52.223 low level programming lecturer: duncan smeed overview of the c programming language part 1

52.223 Low Level Programming Lecturer: Duncan Smeed Overview of the C Programming Language Part 1

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52.223 Low Level Programming Lecturer: Duncan Smeed

Overview of the C Programming Language

Part 1

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Nature of C

The C programming language has acquired the reputation for being a mysterious and messy language that promotes bad programming habits.

Part of the problem is that C gives special meanings to many punctuation characters, such as asterisks, plus signs, braces and angle brackets.

Once a programmer has learnt the C language, these symbols look quite commonplace, but there is no denying that a typical C program can be intimidating to the uninitiated.

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Trust the programmer

The other, more serious, complaint levelled against C concern the relative dearth of rules.

Other programming languages have very strict rules to protect programmers from making accidental blunders.

The C language was designed by experienced programmers for experienced programmers. The compiler, therefore, assumes little about what the programmer does or does not intend to do. This can be summed up by the C tenet:

"Trust the programmer"

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…Trust the programmer

C programmers have tremendous liberty to write unusual code.

In may instances, this freedom allows programmers to write useful programs that would be difficult to write in other languages.

However, the freedom can be, and is, abused by inexperienced programmers who delight in writing needlessly tricky code.

C is a powerful language, but it requires self-restraint and discipline.

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…Trust the programmer

“...there is a huge difference between good and working programs. A good program not only works, but is easy to read and maintain. Despite what some people claim, it is very possible to write good programs in C. Unfortunately, many C programmers are content to write programs that merely work.”

Excerpted from C: A Software Engineering Approachby Darnell and Margolis

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The Background of C

C was originally designed for and implemented on the Unix operating system on the DEC PDP-11, by Dennis Ritchie.

Unix, the C compiler, and virtually all Unix applications programs are written in C.

C is not tied to any particular hardware or system, however, and it is easy(!) to write programs that will run without change on any machine that supports C.

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…The Background of C

C is a general purpose programming language which features economy of expression, modern control flow and data structures, and a rich set of operators.

C is not a 'very high level' language, nor a 'big' one, and is not specialised to any particular area of application.

Its absence of restrictions and its generality make it more convenient and effective for many tasks than supposedly more powerful languages.

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…The Background of C

C has been closely associated with the Unix system. It is, however, available on a large number of

machines under a variety of operating systems; and although it has been called a "systems programming

language" because it is useful for writing operating systems, it has been used equally well to write numerical, text-processing, and database programs.

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…The Background of C

C is a relatively "low level" language which means that it deals with the same sort of objects that most computers do, namely characters, numbers and addresses. These may be combined and moved about with the usual arithmetic and logical operators implemented by actual machines.

C provides no operations to deal directly with composite objects such as character strings, sets, lists, or arrays considered as a whole.

C also provides no input-output facilities such as READ or WRITE. Such high-level mechanisms must be provided by explicitly called functions.

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…The Background of C

The absence of such features keep the language down to modest dimensions so that it can be described easily, and learned quickly.

A compiler for C can be simple and compact and are easily written with, typically, 80% of the code common to existing ones. This provides a high degree of language mobility.

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…The Background of C

Because the data types and control structures provided by C are supported directly by most existing computers, the run-time library required to implement self-contained programs is tiny.

Of course, each implementation provides a comprehensive, compatible, library of functions to carry out I/O, string handling, and storage allocation operations, but since they are called only explicitly, they can be avoided if required; they can also be written portably in C itself.

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…The Background of C

C programs tend to be efficient enough that there is no compulsion to write assembly language instead.

The most obvious example of this is Unix itself, the kernel of which is written almost entirely in C.

Of the 13000 lines of system code in early versions of Unix, only about 800 lines at the very lowest level were in assembler.

Since C is independent of any particular machine architecture it is possible, with a little care, to write "portable" programs that can be run without change on a variety of hardware.

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C as a Programming Language

Many of the most important ideas of C stem from the considerably older language BCPL.

Although it shares several characteristic features with BCPL, C is in no sense a dialect of it. BCPL was a "typeless" language: the only data type is the machine word, and access to other kinds of objects is by special operators or function calls.

In C, the fundamental data objects are characters, integers of several sizes, and floating point numbers. In addition there is a hierarchy of derived data types created with pointers, arrays, structures, unions and functions.

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C Flow-Control Constructions

C provides the fundamental flow-control constructions required for well-structured programs:• statement grouping;• decision making (if);• looping with the termination test at the top (while,

for) or at the bottom (do);• and selecting one of a set of possible cases (switch).

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C Call By ‘Value’ & Call By ‘Reference’

C provides pointers and the ability to do address arithmetic.

The arguments to functions are passed by copying the value (call by value) of the argument, and it is impossible to change the actual argument in the caller.

However, call be reference can be achieved by passing a pointer explicitly, and the function may change the object to which the pointer 'points'.

Array names are passed as the location (address) of the array origin, so array arguments are effectively call by reference.

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C Variables

Any function may be called recursively, and its local variables are typically "automatic" - created anew with each invocation.

Functions may be compiled separately. Variables may be (a) internal to a function, (b) external

but known only within a single source file, or (c) completely global.

Internal (local) variables may be placed in registers for efficiency, but the register declaration is only a hint to the compiler and cannot specify actual registers.

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Summary of C language structure

Notes• letter case is NOT ignored by the compiler.• a newline (carriage return) in the C source is

equivalent to a space, it does not indicate the end of a statement except in the case of pre-processor directives.

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Strings and Character Constants

Strings are normally terminated by a null character, i.e. the value 0.

A string literal (constant) is specified between double quotes, e.g. "this is a string". The compiler appends the null byte to the end of a string literal.

A character literal is specified between single quotes, e.g. 'A'. No null is appended. Character literals are integers.

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Control Characters

Control characters are entered in literals following a backslash character (\), as follows:

newline \n

tab \t

backspace \b

formfeed \f

backslash \\

single quote \'

double quote \"

null \0

other control chars \N (where N is octal no.)

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Integer and Floating Point Constants

Integer Constants

nnn decimal constant, e.g. 123

0nnn octal constant, e.g. 037

0xnnn hexadecimal constant, e.g. 0x1a3

nnnL a long decimal constant

Floating Point Constants

FP constants are always double precision. Examples:

1.23, 1., .23, 1.23e4, 1.23E4, 3e4

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/* This is a comment */ They may appear wherever a space or newline is

allowed. Comments are not allowed to nest (caveat: some

compilers allow nesting). So:someVar = 1; /* some comment *//* someVar = 1; */ /* still legal *//* but this attempt to comment out ...someVar = 1; /* some comment */...is illegal in most compilers. */

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An identifier is a sequence of letters and digits; the first character of which must be a letter.

The underscore, _ , counts as a letter. UPPER and lower case letters are different. To conform to the C standard, a compiler must treat at

least the first 31 characters as significant in the names of functions and global variables (i.e. identifiers with external linkage), and at least the first 63 characters in all other identifiers.• External identifiers, which are used by various assemblers

and linker/loaders, may be more restricted.

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Variable Types

The sizes of the following variable types are implementation dependent. Typical values (in bits) for ANSI C are given:

Type Size Usechar 8 ASCII characters - may be signedshort 16 Same as intint 32 2's complement (signed) integerunsigned int 32 unsigned integerlong 32 2's complement (signed) integerfloat 32 Floating point numberdouble 64 Floating point number

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Storage Classes

Definitions outside of a function are external definitions. There are two classes:extern global to all files (default)

static local to this file, but global to all functions in this file

auto local to the function, lost on exit (default)

static local to the function, but not lost on exit

extern declares a variable that is to be found in an external definition

register Similar to auto, but hints to the compiler that the variable is heavily used and should be held in a register

Within a function:

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Program Structure

A C program is a series of external definitions and pre-processor directives.

External definitions are storage definitions and function definitions.

The executable part of the program is made up of the functions, which may call each other, passing parameters as required.

There must be one function whose name is main. It is this function that is called when the program is run. Functions cannot be defined within functions.

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The First C Program

#include <stdio.h>

int main(){

printf("Hello, world\n");return (0);


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Function Definition

A function definition has three parts:a) the function declaration

b) the parameter declarations

c) the function body - a compound statement

/* Declare the function max that returns an int... */int max(int a,int b,int c)/* ...with the parameters a, b, and c of type int */{ /* start of the compound statement */ int m; /* auto storage decl'n (local var.) */ m = (a>b) ? a : b; /* m = max of a,b */ return ((m>c) ? m : c); /* return max of m,c */} /* end compound statement */

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Compound Statement

A compound statement may be used wherever a simple statement is permitted. It has two parts:

a) storage declarations and definitions (optional)

b) executable statements

The compound statement is enclosed in braces {curly brackets such as these}.

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Simple Statement

A simple statement has the form:

label: statement;

The label is optional - it's only use is the target of a goto ({over}use of which is to be strongly discouraged). A label takes the same form as an identifier.

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Pointers and Addresses

An identifier may be declared as a pointer to a particular type of data. This is frequently used in string manipulation, using a pointer to type char, and in buffered files, using a pointer to type FILE. Example declarations:

char *a; /* a declared to be a pointer to char */int *b[5]; /* b declared as an array of 5 pointers to int */

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Address Operator &

The address operator & yields the address of its operand.

If the operand x has the type T, then the expression &x has the type ‘pointer to T’.

The operand of the address operator must have an addressable location in memory. I.e. the operand must designate either a function or an object (i.e. an lvalue) that is not a bit-field, and has not been declared with the storage class register

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Pointer Variables

A pointer variable contains the address of a storage element. The address of a variable can be put in a pointer:

int x; /* defines an integer */int *p; /* defines a pointer to int */p = &x; /* place address of x in p */x = *p; /* places the value pointed at by p in x */

Pointers can have integers added or subtracted, which moves them by that number of storage elements. E.g., adding 5 to a pointer to int moves it forward by 5 integer 'elements' - 20 bytes in the case where an int is 32-bits in size.

A pointer can have the constant value 0 (null) assigned to it. It is then a null pointer and is guaranteed to be different to any pointer to an actual value.

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Every executable program must contain a special function called main(), which is where program execution begins. For example, to invoke max(), you could write:

int main(){ int maximum; maximum = max(3,4,5); /* rest of main() ... */}

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The printf() function is the most versatile runtime routine for display output.

This function can take any number of arguments, the first of which - the format string - is special as it specifies how many data arguments are to follow and how they are to be formatted.

The format string is enclosed in double quotes, and may contain text and format specifiers.

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printf() Format Specifier

A format specifier is a special character sequence that begins with a percent sign (%) and indicates how to write a single data item. For example:

printf("The maximum of %d %d & %d is %d\n”,\ 3,4,5,max(3,4,5));

The %d specifiers indicate that the data items are decimal integers. Other similar specifiers are:

%c character data item%f floating point data item%s null-terminated character array (string)%o octal integer%x hexadecimal integer

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The scanf() function is the mirror image of printf() - it reads data entered form standard input (i.e. the keyboard). The major difference is that scanf() must have the address of a data item passed as the argument. For example:

scanf("%d %d %d",&num1,&num2,&num3);

directs the system to read integer input and store the values in num1, num2 and num3. The ampersand (&) is a special character that yields the address of a variable.

The best way to learn how to use printf() and scanf() is to experiment with them and, of course, to read complete descriptions of them in the manual pages or from a text book.

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The Preprocessor

The preprocessor can be thought of as a separate program that runs before the compiler.

The preprocessor directives begin with a hash (#) sign, which must be the first character on the line.

Unlike C statements, a preprocessor directive ends with a newline, not a semicolon.

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The #include directive causes the compiler to read source text from another files as well as the file it is currently compiling. This is useful when identical information is to be shared by more than one source file. It has two forms:

#include <filename>

#include "filename" The <...> form causes the preprocessor to look in a special

directory which contains all the system include files, such as header files for the runtime library - e.g. <stdio.h>.

The "..." form causes the preprocessor to look in the directory containing the source file and, if it can't find it there, it'll revert back to the special directory.

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The #define directive associates a name with a constant (among other thing). For instance:

#define MAX_PAGE_WIDTH 80#define LOOPS 100000000

Naming constants has two important benefits.• Firstly, it enables the programmer to give a

descriptive name to a nondescript constant thus making the program easier to read and understand (hopefully!).

• Secondly, they make the program easier to change!

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References & Bibliography

C in a Nutshell<http://www.oreilly.com/catalog/cinanut/>

The C Book (online e-book)<http://publications.gbdirect.co.uk/c_book/>

Standard C<http://www-ccs.ucsd.edu/c/>

C: A Software Engineering Approach (print on demand?)<http://tinyurl.com/ay58v>

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Overview of the C Programming Language

Part 2

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Scalar Data Types

The ability to divide data into different types is one of the most important features of modern programming languages.

The programmer can work with integers, characters, floating point numbers, etc., without having to be concerned with the underlying representations.

It is up to the compiler, therefore, to make sure that the computer handles bits and bytes in a way consistent with their data type.

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…Scalar Data Types

The C language offers a small but useful set of data types:

Arithmetic types: Integers and floating-point entities. Scalar types: arithmetic types plus pointers and

enumerated types. Known as the scalar types because all of the values lie along a linear 'scale'.

Aggregate types: a combination of one or more scalar types including:• arrays, structures and unions• useful for organising logically-related variables into

physically-adjacent groups. Void type: neither scalar or aggregate.

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Hierarchy of C Data Types

Data Types

Scalar Types





Pointers enum






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Standard Signed Integer Types

Type Synonyms

signed char

int signed, signed int

shortshort int, signed short, signed short int

longlong int, signed long, signed long int

long long (C99)long long int, signed long long, signed long long int

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Standard Unsigned Integer Types

Type Synonyms

unsigned char

unsigned int unsigned

unsigned short unsigned short int

unsigned long unsigned long int

unsigned long long unsigned long long int

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The type char is one of the standard integer types but can be signed or unsigned depending on the implementation. So,

char, signed char and unsigned char are formally three different types.

Type Synonyms

char signed char or unsigned char

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Floating-point Types

The standard floating-point types for calculating with real numbers are as follows:

floatSingle precision

doubleDouble precision

long doubleExtended precision

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Names for data types can be created with a typedef keyword. Syntactically, a typedef is exactly like a variable declaration

except that the declaration is preceded by the typedef keyword. Semantically, the variable name becomes a synonym for the

data type rather than a variable that is allocated memory. E.g.:

typedef long int DOUBLE_WORD; The following declarations are now identical:

long int j;

DOUBLE_WORD j; By convention, typedef names are capitalised so that they are

not confused with variable names.

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Uses of Typedefs

Typedefs are especially useful for abstracting global types that can be used throughout a program.

Another use for typedefs is to compensate for differences in C compilers:

For example, some non-ANSI C compilers do not support the unsigned short type. Using typedefs, you can write the program so that it uses unsigned short if it's available, or unsigned int if not.

• ANSI-conforming:

typedef unsigned short USHORT;• non-ANSI:

typedef unsigned int USHORT;

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BUG ALERT - Confusing typedef with #define

It may seem that typedef duplicates functionality provided by the #define directive. E.g.:

#define USHORT unsigned intwhich seems to serve the same effect as:

typedef unsigned int USHORT; However, for complex type declarations #define is

inadequate. E.g.:#define PTR_TO_INT int *

to declare two pointers to int:PTR_TO_INT p1,p2;

which expands to:int * p1, p2; /* I.e. p2 is an int


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Enumeration Types

Enumeration types are particularly useful for creating a unique set of values that may be associated with a variable. The compiler reports an error if you attempt to assign a value that's not part of the declared set of legal values. For example, given:

enum {red,blue,green,yellow} colour;

enum {bright,medium,dark} intensity;

a good compiler would issue warnings for all the type conflicts and misleading usages shown below:

colour = yellow; /* OK */

colour = bright; /* type conflict */

colour = 1; /* type conflict */

intensity=bright+medium; /*misleading */

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…Enumeration Types

Constant names in an enum declaration receive a default integer value based on their position in the list. These start at zero and go up by one with each new name.

The default values can be overridden by specifying other values. If you specify a value, all subsequent default values begin at one more than the last defined value. E.g.:


is the same as:enum {APPLE=0,ORANGES=8,LEMONS=9,GRAPES=5,MELONS=6};

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The void Data Type

The type specifier void indicates that no value is available.

Variables and constants cannot be declared with this type.

void can be used for the following purposes: • void in Function Declarations• Expressions of type void• Pointers to void

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void in Function Declarations

A function with no return value has the type void. E.g. in the function prototype:

void perror( const char * );This allows the compiler to detect any attempt to use the return value from perror as a mistake.

The other purpose of void is to declare a generic pointer which is automatically cast to the correct type when it s assigned a pointer value (ANSI standard).

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Recap: C provides the fundamental flow-control constructions

required for well-structured programs, including:• decision making (if);• looping with the termination test at the top (while, for) or at the bottom (do);

• and selecting one of a set of possible cases (switch).

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Conditional Branching

This is the most basic control feature of any language. In C, conditional execution is performed with the if and else keywords:

If the expression is ‘true’ (non-zero), the next statement is executed. If the else clause is present, the statement following the else is executed whenever the if expression is ‘false’ (0).

if ( expression



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Comparison Expressions

Typically, the expression of an if statement is a comparison between two values:

< less than> greater than<= less than or equal>= greater than or equal== equal to!= not equal to

The value of a relational expression is an integer, either 1 (true) or 0 (false). For example:(-1 < 0) yields 1, (0 > 1) yields 0, (0 == 0) yields 1

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BUG ALERT - Confusing = with ==

One of the most common mistakes made by beginners and experts alike is to use the assignment operator (=) instead of the equality operator (==). E.g.:

if (j = 5) do_something();

which should have been:if (j == 5) do_something();

Note that the first version is syntactically legal since all expressions yield a value. The value of the expression j=5 is 5. As this is non-zero, it is accepted as ‘true’ and do_something() is always invoked.

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When there are many paths on a program, if-else branching can become so convoluted that it is difficult to follow. These situations are prime candidates for use of the switch statement. E.g.:int switch_example(char input_arg) { switch (input_arg) { case ’D': return 1; case ’U': return 2; case ’N': return 3; case ’C': return 4; default: return -1; } /* end of switch */} /* end of switch_example */

The expression immediately after the switch keyword must be enclosed in parentheses and must be an integral expression. I.e., it can only be char, short, int or long.

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An important feature of the switch statement is that program flow continues from the selected case label until another control-flow statement or the end of the switch statement is reached.

That is, the any statements following the selected case label are executed until a break, goto or return statement appears.

For example:…

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typedef enum{ ERR_INPUT_VAL, ERR_OPERAND, ERR_OPERATOR, ERR_TYPE} ERROR_SET;ERROR_SET error_code...switch (error_code) { case ERR_INPUT_VAL: printf("Error: Illegal input value\n"); break; ... case ERR_TYPE: printf("Error: Incompatible data\n"); break; default: printf(”Error: Unknown error code%d\n",error_code);; break; /* Not strictly necessary but */ /* good programming practice. */}

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The statement, which is often a compound statement, is called the body of the while loop.

while ( expression statement)

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There are certain situation where you may need to execute the body at least one. When these situations occur, the do...while statement should be used. For example:

do { ch = getchar(); if (ch == ‘ ‘) num_of_spaces++; } while (ch != ‘\n’);


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The for statement is designed as shorthand for a particularly common looping situation• when you need to initialise one or more variables before

entering the loop, and• When you need to change the values of one or more

variables each time through the loop.


expression1 expression2



; ;for (

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The for statement operates as follows:1. Firstly expression1 is evaluated - usually assignment(s);2. then expression2 is evaluated. This is the conditional part

of the statement;3. if expression2 is false, program control exits the for

statement, otherwise statement is executed;4. after statement is executed, expression3 is evaluated and

then for loops back to test expression2 again - i.e. repeats from step (2).


expression1 expression2



; ;for (

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The easiest way to understand the for statement is to compare it to a while statement. For example:

for (expr1;expr2;expr3) statement;

is the same as:

expr1;while (expr2){ statement; expr3;}

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Null Statement

The syntax of the for loop allows the omission of not only the expressions within the for (...;...;...)but also the body of the for loop.

This is useful when the loop's work is being done by the expressions. For example:

void skip_spaces(void) { int c; for ( c=getchar(); isspace(c); c=getchar() ) ; /* Null statement */ ungetc(c,stdin); /* put the non-space character */ /* back into the input buffer. */}

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BUG ALERT - Misplaced semicolons

A common mistake is to place a semicolon immediately after a control flow statement. For instance:if (j == 1); j = 0;

is as:

if (j == 1) ; /* Null statement */j = 0; /* j _always_ gets assigned 0 */

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As well as its use in a switch a break can be used to force an immediate exit from while, do and for loops.

In this context, break statements should be used sparingly since they force program control to jump discontinuously to a new place and too many can make a program difficult to follow.

for (cnt=0; cnt<50; cnt++) { c=getchar(); if (c==’\n') break; else /* process the character */}

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The continue statement provides a means for returning to the beginning of a loop earlier than normal.

It is particularly useful when you want to by-pass the remainder of the loop for some reason. For example, the code to 'make' an integer from input characters providing those characters are numeric could be written as:

while ((c = getchar()) != ’\n') { if (isdigit(c) == 0) continue; num = num * 10; num = num + (c - '0');}

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Alternative ways to ‘make’ an integer

for (c=getchar();isdigit(c);c=getchar()){ num = num * 10; num = num + (c - '0'); }

/* or */ c = getchar(); while (isdigit(c)) { num = num * 10; num = num + (c - '0'); c = getchar(); }/* or... */

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Operators and Expressions

C's rich set of operators is one of its distinguishing characteristics.

An expression consists of one or more operands and zero or more operators.

There are 4 main types of expression:

• Constant Expressions - containing only constant values.

• Integral Expressions - produce a result that has one of the integer types.

• Float Expressions - produce a result that has one of the floating point types.

• Pointer Expressions - are expressions that evaluate to an address value.

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Constant Expression

Contain only constant values. E.g:55 * 6 + 13/3.0'z'

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Integral Expressions

Produce a result (after all automatic and explicit type conversions) that has one of the integer types. E.g. (where j and k are integers):

jj/k + 33 + (int) 5.0/k

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Float Expressions

Produce a result that has one of the floating point types. E.g. (where j is an int, f is a float and d is a double):

f(float)jf/d + 31.0/CLOCKS_PER_SEC(double)3/4 + d

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Pointer Expressions

These are expressions that evaluate to an address value. They include expressions containing pointer variables, & operator, string literals and array names. If p is a pointer and j is an int, the following are pointer expressions:

p&jp + 1“a string literal”(char *) 0x000ffff

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Precedence and Associativity of C Operators

Class of Operator Operators in that Class Associativity Precedenceprimary () [] -> . Left-to-right HIGHEST


Cast operatorsizeof

& (address of)* (dereference)

- +~ ++ -- !


multiplicative * / % Left-to-rightadditive + - Left-to-rightshift << >> Left-to-rightrelational < <= > >= Left-to-rightequality == != Left-to-rightbitwise AND & Left-to-rightbitwise exclusive OR ^ Left-to-rightbitwise inclusive OR | Left-to-rightlogical AND && Left-to-rightlogical OR || Left-to-rightconditional ? : Right-to-left

assignment= += -= *=

/= %= >>= <<=&= ^=


comma , Left-to-right LOWEST

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Precedence and Associativity of C Operators

Class of Operator Operators in that Class Associativity Precedence

primary () [] -> . Left-to-right HIGHEST


Cast operatorsizeof

& (address of)* (dereference)

- +~ ++ -- !


multiplicative * / % Left-to-rightadditive + - Left-to-rightshift << >> Left-to-rightrelational < <= > >= Left-to-rightequality == != Left-to-rightbitwise AND & Left-to-rightbitwise exclusive OR ^ Left-to-right

bitwise inclusive OR | Left-to-rightlogical AND && Left-to-rightlogical OR || Left-to-rightconditional ? : Right-to-left

assignment= += -= *=

/= %= >>= <<=&= ^=


comma , Left-to-right LOWEST

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Precedence and Associativity of C Operators

Class of Operator Operators in that Class Associativity Precedenceprimary () [] -> . Left-to-right HIGHEST


Cast operatorsizeof

& (address of)* (dereference)

- +~ ++ -- !


multiplicative * / % Left-to-rightadditive + - Left-to-rightshift << >> Left-to-rightrelational < <= > >= Left-to-rightequality == != Left-to-rightbitwise AND & Left-to-rightbitwise exclusive OR ^ Left-to-right

bitwise inclusive OR | Left-to-rightlogical AND && Left-to-rightlogical OR || Left-to-rightconditional ? : Right-to-left

assignment= += -= *=

/= %= >>= <<=&= ^=


comma , Left-to-right LOWEST

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Precedence and Associativity of C Operators

Class of Operator Operators in that Class Associativity Precedenceprimary () [] -> . Left-to-right HIGHEST


Cast operatorsizeof

& (address of)* (dereference)

- +~ ++ -- !


multiplicative * / % Left-to-rightadditive + - Left-to-rightshift << >> Left-to-rightrelational < <= > >= Left-to-rightequality == != Left-to-rightbitwise AND & Left-to-rightbitwise exclusive OR ^ Left-to-right

bitwise inclusive OR | Left-to-rightlogical AND && Left-to-rightlogical OR || Left-to-rightconditional ? : Right-to-left

assignment= += -= *=

/= %= >>= <<=&= ^=


comma , Left-to-right LOWEST

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Precedence and Associativity of C Operators

Class of Operator Operators in that Class Associativity Precedenceprimary () [] -> . Left-to-right HIGHEST


Cast operatorsizeof

& (address of)* (dereference)

- +~ ++ -- !


multiplicative * / % Left-to-rightadditive + - Left-to-rightshift << >> Left-to-right

relational < <= > >= Left-to-rightequality == != Left-to-rightbitwise AND & Left-to-rightbitwise exclusive OR ^ Left-to-right

bitwise inclusive OR | Left-to-rightlogical AND && Left-to-rightlogical OR || Left-to-rightconditional ? : Right-to-left

assignment= += -= *=

/= %= >>= <<=&= ^=


comma , Left-to-right LOWEST

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Precedence and Associativity of C Operators

Class of Operator Operators in that Class Associativity Precedenceprimary () [] -> . Left-to-right HIGHEST


Cast operatorsizeof

& (address of)* (dereference)

- +~ ++ -- !


multiplicative * / % Left-to-rightadditive + - Left-to-rightshift << >> Left-to-rightrelational < <= > >= Left-to-rightequality == != Left-to-right

bitwise AND & Left-to-rightbitwise XOR ^ Left-to-rightbitwise OR | Left-to-rightlogical AND && Left-to-rightlogical OR || Left-to-rightconditional ? : Right-to-left

assignment= += -= *=

/= %= >>= <<=&= ^=


comma , Left-to-right LOWEST

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Precedence and Associativity of C Operators

Class of Operator Operators in that Class Associativity Precedenceprimary () [] -> . Left-to-right HIGHEST


Cast operatorsizeof

& (address of)* (dereference)

- +~ ++ -- !


multiplicative * / % Left-to-rightadditive + - Left-to-rightshift << >> Left-to-rightrelational < <= > >= Left-to-rightequality == != Left-to-rightbitwise AND & Left-to-rightbitwise exclusive OR ^ Left-to-right

bitwise inclusive OR | Left-to-right

logical AND && Left-to-rightlogical OR || Left-to-rightconditional ? : Right-to-left

assignment= += -= *=

/= %= >>= <<=&= ^=


comma , Left-to-right LOWEST

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Precedence and Associativity of C Operators

Class of Operator Operators in that Class Associativity Precedenceprimary () [] -> . Left-to-right HIGHEST


Cast operatorsizeof

& (address of)* (dereference)

- +~ ++ -- !


multiplicative * / % Left-to-rightadditive + - Left-to-rightshift << >> Left-to-rightrelational < <= > >= Left-to-rightequality == != Left-to-rightbitwise AND & Left-to-rightbitwise exclusive OR ^ Left-to-right

bitwise inclusive OR | Left-to-rightlogical AND && Left-to-rightlogical OR || Left-to-right

conditional ? : Right-to-leftassignment

= += -= *=/= %= >>= <<=

&= ^=Right-to-left

comma , Left-to-right LOWEST

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Precedence and Associativity of C Operators

Class of Operator Operators in that Class Associativity Precedenceprimary () [] -> . Left-to-right HIGHEST


Cast operatorsizeof

& (address of)* (dereference)

- +~ ++ -- !


multiplicative * / % Left-to-rightadditive + - Left-to-rightshift << >> Left-to-rightrelational < <= > >= Left-to-rightequality == != Left-to-rightbitwise AND & Left-to-rightbitwise exclusive OR ^ Left-to-right

bitwise inclusive OR | Left-to-rightlogical AND && Left-to-rightlogical OR || Left-to-rightconditional ? : Right-to-left


= += -= *=/= %= >>=

<<=&= ^=


comma , Left-to-right LOWEST

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Precedence and Associativity of C Operators

Class of Operator Operators in that Class Associativity Precedenceprimary () [] -> . Left-to-right HIGHEST


Cast operatorsizeof

& (address of)* (dereference)

- +~ ++ -- !


mutliplicative * / % Left-to-rightadditive + - Left-to-rightshift << >> Left-to-rightrelational < <= > >= Left-to-rightequality == != Left-to-rightbitwise AND & Left-to-rightbitwise exclusive OR ^ Left-to-right

bitwise inclusive OR | Left-to-rightlogical AND && Left-to-rightlogical OR || Left-to-rightconditional ? : Right-to-left

assignment= += -= *=

/= %= >>= <<=&= ^=


comma , Left-to-right LOWEST

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Precedence and Associativity

The properties of precedence and associativity affect how operands are attached to operators. Operators with higher precedence have their operators bound, or grouped, to them before operators of lower precedence.

In cases where operators have the same precedence, associativity determines the order in which operands are grouped with operators. For example, The plus (+) and minus (-) operators have the same precedence and are both left-to-right associative:a + b - c; /* Add a to b, then subtract c */

The assignment operator (=) is right associative:a = b = c; /* Assign c to b, then assign b to a */

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Order of Evaluation

An important point to understand is that precedence and associativity have little to do with the order of evaluation. The order of evaluation refers to the actual order in which the compiler evaluates operators.

Note that this is independent from the order in which the compiler groups operands to operators. For most operators, the compiler is free to evaluate sub-expressions in any order it pleases. For example:

(2 + 3) * 4 could generate:2 + 3 and then * by 4, or

2 * 4 and then 3 * 4 and then add The order of evaluation can have a critical impact on

expressions that contain side effects or the reorganisation of expressions can give rise to overflow conditions.

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BUG ALERT - Integer Division and Remainder

If both operands of / are positive integers any fractional part is truncated:

5/2 -> 21/3 -> 0

If either operand is negative, however, the compiler is free to round the result either up or down:

5/-2 -> -2 or -3-1/3 -> 0 or -1

The sign of the result of a remainder operation has the same sign as the left operand:

-5%2 -> -15%-2 -> 1

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C Style - Bibliography

C and C++ Style Guides<http://www.chris-lott.org/resources/cstyle/>…

Recommended C Style and Coding Standards (HTML)…<indhill-cstyle.html> [<http://tinyurl.com/dpv4v>]‘C’ Style Guide and Programming Guidelines (PDF)…<Peter_CStyleGuide.pdf> [<http://tinyurl.com/z2lxn>]

Recommended C Style and Coding Standards (PDF) <http://www.literateprogramming.com/indhill-cstyle.pdf>

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Part 3

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Arithmetic Assignment Operators

In addition to the simple assign operator =, C supports 5 additional assignment operators that combine assignment with each of the arithmetic operations. E.g.:

j = j * 5;can be written as:

j *= 5; Why have such operators?

• to avoid spelling mistakes and make code easier to read and to write, e.g. when referencing structure and union members

• compiler may produce more efficient low level code

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…Arithmetic Assignment Operators

Another feature of these operators is that if the 1value (left hand operand) contains side effects, the side effects occur only once.

Also, the assign operators have relatively low precedence, so:

j *= 3+4 j *= (3+4) j = j * (3+4)

notj = (j * 3) + 4

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Increment and Decrement Operators

The increment (++) and decrement (--) operators are unary and their operands must be a scalar lvalue.

It is legal to ++ or -- pointer variables, but the meaning of adding (subtracting) one to a pointer is different from adding one to an arithmetic value.

Precedence of ++ and --• ++ and -- have the same precedence, but bind

from right to left.

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Forms of ++ and --

Postfix increment : a++• get value of a, then increment a

Postfix decrement : a--• get value of a, then decrement a

Prefix increment : ++a• increment a, then get value of a

Prefix decrement : --a• decrement a, then get value of a

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BUG ALERT - Side Effects

The ++, -- and assignment operators cause side effects. I.e. they yield a value but the value of the variable is also changed.

The order in which the side effects occur is unpredictable - they are implementation dependent (i.e. non-portable). E.g., given:

x = j * j++;Is j evaluated first or is j++ evaluated first?

The problem also occurs in function calls such as foo(a,a++) as C does not guarantee the order in which arguments are evaluated.

To prevent such side effects avoid use of an affected variable anywhere else when using a side effect operator. E.g.:

x = j * j; /* unambiguous version */j++; /* of the above example.*/

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Comma Operator

The comma operator allows you to evaluate two or more distinct expressions whenever a single expression is allowed. The result is the value of the right most operand. I.e. :

a,b evaluate a, evaluate b, result is b. This operator is one of the few for which the order of evaluation

is specified. The compiler must evaluate the left hand operand first.

Over-use of the comma operator can lead to confusing code. By convention, therefore, it is used primarily in the first and last expressions of a for statements. Caveat : try to avoid the temptation of fitting as much as possible into the for expressions.

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…Comma Operator

Over-use of the comma operator can lead to confusing code. By convention, therefore, it is used primarily in the first and last expressions of a for statements. Caveat : try to avoid the temptation of fitting as much as possible into the for expressions.

for (c=getchar(),j=0 ; C! = EOF ;\ c=getchar(),putchar(c),j++) if (j% interval == 0) printf(”\n");

While the above is compact, it is not better since it is harder to read. You should be wary about using multiple assignments in the 3rd expression.

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Relational Operators

Relational operators have lower precedence than arithmetic operators. Thus:a+b*c < d/f (a+(b*c)) < (d/f)

Among these operators >, <, >= and <= have the same precedence.

The == and != operators have lower precedence.

They all have left-to-right associativity.

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BUG ALERT - Side effects in relational expressions

Relational operators must cause the compiler to evaluate operands from left to right.

Furthermore, a compiler evaluates only as much of a relational expression as it needs to determine the result.

In many cases this means that the entire expression is not evaluated. E.g.:

if (a < b) && (c == d++)

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Cast Operator

The cast operator enables you to convert a value to a different type. Remember that 3/2 gives 1 as a result so (float)3/2 promotes 3 to a F-P number to ensure that the result of the division is not truncated.

Another use of the cast operator is to convert function arguments. E.g. some runtime library functions such as pow( or sqrt() expect arguments that are of type double so if your variables are integers you need to cast them to double before you pass them as arguments:

int j, k;...

k = (int) pow(2.0, (double) j);Note that the cast to int prior to assignment to k is actually unnecessary as an automatic conversion of the RH expression of an assignment takes place. However, the explicit cast serves as an important documentation aid.

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sizeof Operator In general, the sizeof operator is used to find the size of

aggregate data objects such as arrays and structures and is often used to aid the portability of code. It accepts two types of operands: an expression or a data type.

An expression is not evaluated but sizeof returns the number of bytes that the result occupies in memory:

sizeof(3 + 5) yields the size of an intsizeof(3.0 + 5) yields the size of a double

If the operand is a data type then the result is the length in bytes of objects of that data type:

sizeof(char) 1 in all implementationssizeof(short) 2 in some implementationssizeof(int) 4 in some implementationssizeof(int *) 4 in some implementations

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?: Conditional Operator

The ?: operator is the only ternary (3 operand) operator and is really just shorthand for a common type of if...else expression:

if (x < y)z = x;

elsez = y;

can be written as:z = ((x < y) ? x : y);

The first operand must have scalar type and the 2nd and 3rd operands represent the final value of the expression and these must be compatible according to the normal conversion rules.

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... ?: Conditional Operator

This operator can make a statement difficult to read and so should be used carefully.

However, there are situations where it can be used to good effect, particularly in printf() statements:

printf ("...", j > 0 ? j : k);

This form avoids the need to generate redundant code by duplicating printf()s.

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Arrays and Pointers

Arrays and pointers are closely related in C. An array is a collection of identically-typed variables stored

contiguously in memory. Subscripts into arrays begin at 0, not 1, which means that the

highest legal subscript is one less than the array's size. The syntax of an array declaration is:



[ ]type





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...Arrays and Pointers




[ ]type





int daily_temp [365];static int powers_of_two [8] = {1,2,4,8,16,32,64,128};

It is incorrect to enter more initialisation values than there are elements in the array.

If there are fewer initialisation values than elements, the remaining elements are initialised to zero.

When providing initial values it is permissible to omit the array size. For instance: static char vowels [] = {'a','e','i','o','u'};

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Pointer Arithmetic - Addition

C allows you to add and subtract integers to and from pointers. For example:

p + 3

is legal and causes the address returned to point to 3 objects after the object that p points to.

Note that rather than simply adding 3 to p, the compiler multiplies (scales) the 3 by the size of the object that p points to.

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Pointer Arithmetic - Subtraction

It is legal to subtract one pointer value from another, provided that they point to the same type of object.

Pointer subtraction yields an integral value that represents the number of objects between the two pointers. Examples:

long *p1, *p2; int j; char *p3;...p2 = p1 + 4; /* legal */j = p2 - p1; /* legal: j = 4 */j = p1 - p2; /* legal: j = -4 */p3 = p1 - 1; /* illegal: different pointer types */j = p3 - p1; /* illegal: different pointer types */

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Null Pointer

C supports the notion of a null pointer - a pointer that is guaranteed not to point to a valid object. A null pointer is any pointer assigned the integral value zero. E.g.:

char *p;

p = 0; /* make p a null pointer */ In this one case - assignment of 0 - you do not need to cast the

integral expression to the integral expression to the pointer type. Null pointers are particularly useful in control-flow statements

since the zero-valued pointer evaluates to false, whereas all other pointer values evaluate to true. E.g.:while (p) { /*iterate until p is a null pointer*/


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Accessing Array Elements Through Pointers

One way to access array elements is to enter the array name followed by a subscript. Another way is via pointers. Given:

short ar[4];short *p;p = &ar[0];


*p ar[0] Due to the scaled nature of pointer arithmetic

*p+3 ar[3]in fact

*p+e ar[e]

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...Accessing Array Elements Through Pointers

Furthermore, if an array name is not followed by a subscript then it is interpreted as a pointer to the initial element of the array. Thus:

ar &ar[0]


ar[n] is the same as *(ar + n)

Because of this inter-relationship, pointer variables and array names can be used interchangeably to reference array elements.

It is important to remember, though, that the values of pointer variables may change but array names cannot.

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Differences Between Pointers and Arrays

An array name is not a variable - it refers to the address of the array variable.

You cannot change the address of variables. This means that an array name alone cannot appear on the LHS of an assignment statement. This difference between pointer and arrays is an important distinction to grasp. For instance:p = ar; /*legal: same as p=&ar[0] */ar = p; /*illegal: you may not assign*/ /*to an array address */&p = ar; /*illegal: you may not assign*/ /*to a pointer address */ar++; /*illegal*/ar[1]=*(p+3); /*legal*/p++; /*legal*/

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Passing Arrays as Function Arguments

In C, an array name that appears as a function argument is interpreted as the address of the first element of the array. E.g.:

x = func(array); x = func(&array[0]); On the receiving side, you need to declare the argument as a

pointer to the initial element of the array. I.e.:

func (short *ar){


func (short ar[]){



In terms of readability however, the 2nd version may have the edge since it emphasises that the object being passed is the base address of an array.

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...Passing Arrays as Function Arguments

The choice of declaring a function argument as an array or a pointer has no effect on the compiler's operation.

To the compiler ar simply points to a short - it is not an array.

Because of the pointer-array equivalence you can still access ar as if it were an array.

But you cannot find out the size of the array passed as the argument by using the sizeof operator on it.

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...Passing Arrays as Function Arguments

Because of this inability to determine the size of an array in the called function, it is often a good idea to pass the size of the array along with the base address. This enables the called function to check array boundaries:

void foo (int array[], int array_size)



} You can obtain the number of elements in an array by simply

dividing the size of the array by the size of each element:

foo (demo, sizeof(demo)/sizeof(demo[0]));

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Strings A very common use of array is to store strings. A string is an

array of characters terminated by a null character - '\0'. A string constant (literal) is a series of characters enclosed in

double quotes and has an array of char data type. A compiler automatically appends a null character to the string; this means it is one character longer than it appears. E.g.:

static char str [] = "some text"; If an array size is given it must be long enough to hold all the

characters including the null. E.g.:static char str [10] = "some text";

A char pointer can also be initialised with a literal. E.g.:char *ptr = "some text";

This is subtly different from the earlier examples as itcreates an additional variable for the pointer.

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Strings vs Characters

It is important to recognise the differences between string constants and character constants. I.e.:char ch = 'a'; /* 1 byte allocated for 'a' */char *ps = "a"; /* 2 bytes allocated for... */ /* ..."a", plus ? bytes for... */ /* ...pointer ps */

It is legal to:*ps = 'a'; /* OK */

but not:*ps = "a"; /* Illegal */

Likewise:ps = "a"; /* OK */ps = 'a'; /* Illegal */

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Three versions of a string copy function

strcopierV1 (char d[], char s[]) {for (int i = 0; s[i]; ++i)

d[i] = s[i];d[++i] = '\0';

}strcopierV2 (char *d, char *s) {

for (int i = 0; *(s + i); ++i)*(d + i) = *(s + i);

d[++i] = '\0';}strcopierV3 (char *d, char *s) {

while (*d++ = *s++) ;


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Multi-dimensional Arrays

An array of arrays is declared with consecutive pairs of brackets. For instance:

int x[3][5] Such multi-dimensional arrays are stored in row-major order,

which means that the last subscript varies fastest. E.g., given the above example:

x[0][0] x[0][1] x[0][2] ...x[1][0] x[1][1] x[1][2] ......

If you specify fewer subscripts than there are dimensions, the result is a pointer to the base type of the array. E.g.:

x[1] &x[1][0]The result is a pointer to an int.

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Initialising a Multi-dimensional Array

When initialising a multi-dimensional array, you may enclose each row in braces - { and }. If there are too few initialisers, the extra elements in the row are initialised to zero. So:

static int x[3][5] = {{1,2,3,4,5},{6}}

Here, only the first two rows are initialised, the second row has only the first element initialised. Therefore, the array has the following layout:

1 2 3 4 56 0 0 0 00 0 0 0 0

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...Initialising a Multi-dimensional Array

The first size specification may be omitted as it can be determined by the number of initialisers present.

int y[][3][2] = {




results in a 2-by-3-by-2 array because there are 12 initialisers. Note that:

int z[][] = {1,2,3,4,5,6};

is illegal since the compiler has no way of knowing whether to create a 2-by-3 array or a 3-by-2 array.

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BUG ALERT - Comma Operator Error

One of the most common mistakes made by new C programmers is to use a comma to separate subscripts:

x[1,2] = 0;

instead of

x[1][2] = 0;

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Structures and Unions

Arrays deal with groups of identically typed variables whereas structures deal with groups of mixed types (aggregates). A union, another aggregate type, enables you to interpret the same memory locations in different ways.

The elements in a structure, called fields or members, have names instead of subscript values. For example:

struct vitalstat {char vs_name [19], vs_ssnum [11];short vs_day, vs_month, vs_year;

};struct vitalstat vs;

vitalstat is a tag name for a structure template. It represents a new, user-defined, data type. Actual variable declarations, such as vs, use this tag name.

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...Structures and Unions

It can sometimes be useful to declare a single structure type (without a tag name) when used in one place only as in:

struct { ... } vs; A tag name and variables can be declared together:

struct vitalstat { ... } vs, *pvs, vsa [10];

A final, preferable, method is to define a typedef name. E.g.:typedef struct {


Typically, such structure definitions are placed in a header file where they can be accessed by multiple source files. To declare a variable using this technique use:


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Initialising Structures

Structures can be initialised in the same manner as arrays - the list of initialisers, enclosed in braces.

Each initialiser should agree in type with the corresponding field in the structure. E.g.:

VITALSTAT vs = {"George Smith","002340671",14,10,1954


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Initialising Specific Members

The C99 standard allows the explicit association of an initialiser with a specific member by prefixing a member designator with an equal sign to the initialiser:VITALSTAT vs = { .vs_ssnum = "197345678",

.vs_month = 10, 1954 };

An initialiser with no designator is associated with the first member, if it is the first initialiser, or with the member that follows the last member initialised.

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Referencing Structure Members

There are two methods of accessing structure fields, depending on whether you have the structure itself or a pointer to the structure.

Each method uses a special operator. Given the structure itself, you can enter the structure

name and field name separated by the dot (.) operator. E.g.:

vs.vs_month = 11;

vs.vs_day = 21;

vs.vs_year = 1988;

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...Referencing Structure Members

The other way to reference a structure member is indirectly through a pointer to the structure. Given the following declaration:

VITALSTAT *pvs; To reference a member through the pointer pvs the

right arrow operator () is used:

pvs->vs_day This operator is actually shorthand for dereferencing

the pointer and using the dot operator. I.e.:

pvsvs_day (*pvs).vs_day

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Unlike structure members the members of a union all share the same location in memory; i.e. all members of a union start at the same address.

Thus, there can be many members, but only one member can contain a value at any given time.

Unions are an easy way for programmers to use a location in memory in different ways.

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Defining Union Types The definition of a union is formally the same as that

of a structure. E.g.:union [tag_name] {member_declaration_list};

Example:union Data {int i; double x; char s[16]};

An object of this type can store an integer, a floating-point number, or a short string. Example:

union Data var, myData[100];Defines var as an object of type union Data, and myData as an array of 100 elements of type union Data.

A union is at least as big as its largest member. So:sizeof(var) yields 16, sizeof(myData) yields 1600

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Initialising Unions

Unions can be initialised in the same manner as structures - with an initialisation list.

However, this list can contain only one initialiser. As for structures, C99 allows the use of a member

designator to override the default - the first - member and specify which member of the union is being initialised. E.g.:union Data var1 = {77}, var2 = {.s="Hello"}, myData[100] = {{.d=0.5}, {1}};

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Referencing Union Members

Union member access is the same as structure member access.

However, when the value of a union member is changed all members of the union are modified.

The programmer is responsible for making sure that the contents of a union object are interpreted correctly. E.g., the following code uses a union to illustrate the storage of a double value in memory:

var.d = 1.25;for (int i = sizeof(double)-1; i >= 0; --i) printf("%02X ",(unsigned char)var.s[i]);

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Members of structures or unions can also be bit-fields. A bit-field is an integer variable of specific bit width. Bit-fields may be packed into a single machine word

giving very compact storage of small units of data. Advantage over bitwise operators: handling of bits by

name. The declaration of a bit-field has the form:

type [member_name] : width ;

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Syntax of Bit-Fields

type [member_name] : width ;type

An integer type such as int, signed int, unsigned int.

member_nameThe name of the bit-field, which is optional. Nameless bit-fields serve only as padding to align subsequent bit-fields to a certain position in a machine word.

widthThe number of bits in the bit-field. A constant integer expression whose value is non-negative; must be less than or equal to the bit-width of the specified type.

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Example of the use of Bit-Fields

The following example may result in the structure struct Date being packed into a 32-bit word:

struct Date {unsigned int day : 5;unsigned int month : 4;signed int year : 22;_Bool isDST : 1;


An object of type struct Date can be initialised in the normal way:struct Date birthday = {14,10,1954};

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Restrictions on the use of Bit-Fields

Unlike other structure members, bit-fields generally do not occupy an addressable location in memory.

Thus you cannot apply the address operator (&) or the offsetof macro to a bit-field.

Also, arrays of bit-fields cannot be declared.

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offsetof Macro

ANSI C provides a method of determining the byte offset of any non-bit-field structure member. The macro takes two arguments: the type of the structure and the member name:

offsetof(type,member_name)and expands to an integral byte offset of type size_t as defined in the stddef.h header file.