'buzz', 'moo' and 'beep'

Penultimate syllableThe next to last syllable of a word.

RhymeSimilarity of sound in the last syllable. Example: Spoon and Toon

SimileAn expression that compares one thing to another using 'like' or 'as'. Example: The milk tasted like pickles.

SynechdocheThe metaphorical or rhetorical substitution of a whole for a part or vice versa. Example: Counting 'heads' as cattle.

TercetA group of three lines, often rhyming together or with another tercet.

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Graphics from http://www.thekidzpage.com/

Here are some different types of poems to try in your classroom or at home for fun.


In Acrostic poems, the first letters of each line are aligned vertically to form a word. The word often is the subject of the poem.

An example is-

Elegantly and efficiently shaped Good to eat Great fun to find at Easter Smooth shelled

Acrostic poems - http://www.readwritethink.org/materials/acrostic/          http://www.holycross.edu/departments/socant/dhummon/acrostics/acrostics.html#whatacrostic

ALPHABET: Each line begins with the letters of the alphabet in order.

An example -         A young girl was busy working on her project for school                             But suddenly she had a question.                             Could this be her lucky day?                             Deciding to find out, she                             Entered her backyard and                             Found  hundreds of green shamrocks waiting for her.

Another type of alphabet poem requires you to use all 26 letters of the alphabet in your poem.

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AUTOBIOGRAPHICAL: Write a poem about yourself using  this form or another poetry form. Line 1: __ Your name Line 2: _, _, _ 3 personal characteristics or physical traits Line 3: Brother or sister of__ or son/daughter of Line 4: Who loves__, __, and __ 3 people, things, ideas Line 5: Who feels__ about__1 emotion about 1 thing Line 6: Who needs__, __, and __ 3 things you need Line 7: Who gives __, __, and __3 objects you share Line 8: Who fears__, __, and __3 items Line 9: Who'd like to see, __1 place, or person Line 10: Who dreams of __ 1 item or idea Line 11: A student of__ your school or teacher's name Line 12: __ Nickname or repeat your first name

BALLAD: Retell an event in history, in the news, or in your life as a ballad. You will want the ballad to rhyme. You may copy the style of other poets.

An example is - Joan of Arc

The day was cold, Both armies bold, As hands grasped the ladders, Ramparts were scaled, Arrows were sailed, But the French climbed the Tourelles.

Although Joan was hit in the shoulder, The French continued to grow bolder, Even slowly healing in a field, She raised a fiery French revolt, Just hit by a crossbow bolt, Armor glistening white.

The English got cold feet, And began a hasty retreat, As French crawled out of Orleans, Passing the cold river on boards, Attacking English with sharp swords, They set the Tourelles on fire.

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English Captain Sir Glasdale, Certainly looked very pale, When they found him drowned in the river, Sir Talbot ordered the English forts be left, To avoid anymore French fort theft, And so Orleans was freed.  


CINQUAIN:  (History of)

Cinquains have five lines Line 1: Title (noun) - 1 word Line 2: Description - 2 words Line 3: Action - 3 words Line 4: Feeling (phrase) - 4 words Line 5: Title (synonym for the title) - 1 word

An example is -

Mom Helpful, caring Loves to garden Excitable, likes satisfying people Teacher


****Create a cinquain online at http://www.eduplace.com/tales/content/wwt_045.html                                        http://www.eduplace.com/activity/poem_cinquain.html                Animal cinquain - http://www.eduplace.com/activity/pdf/animal_cinquain.pdf

COLOR: A poem about your favorite color. Express your feelings about a single color with analogies or similes or list nouns which are (or remind you of) that color. Another easy form is to use the 5 senses-looks like, sounds like, smells like, tastes like, feels like. Color looks like Color sounds like

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Color smells like Color tastes like Color feels like

An example is -

Orange Orange is feeling in your stomach after an orange soda quenched your thirst.

Orange is the sun after a summer day. Orange is the sound of a field filled with dandelions blowing in the wind. Orange is the taste of a pizza that just came out of the oven. Orange is the sound of a busy bumblebee. Orange is the taste of cold glass of orange juice. Orange is the feeling inside you when you accomplish something. Orange is the sound of a tomato plant growing. Orange is the color of a carrot that just popped out of the ground. Orange is the smell of a Tiger-Lily petal. Orange is the feeling after a baby smiles. Orange is the color of a brown beaver's incisor. Orange is the smell of a late July day. Orange is the feeling of a puppy's fur. Orange is the color of peach marmalade on a side of toast. Orange is the sound of a canoe paddling through shallow water. And orange is a color that is safe and alive.



The Diamante is a form similar to the Cinquain. The text forms the shape of a diamond. Line 1: Noun or subject - one word Line 2: Two Adjectives that describe line 1 Line 3: Three 'ing words that describe line 1 Line 4: Four nouns - the first two are connected with line 1; the last two are connected with line 7 Line 5: Three 'ing words that describe line 7 Line 6: Two adjectives that describe line 7 Line 7: Noun Synonym for the subject

               An example is-

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Pencil Sharp, skinny

Writing, answering, erasing Wood, lead, ink, plastic

Drawing, smudging, leaking Durable, comfortable


By Abbie

Diamantes online - http://www.eduplace.com/activity/poem_shapes.html                         http://www.readwritethink.org/materials/diamante/ 

EPITAPH: See the anti-smoking poems at Poetry Teachers         http://www.poetryteachers.com/poetclass/lessons/smokepoem.html

"Here lies Sam Shay, Smoked six packs a day. He started smoking when he was five. Now that fool is no longer alive."

Explorer Poems:       Remember "In 1492, Columbus sailed the ocean blue"? I mentioned that line to my students while we were doing explorer reports, and they assured me they had never heard of it before. So, it made great sense to assign explorer poems. The plan was to start with 5-10 facts about the explorer from their reports. Then we reviewed simple rhyme schemes and discussed poetic license. The students began their poems in class, and then took them home to share (and revise) with parents.

See our explorer poems at: http://www.kathimitchell.com/explpoe.htm and                               http://www.kathimitchell.com/explpoems.htm

HAIKU: Haiku is Japanese poetry that reflects on nature and feelings. You use your observation skills to write what you see in a new or different way. There are three lines with five syllables in the first line, seven syllables in the second, and five syllables in the third.

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Harry Potter haiku - http://www.educationworld.com/a_lesson/lesson/lesson180.shtmlHaiku lessons and ideas - http://www.smith.edu/fcceas/curriculum/girard.htmHow To - http://www.gigglepoetry.com/poetryclass/haiku.html


Each line of the poem begins with the words "I wish" and then you fill in your ideas. The poem should be 8-10 lines long.


LIES: Here is your chance to tell a falsehood and not get punished! In this type of poem, each line contains an outrageous lie. Each line must begin differently. The main rule is not to say anything that hurts anyone.


LIMERICK: A limerick has five lines. The last words of lines one, two, and five rhyme. The last words of lines three and four rhyme. A limerick has to have a pattern of stressed and unstressed syllables.     U S U U S U U S     U S U U S U U S     U S U U S     U S U U S     U S U U S U U S

An example is - "There was an old man from Peru Who dreamed he was eating his shoe He awoke in the night With a terrible fright To discover it was totally true."

Limericks online - http://www.gigglepoetry.com/poetryclass/limerickcontesthelp.html

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                      http://volweb.utk.edu/Schools/bedford/harrisms/limerick.htm                          http://www.teachingideas.co.uk/english/limerick.htm

MONSTER POEM: Describe an imaginary monster. Try to have a theme (food, sports, animals, school subjects etc.)

An example is- "The Scrumptious Sweet- Tooth Monster"

The Scrumptious Sweet- Tooth Monster has: Hershey Kiss Cranium Peppermint Smirk Appealing Rock Candy Torso  Red Licorice limbs Black Licorice appendages

Green and Blue M&M eyes Bubble gum feet that blow up into hefty bubbles when he scampers Snout is made of a bulky scoop of rocky road ice cream that is so cold it will never liquefy Vibrant Colored Chiclets for his choppers  Tootsie Rolls for eyebrows In a crown form he has Sweet Tarts for locks of hair

Left Fingers are made of grape lollipops Right Fingers are made of Watermelon lollipops This is one appetizing monster!

By: Kate

RHYMING: Couplets are made up of two lines whose last words rhyme. They are often silly.

An example is -  The cat ate a mouse And then brought it in the house.

Triplets are made up of three lines. The rhyming pattern can be AAA or ABA.

An example is -

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What a fine day To go out to play In the month of May.

Quatrains are made up of four lines. The rhyming pattern can be AABB or ABAB.

An example is -The Purple Cow Gelett Burgess

I never saw a purple cow, I never hope to see one: But I can tell you, anyhow, I'd rather see than be one.

****For help finding words that rhyme, go to http://www.rhymezone.com/

SHAPE (or CONCRETE): Shape poems are made up of words that have been placed in such a way that they make the shape of an object and also use words to describe the object.

Start by making a simple outline of the shape or object ( an animal, a football, a fruit etc.) large enough to fill a piece of paper. Then brainstorm a minimum of ten words and phrases that describe the shape. List action and feeling words as well. Next, place a piece of paper over the shape and decide where your words are going to be placed so that they outline your shape but also fit well together. Separate words and phrases with commas.


Christmas Tree-shaped Poems - http://www.educationworld.com/a_lesson/00-2/lp2256.shtml

THIRD EYE: The Third Eye poem tells about things that might go unnoticed and are improbable or  impossible to see with regular eyesight. The Third Eye knows what is really happening.

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An example is -The third eye notices when Abbie spilt juice on the rug and said it was Lizzie. The third eye notices when you tell your mom you brushed your teeth for two minutes,       and you only brushed for one. The third eye notices when you're supposed to be doing your homework, and you're listening to music. The third eye sees when you're on the phone for five minutes longer then you're supposed to be. The third eye can tell when you had ice cream for dinner when your parents went out.


WHAT BUGS ME list poem: http://www.gigglepoetry.com/poetryclass/bugshelp.html

Ideas for Poetry in the Classroom - http://www.netaxs.com/~katz/teachers.htm

Giggle Poetry - http://www.gigglepoetry.com/

FizzyFunnyFuzzy Poetry for Kids - http://www.fizzyfunnyfuzzy.com/

Gigglepotz - Kids Poetry - http://www.fizzyfunnyfuzzy.com/Gigglepotz for Teachers and Parents - http://www.gigglepotz.com/

This page was developed by Kathi Mitchell  and was last updated on November 27, 2008

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Types of Poetry: All the Different Types of PoemsWhat are the different types of poetry? Read on to find out about the different types of poems that are written…

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Poetry is the expression of a thought, an idea, a concept or a story in a structured form which has a flow and a music created by the sounds and syllables in it.

All types of poetry are often written in several styles. These styles are defined by the number of lines in each stanza, the syllables used in each line or the structures of rhyme used and so on. Here is a list of the main types of poetry commonly used by poets all over the world.

Ballad: This is an old style of writing poetry, which was used to tell stories. A ballad usually has stanzas made up of either seven or eight or ten lines, and ends with a short four or five line stanza. Each stanza ends with the same line, which is called ‘a refrain’.

Couplet: Perhaps the most popular type of poetry used, the couplet has stanzas made up of two lines which rhyme with each other.

Quatrain: This kind of poem has four lines in a stanza, of which the second and fourth lines rhyme with each other and have a similar syllable structure.

Cinquain: This is another unique type of poetry style. As the name suggests, it is made up of five lines. The first line is just one word, which is often the title of the poem. The second line has two words which describe the first line. The third line has three words, and is mostly the action part of the poem. The fourth line is four words describing the feelings. And the fifth line, again, has just one word which is the title of the poem.

Iambic Pentameter: This is a very complicated style of writing poetry, but was often used by classical poets. This style uses the syllable stresses to create the musical sound. There is one short sounding syllable followed by one long sounding syllable, at the end of each of the five

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stanzas in a row.

Sonnet: This type of poem contains fourteen lines and follows conventional structures of rhyme.

Haiku: This is again a very structured method of writing poetry. This has its origins in Japan. This method does not use rhyme. There are three lines of five, seven and five syllables each. The poem must essentially talk about some aspect of Nature.

Free Verse: This is a method of writing poetry, which does not essentially follow any structure or style. There is no fixed meter and no structure regarding rhyme and lines in each stanza. This kind of poetry is quite popular with modern poets.

Epic: This poem is usually a long and descriptive one which tells a story. Epics usually are longer than most poems and may even take up a book. Example: Homer’s ‘Iliad’.

Limerick: This is a very witty and often vulgar kind of a poem, which is quite short. This poem has five lines in a stanza. The first, second and fifth line have the same metrical structure and they rhyme with each other. They contain seven to ten syllables each. The second and fourth lines have the same metrical structure and rhyme with each other. These contain five to seven syllables.

These are by no means, all types of poetry forms used. But these are the basics. Most poets use these forms and structures while writing their poems. The form and structure of the poem, ideally should not limit the thought or the idea conveyed by the poet. However, these styles of writing help make the poem more musical in its flow.

PoemSecrets will haunt you forever.....


© Angie Flores

I have a secret. Something that no one knows. something that no one will ever know. I've kept this secret for 11 years. I hate this secret, for it has been a heavy burden on my back. I have no choice but to keep my mouth shut.

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I have no choice but to die with this secret. I have no choice but to let it remain a secret, for the sake of my family. There are times when I was so close to revealing this secret of mine....but never did. It's so hard to know something that you know is wrongand know you must say something but you just can't . I hate secrets but I guess if you knew what it was...you'd keep it secret too. Secrets will haunt you forever...Secrets will eat you alive..Secrets will cause you pain...My secret shall never surface

Source: Family Secrets, Poems http://www.familyfriendpoems.com/other/poetry.asp?poem=18241#ixzz0xuwCKoct

Poem for KidsI wrote this poem when I was 12 for English.

Sleepless Night

© Aimee Roos

I slept in my bed fast asleepI heard nothing not even a peepA break of silence had occurredA hand-like shape had emergedFrom the window I heard a tap tap tapI took the covers of my lapI went to the window and sighed with reliefIt was only a branch with one last leaf.

Source: Sleepless Night Fast Asleep, Poems for Kids http://www.familyfriendpoems.com/other/poetry.asp?poem=19499#ixzz0xuwIoJF8

Metaphor Poem

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A short yet wise poem about love

Love Is

© T.M.L

Love is a burning candleIt's not always easy to handleIt burns, but it's still beautifulAnd it makes celebrations oh so meaningful

It's a sunsetBurning with romanceA song...

Source: Love Is, Metaphor Poems http://www.familyfriendpoems.com/other/poetry.asp?poem=20750#ixzz0xuwOM2aG

Fantasy PoemPoetry is such a wonderful thing. For me poetry is a way of dealing with all the different emotions that I encounter in my life. This poem may be fantasy but it has personal emotion incorporated into it. Hope whoever reads it enjoys it. :)

A Lonely Dragon

© Jessica

The enormous red and black beauty of the sky,Always been free to fly.But since all the little creatures-With their bows and arrows-Inhabited the lands,Freedom is no longer grace.

In disbelief that I am the only one of my kind,Always hiding behind the great green vines,Trying to pretend everything is fine.A lonely mystical creature,

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A pure, fierce beauty of the empty blue sky.

All alone in a big black hole of despair,Weeping over the devastation.The once beautiful, once peaceful land,Is now an unsafe land of ruins.

Flying with nothing but peace in my mind,Over the misty mountains,And the colourful fields full of flowers.

Hearing the screams of the little creatures.Then, suddenly a sharp silver arrow through the head,Dropping involuntarily to the ground,Like an unwanted piece of meat,Not being able to fend off all the beating and bashing.

My soul starts slowly drifting to a more peaceful place,Where my mystical family gracefully fly free,A place with limitless strawberries and daisies.

Listening to the, now faint, malicious laughter of those cruel little creatures,A painful, yet calming breeze blows over my lifeless body.

Finally free to fly in the wondrous, crystal blue sky.Now I'm not the lonely red and black creature of the empty sky.


Source: A Lonely Dragon, Fantasy Poems http://www.familyfriendpoems.com/other/poetry.asp?poem=22592#ixzz0xuwS8ub1


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This poem was written in my first sixty days getting clean from a horrible drug addiction. It came when I first realized there was hope for me.

The Dream

© Steven

The Dream

The dream of getting out.We live in a place where fear walks around like a school yard bully.It’s in our face every minute of every day.There is a nothingness about fear.We move about our world, trying to avoid our fear.But it’s everywhere we go.We hide it, disguise it. Store it away.

Darkness creeps in.At first, it’s oh so beautiful.There is no fear.A line.It’s crossed.Time passes in shades of gray.Everything pure is lost.The child cries out for the light.Cries so loud, but only to a deaf ear.But, what a dream.The dream.The dream of life beyond the darkness.How to attain it?An outstretched hand. A hug.Welcome.Hope brings with it a smile.The smile warms a frozen heart.What was once gray explodes into color.A stair well appears.First one, then two, and slowly to the third step. Must keep going.We find solid ground in which to stand.We ascend the fourth step.And then the fifth disregarding the fear.

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We walk right through .We continue the journey one step at a time.No need for getting out.I’ll stay right here.

Steven A

Source: Staying Clean, Poems http://www.familyfriendpoems.com/other/poetry.asp?poem=18221#ixzz0xuwWRRk2

PoemA poem can be about anything. Even the lack of having anything to say.

It's A Poem

© Mike Brown

Grr, why not? The word's won't come out.Sitting here wondering what to write about.I want to make a good poem about something deep and that cares.Something real, not a fairy tale with flying bears.I want to talk about the person I hate.I want to write about my most incredible date.But how do I start?How do you rhyme?Do you just sit and wait it out in time?I've been sitting here for 42 minutesand this is all that has come out.And I just realized this is a poem,I just mixed up things to write about!

Source: Writing A Poem, Poems http://www.familyfriendpoems.com/other/poetry.asp?poem=18756#ixzz0xuwZuzDn

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Fantasy PoemThis is how I felt after I "came to" one morning while I was fully trapped in my alcoholism. All my best efforts had failed me and I had became the monster that alcohol wanted of me. Today I am typing this as a very grateful recovering alcoholic who all he had to do was get out of Gods` way and accept his will not mine and he releived me of my desire to drink. My sobriety date is February 9,2007. Today I have got back everything alcohol had cost me, my sanity, my family(wife & 4 kids), my job, my freedom, my health and to gain all this all I had to do was give myself to a most loving "higher power" that I had cursed for so, so many years. Amen


© Chris Markoff

As madness surrounded him with her dark velvety robe, she shunned away the reaper for she would not be denied her prize, not today.

The reaper knew he had no place here as she (miss madness) stole across this still warm body. Because death would only be a reward for this ones` sins.

As his grip on sanity released he knew, at least for an instant, that death was not as bad as he once had feared. In that last sane moment he yearned for it, but it was not to be, there would be no peace, no rest for his body or mind. In that brief instant he knew that he was destined to spend eternity within himself.

Reality dims, demons come and chase me. Chase me into myself. There we stand, sizing each other up before the fight. It will be a long bloody battle, we know that, we also know all too well there can only be one survivor. It is understood and accepted.

Share MySpace Share Ema

Source: Peaceful?, Fantasy Poems http://www.familyfriendpoems.com/other/poetry.asp?poem=19535#ixzz0xuwdD9n9

Metaphor Poem

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I was inspired to do this poem by a friend who told me to write about the first thing I saw and mould it into an issue. Thanks!!!

The Pencil Case

© Beatrice Alesana-Rennie

The eraser erased my bad habitsWhile the pencil drew in new onesThe glue stick glued on a whole new faceAs the scissors cut away my background and pastThe ball point pen then made the changes permanentWhile the colored pencils shaded in my bodyThe calculator changed my way of thinkingAs the sharpener grazed over my rough edgesFinally, the rulerI had to measure up to your standardsNow me and youWe walk, talk and think the sameTwo moving as oneI don’t even know who I’ve becomeWhat I was beforeYou’ve changed me more than you’ll ever know

Source: Inspired By A Friend, Metaphor Poems http://www.familyfriendpoems.com/other/poetry.asp?poem=20011#ixzz0xuwh7LIz

Short PoemI'm writing on what I'm going through. It inspires me..


© Maria

Someday you'll cry for me, like I cried for you,Someday you'll miss me, like I missed you,Someday you'll need me, like I needed you,Someday you'll love me, but I won't love you.

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Source: You'Ll Cry For Me, Short Poems http://www.familyfriendpoems.com/other/poetry.asp?poem=22200#ixzz0xuwkiL00

PoemLonely Nights

Lonely Nights

© Frank

Set forth towards the lightFor it will be a lonely night As long as I live As far as I seeThis is no place for me to be.Wired till the endThis will be my only friend. Voices in my headTelling me I’m already dead. Hanging from my last limb While the lights begin to slowly dim. So set forth towards the light For it will be a lonely night.

Source: Lonely Nights, Poems http://www.familyfriendpoems.com/other/poetry.asp?poem=18467#ixzz0xuwoVtEO

Fantasy PoemI really think and find her Sexy!!!

Power Girl

© Thandeka

She rise at the wee hour, be timing sunrise.Her soul is awake, cleansed by the heavenly dreams confronted the night prior. Unyathela ngokuzotha with her bare feet.

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Calmly she walks as she prepares to purify her body,for she’s aware of sin committed without her knowledge on her path of sleep. Unwrapping to wash and wrap yet again her head;with a turban picked from a vast selection.A ala moseme to pass a short and sweet prayer- for her Lord’s praises are always on her lips.Inside her lengthy brown lacy skirt swaying;like a swan she strolls, curves so enticing calls for adorationreminding her of the deep golden pouch she opts to save,and reap for harvest in time. Face so tranquil-absorbs all nature’s empyreal creation.Mature touch she has, invigorating from top to bottom,aligning situations at home and elsewhere.Wisdom of her words is a gracious appetite to wise men-but only scorned by fools.Energy within her is Power reflected on the surface,From a bloomy face to nonpareil garments she’s remarkable.She is on a pedestal braced with prestige- for she isPower Girl…Her Jezebel’s eyes have male species flounderingover her; she goes on to persist to resist as she provokesthe attention that fills her Ego with pride;she knows of no men with testimony against her.Blow and burst on, you over lashing dynamite.And be of classic treasure to them other young maiden…

I wear electrifying strength known not to the ordinary.For Power Girl; I am!

Source: Power Girl, Fantasy Poems http://www.familyfriendpoems.com/other/poetry.asp?poem=23411#ixzz0xuwsPe00